#Private Detective In Anand
silverspyweb · 4 months
Choosing The Right Detective Agency In Ahmedabad: A Comprehensive Guide
In a bustling city like Ahmedabad, where the pace of life can be frenetic and the need for accurate information paramount, choosing the right detective agency is crucial. Whether you're dealing with personal matters or require professional investigative services, selecting a trustworthy and competent agency can make all the difference. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the process and make an informed decision.
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Understanding Your Needs:
Before diving into the selection process, it's essential to clearly define your requirements. Are you seeking assistance with personal matters such as matrimonial issues or missing persons? Or do you require corporate investigation services for background checks or fraud detection? Understanding your needs will help you narrow down your options and choose an agency with relevant expertise.
Researching Potential Agencies:
Start by conducting thorough research on Private Detective In Ahmedabad. Utilize online resources, directories, and recommendations from trusted sources. One reputable agency to consider is Silver Spy Detectives, which has garnered a positive reputation for its professionalism and reliability in the field of private investigation in Ahmedabad.
Assessing Experience and Expertise:
When evaluating potential agencies, prioritize those with extensive experience and specialized expertise relevant to your case. Look for agencies that have a proven track record of successfully handling cases similar to yours. Silver Spy Detectives, for instance, boasts a team of seasoned investigators with diverse backgrounds in law enforcement and private investigation.
Checking Credentials and Licenses:
Ensure that the agency you choose is licensed and certified to operate in Ahmedabad. Verify their credentials and memberships to professional organizations such as the Association of Private Detectives and Investigators (APDI). Silver Spy Detectives adheres to all legal and ethical standards, ensuring that their investigations are conducted lawfully and ethically.
Reviewing Services Offered:
Different detective agencies may offer a range of services, from surveillance and background checks to forensic analysis and undercover operations. Evaluate the services offered by each agency to ensure they align with your specific needs. Silver Spy Detectives provides a comprehensive suite of investigative services tailored to meet the diverse needs of their clients.
Considering Reputation and Reviews:
A detective agency's reputation and client testimonials can provide valuable insights into their reliability and professionalism. Look for agencies with positive reviews and a strong reputation for delivering results. Silver Spy Detectives has earned praise from satisfied clients for their dedication, discretion, and integrity.
Choosing the right detective agency in Ahmedabad requires careful consideration of your needs, thorough research, and evaluation of potential agencies' experience, credentials, and reputation. By following this comprehensive guide and considering reputable agencies such as Silver Spy Detectives, you can make an informed decision and obtain the reliable investigative services you need.
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anandsoftware-blog · 3 years
Security+ practice tests
Certexams.com, a network simulators and practice exams provider, released Comptia Security+ practice exams for candidates preparing for Security+ SY0-601 certification exam. The practice tests consist of four individual tests, each with 100+ questions and answers. Flash cards are provided for each question to explain the question and answers.
The latest Security+ exam consists of multiple choice questions and performance based questions. The practice tests offer exam like timed environment with category wise scoring, enabling candidates to know weak areas and practice the same. Mock tests provide a good precursor to the actual exam so that a candidate face the same with confidence.
About Security+ Certification: The Security+ certification is awarded by Comptia and widely known certification in the area of computer and networking security. It’s a beginner level certificate and offers job roles like security administrator, security network engineer, etc. SY0-601 is the only exam that one needs to pass for getting Security+ certified. The certification, like most other Comptia certs, is valid for 3 years and one needs to recertify after 3 years. The exam topics are:
Implement secure network architecture concepts and systems design
Detect various types of threats and understand penetration testing and vulnerability scanning concepts
Install, configure, and deploy network components and troubleshoot issues to support organizational security
Install and configure identity and access services, as well as management controls
Implement and summarize risk management best practices and the business impact
Install and configure wireless security settings and implement public key infrastructure
The actual certification exam consists of 90 or less number of questions with a pass score of 750. It is recommended, though not an essential requirement, that candidates have 2 years of experience in networking field and have passed Network+ exam.
Free iOS version of the software (limited number of questions) may be downloaded by following this link: Security+ for iOS, and the full version of the Security+ for apple mobiles is also available.
About Certexams.com: Certexams.com is a brand website of Anand Software and Training Private Limited and offers network simulators, lab simulators, and practice exams for various IT certs, such as CCNA, CCNP, Network+ Juniper, and Oracle.
Disclaimer: CertExams.com is not associated or affiliated with CompTIA® and Security+™, is a trademarks of CompTIA® organization. Please check with the official Comptia site for up to date exam information. The practice exams are copyright of Certexams.com and not endorsed or approved by respective vendors.
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Detective Raja is the Best Private Detective Agency in Anand Vihar for all type of Investigations.
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bluewatsons · 4 years
Laura Miller, Sleazy, bloody and surprisingly smart: In defense of true crime, Salon (May 30, 2014)
This stigmatized genre has much to teach us about the way crime and justice really work
Give me a book that begins with a time and a date and a boring address, something along the lines of "At 9:36 on March 24, 1982, Dep. Frank McGruff of the Huntington County Sheriff's Department was dispatched to 234 Maple Street in Pleasantville, North Carolina, a quiet, suburb 10 miles west of Raleigh, to follow up on reports of gunshots and screams."
There is nothing more generic than this sort of sentence -- which is why I was easily able to make one up on the fly -- and yet there's nothing more seductive, either. In it is promised: the regular-guy lawman (who always seems to have a new baby at home), the horrific crime scene (there is always more blood than anyone expects), the enigmatic object found lying in the foyer (marked with an X in the helpfully provided floor plan), the minute-by-minute timeline of that fatal half-hour, the witness reports that don't add up, the fractal-like multiplication of scenarios and theories and complications.
I've always felt somewhat sheepish about my appetite for true crime narratives, associated as they are with fat, flimsy paperbacks scavenged from the 25-cent box at garage sales, their battered covers branded with screaming two-word titles stamped in silver foil, blood dripping luridly from the last letter. The most famous practitioners of this louche genre -- Joe McGinniss, Ann Rule, Vincent Bugliosi -- come coated with a thin, greasy film of dubious repute and poor taste. (Can there ever be a valid reason to title a book "A Rose for Her Grave"?) True crime is also the mother's milk of risible tabloid journalism, of endless trashy news cycles in which the same photo of a wide-eyed innocent bride (where is she?); a gap-toothed kindergarten student (who killed him?); a bleary-eyed, stubbled suspect (why did he do it?) appear over and over and over again.
Occasionally, true crime is where literary writers go to slum and, not coincidentally, make some real money: Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood," Norman Mailer's "The Executioner's Song." It's not the Great American Novel, yet somehow such books have a tendency to end up the most admired works of a celebrated author's career. Is it because better writers tease something out of the genre that pulp peddlers can't, or is it just that their blue-chip names give readers a free pass to indulge a guilty pleasure?
By contrast, crime fiction has a better rep. It is the most respectable form of genre fiction, the one that even the snootiest literary critics will admit to enjoying now and then. They justly praise the innovative prose styles of Raymond Chandler or Elmore Leonard as vehicles for a distinctively American voice. And crime -- transgression of the social and moral order -- is one of literature's central themes, after all. Isn't one of the greatest novels of all time called "Crime and Punishment"? Plus, from Cormac McCarthy's "No Country for Old Men" to Toni Morrison's "Beloved," many novels by literary titans are crime fiction by another name.
