#Positional Trading Strategy In Hindi
johnthejacobs · 4 months
Cogent E-Services Share Price Riding High on the Terrain
Introduction Cogent E-Services Share Price stands at the intersection of Holding or Selling, offering high returns to the investors in both the cases. Understanding the intricacies driving Cogent E-Services Share Price movements is crucial for investors seeking to capitalize on opportunities in the market. This article delves into the various factors influencing Cogent E-Services' share price. Cogent E-Services Limited, previously known as Cogent E-Services Private Limited, functions as a provider of customer experience management (CXM) solutions, aiding businesses in refining their customer interactions across diverse touchpoints. Through the utilization of technology, the company enhances customer experiences by employing solutions such as automation, data analytics, and applications based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. This strategic emphasis on digital transformation aligns seamlessly with the evolving requirements of businesses in the digital era.
With proficiency in managing customer interactions in over 10 languages, including English, Hindi, and various regional Indian languages, Cogent E-Services is equipped to cater to a broad audience within India, while also potentially accessing diverse global markets.
Cogent E-Services currently maintains operations in 7 cities across India, boasting 16 delivery centers and a workforce exceeding 10,000 employees. The company operates regional offices in several Indian cities alongside its corporate headquarters situated in Noida. Moreover, prioritizing client satisfaction, Cogent E-Services offers 24/7 support, ensuring uninterrupted assistance to its clientele. The company also prioritizes scalability, customizing its resources to meet fluctuating client demands and optimizing operational expenses.
Company Overview Cogent E-Services is a prominent player in the digital services sector, known for its cutting-edge solutions and customer-centric approach. From software development to digital marketing, the company offers a comprehensive suite of services catering to diverse industry verticals. Its reputation for quality and reliability has solidified its position in the market.
Market Performance Analyzing Cogent E-Services' share price performance provides valuable insights into its market standing. Investors closely monitor key metrics such as stock price trends, trading volume, and market capitalization to gauge the company's performance relative to its peers and broader market indices.
Financial Health The financial health of Cogent E-Services plays a pivotal role in determining its share price trajectory. Factors such as revenue growth, profit margins, debt levels, and cash flow dynamics influence investor sentiment and confidence in the company's future prospects. Strong financial performance often correlates with upward momentum in the share price.
Technological Advancements Innovation is a cornerstone of Cogent E-Services' business strategy, with a constant focus on leveraging emerging technologies to drive growth and differentiation. Developments in areas such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and data analytics can have a significant impact on the company's competitiveness and, consequently, its share price performance.
Industry Trends The digital services industry is subject to rapid evolution, driven by changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and market dynamics. Cogent E-Services' ability to anticipate and adapt to these trends is instrumental in maintaining its relevance and competitive edge, thereby influencing its share price.
Client Portfolio Cogent E-Services' client portfolio is a reflection of its expertise and credibility in the market. Partnerships with leading businesses across various sectors not only validate the company's capabilities but also contribute to its revenue streams and growth prospects. Investor perception of the company's client base can impact its share price performance.
Regulatory Environment Regulatory compliance is essential for companies operating in the digital services space. Changes in regulations pertaining to data privacy, cybersecurity, and intellectual property rights can affect Cogent E-Services' operations and, consequently, its share price.
Global Economic Factors Cogent E-Services' share price is also influenced by broader macroeconomic factors such as economic growth, inflation rates, and geopolitical developments. Changes in global economic conditions can impact investor sentiment and overall market dynamics, thereby affecting the company's share price.
Investor Sentiment Investor sentiment, influenced by factors such as market sentiment, analyst recommendations, and news flow, can contribute to short-term fluctuations in Cogent E-Services' share price. Understanding investor sentiment and sentiment indicators is crucial for interpreting market movements accurately.
Future Outlook Looking ahead, Cogent E-Services' share price will continue to be shaped by a combination of internal and external factors. Factors such as technological innovation, industry trends, financial performance, regulatory developments, and global economic conditions will play a significant role in determining the company's trajectory and, consequently, its share price performance.
Conclusion Cogent E-Services' share price reflects a complex interplay of factors ranging from financial performance and technological advancements to industry trends and regulatory dynamics. By comprehensively analyzing these factors, investors can gain valuable insights into the company's prospects and make informed decisions in the ever-evolving landscape of the stock market.
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digitalanivipracticeb · 5 months
6 Nehru's Controversial Decisions
Nehru's Controversial Decisions. Assessing Jawaharlal Nehru's impact as Prime Minister is subject to varied perspectives.
Accusations against Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, often center around six controversial decisions or actions. While interpretations vary, critics commonly point to the following aspects 6 Nehru's Controversial Decisions:
1. Kashmir Issue:
Nehru's handling of the Kashmir issue, especially his decision to seek the intervention of the United Nations, is criticized. Some argue that it led to a prolonged and complex dispute. Jawaharlal Nehru faced a highly controversial situation with the accession of Kashmir to India in 1947, amidst an invasion by Pakistani-backed tribal raiders. Despite a personal attachment to Kashmir, following Lord Mountbatten's suggestion, Nehru opted to involve the United Nations rather than take immediate military action. He pledged a plebiscite for Kashmir's people, a promise that was never fulfilled. This decision led to the division of Kashmir between India and Pakistan, sparking a long-standing conflict with significant human and diplomatic costs. Critics argue for a more decisive stance to secure the entire region, while supporters maintain that Nehru prioritized peace and democracy.
