#Public Health Concern
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alwaysbewoke · 9 months ago
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thousandyearphantombunker · 7 months ago
i hate the fact the term karen went from describing a bitchy entitled customer to basically the modern day equivalent of calling a woman a harpy (misogynistic as fuck) and that people use the term on people out in public who are at the end of their rope emotionally from stress or a shitty day. I get it just because your having a rough time doesn't mean you get to be a dick but sometimes I think people are seriously lacking in empathy and I get it a lot shit the customer might be dealing with isn't your responsibility but like if a customer is struggling with something simple maybe don't be a dick? Just a thought.
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ricisidro · 4 days ago
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On This Day, 5 years ago, on Jan. 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the COVID-19 outbreak in China constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
WHO classified COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.
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deforest · 9 months ago
bro high heels are the fucking worst. literal disabling device. truly want to go back in time and shake myself for being dumb enough to wear them for so many years. and for what! my center of gravity is fucked even with stout mobility work—i can’t sit back on my heels! i cannot put a normal amount of weight into my own got damn heels! at only 30! and my squats suffer for it unless i’m wearing a heeled lifting shoe. and my Olympic lifts are that much harder to control. i wish i could tell all young girls DONT FUCKING WEAR THAT SHIT it is STUPID and POINTLESS and not worth your future foot and ankle mobility and your natural movement. and they don’t even look good ffs
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teenagefeeling · 1 year ago
that post that starts "i hate child free people as a child free person" really rubs me the wrong way. you don't have to apologize for not wanting children and make it sound like people are only making that decision because they hate children. first of all, it's hypocritical. second of all, it isn't even remotely true and i think you'll find that if u look into people who are proudly child-free you'll discover that it's much more complicated than just liking vs not liking children. currently, social norms place pressure on young people (especially women) to have children. if someone says "hey! i think it's possible to still lead a meaningful and fulfilling life without doing that!" and your reaction is to assume they hate children, i think you're the one with the problem
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desolatehands · 9 months ago
Hi! I hate to have to make a post like this, but I am in some need of assistance. I'm a disabled individual living on VERY limited income and most of my income has been going towards moving expenses as I am leaving this current housing situation in two months. I have already spent most of my paycheck on mailing off valuables to my next location. The next step is to get my furbaby the things he needs to travel comfortably with me.
The goal is to have him with me in the cabin to help not only him, but myself too with my anxiety. It's difficult traveling alone as an autistic individual, so my cat is my best bet in keeping cool without turning to opiates as a one day prescription.
Here is the amazon list, if anyone feels like helping.
And here are a couple photos of Steven hard as a rock Stone. He's a very sweet and loving cat. But, I am in a very poor state financially.
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My roommate is not the best and has 'forgotten' about the cash I have given her to purchase specific things for the cats in the house. Instead using that money to buy cigarettes.
While I don't feel comfortable talking about too many details, I can comfortably say I live with a hoarder, that I am blamed for things out of my control ( like the bills she should be paying w my rent ), so on and so forth.
I'm incredibly sorry to ask for this help, but my hands are kind of tied. It's been insanely difficult to get out of an abusive situation while being disabled.
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3liza · 2 years ago
yet another Tumblr policy disagreement ultimately won by the side that collectively has gone outdoors the most
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lesbianboyfriend · 8 months ago
one time i saw a tiktok that said if you’re going to criticize other people’s hygiene habits you should be willing to help them overcome the barriers that prevent them from having what you consider “good hygiene” and i think about that often
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une-sanz-pluis · 9 months ago
Hi, what exactly did the royal charter excluding the Beaufort family from the throne say?