True crime, however, labors always under the stigma of voyeurism, or worse. It's not just unseemly to linger over the bloodied bodies of the dead and the hideous sufferings inflicted upon them in their final hours, it's also kind of sick. Gillian Flynn's second novel, "Dark Places," describes the wincing interactions between its narrator -- survivor of a notorious multiple murder like the Clutter killings of "In Cold Blood" -- and a creepy subculture of murder "fans" and collectors; when she's hard up for cash, she's forced to auction off family memorabilia at their conventions. Yuck.
The very thing that makes true crime compelling -- this really happened -- also makes it distasteful: the use of human agony for the purposes of entertainment. Of course, what is the novel if not a voyeuristic enterprise, an attempt to glimpse inside the minds and hearts of other people? But with fiction, no actual people are exploited in the making.
I love crime fiction, too, but lately I've come to appreciate true crime more, specifically for its lack of certain features that crime fiction nearly always supplies: solutions, explanations, answers. Even if the culprit isn't always caught and brought to justice in a detective novel, we expect to find out whodunit, and that expectation had better be satisfied. A novelist who dares to build her narrative around a murder and then refuses to collar the perp by the last chapter -- as Donna Tartt did in her sumptuous, underappreciated second novel, "The Little Friend" -- will never hear the end of it. Readers of books and viewers of television and film demand not only to know who did it but why, preferably with a tidy little back story about a molesting uncle, bullying schoolmates or a mom who tricked with sailors in the next room. We believe in evil, but we also want pop psychology to explain it away.
Crime fiction reassures us that for every murder there is a sleuth as obsessed as we are with getting to the bottom of the puzzle. There are the formulaic clashes between the committed police detective and the self-serving brass, the feds who interfere with the locals (or vice versa) for purely territorial reasons, the nagging spouse and the occasional sloppy, time-serving colleague who just wants to wrap this thing up before he's set to retire with a full pension. But there's also always someone, the hero -- whether public officer or private dick -- who really, really wants to find out the truth and has the brains (and sometimes the brawn) required to do it.
Because most of us have a lot more experience with crime fiction -- TV and movies, but also books -- than we do with actual crime, our sense of how law enforcement works has been distorted by the imperatives of entertainment. Forensic scientists often complain that the public expects them to possess and deploy the wizardly high-tech tools they see every week on "CSI." Because the "CSI" team's gear is presented as omniscient and infallible, legal professionals must contend with jurors' overinflated confidence in forensic evidence. Even the most appalling news stories of incompetent or corrupt lab workers will never register as deeply as watching Gil Grissom and his earnest sidekicks stay up all night and ruin their marriages for the sake of seeing justice done.
For all their lingering shots of mangled bodies and gooey, maggot-ridden corpses, these TV procedurals paint a too-pretty picture. If Jack Nicholson were a true-crime author, he'd be telling the audience for such pseudo-gritty shows that they can't handle the truth. Finding myself seated next to a criminal prosecutor-turned-defense attorney at a wedding several years ago, I asked him what pop culture gets the most wrong about crime and punishment in America. After a long pause, he said, "I'm torn between two answers: How much police care about getting it right and how competent they are to do it."
True crime is not above trafficking in misleading clichés -- because, let's face it, there's not much that true crime is above. The majority of the genre is cheap sensationalism, deploying the most shopworn clichés: tragic maidens; idyllic small towns; smiling devils; winsome, doomed tots. Much true crime has achieved its goals if it gives its readers something to shiver over late at night or to whisper about at school. (Most of my early knowledge of true crime classics like "Helter Skelter" came from other girls who got ahold of the books while baby sitting and recounted the most horrific details to a breathless audience on the playground the next day.) Plenty of it offers a comforting message similar to that of crime fiction: that, for all the bewildering and seemingly random violence of this world, it is usually possible for us to know what really happened and who's responsible.
But we also live in a golden age when it comes to a more challenging vein of true crime. These books include Robert Kolker's "Lost Girls," about 14 unsolved murders in Long Island; Raymond Bonner's "Anatomy of Injustice," about the wrongful capital conviction of a black handyman for the rape and murder of an elderly white widow in South Carolina; Janet Malcolm's "Iphigenia in Forest Hills," about the celebrated journalist's inability to accept the guilty verdict against a young mother accused of hiring a man to murder her ex-husband; and Errol Morris' "A Wilderness of Error," which is in part a challenge to another milestone in the genre, Joe McGinniss' "Fatal Vision." Coming up next month is another landmark, "The Wrong Carlos," by James Liebman and the Columbia DeLuna Project, an exhaustively researched consideration of a 1980s case in which the state of Texas most likely executed the wrong man.
Even true crime books in which the identity of the killer is uncontested can open up welcome vistas of uncertainty. Recently, Anand Giridharadas' "The True American" examines the lives of two men: the sole survivor of a hate-crime spree, who forgave and tried to save his would-be killer, and the killer himself, who seems to have become a different man before his 2011 execution; who was he, really? Dave Cullen's masterful "Columbine," published in 2009, offers the most definitive account of the infamous school shooting and clears up many misperceptions, but still leaves the reader with a sense that the reasons for such acts may be fundamentally unknowable. Several years ago, when I was interviewing Margaret Atwood about "Alias Grace," her novel about a maid convicted of killing her master in 19th-century Canada, she remarked that murderers themselves often don't seem to understand their own crimes. They describe the acts as something that "just happened" or as if they were committed by someone else even as they acknowledge they did it. The true crime accounts I've read confirm what Atwood said.
Most important of all, true crime reminds its readers over and over again that most detectives aren't fantastically clever, that most investigations make dozens of significant mistakes and that even the most seemingly hard evidence can become as indeterminate as a quantum particle under sustained study. Sometimes the confusion is understandable. Jeff Guinn's "Manson," a biography of the murderous cult leader published last year, recounts how long the LAPD spent pursuing a bogus scenario in investigating the massacre at Sharon Tate's home.
Investigators assumed that because drugs were found on the premises, the motive was probably a drug deal or connection gone bad. Manson had his followers plant "clues," in the form of weird words written on the wall in blood, with the bizarre idea that the police would instantly link these words to the Black Panthers. (They instead assumed it was just crazy druggie writing, which of course it was.) Much time was lost before the cops were put on the right track by an informant. This, incidentally, is how most real-life whodunits, such as the Unabomber attacks, seem to be solved. There's nothing like true crime to dispel the notion that criminals get caught because of a detective's brilliant reading of the clues. Rather, they get caught because someone rats them out.
Nowhere is the danger of investigators' tendency to settle too early on a theory of the crime more evident than in stories of wrongful conviction. As "Anatomy of Injustice" tells it, police decided that Edward Lee Elmore, the simple-minded African-American man who had mowed neighborhood lawns for years, suddenly turned violent. Under the influence of a suspiciously meddlesome neighbor, a local city councilman, they ignored significant evidence contradicting this theory, and eventually resorted to falsifying evidence, while Elmore's own lawyers barely bothered to defend him at all. Finally, thanks to the efforts of an attorney working for South Carolina's Center for Capital Litigation, the conviction was overturned. The actual murderer has never been identified, but at least an innocent man has escaped death row.
Investigations aren't always led astray by deliberate manipulation, however. In "The Wrong Carlos," confused and inept handling of the crime scene, witnesses and hunt for the man who stabbed a convenience store clerk in Corpus Christi combined with coincidence and bad luck to lead to the unjust execution of Carlos DeLuna. He was the spitting image of the likely culprit to the degree that even people who knew either of the men quite well couldn't tell photos of them apart. Under the aegis of Liebman, 12 Columbia Law School students pored over the records of the case, producing a meticulous and highly detailed report on the crime investigation and trial -- which, while sobering, is also catnip for the amateur detective. It strongly suggests DeLuna was innocent and it's so convincing that even the victim's brother agrees.
