#Popcorn Scratch and Smell Sticker
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Source: Pinterest.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
307 of 2023
things I love.
Watching someone you love sleep. The smell of a campfire. Finding out that someone does the same weird things as you do. When one of your favorite movies is on television. Catching something before it hits the ground. Re-reading old conversations. The smell of fresh laundry. Walking through puddles in rain boots. Being called beautiful. Accomplishing something before the microwave beeps. Proving a smart person wrong. When you and your best friend say the same thing at the same time. Being dismissed on the last day of school. Waking up and actually remembering your dream. Seedless grapes. When you finally remember the name of the song that’s been stuck in your head. Drinking cold water when you’re really thirsty. Giving random acts of kindness. The first bite into a crisp apple. Hellos. Getting the perfect parking spot. The soft feeling of a brand new eraser. People who treat their parents lovingly. Correct grammar. Finishing a final exam. Taking your bra off at the end of the day. Knowing all the lines to your favorite movie. The moment you realize your period is over. When a little kid draws you a picture. Magazine perfume samples. The smell of your mom’s homemade cooking. Hearing that you were in someone’s dream. Being in a fantastic mood, just because. Waking up and realizing you have more time to sleep. Writing/drawing on foggy windows. The first snowfall of the winter. When your favorite team wins. Songs that always make you want to dance. Finally getting the food you’ve been craving. Deep conversations with your best friend. Christmas lights at night. Getting new school supplies. A child’s unlimited imagination. Riding in a shopping cart. Catching up with an old friend. Being home alone, blasting music, singing loudly, and dancing crazily. Jeans that fit perfectly. Long naps. Singing in the shower. Never ending conversations. Catchy/amusing commercials. Finding something you lost a long time ago. A pen that works really well. Getting a tan and not a burn. Good morning texts. Stumbling across really old songs, but still being able to remember all the lyrics. The sound of a cat’s purr. Continuous green lights when driving. The smell of a new book. Seeing your loved one smile and knowing you put it there. Marathons of your favorite show. The sound of popcorn popping. Lazy Saturday afternoons. A rejuvenating deep breath. Getting backed up in an argument. When you finally remember what you came into the room for. Flipping to a new month on your calendar. Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. When a person’s laugh is funnier than the joke. The sound a soda can makes when you open it. Achieving the perfect milk to cereal ratio. Remembering stories of how you met someone. When your fortune cookie knows what’s up. When somebody loves your artwork. Overhearing someone say nice things about you. Waking up with clear skin. Piggy-back rides. Crossing things off your To-Do List. Breakfast in bed. The feeling of a good stretch after sleeping. When someone plays with your hair. A full tank of gas. Contagious laughter. Learning a new language and using it in real life. Midnight snacks. Getting an A on a ridiculously hard test. When you finish writing right at the end of a page. Seeing a baby yawn. Licking the yogurt lid. Falling asleep to the sound of rain. Teachers you can joke with. Handwritten letters. Bubble baths. Eating cookie dough. Finding money in your pocket. Intentionally mismatched socks. Ice cream in waffle cones. Waking up just before your alarm goes off. Driving on a newly paved road. Wearing your pajamas all day. A nice cup of tea. Cookies straight out of the oven. Perfect shower temperature. Spotless, bruise-free bananas. The fresh, clean feeling after a shower. The satisfying feeling of making someone laugh really hard. Perfectly painted nails. Scented candles. Forgetting to set your alarm, but waking up just in time. Scratch-and-Sniff stickers. A clean room. Snow days. Taking off high heels at the end of the day. Not being able to finish a sentence because you’re laughing so hard about the ending. Dresses with pockets. Actually finding food in the fridge. When the food you enjoy eating is healthy. Guys who smell good. The first chews on a new piece of gum. Just-shaved legs. Spontaneous adventures. When your friends love your new hairstyle. When she smiles at you. When he smiles at you. Picking/peeling off dried glue. Instant friendships. The first hug from someone you haven’t seen in a long time. When the week goes by really fast. Accents. Sunshine after a rainy day. Late-night phone conversations. Eating with chopsticks. Reading picture books from your childhood. A new toothbrush. When someone tells you that you smell nice. The feeling you get when you finish all of your homework. Young children with good manners. Guitar solos. Eating ice cream straight from the tub. Long-lasting nail polish. Cheesy pick-up lines. When the butter melts on your toast. Running through sprinklers in the summer. Free stuff. Looking at old yearbook photos and autographs. When your parents say yes instead of the expected no. The new car smell. When somebody actually says bless you when you sneeze in class. Fresh air. Watching old home videos. Parking your car at the same time the song ends. Gummy worms. A perfect cup of coffee. A family-sized bag of your favorite chips all for yourself. Nicknames. The smell of just-shampooed hair. The sound of a perfect high five. The moment you realize your hiccups are gone. When someone texts back instantly. When the vending machine gives you more than you paid for. Finally laughing after trying to hold it in. Not wearing makeup and being able to rub your eyes. The brief moment of silence when you drive under a bridge on a rainy day. Wearing new clothes for the first time. Being told that you’ve made someone’s day. The first bite of food when you’re really hungry. When the last item in the store is your size. Getting your hair washed at the salon. Waking up and realizing your bad dream wasn’t real. Freckles. Questions on a test that give away answers to other questions. When other families treat you like a member. When your turn signal goes along to the beat of the music you’re listening to. Realizing it’s Friday. When someone is excited to see you. Arriving at the bus stop right on time. Perfectly separating an oreo. When you catch something that was thrown to you from far away. Watching a new episode of your favorite tv show. The feeling after finishing an oral presentation. Walking into class and seeing a substitute teacher. Girl Scout cookies. When people take care of you when you’re sick. Letting chocolate melt in your mouth. Compliments even when you look a mess. When you catch someone cute staring at you. The first time a person says your name. The first shower after a haircut. The first signs of spring. Perfectly peeling off a price sticker. Saturday morning cartoons. The fresh feeling after brushing your teeth. Twisting the lid of a jar when no one else was able to. Taking a perfect picture. The smell of old books. Surprising people with a talent they never knew you had. The first bite of a slice of pizza. Actually finishing the whole tube of chapstick. The first drop of a rollercoaster ride. When people enjoy the food you make. A warm towel after a shower. Your favorite part of a song. Untouched snow. The first day of wearing shorts after winter. The excitement of your pet when you come home. The moment when you find a comfortable sleeping position. Stapling a finished essay together. Walking barefoot on grass. Knowing all the words to a song. Friendship bracelets. Easy-to-peel citrus fruits. When the lights start to dim before a movie. Songs that match your mood. Being lifted off the ground during a hug. A fresh pair of contacts. Waking up and not being tired. Sleeping in your own bed after being away. Solving a really long math problem correctly. Hitting the high note. Flipping to the right page of a book on the first try. Hearing someone whistle. When the weather feels just right. Collapsing into your bed after a long, tiring day. The feeling after a good workout. Pre-sharpened pencils. Doodling. Clever puns. Smiling in the middle of a kiss. When someone understands your humor. Bendy straws. When someone holds the door open for you. Writing on the first page of a notebook.
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mhysa-leesi · 3 years
𝕄𝕣𝕤. 𝔸𝕝𝕝-𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕟
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Pairing: Dark!Steve Rogers 𝒳 (femme) Reader ⭐.
Summary: “Steve Rogers deserves nothing less than an All-American Apple Pie Life, with his Miss America. And he’ll stop at nothing to have it.” 
Word Count: 3,472 
TW‼: Drugging, Kidnapping, Non-Con, Smut, Minor Stockholm Syndrome, Minor Misogynistic Themes, and 1940′s Housewife Themes. 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI‼
AN: This story contains adult and dark themes, please do not proceed if you are under the age of 18 or if ANY of these warnings upset you! I am not responsible for your media consumption–you and only you are. 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 
AN Cont.:  If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual violence, please reach out for help. I do not condone ANY of the actions described in this story, this is merely a work of FICTION. 
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Steve Rogers is a hero who’s sacrificed so much for the greater good of the world. He’s been fighting his entire life, a constant cycle of getting knocked down, just to get back up and do it all again the next day. A constant blur of black and blue, of broken bones, and bloodied knuckles. Steve didn’t complain too often, he enjoyed waking up every morning and saving the world. He was grateful for the life he led, a life of justice and liberty. So, why did he feel so unfulfilled? Unaccomplished? Incomplete?
Steve would catch himself daydreaming during briefings, dreaming of his childhood. He dreamt about Coney Island, about the smell of popcorn, and the sticky feel of melting popsicles on his fingers. He was stuck in the past and he knew it, maybe he truly was “The Man Out of Time”. He’d journal his thoughts, sketching his memories in charcoal and faded colors. Mostly he’d sketch faces of his past, but there has only been one face as of late that lived within the thick pages. (Y/N). The newest Avenger, his Miss America.
He found himself fantasizing about her with every gentle curve of his pencil, imagining it was his hands running over her hips and not his graphite. The front of his jeans tightened as he shaded her breasts, and he wondered if they were as soft and supple as he made them look on paper. He captured her eyes, adding that sparkle and depth that seemed to become her. Her hair, the unruly hairs, and the ones always perfectly in place. He colored her skin, his heart skipping as he imagined running his lips over the skin of her thighs. Her star-spangled leotard left little to the imagination, so Steve found other things to imagine. The sound of her moans and whimpers, how she’d look as he took her apart one lick and thrust at a time, and how she’d look with him dripping from in-between her legs.
Steve groaned as he threw down his pencil, running his graphite-stained hands over his face in frustration before closing his sketchbook with a soft thump. He needed a distraction--and a cold shower…
Today was Lila, Clint’s daughter’s birthday, and all of the Avengers were invited to the festivities. Steve sat next to Bucky, both of them donning bright pink party hats with the words “Happy Birthday” on them in glitter swirls. Bucky was telling Steve about a girl he had recently met at some café or something--truth be told Steve wasn’t listening to his best friend. His attention was elsewhere, across the room, to be exact.
You were in a green tonal dress that perfectly complemented your skin tone, with puff sleeves and floral print. Steve was entranced as he watched you bounce baby Nathaniel on your hip. And he watched as the baby babbled and yanked your hair, making you laugh and wince as you handed him back to his mother. He knew at that moment what he had been missing, what he had been deprived of--what he had deserved after all this time. A family, a white-picket fence… You.
It all suddenly made sense as if he had just completed a puzzle he’d been working on since he woke up from the ice. That was what he wanted--no… It was what he needed, what he deserved. All of his life he had made sacrifice after sacrifice, the world owed him this one thing, and he’d have it. No matter the cost.
You were perfect. A nice girl with a strong head on your shoulders and a good heart, who better to start a life with? There was no question, you’d be his wife, the mother of his children. You’d see it in time, but he couldn’t wait for you. He was a man out of time, after all…
It had been almost a month since his revelation, but it was all due in good time. He had made the arrangements, he had been meticulous in his planning. He made sure to get every single detail right, his and your future depended on his perfection. The trap had been set, now he just needed to go hunting for his prey.
You were just coming back from training with Natasha, your skin sheen with sweat and kissed with soft purple bruises from sparring with the Widow. You were laughing at something she had said, giving Steve a small wave before making your way to the communal fridge. He patiently watched as you grabbed your water bottle, your name written in sharpie with stickers on the front. He fidgeted as you took three big gulps, smacking your lips as water dribbled down your chin and onto your chest.
Steve watched as you made your way to your bedroom, he smiled as he noticed a slight stumble in your steps. The drug took faster than he had expected. He waited until he heard the click of the closing door, but it never came. Like a silent shadow, he crept down the hall to the threshold of your room. You were splayed out on the edge of your bed, legs dangling, and your hair a mess.
He couldn’t help himself. He nudged your arm for a response and nothing; you were out cold. A dangerous smirk crossed his face as he knelt down above you, his shadow consuming you in every delicious way possible. He touched your cheek, tracing down to your jaw, and up to your lips. They were so soft, so plump, and oh, so kissable. He tasted you then, molding his lips to yours in a one-sided dance. Steve shivered as he explored your unconscious body, he groped, squeezed, and tasted your salty skin.
He stopped himself. He only had three hours to move you, six tops if his hunch about you skipping breakfast that morning was right. So, he picked up your unconscious body and began the next steps to his plan…
When you awoke your limbs were stiff and mind foggy. You stretched away the stiffness and rolled onto your side, blindly reaching for your bottle of water. When your hand failed to meet your nightstand, you froze. What the hell? Confused, you reached out again; telling yourself you just misjudged the distance. But when your hand once again met an empty space, you sat up with a start. You looked around the unfamiliar bedroom. The walls were striped, the floor a godawful floral carpet, and the bed had a wooden frame and a blue blanket tucked into the corners. You blinked, thinking that this room would magically melt into your bedroom at the Tower, and when it remained the same, you blinked again for good measure. You stood on shaky legs and looked around the room once more, disbelief clouding your better judgment. The bedroom looked straight out of a 1940’s catalog.
When the lock on the bedroom door jiggled, you whirled around with your fists raised to meet your captor. You were prepared to see a HYDRA Agent or some other villain with a vendetta against you. What you weren’t prepared for was Steve Rogers. He stood dressed in his old military uniform, his hair neatly combed, and his face clean-shaven.
“Steve? What’s going on?” you asked.
“What do you mean?”
What do I mean? “This,” you gesture wildly with your hands in disbelief, “Where are we?”
“Home,” he said calmly.
“Whose home?”
