#Professional Snagging Inspection
gtabloggerperfect · 1 year
When To Set Up A Home Inspection For Newly Built Homes
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Congratulations! You've just purchased your dream home - a newly built house, fresh off the construction line. It's easy to assume that everything is perfectly built and up to date since it's brand new, right?  ​ Well, not always. Even with new constructions, there can be hidden issues that might not be apparent at first glance. That's why setting up property snagging inspection for your newly built home is a crucial step in ensuring a safe and trouble-free living experience.
1. Pre-Drywall Inspection - Timing is Key! One of the best times to schedule a home inspection for a newly built house is before the drywall is installed. At this stage, the house's skeleton is exposed, revealing the internal systems, such as electrical wiring, plumbing, and HVAC. 
A pre-drywall inspection allows the inspector to detect potential issues that might be difficult to address once everything is sealed behind the drywall. It's an opportunity to ensure that the builder has followed the appropriate building codes and quality standards.
2. Peace of Mind - Nothing Beats It! As excited as you might be about your new home, an inspection can provide peace of mind. Having a qualified inspector thoroughly evaluate the property will reassure you that you're making a sound investment and that you won't encounter any nasty surprises later on. Even though the home is new, there might be minor issues that need fixing before you move in, saving you time, money, and headaches down the road.
3. Builder's Warranty - Understand Your Coverage Many newly built homes come with a builder's warranty that covers certain aspects of the property for a limited period. Scheduling a home inspection before the warranty expires can help identify any defects or deficiencies that you can then ask the builder to address under the warranty terms. This proactive approach ensures you take full advantage of your warranty and get the most out of your investment.
4. Detecting Hidden Issues - The Inspector's Superpower Home inspectors of any certified snagging company are trained to spot potential problems that might go unnoticed by the untrained eye. These issues could include faulty wiring, improper installation of fixtures, leaks, or even structural problems. Addressing these concerns early on can prevent them from escalating into major headaches later. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine!
5. Energy Efficiency and Comfort - No Compromises! A new home should be energy-efficient and comfortable to live in. A home inspection can help ensure that the insulation is properly installed, windows are adequately sealed, and heating and cooling systems are functioning optimally. An energy-efficient home not only saves you money on utility bills but also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle.
6. Getting to Know Your Home - An Informative Experience A home inspection isn't just about uncovering issues; it's also an educational opportunity. Accompanying the inspector during the inspection allows you to learn more about your new home, its systems, and maintenance requirements. This knowledge empowers you to take better care of your property and make informed decisions in the future.
7. Negotiating Power - Knowledge is Key In some cases, a home inspection report might reveal significant issues that the builder needs to address. Armed with this information, you can negotiate repairs or even a price reduction with the builder. A home inspection report is a valuable tool that can help you protect your investment and ensure you're getting the best possible deal.
Finally, scheduling a home inspection with the best snagging company for your newly built home is a wise decision that offers numerous benefits. From detecting hidden issues to understanding your property better, a thorough inspection sets the foundation for a happy and hassle-free homeownership experience. Don't wait until problems arise; take the initiative and invest in the security and longevity of your dream home today!
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julieverne · 8 days
Jane went to Maura's after, because of course she did. That's just where she went after she closed a case, or got out of hospital, or at the end of a day. It was where she was welcome.
"I could kill a beer," Jane said, closing the door behind her. A moment later she was shoved up against it by a tiny but furious Maura.
"You went in without backup," Maura hissed, and Jane knew that wasn't supposed to be hot but by god the fire in her eyes was burning her alive. Maura's hands frisked her, tickling Jane a little where they pushed up her shirt, where they brushed against the nape of her neck, where they grazed her throat to lift Jane's head, then tugged at her jaw to scan Jane's face.
Something in Jane's eyes stopped Maura, made her step away, walking backwards to the kitchen and leaning back against the counter. Jane came towards her, then veered over the fridge where she hoped a Blue Moon was calling her name.
A moment later she was shoved against it, one arm pulled behind her like she was a perp, her face jammed against the cool glass door.
Anyone else she would fight. But she felt Maura taking her cuffs and gun, effectively disarming her, and she let it happen, let Maura's hands wander her hips and pull up her shirt at the back, running over Jane's skin and leaving a trail of fire in the wake of her fingers. Her arm wasn't uncomfortably ratched behind her, and she was pitifully damp at this minor display of aggression.
She loved Maura. She loved kind Maura, who tended her wounds with soft eyes. She liked sad Maura, who clung to Jane as she wept. She loved smart Maura, who had an encyclopaedia for a brain. She loved professional Maura, who was impeccable in every way. She loved elegant Maura, dressed to impress. She loved casual Maura, wearing Jane's clothes and drinking one of Jane's beers in Jane's dinky little condo after a long day. She loved sleepy Maura, who fell asleep in Jane's bed like she felt safe there. And she loved fierce, angry Maura, with her flashing eyes and harsh tone.
So she let Maura do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. It was never anything like this, although the results were interesting. Jane loved Maura, but she hadn't wanted to consider what the warmth heating her chest and underwear might mean.
"Show me," Maura growled. Jane's knees buckled and Maura let go of her then.
"I'm okay," Jane said, using the opportunity to snag the beer she craved. She popped it and drank thirstily, seeing how Maura followed the trail of the amber liquid down Jane's throat exposed to her. She almost choked; the look in Maura's eyes was so fierce and and... distraught. "I'm fine," Jane said quickly, too quickly, dribbling beer down the front of her shirt. She put the beer on the counter, seeing how Maura moved away from her now with wary eyes, expecting retribution. It made Jane sad, that Maura thought Jane would try to hurt or restrain her in any way. Maura should spank Jane and Jane would simply thank her for the pleasure of the touch of her hand. Maura could cuff Jane and Jane would simply melt. Maura could frisk her and restrain her and Jane would simply comfort her.
Like she was trying to now. Jane sighed and lifted her shirt over her head. Blood had started to seep through it anyway, and it mingled with the beer.
"I was wearing my vest, like you asked me to when I don't have backup."
Maura's hand was on her instantly, moving the edge of Jane's undershirt out of the way to inspect the bandage, to peel back a corner of it and examine the wound. Bruised and a butterfly stitch. Right over her heart.
Maura leaned into Jane's sore chest. "I'm so sick of you getting shot." Maura's voice was so low and small that Jane barely heard her.
"It's not like I enjoy it either," Jane bluffed; the only moments she felt alive were when someone tried to take her life. Or moments like this, where Maura was so soft and vulnerable, speaking about what was between them carefully so Jane wouldn't pull away from her. Jane wrapped her arms around Maura instead, pulling her closer despite her lack of shirt. She rubbed Maura's back and felt her shoulder shake as she started to cry. She'd been so mad, so upset. And she was still upset. Maura never got mad at anyone the way she got mad at Jane, and Jane figured it was because she could take it. Maura wasn't worried about their relationship the way she was with everyone else either; she was angry with Arthur and Constance and Paddy and Hope and sometimes even Angela, but she only ever lost her temper with Jane because she knew Jane would never abandon her.
It was a blessing and a curse.
"I'm sorry," Jane said gently, pressing a kiss against Maura's head. She could do that when Maura was upset; they never talked about it afterwards, how much Maura needed from Jane, how much Jane gave her.
Maura pulled away and tried to compose herself.
"And I'm sorry for the uncouth way I greeted you."
Jane brushed a tear away from Maura's cheek, then cupped her face and kissed her forehead.
"I'm hard to love," Jane joked, recalling an old conversation they'd once had.
"It's the easiest thing I've ever done." Maura wouldn't meet Jane's eyes until Jane tilted her chin up. Even then she tried to evade Jane's gaze, closing her eyes tight until Jane's lips slowly brushed hers for the first time. She didn't pull away or gasp or yell or scream like Jane had imagined it so many times. She just accepted Jane's lips against hers and pressed back, just as gently, just as insecure in their affection.
She tasted like the cotton candy lip balm she used when she was sad and trying to cheer herself up. She felt so good in Jane's arms, so warm and perfectly soft and short enough to hold all of her at once. And she kissed Jane like she'd never been kissed before. She kissed like she knew Jane was as scared as she was but was being brave, her hands clasping Jane at the hips, her thumb beneath Jane's belt and burning a hole into Jane's skin beneath it. She kissed Jane like it was the most interesting, important thing she'd ever done.
She kissed Jane like she knew everything about her and loved her anyway. She kissed Jane like it was easy, like it was inevitable, and Jane supposed it was.
Jane pulled away slowly and reluctantly. Although she was responding to the kiss, it wasn't the sort of kiss that had them tearing each other's clothes off. It was built from tension and anxiety and concern and love, not from desire or lust.
"I'm sorry," Jane said again, aware suddenly that the kiss might have been unwelcome, unwilling to think why she'd been so bold as to take something that hadn't been offered. Not wanting to address the elephant in the room - not the literal elephant ornament Maura had imported from Africa, one she knew a large amount about - but Jane's ever-present crush on Maura, Jane's big gay crush on her best friend, the crush that was crushing her.
"The only reason to be sorry is if you didn't mean it." Maura's eyes finally met hers, still wet and sad but also focused and fierce. "Did you mean it?"
Jane hesitated; she wasn't ready to admit how much she'd meant it, how much Maura meant to her. Maura shoved her back against the fridge again and Jane's knees buckled from the growl that came from Maura's throat as she awaited an answer, not a single ounce of patience left in her body.
"I asked you a question." Maura's eyes were dark and angry, but beneath that was the insecurity Jane had always seen in them, the fear Maura had that she wasn't good enough.
Unable to speak, Jane nodded quickly. "Yes," she managed to rasp out. "More than anything, yes."
Maura's fingers crept to the wound on Jane's chest and covered it again, apparently satisfied with the job the medics had done. She pressed a little kiss atop the bandage once she replaced it, over Jane's heart.
"Good." Maura picked up Jane's beer and swigged from it in a very unladylike manner. "You're filthy. You should shower. Keep the bandage dry."