2. The Socialist Path:
Socialist ideals and a fondness for the Soviet model shaped Nehru's economic strategies. He prioritized state control and planning, imposing strict regulations on the private sector, and neglecting agriculture and social sectors. His import-substitution policy hindered foreign trade. These measures resulted in low growth, high inflation, persistent poverty, and corruption. Critics argue he stifled entrepreneurial spirit, while supporters maintain he aimed for a self-reliant and egalitarian society.
3. China Policy:
The border dispute with China and the war of 1962 are seen by critics as a failure of Nehru's foreign policy. Accusations range from diplomatic miscalculations to inadequate military preparedness. Nehru's foreign policy centered on non-alignment, fostering friendly ties, especially with newly independent nations in Asia and Africa. He aimed for a special bond with China, as seen in the slogan "Hindi-Chini bhai bhai" (Indians and Chinese are brothers). Despite warnings about China's expansionist agenda, he did not respond effectively to their actions, leading to the 1962 war and India's defeat. Critics argue he was naive, while supporters view him as a visionary peacemaker.
4. Political Approach:
Nehru's political approach, including his management of political dissent and handling of internal conflicts, has been questioned. The declaration of Emergency in 1975 during the tenure of his daughter, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, is also linked to the political legacy of the Nehru-Gandhi family. Nehru faces accusations of fostering dynastic politics and nepotism in India. He prepared his daughter, Indira Gandhi, as his successor, appointing her as the president of the Congress party in 1959. He prioritized loyalists and relatives over merit in key positions, sidelining figures like Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, C. Rajagopalachari, Rajendra Prasad, and Subhas Chandra Bose. The absence of a robust second line of leadership in both party and government is also noted. Critics argue that this undermined democratic and meritocratic values, while supporters assert it was a matter of trust and empowerment within his circle.
Nehru faces criticism for his policy of prioritizing minorities, especially Muslims, potentially at the expense of the Hindu majority. He backed separate electorates and reservations for Muslims pre-independence, contributing to India's partition. His opposition to a uniform civil code, aimed at ensuring equal rights for all citizens, irrespective of religion, and his support for the Muslim Personal Law, perceived as discriminatory against Muslim women, are notable points of contention. Critics argue bias against Hindus, while supporters maintain his stance was rooted in secularism and tolerance.
5. Defense Policy:
The perception that Nehru's defense policies were inadequate, especially during the Indo-China war, has been criticized. Some claim that stronger military preparedness could have averted the conflict. Nehru is criticized for neglecting the defense and security of the nation. His lack of emphasis on modernizing and expanding the armed forces, insufficient investment in nuclear and missile technology, and inadequate attention to security threats from neighboring countries, particularly China and Pakistan, are pointed out. The absence of a robust intelligence network and a clear security doctrine, coupled with neglecting separatist and extremist movements, like the Naga insurgency, Dravidian movement, and Naxalite uprising, is also cited. Critics argue he was weak in protecting the country, while supporters maintain his approach was progressive and peace-oriented.
6. Language Policy:
The decision on the choice of Hindi as the sole official language faced strong opposition, particularly in the southern states, leading to tensions and protests. Eventually, a more inclusive language policy was adopted. 6 Nehru's Controversial Decisions
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finvantege · 11 months
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abhishek21 · 2 years
How to identify Directional Risk with the help of Position Delta?
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ऑप्शंस ग्रीक्स का उपयोग ऑप्शन ट्रेडर्स द्वारा बहुत सारी रिस्क का आकलन करने के लिए किया जाता है जिसमे उनकी पोजीशन होती है। शेयर बाजार के लिए विभिन्न ग्रीक्स उपलब्ध हैं जो ट्रेडर्स को उनके विश्लेषण में मदद करते हैं। आज हम पोजीशन डेल्टा (Position Delta) पर चर्चा करने जा रहे हैं। ऑप्शंस डेल्टा (Options Delta) आपको बताता है कि स्टॉक की कीमत में बदलाव के सापेक्ष उस ऑप्शन की कीमत में कितना बदलाव होने की उम्मीद है जबकि पोजीशन डेल्टा आपको लाभ या हानि बताती है जो आप अंडरलाइंग स्टॉक में ₹१ के परिवर्तनों के हिसाब से उम्मीद कर सकते हैं। इसका आसान भाषा में मतलब है की, जब अंडरलाइंग स्टॉक ₹१ से बढ़ता है या कम होता है, तो पोजीशन डेल्टा आपको उस बदलाव के कारण कितना अपेक्षित लाभ या हानि होगी यह बताता हैं। इस ब्लॉग में हमने हिंदी में डेल्टा ट्रेडिंग (Delta Trading Hindi) में इस्तेमाल होने वाले पोजीशन डेल्टा (Position Delta Hindi) को विस्तार से समझाया है।
इस ब्लॉग में आप पढ़ेंगे,
ऑप्शन डेल्टा क्या है?
कॉल ऑप्शन डेल्टा क्या है?
