#Polar orbit hms
sunnydayaoe · 1 month
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Guess who’s making another AU… [with Peachi and Kip as well [same creators as HV]]
[It’s Mind in Heart’s place [Kallichore or Chore] Heart in Soul’s [Jupiter] and Soul in Mind’s [Adrasteia or Rasti]]
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studentbyday · 1 year
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Day 9 // 100dop
So. When motivation is low and I don't feel like keeping track of time, I am extremely inefficient and I don't get much done. Stayed up a bit later today to do what little more I could squeeze into the night because of that 🥲 Let's be blunt and brutally honest and say that this is very irresponsible of me.
Started lab report
Re-did notes on VB theory so it makes more sense (I hope it still makes sense to future me)
Finished notes on MO theory (I really hope it also still makes sense to future me...)
Almost done 2nd practice problem set and according to my score for some of them, I have to review dipole moments and molecule polarity (the more complex molecule shapes tend to trip me up. Sometimes it's hard to visualize without a 3D model... I tried using the MolView website but it can't seem to make octahedral molecules?? Also, I should not be lazy and ALWAYS draw out the VSEPR structures for these and not be impatient in determining the molecule's symmetry.)
Tomorrow in order of priority, I should finish:
2nd problem set + reviewing weak topics
Lab report
Band theory of solids
We shall see if I need a kick in the butt in the form of pomodoros (30/35 mins and 5 min breaks if the thought of longer feels "ugh") in which I will ACTUALLY take the short breaks and NOT spend them on my phone.
Day 4: What is your favourite topic within your subject(s)?
Hm, had to think about this one. I'm only taking chemistry this semester (I absolutely cannot take more than that for my sanity) and I think so far, I'd say VSEPR theory because I *LOVE* 3D models and the logic makes more intuitive sense than other topics so far and the shapes are pretty. I learned of some new ones this year and those are so far the coolest. Like, yeah spherical harmonics/orbitals are even cooler than VSEPR...but the quantum mechanics and all that math surrounding them is such a pain in the butt. If I understood the math (which would probably take years), maybe that would be my favorite topic. But VSEPR takes the cake for now. Plus it's a cool acronym. I need more synonyms for "cool".
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Meet the Contestants: Beagle 2
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Artist's concept of Beagle 2 on Mars. [Beagle 2]
The Beagle 2 lander was the first mission to another planet by the UK. It was a part of the Euorpean Space Agency’s Mars Express mission. It was deployed in December 2003, and meant to land several days later but failed to communicate. The reason for this was unknown until 2015, when HiRISE aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter imaged it in Isidis Planitia. It seems it landed successfully, but its solar panels failed to deploy, blocking its communications antenna.
Beagle 2 was intended to be an astrobiology mission, and was named after the ship Charles Darwin sailed on, the HMS Beagle. It included a long robotic arm with cameras, spectrometers, a microscope and a drill. It also included the Gas Analysis Package to measure isotopic abundances of methane, which could detect potential biosignatures.
Read more about Beagle 2 on the archived mission site.
Tune in for round 1 of the Mars Mission Tournament when Beagle 2 goes up against the failed NASA Mars Polar Lander.
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ASSUMING they weren't together (blasphemy...AU 🤡) during the wedding, the question is - HOW both Kate and Charlie would handle it? (like, can you actually imagine...I made myself sad bc of this 🥲).
Shot to the heart and you're to blame 😔
Hmm.. tough, really tough. I guess it depends on how things ended. IF we assume the same scenario you described (I dont know exactly what happened, just working with what I read) as in Charlie taking that step, then a shag and then him leaving? I dont think Kate would like him talking to her (step in conversations) and asking her to dance if they didnt have a conversation prior to that moment. Assuming they did talk about it and agreed to stay apart, even then she wouldnt want to be near him, I mean, she would love to but theres a bit of pride in the mix there, like that behaviour would be so ooc for my Charlie... the silent treatment would be her weapon of choice (we all have toxic traits somerimes). And she would be ashamed at the same time because it would have the intended result, hurt Charlie. If he asked her to dance there, hm, she would accept...reluctantly, tense and gone as soon as the song ended. I feel like Charlie would recognise the silent treatment and accept that punishment, though, respecting those boundaries and staying right next to Bill and Fleur. The Molly scenario is polar opposite here, Ms Weasley loves Kate, and he would never hear the end of it. The night is getting worse and worse for him first his hair now 'Bill is getting married and Charlie ruined Molly's last hope' sort of discourse.
Kate would take cover behind André and Barnaby.
They would be protective of each other still, of course, first instinct is save the loved one.
IF the breakup was on good terms, the scenario would be just sad. Always orbiting around each other, barely talking but wanting to be in each other's presence, a very very very painful dance and the question in the air 'Why did we do this?'
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nawaz2022 · 2 years
Jason Sussman, Special Advisor to the Kirkland & Ellis Corporate Lab
Thena Bailey Sussman Fund provides financial support for graduate students who are currently matriculated in graduate degree programs at SUNY ESF. Applications from students now applying for admission into graduate programs cannot be accepted. Faculty, staff, and undergraduate students are not eligible to apply for Sussman Funds. Students who have been placed on academic probation are not eligible. Clients value Mr. Sussman as a “hands-on” lawyer and strategic business advisor responsible for critical deals and litigations.
Opinions General Public
He is also a bonded locksmith, a life member of the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute , a member of the Massachusetts Watchmakers-Clockmakers Association , a member of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston , and a member of the American Radio Relay League . Sussman and Hal Abelson are the only founding directors still active on the board of directors of the Free Software Foundation . Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. The trial's high-profile and polarizing nature came not just from its connection to the two former 2016 political foes, but from contentious court filings filled with accusations of politics and overbreadth before trial and arguments throughout trial about what evidence could be entered into the record.
