#Pretty boy Pietro Maximoff revolution
munchkinmarauder · 3 months
Quicksilver being a pretty boy this week in Avengers 2023 #15 and Scarlet Witch 2024 #1
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THG AU Chapter 27
Chapter 1        Chapter 2      Chapter 3     Chapter 4    Chapter 5    Chapter 6 Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9  Chapter 10   Chapter 11 Chapter 12  Chapter 13 Chapter 14  Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17  Chapter 18 Chapter 19   Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22  Chapter 23   Chapter 24  Chapter 25 Chapter 26
*Natasha Romanoff was in The Capitol for an interview. She was now three months pregnant and everyone was buzzing about the baby. This interview was to announce the winners of the baby naming competition. The only thing keeping Natasha from being furious about not getting to name her own child was the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to stick it to The Capitol.*
Ceaser: I think we all know what we’re here for. Natasha, if you would open the envelope.
Natasha: Okay, Ceaser. Here goes nothing.
Ceaser: Can we get a drumroll please? *drumroll* Thank you.
Natasha: The winning name for a baby girl is Victoria, and if it’s a boy, the winner is... Triffle. *her face falls*
* Meanwhile in District 12, everyone is watching the interview together at Natasha and Bruce’s.*
Pietro: Triffle? *bursts out laughing* 
Fury: That poor child.
Maria: That’s unfortunate. 
Bruce: Triffle?! They want us to name our child Triffle?! That’s not even a name! 
Wanda: Evidently, it is in The Capitol. 
Melina: That’s okay. Triffle is a bit... odd, but we would love him anyway. Besides, Victoria is a very nice name. 
Alexei: Our poor grandson is going to be teased so much. 
Fury: Have you met this child’s parents? He’ll be fine. 
Bruce: For everyone’s sake I hope we have a girl. 
*A week later, Natasha and Bruce went to their first S.H.I.E.L.D. meeting. It was held in a hovercraft above the wilds.*
Peggy: I know we haven’t met in a while, but I assure you S.H.I.E.L.D. is as active as ever. We have three new agents today, so please give a warm welcome to Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, and Natasha Romanoff.
Grant: Wait, didn’t she just get married? Why does she still have her same last name?
Natasha: The Capitol already knows me well, so changing my name didn’t make much sense. 
Peggy: Why don’t we all just introduce ourselves? I’ll start. My name is Peggy Carter and I live in District 4. 
Phil: I’m Phil Coulson, I live in District 9.
Melinda: Melinda May,  District 2.
Lincoln: Lincoln Campbell, District 5. I know, shocking. 
Lance: Lance Hunter, District 2.
Thor: You guys know me. You also know Steve! *Steve waves*
Daisy: Daisy Johnson, I’m from 3. 
Bruce: Yeah, I’ve met you. You’re the new girl from coding. 
Daisy: That’s me. 
Tripp:  Antoine Triplett, but you can call me Tripp. I also live in District 3.
Grant: Grant Ward, from District 2. 
Jemma: Jemma Simmons. I live in District 3, but I invent medical devices so I’m always in The Capitol. 
Bobbi: Bobbi Morse, I’m also from District 2. Imagine that. 
Lance: She’s my wife. 
Leo: Leo Fitz. I’m from District 3, but we’ve met. 
Bruce: Yes, yes we have. 
Mack: Alphonso Mackenzie, District 6. You can call me Mack.
Daniel: I’m Daniel Sousa. I live in District 10 and I think that’s everyone, right?
Gamora: You forgot us. 
Daniel: Right, our friends from The Capitol.
Gamora: I’m Gamora Zen-Titan, as you may remember.
Mantis: Mantis Brandt-Snow. I’m so happy to be here!
Nebula: Nebula Lupho-Titan. *pointing at Gamora* I’m her sister. 
Peter: Peter Quill-Snow. *pointing at Mantis* I’m her sister. 
*Everyone goes silent and gives Peter an odd look. A few people stifle laughter. A moment later, Peter realizes his mistake.*
Peter: Wait, no! She’s my- *sigh* never mind. 
Bruce: Wait. Snow, Titan, I know those names! You let the children of the president and his closest advisor join a society to take them down? 