पुट ऑप्शन डेल्टा क्या है?
ऑप्शन-स्ट्राइक प्राइस और ऑप्शन डेल्टा के बीच संबंध
डायरेक्शनल रिस्क मापने के लिए ऑप्शन डेल्टा का उपयोग कैसे करेंगे?
पोजीशन डेल्टा (Position Delta) क्या है?
पोजीशन डेल्टा की गणना
पोजीशन डेल्टा (Position Delta Hindi) के साथ ऑप्शन डेल्टा ट्रेडिंग स्ट्रेटेजीज (Delta Trading strategy)
निष्कर्ष (Conclusion)
डेल्टा ट्रेडिंग ऑप्शन डेल्टा (Options Delta in Delta Trading)
फायनांस में, डेल्टा एक अंडरलाइंग एसेट की कीमत में उसके डेरीवेटिव की कीमत में होने वाले बदलावों के संबंध में परिवर्तन की दर है। डेल्टा (Delta) अंडरलाइंग स्टॉक के प्राइस में एक रुपये परिवर्तन के संबंध में ऑप्शन प्राइस में होने वाला अपेक्षित परिवर्तन है। अंडरलाइंग केवल वह स्टॉक है जिसपर ऑप्शन का कारोबार किया जाता है। डेल्टा ट्रेडिंग (Delta Trading) स्ट्रेटेजीज को तय करने में डेल्टा (Delta) मुख्य भूमिका निभाता है।
refer our detailed blog to learn more options strategy
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procapitalnet-blog · 5 years
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welpmagazine · 4 years
A Complete Guide To CRM For Financial Services
Today, the majority of investment advisor firms have indicated growth as their business priority. The advisory firms prioritizing growth intend on achieving the development primarily by adding new clients organically. Advisers interested in customer acquisition inevitably face operational challenges that can threaten their ability to serve customers. However, by implementing best-of-breed software, investment advisory organizations can grow assets while improving the quality of service they deliver to their customers. 
A fully integrated customer relationship management solution is the most powerful tools these companies have at their disposal if they want to grow. However, when it comes to selecting the right CRM software tool for the advisory firm, an important question must be answered: Which CRM system will fit your investment business the best?
What Is A CRM System?
A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps manage customer data. It supports sales management, delivers actionable insights, integrates with social media and facilitates team communication. Cloud-based CRM systems offer complete mobility and access to an ecosystem of bespoke apps.
Why Do You Need A CRM For Financial Services?
Today’s financial advisors act as members of the business organization where they work. They are at the core of the business as they indicate the company’s strategic direction through their suggestions. Of course, CRM isn’t the only tool that can provide the advisors with new and promising insights into client relationships. However, CRM technology can help a financial business maximize its relationship management while minimizing the operational effort required in managing client data.
Being a financial advisor is not easy. You have to deal with many complex workflows requiring extensive use of frustrating software systems. You have to deal with phone calls and emails coming in from clients every hour of every day. You are responsible for safeguarding confidential information about your clients, managing client logistics, and cutting through a thicket of complex paperwork.
A great CRM can help you get your job done. But why exactly do you need a CRM system? These are the most crucial and immediate reasons why financial advisors need CRM today.
Generate referrals
Increase business productivity
Maximize and automate the use of customer relationship data
Manage social media presence and client feedback
What CRM Systems Do Financial Advisors Use In Asia?
No matter what country or region you are in, the majority of investment advisor firms are embracing new CRM systems including:
Less Frustrating Software Systems
The best CRM systems standout from the rest for their power to cut your operational time in half and improve your ability to service clients. Hence, in order to improve your productivity and client retention, choosing the right CRM system is the best opportunity you will ever come across.
An Introduction To Financial Advisors
Financial advisors organize wealth and financial assets for their clients. They are expected to make financial decisions for their clients. The advisors earn a good salary and accumulate their wealth as a financial advisor. Financial advisors can work for a financial services company, bank, assurance, brokerage or trading floor. The company the financial advisor works for can be traditional or online investment firm specializing in asset management such as Oebe and the fees vary depending on the type of family office they operate.
The role requires the financial advisor to have an understanding of the investments, computation of taxes and investments in general. In addition to the skills of a financial advisor, the position also requires the financial advisor to be well versed in the design and management of wealth for clients. Also, they must be keen in reporting all the activities of the clients.
Many financial advisors work in the capacity of private wealth managers, where they act as a financial consultant for the rich. They must have an understanding of tax laws, insurance, investments and businesses. Additionally, financial advisors should have an understanding of the challenges and risks they face in governing wealth.
Financial advisors also manage the financial affairs of high net worth individuals. They advise clients on the most suitable investments and services. The financial advisors must assess the client’s needs and finances. Also, financial advisors should know how to develop investment portfolios and a capital preservation strategy.
Financial advisors also make recommendations on where to invest the money. They have to educate the clients on taxation laws such as capital gains and income tax on financial assets. They can also manage the client’s cash assets and investment portfolios.
Financial advisors must also advise the client on the control of the risk. They should advise on how to protect the assets from litigation and taxation. Therefore, a financial advisor should have an understanding of the fees they charge and also understand taxation laws when providing advice to the client.
