#Pooja Chaudhuri
indizombie · 3 months
Jaipur Dialogues was founded by retired civil servant Sanjay Dixit. He is a staunch Hindutva supporter and, at times, has even voiced criticism towards the BJP for not addressing Hindu interests sufficiently. According to a September 2023 company report, that we found on the Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs website, Dixit is also a director of the Jaipur Dialogues along with Sunil Sharma, a politician surprisingly from the BJP’s main opposition party Congress. After a recent controversy over Sunil Sharma’s association with Jaipur Dialogues, which he claims to have severed last year, he was dropped as a Congress candidate.
Pooja Chaudhuri, ‘How Four Hindu Nationalist Websites Make Their Money’, Bellingcat
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mariacallous · 10 months
Why disinformation experts say the Israel-Hamas war is a nightmare to investigate
The Israel-Hamas conflict has been a minefield of confusing counter-arguments and controversies—and an information environment that experts investigating mis- and disinformation say is among the worst they’ve ever experienced.
In the time since Hamas launched its terror attack against Israel last month—and Israel has responded with a weekslong counterattack—social media has been full of comments, pictures, and video from both sides of the conflict putting forward their case. But alongside real images of the battles going on in the region, plenty of disinformation has been sown by bad actors.
“What is new this time, especially with Twitter, is the clutter of information that the platform has created, or has given a space for people to create, with the way verification is handled,” says Pooja Chaudhuri, a researcher and trainer at Bellingcat, which has been working to verify or debunk claims from both the Israeli and Palestinian sides of the conflict, from confirming that Israel Defense Forces struck the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza to debunking the idea that the IDF has blown up some of Gaza’s most sacred sites.
Bellingcat has found plenty of claims and counterclaims to investigate, but convincing people of the truth has proven more difficult than in previous situations because of the firmly entrenched views on either side, says Chaudhuri’s colleague Eliot Higgins, the site’s founder.
“People are thinking in terms of, ‘Whose side are you on?’ rather than ‘What’s real,’” Higgins says. “And if you’re saying something that doesn’t agree with my side, then it has to mean you’re on the other side. That makes it very difficult to be involved in the discourse around this stuff, because it’s so divided.”
For Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), there have only been two moments prior to this that have proved as difficult for his organization to monitor and track: One was the disinformation-fueled 2020 U.S. presidential election, and the other was the hotly contested space around the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I can’t remember a comparable time. You’ve got this completely chaotic information ecosystem,” Ahmed says, adding that in the weeks since Hamas’s October 7 terror attack social media has become the opposite of a “useful or healthy environment to be in”—in stark contrast to what it used to be, which was a source of reputable, timely information about global events as they happened.
The CCDH has focused its attention on X (formerly Twitter), in particular, and is currently involved in a lawsuit with the social media company, but Ahmed says the problem runs much deeper.
“It’s fundamental at this point,” he says. “It’s not a failure of any one platform or individual. It’s a failure of legislators and regulators, particularly in the United States, to get to grips with this.” (An X spokesperson has previously disputed the CCDH’s findings to Fast Company, taking issue with the organization’s research methodology. “According to what we know, the CCDH will claim that posts are not ‘actioned’ unless the accounts posting them are suspended,” the spokesperson said. “The majority of actions that X takes are on individual posts, for example by restricting the reach of a post.”)
Ahmed contends that inertia among regulators has allowed antisemitic conspiracy theories to fester online to the extent that many people believe and buy into those concepts. Further, he says it has prevented organizations like the CCDH from properly analyzing the spread of disinformation and those beliefs on social media platforms. “As a result of the chaos created by the American legislative system, we have no transparency legislation. Doing research on these platforms right now is near impossible,” he says.
It doesn’t help when social media companies are throttling access to their application programming interfaces, through which many organizations like the CCDH do research. “We can’t tell if there’s more Islamophobia than antisemitism or vice versa,” he admits. “But my gut tells me this is a moment in which we are seeing a radical increase in mobilization against Jewish people.”
Right at the time when the most insight is needed into how platforms are managing the torrent of dis- and misinformation flooding their apps, there’s the least possible transparency.
The issue isn’t limited to private organizations. Governments are also struggling to get a handle on how disinformation, misinformation, hate speech, and conspiracy theories are spreading on social media. Some have reached out to the CCDH to try and get clarity.
“In the last few days and weeks, I’ve briefed governments all around the world,” says Ahmed, who declines to name those governments—though Fast Company understands that they may include the U.K. and European Union representatives. Advertisers, too, have been calling on the CCDH to get information about which platforms are safest for them to advertise on.
