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josemanuellopezsanmartin · 5 months ago
Mijaíl Alexandrovich Bakunin (Vida y obra)
Tal día como 1 de julio de hace 148 años falleció Mijaíl Aleksándrovich Bakunin (Михаил Александрович Бакунин en ruso y Miguel Bakunin en español) (1814-1876). Nació el 30 de mayo de 1814 en Pryamukhino, Torzhok, Tver, (Imperio ruso) y murió el 1 de julio de 1876 en  Berna, Berna-Mittelland, Berna, (Suiza). Fue un anarquista ruso. Es posiblemente el más conocido de la primera generación de filósofos anarquistas y está considerado uno de los padres de este pensamiento, dentro del cual defendió la tesis colectivista y el ateísmo.
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Mijaíl Alexandrovich Bakunin (Vida y obra)
Tal día como el 30 de mayo de hace 208 años nació Mijaíl Aleksándrovich Bakunin (Михаил Александрович Бакунин en ruso y Miguel Bakunin en español. Nacio el 30-5-1815 en Pryamukhino, Torzhok, Tver, (Imperio ruso) y murió el 1-7-1876 en  Berna, Berna-Mittelland, Berna, (Suiza). Fue un anarquista ruso. Es posiblemente el más conocido de la primera generación de filósofos anarquistas
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crimethinc · 5 years ago
Remembering Tatiana Bakunin: And All the Other Invisible Figures in History
To observe the 204th anniversary of her birth, we remember Tatiana Bakunin, sister of the revolutionary anarchist Mikhail Bakunin. On the basis of all the available information, Tatiana and her sisters were just as courageous and creative as Mikhail. Tatiana repeatedly played a pivotal role behind the scenes in her brother’s life and in the development of several other important thinkers. The fact that her name and ideas are not widely known today attests to the barriers she faced and the deficiencies of the “great man” model of history.
(Note: An earlier version of this article included images of Varvara Bakunin, mis-identified as Tatiana Bakunin, as a consequence of a longstanding confusion apparently stemming from a publisher’s error in 1970. We express appreciation to an anarchist at Pryamukhino, Tatiana’s childhood home, for identifying this. This confusion is itself emblematic of the obscurity surrounding figures like Tatiana, as much as historians have depicted them as supporting characters in biographies of figures like Mikhail.)
Nearly all of what we know about Tatiana appears in the margins of stories written about men. She is one of the countless people who remain invisible through the lens of patriarchal memory, which conceals both her contributions and the things she could have accomplished if the institutions and conventions of her time had not denied her personhood. Her correspondence and writings have yet to be translated.
Tatiana and her sisters grew up in the Russian countryside studying literature, music, and history. Their father raised them to speak several languages, bringing in tutors from Western Europe; he had picked up liberal ideas during his youth working in Italy as a diplomat, though his politics shifted to the reactionary end of the spectrum as he aged. In this environment, Tatiana Bakunin distinguished herself for her love of reading and writing and her reflective spirit.
While her brother Mikhail left home at the age of fourteen to attend military academy, Tatiana and her sisters continued their studies into adulthood. They developed a private mysticism based in poetry, powerful feeling, and asceticism, which they referred to among themselves as la religion. The sisters were the first ones in the family to rebel, revolting against the role prescribed for women in 19th-century Russia as wives and mothers. When their parents pressured the eldest daughter, Lyubov, to marry a military officer, the sisters opposed this choice and eventually forced their parents to let her break off the engagement. Tatiana herself never married, remaining faithful to her intellectual pursuits and the way of being that she and her sisters had developed.
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The elder Bakunin daughters, Varvara and Lyubov.
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The younger Bakunin daughters, Aleksandra and Tatiana.
In 1835, Mikhail was serving as an artillery officer in the Russian occupation of Poland. Inspired by his sisters’ rejection of their socially ordained role, Mikhail went AWOL and left the military. When he arrived home, Tatiana and Lyubov took him to Moscow to introduce him to their friends, including Nikolai Stankevich, a student of philosophy and the organizer of an independent reading group. Together, Nikolai, Mikhail, Tatiana, and the other Bakunin sisters studied, Kant, Fichte, and Hegel and began to develop the ideals for which Mikhail later became famous.
Tatiana also maintained passionate intellectual relations with Vissarion Belinski, one of the most influential critics in the history of Russian literature, and Ivan Turgenev, the author who popularized the concept of nihilism with his novel Fathers and Sons.
