#Possession of a Schedule II Substance
offender42085 · 6 months
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Post 1200
Before and After....... but before all this there was that adventure in the lake.
Thomas Jay Ruger, South Carolina inmate 371483, born 1994, incarceration intake December 2022 at age 28, scheduled for release June 2026
Distribution of a Controlled Substance, Trafficking Meth
On Sunday, January 2, 2022, Greenwood County (South Carolina) deputies chased a man who fled from a truck that he was driving and dove into Lake Greenwood to avoid arrest.
Thomas Jay Ruger, and Brandy Nicole Cockrell Young, were arrested. Both were charged with trafficking in meth or cocaine base; possession of narcotic in schedule I(b), (c), LSD and schedule II and possession of other controlled substance in schedule I-V. Ruger was also charged with two counts each of driving under suspension and failure to stop for blue light (FTSBL).
Earlier that day, a Greenwood County deputy spotted a man driving a truck and knew he had active warrants from other law enforcement agencies. He tried to stop the man, but he fled from officers and led deputies in a car chase into neighboring Laurens County.
Eventually the driver opened the door to the pickup truck and jumped from the moving truck and he ran and subsequently dove into Lake Greenwood, trying to swim across the lake. Officers took a woman in the truck into custody and eventually detained the man and brought him back to his truck.
The distance he was attempting to swim was estimated to be about 1/3 of a mile (or 1/2 a kilometer). Each time the man would see deputies waiting for him at the water's edge he would change direction. After several course changes he eventually came ashore into the hands of waiting deputies.
(Lake Greenwood is an artificial lake, composed of impounded water behind a hydroelectric dam. The surface area of the lake is 18 square miles/46 square kilometers with an average depth of 22 feet/7 meters.)
Inside the truck, officers found plastic baggies with about 11 grams of a substance that tested positive for meth, along with pills in the woman’s purse and other baggies. The man and woman told officers the drugs belonged to the other person, so deputies decided charge both of them in connection with the drugs.
At court proceedings almost a year later in November 2022, Ruger pleased guilty and was sentenced.
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cksmart-world · 1 month
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
August 13, 2024
OK Wilson, this is beyond the pale. Kamala Harris' running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, says he eats “white guy” tacos. What? How racist can you get. Republicans and MAGA influencers aren't taking it. They get accused of being racist all the time since they regularly use racial dog whistles. Did you know Kamala is a DEI hire, bla, bla, bla. But that's nothing compared to Walz' “white guy taco” quip that “falsely plays to every stereotype of whiteness,” according to one MAGA influencer. “This isn’t cute,” said Fox News columnist David Marcus. “Walz is being used as a clown to mock white people. If Walz doesn’t like spicy food that’s fine, but it has nothing to do with being a white guy.” Yeah, he and the Dems are making white people out to be... well, white people who eat bland food. Outrageous, total bigotry. According to Walz, white guy tacos “are pretty much ground beef and cheese.” And he claims he doesn't even use taco sauce. Can you believe it, Wilson, no taco sauce. Well, he's a stinkin' liar, says MAGA mainstay Mike Cernovich, who did some sleuthing and found that Walz once made a taco recipe with spices including paprika and chili powder. Paprika and chili powder! How in the hell can you trust a guy who lies about tacos? White guy tacos, at that. Give us a break.
It's no secret that a 900-page document created by former Trump administration officials at The Heritage Foundation, called “The 2025 Project,” is a blueprint for the next Trump regime. Here are the highlights:
10 –Future federal employees must wear red MAGA hats
9 – No public schools will go higher than 7th grade and no free lunches for poor kids
8 – Top secret documents in Mar-a-Lago bathrooms will be declassified
7 – LGBT Americans must get “QUEER” tattooed to their foreheads
6 – Abortion pills will become illegal Schedule II controlled substances
5 – Illegal immigrants will be forced to build a “big, wonderful” wall on the border
4 – Possession of pornography will be punishable by selective surgery
3 – China will be removed from all U.S. government maps
2 – FBI agents will become butlers and gardeners at the White House and Mar-A-Lago
1 – And Don Jr. will be next in line for the title of el presidente-for-life.
Donald J. Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 18 in New York on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. But is it fair to sentence a convicted felon right before an election? It could give voters a bad impression of Republican nominee. According to polling, some 97 percent of Trump supporters don't care about the convictions. After all, they were bogus charges brought by a bogus district attorney in a bogus court with a bogus judge. But if Judge Juan Merchan were to sentence Trump to jail time that could change things. Trump supporters might think, jeeze he's in the slammer with despicable badasses. That's not cool. Or what if the judge sentences Trump to community service where he has to wear an orange jumpsuit and pick up garbage along the L.I.E. (Long Island Expressway). There he'd be with one of those poking sticks and a big garbage bag walking along picking up refuse and swatting at flies. That could be worse than jail time as far as the election goes. It's just hard to un-see Trump in an orange jump suit waddling along the expressway with people honking and waving. They might even roll down their windows and yell, “Make America Great Again.” That's just cruel and unusual punishment.
Post script — Alright sports fans that's a wrap for another exciting week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of what politicians eat so you don't have to. Wilson, did you know that Kamala Harris eats Doritos — nacho cheese-flavored Doritos at that. And you thought white guy tacos were outrageous. Sean Hannity and Elisabeth Hasselbeck of Fox News fame are truly perplexed. “That’s the commander-in-chief, potentially,” Hasselbeck warned, “that’s the emotional response of the leader of the free world — binge-eat a bag of Doritos?” No Wilson, we won't remind her of the former commander-in-chief throwing McDonald's cheeseburgers on the wall of the Oval Office. Makes you long for the good ol' days when Gerald Ford made his own toast every morning. Simpler times, indeed. Speaking of white guy tacos (clever segue), House Oversight Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) will open an investigation into Tim Walz regarding his links to China. We are told this has nothing to do with white guy egg foo young or white guy chop suey. However, on various visits to China Walz reportedly imbibed in Kung Pao chicken and sweet & sour pork. “Americans deserve to fully understand how deep Governor Walz’s relationship with Chinese food goes,” said Comer. After all, you are what you eat.
These are testy times for poor Donald Trump. He's going to get sentenced in the New York fraud case. There will soon be an evidentiary hearing in D.C. surrounding the Jan. 6 insurrection debacle. If that weren't enough, he's slipping in the poles to a black woman. Wilson, you and guys in the band must have something to ease Donald's pain. Go for it:
Quicksand closing in around my eyes Quicksand forcing me to realize Nothing that I see Can get through this wall to me
This wall of quicksand closing in around my mind Quicksand and I'm losing track of time Sinking like a stone All the dreams that I have ever known Sinking into quicksand closing in around my heart Quicksand teaching me further poems From the things I feel All that it can steal Taken and concealed Not to be revealed About quicksand From the things I feel All that it can steal Taken and concealed Not to be revealed About quicksand Talking about quicksand
(Quicksand — The Youngbloods)
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masterofd1saster · 4 months
CJ court watch Brown v. United States, 602 U. S. __ (2024).