Personal life
It highlighted the great advantages of the traditional approach of English law towards corporate insolvency – in relation to the more judicially activist US approach. His paper, Financial Innovations and Corporate Insolvency (co-written with Julian Franks), was awarded the prize of the most significant paper of the year by the Journal of Financial Intermediation. I presented a one hour introduction to FreeFem++ to 2070 students.A zip file contains the lecture slides and example files. Make a gift »to support the critical research, education and training we do. Validation of blood protein biomarkers in the serum of humans using SRM mass spectrometry. This study is a validation that the biomarkers changing in the prior two aims are changing in humans.
Sussman Links
Michael Thu mua phế liệu sắt thép giá caon was accused by special counsel John Durham — a holdover from the Trump administration — of hiding his ties with a technology executive and Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign when he brought the allegations to then-FBI general counsel Jim Baker. Sean Berkowitz, Sussman’s lawyer, argued over the course of the trial Sussman couldn’t have been acting on behalf of Clinton’s campaign because testimony showed that Clinton’s campaign didn’t want the FBI to investigate a potential connection between Trump and Alfa Bank. “There is a difference between having a client, and doing something on their behalf,” Sussman’s lawyer, Sean Berkowitz said, adding that “the jails of Washington, D.C., would be teeming over” if opposition research were to be outlawed.
Caroline Carli R Sussman, Ph.D.
Sussman saw that artificial intelligence ideas can be applied to computer-aided design . Sussman developed, with his graduate students, sophisticated computer-aided design tools for Very Large Scale Integration . These ideas and the AI-based CAD technology to support them were further developed in the Scheme chips of 1979 and 1981. The technique and experience developed were then used to design other special-purpose computers. Sussman was the principal designer of the Digital Orrery, a machine designed to do high-precision integrations for orbital mechanics experiments.
Technology complements in-person healthcare and together will improve the health and well-being of our communities. In the UK, Oren advised HM treasury in relation to the Bankruptcy Act 2002. The Franks-Sussman survey of UK insolvency was part of that effort.
Dr. Sussman is internationally recognized for her research that focuses on the psychological consequences of cultural transitions and return migration. She was awarded the prestigious SIETAR Interculturalist Award and has been elected a Fellow of the International Academy for Intercultural Research and the American Psychological Association. She has presented more than 50 papers at professional meetings including the International Association of Cross-cultural Psychology, the Japan and the American Psychological Associations. Dr. Sussman has published many book chapters and research articles in journals including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Review, the International Journal of Intercultural Relations, and the Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology. Her research has been featured in the South China Morning Post , the China Daily, the Shanghai Daily, USA Today, Wikipedia, and numerous blogs on cross-cultural transitions.
Non-degree programs for senior executives and high-potential managers. A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact. In addition, Ms. Sussman has experience with land use permitting and approvals, and California Environmental Quality Act compliance for energy, transportation and development projects, including CEQA litigation. She also has handled renewable energy projects, including representing solar and wind developers for due diligence and permitting. In addition to her clinical and research interests, Dr. Sussman aims to infuse her role as an instructor with energy and enthusiasm. She hopes that her strong commitment to student learning and her passion for issues related to aging will inspire students to learn about and work with older adults and their families.
Sussmann allegedly acted as an intermediary of sorts between Joffe, the data analysts, and members of the media, Elias and others said. Sussmann did not testify in his own defense, but his legal team did not contest his communication with members of the media about the data. Under direct examination, Baker told the jury Sussmann was a "friend," and he had no reason to doubt representations about his motives at the time. Sussmann didn't ask Baker to do anything with the data, Baker testified, but he took the allegations to the FBI's head of counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, who was also called as a witness.
He has extensive experience handling complex transactions, including the launch of new networks and other complex rights negotiations. Mr. Sussman's experience also includes professional sports matters such as media deals, team ownership or P & L structuring, facility arrangements, revenue-sharing ,and player contract negotiations. Additionally, he represents sports organizations, network, studios and other media companies in mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures. He advises senior management regarding potential changes in the competitive, legal or regulatory environment and compliance with regulatory, corporate, and contractual obligations.
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themummersfolly · 5 years
The Psychopomp pt.1
Here’s a little bit of space opera for your holiday break enjoyment. The full piece is about 16k words long; I’ll post it in installments. 
Let me know what you think!
Psychopomp (noun): a guide of souls to the place of the dead. - Oxford English Dictionary
           It was just another proxy war out in the Disputed Colonies. Epsilon Eridani this time, the settlement on the moon Ottsland. Insurgents allied with the Interstellar Union had established a base in the polar region, threatening the interests of the Terran Federation. In the halls of the legislature, politicians cried for action, and so the fleet was dispatched.
           Colonel Emelia Worthy’s job was simple: after the initial bombing was finished and the threat was subdued, her team was to train an indigenous military force to ensure Ottsland’s continued liberty. In other words, give them phase rifles, teach them to shoot, and ensure that the generation now applying to Sandhurst would have an enemy in the next war. No one with any experience pretended differently. In the short term, it would keep the insurgency at bay; the rest was the politicians’ problem.
           Intelligence probes showed a substantial force, well-equipped by rebel standards, but nothing a Terran carrier group couldn’t deal with. The Strategists aboard the HMS Psychopomp had predicted a straightforward action – and the Strategists were never wrong. So when the first reconnaissance planes suddenly stopped transmitting, it was assumed to be a technical problem.
           “Well, route it through the telecom satellites!” Admiral Hicks-Perry huffed. The communications officer on the bridge of the Resolute input the data, tapping on the console as it processed.
           “Perhaps you should have postponed your golf plans, sir.” Colonel Worthy stared at the telemetry hologram, updating in real time. She was on the bridge at the Admiral’s invitation, a courtesy extended to the commander of the ground force.
           “Rubbish. Every campaign has a minor glitch or two. We’ll be back on Earth before the weekend.”
           The hologram showed telecom satellites, but not the markers of the reconnaissance craft. “This may be more than a glitch.”
           “Oh, for God’s sake, this isn’t the 2010’s. We haven’t had an unforeseen eventuality since –”
           “Sir.” It was the communications officer. “Telecom passwords have been changed.”
           “Wha –” Hicks-Perry sputtered. “When were they changed?”
           The officer scanned his data. “Less than ten minutes after our arrival.”
