#Post Infinity War
irondadfics · 4 months
Hi! Could you recommend some post-Infinity War fics where Avengers think Tony didn't lose anyone in the snap, but then he shows them who Peter was?
here you go! Happy reading!
Exposed by Multi_Fandom_Feels
"You lost nothing. I lost everything, everyone. You have no reason to be moping around like you’ve lived through tragedy.” Clint said, anger and envy dripping from his every word. Tony looked up, pain and anger burning in his eyes. “You have no idea what I lost.” - When Clint returns to the compound after the Snap, tensions are high. Tony is grieving, and no one knows why. No one knows what Tony lost that day, and Clint takes an issue with Tony.
You Didn't Lose Anything by lightningbugqueen
“I lost my son and I waited and wished for that snap to get me too, but it didn’t. And now I have to live in a world without my baby in it, and apparently I didn’t lose anyone! Apparently I am one of the lucky souls in the godforsaken world who didn’t lose his reason for living and you know what? That’s bullshit!”  ********************** Or when the Avengers don't understand that Tony lost someone too. Tw: death, grieving, etc.
Bring Him Back by fictionart
When Tony comes back from Titan, he doesn't say a word. This makes Clint really mad.
Hell on Earth by madasthesea
Prompt: please do post!IW where everyone lost someone in the snap, but on paper it looks like Tony didn't lose anyone (Rhodey is alive, I'm pretty sure Pepper and Happy are too), so Hawkeye or someone is pissed until they see Tony and realize he's lost just as much as them
too-bright-eyes and too-dark-eye-bags by Speeps
He’d tried to act as if nothing had changed. As if all he had to do was crank up his speakers, power up his workshop and haul his armour onto his workbench, and then everything would go back to normal. A sixteen year old with too-bright-eyes and too-dark-eye-bags would come bounding in, smile wide as he slung his backpack somewhere on the floor where he’d inevitably trip over it later on.  He eyed the faded backpack that sat lonely on its owner's bright blue chair. Dust clung to its seams.
every promise don't work out that way by LethalBookshelves
"His son." Everyone turns to look at the blue girl. She doesn’t flinch at the new attention, staring right at Clint. Then she turns her dark eyes to Tony’s. “He lost his son.” — Tony’s back on Earth, but not really. He left something—someone—back there on Titan. In his hands he holds the picture frame of him and Peter—young, happy, alive Peter—posing stupidly with cheesy bunny ears at the camera and holding Peter’s Stark Industries certificate upside-down, and he knows exactly what he’s lost. And as he watches his tears fall onto the glass, he knows that he will stop at nothing to bring Peter Parker back. This is the story that shows what happens when he succeeds.
i will restore all that was broken by killerqueenwrites
“He took my kids!” Clint shouts. “And he took mine!” Tony roars back. After watching Peter disappear, Tony is lost. People keep finding him.
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i’m missing ironstrange when all the fics were post infinity war or endgame fix it fics and i got tumblr for them and there was the tony stark dick post that broke my dash… the supreme family
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geeky-politics-46 · 1 year
Sacrifices - Part 1
Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Stephen gave up the time stone to save you & your son, but how can you possibly go on without him?
Warnings: Heavy angst & some smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - language, reference to injuries, death, mental illness, complicated feelings about cheating, general sadness, vaginal sex, unprotected sex
This piece may go through some small edits over time as I work on part 2. Some slight canon divergence. Based on a request from @magnificentfurybluebird. Not necessarily my best work, but I'm happy with it.
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GIF by wetiredofthis
When the spacecraft landed at the compound, thanks to Carol, you all scrambled to see who or what it was. You prayed to every God you knew that Stephen was somehow, someway, on board. That he had come back to you. Knowing that Tony and Peter had been with him when that creature, that thing took him.
Your heart shattered even further when you saw Tony near death stumble out. No one else followed except for Nebula. You knew deep down Stephen wouldn't be there. You already knew he was gone. 
Nat and Steve were the ones who stayed outside with you as you sobbed and wailed. One hand on your pregnant belly, the other over your chest clutching at the cassum where your heart had once been. Nat rocking you back and forth, trying to calm you down and slow your breathing. Steve simply trying to keep you upright and holding your hair when your sobbing inevitably turned to dry heaving.
You don't remember how you got back inside. The next thing you remember was Tony having a little breakdown of his own. Understandably. You were swaddled in blankets staring blankly at the table. They had hooked both you and Tony up to IV drips. His anger didn't even phase you. Perhaps because it felt like an outlet for your own. 
You vaguely remember Tony saying that Stephen gave up the time stone when Thanos threatened your life and the life of your unborn child. Stephen's son. You had only found out you were having a little boy a few days before Bruce crashed through the Sanctum's ceiling. It went from being the best week of your life to being the worst week of your life.
He said that Thanos threatened to find and torture you in front of him if Stephen didn't surrender the stone. That for the first time during the fight, he saw fear on Stephen's face. He knew Thanos would keep his word. So he did what he had to to save you and your son. Not knowing or not caring that Thanos' snap may as well have blipped you, too. Tony said that the last words Stephen said were, "There was no other way."
You were sure part of your soul turned to ash at the same time Stephen did. Even though you were safely ensconced in the Wakandan palace, you still felt it as if you had seen it with your own eyes. It was like someone had reached into your chest and pulled out your heart. You had stayed near catatonic on the trip back to regroup at the compound with all of the heroes who remained. 
Since then, Nat had not let you out of her sight. Bruce and Steve were never far behind. Rhodey constantly brought you food and water, even though you refused to touch most of it. Pepper did what she could, but since Tony was in such bad shape, you couldn't blame her for focusing on him. Even Nebula and Rocket took turns sitting with you in those first few weeks.
You felt like a mental patient under constant observation for fear you would hurt yourself. Maybe that's what you were. Maybe that's why they didn't want to leave Tony and Thor alone for long either. Tony still had a long recovery ahead, and Thor already appeared to be spiraling into deep depression. 
