#Preg! Bez
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I want to hear more pregnant Bezz thoughts of yours. What's his pregnancy like? Cravings? Illness? What does he do most of the time? You mentioned he isolated himself, does he get sad when lonely? Does Pecco visit him and help him with stuff? Does Bezz attempt to remember who the father could be and contact him? How does Bezz feel isolating himself when he's usually a very social person? Any preg!bezz thoughts you have, I love your cute au 🩵🩵
ANON I'm sorry I'm so late but my head has lately decided go to a writing strike HSHSHSHS but I've been listening to Alejandra Guzman, Cristina Aguilera and RBD in loop and now I'm better
You have very VERY important questions. Preg! Bezz has been spinning like a piece of spicy chicken in my brain and im go and talking to a bunch of moms to project my man into their problems wuwuwu
This answer is going to be too long and a mess, I'm so sorry orz orz orz
(and each pregnancy is completely unique. What is normal for one person may be a sign of absolute danger for another. Always remember to go to your trusted gynecologist/obstetrician!)
1. What's his pregnancy like? Cravings? Illness?
He craves Japanese food but is banned from sushi! He is an unhappy Bezz when people told him that sushi is dangerous for the baby. Beyond that, he doesn't really have food cravings, he just eats a lot (and then throws up because he feels guilty for eating so much. He has more problems with food than cravings. TCA/Eating Disorder Bezz is very personal to me- but it's going to therapy and continuing with a new nutritionist!)
About symptoms. At first he thinks it's an asymptomatic pregnancy, and it's more like the pregnancy is camouflaging itself.
Like. He's throwing up his guts, but he think “its relates it to the end of the season and the stress causes that in him” (even though he's no longer in line for the championship) (and he's never thrown up from stress before). He then feels fatigued and can't sleep, but that's all because he travels a lot, jet lag and all that. He misses his dog and cries looking at his photos. He has belly cramps, but it's probably something he ate in the paddock when he had a sudden aversion to the smell of chicken and he couldn't eat anything from the hospitality.
On top of that, his painkillers are kicking him between physical therapy.
When the season ends and his body has a chance to catch up, all the symptoms hit him like a truck. Headaches, heartburn, constipation and generally the desire to die to end the torment of him. He is also bloated…? and feels like shit. The bug is charging for every fall he had at the end of the season, or at least that's what Bezz thinks as he gets up for the second time in the night to urinate at the end of the second trimester or when he has to drink his calcium-fortified milk -very expensive and he hates the taste-. The bug is really demanding with they needs!
2. What does he do most of the time? You mentioned he isolated himself, does he get sad when lonely?
I said “practically vanished from the face of the earth.” He wasn't really alone, he is a family man, and of course he returned to his childhood home! His older sister was very happy for him! (The youngest offered him a rue tea as soon as he mentioned that he are pregnant, before Marco clarified that he was going to keep it- wait “Laura, how do you know that these are abortifacients?” “Oh Marco, don't ask questions for which you don't want answers.")
(i'm sorry i love his sisters so much hshshs)
But yeah, he feels so lonely because he went from spending almost all the time with his team or the people at the ranch, not just the other riders, and now is just his family and his new “medical crew” (obstetrician, psychologist, nutritionist).
Also, He is an unemployed man! At least until Valentino calls him and tells him he has something for him to do at the academy (like Migno, lol)
He can't help in the mechanical workshop (although now that Vito goes to the races with him, I wonder what's happened with that), so he goes with his mom to do the administrative work.
He hates it so much :)
Those first months are torture for him and his family. His two sisters capitulated as soon as they could and left (they have a life to, Marco!). When he's not helping his mom or learning to become expert in Excel, he's watching old seasons of MotoGP, F1, and NBA. He stays at home mostly. He gets in a bad mood about it, but he prefers it to having to face his friends :(
But he can now recite by heart the podiums of every MotoGP and F1 race from 2007 and 2008!
3. Does Pecco visit him and help him with stuff?
Yeah! Bezz calls Pecco to tell him because he knows he can't run away forever for his friends, but he calls him at week 15 which is a long time past the period for a termination of pregnancy (wait, are abortions even legal in Italy?). He called pecco when he say himself “there is no turning back from this.”
(He's a fool...)