Common Types Of Financial Advisors
There are two main kinds of financial advisors; independent financial advisor and in house financial advisor.
An Independent Financial Advisor has a freelance business model that enables them to advise clients in any investment it is common for them to manage the portfolio of the investor. They are exposed to a greater risk of failure as the pay is commission based.
An In-House Financial Advisor is usually employed by the business they work for. They are usually paid a fixed salary and they manage the portfolio of the investors they work for. They usually have less autonomy and less control over decision making processes hence they are less exposed to risk.
A securities license is usually required for a financial advisor and they are regulated by the ethics and compensation of the securities and exchange commissions commission.
Advantages Of CRM For Financial Services
A financial advisor does not need to worry when CRM solution is in charge of prospecting and sensitive task, as the CRM is in control of your process. The main purpose is to keep your customer information organized and accessible with automated workflows to fulfill your prospects.
You can develop a better client relationships since CRM can hold your records of client contact for each case. You will have a better organization of process and sales. CRM solutions do a great job of keeping track of your lead follow up.
It allows for a better coordination and synergy between sales people and support team. It allows you to have a better and more optimized time management since they automate repetitive tasks.
It improves your working process of organizing customer data since the CRM does most of the work, you only need to focus on selling. CRMs offer a centralized place for your information that is shared by all the people and panel who have the access.
Why CRM For Financial Services In Asia Is Important?
Asia is a diverse segment with many different cultural and business practices from region to region, it is important to find a solution you feel comfortable using. For instance a Chinese financial advisor may choose a solution that allows the use of the Chinese language, whereas the predominantly Islamic countries may choose a solution that allows for HJE (Hindi, Urdu, and English).
Where To Look?
It is hard for businesses to evaluate the customer relationship management system, as there are hundreds of providers and thousands of products on the market, it is simply convenient to work with a broker as they are working on behalf of the financial advisor.
The best way to evaluate CRM technology for financial services is to use the budget of your company and compare the cost of your CRM with the actual results, in order to accomplish this you should focus on the total cost of ownership, even though all of them are cheap and seem to be easy to implement the best option is to focus on the feature that are fit for your company.
Cost Of Ownership
The services provided by CRM providers on the market are similar and it is hard to differentiate between them, the main advantage when using a CRM is a reduced negative impact on your bottom line.
The main cost of CRM in the financial services industry is the implementation, but even after this a company has to sustain the cost with upgrades and maintenance.
Typical Financial Advisors Uses CRM
Manage clients, contacts and relationships
Monitor sales performance and productivity
Create business development strategies
Track opportunities
Plan campaign routes and managers performance
Track forecast and profitability
Record details of deals and financial transactions
Automatically create reports and newsletters
Typical Financial Advisors Challenges
Financial Service companies are facing a common challenge these days: extremely fragmented and densely distributed geographical territories. Managing thousands of clients spread all over Asia is a true challenge for your sales team. Brands face the following issues:
Keeping in touch with customers
Upselling existing custom
Build loyalty
Enabling one-on-one marketing
Empowering the sales team with an effective CRM system will deliver the expected results. Some of the key benefits of a CRM in financial services are:
Let the team know who the prospect is
Internal company data is accessible in the CRM
Assist in sales process
Assist in one-to-one marketing
A Powerful CRM for Financial Services can also increase the conversion of your leads, by assisting you in managing your leads and properly targeting them, it can significantly increase the conversion of a financial advisor.
It can be implemented in various ways, you can start small with a basic plan and upgrade to a more advanced system after a trial period. All of these greatly depend on your budget and the size of your team.
CRM can be used both for in-house and independent advisors, for any business that is in a direct or indirect relationship with consumers and use either the products of third parties or their own.
The financial industry is considered one of the most sensitive industries in terms of consumption, you need to deliver a good customer service otherwise they will look somewhere else. Financial services is more than just delivering advice and services to customers, you take care of their money, so they will be more involved than other customers.
CRM Solutions For Financial Services
There are several providers for customizable CRM for financial services, but it’s very hard to pick a system that is a perfect fit for your firm. It is important to evaluate your current tech stack and the tools that you are comfortable with. You need to have a deeper understanding of the matter before you start using the solution.