SCt decided the Brown case on 23may24. Decision was sort of 7-2/6-3.
These cases concern the application of the Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA) to state drug convictions that occurred before recent technical amendments to the federal drug schedules. ACCA imposes a 15-year mandatory minimum sentence on defendants who are convicted for the illegal possession of a firearm and have a criminal history that is thought to demonstrate a propensity for violence. These defendants are subject to ACCA’s enhanced penalty if, among other things, they have “three previous convictions” for “a serious drug offense.” 18 U. S. C. §924(e)(1). For a state crime to qualify as a “serious drug offense,” it must carry a maximum sentence of at least 10 years’ imprisonment, and it must “involv[e] . . . a controlled substance . . . as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act” (CSA). §§924(e)(1), (2)(A)(ii). The CSA, in turn, includes five schedules of controlled substances and provides that these schedules must be updated each year by the Attorney General*** In 2016, Justin Rashaad Brown sold cocaine to police officers in a series of controlled buys. The officers conducted two warrant-authorized searches of Brown’s home, where they discovered cocaine and a loaded .38-caliber revolver. In 2018, a federal grand jury returned an indictment charging Brown with several drug offenses, as well as possession of a firearm by a convicted felon in violation of 18 U. S. C. §922(g)(1). Brown pleaded guilty in 2019 and was sentenced two years later. At sentencing, the probation office recommended that Brown receive ACCA’s mandatory minimum sentence because he had four prior Pennsylvania convictions for possessing marijuana with intent to distribute between 2009 and 2014, as well as one Pennsylvania conviction for distributing cocaine in 2008. Brown disputed this interpretation of ACCA and argued that his marijuana convictions did not “involv[e] . . . a controlled substance . . . as defined in [the CSA].” §924(e)(2)(A)(ii). A state drug offense counts as an ACCA predicate only if the State’s definition of the drug in question “matche[s]” the definition under federal law. ***When Brown was convicted for possessing marijuana, both federal and Pennsylvania law defined marijuana to include “all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L.,” so the definitions were a categorical match. 21 U. S. C. §802(16) (2006 ed.); Pa. Stat. Ann., Tit. 35, §780– 102(b) (Purdon Cum. Supp. 2012) (defining marijuana to include “all forms, species and/or varieties of the genus Cannabis sativa L.”). But while Brown’s federal charge was pending, Congress enacted the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which exempted some hemp, a variety of Cannabis sativa L., from the federal definition of marijuana. Pub. L. 115–334, §12619(a)(2), 132 Stat. 5018.1 Because the federal and state definitions did not fully match when Brown was sentenced, he argued that his marijuana convictions no longer qualified as “serious drug offense[s].”
The Court could have said that the date the federal and state definitions must have been one of three times: 1) when the defendant committed the state crime; or 2) when the defendant violates the federal felon-in-possession statute; or 3) when the defendant is sentenced for felon-in possession.
The Court chose option 1 as it
best fulfills ACCA’s statutory objectives. Congress’s “general approach” in ACCA was to single out “offenses of a certain level of seriousness that involve violence or an inherent risk thereof, and that are likely to be committed by career offenders.” *** Because defendants who have repeatedly committed ACCA predicate offenses are “especially likely to inflict grave harm when in possession of a firearm,” ACCA imposes a higher punishment when they do so. *** (“[A] second or subsequent offense is often regarded as more serious because it portends greater future danger and therefore warrants an increased sentence for purposes of deterrence and incapacitation”). A defendant’s “history of criminal activity” does not “cease to exist” merely because the crime was later redefined. *** It therefore makes sense to ask, as the Government does, whether a prior offense met ACCA’s definition of seriousness—and thus suggested future danger—at the time it was committed.
This is not necessarily bad news for defendants. Sometimes states criminalize drugs before the feds criminalize them. A state conviction in those circumstances wouldn't count for ACCA.
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koosweed · 5 months
Peaceful Dreams: Nembutal Powder Available for Purchase
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Navigating the Legal Complexities of Ordering Nembutal Online in the USA
Contact any of the platforms below for your order
The article ‘Navigating the Legal Complexities of Ordering Nembutal Online in the USA’ delves into the intricate legal landscape surrounding the acquisition of Nembutal, a controlled substance. As the internet becomes a common marketplace, understanding the legal boundaries and implications of purchasing Nembutal online is crucial for compliance and safety. This article explores various dimensions including legal statutes, risks, ethical considerations, and future trends affecting access to Nembutal.
Key Takeaways
Comprehending federal and state laws is essential for legal compliance when dealing with Nembutal.
Awareness of the risks, including scams and potential legal repercussions, is crucial for anyone considering purchasing Nembutal online.
There are specific legal pathways and prescriptions required to obtain Nembutal legally.
Ethical debates such as euthanasia play a significant role in the regulation and use of Nembutal.
Future legal changes and healthcare reforms could alter the accessibility and regulations surrounding Nembutal.
Understanding the Legal Status of Nembutal in the USA
Federal Regulations on Controlled Substances
Nembutal, a barbiturate used primarily in euthanasia and anesthesia, falls under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) in the United States. This classification subjects it to strict federal oversight, including registration, documentation, and handling requirements for all entities involved in the drug’s lifecycle.
State-Specific Laws and Penalties
The legal implications of possessing or distributing Nembutal can vary significantly from state to state. Some states have enacted laws that are more stringent than federal regulations, potentially leading to severe penalties for non-compliance.
Impact of International Laws
The importation of Nembutal involves navigating complex international legal landscapes. Countries have diverse regulations that can affect the legality and process of acquiring Nembutal from overseas sources.
Risks Associated with Online Purchases of Nembutal
Potential for Scams and Fraud
The online market for Nembutal is rife with fraudulent activities, making it crucial for buyers to be vigilant. Common scams include sellers demanding payment without delivering the product, or sending counterfeit or diluted versions of Nembutal.
Quality and Safety Concerns
Purchasing Nembutal online can lead to significant risks regarding the quality and safety of the product received. Without proper regulatory oversight, products may be contaminated or not adhere to medical standards, posing serious health risks.
Legal Consequences of Illicit Purchasing
Buying Nembutal without a prescription or from non-legitimate sources can lead to severe legal consequences. Individuals may face charges ranging from possession to trafficking, depending on the quantity and their intent with the drug.
