heardatmedschool · 2 years
“The patient doesn’t have to arrive intubated to the OR, they have to arrive alive.”
About not intubating polytrauma.
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treatnow · 1 month
Labor Day, 2024 The Cost of Doing Business
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“The Cost of Doing Business” is frequently used to describe the overhead costs or losses that are expected but unpredictable. For example, breakage, disaster damage, Covid closings, lawsuits, or, god forbid, protection money or “incentive” payments. Most businesses have insurance or an “other” category for unexpected losses. In the world of war/national defense, equipment like planes and ships and tanks deteriorate – or “depreciate” – over time. They are both fixed costs and subject to deterioration and total loss. Accountants take account of those costs. It’s not quite the same with human life and death, and particularly injuries like brain wounded Veterans. In the world of Labor, salaries are a known expense, and are not typically tax deductible. The rules around professional athletes’ salaries, however, are quite different. Owners like Steve Ballmer of the LA Clippers NBA team can take the kinds of deductions on team assets — everything from media deals to player contracts — that industrialists and the Pentagon take on factory equipment. Those lowered taxes allow owners to pay far less tax than the players or even the workers in the snack bar. For the Defense Department, tax considerations play little role in budgeting other than “the cost of doing business” is measured in lives, and readiness, and morality. It’s been twenty years since the death of Pat Tilman, the NFL player who left the Arizona Cardinals to become an Army Ranger. His death by friendly fire continued a tradition of sacrifice going back several wars, joining Bob Kalsu and Nile Kinnick on the honor role of NFL KIAs. George McAfee, Art Donovan, Chuck Bednarik, Rocky Bleier, Chad Hennings, and Alejandro Villanueva were NFL players who came back to pro careers after service. Whether in the NFL or the military, they were expendable. They accepted this. But the fact remains: rehabilitation after major injuries, especially TBI/PTSD, then and now, is far short of what is possible to return the “asset” to a state of health. The records also show how some of the richest people on the planet use their membership in the exclusive club of pro sports team owners to lower their tax bills. The records upend conventional wisdom about how taxation works in America. Billionaire owners are consistently paying lower tax rates than their millionaire players — and often lower even than the rates paid by the workers who staff their stadiums. The massive reductions on personal tax bills that owners glean from their teams come on top of the much-criticized subsidies the teams get from local governments for new stadiums and further deplete federal coffers that fund everything from the military to medical research to food stamps and other safety net programs. Government Contractors have long been known to work the system to both keep out opposition and lower their tax burdens. All businesses flirt with tax loopholes and aggressive accounting to lower costs and increase profits. But in the world of athletes and service members, there’s a particularly odious reality: service members and athletes are expendable commodities that have to be replenished or taken off the books to achieve peak performance, to win. In a sport this violent, the question is not whether a player will get hurt, but when. According to a 2017 Harvard analysis the mean injury rate in the NFL is 5.90 injuries a game, compared with 0.45 in MLB, 0.16 in the NBA and 0.59 in the NHL. "The average NFL career lasts 3.3 years, according to the NFL Players' Association; 78 percent of players go broke within three years of retirement and 15.7 percent file for bankruptcy within 12 years of leaving the league, according to a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research." But the hidden costs affect not just the pros. Of the 44 million children and adolescents participating in sports, the estimated incidence of concussion is 1.1–1.9 million yearly. Generally, children are expected to recover in 28 days, but symptoms can last longer, and this is known as persistent/prolonged post-concussion symptoms (PPCS). Cost of doing business? Certainly for a family that doesn’t realize it doesn’t have to be this way. They have not been told about the research and clinical evidence showing hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) heals wounds and eliminates symptoms from concussion within one week. On this Labor Day, here's a FACT CHECK ON TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP of untreated brain wounds. It would be a one-time adjusted cost of $19.7 Billion to treat and help heal all 877,450 TBI Veterans with 80 HBOT treatments. Continuing with the failed pharmacology and talk therapy treatment protocols results in an estimated Veteran re-occurring annual lifetime economic impact of $4.7 Trillion. Over the 40-year lifetime of TBI Veterans, treating versus not treating brain wounds is less than 0.42 percent of the total impact cost to not treat all TBI Veterans. And suicides among those brain wounded would be virtually eliminated. The National Brain-Wounded Veteran Brain Drain: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Changing the DoD and VA Standard of Care for TBI and Suicide Prevention. www.treatnow.org The validity of using HBOT for wound healing to the brain is validated in the most recent research. Unsurprisingly, delivering oxygen under pressure safely and economically leads to effective wound healing. Numerous other interventions for comorbid maladies have a much better chance of effectiveness when the concussion cascade is interrupted, healed, and reversed. ****************************** The TreatNOW Mission is ending service member suicides. Along the way, we have learned that we can end suicidal ideation, help end symptoms of PTSD, get patients off most of their drugs, and heal brain wounds to end the effects of BLAST injury, mild TBI Persistent Post Concussive Syndrome, and polytrauma from AHI and Burn Pits. Diabetic Foot Ulcers have become a major emphasis. www.treatnow.org Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW Information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made. Read the full article
