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girishanandindia · 1 month ago
Being good isn’t for everyone
Being good isn’t for everyone… but it’s YOUR superpower! 💪✨
Not everyone will appreciate your kindness, and that’s THEIR loss! 🚀 Keep shining, keep believing, and never regret being a good person. 💖
💬 Tag a friend who always spreads kindness! 🌟💯
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ancipreneur · 2 years ago
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Good Actions Give Strength To Ourselves And Inspire Good Actions In Others
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emberhartco · 17 days ago
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💡 Experiment 2: The "Dime Study" (The Power of Kindness)
Can a tiny moment of joy make us more likely to help others? This classic experiment found that people who discovered a small unexpected dime were far more likely to help a stranger in need. 🪙✨
A little kindness—whether given or received—can create ripples. What small act of kindness can you share today? 💖
Watch now! 🎬 https://www.tiktok.com/@emberhartco/video/7478179345677421846
#KindnessMatters #TheDimeStudy #PowerOfGood
#Emberhart #LifeOfPurpose #RaisingStrongGirls #PowerOfHabit #SelfCompassion #IdentityJourney #IgniteHerPotential
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divishahotels25 · 6 months ago
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🌸 Navratri Day 6: Worship Maa Katyayani 🌸
On the sixth day of Navratri, we revere Maa Katyayani, the fierce form of Goddess Durga, known for her immense strength and power to destroy evil. She rides a lion, holds a sword, and symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. 🦁✨
Maa Katyayani is the warrior goddess, granting courage, victory, and the power to overcome all obstacles. She is especially worshipped by those seeking love, harmony in relationships, and strength to face challenges in life.
Let us pray to Maa Katyayani to bless us with her divine grace and protect us from all negativity and fear. 💫
Jai Maa Katyayani!
#Navratri #Day6 #MaaKatyayani #PowerOfGoodness
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jestemkasia · 5 years ago
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flieskarina · 7 years ago
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My Travel Makeup Brushes... ✨Face Primer: My Fingerers ✨Foundation: Miracle Complexion Sponge by Real Techniques ✨ Concealer: Miracle Mini Eraser Sponge by Real Techniques ✨Setting Powder: Mini Kabuki Brush by bareMinerals ✨Contour: Mini Contour Brush by Real Techniques ✨Bronzer: Mini Medium Sculpting Brush by Real Techniques ✨ Highlighter: Rose Gold Eye Brush "Tapered Blending/205" by Luxie Beauty ✨Blush: Mini Expert Face Brush by Real Techniques ✨ Lipstick: Mini Lip Color Brush by Mark. ✨Eye Shadow: -Lid: Mini Eye Shadow Brush by Mark. -Crease (Transition Color): Romantic Rose Brush "Precision Blending" by Glamour Dolls Makeup -Crease (Color): Lilac Glam Brush "Blend Beauty/L34" by Slmissglam ~~~~~~ @realtechniques #RealTechniques @bareminerals #bareminerals #powerofgood @markbyavon #maekbyavon #mark. #meetmark @luxiebeauty #luxiebeauty @glamourdollsmakeup #glamourdollsmakeup #crueltyfree #vegan @slmissglam #slmissglambeauty (at San Marcos, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn4KFlPAfenwXXpoZct6PLOoZE8o8CnNamt3IU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sxrajbezleok
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carolinetitcumb · 6 years ago
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chiquita-bonita-us · 6 years ago
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I love my #bareMinerals #voxbox it has New bareMinerals Blemish Rescue Skin-Clearing Spot Concealer. I received it free for testing purposes. It actually helps fight acne. #powerofgood #Clean #New #concealer #influenster #influenstervoxbox #beauty @influenster @bareminerals #blemishrescue Thanks influenster and bareMinerals #free #makeup https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsof6mGgbPk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xfzuxczoqoj9
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darlinglittlechaos · 6 years ago
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New bareMinerals Blemish Rescue Skin-Clearing Spot Concealer! I don’t usually go for stick concealers, but this one is great because of how convenient it is in covering up blemishes or redness on my kin. It is not as full coverage as it claims, but you can definitely build it up. I also love that it helps heal your blemishes and prevents any future ones! Thank you @Influenster for sending me this product complimentary! . . . . . . . #BlemishRescue #CleanBeauty #PowerOfGood #contest #complimentary @bareminerals @Influenster #influencer #lifestyleblogger #lblogger #influencerlife #texasblogger #bloggercommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/BsYf0l3A70I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vhmgb7zen98w