Legal Pathways for Acquiring Nembutal
Prescription Requirements
In the United States, Nembutal is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance, which mandates strict prescription requirements. Only licensed healthcare providers can prescribe Nembutal, and it must be dispensed by a registered pharmacist. The prescription process is closely monitored to ensure compliance with federal regulations.
Special Cases and Exemptions
Certain circumstances may warrant special exemptions for acquiring Nembutal. For instance, in cases of terminal illness where patients require palliative care, regulations may be relaxed under compassionate use provisions. These exemptions are strictly controlled and require thorough documentation and approval from relevant authorities.
Role of Healthcare Providers
Healthcare providers play a crucial role in the legal acquisition of Nembutal. They must assess the patient’s condition, determine the appropriateness of Nembutal use, and ensure all legal and ethical standards are met. Providers are also responsible for educating patients about the potential risks and benefits of Nembutal use.
Ethical Considerations in the Use of Nembutal
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Debates
The ethical debates surrounding euthanasia and assisted suicide are complex and multifaceted. Nembutal, often used in these contexts, raises significant ethical questions about the right to die and the role of medical professionals in end-of-life care. Public opinion is deeply divided, with arguments focusing on patient autonomy versus the sanctity of life.
Patient Rights and Autonomy
Patients’ rights to make informed decisions about their own medical care are fundamental. The use of Nembutal intersects with these rights, particularly in cases involving terminal illnesses and severe pain. It is crucial that patients are provided with comprehensive information to make empowered decisions about their end-of-life care.
Medical Ethics and Professional Responsibilities
Medical professionals face a delicate balance in prescribing Nembutal. They must adhere to strict ethical standards and professional responsibilities, ensuring that their actions are in the best interest of their patients. The decision to prescribe Nembutal must be guided by compassion, ethical considerations, and legal frameworks, making it a challenging aspect of medical practice.
Navigating Online Pharmacies Legally
Identifying Legitimate Online Pharmacies
To ensure safety and legality, it is crucial to identify legitimate online pharmacies. Look for pharmacies that require prescriptions, have licensed pharmacists available for consultation, and are verified by national pharmacy boards like the NABP. Avoid pharmacies that offer prescription drugs without a prescription as they are likely not legitimate.
Regulatory Compliance for Online Sales
Online pharmacies must adhere to both federal and state regulations. This includes compliance with the FDA, DEA, and state pharmacy boards. Ensuring that an online pharmacy meets these standards is essential for the legality and safety of drug purchases.
Protecting Consumer Privacy and Data
When using online pharmacies, protecting your personal and financial information is paramount. Opt for pharmacies that use secure transaction methods and have clear privacy policies. It’s also advisable to check for data encryption methods used by the site to safeguard consumer data.
Legal Recourse for Victims of Nembutal Scams
Victims of Nembutal scams face not only financial losses but also potential legal and health risks. Understanding the avenues for recourse can help mitigate these damages and prevent future occurrences.
Reporting to Authorities
Victims should promptly report scams to local law enforcement and the FDA. This step is crucial for initiating investigations and potentially stopping the scammers. Reports can also be filed with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
Legal Actions and Litigation
Victims may pursue legal action against perpetrators. This can include filing a lawsuit for recovery of damages or pressing criminal charges. Legal advice should be sought to explore these options effectively.
Consumer Protection Agencies and Resources
Various agencies offer assistance and resources to scam victims. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and state consumer protection offices provide guidance on next steps and how to avoid future scams. They also offer educational resources to help consumers recognize fraudulent activities.
Future Legal Trends Affecting Nembutal Access
Legislative Changes and Proposals
Bold legislative changes are anticipated as debates around euthanasia and the ethical use of Nembutal continue to evolve. Key areas of focus include tightening or relaxing regulations based on evolving societal attitudes and medical standards.
Impact of Healthcare Policy Reforms
Healthcare policy reforms may significantly influence Nembutal access. These reforms could dictate the terms under which Nembutal can be prescribed and dispensed, potentially making it more accessible or restricted based on public health priorities.
Technological Advancements in Pharmaceutical Sales
The integration of advanced technologies in pharmaceutical sales could streamline the process of Nembutal distribution. This might include the use of blockchain for tracking and AI for improving the accuracy of prescriptions, ensuring that Nembutal is dispensed safely and legally.
Navigating the legal complexities of ordering Nembutal online in the USA is fraught with challenges and risks. It is crucial for individuals to be thoroughly informed about the legal status of the substance, the potential legal repercussions, and the ethical considerations involved. Consulting with legal experts and considering the moral implications of acquiring such a substance are essential steps. Ultimately, understanding the full scope of legal and ethical issues is key to making informed decisions in this sensitive area.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the federal regulations regarding Nembutal in the USA?
Federal regulations classify Nembutal as a controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act, requiring strict adherence to guidelines for prescribing and distribution.
How do state laws vary regarding Nembutal?
State laws can differ significantly, with some states imposing harsher penalties and stricter controls on the distribution and use of Nembutal.
What are the risks of purchasing Nembutal online?
Risks include potential scams, receiving counterfeit or unsafe products, and facing legal consequences if the purchase violates local or international laws.
What are the legal requirements for obtaining a prescription for Nembutal?
A prescription for Nembutal must be issued by a licensed healthcare provider, often under specific conditions such as terminal illness or severe chronic pain.
How can one identify a legitimate online pharmacy for Nembutal?
Legitimate pharmacies are typically licensed, require valid prescriptions, and provide clear contact information. Verification through regulatory bodies is also recommended.
What legal actions can victims of Nembutal scams take?
Victims can report scams to local law enforcement, the FDA, or consumer protection agencies, and may pursue litigation to seek compensation for damages.
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clausa2022 · 6 months
Unlocking the Potential: Best Nootropic Supplement in the USA
Nootropics are substances that can enhance cognitive function, particularly executive functions such as memory, creativity, or motivation. As more people turn towards smart supplements to improve their focus and productivity, the market is flooding with various options. To help navigate through these alternatives, we are exploring the potential of the best nootropic supplement available in the USA.
Currently, the focus plus supplements Clarigenz and Adderall are leading contenders in the nootropic market. Often, potential users find themselves in a dilemma: Clarigenz vs Adderall — which is the best nootropic supplement?
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However, Adderall is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and physical or psychological dependence. This brings about potential side effects, including insomnia, anxiety, and mood swings.
On the other hand, the focus plus supplement, Clarigenz, a relatively new addition to the nootropics market, is a non-prescription supplement that also aims to enhance mental performance. It is gaining popularity for its blend of natural components like Bacopa Monnieri, Alpha GPC, and Huperzine A which collectively work to improve concentration, memory, and mental clarity.