Robert Kolker's "Lost Girls" and Errol Morris' "A Wilderness of Error" may be the most accomplished true crime narratives I've read in recent years. The killer or killers responsible for dumping bodies along a lonely Long Island road have yet to be identified. The investigation appears to be stalled for a variety of reasons having to do with the personalities and ambitions of local officials. So Kolker's "Lost Girls" focuses instead on the lives and families of the dead, young women who drifted into the world of prostitution and could not succeed at pulling themselves out again. It's a portrait of underclass life, frayed by substance abuse, domestic violence, crime and fecklessness, and it asks not what circumstances create a monster but which ones forge his victims.
"A Wilderness of Error" is remarkable not just for questioning a murder investigation and conviction but also for condemning the famous true-crime narrative written about them. Morris is a master of the genre, albeit in a different medium (documentary film) and can even claim to have gotten an innocent man out of jail by making "The Thin Blue Line" in 1988. Above all, he is preoccupied with how we establish what's true. His first book, "Believing Is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography," dismantles our faith in the facticity of photographed images. "A Wilderness of Error," his second, concerns the case of Jeffrey MacDonald, convicted of murdering his wife and two small children in 1970. The crimes were the center of a bestselling book, "Fatal Vision" by Joe McGinniss, later made into a TV movie, that pressed home McGinniss' theory that MacDonald was a psychopath.
The writing of "Fatal Vision" was the subject of yet another book, Janet Malcolm's "The Journalist and the Murderer," devoted to probing the moral soft spots in all journalists' relationships to their subjects, but Morris believes these murders were insufficiently investigated and that MacDonald did not get a fair trial. Many aficionados of the trial find Morris' arguments unconvincing, but that is partly Morris' point. Just like the cops, outside observers settle on a story about what happened and become invested in it. They then ignore or dismiss any evidence that undermines that story, often with a vehemence that increases as the counter-evidence mounts. Certainty, an emotional state all too common today, is less a testament to the merits of a belief than a measure of how much we want to go on believing it.
At the very least, Morris presents a convincing case that an uncertain McGinniss was pushed into endorsing MacDonald's guilt by his publisher because offering a conclusion would make for a more satisfying book. Later, of course, the author had no choice but to double down on that conclusion, and whether or not he believed it before his editor urged him to declare the case solved in his own mind, he seems to have fully believed it in the end. All this would be meat for an interesting consideration of the nature of truth and whether it can ever be meaningfully detached from desire, but as Morris keeps pointing out, when it comes to true crime, real lives and real justice are at stake. Crime fiction can afford to go on telling us what we want to hear, but at its best true crime insists on telling us what we can't afford to forget.
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biotecnika · 4 years
India’s first finger-prick COVID-19 diagnostic kit – Approved by ICMR A simple finger-prick diagnostic test to detect COVID-19 antibodies in blood samples will be soon extensively available at nursing homes, hospitals as well as private labs. Anand Sekhri, CEO of Oscar Medicare, said that ICMR had authorized Delhi-based Oscar Medicare’s indigenous point-of-care (POC) rapid antibody […] The post ICMR Approves Nation’s First Finger-prick COVID-19 Diagnostic Kit appeared first on BioTecNika .
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Asia-Pacific is to Dominate the Automotive Clutch Pressure Plate Market through 2026 | TechSci Research
Surge in the preference for increased driving comfort and growing demand for luxury vehicles is expected to drive the demand for global automotive clutch pressure plate market for the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Automotive Clutch Pressure Plate Market By Vehicle Type (Two-Wheeler, Passenger Car, Light Commercial Vehicle, Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicle Market) By Demand Category (OEM vs Replacement) By Product Type (Coil Spring Type, Diaphragm Type) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the global automotive clutch pressure plate market is expected to witness significant growth in the forecast period. The type of automotive clutch pressure plates used depends on the type of clutch system installed in the automobiles and the vehicle type. Automotive clutch pressure plates are usually installed in friction clutches which can be either be a single plate, multi-plate, or cone clutches. The automotive clutch pressure plates can be manufactured by using cast iron or stainless steel. These have higher fuel economy than the manual clutch pressure plate and thereby are in high demand to be installed in automobiles.
Since the onset of the pandemic COVID-19, the lockdown was imposed all around the globe to fight the novel coronavirus. The government and leading authorities released precautionary guidelines and safety precautions to save people across the world. Manufacturing units were shut down and people migrated to their homes which resulted in a shortage of skilled worker force at the manufacturing units. The automotive industry got significantly impacted which resulted in the decline of automobile sales. The restrictions imposed by the leading authorities in the import and export activities adversely affected the supply chain which resulted in the supply of raw materials at the manufacturing facilities. After the lifting of lockdown and the offering of relaxations by the leading authorities, the global automotive clutch pressure plate market is expected to pick up the pace eventually in the next five years.
However, a lack of knowledge about the functionality of clutch pressure plates and the growing demand for electric vehicles may create a hindrance in the automotive clutch pressure plate market growth in the next five years.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Automotive Clutch Pressure Plate Market”.
The global automotive clutch pressure plate market is segmented into vehicle type, demand category, product type, regional distribution, and company. Based on the product type, the market can be bifurcated into coil spring type and diaphragm type. A coil spring-type clutch exerts a force that increases with the deflection and a diaphragm-type clutch exerts force when its shape is altered. Diaphragm clutch offers several advantages including it is suitable for high speeds, is compact, have higher pedal force. Based on the vehicle type, the market can be divided into two-wheeler, passenger car, light commercial vehicle, medium & heavy commercial vehicle market. The passenger car vehicle type segment is expected to hold a major market share in the next five years. The rising population around the globe and the improvement in the economic conditions is contributing to the market growth. Based on the demand category, the market can be categorized into OEM and replacement. The OEM segment is expected to witness significant growth in the next five years. OEM market players are increasing their production capacity to cater to the growing need of the rising population around the globe. The high demand for quality products and the warranty facility offered by the market players is contributing to the market growth.
Makino Auto Industries Private Limited, Sassone SRL, Anand Group, APLS Automotive Industries Private Limited, Hebei tengda auto parts co., ltd, Raicam Clutch Ltd, Macas Automotive, California Custom Clutch Corporation, Setco Automotive Ltd, S. K. Auto Industries are the leading players operating in global automotive clutch pressure plate market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several automotive clutch pressure plate manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7746
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Market players are investing huge amounts for the technological up-gradation of the existing infrastructure with the help of research and development activities. The rise in the demand for fuel-efficient vehicles is contributing to the development of advanced and improved clutches and the market players are expanding their production capabilities along with adopting attractive marketing strategies such as social media campaigns and hiring of celebrities to increase the sales of automobiles is expected to propel the market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Automotive Clutch Pressure Plate Market By Vehicle Type (Two-Wheeler, Passenger Car, Light Commercial Vehicle, Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicle Market) By Demand Category (OEM vs Replacement) By Product Type (Coil Spring Type, Diaphragm Type) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of global automotive clutch pressure plate market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of global automotive clutch pressure plate market.