For a long time, you refused to speak to Wong directly. It hurt too much. The first words you spoke to him were to tell him that you couldn't go back to the Sanctum. He understood what you couldn't say out loud, so he let you keep your distance. Telling you that all you had to evet so was call and he would be there. Guarding over the Sanctum and the home you and Stephen had been building together. Promising to leave everything untouched unless you said otherwise. 
For the next few months, the world around you felt like it was on fast forward. Perhaps it was just that you were moving in slow motion. You ate only when someone forced you to. Walked around the outside of the compound, but you had no interest in leaving the grounds. Preferring to spend most of your time curled up in bed, in the generic blank walled bedroom they gave you at the compound. You took care of yourself just enough to make sure your son would be born healthy, and he was. 
A thick head of dark brown hair and bright blue eyes that matched Stephen's. You nearly gave him up for adoption because how could you care for and love this perfect little being when it hurt so badly to even just look at him? You couldn't though. You could never give up your one remaining tether to your husband. To Stephen. Instead, you sunk every ounce of energy you had into caring for him. 
Your perfect little Vincent. The only silver lining you could find in a world without the man you loved. The reason you made yourself keep going. His sweet little smile was what kept you alive.
One by one, the remaining Avengers and Guardians started to leave. Rhodey had to help keep the US government and military functioning. Ayo literally had a whole country to run. Carol, Nebula, and Rocket were busy trying to keep other planets from falling apart. Pepper and Tony pretty much dropped off the grid during Tony's recovery. Val took over the responsibilities of New Asgard as Thor continued his own struggles, taking his solace in food and alcohol. Bruce left to try and find a way to peacefully coexist with the big green guy. Wong fell into the role of Sorcerer Supreme, putting the Kamar-Taj and the rest of the mystical arts power structure back into a working order.
Eventually it was basically just Nat, Steve, you, and little Vincent. Nat was absolutely smitten with your little man. Stealing him away any chance she got, and encouraging you to focus on yourself. That it would be better for both you and Vincent, who she had taken to calling Vinny, if you found ways to take care of yourself too. Both mentally and physically. 
To pacify her, you agreed. Starting small with things you always used to love. Taking nice long baths or showers. Indulging in body care and fragrances that didn't smell like a mix of baby powder and lavender. You started reading books again that didn't have pictures or a rhyme scheme to them. Quickly working through everything in the compound. 
Soon your favorite thing to do was to have Steve take you into the city to visit your favorite little used bookstore, which was luckily still there. You went with Nat a couple times too, but going with Steve always felt better. Something about the white noise of his bike mixed with the wind whipping past you or the soothing sounds of 40's music in his car. Showing him you favorite books and ones that you thought he needed to read. He was content to just quietly wander through the shelves with you, 
Nat was always trying to get you further out of your shell. Like you were her own little pet project. Trying to get you to go to lunch after or go shopping for clothes. She even pitched going lingerie shopping one day. You practically ran back to the compound on foot after that. You were nowhere near ready for that. To be or be seen as a sexual or sensual being again. To move on. Your heart still belonged to and longed for Stephen. Even after it had been years. You still wore your wedding rings for Christ sake.
At night, you still even dreamed of him. Almost every night, Stephen would find you. You didn't know where you were, but the landscape was barren and cold until Stephen would use his magic to cast an image of one of your favorite places. The park near the Sanctum or even the rooftop of the old building. The two of you reminiscing about the times you snuck up there to get away from everything, listening to the sounds of the city. A moment of fleeting happiness in those dreams only to wake up to the cold reality that he was gone and that you had to go on without him. You hated your own mind for torturing you with such vivid dreams.
That was another reason you liked being with Steve on your outings. He didn't treat you like just a mom, but he never pressured you to try to move on. He certainly hadn't either, despite what he told everyone else. You could see it in his eyes. You both simply chose to exist in that moment. No talk of the future or the past. Eventually, you two did start staying out together longer. Expanding your adventures to include things like walks in the park, museums, an occasional movie, and meals. 
It was even with Steve that you decided it was time to pick up some of your stuff from the Sanctum. You didn't get much. Some of the things you had bought for Vincent before he was born, some of your clothes and toiletries, and a few photos of you and Stephen that you wanted Vincent to have. You wanted him to know his father, even if you weren't ready to talk about him much. Other than say how much Stephen would have adored him.
By the time you left, you were shaking like a leaf, even though you ran out of tears to cry a long time ago. After piling everything into the trunk of his car, Steve assumed you would want to go right home. Instead, you wanted to get drunk, telling him to go to the little Mexican restaurant you two frequented. Taking your normal table in the corner of the patio. It was a great spot for people watching.
Luckily, Steve talked you into stopping after two margaritas and a shot of tequila. Also making sure you ate plenty to absorb the alcohol. You were actually feeling better by the time you went to leave. Still telling Steve to take the long way back to the compound. 
"Can I take you somewhere I really like to go? When I just want quiet or want to think?" 
"Sure, Steve. Quiet sounds nice. I love Vincent so much, but he reminds me so much of Stephen. I don't know that I'm quite ready for that. I'll just shoot Nat a text saying she's in charge of bedtime." 
You ended up parked out in the most beautiful field at the edge of an apple orchard. As soon as you got out of the car, the sweet scent of the ripening fruit enveloped you. Paired with the remaining heat from the sun sitting low on the horizon and the cool breeze slowly moving in, it felt perfect. It was breathtaking. 
Your breath hitched a little when Steve's hands found his way to your hips as he helped you climb up on the hood of the sports car. Finding yourself extra self-concious when you turned to get comfy and inevitably ended up with your ass in his face. Noticing the blush you both wore when he went around to the other side and effortlessly pulled himself up next to you. 
He quickly folded up his leather jacket to place under your head. Holding it in place until you were laid back and settled before following you and laying down beside you. His strong arm pressed against you, the warmth of his body radiating off of him. The scent from his jacket, the leather mixed with his cologne, filling your nostrils. Suddenly, you felt drunker on Steve than even the tequila had made you feel.
He noticed you shiver and the goosebumps forming on your arms. Without even thinking, he put one arm around you and pulled you so your head was resting on his shoulder. Moving his jacket so it draped over the two of you like a blanket. You fought the urge to bury your nose into his neck.