Maura had gone from a feral, possessive creature to a stoic housewife in a moment. Her eyes had flashed gold, her teeth sharp, her fingers digging deliciously into Jane's skin, and now she had finished off Jane's beer - a beer she had very much been looking forward to - as though nothing had happened.
Perhaps she was doing this for Jane's sake; perhaps she was giving Jane a chance to regroup and take it back.
But it was out there now. Jane couldn't take it back. She didn't want to, either. She'd just stared down the barrel of thirty-odd years of sexual repression and she couldn't stand a moment more. She rounded on Maura the way a wolf bore down on prey: her hackles raised and her mouth watering. Maura stared at her so unimpressed that Jane gave up before her hand could reach for Maura.
"I - I could use some medical supervision."
"In the shower?" Maura's eyebrows quirked up and Jane leaned in and kissed one quickly.
"To prevent infection," Jane said, half-remembering the medic's instructions.
Maura's eyes roamed over Jane again, her eyebrows the only things to give her away. Maura's breath rushed out of her and her shoulders crumbled.
"Did you really - did you really just kiss me?"
Jane nodded shyly, and Maura deflated again.
"I thought so, but I've imagined it so many times I couldn't tell if it was real."
It was Jane's eyebrow's turn to raise in surprise. Maura blushed deeply.
"Why now? After all this time? I'd given up."
Jane took a deep breath. "Something to do with the way you treated me like a perp." She blushed as Maura considered her words, the implication that Jane found a forceful Maura in control so hot that she hadn't been able to resist a moment longer. "It felt like you were already angry so I might as well risk it."
"I'm sorry I was so rough with you."
"Don't be. I'm a big girl. I won't break."
Jane saw Maura's eyes darken then, saw Maura's stomach clench beneath her skin-tight dress.
"We need a safe word," Maura cautioned her, and Jane sighed with relief. They'd talk more, later. Jane's eyes caught sight of the fruit bowl.
Maura's eyebrows wrinkled in confusion.
"Knock knock," Jane said.
"Who's there?"
"Banana. Knock knock."
"Banana who?"
"No, I said knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Banana. Knock knock."
"You already said banana."
Jane sighed, filled with long-suffering regret.
"Knock knock."
"Jane if you-" Maura cut herself off and sighed too. "Who's there?"
Maura paused, unimpressed. Jane grabbed herself another beer and gestured for Maura to take the cue.
"Orange who?"
"Orange you glad I didn't say banana?"
Maura huffed in frustration, took Jane's beer and downed it with one long pull before pushing Jane against the fridge again.
"You'll regret that," Maura said, her voice low and husky.
"Promise?" Jane rasped out, her knees weak again as Maura kissed her. Maura chuckled lowly, and Jane wondered if she would survive the night. She'd faced an armed perp a few hours ago, but the feel of Maura's body against her was what was slowly killing her.
"I notice you didn't invoke any fruit," Maura said a few hours later, her fingers tracing a delicious pattern over Jane's bare back. Maura had taken charge in every single way and Jane couldn't be happier.
"Orange you glad I didn't say banana?" Jane asked, then laughed as Maura pinned her to the bed beneath her, her teeth already scraping across Jane's throat again.
It turned out pissing off the Chief Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts paid off with dividends.
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
✨WIP Wednesday✨
Thank you for the tag @starrylothcat , @dystopicjumpsuit , @deejadabbles , @anxiouspineapple99 , and @sinfulsalutations 🥰 y’all really delivered today, and I have been reading them in between calls at work. It’s made my day go by so much faster 🤩🤩🤩
It’s sfw, but kinda long because of dialogue, so under the cut it goes 😌
From my Fives x Reader x Kix WIP:
“I’m impressed,” Rex said, “All of you made it back, and none of you look worse for wear.”
“Some of us made it back better than others,” Jesse said with a knowing smirk. Fives shot him a look.
Rex raised a brow, but turned to leave the room, when a sparkle caught his eye. He strode purposefully to Fives’s bunk, and lifted your glittering shoes to inspect them.
“Didn’t know you liked sequins, Fives,” He said with a smirk.
“I’ve, uh, been known to…explore alternative footwear on shore leave,” Fives stammered out.
“Makes sense, except for the fact that these aren’t our size…”
“I like em…snug,” Fives replied.
You would have smacked your forehead if the sound wouldn’t have alerted Rex to your presence.
Rex rolled his eyes and placed your shoes neatly back under the edge, and Fives thought he was in the clear.
You were holding your breath, waiting for Rex to leave, so you could sneak out when he chuckled.
“And what do we have here?” Rex asked.
From the wolf whistles that sounded around the room, you could just imagine your lacy panties dangling from your captain’s gloved fingers.
“Do you also like to match your underwear to your shoes?” Rex asked.
“Occasionally?” Fives answered, but it sounded like more of a question.
“Judging by the color, I’d wager these belong to a certain medic, who I couldn’t find this morning.” Rex’s footsteps tell you he’s walking around the bed, stopping right in front of you. You don’t dare breathe. You hear his armor shifting, as he kneels next to the bed. There’s a rush of cold air, as he lifts the blanket, and grins at you.
“You might need these, little one,” he says offering you the panties.
“Thank you, Captain,” you say, keeping your tone professional despite the circumstances, as you take the underwear and shove them under Fives’s pillow.
“You’re quite welcome,” he replies, lowering the blanket to shield you from view.
“I’m going to head to my quarters for exactly 3 minutes. When I make the rounds again, I expect everyone and their belongings will be in the appropriate location,” Rex said striding purposefully out of the room.
Once the door shut behind him, the room at large burst into laughter. Your face was on fire, as you slid out of Five’s bunk, and the heat only intensified as the boys started clapping and cheering.
You leaned down to snag your shoes, and pressed a kiss over Fives’s tattoo.
“I’ll see you later,” you whispered before turning and strolling out of the room with your head held high, as you waved to the boys.
tagging: @wings-and-beskar @ladyzirkonia @sunshinesdaydream @fives-girlfriend @dukeoftheblackstar @mary-on-the-contrary @the-cantina and everyone else with a wip that’s ready to share 👀
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masterserris · 7 months
The Missing Piece
Ficlet Mysterio x OC for @hollowsart
Damn that Spider-Man!! Beck had barely escaped from their encounter on the streets of Manhattan, his costume tattered from the broken glass when he was slammed into the side of a parked car.
But that wasn't the only thing, he was missing one of his gauntlets. Now, to other rogues, this wasn't such a big deal, buying equipment on the black market was a regular chore, but for Mysterio, all of his gear was handmade. He had spent painstaking hours crafting all of his gadgets and even placed small homing trackers in parts of them so he could always retrieve it later.
After nursing his new cuts and bruises, he was doing just that: tracking down his lost glove, but it was completely gone, and not just from the police grabbing evidence. The tracking app he had installed was not giving him any signal for the missing piece. Frustrated, he began to search the area for any clues. What he didn't know was that he had a secret admirer.
Up in one of the apartments a block away was a girl who had watched the whole battle. In fact, when she could, she loved to see Mysterio in action. He was a showman! His booming voice, his grandiose gestures and fantastical illusions, his physique in keeping up with a super human, and his meticulous fashion sense. He was the whole package. He was cunning and smart, he was brave when he needed to be and sly when he didn't. He was a professional and she was smitten with him. Was it weird? To see this otherworldly man and fall in love? He was a super villain, a member of the Sinister Six! A bank robber! It didn't matter much to her, he wasn't like the Red Skull or any other genocidal freaks. He was a man who lacked recognition and respect from the world, and if someone could give him even a little bit of it, she would. Even if it was in secret.
Her walls had a few sketches of him, some posters of their famous battles, and most recently, she managed to grab something a little more substantial to add to her gallery: his gauntlet. Now, she wasn't think of ever reselling it or using it on her own, oh no. She had a little stand for it and carefully cleaned the grime from every nook and cranny upon its surface. It sparkled and shimmered in the light with its golden hue, resting on its custom stand. Maybe next time she could snag one of his famous eye clasps or a hologram projector!
Ah, that was just wishful thinking. And if anything, if she could meet him.. oh, how her heart would flutter! Silly dreams of a silly girl, she snapped out of these fantasies as her doorbell rang.
Quentin had been walking the streets in irritation trying to pick up any signal, any clues to his missing gauntlet, but the tracker must have gotten busted in the fight. He was about to give up when something caught his eye; glancing up he saw a glimmer of gold through one of the windows and upon further inspection, it was unmistakably his missing armor!!
"So, someone /did/ steal it! Damned thieves, taking /my/ hard work! Bad enough dealing with the Spider, now this," he thought to himself, thoroughly ticked off at the situation he found himself in. With a sigh he left to change his attire into a different civilian role, a plan forming in his mind.
He had to get into that apartment, but busting in was not ideal, especially not in his currently injured state. Instead, he could pose as building maintenance and simply ring up and bullshit his way into the space, then when the owner was distracted he would just grab the armor and bolt. Simple enough, right? That particular place looked to be... the 5th floor? South side? Easy enough to track down.
When Acedia opened the door she was greeted with a man in his thirties, mole upon his face and dark hair in a bowl cut. Quentin was wearing dark blue coveralls and holding a tool box. One he was hoping to use to put his gauntlet in for his escape. He had used fake contacts to change his eyes and some prosthetics to alter his nose and chin. He was a wanted man and couldn't often be himself in public anymore, at least not when talking to someone one on one who might recognize him.
"Hello miss, forgive the sudden intrusion, but I received an alert. Your unit is in need of an emergency fix with the ventilation, mind if a take a look inside?
This was a bit strange, she never had an issue with her heating or cooling and certainly never asked for any help with her vents.
"U-uhm, are you sure you have the right unit? I haven't had any problems, maybe you want the neighbo--"
"N-no, miss! I am sure it is this unit that is in need of repair! It shouldn't take too much of your time, just a few minutes." Beck gestured towards her bedroom. "I believe perhaps in there could be a blockage, which is very dangerous. You don't want carbon monoxide poisoning, right? I have to do my job here." Now he was really bullshitting.
