#Prompted by his showboating line in kony talking about getting Saturday night with the mayors daughter
races-stupid-cigar · 10 months
Kid Blink is the kinda guy to extremely over compensate when it comes to his bisexuality going over board on his love of women thinking that if he forgets he likes men too he will be able to forget he can't even get being a man right in the first place that maybe if he tries to pretend to be a straight guy he will at least get the guy part down because that's better than his insecurities telling him hes just a confused girl
But there's Mush with his goofy grin and moral compass head and how much he truly cares for Blink through all his ups and downs Mush want to be there with him all of him he just can't ignore that no matter how much he wants to so yeah with the other guys it's all about dames and lady's but at the end of the day Mush is his one and only
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