Deeply divided viewpoints are exacerbated not only by platforms tamping down on their transparency but also by technological advances that make it easier than ever to produce convincing content that can be passed off as authentic. “The use of AI images has been used to show support,” Chaudhuri says. This isn’t necessarily a problem for trained open-source investigators like those working for Bellingcat, but it is for rank-and-file users who can be hoodwinked into believing generative-AI-created content is real.
And even if those AI-generated images don’t sway minds, they can offer another weapon in the armory of those supporting one side or the other—a slur, similar to the use of “fake news” to describe factual claims that don’t chime with your beliefs, that can be deployed to discredit legitimate images or video of events.
“What is most interesting is anything that you don’t agree with, you can just say that it’s AI and try to discredit information that may also be genuine,” Choudhury says, pointing to users who have claimed an image of a dead baby shared by Israel’s account on X was AI—when in fact it was real—as an example of weaponizing claims of AI tampering. “The use of AI in this case,” she says, “has been quite problematic.”
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female-malice · 10 months
Why disinformation experts say the Israel-Hamas war is a nightmare to investigate
A combination of irresponsibility on the part of social media platforms and the emergence of AI tech makes the job of policing fake news harder than ever.
The Israel-Hamas conflict has been a minefield of confusing counter-arguments and controversies—and an information environment that experts investigating mis- and disinformation say is among the worst they’ve ever experienced.
In the time since Hamas launched its terror attack against Israel last month—and Israel has responded with a weekslong counterattack—social media has been full of comments, pictures, and video from both sides of the conflict putting forward their case. But alongside real images of the battles going on in the region, plenty of disinformation has been sown by bad actors.
“What is new this time, especially with Twitter, is the clutter of information that the platform has created, or has given a space for people to create, with the way verification is handled,” says Pooja Chaudhuri, a researcher and trainer at Bellingcat, which has been working to verify or debunk claims from both the Israeli and Palestinian sides of the conflict, from confirming that Israel Defense Forces struck the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza to debunking the idea that the IDF has blown up some of Gaza’s most sacred sites.
Bellingcat has found plenty of claims and counterclaims to investigate, but convincing people of the truth has proven more difficult than in previous situations because of the firmly entrenched views on either side, says Chaudhuri’s colleague Eliot Higgins, the site’s founder.
“People are thinking in terms of, ‘Whose side are you on?’ rather than ‘What’s real,’” Higgins says. “And if you’re saying something that doesn’t agree with my side, then it has to mean you’re on the other side. That makes it very difficult to be involved in the discourse around this stuff, because it’s so divided.”
For Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), there have only been two moments prior to this that have proved as difficult for his organization to monitor and track: One was the disinformation-fueled 2020 U.S. presidential election, and the other was the hotly contested space around the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I can’t remember a comparable time. You’ve got this completely chaotic information ecosystem,” Ahmed says, adding that in the weeks since Hamas’s October 7 terror attack social media has become the opposite of a “useful or healthy environment to be in”—in stark contrast to what it used to be, which was a source of reputable, timely information about global events as they happened.
The CCDH has focused its attention on X (formerly Twitter), in particular, and is currently involved in a lawsuit with the social media company, but Ahmed says the problem runs much deeper.
“It’s fundamental at this point,” he says. “It’s not a failure of any one platform or individual. It’s a failure of legislators and regulators, particularly in the United States, to get to grips with this.” (An X spokesperson has previously disputed the CCDH’s findings to Fast Company, taking issue with the organization’s research methodology. “According to what we know, the CCDH will claim that posts are not ‘actioned’ unless the accounts posting them are suspended,” the spokesperson said. “The majority of actions that X takes are on individual posts, for example by restricting the reach of a post.”)
Ahmed contends that inertia among regulators has allowed antisemitic conspiracy theories to fester online to the extent that many people believe and buy into those concepts. Further, he says it has prevented organizations like the CCDH from properly analyzing the spread of disinformation and those beliefs on social media platforms. “As a result of the chaos created by the American legislative system, we have no transparency legislation. Doing research on these platforms right now is near impossible,” he says.
It doesn’t help when social media companies are throttling access to their application programming interfaces, through which many organizations like the CCDH do research. “We can’t tell if there’s more Islamophobia than antisemitism or vice versa,” he admits. “But my gut tells me this is a moment in which we are seeing a radical increase in mobilization against Jewish people.”
Right at the time when the most insight is needed into how platforms are managing the torrent of dis- and misinformation flooding their apps, there’s the least possible transparency.