Pecco, once he discovers that Bezz is no longer going to lock himself in and respond to his messages (although not those from the academy's WhatsApp group...), finds out his home address and appears from time to time to check on him and take him out to eat Japanese food (but not sushi :c). He texts him constantly and listen to Marco when he calls him to tell him something about how horrible he feels and how none of the websites he's seen talk enough about back pain (they do, he doesn't really read a lot).
Bezz is also ignoring the absolute circus that is the 2024 season because he feels rubbish not being there, and Pecco is happy not to touch on the topic at all because talking about the season is talking about Martín and Márquez and no, thanks.
Pecco invites himself to the baby reveal date in the obstetrician (Marco doesn't throw a reveal party, booo) and together they discover that the bug that Bezz is having will be a little boy.
It's Pecco who brings Luca and Franky when Bezz says he's ready to mention it to more people (after finding out the sex of the baby). Luca is the obvious choice for everything and Franky is Franky, so he has to be there. And they go on a shopping trip - with Pecco’s bonus - so they don't have time to process anything at all.
Franky keeps trying to buy VR46-themed things (why are there so many?) while Luca asks the -no- innocent question of “who is the father?”
4. Does Bezz attempt to remember who the father could be and contact him?
Short answer: no :)
Long answer: To each person who asks, Bezz will say a very eloquent “I am the father of the baby :D”. He admits that he had sex with a lot of people at that time and doesn't remember most of them, so it's not worth looking for the child's other father. The bug is his, he is carrying it in his body and they don't need anyone else.
REAL Answer: Marco absolutely has an idea who the father is and will DIE before telling anyone, not even his family. He will take that secret to the grave. When his little bug is born and grows with brown eyes and to have curly brown hair, no one will ask about it anymore.
(when the boy grows up to have blue eyes and straight hair, people have QUESTIONS. Marco is not answering.)
SORRY IT'S SO LONG it's just- pregbez
#long post#motogp rpf#i have many thoughts about pregnancy#beznaia#marco bezzecchi#also#alexa play sorry for my english by in2it#preg! bez
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🪲 @valentin1k
hiiii my dearest @valentin1k <3 took me thousands of years to figure out what wip to use but here’s an excerpt from elefante (tentative title for pecco/luca teen preg au lol) truths/dares here!
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
Cele very solemnly calls it his “condition” which makes Pecco feel like he’s dying of some kind of eighteenth century disease. He means well, though, and he’s one of the few academy members that can look Pecco in the eye now that he’s truly showing. Bez, on the other hand, had spilled an entire box of [whatever] when Pecco had opened the door wearing Luca’s baggy tank top he’d slept in. He kept bumping into walls and knocking shit off the table just to avoid Pecco’s gaze. Much like everything else going on in Pecco’s life since [month], it was completely humiliating.
have not gotten anywhere close to figuring out the actual timeline for this thing yet so……..placeholders lmao
#ask game#fic talk#teen pregnancy au#pecco/luca#valentin1k mail#did a lot of instagram research when i first started writing this thing#and bez and cele weren’t fully academy integrated yet#and cele was literally still a child lmao#so suspension of disbelief that they would be helping pecco and luca move into their new apartment#which is the context for this thing
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im SLEEPY 😭😭😭😭
i might post the preg!bez drabble
gotta go out for dinner

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Pravidlá nášho RPG
· Hrá sa na Facebooku.
· Rešpekt k adminom. Samozrejmosťou sú ale pripomienky a vyjadrenie vlastného názoru. Keď sa vám niečo nepáči na chode RPG alebo máte výhrady voči správaniu samotných adminov, napíšte nám na tumblr alebo FB. (https://hanseiuniversityrpg.tumblr.com/ask) Admin je tu hlavne na to, aby mal kto prijímať nových hráčov a oznámiť keď odídete, nie sme tu od toho aby sme vám kazili pôžitok z hier.
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· Zákaz hrania, len s JEDNOU osobou. Prišli ste sem predsa sa aj zoznámiť a spoznať nových ľudí čo majú niečo spoločné s vami. Nie si vytvoriť len love story. Každý sa stará o svoje postavy a o svoje hry. Nerýpte a nestarajte sa do vzťahov iných, je to ich vlastná vec.