Furthermore, Clarigenz also supports brain health in the long run, which contributes to sustained cognitive enhancement. Unlike Adderall, it does not possess the risks related to psychological dependence or potential side effects and hence can be a better choice for many.
In conclusion, while both supplements have proven their effectiveness, it may be beneficial to choose Clarigenz if you’re looking for a safer non-prescription alternative. Considering the potential risks and side effects associated with Adderall, it appears that Clarigenz may be the best nootropic supplement currently available in the USA.
However, it’s crucial to mention that before starting any supplement regimen, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine which supplement is best suited for your body and needs. After all, our ultimate aim should be to enhance our cognitive function without compromising our overall health.
Buy from: www.clarigenz.com
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has delivered a recommendation to the Drug Enforcement Administration on marijuana policy, and Senate leaders hailed it Wednesday as a first step toward easing federal restrictions on the drug.
HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said Wednesday on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, that the agency has responded to President Joe Biden’s request “to provide a scheduling recommendation for marijuana to the DEA.”
ABC News reports Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement that HHS had recommended that marijuana be moved from a Schedule I to a Schedule III controlled substance.
“HHS has done the right thing,” Schumer, D-N.Y., said. “DEA should now follow through on this important step to greatly reduce the harm caused by draconian marijuana laws.”
Rescheduling the drug would reduce or potentially eliminate criminal penalties for possession.
Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I drug, alongside heroin and LSD. 
According to the DEA, Schedule I drugs “have no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse.”
Schedule III drugs “have a potential for abuse less than substances in Schedules I or II and abuse may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.” They currently include ketamine and some anabolic steroids.
ABC News reports Biden requested the review in October 2022 as he pardoned thousands of Americans convicted of “simple possession” of marijuana under federal law.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., issued a statement calling for marijuana to be completely descheduled. “However, the recommendation of HHS to reschedule cannabis as a Schedule III drug is not inconsequential,” he added. “If HHS’s recommendation is ultimately implemented, it will be a historic step for a nation whose cannabis policies have been out of touch with reality.”
Bloomberg News first reported on the HHS recommendation.
In reaction to Bloomberg’s initial report, the nonprofit U.S. Cannabis Council said: “We enthusiastically welcome today’s news. … Rescheduling will have a broad range of benefits, including signaling to the criminal justice system that cannabis is a lower priority and providing a crucial economic lifeline to the cannabis industry.”
According to the ACLU’s original analysis, marijuana arrests now account for over half of all drug arrests in the United States.
Of the 8.2 million marijuana arrests between 2001 and 2010, 88% were for simply having marijuana. Nationwide, the arrest data revealed one consistent trend: significant racial bias.
Despite roughly equal usage rates, Blacks are 3.73 times more likely than Whites to be arrested for marijuana.
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Deciphering the Contrasts: Codeine, Heroin, and Morphine Unveiled
Within the intricate tapestry of pharmaceuticals and substances, a trio of opiate compounds — codeine, heroin, and morphine — stand out as captivating and enigmatic. These substances share a common ancestry rooted in the opium poppy plant, yet they diverge dramatically in their effects, uses, legality, and potential for addiction. This exploration navigates the distinct dimensions of codeine, heroin, and morphine, dissecting the intricate differences that make each compound unique in pain management and substance misuse.
Common Origins, Divergent Pathways
The opium poppy plant (Papaver somniferum) is the common progenitor for codeine, heroin, and morphine. Morphine, the eldest of the trio, is the primary alkaloid extracted from opium. Its chemical structure contributes to its potent pain-relieving properties, making it a cornerstone of modern medicine. Codeine, found in smaller quantities in opium, shares its origin with morphine but possesses a distinct profile. Heroin, on the other hand, emerges from morphine through chemical synthesis, becoming a semi-synthetic opioid with heightened potency and altered effects.
Effects and Therapeutic Uses
Morphine is a formidable pain reliever, particularly in severe pain caused by surgery, injury, or terminal illnesses. Administered in medical settings, morphine binds to opioid receptors within the central nervous system, diminishing pain perception and inducing a sense of euphoria. Its therapeutic efficacy comes hand in hand with the risk of tolerance, dependence, and potential addiction, highlighting the need for vigilant medical supervision.
Codeine, less potent than morphine, finds its therapeutic niche in managing mild to moderate pain and suppressing cough. Its mechanism of action involves conversion to morphine within the body, varying in efficacy among individuals due to differences in metabolic rates. Codeine is often available in prescription and over-the-counter formulations, highlighting its relatively milder nature.
Heroin, despite its origins as a pharmaceutical innovation, has been shunned from legitimate medical use due to its overwhelming potential for addiction. Heroin's effects mimic those of morphine but intensify rapidly due to its chemical structure, causing an intense rush of euphoria and sedation. This has led to its classification as a highly addictive illicit drug, notorious for its detrimental impact on individuals and communities.
Risk and Potential for Abuse
The contrasting risk profiles of codeine, heroin, and morphine are pivotal in understanding their place in medical and societal landscapes. Morphine, while carrying a potential for dependence, is often administered under medical supervision, minimizing its risk of misuse. However, chronic use can lead to tolerance and dependence, necessitating careful monitoring.
Codeine, accessible within medical and non-medical contexts, is risky to abuse. Some individuals possess an enzyme that converts codeine to morphine more efficiently, heightening the risk of overdose and adverse effects. This has prompted regulatory measures to restrict access to codeine-containing products without proper medical oversight.
Heroin, standing as the trio's most potent and dangerous member, presents an alarming potential for abuse and addiction. Its rapid onset of euphoria is intertwined with a cascade of adverse health effects, societal consequences, and legal ramifications. The illicit status of heroin underscores its destructive nature, making it a formidable challenge for law enforcement and public health efforts alike.
Regulatory Framework and Legal Status
Morphine and codeine operate within a regulated framework, with varying degrees of accessibility depending on geographical regions. Morphine, a Schedule II controlled substance, necessitates stringent prescription protocols due to its potential abuse. Codeine, available over-the-counter in some areas and by prescription in others, highlights this compound's nuanced regulatory landscape.
Heroin, by stark contrast, remains illegal for any use in most jurisdictions due to its devastating effects and high potential for abuse. Its illicit status has fostered a shadow economy and criminal activity associated with its production, distribution, and consumption.
The intricate web woven by codeine, heroin, and morphine is a testament to the multifaceted nature of pharmaceuticals and illicit substances. As offshoots of the opium poppy plant, these compounds intersect in their origins while diverging sharply regarding chemical structure, effects, therapeutic applications, risks, and legal status.
Recognizing the disparities between these compounds is a critical step toward informed decision-making within medical practice, policy formulation, and public education. By grasping the individuality of codeine, heroin, and morphine, society can strive to balance pain management with the imperative of safeguarding public health and well-being.
