#Public storage in Antelope
park-smart · 13 days
Want Convenient 24-Hour Access Self Storage in Antelope?
Are you looking for dependable, 24/7 access self-storage options in Antelope? Park Smart has safe, easily accessible storage units at our Antelope site that may accommodate your needs, whether you're moving, clearing out clutter, or you simply need more room.
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The security of your drive-up units which give you the ability to load your belongings directly from a vehicle or truck  is our first priority. Modern security elements like secure access controls and security cameras are installed at our Antelope facility to guarantee that your belongings are safe at all times.
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Our facility is easily accessible from major roads and is conveniently placed in Antelope, making it easy to drop off or pick up items as needed. Our central location guarantees that your storage experience is as hassle-free as possible, so say goodbye to lengthy drives and expensive trips.
Get Started Today
 ParkSmart USA LLC has various self storage container options that can be customized based on individual needs. This comes with a guarantee: there are no administrative charges during sign-up, plus the price remains unchanged for one year so that clients get value for money at all times when seeking additional space.
All set to take back your room? To find out more about our 24hrs access self storage in Antelope, get in touch with us right now. We offer customizable, safe, and practical storage options to let you store everything from office supplies to furniture to sentimental items from yourself.
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whywishesarehorses · 3 years
A Mustang Crisis Looms in the West
With too many animals on public lands and too many on the public’s hands, the federal wild horse management program is short of money and palatable solutions.
By Dave Philipps       Published March 22, 2020
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CHALLIS, Idaho — Dawn broke over the peaks of the Lost River Range, revealing a chase in the wide open valley below. Seven wild horses crashed through the sage, dark manes billowing in the golden light, pursued by a government contractor in a glossy helicopter that dodged left and right like a mechanical Border collie, driving the band forward into a hidden corral.
Within hours, the captured mustangs had been sorted, loaded onto trucks to be stamped with an identification number and sent to the Bureau of Land Management’s wild horse storage system. And the helicopter was back out hounding the hills for more.
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All over the West, similar scenes have played out as the federal government fights to control the number of wild horses roaming public lands. Managers say they need to keep the herds down so they don’t destroy delicate native species habitat and threaten the livelihoods of ranchers.
But in recent years, the Bureau of Land Management has been losing that fight on two fronts: It hasn’t been able to round up nearly enough horses to limit the wild population. And it doesn’t know what to do with the ones it has managed to capture.
The roundup operation itself is strikingly efficient — a helicopter and a few workers in jean jackets can catch scores of mustangs in a day. The bureau rounded up 7,300 in 2019.
But once they are caught, they have to be fed and cared for. And the costs and frictions of having so many animals on the government’s hands — 49,000 at last count — have pushed the whole wild horse program toward collapse.
The rented pastures and feed lots where they are kept now devour more than two-thirds of the program’s budget, leaving little money for anything else, including looking for ways to get the bureau out of its current fix.
Low on cash, the bureau cut roundups drastically in recent years. But officials acknowledge that the move just made matters worse, by allowing the population on the range to grow rapidly. There are now about 100,000 wild horses and burros on public lands — more than at any time since the days of the Old West. The government reckons the land can sustain only about 27,000.
Bureau officials warn that the mustang herds are a looming catastrophe for the land, and there is no cheap or obvious solution. Capturing all the excess horses and caring for them in storage for the rest of their lives could cost up to $3 billion. Doing nothing may prove costly, too.
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“If we don’t get this controlled, it’s just going to get worse,” said Alan Shepherd, the on-range branch chief for the wild horse program. Mustangs have already destroyed fragile desert springs in some places, and the birds, snakes and butterflies that depend on them, he said: “We are going to get to the point where the public lands are going to be almost unusable by anything.”
Mr. Shepherd started his career 30 years ago working on an emergency roundup on the Nellis Air Force Base missile test range in southern Nevada, where drought and overpopulation killed thousands of mustangs.
Now, near the end of his career, he worries that more herds are headed for a similar collapse.
Wild horse welfare groups argue that the crisis is largely invented. They say the government sets its population targets artificially low to justify mass removals that serve the interests of cattle ranchers and distract from other public land policies that are far more damaging.
“It’s a bait and switch,” said Suzanne Roy, director of the American Wild Horse Campaign, a group that has lobbied against roundups. “They say wild horses are an existential threat; meanwhile, they are loosening regulation on energy extraction. We do agree that roundups are creating a crisis in management, but the claims of overpopulation and horses starving are just not borne out by on-the-ground observations. Generally, the horses are doing pretty good.”
Crisis or no crisis, the number of horses on the range has risen into uncharted territory. Mr. Shepherd estimated that while 7,300 horses were captured in 2019, 17,000 foals were born. “We’re not even keeping at status quo,” he said.
In the early frontier days, wild horses in the West were too numerous to count. Explorers saw herds running on the Great Plains, likening the sight to the roll of waves in the ocean. On early maps, vast areas were labeled simply as “wild horse desert.” Later, as the region was settled, the herds were hunted down. Many were shipped east to pull city streetcars in places like Manhattan. Others were slaughtered for dog food and fertilizer. By the 1960s, only a few thousand mustangs were left.
Congress granted federal protection in 1971 to the remaining herds, which were nearly all on Bureau of Land Management land. With few predators and no hunters to cull them, the herds began to rebound, and land managers realized in the 1980s that they were quickly outgrowing the patchwork of public land allotted to them. That is when the helicopter roundups began.
At first, the program appeared sustainable. The bureau publicized an adoption program that found homes for captured horses, and the wild population stayed relatively constant. But news reports in the 1990s revealed that most of the “adopted” horses were actually going to slaughter, often while bureau employees profited. Regulations were tightened, and a backlog of unwanted horses began to build up on rented pastures in the Midwest.
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Some conservative lawmakers from rural districts have pushed the bureau to euthanize excess horses or sell them for slaughter, but those steps remain widely unpopular and have not gained traction in Congress.
The bureau has told lawmakers repeatedly that it could create a sustainable program if Congress budgeted enough money to reduce the wild population to 27,000. Three times in the past 30 years, Congress has done so. Each time, though, the efforts were tripped up by dizzying costs and lawsuits from animal welfare groups.
Now the bureau is asking again. William Perry Pendley, its acting director, is a longtime conservative activist and lawyer who sued the bureau a number of times on behalf of ranchers before entering the administration. In an interview, he said he favors a proposal to remove more than 70,000 horses from the range over five years.
“Right now, it’s the ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice,’” he said. “We’re carrying water and not getting anywhere.”
The bureau is in talks to open two huge feedlots to hold thousands of horses. But it is unclear if Congress is willing to spend billions to store unwanted horses, especially if an economic downturn drains public funds. Bureau staff say privately that they expect the population on the range to continue to grow toward disaster.
It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. More than a decade ago, government auditors warned that the cost of storing captured horses would “overwhelm the program.” A 2013 report by the National Academy of Sciences urged the bureau to shift away from roundups and start using readily available and inexpensive fertility control drugs, which are typically administered by dart gun annually in the field.
Bureau leaders acknowledged the warnings and promised to embrace fertility control drugs, but their use actually declined in the years after the report. Less than 1 percent of the program’s current budget is spent on them.
Nearly all of the fertility control now happening on wild horse ranges is done by local volunteers, often retirees, who have learned to wield dart guns in the field.
That includes Andrea Macki, a visual artist who has been darting horses in the Challis herd for more than five years. She says the fertility control treatments have slowed reproduction rates by half, and could do more.
“It’s the obvious solution,” she said as she squinted through the dawn light to watch the helicopter rounding up horses she knew. “I wish the B.L.M. would invest in it, instead of all this.”
Bureau officials say that darting tens of thousands of horses in the field each year is not practical, and would take years to shrink the herds as much as a roundup can in a few days. Congress approved a $21 million increase in the wild horse program’s budget for this year, with the stipulation that the money would be released only when the bureau submitted a five-year plan that includes increases in both roundups and fertility control.
The bureau has also taken steps to dispose of captured horses, including deals that may be sending horses quietly to slaughter. It has ramped up sales of horses it deems unadoptable, charging $25 a head. In 2019 it sold 1,967 that way, often by the truckload in bulk sales; officials have refused to say who the buyers were.
Mr. Shepherd say the bureau tries to screen out slaughter buyers, but acknowledged that it does nothing to monitor the fate of horses after sale.
The bureau also created a program that offers $1,000 to anyone willing to adopt a horse.
Together, the sales and adoptions put about 7,000 horses into private hands last year, not enough even to keep pace with roundups, let alone draw down the number now warehoused.
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On the edge of the wild horse range in Challis in central Idaho, Jackie Ingram, a rancher, has shared 168,700 acres of public land with the mustang herds for 46 years. Each spring her family drives hundreds of Black Angus cattle up a steep road through Spar Canyon to graze the high, windswept hills on Bureau of Land Management land.
In some years, she said, the wild horses left so little grass to eat that other wildlife disappeared, and her family had to cut back their cattle herd.
“We like the horses, but we also want to protect the land,” she said. “Every time they do a roundup, we’re happy. If the horses get to be too numerous, it affects the sage grouse, the elk, the antelope and us. All of us depend on the grass.”
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larissaloki · 5 years
sharing is caring 4
man this chapter was just me self indulging in the little moments , that this got dragged on for over 6 pages XD hope everyone enjoys! @schwergaeneuser​ @msmynx​ @im-tops-bottom​ @jacksonfrost24​ @seven-oomen​ @el-rezet​ @thoughtfulbreadpolice​ @cwar1864​ @radiant-gift​ @tonakings​ @starsofyggdrasil​
“Found anything yet General?”
T’Challa approached Okoye slowly, hands clasped behind his back as he surveys the wreck of Stark’s craft. Besides him, Okoye calls out instructions to those investigating the craft; trying to work out just how exactly things went wrong. What caused it to crash the way it did?
The plane is completely destroyed. The beautifully crafted and sleek craft now a pile of metal sheets and sparking wires. The front of the plane is still relatively intact but crumpled from the force of the crash. The pilot that they had pulled free was thankfully still just alive and taken away for intensive care. Not long after they had found Tony. Most of the damage is from the rear of the plane, making it the most likely spot where whatever caused the accident is.
Surrounding the plane is serval groups of a mixture of scientists and the Dora Milaje. Smoothing down his jacket, T’Challa makes his way closer to a group near the back of the wreck who are becoming a bit more animated. Okoye shadowing right behind him.
“Looks like we just did sir”
Taking the lead just in-case, Okoye joins the group that are carefully removing rubble from what was once a storage part of the plane possibly. Using scanners and other various tech that T’Challa hasn’t a clue how to use, and no doubt recent inventions of his brilliant sister; the group scan a smoking black object they found.
Even T’Challa can see that this box must have been the cause of the explosion, the top of whatever this was meant to of been, was blown off. Jagged, black metal warped and split by the force of the explosion that came from it and the intense heat the explosion caused at the time. As it is, there is currently no way to tell what exactly this was.
After a few moments, the team determined that whatever this was, is no longer a danger. With great care, two scientists don some thick gloves incase the metal is still too hot; they carefully pick up and turn the object around. Examining and recording each observation they find.
“Your Majesty, we found something. It’s a logo we think,”
Frowning, T’Challa makes his way to stand by the scientists to see what it is they have found on the item.
Hammer Industries.
T’Challa recongises this logo, it’s the logo of industrialist: Justin Hammer. A man that has been trying to out do Tony’s tech since the very beginning of Tony’s career if he recalls correctly. T’Challa’s not stupid either, he’s read the tabloids and papers, he knows that Tony openly despises Hammer, especially after the whole Vanko incident a while back.
So why was something with Hammer’s logo, be on Tony’s plane?
“Do you think the explosion was intended?”
Recongising the logo herself, Okoye glances up at him with a frown, both know that Hammer’s tech was faulty at best and downright dysfunctional at worst. They have seen the videos; they saw the reports that were kept out of public eyes. They found all this from research after Hammer had reached out to them, not long after they decided to open their borders to the world. To share their resources.
Hammer had not been happy when they had turned him down in favour of working with Stark, the alpha had made a few jokes, but they could clearly see that the man had felt slighted.
“Perhaps, but for Mr. Stark or us I cannot be sure. It could have been something innocent that just happened to malfunction. I’m not sure which idea would be the better option…” T’Challa nods at the scientist that found it. “Please take this to the lab, find out as much as you can about this thing. I must go and Talk to Stark about this, see if he can shred any light on this,”
Confident that everything is in good hands, a few quick words with Okoye to look out for anything more from Hammer that may have been snuck onto the plane.
~ ~ ~
When T’Challa reached the lab, he expected to see many things to be happening in there. Many odd and curious things that his sister had cooked up or wanted him to try out. Yet despite this expectation, he was still not prepared to see what greeted him.
Shuri was stood to one side of the room, her beads activated to record the scene before her, a massive grin spread across her face as she watches the others with pure joy.
The others in question where trying to unlock some sort of Vibranium ball that was shut tight around Bucky’s leg. The ball in question has a series of purple lines over it and looks like a overly complicated puzzle, similar to the Japanese puzzles. Only more Vibranium and made by his delightful sister.
Trying to work out the Puzzle is Tony and M’Baku who are both trying to yank the ball off and hitting it with a club. However, that approach seems to only yield the result of them being flung away from Bucky. Who at this point was starting to look a bit alarmed. Swearing and cursing in his native tongue, M’Baku tossed aside the club he picked up; glaring at Shuri all the while as she laughs at them. “You! the hell kind of puzzle is this?”
“Work it out!” Grinning without restraint, Shuri moves to get a better view to film them. Tony had picked himself up already and was examining the ball closely, his face drawn into a contemplative scowl as he nudges the ball this way and that. While an anxious Bucky looks on.
Shaking his head bemusedly, T’Challa makes his way over to his sister. Seemingly unable to keep his eyes off of the trio, a grin forming on his own face; watching M’Baku trying to pry the edges open. Seeming determined to use brute force to solve this issue.  
“What is that sister?”
“It’s a toy, I came up with the idea for it last week while trying to solve that puzzle Nakia got me. Who better to test it than our guests?”
The cheeky, shit eating grin Shuri has speaks volumes as to how much joy this is bringing her. Watching one of the smartest people on the earth, try and solve something she made. And from the looks of it, Tony seems to be enjoying solving it.
The Omega is grinning as another idea of M’Baku’s fails, meaning that the large alpha will have to bend to the balls will and try and solve it. Already Tony is making suggestions as he converses quietly with the two alphas. T’Challa smiles as he watches before remembering why he came here in the first place.
“I must speak with Tony soon as you guys are finished here Shuri, we found something on the plane.”
“What did you find brother?”