“Ours, honey,”
You narrowed your eyes at the man before you. This couldn’t be your Steve Rogers, this wasn’t your Captain or friend. This was… someone else. You took a tentative step forward, searching for an eerie glow to his blue eyes, for an explanation for his weird behavior. This had to be mind-control, some elaborate HYDRA plot to disarm the Avengers. This wasn’t Steve, right?
“Steve,” you said carefully, “this isn’t our home. We live at the Tower, remember? With Nat, Sam, and Bucky?”
Steve’s frown deepened as you continued to speak to him like an incompetent child, “No. This is our new home, (Y/N). I made it just for us.”
You nodded along as you slowly crept forward toward the door. He shyly stuffed his hands in his pockets as he continued speaking, confessing. When you were close enough, you bolted past him. But you weren’t faster than Steve Rogers. He caught you by the ponytail and threw you back into the bedroom on the floor, kicking the door shut behind him. You scrambled to your feet and into a defensive position as Steve made another grab for you. You twisted and threw a right hook to his jaw, the strength of your powered punch was enough to send him stumbling backward, but it wasn’t enough to win against him. The same serum that made him had made you, too. But you’d be a goddamn idiot to think that you were stronger than Steve Rogers.
You made another run for the exit, but you didn’t get very far as Steve caught you yet again by your ankle. You kicked, punched, scratched, and flailed as he overpowered you. The man straddled your wriggling form and placed his hands around your throat. Squeezing and squeezing until the oxygen caught in your throat and your limbs began to relax. Your arms and legs went lax as your vision began to dot and blacken. When you let out the last wisp of air from your lungs is when Steve released you. You wheezed and gasped like a fish out of the water as you struggled to breathe, to fill your lungs with oxygen once again. You massaged your throat and glared up at Steve who was straightening and dusting off his uniform.
“I’ll only tell you this once, (Y/N). If you disobey me, in any way shape, or form, you’ll be punished. Don’t make me repeat myself,” he warned, “Now, get cleaned up. Dinner is almost ready.”
He opened the closet and pulled out a baby blue dress with silver embroidered star details around the off-shoulder neckline, and set it on the bed before you. You sat on the floor, just silently glaring and snarling as he knelt down in front of you with a small velvet box and diamond ring in hand. He grabbed your left hand and went to place it on your ring finger, but before he could slide the diamond on your finger, you wrenched your hand away and cracked him across the cheek. The slap seemed to echo throughout the room as his jaw ticked in silent anger. Before you could react, Steve pulled his hand back and returned the slap. The impact sent your head whipping sharply to the side, and caused your eyes to water with prickling, unshed tears. Your cheek stung when you touched it.
“I told you, (Y/N),” he sighed, “You made me do that.”
“I didn’t make you do shit, Rogers,” you spit.
You flinched as he pointed an angry and threatening finger in your face, “Language.”
He left you then after reminding you of dinner. Alone in the bedroom, you scowled at the dress that seemed to mock you. You threw it onto the floor and stomped out of the room, fueled by anger and hatred.
You found him in the kitchen, knife in hand as he carved a glazed turkey. His smile dropped as he took in your dress-less form. You were still in your gym clothes from earlier. Steve’s nostrils flared as he set the knife down, he stared at the turkey before turning his gaze to you.
“You’re not wearing the dress,”
“No,” you said flatly.
“And why not?”
You scoffed at him, “Why do you think, Steve?”
He moved his head to the side as he grumbled something under his breath. His knuckles were white as he gripped the edge of the kitchen counter. You smirked triumphantly, you didn’t know why, but getting under his skin was satisfying. You weren’t going to make this easy for him, and you sure as hell wouldn’t be wearing that damn dress.
As if he had read your mind, he looked back at you with an ominous smile. He rounded the counter and stood in front of you, his large frame so much bigger than yours. In any other scenario, it would’ve been intimidating--having your Captain looming over you so threateningly. But right now, at this moment, you couldn’t care less. You wanted to piss him off, to knock him down off his pedestal. You’d be damned if you bent to his sick will.
Your eyes darted behind Steve to the counter where the knife waited for you. Before he could track your movements, you made a dive for it. Rolling over the island as you quickly readied the knife. You slashed and stabbed at Steve, growling in frustration as he effortlessly blocked and dodged all of your attacks. In one quick and fluid movement, Steve grabbed and twisted your wrist; forcing you to drop the knife. Your heart breaking with the loud clatter as it hits the floor.
Steve dragged you to the table by the back of your neck and slammed your cheek down onto the wood. Empty wine glasses and plates clattered with the impact. You grunted and kicked out your legs blindly, settling for a shin kick--anything. Steve slammed your head against the table once more as you continued to fight against him. He did it again, and again, and again until your vision blurred and your blood splattered against the polished wood. You weakly clawed at the plates and silverware around you, desperately trying to cling onto something. When your fingers wrapped around on a fork, you didn’t hesitate. You stabbed Steve’s thigh and summoned all of your remaining strength to throw him into the wall.
You fell back as you panted for breath, arming yourself with another piece of random cutlery. You threw a steak knife, missing him by just an inch. Steve growled as he dragged you by your kicking legs, hauling you up, just to slam you down onto the table once more. He held your face down as he growled in your ear.
“You have a lot of fight in you, (Y/N). Breaking you is going to be so much fun, honey,”
“I’ll beat that spark out of you, if you make me, (Y/N). So why don’t you just be a good girl for me, hmm?”
Steve took hold of your neck once more as he guided you up the stairs and into the bedroom. He shoved you down onto the bed, and you landed on your stomach with a bounce. Your head was throbbing with an uncomfortable fog that settled over your thoughts. You murmured weakly in protest as Steve began to undress you. You felt the blood from your head drip down to your ear and down your neck.
Panic set your heart in motion as you felt him tug your leggings down your legs. Your brain and body kicked into a desperate overdrive as you writhed beneath him. You tried to shove him away, you summoned all of your super strength and thrashed, but you were simply no match for him--you were utterly powerless and at his mercy. His hands explored your thighs, dipping between them and squeezing that soft, supple inner skin. You scrambled to your knees, inadvertently pressing and grinding your ass to his front. He groaned as he moved his hands to your hips, angling them up as he ground down onto you with a silent promise of what was to come.
His hand dipped down and he held his prize within his hand. He groped and you grunted as you clawed blindly at his forearms, grabbing his wrists as he yanked down your cotton panties past your knees. You screamed as he shoved his fingers inside you, forcing his knuckles past your folds. You kicked and cursed him, hoping your struggle would be enough for him to let you go. You screamed louder than you had ever screamed before, so loud your head ached and lungs burned. With an annoyed grunt, Steve wrapped his thick arm around your neck in a chokehold to shut you up. You babbled breathlessly as you slapped at his arm.
“Steve,” you choked, “Please…”
He gave you one last strong warning squeeze before letting you fall flat on your back, coughing and gasping for breath.
“All you had to do was be good for me, (Y/N). I told you, bad girls get punished,”
He withdrew as he undid his fly. You swallowed thickly, wincing as your throat burned from his assault. You grabbed at his wrists, but he just batted your weak hands away as he held you down with one hand. The other gripping his thick, swollen length. You saw the muscles of his stomach tighten as he parted your legs. His grip on the back of your knees was bruising as he held them apart, lining himself up to your entrance. You tried once more to shimmy away, but he had you where he wanted you; vulnerable and open to him. He bent over you, his eyes black with lust, as he invited himself inside of you. He pushed himself inside, agonizingly slow, inch by inch, just relishing in the grip of you. You were too dry, too unwelcoming, but it didn’t matter to him. You were perfect, warm, and tight. He moaned then, as he forced himself deeper into you, pushing and pushing until his pelvis touched yours.
“Steve, please,” you sobbed, “please, stop…”
He shushed your pleas as his face scrunched in pleasure with every shallow thrust. You gritted your teeth to keep yourself silent, you wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. But he didn’t seem to notice as he tilted your hips up, finding his own slow, steady rhythm as he fucked into you. He cupped your face and forced his lips onto yours, his tongue swiping and exploring your mouth. You slapped at his head, but he never relented, never pulled back from his searing kiss. He moaned into your mouth as his hips skipped a beat. You took that opportunity, the falter of his hips, to bite down on his tongue. Then, did he finally relent.
He pulled away from you, his hips stilling inside of you. He carefully touched his tender tongue, scowling as he pulled away bloodied fingers. Steve drew back his hand and slapped you across the face. The smack of flesh striking flesh echoed throughout the room. You sneered at him and he frowned in disappointment before cracking you once more. You yelped as he held you down by your neck. Steve had found a new rhythm, and it was relentless. His tempo was fast, and he made sure to never miss a beat as he hammered into your abused cunt. He put pressure on your throat, but not enough to send you into a pool of cold unconsciousness. No… he wanted you awake for this, lucid, and remembering.
His groans and moans grew louder, duetting with the lewd notes of your squelching pussy and his skin slapping against yours. The repulsive symphony he had conducted finally reached its ungodly climax. You sobbed as you felt his warmth flood within you, as he shamelessly emptied himself deep inside of you. He sat back on his haunches, gently pulling himself from your wet grip. Your body instantly curled in on itself, shielding you from the man before you. The man you had once admired. You lay there, just shaking, whether it was from shock or anger, you didn’t know.
You felt as he dropped the baby blue dress with the silver embroidered stars next to you. You sniffled as you looked at the dress in defeat, silently dressing in the blue cotton. When you were dressed, Steve helped you to your feet, holding you against his chest as he gently swayed you. He caressed your head, embracing you gently as if he hadn’t just used your body, as if he was your sweet and loving husband, as if this was normal.
“Dinner is probably cold by now,” he sighed, “It’s okay, though. You can try again tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” your voice was smaller now, weaker, afraid.
He hummed, “It’s a wife’s duty to cook and care for her husband, (Y/N). I think I’d like meatloaf for dinner, and apple pie for dessert. What do you think, honey?”
You hesitated, you wanted to spit at him, to curse, to smack, punch, and kick, but your body was frozen against his. When you didn’t reply, his grip on you tightened threateningly, making you flinch.
“Yes, that sounds good, Steve,” you whispered. He kissed your head as he gently swayed you, his warm release slowly dripping down your shaking legs.
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breelandwalker · 3 years
Wraith and Goblin
Wraith- Any scars?
A few, yes. Mostly from childhood mishaps and cat scratches. And one notable BB-sized divot in my shin that earned my little brother good kick.
Goblin- What makes you happy?
So many things. Books. The smell and sound of libraries. The noises that cats make. Early-morning kitty snuggles. Little things that me and my SOs do to show we care. Stupid jokes that make my SOs groan and question my sanity. Being alone. Being with people I love. Apple-picking. The wind in late spring. Post-rain smells. Sunshowers that have rainbows right after. Fast food, especially french fries. Home cooking. Lime slushies. Gardening. Shopping. Shopping online and leaving things bookmarked for Sometime Later. Playing with makeup. Leaving work for the day. Taking naps. Snowstorms. Bonfires. Music. Road trip singalongs. Candles. Stickers. Making plans. Making progress. Organizing. Tiny jars. Movie popcorn. That smell that only comes on in autumn. Renaissance faires. Scary movies. Halloween. Swishy skirts and comfy jeans and frumpy sweaters. Grinning at myself whenever I pass a mirror.
Living. And continuing to live, no matter what happens. Because there have been a few times in my life where that was in question, for one reason or another, and I'm unspeakably glad that I've survived all of them.
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incorrectsanders · 6 years
Small, Steady Corrections (Mall Employee AU)
Hello All! I’ve been getting a ton of asks about Virgil’s weight and health in the Mall AU and I couldn’t get this out of my head. It’s yours now. Read other installments of the AU here.
As always: Send questions and prompts!
Relationship: Virgil Centric all of them?
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Everyone worries about how small their youngest is. They all have the same intentions, but they also take care of it in different ways. Some work more than others.
Warnings: Mention of Eating Disorders, Character Implied Eating Disorder 
Three months after Thomas legally adopted Virgil, he started getting really concerned. Virgil had a habit of falling asleep on the couch or in the big chair that used to belong to Thomas’ grandfather or even curled up in a little nest of pillows and blankets on the floor. Thomas usually covered him up with a blanket and headed up to bed. But, one night Virgil fell asleep at the table and Thomas couldn’t let his son sleep there all night. He’d wake up with back pain, he’d get cold. A fond chuckle fell from his lips as he walked over and gently tilted Virgil’s torso up so he could scoop him into his arms and carry him up to bed.
“Daddy...?” Virgil slurred.
“Shh, Buddy. It’s okay, go back to sleep.” Thomas hummed, letting Virgil bury his face in his neck and grab onto his shirt. The little puffs of breath he was giving off were adorable and it filled Thomas with pride. Sure, Virgil had taken to exclusively calling Thomas Dad in the past couple of months, but he’d only ever called him Dad. He knew it was only because Virgil was so tired and he no doubt had moments like this with his biological father. Dahlia had mentioned that Virgil used to fall asleep at her and Valerie’s apartment all the time and his father wouldn’t wake him, he’d just scoop him up and take him to bed.
Still, hearing the more childish version of the name made Thomas’ heart soar. It made Virgil seem so much younger, like Thomas was carrying his six year old son up to bed rather than his adopted sixteen year old son.
But then he picked him up and it felt like he was carrying his six year old son up to bed. Why was Virgil so small? He weighted nothing- the boy was constantly eating! Thomas had been forced to cut him off of sweets at work multiple times because he gave himself stomach aches- how the hell?