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
By Jeff Mason and Steve Holland
Cameras, visitor logs searched after cocaine found at White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Cocaine discovered in the White House on Sunday was found in a cubby hole in a West Wing entry area where visitors place electronics and other belongings before going on tours, a source familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.
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FILE PHOTO: A general view of the White House in Washington
© Thomson Reuters
The Secret Service is investigating the matter, the White House said. "They're checking visitor logs and ... looking at cameras. Those are the next steps. Cross-checking," said the source.
White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters: "Where this was discovered is a heavily traveled area where many ... West Wing visitors come through."
Asked whether anyone had undergone drug testing as part of the investigation, Jean-Pierre said: "We will take any action ... that is appropriate and warranted, pending the outcome of Secret Service."
Possession of cocaine, which is classified as a "schedule II" drug under the U.S. Controlled Substance Act, is a misdemeanor in Washington, D.C.
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thesclawoffice · 1 year
How Cannabis Attorneys Help Businesses Navigate the Complex World of Cannabis Law
The cannabis industry has experienced exponential growth in recent years, with more states and countries legalizing its use for both medical and recreational purposes. With this rapid expansion, it is essential for businesses in the sector to understand and comply with the ever-changing legal landscape. This is where cannabis attorneys come in. These specialized legal professionals possess in-depth knowledge of the laws and regulations surrounding the industry, helping entrepreneurs and established businesses alike to navigate this complex world.
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II. Legal Framework for Cannabis
A. Federal laws and regulations
At the federal level, the Controlled Substances Act classifies cannabis as a Schedule I drug, making it illegal under federal law. However, the Farm Bill, signed into law in 2018, legalized the production of hemp, a type of cannabis plant containing less than 0.3% THC. This has created a complex legal environment for businesses operating in the cannabis industry.
B. State and local laws and regulations
State and local laws regarding cannabis vary widely, with some states legalizing medical and/or recreational use, and others maintaining strict prohibition. In states where cannabis is legal, businesses must comply with licensing and permitting requirements, as well as regulations governing cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, and sales.
C. Differences between medical and recreational cannabis
Medical and recreational cannabis often fall under different sets of regulations, with medical cannabis typically subject to more stringent controls. Understanding the differences and ensuring compliance with the appropriate rules is a critical aspect of operating a successful cannabis business.
III. The Role of Cannabis Attorneys
A. Advising clients on cannabis laws and regulations
Cannabis attorneys help businesses understand the complex legal framework in which they operate. They provide guidance on federal, state, and local laws, ensuring that businesses are aware of and comply with all relevant regulations.
B. Assisting with business formation and structure
When starting a cannabis business, entrepreneurs must make important decisions about the type of business entity they will form and how it will be structured. Cannabis attorneys can provide advice on the best options, considering factors such as tax implications, liability, and regulatory compliance.
C. Navigating licensing and permit applications
Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits can be a complex and time-consuming process. Cannabis attorneys assist clients by preparing and submitting applications, addressing any issues that arise, and ensuring that all requirements are met.
D. Ensuring compliance with state and local regulations
Ongoing compliance with state and local regulations is essential for the success and longevity of a cannabis business. Cannabis attorneys help businesses develop and implement policies and procedures that ensure compliance, minimizing the risk of fines, penalties, and other negative consequences.
E. Handling litigation and dispute resolution
When legal disputes arise, cannabis attorneys represent their clients' interests in negotiations, mediation, or court proceedings. They work to resolve conflicts efficiently and effectively, protecting the business and its reputation.
IV. Common Legal Issues in the Cannabis Industry
A. Licensing and permit denials or suspensions
Businesses may face denials or suspensions of their licenses and permits for various reasons. Cannabis attorneys can help clients address these issues, working to resolve the matter and restore the business's ability to operate.
B. Zoning and land use restrictions
Cannabis businesses must comply with zoning and land use regulations, which can be complex and vary widely from one jurisdiction to another. Attorneys can help clients understand these restrictions and ensure their operations remain compliant.
C. Intellectual property protection
Protecting a cannabis business's intellectual property, such as trademarks, patents, and copyrights, is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Cannabis attorneys can help clients establish and enforce their IP rights.
D. Employment law compliance
Cannabis businesses must adhere to employment laws, including wage and hour regulations
, anti-discrimination policies, and workplace safety requirements. Cannabis attorneys can guide businesses in creating compliant employment policies and procedures, as well as addressing any disputes that arise.
E. Taxation and financial regulations
The cannabis industry is subject to unique taxation and financial regulations, such as the Internal Revenue Code Section 280E, which disallows certain deductions for businesses dealing with controlled substances. Cannabis attorneys can help businesses navigate these complex rules, ensuring they remain compliant and minimize their tax liability.
V. Working with a Cannabis Attorney
A. Finding a qualified cannabis attorney
To find a qualified cannabis attorney, businesses should seek referrals from industry peers, conduct online research, and consult professional directories. It's important to choose an attorney with extensive experience and knowledge in the specific area of cannabis law relevant to the business.
B. Establishing a clear scope of representation
Once a cannabis attorney has been selected, it is crucial to establish a clear scope of representation. This includes outlining the specific legal services the attorney will provide, the goals and objectives of the representation, and any limitations on the attorney's role.
C. Communication and collaboration
Open and effective communication between the business and its attorney is essential for a successful working relationship. Businesses should ensure they provide their attorney with all necessary information, and both parties should commit to regular updates and check-ins.
D. Assessing costs and fees
Before entering into a working relationship with a cannabis attorney, businesses should discuss the attorney's fees and billing structure. This may include hourly rates, flat fees, or contingency arrangements. It's important to ensure that the cost structure aligns with the business's budget and expectations.
VI. Case Studies: Success Stories and Lessons Learned
A. Examples of successful cannabis businesses
Successful cannabis businesses often have one thing in common: they have sought and followed the guidance of experienced cannabis attorneys. These businesses have been able to navigate the complex legal landscape, ensuring compliance with regulations and avoiding costly mistakes.
B. Legal challenges faced and overcome
Many cannabis businesses have faced legal challenges, such as license denials, zoning disputes, or employment law violations. By working with skilled cannabis attorneys, these businesses have been able to address and resolve these issues, allowing them to continue operating and growing.
C. Insights from cannabis attorneys
Cannabis attorneys can provide valuable insights and lessons learned from their experiences representing clients in the industry. Businesses can benefit from these insights, helping them avoid common pitfalls and achieve long-term success.
VII. Conclusion
Navigating the complex world of cannabis law is a critical aspect of building and maintaining a successful cannabis business. By working with experienced cannabis attorneys, businesses can ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, address legal challenges, and protect their interests. In a rapidly growing and evolving industry, the guidance of a knowledgeable cannabis attorney can make all the difference.