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suvidhahospital · 2 years
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What is the golden hour in polytrauma? Visit Suvidha hospitals to learn how a patient is treated during the "golden hour" to increase their chances of survival, and recovery, and to reduce risks. Contact us for more information: Suvidha Hospital Hno 6-3-347/11/H/1 Plot no11, Dwarakapuri, Punjagutta, Hyderabad, Telangana 500082 Send us an email with your specifications at [email protected]. Visit: www.suvidhahospital.com Mobile: 077998 88444
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If you or someone you know has suffered a head injury, don't wait to get help. Our team of neuro surgeons in Coimbatore offers the latest treatments and procedures to help you recover and get back to your life. Don't let a head injury sideline you. Call us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you get back on your feet.
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laora-ryn · 1 year
so I work on a polytrauma inpatient floor, right? which boils down to more or less a TBI floor. Where people have A Lot Of Issues related to their head injury, which can include physical, cognitive, sensory, vestibular, basically anything you can think of
sometimes I just think about this patient. who was cognitively affected badly enough that they were determined to not have capacity, so their partner was MPOA. which is very common, the problem is that this partner was convinced that they knew better than the medical/therapy team about what the patient needed or what their capabilities were
on one interdisciplinary update meeting, the PT had just gotten finished telling everyone how the partner took the patient up and down a large flight of stairs, which they were DEFINITELY NOT clear to do, because 'oh they can handle it it's fine.' this was heart-stopping enough
and then the optometrist gets on with the most defeated look on her face. and explained. how this patient has a pretty complex pair of glasses due to their TBI affecting their vision, but they had communicated to the optometrist and the other low vision specialists that the glasses were working well for them and that they had decently functional vision.
but the partner took the glasses. and was yelling at the optometrist about how they were awful and how they wanted someone else to evaluate the patient because clearly they weren't working for them.
this pt got discharged home this week and the vibe of the meeting was 'godspeed friend, you're going to need it'
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sukinohealthcare · 8 months
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center in Bangalore
Our Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support to individuals recovering from multiple traumatic injuries. Our specialized facility offers tailored rehabilitation programs, expert medical care, and compassionate support to help patients regain independence and improve their quality of life. With a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, we are committed to guiding patients through their recovery journey and helping them rebuild their lives after experiencing polytrauma.
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samreensway · 9 months
SURGICAL PATHOLOGY STATION OF POLYTRAUMA | BLOOD TRANSFUSION | DIC | HEPATITIS C   MRCS B OSCE - MOCK EXAM Bli medlem i kanalen för att få åtkomst till flera förmåner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkkvon_blxinTHc7DGuYkpQ/join
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Preventing head injuries and polytrauma (multiple serious injuries to different parts of the body) requires a combination of awareness, safety measures, and caution. Here are essential steps to help prevent these types of injuries:
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whumpetywhumpwhump · 4 months
High five for the intubation whump post! Bc saaaaaame
I have whumpee in an induced coma for several weeks due to polytrauma after a very bad accident. Waking them up is going badly bc they're fighting the tube sooo much but can't breathe by themselves yet and end up with a trach to ease the transition (cut to caretaker/lover gently kissing the scar many years later)
Oooh fighting the tube is so great. It's a super difficult balance to strike between weaning whumpee off the medications keeping them under, and preventing them from waking up enough to panic and tear out the tube.
personally I just love the image of a caretaker sat by whumpee's bedside, watching heartbroken as whumpee, still basically unconscious, weakly tries to reach up for the tube, not understanding what's going on. it doesn't take much for caretaker to stop them, because they're still heavily medicated, but it hurts to know they're uncomfortable.