· Vaša postava môže byť akejkoľvek národnosti. Škola sa nachádza v Kórei, ale prijmeme kohokoľvek z Kórei, Japonska, Ameriky. Taktiež sa povoľujú vlastné postavy. (Napr. Jožko Mrkvička sa rozhodne že nepôjde napr. za Martinku z Turca, Zidana, atď, ale rozhodne sa že bude mať vlastné meno, tvár, tak ako aj príbeh. Môžete použiť svoje vlastné meno, vymyslené, pravdaže ale nie že si dáte nejaké veľmi nevhodné meno, prosíme nech nám nikto nedojde s menom typu Sergej Stokurev. :D ) Povinnosť všetkých postáv je život v kórejskom prostredí a používanie kórejskeho jazyka v príbehu (pravdaže hry budú napísané v slovenčine či češtine, IC postava hovorí akože po korejsky). Študenti zo základu bývajú na školskom internáte, profesori môžu bývať aj na internáte (vo vlastných izbách) aj v školských bytovkách, ak majú o to záujem.
· Nech tá hra má nejakú úroveň. Preto poprosíme každú odpoveď na hru aspoň na štyri riadky. Prosíme aj, aby ste dodržiavali základné nepísané pravidlá RPG, žiadny god-moding, metagaming, atď (pre bližšie info klik sem.) Ak chcete vstúpiť do akejkoľvek hry ako tretí hráč, pýtajte si povolenie od hráčov. Voči učiteľom a zamestnancom školy by sme poprosili nejakú slušnosť. Hra v chate sa NEPOČÍTA do hry, nikam sa nezapisuje. Je to Vaša vec čo tam robíte.
· Vaše pocity a dojmy nás zaujímajú. Pozitívne aj negatívne. Vo forme confessions ich môžete posielať na náš ask (https://hanseiuniversityrpg.tumblr.com/ask). Ak prídu 3 sťažnosti na konkrétnu osobu, admini preveria, či sú odôvodnené (treba ich doložiť dôkazmi) a môže dôjsť k vylúčeniu hráča.
· Na svoju nástenku si môžete pridávať čokoľvek. Sme RPG so školskou tematikou kde si postavu viac-menej tvoríte, rôzne posty a albumy s vecami ktoré sa vám páčia iba dokresľujú charakter postavy. Aj tak by sme ale boli radi, ak by prevažovali vyše gify a fotky.
· Príbeh si môžete kedykoľvek dotvárať. Aspoň pár viet o vás požadujeme aj pri registračke, ktoré si aj vložíte do About me profile (aby si každý mohol prečítať , kto ste.) Do About me si môžete kedykoľvek pridávať detaily z vašej minulosti, ale aj to, aby sa vyvíja príbeh postavy na RPG (napr. keď sa dáte do vzťahu, zasnúbite, pohádate, môžete si aktualizovať About me o túto významnú udalosť).
· Dráma je povolená. Akákoľvek forma drámy je zaujímavá a pre chod RPG hádam aj nevyhnutná, nebudete celý školský rok piť čaj. Dráma nesmie byť OOC charakteru. Ak máte navzájom s hráčmi OOC problémy, na RPG nepatria. Tehotenstvo kohokoľvek v akomkoľvek veku je povolené (áno, aj MPREG :3). V prípade tehotenstva sa najprv dohodnite s adminom. Čo sa týka OOC, je prísny zákaz podávania osobných fotiek, či už vašej tváre, miest, a okolia, kde bývate! (ak sa chcete pochváliť kresbou, inými umeleckými schopnosťami, nie je problém). Hráč môže vlastniť len 3 postavy! Ak zistíme, že máte viac postáv ako je stanovené, bezpodmienečne musíte jednu zrušiť, výber necháme na vás. Zákaz vyhľadávania OOC!!!
· Rozpisovanie sa je odporúčanie, no nie pravidlo. Keď napíšete dlhšiu odpoveď určite vášho spoluhráča potešíte, ale nikto sa neurazí ani nebude kritizovať krátke hry na tri riadky. Najmä ak sa deje niečo dramatické (napr. hádka), nemusíte sa zbytočne snažiť nahrabať 400 slov. Diakritika by mala byť samozrejmosť, ale ak ju občas nepoužijete, nebude vás za to nikto kárať. Kľúčové slovo je Galaxy bordel ( ♥ ).