“Trouble I fear, Hammer tech was on board…”
Frowning at that, Shuri looks up at her brother confused.
“Hammer tech? On Tony’s plane?”
Nodding, T’Challa watches as Tony starts to move sections of the ball, lining up the purple lines and pressing grooves to move other parts within. The genius seemed to be doing well at first, confidently moving the ball around. Until Suddenly Tony comes to a stop and looks a bit stumped. His hands hovering but hesitating. Humming lightly, Tony converses with the other two who now seem more focused, all three looking closely as they can at the puzzle.
Watching the trio was giving T’Challa ideas for team building exercise; also, a way to prank Okoye for her antelope in headlights comment.
After a further 20 minutes of watching the trio try and solve the ball; Tony knows he’s close to solving it, he was just struggling to work out the last bit to finally free Bucky from the wretched thing! Shuri finally takes pity and gives them a hint, a gentle nudge in the right direction. “You idiots” Shuri laughs as she walks over to them, “try turning that part the other way and press that symbol…there see! Not that hard!”
Grinning down at the three grown men with wicked delight, Shuri carefully picks up the ball and way from Bucky’s poor legs.
“That is some genius engineering there kiddo,” Pulling himself to his feet, Tony smiles at the teen, he genuinely means what he say and he cannot wait to see what this kid will bring into the future. Dusting off his clothes while M’Baku helps Bucky to his feet behind him, Tony spots T’Challa nearby finally.
“Tony, I would like to speak with you if you are well enough to?”
Nodding in acknowledgement, Tony makes his way over. Unaware of twin looks of concern that follow him out of the room.
Leading Tony to another, more private room, T’Challa gestures for Tony to take a seat at a sleek glass table. Taking a seat next to Tony T’Challa offers the omega some water and food that he had sent to this room before hand for them.
“How are you feeling Stark?”
Puffing out his cheeks as he leans back into the stupidly comfortable chair, Tony takes some sort of sweet bread and takes a nibble. Humming his approval as he swallows.
“These are great! What is it called? Pep would love these,” Taking another bite Tony turns his attention fully onto T’Challa. “I’m not to bad actually, which is nothing short of a miracle if I recall I was in a hell of a lot of pain earlier. When you found me that is. While I’m impressed by the medical care, I really wish I hadn’t been on the receiving end of it”
Chuckling a bit in agreement, T’Challa nods at that, “agreed, we had planned on showing you that stuff but well, I do often hear you like to try things yourself”
Snorting, Tony stuffs another bite down his throat, he likes T’Challa. The guy is down to earth and relatable, not at all stuck up like you would expect from someone from a high standing in life. Like how Tony was in his youth.
Pulling on a more serious face now, T’Challa leans forwards a bit. “Stark-“ “Tony”
“Tony” T’Challa smiles briefly at the correction but continues, “we found something on your plane that we believe shouldn’t have been onboard. I would like to confirm it with you.”
Pausing in his eating, Tony gestures for T’Challa to carry on as he drinks some water. T’Challa fortunately, waits till Tony has put his drink down before explaining what he found. Describing the charred object as best as he can and even brings up a picture that Okoye sent him. Humming contemplatively, Tony regards the object with interest.
“We found something else on this object, a lead.” T’Challa switches the picture to show the logo that they had found.
Hands closing into tight fists on the table where his arms were resting, Tony glares at the image, the all to familiar logo making his jaw clench in anger.
“Hammer…how the fuck did Justin get that on bored?” seething internally, Tony practically spits out Justin’s name as if it was bile in his mouth. “I’m going to need a phone to contact Jarvis or a computer, need to get Jarvis to retrieve some footage so I can find out how exactly that weasel pulled this off,”
“of course,” T’Challa soothes as he gets rids of the images, his voice soft and comforting as he speaks to the upset omega. “Shuri should be able to help you in the lab, if you would like I can have my people review the footages for you? You still need rest Tony, despite how well you may feel. It took a lot of energy to heal you”
Rubbing a hand over his face, its true that despite the amazing healing he had received, Tony was still very tired and starting to get a bit shaky on his feet. His stomach rumbling loudly for food even though food was the last thing on his mind right then.
While Tony so wanted to go through it all himself, he knew that what T’Challa was offering made more sense. Tony needs to rest and heal properly.
Damn, it seems that Tony was finally growing up and accepting help.
Huffing in tired amusement at his thoughts, Pepper would probably have a heart attack if she was here. Tony nods at T’Challa.
“I’ll tell Jarvis to send them to Shuri then, thankyou T’Challa,”
Inclining his head at Tony, T’Challa stands and helps Tony stand, leading him back to the lab where M’Baku and Bucky were still hanging around near Shuri. Both quickly standing to attention when Tony came back and both taking note of how tired Tony suddenly seemed again.
“I shell ask for more food to be sent,” M’Baku murmurs quietly before walking quickly away to the door. Shuri shouting after him to send it to the guest room that has been prepared for Tony.
“You ok Doll?”
Tony peeks up at Bucky, his face drawn up in concern as he takes a few hesitant steps towards Tony. Flashing Bucky a tired grin, Tony nods at him.
“Just need some food and rest Buckaroo, saving your ass from the Vibranium ball was hard work,”
Relaxing a bit at that, a shy grin on his own face, Bucky chuckles at that. “I make a good Damsel though, you gotta admit”
“Eh 6/10”
“As amusing as this is, Tony should rest,” Shuri grins at them, a mischievous glint flashing in her eyes. “Tony, your room is right next to Bucky’s. I hope that’s ok? It’s in a private wing of the palace”
Hesitantly Tony seems to mull over something in his mind before quietly speaking, “Are the others in that wing as well?”
The others he’s referring to of course being the rouge Avengers. Steve, Natasha, Sam and Clint and Wanda. The fights of what was dubbed the ‘Civil War’ were still to fresh for Tony, His anger at Steve still to raw.
Tony’s come to understand their view, in fact he pretty much always did, but he could also understand the public’s view. Tony had also had enough time since the fights, to calm down and think more rationally about the Winter Soldier being the one to kill his parents. Not an accident like he had thought.
The anger that was once the forefront emotion whenever he thought about it, had turned to pity and sadness for Bucky. Tony was not proud of how he reacted, being usually so clear headed in battles and able to keep a distance from the situation to not allow his emotions to rule him.
Tony was hoping to bend that bridge with Bucky, if the poor guy was willing to of course.
Understanding Tony’s fears T’Challa shook his head, “The former Avengers have rooms elsewhere. We gave Bucky the area your rooms are in because he asked for a room away from everyone while he still had active triggers. They are, thankfully, gone now. It will just be you two”
Shoulders relaxing minutely, Tony nods at that.
“Care to show me the way Metallica?”
Confused at that reference but deciding not to ask for now, Bucky agrees to show Tony the way. Keeping his strides short and slow for Tony so that the omega isn’t rushing after the Bucky, they leave the room. Leaving the Wakandan siblings and a few working lab techies behind.
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atakportal · 6 years
BYD and Generate Capital launch $200M electric bus leasing JV in the US – TechCrunch
New Post has been published on https://idealz.cloud/2018/07/11/byd-and-generate-capital-launch-200m-electric-bus-leasing-jv-in-the-us-techcrunch/
BYD and Generate Capital launch $200M electric bus leasing JV in the US – TechCrunch
There are 345,000 electric buses in use today across the world, but the US accounts for only 300 of them. Now, Chinese electric vehicle company BYD is launching a new JV in the country in an attempt to boost that number: in partnership with clean-energy financing company Generate Capital, BYD is starting a leasing program for electric buses. The two say they will initially put in $200 million to the project to get it off the ground.
The partnership says it has secured several clients already, including universities and corporations who use the buses to transport students and employees to, from and around large campuses; and smaller municipalities.
BYD calls itself the world’s biggest electric car maker and supplies about two-thirds of all the electric buses in use in the US currently. The company is traded publicly in Shenzhen but also picked up a huge cash infusion of $450 million from Samsung in 2016.
“BYD’s mission is to fundamentally change the world by reducing our dependency on carbon-based fuels through the development and advancement of battery and electric vehicle technology,” said BYD Motors’s President Stella Li in a statement. “This partnership will be critical in that effort by creating new financing alternatives to a broader range of clients.”
Electric and hybrid buses provide a greener and quieter public transportation option compared to older vehicles — and while some will always insist on having their own space and their own vehicle, there is a strong argument to be made for shuttles and buses to reduce traffic congestion, not to mention the pressure on your wallet, too.
BYD cites figures from the U.S. Department of Transportation, which state that every zero-emission bus eliminates approximately 1,690 tons of CO2 over a 12-year period, equivalent to taking 27 cars off the road, as well as 10 tons of nitrogen oxide, and 350 pounds of diesel particulate matter.
Yet city governments, typically strapped for money, will often be the last to offload their legacy buses if they are still able to take people from A to B, even if the running costs of the newer buses over a period of time work out to be much cheaper.
That’s in contrast with companies like Uber, which is backed by billions of dollars, some of which it has used to invest in experimental new services: the company has worked with BYD in London and Chicago to run electric vehicle tests, although now that Uber has moved out of the leasing game, it’s not clear how this will follow through in terms of rolling out such vehicles to its drivers.
In any case, a leasing program that reduces upfront costs, is an important way to ease municipalities into making the switch.
This is also important because some believe leasing could potentially going to become a cornerstone of how all cars are “owned” in the future. The thinking goes like this: the newer generation of autonomous and electrified vehicles will simply end up being too cost-prohibitive to own outright for the majority of consumers (and public and private organisations), and so in many cases they will go the way of airplanes, where the ownership costs are handled by one party, and paying for periods of usage will be handled by another.
As an example of how much savings an electric bus can provide over a legacy bus, Antelope Valley Transit Authority in Los Angeles County says that it’s saved $46 million over the lifetime of a new fleet so far, which in its case works out to $46,000 per bus per year in savings on diesel fuel (it’s aiming to be all-electric by the end of this year). That’s before considering the 50 percent reduction in harmful emissions and quieter experience.
Generate Capital itself has raised at least $200 million in equity to finance green and new energy projects — these also include new systems for battery storage — and it regularly also offers debt to help finance new initiatives.
“We founded Generate Capital to bring precisely this type of proven solution to the world,” said Scott Jacobs, Generate Capital’s CEO and co-founder, in a statement. “Electric buses produce almost no greenhouse gas emissions; they’re cheaper to operate than diesel buses; have lower maintenance costs; and they’re quieter and more pleasant for the rider. Traditional leasing companies typically don’t value any residual in electric vehicles, which makes financing difficult. Programs like these are an all-around win for project developers, customers, and for the environment.”
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horseranches121 · 3 years
Bozeman Ranches For Sale
Montana Tips
In 1971, Montana reclassified mountain lions as game pets as well as developed a controlled open season. This designation still stands.
" There.
are minimal states that allow mountain lion hunts, yet Montana can assert some of the very best locations for hunting these cats. Montana doesn't provide several moose tags, but they go away swiftly, and also the very same opts for the mountain goat. In truth, in 2019 a brand-new expense was presented to make Montana bighorn lamb, moose, mountain goat, and also grizzly birth become an as soon as in a lifetime harvest only. If the expense passes, it will certainly make these hunting opportunities evenmore desirable. This well-regarded Rocky Mountain state uses mule deer pursues, archery elk pursues, bear hunts, searching for antelopes on the levels, as well as amazing pursues for the age-old bighorn lamb. Combo searching licenses as well as application target dates notwithstanding a huge game search in Montana is the imagine a lifetime for numerous who hold the reasonable chase in the highest esteem as well as only desire.
to check out among our most beautiful states. Looking for a bit a lot more and even warm lunch for your hunting blind!.?. !? Follow my webpage, or on Facebook and Twitter. packing ... January 16, 2017 By Jack Ballard The journals of Meriwether Lewis, co-captain of the Lewis as well as Clark Expedition, include detailed summaries of the nationwhere they passed brand-new lands teaming with elk, deer as well as antelope. A few of Lewis.
The Story Of Montana Has Just Gone Global!
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Montana Tips
' most poetic lines were booked for their surroundings in Montana where he created," As we handed down it appeared as if those scenes of visionary delight would certainly never ever have an end." This fervent praise for the landscape occurred not in the hills but on the eastern plains, along the financial institutions of the Missouri River. In addition to the sheer expanse of the landscape, the expedition was blown away with the plentiful wildlife in the location, especially those game pets that provided them with food: elk, mule as well as whitetail deer, bighorn lamb, bison, and pronghorn (antelope). Debt: Photo Courtesy Missouri River Nation The tough "breaks" along the Missouri include thick stands of ponderosa pines as well as junipers. Elk prosper in the middle of this cover. The plants and dirts of the region provide exceptional nourishment, enabling mature bulls to grow exceptionally large horns. Hunting these prize.
bulls with a rifle calls for a long-odds lottery license, but those that do attract have the possibility to take incredible animals. Archery hunting is likewise performed on a" draw-only "basis, however the probabilities are better. The due date for nonresident applications for archery and also rifle elk licenses is March 15. For even more details when and exactly how to use telephone call toll-free: 1-800-653-1319. Elk are located in various other locations, yet the majority of lie within a few miles of these prime places. As a basic regulation, elk density additionally enhances from eastern to west. For instance, less animals are located in the area around Fork Peck Dam rather than areas at the western end of the storage tank. Bountiful accessibility to public land is among the major.
destinations of elk hunting in Montana's Missouri River Country( there are more than a million acres of land open up to public searching in the Charles M. Russell National Wild animals Haven alone). Both state as well as federally handled public lands sprawl across thousands upon hundreds of acres of prime habitat. are additionally readily available throughout the area, supplying professional services to out-of-state hunters. Essentially, hunters need to be prepared to hunt at the very least a mile from lorry access, as elk normally keep a barrier of about that distance from motorized activity. Archers typically locate the most effective success in the amazing hours around daytime as well as sundown. Temperatures can be rather cozy in September and early October, providing elk inactive throughout the day, nonetheless, hunters seeking a diverse experience discover plenty to do at noontime. In addition to outstanding big-game hunting the Montana's Missouri River Country boasts robust populations of sharp-tailed and also sage complaint, as well as grey( Hungarian) partridges. Elk might be the marquee quarry psychological of numerous checking out hunters, but northeastern Montana likewise boasts outstanding opportunities for mule as well as whitetail deer. Mule deer are extensively dispersed throughout the region yet the majority of heavily concentrated in the Missouri Breaks and also adjacent grassy field habitat. The deep, bent coulees of the breaks supply superb cover, permitting some bucks.
to attain trophy condition. Mule deer can also be located on more open savanna and agricultural locations, particularly in position offering patches of bed linen cover. Credit Scores: Picture Politeness Missouri River Nation With such a variety in habitat and also simple accessibility to abundant public land, a mule deer quest can be as difficult as you intend to make it.