Sanvenero & Cittadino Law Office
Address: 228 Maple Ave, Red Bank, NJ 07701, United States
Phone: +1 (732) 743 9665
Website: https://www.thesclawoffice.com/
Google Business Profile: Click here
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petnews2day · 1 year
Man broke into home, shot and killed dog
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/VrIUd
Man broke into home, shot and killed dog
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From staff reports A man is locked up after deputies say he broke into a home before shooting and killing the homeowner’s dog last month. Zachary “Cowboy” Aaron Roach, 57, of Morganton, was charged with felony possession of a firearm by a felon, first-degree burglary and possession of a Schedule II controlled substance, as well […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/VrIUd #DogNews #Crime, #CriminalLaw, #Entomology, #JobMarket, #Law, #Police, #SecurityAndPublicSafety, #Weapons, #Zoology
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Man wanted on Canada-wide warrant arrested in Ottawa: Saint John police
A man wanted on a Canada-wide warrant who previously served time for child pornography has been arrested in Ottawa.
A news release from the Saint John Police Force says 45-year-old Shane McCabe, who the force says breached the conditions of a 10-year long-term supervision order, is being held in custody following his arrest.
According to police, McCabe served two federal sentences for the following convictions:
two counts of possessing child pornography
two counts of distribution of child pornography
printing/publishing child pornography
accessing child pornography
breach of long-term supervision order
possess schedule II substance
two counts of failing to attend court
seven counts of failing to comply with probation order
Police say the Ontario Provincial Police Provincial Repeat Offender Parole Enforcement Squad (ROPE) located and arrested the accused.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/9ur6iB0
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mycheerykid · 2 years
Regardless of warnings on social media warning dad and mom about fentanyl-laced sweet on Halloween, Butte County District Lawyer Mike Ramsey is not involved, noting that such considerations come up once in a while. “I bear in mind after I was a child… folks had been going to place razor blades within the apples they gave you,” he stated. “So everybody needs to have their very own horror story, significantly on Halloween, the place there are demons which can be going to poison you, lower you, devour you or suck your blood. It's what it's, in a manner.” However Ramsey confused that his workplace has obtained no details about a bigger risk and that there isn't any financial benefit for folks so as to add fentanyl to sweet. Kelly DeLeon, communications specialist for the Chico Police Division, echoed Ramsey's level, saying the Police Division has not obtained any credible info that there's an elevated threat of tampered sweet being delivered. However he did say that the division recommends that folks and kids watch out earlier than consuming sweet. DeLeon additionally stated the division recommends that kids not eat any sweet that's not commercially wrapped and that earlier than consuming any sweet, dad and mom ought to examine it for indicators of tampering, comparable to an uncommon look, small holes or tears. Dad and mom charged in baby overdose case The dad and mom of a 2-year-old boy who reportedly overdosed on what officers suspect was his mom's illicit, colourful fentanyl had been in Butte County Superior Court docket Thursday to face felony costs. critical baby endangerment. Justin Bryce Zedaker II, 22, and Allie Could Stuber, 23, each of Concow, had been arraigned on the costs and their case is scheduled for a brand new arraignment on Wednesday. Butte County District Lawyer Mike Ramsey stated the costs stemmed Monday afternoon when the Butte County Sheriff's Workplace responded to a name a few 2-year-old boy having a medical emergency. Ramsey's workplace stated the dad and mom had taken the boy to the Concow Hearth Station the place, as a result of boy's situation, he was airlifted to Enloe Medical Middle in Chico. On the way in which to the hospital, the flag crew administered naloxone to the boy who responded effectively and is predicted to be high quality, Ramsey stated. Ramsey stated the couple initially instructed police the boy had gotten into an unknown substance whereas on the babysitter's home, nevertheless, they known as the Butte Narcotics Interagency Job Pressure to research and allegedly discovered. that the boy had by no means been to the nanny's home. Brokers allegedly discovered proof that Stuber left multicolored fentanyl powder on a shelf whereas she and her husband slept. In accordance with Ramsey, the fentanyl resembled Fortunate Charms marshmallows and stated the looks of the medicine would have prompted any baby to make use of them. The fentanyl container, a toy cranium, was moist from the boy's saliva. When the dad and mom awoke, Ramsey stated the boy was shaking and had a medical emergency. Ramsey stated the investigation additionally alleges that the dad and mom had their very own naloxone however didn't administer it to their baby as a result of they had been allegedly uncertain of its results on the kid. As a substitute, they reportedly packed up his fentanyl and paraphernalia and took the boy to the fireplace station. Each the mom and father have been charged with felony baby endangerment, whereas Stuber is charged with further misdemeanor possession of fentanyl and Zedaker is charged with misdemeanor possession of methamphetamine. Ramsey stated the couple faces as much as six years in jail if convicted, and each are within the Butte County Jail on $150,000 bond.
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yourlocalnews · 2 years
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gratefulseedcompany · 2 years
Just what Parents Need to Know Around Poppy Seed Dinner
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english poppy seeds
Poppy seeds can be harmless when consumed in the small portions found in baked items, salad dressings, and granola. Yet authorities are warning around poppy seed tea leaf, which despite title of innocuous, can be damaging due to containing filthy poppy seeds that incorporate higher levels of opiates.
english poppy seeds
Consuming a product made from opiates, such as poppy seed tea, may perhaps cause addiction, flahbacks, and overdose. 1 Here's what you need to know in the event you or someone you adore is brewing filthy poppy seeds in addition to poppy plants to build high. Opiates around Poppy Seed Green teas
Poppy seeds possess codeine and morphine, and they can also be used to help make opium and heroin. But not all seed-stock are not created matched, and everyone functions and metabolizes these individuals differently. One go through gave poppy hybrid tomato seeds to volunteers along with there was a big variant in how much codeine and morphine had been excreted in their urine. 2
Eating poppy seeds has, actually , caused people to neglect urine drug tests. In the past, even small amounts of poppy signs have caused visitors to test positive with regard to morphine, one of the opiates contained in poppy. a pair of
The Department associated with Health and Human Assistance (DHHS), which models the cutoff valuations for drug trying out, has addressed this condition. The DHHS enhanced the threshold meant for detecting opiate metabolites in urine that can help prevent these fake positives. This means that you'll be able to safely enjoy a poppy seed bagel not having risking a untrue positive for opiates on a drug try. How Poppy Seed-stock Are Used to Make Tea leaf
Poppy seeds included in food preparation are rinsed, which removes as many as 90% of the opiates they contain. Then again, the seeds, comes, and pods made available to make poppy seed starting tea-known collectively for the reason that "poppy straw"-are filthy. This leaves a lot more of the opiates into position, which can lead to your psychoactive effect. 1
Unwashed poppy pods, poppy straw, and/or poppy seeds are widely-used to create poppy seed products tea, which gives a superior when ingested. Your dried pods and also straw are terrain into a powder together with steeped in h2o. This is a popular technique to extract opiates through the poppy.