· Profesori majú povinnosť odučiť 1-2 hodiny mesačne. Hodiny sú hlásené minimálne 2-4 dni dopredu, v presne stanovený čas! Vždy si dohodnite poradie, majte trpezlivosť pre hráčov, ktorí hrajú na mobile. Ak počas hodiny budete musieť odísť iba na pár minút, napíšete do zátvorky, nech Vás preskočia, potom sa zapojíte. Ak odchádzate na dlhší čas ako pol hodiny, napíšete nech hrajú už bez Vás. Žiak čo bude mať príliš vysokú absenciu dostane trest od profesora, pri ktorom tú absenciu má. Napr. " Nebol si na hodine toľko a toľko krát za trest budeš mesiac upratovať areál školy." by sa žiak vyhol privysokej absencií a nebol na hodine, môže si hodinu nahradiť. No musí sa mu chcieť a nie profesorovi, ten si to odučil, jeho starosť to nie je.
· Vzťahy kohokoľvek s kýmkoľvek sú povolené. Ale poprosíme vás o trošku reálnosti, ak hráte 65-ročného profesora dejín umenia a začnete si s 18-ročným študentom, neprechádzate sa po chodbách držiac sa za ruky… rešpekt voči ostatným študentom. PREG/MPREG a zvieratá sú povolené, ale len po dohode s adminmi.
· Minimálny vek je 18 rokov u študentov univerzity a 24 pre všetkých profesorov. Študenti si môžu privyrábať aj na škole na brigáde, napr. v knižnici, v laboratóriach atď.
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#Marco bezzecchi#pecco bagnaia#motogp#vr46 racing academy#bez trabajando para sky a pesar de que odia ser “”“periodista”“”#pero debe de hacerlo para quedarse cerca del deporte y de sus hijos#porque lo que pasa con embarazarse y tener niños pequeños que están a tu cargo es que no puedes ir cada fin de semana a arriesgar tu vida#ya no es solo tu vida lo que pones en riesgo#...#Preg! Bez
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Porfa di más del preg!bezz fic
from the Wip Ask Game
ENTONCES tengo un fragmento escrito! un poco fome pido disculpas eso si orz orz orz / no beta y todo eso
ba-dum, ba-dum
"Podría no tenerlo", pero la idea deja un sabor a ceniza en su boca.
"No debería tenerlo", porque es egoísta traer al mundo a alguien sin planearlo, sin quererlo, pero-
¿él realmente no lo quiere?
"Me siento solo", desde que rompió con su ahora ex, ha tratado de no pensar en el hueco que quedó en su pecho en donde debería de haber estado. Buscó olvido con cuerpos calientes y sin importancia, rostros perdidos en un mar de placer que le obligó a no pensar en cómo, cuándo o quién y le dejó obtener lo que deseaba: no sentir la ausencia.
La simple idea de que haya alguien a quien amar y querer sin condiciones lo anima, siempre ha sido una especie de sueño lejano para él y ahora está allí, al alcance de su mano.
incluso si sus sentimientos sobre ser padre son complejos por el tipo de vida que lleva.
"¿Está dispuesto a dejarlo todo por un niño? ¿Va a cambiar la esencia de lo que es para poner la de otro ser humano por sobre él?"
Sabe lo que dicen de la gente que vive como él lo hace, escucha los susurros que lo llaman un buscador de peligro que roza incómodamente a la muerte más a menudo que no, que no siente ninguna preocupación o respeto por su familia que debe verlo arriesgarse cada día por ser más rápido, por convertirse en el mejor.
Un niño pequeño, alguien que dependa enteramente de él, no merece que su padre esté a un mal inicio de carrera de dejarlo para siempre.
También está bastante familiarizado con los sacrificios que sus padres y hermanas han hecho para apoyarlo, como su padre ha dejado su casa la mayor parte del año para perseguirlo alrededor del mundo.
Incluso para si, no puede no pensar en todas las partes de sí mismo que ha dado para ganar, cada cada remache puesto para que sus huesos vuelvan a su lugar y sanen más deprisa, con el único objetivo de vivir al límite para poder volver a subir a la moto (volver a ganar).
Mira la tira de la ecografía. Son tres imágenes de formas extrañas que se supone que son de su vientre, y realmente no entiende mucho, pero ahí está la prueba de que hay algo creciendo en él.
No necesita leer la nota en la base de la tira para saber lo que dice, ya lo ha memorizado.
Pasa su mano por su vientre. No se abulta, pero la doctora le dijo que pronto lo haría. Su cuerpo cambiaría para acomodar una nueva vida. Un pequeño bicho que crecería a partir de él.