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aradiapsy · 6 years ago
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El primer producto que me manda @influenster este año es el Blemish Rescue Concealer de @bareminerals. Ya se los había mostrado en estos días por las stories y desde entonces lo he ido probando. Pronto les cuento más. . . . #aradiasblog #youtuberspanama #maquillajepanama #beautybloggerpanama . . . Lo recibi gratis para probar y hacer reseña #BlemishRescue #CleanBeauty #PowerOfGood #contest #complimentary @bareminerals @Influenster (at Aradia's Blog) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsWGKjCnKnl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3a6eykv8b5ry
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giuseppelentiniactor · 8 years ago
When watching the News 👀 What’s happening to humankind? We’re told we came from monkeys. Are we heading back to being monkeys. And I mean no offence to monkeys as they can be very civilised 🐒 Start to love yourself so you can understand and love your brothers and sisters ❤️#strongertogether #humanity #diversity #brotherhood #sisterhood #hollywood #humanrightsforall #peaceandlove #imagine #actorslife #together #powerofgood #poweroflove #giuseppelentini #allingodshands #revolutionoflove #peace #loa #positivethinking #UN #humankind #freedom #equality #equalrights #tolerance #love #diversityrocks We Are ONE 🙏🏿🙏🙏🏾🙏🏼
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jestemkasia · 5 years ago
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Clean Without Compromise @baremineralspolska ✨ ___ Moja przygoda z kosmetykami mineralnymi rozpoczęła się kilka miesięcy temu i od tamtej pory towarzyszą mi niemal codziennie. Od niedawna w perfumeriach #Douglas dostępne są kultowe produkty @baremineralspolska. Misja tej marki to makijaż, który jest pełen tego co dobre i wolny od tego, co dobre nie jest. Podkład mineralny Original SPF 15 Foundation wraz z pędzlem Beautiful Finish zapewniają krycie od delikatnego po pełne, więc idealnie sprawdza się zarówno na co dzień, jak i większe wyjścia. #CleanBeauty #PowerOfGood  #mineralcosmetics [współpraca] https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Dw3j-JuBy/?igshid=1alp93qccg2u6
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urban-space-creators · 2 years ago
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It's time for celebration, a time for victory of good over evil when the world sees the example of the power of good! Let's celebrate the victory of the good forces. 😇💯 Happy Navratri!♥️
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zakiyaskyles · 6 years ago
I was excited to try bareMinerals Blemish Rescue skin clearing spot concealer. This was a first, as I normally buy concealers from the company I buy foundation. I love the design of the tube, as it made it easy to hold and keep steady in narrow places like around your eyes, however I was not a fan of the smell. After the first day of wearing the concealer, I avoided using it close to my nose. 😕😕😕 Upon first application, I noticed the concealer was thin and required additional applications to cover my blemishes. I used the product on my eye lids, under my eye lids and my cheeks. Lastly, I assumed because it was meant for use on tan to dark skin they tried to find a shade in the middle, but if my summer tan was in place I'd need a darker shade. It would great to have another option for us bronze and olive tone girls. Thanks for the opportunity to share my experience. 😊😊😊 bareMinerals Blemish Rescue™ Skin-Clearing Spot Concealer #BlemishRescue #CleanBeauty #PowerOfGood #contest #complimentary @bareminerals @Influenster #AWomanInTheMiddle #WomenInTheMiddle #MidLifeBeauty #MidLifeStyle #MidlifeInfluencer #BlemishRescue #CleanBeauty #PowerOfGood #contest #complimentary @bareminerals @Influenster https://www.instagram.com/p/BsmXZ1mFveY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j5h78wtvyk6z
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minnaleah · 6 years ago
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Not too bad. It’s a Nicky priced concealer. So far it’s been 3 days and I’m not seeing a difference with my acne. However this is a 3 step system and i don’t have 1&3 i got this product for free for my honest review. @influenster @bareminerals #BlemishRescue #CleanBeauty #PowerOfGood https://www.instagram.com/p/Br8QSVDhPYD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=112ivlx0agh9y
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nixakeye-blog · 6 years ago
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Excited to try my new Blemish Rescue Skin-Clearing Spot Concealer from @bareminerals paired with my Made-2-fit Fresh Faced Liquid Foundation to create a flawless finish! Can’t wait. #BlemishRescue #CleanBeauty #PowerOfGood #contest #complimentary @bareminerals @Influenster https://www.instagram.com/p/BrqYW92g4eE4J2raupesh2lS0dMXGQhEr0IzUI0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15foh0yc0kwkr
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