Peter: Our father is Snow’s brother, actually. 
Gamora: Not to mention none of us want anything to do with the corrupt and unfair system that is our government! The things going on in Panem just aren’t right, and anyone could see that no matter who their “family” is! Panem needs to enter a new era, and soon. 
Bruce: Fair enough, carry on. 
Loki: I’m Loki Odinson and *pointing to Thor* I’ve never met that man in my life. 
Natasha: Oh, are you two siblings?
Loki: No. I’ve seriously never met him. It’s a total coincidence that we have the same last name.
Thor: It’s actually kind of freaky, especially considering we look very similar.
Loki: For the last time, we do not look alike! At all! 
Peggy: Can we get back to business? 
Thor: Right, sorry. 
Peggy: Anyway, we need to take a few more people before we’re ready to start the next phase of our plan. *to Bruce and Natasha* That’s where you come in. We need to recruit Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, and Pietro Maximoff. Banner, you need to get Tony on board. Natasha, you will handle the Maximoffs. 
*Natasha and Bruce accepted their assignment and the rest of the meeting went pretty well. After the meeting, Bruce was snuck to District 3 so he could talk to Tony. He encased them in the secret bubble.*
Tony: Bruce? What are you doing here?
Bruce: I’ll tell you in a minute, but first I want to know how you’re holding up. Did they ever find Pepper?
Tony: *starting to cry* No. It’s been four months and we’ve found nothing. Well, nothing but this. *Tony pulls out a ring* They found her wedding ring in the ruins of her sister’s house. 
Bruce: *pulls Tony into a hug* I’m so sorry. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call. How’s Morgan?
Tony: She’s still my pride and joy. She misses her mommy, but she’s a wonderful daughter. Just turned three. I’m keeping this one close, I can’t lose her like I did Peter and Pepper. Speaking of children, congratulations. I heard about the baby. You’re not seriously going to name a boy Triffle, are you?
Bruce: We have no choice. Anyway, back to the reason I’m here. The government of Panem needs to be stopped. A secret organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. is working to overthrow Snow, and I’ve been sent to recruit you.
Tony: No. No way. I can’t join a revolution. 
Bruce: We need you! The Hunger Games, the bombings, the whippings, the avoxes and muttations, none of this is acceptable! We owe it to Peter and Pepper and Vision and Sammy and everyone else The Capitol saw as disposable. This isn’t right and it isn’t fair!
Tony: I know, but this sounds dangerous and my top priority will always be keeping my daughter safe. 
Bruce: What if your daughter could live in a world where she didn’t have to worry about the reaping every year? A world where she could see other districts. A world where the citizens aren’t oppressed. 
Tony: That sounds amazing, but I can’t. What if they find out and kill Morgan?
Bruce: We won’t let that happen. Just please consider it. These people really want to make a change, and I want to be a part of it. But none of this is possible without you.
Tony: And you’re sure these people can be trusted?
Bruce: Yes. 
Tony: Then count me in. For Pepper. And Peter. And for Morgan. Most importantly, for the future of Panem. I’m joining your revolution. 
*Meanwhile back in 12*
Natasha: You may be wondering why I shut you both in a soundproof invisibility bubble with me. There is a secret organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. that has been created to overthrow Snow and I was sent to recruit you because-
Both twins at once: We’re in. 
*About two months later, everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. was preparing to deliver the first blow. *
Peggy: Okay, we want to start small with something barely noticeable. In order to do that, we need someone to sneak in and grab a secret file. With that gone, The Capitol will no longer have arena ideas for the next few years.The 91st Hunger Games is probably already all planned, given it’s in a month, but this will be a major setback and a distraction for some of the most prominent figures in The Capitol.
Natasha: If we’re doing something against the games, I want to be involved.
Peggy: Absolutely not. You are in no condition to sneak into that building. 
Natasha: What’s that supposed to mean?!
Peggy: Ordinarily, I’d send you in in a heartbeat, but...
Natasha: What? Am I not good enough? Did you see me in the games? I’m not proud of it, but I’m told I was impressive!
Bruce: Nat, you’re five months pregnant. 
Natasha: Oh, right. 