“My love does not fit in any of your categories. Call it folly or what you will. I was simply in love; and before I had realized it, I spent days which it is even now joy to remember… I lived with my whole heart and soul, every vein in me throbbed with life, everything around me was transfigured. Why must I now renounce all this?”
-Tatiana Bakunin, reflecting on her relationship with Turgenev in correspondence with her brother in the 1850s
After the repression of the revolutions of 1848, Mikhail Bakunin was captured and sentenced to death in three countries, then condemned to life imprisonment in Russia. Defying the hostility of the Russian government, Tatiana repeatedly visited him and smuggled secret messages out of the prison at great risk to herself. Petitioning the authorities, she and her mother eventually managed to effect Mikhail’s transfer to Siberia, from which he was ultimately to escape and resume his revolutionary activities. If not for Tatiana, Mikhail Bakunin’s name would also be unknown to us today.
In his contributions to the development of contemporary anarchism, Mikhail always emphasized the importance of women’s liberation. The credit for this is due to Tatiana and her sisters, who set an example by advocating for themselves and teaching him much of what he knew about self-emancipation. The best way we can honor Tatiana is by recognizing the important roles that all those whose names are unknown to us—the majority of them women—have played in history.
“Women almost everywhere are slaves, and we ourselves are the slaves of their bondage; without their liberation, without their complete, unlimited freedom, our freedom is impossible; and without freedom, there is no beauty, no dignity, no true love. We love only to the extent to which we desire and call for the freedom and independence of the other—total independence in relation to everything and even and especially in relation to ourselves. Love is the union of free beings and only this love uplifts, ennobles us. All other love disgraces the oppressed and the oppressor and is a source of depravity.”
-Mikhail Bakunin, letter to his siblings, May Day, 1845
Further Reading
The House in the Garden, The Bakunin Family and the Romance of Russian Idealism, John Randolph
Tatiana Bakounine : une famille russe au XXe siècle (video in French)
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cinaraslan · 2 years ago
18 Mayıs (30), 1814'te, Tver eyaleti, Novotorzhsky bölgesi, Pryamukhino köyünde, bir Rus devrimcisi, yayıncı, anarşizmin kurucularından biri, bir popülizm ideologu olan Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin asil bir ailede doğdu.
1829'dan beri Bakunin, St. Petersburg Topçu Okulu'nda okudu, orduda görev yaptı, ancak kısa süre sonra istifa etti ve Moskova'ya taşındı. 1835'te, etkisi altında Alman filozoflar I. Kant, J. G. Fichte ve G. W. F. Hegel'in eserleriyle ilgilenmeye başladığı yazar N. V. Stankevich'in çevresine katıldı. 1836'da Bakunin, Fichte'nin Bilim Adamlarının Atanması Üzerine Dersinin bir çevirisiyle basıldı. İlk özgün makalesi Hegel'in Gymnasium Speeches'idir. 1838'de "Moskova Gözlemcisi" nde yer alan Çevirmenin Önsözü", Stankevich çevresinin üyelerinin görüşlerini dile getirdi ve güncellenen derginin programıydı.
Bakunin İsviçre'de Alman filozof W. Weitling ile tanıştı ve ütopik sosyalizm ve onun eşitlikçi komünizm teorisiyle ilgilenmeye başladı. Hükümetin talebi üzerine Rusya'ya dönmeyi reddettiği için, asaletten, devletin tüm haklarından mahrum edildi ve Sibirya'da ağır çalışmaya başlaması durumunda gıyaben mahkum edildi. Bakunin, Alman filozoflar K. Marx ve F. Engels'in yanı sıra Fransız filozof P. J. Proudhon ile tanıştığı Paris'e taşındı.
1840'ların ortalarından. Bakunin, Slav halkları federasyonu oluşturma fikrini savundu ve kurtuluş Slav örgütlerinin faaliyetlerine katıldı. Paris'te, 1830-1831 Polonya ayaklanmasına katılan Polonyalı göçmenlerin bir toplantısında Bakunin, Rusya'daki devrimci hareketin beklentilerini iyimser bir şekilde değerlendirdiği ve ileri Rusya adına Polonyalılara çağrıda bulunduğu bir konuşma yaptı. tüm Slavların kurtuluşu adına bir ittifak oluşturmak. Rus hükümetinin ısrarı üzerine Fransa'dan sınır dışı edildi.