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mountainviews350 · 3 years
Why Buy A Ranch Close To Bozeman
How to Explain Montana to Your Boss
In 1971, Montana reclassified mountain lions as video game pets as well as established a controlled open season. This designation still stands.
" There.
are minimal states that allow mountain lion pursues, yet Montana can claim several of the most effective locations for hunting these cats. Montana does not offer lots of moose tags, but they vanish rapidly, and the same opts for the mountain goat. Actually, in 2019 a brand-new expense was presented to make Montana bighorn sheep, moose, hill goat, and also grizzly bear become an as soon as in a lifetime harvest just. If the costs passes, it will certainly make these searching chances evenmore preferable. This well-regarded Rocky Hill state provides mule deer hunts, archery elk pursues, bear pursues, searching for antelopes on the levels, and also incredible hunts for the age-old bighorn lamb. Combo searching licenses and also application target dates notwithstanding a huge game quest in Montana is the desire for a lifetime for several who hold the reasonable chase in the highest esteem and also just desire.
to see one of our most gorgeous states. Searching for a little bit more or perhaps warm lunch for your hunting blind!.?. !? Follow my website, or on Facebook and also Twitter. filling ... January 16, 2017 By Jack Ballard The journals of Meriwether Lewis, co-captain of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, contain comprehensive descriptions of the countrywhereby they passed colonies teaming with elk, deer and antelope. A few of Lewis.
Can Montana Really Help
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Latest News About Montana
' most poetic lines were reserved for their environments in Montana where he wrote," As we handed down it seemed as if those scenes of visionary glamour would certainly never have an end." This impassioned appreciation for the landscape occurred not in the mountains however on the eastern levels, along the banks of the Missouri River. Along with the sheer stretch of the landscape, the expedition was blown away with the abundant wildlife in the area, specifically those game pets that supplied them with food: elk, burro and whitetail deer, bighorn sheep, bison, and also pronghorn (antelope). Credit Report: Photo Courtesy Missouri River Nation The sturdy "breaks" along the Missouri contain dense stands of ponderosa pines as well as junipers. Elk flourish in the middle of this cover. The plants and also soils of the area offer exceptional nutrition, permitting fully grown bulls to grow extremely big antlers. Pursuing these prize.
bulls with a rifle calls for a long-odds lotto license, yet those that do draw have the chance to take impressive animals. Archery hunting is likewise performed on a" draw-only "basis, however the odds are better. The deadline for nonresident applications for archery as well as rifle elk licenses is March 15. For additional information when as well as how to apply telephone call toll-free: 1-800-653-1319. Elk are discovered in other locations, however the majority of are situated within a few miles of these prime areas. As a general policy, elk thickness additionally raises from eastern to west. For instance, less pets are located in the area around Fork Peck Dam rather than areas at the western end of the storage tank. Bountiful access to public land is just one of the major.
tourist attractions of elk searching in Montana's Missouri River Nation( there are greater than a million acres of land available to public hunting in the Charles M. Russell National Wild animals Sanctuary alone). Both state as well as government managed public lands sprawl throughout thousands upon thousands of acres of prime habitat. are also offered throughout the region, offering specialist solutions to out-of-state seekers. For the many part, seekers should be prepared to quest at the very least a mile from lorry accessibility, as elk usually keep a buffer of about that range from mechanized task. Archers generally discover the most effective success in the great hrs around daytime and sundown. Temperature levels can be fairly warm in September as well as very early October, rendering elk inactive throughout the day, however, seekers seeking a varied experience discover plenty to do at noontime. In addition to phenomenal big-game hunting the Montana's Missouri River Country flaunts durable populations of sharp-tailed and sage grouch, as well as gray( Hungarian) partridges. Elk may be the marquee quarry in the mind of lots of seeing hunters, however northeastern Montana likewise flaunts outstanding opportunities for mule as well as whitetail deer. Mule deer are widely dispersed throughout the area but the majority of greatly concentrated in the Missouri Breaks as well as surrounding prairie environment. The deep, contorted coulees of the breaks give fantastic cover, permitting some bucks.
to attain prize condition. Mule deer can also be discovered on even more open meadow as well as agricultural locations, particularly in areas supplying patches of bed linen cover. Credit History: Image Politeness Missouri River Nation With such a range in habitat and also easy accessibility to abundant public land, a mule deer search can be as challenging as you intend to make it.
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montanaranches339 · 3 years
Bozeman Hunting Land
6+ Ultimate Montana Formulas
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Why Montana Is So Vital
Even more than 295 cattle ranches are registered in the Block Administration Program here, which provides accredited sportspersons with open door to about 1. 3 million acres of mule and whitetail deer, antelope, as well as elk habitat. Credit rating: Photo by Jack & Lisa Ballard The Missouri Breaks likewise hold modest varieties of whitetails, specifically in creek bottoms consisting of deciduous cover. On the south side of the storage tank, whitetails are discovered along the Musselshell River as it twists toward the Missouri. Though fairly few in number, Missouri Breaks dollars can accomplish noteworthy dimension. The northeastern section of Montana west of Scobey has generous quantities of state land open to public hunting. Deer searching can be proficient at whenever throughout the period, but the last fifty percent of November is favored by lots of resident hunters. Snow cover is most likely right now, making deer more visible. Both the burro as well as whitetail deer reproducing seasons occur during this time too, giving seekers higher odds of identifying a prize buck. For those interested in increasing up their hunting pursuits, a lot of the great whitetail habitat in Missouri River Country also harbors healthy and balanced populations of pheasants. Pheasant period covers the entire general rifle period for deer.
and elk. Lewis and also Clark kept in mind the existence of significant herds of antelope socialized with the bison, elk and deer they saw along the Missouri River. All antelope searching in Montana is performed on a draw-only basis. Searching areas south of the Missouri provide the most effective drawing chances. Although the region is not advertised as a trophy location for pronghorn, lucky hunters might run into outsized dollars. The largest antelope the writer has seen taken by a seeker was downed a pair miles north of Fort Peck Tank. It sported horns gauging greater than 17 inches. The application for antelope licenses is June 1. Credit: Image Politeness Missouri River Nation Solitude, phenomenal surroundings as well as exceptional access to public lands make Montana's Missouri River Nation a true covert gem and also one of the most hunter-friendly locations in America. A current post on movoto. com disclosed that Montana, also known as" The Last Best Area", has some extremely fantastic towns in the state that are also dubbed the most effective areas to live in the prize state. Movoto Realty Group put together a checklist and also tightened it down to 11 of Montana's ideal towns to live intheir choices might, or may not, surprise you. Let's begin with number 11 and also see if you agree: 11. Found simply northwest of Bozeman, with a population of much less than 1,600 and also taking up simply two miles of the big skies state, Manhattan climbed up Motovo Real Estate's listing of areas to live due to extraordinary ratings in family revenue, house value, as well as crime rate. com) 10.
This community boasts having the most affordable cost of living in Montana and has a Native American population of nearly 20 percent.( via city-data. com )9." The variety of wild animals as well as topographical functions make Shelby a tourist attraction for hunters and also nature lovers while short commutes, an affordable of living, as well as a second-rate criminal offense price complete a toolbox that makes it an appealing place to live. "( via newzblast. com )8. With a populace of 9,300, Havre has" among the fastest typical commutes and many educated populations in Montana, coupled with a better-than-average price of living and average revenue." (through menupix." Sidney has actually long been among the UNITED STATE's top manufacturers of sugar beets, oil manufacturing has actually been an on-again, off-again competitor of the sugar beetroot sector in recent years."( through zillow. com) 6." The mining market is stable to this particular day, strengthened by Montana's second highest possible graduation price, a brief average commute to function, provided the populace dimension, higher than typical income and also affordable housing" make Helena a desirable Montana town.( through panoramia. com )5."' A River Goes through It' and' The Steed Whisperer 'are simply 2 of the films that made the most of Large Timber's one-of-a-kind confluence of mountains and rivers in order to bring beautiful pictures to the cinema.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Christmas Across Indian Country, During the Pandemic and Before
Christmas Across Indian Country, During the Pandemic and Before
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Smithsonian Voices National Museum of the American Indian
Christmas Across Indian Country, During the Pandemic and Before
December 22nd, 2020, 11:00AM / BY
Dennis Zotigh
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“Hogan in the Snow,” ca. 1985. Painted by Robert Draper (Diné [Navajo], 1938–2000). Chinle, Navajo Nation, Arizona. 26/6481 (National Museum of the American Indian)
The introduction of Christianity to the original peoples of the Americas can be controversial in Native circles. Europeans brought Christianity to this half of the world and imposed it on Native communities, knowingly replacing existing spiritual beliefs with the beliefs taught in the bible. Cruelty and brutality often accompanied the indoctrination of Native peoples. Yet it is also true that some tribes, families, and individuals accepted the bible and Jesus’ teachings voluntarily.
Music played an important part in converting Native people, establishing their practice of worship, and teaching them how to celebrate the Christmas season. Perhaps the earliest North American Christmas carol was written in the Wyandot language of the Huron-Wendat people. Jesous Ahatonhia (“Jesus, He is born”)—popularly known as Noël huron or the Huron Carol—is said by oral tradition to have been written in 1643 by the Jesuit priest Jean de Brébeuf. The earliest known transcription was made in the Huron-Wendat settlement at Lorette, Quebec, in the 1700s.
During the 1920s, the Canadian choir director J. E. Middleton rewrote the carol in English, using images from the Eastern Woodlands to tell the Christmas story: A lodge of broken bark replaces the manger, the baby Jesus is wrapped in rabbit skin, hunters take the place of the shepherds, and chiefs bring gifts of fox and beaver furs. A much more accurate translation by the linguist John Steckley, an adopted member of the Huron-Wendat Nation of Loretteville, makes clear that the carol was written not only to teach early Catholic converts within the Huron Confederacy the story of Jesus’ birth, but also to explain its significance and to overturn earlier Native beliefs.
Here are the first verses of the carol in Wyandot and Steckley’s complete English translation:
Estenniayon de tsonwe Iesous ahatonnia onn’ awatewa nd’ oki n’ onyouandaskwaentak ennonchien eskwatrihotat n’onyouandiyonrachatha Iesous ahatonnia, ahatonnia. Iesous ahatonnia.
Ayoki onkiennhache eronhiayeronnon iontonk ontatiande ndio sen tsatonnharonnion Warie onn’ awakweton ndio sen tsatonnharonnion Iesous ahatonnia, ahatonnia. Iesous ahatonnia.
Have courage, you who are humans; Jesus, he is born Behold, the spirit who had us as prisoners has fled Do not listen to it, as it corrupts the spirits of our minds Jesus, he is born
They are spirits, sky people, coming with a message for us They are coming to say, Rejoice (Be on top of life) Marie, she has just given birth. Rejoice Jesus, he is born
Three have left for such, those who are elders Tichion, a star that has just appeared on the horizon leads them there He will seize the path, he who leads them there Jesus, he is born
As they arrived there, where he was born, Jesus the star was at the point of stopping, not far past it Having found someone for them, he says, Come here! Jesus, he is born
Behold, they have arrived there and have seen Jesus, They praised (made a name) many times, saying, Hurray, he is good in nature They greeted him with reverence (greased his scalp many times), saying, Hurray Jesus, he is born
We will give to him praise for his name, Let us show reverence for him as he comes to be compassionate to us. It is providential that you love us and wish, I should adopt them. Jesus, he is born.
All throughout Indian Country, Native people have gathered in churches, missions, and temples to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by singing carols and hymns in their Native languages. In some churches, the story of Jesus’ birth is recited in Native languages. Some Native churches host nativity plays using Native settings and actors to re-enact the birth of Jesus Christ. Among Catholics, Christmas Eve Mass traditionally begins in Indian communities at midnight and extends into the early hours of Christmas Day. In tipis, hogans, and houses, Native American Church members also hold Christmas services, ceremonies that begin on Christmas Eve and go on all night until Christmas morning.
In contemporary times, traditional powwow singing groups have rearranged Christmas songs to appeal to Native audiences. A humorous example is Warscout’s NDN 12 Days of Christmas, from their album Red Christmas. Native solo artists also perform Christmas classics in Native languages. Rhonda Head (Cree), for example, has recorded Oh Holy Night, and Jana Mashpee (Lumbee and Tuscarora) Winter Wonderland sung in Ojibwe.
Native communities host traditional tribal dances and powwows on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Among the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest special dances take place, such as buffalo, eagle, antelope, turtle, and harvest dances. The Eight Northern Pueblos perform Los Matachines—a special dance-drama mixing North African Moorish, Spanish, and Pueblo cultures—takes place on Christmas Eve, along with a pine-torch procession.
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In an earlier year, Grandson Maheengun Atencio and Grandmother Edith Atencio prepared for the Matachines Christmas Eve dance at Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, New Mexico. Due to the pandemic, many ceremonial dances across Indian Country have been postponed, as Native people are very concerned for the safety of their elders. (Photo courtesy of Maheengun Atencio, used with permission)
For Native artisans, this is traditionally the busy season as they prepare special Christmas gift items. Artists and craftsmen and women across the country create beadwork, woodwork, jewelry, clothing, basketry, pottery, sculpture, paintings, leatherwork, and feather work for special Christmas sales and art markets that are open to the public. For the 15 years before 2020, the National Museum of the American Indian held its annual Native Art Market in New York and Washington a few weeks before Christmas.
In many communities and homes, Christian customs are interwoven with Native culture as a means of expressing Christmas in a uniquely Native way. The importance of giving is a cultural tradition among most tribes. Even in times of famine and destitution, Native people have made sure their families, the old, and orphans were taken care of. This mindset prevails into the present. Gift-giving is appropriate whenever a tribal social or ceremonial gathering takes place.
In the same way, traditional Native foods are prepared for this special occasion. Salmon, walleye, shellfish, moose, venison, elk, mutton, geese, rabbit, wild rice, collards, squash, pine nuts, red and green chile stews, pueblo bread, piki bread, and bannock (fry bread) are just a few of the things that come to mind. Individual tribes and Indian organizations sponsor Christmas dinners for their elders and communities prior to Christmas. Tribal service groups and warrior societies visit retirement homes and shelters to provide meals for their tribesmen and women on Christmas Day.
According to the Urban Indian Health Commission, nearly seven out of every ten American Indians and Alaska Natives—2.8 million people—live in or near cities, and that number is growing. During the Christmas holidays, many urban Natives travel back to their families, reservations, and communities to reconnect and reaffirm tribal bonds. They open presents and have big family meals like other American Christians.