Peggy: Anyway, we’re sending in Wanda, Daisy, and Gamora. Tony Stark has made rigs for Daisy and Wanda similar to what Peter Parker made in the games. Wanda, yours will allow you to move objects with your mind.
Tony: These ones are a lot stronger than what you had in the arena. You’ll be able to move bigger objects and even people. They also work long distance. 
Peggy: Daisy, yours will allow you to pulse vibrations through the floor, creating miniature earthquakes.
Tony: You can direct them towards specific people and everything. 
Peter: What about Gamora? Are you just going to send her in with nothing?
Gamora: Don’t be ridiculous. *pulling out ID badge* I have my dad’s ID badge. It’ll give us access to everything. Also, I have a retractable sword. 
Peter: Oh, okay. 
Daniel: So you’ll be safe then? Because you have the ID badge?
Daisy: We’ll be fine, I promise. *kisses his cheek* Besides, it’s a really fast, in and out, kind of mission. We’ll be back before you know I’m gone. 
Daniel: I miss you already. Be safe.
Daisy: Don’t worry, we will. 
*After they leave*
Tony: So, you and Daisy, huh? How’d you two meet?
Daniel: We’re both involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. She and I met through this. 
Tony: Meeting through work, nice. That’s how I met my wife. *sniff* Well, I guess now she’s my ex wife. *begins sobbing* 
Bruce: *puts hand on Tony’s shoulder* You’ll be okay. here. *hugs Tony*
Daniel: Messy divorce?
Bruce: She was killed in an attack by The Capitol. 
*An hour later, Daisy, Gamora, and Wanda return. S.H.I.E.L.D. is officially up and running, and they aren’t going to back down.*
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ghostofmoriarty · 7 years
Fictional Favorites Tag Game
I was tagged by @yourgoodfriendraichel so here goes  I am going to follow in Raichel’s footsteps and put this under a break, because oooh boy did it get long  1. What is your MBTI? It changes every time I take the test, but  INTP /INTJ are my most common results 
2. What is your Hogwarts House? Ravenclaw. I’m quite the academic these days.
3. Are you a book person or a TV person? I love books on principle, but I love tv so much and it’s so much more CONVENIENT.  (this is @yourgoodfriendraichel‘s answer, but it’s so 100% accurate, I’m keeping it) 
4. What is your favorite book series? Harry Potter will always have a special place in my heart, as will Percy Jackson and Cirque du Freak. I love Dirk Gently (Douglas Adams was an amazing writer through and through) and Sherlock Holmes because I am garbage for a good detective story.  ASOIAF and the entire Tolkienverse (LotR et al) are some of my favorites. Oh! And The Sparrow, there was a sequel so it counts as a series. I haven’t read the sequel yet, but The Sparrow was legitimately one of the greatest books I have ever read and I am super excited to check out the sequel when I have a few days off of work that isn’t dedicated to mowing the lawn (it's been raining sooo much here)
5. What is your favorite TV series? I love so many tv series. Aquabats! Super Show! will always be in my top 10. I am garbage for TURN: Washington’s Spies even though I think it’s kind of terrible, oooh and Dirk Genty’s Holistic Detective Agency, can’t believe I forgot about that one, I was literally just talking about the books. And no matter how angry I get at Doctor Who, I will always return to watch the new season (this last season was really good, thank god) but I think Classic Doctor Who is a thousand times better than the reboot
6. Which fantasy universe would you most like to live in?  I don’t know, because in any universe I won’t be the hero (I’m not even the hero/protagonist in THIS universe, so why would it be any different in a fictional one?) so I would need one that I could live happily and not be incinerated by dragons or forced to fight some nobleman’s war. Yeah, I’ve managed to talk myself out of every fantasy universe I could think of. How about Harry Potter? Yeah, sure Hogwarts has a scarily high student fatality rate for a high school and there’s a massive war every couple of decades that wipes out half the generation, but magic would be fun. I think I would take a short life with magic over a long life without it (assuming that I don’t end up a muggle or a squib, of course)
7. Favorite character ever? Finn from Star Wars, Sansa Stark from ASOIAF (note: ASOIAF and NOT GoT), Prince Charles Edward Stewart from Outlander…. That’s a really weird one, but Outlander was one of the most horrible (and uncomfortable) shows I have sat through but I really loved Bonnie Prince Charlie?? He was just an idealistic ray of sunshine in this bland, bleak wasteland of a tv show. He wouldn’t make the list if my hatred for the show was any lessened, but because I hate the show so much, my love for him is exemplified immensely. Anyway, Theodore “TBag” Bagwell from Prison Break, the entire cast of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Pietro Maximoff (and 99% of all XMen), Sauron, etc. So many.
