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gesslen · 11 months ago
Atoms like to party
Kui proovisin oma 🧠💭🤯 pead ümber kvantmehaanika algoritmide keerata, häiris mind pidevalt kõik, mis hõõgus või 🌟✨🎆🎇🎉 sädeles. Tundus, nagu oleks mu ajul magnetiline külgetõmme 🌟🎆🎇 läikivate objektide vastu, mis tõmbas mind iga väreluse ja sädemega käsil olevast ülesandest eemale. Kvantfüüsika 🌠📚 võib olla meelelahutuslik, kuid sellele keskendumine osutus veelgi olulisemaks väljakutseks 💪🏋️‍♂️🔥 tänu sädelevatele ahvatlustele minu ümber. Ma vannun, kui 🤩🫵🪩✨ diskopall ootamatult tuppa ilmuks, oleks mulle määratud ruumikoodi murdmise asemel 💃🍸🎶🪩🕺✨ 🔮💫🌙 tantsida. Oh, kvantmehaanik wannabe võitlust 😰😩😬 nõrkusega kõigi asjade pärast, mis säravad eredalt nagu 💅🏻💎🥂 teemant!
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marcdecaria · 1 year ago
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Certainly, the concept that we embody various versions of ourselves throughout our existence is a relatable one. Each version can be seen as a distinct vessel, each holding a specific period of our life until a pivotal transformation ushers in a new stage, a new "self". We might call these transitions "morphs". From our current standpoint, we carry the memories and experiences of all these "morphs" within us.
Collectively, we are on the precipice of a significant shift - a division or juncture point in humanity. This impending divide could be symbolized by an inverted triangle, representing a path that splits in two. Another way to visualize this might be the flow of energy into a neuron, subsequently branching into two distinct directions.
From our individual perspective, we'll only be able to embark on one path, necessitating a conscious choice. However, from an elevated vantage point, this could be perceived as another "morph", each path diverging yet inherently part of the whole. Although these paths are separate from each other's perspectives, they still contribute to a unified, broader picture of our personal and collective evolution.
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dougiefreshlife-blog · 6 years ago
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The past 24 hours has been a lot for me to process because I’m so overwhelmed with gratitude and accomplishment from being around sooo many great people in 1 room. @10xnick was incredible and I wouldn’t have been in the room if @doubleyoukay11 and his team! That’s what I love about this journey is so many people are routing for you to accomplish your goals! #attitudeofgratitude #millionairemindset #quantumpossibilities #trainingday (at Power Up Fostoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxXwrQcJjVJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aejkcqdhx7ah
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ledbyspirit-blog · 7 years ago
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Marcus Aurelius: Everything We Hear is an Option, Not a Fact. Everything We See is a Perspective, Not the Truth. 🌟🌟 Everything exists as a quantum possibility. The question is: what do you want to see? #marcusaurelius #option #perspectives #possibilities #quantumpossibility #yourtruth #consciousness #awareness #mind #positivity #upward #forward #goals #dreams #focus
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dougiefreshlife-blog · 5 years ago
Not my content** This is already in my existence, time just needs to catch up. S/o to @tattedprezzz for the vision! #entrepreneur #millionairemindset #attitudeofgratitude #quantumpossibilities (at Power Up Fostoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4LmLfSJKIl/?igshid=duwby5gnuehu
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