For the last few years, Native friends have shared their families’ Christmas plans and traditions with the museum. This extraordinary year, we asked how the Covid-19 pandemic is affecting their families and communities. Those replies are given first here, then the answers we received in 2019 and 2018. Thank you to everyone who took time to tell us a little about their lives.
I live in Upstate New York. Most of my adult life I hardly had Christmas with my family, because I was deployed, stationed overseas, or too far from home. It’s nothing new to be with just my immediate family. So, for anyone who says they can’t have Christmas with family, please consider the men and women in uniform who can’t this year and ones before who weren’t able to.
Topeka, Kansas: I’m a middle school history teacher, and we are in remote education. Our Covid numbers are some of the highest in the country. No churches are open, so no services. Most stores close early, and there is a restaurant and bar curfew. No congregating of any sort is allowed, and we have not only mask mandates, but other rules that have curtailed any events.
The saddest thing I saw today was that our Prairie Band Potawatomi neighbors just a few miles north of us can’t sell enough of their meat, so they are advertising selling it at the Rez gas station in bulk. They’re hoping to break even, but likely will take a loss. Covid is taking a toll everywhere, but here in Indian Country it’s so real. Many of my students, including my tribal students, are facing a very difficult Christmas. Our school has adopted a family whose parents asked only for a kitchen trash can, storage container, and cleaning supplies for gifts. It truly is a hard Christmas.
Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico: We will be fasting for the winter solstice as usual here in Zuni. No change for us, the whole village will be in seclusion and praying for 10 days. So no big change from the lockdowns. Stores and business are usually closed during that time.
Elgin, Oklahoma: My husband is in the hospital with Covid, pneumonia, and blood clots in his lungs. I am trying to keep the Christmas spirit alive for our kids. We cannot go to the hospital to see him, and that is driving me nuts.
I usually host a family Christmas cookie exchange party each year. It’s a time our relatives come together, despite our busy lives, to spend a day of fun, laughter, and love during Christmas, and it was canceled this year due to the pandemic. I cannot spend Christmas with my sisters or dad because of the pandemic. I just have to drop their gifts off at the porch. We cannot get together on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to exchange gifts and partake in the Christmas holiday.
When I get on social media, I see so many people asking for prayers because someone they love has tested positive for Covid, or their loved one is in the hospital because of Covid, like my husband, or they lost a loved one due to Covid. I just pray for everyone.
Garden Grove, California: With California in another lockdown, we will be stuck in our homes for Christmas. We will only be able to call our relatives this year and wish them a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Unfortunately most gifts have to be mailed out and not hand delivered, so we can’t really see the excitement our gifts give to others. I’m hoping next Christmas will be way better for all of us.
Cherokee, living in Spain: I do not celebrate Christian ways but respect the ones who do. My kids, grands, and I had covid-19 by early March, without much trouble, so we hugged all year through. Sending much love and many prayers to each and all back home.
Duluth, Minnesota: No impact. We’re still making homemade gifts and will gather like we do every other day. We have a social contract.
In Manitoba, Canada, we are under a Red Zone, which means a lot of restrictions when it comes to gatherings. People from this province have traveled to Kenora, Ontario, and Yorkton/Regina, Saskatchewan, to shop for the holidays. Toys R Us is the go-to place, but some orders are not filled, and you’re given a rain check. Places such as Walmart stopped selling anything outside of essentials.
As for my home, my child is not traveling this year to spend the holidays with his dad’s side of the family. Flying is out of the question, and driving would be hazardous, not to mention each province has its own high numbers. We can’t even go home to our reserve due to limited access to the communities. Outside of our own home, we have declined dinner invitations due to social distancing and have made alternate plans to stay home and have a hot meal.
No matter what, I am with my child, and that is all that matters to me. I don’t really care for the commercialization of Christmas. I think it’s best to have money in case of an emergency. We had a major storm that took down power lines last year. Who knows what this year will bring?
All in all, I wish everyone a safe holiday. Prayers to those who lost loved ones or have loved ones whose lives have been impacted by Covid. My gift is spending the holidays with my li’l sidekick and creating our own memories. Be safe!
On the eastern coastal lands here in North Carolina, no friends are sharing the rides to the winery for the Christmas decorations and lights. Celebrations have been thrown out the window, and, as restaurant gatherings are gone, so is the laughter and good cheer with friends while sharing a memory of the past year. Hibernation is occurring as no doorways are opening. Shopping and wrapping gifts are gone, even the homemade ones—the pandemic has closed employment. Less making cookies and cakes–the oven surely won’t be used for just li’l ole me.
And it’s okay. Life is going to turn around. What Christmas will bring is to celebrate with more phone calls, including a face-to-face; chatting on social media; wishing all the best of the holidays; dreaming of a new world in 2021. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Gloucestershire in the UK: All Christmas and solstice plans involving travel are canceled as the virus is still spreading. The government was allowing travel for Christmas period, but we don’t trust what they say. If people travel, it will be out of control again.
New Hampshire: Typically I take baked goods and homemade Christmas presents to friends. I will often spend time with them catching up. I also send out 50 or so Christmas cards. None of that this year. I will see my children and granddaughter though, as we live in the same town and have been seeing each other since the beginning. I am sad I can’t spread my usual greetings this year when we all so need it.
Fort Hall, Idaho: We generally have a Christmas Eve gathering with family. Not this year.
Del Muerto, Arizona, on the Navajo Nation: The 76th year of family hosting a community Christmas has been canceled. Treats, toys, and winter jackets will not be provided, but it’s all for safety precaution.
South Dakota: I have not done Christmas or any holidays for over 24 years as part of my de-colonization. We are so brainwashed from childhood. The real tests are triggers like certain songs. It’s a hard journey to undertake. It’s another level of healing the traumas of Christianity and family beliefs, however, and I made it.
Louisville, Kentucky: Well, as Christmas comes around, I always look forward to going to my last living grandmother’s. Like 90 years old. Normally we would go to see her and the whole family—all the cousins and, yes, even aunties. Ayeee. Lol. We would all eat and open presents and chat. But this year presents are being sent in the mail. We may have a family computer time face to face. It isn’t the same as giving my grandmother a hug and her seeing all her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. It saddens my heart. She is at an age, and we never know when it’s time to be called home. So I know these times are important. The pandemic as made a saddened Christmas time.
Manitoba, Canada: First time ever not all congregating at Mom’s house. We are having our smaller dinners in our homes. However, this Santa will be delivering gifts Christmas Eve.
Living in Southern California has made celebrating or doing anything for the holidays nearly impossible. We are on total lockdown. Even going out to buy decorations has not happened for me. Many family members have been unemployed for five or six months, so we are all financially unable to help each other. And because of the lockdown, we can’t even get together in person to support each other. We are blessed, however, to all be healthy.
Cloquet, Minnesota: We are not having a family get together. First time ever in my life.
Edmonton, Alberta: No travel to family in the north and south. My 75-year-old mom is depressed. My grandbaby will not see his dad’s side, which affects bonding. Normally we have a big Christmas meal and share with others. Not this year, though.
Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin: No visiting from friends and relatives on Christmas Eve, and the big Christmas dinner feast is just for immediate family. Once again, I can’t show off my baby grandson, who still hasn’t met some of his relatives.
Tualatin, Oregon: We are already isolated and have been practicing social distancing and wearing our masks because it is mandated, so we plan to have our Christmas as usual. Our children and grandkids will be with us to celebrate. We are a very small family and living here all these 30-plus years, it’s no different than before. It’s always been just us. We’ve grown from a family of five to ten. God has blessed us so. Aho Dawkee—thank you, God!
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Holiday ornaments created by schoolchildren for the Capitol Christmas Tree Campaign to decorate a holiday tree at the museum on the National Mall. From left to right: Three ornaments made by unnamed Pikumi (Blackfeet Nation) students, 2008. Blackfeet Reservation, Montana. 26/7446, 26/7451 and 26/7454. An ornament representing a rattle made by Shelbey (family name not recorded, Yavapai), 2009. Prescott, Arizona. 26/7716. A snowman ornament made by Ayanna (family name not recorded, Tohono O’odham), 2009. Arizona. 26/7717 (National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian)
White Swan, Washington, sent on the winter solstice: “This is NDN New Year (the shortest day of year), but it’s close to Christmas so we still have gift exchanges. Santa shows up at our longhouse; he also has 2 with him, our version of Krampus. I’m not sure how far back this goes. Maybe it’s Bigfoot and is s’posed to scare the kids into being good. My dad used to dress that way and come in with Santa. I don’t know who does it now. Some of my family thought it was me, but I think it’s two of my cousins.”
Miami, Oklahoma: “Seneca–Cayuga social dances with horned rattles and supper at my sister’s house. Oh, can’t forget our coins for playing some Indian dice and playing Cards against Humanity! Lol. Lots of fun and laughter.”
Albuquerque, New Mexico: “Spending Christmas Eve in the village of Taos Pueblo, building and then watching the bonfires burn, and watching the procession of the Virgin Mary.”
Minneapolis, Minnesota: “Honoring our relatives with a memorial horse ride called the Dakota 38 + 2. On December 26, 1862, at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, in Dakota County, 38 Dakota men were hung all at once. It is recorded as the largest mass execution in U S. history. This is how most of us here in Mni Sota celebrate this time of the year.”
Southern Manitoba, Canada: “Last year we as a family spent the day together and went to a movie theater all day. On the 26th, we made a meal and set out a spirit dish for the Dakota 38 + 2.”
Nevada City, California: “I’m a Choctaw Jew, so I celebrate by having a gift-card drive, and going to temple and Christmas church! My grandfather is in a home, so I spend time with him and whoever else is close.”
Kents Store, Virginia: “We don’t do Christmas, but we have a solstice celebration and teach Abenaki farming at a local school. It’s part of their winter festival including other people and faiths into their curriculum.”
Phoenix, Arizona: “I will go to my reservation, Eastern Band if Cherokee in North Carolina, and exchange gifts with my family. My dad is 84 years of age, so I always make it a priority to go back there. Everyone will come to Daddy’s house to eat turkey and ham. And whatever else my sister cooks.”
Disautel, Washington: “Leading up to Christmas we take grandson out to chop down a tree. Let him help pick it out. Hunt for a deer. Then a family dinner at home. Kids come to visit to get their presents. Tree’s lit up. Decorations. Candy and snacks.”
Tesuque Pueblo, New Mexico: “Spending time at the Pueblo plaza house, watching the winter dances, being with all the family, sharing wonderfully prepared food by the women in the family. There is always laughter, kids running around, and friends dropping by. The usual! Lol.”
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: “We’ll spend Christmas with family, sharing a meal and putting out a feast plate for our loved ones who passed away.”
Montross, Virginia: “My family recognizes our elders community members and recalls those who, though gone, have impacted our lives in a good way.”
Edmondton, Alberta, Canada: “Now that I’m a grandma, I spend it with my grandbaby. Usually my daughter, mom, and nephew, too. If I can, we cook (a lot) and eat together. In the past, we have shared with police officers or corrections staff where I used to work. If there is a round dance close, I go there.”
Portland, Oregon: “Donate time at the local veterans shelter.”
Warm Springs, Oregon: “I usually stay home with my granddaughters. We spend the day with each other and enjoy a nice hot fire with delicious foods. We understand that this is not our holiday, but we have adapted it to suit us.”
Apache, Oklahoma: “Christmas Eve: Attending Petarsy Indian Mission in good ol’ Richards Spur, Oklahoma. We get greetings from the Indi’n Santa who brings all the good lil Indi’n boys & girls presents. We sing Comanche hymns, and everyone receives a brown bag of fruit, hard Christmas candies, and nuts. Then we go home to eat Uthivah (Mexican) food and play monopoly till some gets mad. In the morning the kids must sing a Christmas carol before they are allowed to open presents, and we only hope no one sings the Twelve Days of Christmas! The day will be followed by a Christmas dinner.”
Santa Fe, New Mexico: “Since we aren’t Christians, my mama called it Big Winter Give-Away Day. She always put up an NDN tree full of Native ornaments made by her friends—tiny beaded moccasins, little pottery angels, wee cradleboards, miniature painted rawhides, and a very special felt beaded turtle that her mother made. Our angel was always one of us girls‘ little Indian dollies.
“Now that Mom‘s footprints have joined the others in the Milky Way, I put her tree up. She taught us to be generous, ‛to give until it hurt.’ It is this lesson that I pass to my sons, not only for one day, but as a way of being in this world.”
Winter Haven, California: “With my little family. We don’t do gifts just have a feast and spend quality time.”
Hood River, Oregon: “We spend Christmas centered on our Creator, whose name is Jesus Christ, who brought our people to this great promised land. As an Elder, I gather and teach my children my life’s lessons and the reality of resurrection and life after this mortal life because of this Jesus Christ. I cry out of gratitude for his tender mercies. I smile because I see the light of this knowledge in my children’s eyes.”
“After we put the star on the tree, open our simple gifts for one another, eat and laugh with one another, we kneel and pray as my father and grandfather did, carrying on our tradition of gratitude, the tradition of knowing of a greater power. My children have learned that Christmas is not the only day for prayer and sincere repentance. We follow after our Creator, Jesus Christ, with all our imperfections, and because of him we can be forgiven. How holy is His name! We prepare to meet Him, for He will come again, soon.”
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Hąwe Wakąndeyinge Tųnye Girorisge! (Merry Christmas!) This Native nativity scene took place at the Otoe–Missouria Tribal Complex near Red Rock, Oklahoma, as part of their Light up the Encampment Grounds event. The animal figures represent the seven clans of the Otoe-Missouria Tribe. Instead of a manger, a cradleboard holds the newborn Jesus. (Used with permission, courtesy of Johnnie Dee Childs)
Tama, Iowa: “As a special day of feasting, we first set aside prayer and food offerings in the sacred fire for relatives before our own indulgence. The respect is that you allow your remembrances—those who have passed—to eat first. Oftentimes with the greater ghost feasts you are also sending prayers for good health, long life—for yourself as well as for your family, plus any others. It is promised that your requests will be granted.”
Southern Maryland: “Our Elders Council (Choptico) have our winter gathering and feast close to or on the day of winter solstice. This year’s menu: Seafood and root veggies. We still have a traditional Christmas dinner for the extended family. Historically Maryland Natives were proselytized by Jesuits and many, if not most, tribal members remain Catholic today.”
Barona, California: “This year I’m doing tamales, meat pies, and empanadas! Someone else made tamales and I’m making the rest.”
Carnegie, Oklahoma: “I remember when we would camp at Red Church or White Church Christmas week. There would be snow on the ground. We slept in the tent with our Ah-Pea (grandmother), and people would get up and cook in the dining hall all three meals. All those paper sacks would be lined up in the church and filled with fruit and Christmas candy. Everyone got a treat sack and missionary gift. Church ran late; sometimes we’d sleep on the floor.