Had he always smelled so intoxicating? 
Suddenly, you were feeling things you hadn't felt in literal years. Your body felt nearly electric. Even on those nights when you couldn't sleep and tried to sate an itch that you wanted to deny still existed, or when you dreamed of the passion filled nights you spent with Stephen, it didn't feel like this. It didn't feel like hunger. Like you were starving only to be plopped down in front of a big juicy Thanksgiving feast. It was too much and nowhere near enough.
You felt Steve's heart start to race as his enhanced sense of smell began to pick up what was surely the scent of your growing arousal. As the sun sank lower in the sky and the sound of crickets grew louder, the tension between you continued to grow thicker.  In a moment of bravery, you let your hand come to rest on Steve's abdomen. He let his hand that was wrapped around you start drawing shapes on your hip. 
You both knew you had reached the point of no return when his movements caused the shirt you were wearing to rise, and his fingers finally made contact with your bare skin. Your head tilted upward against his jaw as a needy moan feel from your lips as they pressed gently against his neck. Your teasing breath illiciting a hungry growl from the captain.
Time seemed to slow as he tilted his head down and gazed into your eyes. Seeming to seek confirmation that this wasn't in his head or that you weren't just drunk beyond all reason. The haze of lust in your eyes pushed him to place his lips softly over yours. It was comforting and sweet, and oh so different from the way Stephen used to kiss you. 
That was the reason why you deepened the kiss. Letting your tongue lick across Steve's lips until he reflexively thrust his tongue into your mouth. For the first time since Stephen left, you weren't thinking about how his touch or his kiss used to feel. How much you missed everything about him. You were relishing in the unfamiliar. You stopped thinking and let yourself be taken.
Pulling Steve's large form on top of yours and spreading your legs so he could slot his hips between them. Arching your body up into his at the way his weight felt on top of you. It felt so good. You couldn't stop yourself from wrapping your legs around his legs and dragging your fingernails down his back until you got to his ass. Digging your fingers into his flesh and pulling his pelvis to grind against you.
The feel of his bulge grinding against you making you hungrier for him. You quickly reached up and moved to pull your shirt off. Finally getting your first good look at Steve's face after throwing your shirt to the side. Strands of his dark blonde hair falling forward into his now clouded blue eyes. His cheeks were flushed, and his lips swollen. 
"God, you look so beautiful. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about this. I like being with you. Are you sure you want this? I don't want to pressure you." 
It was sweet, and you were very happy that Steve cared about your feelings and your wants. You liked being with him, too. Right now, though, you didn't want to think. You just wanted to feel. You desperately wanted to feel something good. If that good feeling was having Captain America pound you stupid on the hood of his car, then so be it. You would deal with the consequences afterward.
You quickly began unbuttoning his shirt as you spoke. Looking into his pretty blue eyes only for a moment before focusing again in the expanse of his bare chest coming into view. All smooth skin and a few freckles against thick muscle. 
"Just don't talk, Steve, just touch me, please. I just need you to touch me and kiss me. Okay? Right now, I just need you to take off your pants. Talk later."
He hesitated for a minute, then gave in. Nodding quickly and whispering, "Okay. Okay." Moving to unbutton and unzip his own jeans before moving over to yours as you pushed his shirt back off of his strong shoulders. Dragging your nails back down his newly bare chest before reaching back and bracing yourself on the cool metal of the car hood to help him lift your hips so he could shimmy your own pants down. 
The heat of Steve's gaze ratcheting up even more now that you were down to just your bra and panties. You didn't feel self-conscious or focus on the flaws you always saw in the mirror. For the first time since Stephen, you felt beautiful in someone else's eyes. Steve was seeing you bor just as a mother. Not just as a friend, but as a woman.
Steve descended back on you with the same hunger you showed him. Quickly tearing apart the rest of your clothing and exposing your most intimate places. His eyes darkened and a deep groan came from his chest. Before either of you could speak you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him down to kiss you. Both of you letting yourself succumb to your desires. 
Your hands slowly moved to his hips, catching both his jeans and his boxer briefs and pushing them down in one go. Finally feeling Steve completely bare against you. Skin on skin. The weight of his big thick cock sliding against your wet cunt making you needy. 
You needed to feel him inside you. Needed to feel that delicious stretch. His fingers toying with your nipples already had you starting to tingle. It had been so long, and you didn't realize how much you missed being touched and kissed. How much you missed the feeling of being well fucked.
That's exactly what Steve Rogers made sure you were that night. Not stopping until he had made you cum at least 3 times before you went home to the compound. Of course you were so sensitive that he had you cumming with his first full thrust into you. 
By the time the sun was starting to rise, you and Steve had been at it for hours before finally succumbing to a few hours of sleep in each other's arms. Your alarm, thankfully, making sure you still woke up before Vincent. Until you figured out whether this was a one-time thing you didn't want to get him involved. As far as he needed to know, Uncle Steve was still just Uncle Steve. 
However, by the time the next evening rolled around, after showing Vincent all the photos and things you had picked up from the Sanctum, you hated yourself for what you had done. Even if he was gone, you still felt like you betrayed Stephen. So why did you want to do it again if you felt so terrible? Why was it all you could think of that night when you tried to sleep? Or what you found yourself daydreaming about it the shower?
You still loved Stephen with all of your heart and would give anything to have him back, but Steve had reawakened a part of you thought had died with Stephen. Up until that day, you had never even fantasized about anyone else. Just Stephen. It had been years since the blip. You had been pregnant when you lost Stephen. Now you had a dark-haired little toddler running around. He adored his Auntie Nat and Uncle Steve. He was happy even if he didn't have his real father. 
You wanted him to have a fully rounded life, and now that he was almost 5, it wouldn't hurt for him to have a father figure. To see his mother happy and loved. There would never be another Stephen, but maybe you could be happy with Steve. Stephen would want you to be happy, right? Maybe you could be a little family unit together. Even though your whole heart could never belong to Steve, you could give him part of it. Maybe that was all you could ask for.