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birbaleducation · 3 years
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_*FLAT 25% Discount - Live Market Session*_ Use Coupon Code- PANCH25 *BANK NIFTY MULTIBAGGER GOLDEN ROCKET OPTION BUYING WEEKLY OPTIONS* DAY 1: 15th Jan 2022 (Sat) | 3pm to 6pm IST DAY 2: 17th Jan 2022 (Mon) | 9am to 10:45 am | 1:30 to 3:30 pm IST DAY 3: 19th Jan 2022 (Wed) | 9am to 10:45 am | 1:30 to 3:30 pm IST Learn best strategies by *Mr. Chetan Panchamia* [Founder of JYOTI TRADING SYSTEM FOR TRADERS AND INVESTORS and has the experience of being 17 years in the markets starting from front office to fundamentals research before moving to technicals side and specializing in options trading and is presently a full time Professional trader focusing on index options] *What will the attendees learn👇* 1) Catching a trending day 2) Management of positions when in profits 3) Importance of right stop-loss placement and booking out positions when trade is not in favour. Language : Hinglish (Hindi & English) *Register Now*👉 https://www.elearnmarkets.com/bank-nifty-multibagger-with-chetan https://www.instagram.com/p/CYEZvvNv9zi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The Book "Access To Cash," By Dame Doria (DC) Cordova Became A Best-Seller On Amazon In 10 Categories And Still Counting In Less Than 12 Hours
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=39929&wpwautoposter=1635476406 In the book Access to Cash, Dame Doria (DC) Cordova teaches how to create resources and relationships that lead to real results everyone can leverage by introducing the “5 Pillars Of Prosperity” in terms of accelerating your access to cash. Here are the 5 Pillars 0f Prosperity Access Points: 1. Education Access Points include things like social media, websites, podcasts, programs, seminars, general schools, various academies, accredited universities, trade schools, and mentors.2. Credit Access Points include credit lines, credit cards, auto loans, school loans, home loans, business loans, venture capital, and government grants.3. Relationship Access Points that include friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, classmates, teammates, peers, apprentices, mentors, teachers, networks, and people in proximity.4. Investment Access Points that include precious metals, stocks, bonds, real estate, cryptocurrency, education, mentorships, and relationships.5. Mindset Access Points that include awareness, affirmations, universal truths, power of positivity, visualization, calm under pressure, emotional intelligence, inner strength, and the pursuit of success habits. Dame Doria (DC) Cordova has published the Money & You Book Series, including this new version of ACCESS TO CASH which educates the masses with tools, techniques, and principles used by millions to reach financial and personal success. Here is what some Entrepreneurs are saying about Access to Cash: “Access to Cash is a must-read for entrepreneurs! Dame Doria Cordova offers grounded support around money and leverage strategies to help you grow your money. Additionally, she delves into mindset strategies to help you create wealth in your life” – Maria Simone, Founder, ZenMoose Capital Impact Investor, Executive Producer, and Business Strategist. “Doria, her books, and her teachings have allowed me to collapse time frames on learning curves and achieve more than I’ve ever imagined.” – Isabel Donadio-Fagan of Top Talent Magazine. “This book is a must-read for everyone in order for you to become what we call ‘money-conscious and is a direct pathway to learn how actually to access cash whenever you want.” – Jay Noland, CEO / Best Selling Author / Philanthropist. “Access To Cash has opened my vision of the world of possibilities and abundance! An inspiring learning journey that kept me revisiting and applying the principles. Five stars!” – Mike Sim Boon Cheok, Director “This book is a simple guide to a healthy mindset, habits, and choices about money. I recommend it as a map to your life adventure. So keep it handy and open it often!” – Carole Hodges, Author, Financial Services Expert. “This is a book you will read and re-read because it is written by someone who actually put the principles to use; you know you can get results!” – Dr. Letitia Wright, CEO The Wright Place. Meet The Author: Dame Doria (DC) Cordova, Ph.D. (Hon), CEO, Global Business Developer, Sustainability Entrepreneur, Ambassador of New Education, Mentor of Nurturing. She owns Excellerated Business School for Entrepreneurs, Money & You, and other Excellerated programs, a global platform with nearly 200,000 graduates since 1979 from over 85 countries – especially from the Asia Pacific region the Americas. The programs are taught live and online in English, Chinese, and Japanese – soon expanding to Tamil, Hindi, Spanish, Bahasa, and other languages. Many of Today’s Transformational Leaders have attended the Excellerated programs and have gone on to duplicate and expand the Excellerated experiential educational methods. The list of Notable Graduates of her Money & You program reads like a “Who is Who” of today’s wealth experts, including: Tony Robbins (Motivation Rock Star) Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul Series) Ben Cohen (Ben & Jerry’s) Paul Mitchell (Hair Products) Sharon Lechter (co-author Rich Dad/Poor Dad) Forbes Riley (Celebrity