#Prionodon linsang
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lazer-t · 1 month ago
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Banded Linsang for a $15 Ko-fi supporter
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- Goldentail Moray (Gymnothorax miliaris)
- Pacific Banana Slug (Ariolimax columbianus)
- Ball Python (Python regius)
- Polillo False Gecko (Pseudogekko smaragdinus)
- Banded Linsang (Prionodon linsang)
- Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)
Mods are asleep, post bananimals
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silkysealion · 1 year ago
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Banded linsang - least concern
📍Southeast Asia
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mammalidentifier · 4 months ago
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@wartwing the OP of this post has disabled reblogs, but this is a banded linsang (Prionodon linsang)!
Despite sharing their name and superficial appearance with the African viverrids also known as linsangs, genetic analysis in the mid 00s has determined banded linsangs and their closest relatives not to be viverrids at all and, instead, the closest living relatives of all true felids!
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nyxlion · 3 months ago
🌺Critter: Spotted Linsang (Prionodon pardicolor)
They grow to a length of 33–43 cm (13–17 inches), excluding a banded tail almost as long, and have slender bodies, relatively narrow heads, elongated muzzles, retractile claws, and dense, close fur.
🌺Habitat & Behaviour:
The Spotted linsang ↑ is found in tropical uplands in northern India and Myanmar (Burma), southern China, and Nepal.
The Oyan, or African Linsang (Poiana richardsoni), lives in western and central Africa. All three species inhabit dense forests and jungles.
This boi & it's Banded Linsang (Prionodon linsang) cousin be strictly carnivorous, but the Oyan eats plant materials as well.
All three species are nocturnal and arboreal. They usually produce two litters annually, each containing two or three young.
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oakmoviez · 3 months ago
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wren , Bio under cut
wren is just a little creature don't worry about it.... he rows a boat down the river to different ports in the under realm listening to all their stories and grievances from the monsters he takes a long for a ride- he doesn't mind the conversation, he's met Jay Benny and Pris they all went to the institute together. he passively watched their friendship blossom and fall apart but didn't get a chance to know them on a deeper level until after they all graduated. Wren's illusion form is a prionodon linsang which he uses when he's on the surface usually traveling at night to get snacks from the gas station or to steal a car
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feathers-fins-and-fangs · 10 months ago
About My Nonhuman Identity🐾
(may change/update occasionally) (All from most to least prominent, excluding flicktertype list)
▸Turkish Angora (felis catus) ▸Vancouver coastal sea wolf (canis lupus crassodon) ▸Type A orca (orcinus orca) ▸Western jackdaw (corvus monedula) ▸Banded linsang (prionodon linsang)
▸Mercutio (Romeo et Juliette, les enfants de Verone 2010) ▸Tybalt Capulet (Romeo es Julia musical)
FLICKERTYPES (💡= active flicker) (⌛= from a long time ago):
▸Applejack (MLP FiM) ▸Mr. Snake (The Bad Guys) ⌛ ▸Count Paris (Romeo and Juliet) ▸c!Ranboo (DSMP) ⌛
▸All snake species ▸Circe (EPIC: the musical) ▸Hermes (EPIC: the musical) ▸Lady Macbeth (Macbeth)
▸Ophelia (Hamlet)
▸I experience mainly sensory, phantom and mental shifts, though I (very rarely) also experience dream shifts and (slightly more common) perception shifts! The majority of the time, I do not feel my phantom limbs touching objects, but sometimes a particularly strong shift can can uncomfortable.
▸I do not experience species dysphoria very often.
▸I identify specifically as a male wolf, and a pack leader, due to a lack of maternal instinct and other qualities that are tied to my nonhumanity. I also identify as a female domestic cat. I know I do not feel wolfish maternal instincts because when I see a real kitten or a picture of a kitten, I feel strong urges to protect it, feed it, etc.
▸I consider myself both a psychological and spiritual therian. As far as I know, all my identities are psychological except my coastal wolf and Turkish Angora theriotypes, which are spiritual (past lives)
▸I have been awakened since October 2021 (boy does time fly)
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oldsargasso · 1 year ago
pit babe daemons
I'm physically incapable of being in a fandom without making a daemon au. I'm not exactly actively writing this, but I couldn't stop thinking about it so here we are. (also it's always a fun test of my willpower to not give everyone a bird. 2/13 I am a master of restraint.)
(warning for spiders and snakes just in case!)
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beautiful pit viper (trimeresurus venustus) (I couldn't resist). like most snakes, scary on the outside and a sweetheart underneath. not the most aggressive but strikes fast with a venomous bite. also imagine Babe in his tank top with a snake draped over his neck. exactly.
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Appenzeller Sennenhund. cheerful, energetic, smart. fearless when it comes to protecting their family. very loyal! of course puppy Charlie has a dog daemon.
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eastern barn owl (Tyto javanica stertens). fiercely territorial, secretive. incredible hunter. intelligent! also in folklore owls are either good (symbol of wisdom) or bad (omen of death and doom to come) which speaks to the dichotomy of Way.
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spotted-winged fruit bat (Balionycteris maculata). tends to be solitary. not a predator. they don’t echolocate but find food using keen sense of smell and eyesight, and they have an unusual dental formation compared to other fruit bats. (<- I can't explain why that is Pete to me but trust me.) smallest of the megabats but still a megabat which I think reflects the corporate side of things nicely.