The issue isn’t limited to private organizations. Governments are also struggling to get a handle on how disinformation, misinformation, hate speech, and conspiracy theories are spreading on social media. Some have reached out to the CCDH to try and get clarity.
“In the last few days and weeks, I’ve briefed governments all around the world,” says Ahmed, who declines to name those governments—though Fast Company understands that they may include the U.K. and European Union representatives. Advertisers, too, have been calling on the CCDH to get information about which platforms are safest for them to advertise on.
Deeply divided viewpoints are exacerbated not only by platforms tamping down on their transparency but also by technological advances that make it easier than ever to produce convincing content that can be passed off as authentic. “The use of AI images has been used to show support,” Chaudhuri says. This isn’t necessarily a problem for trained open-source investigators like those working for Bellingcat, but it is for rank-and-file users who can be hoodwinked into believing generative-AI-created content is real.
And even if those AI-generated images don’t sway minds, they can offer another weapon in the armory of those supporting one side or the other—a slur, similar to the use of “fake news” to describe factual claims that don’t chime with your beliefs, that can be deployed to discredit legitimate images or video of events.
“What is most interesting is anything that you don’t agree with, you can just say that it’s AI and try to discredit information that may also be genuine,” Choudhury says, pointing to users who have claimed an image of a dead baby shared by Israel’s account on X was AI—when in fact it was real—as an example of weaponizing claims of AI tampering. “The use of AI in this case,” she says, “has been quite problematic.”
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Shri Venkateshwara University conferred the Venkateshwara Mother Power award 2023 for commendable work in different fields.
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Shri Venkateshwara University conferred the Venkateshwara Mother Power award 2023 on 51 women for commendable work in different fields.
Apart from these, we honored a dozen women with a shawl & memento who run NGOs like Friends Forever, Prayas, and Broadway.
On this occasion, the Group Chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri, vowed to help the meritorious underprivileged girls by offering them free education & subsidized health care.
The Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri, Pro Chancellor Dr Rajiv Tyagi, President of Friends Forever Dr Ruchi Garg, BJP City Head Ms Dolly Gupta & Mayank Agarwal of Broadway inaugurated the event by lighting a lamp to Goddess Saraswati.
The Group Chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri, reiterated the Venkateshwara Group feels proud to honor Mother Power.
The Pro Chancellor Dr Rajiv Tyagi asserted the Venkateshwara Group will provide all possible help to underprivileged and meritorious girls for higher education and free health services.
Those present included Dr Surbhi Agarwal, Manju Garg, Mamta Singhal, Meenu Agarwal, Poonam Singhal, Meenu Saxena, Akanksha Singh, Dr Poonam Agarwal, Dr Surbhi Goyal & Ritu Chaudhury.
Along with Roopa Sharma & Dr Pooja Bansal, hundreds of ladies were present for the Venkateshwara Mother Power award 2023 function.
The heartiest thanks to Team media for excellent news coverage. Special gratitude to Dr Rajiv Tyagi Pro Chancellor Shri Venkateshwara University/Institute Gajraula Meerut UP.
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tumbirus · 3 years
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Countinue. ..These women went agonist the social norms of there time to make India more democratically sound.There is no extent to the reforms that women are capable of bringing and progress can happen faster with solidarity. But women who don't conform to social norms are almost never supported and the intersection of sexisam and misinformation justifies their abuse.while social media gives a platform for women to raise issues,repeated abuse takes away that freedom .Social media ,the place that bolsters the #MeToo movement ,is the same place used to shut women down. A report by Amnesty International lat year said that 95 femail politicians out of 724 received nearly one million hateful mentions on Twitter between March and May ,one in five of which was sexisam or misogynistic. But misinformation like other forms of abuse has inter - sectional challenges. While actor Sara Bhaskar receives some of the most sexisam troll at takes ,activist Salford Zargar is targeted for being women as well as Muslim After her arrest for participating in protest against the Citizenship (Amendment)Act ,pornographic videos were shared in Ms.Zargar's name on social media.organised disinformation and sexisam intersect religious bigotry and other forms of discrimination to threaten vocal women from minority communities (Thanks for the Pooja Chaudhuri ,Editore of the Alt news ,Preethi Shiva Kumar (ioll group Analizer ) De Answers : Dears ,"One hand beating afore not came to voice,Two hands are must ,8 years befor social media under regurly active one ours are understanding to Misinformation and disinformation ,fact and meaning befor many years activities also,many million women's and girls are posting to misinformation and own body naked picture ,restricted to ours,not any government, journalists ,activists and public not making to this hard job.our own money hungry name many million women's and girls social media under posting one abuse activities not see to written one.so need the femails. (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS4VraWP_Oz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fsia2020 · 4 years
FSIA The Real Super Heroes & Real Super Women Awardees List 2020
Forever Star India Award is the India`s biggest online platform and it is the biggest community of participants, awardees and pageant participants where they can create their own profile and they can update it on regular basis. Everyone can view the FSIA verified member profiles of the Real Super heroes & Real Super Women Awards 2020 here.
