#Purdey’s ant colony
antvnger · 2 years
Gloomy grey clouds loomed overhead stretching along like a vast blanket, Blocking out any luminescence rays that once took place, Slippery Rivulets seeped along drenching whatever was in their wake while droplets danced about as they crashed to the ground like bullets, The thunder roared and bellowed its volume flaring up like a tantrum. As the lingering wet and musky but rather fresh scent swooped along.
Purdey and her colony had just Scuttled in under Scott's door a few minutes earlier before the ferocity of the weather grew harsher. Drenched and feeling the fatigue they opened their spiracles in unison all shuffling to a nearby corner, Some started to preen themself, Others were on the lookout and on guard, A big handful were cleaning the larvae and not straying to far from the Queen, It looks like their nest will be flooded in no time. That's why they had a sneaky plan Scott's house was inevitably an enticing new home.
(Ay I was gonna say Purdey she comes and goes, Like the song Karma Chameleon lol. But lookie here what's happened haha.)
Scott hears the thunder rumble outside, and he sighs contentedly. Nothing like a good thunderstorm.
He heads for the kitchen, and to get there, he has to go through the living room. He freezes midstep when he sees the ant colony in the corner. An entire ant colony. In his living room. “Oh boy,” he mutters quietly. This’ll be interesting.
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