"I know, sweetheart. I know. but you have to leave it in, okay? it's helping you breathe."
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heardatmedschool · 2 years
“... the damn pelvis ™...”
About occult hemorrhage in an emergency situation.
I swear, I heard “that damn pelvis” almost more than “primary assessment” during this course.
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suvidhahospital · 2 years
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When do you require polytrauma treatment? A person who has sustained multiple traumatic injuries receives polytrauma care and rehabilitation. For the best polytrauma care, visit Suvidha Hospital Contact us for more information: Suvidha Hospital Hno 6-3-347/11/H/1 Plot no11, Dwarakapuri, Punjagutta, Hyderabad, Telangana 500082 Send us an email with your specifications at [email protected]. Visit: www.suvidhahospital.com Mobile: 077998 88444
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personnage-neutre · 1 year
In 2015, an international group of doctors catalogued Tintin's recorded health problems (from Soviets through Picaros) in a more thorough and less tongue-in-cheek study than Cyr et al. (2004) and published it under the title "Tintin’s travel traumas: Health issues affecting the intrepid globetrotter."
I cite from the abstract:
"We found 236 events leading to 244 HIs, 13 kidnappings, six hospitalisations and two surgical procedures. There was a median of eight HIs/adventure (range 1-30/adventure). The mean number of HIs per adventure was much greater before 1945 than subsequently (14.9 v 6.1; p 0.002), which was also true of the number of kidnappings (11 v 2; p 0.001). Of the 244 HIs, there were 191 cases of trauma (78.3%) and 53 non-traumatic problems (21.7%). The most common form of trauma was concussion (62%), whereas the most common forms of non-traumatic problems were sleep problems (15.1%), depression/anxiety (13%), and gas or chloroform poisoning (13%). Overall, we found 46 losses of consciousness (LoC), including 29 traumatic and 17 non-traumatic LoCs. Of the 236 events, there were 69 (29%) perpetrated by others against Tintin (including 55 homicide attempts), and 167 (71%) events that were not (including 69 events related to Tintin's actions)."
And as for head injuries: "Overall there were 118 cases of concussion (112 concussion alone, and six associated with polytrauma) accounting for 48.4% of all HI." Concussion grade was determined according to "an “Hergé” grading system" based on "clinically evident post-traumatic signs (symbols surrounding Tintin‟s head after trauma): stars (grade I), whirls or candles (grade II), and LoCs (grades III and IV according to duration)."
The tables showing the detailed results are reproduced below.
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Eric Caumes, Loïc Epelboin, France Leturcq, Phyllis Kozarsky, Peter Clarke. Tintin’s travel traumas: Health issues affecting the intrepid globetrotter. La Presse Médicale, 2015, 44 (6, Part 1), pp.e203-e210. 10.1016/j.lpm.2015.01.006. hal-01153737
All emphasis mine.
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feuerspirit · 1 year
"MotoGP™ Medical Director Dr. Angel Charte has offered an update on the status:
"Pecco has had severe polytrauma, a motorbike ran over him in the femoral and tibial area. We have taken x-rays of this area and have detected a small injury that we don't know if it is current or old. We need to do an urgent CAT scan and that is why we have sent him to the general hospital.
"At cranial, thoracic and abdominal levels, he has been normal at all times. He was conscious and oriented. The image we have seen is from conventional radiology, so it is difficult to be sure that there is no fracture. It is necessary to do a CAT scan," he said to Spanish broadcaster DAZN." (с) motogp.com
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sukinohealthcare · 1 year
Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center in Bangalore
Discover the Future of Polytrauma Rehabilitation! 👩‍⚕️🏥 Sukino's state-of-the-art Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center in Bangalore is changing lives. Read our latest article to learn how we're leading the way in comprehensive care and recovery for patients with complex injuries. 🌟
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samreensway · 9 months
CRITICAL CARE SCENARIO OF POLYTRAUMA + PELVIC FRACTURE   MRCS B OSCE - MOCK EXAM Bli medlem i kanalen för att få åtkomst till flera förmåner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkkvon_blxinTHc7DGuYkpQ/join
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neuroticboyfriend · 11 months
being a complex/polytrauma survivor sure is interesting especially since the traumas are ongoing
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