Poppy seedling tea can also be manufactured by steeping already-made herbal tea bags that contain that plant's seeds, pods, and stems. It usually is brewed loosely too, followed by straining this poppy plant monuments out, leaving your poppy seed dinner.
Poppy seeds could vary in their concentrations from codeine and morphine, meaning that the strength of a tea made by a crop of seeds can be quite different from some other. This makes it more demanding to control the opiate concentration in alocohol consumption poppy seed green teas.
Although the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) offers classified poppy hay as a Schedule II controlled substance, 3 and the importation with contaminated poppy vegetables is illegal, it’s still possible to invest in unwashed poppy seed-stock online.
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callsign-marlie · 2 years
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Prologue. Part I. Part II. Part III. Part IV. Part V. Part VI. Part VII. Part VIII. Part IX. Part X. Story Content Warning: Rate M for mature content (minors DNI!!!) including but not limited to: mentions of drug use/smoking, alcohol consumption, explicit sexual scenarios, angst that will make your head spin and more to add a/n: ALRIGHT HERE WE GO! Time to introduce you guys to Misha and the fam. I can't wait to share this with you all <3 *Italics are ASL passes between Ice and Misha Table of Contents
Part I: 0-dark-thirty
*three years later*
Misha pulled her knees further under her hoodie, covering her entire body in the warmth of the fleece. It was particularly chilly that morning as a cold front pushed through the beaches of Miramar. She sat on the back balcony of her family home with the ashtray next to her nearly overflowing with butts. She barely slept a wink last night. The sound of the waves and wind echoing the small set of chimes outside her bedroom had nearly pushed her past her breaking point. 
She took a drag of her cigarette, let the tar circle around her chest for a beat, and exhaled the smoke out of the side of her lip. She found counting how many waves it would take for a set to break more interesting than the outgoing storm clouds still raging with lighting. Fall rang in heavily that October. At least with the quick coming chill, she didn’t have to worry about the city slickers pulling overtime in their beach houses while attempting to spot the admiral’s infamous delinquent daughter. 
It’s been three whole years since she got her ass dragged back to North Island after her two year terror streak in Jacksonville. Her last arrest was the final straw for her father, Admiral Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky. He ordered his eldest daughter to return home to clean herself up after her third known criminal possession of a controlled substance. From the minimal information her mother would give her, he had pulled way too many strings to get her off on two and a half years of house arrest and a fuck ton of community service. Jail might have ended up having more freedom than her parent’s home.
Misha had remembered her mother sobbing when she stepped off the Boeing 747, pulling her daughter into a hug nearly immediately. She didn’t even have the strength to lift her arms. Misha’s gaze was heavy and dark. Keeping her eyelids open felt like a job. She had just dropped her head on her mother’s shoulder and let little sobs rack her frame. “Oh, my baby,” Sarah Kazansky whimpered, smoothing her manicured hair through her daughter’s scraggly strands. “I know. I know, you’re safe now.”
Misha wished she could tell her mother what she had been really crying about.
After her third cig of the morning, Misha finally extinguished it to enter back into her top floor bedroom. Moose, her service dog, was splayed outlandishly on her bed belly up and snoring quietly. A tiny grin rose at the sight, her body dipping the bed to rub his exposed tummy. The canine’s tongue lolled to the side with the whites of his eyes growing wide in surprise. Moose flopped back to his tummy to give a hot kiss across the front of his master’s eyelashes.
After one last pat on the head, she did her usual morning routine. She brushed her hair, her teeth, flossed, washed her face: the whole nine yards. Rehab had done good things for her, like set her up with a schedule and ‘check lists’ of things she should do to conquer her mornings. She slapped on a small amount of lip balm and lumbered down the stairs, still attempting to rub her insomnia from her eyes. Moose padded behind her in tandem.
“Morning Meesh,” her mother called from the kitchen, preparing family breakfast. “Was just about to head up there to make sure you were up.”
“Mmm, didn’t sleep well,” she replied, kissing each of her siblings on the head and pinching their shoulders affectionately. Sunny and Jude, both seventeen, groaned in unison at their oldest sister’s ministrations, the former sending the evil eye her way. 
“Seriously? We’re not 5 anymore,” Sunny drawled, rolling her perfectly trimmed blonde strands through her fingers while she doom scrolled through social media.
Perfect little Sunny, Homecoming queen, as well as the probable prom queen with the hot jock boyfriend that would make any family swoon. Her grades weren’t the greatest, but she was very good at brown nosing her way into any teacher’s heart to squeak out a few extra points to pass their classes. It was just too easy for her; she got whatever she wanted when she wanted it and no one even bothered batting an eyelash because ‘Sunny was an angel’.
“I’m trying to love you, brat,” Misha muttered under her sister’s hearing range, grabbing her favorite ‘world’s best pilot’ mug; the one with the broken handle. She did her best to stop her hand from shaking while pouring her coffee. “You make it so hard.”
“Hmm? You say something?” Sarah looked back over her shoulder. She must have been feeling extra generous, taking over Moose’s breakfast duties for her daughter. Misha stumbled over her words, sipping on her bare bitter liquid to think. Finally, an epiphany: “I-I said I should have got a card! I completely forgot it was Father’s day!”
“Father’s day isn’t until June,” Jude muttered, his finger searching across the page of the novel he was reading. “Try again, Meemee. It’s his birthday.” The nickname slid out of his mouth so fast, he flushed and turned his head away. Jude was a spitting image of Tom down to his squared jaw; a handsome young man for sure, but his true love fell to pens over planes. He was a gifted writer and academic and was often found late at night with his nose in a too-thick tome. His passions lay in digging through the troves of history to uncover their lost secrets. He was smart, something Misha wished she was more of.
“Just having you home is enough for your dad,” Sarah chimed, separating the pancakes on the serving dish. Sarah knew Tom prided all of his three children, but his oldest always held a special place in his heart. She was his first true love that he helped create; the first baby he held in his arms, rocked to sleep, fed, and played with. She remembered fondly when Misha was first born that he was so clumsy with her, fearing he would drop her, until Sarah showed him the ropes. From there, Misha never left his sight, nor his heart. Ice cold? Never. Not towards his baby girl.