The man just shook his head, making his way up to Virgil’s room and setting him in bed. Tomorrow morning, he was definitely making Virgil an appointment with the doctor. There was no reason for him to be this small, right?
It was concerning. Patton didn’t like seeing Virgil so skinny. He teased Logan enough about how lanky he was but Virgil was skin and bones! Literally! Sure, everyone knew their youngest was underweight, but not this bad. They were swimming at Thomas’ house and Patton could count Virgil’s vertebrae.
Did he have an aversion to food? Patton had seen him eat many times before but... maybe he just pretended? Or maybe he had bulimia? The thought made his blood run cold, he and Logan went to school with a girl who had bulimia... she hadn’t gotten help in time-
“Virgil!” Patton called, his voice slightly shaking despite the huge smile on his face. Virgil looked over from where he was sitting with Roman and Dee. He got up and ran over to his other friend, sitting next to him on the lounge chair.
“Hey, Popstar.”
“Try this pie. Logan made it, and he’s a really good baker.” Patton said, holding up the plate. Virgil shook his head.
“I’ll eat some later. I’m gonna get back in the water soon, so I probably shouldn’t eat right now.”
Patton panicked a bit. He was avoiding sweets? Who avoided sweets? So, he pulled him into his side and started scratching at Virgil’s scalp. “Come on, ViVi! Try it!” He cooed, holding the fork to his lips.
Virgil couldn’t resist. There was a handsome man feeding him pie and giving him affection, who was he to protest this kind of treatment?
Patton’s shoulders relaxed and he let out a content sigh. Now he just had to keep Virgil in his sights for a while to make sure he digested the food.
“Hi, cutie~”
Virgil sighed, putting down the bowl of chocolate he was holding and raising an eyebrow at the voice. “What do you want? You only use that tone when you want something.” He said, crossing his arms.
“Me? All I wanted was to bring one of my babies lunch.” He said, smiling and holding up the bag of Chipotle. Remy wasn’t blind, he worried just like the rest of the group. He was constantly bringing Virgil food. “Extra guac~”
Virgil narrowed his eyes, then nodded to his coworker. “I’m gonna take my break.” He said, and headed to the back with Remy following him. Remy plopped on the chair at the back desk and pulled Virgil into his lap, already starting to feed the small boy. Virgil started to protest but then Remy was running his hands through his hair and all he wanted to do was happily accept the bites Remy was offering and lay his head on his shoulder. Remy knew the younger one loved eating food, and the method that Patton used to get him to eat was pretty much all for naught, but he still enjoyed indulging his little one like this. It was adorable.
“Is it yummy?” Remy hummed. Virgil nodded a bit, accepting the next bite. “You’re so sweet. Look how cute you are.” Remy cooed. “I don’t know how our little nerd holds out. Maybe I should try a little harder? Make him jealous so he gives in and asks you out?”
“Re...” Virgil whined, picking up his head. “Not funny.”
“Oh hush, he’ll come around eventually. And if I tease him in the meantime, no harm no foul, right?” Remy smirked, scratching at Virgil’s scalp and gently guiding his head back down on his shoulder just as Logan walked into the back. “LoLo! Your food is right here~”
“He is not! Eighteen! Since last week!” Remy said, then grinned. “I’m not doing anything bad, Specs, I’m just feeding him. He needs nourishment, look at our little baby.”
Virgil glanced up at Logan, who glared, stomped over, and snatched him out of Remy’s lap. “My food!” He whined. Logan frowned and glanced between them.
“Yeah LoLo, who’s gonna feed him now?” Remy pouted.
“He can feed himself!”
“I like being fed...”
“He likes being fed. And you know our little one needs to put on weight. Doctors orders.” Remy cooed. Logan grumbled quietly, pulled up a chair, sat down, and started feeding Virgil the same way Remy was.
And well, Remy could tell Virgil was in heaven.
Tayln knew what it was like. Thomas told them that Virgil had developmental problems because he wasn’t fed properly growing up. They were very small themselves and were always looking for ways to bulk up. They started sharing little tips that they’d learned with Thomas and it seemed like it was helping some. Well, that combined with all the other methods everyone was constantly employing.
“What smells good?” The door opened and closed and Tayln glanced up to see Virgil walking into the house. Thomas and Joan were at the breakfast bar, debating something that Tayln had stopped listening to ten minutes ago.
“I’m trying a new recipe I found on Pinterest. It has a ton of protein so your dad asked me to make it here.”
“Looks good, Untie.” Virgil nodded, setting down his bag and heading over to the fridge. Tayln’s lip twitched up a bit. Virgil was adorable. He expressed interest in wanting to call Tayln and Joan Uncle or Aunt because they were so close to his dad but ran into the problem of gendered terms. The boy was stubborn though, so he burst into their office one day, announced “UNTIE” and waited for both of their words of approval before he left. He’d been calling both of them Untie ever since.
“Don’t let them feed you that healthy stuff. Here, gain weight the right way.” Joan announced, jumping down from the bar and bounding into the living room. They came back with a white box that had a sticker of the Union Jack on the front. “I bought you these while I was on that business trip. There’s like twenty different kinds of chocolate in there.”
“Wow- thanks Untie.” Virgil smiled.
“Joan, not before dinner! You’re gonna ruin his appetite!” Tayln protested.
“The boy is a bottomless pit!” Joan shouted, holding out a hand to where Virgil was already digging into the box.
Thomas sighed, bringing his glass up to his lips. “They aren’t wrong, Tayln.”
The amount of food Virgil could shove in his mouth without gaining a pound both amused and angered Roman. It was unfair- he was so small! But, he also understood it was because growing up he wasn’t fed properly. Virgil has a lot of health problems because of it, so he gets it. He’s always cold, he gets so tired sometimes- it sucked.
Virgil was his best friend and he loved him, he wanted to take care of him. He was always bringing him food to eat and Virgil always happily accepted it.
“Wanna do a mukbang?”
Virgil didn’t even look up from his phone. “So you’re succumbing to the YouTube trends now.”
Roman lightly smacked his arm in return. “C’mon, I’m thinking Pizza Hut, Jack in the Box, and McDonalds.”
“Can we stop at Sams Club and get a cheesecake?”
Virgil had been on his channel before. Roman brought him on for tags, makeup videos, vlogs, singing videos- anything they felt like doing really. The last thing they’d all done together (Roman, Virgil, Logan, Patton, Remy, and Dee) was a cover of King Of The Clouds that was now the most viewed video on Roman’s channel.
He was one of the most popular of Roman’s friends. The mukbang went just as well.
“Here’s a good story- so last week Ro and I went to the movies. We both wanted popcorn but we also both only brought enough cash for the movie so Roman flirted with the girl behind the counter until she gave us free popcorn.”
“Okay- I had to. We needed popcorn, it was a dire situation.”
“Yes, but we also could have ran to your car and grabbed our wallets.”
“My car was on the other side of the mall!”
Virgil snickered lightly, shaking his head. On camera, he put up his protective persona. He never outright laughed, he didn’t get too loud and excited, he deadpanned most of his jokes. Roman’s viewers loved it.
Roman didn’t mind it. It meant only those that were close to Virgil saw his happy, fun attitude. Sure, a lot of his personality was what people saw on camera, but it went deeper than that too.
Virgil was his best friend. He just wanted him healthy and happy.
It seemed like every time Virgil saw Dee, he was shoving something from Starbucks into his hands. Virgil wasn’t protesting. He loved Starbucks and Dee brought cookies to him more often than anything. But then again...
“Hey, Dee?” Virgil asked, taking a bite of his croissant. Dee looked up, raising an eyebrow. “How come you only bring me things from Starbucks?”
Dee quickly ducked his head down, shrugging. “I uh... I dunno. You like Starbucks.”
“So does everyone else.”
“I- fine.” Dee sighed, leaning forward. “A cousin of mine had anorexia. She ended up in a mental hospital and I just... I don’t want that to happen to you.” He mumbled.
Virgil couldn’t help but smile. Dee really was a sweetheart, despite trying to hide it. He fit right into their friend group, despite only joining it two months ago.
“I don’t have anorexia, Dee. Really, I don’t. I eat constantly between all of you, I just don’t really gain weight.” Dee’s eyebrows were furrowed, so Virgil went on. “Before Dad adopted me I was in the foster system for years. No one really fed me right. And before that I only had a single Dad. He worked really hard, but he couldn’t always feed me. My doctor says it’s developmental problems. I can get better, but it’ll take me a little while. And there’s some things that will always stay, but I can definitely get better.” He said.
Dee sat back, nodding a bit, and Virgil took another bite of his croissant. “I’m... glad you eat.” He said. Virgil smiled back.
“Thanks, Dee.” He paused. “I’m telling everyone that you're just as big of an angel as Patton.”
“Don’t you dare!”
“I’m gonna do it.” Virgil grinned hauntingly, pulling out his phone. Dee screamed out, jumping over and tackling him so he could snatch the phone away.
“You know, they’re all approaching this the wrong way.” Logan said as Virgil got into his car. Virgil rose an eyebrow, glancing up at him.
“Good morning to you, too, L.”
“Tayln is the only one who has the right idea. It’s really gonna help if you start eating as much protein and carbs as you can and work out a lot. That’s how we bulked up in baseball.” Logan said as he handed Virgil a cup from the middle console. “Try it. It’s a protein shake.”
Virgil scrunched up his nose as he brought it up to his lips, taking a hesitant drink from it. Oh... vanilla. “Not bad.”
“I’m gonna start bringing them to you every morning. And you’ll come to the gym with me. You said you want to be lean like me and Roman, but we don’t just have these bodies. We both work out and we both eat right. With some exceptions.” He shrugged.
Virgil couldn’t help but whine. “But... working out is hard. Can’t I just... be squishy like Dad and Patton?” He asked.
Logan chuckled. “You’ve never even tried working out. And I’d say yes if you could actually gain that weight.” He smiled. “C’mon, V. One month. Try it for one month and if you don’t like it, you can stop.”
Virgil hated when Logan was right.
He’d been working out for eight months now and he loved it. It was nice, Logan pushed him, and it stopped being extremely hard after the first three weeks.
Sure, it was still hard but his stamina was up, he could run a mile in nine minutes, he’d gained twenty pounds, and it gave him a reason to hang out with Logan for three hours every other day.
“Morning, L!” He chirped as he climbed into the car. Logan handed him his shake and he immediately started sipping at it. “I gained three more pounds! And look!” He said, pulling up his shirt to show Logan his flat stomach and the toned line running down the middle. He still wanted to gain more, but it was better than the sunken in stomach he’d had before.
“I’m proud of you, V. I’m glad you stuck with this.” Logan smiled, then started heading off to the gym. Virgil was still extremely small, but he did look a lot healthier and he was tired less and less often. They were all relieved.
All of them only wanted their youngest to be okay.
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wokainight · 6 years
Ending Scene (Mark x Reader)
notes: life is short. it’s sporadic and eventful. spend today as if it’s your last. because if there’s one thing you’ll regret at the end of the day... it’s the things you left behind. 
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meeting a friend you haven’t seen since ten was something you would have never thought to be possible. 
not when people are more concerned with the device in their hands than their passing surroundings. 
so when you sit at a rather isolated corner in the library, you expect nothing but silence enclosing your space. it wasn’t even five minutes later that you overheard heavy footsteps and two chairs down, sat a rather young man.
you weren’t meant to greet him at first--
but the pencil you were playing around with dropped and rolled over his way--
and that was how you met lee minhyung once again.
“excuse me,” at that time you didn’t recognise him. it would be a miracle for someone to do that but it just so happens lee minhyung was just that. 
he reaches down to pick up your pencil, glancing at you once as you feel his eyes shake at the contact. it was perplexing at first-- but you left it as him uncomfortable with the situation.
sitting back up, he drops the pencil onto your open palm and calls out to you before you could even send your gratitude since he picked up your thing for you.
“are you uh (y/n)?”
you froze.
who is this guy? 
raising a stern brow, you lock eyes with him, sending obvious signs of distaste. “yes i am.” your voice was heavily toned with steel. “and how do you know my name? i don’t recall ever meeting you before.”
lee minhyung, or mark, his english name, reaches a timid hand out to scratch across his nape, ears blazing a tight red. you could even see the beads of sweat rolling down his temples and the sides of his neck. 
“oh, uhm, i’m not someone weird i swear-- i uh was wondering if you were an old friend of mine-- urm like, i haven’t seen her in like ten years but you uh sorta look like her,” his head is tilted down by this point, cheeks blushed. “sorry if you’re not-- i’m mark lee by the way... if it rings a bell...”
mark? mark lee...? 
mak. mark. mike. michael. min. min who? m-m-
“lee minhyung?” you gasp, matching his profile to the list of contacts saved inside your memories. “like-- seagull brows lee minhyung?”
mark brightens up at this, straightening his slack posture with a damp smile. “y-yeah! that’s me alright,” he reaches out a hand. “long time no see (y/n), i’m mostly mark now, but if you prefer minhyung-- that’s fine by me too.”
laughing, you shook hands with him and practically vomited your life story and reacted violently to his. it felt weird. despite having not seen each other in a long while, it felt effortlessly easy to flow a conversation with mark once again.
there was no need for awkward fillers or insincere replies. everything fell down like rain droplets against the car window, connecting with the heavy tides and splashing downwards in a grand design.
that day, you saved lee minhyung inside your phone’s contact list and bid him goodbye at ten, just as the library was about to close.
it was a bit hard to part-- especially as to how the both of you clicked so fast even under the pretence of being strangers for a good decade. 