Worthy turned her gaze back to the telemetry. First disappearing reconnaissance planes, now this. Even if they knew when we would arrive, the satellites are controlled by the allied government…
           “They’ve got someone inside Ottsland City,” she muttered.
           “Either the insurgents have seized satellite ops, or they’ve got someone working on the inside. Sir, I must advise we move the carrier group to a higher orbit.”
           Admiral Hicks-Perry blinked. It wasn’t Worthy’s place to advise; she was a military officer, not a Strategist. He swallowed and turned back to the communications officer.
           “Send a dispatch to the Psychopomp. Tell them we’ve lost communication with our reconnaissance planes and Ottsland telecom. Ask them for a reevaluation.”
           The theory behind the Strategic Corps had been proposed in 2178, during the Kuiper-Earth War. A rudimentary task force had been in effect by the end of the war, just in time for the final engagements; in the ensuing decades it saw extensive service. Despite its success, early recruiting rates were so low the program nearly ceased to exist; after all, only so many top-ranked cadets suffered complete paralysis at any given time, and selecting the right sort of minds from the populace proved difficult. Advocates turned to a genetic method designed for colonists, selecting for intellect and ruthlessness instead of hardiness. Some careful manipulations at birth took care of the physical requirements, and then it was off to a rigorous education in the military arts.
           “Imagine,” proponents had said. “The mind of a brilliant general, totally dedicated to war! The perfect servant of the state, a machine for creating victories!”
           “Imagine,” detractors had said. “The mind of a brilliant sociopath when he finds out he’s nothing to you but a machine.”
           And then, a ten-year-old girl produced by the program orchestrated the victory at 42 Draconis b. That was the year Emelia Worthy graduated from Sandhurst, and the debate had already been settled. The Strategic Corps was there to stay.
           Staring at the telemetry, Colonel Worthy wished the Strategic Corps would hurry up.
           “Don’t be impatient.” Commander Singh stepped up next to her. “They’ll let us know what we need to do.”
           “And in the meantime, whoever’s down there knows full bloody well we’re here. They’ve got something planned. We should reevaluate from a safer distance.”
           Singh shook his head. “That would reset all the calculations –”
           “When all this breaks loose, we’re not going to have time to wait for new orders. Haven’t you read your Clausewitz?”
           “Sir! Transmission from the Psychopomp!” The ensign’s voice cut across their muttered conversation.
           Singh turned to join the Admiral. “Trust, Colonel. The Strategists have it in hand.”
           Worthy watched Commander Singh join the Admiral and Captain Davies, keeping the telemetry hologram in the corner of her vision. In front of them, the screen showed a man with the shaved head and tech implants of the Support branch of the Strategic Corps – a handler, they called them. The computer-generated voice that accompanied the transmission didn’t belong to him, but to a Strategist out of sight behind him; the handler made adjustments so it was clear on the other end.
           “How do you know they’re real?” her nephew had asked. It was Christmas, and he had just learned that Strategists were rarely, if ever, seen by the troops they commanded. “How do you know it’s not just the handlers?”
           “Oh, they’re real, all right.”
           The transmission was still open, but whatever needed to be said, had been. Admiral Hicks-Perry nodded to Captain Davies, who turned to relay the latest orders –
           Something moved on telemetry.
           Worthy turned. Missiles!
           “Set course heading…” Captain Davies stammered to a halt as he noticed the hologram. He met Worthy’s eyes, face full of shock.
           Ask them to reevaluate!
           BOOM! The shock ran the length of the ship. Warning lights blared.
           “We’re taking fire! Howell and Inquisitor report damage –”
           “Hull breach, Section 8 –”
           “Pegasus asks if they should return fire –"
           The Admiral was shouting at the transmission to the Psychopomp, demanding to know what to do. Worthy saw Davies staring at him.
            Dammit, Hicks-Perry, this is your fleet! Worthy would never know for sure if she had shouted it aloud or not. Something thunderous struck behind her, drowning out everything else.
           When her senses returned, she was on her knees. The port side of the bridge was on fire. People were down, and there was blood on the deck. Hicks-Perry finally abandoned the transmission screen and seized a fire extinguisher.
           “Admiral. ADMIRAL.” It was the handler this time. “We’re falling back.”
           It wasn’t an order, or even a suggestion, but it was good enough.
           “Do we still have power?” Hicks-Perry shouted.
           Singh staggered to a console. “Affirmative, engines online. What heading?”
           The fire was out, mostly. “Get me the fleet.”
           The communications officer was slumped over his station, blood everywhere. An ensign, rushing to take his place, faltered. Worthy seized the man – dead, unconscious, who knew – and pulled him away from the console, wiping it clean with her sleeve.
           “Get to it.”
           Another screen opened, divided and tagged with each ship’s designation. The Admiral addressed it.
           “All ships, fall back. Follow the Psychopomp’s heading –” he paused while Singh relayed it from telemetry. “Regroup at –”
           “Incoming jump pattern,” Singh called out. “Brace for radiation wave.”
           WHUMP. The shock ran through the bulkheads and made the lights flicker. Worthy turned to the hologram, which had become badly pixelated. The newcomer’s markings belonged to the insurgency, but the ship itself was a Unionist design. It was between them and the Psychopomp. Ahead, the battleship Pegasus banked hard to avoid a collision. Flashes appeared between the two ships, and suddenly the side of the Pegasus’s hull bulged in an explosion.
           Hicks-Perry’s mouth fell open.
           “Get us out of here,” Worthy heard herself say. Singh stared at her. His face had gone grey. “Get us out of here!” she bellowed, and he turned to the screen the Admiral was neglecting and started shouting orders.
           “The comet belt! Regroup in the comet belt! Do whatever you have to to get there!” He shut off the connection and began calling directions to engineering.
           Hicks-Perry was still staring at the blank screen. His hands shook.
           “Where’s Davies?” he mumbled. “Where’s Davies?”
           Captain Davies lay at his feet, his head in a pool of blood.
          “Admiral.” Hicks-Perry didn’t respond until Worthy lay a hand on his shoulder. “Admiral, we should step into the corridor. The medical team needs room to work.”
