#Pteranodon mount
bavaroisxiv · 1 year
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after six months and four days, I am finally free.
you can follow my journey here.
all i'm saying is if you attempt this
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hellbatschilt · 11 months
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Updated X's adventurer plate recently so time to post my guys together
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aroseyetbloomedwrites · 6 months
The Ishgardian Restoration - A Community in the works!
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Good Morning, tumblr and friends!
Francy here, or, Francel Mun.
As some of you may be idly aware, I have been slowly making my way through the Firmament grind, steadily on the way to the Pteranodon mount. However, the Diadem slog is long, lonely, and tedious, and in terms of Skyward point allotment, somewhat unrewarding. The Expert crafts are more bearable, but it is still a lonesome endeavor.
In that vein, I had an idea that perhaps it would be nice to build a community centered around Crafting and Gathering, and, while specifically having the Restoration in mind, it need not entirely be just that. So, I have organized, and, am in the process of growing a discord community specific to the Diadem, and Firmament crafting with a social nature in mind. Whether you want to commiserate, level, or mentor and assist, there are roles to choose from, and friends to make. Or, even if you should just like to quietly lurk, and read, and see what is contributed in the social channels, this is alright, as well!
The discord is not limited to just those present on the Crystal data center, as parallel crafting and gathering is possible, and DC travel is achieved. It is possible to be from different DCs and enter the Diadem (but not the Firmament).
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If you would like to discuss joining, please feel free to send me a private message. In order to negate the possibility of bots joining, I will not be linking the discord in this post.
Reblogs and sharing this post in some manner would be greatly appreciated! Supporting those going for this achievement is my goal, and hopefully, even after we reach our goals, we can keep this community alive to help others walking the path, later. Whether you are just starting, have been slowly working on it when you can, or, really putting the pedal to metal, we would love to have you!
Thank you for your time, and consideration!
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djcrumrine · 1 year
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I love Pteranodon!!!! I had a lovely time paining the cool quad launch mount at Scieneceworld.
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aoife-asturmaux · 4 months
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Spent my tomes! finally happy to have a mount from bozja that i never got when it was current, and the little pteranodon is so cute!!
Now i officially have everything I wanted for my main and alts, so I guess... i'll be dumping the rest of my moogle tomes into the special maps?
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fangtalksdragons · 1 year
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Results from the Flocking #paleostream Geosterbergia (yes its just a Pteranodon species)with Rodan. Archocyrtus with Mothra. Titanophoneus rapidly aproaching your location(based on the outdated Moscow mounts & Wayne Barlowe piece) with Anguirus. Besanosaurus from bellow. Also 2 more 20 minute Besanosaurus pieces, along with a 10 minute Cotylorhynchus and a Promexyele peyeri deficating.
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draginhikari · 3 months
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Kari Azuresol's End of Endwalker stats: Mounts: 176 Rarest Mounts:
Pteranodon (.4%); Aerodynamics System (1.4%); Flame Warsteed (1.6%), Lynx of Fallen Shadow/Island Adenium (1.7%); Logistics System (1.8%)
Minions: 433 Rarest Minions:
Hydaelyn Idol (.2%) Spoony Bard/Wind-up Bahamut (.6%) Wind-up Tsukuyomi/Wind-up Lyna (.7%) Wind-up Suzkau/Wind-up Nidhogg (.8%) Wind-up Fourchenault/Set of Primogs (1%)
Achievement Score: 19,090 Rarest Achievements:
A Line in the Sand V (.6%) Armorers of a Feather (1%) Phase IV Divine Ascension (1.2%) Castle in the Sky/Lanking of the World (1.3%) Tank You, Gunbreaker V (1.4%) Fashion Accessories: 32 BLU Spells: 124/124 Player Commendations: 5926 Triple Triad Cards: 393/405
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janzoo · 3 months
I love Drakyr's new Petit Pteranodon minion but - well actually probably because - it gives me such Terrorsaur Beast Wars vibes.
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"Why does it keep squawking 'terrorize'?"
I'm waiting for her to die and for the minion to get a pop up dialogue like -
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"Drakyr has fallen! Now I, Terrorsaur, am the Warrior of Light!"
(I know that's more of a Starscream thing but c'mon, something something same difference.)
When I finally get the Pteranodon mount (and mark my words I will one day), it'll be the same vibes lol
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shizucheese · 7 months
So one of my pre-Dawntrail goals is to get my Pteranodon mount, because I hate myself. I'm currently procrastinating on doing that by working on getting my Luminaries. Because I hate myself.
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kimoi-boi · 6 months
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Putting the rest of my achievement hunting on the back burner while I super focus on finishing up the pteranodon mount stuff before Dawntrail. If you see me not in the Diadem gathering on BTN, please yell at me until I get it done. FSH is ez mode so I'm not worried about that one. Then whatever mats I don't get through BTN and FSH, I'll just buy with my Dynamis submarine money so I can finish the crafters without a headache.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 2 years
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Say hello to Gnat. He is my cool moth mount that sucks ass and is named after an Alice in Wonderland character.
He has also survived a stupid amount of shit. I tamed him and an Equus (Applejack) in one go. On the way back to my base a pack of allosaurs attacked and killed my pteranodon. He survived with a mere SLIVER of health because I whistled him into passive and he flew to me and Applejack for safety. 