“so uh,” mark shares a shy smile as he stands in front of the bus stop, eyes wary of the incoming vehicle. “i’ll see you soon?”
“tomorrow,” you breathe out, sniffling at the colder weather. “i’ll be at the library tomorrow too. well, if you have time.”
“definitely!” mark suddenly says a little bit louder than intended. his posture cowers backwards in an attempt to save himself the smallest embarrassment. “i’m like mostly free so i’ll be there, uh tomorrow.” 
his bus arrives just in time to cut the conversation short. mark takes one glance at you before he takes a bold stride and unwraps his scarf to warm you up instead, tucking you in nice and snug. 
“don’t catch a cold,” he half-whispers, eyes soft. 
with that, he left with the wave of a hand and longing eye contact as he takes a window seat, neck twisting to see the last strand of you before the bus throws you into it’s blind spot. 
tomorrow was as promised, with you finding mark there before you, standing up  with a bashful hello as he drags the seat next to him out and goes back down, turning his head towards you to once again start on a conversation.
the next day was a small brunch at a local cafe, with mark insisting on treating you.
two days after that you two met for a movie you’ve been meaning to watch, remembering how you stuck your tongue out, teasing him as mark fails to beat you to pay.
“you can’t do this to me,” mark whines as he dips his head forwards, a habit he hasn’t dropped since he was younger.
“don’t be a baby,” you laugh, eyes crinkling into crescents, “i can’t let you pay all the time.”
mark sighs as he receives the popcorn from the cashier lady and thanked her promptly. “but i wanted to...”
you playfully roll your eyes, nudging him with the drinks. “the movie’s about to start. come on cowboy.”
mark attempts to make you feel a bit more guilty about paying for the outing and you end up stuffing a bunch of popcorn into his mouth in the middle of the movie, laughing as mark tries to fight back by pinching your cheeks.
thankfully, the both of you were never kicked out of the screening.
on the other hand, you started to notice mark much more than you’d like to.
his sparkling eyes, messy hair, prominent cheekbones, unique laughter... everything about him seemed to interest you and it would have never crossed you to be liking a childhood friend you haven’t seen in years.
but you do.
you like mark lee.
moreso than being the lee minhyung you knew in the past,
you found yourself falling for the quirky tidbits he dropped. 
like how by a month of casually meeting each other, mark would often show up at your door unannounced, bring you small treats like your favourite snacks and whatnot. 
“mark,” you smile at the bag of goodies, “you didn’t have to do this.”
mark licks his dry lips, relieved that you’re pleased with his purchase. “but i wanted to.” he coughs into his fist. “like, i uh really wanted to.”
you give him your word of thanks before the both of you head out to the beach  to have a picnic during that evening. 
mark sets up the picnic mat, holding it down with his shoes and awkwardly heavy items he found in his car.
the two of you enjoy a good dinner made out of your homemade pasta and mark’s bakery bread and various dips. 
“oh yeah,” you say in between bites of bread. “you never told me when you came back from canada.”
mark passes you a bottle of water. “like three months ago? i got a job here shortly after i graduated.” his gaze finds you. “heard of culture techs?”
you ponder on the name for a moment, feeling that it’s a bit familiar. “i think...? sounds like a posh company.”
he chuckles at that. 
even the sound of his deep, unadulterated laughter gave you joy. 
oh god.
just how whipped were you?
adjusting your throat in an awkward notion, you try to hide the pink flowers blooming on your cheeks and picked at the picnic basket for an alibi. 
“i think i’m staying here for good,” mark breathes out as he enjoyed the view. 
the sun had long retired and the subtle rulings of the moon gave a scenic display to the beating waves and whistling winds. 
you can’t help but to observe mark instead,
watching him as he closed his eyes to enjoy a particularly comforting breeze, smiling at how perfect this moment was.
you scooted a tiny bit closer to him, closing the gap in between you two to rest your head on his shoulder.
friends are allowed to do this right?
when mark just hums as a reply and tilts his head to rest on yours, your smile widens.
your hands were just barely touching at the pinky, 
yet the heartbeat rushing out of your chest says it wasn’t as simple as that.
“lee minhyung?” you softly called out, in the midst of the serene emotions.
mark chuckles at that. it wasn’t an everyday thing for anyone to call him by his full name. he found it amusing to a certain extent.
you glance at him from your position, just in time for mark to slightly angle his head to face you.
there was eye contact.
and you think that if you don’t say it now-- it would be even harder to say it in the future. so your mind aside, you take your heart to the control room and exhaled deeply.
“i think... i might be in love with you.”
at that moment, all you can see are his slightly widened eyes and trembling lips. so instead of debating on whether you were rejected or not, you lift yourself off his support and matched your lips with him. 
you were so sure that your cheeks were raging red and to save yourself some shame, your eyes shut tightly.
mark only responded a second later, his other hand reaching out to cup your chin, bringing himself closer to you.
his eyes flutter to a close as well, trying to save every single emotions and sensations he felt at the moment.
even if the world was to crumble tomorrow, if his hands were against yours, holding it tightly like this single moment, strangely enough--
you felt that everything would be fine.
dating mark was like being his friend-- except for the fact that he would trap you against his arms and the wall, lips connected in a heated meeting. kisses are one of many and the amount of physical contact you two had escalated. 
waking up in his bed wasn’t a rare occasion,
and laughing at his cooking skills can be considered a routine thing by this point.
it came to a point where you would snapchat his eggs in a meme form. 
oh god,
gordon ramsay would swear a million times and more if it were to happen in his kitchen.
mark loves to gift you things-- moreso than before-- you found out.
little trinkets like cake slices, chocolate, books, pens, stickers, and many more were part of the list. 
but your favourite out of all the things he brought you were the flowers.
they were always of different kinds and had the most enchanting smells to them. sometimes it was just a lone strand, while other times, it was wrapped in a bouquet and brought to you with a shy smile. 
“is that primroses?” you reached your hands out to accept the trinket, laughing as mark sniffs the flowers and doesn’t quite hand it to you.
“hmm,” he inhales the floral scent, “it sure is, but since you know what it is, i might as well keep it for myself.”
it was sort of a game at this point for you to try and guess what kind of flower he got you and for him to offer you a consolation prize in the form of the gift itself when you got it wrong. there’s an on-going joke that if you got it right that mark gets to keep it for himself since he can’t educate you about it.
(apparently he’s bought himself a flower book to look at the meanings and whatnot.)
and you’re feeling up to the challenge to prove him that you’ll know every flower he’s going to bring you.
“fine then,” you sighed dramatically, “i guess i won’t feel like giving you the banana bread i just made like two minutes ago.”
mark pipes up at the mention of food. he would definitely be wagging his tail if he had one at this point.
“swapsies?” he offered the bouquet of primroses.
you pretend to take your time in considering his offer before snatching it off his hands and making a run for it. 
“what’s mine is mine and what’s your is mine!” you shouted merrily as you try and evade mark’s outreached hands, laughing as you dodge him along the way.
by the end of it, the both of you were panting, unable to hold the laughter down. it wasn’t much of a big deal and nor was it supposed to be that much fun-- but just playing around with each other and spending time without a care gave you much more butterflies than you think was possible at this point.
while digging into the banana bread you made earlier on, you question mark about the meaning of primroses. cough. unfortunately, your studies haven’t progressed to the point of knowing it all.
“well,” mark feeds you the watermelon he cut up to accompany the banana bread. (because he insisted it would be the perfect pairing.)
“it’s nothing much.” he says.
but deep down, he’s trying to contain the sheepish feeling growing inside of him.
‘i can’t live without you’
...that would be a tiny bit too much for him to say.
nevertheless, he evades the question by accidentally dropping the piece of watermelon onto the carpet and attempts to save himself by scrubbing furiously with a sheet of wet wipes.
months passed. 
from the heat of the summer where the beaches would be a go to and water parks were a great side menu, the two of you enjoyed being slightly tanner than usual and feasting on as many watermelons the both of you could handle. 
fall consisted of warm, toasty sweet potatoes and enjoying walks under the crunch of maple leaves. it came with flavoured lattes and a lot of park dates. playing footsies under the table and thumb wars on top was a thing for you two at this point. 
then the leaves fell and the coldness rolled in. it was difficult to wake up alone-- but with someone else’s body warmth next to you, it was much more bearable. watching movies at home or at the theatre was a trend at this point and soups and stews were too. sharing a mug of hot chocolate while reading a book together happened every day or so and you laughed as mark burnt his hair by sticking his head into the over a tiny bit too deep. 
when the snow melts and the flowers grow again, the two of you enjoy a picnic date once again. the sunshine was at it’s best behaviour and as the two of you wore straw hats and took pictures in a field of sunflowers, 
everything felt complete. 
“can you believe it?” you asked mark as you watch him flip pancakes with much better control than the year before. 
mark hums as a reply, brows concentrated as he stuck his tongue out slightly, making sure he wasn’t burning the other side of your breakfast.
“we’ve been together for a year,” you announce, smiling.
“really?” mark glances at you briefly, slightly surprised. “it’s just been a year?”
“well yeah,” you giggle, “how long did you think it had been?”
he shrugs at this, panicking as he tries to save the pancakes during a failed flip. 
you approach him with a suppressed grin, “i’ll eat that one.”
“no, why? i’ll give you the good ones.” he addressed, while shoving the burnt or funny looking ones into his plate. (the amount of imperfect ones were getting ridiculous at this point.)
“because,” you suddenly raise your phone up to take a candid photo, “i’m going to do a comparison picture with your iconic eggs.” you wiggle your brows together, watching as mark groan when you mentioned his dark history.
“oh come on,” he huffs, “i got so much better! admit it!”
and as you continued to tease him while munching on the pancakes the made, you wished that the day would never end.
but knowing that when the sun sets you would be trapped in his arms for a good night’s sleep,
the thought ended up not disappointing you as much.
today was another casual date on a chirpy saturday. 
the sun was out,
it was spring,
and the birds were chirping about.
you hum a jolly tune and walked around bouncing on your heels, feeling pretty good about the day.
mark had called you a few minutes ago to let you know he was going to be a bit late since he had to work overtime yesterday. 
(that means he woke up late.)
(but you weren’t mad.)
thanks to your good mood and down to earth personality(?), you let it go with him treating you to three scoops of ice cream.
mark snickers at the request and complies without a beat.
“you can have four if you want.”
“five it is then,” you joked, laughing by yourself.
there’s a few noises on the other hand, and mark’s voice is slightly distant at this point. “i’m just going to get ready now, i’ll meet you there.”
“take your time mark,” you brushed a few hair strands out of your face, “see you soon.” you contemplated before adding. “love you.”
a few muffled noises later, mark breathes out over the line. 
“me too-- i mean uh, i love you too.”
so as you wait on the bench at your favourite park, midway between his and your place, you put on some music through your ear phones, relishing the way it made your environment ten times better. 
the songs on your playlist were definitely a forever favourites.
it sure was.
but when you went through it twice and a half, your eyes fleeted frantically from your sceneries to the time.
it had been two hours past the appointed time.
from time to time, you had been checking your phone for any new messages from mark-- but the thoughts flew away when you think of mark clumsily trying to put on a button down shirt or not knowing where one of his sock went. 
but even if he was going to be this late,
mark would usually give you another call.
when you stand up, dusting your pants and glancing around the park, trying to see if he was around somewhere, your hopes faded with the time as you attempt to give him a call.
it’s five calls later that your nerves goes into a wreck. 
you decided to head to his place instead and when there’s no one to answer the doorbells and various poundings, you bite on your fingernails, heartbeat erratic. 
something felt awfully wrong,
but you didn’t know what happened to mark and didn’t want to assume anything.
so with a careful mind, you head home.
and upon reaching your door, you’re greeted with a bouquet of lilies. 
some were in full bloom,
and others were still a bud.
and as you clenched onto the bouquet,
you try your luck with positivity.
it’s been a week since and strangely enough, when you did meet mark by accident, it was him coming out from his company, a box of stuff in his arms. 
his cheeks were sunken in much more than you remembered and gaunt wouldn’t be partially enough to describe him. 
with soulless dark eyes and head hung low, you see him about to enter his car. 
after all your ignored messages, empty home visits and trying to find him in all his favourite places (including his company) (you visited there thrice already with no luck) (no one tells you where mark is... all they say he isn’t there), your mind went nuts and you made a run for it across the street, not caring for the incoming cars.
you’re just in time for mark to duck his head out after placing the box in the back seat, 
watching as his eyes altered it’s emotions upon meeting you.
your hair’s a mess, shirt wrinkled and eye bags loud and clear.
but as soon as you met him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and held on for dear life.
you don’t dare try and say anything, 
feeling a single tear run down your cheek.
mark’s shaky inhale and weak hands wrapped itself around you briefly, as if he was trying to savour the moment. 
“...don’t do this to me (y/n).”
“no minhyung,” you pull back slightly, just enough to see his face, “you shouldn’t have done this to me.” your voice’s all cracks and whimpers at this point, barely enough to hold yourself back from full on bawling. “if you have a problem with me, tell me. you don’t-- you don’t know how empty and lonely i felt this past week. i felt as if i was dying--”
mark pushes you away before you could even finish, his breath heavy.
“i apologise if i didn’t make it clear enough for you,” his eyes are strangely cold yet strained at the same time. 