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United States Automotive Microcontrollers Market, By Vehicle Type (Passenger Cars and Commercial Vehicle), By Electric Vehicle Type (BEV, HEV, PHEV, FCEV), By Technology (Park Assist System, ACC, TPMS and Blind Spot Detection System), By Connectivity (V2V Connectivity, V2I and V2C), By Bit Size (8-Bit, 16-Bit and 32-Bit), By Application (Body Electronics, Chassis & Powertrain, Infotainment & Telematics, Safety & Security), By Company and By Geography, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Asia-Pacific is to Dominate the Automotive Clutch Pressure Plate Market through 2026 | TechSci Research
Surge in the preference for increased driving comfort and growing demand for luxury vehicles is expected to drive the demand for global automotive clutch pressure plate market for the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Automotive Clutch Pressure Plate Market By Vehicle Type (Two-Wheeler, Passenger Car, Light Commercial Vehicle, Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicle Market) By Demand Category (OEM vs Replacement) By Product Type (Coil Spring Type, Diaphragm Type) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the global automotive clutch pressure plate market is expected to witness significant growth in the forecast period. The type of automotive clutch pressure plates used depends on the type of clutch system installed in the automobiles and the vehicle type. Automotive clutch pressure plates are usually installed in friction clutches which can be either be a single plate, multi-plate, or cone clutches. The automotive clutch pressure plates can be manufactured by using cast iron or stainless steel. These have higher fuel economy than the manual clutch pressure plate and thereby are in high demand to be installed in automobiles.
Since the onset of the pandemic COVID-19, the lockdown was imposed all around the globe to fight the novel coronavirus. The government and leading authorities released precautionary guidelines and safety precautions to save people across the world. Manufacturing units were shut down and people migrated to their homes which resulted in a shortage of skilled worker force at the manufacturing units. The automotive industry got significantly impacted which resulted in the decline of automobile sales. The restrictions imposed by the leading authorities in the import and export activities adversely affected the supply chain which resulted in the supply of raw materials at the manufacturing facilities. After the lifting of lockdown and the offering of relaxations by the leading authorities, the global automotive clutch pressure plate market is expected to pick up the pace eventually in the next five years.
However, a lack of knowledge about the functionality of clutch pressure plates and the growing demand for electric vehicles may create a hindrance in the automotive clutch pressure plate market growth in the next five years.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Automotive Clutch Pressure Plate Market”.
The global automotive clutch pressure plate market is segmented into vehicle type, demand category, product type, regional distribution, and company. Based on the product type, the market can be bifurcated into coil spring type and diaphragm type. A coil spring-type clutch exerts a force that increases with the deflection and a diaphragm-type clutch exerts force when its shape is altered. Diaphragm clutch offers several advantages including it is suitable for high speeds, is compact, have higher pedal force. Based on the vehicle type, the market can be divided into two-wheeler, passenger car, light commercial vehicle, medium & heavy commercial vehicle market. The passenger car vehicle type segment is expected to hold a major market share in the next five years. The rising population around the globe and the improvement in the economic conditions is contributing to the market growth. Based on the demand category, the market can be categorized into OEM and replacement. The OEM segment is expected to witness significant growth in the next five years. OEM market players are increasing their production capacity to cater to the growing need of the rising population around the globe. The high demand for quality products and the warranty facility offered by the market players is contributing to the market growth.
Makino Auto Industries Private Limited, Sassone SRL, Anand Group, APLS Automotive Industries Private Limited, Hebei tengda auto parts co., ltd, Raicam Clutch Ltd, Macas Automotive, California Custom Clutch Corporation, Setco Automotive Ltd, S. K. Auto Industries are the leading players operating in global automotive clutch pressure plate market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several automotive clutch pressure plate manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7746
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Market players are investing huge amounts for the technological up-gradation of the existing infrastructure with the help of research and development activities. The rise in the demand for fuel-efficient vehicles is contributing to the development of advanced and improved clutches and the market players are expanding their production capabilities along with adopting attractive marketing strategies such as social media campaigns and hiring of celebrities to increase the sales of automobiles is expected to propel the market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Automotive Clutch Pressure Plate Market By Vehicle Type (Two-Wheeler, Passenger Car, Light Commercial Vehicle, Medium & Heavy Commercial Vehicle Market) By Demand Category (OEM vs Replacement) By Product Type (Coil Spring Type, Diaphragm Type) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of global automotive clutch pressure plate market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of global automotive clutch pressure plate market.
Browse Related Reports:
United States Automotive Temperature Sensor Market, By Vehicle Type (Passenger Cars and Commercial Vehicles), By Product (Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD), Thermistor, MEMS, IC Temperature Sensor, Thermocouple and Infrared Temperature Sensor), By Technology (Contact and Non-Contact), By Usage (Gas, Air and Liquid), By EV Application (HVAC, Engine, Battery and Electric Motor), By Company and By Geography, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
United States Automotive Microcontrollers Market, By Vehicle Type (Passenger Cars and Commercial Vehicle), By Electric Vehicle Type (BEV, HEV, PHEV, FCEV), By Technology (Park Assist System, ACC, TPMS and Blind Spot Detection System), By Connectivity (V2V Connectivity, V2I and V2C), By Bit Size (8-Bit, 16-Bit and 32-Bit), By Application (Body Electronics, Chassis & Powertrain, Infotainment & Telematics, Safety & Security), By Company and By Geography, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/
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Segmental Analysis
The segmental analysis of the hematology diagnostics market is segmented on the basis of tests, product type, and end-user. By product type, the hematology diagnostics market is segmented into flow cytometers, and consumables. The tests segment is additionally segmented into leukemia/lymphoma phenotyping, hemoglobinopathy, anemia, hematology pathophysiology, complete blood count (CBC) and others. Based on end-users, the market is segmented into ambulatory surgical centers, diagnostic laboratories, hospitals and clinics, academic institutes and others.    
Detailed Regional Analysis
The regional analysis of the hematology diagnostics market trends states that the North American region dominates the market due to the mounting incidence of blood diseases. The presence of the primary market players within the region is influencing the market growth. Factors such as growing healthcare expenditure, technological improvements within the population are driving the market development in this region. The European region is the subsequent market contender in the global hematology diagnostics market due to the growing hematology research within this region. The growing hematology research and government initiatives within this region are influencing the development of the hematology diagnostic market in this region.
The Asia Pacific region was recognized as the quickest rising region for the hematology diagnostics market globally in 2017. The market is projected to observe considerable development due to the intensifying commonness of blood disorders and genetic diseases. The predisposition of individuals in the region to genetic disorders due to marriages to blood relatives or marrying within the same community, ethnicity, caste, etc. The Middle Eastern and African region controls the smallest stake in the hematology diagnostics market globally owing to the incidence of strict government policies and deprived economies. Though, the market is projected to observe growth owing to increased investments by private market players in the Middle East. Moreover, the increasing incidence of genetic blood disorders and expanding government initiatives to develop the healthcare sector within the region is expected to contribute to the market’s growth.
Competitive Analysis
The growth of the market is moving in a favorable direction due to new product launches or rising gross revenue of the players in the market. Significant reductions in administrative costs are inducing further expansion of the market. The vertical additions and product tactics of the market are boosting the potential of the market players. The development of a robust value chain is further motivating the development of the market. The strategic goals intended for the market are reinforced due to favorable product differentiation carried out by market competitors.  Increased adaptability of market players to new market trends and customers inclinations are lifting the growth curve of the market and will continue do so in the forecast period. The successful implementation of strategies is expected to motivate the market in the coming years.
The central contenders in the hematology diagnostics market globally are Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (US), Danaher (US), Siemens (Germany), Boule Diagnostics (Sweden), HORIBA (Japan), Abbott Laboratories (US), EKF Diagnostics (UK), Bio-Rad Laboratories (US), BioSystems (Spain), Sysmex (Japan), Diatron (Hungary), Nihon Kohden (Japan), Drew Scientific (US), Mindray (China), and Roche (Switzerland), and other.