8. Character you would like to personally slap in the face: Abe Woodhull from TURN: Washington’s Spies. He’s terrible, through and through.
9. Character you would like to personally murder: CHLOE FROM LIFE IS STRANGE. I WOULD HAVE MURDERED HER SO HARD IF MY GAME DIDN’T GLITCH ON THE LAST LEVEL.  *she’s a terrible human whose manipulative and abusive. WLW deserve better options in both general representation and romanceable wlw characters in video games
10. Character you would gladly intern under:  Any of the Xmen (can I be a plucky assistant who has a really lame super power but still tries to help, please???)  OOOOOH and Larten Crepsley from Cirque du Freak (I LOVE HIM, YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW also he is in my top 5 favorite characters of all time, so I can’t believe I left him out in the fave character section)
11. Character you would totally have tea with: I don’t drink tea, but I’d probably go on a late-night coffee run with the entire Star Wars cast or Aquaman. Aquaman probably hates coffee though, so The Riddler? Edward Nygma seems like an “up all night anxiously drinking coffee while finishing up some project (probably a criminal scheme)” kinda guy.
12. Character that you feel really needs a hug: The entire freaking cast of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (note: the tv show, not the books)
13. Character you love that you would probably hate irl: Most of them, to be honest. I am drawn to horrible people in fiction. Simcoe, TURN: Washington’s Spies (note: tv show version, not real-life verson); T-Bag, Prison Break; Cesare Borgia, The Borgias;
14. Character you would realistically be friends with irl: Ken, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency 
5. First character you had a crush on (if any): Jack Sparrow………
16. Favorite ships: ooooOOOh boy where to begin…. DISCLAIMER: when I say I ship things, I just mean I find the dynamic between the 2+ characters interesting and compelling. I don’t necessarily feel that they should be a canonical end-game romance (or even a romance at all), nor do I stan the relationship as healthy for either of the characters, nor do I feel that these relationships (platonic, romantic, or otherwise) should be heralded as a beacon of #goals to aspire to. I literally mean “hey those two have a cool dynamic, I wanna see more of that” -Master/Missy (I’ve been calling it “MASTERbator but I don’t know what the official ship name) (Doctor Who) -Anna Strong/Hewlett (TURN) -Foggy Nelsen /Matt Murdock (Daredevil) -Abe Woodhull/ Robert Townsend (TURN; note: Rob is too good for Abe but Rob’s reactions to Abe are too perfect to not ship) -Sansan (ASOIAF; I ship this 100% platonically) -Jaime and Brienne (ASOIAF; this is 100% not a platonic ship) -Finn/Poe -Han/Lando (we have NEVER heard the details of that card game, is all I’m sayin’) -Edward Nygma/ Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham/ DC; this is legit the ONLY reason I continue to watch Gotham. Everything else is garbage, but these two’s relationship, man. It’s so compelling, they’re so in love and so unwilling to put their differences and murderous tendencies aside to make their relationship work. I have so many feelings about this ship, okay)
-Joker/Batman (LEGO Batman; it was so beautiful, guys)
I have so many more, I don’t even know
17. Series (TV/book) that you feel ended terribly:  Harry Potter’s ending is literally a meme now, so I won’t do overboard explaining that one. BUT, The Hunger Games. Okay, so this fucking series has a female character who is constantly talking and thinking about how she doesn’t want any children, and how she doesn’t feel like she should be a mother, which is pretty progressive right??? Also, 2 and a half fucking books are building up to an end all war/ revolution and It’s gonna be the biggest damn thing ever, right??? WELL how does this book series end??? Katniss, the FUCKING  NARRATOR, gets hit in her head and blacks out, so she (AS WELL AS THE READER) misses the majority of the final battle, and THEN this series reveals that Gail (the less useless of the two potential love interests) may have caused the death of Katniss’ sister, so he leaves and Katniss chooses Peeta for no other reason than “well, I’m 17 so I should settle down with SOMEONE and you’re within proximity, so I guess you’ll do” and they get banished to District 12 where Katniss mothers a bunch of children because what else are you gonna do but fuck, and basically the entire ending is one piece of bullshit after the other (ALSO THE MOVIES FRAME THE ENDING AS “KATNISS IS NOW A MOTHER THEREFOR SHE’S REACHED HER POTENTIAL AS A WOMAN, ISN’T THIS A HAPPY ENDING” and fuck this entire series)