You found yourself confiding in Nat. Needing to share the guilt you felt and hear everything you were thinking said out loud. Of course, you would take into account whatever advice she had to offer, but it was more that you desperately needed to share the thoughts that were eating at you. 
After spilling everything, you noticed her face was unchanged. Your brows furrowed as you saw the mischievous glint in her eyes and her biting at her bottom lip to keep from smiling. As you figured out exactly why she was holding back a grin, you buried your face in your hands. 
"Ugh… Steve already told you we slept together, didn't he?"
A snort came from the redhead, well half redhead half blonde. Already confirming your suspicions. 
"I caught him sneaking out of your bedroom the other day, and you know how terrible he is at lying. It wasn't exactly hard to connect the dots." 
Her smile faded when she saw the tears forming in your eyes. She came over to where you were sitting and pulled you into a tight hug. Starting to rock you back and forth when she heard your soft cries.
"I know how much you still love Stephen, and so does Steve. He's not expecting you to just forget about him. He knows how important he was to you. Stephen knew how much you loved him, and he would want you to feel love even without him. For yourself just as much as for Vincent. He wouldn't have sacrificed himself if he didn't. We all lost people, and we are all still hurting, but you deserve good things in your life. You deserve to feel happy and even find love again. Whether or not that is with Steve is between the two of you. You can't keep punishing yourself for what happened. None of us can. Maybe we all just need to finally move on. " 
You both sat in silence, holding each other close. Thanking the powers that be that even after losing the love of your life, you had found a best friend to help keep you sane. Both of you slowly sinking to the edge of sleep, drifting between the present world and the dreamworld where Stephen still visited you. Only for you to be snapped awake by the sound of knocking and a vaguely familiar voice. 
You cracked one eye open and found the security camera for the front door to be the cause of the disturbance. What you saw made your heart jump into your throat. Sticking his face right up into the camera was a man you knew only from his picture, the one that was displayed on the same board as Stephen's after the snap. It was the face of Scott Lang, who had supposedly been blipped 5 years ago along with the others. 
Without looking away from the screen you shook Nat awake. Sure that if you looked away from the screen he would disappear, either as a figment of your own imagination or a hallucination. You couldn't even form words to communicate properly until Nat realized what you were seeing. 
"Oh my god! Is that… Scott?"
"Nat, is that live? That's not video, right? How is that real?"
She bolted up from the couch and over to the monitors. Double checking the feed to make sure it was, in fact, live and that everything checked out. Making sure she followed all safety protocols before opening the door.
"I have no idea, but go get Steve, and you may want to put some coffee on. If this is real, it's gonna be a long night."
Vincent loved having Scott there, and Scott was great with him. Showing him all sorts of card tricks and close-up magic. He was almost more goofy, big brother than anything. Even as the rest of the group started to trickle back into the compound, brought back together by Scott's time heist plan, Scott was still the cool one. With the exception of Rocket, because even close-up magic can't beat talking raccoon. 
You listened from the dining area at your son and his new friends gathered in the living room. All eyes on the toddler as he colored. Various coloring books and crayons scattered on the table being used by Scott, Rocket, Bruce, and Nebula. You and Steve were busy setting out plates and silverware while Nat and Clint had begun retrieving enough take out food to feed an army. Thor was asleep on the couch.
"Mommy says my daddy could do magic. He's not here to show me though, he disappeared with lots of other people. Maybe you and my uncle Wong could teach me how to do magic, and I can bring them all back? Then mommy won't be sad anymore." 
You could see Scott glance at you over Vincent's shoulder. Trying not to draw attention to the fact that he knew you were listening. The tears quickly blurred your vision before you moved to wipe them away. Scott didn't want to overstep his boundaries, not having known you or Vincent very long, but he knew he needed to say something to comfort the boy. He continued before Scott could say anything.
"I know mommy has me and Auntie Nat and Uncle Steve. She says her and Uncle Steve are special friends now, and sometimes he stays with her at night, but I know she still misses Daddy. Sometimes at night I hear her crying and it makes me sad that she's sad. I want to help make her feel better. Plus, I wanna meet Daddy. He sounds really cool." 
Well now that your son had outed you and Steve to all of the other Avengers in the room. You felt very much on display, like an exposed raw nerve. No one wanting to make eye contact with you except Steve and Nat. All feeling a little guilty at having left you knowing now that you still cried yourself to sleep most nights, at least the ones you weren't taking solace in Captain America's arms.
From the living room once more, you catch Scott trying to communicate silently with you. After some eyebrow wiggles and hand gestures, you figured out he wants to tell Vincent about the time heist plan. You assume not everything as Vincent is only 4, but just the fact that they have a plan to try. You figure what the hell, he's bound to notice all the commotion starting around the compoundanyways. 
Maybe it would be best to tell him, especially since it had already been decided the two of you would go to the Sanctum while the heist and ensuing fight was happening. It would be the safest place physically for you to be. Even if mentally, you weren't so sure. If it worked and Stephen did come back, you would have a lot less to explain. If it didn't work though, would your son's heart be broken just like yours? You weren't sure you could handle that.
After a few more seconds of thinking, you give Scott a little nod. Giving him the go-ahead to share the plan with Vincent. Who is he gonna tell anyway? 
"Can you keep a secret? It's an Avengers only secret. So if I tell you it means you're an official Avenger, okay? We have a plan to try and bring everyone back, but we need someone to make sure your mom stays safe while we do. So maybe we can put you in charge of protecting your mom for us? Nat says she's always getting into trouble, and we have to make sure to keep her safe for your dad. Plus, I wanna meet your dad too. He does sound cool. If he's anything like you, then he'll be really cool." 
"I've met him. Not that cool. Right Banner? Now, what's this you were saying about your mom and uncle Steve?" 
Tony Stark was always one to make an entrance, Rhodey not far behind him, and ultimately you were happy to have his sarcasm change the energy in the room back to a more playful one. Tony tilted his sunglasses down and gave your son a little 6 show him he was teasing. The same look he always gave Steve when he was giving him shit, which he had managed to do oh so quickly. Your son's giggle breaking the tense air around you as Tony clutched his chest and exaggeratedly gasped at the scandalous reveal.