Carbon monoxide? On the 5th floor? Only her unit? She gave him a raised eyebrow at that. He was trying hard now to keep his cool, his fists clenched and his face forced into a serious frown when he wanted nothing more than to sneer and tell her off, tell her exactly what he thought of her stealing his hard work! Play it cool, Becky, play it cool.
Acedia relented and let him inside, but felt profoundly awkward about having someone else in her home. Especially her bedroom, oh lord, he was going to see her artwork! Her, uh, interest in Mysterio! Hopefully he wouldn't notice.
Quentin stiffly walked past her and opened the door to her room only to be smacked straight in the face with sensory overload. Dozens of photos, drawings, and posters of him lined her walls, meticulously curated with quite the artistic flair. He must admit... she did capture his better angles. Goodness, were his thighs really that thick? Is that how others saw him? He had to hide his shock and keep himself from blushing and instead spotted what he was looking for, his glove. But she was standing right behind him, he couldn't just snatch it and run with her in the way. Instead, he would force himself to walk over to the vent under her window and take out a screw driver to open it, pretending to inspect it.
Oh gosh, she noticed that. How he froze a bit at the sight of her room. She was glad he didn't remark on it and just got to work, but she was very flustered and turning bright red in the face and ears. "S-s-sorry about the, er, mess, haha, I just have been working on my art and Mysterio is very, um-- artistic! Yeah, he is very colorful and does a lot of battles around here so, he makes for good practice, yeah!"
Ouch, that was... not a smooth excuse.
"Y-yeah? Is that so? I heard he was an actor, or tried to be one. Didn't work out so good," Beck mused out loud. He wasn't sure what to make of this girl, she was a... a fan?? Clearly, look at the state he was in right now!
"T-they must have made a mistake!! He is a showman, I'm s-sure if they gave him more of a chance he would have made many movies! Er, probably!" She balled her hands around the bottom of her sweater, she couldn't help but defend him, but this was too much.
What Beck needed was for her to exit the room so he could snatch it and walk out, but hearing her defend him made his heart do a bit of a backflip. Someone... liked his work?
"He did do some films, have you seen them?"
"Y-yes, of course, I-I mean... I..." Acedia was getting too embarrassed and excused herself from the room. Perfect. All he needed to do was put it in the bag and... oh. She had cleaned it. Cleaned it very well, it was polished and oiled and everything! Quentin was bewildered at the sight, causing him to pause. He was about to put it in his bag when she walked back in, staring at him. Caught red handed. Ah hell.
"W-what are you doing??"
Quentin pulled the prosthetics off his face and took out the contacts. He tried to puff out his chest and give her a stern look.
"I am taking back what is mine. I am Mysterio!" He announced with a flourish, trying to intimidate his way out of this. It might have worked on any other would be thief, but his gamble didn't pay off as he thought. She stood there, shocked, in disbelief, and then recognition. He /was/ Mysterio! Right in front of him! Quentin held his pose but felt his face going bright red. Ah fuck.
"L-look this is mine and I need it back, alright? I am grateful to have such an.. adoring fan, but I need it."
"..You're.... you're really Mysterio!" She stammered. He felt himself getting warm from the embarrassment rising in his chest. She was gushing now, she loved his work! Loved his style, loved... him!
"Yes I am Mysterio, I just told you that!" He gazed back at the drawings. He really should just bolt now while he had the chance, but something held him back. He.. really had a fan. Someone who loved him, loved his work. Not just the idea of him, but actually him. She wasn't off put at all by his real face, if anything she seemed more excited than ever. No, he should leave. Now. But.... he didn't. He stayed.
"I'm sorry I couldn't fix it completely for you, I-I cleaned it up though! I didn't mean to steal it from you, I just... It's /so/ cool!"
Beck looked down at the gauntlet, appreciating the hard work she had done to clean it. "Yes, you did... a really good job actually. It's not your fault, it's Spider-Man's for busting it and throwing it across the street. I... it's all right," he reassured her.
Acedia breathed a sigh of relief, still nervous and excited that he was really here in front of him!
"I.. I do like your movies, b-by the way. I have them all." She pointed to the living room to her TV. She had a shelf of DVDs and when he peered at it, he could definitely see some of his titles in there.
"Those aren't easy to get. They only made so many," he observed. Making up his mind, he set the gauntlet down and went to inspect her collection instead. It was... remarkable! "You have good taste," he complimented. She blushed at that, but let him be. She was the weird one here having a collection, a shrine dedicated to him almost. Like some sort of stalker, but she wasn't she really wasn't! How was it any different from someone having their favorite movie posters on their walls? Or favorite action heroes? She never expected him to someday turn up at her door!
"Sorry, I never introduced myself, my name is Acedia. D-do you w-want something to drink? Water?"
Quentin glanced up at her and smiled. "Yes, actually, today has been a lot. It's... nice to finally meet a fan," he admitted. Beck could use a rest. He sat down on the sofa and felt his body ache. He unzipped his coveralls a bit to look at his bandaged shoulder, making sure it didn't get loose. He had been fighting then looking for his gauntlet all day, he hadn't had a moment to sit and rest. She came back with the water and noticed his cuts.
"He really roughed you up this time didn't he?" Becky nodded with a wince as he readjusted it. "Hold on, let me get my first aid kit, I can take a look at it for you."
"Oh, nono, I'm alright--"
"No, you aren't!" She insisted. He relented. He was a good actor but a bad liar. He was not feeling great and had only done a quick patch job before heading out again. She came back and took a better look at his wounds, disinfecting them and stitching him back together. "Better?" She asked.
"Better." He watched her work, her small hands quick but strong, precise and thorough. Her skin was... soft and hair hair and eyes were gentle. His one and only admirer. "Thank you," he said at last, as she cleaned up. She beamed a smile at him and he felt his heart melt.
"I uh.. umm..." The words died in his mouth, he didn't know what to say but he wanted to say something!
The feeling was mutual, words were hard to come by when your emotions ran so strongly. She chanced the opportunity to sit a little closer to him, which he accepted, blushing. Now or never, Acedia. Go for it! She gambled and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"T-there! Now we are even!"
Quentin sat there stunned and lovestruck. Her lips were so warm and nice. With his hand he tenderly moved a lock of hair from her face and leaned in for his own kiss. His lips met hers and she weaved her arms around his broad back, accepting him, loving him. They couldn't help themselves as they made out, his body leaning down on top of hers. Did... she just land her dream boyfriend? He could always stay the night if he wanted, her fated meeting.
She was glad she found that gauntlet earlier today. It brought her a much more precious treasure, and Quentin himself had found something irreplaceable.
(Fin for now, but implied intimacy is there. They def got together ya know.)
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jahayla-parker · 5 months
The Master Part 1
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Ringing Introductions
Y/n polished of the engraved ring, a prop for the lead of the movie she was working on. She was in Barcelona as part of the Uncharted prop department. And as such, she was overseeing the ring that Tom Holland would be wearing on a necklace chain for the entire duration of the movie. As she inspected the item, she saw her friend and co-worker Olivia approach.
“God, can I be the one to hand that to him?” Olivia asked rhetorically, her voice bubbly.
“What? The ring?” Y/n clarified, lifting up said item. When Olivia nodded, y/n raised an eyebrow and turned to her friend. “You want to give it to Tom? Why?” She questioned cluelessly.
Olivia scoffed lightly at y/n’s question. “He’s so unbelievably hot and,” she began, pausing as she leaned closer to y/n. “I bet he’s really good with his hands,” she winked with a smirk. “I wanna see them up close to be sure,” she concluded.
Y/n mentally rolled her eyes but maintained her professionalism and simply shook her head. There was no doubt that the lead, Tom, was really good looking. Not to mention fit. After all, y/n had helped with some of the costuming pieces since her work with the props sometimes went hand in hand. But, y/n didn’t care for the way Olivia was seemingly implying that was all there was to him. Y/n may not know Tom, but Olivia was reducing their coworker to a sex object and that didn’t sit well with y/n. She politely told Olivia that she couldn’t be the one to give it to Tom. While it was mostly for Tom’s sake, as y/n figured no one would want someone treating them like that, much less at work, she explained her decision to Olivia with some of the lesser reasons. She shyly told Olivia that what she was suggesting wasn’t appropriate but still further justified her choice to give Tom the ring herself by explaining that she needed to make sure it fit just right. It was true technically, as the director wanted it to hang a certain length down Tom’s chest and she isn’t sure if she got it right or not by sight guessing.
Olivia clearly wasn’t pleased, but didn’t say anything more in argument about the matter. Instead, she watched as y/n excused herself and made her way over to where Tom and his personal assistant were.
Y/n was studying the ring in her hands as she approached Tom. The cast was about to film one of the first scenes in the movie but hadn’t started yet, so it was the perfect time to give him the prop. As she analyzed the engravings she’d made on the metal, she felt her the toes of her shoes snag on something under her feet. Before she could do anything to stop her from completely tripping, her body began to fall toward. She closed her eyes as she prepared for her face to slam into the ground. Only, something, or someone, stopped her.
Y/n nervously opened her eyes and saw someone’s muscular arm had caught her and stopped her fall. She reluctantly traced the arm back until she could see who had saved her. She felt her face heat up and her eyes enlarged as they met Tom’s worried gaze. “I… thank you Mr. Holland,” she whispered shyly as she allowed him to help her stand up right again. “I’m sorry, I’m a major klutz,” she admitted with a bashful expression.
Tom shook his head and chuckled lightly. “It’s alright darling, but you don’t have to call me that,” he promised. Upon seeing the woman was still embarrassed, he gave her a lopsided smile. “Besides, I’m a klutz too at times,” he added sweetly.
Y/n bit her lip but smiled at Tom appreciatively. She nodded silently and nervously looked around his face, uncertain what to say or do now that she’d made a fool of herself. And not just in front of most of the crew, but also directly in front of the lead actor on the set. Of course she had. She laughed timidly as she glanced down at her feet, not realizing her action made her coworker smile at her.
