atlasprefects · 6 months
I'm alive
-Prankster Anon
Yes you are
But not today
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kingkuru · 6 months
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April's Fool's comic from Gairon on DA.
Mr. Stern has a strong dislike for April Fool's day. There's always a handful of prankters who want to pull one over on the principal. Needless to say he always makes sure there's a harsh punishment for it!
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missamyrisa2 · 2 years
What do you think about tickles with a paint roller?
I think about them every time I use one, or really any time I see one~
Her friends called her Genki Cat, probably because Catherine was always an overly spritely instigator in their academy - a pet name for this little center for adults to indulge in some low stress artistic activities.  Any time there was a prank, whether the fake worms in the paint or the covering wall outlets and sculpting lookalikes on the wall, she was always at the root of the shenanigans. But today would be remembered for when that distinctive jingly pixie-like snicker took on a whole new angle. Julia and Jules ran point, they worked themselves busy with their brushes supposedly crafting two sides of a large painting. Apple and November watched for the signal as they wielded their long rollers applying primer to the room's giant canvas. Just as Professor Nessa stepped out for her coffee break, a snap cleared the air.
"Paint fight!!" Julia squealed out, attacking Jules with her brush painting up her smock. Catherine looked over bemused. She thought this her plan, having suggested this project for today when she knew Nessa would be stopped by the tour of visiting college students. Jules faked an outrage, backing up to lock the door with a quick flip. As Catherine moved to start taking video with her phone of this paintbrush fight wherein the twins were covered in streaks of paint, she found herself squeaking. "Careful, Nova you got Genki all painted~" Apple purred, holding her roller on one shoulder. November smirked and stepped closer. "I don't know what I was thinking~" she spoke as the roller applied again, rolling up Catherine's arm setting off giggles. She protested, backing up. "Heyyyy the fight's over there not mee! And that's primer you goon!" Just as the pranked prankster said it, she looked down and realized the multicolor tingling her inner arm was not the primer, but the body paint. Panic started in just as Apple safely plucked away the phone and tossed it aside.
"Oh nooo no no noooo! You can't do this to meee!" Catherine was backed up, her long locks gathered lovingly by Julia and pinned as her body was pinned to the canvas by her studio mates. Jules was happily dipping his paintbrush and twirling it teasingly on her neck. November merrily lifted her victim's undershirt and snickered as Apple began rolling up and down the exposed twitching curvy belly. Catherine exploded with laughs, struggling while the painter brush circled her neck and collar and her tummy was crested again and again by the soft roller applying a lovely coral streak. The newly minted prankters took turns, with Apple pulling her roller back to reapply in the pan while November moved in, rolling a new coat over the bouncy plump tummy. 
Julia kept watch, but couldn’t help darting back, picking up a mini roller and using it to perform the edgework on Catherine’s sides up to her ribs. As the paint spread, more canvas was needed. Catherine’s white undershirt was soon lifted over her head and the tickly painting crew went to work around her chest. The mini roller spread tickly sensation over her girly mounds, the fine-point brushes of Jules and Julia ensured those cute buttons were painted up to satisfaction. Catherine blubbered with silly giggles, taking her painting as much as she protested it. 
The painting fight went on so long and Julia was so occupied now using the mini roller on Catherine’s waist for patchwork as the big rollers spun over a third coat, that they didn’t catch Professor Nessa reappearing. “Ahem.” She cleared her throat, a look of disapproval over the giggling writhing full figured topless girl against the wall, streaked with paint. “Looks like we started a new project, mmm?” She paced around the painting crew, and hummed, picking up the last big roller and gesturing to Catherine’s bottoms. “Well, then. Let’s get this human canvas completed!” 
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coreglia · 6 months
This Is Our Life. Live It
Cora and Sienna “The Prankters” So come to the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing, and put your lips to the world. And live your life.” ― Mary Oliver Sunday was Easter, followed by April Fools’ Day, which was considered a major holiday in my family of origin. While I was growing up, I was honing my skills and pranking with the best of them. My parents were big on practical…
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sandbees · 3 years
I have a feeling that Animal Crossing Yuu will definitely leave bugs all over Jamil's room after the Scarabia Chapter. Like, Jamil is tired and need some sleep. Once he is in bed he starts to doze of but something lands on his face. When he grabs it and looks at it, he sees a spider is in his hand. Cue loud screaming. Pretty sure Yuu will also use their skills to cause trouble, especially on the dorm leaders.
Mekdnfbebd If Animal Crossing Yuu decided to do a prank war, this would be one of the pranks.
