regalserpent · 2 years
Tumblr Polls Decide the Story
It’s quite simple really. I’m posting a short snippet with possible ways this little story could play out. And whatever ever option is ahead when the poll ends, then that’s the one that gets written. Think of this as a kind of choose your own adventure, except you really get a say it what happens.
I feel like this could be a really cool way to use the polls feature, and honestly I just want to see how it goes. I am of course open to any feedback about this.
The poll length will be set to a week, as I do not know if there is a way to set the length as anything other than a one day or one week, and one day if definitely too short of a time period. I am also open to creating a tag list if this is something people would be interested in seeing.
And maybe rather than rambling on I should just post the first snippet.
The wind whips across your legs, utilising the sand around as its projectile, striking stinging pain across your calf. The air filled with the strong scent of salt and water as the waves rise and fall around you. Screeching can be heard above as the gull once again circles the shore, in search of more people to pester for snacks. As for the sea itself beyond the strong glare from the late afternoon sun, not much can be seen. All that can be seen is a mysterious body in front of you, something that could hold many secrets, or none at all.
You turn and face the scrub covered sand dunes behind you, just like the sea gull, looking for people. However unlike the gull, you do not want to see them. And you don’t, the beach is deserted, quite possibly because of the dolphin sighting two beaches over. That is a good thing for you, it means you can get in the water without anyone seeing. Despite basic swim training saying that it is a terrible idea.
You pick up the blue backpack you very graciously dropped on the ground only a couple moments earlier, pull out the plastic covering from the front pocket and place it overtop of the bag. Ensuring it is watertight. The last thing you want is your phone being drowned. You throw the bag over your shoulder and step towards the water, enjoying the feeling of the damp sand under your toes.
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regalserpent · 2 years
Tumblr Polls Decide The Story Pt2
This is simple I write a snippet with possible directions it go could in a poll underneath. So you decide how it goes.
This part 2, part 1 can be found here.
Tag list (ask to be added of removed): @rexxles
You take a deep breath and walk further into the water. The cool liquid soothing the sting the sand caused on your legs. You focus in on your breathing, letting yourself feel the air as it enters you lungs and leaves. You focus in on the feeling and try to remember it, remember the rhythm that comes with inhaling. You take another step, the water is now up to your hips. You stall, looking for the gull once again, looking to see if he was still there, still on the lookout for people. The gull stands on the shore, looking in your direction. Almost like he’s staring directly at you.
You twist around to double check your bag is completely water tight, pulling the straps tighter against you back. Once last glance around to see if anyone is watching and you dip you hand into the water. You move your hand through the water, watching as the water moves to make way for you. Your heart is racing but you slow your breaths, focusing on your breathing and the feeling of water around you. Something brushes against your hand and you try to stifle your gasp. You ultimately fail and the feeling vanishes. You try again, the same process. Focusing in on your breathing and the feeling of the water. This time when something brushes you hand you don’t gasp.
Instead this time you keep your breathing steady and keep focusing on the water. Watching as small almost translucent fish gather around your hand. Their numbers increase and so does the brushing feeling on your hand. Slowly, without scaring off the little fish again, you lower yourself into the water, so you are now sat on the sand, hand only just breeching the water. You keep you breathing steady as the fish begin to swim around up, making you the centre of a mini whirlpool. You keep your focus on the feeling of the water as the fish around you begin to glow, how the water becomes even more of a whirlpool.
The faster the whirlpool becomes the brighter it becomes. More glowing fish entering the ranks as the water begins to you suck you down. You take on deep breath and focus on the feeling of breathing you captured earlier as the water pulls you under.
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