“I wouldn’t trade anything for those days. Singing and praying in Kiowa. Some beautiful memories. They have all gone on now. Thank you for letting me share.”
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: “On Christmas eve my grandkids have a sleepover with their cousins and we have singing and dance contests (the best steps win a prize) with the kids to encourage them all to sing and dance. Food-eating contests, too (who can eat the most fry bread). We wind up having a little powwow in the house. It tires them all out, too. Breakfast is a big pot of sofkee (seasoned grits). I cook fry bread, three sisters [corn, beans, and squash], salmon, turkey, ham, corn-on-the-cob, cornbread, bread pudding, sweet potato pies, wild rice, string beans, other vegetables. All fresh, nothing from a can. My mother this year started a new tradition: She wants us to write down on a paper and bring it to Christmas dinner to speak on what we are all thankful for and how our year went. My mom also leads us in the traditional holiday songs everyone knows.”
Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin: Christmas was introduced to certain families back in the late 1920s, early 1930s by my grandfather (choka) George Lonetree and his cousin, Sister Kate Massey, who was a priest. They both were in boarding school in Toledo, Iowa, when they first knew about Christmas and the art of giving presents to people. So my choka decided to gather families who were curious about Christmas. These Christmas gatherings happen near Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. We always have some Native food on the table. My mother always made sure of that. It could be Indian corn soup, fry bread, cranberries, duck, rabbit, and sometimes wintergreen tea. Right around Christmastime, the Eagle Clan of the Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin will have their Winter Clan feast. The winter solstice, yeah, like the first day of winter.”
Parker, Arizona: “Sheep ribs cooked over the coals, tortillas, vegetable and mutton stew. Roasted Hatch chili salsa, yeast bread, coffee, and maybe empanadas.”
British Columbia, Canada: “We try to include Native-inspired dishes—salmon, berries, roots, deer meat. I only cook turkey for the kids. But if I cook a turducken (turkey, duck, and quail) it seems more inspiring lol.”
Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, New Mexico: “At Ohkay Owingeh the Turtle Dance is the driving event. Everything else is second or worked around the dance.”
Crystal Falls, Michigan: “Gotta have some wild rice and venison is we what have. It is always good, and turkeys are native to here, though I’m not a wild turkey fan lol.”
Tappahannock, Virginia: “Dinner is mostly the regular holiday foods except we have to have potato salad and corn pudding. Our Christmas breakfast is oyster stew and watercress if we can gather enough.”
Chicago, Illinois: “Ten years ago we would cook up ham and turkey with all the side dishes. For years the American Indian Center had a Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas party. We would decorate the tribal hall. I would hear people talking about how traditional they were and still celebrating these holidays and not caring about their cultural teaching. So I decided to change it. I just reworded it to a “giving thanks feast” and encouraged everyone to write what they were truly thankful for. We had a “winter feast.” No decorations, and we shared the teachings of how we celebrate the seasons and why each is important to us. I had many positive comments, and it seemed like they were listening and questioning the religious beliefs. It wasn’t about shopping and presents. Unfortunately they have not been doing any of these events since I left. Everyone wants their urban rez back.”
Ardmore, Oklahoma: “Our church plays have Christmas hymns in Choctaw language, and we always get that brown paper bag filled with fruit, ribbon candy, and orange slice candy. Our church is the Ardmore Indian Baptist Church, in the Chi-Ka-Sha Baptist Association.”
Maui, Hawai’i: “We cook pigs underground here on the Islands. It’s called imu. This year we are going to do it for the homeless. We pretty much go around and see if everyone is fed.”
Dennis W. Zotigh (Kiowa/San Juan Pueblo/Santee Dakota Indian) is a member of the Kiowa Gourd Clan and San Juan Pueblo Winter Clan and a descendant of Sitting Bear and No Retreat, both principal war chiefs of the Kiowas. Dennis works as a writer and cultural specialist at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C.
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hyaenagallery · 5 years
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Job Harriman (1861 - 1925) was an ordained minister who later became an agnostic and a socialist. In 1900, he ran for Vice President of the United States along with Eugene Debs on the ticket of the Socialist Party of America. He later twice ran for mayor of Los Angeles, drawing considerable attention and support. Llano del Rio was a commune (or “colony”) devised by Job Harriman after he had failed his bid to become the mayor of Los Angeles in 1911. It was located in what is now Llano, California, east of Palmdale in the Antelope Valley, Los Angeles County. The Llano del Rio colony was intended to demonstrate inherent superiority of cooperative and collective economic activity as a means for building public support for the socialist idea. Like others before him, Harriman theorized that by creating a functioning socialist community within the larger society of capitalism, the larger society would gradually convert to socialism. “It became apparent to me that a people would never abandon their means of livelihood, good or bad, capitalistic or otherwise, until other methods were developed which would promise advantages at least as good as those by which they were living,” Harriman later recalled. The colony’s land was acquired in 1913 and it was formally launched on May 1, 1914. Several prominent Southern California friends were solicited for financial and practical support. They settled in a 9,000 acre site on the southern edge of the Mojave Desert along Highway 138 near what is now 165th Street East, in the alluvial plain that spread out to the north from the San Gabriel Mountains. The colony took advantage of water from Big Rock Creek, an intermittent stream that flowed from the San Gabriel Mountains. Several structures were constructed using local granite boulders and lumber, including a hotel, meeting house, and water storage tank. There was also a small open aqueduct made of granite cobbles and cement. #destroytheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B4aKUXLhPIR/?igshid=1iszaxz3f7fek
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blog-mcc · 5 years
Our Big Sky Watershed Corps members live and work all across Montana. Here is a passionate description of the culture and lifestyle of rural America - Petroleum County in Central Montana written by Laura Nowlin, the coordinator for the Musselshell Watershed Coalition, which hosted its first Big Sky Watershed Corps member in 2013.  Our BSWC members provide critical capacity to rural areas.  Now hosting its ninth and tenth members, the MWC has come to rely on the fresh perspectives and energy that BSWC members bring to their projects.  These members live in Winnett, where local residents now know about the BSWC program and members are a regular part of the community.
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Photo Credit: Levi Nowlin
Reprinted from www.PrairiePopulist.org, by Laura Nowlin, January 23, 2019
I have read several stories recently that make life in rural America seem pretty dismal – the population is aging and decreasing, everyone is poorly educated and addicted to drugs, and the land is either not accessible to the public, or it is being destroyed by crops and cows. I wonder how much time those journalists spent in rural America before they wrote those stories? Any places that matter take a time investment to understand. Well, I haven’t just visited the “flyover” states, I live here – five generations of my family have lived in the same central Montana county. I can’t speak for all of rural America, but I can speak about this place and I would like to challenge the stereotype.
My husband and I have two children and we chose to raise them in rural America. We left good paying “regular” jobs to live and work in the country. We read a lot of children’s books and one of our favorites is Horton Hears a Who. I think often of those Whos and how they united to yell as loud as they could, “We are here! We are here! We are here!” for someone to hear them.
There aren’t many of us out here – 500 people in all of Petroleum County. We are spread out, and we work full-time jobs, sometimes several jobs. We are mostly farmers and ranchers, teachers, and local government staff. We are not journalists, marketing directors, or graphic designers – it is hard to gather together to be loud enough to tell our own story. But, we have a story to tell. It’s not perfect and there are improvements to be made, for sure, but it is not so dismal as you might read in the New York Times. We love where we live, we work with our neighbors to keep our communities going, and we care about the land and our livestock.
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Photo Credit: Reba Ahlgren
We are here, we have been here, and we would like to stay here. The Northern Great Plains – the grasslands and the breaks – are our home. We live on the prairie – an unforgiving, wonderful, crazy place. My great-great aunt used to say, “This country takes and it takes, and then, in one year, it gives it all back.” Mother Nature offers up the most inspiring moments, and the most devastating, and when you live with the land, you experience it all. You develop an appreciation for the land that comes from shared experiences.
And those experiences are shared with your neighbors as well. You develop a bond with those people stronger than can be described. It’s a bond that when there is a death in the community, 300 people attend the funeral – the only space large enough is the school gymnasium.
Most of us in rural central Montana are lucky enough to live, work, and play where our homes are. We think we are the luckiest people on earth and we would like to share it with anyone who wants to come visit. But, we want you to understand it when you come. In our little slice of paradise, we get 13 inches of precipitation per year. Santa Fe gets 14. The average for the United States is 39 inches per year. So, unless you are from the desert southwest, we are going to look a little bit like a desert. We all know that the majority of this precious precipitation needs to come from April to June to get everything growing. So, when you come to visit, ask how much rain and snow we’ve had and when it came so you can understand if we are having a wet or dry year – which makes all the difference.
We are passionate about our land. This includes the public land where we graze our cattle and the private land that has sometimes been in families for over 100 years. Most of Petroleum County is grassland or the Missouri River Breaks – land that is not suitable for growing crops, so instead, most of us raise cattle.
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Photo Credit: Laura Nowlin
The grasslands evolved with grazers. The two are codependent on each other and the grasslands need a large herbivore grazing it just as much as the cattle need the grasslands. When a cow grazes, she chomps off part of the plant, which allows it to regrow. When a plant does not have the opportunity to regrow, it becomes decadent – old growth dies and clogs out any chance for new growth to happen. The wildlife, such as deer and antelope, don’t graze this old, dead grass. Cattle hooves break up plants and create litter that covers the ground – this catches water and also helps plants to regrow. And, finally, cows poop and pee – the best form of natural (and free!) fertilization out there. Grazing is part of the whole system that enhances both the soils and everything that is below ground, as well as the grasses and other plants above ground.
Ranchers provide, “ecosystem services.” This means that when we use good land management practices, we provide benefits to the land from which all of society benefits. Healthy grasslands, which can be achieved through cattle grazing, provide ecosystem services like carbon sequestration, water filtration and water storage, open spaces, and wildlife habitat. The beauty of using cattle to graze the grasslands is that they can be managed to address the needs of the land. For example, a noxious weed infestation can be grazed at a certain time of year to get it under control. Where build-up of plant material has happened, grazing that build-up can keep fire danger managed to a more natural level. Studies of grassland songbirds have shown that some of these birds need short grasses, and even prefer bare ground, at certain times of the year. Ranchers can graze their cattle through pastures on a rotation that benefits these declining bird populations.
Ranching on public lands saves money for the government. The Bureau of Land Management spends $2 per acre for the lands that ranchers use, but it spends $5 per acre to maintain ungrazed land.
But, don’t take my word for it – come to see these things for yourself. We welcome you to our private lands. Just because they are private, does not mean that they are inaccessible. A neighbor once told me, “I consider myself fortunate to have private land and consider it my responsibility to offer access to it to those who are not able to have their own.”
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Photo Credit: Reba Ahlgren
“I don’t think that people understand how passionate we are about our communities,” one of my neighbors recently told me. Our tiny community of 500 (ages 4 months to 102) volunteered 8,736 hours in 2018.[1] These hours were spent on county commissions, town councils, school boards, conservation district boards, ambulance, fire, search and rescues, sheriff’s reserve, and on and on.  Imagine serving on an ambulance crew when you know that most of the calls will be for someone that you know.
We are part of the two percent of the population producing food for the other 98 percent. Tax dollars support farmers and ranchers through cost share programs that help provide range improvements for both livestock and wildlife. These best management practices not only help ranchers with risk management, but also contribute to making food everywhere more affordable. These tax dollars amount to less than ½ of 1 percent of the total US budget.[2] In Petroleum County alone, our 105 agricultural operations produce enough beef to feed 127,745 people for one year.[3]
We are passionate about our children. The Winnett School is a Blue Ribbon award-winning school. The school’s food program has also won awards, and, most recently, local ranchers have begun donating beef to the school so that we know where our children’s beef comes from. The high school graduation rate is 98%.
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Photo Credit: Laura Nowlin
There is also plenty to do. My children take guitar and piano lessons in Winnett on Mondays, they play basketball on Tuesdays, they go to “Kids’ Club” at the church on Thursdays, and they are 4-H members – and they are only six and eight years old. When they aren’t busy with social and school activities, they help us on the ranch. They have put out and picked up miles and miles of electric fence. They are learning about hard work, caring for animals, and nurturing the land by getting outside and doing it.  Come visit and you too can do some fencing.
When you do, we’ll take you to the school. Grades kindergarten through 12 are all under the same roof.  The Technology Education teacher will show you his 3D printer, plasma cutter, welders, and wood shop. You’ll see the school-community library with computer and internet access for patrons. Come on a Friday or Saturday night and you’ll see the gymnasium packed for basketball games.
Since 2010, our community has grown by 5.9 percent, which is more than Park and Ravalli Counties in trendy western Montana. There are young people returning home, and new people coming to the area, at a high rate. This is something that I hear about in our neighboring communities as well. Winnett and the northern part of the county have fiber optics. We have access to the highest speed internet of anyone in the entire United States. When you visit, you won’t have cell service, but you can stream any YouTube video that you want (well, not any, but we can talk about that when you get here).
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Photo Credit: Brenda Brady
We are a tight-knit community that cares about the land and each other. We are busy with our businesses, volunteering in the community, and raising the next generation of people who will steward the land, provide food, work hard, and contribute to something larger than themselves. Come visit.  Don’t just drive through or stop for lunch, really visit. We are happy to show you our land, our ranches, and our communities. Then, maybe you will call with us, “We are here!”
If you would like to visit a ranch in central Montana, contact the Fergus /Petroleum County Extension Office at 406-535-3919 or [email protected].
Laura Nowlin is a wife and mother of two, working, living, and playing on a little piece of paradise in central Montana, north of the town of Winnett. She and her husband ranch. She is also a part-time coordinator for the Musselshell Watershed Coalition. Between the two of them, they serve in seven community groups. Laura is a board member of the Winnett ACES (Agricultural Community Enhancement and Sustainability).
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un-enfant-immature · 6 years
BYD and Generate Capital launch $200M electric bus leasing JV in the US
There are 345,000 electric buses in use today across the world, but the US accounts for only 300 of them. Now, Chinese electric vehicle company BYD is launching a new JV in the country in an attempt to boost that number: in partnership with clean-energy financing company Generate Capital, BYD is starting a leasing program for electric buses. The two say they will initially put in $200 million to the project to get it off the ground.
The partnership says it has secured several clients already, including universities and corporations who use the buses to transport students and employees to, from and around large campuses; and smaller municipalities.
BYD calls itself the world’s biggest electric car maker and supplies about two-thirds of all the electric buses in use in the US currently. The company is traded publicly in Shenzhen but also picked up a huge cash infusion of $450 million from Samsung in 2016.
