#Qsmp Etoiles feelings towards bad about the 2v1 analysis
molluskmirage · 8 months
Lets talk about Etoiles feelings about the 2v1 from purgatory. (In great length)
if you look at the facts he started a 2v1 with Fit against Tubbo, to which Tubbo then had to run to Bad then fighting 2v2 before Fit had to back up injured allowing Bad and Tubbo to isolate Etoiles eventually killing him.
so why is Etoiles salty? Why are his feelings towards this fight so strong well after the fact? Why is he adamant that it was a 2v1 against him leading to his demise unfairly?
theres a lot of interesting reasons that lead to his conclusions and feelings.
Etoiles has parameters that he adheres to in belief of what makes a good ‘fair’ fight. Considering it in most light to be very honorable, he is willing to bend this code of honor when he is egged on by a teammate or a person to protect. Etoiles is also a bit of a puppy dog jumping up and down at the chance to fight, his code however keeping him at bay. Etoiles had Tubbo listed as someone who could defend himself and therefore good fight material he did and had fought and killed before. Now he may have been able to be persuaded not to fight to adhere to his code of honor as it was Him and Fit against a lone Tubbo, but Fit wanted the kill so Etoiles was willing to lean in.
They attack Tubbo who had been momentarily separated from Bad (my memory is hazy on this I think Bad died and was recollecting his things in the desert or he was simply collecting materials from a previous death). Tubbo runs to Bad yelling about the attack occurring and Bad quickly jumps into action. They all fight for decent time before Bad gets Fit low enough that he backs away allowing Bad and Tubbo to focus Etoiles.
heres where it gets interesting from a feeling and standpoint level. Bad had been evading fights up to this point as much as possible with Etoiles because strategically it didn’t make sense to fight him. Bad knows Etoiles is stronger then him and to die would set back his whole team. For Etoiles this was in a sense betrayal to his code, choosing not to fight when etoiles considers bad strong and able is nothing short of cowardly and boring, but now he saw Bad fighting with Tubbo by his side honing in on him when he was now disadvantaged. This stirred a lot of complex emotions but what happened next is what solidified strong feelings of injustice. Bad makes a call out to Aypeirre as if he was about to cut off Etoiles, absolutely disheartened that it was not only 2 in pursuit of him but 3 he feels so dejected he resigns himself to his death.
The absolutely wild part is that Aypierre was never there, Bad knew that he and Tubbo were in a call that could be heard by Fit and Etoiles in proximity, he told a lie so cold he had his own audience believing he was magically in a call with Pierre and that back up was on the way. There was no backup it was all Bads ploy to get inside Etoiles head and weaken his resolve and it worked seamlessly.
Bads fighting style is sneaky, calculated, and often is support for stronger fighters. Incredibly strong opponents excites him rather then discourages however his willingness to fight those above him does not override his need to be smart about it. He knows to win with opponents bigger then himself tactics delving into the mental sphere is a huge asset and determining factor. ((He is not always successful in his style and his hubris can overshadow smart plays at times Im certainly not saying he’s not rife with mistakes because he is but he does have access and skill sets that can and do work if played correctly))
This is a stark contrast to Etoiles beliefs/play style, his code, what he determines as fun, and a true show of strength. Bads fighting style is not unheard of to him but as it doesn't fit in with his ideals its a challenging force for his emotional standing causing feelings of discord, disbelief and betrayal. Even though the feelings are built up from Etoiles own making they’re very powerful and override objective facts of the fight that transpired.
The truth is Etoiles was out played in that fight. You could argue that the misunderstanding about Fit’s ‘disengage’ comment lead to an unfair fight however Tubbo and Bad were both operating under the assumption that Fit was behind them, of course they wouldn’t stop when Etoiles was all alone when Etoiles started the fight with Fit and they had every reason to believe Fit could swoop in after having healed himself. Bad and Tubbo focused Etoiles after getting Fit injured because he is the bigger threat, if you want to win a 2v2 you need to focus the bigger target as 2 against 1 will be stronger so long as you can pull it off and they did. They won as fairly as any fight could said to be won despite the odds that weren’t in their favor as Tubbo was attacked by Fit And Etoiles first. They won.
now there’s compounded feelings of loss that’s understandable it sucks to lose and it sucks more when your opponent pulls out tactics that challenge your beliefs. What spins Etoiles feelings even further is that these feelings started prior to the fight when Etoiles let Bad talk himself out of getting murdered. Etoiles felt the sting of mind games letting bad go then and now he was faced with a physical loss to mind games again. This fire starts and soon every little frustration he has towards Bad piles on to his feelings regardless if true or merely exaggerated or anecdotal or false. Those feelings burn to a heat not easily quelled and so are left to this day as unresolved.
every moment Bad evades him (knowingly or not) every word he says every comment someone else makes about bad fueled Etoiles to murder an unarmed bare Bad after Bad had already been killed and was merely trying to retrieve whatever left from his corpse. Not willing to hear his plight despite Bad having been mercilessly chased by the bounty system all day despite his ridiculously long walk back to his body. Etoiles could no longer see reason with Bad from his own feelings which again still remain so strongly well after the context they originated from. He does not see what he did to Bad in anger as retribution for his feelings, his feelings persist and linger and cloud his judgment and perception of Bad to this very day.
it is very neat to dissect these origins, and I do hope I can be forgiven and corrected if I have read into Etoiles wrongly as I am mostly coming at this from what I have witnessed in Bad’s pov. Only watching bits and pieces of others and not understanding languages I really wouldnt want to presume this to be a 100% accurate take (i do hope it is somewhere within accuracy but I could be off base please feel free to share). And also too I hope it’s understood that I do think Etoiles is a fantastic person and character, its wonderful to see his emotions come through his narrative. I find it fascinating how emotions unfold for everyone its neat what makes people tick and gets under their skin. Its neat how it effects their narrative. Its a lot of the reason I really love this form of storytelling and I have a lot of respect for the creators.
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