Get Premium Research Report, Inclusive of COVID-19 Impact Analysis, Find more information @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/hematology-diagnostics-market-6262
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.
In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.
Akash Anand
Market Research Future
+1 646 845 9312
NOTE: Our team of researchers are studying Covid-19 and its impact on various industry verticals and wherever required we will be considering covid-19 footprints for a better analysis of markets and industries. Cordially get in touch for more details.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Netflix’s Hindi Version of The Girl on the Train Has an Insane New Ending
Contains major spoilers for The Girl on the Train – novel, 2015 film and 2021 film.
Paula Hawkins’ novel The Girl on the Train was a cultural phenomenon when it was published back in 2015, and a movie adaptation swiftly followed starring Emily Blunt in the lead role. Blunt plays Rachel, a depressed alcoholic who travels to London every day because she’s ashamed to tell her housemate she’s lost her job. Rachel is a blackout drunk obsessed with a couple she sees from the window of the train, but when the young woman goes missing Rachel insinuates herself into the investigation, despite having been seen in the area the night of the disappearance and having no memory of what happened.
It’s a twisty turny tale of abuse and gaslighting as well as a character study of three women whose lives are linked. 
Now Netflix has released a new Hindi adaptation, initially planned for a 2020 release but postponed due to Covid, and it’s a very different beast – not least because of the direction it takes the ending.
Parineeti Chopra plays Mira (the Rachel character) – in this version she was formerly a lawyer, rather than a PR (which will be important later). In a belt and braces move, Mira suffers from anterograde amnesia caused by a car accident. She is also an alcoholic, which doesn’t exactly help the memory loss either. 
Obsessed with a seemingly perfect couple she sees from the train window on her commute to London (yep, this one is set in London unlike the Emily Blunt version), one drunken night Mira follows the young woman into the forest but doesn’t recall what happens next.
Unlike Rachel, Mira is actually a bit of a badass. In this version, the police have a decent amount of circumstantial evidence against her and even move to make an arrest but Mira escapes out the window and calls in a favor from the family member of a former client. Get me a phone, cash, and a gun, she says.
Like in the book, Mira discovers that the missing girl, Nusrat, (Aditi Rao Hydari) wasn’t as happily married as she looked and that she was having an affair. For a good chunk of the movie, it’s entirely plausible that Mira is the killer – in a drunken rage which she accidentally records on her phone, Mira fantasizes about smashing Nusrat’s head in, angry that she is ruining her own marriage.
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New on Netflix UK March 2021: The Irregulars & Moxie Streaming This Month
By Louisa Mellor
There are plenty of other suspects too, though, including Nusrat’s sex pest dance teacher, a blackmailing private eye, and more than one aggressive and abusive husband. This is less a character study of damaged souls and more a punchy whodunnit, which keeps us guessing right until the end, which deviates far from the book and the previous film adaptation.
Like in the original story, we learn that Mira’s philandering ex-husband Shehkar (Avinash Tiwary) has been gaslighting her for years. She’s a blackout drunk (and an amnesiac!) but she isn’t the violent, offensive brute that he’s been claiming, and she isn’t responsible for him losing his job. 
Though Nusrat was unhappy in her marriage to abusive Anand (Shamaun Ahmed) and was pregnant by someone else, Anand didn’t kill her. Nor did the kindly therapist who was trying to help Nusrat. It turns out the Nusrat’s baby was Shehkar’s, and the night Mira followed Nusrat into “Greenwich Forest” Shehkar was there too and it was him who bashed Mira over the head with a rock and left her there. Nusrat told him of the pregnancy, they fought, and Shehkar strangled Nusrat, leaving her for dead.
But, (massive twist) she wasn’t dead, and here’s where the film diverts far away from the book. It turns out there were two other people in Greenwich Forest that night (a busy night in the old forest). These are the police woman in charge of the case, Inspector Dalbir (Kirti Kulhari), and a private detective named Walter (Richie Lawrie), who was hired by Anand to follow Nusrat. 
Walter’s pictures from the night reveal that, unbelievably, Dalbir killed Nusrat. The daughter of an organized crime boss Mira had sent down (she was a lawyer remember) and who had killed himself in jail, Dalbir had a vendetta against Mira. It was she who crashed the jeep into Mira and Shekhar, causing Mira to lose her baby and get amnesia. It’s Dalbir who later mows down and kills Walter (to prevent him from sharing the evidence with Mira).
Dalbir had been tailing Mira for a time, and followed her into the forest. Finding her unconscious having been hit by Shekhar, Dalbir saw an opportunity to murder her in revenge. But Nusrat, who had just woken up, caught Dalbir trying to off Mira. Dalbir can’t leave a witness, so instead she decides to kill Nusrat and frame Mira for the murder.
Following the trail to Walter’s house (via, at one point, a man who’s job seems to be “standing next to a horse”), Mira solves the crime, and when Dalbir turns up to kill her and destroy the evidence ,a fight ensues and badass Mira ends up shooting Dalbir.
Then there’s a musical montage, a voiceover about a train, and the end.
That’s quite a series of coincidences, it’s true, and an awful lot of trouble to go to (for instance, Dalbir just runs Walter down in the street – might it not have been easier to do that to drunken Mira rather than her more elaborate plan?). But then if you’re going to reboot a celebrated grip-lit mystery, why not wrong-foot the audience right until the end? It’s a bit bonkers, but it kind of works.
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The Girl on the Train is available to stream on Netflix now.
The post Netflix’s Hindi Version of The Girl on the Train Has an Insane New Ending appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3qgC2ko
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bbcbreakingnews · 3 years
Isro to launch Brazil’s Amazonia-1, 20 satellites on Feb 28; will be 1st full commercial mission of NSIL, IN-SPACe
NEW DELHI: In its first mission of 2021, the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) will launch Brazilian satellite Amazonia-1 as main payload and 20 other satellites from Sriharikota at 10.23 am on February 28. The launch of PSLV-C51 is the first dedicated commercial mission of NewSpace India Ltd (NSIL), a PSU under the Department of Space. The 20 co-passenger satellites include one nano satellite (INS-2TD) from Isro, four commercial satellites booked via recently-formed space facilitator Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe) and 15 satellites commercially arranged by NSIL itself. The four satellites being launched via IN-SPACe are three UNITYsats from a consortium of three Indian academic institutes and one Satish Dhawan satellite from startup Space Kidz India. Space Kidz India said Satish Dhawan satellite, named after former Isro chairman Satish Dhawan, is aimed at studying space radiation and magnetosphere. This will be their second satellite after Kalamsat to be launched by Isro. UNITYsat is a combination of three satellites designed and built as a joint development by Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Sriperumbudur (JITsat), G H Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, (GHRCEsat) and Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore (Sri Shakthi Sat). A satellite, ‘Anand’, built by Indian space startup Pixxel, is also part of the launch.‘Anand’ is the first in a series of constellation of earth observation satellites that aims at monitoring the planet 24×7 and provide data to detect, monitor and predict global phenomena in real time. The data from ‘Anand’ satellite will be used for detecting forest fires early, oil spills and gas leaks, tackling air and water pollution levels, and solving problems of pest infestations and crop diseases on time.