Que debería de tomar su decisión antes de que eso ocurra, pero…
¿ya la ha tomado, no es así?
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I need to hear your detailed thoughts on pregnant bezz lol. It's clear it's going to be like a single dad situation bc he has no clue who the dad is. He's a Lil nervous but the academy is very nice about it. Pecco just wordlessly starts accompanying him to every doctor's appointment. Luca is making sure he gets his prenatal vitamins on time and resting his feet and cele is a little distant at first which makes bezz feel a little sad and he doesn't know what to do about it and Luca comes over to cele and tells him to not hurt bezz when he's expecting and cele feels soo guilty he would never do anything to hurt bezz or the baby but he feels insane about the whole situation and also is a little bit obsessed with bezz and his teeny growing bump anyway they make up and cele never leaves his side like they sleep together and he rubs Bezz's feet and let's Bezz hug his cold post shower body because he's burning up due to the baby. Just my silly thoughts I want your preg bezz thoughtsssssssssss
Anon you're sooo smart because all what you say IS TRUE. Cele is so weird about preg!bezz and luca need to talk with him “how you can make our pregbez being sad?” Jail for celin. Personally I am more into bez/pecco for this AU, but bezz has a harem who cares about him and his lil babybug :)
SO THANKS for waiting for my little silly thoughts about preg!bezz, he’s very important to me lmao.
I'm writing a fic (in spanish) about this snip, i don't think i wanna post it, but preg bezz is a 9k gdocs and tried to kill me
A thing about Bezz is how PRIVATE he wants to be (he fails). Like, he tried to separate his work and his personal life.
So in my timeline bezz was pregnant in Aus, and at first he had a very asymptomatic preg. Maybe he confuses the symptoms with the consequences of his broken collarbone, idk.
anyways, he don't ride out of weekend, don’t go to the ranch, barely training and lives stressed, sad and high in FEELINGS
It's not until before Valencia (Friday maybe) that he realize “oh, I might be pregnant” and then he DON'T CARE because it's the end of the season and all he want to do is go take a nap with his dog. He will deal with the bug when the tests are over.
He rides on Saturday and he doesn't do too bad but he hates himself because he could be better, but it is Sunday when he FALLS because Marquez HIT HIM and he realizes that with that blow he could have lost the bug and suddenly it is unacceptable. He drinks beers on an empty stomach, goes to yell at Marc at his truck, drinks some more, goes to SKY and says “Did you know Marquez hit US?” to anyone who wants to listen to him (people think he's talking about him and Martín, so they don't pay much attention to him)
He goes, picks up his prize completely done and thinking about his bug and how maybe he lost it because of Marquez and cries a little because of the alcohol and hormones, but do you remember that he is a private person? DON'T TELL ANYONE. Not his family who is there for him. Not even Valentino.
pass the valence tests (and Bezz is irresponsible and gets back on the motorcycle) and is wednesday and Marco is at home, with his dog and looking for the number of a former schoolmate who he is sure became a gynecologist and deal with his bug that he may have lost (and he touches his belly and silently begins to pray to a god he hasn't believed in a long time).
the bug is okay :) But beez need to stop riding rn, avoid the levels of stress that he have subjected his body and mind to in recent weeks. That is if he want to take the baby to term, if not there is also an abortion clinic quite close there.
THEN he have the dilemma of “have the baby or continue your life as if nothing had happened?” And the answer is that he will have that baby because he is a selfish man who feels lonely.
THEN, only after the first visit to the gynecologist post valencia test he calls Valentino and says “haha boss sorry I need to terminate my contract due to health problems :(“ and “don't you need a sexy pregnant secretary? I really can't stay without a work rn”
Valentino just lost TWO drivers in less than a month and is, of course, mad as shit, but he's also a father and tells Marco (once he hears that apparently he's going to be GRANDPA because bez is also his son) that it's okay, the academy will help you and support you in everything etc etc if you decide to return.
Marco doesn't want to tell to the boys of the academy. Like, not at all. He prefers to go hide in the hills before telling his friends that he chose to be a 'father' instead of chasing everyone's dream and becoming a motogp world champion etc etc
So he doesn't tell them anything (yet, he will eventually).
It is made public that he will leave the category to focus on his health and this is how the boys at the academy find out that Marco will not compete in the following season. and Bezz practically vanished from the face of the earth.