TV Host) and many more. To see the historical figures that have taught in her Business Schools go to http://www.globalexcelleratedbusinessschool.com/notableinstructorssince1978/ Some of the notable instructors that have taught at the Excellerated Business Schools, including the likes of R. Buckminster Fuller, who inspired her and many to live their lives and create products and services asking this question: “How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone?” Through these graduates, including her business partnership of nine years from 1985 – 1994 with Robert T. Kiyosaki of Rich Dad/Poor Dad fame, Dame Cordova’s work has touched the lives of millions of lives worldwide. The essence of her work is to create teaching environments where established (and up-and-coming) entrepreneurs, professionals, and educators focus on the bottom line/profits and create products, services, and programs that add value to humanity. Cordova is the only Latin woman that was part of the group of pioneers, led by Marshall Thurber and Bobbi DePorter, that began the development of the entrepreneurial, experiential, transformational training industry in the late ’70s. She inherited the work on July 8, 1985, which has now expanded to what it’s today through countless partners, associates, teams, and the support of many graduates and friends. Along with Robert Kiyosaki and his then-wife, Kim Kiyosaki, of the Rich Dad/Poor Dad series, in 1985, they opened that industry in Australia, New Zealand, and later Singapore. Subsequently, new partners have opened Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, and other countries. Their larger influence has been in the Chinese language – in the Chinese world through the Asia Pacific region. Having presented programs in China for 19 years. Dr. Willson Lin and his Doers Group organizations have put the Excellerated programs “on the map.” Cordova is the only female leader in the industry that, for over four decades, has grown a global organization with a licensing model that has allowed her the independence to expand her business endeavors into Renewables and to continue her humanitarian efforts. She has reached this level of success by utilizing the many tools, principles, and systems taught in the Excellerated programs and her publications. Her stated purpose is to “uplift humanity’s consciousness through socially responsible businesses.” Leading by example, Doria is a philanthropist, humanitarian, and an Ambassador of New Education with a tireless pursuit to transform educational systems worldwide and eradicate poverty and hunger. She supports numerous non-profits, foundations, and humanitarian organizations as a mentor and champion. She is now leading this work through the Doria Cordova Foundation. Doria is a Mentor of Nurturing through her work with high-level entrepreneurs and business leaders. She is a “connector” with a special gift for bringing together diverse, successful social entrepreneurs worldwide. She is one of the contributors in the Think & Grow Rich for Women book. She is the author of the comprehensive systems manual, Money-Making Systems. She has been a contributor and written forewords in countless books. Doria has participated in dozens of motivational films, television, and numerous online shows. She has been interviewed worldwide in every type of media; and has hosted the Money & You radio show. In addition, Doria has spoken on many stages, podcasts, summits and is a sought-after speaker, mentor, and advisor. Doria started supporting her network with different programs and experts to help them get through the Global Paradigm Shift that was created by the Covid pandemic… It evolved into the Fridays With Doria & Friends global platform, which now has a plethora of excellent teachings from experts who share their mastery, strategies, knowledge, at no cost, to all who desire to further their entrepreneurial journey. To learn more about the incredible journey that Doria has taken to get to where she is today, go tohttps://dccordova.com, then go to https://www.accesstocashbook.com to order your copy of Access to Cash and get a bonus gift.
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hindigenie · 3 years
Forex Trading क्या है? Foreign Exchange के लिए गाइड | What Is Forex Trading? Guide to Foreign Exchanges
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दोस्तों अगर आप Forex Trading करने के लिए सोच रहे हैं तो शुरू करने से पहले इसके बारे में सम्पूर्ण जानकारी ले लेना बहुत ही आवश्यक है| Forex Market बहुत ही अनिश्चित होता है इसीलिए इसमें Forex Trading करना जोखिम से पूर्ण हो सकता है लेकिन साथ में ये बहुत ही लाभदायक भी है इसमें आप जल्दी से बहुत सारे पैसे बना सकते हैं और वो भी कम निवेश के साथ | Forex Trading करने के लिए आपको कुछ प्रमुख बातो की जानकारी होनी चाहिए ज्यादातर ये जानकारी अंग्रेजी भाषा में ही उपलब्ध है और इसी कारण देश के बहुत सारे लोग या तो इसके लाभ से वंचित हैं या जानकारी के आभाव में अपना नुक्सान कर बैठते हैं| हिंदीजिनी के पाठक ऐसी गलती ना करे इसीलिए आज मैं आपके लिए Forex Trading की एक बेसिक गाइड आपके लिए लेकर आया हूँ जो Forex Trading के मूलभूत सिद्धांतो, इसके फायदे और इसके जोखिम के बारे में आपका ज्ञानवर्धन करेगी| इसके बाद आप आसानी से निर्णय ले सकते हैं की आपको को Forex Trading करनी चाहिए या नहीं | 
फोरेक्स ट्रेडिंग हिंदी में: एक बिगिनर्स गाइड  | Forex Trading In Hindi: A Beginner's Guide