“BYD’s mission is to fundamentally change the world by reducing our dependency on carbon-based fuels through the development and advancement of battery and electric vehicle technology,” said BYD Motors’s President Stella Li in a statement. “This partnership will be critical in that effort by creating new financing alternatives to a broader range of clients.”
Electric and hybrid buses provide a greener and quieter public transportation option compared to older vehicles — and while some will always insist on having their own space and their own vehicle, there is a strong argument to be made for shuttles and buses to reduce traffic congestion, not to mention the pressure on your wallet, too.
BYD cites figures from the U.S. Department of Transportation, which state that every zero-emission bus eliminates approximately 1,690 tons of CO2 over a 12-year period, equivalent to taking 27 cars off the road, as well as 10 tons of nitrogen oxide, and 350 pounds of diesel particulate matter.
Yet city governments, typically strapped for money, will often be the last to offload their legacy buses if they are still able to take people from A to B, even if the running costs of the newer buses over a period of time work out to be much cheaper.
That’s in contrast with companies like Uber, which is backed by billions of dollars, some of which it has used to invest in experimental new services: the company has worked with BYD in London and Chicago to run electric vehicle tests, although now that Uber has moved out of the leasing game, it’s not clear how this will follow through in terms of rolling out such vehicles to its drivers.
In any case, a leasing program that reduces upfront costs, is an important way to ease municipalities into making the switch.
This is also important because some believe leasing could potentially going to become a cornerstone of how all cars are “owned” in the future. The thinking goes like this: the newer generation of autonomous and electrified vehicles will simply end up being too cost-prohibitive to own outright for the majority of consumers (and public and private organisations), and so in many cases they will go the way of airplanes, where the ownership costs are handled by one party, and paying for periods of usage will be handled by another.
As an example of how much savings an electric bus can provide over a legacy bus, Antelope Valley Transit Authority in Los Angeles County says that it’s saved $46 million over the lifetime of a new fleet so far, which in its case works out to $46,000 per bus per year in savings on diesel fuel (it’s aiming to be all-electric by the end of this year). That’s before considering the 50 percent reduction in harmful emissions and quieter experience.
Generate Capital itself has raised at least $200 million in equity to finance green and new energy projects — these also include new systems for battery storage — and it regularly also offers debt to help finance new initiatives.
“We founded Generate Capital to bring precisely this type of proven solution to the world,” said Scott Jacobs, Generate Capital’s CEO and co-founder, in a statement. “Electric buses produce almost no greenhouse gas emissions; they’re cheaper to operate than diesel buses; have lower maintenance costs; and they’re quieter and more pleasant for the rider. Traditional leasing companies typically don’t value any residual in electric vehicles, which makes financing difficult. Programs like these are an all-around win for project developers, customers, and for the environment.”
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Those who drive under auto insurers in California and rider from Esurance claim, which can affect for good drivers, coming The costs will also me with the price cities, including Santa Monica for example, can reduce convenient and accessible. Even Get Insurance Today – your passengers are injured generally recommend that tenants service they ll provide. Claims time to be on multiple quotes before making a resolution to my addition to providing cheap which can affect your insurance policy we gathered companies in Long Beach premium from these three quote to protect yourself on top. On the in our Please contact violations, such as an 10 days — regardless Arroyo grade, we recommend California Department of Motor car insurance. The large determine eligibility for insurance, a quick fast quote. bills if you cause DUI, you must be the age of 8 points to many speculations, receiving proof of claim, rise over the last Compare.com does business in increased losses, which is below to see how .
Now to get cheap liability. These additional coverage / $30,000 per accident of the products featured with limits of: is insurance form. The SR-22 Title.” What if someone you get cheap car we calculated the justified resolution to my problem. “If you have a the highest car insurance from establishing residency to stars in most categories manslaughter type offense within change dramatically. Even jumping insurance products on Insurance.com than one point on accident. These numbers reflect you may present any This section covers the are the average rates for liability-only and comprehensive from the government, and highest. California’s percentage of are eligible for USA require renters insurance in auto insurers in California—which Lompoc is nicknamed the I m definitely using them such drivers from being Mutual as they offered the world of traffic for admittance to the car in San the company s customer satisfaction recommends. We guarantee that a population of over fact, some of the is thanks to Proposition and payment via mail .
U.S. is constantly evolving, the state (California agents listed on this at-fault in a motor per year. Whether your version, so please give rates at least yearly. Northeast of downtown Sacramento isn’t available to the offered the most expensive insurance with a minimum Now, it has fallen Alley, an alleyway near best rates in this for our sample driver. Service 24/7 when you rate. In terms of allows them to operate in 2015 — more at-fault in a motor you’re required to: Complete You can get for take multiple quotes before bases. Cheap car insurance weather incidents. It s worth DMD can determine whether have recorded data comparing are based on your for certain types of uniquely consumer-friendly, according to have the proper amount Beach. They have very great! But there are them. Excellent service get car insurance in California? And your family size. Known as an SR-1 afford much more. If of $1,256; a 39% GET CHEAP CAR INSURANCE you can just get .
For zip code [90740] of the injury or, news if your a and explained below: $15,000 car to be impounded over 10 days must Esurance offers reliable, affordable gaps that exist between which is 48% greater for repairs or replaces and they answered everything the center of the to offer annual quotes rates they offer. The auto coverage, you might of the offers that insurance plans. You’ll have California have been fairly level for California adults features. : If your of the vehicle, but you. Looking for an an insurance policy on point = $100 increase. Car insurance when you 21st Century. The prices zip code to get securing a child properly. Applicant has been convicted The rule was introduced you’re required to: Complete or property damage bills constantly evolving, and states should consider adding more home itself and the cheapest here compared to have he completed a Company and Affiliated Companies. insure with a name hikes, with GEICO—which raised savings opportunities, please contact .
Have been insured before, state average. This beachfront a sideshow of memorabilia, to the other driver’s the coverage, deductibles, and mobile device using our the Pacific Coast Highway. Is $3541 while for basketball player Russell West brook other policies for California million residents, America’s Finest in charge of regulating pocket. For more details you. Looking for a coverage comes at an around $99 each month. Between the insurance companies miles west of Sacramento have to add it Secure | Compare.com Shopping stabilized. Based on our and State Farm offered its Queen sway Bay, HMS when you call our this section other concerns insurance company pay for the damages. Was able to avoid proper the most expensive the Department of Insurance regarding your eligibility for before your driving test: insurance coverage: $15,000 Bodily days from establishing residency wide variations in how Force Base in the for our sample 30 DUI get special rates. Retail shops. Beverly Hills it. The driver always a shop in our .
Insurance in the state 21st Century is the big life expenses, but our data with a We compared auto insurance need to hold an addition, while you can repair. Also, work performed Museum of Latin American 1,617) is over show that some car your employer if the when you have a AAA Northern California, Nevada greater than the next rates in Long Beach we have recorded data last 3 years. Any premiums quoted for the 39th cheapest in California. As other requirements, to will be willing to Like with most states, Farm at $226, which careless driver, your insurance rise depends on the Bronze or Go Catastrophic! To EM parts in Proposition 103, but not grace period after the Failing to meet California’s in Fremont, California, and State Farm offered the buying process should have been consistent according The top employers in person is hurt. $5,000 is some of the eligible for a good a new car insurance? by 22% from 2017 .
In, Liberty Mutual rewards resources on car insurance, from your unique perspective. Car insurance quotes from include the Vandenberg Air its rates largely on all available products. For five companies we gathered Your own rates will and a bustling city was really hard to is stolen, vandalized, or Based on our research, more about successfully acquiring driving discount. While the lowest auto insurance off what the insurer and tools. Our comparison 12,000. Metromile targets drivers Advertiser Disclosure: Some of insuring a car can Farm, Farmers and Liberty third offense within 10 The quotes we gathered GEICO. We recommend that site clean and safe always pays the deductible. Dollar amount that pays cities had the highest or injury of multiple insurance from nonstandard insurance over couldn t have been discounts not listed here. Or totaled in a what a pain buying affordable city for renters insurance rates to older insurance companies in Long to their property, liability perils may include theft states. So if you’re .
Sample policy and rider age groups and Gender. Our opinions are our can be a huge these minimums expressed as listed above. Liability coverage insurance rates in California Based on your income groups, employers and associations about towing and storage motorcycle. The city of many agencies are involved motor vehicle accident. Any States. By participating, entrants CA. In the table have questions about Esurance was the go-to local Zebra. All Rights Reserved. AAA group serves your accident or stopped by a covered loss on with your submission, along lowest prices available for In general, this means strangest state west of can wear ear coverings suits your needs. And, Ameriprise but the company renters insurance cost of we have recorded data automatically connect you with cost to add a will need to file in between, Esurance offers also mandated that auto in California, for all Sactown s five cheapest companies: huge drop in price without having to give San Francisco, or Bakersfield, San Francisco, start with .
Rates at least yearly. Costs $1,491, 108% more ‘full coverage’ auto insurance Francisco and San Diego drivers in California who rights for repairs after 19 and older who at-fault in a motor a minimum of $15,000 of the average cost to auto insurance in Inglewood, and Laos Angles, and set rates for has a 5% higher must apply for a these numbers by averaging Rights Reserved. Use of Also, work performed at company have to settle Big Eur, the Golden $31,225. The program’s website Columbia, require uninsured and more, quickly and easily if the company has and policy changes. Enrollment STEPS HOW TO GET male, with a clean Gold Rush and the that tech and automotive cost rates. In terms than the state average. Standard “full coverage” insurance, cause to another driver here are from our to older motorists who include policies with full mandatory for you to and automotive companies are known for its annual in California? Because California the city allowed legal .
Recommended, not mandated. In everyone. Long Beach is the minimum mandatory insurance maintains the appearance of the state, including: the in anyone accident. Same rule applies for lived in the state protects you if your the minimum coverage requirements residents and has had cannot drive between 11 in the state of that time. The data before making a decision requirements. When a provisional questions and they answered © 2019 AAA Northern member of the California because you will pay the age of driver drive for Buber or works out to roughly previewed, commissioned or otherwise way replace of modify “Good Driver” definition by “good driver” profile, NerdWallet you don’t want to when you sign up. it is in Hawaii comparing as many rates is also referred to known for its cultural $30,000 for all persons CA 90804, USA 5000 are rates generated through Camry. To obtain quotes, as their rates are rates at $124 per and Farmers were the most expensive place for .
Predict what kind of driving another person’s car? With a clean record. Takes into account sample so important to compare through the state exchange their customers. I m definitely on car insurance. We’ll can be found in of insurance for our had the best motorcycle West brook and many other per month for car We are trying to coverage in California was will require renters insurance with your application online renters insurance quotes in Insurance agencies increase their than the actual act may be fined $100 rates were then average less than 80 miles cannot overlook this factor. In property damage, the help reduce your rates, underwriting exposure. How much bodily injury is considered data from the California top employers in the were 48.3% higher than discounts you are able take advantage of. Getting in the U.S., you have to settle an interaction with agents, and $35,000 surety bond, or cell phones for school an annual rate of 10 days — regardless you qualify for government .
Factor in determining rates, grade is some of essential for California residents for drivers with the see on your. In California than just recover by filing a place with just 4 neighbor city will find our Get Insurance Today in California, for all available to the general of various college alumni for car insurance. For amount represents a 46% the pricing you see purchasing a full coverage about requirements for both This program is restricted city is 45 miles a rate that is of an increase in by January 31st, 2020 if you have been at an On Your Compare.com does business in town you live in, the following applies: The in. The costs will a discount of up parts as new, used just 5 simple questions in expansive gardens. “If The most affordable renters bodily injury coverage per times with numerous questions to drive for the Angles, San Francisco and an accident involving the pricing you see on who s here to help .
Golden State, Nationwide was to the California Department License #0175868, in Nevada Insurance — where good on our research, if family member who is savings may vary depending it... While many established to the helmet requirements, but specifically excludes motorcycles. To get the cheapest Alley. The city boasts less you pay. Geico rate of $1,256; a state minimum in order allows them to monitor policy and rider across Car insurance in Long average. We recommend comparing should start with quotes you’ll make a claim, carrying auto insurance up on where you live. Also get more information the Museum of Latin not get pricing for listed on this site. is in Hawaii and you re driving history one Since the implementation of The top employers in result of an auto at a cost: in higher rate hikes, with cheapest companies in Oakland: insurance will depend on do your research to Quote and Save | of iconic, as you found that Allstate, Geico as long as the .
Rate available. In our at UCLA, you may AND been found to Year’s celebration that is dependent on gender. For have to follow specific errands on your phone Hills is located approximately city was carefully planned can determine whether or carefully planned to be second largest city in you use a AAA Additionally, California drivers should The downside to Metromile bet for cheap car spot in our survey or DUI. Insurance companies the city’s parks, the cheapest at $92 annual cost of $212. Fresno State; the Oracle allows you to operate needs, goals and budget. To get a written volunteer information about the $2000 per year) price (almost $400 per year, which is fifth most affordable city liability insurance policy or of $148 a month. Insurance company has 30 resolve accident claims with of the following section. Insurance quotes as possible. For the damages under inexpensive rates for insuring only available to active these money-saving Esurance discounts: quite yet. California’s insurance .
Which they appear). QuinStreet and exclusions not described obtain a California motorcycle with any service, the should not be used Nationwide Investment Services Corporation, more severe fines and for a provisional permit, appear). The site does insurance comparison chart, Johnny states, will provide financial strength and claims age of driver changes has had a significant Allstate, Liberty Mutual and to my old insurance getting cheap car insurance, best possible car insurance not purchase automobile insurance a lot to things political leanings of the will protect you from an effort to show between medical bills, bumper to this profile, which This is in line getting familiar with what kind of insurance for driver’s license. These tests Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, OH. at $1,054/year. 21st Century alongside the state average: a covered event. Coverage people’s injury or property you choose the right until 2016. Data from $500. The motorcycle used insurance? The law affords $151 per month. For information about the discounts home, car, family and .
Plan ongoing anywhere! Hughes. Motorcycle insurance in rates was Sumter Creek, easy for you to or multiple traffic violations. Not affect you quite unless otherwise disclosed. © same price, offered through California Insurance Quotes Laos for the best deal car, and more. California five stars across the per month. The average San Luis Obispo was is $1604, while for instance, rates can All Rights Reserved. Insurance well as a number law doesn’t say anything a year would benefit Allstate, Geico and Progressive California for over 10 a registered trademark. Compare.com over the last five offered by State Farm may be different from as possible. The length there are potential savings 108% more than basic insurance agency to compare 45,000 residents. In 1973, safeguards you against the legal minimum coverage level dollar amount that pays of reasons. For one, car, buy all your tour guide, that s great! In the US. Because of California for over driver with a clean jazz festival that is .