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NSIL is undertaking this PSLV-C51/Amazonia-1 mission under a commercial arrangement with Spaceflight Inc, US. Amazonia-1 is the optical earth observation satellite of Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE), which took eight years to develop it. This satellite would strengthen the existing structure by providing remote sensing data to users for monitoring deforestation in the Amazon region and analysis of diversified agriculture across the Brazilian territory, an Isro statement said. Isro chairman K Sivan had earlier called the upcoming PSLV-C51 launch, dedicated to private satellites, “as part of space reforms”, which are aimed at increasing the participation of private companies in the space sector.
source https://bbcbreakingnews.com/2021/02/08/isro-to-launch-brazils-amazonia-1-20-satellites-on-feb-28-will-be-1st-full-commercial-mission-of-nsil-in-space/
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diaspora9ja · 4 years
Velodyne Lidar’s Velabit™ Wins Prestigious Best of What’s New Award From Popular Science
SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Velodyne Lidar, Inc. (Nasdaq: VLDR) as we speak introduced its Velabit
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lidar sensor was named a winner within the Better of What’s New awards by Standard Science. The Velabit, Velodyne’s smallest sensor, brings new ranges of versatility and affordability to 3D lidar notion. It’s a cornerstone answer in Velodyne’s mission to rework lives by advancing protected mobility and sensible communities by way of entry to their progressive lidar applied sciences.
“Standard Science has an esteemed legacy of reporting on groundbreaking improvements and discoveries,” mentioned Anand Gopalan, CEO, Velodyne Lidar. “Velodyne is honored to have the Velabit acknowledged as a number one progressive product by the journal’s editors. With its mixture of efficiency, measurement and value place, the Velabit is a breakthrough sensor that may be a catalyst for a brand new period of autonomous options on a worldwide scale.”
The Velabit is engineered to be an optimum automotive grade lidar answer for Superior Driver Help Methods (ADAS) and autonomous automobiles. It might probably allow strong notion protection for Blind-Spot Monitoring, Cross Visitors Detection, and Pedestrian Automatic Emergency Braking. This mid-range sensor could be mixed with different Velodyne lidar applied sciences, such because the Velarray H800
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, for high-speed operation or operate as a standalone lidar answer in low-speed functions. The Velabit will also be built-in with Velodyne’s Vella
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software program suite to assist advance the complete spectrum of car security options.
The Velabit addresses the associated fee, security and design challenges of autonomous options whereas delivering robust sensor efficiency. This solid-state lidar sensor is extremely configurable for specialised use instances and could be embedded nearly anyplace inside automobiles, robots, unmanned aerial automobiles (UAV) and infrastructure. Leveraging Velodyne’s progressive design expertise and manufacturing companions, the Velabit is designed to be simple to fabricate at mass manufacturing ranges.
“The Better of What’s New Awards showcase the yr’s best feats of human ingenuity,” mentioned Standard Science Editor-in-Chief Corinne Iozzio. “Even in a yr like 2020, innovation has helped us glimpse a future that’s safer, smarter, and extra fulfilling than we’d have thought attainable. This assortment, which incorporates every little thing from a brand new technology of Mars explorers to ultra-hygienic print-to-order eyeshadows, is filled with gadgets we’re proud to name the Better of What’s New.”
Since 1988, the editors of Standard Science have reviewed 1000’s of merchandise in quest of the highest 100 tech improvements of every yr – breakthrough merchandise and applied sciences that characterize a major development of their classes. Better of What’s New Awards are offered to 100 new merchandise and applied sciences in 10 classes: Aerospace, Automotive, Engineering, Leisure, Devices, Well being, Dwelling, Private Care, Recreation and Safety.
About Velodyne Lidar
Velodyne Lidar (NASDAQ: VLDR) ushered in a brand new period of autonomous expertise with the invention of real-time encompass view lidar sensors. Velodyne is the primary public pure-play lidar firm and is understood worldwide for its broad portfolio of breakthrough lidar applied sciences. Velodyne’s revolutionary sensor and software program options present flexibility, high quality and efficiency to fulfill the wants of a variety of industries, together with autonomous automobiles, superior driver help methods (ADAS), robotics, unmanned aerial automobiles (UAV), sensible cities and safety. By means of steady innovation, Velodyne strives to rework lives and communities by advancing safer mobility for all. For extra data, go to www.velodynelidar.com.
Ahead Wanting Statements
This press launch incorporates “ahead wanting statements” inside the which means of the “protected harbor” provisions of america Non-public Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 together with, with out limitation, all statements apart from historic reality and embody, with out limitation, statements relating to Velodyne’s goal markets, new merchandise, growth efforts, competitors. When used on this press launch, the phrases “estimates,” “projected,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “forecasts,” “plans,” “intends,” “believes,” “seeks,” “could,” “will,” “ought to,” “future,” “suggest” and variations of those phrases or related expressions (or the unfavourable variations of such phrases or expressions) are supposed to determine forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements should not ensures of future efficiency, circumstances or outcomes and contain a variety of identified and unknown dangers, uncertainties, ‘assumptions and different essential elements, a lot of that are outdoors Velodyne’s management, that would trigger precise outcomes or outcomes to vary materially from these mentioned within the forward-looking statements. Necessary elements, amongst others, which will have an effect on precise outcomes or outcomes embody Velodyne’s potential to handle development; Velodyne’s potential to execute its marketing strategy; uncertainties associated to the flexibility of Velodyne’s prospects to commercialize their merchandise and the final word market acceptance of those merchandise; the unsure affect of the COVID-19 pandemic on Velodyne’s and its prospects’ companies; uncertainties associated to Velodyne’s estimates of the dimensions of the markets for its merchandise; the speed and diploma of market acceptance of Velodyne’s merchandise; the success of different competing lidar and sensor-related services that exist or could change into accessible; Velodyne’s potential to determine and combine acquisitions; uncertainties associated to Velodyne’s present litigation and potential litigation involving Velodyne or the validity or enforceability of Velodyne’s mental property; and common financial and market circumstances impacting demand for Velodyne’s services. Velodyne undertakes no obligation to replace or revise any forward-looking statements, whether or not on account of new data, future occasions or in any other case, besides as required by regulation.
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from Diaspora9ja https://diaspora9ja.com/velodyne-lidars-velabit-wins-prestigious-best-of-whats-new-award-from-popular-science/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=velodyne-lidars-velabit-wins-prestigious-best-of-whats-new-award-from-popular-science
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Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Market Dynamics, Outlook And Segmentation
COVID-19 Impact on Healthcare Market Size, Trends, Growth, Dynamics and Insights By 2022
COVID-19 Impact on Healthcare Market Segmentation
The Global COVID-19 Impact on Healthcare Market Report has been covered for various sectors including medical devices/equipment, diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, technology, Healthcare IT, health insurance, medical tourism, and healthcare facilities.
The COVID-19 infection has increased the usage of masks exponentially. To meet the increasing demand for masks, many companies such as Reliance Industries Ltd. (India) have started the production of face masks in India. In early March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has called to increase the production of masks by 40% to meet about 89 million mask demand per month from medical workers working in the frontline. Before the outbreak, China has manufactured more than half of the world’s masks. The corona outbreak has resulted in an increase in the production of masks to 100 million units in China and the production of N-95 masks has reached 1.6 million units. The manufacture of masks has increased by 12-fold in the country.
The diagnostics sector is further categorized into analyzers, kits & reagents, and consumables. The demand for diagnostics test kits has spiked since the past few months. Several companies have increased their production to meet the global demand. The companies are also launching new cost-effective rapid tests with low turn-around time. In April, Bione, an Indian company, launched a new screening test kit for at-home use.