Foreign Exchange,  Foreign Currency और Trade का एक बंदरगाह है। Foreign Exchange विभिन्न कारणों से एक Currency को दूसरी Currency में बदलने की प्रक्रिया है, आमतौर पर Commercial, Trade या Tourism के लिए। Bank For International Settlements (राष्ट्रीय केंद्रीय बैंकों के लिए एक वैश्विक बैंक) की 2019 की त्रैवार्षिक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, अप्रैल 2019 में Forex के लिए Daily Trading Volume 6.6 Trillion Dollar तक पहुंच गया।प्रमुख बिंदु | KEY POINTS- Foreign Exchange (जिसे FAX या विदेशी मुद्रा के रूप में भी जाना जाता है) बाजार National Currencies के आदान-प्रदान के लिए एक वैश्विक बाजार है। - Trade, Commerce and Finance की विश्वव्यापी पहुंच के कारण, Foreign Exchange Market दुनिया के सबसे बड़े और सबसे अधिक Liquid Asset Market हैं। - Currency Exchange Rate as a Couple के रूप में एक दूसरे के खिलाफ व्यापार करते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, EUR/USD अमेरिकी डॉलर के मुकाबले यूरो के व्यापार के लिए एक Currency Couple है। - विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार Spot (Cash) Markets के साथ-साथ Derivative Markets के रूप में मौजूद हैं जो आगे, Futures, Options and Currency Swaps की पेशकश करते हैं। - बाजार सहभागियों ने Foreign Exchange का उपयोग International Currency और Interest Rate जोखिम से बचाव के लिए, geopolitical घटनाओं पर अटकलें लगाने के लिए, और कई अन्य कारणों से Portfolio में विविधता लाने के लिए किया है| Table of Contents फोरेक्स मार्केट क्या है? | What Is the Forex Market?Forex Market वह जगह है जहां Currencies का कारोबार होता है। Currencies महत्वपूर्ण हैं क्योंकि स्थानीय और सीमाओं के पार वस्तुओं और सेवाओं की खरीद को सक्षम बनाता है। Foreign Trade और Business करने के लिए International Currencies का आदान-प्रदान करने की आवश्यकता है।यदि आप U.S. में रह रहे हैं और France से चीज़ खरीदना चाहते हैं, तो आप या जिस कंपनी से आप चीज़ ख़रीदते हैं, उसे France को चीज़ के लिए Euro (EUR) में भुगतान करना होगा। इसका मतलब है कि U.S. Importer को U.S. Dollar (USD) के समतुल्य मूल्य को Euro में बदलना होगा।वही Travelling के सम्बन्ध में यदि, Egypt में एक French Tourist पिरामिड देखने के लिए Euro में Payment नहीं कर सकता क्योंकि यह स्थानीय रूप से Acceptable Currency नहीं है। जैसे, Tourist को Local Currency के लिए Euro का आदान-प्रदान करना पड़ता है, इस मामले में Egyptial Pound, वर्तमान Exchange Rate पर।इस International Market का एक अनूठा पहलू यह है कि Foreign Currency के लिए कोई Central Market नहीं है। इसके बजाय, Currency Trading इलेक्ट्रॉनिक रूप से Over-The-Counter (OTC) आयोजित किया जाता है, जिसका अर्थ है कि सभी लेनदेन एकCentralised Exchange के बजाय दुनिया भर के Traders के बीच Computer Network के माध्यम से होते हैं।Market 24 Hours खुला रहता है, सप्ताह में साढ़े पांच दिन, और London, Newyork, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfort, HongKong, Singapore, Perisऔर Sidney के प्रमुख Financial Centers में दुनिया भर में हर समय Currency Trade होता है। इसका मतलब यह है कि जब U.S. में व्यापारिक ��िन समाप्त होता है, तो Tokyo और HongKong में Foreign Exchange Market नए सिरे से शुरू होता है। विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार दिन के किसी भी समय बेहद सक्रिय हो सकता है, Price Quote लगातार बदलते रहते हैं।विदेशी मुद्रा का एक संक्षिप्त इतिहास | A Brief History of Forexअपने सबसे बुनियादी अर्थों में, Foreign Exchange Market सदियों से आसपास रहा है। वस्तुओं और सेवाओं को खरीदने के लिए लोगों ने हमेशा वस्तुओं और मुद्राओं का आदान-प्रदान या विनिमय किया है। हालांकि, Foreign Exchange Market, जैसा कि हम आज इसे समझते हैं, एक अपेक्षाकृत आधुनिक आविष्कार है।1971 में ब्रेटन वुड्स के समझौते के बाद, अधिक मुद्राओं को एक दूसरे के खिलाफ स्वतंत्र रूप से तैरने की अनुमति दी गई। अलग-अलग मुद्राओं के मूल्य मांग और स���चलन के आधार पर भिन्न होते हैं और उनकी निगरानी Foreign exchange Trading Services द्वारा की जाती है।Commercial और Invetment Bank अपने Clients की ओर से Foreign Exchange Markets में अधिकांश व्यापार करते हैं, लेकिन पेशेवर और व्यक्तिगत निवेशकों के लिए एक Currency को दूसरे के खिलाफ व्यापार करने के लिए Speculative Opportunity भी हैं।एक परिसंपत्ति वर्ग के रूप में मुद्राओं की दो विशिष्ट विशेषताएं हैं:- आप दो Currencies के बीच Interest Rate Difference अर्जित कर सकते हैं। - आप Exchange Rate में बदलाव से लाभ उठा सकते हैं। - एक Invester दो अलग-अलग Economies में दो Interest के बीच के Difference से High Interest Rate वाली Currency खरीदकर और Low Interest Rate वाली Currency को Shorten करके लाभ उठा सकता है। 2008 के Financial Crisis से पहले, Japnese Yen (JPY) को shorten करना और British Pound (GBP) खरीदना बहुत आम था क्योंकि Interest Rate Difference बहुत बड़ा था। इस Strategy को कभी-कभी "Carie Trade" के रूप में जाना जाता है। - Micro Forex Account: ऐसे खाते जो आपको एक लॉट में $1,000 मूल्य तक की मुद्राओं का व्यापार करने की अनुमति देते हैं। - Mini Forex Account: ऐसे खाते जो आपको एक लॉट में $10,000 मूल्य की मुद्राओं का व्यापार करने की अनुमति देते हैं। - Standard Forex Account: ऐसे खाते जो आपको एक लॉट में $100,000 मूल्य तक की मुद्राओं का व्यापार करने की अनुमति देते हैं। - Forex Market दुनिया में दैनिक व्यापार की मात्रा के मामले में सबसे बड़े हैं और इसलिए सबसे अधिक तरलता प्रदान करते हैं। - यह अधिकांश बाजार स्थितियों में एक छोटे से Spread के लिए एक सेकंड के एक अंश के भीतर किसी भी Primary Currency में स्थिति में प्रवेश करना और बाहर निकलना आसान बनाता है। - Forex Market में 24 घंटे, सप्ताह में पांच दिन कारोबार होता है - Australia में प्रत्येक दिन से शुरू होकर NewYork में समाप्त होता है। प्रमुख केंद्र Sidney, HingKong, Singapore, Tokyo, Frankfort, Paris, Londonऔर NewYork हैं। - Forex Markets में Bank, Brokers और Dealer High Leverage की अनुमति द���ते हैं, जिसका अर्थ है कि व्यापारी अपने स्वयं के अपेक्षाकृत कम पैसे के साथ बड़े Positions को नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं। विदेशी मुद्रा में 100:1 की सीमा में Leverage असामान्य नहीं है। एक Trader को Leverage के उपयोग और एक Account में Leverage द्वारा पेश किए जाने वाले जोखिमों को समझना चाहिए। अत्यधिक मात्रा में Leverage के कारण कई डीलर अप्रत्याशित रूप से दिवालिया हो गए हैं। - Trading Currencies को उत्पादक रूप से आर्थिक बुनियादी बातों और संकेतकों की समझ की आवश्यकता होती है। एक Currency Trader को विभिन्न देशों की अर्थव्यवस्थाओं और Currency Value को चलाने वाले मूल सिद्धांतों को समझने के लिए उनकी अंतर-संबद्धता की एक बड़ी तस्वीर की समझ होनी चाहिए।