“So, by the way, I’m,-“ Tom began, ready to introduce himself to his undeniably beautiful coworker. Only, he was cut off when their director, Ruben Fleischer, called for the set to be quiet. Tom knew this meant they were about to begin the next scene, one he had been excited to start. Only, now it made him a bit frustrated as he’d hoped to at least have gotten the name of his shy coworker before going back to shooting. Unfortunately, the woman didn’t seem to pick up on what he’d been trying to do before Ruben cut him off. As, instead of introducing herself, she simply took hold of Tom’s left hand with her slightly-shaking hands and gently set something inside of it before whispering another shy apology and rushing backstage. Tom frowned slightly but looked down at the item in his hand and smiled. Whatever her name was, she’d done an excellent job at designing the prop ring to the exact details he knew the one his character owned should have on it. He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander in the direction she’d ran off as he made his way back to the taped mark on the floor- where he was expected to stand to start the next scene.
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“Soph,” y/n groaned, looking away from her coworker and friend Sophia Ali, who was one of the leads for the Uncharted movie. “It was so embarrassing,” she huffed.
Olivia simply continued to laugh while Sophia shook her head lightheartedly. Sophia moved closer to y/n and rubbed her back. “I mean, it’s not a big deal girly,” she promised sweetly. “That is, unless you have a crush on him,” she teased, but her eyes held an unspoken inquisitive gleam.
“I barely know him,” y/n laughed as she shook her head at her friend’s teasing remark. “But that’s precisely the problem”.
“You having a crush on him?” Olivia asked, suddenly participating in the conversation.
Y/n gave her friend an annoyed glance, not knowing that Olivia was genuine in her wonderment over the idea of y/n liking Tom. “I just said I don’t even know him, so no,” she pointed out, adding a little laugh to the end of her statement to soften the words so it didn’t come out harsh. “But, he’s a coworker that I’ll have to interact with a lot over the next several months, and I just face-planted in front of him,” she reminded her friends begrudgingly.
Sophia giggled quietly and pulled y/n to her for a side hug. “It’ll be fine, he seems nice enough,” she encouraged, “I’m sure he’ll forget it even happened soon enough!”
Y/n hummed hopefully and nodded. Only she followed Sophia’s eyes and found Tom looking over their way. She swallowed thickly and quickly turned her head back to the table behind her and the girls. “Anyways,” she mumbled, making Sophia and Olivia both laugh.
Tom noticed how close the woman from earlier seemed to be with his costar Sophia Ali. But, he knew he wasn’t close enough to this particular costar yet. At least not enough for it to be normal to ask what her friend’s name was and not make him look like a self absorbed actor who didn’t know the names of the crew on the set he was on. To be fair, he’d only been here maybe a full two days so far. But still, he didn’t want anyone thinking he didn’t care to get to know the crew enough to know their names. So, even when the scene with him and Sophia came to an end, he didn’t ask for her to tell him the name of the prop woman.
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Y/n smiled and hugged Tati supportively. She and her friend, Tati Gabrielle, had met on the set of a previous production they’d both been working on. But this was Tati’s first big movie production she’d been cast for and she was nervous. Y/n had been reassuring her over the last few weeks that she was going to do an amazing job on set. But today she admitted she was extra nervous because she was starting to work with Mark Wahlburg and Tom; both big names in the acting industry. Yet, y/n had watched Tati’s latest scene and thought it went flawlessly. “I told you that you’d be great!” She cheered, winking at Tati as they pulled apart. “Now, go, you are needed back over there,” she said as she nudged her friend back to where Tom was waiting for the director to signal for the next scene to start.
Despite seeing their friendly encounter, Tom didn’t ask Tati Gabrielle about the woman he’d met caught earlier. Nevertheless, he repeatedly found himself catching glimpses of the woman as she ran around the set with various props. He knew he’d clearly taken an interest in her and wanted to know more about her. But, Tom still couldn’t figure out who to ask about her without seeming stuck up or starting rumors that he was crushing on his coworker.
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“Seriously? That’s horrible Rach,” y/n laughed lightly. Her friend, Rachel had told her an embarrassing story about the last celebrity she did the makeup for. This time around she was Tom’s makeup artist, but it had been awhile since the girls had seen each other. As such, they had a lot of funny stories to catch up on.
“It really was, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” Rachel hummed as she took a sip of her water bottle.
Before y/n could try to pry her for more details, there was a knock on the door. The wooden door swung open from the force since it had been slightly cracked open already. She and Rachel turned their heads simultaneously to see who was behind it. She smiled shyly as Harry waved at them as he sauntered in. They’d met earlier as it turned out Harry was not just Tom’s brother but also his personal assistant, and therefore he had been getting things ready for Tom before the star even got to set/town.
“‘ello loves, y/n, good to see you,” Harry greeted with a friendly nod and smile. He turned to his brother’s makeup artist. “Rachel, do you mind?” Harry questioned vaguely as he nodded his head backwards towards the door behind him.
Rachel laughed and shook her head. “Needing another touch-up?” She asked rhetorically, already grabbing her tools.
Harry chuckled and nodded affirmatively. “Shouldn’t be too much, but the water from the scene messed it up some,” he explained, reciting what one of the producers commented.
“Alright, let’s do it,” Rachel nodded, throwing her shoulder bag strap over her head. “Y/n, coming?” She offered, holding her hand out to help y/n up from the blue bean bag chair she’d been sitting on.
Y/n watched silently from the side of the set as Rachel worked on touching up Tom’s makeup. She was trying to watch Rachel work, but found it hard not to stare at Tom as he stood completely still like a statue as Rachel’s brushes danced over his chiseled features.
“You all done for the day?” Harry asked, making small talk with y/n as he watched Rachel fix his brother’s makeup.
Y/n shook her head. “Nope, just taking an early lunch cause Olivia wanted to switch hers to my usual time,” she explained with a shrug.
Harry hummed softly as he thought to himself. “Let me guess, you usually have lunch around one, yeah?” He wondered, glancing over at y/n.
Y/n faltered and spun to Harry with a frazzled expression. “Yes…,” she trailed off hesitantly, “why?”
Harry laughed and shook his head. “So does my brother,” he explained.
Y/n nodded slowly, acknowledging the new information but not understanding why Harry mentioned it. “Okay…, cool,” she said, although her tone made the last word come out as a question.
Harry laughed more and shook his head. “I’m guessing Olivia knew that and that’s why she switched with you,” he explained, smirking at y/n’s innocent confusion. It can be hard to find genuine people on sets like this. People who aren’t always looking for a way to get ahead or trying to get close to the star(s). Harry had a sense that y/n was one of those rare people. This oversight was only one small example he’d noticed in support of this thesis.
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Tom rested his sock-clad feet on the armrest of the sofa as his brother Harry closed the trailer door behind them.
“Gonna take up the whole couch?” Harry scoffed with a playful eye roll as he made his way to the sink. He got down a mug and filled it with some cold tap water.
“There’s a whole other one, mate,” Tom laughed, closing his eyes as he laid his head backwards until it hit the other armrest. He hummed quietly to himself as he let his body melt into the cushions under him. He had maybe an hour to rest before he’d be needed back on set and he would be making the most of it.
As Harry sat down on the sofa opposite Tom, he tossed the extra bag of crisps he’d grabbed at his older brother. He smirked pridefully as the bag smacked against Tom’s face before dropping to his chest. He gave Tom an innocent smile when his brother glared at him. “You’re welcome,” he hummed.
Tom rolled his eyes and sat up so he could eat. “Actually,” he began, tearing open the bag. “I did need to talk to you about something”. “That girl you were talking to earlier,” he explained, deciding to continue when he saw Harry’s confusion. “The one who was with you when Rachel did my touch-up, and the one I saw you talking to over at her work station… by the props,” Tom mumbled.
Harry hummed and nodded as he ate more crisps. When Tom just stared at him silently, he realized his brother was actually done talking even though it didn’t seem like the end of a sentence. He swallowed the crumbs left in his mouth and set the bag down on the table next to him. “Y/n?”
Tom shrugged, “I honestly don’t know her name”. He bit his lip bashfully. “I felt bad about it. Y/n, you said? She’s in charge of the props department, yeah?”
Harry nodded, “she’s pretty cool”. “From what I know, she’s roughly around our age, is the propmaster like you said, and is pretty talented at it, umm,” he mumbled, trying to recall what else he knew about y/n. “Oh her favorite color is y/f/c; which is why so much of her personal stuff at her workstation odds that color,” he laughed, shaking his head as he remembered asking if there’d been a reason to all the y/f/c stationary.
Tom nodded his head as he absorbed the information his brother was offering. “Do you know if she is talking to anyone at the moment?” He asked quietly.
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antihibikase2 · 10 months
"Giima," The name comes out of her lips with a laugh. "It's been awhile, hasn't it?"
"It has."
There's a twinge of shame as his voice quiets down.
For a moment, she hears the sound of a Bisharp's blades clashing against stone; it seemed whatever Grimsley wanted to talk about, it came to mind in the midst of his training.
"Has my, uh, present to Cheri arrived?"
"Just in time!" The professor holds the Pokeball between her fingers, inspecting the sleeping Purrloin from within. "I let her out for a stretch and some treats, and she's resting now. I'll give her to Cheri as soon as the kids get their starters and Pokedexes."
"Right, right. Thanks."
She ponders for a reply- perhaps she wanted to sneak in a scolding, to scold her younger friend for missing out on the chance of seeing how much his sibling, his brother, had grown and changed from when he had last seen him.
But she would not snag that chance away from Cheren, who insisted on showing himself to Grimsley- in the form of a challenger.
She settles for a simple "No problem," and a pleased hum.
Just as she thought that the conversation was over, the sound of Pokemon cries and their trainers' orders persisted in the background; Grimsley had not hung up yet.
And whatever he had on his mind, he was dawdling.
Now her tone shifts to something familiar- the tone of a teasing, yet understanding, older sister; the reliable friend that Grimsley turned to back at Nuvema, when he did not want to trouble his mother or argue with his father.
"Is there something you'd like to tell me?"
So there was.
She rests her chin on her palm, eyes closed as she taps her nail against her cheek, the Xtransceiver on her other arm buzzing and vibrating from the background noise.
"Well, uh, about Doctor Colress-"
Doctor Colress?