There are our Real Super Heroes and Real Super Women Awardees 2020 are following below:
1. Leena Dudhagara                        2. Aryansh Arora                              3. P Mareeswari
4. Dr. Gurpreet Kaur                       5. Sanjay More                                  6. Dr. Brijesh Byrappa
7. Shilpa Venkat                                                8. Ram Dayal Bairwa (RES)            9. Harsha Gala
10. Rashmi Rao                                  11. Tapasi Mohanty                         12. Afsana Firoji
13. Nalini Srinivas                             14. Varsha Majethia                        15. Pooja Pandey
16. Adv Dr Shivangi Zarkar            17. Dr Vinay Malik                            18. Naina More
19. R.G. Anand                                  20. DR. DEEPIKA KAPOOR             21. Dr. Archana Chawla
22. Anupama Thakur                      23. Manisha Bhujbal                       24. Priti Waghela
25. Venika Sukhija                           26. Dr Sayantan Dey Sarkar          27. Pooja Gupta
28. Trupti Padhi                                29. Prerna Rajora                             30. Junjaram Thory
31. Pawan Vij                                     32. SOMA LAHIRI MALLIK             33. Roneeca Sahu
34. Risha Chaudhuri                        35. Sherin Chacko                            36. Mrs. Gurjitkaur Bhatia
37. Amita Singh                                38. Deepak Kumar Taank              39. Dr. shubham Kaushal
40. Anjali Jangam                             41. Dipshikha Singh                         42. Anjali Pandey
43. Chirag Bhatt                                                44. Nupur Patil                                  45. Sunita Mallik
46. Manjula Srinivasa Guptha     47. SOMEN SAHA                             48. Dr. Sachin Parhe
49. Sanjana Bakshi Datta               50. Dr. Bhushan Paraskar              51. Surekha Kamble
52. Deepak kumar Jain                  53. Dr. Rahul Banerjee                  54. Manoj Jain
55. FURGAN KHAN                          56. Shrenik Patil                                57. DURLOVE TRIPATHY
58. Pankaj Chaudhari                      59. Dr. Anmol Bagaria                    60. Dr. Anmol Bagaria
61. KOLLU BALAKRISHNA              62. PRIYABRATA DAS                      63. DINESH CHAND SHARMA
64. Ravee Kiran Tripurana             65. Appu Keshari                              66. Adv. Shubham Gajanan Kawalkar
67. Chaitali Mondal                          68. Sharmistha Basu                        69. Md Ariful Islam          
70. Sonu Sood                                   71. Shailendra Yadav                       72. PRAKASH HEDAOO
73. Shrimohan meena                    74. Dr. Isaac Raj Alanka                  75. Ankit Jhunjhunwala
76. Dr. Avinandan Mondal            77. Anil Toche Neurotherapist    78. TANUSRI BANERJEE
79. Govinthasamy mahendran   80. Prashant Tupkari                       81. Dr. Ashish Atloye      
82. Mohsim Shaikh                          83. Jivhala Sanstha                           84. Siva Reddy
85. Ankush Prakash                         86. NILESH WAGH                            87. SUBHAM SHARMA
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Nanglia
Shalini Jadhav
Sai Hansika Chakrat
Sandhya Dalai
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gagbrag · 5 years
Lakme Fashion Week 2019: Katrina Kaif Stuns Everyone In Black Lehenga By Manish Malhotra As She Walks The Ramp For The Fashion Designer – Let’s Look At The Picture Now
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On the opening day of Lakme Fashion Week, Katrina has walked the ramp for celebrated fashion designer Manish Malhotra. Katrina has donned a beautiful lehenga from designer’s latest ‘Maahrumysha’ collection.  Manish Malhotra loves Katrina Kaif and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan as her model to showcase a dress to the world. Both of them can be considered as a perfect muse. By looking at the picture of Katrina on the ramp, we cannot deny the fact at all.
