#Postwick Prankster [ic; Emerson]
shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
The Corviknight flies back, a Cinderace in her talons, looking... thoroughly in pain, and exhausted. Emerson takes the injured Pokemon in his arms as Elpis bounds back over to him.
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“You did swimmingly out there, mate. I’m proud of you. Get a bit of rest, alright?”
He holds out a fist to Trailblazer, who bumps it with his own. A gesture dating back to when the two first met, all the way back in Postwick. Emerson can’t help but smile at the memory.
“Promise, I’ll give ya a front row seat when we finish this. Swear on me mum.”
With that, he returns Trailblazer to their Pokeball for now. He turns to Erza and Elpis with grim determination in his eyes.
“We’ve still got a ways to go, team. Let’s fuck ‘em up.”
He pulls an Ultra Ball from his belt. Tossing it up, a Gyarados bursts from the capsule with a roar.
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   “Ryujin! It’s all you, mate! Hydro Pump this bitch!”
He turns to Elpis.
   “Try to blind it with Dazzling Gleam!”
The Zamazenta takes a leap straight into the air with powerful legs, and right in its face, lets out a burst of blinding light from the shield around its neck. 
Rearing back, it bellows in Elpis’ face... only to get blasted from below with a stream of water. This would only serve to enrage the monster further, and with a sweep of its tail, strikes not only the two larger Pokemon, but their trainer as well, with the latter barely managing to brace himself with his arms before being slammed with immense force.
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             It hurt.
                                           It hurt like hell.
With a screech of fear, Erza would catch her trainer on her back as the redhead attempted to breathe... with only choked gasps and sobs emerging.
Elpis and Ryujin...? They were tough. They were big, and they were strong. They were already getting back up to fight on instinct. But him? 
                  He was just a kid.
                                                His whole body throbbed.
            He could barely breathe.
                                               Was he going to die here...?
           ...No... there was still fight in the boy’s battered and bruised body.
        “...c... can’t... g-give...up...”
                                                               “...i... c-can’t....”
                        “...i don’t want to die...”
                                                       “...i don’t want anyone else to die...”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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“I see we’re saying ‘fuck’ today.”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
Wading through this swarm was like a nightmare. And Emerson had yet to wake up. The boy had had yet to realize that Elpis’ Dazzling Gleam and Ryujin’s Hurricane wasn’t doing much more than pushing the monsters back.
Only after a few excruciatingly long minutes, did he manage to get close to the yelping Rockruff. With its struggles weakening and its cries getting softer though, the reheaded champ’s tension would skyrocket.
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   “...It’s dying... they’re killing it...! I have to--”
With a frustrated growl, and a desperate cry, the boy would duck out from behind the Zamazenta’s shield, resulting in a startled, fearful noise from both it and the Gyarados. 
Unfortunately, Emerson was about as reckless as he was mischievous.
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   “Give it BACK you MONSTERS!!!”
As a shock to any onlookers, both human and Pokemon, the boy would physically fling himself at the Nihilego, tearing the Rockruff from the UB’s clutches, and, without much thought other than “keep this Pokemon safe”, sent it rolling toward Elpis and Ryujin. The latter of the two slithered in, curling around the small canine, roaring viciously.
Sadly for Emerson however, the bespectacled Galarian was now struggling in the same grasp as the Rockruff before him. Fortunately for him, the leather jacket he wore protected his arms, sides and back, but those feelers were not being discriminatory in what it tried to grab.
                      And the others closed in once more.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
"Emerson! Emerson! A question- how did it feel to put an end to Hop's career?"
Freedom of the Press
He’s not happy, to say the least. Not at the fact that reporters managed to catch up with him, and DEFINITELY not at the question asked. It was like the interview after winning the championship all over again.
It was uncomfortable. It was crude. And it was quite frankly, a topic he wanted no part in discussing.
His face was practically steel, as his eyes unfocused behind his glasses. ( it wouldn’t be good form for the current champ to curse out the media, after all… ) The trainer’s hands were immediately in his pockets. Best to avoid letting cameras see how tightly his fists were clenched.
After the most distressing 3 seconds of his life, he spoke.
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“Hop is my friend,” he began, voice wavering into the mic in his face. Good. Getting better at not popping off. “And whatever you may think of him, it takes moxie and untold strength to do what he’s managed.”
His voice steadied, conviction rising. He wouldn’t stand for repeated badmouthing of his friends. That wasn’t who he was.
His back straightened, eyes now looking directly into the camera.
“Without Hop, the Darkest Day would no doubt have plunged everythin’ to darkness again. He could have just as easily been the one t’ win it all. Hell, he even earned the respect of the other Legendary Pokemon.”
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“When the likes of you manage t’ pull off what he has, THEN come back an’ talk t’ me. Until then, I won’t tolerate you lot looking down on him.”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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“Time t’ stay off social media for the day.”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
galar-rin replied to your post “   “Transphobes are banned from the Gym Challenge. I don’t make the...”
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   “N’ take the tram off Galar while you’re at it.”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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   “Transphobes are banned from the Gym Challenge. I don’t make the rules.”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
Mew: Yes, hello. Don't mind the pink kitten floating closer to your face. Don't mind the tiny little paws reaching for those glasses--
Confusion is what the poor redhead experiences first, seeing just a sliver of pink fly behind one of the columns of Motostoke’s bridge on a camping trip.
The rest of his team lay sleeping around him, as he finishes packing up leftover curry for later eating. He could have been imagining things. It was the Wild Area. It wasn’t hard to write off such a thing. And so, he shrugs, going back to his previous task.
There it was again. This time, it was even closer, behind a tree. Emerson squints, trying to get a closer look.
“…I must be tired,” He concludes, placing the Leftovers in his bag, turning away from… whatever the hell it was he saw. And as he clips his pack shut, he looks up.
Face to face.
With a
Reaching out and grabbing for his glasses.
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“…Did I fall asleep…? I’m havin’ a dream, aren’t I…?”
The sudden blur as the Origin Pokemon removed his glasses however, would conclude otherwise.
“…You’ve got to be kidding me…”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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He sees the alolan boomer out being a general nuisance. He’s heading over to give the big-headed intern a Champion’s pep talk.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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Don’t mind him, he just got finished hanging mistletoe in every gym and Pokemon Center in Galar.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
Walks in-
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Walks out
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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“Ya ever jus’ take way too effin’ long fightin’ a Dynamaxed Poke in ther den only for the fucker t’ blow ya out in a storm?”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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The face of a smug bastard who is apparently taller than all his friends. The god damn beanpole.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
"Yes hello, I'd like to check your vibes." - Zodiac (@twinaura)
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You won’t find anything here but memes and dreams, friend.
“Might I ask for your preferred method of Vibed Checks?”
[ @twinaura ]
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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What… what was that noise…? The poor guy just kinda trudges out of his tent, glasses barely put on, and he finds–
An Eevee. 
Well thank Arceus that his team had been put back in their Pokeballs for warmth overnight.
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“…H-hey… you want somethin’ to eat, lil’ guy…?”
He crouches to the Eevee’s level, holding out a hand to let them come to him.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
mcrpekc started following you
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“All according to CAKE...”
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