It is not until January, on Pecco's birthday, that he asks to meet when Bezz sends him a message to congratulate him.
Bezz says “Well, meet me at the hospital” and Pecco is clearly panicking and running to the address Bezz gave him.
Then he sees Bezz in the parking lot, beaming and wearing those horrible oversized clothes that he likes so much and he can finally breathe easy. He tries to ask Marco how he's been and why he disappeared, but Bezz asks him about the academy, about his family, about Pecco's grandmother?? as they walk through the hospital, towards the maternity section and Pecco begins to suspect
Then they arrive at reception, the secretary tells them that they are on time and Pecco is panicking while Marco drags him to the gynecologist, who only raises an eyebrow when she sees the MotoGP world champion there but greets him easily.
Then it's a haze for Pecco, Bezz talks about the changes in his body and the gynecologist tells Marco that they are normal things, that he has been very good and that his baby, whom Bezz insists on calling bug, has no health problems visible and developing very well for being 15 weeks old. She then turns to Pecco and asks him to remind Marco to take his supplements because he tends to get very forgetful sometimes and that he is glad to finally meet the father. And have him sign some documents that he has overdue :)
Pecco comes out with ink stains on his hands, lots of questions, and a strip of ultrasounds while Marco laughs at him and his expression. Then bezz explains that he needed a companion who can come sign the papers. That does not link Pecco to the child, only to Marco in case his family cannot come look for him in an emergency related to his baby.
Pecco: what.
#motogp rpf#beznaia#preg! bez#Sorry if this dont have sense i just wake up and my english doesn't work well at these hours#alexa play sorry for my english by in2it
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Me hace gracia lo mucho que AMO a preg bez cuando odio los embarazos y la idea de tener hijos y soy bastante inflexible a eso. Escribir a alguien que quiere es difícil porque no encuentro una razón por la que lo haría, no puedo sonar convincente porque no puedo convencerme a mi mismo lmao
#Especialmente para él. Tiene demasiadas desventajas y lit cambia por completo el rumbo de su vida#Es complicado... lo detesto por hacerme esto#preg! bez#Ñ
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Checking the timeline to see if I can make a marcmarc baby in preg!Bezz au (spoiler: i can't)
#preg! Bez#ñ#Simplemente no encaja#No habría tiempo suficiente porque el embarazo debería darse en valencia en lugar de Australia#Lo que arruina completamente al menos dos puntos de trama#Buuuu#Bueno anyways#Al menos así continuo con el bicho de ojos azules y cabello rubio y lacio <333
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Thinking about her (preg! Bez)
#Preg! Bez#Es muy importante para mí#Me estoy congelando bajo las mantas y me acordé de que su embarazo es durante invierno en su hemisferio
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a veces el one piece es la calculadora de semanas para ver cuando son los chequeos medicos de tu hombre cis preñado
debería hacer una linea de tiempo completa en lugar de tener como seis separadas
#preg! bez#enero viene pecco abril-mayo vienen luca y franky#el bicho nace en alguna parte entre junio y julio prob#te quiero mucho bichito
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cuanndo mi esposa (ari) volverá de la guerra (lo que sea que haga con su vida en lugar de presionarme para escribir sobre geis)?
yo solo quiero hablar sobre bez, su embarazo y las luchas con el excel pero ALGUIEN no responde mi wsp
#bez lo haría tan mal en las cosas mundanas#esa entrevista en la que dijo que apenas ahora está aprendiendo a cocinar#o esas historias mostrandose limpiando su lugar#(revisando fechas me da gracia de que sean post separación... lol)#go boy go#demuestrale a tu ex que no eres un inoperante como todos los hombres con los que ella te comparó para decir que eres igual al resto de ello#(por fa no me tomen en serio)#Preg! Bez
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I love your fics and world building kev. I think a few months ago Motogp was a much smaller community but you should post, there are more people to read it now! 💗
oh thanks for thinking that about my -lack of- work !! 💞✨ I really love do world building and timelines, so that's makes my heart warm. But I can't write in english in any ways who can makes me comfortable to publishing here :''
Even if I know here are a lot of people who would read if i post in spanish, I'm also know to much about how fandom works, so i could never post any of them. After a bad experience in other fandom i lost any kind of courage in that area,,,
Tambien amo demasiado la atención y prefiero no buscarla antes de sentirme miserable por no ganarla, pero esos son mis problemas de autoestima y ansiedad yadayada
jajaja /muere
#I'm bit curious now about what fics you're talking? i delete the link in my bio to my ao3 long time ago lol#And before and after i never shared my currently published ao3 fics (who aren't RPF. only for the Tokyo Revengers manga)#But I remember posting some wips here about motogp maybe you referring to them (preg bez.. 365 fresh au... )#I need to start write preg! Bezz and lucalex again... Honda luca ruined me#alexa play sorry for my english by in2it
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Preg! Bez i miss you comeback to me my beautiful princess
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Se llaman plot bunnies porque se multiplican como conejos cuando se supone que debo estar estudiando para mi examen del martes
Lucalex fake wedding au
Motogp ghoul au
Lucalex hogwarts au
Druida Bez - Veela Cele
Prince Luca x tailor Alex M
single dad bez /time travel ish
Kindergarten teacher bez x pecco maestro de nivel especial
Y lo que sea que esté pasando en bezmich
#Yo solo quiero terminar mis cosas pendientes#tengo tela que acomodar examenes que dar y planillas que terminar#y debo comprar zapatos!