For the fashion show, Katrina has worn a black lehenga that has been embellished with detailed golden work. As accessories, beautiful neckpiece has been chosen with pair of stud. Little bit of makeup has made the look perfect. Eyes have been highlighted on the occasion too. Smile can be seen in both Katrina and Manish’s face. Through heavy work, attention is directed to the lehenga while the blouse has been kept rather simple.
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Katrina Kaif LFW 2019
During the show, several Bollywood celebrities like Karisma Kapoor, Pooja Hegde, Daisy Shah, Sophie Chaudhury, Khushi Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter have been present also.
As far as work is concerned, Katrina Kaif has been seen last in Ali Abbas Zafar’s Bharat starring Salman Khan. On Eid, the movie has released at the box office and it has become a blockbuster quite instantly. Right now, Katrina is shooting for Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi which is directed by Rohit Shetty. Sooryavanshi is part of Rohit’s series of movie on police. Both Singham starring Ajay Devgan and Simmba starring Ranveer Singh are part of the series also.
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vrock8677-blog1 · 7 years
In this Video, Infotainment Will Explain Top 12 Yummy Mothers Of Bollywood. Subscribe Our Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCDb... Similarly, for vacation or tourism, we tell our readers about the best places in the world for tourism. If you like to see historic places, there is Top 12 Yummy Mothers Of Bollywood ! 2018  for you right here. If you are into Top 12 Yummy Mothers Of Bollywood ! 2018, Top 12 Yummy Mothers Of Bollywood ! 2018  for that as well are here. Similarly, if you are the guy who wants to take his family and friends to a great green nature loving place, welcome Top 12 Yummy Mothers Of Bollywood ! 2018  for that. Top mountains, top countries for tourism, top places for fun, top countries for sports Top 12 Yummy Mothers Of Bollywood ! 2k18 is right here in this website. Mahima Chaudhury Mahima Choudhary wedded planner Bobby Mukherjee and has a girl called Aryana. She has not changed much since her initial "Pepsi advertisement" days with Shahrukh Khan Shilpa Shetty Shilpa Shetty has dependably bragged of a fit body. She was as of late named the health symbol at the NDTV Good Times Lifestyle Awards 2013 Karisma Kapoor Karishma Kapoor has a girl Samaira and child Kiaan. This mother knows how to leave challenges as a champ and with a grin Lara Dutta The leggy young lady brought forth a little girl Saira a year ago. She is the cutting edge mother. She shed all her child weight in three months to uncover an elegant figure leaving everybody panting in stun. Bollywood 70's Actors Then and Now https://youtu.be/Pe3dZO35v0M Top Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Wives Unseen https://youtu.be/tjakAGkuyEA Top 12 Unseen Beautiful Wives Of Bollywood Singers https://youtu.be/l9blU5p9H5M Top 11 Beautiful Mother Of Bollywood Actors https://youtu.be/2X0lqYsnSrM Juhi Chawla The cutest Bollywood mother is the twitter and bubbly Juhi Chawla. She won't not display the ideal figure but rather, she has the bubbliest identity. Sonali Bendre Sonali Bendre was out of the spotlight directly after her marriage to Goldie Behl. The excellence returned with a blast and that too fit as a fiddle. Raveena Tandon She received little girls Pooja and Chhaya as a single parent, before wedding film merchant Anil Thadani, With Thadani, Raveena has a little girl called Rasha and a child called Ranbir. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan The evergreen Miss World, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is one of the freshest moms in the business, yet her parenthood is now the most built up and discussed Kajol Kajol loves to work out. She has dependably been the most joyful, tomboyish performers around. Furthermore, she hasn't lost this quality in the wake of turning into a mother of two. Twinkle Khanna Twinkle Khanna has dependably been fit as a fiddle. A remarkable stylista, she has an uncommon brand of class that you can't miss. Despite the fact that she made her presentation in Bollywood, she generally kept up that she was never truly inspired by acting Madhuri Dixit Nene Madhuri Dixit Nene broke a million hearts when she wedded Dr. Shriram Nene. Presently, the mother of two children, Arin and Raayan this gifted on-screen character is back in shape, in all detects Malaika Arora Khan Each 'to-be' mother' and the ones who have quite recently conveyed an infant, dream to have a figure quite recently like Malaika Arora Khan.
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#ibps #banking_interview #po_interview  #PREPARATION #IBPS #MOCK #TEST
Who is the author of the book "Hema Malini: Beyond the Dream Girl"? A. Pooja Gautam B. Ram Kamal Mukherjee C. Rakesh Anand Bakshi D. Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri Answer: Option B
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