"What about him?"
"You, uh, worked with him awhile back, right?"
"Yes? Not as much as Fennel, however."
But he was a nice enough individual; impressive as well. It was no wonder that he made a name for himself as a doctor- it was only a matter of time before the league caught wind of his skill.
He's been the league doctor at the very young age of twenty; almost seven years ago.
"Have you been acquainted with Doctor Colress recently, Grimsley? I know the heat gets to you-"
"Yeah, um, I suppose you can say that."
From the other side, she could almost imagine Grimsley fiddling with his scarf, face flushed and fingers twiddling-
And it didn't take long for the professor to come to a conclusion.
"So, well, about my call," There was an awkward cough. "Is there, uh, any chance you know what the good doctor.. likes?"
Just as Nikolai was about to leave his apartment, he receives a visitor.
He expects it to one of Ghetsis' shadows, or even any of the other bothersome sages- but it was just a humble employee of a certain fast food chain whose food he had grown quite accustomed to eating.
"I didn't order anything." Was the first thing that came out of his mouth.
If this was a prank, he will find who was responsible, and-
"Oh, it's already paid for, doc," The deliveryman says, tipping his hat. "Special request from Mr. Grimsley of the league."
"You're a lucky guy, doc!" They chuckle. "Mr. Grimsley's got quite the fanbase- maybe some of us guys have a chance with Ms. Shauntal, now that we know he fancies you-"
The deliveryman shrieks as Nikolai's Porygon-Z silences him with a missed Signal Beam, burning a hole right behind him- and from the looks of it, it was on purpose.
Nikolai's eye twitches in annoyance.
If The Gambler reborn wishes to involve himself with him again, and breach their professional relationship for the sake of senseless human connections and sentimentalities through the use of his favorite food-
"Tell him thank you, I appreciate it."
-then Nikolai had no qualms; as long as the other would keep his hands to himself.
Nikolai does not need to try- he fakes a serene smile, one he has had hundreds of years to practice and master, and takes the paper bags of burgers back into his apartment.
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3rseo · 7 months
Unlock Digital Dominance: How 3R’s SEO Mastery Boosts Your Brand’s Online Impact
In today’s digital age, content is not just king; it’s the entire kingdom. At 3R, we understand the power of well-crafted, SEO-optimized content in catapulting our clients’ online presence to new heights. Through a blend of insightful analysis, creative storytelling, and strategic keyword placement, we’ve crafted a series of articles that not only engage readers but also boost our clients’ rankings on Google.
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From exploring the nuances of anxiety counselling for young adults in Dublin to uncovering the secrets behind the luxurious comfort of Mulberry silk pyjamas, our content spans a diverse range of topics tailored to our clients’ unique needs. These articles serve as a testament to our commitment to delivering value, enhancing online visibility, and driving sales.
How Anxiety Counselling Supports Young Adults in Dublin
The article discusses the rise of anxiety among young adults in Dublin, attributed to factors like academic stress, career progression, and social media. It underlines the benefits of anxiety counselling, which includes enhanced self-awareness, improved coping mechanisms, strategies to prevent or minimize anxiety, increased mental resilience, and a supportive network. The counselling process involves regular sessions with a licensed therapist. The article encourages seeking professional help as a form of self-care for lasting relief from anxiety.
Diamond Shine Cleaners: Dublin’s Top Choice for Commercial Cleaning
Diamond Shine Cleaners, known as Dublin’s preferred choice for commercial cleaning, offers a broad spectrum of services using eco-friendly solutions and advanced equipment. Their professional crew is highly trained, providing customised cleaning solutions that are safe yet effective for commercial premises. With flexible scheduling and billing options, they allow businesses to focus on their operations while ensuring a clean workspace. Their commitment to maintaining a sanitary environment sets them apart in the industry.
Safeguarding Your Premises: Comprehensive Guide to Fire Stopping Services in Ireland
The article emphasizes the importance of fire stopping services in Ireland for building safety. Flame Stop, a provider of these services, offers customized solutions to prevent the spread of fire and smoke through openings in buildings. Their services align with Ireland’s stringent fire safety regulations, including installations of fire doors, sealants, barriers, and regular inspections. The article underscores that choosing the right provider like Flame Stop is crucial for ensuring compliance and genuine safety. It encourages property owners to prioritize fire safety measures and to consider Flame Stop for their fire stopping needs.
Snag List Kildare Cost: How Much Should You Spend on …
The article provides information about the cost of snag list services in Kildare, Ireland. On average, these services range from €190 to €600 per inspection. The cost varies depending on the size and complexity of the property. New Home Surveys is a trusted provider of snagging services in Kildare, known for their detailed inspections and high-quality reports. The article emphasizes the importance of professional snagging services in identifying and rectifying construction errors in new homes, thereby saving homeowners potential repair costs in the future.
A Comprehensive Guide to Locksmith Services for Businesses in Ireland
The article highlights the importance of locksmith services in ensuring the safety and security of commercial properties. Professional locksmiths offer a wide range of services, from handling emergency lockouts to installing advanced security systems. They help businesses identify security vulnerabilities and recommend appropriate solutions. Services also include key control systems, regular maintenance, and security upgrades. The article emphasizes the need for businesses to choose a reputable locksmith service provider to enhance their security measures and protect their premises, assets, and employees effectively.
Silverfish Alert: Why They Appear in Autumn in Ireland
The article explains why silverfish infestations are prevalent in Ireland during autumn. The drop in temperature and rise in humidity create ideal conditions for these pests to thrive. They seek out indoor spaces for warmth and moisture, leading to increased sightings in homes and buildings. Although seemingly harmless, silverfish can damage personal belongings and potentially trigger allergic reactions. The article emphasizes the importance of professional pest control services, like Pest Pros, for effectively handling silverfish infestations. It also provides preventive measures, such as reducing home humidity and sealing cracks where silverfish may enter.
Tire Pressure Monitor Fault: What Is It and How Do You Resolve It?
The article discusses the occurrence of a tire pressure monitor fault, which can affect vehicle stability, control, and fuel efficiency. It provides troubleshooting tips such as resetting the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), checking tire pressure, and inspecting sensors. The article also suggests the use of a TPMS bypass emulator to silence the TPMS warning light permanently. It underscores the importance of proactive maintenance, like maintaining proper tire pressure and taking care of TPMS sensors, to prevent such faults and ensure optimal tire wear, fuel efficiency, and safe driving.
Discover Ethical Elegance: Mulberry Silk Pyjamas for Luxurious Comfort in Ireland
The article discusses the rising demand for high-quality sleepwear in Ireland, focusing on the unparalleled comfort of Mulberry silk pyjamas. The Ethical Silk Co. offers these pyjamas, known for their softness, sheen, and durability. The company stands out for its commitment to sustainable and ethical sourcing practices. Additionally, Mulberry silk is breathable and hypoallergenic, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive ones. The article emphasizes that these pyjamas represent a unique blend of luxury, comfort, and ethical elegance.
Stress-Induced Hair Loss? Alopecia Solutions to Get Your Mane Back
The article highlights the connection between chronic stress and hair loss, particularly a condition called Telogen effluvium. It emphasizes the importance of early detection and proper management of this condition to prevent significant hair loss and potential baldness. Treatment options include lifestyle changes, topical and oral medications, laser therapy, microneedling, platelet-rich plasma therapy, and hair transplant surgery. The piece also provides useful tips for reducing stress and promoting hair regrowth, underscoring the role of a balanced lifestyle in maintaining healthy hair.
Maryland Drivers Ed Online – Your Path to Safe and Smart Driving
DMVEdu’s online course for Maryland Drivers Education offers a convenient, flexible learning experience for teens aiming to become licensed drivers. The course, accessible on any internet-connected device, covers key topics and defensive driving techniques in line with Maryland MVA and state standards. It also includes practice quizzes and tests to prepare students for the DMV knowledge test. With excellent customer support, DMVEdu ensures a smooth learning journey. For $34.95, students can enroll and take their first step towards getting a driving license in Maryland.
Are you ready to elevate your online presence and drive your sales to new heights? Partner with 3R for cutting-edge SEO techniques and content that resonates. Let us craft compelling narratives for your brand that not only rank but also convert. Reach out today and take the first step towards dominating your digital landscape by booking an Audit of your website.
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majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
&& hold the nail (for the hammer stroke) || (1/?) a Jopving episode
source: the terror amc centric character: John Irving relationships: pre John Irving/Thomas Jopson  chapter warning/tags: Escalates Quickly, those Victorians and their damn ankles, light canon-typical internalized homophobia from Irving, excessive use of “John” and “Jopson” bc i couldn’t be bothered to avoid repetition overall heads-up: Some toxic behavior from Irving, truly obnoxious thought process from Irving, canon-typical homophobia, vaguely questionable relationship dynamic but we gotta trust Jop’s judgement on this one lads he knows what he’s about additional tags: aroace!Jopson, Irving’s Gay Panic, mutual appreciation for Miss Jacko, Irving’s Gay Panic gets an uno reverse card in chapter 2, Jopson has the patience of a literal saint but he also has standards, Irving astral projecting to avoid taking accountability for the Gay, Crozier lowkey keeping an eye on the situation, Irving going from “awww” to “Oh god. Oh no” in the space of a single paragraph.
additional heads-up: i ship hard but i have genuinely no idea how romance or any of that even works so i’m literally just throwing darts with my eyes closed here.
summary: When a misunderstanding creates tension between himself and Lieutenant Irving, Jopson’s attempt to restore harmony leads to a different understanding entirely.
It happens like this:
John comes in from the cold, into the slightly less cold. He’s grumbling to himself, and doesn’t notice the captain’s steward until the man’s polite greeting almost makes him jump out of his skin. 
Jopson is too professional to look more than a little amused, but there’s humor in his eyes, and John gives a short laugh in spite of himself. 
They are not friends, but they’ve always been amiable enough. John can respect a man who works hard, and few if any can rival Jopson’s dedication to the captain. He’s a pleasant sort of person, steady and generally cheerful; John’s never heard a word of complaint from him, even when the expedition’s events would warrant it. Their rare conversations are simple, but enjoyable.