“i’m breaking up with you.”
if you could hear the world crashing down on you,
it would probably feel like this.
it felt as if your heartbeat stopped,
breathe taken away,
and everything felt numb to your skin.
“w-what? mark-- lee minhyung-- what is wrong with you?”
“i have,” the shame on his face dampens with force. “i have someone else.”
for a second, you find yourself thinking, ‘it’s okay’. but mark doesn’t give you much time before he hops into his car and drives away without a second thought.
you’re left on the road, 
the coming days are spent knocking on mark’s door, ringing him up, messaging, whatever you could do to get into contact with him. the stack of bottles around your place has multiplied to the point of no return and you often trip and bruise on them. there’s not enough emotions to describe how empty you felt. 
it was as if someone emptied out all your feelings and warmth.
it was so, so cold.
the sheets were drenched with tears;
your eyes were dry and swollen;
yet you couldn’t help but retire to bed sobbing each and every night.
what went wrong?
the last thing you remembered on that day was telling him you loved him.
he reciprocated it too.
and you would know that mark would be the last person on earth to cheat.
but... why did he say that?
were you not good enough?
did you bore him?
what went wrong?
it’s been exactly one month since you last saw mark and five weeks since your fantasy shattered. 
you’ve been blacklisted from coming to his apartment complex by the security guard in front, and by now, he’s known you by memory.
you know you’ve been making way too much of a scene just to see mark-- but there was no other way than to beg him to stay, gnawing at his door and bawling your eyes out. 
so when you see the guard waking away to the bathroom, you scurried for the stairs and ran up all the way up to mark’s floor, puffing with your lack of muscles and famished appearance.
food had been the last thing in your mind.
even if you downed yourself in ice cream and sugar, 
nothing soothed your wounds like the bitter taste of alcohol and it’s drunk features.
being intoxicated made you sleep.
and at least there,
you get to meet mark’s cheery smile and awkward laughters.
you’re at his door steps, praying that this time he would answer you. 
just once.
you’ll see his face once more and promise him to never bother him ever again. the soft knocks you initially prepared for turned to pounding and screams. the shrieks won’t stop. your dry eyes suffered much more and the clenching in your chest suffocated you.
sliding down from the door, you force yourself to muffle your cries and try not to gain more attention than you did.
burying your face into your folded arms,
you waited.
you don’t know how much time has passed, but mark hadn’t left or entered his apartment.
you wondered.
has he moved?
there’s a sad laughter that forces it’s way out of your throat at the thought.
he probably has.
who would want their desperate ex to bother them so much? clinging to them for dear life?
and you don’t register that morning had dawned on you til there’s a soft background of chirping birds and the rush of cars from outside.
you don’t pay much attention but the door on your left opens and an unfamiliar person taps you by the shoulder.
“hey, wake up.”
you groan, feeling the bright lights dawning on you. distressed, you squint at best, trying to see from your puffy lids and when you rack your brain for the identity of the person opposite to you-- it came out a dud.
“i live next door,” the guy justifies, “and who are you?” there’s a big hint of irritation in his tone and you don’t blame him for it. 
“i’m so sorry,” your voice is hoarse and cracked up. “i’m (y/n),” you cough twice. “mark’s- i mean the tenant who lives here-- girl--” were you about to say that you were his girlfriend?
swallowing down the realisation, you whisper the last part.
the male opposite you makes the most horrified facial expression ever. you don’t know why but the pity in his face didn’t give you a good impression at all.
he sits down instead of the awkward ninety degree bend he was in, wiping his face violently with his right palm.
“i’m donghyuck. lee donghyuck.” he gave himself a proper introduction, taking in a deep breath.
you could see the pool of tears appearing at the corner of his eyes. 
“you don’t know me, but i’ve heard of you before.” there’s a bittersweet smile playing on his lips. “more than once, actually.”
there’s a dead beat of silence in his dialogue, before he shakily exhales.
“i’m sorry.”
you don’t quite understand as to why he’s apologising to you-- but you try to laugh through it anyway and shake your head. “don’t be, i was just dumped after all.”
donghyuck doesn’t quite say anything for a while. 
“he... oh my god... he...” the boy next to you starts bawling and it was your turn to comfort him instead.
you try to pat his back in a rhythmical manner, exactly the way mark would put you to sleep.
thinking of him hurts you even further,
but by now you should be immune to the pain.
“...(y/n)” hyuck starts when he’s a bit calmer, despite the tears streaming down his face. 
“he’s gone.”
you frown at this-- though it didn’t exactly surprise you. 
“do you know where he moved?”
donghyuck turns to you front on, reaching out to hold your hand. 
“he’s gone.” he repeats, though the next word seems like a lie. 
you couldn’t comprehend what donghyuck had just told you, blinking stupidly at him.
donghyuck doesn’t let you process it all just yet. he wasn’t quite finished with his explanation.
“mark... was sick. no one knew what it was and he’s been fighting it for a month before--”
you stand up abruptly, ignoring the tremors on your leg.
it was as if a bucket of ice cold water had been dumped on top of your head. 
it was freezing to the point where there was no bodily reaction.
you try to breathe and not black out, seeing spots in your vision.
“w-where is he” you could no longer think straight. “where-- where is minhyung”
donghyuck whispers an address and you hail a cab as soon as you heard it. 
the place is an hour away from the city, somewhere serene and quiet. there were trees and nature everywhere and the air seemed much cleaner than you could imagine. the roads were nicely paved, but the walk there had been agonisingly painful.
you could no longer enjoy the beautiful sceneries of flowers and clear skies. 
everything was painted monotone and your feet dragged heavier with every step.
it was under the heat of midday that you find yourself in from of him.
if you could see properly through your swollen eyes and pale expression, he would be miserably smiling at you. his hair would breeze along with the soft, swaying winds and the forlorn tone he would speak with would just break your heart into further pieces:
i’m sorry.
his name is written above a pile of loving flowers, and you cry even more by the time you collapsed in front of it. 
lee mark minhyung: a loving son and friend of many.
there wasn’t a day that goes by that you don’t think about mark.
it could start with blissful dreams of the past.
mark chasing you around the house,
watching old cartoons together,
snuggling up as you walk down the streets during winter.
everything and anything reminded you of him.
you didn’t quite date for a long time--
but the amount of memories the two of you made exceeded the boundaries.
practically everyday the two of you dated for had at least one meeting and the distance in between felt stretched. 
you would miss each other every second apart,
and it wasn’t of any different now.
you’re sitting in the library when someone taps you on the shoulder. 
looking up, you smile at a familiar male.
“what took you so long?” you smiled, packing up your bag.
donghyuck rolls his eyes at you, commenting about how it hasn’t even been over five minutes. “i had to pick the prettiest flowers for a certain dumbo,” he grins through a solemn expression.
and as you visit mark once again this year,
you sat down in front of him, donghyuck next to you. 
“it’s been a while minhyung... though it’s fine by me if you preferred to be called mark now too.” you smile at the memory.
donghyuck places the flowers gently in front of him. 
“i don’t think he’d mind.”
you thought about him once again, his laughter ringing inside your head.
“yeah,” your gaze drops to his name, carved in bold letters. “i don’t think he’d mind at all.”
even though you couldn’t physically see him again, there would be a day that you could run into his arms once again and burrow yourself into them.
there’s a certain longing to that,
but you knew that mark would wait for you.
he would’ve wanted you to take your time.
and as if he agreed to your deduction, a soft gentle breeze wheezes past you, almost as if the boy in your heart had run up to you for a tender embrace, whispering comforting words in your ears and went off once again.
you had to cover your eyes as you turn back, the sun blinding your vision.
but if you had to confess your delusions away,
you would tell them that mark had been smiling at you, waving from afar.
i’ll meet you there. 
67 notes · View notes
seven-pm · 8 years
Reasons to Stay
1.    People with laugh lines. 2.    Craisins. 3.    Classical Disney movies. 4.    Fuzzy / toe socks. 5.    Friendly cashiers. 6.    A clean public bathroom. 7.    Making someone who looks sad smile. 8.    Opening a brand-new book. 9.    A simple compliment from a stranger. 10.   Finally understanding something. 11.   Someone telling you a secret. Just you. 12.   Old couples. 13.   Making a perfect signature. 14.   Finding out that a person feels the same way as you do. 15.   Holding doors for strangers, who say thanks. 16.   Long roadtrips at night. 17.   Sleeping at midnight, waking up at noon. 18.   Having a blank to-do list. 19.   Looking at old photographs. 20.   Coming up with a url that’s not taken. 21.   A hot shower after a long day. 22.   Positive feedback on an essay you worked hard on. 23.   Your favorite song on replay. 24.   People who love you despite your flawed physical appearance. 25.   Cute sneezes. 26.   People who smile despite their circumstances. 27.   When someone remembers the things you say. 28.   The originality of people’s handwriting. 29.   Using a clean, crisp towel. 30.   The minutes after you first crawl into bed. 31.   Just you and me. No time. 32.   The first swim of the summer. 33.   Sleeping on clean sheets. 34.   Fresh-baked bread. 35.   Looking through school work from when you were young. 36.   The smell after it rains. 37.   Laughing until your stomach hurts. 38.   Seeing someone’s face light up when you give them a gift. 39.   Holding hands. 40.   Waking up with perfect hair. 41.   Putting in the last piece of a puzzle. 42.   Driving on an empty road. 43.   The sound of little kids’ uncontrollable laughter. 44.   Songs that remind you of a special person / event. 45.   People who accept your extreme weirdness. 46.   Footed pajamas. 47.   When a baby holds your finger. 48.   Recalling good memories with friends. 49.   Hugs from behind. 50.   When the first text you see is from the person you love. 51.   People who remember you after meeting you only once. 52.   Getting an A on a test you didn’t study for. 53.   Looking at the water droplets travel across your car window. 54.   Playground swings. 55.   The smell of breakfast in the morning. 56.   When your plans didn’t work out, but your day turned out great anyway. 57.   Seeing your favorite band live & singing your heart out to their lyrics. 58.   Singing along to the car radio. 59.   Kisses on the forehead. 60.   Seeing a baby laugh. 61.   Watching shows from your childhood. 62.   Being surrounded with a mountain of blankets on a cold, rainy day. 63.   Knowing that you’re loved. 64.   When your bangs actually cooperate with you. 65.   That one person who knows you better than you know yourself. 66.   Tight, meaningful hugs. 67.   Star-gazing. 68.   When his family loves you. 69.   Kept pinky-promises. 70.   Getting mail. 71.   When your music player is on shuffle and our favorite song comes up. 72.   Clothes that came right out of the dryer. 73.   Getting new clothes. 74.   Driving in the car with the windows down, music up, without a care in the world. 75.   When a friendly stranger smiles at you. 76.   Nutella. 77.   Inside jokes. 78.   Wearing his clothes. 79.   Finishing a good book. 80.   When your parents talk about you with pride. 81.   The smell of freshly-cut grass. 82.   The cold side of the pillow. 83.   Being missed. 84.   Hot chocolate on rainy days. 85.   Being awake while everyone else is sleeping. 86.   Knowing you have no homework for the weekend. 87.   Candid photos. 88.   Having breakfast for dinner. 89.   Popping bubble wrap. 90.   Dimples. 91.   Being healthy after being horribly ill. 92.   Silence that isn’t awkward. 93.   Cuddling. 94.   Getting gifts for no reason at all. 95.   Building forts. 96.   Finding money in the laundry. 97.   Peeing after holding it in for a long time. 98.   Hearing your favorite song on the radio. 99.   When you finally remember what you came into the room for. 100.  Getting backed-up in an argument. 101.  A rejuvenating deep breath. 102.  Lazy Saturday afternoons. 103.  The sound of popcorn popping. 104.  Marathons of your favorite shows. 105.  Seeing your loved one smile and knowing you put it there. 106.  The smell of a new book. 107.  Continuous green lights when driving. 108.  The sound of a cat’s purr. 109.  Stumbling across really old songs, but still being able to remember all the lyrics. 110.  Good morning texts. 111.  Getting a tan and not a burn. 112.  A pen that works really well. 113.  Finding something you lost a long time ago. 114.  Catchy / amusing commercials. 115.  Never-ending conversations. 116.  Singing in the shower. 117.  Long naps. 118.  Jeans that fit perfectly. 119.  Being home alone, blasting music, singing loudly, & dancing crazily. 120.  Catching up with an old friend. 121.  Riding a shopping cart. 122.  A child’s unlimited imagination. 123.  Getting new school supplies. 124.  Christmas lights at night. 125.  Deep conversations with your best friend. 126.  Finally getting the food you’ve been craving. 127.  Songs that always make you want to dance. 128.  When your favorite team wins. 129.  The first snowfall of the winter. 130.  Writing / drawing on foggy windows. 131.  Waking up and realizing you have more time to sleep. 132.  Being in a fantastic mood, just because. 133.  Hearing that you were in someone’s dream. 134.  The smell of your mom’s home-made cooking. 135.  Magazine perfume samples. 136.  When a little kid draws you a picture. 137.  The moment you realize your period is over. 138.  Knowing all the lines to your favorite movie. 139.  Taking off your bra at the end of the day. 140.  Finishing a final exam. 141.  Correct grammar. 142.  People who treat their parents lovingly. 