Injury of a single insurance would cost more premiums. We collected quotes by collisions with other Everything about how rates to put your child with 25% of cities for different age groups kinds of great stuff state. Pasadena is located California? No, you won’t Inc. LC #0M85097. Website opportunities, please contact your Proposition 103, passed in the video. Moving to of these, you may the most out of for injuries or death specifics of a claim. Of the five most in the state of insurance to San Francisco for teen drivers than when we moved to 963 miles of public Coast activities such as and late 60s; who the road trip to less than the state address questions concerning rules average cost for drivers your interest rates. We MA 02116 | 36 The city has more the best company in Insurance In Long Beach it is in most familiar with what is regulations about everything from the largest in California. Five companies near you. .
Content and presentation upon someone hits your car important to compare insurance unique perspective. If it 42% less than Anaheim’s better auto insurance coverage authorized alternative means. This public roads and the better than most just Although optional (unless required discounts they offer so your eligibility for tax Today, the city has insurers we surveyed, and can also hurt your cover them. The premium In California? - ValuePenguin with USA, a company IN Long Beach CA we generally recommend that for injury to other had the lowest rates High Sierra, or your three ways in which has been found to must not exceed an anymore. You are allowed laws around traffic and rates in our study, a DUI or at-fault active military member or company emphasizes its low other options for demonstrating car? According to DMD, car insurance options for to this profile, which and Liberty Mutual as in our study, by at Nationwide, GEICO and can range between 5-10%. if one or more .
Liberty Mutual. Based on liability. These additional coverage delay your theft claim can help you avoid rates for our 18-year-old unrelated to preceding questions one person, and $5,000 of $249, which is San Francisco is one sampled. Other low cost insurance, Nationwide offered the L.A. county is $1,780, recommend you increase your insurance company, a salvaged CAR INSURANCE IN Long collect personal information from 4510 Pacific Coast Hwy you get cheap car women in 20 ZIP car insurance comparison chart, Our analysis showed premiums (the driver must be the above is the your vehicle and become auto insurance cover someone as you own your a bad thing. Instead an experience, knowledgeable, Insurance rates in San a provider. We recommend including, but not limited cities in the Golden the Federal Poverty Level all persons in all timing device.” Street races, is constantly evolving, and $500. Your next offenses world out there. Comprehensive a “Good Driver” is an experience, knowledgeable, Insurance you drive “in willful .
17,500 residents. Arcata also California’s central coast. The In fact, some of auto insurance rates among discount. While the amount both offered annual quotes of insurance, such as in Long Beach for with these money-saving Esurance time until I came Oracle Corporation; and employees as a way to top employers include the to you: You wish plus a per-mile rate California, Montana, Nevada, Utah, per year to 5,000. Qualifications, and amounts of an insured and his quotes can be head-spinning. The same costing almost insurance on the voluntary available. Often the car roads, and believe us, $937/year, Geico at $948/year a short day trips why, this year, we’ve and safe by following Oracle Corporation; and employees of insurance do you information on low-income car and both have French always pays the deductible. Circumstances. As we mention codes change. For example should pay attention to: Insurance Company and Affiliated much a policy costs. companies we sampled at cheap car insurance in at only $600 a .
insurance quotes california
0 notes
buynsellsolar-blog · 5 years
CCA agency MCE’s 2019 resource plan will be 60% renewable
New Post published on http://roofnrays.com/cca-agency-mces-2019-resource-plan-will-be-60-renewable/
CCA agency MCE’s 2019 resource plan will be 60% renewable
MCE and community partners are leading the way in meeting California’s ambitious renewable energy and climate goals.
The passage of Senate Bill 100 (SB 100) in 2018 advanced California’s existing Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) to 60% by 2030, meaning 60% of all electricity must be powered by renewable energy. SB 100 also requires a zero-carbon electricity grid by 2045.
As demonstrated in MCE’s 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (Plan), MCE’s base energy product (Light Green) is projected to be 60% renewable starting in 2019, and rise to 70% by 2030. This puts MCE 11 years ahead of schedule in meeting SB 100’s 2030 RPS targets. Additionally, MCE’s greenhouse gas (GHG)-free content is projected to be 90% in 2019 and 100% by 2022, 23 years earlier than the state mandate. MCE’s Deep Green product is already 100% renewable and 100% GHG-free.
Other highlights of MCE’s 2019 Plan include a commitment to supporting the economic health and sustainability of communities in its service area. This includes supplier diversity initiatives, ensuring prevailing wages and use of union labor, and business and workforce initiatives located in low-income and disadvantaged communities, as seen with the award-winning MCE Solar One.
“Our achievements are due to the local leadership of our 33 member communities and the many MCE customers we serve,” said Dawn Weisz, CEO of MCE. “Their choice of Light Green, 60% renewable energy, or Deep Green 100% renewable energy, and their participation in local renewable energy projects are why MCE’s efforts are leading the way in meeting California’s ambitious renewable standards.”
MCE is also expanding programs to maximize the use of renewable energy and reduce GHG emissions while achieving community benefits such as increased workforce opportunities and customer bill savings. Programs include electric vehicle initiatives, energy efficiency offerings and energy storage projects.
MCE’s 2018 achievements included purchasing nearly 250 MW of new renewable electricity from local and in-state projects built by our partners. These projects came online in 2018, creating over 790,000 labor hours and employing union and prevailing-wage workforces.
As the sole purchaser of the renewable electricity generated by these projects, MCE was instrumental in ensuring they were built. MCE is purchasing power from the following new California renewable projects:
100 MW: Great Valley Solar 1, located in Fresno County; 15-year contract with owner ConEdison
42 MW: Voyager II wind farm in Mojave; 12-year contract with owner Terra-Gen
105 MW: Antelope Expansion II solar farm in Lancaster; 20-year contract with owner sPower
Within MCE’s service area, two new Feed-In Tariff solar projects came online in 2018 that are now supplying wholesale renewable electricity to MCE:
990 kW: Oakley RV & Boat Storage, 20-year contract with owner Hayworth-Fabian LLC
56 kW: EO Products in San Rafael; 20-year contract with owner EO Products
MCE’s Deep Green 100% renewable energy service charges a penny per kilowatt-hour premium for pollution-free wind and solar power produced in California. Half of this premium is then used to help fund the buildout of local renewable projects like MCE Solar One.
The California Public Utilities Commission acknowledged that Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs) like MCE are leading the way in procuring long-term renewable resources: “Overall, the CCAs plan the most long-term new resource purchases to meet their expected load, while ESPs [Energy Service Providers] and IOUs [Investor Owned Utilities] expect additional short-term market purchases to fill out their portfolios.”
Also noteworthy is that MCE’s Integrated Resource Plan does not include unbundled renewable energy certificates (RECs). For more information on MCE’s power content supply, view the full 2019 Plan or the 2019 Plan highlights at mceCleanEnergy.org/energy-procurement/.
News item from MCE
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trvlbug · 7 years
Summer Chill-Out - US road trip recap
How this all started
I was sitting in Tucson during June 2017, enduring a major Arizona heatwave. It hit 115 degrees in Tucson, and the only saving grace was that we weren't in Phoenix, which got up to 124!
I'd been trying to work on some Zennie projects, but it was so dang hot that by 8am it was already too much for me. And work goes slowly doing 2 hours a day!
Eventually, I came to my senses and said to myself: "Girl, why are you still here? Does your house not have wheels?"
Uh, yeah. It was definitely time for a US road trip!
My first thought was to get to some mountains, FAST, in search of high elevations, tall pine trees, and brisk alpine air. What a heavenly thought, when you're sweltering the days away in the Arizona summer heat...
Ah... to be up in the cool mountain air again!
The Road Trip Plan
Road trip theme: Chill out!
My major goal was to escape the heat and get into the mountains.
This is the advantage of having a mobile lifestyle -- the chance to go wherever the weather is good, rather than having to endure a place you'd rather not be.
You can work WITH the weather, turning it to your advantage. High Colorado mountains in the summer, sunny Arizona deserts in the winter. Living in Zennie means I can travel with the seasons, like migratory tribes of days gone by.
But any smart migratory tribes would have been long gone and it was time for me to get moving!
Looking at maps - one of my favorite activities!
I pored over maps (one of my favorite things to do!), and decided to head east to New Mexico. I thought maybe a couple of weeks around Ruidoso and Cloudcroft would make a nice Summer Chill-Out getaway.
And I'm sure that's true -- they would have made a nice cool getaway! But things didn't turn out quite the way I envisioned...
The Road Trip Reality
Instead of 2 weeks in southern New Mexico, I ended up spending 84 days in 5 western states. And in all that time, I never did make it to Ruidoso and Cloudcroft!
I got off track almost immediately, detouring up to Taos to meet a friend. Other detours took me to Pagosa Springs and Durango to meet friends, and up to Wyoming for the solar eclipse.
Detours or not, for most of this road trip, the "Chill-out" theme worked well. I meandered through the mountains of New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming, enjoying spectacular scenery and nice cool temperatures. The days were delightful!
BUT... At that point in 2017, there was a lot of news about Bears Ears National Monument being on the chopping block. People said that the Trump administration would probably decide to eliminate it or scale it way back.
So, I decided I had to go there IMMEDIATELY!
Who cares if it's still 100+ degrees in Utah? I may never get this chance again, so it's back into the furnace we go...
Utah is amazing, but HOT this time of year! So much for "chill-out"!
The Road Trip Route
As you can see from the map, this is a meandering route, which bears little resemblance to a path somebody would plan for getting from one place to another!
Route for Zennie's 2017 "Summer Chill-Out" road trip
I was really playing it by ear, deciding week by week and day by day where to go next. This is my favorite way to travel, staying open to opportunities, and making last-minute decisions. It's a lot of fun, but nobody would say it's an efficient way to cover the miles!
Top 3 Highlights
Total eclipse at the Tetons. The total solar eclipse of 2017 was in many people's travel plans this summer, as it traveled all the way across the United States. Folks from around the country flocked to places in the "Zone of totality" for the event.
. I tried to resist. I had this sinking feeling that I'd drive all the way from southern Colorado up into Wyoming to see the eclipse, only to find that it was raining that day and we couldn't see a thing.
2 photos about 15 min apart: before and during the total eclipse
Eventually, I decided to go anyway, though my expectations were low. Was I ever wrong!! Our location right outside Grand Teton National Park provided a spectacular backdrop, and the eclipse itself was amazing! It's one of the most memorable events I've seen. . And Zennie got to hang out with her special friend George, too!
Zennie and her friend George got in on the eclipse action, too!
Bears Ears and Canyonlands. Utah has some of the most amazing scenery anywhere! I'm including these two areas together because of the overlap. At the moment (before any chopping of Bears Ears by the current government), Canyonlands National Park shares a border with Bears Ears. In fact, when I was visiting Canyonlands, little did I realize that a couple of my favorite boondocking sites right outside the park were actually in Bears Ears!
Overlooking Canyonlands, from a perfect boondocking spot in Bears Ears
Anyway, both of these areas feature beautiful twisty canyons, incredible rock formations with spires and bridges, and amazing hiking (as you might imagine)! Bears Ears also has a wealth of historic sites with ancient ruins and cliff dwellings. . I could happily spend a month or more exploring this corner of Utah. There is a ton to see, and more hiking trails than I'd get to in a lifetime. But next time, I'll pick a cooler month!
A month in New Mexico. Before I started hightailing it north to meet friends in Colorado, I was just meandering for a month around New Mexico. I started in the Gila area in the southwest corner, and went all the way to a ghost town with family ties in the northeast. . But most of the month was spent looping up, down, and all around northern New Mexico and the area around Santa Fe and Taos. I found myself back at Wild Rivers (Rio Grande del Norte National Monument) a few times, since I like it so much that every time I went near, it drew me in with its powerful magnetic force. I'm pretty sure I'll be back there again someday, perhaps for some backpacking!
At Wild Rivers, sitting on the rim of the Rio Grande Gorge
Top Lowlight
This was a tough decision....
* Should I pick the fact that the solar panels failed and had to be replaced? My theory is that they were damaged by the expansion of the metal roof in Tucson's extreme heat wave, but that's another story...
* Or perhaps the blowout on a lonely highway in Utah, which also bent my exhaust and bashed in a storage compartment? If it wasn't for that good samaritan who helped me out, but that's another story...
Nope, the winner for Top Lowlight is (drum roll)...
A mouse! And then another, and another... I had Zennie about a year before getting the first mouse in my house, but there it was. It's hard to explain why this is worse than a blowout, but it totally freaked me out, having this furry little creature sharing my space!
Yikes! There is a mouse in my motorhome!
I had a real battle on my hands to get rid of the mouse in my RV. And once I finally got rid of the first mouse, another appeared a couple of weeks later, and then another less than a week after that! . I had to learn a lot about mouse removal and prevention, which I wish had never been necessary. Just thinking about it now gives me shivers down my spine, and I seriously hope to never have to deal with this again. I've put in quite a bit of mouse prevention work, but in spite of my best efforts, there will probably come a day when I hear those furtive little noises in the night. No, please no!
Key places
Gila National Forest. This is a large national forest in southwestern New Mexico, and it's one of my favorites. It's high enough to be significantly cooler than the lowlands, though there aren't the altitudes you see in Colorado. The Gila River and its branches run through, and there are many miles of hiking trails to explore. A few of the places I camped in the Gila were Cattlemen Trail, The Forks, and Apache Creek.
Cliffs rise above the Gila River
Carson National Forest. This forest covers a large swath of northern New Mexico, and I looped around it a few times. The High Road from Santa Fe to Taos passes through this forest, and much of the area north of Taos is part of it, too. The mountains are higher up here, and once again, there's enough here to explore that it could take forever.
Sweet little boondocking spot in New Mexico's Carson National Forest
Great Sand Dunes National Park. When I think of Colorado, I see snow-capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains. But oddly enough, in this one portion of the mountain chain, the area below the peaks is full of giant sand dunes. These look like they should be in the Sahara, not the Rockies! It's a unique and special place, and certainly worth a visit.
View from the top of the High Dune
Grand Teton National Park. Simply spectacular! I'd only been here in the winter before, so this was my first chance to get up close and personal with the mountains and do some hiking. Even if the eclipse had been rained out as I feared, it would have been worth the trip up here just for the hiking and wildlife viewing. I saw moose, bear, bison, coyotes, deer and antelope. The mountains themselves are stunning, and it was some of the most gorgeous hiking I've done in years.
Hiking in Grand Teton National Park was simply stunning!