You had to laugh at the way Steve rolled his eyes. You knew he wasn't one to kiss and tell, let alone when you were still another man's wife. Even if that other man had been blipped years ago by a mad titan. You weren't officially a thing, but you weren't not a thing either. Truthfully, you both had yet to figure out exactly what you were for each other.
You were surprised when you felt a hand on your shoulder and looked ovet to see Clint. A shell of who he had been. Deep black circles under his eyes, a mohawk, and a plethora of new tattoos. Having lost his wife and his kids you knew he had struggled to make it this far. He offered you a tight lipped half smile. A smile that said I know your pain, and in the case you knew that he really did know.
"I know it's not exactly the same, but speaking as someone who also lost a spouse you still seem to handling it much better than me. I know everyone lost people, but you really got a raw deal. You're doing a great job, mom."
You hadn't realized Nebula had left the living room until she chimed in as well. Her monotone voice doing nothing to hide her feelings as she spoke. 
"He is right. You are a good mother. Even if his father is dead. He is happy and loved. That's all I ever wanted… to be loved." 
You knew she meant it nicer than it sounded. She was just very blunt. You wanted to say something back to her. To tell her that she is loved. You wanted to hug her, but knew that probably wasn't the best thing. Instead settling for reaching out to put your hand on hers as she went to grab a plate. Her breath hitching and her body jumping lightly at even that friendly gesture.  
You squeezed her hand in yours and gave her a little smile and a nod whispering a silent thank you. Letting go before she had the chance to return the nod, not wanting to pressure her into responding further. Your smile growing when a soft "You are welcome" fell from her lips. Excusing yourself so you could go get Vincent as well as wake up Thor, and she could start plating her food. 
After everyone got their food and the plotting of how and where to find all the infinity stones began, you and Vincent began planning for your own adventure. Packing all that you would need for an extended stay at the Sanctum. Making sure you had everything important accounted for. The time heist and potential following battle could go any number of ways, you and Vincent had to be prepared for anything. No matter what happened.
So you packed your belongings and started the process of moving yourselves back to the place that for years had been your home. The Sanctum Sanctorum. Now, it just felt haunted and empty. Moving yourself and Vincent into new bedrooms and not daring to even open the door to the master bedroom you and Stephen once shared. 
Vincent was enjoying helping build the time machine however he could. Even just carrying tools or supervising. The time passed quicker than you would have hoped, and before long, the big day was staring down at you. Wong had made sure you were all settled in by then.
You and Steve had spent what, if all went according to plan, would be your final night together. He promised you that they would succeed, whatever it took. They would set the world right. That they would do it for you and for Vincent. 
It would be your job to throw the switches and start the time machine that would scatter the Avengers throughout time and across all corners of the universe. Then Wong would take you and Vincent to the Sanctum before leaving to gather the forces of the Kamar-Taj and the other Sanctums. 
One by one all of them gave Vincent a high five, a fist bump, or a hug as they climbed up onto the platform. Nat was the last one up, other than Bruce who checked all the settings one last time. 
You noticed an odd look in her eyes as she hugged you so tight you could hardly breathe. From the corner of your eye, you saw her slip two sealed envelopes into Vincent's Captain America backpack. Kneeling down at eye level and making him promise to keep you safe. Telling him how proud she was of him before kissing the top of his head and joining the others.
After Steve finished his signature Captain America speech, you told Vincent to go stand back on the other side of the room with Wong. To make sure if anything went wrong, he would be protected. Starting your countdown once he was at a safe distance. 
"Three… two… one… God speed."
As soon as the shockwave had cleared and all of them had disappeared, you checked the machine's settings against the paper Bruce and Scott had given you. Making sure everything looked stable and the platform was ready for their return. Starting the countdown clock ticking. It should only be five minutes in your time before they all returned.
Wong had already opened the portal to the Sanctum and sent Vincent through as you looked around at the Avengers compound one more time. On some level you knew that it was the last time you would see it. You didn't know what was coming next, but you knew there was no turning back now. 
And so you stepped through the gold glimmering portal into the grand foyer of the Sanctum Sanctorum. Once again your home. For better or for worse. Giving Wong a hug and a thank you before sending him off to ready the other sorcerers for battle. 
For now, your job was just to take care of your son. The only job you had really cared about for the last five years. Taking his small hand in yours and leading him into the dining room. While the others searched for the stones that could bring your husband back, dinner was the top priority on your list. For Vincent, you had to keep up a semblance of normalcy, even if every fiber in your body felt like it wanted to go hide under the bed.
All you could do was wait and hope…
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenadiine @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @strangelock221b @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @mando-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdsc @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirls
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guardian-angel12 · 2 months
The Shadow
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“Fury watched you for years. We all heard of the Kree extremist you were meant to bow to. You were meant to be the deadliest woman in the galaxy, meant to annihilate Xandar the same way they did Skrullos. That didn’t happen by your hands. So tell me, are we all the same? And are you?”
“You know nothing of what I am.”
“I know what you’re not. What we aren’t.”
fanfic on ao3
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kneecap-assassin · 1 year
Hi, I'm looking for assistance finding a lost fanfiction. Any help would be appreciated while I remember the plot, I can't remember title and author. MCU Peter Parker.
- What if the other half dusted.
- Tony, May, Pepper dusted, Peter Orphaned again.
- Everyone in Tony's will was Dusted besides Harley Keener making Peter the sole Inheritor of SI.
- Peter basically kicks Fury out of the Compound
- Peter saves Wanda from Westview
- Nebula and Wanda become scary older sisters.
- Peter reveals he's spiderman
- Peter PROMISES to bring the dusted back and does so in 3 years.
- Fast tracks High School and College.
- Uses Stone particles and regrows them??
- Peter puts together the Next Gen Avengers (Harley, Shuri?, Kate, Yelena...)
- Completed Fic
- possibly AO3 or Fanfiction.net
Any help would be appreciated cause this is driving crazy not being able to find it!