143.  The soft feeling of a brand-new eraser. 144.  Getting the perfect parking spot. 145.  Hellos. 146.  The first bite into a crisp apple. 147.  Giving random acts of kindness. 148.  Drinking cold water when you’re really thirsty. 149.  When you finally remember the name of the song that’s been stuck in your head. 150.  Seedless grapes. 151.  Waking up and actually remembering your dream. 152.  Being dismissed on the last day of school. 153.  When you and your best friend say the same thing at the same time. 154.  Proving a smart person wrong. 155.  The sound of a perfect high-five. 156.  The smell of just-shampoo’d hair. 157.  Nicknames. 158.  A family-sized bag of your favorite chips all for yourself. 159.  A perfect cup of coffee. 160.  Gummy worms. 161.  Parking your car at the same time the song ends. 162.  Watching old home videos. 163.  Fresh air. 164.  When somebody actually says “bless you” when you sneeze in class. 165.  The new car smell. 166.  When your parents say “yes” instead of the expected “no.” 167.  Looking at old yearbook photos and autographs. 168.  Free stuff. 169.  Running through sprinklers in the summer. 170.  When the butter melts on your toast. 171.  Cheesy pick-up lines. 172.  Long-lasting nail polish. 173.  Eating ice cream straight from the tub. 174.  Guitar solos. 175.  Young children with good manners. 176.  The feeling you get after finishing all your homework. 177.  When someone tells you that you smell nice. 178.  A new toothbrush. 179.  Reading picture books from your childhood. 180.  Eating with chopsticks. 181.  Late-night phone conversations. 182.  Sunshine after a rainy day. 183.  Accents. 184.  When the week goes by really fast. 185.  The first hug from someone you haven’t seen in a long time. 186.  Instant friendships. 187.  Picking / peeling off dried glue. 188.  When he smiles at you. 189.  When she smiles at you. 190.  When your friends love your new hairstyle. 191.  Spontaneous adventures. 192.  Just-shaved legs. 193.  The first chews on a new piece of gum. 194.  Guys who smell good. 195.  When the food you enjoy eating is healthy. 196.  Actually finding food in the fridge. 197.  Dresses with pockets. 198.  Not being able to finish a sentence because you’re laughing so hard about the ending. 199.  Taking off high-heels at the end of the day. 200.  Snow days. 201.  A clean room. 202.  Scratch-and-sniff stickers. 203.  Forgetting to set up your alarm, but waking up just on time. 204.  Scented candles. 205.  Perfectly painted nails. 206.  The satisfying feeling of making someone laugh really hard. 207.  The fresh, clean feeling after a shower. 208.  Spotless, bruise-free bananas. 209.  Perfect shower temperature. 210.  Cookies straight out of the oven. 211.  A nice cup of tea. 212.  Wearing your pajamas all day. 213.  Driving on a newly paved road. 214.  Waking up just before your alarm goes off. 215.  Ice cream in waffle cones. 216.  Intentionally mismatched socks. 217.  Finding money in your pocket. 218.  Eating cookie dough. 219.  Bubble baths. 220.  Handwritten letters. 221.  Teachers you can joke with. 222.  Falling asleep to the sound of rain. 223.  Licking the yogurt lid. 224.  Seeing a baby yawn. 225.  When you finish writing right at the end of the page. 226.  Getting an A on a ridiculously hard test. 227.  Midnight snacks. 228.  Learning a new language and using it in real life. 229.  Contagious laughter. 230.  A full tank of gas. 231.  When someone plays with your hair. 232.  The feeling of a good stretch after sleeping. 233.  Breakfast in bed. 234.  Crossing things off your to-do list. 235.  Piggy-back rides. 236.  Waking up with clear skin. 237.  Overhearing someone say nice things about you. 238.  When somebody loves your art work. 239.  When you fortune cookie knows what’s up. 240.  Remembering stories about how you met someone. 241.  Achieving the perfect milk to cereal ratio. 242.  The sound a soda can makes when you open it. 243.  When a person’s laugh is funnier than the joke. 244.  Writing on the first page of a notebook. 245.  When someone holds the door open for you. 246.  Bendy straws. 247.  When someone understands your humor. 248.  Smiling in the middle of a kiss. 249.  Clever puns. 250.  Doodling. 251.  Pre-sharpened pencils. 252.  The feeling after a good workout. 253.  Collapsing into your bed after a long, tiring day. 254.  When the weather feels just right. 255.  Hearing someone whistle. 256.  Flipping to the right page of a book on the first try. 257.  Hitting the high note. 258.  Solving a really long math problem correctly. 259.  Sleeping in your own bed after being away. 260.  Waking up and not being tired. 261.  A fresh pair of contacts. 262.  Being lifted off the ground during a hug. 263.  Songs that match your mood. 264.  When the lights start to dim before a movie. 265.  Easy-to-peel citrus fruits. 266.  Friendship bracelets. 267.  Knowing all the words to a song. 268.  Walking barefoot on grass. 269.  Stapling a finished essay together. 270.  The moment you find a comfortable sleeping position. 271.  The excitement of your pet when you come home. 272.  The first day of wearing shorts after winter. 273.  Untouched snow. 274.  Your favorite part of a song. 275.  A warm towel after a shower. 276.  When people enjoy the food you make. 277.  The first drop of a rollercoaster ride. 278.  Actually finishing the whole tube of ChapStick. 279.  The first bite of a slice of pizza. 280.  Surprising people with a talent they never knew you had. 281.  The smell of old books. 282.  Taking a perfect picture. 283.  Twisting the lid of a jar when no one else was able to. 284.  The fresh feeling after brushing your teeth. 285.  Saturday morning cartoons. 286.  Perfectly peeling off a price sticker. 287.  The first signs of spring. 288.  The first shower after a haircut. 289.  The first time a person says your name. 290.  When you catch someone cute staring at you. 291.  Compliments even when you look like a mess. 292.  Letting chocolate melt in your mouth. 293.  When people take care of you when you’re sick. 294.  Girl Scout cookies. 295.  Walking into class and seeing a substitute teacher. 296.  The feeling after finishing an oral presentation. 297.  Watching a new episode of your favorite TV show. 298.  When you catch something that was thrown to you from far away. 299.  Perfectly separating an Oreo. 300.  Arriving at the bus stop right on time. 301.  When someone is excited to see you. 302.  Realizing it’s Friday. 303.  When your turn signal goes along with the beat of the music you’re listening to. 304.  When other families treat you like a member. 305.  Questions on a test that give away answers to other questions. 306.  Freckles. 307.  Waking up and realizing your bad dream wasn’t real. 308.  Getting your hair washed at the salon. 309.  When the last item in a store is your size. 310.  The first bite of food when you’re really hungry. 311.  Being told that you’ve made someone’s day. 312.  Wearing new clothes for the first time. 313.  The brief moment of silence when you drive under a bridge on a rainy day. 314.  Not wearing makeup and being able to rub your eyes. 315.  Finally laughing after trying to hold it in. 316.  When the vending machine gives your more than you paid for. 317.  When someone texts back instantly. 318.  The moment you realize your hiccups are gone. 319.  Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. 320.  Flipping to a new month on your calendar. 321.  Accomplishing something before the microwave beeps. 322.  Being called beautiful. 323.  Walking through puddles in rain boots. 324.  The smell of fresh laundry. 325.  Re-reading old conversations. 326.  Catching something before it hits the ground. 327.  When one of your favorite movies is on television. 328.  Finding out that someone does the same weird things as you do. 329.  The smell of a campfire. 330.  Watching someone you love sleep. 331.  Using exactly 160 characters in a text. 332.  When you see your food coming in a restaurant. 333.  Logging onto Facebook on your birthday. 334.  Finding out that something is cheaper than you thought it was. 335.  Hearing people cheer for you. 336.  Finding out that someone likes you. 337.  Feeling accomplished at the end of the day. 338.  Turning on the TV just in time. 339.  Finding out there isn’t a back side to a worksheet. 340.  Seeing bus drivers wave at each other. 341.  Hearing someone refer to you as their friend for the first time. 342.  Being complimented on an insecurity. 343.  Rapping an entire part of a song perfectly. 344.  The tininess of baby clothes and shoes. 345.  Falling asleep on the couch and waking up with a blanket on you. 346.  A scent that reminds you of a good memory. 347.  The feeling you get after you sneeze. 348.  When someone saves you a seat. 349.  When the stoplight turns green before you begin to brake. 350.  When the deadline for a project is extended. 351.  When the elevator door opens right away. 352.  Being the first to applaud in the audience. 353.  The sound of crickets at night. 354.  Peeling an orange in one piece. 355.  When your favorite artist comes out with a new album. 356.  Using new markers. 357.  Changing into sweatpants. 358.  The feeling of relief after finding something you lost. 359.  Tearing out a piece of perforated paper perfectly. 360.  Finally remembering the word you had on the tip of your tongue. 361.  Discovering a new song and instantly loving it. 362.  The smell of a barbecue. 363.  Feeling confident when turning in an exam. 364.  Being able to fall asleep right away. 365.  Being in the carpool lane when there’s heavy traffic. 366.  The warmth of printed paper. 367.  Being ahead of schedule. 368.  Answering a question correctly in class. 369.  When a person genuinely asks you how your day was. 370.  Waking up next to the one you love. 371.  Having exact change. 372.  Summer nights. 373.  The smell of popcorn in the movie theater. 374.  Receiving an invitation. 375.  When the lights go off at a concert. 376.  Hearing crumbs getting sucked up by the vacuum cleaner. 377.  Hearing interesting stories about yourself when you were little. 378.  People who love their job. 379.  Cleaning your ears after a shower. 380.  Letting your hair down after it’s been tied up all day. 381.  City lights at night. 382.  When the airplane takes off / lands. 383.  Watching bloopers. 384.  Seeing the street lights turn on/off. 385.  Waking up on your birthday. 386.  Taking a shower after camping. 387.  The color of people’s eyes. 388.  The look on the groom’s face as he watches his bride walk down the aisle on their big day. 389.  When your online order finally arrives. 390.  Removing masking tape after painting. 391.  Walking into an air-conditioned building after being outside in the heat. 392.  The sound of the ocean. 393.  When you actually like the assigned reading. 394.  When you finally see the car that’s coming to pick you up. 395.  Listening to your grandparents tell stories. 396.  Pretty skies.
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shyvioletcat · 8 years
Random Question Thing?
Thanks do much for @acourtofstarsanddreams for tagging me! I love these things =)
I’m gonna tag @huntress-of-velaris, @dorianthekinkymf and @elidelochaned. If you’ve already done it or don’t want to, no pressure. Do as you will.
1. Are you named after someone? Nope. I didn’t even get a middle name to honour anyone.
2. When was the last time you cried? That was when I read the latest Moriel piece by @highfaelucien​ (the one where Mor dies). I sobbed from beginning to end and then some.
3. Do you like your handwriting? No. Not at all. It’s messy and untidy and generally all over the place. 
4. What is your favourite lunch meat? Does prosciutto count as lunch meat? What about smoked salmon? I like my meat to come of a chunk or meat or a bone. Blended stuff doesn’t appeal to me that much.
5. Do you have kids? Nope. But I have a cat. Her name is Merida and she is the cutest
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Haha probably not. I think I’d just get super frustrated with me and give up. 
7. Do you use sarcasm? Do I ever! 
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes I do.
9. Would you bungee jump? It doesnt really appeal to me. Unless it was like a swing one. The jolting and jarring just doesn’t… Nope not for me.
10. What is your favourite kind of cereal? I do not love cereal. But we have one here called Crunchy Nut that I’m quite fond of. 
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Mostly not. Unless they are truly stuck I will just slide them off.
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? Hmm I would say yes. 
13. What is your favorite ice cream? Hokey Pokey. It’s plain vanilla ice cream with small, solid lumps of honeycomb toffee I like it when it has some sauce in it as well. As its really only available (at its best) in New Zealand I will take anything with caramel in it.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? I would say clothes. 
15. What is your least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? Ugh my nose.
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?  Black, no shoes.
17. What are you listening to right now? Something Just Like This by Coldplay and the Chainsmokers
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?  
19. Favourite smell? Umm, I’m not too sure. I actually have a really bad sense of smell so I dom’t love smelling things. But I love the smell of a good clean beach and popcorn.
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? That would be my sister. I ended up on the floor laughing so hard. She accidentally sent me a message about my Mum having to hoes (as in hours) to kill. And it went from there.
21. Favourite sport to watch? Tennis.
22. Hair colour? A dark blonde. And I’ve never actually dyed my hair, just an extra little fyi.
23. Eye colour? Blue, but they do change. Sometimes they are a grey-blue, sometimes a blue with a hint of green and around my pupil I’ve got a little ring of yellow.
24. Do you wear contacts? Nope
25. Favourite food to eat? Popcorn. Nomnomnomnom
26. Scary movies or comedy? Comedy, scary movies are not my thing.  
27. Last movie you watched? Captain America: The First Avenger
28. What color of shirt are you wearing? Navy. 29. Summer or winter? I live in Australia where our Summer are brutal. But I love it. Especially when I’m near the water.
30. Hugs or kisses? Neither really, but I’d prefer a hug to a kiss. I don’t love people in my space and kisses are waaaayyyyy to close.
31. What book are you currently reading? I just finished a trilogy. But I’m in a bit of a slump while I wait for ACOWAR 
32. What do you miss right now? I miss horse riding. I did it when I was younger but stopped because it got so expensive. I just love it so much.
