yardenercom ยท 1 year
Pruning the Peach
Pruning the Peach tree is crucial for the quality and size of the fruit. Cut out all dead branches and remove wood that produced fruit last year. Thin out branches throughout the tree to even its balance, always favor new growth.
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A healthy Peach tree will set a large amount of fruit after pruning. Cut back 1/3 of new growth and aim for fruiting branches to be about 1 foot apart over the top of the tree. The shape of the tree should be funnel-like, allowing sunlight to penetrate all parts of the tree.
During early June, Peach trees go through a reduction process where they drop a portion of their unripe fruit. If caught by a frost, cut back even to 2-3 year old wood to prevent disease. Heavy pruning of winter or frost-injured trees can lead to their death, so be cautious.
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