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janeykath318 · 1 year
Shieldshock: Make It Better
Darcy stood in front of the imposing doors to the Avengers facility, trying to calm her nerves and put her thoughts into words. She just hoped she could keep it together and he would understand.
“Hey, Steve, if you’re in there and watching, It’s me, Darcy. We need to talk.”
Nothing happened. She sighed and tried again.
“Okay, I know you probably hate me and after everything, that’s totally understandable, but I really, really, need some friendly faces right now. My mom and Jane got Snapped and I had a huge fight with Tony. I found out what happened.”
Her voice was starting to tremble. “I’ll appeal to Natasha as well. Remember we’re bros, Nat.”
She flashed a wobbly wave and smile at the security camera.
“I brought baked goods.”
The door swung open and there stood her ex-boyfriend, Steve Rogers, wearing a plaid shirt that begged for mercy and a very wary expression on his face. It had been almost five years since she’d seen him and she was struck by how many more lines creased his face and the tired look in his blue eyes, which looked sad the more they looked at her.
A twinge of pain and remorse pierced her heart as she knew she’d been responsible for some of that sadness. Her eyes welled up.
“Steve….” she whispered.
“Come inside, Darcy,” he gently directed her. “Let’s get away from prying eyes.”
She was led to a cozy lounge area, and greeted warmly by Natasha.
“Darcy, I am very sorry to hear about Dr. Foster and your mother. How are you?”
She smiled wanly back. “I managed to hold it together long enough to finish my astrophysics degree, but the rest of my life is in shambles. I was so sorry to hear about…..well, you know who.”
She thought the mention of Bucky would be a very sore subject for both Steve and Nat.
Nat’s face showed an echo of the pain etched on Steve’s, though she covered it quickly.
“Your sympathy is appreciated, Darcy, But I will catch up with you later. You two need to talk.”
She shot a glance at Steve, plucked the bag of muffins from Darcy’s hand, and disappeared.
Steve shuffled his feet, staring at the floor for a long moment before sighing.
“We’d better sit down.”
Having sat down on opposite couches with a coffee table in between, Darcy found herself aching for the days when they’d cuddle together and she’d usually wind up in his lap, kissing like there was no tomorrow. The silence started to get very awkward before she found her courage to speak.
“First of all, I’m so sorry Steve. I said really mean things to you that were completely unfair. Tony admitted he greatly embellished the truth in hopes I’d dump you. He wanted to punish you after the whole fiasco with Bucky, make you hurt more, I guess.”
“Well, he certainly succeeded,” Steve said hollowly. “I keep reliving that fight in my head over and over. I should have told him sooner.”
“I’m sorry I believed him over you. I should have known better. You better believe me I told him off for that. I don’t think I’ve been so angry in a long time. He cost me the best thing that ever happened to me.”
She couldn’t keep the tears back any more, and they started running down her face in streams.
In a moment, Steve was sitting beside her and had pulled her against him, rubbing her back in the calming way he used to.
“I’m so tired of soldiering on, pretending everything’s okay when it’s not,” she whispered. “It feels like I’ve lost everyone.”
“I know,” Steve agreed, sounding as ragged as she felt. “But there’s a few of us left here and you’re welcome to hole up with us like in the old tower days. Some days, it’s just the comfortable companionship of being miserable together, no judgment.”
She wiped her eyes and looked up at him.
“I’ll take that over being around my bio dad. I can’t look him in the face after what he did.”
“Hurt people hurt people,” Steve reminded her.
“Yeah, but you were in an impossible situation to begin with. He hasn’t dealt with his Howard issues at all, and refuses to acknowledge that Bucky was a victim in all of this as well. I straight up told him I was going back to you and not to call me unless he was ready to make things right.”
“I bet you used a lot more colorful language, though,” Steve said, a tiny smile appearing.
She shrugged. “You know me too well, Steve-o.”
Darcy turned to face him.
“Can you forgive me, Steve? I know it’s been a long time and all and I will totally not blame you if you don’t, but…….I love you, and I’m sorry.”
Steve’s eyes filled up with tears and he took her face in his big hands, looking at her with that same love she’d seen many times before.
“The day I don’t forgive you is the day I die, Dr. Darcy Lewis,” he whispered huskily. “I’ve never stopped loving you.”
The kiss he gave her decisively backed up his words.
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greyinthecolorprism · 2 years
The Meeting
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"I'm trying but I keep falling down, I cry out but nothing comes now. I'm giving my all and I know peace will come, I never wanted to need someone." - Helium (Sia)
Part 1: Sketch: Commission for @darsynia of a chapter to her story about Tony and an OC named Leigh. This piece has been an emotional roller coaster for me since I started it. I enjoyed her description of the situation and the details of Leigh, who I can honestly say I would probably get along well with since I too am from the south. I had a really good time working on this sketch and she was a doll to work with. Half-way through it however, I realized something that made me have to walk away from it. This is the second time I've drawn Tony in a picture I've done for someone else, yet I have yet to venture into drawing him in a picture for myself. I guess…I got a little jealous, heh. I knew that if I tried to work on it like that, it would interfere with how it came out, so I decided that I should take @strangelockd's advice and walk away for a break. And something amazing happened. As I was eating a light dinner - because like @stewardofningishzida, I forget my own health when I work - I decided to sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. Of ALL the things that could have been on in that exact moment, as I was taking a bite of my food, I hear "Yeah? So how did you fix the ice problem?" and I nearly choked on my food. The ORIGINAL Iron Man was on. I sat there, stunned and watched the last fifteen minutes of the movie as I ate my dinner. When Tony said, "I am Iron Man", it felt like I could remember that no matter what, he's still my hero too. I felt like he knew I needed to be reminded of that. So, once I was done with my dinner, I came back in here and finished up the sketch and put some minor background colors in. I'm currently working on the lineart and will have it up tonight. It was meant to go out yesterday, but I fell asleep on my keyboard lol.
