candacependletonca · 27 days
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candacependletonca · 2 months
An Overview of High-Frequency Trading
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High-frequency trading (HFT) is a form of algorithmic trading where traders use computer programs to transact significant orders within a very short period. This form of trading is popular for its high turnover rates and order-to-trade ratios. The United States is the main destination for HFTs in the world, accounting for about half of all trading equity volumes in the country since 2008.
HFTs are possible because computer programs are written to analyze several markets in real time while executing orders based on market realities. With HFT, the fastest takes all. This means that the trader with the fastest execution rate tends to profit more than those with a slower execution speed.
The HFT system can scan and analyze markets while deploying algorithms that detect emerging trends within seconds. Upon detecting real-time shifts in market trends, the trading system sends several batches of stocks into the marketplace with bid-ask spreads that favor traders. A bid-ask spread is the difference between the highest amount a prospective buyer is willing to let go for a commodity and the lowest price the seller can accept. Simply, it is the amount between the asking and bidding prices.
Several strategies are adopted in HFTs. However, one of the most commonly used strategies is arbitrage. Arbitrage involves buying and selling securities at varying prices at two exchanges. With this strategy, traders look for and take advantage of price discrepancies between securities or asset classes. HFT algorithms are programmed to detect the most minute price fluctuation within seconds, allowing the trader to benefit from the price difference before the market eventually adjusts.
There are different types of arbitrage in HFTs, including dark-pool arbitrage, rebate arbitrage, and slow-market arbitrage. Dark-pool arbitrage is a type of arbitrage in which HFT traders profit from the difference in price between dark pools and exchanges. Dark pools are private exchanges or financial forums that sell securities. Dark pools are designed so institutional investors can trade away from public glare until the trade is official and reported.
Rebate arbitrage is a form of arbitrage where HFT traders take advantage of exchange rules that offer attractive rebates. These traders take advantage of the rebate system by buying stock from an exchange that gives buyers rebates before selling it quickly, at the same price, to another exchange that provides sellers with a rebate. While these rebates might appear negligible and small, they often accumulate and become significant when applied to a large block of stocks.
Slow-market arbitrage is when traders use fast connections to exploit the data speeds of different stock exchanges. Because most exchanges do not function at a uniform speed, there are usually price differences that HFT traders seek to take advantage of.
One of the major advantages of HFTs is that they ensure that buyers and sellers are always available in the market, leading to increased liquidity in the Forex market. Similarly, HFT algorithms are programmed with advanced risk management features that allow them to adjust positions and cut losses more efficiently and automatically. On the other hand, HFTs tend to focus on taking advantage of market fluctuations rather than ensuring that trade is based on the actual value of the security.
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candacependletonca · 2 months
Understanding Empty Nest Syndrome
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Empty nest syndrome is a term used to describe various emotions parents feel after their children have moved out. Individuals may experience empty nest syndrome for a short or long period, and the symptoms, which include sadness, irritability, and grief, can range widely in severity. Parents may experience these emotions when children leave for college, move into their own homes, or begin forming adult relationships with their peers. According to Psychology Today, women typically experience empty nest syndrome more frequently than men.
There is some debate regarding the reality of empty nest syndrome, which is not a clinical disorder or diagnosis. Research indicates that discussions regarding empty syndrome often overstate the prevalence and impact of the condition. Studies also suggest that families encounter more emotional and behavioral challenges when younger children start to leave early childhood behind; sending a child to middle school is usually more emotionally taxing than sending a child to college. However, these same studies confirm that parents can struggle as their children transition to adulthood, and some families may require help to navigate the changes.
The causes behind empty nest syndrome are slightly more complex than they may appear. Parents may begin to experience symptoms of empty nest syndrome while their children are still living in the house. Events that may trigger empty nest syndrome range from children getting their first jobs or, as mentioned, beginning more mature relationships. Furthermore, researchers have determined that parents are less concerned about their children leaving home and growing up. Instead, parents are troubled by the realization that they do not have as strong or stable a relationship with their children as they desire. In other words, empty nest syndrome is generally not an issue for parents who have established healthy, supportive relationships with their children and may be indicative of a relationship defined by detachment, resentment, or various forms of conflict.
A few common symptoms of empty nest syndrome include feelings of loss, loneliness, and distress. The syndrome may manifest as more serious psychological conditions, such as depression, and may include specific anxieties and worries about what a child is doing when they are away from home. In some cases, empty nest syndrome can create or exacerbate marital tensions. It is not uncommon for parents to feel as if they no longer have a purpose in life. If any of these symptoms persist for long periods or begin to impact a person’s professional performance or daily life, they should reach out to a mental health professional for support.
Individuals can potentially treat mild cases of empty nest syndrome on their own. Basic strategies include considering the benefits of having an “empty nest,” which include re-organizing one’s life around adult needs and forging a new, post-child-raising identity. Married couples will have increased opportunities to pursue both shared and separate interests. If symptoms such as depression and loneliness become overwhelming, parents can benefit from talk therapy and other services provided by a licensed health care practitioner.
Families can also take preemptive steps to prevent empty nest syndrome. In addition to establishing a healthy, communicative relationship with children, parents should ask children specific questions about family dynamics, both positive and negative. For example, if a child feels that their parents are too overbearing and controlling, parents must determine the most effective mode and frequency of communication after the child moves out. Otherwise, they risk driving the child away. On the other hand, if children enjoy the positive support they receive from their family, parents should establish a schedule for regular communication, whether it is daily, weekly, or whatever works best.
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