Reliably, Jopson soon notices the source of John’s own complaints. 
“Snagged on a nail,” John replies to the questioning look. Indeed, concerned look. Jopson is looking at the tear in the leg of John’s trouser as if it’s a minor wound. He huffs in irritation. “I’ll have to ask Gibson to-”
“-I can do it, sir,” Jopson interrupts, with a gesture toward the coat on his lap. “I’ve needle and thread already to hand, it wouldn’t take a minute.
Truth be told, John would rather be stabbed than speak to the other steward any more than absolutely necessary after their last interaction, and in any case he is aware of the quality of Jopson’s stitching. He readily agrees. 
Jopson smiles again and sets his other work neatly aside, rises and motions for John to take the vacated chair. 
While John settles with an appreciative sigh, more tired than he’d realized, Jopson deftly threads a needle, grinning softly over the spool. “Miss Jacko stole this earlier,” he says, “Had to bribe her with a spare button to get it back.”
“Perhaps she wanted to join in your sewing,” the thought amuses John, and pulls a laugh from Jopson. 
“I wonder if she could,” the steward muses. He takes a knee before John, grimacing briefly before bending to inspect the damage. “She has the hands for it. She could make a career in small mending.”
The notion is wonderfully absurd. He may have to sketch it, later, a capuchin seamstress-in-training, mischievous but astute under the gentle tutelage of a black cat with curiously clever paws. 
On the note of clever paws, the occasional feather-light pull at the fabric of his trouser leg brings John’s attention back to the ones currently making good on their promise of quick work. 
Jopson’s head is bowed, but John still catches the occasional glimpse of his face - not quite frowning in concentration, but very much focused. He is, John knows, one to give every task complete attention, even something so simple as this. The stitching is finer than strictly required, meant to be all but invisible in addition to holding well. The garment will be, rather than simply repaired, nearly like new. Something like fondness grips him. He opens his mouth, meaning to express gratitude he already knows the steward will call unneeded.
And then Jopson’s hands brush close enough as he fiddles with the lower part of the tear, lifting the cuff minutely for access, that Irving notes the mild pressure of it and, for a moment, thinks he can feel the warmth of those hands even with his boots in the way. Fondness dissipates in an instant. 
Oblivious, Jopson continues his stitching. He gives the fabric an experimental tug at the end and nods, satisfied. He spares Irving a quick glance, brushes back stray hair. “There we are, sir,” he smiles, “Good as new.”
Lieutenant Irving is not sure at what point he began clutching the sides of the chair he’s trapped in, but he suspects he’ll be removing splinters from his hands for weeks. He doesn’t meet the steward’s gaze, instead staring a spot on the opposite wall until the man ducks again, brushing against Irving as he uses his teeth to snip the thread. 
Irving’s vision burns white.
He’s on his feet so quickly his head spins. The Steward is saying something, alarmed, but it falls on deaf ears. Which are surely red as blood if the heat of them is any indication. 
Mortified, Irving flees from the room, paying no regard to the baffled man on the floor. 
He does not stop walking until he reaches his own bunk, slamming the door behind him. He thinks of the Hold, of Gibson and of that slithering serpent of a caulker’s mate, and of his father and of hell and no, it will not do. He would never-
Irving stops his frantic pacing. He would never. Such notions would not spring to mind unprovoked, and if provoked he can hardly be at fault.
(What notions, he hardly knows, and does not dare to interrogate. They are evil things, wicked things, they must be smothered quickly, not taken out and examined closely)
But what was the provocation? He had not supposed the captain’s mild-mannered steward to be the sort...but then he had not suspected the filthy caulker’s mate, either. Had it not been the steward’s suggestion, at any rate? And he supposes it makes sense, for one of a servile nature...
(He strangles the thought before it finishes its first breath.)
It makes sense, loathe as he is to accept it. It is troublesome. 
Despite being directly affronted in this case, he finds he cannot reach quite the same state of anger as he’d felt toward Mr. Hickey. Mainly, it is a sense of disdain that falls upon him and weights down his shoulders.
The captain, he thinks, would be horrified. 
He will not reveal this anymore than he did poor Mr. Gibson’s torment. Not for the steward’s own sake but because Captain Crozier has enough on his mind, and is terribly fond of the man. Self-preservation, too, is a factor. It would not do to be tarnished in the Captain’s view. 
He wants to be more furious than he is, particularly because the steward was close enough to being a friend. Friendly, at least, and had always seemed so good and upright. He must be more careful in his choice of acquaintances. If he must admire a dedicated steward, let it be Captain Fitzjames’ Mister Bridgens. There is a man who is above reproach. 
John shudders, his course of action decided: To take none. 
Instead, he will keep the matter quiet, and will pray for the wayward souls aboard this wretched vessel. Perhaps they are not beyond help, though he certainly won’t be the one to do so. 
His prayers do little to set his mind at ease, but that is his cross to bear, and his soul is somewhat more settled. For his nerves, he resolves to take out his sketchbook and work until his hands stop shaking. 
Later, he leaves his cabin, having composed himself and set the incident aside. He resumes his duties with a quiet spirit. 
The sketchbook is left atop his desk, open to a worthy likeness of Miss Jacko furtively clutching a needle and thread. 
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coffharbortoyota · 3 days
Essential Car Services to Consider After Buying a Used Car
So, you’ve just snagged a shiny new-to-you ride from the Coffs Harbour used cars for sale lot. Buying a used car is an exciting adventure, whether a sleek sedan or a rugged SUV. But before you hit the open road, there are some essential car services you’ll want to consider to keep your new investment running smoothly. Buckle up as we dive into the must-do maintenance tasks that will ensure your car stays in top-notch condition!
A good car service in Coffs Harbour will also check for hidden issues that might take time to be apparent. Trust me, getting this done early can save you from future headaches and unexpected costs.
1. Get a Comprehensive Car Service
First, you’ll want to check your new car thoroughly after purchasing Used Cars For Sale. A comprehensive car service is crucial for ensuring everything runs as it should. This service typically includes an oil change, filter replacements, and a detailed inspection of vital components like the brakes, transmission, and engine.
2. Brake and Tire Check
Imagine you’re on the highway, enjoying a smooth ride, when suddenly—your brakes start acting up. Scary, right? You must prioritise a brake and tyre check right after buying your used car. Even if the vehicle seemed perfect during the test drive, components like brakes and tyres can wear down over time.
Have a professional Car Service at Coffs Harbour inspect these crucial parts. They’ll assess the condition of your brake pads, rotors, and tyres, ensuring everything is safe and sound. This step is essential for your safety and for enhancing your vehicle’s performance.
3. Fluid Flush and Refill
Your used car might have been sitting idle for a while before you bought it, which can lead to fluid issues. A fluid flush and refill ensure your car’s engine, transmission, and other systems run smoothly.
A reputable Best Car Service in Coffs Harbour will top up or replace essential fluids like coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and windshield washer fluid. This will help maintain optimal performance and prevent potential damage to your car’s internal systems.
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4. Battery and Electrical System Check
A failing battery or electrical system can turn your new car excitement into a frustrating experience. After buying from Coffs Harbour Used Cars For Sale, checking the battery and electrical systems is wise.
A thorough inspection will include checking the battery’s charge, terminals, and overall condition. Your Car Service Coffs Harbour will also test the electrical system to ensure all lights, indicators, and other electrical components function correctly. This will help avoid any inconvenient breakdowns or electrical failures.
5. Interior and Exterior Detailing
Look for detailing services in Coffs Harbour to give your vehicle a fresh start. This will include cleaning and conditioning the upholstery, washing and waxing the exterior, and even treating the interior surfaces. A clean car is a happy car, and it’s also a great way to ensure your investment looks its best!
6. Regular Maintenance Scheduling
Establish a routine with your Car Service Coffs Harbour provider to track when your car will need its following oil change, tyre rotation, or other essential services. This proactive approach will help you avoid major repairs and keep your ride running smoothly for years.
Buying a used car from the Coffs Harbour Used Cars For Sale is the beginning of your journey. Investing in these essential car services ensures that your new vehicle remains in top shape and continues to deliver a safe and enjoyable driving experience. From comprehensive check-ups to regular maintenance, these steps will help you get the most out of your car and keep it running like a dream. So, give your new ride the care it deserves and enjoy every mile of your adventure!
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aryanaxeconsultancy · 12 days
How to Care for and Clean Your Diamond Jewelry
Diamond jewelry, whether it's a sparkling engagement ring or a pair of stunning statement earrings for women, deserves special care to maintain its brilliance. Regular cleaning and proper maintenance are essential to keep your diamond pieces looking as radiant as the day you first wore them. In this blog, we'll share practical tips on how to care for and clean your diamond jewelry, ensuring it remains in perfect condition for years to come.
Everyday Care for Diamond Jewelry
1. Handle with Care
When putting on or removing your diamond jewelry, be gentle and avoid touching the diamonds directly. Oils from your skin can transfer to the surface, dulling the sparkle. Instead, handle the piece by its band or metal components.
2. Store Your Jewelry Properly
Diamonds are the hardest gemstone, but they can still scratch other jewelry if stored together. Keep your diamond jewelry in separate compartments or soft pouches to prevent unnecessary contact with other pieces. This is especially important for larger items like statement earrings for women, which can have multiple facets exposed.
3. Remove Jewelry During Physical Activities
While diamonds are durable, it’s a good idea to remove your jewelry during activities like exercising, swimming, or cleaning. Harsh chemicals, dirt, and rough surfaces can damage or dull your diamond over time. For statement earrings, removing them when you're engaging in physical activity helps avoid accidental snags or damage.
4. Avoid Exposure to Harsh Chemicals
Chemicals in household cleaning products, perfumes, and lotions can tarnish the metal settings and dull the diamonds. Always put on your diamond jewelry after applying makeup, lotion, or perfume to minimize exposure to harmful substances.
Cleaning Your Diamond Jewelry at Home
1. Gentle Soap and Water Solution
One of the safest ways to clean your diamond jewelry at home is by using a mild soap and water solution. Here's how:
Mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water in a small bowl.