1848'de Bakunin, Habsburg İmparatorluğu'nun yıkılması ve Orta Avrupa'da Slav halklarının özgür bir federasyonunun yaratılması için çağrıda bulunduğu "Bir Rus Vatanseverinin Slav Halklarına Çağrısı" adlı bir manifesto hazırladı. Slav Kongresi'ne ve 1848 Prag ayaklanmasına katıldı, 1849 Dresden ayaklanmasının liderlerinden biriydi. Bakunin, devrimci faaliyetler nedeniyle iki kez ölüm cezasına çarptırıldı (Saksonya'da ve ardından Avusturya'da), her iki durumda da yerine ömür boyu hapis.
🏷️#narodnizm #anarşizm #anarşist #devrimciler #rusdevrimi #filozof 📌
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damianacpi · 4 years ago
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Libertad sin socialismo es privilegio e injusticia; Socialismo sin libertad es esclavitud y brutalidad
-Mijail Bakunin.
Un día como hoy mayo 30 de 1815 nació Mijail Bakunin en Pryamukhino, distrito de Torzhok, de la provincia rusa de Tver, Rusia.
Bakunin fue un teórico político y filósofo revolucionario anarquista. Se definió a si mismo como partidario convencido de la igualdad económica y social, amante fanático de la libertad.
“He considerado que el más sagrado de todos mis deberes era rebelarme contra toda opresión, fuera cual fuere el autor o la víctima”
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philosophers-en-blog · 7 years ago
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Mikhail Bakunin
This article is about the Russian anarchist. For the television character, see Characters of Lost. Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin (/bəˈkuːnɪn/; Russian: Михаил Александрович Бакунин; IPA: [mʲɪxɐˈil bɐˈkunʲɪn]; 30 May [O.S. 18 May] 1814 – 1 July 1876) was a Russian revolutionary anarchist, and founder of collectivist anarchism. He is considered among the most influential figures of anarchism, and one of the principal founders of the social anarchist tradition. Bakunin's enormous prestige as an activist made him one of the most famous ideologues in Europe, and he gained substantial influence among radicals throughout Russia and Europe. Bakunin grew up in Pryamukhino, a family estate in Tver Governorate, where he moved to study philosophy and began to read the French encyclopédistes, leading to enthusiasm for the philosophy of Fichte. From Fichte, Bakunin went on to immerse himself in the works of Hegel, the most influential thinker among German intellectuals at the time. That led to his embrace of Hegelianism, bedazzled by Hegel's famous maxim, "Everything that exists is rational." In 1840, Bakunin traveled to St. Petersburg and Berlin with the intention of preparing himself for a professorship in philosophy or history at the University of Moscow. In 1842, Bakunin moved from Berlin to Dresden. Eventually he arrived in Paris, where he met Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Karl Marx. Bakunin's increasing radicalism – including staunch opposition to imperialism in east and central Europe by Russia and other powers – changed his life, putting an end to hopes of a professorial career. He was eventually deported from France for speaking against Russia's oppression of Poland. In 1849, Bakunin was apprehended in Dresden for his participation in the Czech rebellion of 1848, and turned over to Russia where he was imprisoned in the Peter-Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg. He remained there until 1857, when he was exiled to a work camp in Siberia. Escaping to Japan, the US and finally ending up in London for a short time, he worked with Alexander Herzen on the journal Kolokol (The Bell). In 1863, he left to join the insurrection in Poland, but he failed to reach his destination and instead spent some time in Switzerland and Italy. In 1868, Bakunin joined the socialist International Working Men's Association, a federation of trade unions and workers' organizations, which had sections in many European countries, as well as in Latin America and (after 1872) in North Africa and the Middle East. The "Bakuninist" or anarcho-socialist trend rapidly expanded in influence, especially in Spain, which constituted the largest section of the International at the time. A showdown loomed with Marx, who was a key figure in the General Council of the International. The 1872 Hague Congress was dominated by a struggle between Marx and his followers, who argued for the use of the state to bring about socialism, and the Bakunin/anarchist faction, which argued instead for the replacement of the state by federations of self-governing workplaces and communes. Bakunin could not attend the congress, as he could not reach the Netherlands. Bakunin's faction present at the conference lost, and Bakunin was (in Marx's view) expelled for supposedly maintaining a secret organisation within the international. However, the anarchists insisted the congress was