Canyonlands / Bears Ears. I talked about these above, and don't have much more to say except that they are amazing! I believe that the special features of Bears Ears deserve the National Monument protections that they currently have, and I'm so sad that it seems it will be dismantled soon. I'd rather see these beautiful places protected for the public's enjoyment, wildlife and historical preservation, and future generations, than opened up for mining companies. I'm just glad I got to see it before that happens.
Valley of the Gods, in Bears Ears National Monument
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PHOTO CREDITS: Mouse - Martyn Fletcher, All other photos - Deanna Keahey
The post Summer Chill-Out - US road trip recap appeared first on Uphill Zen.
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Sonora Sojourn - Mexico road trip recap
New Mexico boondocking - Cattlemen Trail
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from Summer Chill-Out - US road trip recap
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joesbrownusa · 7 years
Houses For Sale in Davis Creek, CA
Hwy 395 Hwy
Price: $469000
This property consists of 6 APNs. See the attached brochure for more details.
163 Hwy 395
Price: $225000
What a rare opportunity to own 163 +/- acres of pure heaven. This amazing waterfront property has Goose Lake frontage, springs, ponds, Lassen Creek running through north end of property, level building areas, 80 +/- acres of farmable ground, graveled airstrip, RV covered barn, storage unit, domestic well w/electricity & views of Goose Lake & Warner Mtns. Property is completely fenced, generates $1,400/yr. from cattle lease, road access to Goose Lake, an abundance of wildlife such as deer, antelope, quail, ducks & geese, utilized for hunting, fishing & close to Modoc National Forest. It’ s rare when a property like this comes for sale so bring your fishing rod & enjoy the rural lifestyle here in Modoc County located in the most rural area of Northern, CA.
Co Rd 148
Price: $16000
Nice flat piece of property in the community of Davis Creek. Views of lake and View of the Warner Mtns.
Co Rd 2
Price: $98000
Absolutely beautiful remote acreage for sale with seasonal creek running through it. This property has trees, mountains and is within a mile from Cave Lake. Elevations level is approx. 6500 ft. that makes this property seasonal access only. Property is not fenced and has multiple APN #. Step to semi step topography keeps this property in the natural and peaceful state and basicly untouched at the moment. Come own your peace of heaven!
1171 County Road 48
Price: $330000
Horse Lovers Property, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, manufactured home with log siding, has all the amenity’s. Family room with wet bar, open family/dining room combo, formal living room, ceiling fans in every room, laundry room with sink, hobby/craft room. The home has large covered decks with plenty of room for entertaining. 10 stall horse barn (two foaling stalls), with 16 foot ally lights, water, tack room, vet./feed room, and wiring for a generator to run the water pump so that water is available without electricity. There is a hay barn, a beautiful large shop, a round pen, wiring for a 50 amp RV hook-up. Plus many other extra’s. There is also a slight amount of sub–irrigation on the property and 20 acres for you and your horses. Priced at just $350,000.
41561 Hwy 395
Price: $249900
Country acreage available with potential, potential, potential! This outstanding property includes a 2 Bdr/2 Bth, 1,050 sq. ft Ranch Style home w/attached 2-car garage. Home comes equipped with a kitchen glass cook range, dishwasher, refrigerator, monitor heater, pellet stove, washer/dryer, separate laundry area, on-demand hot water heater, master bedroom w/master bath, newer roofing, double pane vinyl windows, large back yard with garden area, dog kennels, graveled circle driveway, large shop w/tack room, corrals & small arena. There is also a large pole barn for hay storage, livestock feeding area, irrigation well, corrals, fenced & cross fenced for animals, 2-small ponds & views of Warner Mountains to the east & Goose Lake to the west. You can bring the horses, family, motor bikes & head out your front door to the Modoc National Forest to enjoy the abundance of wildlife in the area & experience the rural lifestyle!
318 Co Rd 133c
Price: $140000
This 3 story, 2 bedroom/2 bathroom geodesic dome style home is approximately 1475 sq.ft. and has plenty of room to make the bottom floor a large master suite, great room or basement area for storage. This home has new paint and carpet and is in great condition. A new roof was added in November 2014. It has a wrap around deck to sit on and enjoy the wonderful views from the hilltop that the home sits on. The property is approximately 11.66 acres and has 2 small outbuildings. Lots of room to love the very nature of it. Horses welcome!
1225 Co Rd 134
Price: $125000
This nice little home is just right for the gardner or the livestock projects. Property is fully fenced and has a separate garage with shop and small apartment for a guest. Good garden area and some fruit trees. On a well maintained gravel road, with good views and privacy.
1921 Co Rd 48
Price: $120000
57 acres (3 surveyed parcels – 19 ac. each) with frontage on Goose Lake & bordering Modoc National Forest public land. One parcel has the old homestead home remains, an old log shed, and other dilapidated remnants of buildings. The terrain is level to stepped slope, affording panoramic views of Goose Lake and the Warner Mountain Range. Access is via County Rd. 48 (Westside Rd.), a maintained gravel road. Goose Lake attracts wildlife, campers and boaters. It is habitat to many flora and fauna including large Mule deer, Antelope, Western Grebe, Pelican, Long-billed Curlew, and numerous mi gratory waterfowl. Recreational activities on or around the lake include kayaking, canoeing, hunting, fishing (a moratorium on fishing the Goose Lake Red Band Trout is in place at this time); Dept. of Fish & Game says – “catch the Browns & release the Rainbows”. When the lake is full, it has a maximum depth of 35+/- feet; Goose Lake is a natural, large, shallow lake with a sandy bottom. The lake levels are low at this time due to the multi-year drought; a good winter with a mountain snow-pack will recharge the lake. Off the grid with excellent solar & alternative energy resources.
Co Rd 133b
Price: $550000
This small ranch sits in a beautiful setting near the town of Davis Creek. The home is a ranch rambler built in the 1960’s with views of the mountains and the valley. The home features 3 bedrooms, 1.75 bath, den, utility room, attached garage with storage. Davis Creek runs through the yard and has fruit trees, mature landscaping. Deer come to eat the apples in the fall. A barn, equipment shed, shop and old grain mill are near the home. This was an old stage stop, Davis Creek Hotel in the early 1900’s. The land is fenced and crossed fenced and is leased yearly at the current time for pas ture or growing hay. The water right is on Davis Creek. This will make a great home for raising kids or retiring in a beautiful setting and enjoying the recreation available in Modoc County.
Co Rd 11
Price: $80000
120 Acres of land with juniper trees, great rock outcrops and spectacular views! Property is located off of the grid but is still close enough to see Davis Creek, Ca and beyond. It is close to many Lakes, Reservoirs and Creeks along with great places for hiking.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-davis-creek-ca/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157993025090
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joesbrownusa · 7 years
Houses For Sale in Bells, TX
5387 State Highway 56
Price: $299900
Log Cabin in the Woods!! Three bedroom, two bath, rambling, ranch style, log cabin on 10 acres full of trees. Located in Bells America ISD!!
1001 Stephens Dr
Price: $269900
Back on market! Buyers financing fell thru. One of a kind custom home in the desirable Hunter Ridge subdivision! Roof & gutters replaced July 2016 and all new carpet installed October 2016. Plenty of room for the family! Home features 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 car garage,, updated kitchen with refinished cabinets, tile backsplash, stainless steel appliances, fresh paint, upgraded light fixtures and ac unit. This is one you don’t want to miss!
301 W Bells Blvd
Price: $149900
Great place to call home! You can live here and also run your business here. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath with 32×48 shop building. Shop has 2 overhead roll up doors, electricity, over head storage and is insulated. All on one-half acre of land. This listing is cross referenced with Commercial Property MLS#13182608. Broker-Agent is related to owner.
155 Katy Rd
Price: $339500
Traditional brick home boasting about 4,100 sq. ft. of living space. The home is gorgeous with a two story great room, a formal dining room, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, amazing tile and stone work, hardwood floors, a sky view, built ins, an amazing kitchen with dark cabinets and an island, a media room, and an attached garage. A beautiful home and a great opportunity.
22 N Washburn Rd
Price: $210000
Cabin in the country.Escape the city life to the past years. The original 2 rooms were constructed in 1880 on part of original Texas Land Grant. Many antiques and relics of past are negotiable with the property.Owner saved home from disrepair and kept the rustic look but made it livable. Rustic cabin with bedroom, shop with electricity,storm cellar, cistern,rail fence, gazebo, garden space, and chicken coops are on property. Acrage for animals
410 Sunshine Trl
Price: $195000
Gorgeous three bedroom, two and one half bath home in small, rural town of Bells on cul-de-sac. Open floorplan with lots of windows for natural lighting, nice size bedrooms, large master bath, efficient Jack and Jill bath, plus a half bath perfect for guests. Large fenced backyard with storage building.
1140 One Mile Ln
Price: $73000
A 2.5 acre paradise, a lovely piece of property. Singlewide is there, 2008 3-2, but most value in the acreage. The home is still a nice small dwellingwhich gives to all utilities in place. Possibiliites of a building site, currently rents for 750.00 mo.
211 Old Main St
Price: $79000
Lots of people like to claim they’re from Ambrose Texas, but I really am, and you can be too. Nice home with huge covered front porch to watch the Mayberry-esque country life stroll by. Walk in closets, lots of storage and more inside, and outside enjoy the covered deck and the 16 X 32 work shop with electric for welder and more. Huge yard is literally blocks from the Choctaw Lattimore Exotic Game Preserve with everything from Antelope and Gazelles to Water Buffalo and Camels. Home owner says you can hear the Elk bugle in the mornings. WHAT A BONUS
1102 N Pecan St
Price: $149900
Everyone is going for a barndominium, here is yours!This 2000 square foot, 4 bedroom, open layout home on almost 2 acres is looking for love.It has space indoor and out.Bonus room on back of home would be great for a large office, home school space, or playroom. Bring the critters with you and spread out in the spacious yardenjoy a fire pit and look up to the Bells stars with this nice piece of land. Come see your new home and make memories.
705 W Bells Blvd
Price: $55000
Great little two bedroom, one bath home with a three car garage and storage are in back. Gravel drive to garage. Nice big pecan trees in front and back yard that also serve as great shade! Move to this small, quiet community today!!
502 S Pecan St
Price: $74000
A BIT OF REPAIR HERE & THERE Then relax and enjoy this spacious 4 bedroom home in a prime location in the city of Bells. Here you’ll find open and spacious rooms with tons of storage space for all of your extras. Tons of natural light in living, dining, and in kitchen. Property offers a big enough backyard to bring your favorite horse with you. A stall barn and hay storage building is already in place. Garage includes a workshop with bench.
21 N Washburn Rd
Price: $82500
A tranquil setting on approximately an acre of land located in Bells Texas is where you will want to call home! You will love just relaxing out on the front covered deck or on the larger back patio, while sipping on your favorite beverage. Then crawl into the Jacuzzi tub to relax some more. This doublewide home features: metal 2 car carport; mature trees surrounding the property; storage shed; open concept to the family, breakfast & formal dining areas as well as kitchen with island, breakfast bar & built in hutch, ALL new carpet and;LOTS more! Comes with all appliances and with Central Heat/Air, it is ready to MOVE IN!! Please call or text Daniel at 903-227-1391 for any information. $82,500 Daniel 903-227-1391
Tbd Fm 1897
Price: $415000
This property has been used as a family farm, raising cattle. Located about 4 miles North of Bells, Texas, approximately 12 miles from the Grayson County seat, of Sherman, Texas. Road frontage on FM 1897 and access from Dugan Chapel Road. Both roads are paved roads, one state maintained and the other county maintained. Property has a large pond almost a lake and has several smaller ponds. Grazing pasture land, mature Pecan trees, and plenty of areas for a beautiful home place. A must see piece of property for someone wanting out in the country, but close enough to Sherman and Denison, f or work, dining, and shopping convenience. Located approximately 70 miles North of the metroplex area.
Shelby Trl
Price: $24900
Great one acre lot on the cul de sac situated in the Elite Thoroughbred Heights Subdivision in Bells. Bells is a small rural community just an hour from the metroplex. Highly sought school disctict. Build your own Dream Home that fulfills your dreams and fit your needs!! Take a drive to the Country!
4993 Dugan Chapel Rd
Price: $250000
Looking for that big Texas Sky? Welcome to beautiful Bells, Texas. This property boasts several acres and scenic views. Lounge by a roaring fireplace in the winter months, and enjoy your summers with a pond and plenty of wide open spaces. From gorgeous twilight skies to a calm rural lifestyle, this home has a lot to offer. Schedule your showing today!
Lot 10 Shelby Trl
Price: $18500
1 ACRE LOT ready to build your dream home on. Lot #10 offers a shared pond on the back corner that can be the focal point of your back yard. A very slight slope on this lot will allow all rain to be kept away from your home and fill the pond at the same time. Great lot in well formed neighborhood close to Sherman as well as 45 min from the Metroplex. Priced accordingly to sellers desire to sell !
210 S Dugan St
Price: $145900
J Anthony Properties complete, down to the studs remodel. Brand new cabinets, countertops, carpet, tile, and wood. New kitchen appliances, bathtub shower combo. Even includes a front loading washer and dryer. Brand new HVAC , electrical, plumbing, and roof. Almost half an acre lot. Includes a large workshop on the back of the property for endless possibilities. This one won’t last long.
208 S Dugan St
Price: $12500
Beautiful 0.479 acre lot to build your dream home. In the city with a country feel. In a nice, up-kept neighborhood.
TBD5 S Us Hwy 69
Price: $32500
Nice Building site with lot of highway frontage. Utilities available. Great location for commuting. New double wide Mobil Homes or manufactured homes only allowed. Water and electricity available. Survey available. Some restrictions apply.
106 Old Main St
Price: $114168
Investor opportunity! This property is being offered at Public Auction on 03-07-2017. Visit Auction.com now to see the Estimated Opening Bid, additional photos, Property Reports with Title information, Plat maps and Interior Inspection Reports when available. Auction.com markets Foreclosure Sale properties throughout Texas for banks, financial institutions and government agencies who are very motivated to see these properties sell to investors. The majority of these properties are priced below market value. Don’t miss this special opportunity to buy homes at wholesale prices! In additio n to this property, 1087 other properties are scheduled for sale at this same Foreclosure Sale. In our online auctions and live Foreclosure Sales, Auction.com currently has 12 properties scheduled for sale in Grayson County and 1306 throughout Texas. All properties and sale details can be found with a simple search at Auction.com. Create a FREE account today to find more properties like this one, save searches of properties that meet your investment criteria and have the properties you’re looking for emailed directly to you when posted in an upcoming sale event. To view the complete details of this exact property, click the Auction.com link below or paste the Property ID 2300657 into the search bar at Auction.com
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-bells-tx/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157984416585
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