Soak your diamond jewelry for 15-20 minutes.
Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to gently scrub around the diamonds and their settings, paying close attention to intricate details, especially for statement earrings.
Rinse under warm water and pat dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.
2. Use a Jewelry Cleaning Solution
If you prefer a professional-grade cleaning solution, you can purchase one from a jeweler. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and avoid leaving your jewelry in the solution for longer than recommended. Most jewelry cleaning solutions are designed to restore the sparkle of both the diamond and the metal.
3. Ultrasonic Cleaners: Use with Caution
Ultrasonic cleaners use sound waves to clean diamond jewelry, but they can be too harsh for certain types of settings, especially if your jewelry has delicate or intricate designs like statement earrings for women. If you opt for an ultrasonic cleaner, it’s best to consult with your jeweler first to ensure your pieces are suitable for this method.
Professional Cleaning and Maintenance
1. Schedule Regular Professional Cleanings
Even with careful home cleaning, it’s important to take your diamond jewelry to a professional jeweler for a thorough cleaning and inspection at least once a year. They can ensure that the settings are secure and polish the metal to restore its shine.
2. Inspect Your Jewelry Regularly
Check your diamond jewelry regularly for loose stones or damage to the setting. This is particularly important for statement earrings, which may have more elaborate designs and settings. If you notice anything amiss, take the piece to a jeweler immediately to prevent further damage.
Caring for Statement Earrings
Statement earrings for women often feature larger diamonds and more intricate designs, making proper care and cleaning even more essential. Here's how you can ensure your statement earrings remain stunning:
Keep them Separate: Store statement earrings in individual pouches or boxes to prevent them from getting scratched by other pieces of jewelry.
Avoid Tugging: When wearing large earrings, avoid tugging on them or allowing them to snag on clothing, as this can loosen the settings.
Clean Intricate Details: Use a soft toothbrush to gently clean the small facets and intricate settings of your earrings, ensuring no dirt is trapped in the design.
Taking proper care of your diamond jewelry is essential for maintaining its beauty and sparkle. Whether it’s your everyday pieces or stunning statement earrings for women, regular cleaning, proper storage, and professional inspections will ensure your diamonds shine brilliantly for years to come. By following these care tips, you can enjoy your cherished jewelry without worrying about wear and tear.
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The essential guide to home surveys
Are you on the market for a new home? Well, when purchasing a property, you always want to be confident that the asking price matches the value. Easily identify this by commissioning a home survey on your potential property purchase.
What is a home survey?  
A home survey is where a professional property surveyor conducts an expert inspection of a property's condition. The surveyor completes these inspections to identify potential future problems and costs for the prospective buyer, and then delivers the results in a report. A home survey typically occurs after the acceptance of an offer (Scotland's property market differs). Surveyors should be members of one of the two primary accrediting bodies: the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or the Residential Property Surveyors Association. Before contracting for a home survey, you should always check to see if your surveyor is a member of either of these.
How long does a home survey take?  
The amount of time a property survey takes depends on the size and condition of the property, as well as the type of survey you choose. It can take from one hour up to an entire day to complete a survey report. Normally, you will receive your property survey report 5 to 10 days after the survey's completion, allowing you to proceed in the buying process with confidence.
Is a home survey important?  
When purchasing a property, you tend to try and avoid extra expenses, but a home survey is an extremely important part of buying a property. Surveys allow you to understand the entire property, making you aware of future problems and costs, so you can make an informed decision to continue with the purchase or negotiate with the seller and potentially reduce the property price.
Which home survey should you get?When completing a property survey, there are various types of surveys to choose from. You choose the type of survey depending on the property’s age, condition, and your personal preference.
Level 1 property survey: this is the most basic type of survey, where a traffic light system highlights issues, but the report doesn't delve into detail. This is great for a young, modern property if you want to ensure everything is up to the expected standard. Level 1 surveys start at £500.
Level 2 property survey: this is a middle-level survey that most people choose. This survey will evaluate the property’s condition and highlight problems that could affect its value. This survey will also include advice for repairs and maintenance. Level 2 surveys start at £600. Level 1 and 2 property surveys are non-intrusive, so they will only highlight surface-level issues; they will not move furniture or examine the property's structure.
Level 3 property survey: this survey, of course, is the most thorough analysis of the entire property’s building structure and condition. This survey is commonly used for older, character buildings that are over 50 years old or for properties in poor-kept conditions. The overall report will provide extensive details, including recommendations, estimated costs, and a timeline for any necessary work. Level 3 surveys start at £750.
New-build snagging survey: this type of survey is perfect for new build homes. Usually, you wouldn’t have a home survey completed on a new build, but a snagging survey can help identify small faults and cosmetic issues. You can deliver your snagging survey report to your builder, and they will resolve any issues highlighted as soon as possible. A snagging survey starts at £300.
Is a mortgage valuation a property survey?  
When you apply for a mortgage to purchase a property, the mortgage lender will carry out their own valuation on the property. This can sometimes be misleading and be seen as a ‘property survey’, but the mortgage lender's valuation is nowhere near as detailed, and sometimes they won’t even enter the home. Always arrange your own survey on a potential property purchase so you can be confident that you aren’t overpaying or purchasing a new home with future problems and costs.
How can you find a surveyor?  
You can easily find trusted surveyors through local estate agents in Manchester, your mortgage lender, or even recommendations from friends and family. Once you've identified your surveyor, it's crucial to thoroughly review the terms of engagement to understand their responsibilities and the timeline for completing the survey and report. Always make sure you have direct contact with your surveyor, so you can always ask questions if anything remains unclear.
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gtabloggerperfect · 1 year
5 Diy Tips To Prevent Termites In Your Home
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Minor things have an enormous impact — never underestimate the termites dwelling on your property. These species don’t specifically cause harm to humans but can significantly affect their homes. If you are new to home buying, always consider hiring a professional snagging company so that no places are left unseen in your home. 
Lakhs of money are spent yearly on eliminating termites and rectifying the damage they have caused to your property. Though DIY is not the ultimate solution, it can help you to minimize the impact on termites and understand the severity of the infestation. 
Top Signs of Termite Infestation in your home —  Before starting with the DIY termite controlling techniques, let’s understand how to track down the termite infestation in your home. 
Look for the below-mentioned signs -
Mud tubes
Discarded insect wings
Hollow sounding wood
5 Quick DIY Tricks to Control Termites Infestations Remove Moisture:: Termites thrive in moist environments, making it crucial to eliminate excess moisture in and around your home. Start by fixing any leaky pipes, faucets, or plumbing issues. Ensure proper drainage by maintaining clean gutters and downspouts. Avoid water accumulation near the foundation by regrading the soil and directing it away from your house. Consider installing a dehumidifier in damp areas such as basements or crawl spaces. Reducing moisture levels creates an inhospitable environment for termites, effectively deterring them from infesting your home.
Seal Entry Points: Termites can enter your property through tiny cracks and crevices in the foundation, walls, and roof. To prevent their entry:
Carefully check your property for potential entry points and seal them using caulk or appropriate sealants.
Pay close attention to gaps around utility pipes, electrical conduits, windows, and doors.
Repair any damaged screens and ensure they fit tightly over windows and vents.
Sealing off these access points makes it difficult for termites to invade your home, reducing the risk of an infestation.
Maintain Proper Ventilation: Termites thrive in areas with poor ventilation, such as attics and crawl spaces. Ensure proper airflow by installing vents and fans in these spaces. This helps to reduce humidity and moisture buildup, making them less appealing to termites. Regularly check and clean vents to prevent blockages. Use vent covers with mesh screens to prevent termites from entering these openings. Adequate ventilation not only deters termites but also improves the overall air quality of your home.
Store Wood Away from Your Home: Termites are attracted to wood and can quickly infest any wooden structures near your home. Avoid providing them easy access by storing firewood, lumber, and other wooden materials at least 20 feet from your house. Keep the wood elevated from the ground on concrete blocks or pellets to prevent termite infestations. Regularly inspect stored wood for signs of termite activity, such as mud tubes or hollow-sounding wood. Keeping wood piles away from your home minimizes the chances of termites finding their way inside.
Implement Regular Inspections : Consistent property snagging inspections are crucial for early detection and prevention of termite infestations. Regularly inspect your home’s foundation, wooden structures, and other susceptible areas. Look for signs of termite activity, including discarded wings, mud tubes, or hollow-sounding wood. If you notice any suspicious signs, contact a professional for further evaluation. Regular inspections allow you to catch termite problems early, preventing extensive damage and costly repairs.
Pro-tip for maintaining a healthy home is regular property inspections and property repairs. With GTA Inspector's best snagging company, you can schedule home inspections according to availability. Stay free from unwanted expensive repairs by hiring GTA Inspectors, a certified snagging company in Dubai. ​
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Jacksonville's Top Boat Sales Events: Where and When to Buy
Are you in the market for a new boat in Jacksonville? If so, you'll want to keep an eye out for the top boat sales events happening in the area. Whether you're looking for a sleek sailboat, a sturdy fishing vessel, or a luxurious yacht, these events are where you can find fantastic deals on all types of watercraft. One of the best ways to ensure that you're getting a quality boat is by enlisting the services of marine surveyors jacksonville. These professionals will thoroughly inspect the vessel to make sure it's in good condition and free from any hidden issues. Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting is one of the leading companies offering marine surveyors in Jacksonville Florida, so be sure to reach out to them before making a purchase. Now, let's dive into some of Jacksonville's top boat sales events: 1. Boat Show Extravaganza Held at the Jacksonville Fairgrounds every spring, this event features a wide variety of boats from top manufacturers. You can expect to see everything from small runabouts to massive cruisers. With so many options to choose from, you're bound to find the perfect boat for your needs. 2. Mega Yacht Sale If you're in the market for a high-end yacht, don't miss the Mega Yacht Sale at the Jacksonville Marina. This event showcases some of the most luxurious vessels on the market, complete with all the bells and whistles you could ever dream of. It's a great opportunity to snag a deal on a truly magnificent watercraft. 3. Fishing Boat Blowout For anglers looking for their next fishing boat, the Fishing Boat Blowout is the place to be. Held at the Jacksonville Harbor, this event brings together some of the best fishing boat manufacturers in the industry. From center consoles to offshore sportfishers, you'll find a wide selection of boats tailored to your fishing needs. 4. Sail Away Savings Event Sailboat enthusiasts won't want to miss the Sail Away Savings Event at the Jacksonville Yacht Club. This event features a range of sailboats, from small dinghies to large catamarans. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or new to the sport, you're sure to find the perfect sailboat for your adventures on the water. 5. Family Fun Day Boat Sale Looking for a family-friendly boat? Head to the Family Fun Day Boat Sale at Jacksonville Beach. This event offers a variety of boats suitable for cruising, watersports, and relaxing outings with loved ones. With plenty of activities for kids and adults alike, it's a great way to spend a day by the water. Remember, before finalizing your boat purchase, it's essential to hire marine surveyors jacksonville to conduct a thorough inspection. Sun Coast Marine Surveying & Consulting is a trusted name in marine surveying in Jacksonville Florida and can help ensure that your new boat is in top condition. So mark your calendars for these top boat sales events in Jacksonville and get ready to find your dream boat at a great price. Happy boating!
marine surveyors jacksonville
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newhomesurveys · 1 month
Professional New Build Snagging on a Budget: Is It Possible?