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thanks to @whatwepostintheshadows and @lastlatebraker for tag me, im o sorry all of my wips are a bit...
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (um, i can not-)
I don't think i can list all of them, honestly. And all of them are in spanish but if you ask i can talk about it (or traslate my notes) (if tumblr let me in in my inbox...)
(Also i'm gonna cheat because i don't want to put here my OC's fics sorry my babies are made for pegging bez in my drafts and they love stay there)
Souldoors | Lucalex
Fake wedding au | lucalex
Preg! Bez | MB72
Mechanic Alex AU | lucalex
Ghoul AU | MotoGP
Uni Roomies AU | lucalex
QPR | AM73, lucalex
Hogwarts AU | MotoGP
Cupid AU (red strings) | MB72, AM73
Nudo Gordiano (fake wedding AU) | lucalex
Uni DORNA au | motogp
El romance, la sexualidad y el tedio: una tesis | AM73
others fandoms under the cut:
Tokyo Revengers:
From life unto life and for always (I'll be there when you need me around) - Soulmate AU | KokoNui
Mitsuya . NSFW rokuhara | MitsuRan
Rumor en las olas | TR Pirates AU
Dude (looks like a lady) | MitsuRan
Vampiro AU | RanMitsu
Lo que no se dice (puedo sentirlo en mi alma) - Instituto Soulmates | KokoInu
mitsuya - plan | Ranmitsu
mitsuya . Ran fantasma AU | ranmitsu
twist | ranmitsu
yuzusen motogp esquema
Santake dead dove
Blanco | Ranmitsu
Alice in N.Y | Ranmitsu
SPY x Family AU | ranmitsu
Ran - Conspiración Boten | MitsuRan
Conspiración navideña | Mitsuran, Ringry, Kokoinu
Inupi - Soulmate AU extra 4.5| kokonui
Tenjiku Mitsuya | Ranmitsu
Case 143 | ranmitsuhoya
Flame Lore | TR Katekyo AU
¿? - Soulmate AU | mitsuran
Koko - Hanahaki Disease | Inukoko
Kakucho - Instituto Soulmates | IzaKaku
Doggie | BajiKoko
Ran - Time Travel AU | Mitsuran
Koko - BNHA x KHR AU | bajikoko
Vals para tres | RanMitsuHoya
TokRev Ent. | ranley
Matrimonio Deuda | RanMitsuHoya
3 + 1 Ranley
Poetas Muertos (24.02.2022) | Mitsuran
Isekai HP | ranmitsu
El shinigami y el general del invierno - Hwayugi AU | Ringry
Doc x Shinigami - Death Note AU | ranmitsu
La araña tras la cascada - hwayugi AU | ranmitsu
notas | Maestros AU
Por ti, para hacerte feliz | Soukoku (BSD)
MuraHina (Haikyuu x Kuroko no Basket)
Cain & Abel (Hazbin Hotel)
yo soy tu, tu eres yo [sol y gravedad] | kacchako (BNHA)
Versace Prince | Hyunibini (SKZ RPF)
i have too many wips... im exausted and this isn't the half of them but
and tagging no one because
#alexa play sorry for my english by in2it#honestly thanks for the tag#i dont remember half of them so go in my docs was fun#wip game
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