Hi! So in February 1407, John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset requested that the act legitimatising him and his siblings be confirmed by Letters Patent, which he duly received. At the same time, the royal charter that legitimised the Beauforts was modified by the insertion of the words excepta dignitate regali ("except to royal dignity"). I believe the royal charter is in the Parliament Rolls of Medieval England which I don't have access to but a 19th century historian published a transcription:
Be it remembered, that on Tuesday the fifteenth day of Parliament, the Chancellor, by the King's command, declared how our Holy Father the Pope had, in reverence of the most excellent person of the King, and of his honorable uncle the Duke of Guyenne and of Lancaster, and of his blood, enabled and legitimatized Sir John de Beauford, his brothers and his sister, and that therefore our Lord the King as entire Sovereign of his Realm of England, for the honour of his blood, wills, and hath of his full royal power enabled and of his own proper authority made the said John, his said brothers and sister, muliers, and also pronounced and published the ability and legitimatization according to the form of the King's charter thereof made. The which charter was read in full Parliament and delivered to the said Duke, father of the said John, and his said brothers and sister, the tenor of which charter ensueth. Richard by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to our most dear cousins the noble men, John the Knight, Henry the Clerk, Thomas 'Domicello,' and to our beloved the noble woman Joan Beaufond 'Domicelle,' the most dear relatives of our uncle the noble John Duke of Lancaster, born our lieges, greeting, and the favour of our royal majesty. Whilst internally considering how incessantly and with what honours we are graced by the very useful and sincere affection of our aforesaid uncle, and by the wisdom of his counsel, we think it proper and fit that, for the sake of his merits, and in contemplation of his favors, we should enrich you (who are endowed by nature with great probity and honesty of life and behaviour, and are begotten of royal blood, and by the divine gift are adorned with many virtues,) with the strength of our royal prerogative of favour and grace. Hence it is, that, yielding to the entreaties of our said uncle your father, we do, in the fullness of our royal power and by the assent of Parliament, by the tenor of these presents empower you, who as it is asserted suffer from the want of birthright, (notwithstanding such defect, which, and the qualities thereof, we take to be in these presents sufficiently expressed) to be raised, promoted, elected, assume, and be admitted to all honours, dignities, [except to the royal dignity] pre-eminencies, estates, degrees and offices public and private whatsoever, as well perpetual as temporal, and feodal and noble, by whatsoever names they may be designated, whether they be Duchies, Principalities, Earldoms, Baronies or other fees, and whether they depend or are holden of us mediately or immediately, and to receive, retain, bear, and exercise the same as freely and lawfully as if ye were born in lawful matrimony, and you and every of you do restore and legitimatize : any statutes or customs of our realm of England to the contraiy thereof made or observed (which we consider to be herein fully expressed) in anywise notwithstanding. (Source: Samuel Bentley, Excerpta Historica, Or Illustrations of English History (1831))
Wars of the Roses historians generally credit this addition to Henry IV, historians of Henry IV to Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury who was no Beaufort fan and in a powerful position during this time due to Henry IV's illness.
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alwaysbewoke · 11 months ago
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vinescreens · 1 year ago
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Stardew Valley
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domesticated-pirate · 2 years ago
Dr's be like " GooD News! We can't find anything wrong with you! So keep an eye on your symptoms and come back if anything changes! :D"
.... i guess i'll just keep collapsing/nearly passing out whilst feeling exhausted all the time and being unable to string more than three thoughts together with muscles that ache from sitting and being unable to walk more than 10 mins without getting out of breath then .... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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publizero · 2 years ago
"When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty"
“When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty”: A Reflection on the Fight Against Discrimination and Oppression in Nigeria In today’s society, injustice and discrimination remain prevalent issues that continue to challenge humanity. Unfortunately, some societies establish laws that perpetuate oppression and discrimination, making resistance a necessary duty for those who are affected by…
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folkjester · 11 days ago
i am studying substance use disorders and neurobiology of drugs so i have had many times where ive said something along the lines of “time to take my drug test” or “i need to finish doing meth”
AND i’m LGBTQ studies minor so ive had a lot of classes that ive called stuff like Gay Class, Trans Class, Sex Class. best one was probably gay movie class
taking a class on sex this semester which has resulted in many fun things like "sex activity" and "sex final" being added to my planner. being very mature and serious about this .
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byjove · 9 months ago
There was a TikTok post about an advertisement for “blood-making pills for weak women” someone found in a newspaper from the 1890s and everybody seemed to think it was just an example of the weird misogyny of the day and age but no. Anemia was a massive public health concern. It always has been through history but part of the reason we have this idea of old timey women thought history being physical weak, chronically cold and pale and fainting is because they often they were. Anemia was also a massive problem for men in that day but even now it disproportionally affects people who menstruate. So tonics full of stimulants and “healthful vitamins” were marketed at young women in pages upon pages of advertisements in every newspaper. People generally felt like shit all the time back then.
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firstoccupier · 8 days ago
Dr. Anthony Fauci's Security Detail Removed Amidst Growing Controversy
Donald J Trump is a Vindictive Prick In a decision that has sparked widespread debate, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who served as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and as chief medical advisor to former President Biden, had his federal security protection stripped away. This controversial move mirrors a broader trend observed in recent times, where several former…
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