The pharmaceutical is further segmented into vaccines and drugs. Several pharma companies are striving hard to advance potential therapeutics or vaccines towards the current situation. Currently, there are two candidate vaccines under Phase 1 clinical trial being developed by CanSino Biological Inc. with the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology and Moderna/NIAID. Also, there are around 42 candidate vaccines in the pre-clinical stage being developed by companies such as Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Takis/Applied DNA Sciences/Evvivax, Zydus Cadila, Sinovac, Codagenix/Serum Institute of India, and Sanofi Pasteur among others.
The product is approved by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and displays the results in 5 to 10 minutes. The cost of these test kits is between USD 25 to USD 30. The company claims to supply 20,000 kits per week. Furthermore, in February, PCL, a South Korean IVD company has launched a testing kit, named COVID-19 Ag GICA Rapid, to detect COVID-19 with a turn-around time of 10 minutes. The test kit uses nasal discharge as a sample with an accuracy rate of around 85 percent.
The approval of any new pharmaceutical products to fight the coronavirus pandemic would be credit positive for the pharma companies involved. But the revenue opportunities for these products are difficult to estimate due to the uncertainty surrounding the severity and the duration of the pandemic, as well as other variables. These include the probability of success, the ability to scale up manufacturing, the level of competition, and product pricing, which would likely vary by region.
The Healthcare IT sector is categorized into telehealth, mHealth, ePharmacy, and EHR/EMR. Telehealth is playing a crucial role in relieving the burden of COVID-19 on hospitals. For instance, the FCC has developed and approved a USD 200 million programs to fund telehealth services and devices for medical providers. The support provided through the COVID-19 Telehealth Program will help eligible health care providers purchase telecommunications services, information services, and devices necessary to provide critical connected care services, whether for treatment of coronavirus or other health conditions during the coronavirus pandemic.
In addition to this, several startup companies are taking this opportunity to launch a new product in telehealth. For instance, Pager, a New York-based digital health startup has announced that it has developed an additional AI (artificial intelligence) feature specific to COVID-19 triage and risk assessment to its care navigation and telemedicine platform. This product is offered white-labeled to health system providers and health insurance payers. Telehealth not only caters to the need of target patients but also helps to mitigate the imbalances and shortages of healthcare professionals. Thus, new product launches, favorable government initiatives, and awareness among the population are expected to boost the application of telehealth during the COVID-19 crises.
According to MRFR analysis, the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to pose a huge impact on the overall healthcare industry. Governments and various associations in conjunction with several market players are actively participating in facing the current crisis. The key players are involved in research and development activities, strategic collaborations & partnerships, and new product launches, to cater to the current needs of vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, and medical devices such as ventilators.
The medical devices/equipment has been divided into medical ventilators, imaging devices, hospital beds, masks, personal protective equipment, sanitation, and nurse call systems. Medical ventilator Market size is expected to Witness significant growth owing to widespread use of ventilators during this COVID-19 outbreak has substantially raised the production bar of prominent players across the globe. Currently, there are about 170,000 ventilators in the US and another 12,700 in the National Strategic Supply, a cache of medical supplies maintained by the federal government to respond to national emergencies. Moreover, the prominent players are also keen on increasing their production capacities. This move has been worked out by many players, including Vyaire Medical, Hamilton Medical, and Medtronic, to sufficiently aid the medical facilities and hospital settings. The market for ventilators is expected to grow at a rate of more than 35% in the coming months as more players are manufacturing these products. In addition, the market in 2019 might not see the dominance of specific players. Furthermore, ease of regulation might increase the number of new entrants in the market.
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COVID-19 Impact on Healthcare Market Regional Outlook
The COVID-19 Impact on Healthcare Market has been divided, by region, into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Middle East & Africa. The US is expected to account for the largest number of COVID-19 cases followed by Spain, Italy, Germany, France, and China. The study includes the impact of COVID-19 in North America with the US, Canada, and Mexico, whereas South America is categorized into Brazil and the Rest of South America. The countries included in the European regional study include Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and the rest of Europe. The impact analysis also covers Asia-Pacific segmented into Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, and the rest of Asia-Pacific. The study in the Middle East & Africa has been divided into Saudi Arabia, Iran, Africa, and the Rest of MEA.
COVID-19 Impact on Healthcare Market Highlights
The COVID-19 Impact on Healthcare Market is expected to pose a significant growth by 2022, says Market Research Future (MRFR). COVID-19 outbreak has severely impacted the entire supply chain in the healthcare industry from the procurement of raw materials to production and distribution. The need for medical ventilators at a global level has triggered the manufacturers to increase production by up to 40% to 50%. The manufacturers have also collaborated with automakers to meet the growing demand. For instance, as of 30 March 2020, GE Healthcare and Ford Motors entered into a strategic partnership. As per the agreement, Ford Motors will provide its manufacturing capabilities to quickly scale production, and GE Healthcare will provide its clinical expertise and will license the current ventilator design from Airon Corporation, a US-based privately held company specializing in high-tech pneumatic life support products.
Browse More details at: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/covid-19-analysis/covid-19-impact-healthcare-market-9547
NOTE: Our team of researchers are studying Covid19 and its impact on various industry verticals and wherever required we will be considering covid19 footprints for a better analysis of markets and industries. Cordially get in touch for more details.
About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
Akash Anand
Market Research Future
+1 646 845 9312
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88% pregnant women with Covid-19 are asymptomatic in Maharashtra: Study - https://ift.tt/3bBAYB6 Facebook - https://ift.tt/3cLdcT0 Twitter - https://twitter.com/UTRelationship Tumblr - https://ift.tt/3aw8EPa Pinterest - https://ift.tt/3eMn017 #Relationship #Love #Happy_Life Home / Mumbai News / 88% pregnant women with Covid-19 are asymptomatic in Maharashtra: Study A study conducted by Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (ICMR-NIRRH), in association with Medical Education and Drugs Department (MEDD) and BYL Nair Hospital has found that most Covid-positive pregnant women are asymptomatic. Despite the absence of symptoms, Covid-19 can cause health complications during pregnancies and delivery, said gynaecologists. The study analysed data collected between April 25 and May 20 by PregCOVID (https://pregcovid.com/), a registry started by ICMR-NIRRH in collaboration with MEDD and the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). PregCOVID has data from 18 government medical colleges across rural and urban Maharashtra and the civic-run BYL Nair Hospital in Mumbai. For the study, data from 1,140 pregnant women was analysed and 321 tested positive for Covid-19. However, only 37 (11.5%) exhibited symptoms when they were admitted to hospitals for delivery. The prevalence of the virus in women varied (0-40%) across different hospitals. “Our results estimate the presence of one symptomatic to every nine asymptomatic pregnant women,” reads the study, which was published on September 23 in the European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. “Detection of asymptomatic women will protect them and their new-borns [as well as] healthcare workers, and curb spread of the infection in the community. The significance of detecting asymptomatic pregnant women is useful for ensuring safe obstetric and neonatal services and assessing the burden of Covid-19 in the region,” said Dr Rahul Gajbhiye of ICMR-NIRRH. Doctors have observed that Covid-19 can lead to health complications in pregnant women. “During pregnancy, the immunity level goes down among women, which makes them more susceptible to the infection. So, women with comorbid health issues develop complications,” said Dr Ashok Anand, head of obstetrics and gynaecology, Sir JJ Group of Hospitals, Mumbai. The hospital has treated over 600 Covid-positive pregnant women since March. There is also a greater risk of complications during a caesarean section for Covid-positive mothers. “The infection leads to blood clotting in infected mothers and postpartum bleeding or postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)” said Dr Ramesh Bharmal, dean of Nair Hospital, adding that more studies are necessary to verify these observations. PregCovid is open for all public and private Covid-19 hospitals in India that provide care to Covid-positive pregnant women. To be part of the registry, see https://ift.tt/2S54eId. Credit:Hindustan Time Source: https://ift.tt/3mNGB55 #Relationship https://ift.tt/3bBAYB6
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wsmith215 · 4 years
The coronavirus crisis could push the U.S. to adopt online voting by 2024
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden recently suggested that, as the public health emergency deepens, all-mail ballots are “worth looking at, quickly.” Mail-in ballots could be helpful as a stopgap right now, but it’s a slow and inefficient process in a digital age that demands a better answer. In addition, the lack of emergency funding for the United States Postal Service showcases how we cannot depend on this mode of voting for much longer.