18. Series (TV/book) that had so much potential but was actually an epic disaster: Literally everything I watch. Dr Who, TURN: Washington’s Spies, Gotham, Sherlock, Game of Thrones; But hey, that’s what fanfiction is for
19. Worst book/movie/TV show you’ve ever read/seen: Ooooh I’ve read and watched some TERRIBLE things in my day.  Outlander. Outlander was pitched to me as having 18th Century Scotland and TIME TRAVEL. Some of my favorite things, aaaand it ended up being one of the worst things I have ever seen. 90% of it is just boring, but the other 10% involves, in my opinion, really poorly handled sexual assault. I won’t go into details here, but it was bad.  
Also, Borgias was fascinating, but bad. And TURN: Washington’s Spies. Honestly, I watch a lot of period pieces because I think the clothes are pretty or I am interested in the time period and/or historical events in which its set around, but then 99% of them are all really poorly-written soap opera-y dramas with nice sets and costumes.   20. Favorite book from your childhood: Harry Potter
21. 3 Favorite Tropes: Complex Family Dynamics (I think that’s more of a category of tropes than a trope itself, but I love me some fam drama), Happy endings for gays (that’s not really a trope, but it fills me with love and happiness every time it happens –which is rare), oooh I don’t know. I can’t think of any right now, but I do love a lot of tropes, I promise.
22. 3 Most Hated Tropes: Bury your Gays (killing off gay characters for no reason), Rape as empowerment (ie: when the narration treats a sexual assault as a motivator for women that “makes them stronger”); Man Pain (when a woman is assaulted/ threatened by the antagonist, and the main male-protag uses it as “motivation” to fight the antagonist. The story doesn’t allow the female character who experienced the trauma to be the focus of the story/arc, her traumatizing experience is not about her, it is ONLY there to develop the male character she is close to; the story essentially treats the male as the real victim)
23. Scariest thing you’ve ever watched/read: James and the Giant Peach
24. Anything you’d like to recommend? Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (please send me a message if you want to know what it’s about, it’s SO GOOD. It’s fun, quirky, unlike anything else, and it has a diverse cast including characters who are poc (and woc), characters who have disabilities, women who are badass, none of the women are ever sexualized at all, it has corgis, and mysteries, and scifi, and it’s just a big adventure. (I also recommend the books, and the 2011 tv series Dirk Gently)
25. Would you like any recommendations? I’m game for anything. I love period pieces, fantasy, science fiction, TIME TRAVEL, quirky detectives, gory things, child-friendly things, honestly as long as it has interesting characters I am game. I don’t even need a good story, just characters.
  Heeey I am terrible at tagging people. If you want to do the thing, please do! And tag me so I can read it :) Also, if you actually read this whole thing, then you deserve all the gold stars, thank you!
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aeaean--bliss · 8 years
made in brooklyn part 3
summary: both born and raised on the streets of Brooklyn, Y/N Y/L/N and Steve Rogers are bitter rivals. (mafia au)
pairing: Steve x Reader
chapter list
part two
Part Three
You huffed, pulling your cigarette box out of your pocket and lighting one. Inhaling deeply, you glared ahead. Exhaling slowly, you shook your head.
“If they’re looking for coke they can fuckin’ forget it,” you mumbled as you walked towards the car. Getting inside, you ignored the looks the two men gave you when they saw your expression.
You inhaled deeply despite the smoke that loomed inside the vehicle.