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livefreeshop · 7 years
NeuroMapping: Today two 52S crewmembers set up the NeuroMapping hardware and performed their Flight Day 30 tests in “strapped in” and “free floating” body configurations. During the test, the crewmembers executed three Behavioral Assessments: mental rotation, sensorimotor adaptation, and motor-cognitive dual tasking. The NeuroMapping investigation studies whether long-duration spaceflight causes changes to brain structure and function, motor control, or multi-tasking abilities. It also measures how long it would take for the brain and body to recover from possible changes. Previous research and anecdotal evidence from astronauts suggests movement control and cognition can be affected in microgravity. The NeuroMapping investigation performs structural and functional magnetic resonance brain imaging (MRI and fMRI) to assess any changes that occur after spending months on the ISS. Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) Configuration for Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments (ACME): To support the ACME payload investigation, the crew disconnected water umbilicals at the CIR Z-Panel to remove water pressure from the rack and then removed the Multi-user Droplet Combustion Apparatus (MDCA) Chamber Insert Assembly (CIA) from the CIR combustion chamber for the final time. The ACME chamber insert for the first set of test points was configured and connected into the CIR Combustion Chamber.  After the water umbilicals were reconnected to the Z-Panel, the crew performed a leak check. Due to the amount of hardware requiring installation, activities will be conducted over the next two days. The ACME investigation is a set of five independent studies of gaseous flames to be conducted in the CIR. ACME’s primary goal is to improved fuel efficiency and reduced pollutant production in practical combustion on Earth. Its secondary goal is to improve spacecraft fire prevention through innovative research focused on materials flammability. Post Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Tasks: Today crewmembers participated in an EVA debrief conference with ground specialists, preformed battery maintenance, and serviced the water system on the Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs) used during yesterday’s EVA. During US EVA #45 the crew successfully Removed and Replaced (R&R) the External Television Camera Group (ETVCG) located at Camera Port 9 (CP9) and lubricated the newly installed Latching End Effector (LEE) A on the Space Station Robotic Manipulator System (SSRMS).   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Calf Volume Measurement SPLANKH. EGEG Recording. SPLANKH. Photography of the Experiment Session KUBIK Temperature Adjustment to 6°C ISS HAM Video Power Up Multi Omics Item Gathering Study of veins in lower extremities. Snapshot of Cardiomed windows on MSE-Med PK-4 Flexhose connection to Neon gas bottle Nikon still camera sync with station time Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Post EVA Examination Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) in Columbus PK-4 Gas Supply Flexhose disconnection for storage NeuroMapping Experiment Neurocognitive Test Video – Subject RELAKSATSIYA. Parameter Settings Adjustment. Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill RELAKSATSIYA. Observation. ISS HAM Service Module Pass Manufacturing Device Print Removal and Stow Metal Oxide (METOX) Regeneration Termination Public Affairs Office (PAO) Social Media Event Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Long Life Battery (LLB) Initiate Battery Stowage Assembly (BSA) Operation Initiation Filling (separation) of ЕДВ (КОВ) for Elektron or ЕДВ-СВ Rodnik Bag Audit ACME MWA Prep Plug-in Plan (PiP) GFCI Cable Swap СОЖ Maintenance Combustion Integrated Rack Rack Doors Open Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Water Recharge Polar IMAK Sample Swap Combustion Integrated Rack Front End Cap Open Polar Desiccant Pack insert Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Fill ACME Insertion Configuration 1 Download Pille Dosimeter Readings Pille Dosimeter Readout after US EVA IMS Update Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Debrie Completed Task List Activities None Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. SSRMS Walkoff Standard commanding Three-Day Look Ahead: Thursday, 10/12: CIR Ops and ACME Config, WHC Dose Pump R&R, EVA 46 Tool Config Friday, 10/13: ETVCG Build, FIR Reconfiguration, DECLIC Hose Return, EVA Procedure Review and Conference Saturday, 10/14: Housekeeping Tasks, Crew Off-Day QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Standby Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full Up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   from ISS On-Orbit Status Report https://go.nasa.gov/2g4Px4J
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hrhprince · 7 years
ISS Daily Summary Report – 8/16/2017
SpaceX (SpX)-12 Capture and Berthing: SpX-12 rendezvous and capture were successfully completed today  at 5:54 AM CDT using the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS). The crew monitored Dragon’s approach from the Cupola Robotic Workstation. Vestibule outfitting, vehicle ingress and critical cargo transfer began following capture. Light Microscopy Module (LMM) Biophysics 3:  The crew retrieved LMM Biophysics 3 Plate 1 from the Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) and placed it into a Microgravity Experiment Research Locker / INcubator (MERLIN).  The LMM was placed in the FIR on Monday to begin the science run.  Using the three-dimensional structure of proteins, scientists can determine how they function and how they are involved in disease. Some proteins benefit from being crystallized in microgravity, where they can grow larger and with fewer imperfections. Access to crystals grown on the ISS supports research for a wide range of diseases, as well as microgravity-related problems such as radiation damage, bone loss and muscle atrophy. This investigation identifies which proteins would benefit from crystallization in space. Food Acceptability:  The crew completed a Food Acceptability questionnaire for this investigation which seeks to determine the impact of repetitive consumption of food currently available from the spaceflight food system.  Results will be used in developing strategies to improve food system composition to support crew health and performance on long duration missions.  Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI)-1 Anomaly:  Overnight during the crew sleep period, the Electronics Unit (EU) for MELFI-1 experienced an anomaly. Following crew wake, science samples were successfully relocated to alternate MELFI units without issue.  Ground teams are working a forward plan to replace the MELFI-1 EU with an on orbit spare. NeuroMapping: The crew was unable to perform the Neuromapping assessments today due to a software fault that caused the laptop to lock up. Ground experts are investigating the anomaly. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Video recording for KOROLYOV TV channel Soyuz 735 Samsung PC Battery check and recharge Soyuz 736 Samsung PC Battery check and recharge CONTENT. Experiment Ops Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos web site and social media ECON-M. Observation and photography Crew Command Panel (CCP) Cable Route and Checkout Reminder ESA Nutritional Assessment Reminder NeuroMapping MELFI Transfer USOS Window Shutter Close On MCC Go Regeneration of Micropurification Unit (БМП) Ф2 Cartridge (start) Acoustic Dosimeter Operations – Setup Dosimeter for Static Measurement Food Acceptability Questionnaire MORNING PREPARATION WORK Updated EVA Timeline Review Microscope (MS) Thermal Container Check Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Downlink Photo/TV Ghost Camera in Cupola on SSC power recording Robotics Workstation (RWS) Dragon Configuration Dragon R Bar Approach JEM Camera Robot Cable Swap Cold Stowage Double Cold bag Unpack Review Check to see that shutters are closed on windows 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 Dragon R Bar Approach Pistol Grip Tool Torque Analyzer Kit Data Collection On MCC Go Purging Elektron-VM Liquid Unit (БЖ) after Shutdown Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Dragon Capture Pre-EVA PILLE dosimeter data collection and deployment Node 2 to Dragon Pressurization and Leak Check Equipment Pregather Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Deactivation Ghost camera teardown in Cupola Photo TV High Definition (HD) Dragon Video Setup Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Open Dust collectors ПФ1, ПФ2 – filter replacement, fans В1, В2 grille cleaning in DC1 (without replacement) Fuel Oxidizer Reaction Products (FORP) KIT Prep  Multi-Omics-Mouse Pre-experiment Transfer Familiarization 1 Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold Bottle Replacement Environmental Health System (EHS) – Rad Detector Relocate Vacuum cleaning of КВД and КСД valve screens before EVA Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Close Orlan-MK No.6 Drink Bag Refill and Install Orlan-MKS No.4 Drink Bag Refill and Install ARED Platform Pip Pin Inspect and Secure Advanced Space Experiment Processor Overview On-Board Training On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test NeuroMapping Experiment Neurocognitive Test – Subject [Aborted] Environmental Health System (EHS) – Surface Sample Kit (SSK) Analysis (T+5) On-orbit hearing assessment using EARQ Fluids Integrated Rack Rack Doors Open LMM Biophysics Plate Removal Health Maintenance System (HMS) – ESA Nutritional Assessment Crew Command Panel (CCP) Cable Deroute Node 2 to Dragon Pressurization and Leak Check Fluids Integrated Rack Doors Close On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test Dragon Vestibule Outfitting On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test Node 2 Nadir Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Controller Panel Assembly (CPA) Removal On MCC Go Regeneration Micropurification Unit (БМП) Ф2 Absorption Cartridge (end) Completed Task List Activities Rendezvous and Prox Ops Program (RPOP) Setup  Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Dragon berthing and vestibule outfitting support N2 CBM Bolt loading Three-Day Look Ahead: Thursday, 08/17: SpX-12 cargo transfer operations, RS EVA 43 Friday, 08/18: Rodent Research-9 (RR-9) transfer, Vascular Ultrasound, Mouse Habitat, RS EVA Cleanup Saturday, 08/19: RR-9 access unit cleaning, TangoLab 2 installation/checkout, ADSEP cell transfer, Lung Media fixation, NanoRacks Module 9 ops, ADSEP cell transfer, POLAR desiccant pack swap QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron Off Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Process Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off from NASA http://ift.tt/2uTyUPi via IFTTT
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Polar circle
For the ship of this name, see HMS Endurance. For the concept in geometry, see Polar circle (geometry). The polar circle in Finland, 1975. The polar circle in Norway at Saltfjellet mountain plateau. Relationship between Earth's axial tilt (ε) to the tropical and polar circles A polar circle is either the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle. On Earth, the Arctic Circle is located at a latitude of 66°33′46.4″ N, and the Antarctic Circle is located at a latitude of 66°33′46.4″ S. Areas between each polar circle and its associated pole (North Pole or South Pole), known geographically as the frigid zones, would theoretically experience at least one 24-hour period when the sun is continuously above the horizon and at least one 24-hour period when the sun is continuously below the horizon annually. However, due to atmospheric refraction and the Sun being an extended object rather than a point source, the continuous daylight area is somewhat extended while the continuous darkness area is somewhat reduced. The latitude of the polar circles is 90 degrees minus the axial tilt of the Earth's axis of daily rotation relative to the ecliptic, the plane of the Earth's orbit. This tilt varies slightly, a phenomenon described as nutation. Therefore, the latitudes noted above are calculated by averaging values of tilt observed over many years. The axial tilt also exhibits long-term variations as described in the reference article (a difference of 1 second of arc in the tilt is equivalent to change of about 31 metres north or south in the positions of the polar circles on the Earth's surface). More details Android, Windows
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achmad2-blog · 7 years
ISS Daily Summary Report – 4/24/2017
Orbital 7 (OA-7) Capture/Berthing: Friday night, Robotics Ground Controllers maneuvered the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) to inspect the Node 1 Nadir Active Common Berthing Mechanism (ABCM). They then maneuvered the SSRMS to the Cygnus high hover position and powered up the Mobile Servicing System (MSS) in “Hot Backup” mode in preparation for Saturday morning’s Cygnus capture.  On Saturday, Pesquet and Whitson monitored the Cygnus approach from the Cupola Robotic Workstation and with Pesquet at the controls, Cygnus was captured nominally. Ground Controllers then maneuvered Cygnus into position to support an inspection of its Passive Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) then maneuvered and installed it to the Node 1 Nadir Active CBM. The Cygnus hatch was subsequently opened and cargo transfer was initiated. Human Research Program (HRP) Collections (Marrow):  A 50S crewmember performed the Flight Day 15 (FD15) blood and air sample collections in support of the Marrow experiment.  A blood sample was collected, processed in the centrifuge and placed in the Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI).  A breath sample and ambient air sample were also collected and stowed for return on a later flight. The Marrow investigation looks at the effect of microgravity on bone marrow. It is believed that microgravity, like long-duration bed rest on Earth, has a negative effect on the bone marrow and the blood cells that are produced in the bone marrow.  