#Pretty sure this one involved a strip club but Lads details
"Just you and me in Paris! "
Noel and Liam Gallagher are each other. Same hair, same scowl, same swagger, same security guards: brothers. In matching Kangol parkas.
"I swear I didn't know he was going to wear his," says Noel, fingering his designer logo. "Do you think I'd have turned up wearing the same clobber as that c*** on purpose?"
Liam swivels round looking for his security guard. "Get us a couple of beers, mate. I'm going to hit f***ing Paris tonight! I've been in for three days and nights doing f*** all, just watching Neighbours twice a day. I'm getting a thing for Helen f***ing Daniels and it's not healthy! I am gasping for a proper night out. It's going to be top!" Noel momentarily brightens. It's not been a great morning but the future smells sweeter.
"Yeah," he says, nudging his brother, "just you and me in Paris! We're going to have a right party! Patsy and Meg will be panicking, ringing the hotel rooms, wondering where we are and we won't be there. We'll be out!"
"Yeah," agrees Liam decisively, "we'll be right out!"
So, yeah, Liam is mad for many things, but chat?
"No, I'm mad for that."
And he is, he's mad for chat. Mad for it right up until he sits down in the brightly lit make-up room and gets himself involved in the question-and-answer thing. He's polite and accommodating, he'll answer any question asked. But if he can answer it in one word, then he will. See, he's also pretty mad for getting out of here and going to Paris. Contrivance isn't really his bag.
Another cough from outside and Noel winks. "That's my signal. I'll have to get off or I'll miss me train to Paris, and I don't want to do that, I'm looking forward to our night out too much."
Source: NME - 12th July 1997
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nabrizoya · 4 years
TLH; theories, expectations and hopes.
Kinda want to talk about downworlder appearances here. A little more than a long post. 
» 2. Downworld Denizens.
note: to all those who haven’t yet read TDA, GOTSM etc. (because ik a few who haven’t read them yet) this post is not for you. 
TL;DR this post talks about the proportion (no math here) of downworlder appearances in each of the series and novellas we have read. The Bane Chronicles not included.
For understanding’s sake, I’ll divide the downworld as the shadow market does. Into four major segments: warlocks, faeries (with sub-divisions), vampires and werewolves. While we do see other groups of non-shadowhunters and mundanes like the irfits, the djinns, the kelpies, sprites and wights, the mermaids, witches etc. we haven’t seen much of them be a major part of the plot as the above mentioned four do. 
That being cleared, let’s start series wise. 
▸ In The Mortal Instruments, we saw all the four interact. More than interact, actually. Every one of them played a major role in turning the series around. 
Vampires, we know what Simon Lewis, Raphael and Lily did. What antagonists Camille Belcourt and Maureen did and how they shaped the series. 
Werewolf packs, there were revolutions and the emergence of newer and stronger packs.
Warlocks, Magnus Bane, of course, but Ragnor played a part in the first trilogy and we saw Catarina’s abilities in the later half. Tessa was briefly mentioned and the timeline added up by the time COHF ended. 
In TMI, the Seelie Court entirely turned the tables while TDA picked up the thread from its counterpart, the Unseelie Court. Mark was taken away by the wild hunt which sets the precedent to TDA.
And, The End. 
[It’s been two years since I’ve read TMI and I barely remember things from it. All those I do remember is from vague readings that I did from wikia or see Dani’s rereading posts. There are inaccuracies here, but the jist remains the same.]
▸ Walk over to The Infernal Devices. 
Magnus Bane was a crucial character in the series, with a random appearance from Ragnor Fell. We saw Mortmain’s parents too, the warlocks whose deaths Mortmain wanted to avenge. Tessa is not a major warlock character. She’s the protag.
The Dark Sisters, a pair of witches, who unethically and literally shaped Tessa because she possessed the ability to shape-shift. 
Vampires, Alexie deQuincy, the guy in association with the Pandemonium, the club that Mortmain ran. Camille orchestrated the attack on him besides being a side character. 
Werewolves; we saw them both attack and defend Will Herondale on his way to Cadair Idris. Woolsey Scott was the head.
And that’s pretty much where downworlder appearance subsides. No mention of faeries. 
▸ On to The Dark Artifices now. 
Faeries played a MAJOR role in the events of TDA, which makes sense because the Cold Peace greatly influenced the beginning of the series. 
Mark’s return and the eventual discovery of the alliance that Malcolm had with that dude, [for real, I actually forgot his name and I can’t remember or be bothered enough to look it up], who used Mark and Kieran as their pawns to get what they wanted. 
The Unseelie King is dead, the Seelie Queen yeed her last haw and we saw the whole business with the first heir, that took its origins from Ghosts of the Shadow Market. 
Oh, not to forget the ruthless Riders of Mannan. 
And Thule, but we don’t talk about that here. 
Vampires, well, only Nightshade and his drugs. 
Werewolves, nope. None at all. 
Warlocks, yesss, what with the warlock fever and such. The major warlocks we noted are Magnus, Shade Fell, Tessa and, of course, Malcolm Fade. 
Hypatia Vex and Barnabas Hale also were instrumental to the plot since they detailed the tensions of the market. There’s sourness that we saw between Magnus and Hypatia, which should hint towards something. 