unrepresentative and exceeded its powers, and held a rival conference of the International at Saint-Imier in Switzerland in 1872. This repudiated the Hague meeting, including Bakunin's supposed expulsion. The great majority of sections of the International affiliated to the St. Imier body, making Marx's victory rather more illusory than pro-Marxist accounts suggest. The far larger Bakuninist international outlasted its small Marxist rival, which was isolated in New York; it also greatly facilitated the global spread of anarcho-socialism. In the International, as well as in his writings, Bakunin articulated the basic ideas of syndicalism and of anarchism, and developed the basic anarchist analysis and strategy. He had by this stage abandoned the anti-imperialist nationalism of his youth. From 1870 to 1876, Bakunin wrote some of his longer works, such as Statism and Anarchy and God and the State. Bakunin remained, however, a direct participant in struggles. In 1870, he was involved in an insurrection in Lyon, France, which foreshadowed the Paris Commune. The Paris Commune closely corresponded to many elements of Bakunin's anarchist programme – self-management, mandates delegates, a militia system with elected officers, and decentralisation. Anarchists like Élisée Reclus, and those in the tradition of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon – who had greatly influenced Bakunin – were key figures in the Commune. Despite declining health, much a result of his years of imprisonment, Bakunin also sought to take part in a communal insurrection involving anarchists in Bologna, Italy, but was forced to return to Switzerland in disguise, where he settled in Lugano. He remained active in the worker's and peasant's movements of Europe and was also a major influence on movements in Egypt and Latin America. More details Android, Windows
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lamoral-egmont · 8 years ago
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"People go to church for the same reasons they go to a tavern: to stupefy themselves, to forget their misery, to imagine themselves, for a few minutes anyway, free and happy" #MikhailBakunin #Михаил #Александрович #Бакунин #novelist #philosopher #Pryamukhino #Russia #Wisdom #Inspirational #Human #Dignity #Individual #Equal #Motivational #Leadership #Rights #Freedom #Knowledge #Church #Religion #Atheism #Libertarianism #Individual
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azar-blog1 · 13 years ago
На обратной дороге с Селигера я очень долго ныл и клянчил, так что тетя Ира все-таки свернула с основной дороги на 8 километров в сторону усадьбы Бакуниных (эта слабость стоила ей полноценного обеда и обернулась опозданием на Триумфальную площадь).
Мысль заехать в Прямухино едва ли возникла бы в моей голове, если бы не пьеса Стоппарда "Берег утопии" и одноименный спектакль в РАМТе.
Тургенев. На Унтер-ден-Линден, по дороге к нашему любимому кафе, Михаил описывал мне каждый уголок Премухина. Он только и говорит что о доме.
Тургенев. В Премухине вечное, идеальное чувствуется в каждом дуновении, как голос, который говорит тебе, что непостижимое счастье внутренней жизни куда выше банального человеческого счастья! А потом ты умираешь. В этой картине чего-то не хватает. Станкевич приблизился к разгадке незадолго до смерти. Он говорил: «Для счастья, оказывается, нужно немного реальности».
Белинский. И само это место, Премухино. Представь, раннее свежее утро: все чирикает и квакает, посвистывает и плещется, будто природа беседует сама с собой; и закат дышит – живой, как пламя… Там понимаешь, что Вечное и Универсальное может быть реальнее, чем твоя обыденная жизнь, чем эта комната и весь мир, замерший за ее окнами. Там начинаешь верить в возможность спасения и жизни там, в вышине, под покровом Абсолюта.
К сожалению, в отличие от Михайловского, Ясной Поляны, Мелехово или Спасского-Лутовиново в Прямухине царит запустение, и сохранившиеся постройки ветшают и разваливаются.
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Церковь XIX века, которую по проекту архитектора Львова (тот же, что спроектировал Борисоглебский монастырь в Торжке), строили Бакунины. Вроде как действующая, хотя по подъездной дорожке так не скажешь.
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Наиболее представительная часть усадьбы. Пока не дойдешь до остатков усадьбы, даже ожидаешь увидеть что-то грандиозное, но выясняется, что усадьба разваливается, а музей - это две комнаты с диваном, столом, стулом и унылыми советскими стендами с открытками и вырезками из газет.
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В советское время в Прямухино был колхоз им. Ульянова-Ленина. Построили среднюю школу, которую я от шокирующего несоответствия ее внешнего вида и представлений о Прямухина даже забыл сфотографировать.