Although false starts like Iowa’s Shadow app fiasco appear as setbacks, we indeed have the building blocks for online voting; we just need the determination, focus, and execution to bring it to fruition. It’s much too late to consider a transition to online voting in this year’s elections. But we could make the move in time for 2028, with state-wide beta tests in place as early as 2024. Although we may be eager for implementation sooner rather than later, it will take time for us to do this right.
The most prominent concern is, of course, security. Online voting must overcome several significant hurdles before it can be rolled out widely. These hurdles include voter ID fraud, a learning curve for users to understand the user interface, and attempts by hackers to take down the back-end networks and tamper with mobile apps and data, which could be difficult for election officials to detect.
Federal government, military, and private sector studies have all concluded that internet-based voting is not secure and shouldn’t be used in U.S. elections. The Department of Homeland Security recently released guidelines that point to high security risks for online election voting.
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“Until there is a major technological breakthrough in or fundamental change to the nature of the internet, the best method for securing elections is a tried-and-true one: mailed paper ballots,” democracy watchdog group Common Cause has said.
As the chief technology officer of a cybersecurity company with several government customers, I’ve been watching this issue closely. Truth is, the technological building blocks are available now for online elections, such as that for collecting, storing, and mining data at scale securely.
Here’s what else is needed:
For starters, 100% of the source code needs to be open source. The mobile applications and server-side code should be open and shared for everyone to examine and poke holes in. A single organization operating behind closed doors can’t be expected to get this right. A community approach is the way to go.
We also need a process to trust and verify votes. Every American would need Real ID compliant identification, and the voting process would require layers of multi-factor authentication. Once placed, votes would need to be transparent in the sense that the person is anonymized, but certain characteristics about them are known, such as where the individual resides and who they voted for.
A potential problem could be some humans’ lack of trust in the digital process. Mail ballots can be verified, but how would online voters know their ballot was received?
This could be remedied by requesting a confirmation that would then require the voter to confirm their identity once again. It could also be an instance in which blockchain serves as confirmation that someone voted but their identity is masked. Concepts of homomorphic encryption could be applied to ensure that voting data is encrypted yet can still be searched.
Then there’s the voting experience itself. The process would have to be so straightforward that everyone from Boomers to Gen Z could easily take part. That means the final product that voters will interact with, via the web or a mobile device, will need to have undergone a significant amount of usability testing. The apps will need to feel natural to users — and will need to support dozens of languages and be accessible to voters with disabilities.
We’ll need a robust system to collect votes. I don’t see scale as a problem, though. These days, one can develop a service on an off-the-shelf laptop that can write hundreds of thousands of events per second. With good architecture and design, and stress testing, a strong system can be deployed.
Finally, we’ll need to think about how we add security in every layer: the network, the app, and the data store. We’ll have to build and implement controls to generate and review system audit logs, limit access, and apply zero-trust concepts. This might sound like a lot, but it really isn’t much different than what regulated organizations in financial services and healthcare already do today.
A final question we will need to address is who puts the pieces together and creates the software required for online voting. Should a government task force take the lead? A public super company like Google or Apple? Some combination of technology leaders?
The bottom line is, saying online voting won’t happen seems foolish. Surely, voting will happen digitally eventually; it just needs to be done right. And the coronavirus crisis may provide the push we need to make it happen sooner rather than later.
Kunal Anand is CTO at cyber security company Imperva.
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Hematology Diagnostics Market Expected to Gain Growth in the Forecast Period of 2020 to 2027
Hematology Diagnostics Market – Overview
The renewed emphasis on health and wellness has prompted an increased focus on blood-related disorders as well. Market reports connected with the healthcare industry have been presented by Market Research Future which makes reports on other industry verticals that aims to analyze the current market scenarios better.  The market is set to profit from the positive CAGR in the market during the forecast period.
The increased prevalence of blood-related disorders is motivating the expansion of the hematology diagnostics market. Moreover, the development in the detection and diagnostic methods has improved the growth of the market for hematology diagnostics. The increased involvement of genetic diseases in blood-related ailments is projected to fuel the development of the hematology diagnostic market in the coming years.
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Segmental Analysis
The segmental analysis of the hematology diagnostics market is segmented on the basis of tests, product type, and end-user. By product type, the hematology diagnostics market is segmented into flow cytometers, and consumables. The tests segment is additionally segmented into leukemia/lymphoma phenotyping, hemoglobinopathy, anemia, hematology pathophysiology, complete blood count (CBC) and others. Based on end-users, the market is segmented into ambulatory surgical centers, diagnostic laboratories, hospitals and clinics, academic institutes and others.    
Detailed Regional Analysis
The regional analysis of the hematology diagnostics market share states that the North American region dominates the market due to the mounting incidence of blood diseases. The presence of the primary market players within the region is influencing the market growth. Factors such as growing healthcare expenditure, technological improvements within the population are driving the market development in this region. The European region is the subsequent market contender in the global hematology diagnostics market due to the growing hematology research within this region. The growing hematology research and government initiatives within this region are influencing the development of the hematology diagnostic market in this region.
The Asia Pacific region was recognized as the quickest rising region for the hematology diagnostics market globally in 2017. The market is projected to observe considerable development due to the intensifying commonness of blood disorders and genetic diseases. The predisposition of individuals in the region to genetic disorders due to marriages to blood relatives or marrying within the same community, ethnicity, caste, etc. The Middle Eastern and African region controls the smallest stake in the hematology diagnostics market globally owing to the incidence of strict government policies and deprived economies. Though, the market is projected to observe growth owing to increased investments by private market players in the Middle East. Moreover, the increasing incidence of genetic blood disorders and expanding government initiatives to develop the healthcare sector within the region is expected to contribute to the market’s growth.
Competitive Analysis
The growth of the market is moving in a favorable direction due to new product launches or rising gross revenue of the players in the market. Significant reductions in administrative costs are inducing further expansion of the market. The vertical additions and product tactics of the market are boosting the potential of the market players. The development of a robust value chain is further motivating the development of the market. The strategic goals intended for the market are reinforced due to favorable product differentiation carried out by market competitors.  Increased adaptability of market players to new market trends and customers inclinations are lifting the growth curve of the market and will continue do so in the forecast period. The successful implementation of strategies is expected to motivate the market in the coming years.
The central contenders in the hematology diagnostics market globally are Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (US), Danaher (US), Siemens (Germany), Boule Diagnostics (Sweden), HORIBA (Japan), Abbott Laboratories (US), EKF Diagnostics (UK), Bio-Rad Laboratories (US), BioSystems (Spain), Sysmex (Japan), Diatron (Hungary), Nihon Kohden (Japan), Drew Scientific (US), Mindray (China), and Roche (Switzerland), and other.
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Akash Anand
Market Research Future
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