You’ve finally done it. After months of searching, you’ve found the perfect new-build home. It’s modern, spacious, and exactly what you’ve been looking for. But before you start unpacking your boxes and settling in, make sure you check professional new build snagging off your to-do list.
Snagging is the process of identifying defects or imperfections in a newly built property. It’s like a final quality check before you officially take ownership. While many people are aware of the importance of this inspection, there’s a common misconception that getting a professional snagging survey is only for the wealthy. This isn’t true. It’s entirely possible to get professional new build surveys without breaking the bank.
The Cost of Skipping a Snagging Survey
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Opting to skip the snagging process may seem like a cost-saving measure at first, but it can result in substantial financial and safety repercussions later on. Imagine discovering that your heating systems are faulty in the dead of winter or that there are leaks in your plumbing after you’ve fully moved in. Such repairs not only disrupt your life but can also be costly. Detecting these issues early often falls under the builder’s warranty, thereby saving you from significant out-of-pocket expenses.
Furthermore, unresolved construction issues can lead to bigger structural problems over time. Minor cracks or unattended dampness, for instance, can evolve into severe mold or foundational issues that not only jeopardize the building’s integrity but also significantly decrease your property’s value should you decide to sell in the future. Early snagging allows these problems to be addressed at a stage when the cost and effort involved in rectifying them are considerably lower, protecting your investment and ensuring your safety.
Understanding Your New Build Snagging Budget
The first step to affordable snagging is understanding your budget. It might seem obvious, but determining how much you’re willing to spend on this service is essential.
Average Snagging Costs in Ireland
To give you a general idea, the cost of a professional snagging inspection typically ranges from €190 for a small property to €240 for a larger home.
However, these are estimates, and the final price can vary significantly based on factors such as location, the complexity of the property, and the level of service required.
Breaking Down the Costs
Understanding what you’re paying for can help you make informed decisions. A typical snagging report includes:
Initial inspection: This involves a thorough examination of the property.
Report generation: The snagger compiles a detailed report outlining the defects found.
Photographs: Visual evidence of the defects is essential for effective communication with the builder.
Follow-up: Some snaggers offer follow-up visits to assess progress on rectifying the issues.
How to Find Affordable Professional New Build Snagging Service in Ireland
Finding a professional snagger who fits your budget doesn’t have to be stressful. Start by doing your research. Ask friends, family, or neighbours if they’ve used a snagging service and if they were happy with the results and costs. Online reviews can also be helpful, but it’s important to take them with a pinch of salt.
Once you’ve compiled a list of potential snaggers, carefully evaluate their qualifications and experience. Look for certifications or memberships in professional bodies. These credentials indicate a higher standard of service. Additionally, ensure the snagger is adequately insured to protect yourself from potential liabilities.
To secure the best value, obtain multiple quotes from different companies. Compare their services, pricing structures, and any additional fees. Don’t hesitate to negotiate. Many snagging companies are open to discussing discounts or payment plans to accommodate your budget.
Remember, investing in a professional snagger is an investment in protecting your new home. By conducting thorough research and comparing options, you can find a qualified and affordable snagging service that meets your needs.
Additional Tips for Budget-Friendly Snagging Survey
While professional snagging is invaluable, there are ways to potentially reduce costs:
Early inspection: Booking an inspection as soon as possible after completion can help identify issues before they become more costly to fix.
DIY for Minor Issues: If you’re confident in your ability to identify minor cosmetic defects, you can handle these yourself and focus the snagger’s attention on more critical problems.
Package Deals: Some snaggers offer package deals that include additional services like defect management or negotiation with the builder.
Incorporating Snagging Costs Into Your Mortgage If budget is a significant concern, you might consider discussing the possibility of including snagging costs in your mortgage. While not always feasible, it’s worth exploring this option with your lender.
By understanding these factors and considering cost-saving strategies, you can make informed decisions about your snagging budget.
DIY vs. Professional New Build Snagging
You might be tempted to save money by carrying out the snagging inspection yourself. While it’s possible to identify some issues without professional help, there’s a risk of missing crucial defects.
A professional snagger has the expertise and experience to spot problems that might not be obvious to the untrained eye. They use advanced tools and techniques to detect issues that are not visible to the naked eye. For example, at New Home Surveys, they conduct moisture readings on all floors. They are also trained to assess the safety aspects of the building, ensuring that the structures meet current safety standards which can be overlooked in DIY inspections.
Additionally, a professional snagging report can be a powerful tool when dealing with the builder. If you discover problems after moving in, you’ll have documented evidence to support your claims. The report from a professional snagger adds legitimacy to your concerns and can expedite the resolution process with builders, who may take issues more seriously when presented with professional documentation. It also helps in legal situations where proof of the condition of the property at the time of purchase is required. Ultimately, a professional snag list can save you time, money, and hassle in the long run.
In conclusion, investing in professional snagging might seem like an added expense, but it could save you thousands in the long run. By understanding your budget, shopping around for quotes, and hiring a trusted snagging company, you can find an affordable solution that protects your new home.
Remember, your new home is a significant investment. Taking the time to ensure it’s built to a high standard is essential for your peace of mind.
Have you recently invested in a newly built house and are concerned about potential defects or snags? Don’t risk moving into a home with hidden problems! Contact New Home Surveys for professional new build snagging service that’s affordable yet comprehensive. Call us today on 0852563277 or click here to schedule your inspection!
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Taking Care of Your Altered Dress: Tips for Longevity and Style
Alterations can transform an ordinary dress into a perfectly fitting masterpiece that highlights your best features. Whether you’ve had your dress hemmed, taken in at the sides, or made more elaborate adjustments, proper care is essential to maintaining its new fit and appearance. Here’s how to take care of your altered dress to ensure it stays in top condition and continues to make you feel fabulous.
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 2. Handle with Care
When putting on or taking off your dress, handle it gently, especially around areas where alterations have been made. Zippers, buttons, and seams are common points of adjustment that can be susceptible to stress and damage. Take your time to avoid pulling or tugging on these areas.
1. Follow the Care Instructions
The first step in caring for your altered dress is to follow the care instructions on the label. If the dress is made from delicate fabrics like silk or lace, it may require dry cleaning. For machine-washable fabrics, use a gentle cycle and cold water to avoid shrinking or damaging the material. Always air dry your dress or use a low-heat setting if tumble drying is necessary.
3. Store Properly
Proper storage is key to maintaining the shape and integrity of your altered dress. Use a padded hanger to help the dress keep its shape and prevent stretching. If your dress is long, consider using a garment bag to protect it from dust and potential snags. For dresses with delicate fabrics or embellishments, laying them flat in a storage box with acid-free tissue paper can provide additional protection.
 4. Address Stains Promptly
Stains can be particularly troublesome, but prompt action can prevent permanent damage. If you notice a stain, gently blot (don’t rub) the area with a clean cloth. For tougher stains, consult a professional cleaner, especially if your dress requires dry cleaning. Avoid using harsh chemicals or home remedies that might worsen the stain or damage the fabric.
 5. Iron and Steam with Care
Wrinkles and creases are inevitable, but they can be managed with careful ironing or steaming. Always check the fabric’s heat tolerance before applying an iron. Use a pressing cloth between the iron and the dress to avoid direct contact and potential scorch marks. Alternatively, a handheld steamer can effectively remove wrinkles without the risk of burning.
 6. Be Mindful of Accessories
Accessories can elevate your look but can also damage your dress if not chosen carefully. Sharp jewelry, belts, or bags with rough edges can snag or tear the fabric. Opt for smooth, rounded accessories that won’t cause harm. When trying on your dress with different accessories, take extra care to avoid any accidental snags.
 7. Regular Inspections
Periodically inspect your dress for any signs of wear and tear, especially around the altered areas. Check seams, hems, and zippers to ensure they are still intact. If you notice any loose threads or slight damages, address them promptly. Small repairs can prevent more significant issues down the line and extend the life of your dress.
 8. Professional Maintenance
For significant issues or if you’re unsure how to care for certain aspects of your altered dress, seek professional help from suit alteration London . A tailor can make additional adjustments if needed, and a professional cleaner can handle stubborn stains or delicate fabrics with expertise. Regular professional maintenance can keep your dress looking as good as new.
 9. Rotate Your Dresses
If you have several altered dresses, rotate them to avoid excessive wear on a single garment. This rotation allows each dress to have periods of rest, reducing the frequency of washing and the stress on the fabric. A dress alteration London also suggests that it’s also an excellent way to keep your wardrobe fresh and varied.
 10. Enjoy Your Dress!
Most importantly, enjoy wearing your beautifully altered dress! Confidence in a well-fitting dress can significantly boost your mood and presence. Take pride in the care you give your dress, knowing that your efforts help maintain its elegance and longevity.
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