NanoRacks Microscope-3 Instrument Operations:  The crew performed NanoRacks Microscope-3 assembly and checkout for both microscopes.  NanoRacks Microscope-3 will be used for viewing and capturing digital microscope photos of various science specimens. Emergency Roles & Responsibilities Review: With the arrival of the 50S crew, all 5 crewmembers reviewed priorities during emergency response to ensure safety of the crew and safe configuration of the ISS. To meet these priorities the crew covered crew accountability, readiness of the Soyuz escape vehicle and communication and coordination among themselves as well as with ground teams during an emergency event. Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilization (CEVIS) Status: On Sunday, the crew reported a grinding noise in the CEVIS and were directed to stand down on CEVIS use. Ground teams met and decided that the crew can continue CEVIS use wearing hearing protection and will schedule an Ergometer Remove & Replace (R&R).  Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Status: On Sunday, UPA experienced a Distillation Assembly Belt Slippage Fault and was moded to shut down. The same fault was experienced last Thursday. Ground teams met and recommends restarting the UPA which is in work. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Reminder 1 Fluid Shifts Baseline Imaging Measures ODF Books Update on iPAD Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos Web Site and Social Media EKON-M. Observations and photography МО-8. Setup CSA Generic Frozen Blood Collection 25 Minutes – Subject Body mass measurement CSA Generic Frozen Blood Collection – Operator CSA Generic Refrigerated Centrifuge Configure МО-8. Closeout ops CSA Generic Refrigerated Centrifuge Spin Conclude CSA Generic Sample MELFI Insertion CSA Generic Frozen Blood Collection Conclude And Stow Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations KARDIOVEKTOR. Execution experiment Uninstall 50S [СА1,2] TV cameras and [СДД-302] lights. EveryWear Biometric Patch charging On board Training Cygnus Emergency Procedure Review Shift handover safety procedure review Emergency Roles and Responsibilities Review Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations Auxiliary computer systems review Specialist conference when required 50S right seat container cargo handling Daily electrocardiogram recording (start) Daily blood pressure measurement (start) ISS Crew Adaptation Post Cygnus arrival emergency OBT NanoRacks Microscope-3 Instrument Operations 50S equipment transfer, IMS update KONSTANTA-2. Retrieve the cartridge from [ТБУ-В] and stow at panel 418 to warm up for one hour Fluid Shifts CCFP Baseline Setup 50S delivered ODF replacement Post Cygnus arrival emergency OBT Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) – LAB KASKAD. Manual stirring inside the bioreactor Handover of Increment 51 Crew NODE 1 GALLEY RACK MOD KIT MERLIN-1 INSTALLATION KONSTANTA-2. 1st study setup and run. Specialist conference Cygnus Cargo Operations Conference KONSTANTA-2. Photography during the science operation Polar Samples to Cold Stowage – Transfer 1 NanoRacks External Platform Operations Review. NanoRacks External Platform Hardware Gather Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test ISS Crew Orientation Fluid Shifts Hardware Battery Installation Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Questionnaire Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test HMS. Eye test HMS. Eye test questionnaire fill-up HMS Tonometry Test Setup HMS Tonometry Test Crew Medical Officer (CMO) HMS Tonometry Test Subject HMS Tonometry Test Stow Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Questionnaire Completed Task List Items ARED Right Upper Stop Cable Adjustment [Completed GMT 112] Rendezvous and Prox Ops Program (RPOP) Setup [Completed GMT 112] Lab Aft Hatch Stowage Latch Troubleshooting [Completed GMT 112] Veggie 03 Pillow Watering and Photo [Completed GMT 112 and 113] Expedition New Earth Video-CHOW TIME [Completed GMT 112] Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) Software Review [Completed 113] On board Training Cygnus Emergency Procedure Review [Completed 113] Transfer 50 Soyuz USOS Unpack [Completed 113] Expedition New Earth Video-CHOW TIME [Completed 114] EXPRESS Rack 7 Laptop Computer battery changeout [Completed 114]  Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Nominal System Commanding Three-Day Look Ahead: Tuesday, 04/25: NREP hardware swap, Fluid Shifts, Meteor hard drive swap/anti-virus update Wednesday, 04/26: Fluid Shifts, sample transfer from Polars, National Assn. of Broadcasters 4K downlink Thursday, 04/27: Fluid Shifts, P/TV 4K teardown, EVA DOUG review, Cygnus cargo transfer QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron Off Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) Off Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Operate Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Standby Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Process Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full Up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   from NASA https://go.nasa.gov/2phjmVP via IFTTT | Java Wisata
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sunnydayaoe · 26 days
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Polar Orbit Mind!! Trying to figure out Chore’s mechanical parts ahaa
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livefreeshop · 7 years
SpaceX (SpX)-12 Capture and Berthing: SpX-12 rendezvous and capture were successfully completed today  at 5:54 AM CDT using the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS). The crew monitored Dragon’s approach from the Cupola Robotic Workstation. Vestibule outfitting, vehicle ingress and critical cargo transfer began following capture. Light Microscopy Module (LMM) Biophysics 3:  The crew retrieved LMM Biophysics 3 Plate 1 from the Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) and placed it into a Microgravity Experiment Research Locker / INcubator (MERLIN).  The LMM was placed in the FIR on Monday to begin the science run.  Using the three-dimensional structure of proteins, scientists can determine how they function and how they are involved in disease. Some proteins benefit from being crystallized in microgravity, where they can grow larger and with fewer imperfections. Access to crystals grown on the ISS supports research for a wide range of diseases, as well as microgravity-related problems such as radiation damage, bone loss and muscle atrophy. This investigation identifies which proteins would benefit from crystallization in space. Food Acceptability:  The crew completed a Food Acceptability questionnaire for this investigation which seeks to determine the impact of repetitive consumption of food currently available from the spaceflight food system.  Results will be used in developing strategies to improve food system composition to support crew health and performance on long duration missions.  Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI)-1 Anomaly:  Overnight during the crew sleep period, the Electronics Unit (EU) for MELFI-1 experienced an anomaly. Following crew wake, science samples were successfully relocated to alternate MELFI units without issue.  