Cut to no more than thirty minutes later, when I’m searching for obsidian from his back and a goddamn ugly rat-cat-bear thing jumps from the trees and knocks me off him. I die, and I start rushing to get my baby Gnat to safety. I am eyeing the top of the screen for a death message because there are so many carnos in that area. 
So I hop on my gallimimus, Scarlet Harlot, and fucking RUSH to go save him. But I have no idea where I am. So I spend twenty minutes running around this forest, dodging terror birds and carnos while continuously whistling “follow all.” And then I see it: the green beam signaling my corpse. 
I leave Mrs. Harlot (so whatever that was doesn’t feel tempted to rip me off my mount again) and run to my body, mashing the follow button. I grab my things and then I see it: the glorious silhouette of a moth descending from the ungodly sun glare in Ark. He heard my whistle and came home. 
He is now safe and sound in base and chowing on mejoberries. 
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savior-of-humanity · 1 year
@hauntsect liked this post!
Unfortunately the creature I picked out doesn't have much of a thematic theme compared to Atom, but I felt it was extremely fitting in terms of actual utility regardless. It's a fun one too, as I feel the Noglin would fit the Monarch a lot.
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The lore behind the Noglin in-game is that it's the creation (one of many, in fact) of a guy who went mad trying to learn more about a resource known as Element - to a such an extent that he literally turned into a flesh-Gravemind-monster and tried to take over a giant generation ship. Fun stuff.
Anyways, while the Noglin is super ugly/cute, it has a very insidious ability. Even the name is a hint at what it can do - because the Noglin, once tamed, has the ability to puppet both tamed creatures and people.
This makes it an extremely dangerous creature in both the wild and player-versus-player combat. To give you a little bit of extra context about ARK, a lot of the experience is focused around mounted combat on your tamed creatures (the majority of which will involve dinosaurs or other prehistoric animals), and building bases to store your loot, process resources, breed gradually better and stronger dinosaurs, and so on. Obviously, there are defenses you can implement for said bases such as turrets that will shoot at people and tames alike. Said turrets will need to be powered by electrical (or Element) generators. These two core aspects of the game is where the Noglin comes in.
So, let's give two scenarios showcasing what exactly the Noglin can do. I'm gonna put this under a readmore though because this is going to get long.
Scenario A: You're out mining resources to gather metal you need to make an industrial forge, which will be a huge upgrade from your regular forges as it'll let you 'cook' (smelt) a shitload of more metal at once over time. Suddenly, some guy on a flier (slang for a tame that can fly, i.e a Pteranodon or Wyvern) comes in out of nowhere and starts trying to kill you. In retaliation, you pull out your cryopod (basically think of it as a pokeball for your tames) and you pull out your trump card - a giant carnivore known as Giganotosaurus. You release the Giga and whistle (command it) to start attacking your attackers.
However, turns out there was another guy on a flier - he didn't engage directly in combat with you, though. Instead he pulls out a Noglin. The Noglin runs over and latches on to your Giga, and suddenly your loyal giant murder-monster isn't so loyal after all. Now, it's not munching on your enemies - it's munching on you. Needless to say, You Do Not Survive.
Scenario B: You're trying to offline-raid the base of the tribe that had the gall to mind-control your precious pocket Giga. Their base is heavily defended, with a huge wall of turrets - obviously, you could simply "soak" the turrets with a tame that has a lot of health (creatures that naturally have a lot of health like Stegosaurus and Carbonemys are commonly used for this), but your breeding line is only in its infancy and not only do your tames not have high enough of a health stat yet, but you also only have a few. For a wall of over 50 turrets, you're going to need a lot of soakers, as many of them would inevitably die from the sheer firepower.
Fortunately, one of the tribemates of the tribe you're trying to raid was dumb enough to log off outside the base.
In the time between you getting your ass beat and the raid, you managed to tame up your own Noglin. Fun fact about Noglins: they can't be targeted by most turrets. And the tribe you're raiding doesn't have any turrets capable of shooting a Noglin.
Thus, you sicc your Noglin on the sleeping guy - with you controlling the Noglin, you're able to direct the sleeping guy through the gate that leads into the base next to the turret wall, where you're able to waltz inside, go up to the generator powering said turrets, and turn it off. With no thread of turrets filling you with lead, you can now peacefully blow the base to smithereens and take what's rightfully yours.
So, yeah. Very nasty guy. Not a lot of thematic tie-ins to Monarch, but considering how useful and dangerous it can be in PVP, I feel its utility would fit him greatly considering what he does as a profession.
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galianbeast · 2 years
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got the cute animal 🥰
I stand by that this one was worse than pteranodon mount grind too.
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trebuchet151 · 20 days
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Art dump part 1. My dnd char from 2 campaigns ago
Art is from around mid-late 2021?
This is Asra. She's a goblin beast master ranger and she has a Pteranodon as a familiar. DM was kind enough to let it be a combat mount since she's so tiny
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byregot · 8 months
My ideal game feature would be garlemald restoration but like ala firmament type of system in unrelated news I’m working towards my pteranodon mount again.
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paleotanks · 2 years
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St. Louis Pteranodon that’s lived at the St. Louis Zoo and the City Museum
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