✨This is a blog transfer! You've been tagged because you liked this on my main blog! I apologize for the inconvenience. ✨
@darsynia @sobeautifullyobsessed @fanartka @harlekin6 @icytrickster17 @stewardofningishzida @cirocity @mrs-cookie @foxssketching @ronearoundblindly
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But Even Superwoman Sometimes Needed Superman's Soul
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"I'm trying but I keep falling down, I cry out but nothing comes now. I'm giving my all and I know peace will come, I never wanted to need someone." - Helium (Sia)
Part 1: Sketch: Commission for @darsynia of a chapter to her story about Tony and an OC named Leigh. This piece has been an emotional roller coaster for me since I started it. I enjoyed her description of the situation and the details of Leigh, who I can honestly say I would probably get along well with since I too am from the south. I had a really good time working on this sketch and she was a doll to work with. Half-way through it however, I realized something that made me have to walk away from it. This is the second time I've drawn Tony in a picture I've done for someone else, yet I have yet to venture into drawing him in a picture for myself. I guess...I got a little jealous, heh. I knew that if I tried to work on it like that, it would interfere with how it came out, so I decided that I should take @strangelockd's advice and walk away for a break. And something amazing happened. As I was eating a light dinner - because like @stewardofningishzida, I forget my own health when I work - I decided to sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. Of ALL the things that could have been on in that exact moment, as I was taking a bite of my food, I hear "Yeah? So how did you fix the ice problem?" and I nearly choked on my food. The ORIGINAL Iron Man was on. I sat there, stunned and watched the last fifteen minutes of the movie as I ate my dinner. When Tony said, "I am Iron Man", it felt like I could remember that no matter what, he's still my hero too. I felt like he knew I needed to be reminded of that. So, once I was done with my dinner, I came back in here and finished up the sketch and put some minor background colors in. I look forward to continuing this peace tomorrow after I write. But now, it's time I take a rest.
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Whumpril Day 19 is up! @whumpril
Todays Characters: Natasha, Steve
Tags: Post Avengers Infinity War, Natasha has ptsd, Steve has ptsd, depression, anxiety, desperation
Description: It's been only days since Thanos snapped away half the universe and the nights are worse than the days.
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mckiwi · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 2: Nowhere To Run
Characters: Stephen Strange, Karl Mordo, Peter Parker, Cloak of Levitation
Prompt: Confrontation
Summary: Two Times Mordo tried to kill Stephen and the one time he decided not to.
While sleeping at the Sanctum
Today was the day Mordo would finally rid the world of the parasite that was Stephen Strange. Every sorcerer was a pest, but Strange was the worst of them all, using the Time Stone so recklessly. Breaking every natural law without a care in the world. But he didn't fret, no, because within the hour, Strange would be of no consequence. He didn't take pride in killing his former friend, but when one must meet the needs of the end…
He could sense the man sleeping in his room. All Mordo had to do was slit his throat without waking him, which also meant not using magic lest he would alert the man to his presence. Easy.
Or so he thought.
After breaking in through a window, Mordo had barely peaked his head into the building before the axe that had been hanging above the window fell, clattering to the floor, nearly decapitating him. Releasing a shaky breath, Mordo stepped inside, wearily watching the axe as he passed. One step onto the rug had Mordo's feet yanked out from under him and he landed on the ground with a harsh thud. If Strange wasn't awake from the axe then surely he would be now… but a quick check confirmed the man was still asleep.
Realizing the Sanctum itself must be weaponized, Mordo cautiously trespassed through the hallway, not that it helped. Paintings threw themselves at his head, making his vision go black for a moment. A small table used a leg to trip him while a curtain took the opportunity to wrap itself around his arm and rag-doll him into the kitchen.
The kitchen was probably the worst place for him to be. The sink immediately sprayed water at his face, flour was covering him from head to toe, and despite his training, he couldn't dodge all the utensils flying through the air. Forks, spoons, knives, spatulas, even the tongs wanted a piece of him.
He collapsed back into the hallway, breathing heavily, and ran for the stairs. He was nearly at the top before the stairs flattened themselves out, causing Mordo to lose his footing and slide pathetically back to the bottom. If he let out a girlish scream, it's not like Strange was awake yet to hear it. The stairs flatted and popped up repeatedly as Mordo tried to make his way up. He was crawling by the time he got to the top.
Mordo, wide-eyed and heart beating wildly, peered through the hallway at the array of doors. Which one led to Strange's chambers? Something told him he wouldn't find out without gaining more cuts and bruises.
To no one's surprise, he was correct. Doors slammed open to bust him in the nose. The floor tiles tilted to toss him into rooms full of dangerous relics. Doors locked and unlocked randomly. Eventually, he fell into a large bedroom. The bedroom of one Doctor Stephen Strange.
Strange lay in bed with a sheen of sweat on his forehead and his face contorted in pain. He had the blankets bundled up to his shoulders and the Cloak laying across him. A nightmare, Mordo assumed. At that moment, he couldn't find it in himself to care. Soaked, battered, bruised, covered in flour with a cherry on top, Mordo was done. Unsheathing a knife, Mordo held it over the sleeping man's throat and whispered venomously, "you're dead, Stephen Strange!"
The knife didn't get the chance to even break skin before the Cloak launched itself at him, suffocating him as it drug him through the halls, purposely slamming him into the walls, and throwing him out the Rotunda of Gateways into a rainforest.
The ground was surprisingly soft, Mordo decided, as he lay there for a few minutes. He'd kill Strange… just later. He could use some medicine and a nap first.
Sets up a Trap
This would be the day Mordo finally kills Stephen Strange. Yesterday had been a… minor setback. A miscalculation on his part, but now his plan would surely work, right here in this abandoned building in Queens. With his bait set up, Mordo covers his own magical signature and waits for the man of the hour to arrive.
It doesn't take long for Strange to appear, and as planned, he takes the bait. An interdimensional magic stone radiating energy from inside the building, the perfect lure for someone as curious as Strange. Little did he know, the second he touched the stone inside, it would trigger the building to collapse. Not even Strange would have enough reaction time to-
Wait- is that a child with him?
Mordo debated against himself. This teenage boy Strange had brought with him might very well end up dead as well. Now that he looked closer at the two, he saw they were eating sandwiches while the kid happily talked about something. Was Mordo really about to let that kid be a casualty in a war that didn't even affect him?