“Any of you boys ever heard of the Odinson brothers?” you asked, looking out the window and bringing the cigarette to your lips.
The two of them frowned at each other.
“Can’t say that I have, ma’am.”
“I haven’t heard any talk of them.”
You exhaled deeply, the smoke swirling from your lips.
“Neither have I,” you muttered, before getting out of the car.
The two men followed you as you walked towards the town hall. You saw the three men sitting on the steps outside the building, sporting leather jackets. The second they saw you, they stood up.
“Hello, boys,” you said, and they nodded in response. “I understand you ran into some problems.”
“Everyone’s saying they got better deals, ma’am,” Nick Fury said. Of all your men, Nick had the most connections to the deep underworld, which was very useful when in need of a favour. His past was sketchy and you didn’t know much about him, so he was a wildcard, likely to sell his labour to the highest bidder.
You nodded, looking from him, to your next man, T’Challa. T’Challa was the son of T’Chaka, the barber who you’d considered a friend since you started taking on more than Brooklyn. Through him, you’d come to know his son. T’Challa was book smart; more so than any of your other men. He didn’t do dirty work. You wouldn’t allow it. He had worked damn hard, and you insisted he keep his name clean.
Your eyes then moved to the final man; Pietro Maximoff. He moved to the country after the fall of Sokovia, along with his twin sister. He was swift and fast, good for clean sweeps and theft, and a loyal friend. His trademark silver hair drooped gently onto his face, just at the start of a massive dark blue mark on his cheekbone.
You reached forward and stroked his cheek gently.
“Who bruised your face, baby?”
“Stark,” he replied, his eyes not leaving you for a second. Your brows furrowed slightly, your eyes staying on his cheek.
“And you’re sure about that?”
“Absolutely, tsarina.”
You removed your hand and looked from one man to the other, planning the next move.
“Uh, ma’am?” Bucky said, and you glanced over your shoulder.
“Rogers has just finished a meeting with Mr. Johansen.”
You raised your eyebrows slightly and turned back around to face the three men in line.
“Find out all you can about the Odinson brothers, but keep it under wrap,” you ordered, before turning and walking down the street. Bucky and Clint were quickly walking either side of you. The three others walked in the opposite direction.
You caught him just as he exited the building. He noticed you as you crossed the street, and stopped before getting into his car.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favourite person in the world,” he stated, smirking.
“I hear you bruised one of my fellas,” you replied, your eyes on Tony Stark as he stepped up so he was standing beside Steve’s car. Steve glanced at Tony, before chuckling.
“All’s fair in love and war, doll.”
“So we’re at war?” you asked, stepping closer. “Why, if you’d told me sooner, this fight would have been a lot more interesting.”
“Is that right?”
“Tell me, what’s a man like you meeting a man like Sven Johansen for?” you mused, looking him up and down. The smirk fell from his face, and his jaw tensed.
“Don’t you have a senator to sleep with?”
“Oh, funny,” you replied playfully. Reaching up, you swiftly traced your thumb along his jawline. “You know, if you weren’t so busy snorting coke and getting off on the hookers on 65th all the time, I could have made good use of you,” you said thoughtfully, your eyes flickering up to meet his. You leaned towards him so your faces were almost touching. “I tend to lean towards pretty boys like you.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do far more than lean towards them,” he replied, and you chuckled, pulling away.
“Don’t mess with my boys again,” you said softly. A small smile graced your lips, but your eyes sent a different message. Bucky shifted beside you, placing a hand on his belt and exposing the holstered gun on his hip.
“Oh, is that how it is? You’re gonna talk to me like that after sending two of my men to hospital just a week ago?”
You laughed, despite genuinely not having heard of this before.
“Steve, baby, I did no such thing.”
“You saying my men are liars?”
“I’m saying I’m telling the truth. What conclusion you draw from that is your own business.”
He looked you up and down, a skeptical look in his eyes.
“What are you doing down here, anyway?”
“Steve, you know how I like to stay close to my people,” you said, as if he had broken your heart by forgetting.
“Oh, please,” he scoffed.
The smile fell slowly from your lips, and a solemn expression graced your features. You took a step towards him so your faces were mere centimetres apart.