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Южный флигель. Собственно все, что осталось от главного дома усадьбы, где жил Бакунин, бывали Герцен, Белинский, Станкевич, а позже Толстой и Горький.
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Вроде как сохранился еще и парк, но на деле он превратился в лес и гулять по нему нет никакой радости и смысла. Как рассказала работница музея, были еще красивые каскадные пруды, но их недавно осушили.
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Бакунин. Революция и есть тот Абсолют, который мы искали в Премухине. Мы к этому всегда стремились.
Tатьяна. Так странно… В Премухине Михаил никогда не интересовался политикой. Мы все были выше этого. Много выше.
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Hoy se cumplen 203 años del nacimiento de Mijaíl Aleksándrovich Bakunin (Михаил Александрович Бакунин en ruso y Miguel Bakuninen español)(1815-1876) nacio en Pryamukhino, Torzhok, Imperio ruso, el 30 de mayo de 1815  y murió en  Berna, Suiza, 1 de julio de 1876, fue un anarquista ruso. Es posiblemente el más conocido de la primera generación de filósofos anarquistas y está considerado uno de los padres de este pensamiento, dentro del cual defendió la tesis colectivista y el ateísmo.
“Todo aquél que desee sinceramente la paz y la justicia internacional debería renunciar de una vez y para siempre a lo que se llama la gloria, el poder y la grandeza de la patria, a todos los intereses egoístas y vanos del patriotismo
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Mijaíl Alexandrovich Bakunin (Vida y obra)
Hoy 30 de mayo de 2017 se cumplen 202 años del nacimiento de Mijaíl Aleksándrovich Bakunin (Михаил Александрович Бакунин en ruso y Miguel Bakuninen español) nacio en Pryamukhino, Torzhok, Imperio ruso, el 30 de mayo de 1815  y murió en  Berna, Suiza, 1 de julio de 1876, fue un anarquista ruso. Es posiblemente el más conocido de la primera generación de filósofos anarquistas y está considerado uno de los padres de este pensamiento, dentro del cual defendió la tesis colectivista y el ateísmo.
“Todo aquél que desee sinceramente la paz y la justicia internacional debería renunciar de una vez y para siempre a lo que se llama la gloria, el poder y la grandeza de la patria, a todos los intereses egoístas y vanos del patriotismo”
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lamoral-egmont · 8 years ago
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"The liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the laws of nature because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever, human or divine, collective or individual" #MikhailBakunin #Михаил #Александрович #Бакунин #novelist #philosopher #Pryamukhino #Russia #Wisdom #Inspirational #Human #Dignity #Individual #Equal #Motivational #Leadership #Rights #Freedom #Knowledge #Law #Liberty #Libertarianism #Individual
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lamoral-egmont · 8 years ago
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"Nationality is not a universal human principle but an historical, local fact...Every nation, even a small one, has its own character, its own particular way of life and manner of speaking, feeling, thinking, and behaving. These distinctive features are the essence of nationality, the product of a nation's entire history and conditions of existence. Every nation, like every individual, is of necessity what it is, and has an unquestionable right to be itself. So-called national rights consist precisely of this" #MikhailBakunin #Михаил #Александрович #Бакунин #novelist #philosopher #Pryamukhino #Russia #Wisdom #Inspirational #Human #Nationality #Individual #Equal #Motivational #Leadership #Rights #Freedom #Knowledge #Nations #Essence #Existence #Libertarianism #Individual
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lamoral-egmont · 8 years ago
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"From the naturalistic point of view, all men are equal. There are only two exceptions to this rule of naturalistic equality: geniuses and idiots" #MikhailBakunin #Михаил #Александрович #Бакунин #novelist #philosopher #Pryamukhino #Russia #Wisdom #Inspirational #Human #Dignity #Individual #Equal #Motivational #Leadership #Rights #Freedom #Knowledge #Government #Liberty #Libertarian #Libertarianism #Individual
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lamoral-egmont · 8 years ago
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"All religions, with their gods, their demigods, and their prophets, their messiahs and their saints, were created by the credulous fancy of men who had not attained the full development and full possession of their faculties" #MikhailBakunin #Михаил #Александрович #Бакунин #novelist #philosopher #Pryamukhino #Russia #Wisdom #Inspirational #Human #Dignity #Individual #Equal #Motivational #Leadership #Rights #Freedom #Knowledge #Church #Religion #Atheism #Libertarianism #Individual
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