He wasn't given a choice. Strange hesitated in front of the building, talking with the kid, "I'm not taking you in there, Peter. It could be dangerous."
"Oh, please. I fought an alien in outer space before. Your 'Indiana Jones' rip-off will be nothing!" The kid, Peter, blew off. Strange still looked unsure. The kid continued, "I promise to be careful?"
Strange huffed and closed his eyes in resignation, "fine." The kid punched the air excitedly. "Got your web-shooters just in case?"
The kid pulled up his hoodie sleeve to show some type of device wrapped around his wrists, "always."
A flicker of sadness, perhaps guilt, shot across Strange's face at that. It was so quick Mordo wouldn't be surprised if the kid didn't even notice. "Alright, let's do this."
Something heavy landed in Mordo's gut. He was about to murder a kid. Sure enough, the building shook briefly before an explosion made the building collapse entirely. People in the surrounding area ran in shock and terror. No one could have survived that explosion. Sorcerers are just human, after all. Mordo felt a pang of remorse for the kid. He somewhat hoped Strange had been teaching the kid sorcery, just so that the man's murder would be worth the kid's death.
A few moments later, a portal opened up across the road. The kid helped Strange limp out. Through the portal, he saw a small spherical shield holding up the building. It faded out with the portal, leaving a puff of dust to bellow out behind the two. "That could've gotten us both killed if it weren't for your spider senses." Strange explained as he glanced down at his ankle.
"Are you okay?" The kid asked.
"Yea. I think my ankle's just fractured. What about you?" Strange returned.
The kid nodded, "high on adrenaline."
Strange chuckled slightly and winced as he tried to step through a portal to the sanctum, "better than being dead. You coming?"
The kid stepped through the portal as it closed, "you know we can cancel my magic lessons for today."
Better than being dead, indeed.
After a battle
The beast roared in rage and shot Strange down from the air with one of its quills. Strange screamed as the quill pierced his leg and he tumbled toward the ground. The Cloak flared enough to keep the fall from being fatal, but Mordo noticed Strange blinking away stars and his hair on the back of his head looking matted and wet. He tore the quill from his leg with a hiss of pain and stumbled to get back up.
The beast was too powerful for a lone sorcerer to take on without… assistance. It had already been about thirty minutes of relentless battle, and the beast was gaining the upper hand. Mordo saw the moment Strange decided on what he needed to do next. He witnessed Strange gather up the strength to summon Black Atlantean Magic. Mordo knew, Strange knew, every sorcerer worth their wits knew the cost of that magic, that type of assistance. It would give you the power to defeat your enemies, sure, but the cost was just as likely to kill you as it was to save you.
Strange's face scrunched as the dark power entered him. He looked up at the beast with a newfound determination. After a long battle, the beast met a power greater than its own.
It didn't take long for Strange to shove the beast through a portal. The portal collapsed, and not a moment later did Strange follow, hitting the ground hard. Mordo heard a sharp yelp as Strange tried to break the fall with his hands and watched as Strange rolled onto his back with his hands cradled to his chest. His face was covered in blood, mostly from the red rivets pooling from his eyes and nose. Heavy magic has a heavy price, as Mordo had tried to warn him before. He thought he heard a muffled sob as Strange lay there, looking rather pitiful. The Cloak tried to wrap around his injured leg, but he still didn't move. He just laid there, breathing raspy breaths and smearing the blood away from his eyes. Mordo figured he was waiting for what comes next, if it ever came.
The Cloak perked up in alarm as Mordo approached the downed man. A quick spell rendered the Cloak immobile. Strange heard the footsteps and lolled his head over lazily to look, "Mordo?"
"Yes. It's me," Mordo answered and kneeled beside him. Strange peered at him through hooded, unfocused eyes.
"Come to finish me off?" Strange joked, but something behind those words was an element of truth. Of knowledge. At Mordo's silence, Strange's chuckle turned into a cough, "wouldn't be the first time." He used the heel of his hand to wipe at his bloodied eyes one more time, and to Mordo's surprise, exposed his neck.
Mordo's brain froze. He wasn't expecting this. He was expecting a fight, for Strange to want to live, not for him to give himself up like a lamb for slaughter. "What happened to you, Stephen?" Stephen laughed bitterly at that. The blood around his eyes was washed away by tears. No. Who was he to kill a man who fate cruelty decided must live?
That night, Mordo dreamt of Stephen's disappointed face when he created a portal to the Kamar-Taj infirmary.
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polizwrites · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bruce Banner & Steve Rogers Characters: Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon Additional Tags: Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Grief/Mourning, Missing Scene, POV Steve Rogers Summary: In the aftermath of the battle against Thanos, what's left of their team mourns and regroups back at the Compound. An announcement from Friday puts them back on alert.
Previously posted on Tumblr,  this ficlet  fills my @avengersbingo  Death   @manwithaplanbingo  Crying  and @steverogersbingo  - Bruce Banner  squares, as well as the Flash Fiction Friday - Sleepless Nights prompt. 
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irondadfics · 7 months
Hello. It's me again always losing fics. I've been now looking for a story setting post-infinity, during those 5 years. Tony get a strange visitor by an old man. Later Tony find out that it was Peter. But Peter goes by the namw Mr. Jones, I think. Please & thank you!
Could this your fic?
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geeky-politics-46 · 1 year
So I'm working on an angsty request about Stephen's wife during the blip, and this has somehow segwayed into sex with Steve Rogers on the hood of his car...
I'm not saying I'm mad this is where I have ended up, I just don't quite know how I got here.
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Steve (& friends) + text posts pt. 5/?
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wwillywonka · 14 days
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☆GET TO KNOW ME♡: [11/?] Favorite Characters
LOKI - Marvel Cinematic Universe (2011-2023)
- I don't enjoy hurting people. I... I don't enjoy it. I do it because I have to- because I've had to. -Okay, explain that to me. -Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear. -A desperate play for control. You do know yourself. -A villain. -That's not how I see it.
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lungthief · 1 year
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hey is this thing on…i heard we’re stuckyposting again
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