“You’ll do well to remember that you and I both come from places like this,” you breathed. His eyes locked onto yours.
“You don’t think I remember?”
“Power has turned you weak, Steve.”
You broke away from his gaze and looked him up and down, before sighing softly.
“Look at you. You live for your image. The image of a leader who would die for the rights of his people. The face of a revolution. But that’s it, Steve. You’re just the face. You haven’t been near a gun in years. You’ve distanced yourself from both the fight and the people. You care too much about your appearance.”
“And you don’t? Hair all done up, makeup covering your face, wearing those itty…” His eyes moved down your body. “-bitty dresses… You look no more like the streets of Brooklyn than I do.”
“Steve, darling, that’s my image. It’s not yours.”
“It may be your image now, but don’t forget: I know you. I knew you when nobody else did.”
He moved closer to you and cupped your cheek, his eyes locked on yours.
“I’ve seen you without the makeup, without the hair, without those expensive dresses… You were a nobody, Y/N. That’s what you’re made of. That’s what you are. No matter how beautiful you make yourself, no matter how sexy you look in those dresses, I’ll never see you as anything but the poor, scavenging child who couldn’t afford a bath.”
You felt his breath on your skin, and any hint of a smile had vanished from your face.
“And I know that you’re New York’s sweetheart right now, but I for one will never forget how you got there.”
You pulled away sharply, completely rigid.
“You slag off hookers, but-”
He was interrupted as the cock of a gun sounded from behind you, and you knew Bucky was aiming at his head. Within a second Tony had raised his gun and pointed it at Bucky. Clint was aiming at Tony’s head immediately. You locked your eyes onto Steve’s, refusing to back down. Hell if he was gonna make you show any weakness.
“Sorry to interrupt the party,” a voice spoke behind you. Both you and Steve frowned, and glanced simultaneously in the direction of the noise.
“May we help you?” you asked sweetly. Steve frowned slightly and glanced at you, but you ignored it.
The two men walked towards you, and you put your sunglasses on so you could prevent them from reading you. Their clothes screamed wealth and fortune, and gold chains hung around their necks.
One of the men was rather muscular and bulky, but by no means fat. He was a tad taller than the other, but not by much. He had hair all the way down to his shoulders, but, unlike the other man, his hair was blond.
The other man also had hair to his shoulders, but his hair was sleek and black. He was more slender than the first man, and a bit paler, but there was no doubt that he was strong.
“Steve Rogers and Y/N Y/L/N, in the flesh,” the blond one said, grinning. He removed his sunglasses and looked you up and down. “Hate to interrupt, but we simply couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to meet the competition.”
You saw the men around you lower their guns and put them back in their holsters.
“You’ve heard of us, no doubt,” the dark-haired one said, smirking. You cocked your head to the side and looked at them, confused. Steve opened his mouth to reply, but you beat him to it.
“Can’t say that I have, sorry,” you said apologetically. This seemed to catch the two men off guard, and their grins faltered slightly, before returning as they were.
“Thor and Loki Odinson,” the blond one said, gesturing first to himself, before gesturing to the other man and extending his hand to you. You didn’t take it.
“Doesn’t ring any bells, sorry.”
“Don’t blame yourself, I’m sure you have a lot to keep track of,” Loki said.
“Not for long, of course,” Thor said, chuckling. You faked a laugh.
“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure. As Mr. Rogers will tell you, I’m perfectly capable of withstanding any competition that attempts to disturb my business.”
“Y/N likes to think she has her competition figured out,” Steve said, before looking at you. “But I for one can assure you that there’s a lot you haven’t figured out about me.”
“Well, I wouldn’t trust a woman to have the right idea of how business works, anyway,” Loki stated, and you tensed your jaw.
“And I wouldn’t trust a man like you to know anything about running a business in a place like this,” you replied, removing your sunglasses and taking a step towards them. “A word of warning, boys. Watch your backs.”
You put your sunglasses back on and started walking down the street, with Bucky and Clint right behind you. You heard the bang of a car door, and knew that Steve must have made up some excuse and gotten into his car.
You walked in silence towards the car and got inside.
part four
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