graythegreyt · 3 months
Adrino Week Day Four: Kwamis
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In which Nino and Adrien have been swapped with their kwami!!! I've been adoring the art and writing for this week though I've been too busy to keep up, but I couldn't resist this prompt!!! Kwamis!!!! This week is so fun and joyful thank you to Jules and any other organizers mwah mwah... Adrino forever.... 🫶🫶🫶
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stevecoleridge-posts · 4 years
Spanish lockdown day 4.. Another day, another complete balls up by the political Class..THEY ARE NOT TESTING PEOPLE FOR CORONAVIRUS Yesterday I spent a lot more time than planned on the internet..and the guy who you have to listen to is Spiriman..a Doctor working in a Hospital in Granada who was on TV ,Canal 5 , otherwise known as the Morons channel where he pointed out just how catastrophically badly the Government is handling this..he was censored and booted off the program for speaking the truth , from the frontline , so to speak    .He pointed out they are NOT TESTING PEOPLE.     The truth is, for those who don’t already know, that instead of planning ahead the Government allowed a Feminist demonstration in Madrid on the 8th of march.. THIS WAS AGAINST THE ADVI8CE OF THE EU..however Political correctness comes before Human lives to the cretins on the extreme left of the Government Coalition who are sort of Corbynistas with University degrees…especially the Queen Moron herself Irene Montero…Minister of Equality…meanwhile on the extreme Right, not to be outdone in the Stupidity stakes had their outdoor meeting…where one of the principal Neo Nazi Numbskulls is an idiot by the name of Ortega Smith.. well guess what happened?     Yes , I’m delighted to say both the Queen Moron and Ortega Goebbels HAVE COVID 19…Aint that something?     Why am I delighted?     Is nt that disgraceful , should nt i be sympathetic ? Should i be sympathetic to someone selling heroin outside a School ?… because morally we are talking about the same sort of mentality…no , damn them.. i am delighted because that was the point when the political Elite should have woken up.. and they did .. and they started talking about doing something…and I began to have a glimmer of hope they might do something intelligent instead of talking about Catalonia and feminism..Vain hope indeed   They talked and they talked and the people in Madrid..or Wuhan European style…began to notice that as the EU had done nothing , the Government here had done nothing , and the Italians were not closing down Air Travel… on the contrary, people were pouring out of Milan and flying into Madrid UNTESTED..at that point the Madrid local government could have saved thousands of lives by locking down Madrid..City and Region… but they are a bunch of Right wing ideologues who don’t give a shit about the rest of the Spanish population… they let them flood into the Cities and resorts on the Mediterranean coast thus putting thousands more lives at risk.   The people living on the Coast , of whom i am one , began to complain about being infected by these selfish arrogant superior Urbanites who thought they were on Holiday.. and complained on Social media… BUT BY THEN IT WAS TOO LATE.   The Local Authorities decided then TO CLOSE THE BEACHES, ..YEAH RIGHT…that ll help , but still allowed these people to pour in..   The government had a series of cabinet meetings where they and their Coalition partners  could nt agree on what measures to take… it was a series of meetings… that s how badly they could nt agree    Eventually they took the radical Step of forcing everyone to stay in their houses in the whole country… right, everyone said oooh , is nt it wonderful , they re doing something… the fact that what they were doing IS NOT GOING TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM , BUT ONLY GOING TO DESTROY AN ALREADY WEAK ECONOMY  Is secondary ..they are seen to be doing something..and for once the Right Wing opposition decide to Unite behind the Government .. something absolutely unimaginable a few days ago.    That brings us up to yesterday…when Spiriman ..the Doctor i mentioned earlier  began to to become  more of a Star on Social media.. where he pointed out how woefully ill equipped the Hospitals are..and once again , HOW THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE LIVES IS TO TEST PEOPLE AND SEGREGATE THE INFECTED FROM THE HEALTHY..Do the Authorities listen..Damn Right they don’t…They kicked him out of his job in the Hospital and now he has to make his you tube videos at home.        Here we are today… waiting for nothing ..they don’t have plan , and if they do its the wrong plan… they are not following the Advice of the Chinese or the South Koreans..which can be summed up in one Word       TEST... PART 2 …Rant over…Wednesday..one week ago we had the Jam Session..and the Champions League..both now firmly in the past. A week is a long time in Politics , and a lot of other things too, Boy , Did that escalate quickly..Storm Dana is here..its not really such a big deal , but giving it a name makes it sound more important… it seems like your average Levante , as these North Easterly Winds are known here .. where they usually blow for about three days and give one an excuse for staying inside… not that we need one these days. I went up on the roof as the Hot water is nt working and its not the same as the solar electricity.. well , no Sun .. and I d disconnected the fall back heater some time ago . and as I mentioned  yesterday was planning to sort out some of the more shambolic wiring…anyway I did nt sort it out..but I did connect the heater about an hour ago.I did nt sort it out because i went to town , to get the charger , to buy gas for the heaters , to pick up some oranges, to drop by the Farmacia and see if they had any hand gel , no , obviously…I wore a mask.. well two to be exact ,one was your average medical mask as seen in any Hospital drama where beautiful nurses eyes peep over and exchange deep emotions with George Clooney, the other was a mask I was supposed to use when spraying pesticides on Cacti or Palm Trees or whatever plague is fashionable this year in the Plant World..these plagues being much more common because of Global Warming..anyway as opinions seem to differ about Effectiveness  of masks i wore both..and got a few odd looks and  the occasional ironic comment  ..however it s too late for vanity.    There were other people wearing masks , the Municipal gardeners , people driving trucks,i.e. people working in jobs where they use their hands and consequently probably have their feet more firmly on the ground than those in the shops , who despite being in a far more exposed environment, were still in the never never land of last week. Women were on the street shopping, a few were queuing up for a cash machine at the bank, too many for me to join them,not one was wearing a mask , but they probably saw on the internet that Masks don’t help..Who knows? if they stop one touching ones face then it s worth it.   i saw a  Police car  driving slowly..and two traffic Cops bikes parked outside a bar..and i did nt put two and two together..a bar?  I thought the bars were closed..anyway I ll investigate next time..I went to the BP station to get a couple of Gas Canisters filled and they were serious there..only one person at a time , employee masked.. etc..but i was the only customer..I did the usual illegal left turn out of the gas station and headed back to town to buy Jeyes Fluid, or Zotal as its known in Spain .. It actually is similar to Dettol and will kill Corona viruses..so i can use to disinfect gloves.. as there are no more disposable gloves around
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