▸ Going forth with the Novellas, in Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy, we saw each one of them be mentioned to connect the dots between TMI and TDA and then draw the strings from TID. 
We noted the Uprising and the news of Lucian’s turning in the werewolf part. 
Vampires, I don’t think there was any mention of them at all. 
Warlocks, we saw our little Max Bluebell, Magnus and Alec as a family. Tessa is a warlock who has settled with her and our long lost love, Jem Carstairs. 
Faeries, now, aah, Helen’s inhumane exile, Andrew and Arthur’s torture in the Land Under the Hill, Lady Nerissa, the brief Wild Hunt stunt when Simon got imprisoned and Mark Blackthorn *sob* etc. 
▸ Ghosts of the Shadow Market:
Faeries, yet again, who, out of their spite, destroyed Matthew Fairchild’s life and we don’t how much more detrimental it is going to be ahaha pain my old fren, they harmed Jem too along with Rosemary Herondale, almost killed Tessa etc. 
Vampires, still none. But we did get to see Raphael and Lily’s interactions (The Son of Dawn) and Lily’s past (The Land I Lost). 
Warlocks, yes Tessa! Malcolm Fade and the weird book he was looking for in Every Exquisite Thing. (👀) Catarina Loss and her excellent healing prowess. Leopolda and her stains. Yeah, nothing more.
Werewolves, oh yes Mr. Scott, who helped end Leopolda Stain’s plans. And oh, the smuggling of yin-fen ofc in The Son of Dawn, and the kind werewolves who helped Alec, Lily, Tessa and Jem in The Land I Lost. 
That’s pretty much it. 
The real requirement that the post will satisfy is to see how each of them will make an appearance in The Last Hours.
Magnus will not play a major role (nor do I want him to which I will explain in a further post).
Tessa is minimally using her warlock magic. You know, for the smallest of things like some healing powers, lighting a candle with magic. The small stuff. She will, also, play a major role in defeating Belial because she is Belial’s daughter though currently, she is choosing to not use her demonic powers. 
Hypatia Vex is rumoured to be Magnus’ girlfriend? But I’d also like to see her as the authority of Hell Ruelle. Let’s not reduce her to being a simple love interest please.
Malcolm Fade.
I’d also like to see Catarina please Miss Clare, make it happen. 🥺
Land Under the Hill: 
Faeries shall certainly make an appearance. But most of all, they’ll be more inclined to destroy the Herondale lineage. The same happened with Matthew (as we found out in The Land I Lost from Auraline’s guardian): to end the Herondales.
There is a snippet in COI wikia where Cordelia freezes when a faerie tells her not to marry a man who does not love her. I’m ready to believe this is Mother Hawthorn, Auraline’s guardian.
There are also theories that Grace is Nene. Which is a possibility, and if it is true, we can see another faerie plotline.
I’m grasping at straws at this point but,,, Jesse speaking about the Land Under the Hill when he first meets Lucie will probably mean something? This is not my strongest bet, because in Chapter 3, the idea is diminished. Jesse tells Lucie that shadowhunters know about faerie traps too. But, just in case, some food for thought. 
Vampires & Werewolves: 
Vampires and Werewolves WILL play an important role in shaping the series here. With little to no involvement of theirs in TID (and TDA), it is a heavy possibility. 
The series took off with Elias’ punishment for being the person responsible for the deaths of werewolves in Idris. This will come back and bite the families, I’m sure. 
There are theories Matthew might be stripped of his marks to either become a vampire or a werewolf. Strong bets, but I hope not. (is this how werewolves will take their revenge? who knows).
Woolsey Scott and Camille Belcourt are set to make an appearance and we do not know why. 
Pandemonium is coming back too, lads and ladies and everybody else. 
Lily Chen is already present and she is set to become friends, or at least acquaintances, with Camille because they spend the 1920s together. 
Cordelia is going to save Lily and I cannot wait for it. 🥺
And, the end. 
This will also lead more towards the building up of The Wicked Powers too. 
. . .
One last warlock to talk more about is Malcolm Fade. 
Around the timeline of TLH, he has a connection with the Blackthorns and for the most part, is trusted by Magnus and Ragnor as a good and virtuous man. I should believe he was, until the truth is dug out, either in 1903/04, or sometime before 1936 when Jem inquires with Sister Emilia about Annabel Blackthorn. 
As per the information from TDA, Malcolm already was associated with the Unseelie King in the early 1800s, before the Accords that granted peace between downworlders and shadowhunters. He took the Black Volume of the Dead, though he is not possession of it. Yet.
Let me give you map of MF connections (mf connections lmao): 
Black Volume of the Dead 
Warlock Magic aka Portals and Death Magic 
Cornwall Gardens and Institute
Avenging to vengeance 
Shadow Markets 
... This will then lead us to more interesting theories. Cassie did mention in one of her asks/answers that Malcolm is going to be a major character in this series. And you bet I’m making a theory about this too. 
That concludes the post. That’s it. If you’ve managed to read this entirety, you’re either too excellent or you’re just as jobless as me. Either way, here’s your reward for bearing with me. Trust me, you won’t regret opening it.
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