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cocker spaniel. loyal loyal loyal. easily trained. meant for hunting. good with kids lol. also in HDM servants tended to have dog daemons. LOYAL.
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siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica). intrepid and intelligent. sociable when it suits. will fight you and likely bite you. look at that little lady and tell me that's not Kim.
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dhole (Cuon alpinus). highly sociable and adaptive. noisy (likes to chat) but also uses complex body language.  dholes don't engage in dominance displays and aren't super territorial, which I think reflects North's easy-going nature.
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blue crested lizard (Calotes mystaceus). colourful! not very dangerous but still has teeth and claws. quick and crafty. I originally thought butterfly for Sonic but he needed something more substantial. also she definitely hitches a ride on North's daemon all the time.
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tiger shrike (Lanius tigrinus). solitary, shy and predatory. shrikes kill by impaling their prey on the nearest pointy object, which I think mirrors the way Dean went for the hammer well. also not a particularly flashy bird. (but still beautiful in the way all birds are beautiful!!)
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electric blue tarantula (Chilobrachys natanicharum). opportunistic, defensive, kind of a show-off. will ‘hiss’ when provoked. but not the most dangerous spider around. also I think Winner deserves a little blue in his life.
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banded linsang (Prionodon linsang) male daemon - low sexual dimorphism in this species so not everyone notices but it’s just something else that pings a little odd about alan. generally solitary and not well-known. a predator still.
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veined labyrinth butterfy (Neope pulaha). clever, excellent vision, weak fliers. Jeff is a mystery to most, hence labyrinth. I think Jeff is served well by a daemon that can be easily hidden and/or overlooked.
+ bonus Tony:
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giant hawker dragonfly (Tetracanthagyna plagiata). dragonflies are the world’s most efficient predator. but at the end of the day it’s just an insect. as with Jeff, it suits Tony to have a hidden daemon.
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your-ace-fluffy-neighbour · 9 months ago
Hi I'm not the linsang anon, but I saw your moodboard in the alterhuman tag and thought I'd let you know those are genets (and one ringtail not in the moodboard) not linsang! Unfortunately they come up a lot when you try to search for linsang, so very easy mistake to make!
Here's a banded linsang photo I found off of flickr for comparison:
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Searching via their scientific name (Prionodon linsang) or with different search engines may help filter out some of the genets (though there's still usually spotted linsang mixed with them).
Anyways, sorry for this random ask, just a banded linsang trying to help out (/genuine). And no need to respond!
I looked it up in my own language tbh 😅 and for the life of me (I know you sent a comparison image) but I cannot tell the difference I’m so sorry 😭
I honestly thought dog people would request moodboards 😅😅😅
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prionodontidae · 5 months ago
Hello! This is a blog where I'm compiling posts and information about the Asiatic linsangs (genus Prionodon in the family Prionodontidae).
Tags used:
#linsang art -> for artwork
#linsang post -> general linsang posts
#linsang info -> informative linsang posts (links to scientific papers will be additionally tagged #linsang paper) (note not all info will be up to date/accurate)
specific species tags (both common and scientific names) where applicable
I add IDs to photos but not art, so please feel free to add some yourself!
To Do (new year blog goals):
Create and link detailed descriptions of each species (to supplement simple image descriptions)
Share/post linsang papers
Set up proper queue for posts from others
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the-faunal-frontier · 7 years ago
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Prionodon pardicolor - Spotted Linsang
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prionodontidae · 2 months ago
[ID: Three photos of a banded linsang. The first linsang is loafing, head turned almost towards the camera.
The second linsang is crouched on a branch, with neck and tail outstretched.
The third is a captive linsang curled up and looking over its shoulder. /End ID]
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there’s no way this thing doesn’t fly, grant wishes, and have a heart-wrenching backstory
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nothofagus-archive · 2 years ago
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"Reliance or dependence" (2013)
Another Linsang and Tiger concept piece. Rather happy with tihs one, I remember adopting this strong shading back around this time.
I do recall about the Linsang (a Spotted one, to be precise, Prionodon pardicolor), being such a rare species that there was only like 2 photos of them online, back then. I mostly referenced from a book I has, with a realistic illustration of the animal.
I do not even know what is going with Deviantart anymore, gotta go back to uploading pages from my comics, and keep putting it off, because the site bothers me so much. Still, wanna force myself to go back to uploads this week. It's been a while.
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stereocyon · 7 years ago
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my mom told me she didnt like this shirt on me because it “makes me look like a boy :(” and im like... heh... also here’s a banded linsang (Prionodon linsang), a tree-dwelling mammal native to southeast asia 
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prionodontidae · 28 days ago
[ID: First photo shows a banded linsang crouched against a dark background. It has a warm yellow colouration.
Second photo shows an ermine in its winter coat standing among snow.
Third photo shows a domestic ferret with sable colouration. It is crouched on a blanket. /End ID]
This is a
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alamendah · 10 years ago
Linsang (Prionodon linsang) yang Bukan Berang-berang
Linsang (Prionodon linsang) yang Bukan Berang-berang
Banyak masyarakat menyebut Linsang untuk menamai Berang-berang, hewan semi-akuatik. Padahal antara Linsang dan berang-berang adalah dua jenis hewan yang berbeda. Penampilan Linsang lebih mirip kucing sedangkan Berang-berang menyerupai musang. Secara taksonomi meskipun sama-sama anggota ordo Carnivora, namun sudah terpisah di tingkat famili, Linsang berfamili Viverridae sedangkan Berang-berang…
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