Alternatively, here are some other chaotic things AC! Yuu would do:
Dig up most if not all of the Rose bushes and put them in front of the Heartslybul dorm; making it a maze and a nuisance for anyone trying to get in or out.
Leaving a bunch of animal themed DIY items they crafted scattered around Scarabia.
Slowly raising the ground with nothing but a shovel starting from the bottom of the floor of Octavinelle.
Alternatively, redecorating Mostro Lounge with some…”charming” furniture.
Wacking people on the head with a net multiple times.
Giving people unnecessary gifts.
Redecorating everything.
Definetly leaves more than boxed tarantulas in Scarabia. Maybe the occasional cicada hidden during the time of season.
Leaving dangerous amounts of holes and pit falls for Pomfiore students to fall into.
Definitely leaves a shark in a tank in the cafeteria. Or a very large t-Rex fossil.
Imagine Yuu sending Idia these random outfits and sending him gifts and notes that passively aggressively say to go outside and socialize.
Malleus gets more friends because Yuu invites him to any events they have :) (Not a prank, but I’d imagine Yuu does this)
Imagine Yuu building a house for someone close to Ramshackle just for anyone who needs a place to stay during the holidays.
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keybladeofstarlight · 4 years
*Playing KH Dream Drop Distance: Prankster's Paradise*
Me:*Curious* "What Disney film could this world be from?"
Sora:*Looking around* "Wow!"
Me:*Disturbed at the creepy clown face* "Oh no..."
Jimmy Cricket:*Appears* "Oh! Hello there!"
Me:*Alarmed, flashing back to terrifying scenes of Pleasure Island in Pinocchio* "Oh please no..."
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baggebythesea · 2 years
Finn, Evil Queen...of pranks! :P
A reign of whoopie cushions and stink bombs across the land.
I really like that for the next generation. Finn and the other kids running around being prankters and getting into trouble but not having to fight a bitter war
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johnny-pie · 4 years
Some potterlock Headcanons I've been thinking about
Against all his expectations and wishes, Sherlock wasn't sorted to Slytherin in first year. It's not that he dislikes his current house, but since slytherins were considered arrogant and bold, he just thought that was easily where he was meant to be. People did tell him he was rude and had no tact. Moreover, he was a pureblood. So when the Sorting Hat screamed "Ravenclaw!" over his head, he tried very hard to forget what it had said about his decision and resolved to tell nobody. "I would say Slytherin, but your heart is kind and very visible..."
On the other hand, John's sorting was way more straightforward and concise. As soon as the hat touched his head, it belowed Gryffindor so loudly John nearly fell off the tiny stoll. He couldn't say he was surprised: the whole of his family (except his Muggle Father and Harry, who was a Hufflepufff) were gryffindors and he certainly had been told he was impulsive and a bit unobservant, at times.
While John is instinct-based, his magic fierce yet swift emanating off of him naturally, Sherlock is a mess of energy, his magic sporadic and erratic bursting out of his body like thunder. Therefore, John is good in charms and transfiguration but sucks in subjects that require meticulous studying and dedication like potions, herbology, ancient runes or muggle subjects.
HENCE they meet in detention or smth because they are Bad Boys: Sherlock is a smart-ass who does not know when to shut his mouth and John is a ocassional prankters and also has quite a mood and a pair of fists. After talking for a while they discover that they actually tolerate each other (although Sherlock still finds John a bit too gryffindor and John still thinks Sherlock is a cocky arse) and they agree to help each other out in the subjects they have trouble with.
Since he's a pureblood people expect Sherlock to be racist but actually, even when his surname is part of the secret 28, his family lie low and workas spies for the order, Mycroft eventually rising up in the ministry enough to pull certain strings and help the cause consirably. John has a similar family to Snape, but instead to turning into a nasty old bastard he saves his mother, sister and himself from his abusive father and refugies in The Holmes House.
No one actually understands their friendship. Sure, they support each other, but how do they even get along? They seem from the outside like polar opposites: Where John is steady and straight-forward, Sherkock is sneaky and manipulative. While Sherlocks enjoys detailed experiments and challenging academic tasks, John indulges in sport and art is proudly a simplistic realist. But there are times, like when John teaches Sherlock how to play Quidditch and the wind blows their hair and their hearts beat rapidly; when Sherlock teaches John to be an Animagus and shows him different kinds of magic from all around the worldor when John introduces Sherlock to cars and other Dangerous™️ Muggle machines; these are times are the ones when, of you look close enough, you can understand: They balance each other. They provide to one another what the other lacks.