33. What is on your mouse pad? Ah I don’t have one. But I have a “Rattle the Stars” sticker on my laptop. 
34. What is the last tv program you watched? Agent Carter. Peggy is my Hero.
35. What is the best sound? The Lord of the Rings Soundtracks
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Beatles 
37. What is the furthest you’ve ever travelled? Cardiff, Wales 
38. Do you have a special talent? Special? I’m good at making things with my hands. Like woodwork, sewing, drawing, painting. In particular I love making Minnie ears, you know the headbands you get in Disney Parks with the mouse ears on them? I make them from scratch. I design them them, then sew them. 
39. Where were you born? Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia. Like and hour from Sydney.
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bienready2122 · 5 years
Vision 2010
Whichever hot contraption do you plan to discover under he tree this year? An iPod Photo? Motorola RAZR V3 mobile phone? Yet, those are so old fashioned. So AARP. So 2007. To be really hip, you have to begin plotting for the hot tech toys of Diwali 2010  locksmith huntsville
Like, possibly an interpreting computerized camera. Let's assume you're climbing in the Spanish wilderness, and you get nibbled by a snake. While scrunch up in torment, you see a sign that says, "¡Peligro! Serpientes venenosas!" But you don't know Spanish.
So you snap a picture of the sign, click an "interpret" catch on the camera, and the screen gives that the indication says, "Risk! Harmful snakes!" Wouldn't that be convenient? There's really a working model in Hewlett-Packard's labs.
Innovation is moving so quick that some prediction about purchaser thingamabobs in 2010 appear to be practically staggering. The ultra hot tech blessings that kid may request three or four years out. These items may be standard by at that point, or may be the benevolent that solitary early adopters purchase. In any case, early forms are being grown now inside labs and new businesses.
The forecasts originate from H-P Labs, Microsoft Research, Motorola's labs and the FedEx Institute of Technology. Likewise contributing is innovation creator Stephen Waite and Internet virtuoso Blake Ross. As per them, this is what you may discover under the tree toward the part of the arrangement:
*Personal Smart Stuff Technology. (PSST) Open a case of PSST, and you'd discover sheets of speck size stickers, each implanted with a minor radio recurrence recognizable proof (RFID) chip that can store a couple of bits of information and transmit it remotely. You'd likewise discover about six or so RFID perusers to put around the house to connect to your remote system.
You put the stickers on things - your iPod, key chain, coat, scratch pad, etc. On your home PC, you enter some data that compares with the sticker on every thing - maybe what the thing is and a few guidelines. Possibly you reveal to PSST that in the event that it detects that your coat (probably with you in it) goes out yet your keys are still on the kitchen counter, PSST ought to send an instant message to your phone, giving you the quantity of a decent locksmith.
Generally, your stuff would be on your home system, much as Web pages are on the Internet, all that one claims to be indexible, One can look to check whether he has a CD before getting it, and in the event that one does, have it emit a sign so one can discover it in the storage room." At H-P Labs has tried an unpleasant form on a 6th grader. They appended one sensor to the child's T-shirt, one to his bike and one to his knapsack. In the event that the kid got dressed, jumped on his bike and left for school without his knapsack, an electric stun - ha, simply joking, it was somewhat red light - reminded him he overlooked something.
*The Mach-X ND Razor and Never-Smell Sox. Nano innovation can give materials bewildering new properties. Just a couple of things -, for example, Nano-Tex pants that vibe like cotton however don't wrinkle - will be available one year from now.
One likely item: a razor, covered with precious stone like nano-materials that will never get dull or consume. One cutting edge for the entire of a man's shaving life - an incredible Jewish right of passage blessing! Obviously, it would most likely cost a large number of dollars.
Another nano-item: socks that vibe like cotton however are implanted with hostile to microbial silver particles. Leave a messy pair in your storage for a half year, and as opposed to possessing an aroma like an open can, they won't smell by any means.
*Subscription robots. Start with something like Sony's Aibo robot hound - yet a further developed variant, with great discourse acknowledgment and a remote Internet association. Blend in broadband Internet and Wi-Fi in your home. What do you get? A "toy" for your child that can download and convey substance and administrations from the Net, says Jim Phillips, CEO of the FedEx Institute, which is chipping away at such gadgets. Possibly you need this toy-bot to show your child Chinese. Pay a month to month expense, and the bot will chase after your child, naming things in Chinese and reacting just to directions in that language. Or on the other hand buy in to a sleep time story administration, and the bot will peruse your youngster an alternate book each night. This could likewise be a decent friend for, state, your maturing mother, alongside an administration that causes the bot to chase after her.
*Personal Theater. A phone that is additionally a MP3 player is cool this year. A wireless that can download and play motion pictures on a modest screen will be cool one year from now. By 2010, you'll need a mobile phone that can convey a total encompass sound home auditorium experience, says Padmasree Warrior, Motorola's central innovation official. Motorola is chipping away at telephones that could download a full top notch motion picture. The telephone would incorporate a miniaturized scale projector that could demonstrate the film on any level surface, regardless of whether a divider or the back of a plate table on an aircraft. Earphones would convey theater like sound. No word, however, on when PDAs will probably make popcorn.
*3D video player. In the event that PDAs can convey a computerized motion picture, at that point you will anticipate something more from a home theater. Furthermore, that, obviously, may be 3D theater, as indicated by Microsoft Research boss Rick Rashid.
Television projects would be shot from numerous edges, and programming would assemble the pictures into a 3D impact that would not require those ridiculous glasses. "The majority of this works today in the lab," Rashid says.
*Club Health Integrated Personal System. To be also called CHIPS.
By 2010, Ross proposes, top of the line fitness centers will install chips and remote transmitters in all the hardware. You could then get a watch with remote capacities, pulse screen and other wellbeing highlights. When you complete 20 reps on the stomach muscle machine, your watch would record the reps, the weight, the time it took and whether you were near showing at least a bit of kindness assault. In the event that you really have heart disappointment, the watch could call an emergency clinic When you return home, the watch would interface with your remote system and download all the information into your home PC, which may likewise contain programming that could reveal to you what number of more reps you'd need to do to consume off that chocolate éclair you just snarfed down.
*Electronic paper peruser. Electronic paper and ink have come a shockingly long route as of late. By 2010, purchasers may probably purchase a foldable gadget with the size, weight and feel of a comic book.
Content and designs would resemble a printed item, however the ink could be changed to move toward becoming anything - an issue of Time, the most recent John Irving epic, INDIA TODAY. New substance could be downloaded remotely. So no compelling reason to Buy Newspapers and Magazines.
This advanced review on how innovation will change the manner in which we live constantly 2010 is devoted to my would-be Dr. Neena Bhatia and her Late mother Mrs. Krishna Bhatia. Dr. Neena is an extraordinary motivation to contribute in however one can add to mankind and be sacrificial and spread love, harmony and instruction everywhere throughout the world. My Heart full all the best to Her for realization of the sacrificial administration she is doing to the general public all in all and the obscure individuals for whose bliss she endeavors throughout each and every day.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
105 of 2023
things I love.
Watching someone you love sleep. The smell of a campfire. Finding out that someone does the same weird things as you do. When one of your favorite movies is on television. Catching something before it hits the ground. Re-reading old conversations. The smell of fresh laundry. Walking through puddles in rain boots. Being called beautiful. Accomplishing something before the microwave beeps. Proving a smart person wrong. When you and your best friend say the same thing at the same time. Being dismissed on the last day of school. Waking up and actually remembering your dream. Seedless grapes. When you finally remember the name of the song that’s been stuck in your head. Drinking cold water when you’re really thirsty. Giving random acts of kindness. The first bite into a crisp apple. Hellos. Getting the perfect parking spot. The soft feeling of a brand new eraser. People who treat their parents lovingly. Correct grammar. Finishing a final exam. Taking your bra off at the end of the day. Knowing all the lines to your favorite movie. The moment you realize your period is over. When a little kid draws you a picture. Magazine perfume samples. The smell of your mom’s homemade cooking. Hearing that you were in someone’s dream. Being in a fantastic mood, just because. Waking up and realizing you have more time to sleep. Writing/drawing on foggy windows. The first snowfall of the winter. When your favorite team wins. Songs that always make you want to dance. Finally getting the food you’ve been craving. Deep conversations with your best friend. Christmas lights at night. Getting new school supplies. A child’s unlimited imagination. Riding in a shopping cart. Catching up with an old friend. Being home alone, blasting music, singing loudly, and dancing crazily. Jeans that fit perfectly. Long naps. Singing in the shower. Never ending conversations. Catchy/amusing commercials. Finding something you lost a long time ago. A pen that works really well. Getting a tan and not a burn. Good morning texts. Stumbling across really old songs, but still being able to remember all the lyrics. The sound of a cat’s purr. Continuous green lights when driving. The smell of a new book. Seeing your loved one smile and knowing you put it there. Marathons of your favorite show. The sound of popcorn popping. Lazy Saturday afternoons. A rejuvenating deep breath. Getting backed up in an argument. When you finally remember what you came into the room for. Flipping to a new month on your calendar. Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. When a person’s laugh is funnier than the joke. The sound a soda can makes when you open it. Achieving the perfect milk to cereal ratio. Remembering stories of how you met someone. When your fortune cookie knows what’s up. When somebody loves your artwork. Overhearing someone say nice things about you. Waking up with clear skin. Piggy-back rides. Crossing things off your To-Do List. Breakfast in bed. The feeling of a good stretch after sleeping. When someone plays with your hair. A full tank of gas. Contagious laughter. Learning a new language and using it in real life. Midnight snacks. Getting an A on a ridiculously hard test. When you finish writing right at the end of a page. Seeing a baby yawn. Licking the yogurt lid. Falling asleep to the sound of rain. Teachers you can joke with. Handwritten letters. Bubble baths. Eating cookie dough. Finding money in your pocket. Intentionally mismatched socks. Ice cream in waffle cones. Waking up just before your alarm goes off. Driving on a newly paved road. Wearing your pajamas all day. A nice cup of tea. Cookies straight out of the oven. Perfect shower temperature. Spotless, bruise-free bananas. The fresh, clean feeling after a shower. The satisfying feeling of making someone laugh really hard. Perfectly painted nails. Scented candles. Forgetting to set your alarm, but waking up just in time. Scratch-and-Sniff stickers. A clean room. Snow days. Taking off high heels at the end of the day. Not being able to finish a sentence because you’re laughing so hard about the ending. Dresses with pockets. Actually finding food in the fridge. When the food you enjoy eating is healthy. Guys who smell good. The first chews on a new piece of gum. Just-shaved legs. Spontaneous adventures. When your friends love your new hairstyle. When she smiles at you. When he smiles at you. Picking/peeling off dried glue. Instant friendships. The first hug from someone you haven’t seen in a long time. When the week goes by really fast. Accents. Sunshine after a rainy day. Late-night phone conversations. Eating with chopsticks. Reading picture books from your childhood. A new toothbrush. When someone tells you that you smell nice. The feeling you get when you finish all of your homework. Young children with good manners. Guitar solos. Eating ice cream straight from the tub. Long-lasting nail polish. Cheesy pick-up lines. When the butter melts on your toast. Running through sprinklers in the summer. Free stuff. Looking at old yearbook photos and autographs. When your parents say yes instead of the expected no. The new car smell. When somebody actually says bless you when you sneeze in class. Fresh air. Watching old home videos. Parking your car at the same time the song ends. Gummy worms. A perfect cup of coffee. A family-sized bag of your favorite chips all for yourself. Nicknames. The smell of just-shampooed hair. The sound of a perfect high five. The moment you realize your hiccups are gone. When someone texts back instantly. When the vending machine gives you more than you paid for. Finally laughing after trying to hold it in. Not wearing makeup and being able to rub your eyes. The brief moment of silence when you drive under a bridge on a rainy day. Wearing new clothes for the first time. Being told that you’ve made someone’s day. The first bite of food when you’re really hungry. When the last item in the store is your size. Getting your hair washed at the salon. Waking up and realizing your bad dream wasn’t real. Freckles. Questions on a test that give away answers to other questions. When other families treat you like a member. When your turn signal goes along to the beat of the music you’re listening to. Realizing it’s Friday. When someone is excited to see you. Arriving at the bus stop right on time. Perfectly separating an oreo. When you catch something that was thrown to you from far away. Watching a new episode of your favorite tv show. The feeling after finishing an oral presentation. Walking into class and seeing a substitute teacher. Girl Scout cookies. When people take care of you when you’re sick. Letting chocolate melt in your mouth. Compliments even when you look a mess. When you catch someone cute staring at you. The first time a person says your name. The first shower after a haircut. The first signs of spring. Perfectly peeling off a price sticker. Saturday morning cartoons. The fresh feeling after brushing your teeth. Twisting the lid of a jar when no one else was able to. Taking a perfect picture. The smell of old books. Surprising people with a talent they never knew you had. The first bite of a slice of pizza. Actually finishing the whole tube of chapstick. The first drop of a rollercoaster ride. When people enjoy the food you make. A warm towel after a shower. Your favorite part of a song. Untouched snow. The first day of wearing shorts after winter. The excitement of your pet when you come home. The moment when you find a comfortable sleeping position. Stapling a finished essay together. Walking barefoot on grass. Knowing all the words to a song. Friendship bracelets. Easy-to-peel citrus fruits. When the lights start to dim before a movie. Songs that match your mood. Being lifted off the ground during a hug. A fresh pair of contacts. Waking up and not being tired. Sleeping in your own bed after being away. Solving a really long math problem correctly. Hitting the high note. Flipping to the right page of a book on the first try. Hearing someone whistle. When the weather feels just right. Collapsing into your bed after a long, tiring day. The feeling after a good workout. Pre-sharpened pencils. Doodling. Clever puns. Smiling in the middle of a kiss. When someone understands your humor. Bendy straws. When someone holds the door open for you. Writing on the first page of a notebook.