She had done so well growing up and had made them so very proud. A straight A student, a class president and valedictorian of her high school. She was on her way through the ranks of the Navy like her father before her and he had beamed the brightest he had in years at her acceptance to Top Gun. All of that joy, all of that accomplishment, would come crashing down only 4 weeks later. The only mistake of her life would be the most costly.
Sarah frowned at the thought, quickly averting her eyes back to the simmering bacon. “Sunny, Jude, set the table, would you?”
Sunny rolled her eyes, but Jude bounded up at the command with an informal salute. The table was set quickly with the help of the twins just in time for Tom to make his slow, regal descent down the stairs. His breathing was ragged and his cough rattled in his chest. His mouth was tucked into the scarf he wrapped precisely around his neck while his still agile fingers gripped at the banister for balance.
Sunny nearly pranced towards her dad, kissed him on the cheek and led him to his spot at the head of the table. Misha helped her mother bring over the arrangement for that morning: pancakes, eggs, softened pastries and bacon for the kids. The admiral could only have soft things on account of his various throat surgeries and the spread were most of his morning favorites. Tom eyed all of his family and gave them a gentle smile. All returned except for one.
His eyes fell upon Misha, who’s too dark hair left a curtain between the two of them. Since she had come home, she never was able to truly look him in the eyes. He couldn’t read her and it frustrated him to no extent. He knew that her shame was monstrous, yet she still couldn’t give up that stubborn attitude that got her in this mess in the first place no matter how much he attempted to bring her back to the right direction. Tom motioned for the family to dig in, conversation starting around the table.
Tom waved at Misha, who watched his hand flutter into phrases. There was a big storm out there, did the surf swell overnight?
Misha dropped her fork, quickly fumbling back, Yes, it’s going to be choppy today. The wind seemed more hostile than usual. That was all that was said between them.
Sunny had started rambling on about prom and what she was going to wear to the event. She talked about her nails, her makeup, her hair: all down to the color of her dress. Jude pretended to listen, but was peeking at the book he held in his lap. Sarah and Sunny had a one sided conversation with Tom occasionally peering over to his eldest. She casually munched away at her breakfast, the tongs of her fork occasionally scraping across the porcelain plate while playing with a particularly interesting piece of egg.
Misha wasn’t listening, and he knew it from the start: she turned off her hearing aids before the conversations even began.
Tom had retired to his room to sort through old paperwork when he heard a knock at the door. He returned the knock, signaling to the person it was ok to come in. In came Misha, her eyes flicking between his face and a photo of her and him on her promotion to Lieutenant. She buckled down and stood at attention, her eyes straight ahead. “You wanted to see me, dad?”
Tom raised his eyebrow, his fingers lax. All this pomp and circumstance? For what? At ease, you’re never this formal. I just wanted to talk.
Misha relaxed as her father pointed to a chair. She took it gratefully, biting the inside of her lip. She hadn’t been this close to him since the car ride home from her last hearing. Tom let his hands rest on his stomach, closed his eyes, braced himself and began.  I needed to talk to you about work.
Work? It was Misha’s turn to raise an eyebrow. And what does that have to do with me?
Quite a bit. 
Tom took a moment, a deep breath, and a hacking cough took place of his signing. Misha cringed at the dry crackles erupting in her father’s lungs. She almost wanted to reach forward and rub her hand on his back. To comfort him. To soothe him. But she refrained. She let the episode pass on the edge of her seat.
Tom wiped a handkerchief across his mouth to pull away his spittle before having his icy blue eyes meet her molten emerald ones; a forced connection. There’s a mission. I need you on it.
Misha felt the color drain from her face. She stood instantly, shock apparent on her features. Her mouth floundered open, nearly screaming before she clamped it shut. Mom and the kids couldn’t hear this. ME? I’ve been honorably discharged! What do you mean you need me?
Tom pointed at the chair, jaw stern, telling her to sit down. Misha took the cushion this time a bit more wobbly in the knees. What the hell could she do to help? She wasn’t a pilot anymore. She was a felon, for fuck’s sakes! She couldn’t fly. There’s no way they’d trust her to do that.
She heard a whine and a singular scratch from the hallway. Moose very clearly did not like her so upset. He could smell her anxiety through the door.
You are being recalled, Tom shot back. Honorable discharge can be revoked to reinstate personnel only in the Navy. He paused, attempting to gauge her reaction, but saw only static behind her eyes. The country needs your brain. I need your brain. This is a serious threat.
Misha threw her head back, her hands covering her eyes. This couldn’t be happening. She huffed, her heart beating nearly out of her chest at the thought. She righted herself forward. It’s not like she had a choice. Her discharge was being revoked by the fucking admiral. What threat could be serious enough that you need me?
Uranium plant. We need fighters to blow it up.
She thought her heart stopped. So she really was going to fly? He was serious? As she was about to ask, Tom raised his hand to stop her imagination from running wild.
You’re not going up.
She was almost disappointed at the wave of relief that stuttered through her system. She should have known. So then what would I be doing?
Tom couldn't hide the grin under his scarf as he turned to his desk. He grabbed a folder and passed it to her, a bright red ‘CLASSIFIED’ printed on the front. The folder, though thin, felt heavy with the weight of consequences. If she opened it, she’d be in. There was no turning back. But god damn it all, her curiosity was eating her.
The manila opened and staring back at her was the face of her uncle, Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell.
You’re going to teach.
end note: Ice and Misha are the only two in the family that know ASL fluently. The twins and Sarah pick up on phrases and know certain things, but they can't speak as fast as those two can, nor can they read it as quickly.
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sob-dylan · 4 years
a comprehensive, disorganized list of lalo salamanca’s crimes:
treating the kitchen of el michoacáno like it’s his own
hit and run
being born a salamanca
wearing blue suede loafers to a filthy trap house
possession of a schedule II controlled substance
trafficking a schedule II controlled substance
tampering with evidence
always singing
always eating
always smiling
stealing a bell
being sentimental
aiding and abetting a murder
jumping (normal)
jumping (bail)
giving nacho varga migraines
identity fraud
giving gus fring migraines
out-shining juan bolsa
illegally crossing an international border
only sleeping two hours a night
tapping a fish tank
criminal intimidation
shushing kim wexler
possession of a cell phone while incarcerated
bare feet
doing donuts in his souped-up monte carlo
conspiracy to commit arson
loving his horrible, horrible tio
calling domingo molina “ocho loco”
calling marco and leonel salamanca “good boys”
calling kim wexler “una guera” 
slapping jimmy mcgill’s arm when he clearly had a sunburn
leading nacho to believe he was going back to mexico on his own
taking nacho to mexico
lending nacho a shirt that’s too small for him
trying to get nacho a promotion
trusting nacho
never shutting the fuck up
robbery while armed with a deadly weapon
yelling at ciro
using ciro as a human shield
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