ayeayeitspaypay · 2 years
So I came across a puddle of tadpoles on April 16th, I mean hundreds of them. At first I was like how cool, then it dawned on me that by this time tomorrow this puddle would be dry and they would die. It was around 12 noon, lunch time, whatever ya call it....things went from 'how cool' to holy shit, 'I CANT LET THEM DIE'.
so here began the tadpole journey. Now mind you I've never before taken tadpoles hostage, this was an all new, first time crime type of thing. It was definitely against their will 💁‍♀️.
I stopped by Walmart and grabbed some fish flakes and a tiny tank I figured I'd throw a couple in and let my daughter have her own to raise...
So I got home with my hi-c container of puddle water tadpoles... I didnt know what to put them in so they started out in a plastic pan about 2 inches tall. I dug up a spot of tall grass and plopped it in the middle and threw in a couple of rocks. Boo-ya.
I had an old tank on the back porch collecting junk, cleaned it out, threw some flex seal on a crack and made it into a little tadpole habitat.
I got to google, one article said this and the next said that. I gather a couple reoccurring tips and decided to stay off the internet for anymore advice. They came from a puddle for crying out loud. I can handle this...
Well, over in the tank they went and things seem to be fine.
A couple have died, yes, that's normal though from my understanding.
I feed them fish flakes x2 a day, they love em. They've got rocks collecting yuck, a tunnel stick, and plants to feed off also.
Ive change their water x2 now. Taking out half and replacing with water from a spring down the road from me. The other day their water was smelly so I changed over a little more than half.
their little legs are really coming in one some little fat dudes, some are still what look to be baby-babies. I reckon they develope at vastly different rates.
Their tank is half water and land which I build a box from sticks and filled the center with dirt and mud to help pack it then topped it off with crushed rock and sand. It has a slope going into the water to making venturing out less of a struggle once that starts to happen. During the day I open then windows around them and have a desk lamp that shines a pinkish red light into the side of their tank and at night I turn it off. Its always fun in the morning to go in there and watch as they come alive from their sleeping motionless states.
I absolutely love watching these dudes.
I'm a little nervous about then moving into their froglet stage when it comes to feeding them. I reckon I'll have to go to the pet store to get insect that tiny? Also now considering raising crickets🤔
Apparently frogs are actually at risk and they are so vital to our eco system... I'm really excited to be able to release them once older and contribute back to everything nature gives us..
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