निष्कर्ष | Conclusionव्यापारियों के लिए - विशेष रूप से सीमित फंड वाले - दिन के कारोबार या छोटी मात्रा में Swing Trading अन्य बाजारों की तुलना में Forex Market में आसान है। लंबी अवधि के क्षितिज और बड़े फंड वाले लोगों के लिए, लंबी अवधि के फंडामेंटल-आधारित ट्रेडिंग या कैरी ट्रेड लाभदायक हो सकते हैं।Currency Values और Technical Analysis के अनुभव को चलाने वाले व्यापक आर्थिक बुनियादी बातों को समझने पर ध्यान देने से नए Forex Traders को अधिक लाभदायक बनने में मदद मिल सकती है। Read the full article
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Why Learn Share Trading From Reputed Training Institute?
The world of share trading attracts people around the world. It is the best method to make some money at home by just investing a few hours a day. The share market is not just about profit-making but also comes with several risks where one might suffer the loss of their hard-earned money. There has been a question which a stock market beginner often asks how they can earn a higher return and lower the risk.
To be successful in share trading it is important to gain knowledge. There are different types of trading platforms that allow traders to do automated trading. But this has its own cons that traders do not learn share trading. There are a number of share trading training institutes which offer courses to those who want to learn how to invest in share market. If you are someone who wishes to upgrade skills then you must search for a good share trading class. The main significance to choose the best course depends on your need. 
If you are in search of a share trading institute to make you a smart investor, IFMC Institute is one of the leading institutes to train you.
How to Choose the Right Share Trading Institute?
Understand about the institution and their offered services
Conduct a brief comparison
Look for free demo sessions
 IFMC Institute Training Courses Include
Stock market course for beginners
Technical analysis course
Fundamental analysis course
Quick trader course in intraday and positional trading
Uni-Directional Trade Strategies Course
Why Training is Important Before Trading?
Training is important before entering the share market. It is essential to gain understanding and acquire knowledge in order to minimize the risk of loss. When it comes to trading, anyone can make profit or loss. But if you acquire a deep understanding of the subject the probability to lose money reduces. 
Many newbie traders make the mistake of investing money in the stock market with no knowledge and greed to earn money. This results in loss along with earning little or no profit. The share market has different types of trading platforms which offer immense opportunities for traders as per their convenience. So before entering the world of trading, it is necessary to attain full awareness about the types of risk involved in investing in the market. The share market does not restrict people to invest and buy shares of the public listed company. Anyone can enter the stock exchange. But it is essential to prepare yourself before doing intraday trading.
How joining a Stock Market Institute Can Help?
Joining professional classes is beneficial in multiple ways. It not only boosts your knowledge but also helps students to prepare them for their career. Stock market training support in different ways including: 
Help to learn share trading techniques to making money from stock market
Acquire a comprehensive knowledge of technical analysis, trends, patterns etc to identify stock price movement
Helps to become an independent trader
Study tactics to apply in trading which helps in increase probability to earn higher profits
Learn important trading skills like risk management, money management, and how your can build your portfolio
Helps in creating trading strategies 
Empower students with confidence in every domain of share trading
 Benefits of Learning at IFMC Institute
IFMC is an ISO certified stock trending institute. The institute aims to help students who want to make a career in the stock market. Or those who want to learn how to make investments in the stock market. IFMC stock market courses cover a comprehensive industry curriculum. The courses are designed to cover all aspects of technical and fundamental analysis. Most importantly, the instructor's guide students throughout the course in how to mitigate risk and become disciplined traders. 
best intraday trading strategies in hindi | Stock market and trading for beginner
However, there is no limit to the benefits of joining a stock market training and becoming a successful trader. We hope you will earn more profits through training and become a versatile trader.
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