When Sherlock needs to fake his death for 3 years and fight the war in silence, the only means of communication John and Sherlock resort to is their patrouni. John's magestic Jaguar and Sherlock's dark crow deliver message after message entailing war information, the occasional intimate expression of loss and despair caused by the war, and the descreet deseperation of missing each other.
When Sherlock is having a particularly bad anxious episode John busies him by presenting him broken muggle artefacts and defying him to understand and fix them before John understands a eccentric magical object or cracks a rare spell or potion presented by Sherlock. John always loses but never cares.
During the first attacks previous to the explosion of the first war Sherlock used to solve the cases of the disappearances and actually recognise who had committed the crime, and at John's insistence he eventually went to dumbledore who listened to him and took action.
Sherlock admires Dumbledore deeply but recognises his manipulative and cynical behaviour and restrains himself from taking him as a role, which John seems pleased about, for some reason.
He has a similar admiration for John, he thinks, nothing too weird. He just finds John's bravery and nobility notable and is fond of how passionate he is about what he loves and can't a boy appreciate his friend's impressing looks and sweet smile? Oh, and his strong moral compass! He's not so invested. Not too much, anyway.
When Death Eaters attack Hogsmeade, John tries to rescue a first year from a fire in one of the shops. When Sherlock can't find him anywhere, his magic just goes crazy and starts doing random shit, like levitating people without him casting anything, shaking the ground and changing his clothes colour. So when he finally sees John and runs to hug him and some people around him fall ungracefully to the (now still) ground while John snickers at his multicolour robes and holds him tightly, Sherlock realises me may be invested after all. Maybe a bit too invested.
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mischas · 4 years
ugh i will forever question stephanie savage for the rest of my life bc she also only wrote one ep from season 3 ?? also YES like season 4 might bring its comedy back but even seth wasnt the same and all bc i heard adam and mischa were good friends on set and the prankters too LMAO he also fought hard for josh not to take off marissa like that we love to see it
Stephanie wrote 3x03 so I’m always going to be slightly grateful for her but yeah she was part of the Marissa decision at the end of s3 so she’s on my shit list.
Adam Brody is still saying Marissa should’ve lived, so he’ll always get kudos from me on that 💕
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charlott2200 · 5 years
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Woytober + inktober 2019
Day 2: mindless+ pranks
Mindless prankter dr screwball jones
Hope you like 💖
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rianawu99-blog · 8 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGDY1-92H2k Epic Fake Fights Social Experiment Prank. Staged a bunch of fake fights in Chandigarh, check out the reactions! More back to back pranks are waiting, till then don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE. Please Support our Channel By Spreading The Word About Us. Please Share Our Videos With Your Friends and Family , Make Them Laugh , Make Them Healthy :D Life is a prank…
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🎁 (i'm shin now; if i;'m speaking as myself i'll put "- hayden" but fn i'm shin lol; this is excluding au1 ofc)
(Gocha! In this cenario I made Shin Saeyoungs boyfriend, I hope thats okay uwu)Send a symbol to prank my muse!
🎁- Gift-wrap their room
You learned a lot about pranking from the god of prankters himself over the years. As you were browsing through the dephs of the internet, you came across the subreddit r/pranks and this is where you saw it. A room, fully wraped in giftwrap. Literally every single thing was wrapped, not only the furniture but also everything lying on top of the furniture. You know Seven was working and will probably stay in his computer room for a while longer, so the perfect time to go through with it.
Coincidentally it was valentines day just recently, so you had plenty of wraping paper left from then. Saeyoung wasn’t really good at wraping presents, so he bought tons of it, just in case he’d mess up.
Scissoirs, check!Wrapping paper, check!Duct tape, check!
You were ready. It took you way longer than expected and wrapping up everything, especially the ceiling left you tierd. As the whole room was all decorated with pretty, heart themed, wrapping paper, you plumped down on the bed to get a little rest before revealing your perfectly excecuted plan to Saeyoung. Or well, it was perfect until you slowly drifted away to sleep.
The door opened wich woke you up. You opened the eyes to see a confused readhead staring at you. Still waking up you looked around the room, realizing what was happening. “Oh no! I messed up! Why did I fall asleep?”, you thought to yourself.
Saeyoung burst out in laughter, everything about this was hilarious. The fact that you even wrapped all the empty PhD. Pepper cans lying around the bedroom, the fact that you fell asleep on the wrapped bed right after was just so funny to him. “Oh. My. God, I have the cutest boyfriend in the universe!”
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