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
Find the nearest book. Read the second sentence on page 13. There are no books near me.
Do you own anything that is made of metal and pink? I have pink scissors. Does that count?
Is there laundry in your dryer right now? Nope.
Would you eat a hissing beetle for $1000? Nah.
If you had to spend a year studying an animal in the wild, what animal? PANDAS. What is your all time favorite recipe? Tropical Sloppy Joe’s which is basically just Sloppy Joe’s with pineapple, but I make them from scratch.
What’s the first thing you think of when you smell strawberries? Uh, just strawberries?
What’s the nearest thing to your right that starts with an L? Light. Are there any bells in your house? In my parents’ house yes.
What’s your favorite informercial? I haven’t watched a legit infomercial in AGES.
Ever been to AsSeenOnTv.com? Yeah.
If you could have a shopping spree in any store, what would it be? Target, naturally.
Where’s the best place to register for a wedding? Target, naturally.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever found on the beach? I found a small crab on a beach in Chicago once.
Have you ever kissed anyone within an hour of meeting them? Nah.
Can you watch a birthing video all the way through? Of course. I’ve also seen a real life birth before.
What would be your act in a talent show? Crying a lot.
What channel is on channel 37 on your tv? We have Sling so we don’t have channel numbers.
What’s the last thing you wrote? I don’t remember.
Do you have a community mailbox or an individual one? Individual, except our mail person likes to put everyone else’s mail in there too.
How many keys are on your key ring? 4.
What was your first myspace song ever? Oh man I have no idea. Probably something by mc chris.
Besides mama and dada, what was your first real word? Probably “cory” or something for my sister.
Would you rather be stuck in the desert or in a blizzard? The desert.
What dessert do you hate? Canolies. Is that considered a dessert?
What candy factory would you love to work at? None of them.
What does an envelope taste like to you? Some envelopes taste like spearmint candy canes.
What’s your favorite line in your favorite movie? Oh man, too many gems.
Have you ever gone to the bathroom outdoors? Yes.
Would you help a baby cougar w/ the risk of the mama attacking you? Probably not.
What international monument would you like to visit the most? I don‘t know.
Have you decided where you want to get married? Mark and I are going to the Skokie Courthouse.
What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten in a sandwich? I’m not sure I‘ve eaten anything strange in a sandwich before.
What’s the most exotic thing you’ve eaten? I mean, define “exotic.” I’ve had alligator and ostrich before. Do those count?
Is there a crime/criminal that intrigues you the most? Not really.
What Disney prince/character do you think is the cutest? The cutest Disney character is baby Dory.
Can you name some of the clever names of OPI nail polish? I had one called “Teal the Cows Come Home”
Can you sing the entire theme song to any show? Oh yes.
Did you ever get ‘the talk’ from either one of your parents? Sort of. I got it more from my older sister.
Do you remember drinking from a bottle? Not baby bottles, no.
What’s in the third drawer of your dresser? Tank tops and long sleeve shirts that I wear under other shirts.
What do you keep in the little pocket of your purse? I have a couple small pockets. In the outside one I keep my phone and in the inside one I keep birth control and tampons.
When people ask for ID, which ID do you use? My driver’s license.
Who was the first person you knew who’s name started with a P? The first person who comes to mind is Paula, a girl in my Kindergarten class, but I am sure there were others before her.
What’s the last form you filled out online? Uhh does placing an order for tank tops from Target count?
How many times have you had to renew/change your driver’s license? Maybe twice?
Have you ever been given a bouquet of carnations? I have.
Do you have an old computer that just sits at the house? Mark has a lot of computer parts in our apartment.
Do you read the lyrics in the CD sleeve while listening to the song? Back when I still used CDs, yes, I loved doing that.
Name something you made out of play-doh when you were younger. I loved making coils for some reason. I’d roll out the dough into a long string and then roll it onto a coil/swirl or whatever you’d call it. Sometimes I’d make snails out of them too.
What’s your next appointment for? I don’t really have one set up. Which reminds me I have to book the courthouse and a hotel for that night too.
When’s the last time you put glitter on something? In April on Lydia’s golden birthday card.
What’s the worst birthday gift you received as a child? I can’t remember ever getting a bad birthday present.
Do you go into the gas station or stay by your car when pumping gas? You should always say by your car.
When’s the last time you sat on Santa’s lap? I don’t know. I was older. Probably around 8 or 9.
What’s your favorite kind of caramel apple? The ones with nuts on them.
Would you rather wrestle crocodiles or anacondas? My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hun.
Did you sneeze last night? I don’t remember.
Do you hold the remote while watching tv or set it down? Set it down
Have you ever done farm chores like milk a cow or shave a sheep? I’ve milked a cow on a field trip in grade school before.
When’s the last time you used a coupon? When I ordered shorts from Torrid last week. They were having a $25 dollar shorts sale with an additional 30% code, and a I have a coupon for $10 off. So the $42.90 shorts came out to be $7.50, plus shipping and tax so more like $15 BUT STILL.
Does your mom know what size clothes you wear now? I mean, she did?
Is Love written anywhere in the room you’re in? I don’t think so.
What’s the nearest sports equipment to you? None here.
Have you ever glued your fingers or hands together? Yup, the joys of grade school. We use to pour glue on our hands and then peel it off a lot too.
Do you think that they should bring the guillotine back? Nope.
If you could invent anything to make life easier, what would it be? A magic device that lets you eat anything you wanted but not gain weight. And wasn’t horrible for you.
Would you like to run in a giant hamster ball for humans? Sure.
What were that last kind of nuts you ate? Peanuts. I made Honey Sriracha Chex Mix yesterday and it called for peanuts.
Do you own any shirts with political or social statements on them? Nah. Unless “Peace - Love - Music” counts, haha.
Do you remember what your 2nd grade teacher’s first name was? I don’t.
Have you ever played Twister & had someone’s butt in your face? Probably.
What was the last thing you cheated on? I don’t know. A test, probably.
When was the last time you used a walkie talkie? I have no idea.
Where do you usually go camping? I don’t have a one spot.
Who do you sleep with when you go camping? I haven’t really been camping with the same people? Mark and I plan on going again soon.
Ever been afraid to see a ghost in your rearview mirror when driving alone? No.
Have you ever dated anyone whose name started with B? Nope.
If yes, was it a good experience? -
Do you remember what Doug Funnie’s dog’s name was? Porkchop.
What is your favorite episode of The Brady Bunch? I couldn’t tell you a specific episode, but my favorite thing ever was when VH1 used to do Pop-Up Video style reruns of The Brady Bunch with trivia about the episode. I wish every show had that. <–YESSS
Name a line from a Spice Girls song. “Stop right now thank you very much, I need somebody with a human touch.”
Have you ever jumped into a pile of leaves? Yes.
What does your swimsuit look like? A pink halter tank with black polka dots and black high waisted bottoms.
Do you like it fast or slow? What.
What’s the last holiday candy you consumed? Peeps.
What’s the last thing you bought at a grocery store? Firewood, propane, ice, cups for jello shots, popcorn, chex, fire starters, wine, two small American flags, and a mini pizza. I have the list on my phone still haha.
Have you ever done a backflip on a giant trampoline? Nope.
Do you believe that there is only ONE person out there for everybody? Kind of. Maybe not like in a predetermined way, but I definitely believe in finding “the one” or whatever.
Do you prefer flowers or chocolate? Chocolate.
Do you remember the first time you used a computer? Kind of. I was 8 or 9.
Do you remember the first computer game you ever played? Probably pinball.
Does your Wii character ever look like you? I think so, except I don’t think you can give it weird colored hair, so not totally like me.
What’s the last sour thing you put in your mouth? Lime.
Do you remember anything from before you were 3? Not too much.
Do you believe in hypnosis? Sure.
Do you reserve pages in the yearbook for certain people? Nah.
Ever had a fantasy about a teacher? Guilty as charged.
What’s the most humiliating outfit your parent made you wear? I don’t know. I’ve never really been humiliated by an outfit.
Did you ever want to change religions? Nope, I’ve never had one and I never will.
Is it hard for you to fall asleep when you have had a lot of sugar? Nope.
What’s your favorite thing to eat with strawberries? Bananas.
How do you eat a Reese’s Peanut butter Cup? With my mouth?
What would you do for a Klondike bar? Go to the store and buy one.
What’s the funniest bumper sticker you’ve ever seen? I don’t know.
Ever been up in the mountains? Not really.
When’s the first time you ever touched snow? Probably pretty little. I was born in September and I’m sure my mom wasted no time putting me in the snow that winter.
What color is your computer desk? The one I am at right now is black.
Are you baptized? Nope.
What did you dream of last night? I had a shitty dream. A family member got a leg chopped off.
Have you ever eaten an exotic animal? Define exotic.
What do you think is the funniest movie of all time? Of all time? Hard to say. The funniest movie to me? Wet Hot American Summer.
Name a line from that movie? There isn’t really a lot of good one-liners.
Would you be surprised if you found out your mom had tattoos? Not really.
Would you wear a leather dog collar for free drinks? Um.
When was the last time you danced the Macarena? I don‘t remember. I may have done it recently while reminiscing about it with some friends.
Can you sing your school’s song? I don’t think we had one.
What was your all time favorite subject in elementary school? Science.
What’s the last song you sang out loud in the car? I don’t remember who sings it but its that Wait a Minute song.
Who is the last person you talked to whose name started with a G? Georgina, the girl who took my Starbucks order a few minutes ago (i left in the middle of the survey oops)
Have you ever bedazzled anything? I think so.
Have you ever bought anything off of HSN or QVC? Nope. Where do you keep your cash? My wallet, on the rare occasion I have any.
Do you fold laundry while watching tv? No. Most thing get hung up.
When’s the last time you used a protractor? Probably not since high school.
When’s the last time you used a Victoria’s Secret product? I don’t think I ever have,
Can you name the kids from the Cosby Show? That show is dead to me now.
What’s your favorite show on Nick At Nite? Three’s Company, I Love Lucy, and Full House.
Have you ever made a rubber band ball? Mhmm.
What zodiac sign do you find to be the most interesting? None of them really.
Would you ever see a psychic? Nah.
When’s the last time you had cotton candy? Probably at the babyshower I threw for my sister, which was circus-themed.
Where is your younger sibling? Non existent.
What’s the last thing you ordered at a Mexican restaurant? Chicken tacos and guacamole.
Do you have an ant problem in the summer? Nah.
Do you tan outside or in a booth? Outside, but not purposely.
Do you still use scrunchies? Nah.
Have you ever met someone for the 1st time that seemed so familiar? Probably.
What’s the most hours you’ve worked in a week? 60.
Do you keep anything in files? Yes.
Do you have special ringtones for different people? Nah.
How do you eat your steak? Medium rare.
Is your birthmark shaped like anything? I have a freckle/beauty mark/mole on my hand that looks like pac-man a little bit.
Can you put on mascara with your mouth closed? Yeah.
Have you ever worn men’s underwear? Boxers.
Do you own anything that’s fuzzy and purple? Socks.
When’s the last time you were kissed on the cheek? Yesterday.
Do you play with pogs? I’ve never even seen a pog in person.
What wild animal would you like as a pet? Panda.
When’s the last time someone hung up on you? I don’t know.
Have you eaten an entire pizza by yourself? Not in one sitting, but yes.
Have you ever fallen out of a tree? Nah.
Did you read the Babysitters Club book series? I read some. I was more into the show.
How about Goosebumps? ^
Ever worn a flower in your hair? Yes.
What kind of car did your parents have while you were growing up? My mom had two Ford Astro vans: a blue one that my dad ended up taking and then a brown one. In 2000 she got a brand new Dodge Grand Caravan and was the happiest person in the world.
Do you ever wish your birthday was on a different day? Sometimes I wish it was later in the month so people had to look at it on the calendar all month haha.
Do you sunburn easily? Mhmm.
Have you read the Twilight series? Of course not.
Why couldn’t you go to sleep the last time you were up all night? It’s been a while since that has happened.
What breed of dog do you find the most annoying? Yippy yappy ones.
What would you name your first born son? I’m not having children but I have always loved the names Alexander and Elliott.
Do you cook anything you don’t like eating? Nope.
Do you watch any reality shows on MTV or VH1? Sometimes I’ll watch Teen Mom or True Life.
Would you have a better chance of surviving in the Sahara or Alaska? Gross.
When’s the last time you pet a cat? This morning when Ramona crawled on me.
Do you remember Eureka’s Castle on Nick JR? I do!
What would you say is Paris Hilton’s occupation? Old News.
Are you wearing a necklace? Nope.
Do you have any noticeable moles or birthmarks? My mom always called them beauty marks.
Count to ten in another language. Uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
Do you feel uncomfortable telling friends they have boogers in their nose? Nope. What do you remember from sex ed class when you were younger? In grade school my gym teacher awkwardly tried to teach us but it lasted one whole day. In high school we had a health class and half the class was so immature when we got to the reproductive sections the teacher just made us read them on our own.
What’s the first instrument you ever played? Piano. My dad owns one and I remember banging on the keys as a small child.
What’s the last thing you wore around your neck? A glow necklace last night.
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