Ground teams are working a forward plan to replace the MELFI-1 EU with an on orbit spare. NeuroMapping: The crew was unable to perform the Neuromapping assessments today due to a software fault that caused the laptop to lock up. Ground experts are investigating the anomaly. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Video recording for KOROLYOV TV channel Soyuz 735 Samsung PC Battery check and recharge Soyuz 736 Samsung PC Battery check and recharge CONTENT. Experiment Ops Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos web site and social media ECON-M. Observation and photography Crew Command Panel (CCP) Cable Route and Checkout Reminder ESA Nutritional Assessment Reminder NeuroMapping MELFI Transfer USOS Window Shutter Close On MCC Go Regeneration of Micropurification Unit (БМП) Ф2 Cartridge (start) Acoustic Dosimeter Operations – Setup Dosimeter for Static Measurement Food Acceptability Questionnaire MORNING PREPARATION WORK Updated EVA Timeline Review Microscope (MS) Thermal Container Check Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Downlink Photo/TV Ghost Camera in Cupola on SSC power recording Robotics Workstation (RWS) Dragon Configuration Dragon R Bar Approach JEM Camera Robot Cable Swap Cold Stowage Double Cold bag Unpack Review Check to see that shutters are closed on windows 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 Dragon R Bar Approach Pistol Grip Tool Torque Analyzer Kit Data Collection On MCC Go Purging Elektron-VM Liquid Unit (БЖ) after Shutdown Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Dragon Capture Pre-EVA PILLE dosimeter data collection and deployment Node 2 to Dragon Pressurization and Leak Check Equipment Pregather Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Deactivation Ghost camera teardown in Cupola Photo TV High Definition (HD) Dragon Video Setup Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Open Dust collectors ПФ1, ПФ2 – filter replacement, fans В1, В2 grille cleaning in DC1 (without replacement) Fuel Oxidizer Reaction Products (FORP) KIT Prep  Multi-Omics-Mouse Pre-experiment Transfer Familiarization 1 Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold Bottle Replacement Environmental Health System (EHS) – Rad Detector Relocate Vacuum cleaning of КВД and КСД valve screens before EVA Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Close Orlan-MK No.6 Drink Bag Refill and Install Orlan-MKS No.4 Drink Bag Refill and Install ARED Platform Pip Pin Inspect and Secure Advanced Space Experiment Processor Overview On-Board Training On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test NeuroMapping Experiment Neurocognitive Test – Subject [Aborted] Environmental Health System (EHS) – Surface Sample Kit (SSK) Analysis (T+5) On-orbit hearing assessment using EARQ Fluids Integrated Rack Rack Doors Open LMM Biophysics Plate Removal Health Maintenance System (HMS) – ESA Nutritional Assessment Crew Command Panel (CCP) Cable Deroute Node 2 to Dragon Pressurization and Leak Check Fluids Integrated Rack Doors Close On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test Dragon Vestibule Outfitting On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test Node 2 Nadir Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Controller Panel Assembly (CPA) Removal On MCC Go Regeneration Micropurification Unit (БМП) Ф2 Absorption Cartridge (end) Completed Task List Activities Rendezvous and Prox Ops Program (RPOP) Setup  Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Dragon berthing and vestibule outfitting support N2 CBM Bolt loading Three-Day Look Ahead: Thursday, 08/17: SpX-12 cargo transfer operations, RS EVA 43 Friday, 08/18: Rodent Research-9 (RR-9) transfer, Vascular Ultrasound, Mouse Habitat, RS EVA Cleanup Saturday, 08/19: RR-9 access unit cleaning, TangoLab 2 installation/checkout, ADSEP cell transfer, Lung Media fixation, NanoRacks Module 9 ops, ADSEP cell transfer, POLAR desiccant pack swap QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron Off Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Process Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off August 16, 2017 at 10:00AM from NASA https://go.nasa.gov/2i8MYm2 via IFTTT
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livefreeshop · 7 years
SpaceX (SpX)-12 Capture and Berthing: SpX-12 rendezvous and capture were successfully completed today  at 5:54 AM CDT using the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS). The crew monitored Dragon’s approach from the Cupola Robotic Workstation. Vestibule outfitting, vehicle ingress and critical cargo transfer began following capture. Light Microscopy Module (LMM) Biophysics 3:  The crew retrieved LMM Biophysics 3 Plate 1 from the Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) and placed it into a Microgravity Experiment Research Locker / INcubator (MERLIN).  The LMM was placed in the FIR on Monday to begin the science run.  Using the three-dimensional structure of proteins, scientists can determine how they function and how they are involved in disease. Some proteins benefit from being crystallized in microgravity, where they can grow larger and with fewer imperfections. Access to crystals grown on the ISS supports research for a wide range of diseases, as well as microgravity-related problems such as radiation damage, bone loss and muscle atrophy. This investigation identifies which proteins would benefit from crystallization in space. Food Acceptability:  The crew completed a Food Acceptability questionnaire for this investigation which seeks to determine the impact of repetitive consumption of food currently available from the spaceflight food system.  Results will be used in developing strategies to improve food system composition to support crew health and performance on long duration missions.  Minus Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI)-1 Anomaly:  Overnight during the crew sleep period, the Electronics Unit (EU) for MELFI-1 experienced an anomaly. Following crew wake, science samples were successfully relocated to alternate MELFI units without issue.  Ground teams are working a forward plan to replace the MELFI-1 EU with an on orbit spare. NeuroMapping: The crew was unable to perform the Neuromapping assessments today due to a software fault that caused the laptop to lock up. Ground experts are investigating the anomaly. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Video recording for KOROLYOV TV channel Soyuz 735 Samsung PC Battery check and recharge Soyuz 736 Samsung PC Battery check and recharge CONTENT. Experiment Ops Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos web site and social media ECON-M. Observation and photography Crew Command Panel (CCP) Cable Route and Checkout Reminder ESA Nutritional Assessment Reminder NeuroMapping MELFI Transfer USOS Window Shutter Close On MCC Go Regeneration of Micropurification Unit (БМП) Ф2 Cartridge (start) Acoustic Dosimeter Operations – Setup Dosimeter for Static Measurement Food Acceptability Questionnaire MORNING PREPARATION WORK Updated EVA Timeline Review Microscope (MS) Thermal Container Check Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Downlink Photo/TV Ghost Camera in Cupola on SSC power recording Robotics Workstation (RWS) Dragon Configuration Dragon R Bar Approach JEM Camera Robot Cable Swap Cold Stowage Double Cold bag Unpack Review Check to see that shutters are closed on windows 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 Dragon R Bar Approach Pistol Grip Tool Torque Analyzer Kit Data Collection On MCC Go Purging Elektron-VM Liquid Unit (БЖ) after Shutdown Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Dragon Capture Pre-EVA PILLE dosimeter data collection and deployment Node 2 to Dragon Pressurization and Leak Check Equipment Pregather Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Deactivation Ghost camera teardown in Cupola Photo TV High Definition (HD) Dragon Video Setup Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Open Dust collectors ПФ1, ПФ2 – filter replacement, fans В1, В2 grille cleaning in DC1 (without replacement) Fuel Oxidizer Reaction Products (FORP) KIT Prep  Multi-Omics-Mouse Pre-experiment Transfer Familiarization 1 Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold Bottle Replacement Environmental Health System (EHS) – Rad Detector Relocate Vacuum cleaning of КВД and КСД valve screens before EVA Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Close Orlan-MK No.6 Drink Bag Refill and Install Orlan-MKS No.4 Drink Bag Refill and Install ARED Platform Pip Pin Inspect and Secure Advanced Space Experiment Processor Overview On-Board Training On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test NeuroMapping Experiment Neurocognitive Test – Subject [Aborted] Environmental Health System (EHS) – Surface Sample Kit (SSK) Analysis (T+5) On-orbit hearing assessment using EARQ Fluids Integrated Rack Rack Doors Open LMM Biophysics Plate Removal Health Maintenance System (HMS) – ESA Nutritional Assessment Crew Command Panel (CCP) Cable Deroute Node 2 to Dragon Pressurization and Leak Check Fluids Integrated Rack Doors Close On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test Dragon Vestibule Outfitting On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA) with EarQ Software Setup and Test Node 2 Nadir Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Controller Panel Assembly (CPA) Removal On MCC Go Regeneration Micropurification Unit (БМП) Ф2 Absorption Cartridge (end) Completed Task List Activities Rendezvous and Prox Ops Program (RPOP) Setup  Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Dragon berthing and vestibule outfitting support N2 CBM Bolt loading Three-Day Look Ahead: Thursday, 08/17: SpX-12 cargo transfer operations, RS EVA 43 Friday, 08/18: Rodent Research-9 (RR-9) transfer, Vascular Ultrasound, Mouse Habitat, RS EVA Cleanup Saturday, 08/19: RR-9 access unit cleaning, TangoLab 2 installation/checkout, ADSEP cell transfer, Lung Media fixation, NanoRacks Module 9 ops, ADSEP cell transfer, POLAR desiccant pack swap QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron Off Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Process Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off from ISS On-Orbit Status Report https://go.nasa.gov/2i8MYm2
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livefreeshop · 7 years
Intracranial Pressure & Visual Impairment (IPVI): The crew took front and profile view pictures to check for facial edema, then completed a conference with ground experts.  The IPVI investigation studies changes to crewmembers’ eyes and optic nerves by analyzing arterial blood pressure and blood flow to the brain before and after spaceflight. The IPVI investigation uses non-invasive methods as compared to current invasive methods (e.g., spinal tap) to measure intracranial pressure.  MagVector:  The crew performed closeout and cleanup activities for the 7-day MagVector Run 11.  The European Space Agency (ESA) MagVector investigation studies how the Earth’s magnetic field interacts with an electrical conductor. Using extremely sensitive magnetic sensors placed around and above a conductor, researchers can gain insight into ways that the magnetic field influences how conductors work. This research not only helps improve future International Space Station experiments and electrical experiments, but it could offer insights into how magnetic fields influence electrical conductors in general – the backbone of our technology.  Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Camera Robot:  The crew set up the JEM Camera Robot and the ground took video and photos of several scenes in the JEM module. This device is a free-flying camera robot that provides real time video downlink and photographs.  It is expected to reduce the crew time requirements to support video recording of activities, especially at the blind spot of existing JEM internal cameras.  Multi-Omics-Mouse:  The crew refilled water containers in Mouse Habitat Cage Units for the JAXA Multi-Omics-Mouse investigation. Several studies have reported space flight effects on the human immune system but the relationship between microbiota and immune dysfunction during flight remains unclear. In Multi-Omics-Mouse, food with and without fructooligosaccharides (FOS) will be used as prebiotics, which could improve the gut environment and immune function.  After the flight, researchers will analyze the gut environment (microbiota and metabolites) and immune system of the mice by multi-omics analysis, and evaluate the effect of FOS during flight. Kubik:  The crew unstowed and set up the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) Kubik 5 facility in the Columbus module.  They then performed a functional check and preheating of Kubik 5 to prepare for support of upcoming ASI Biomission investigations that will utilize the Kubik facility.  Kubik is a small controlled-temperature incubator or cooler used to study biological samples in a microgravity environment. It is equipped with removable inserts designed for self-contained, automatic experiments using seeds, cells, and small animals. At Home in Space: The crew completed an At Home in Space questionnaire. This Canadian Space Agency experiment assesses culture, values, and psychosocial adaptation of astronauts to a space environment shared by multinational crews on long-duration missions. It is hypothesized that astronauts develop a shared space culture that is an adaptive strategy for handling cultural differences and they deal with the isolated confined environment of the spacecraft by creating a home in space. At Home in Space uses a questionnaire to investigate individual and culturally related differences, family functioning, values, coping with stress, and post-experience growth. Dragon Robotics On-Board Trainer: In preparation for tomorrow’s SpX-12 capture and berthing, the crew completed 3 Capture Point Hold runs which allows the crew to practice free drift timing. They also practiced malfunction response, nominal rate approaches and 2 meter approaches.  Remote Power Controller Module (RPCM) P12B_B Status: Following successful closure of RPCM P12B_B RPC10 late Sunday evening, the RPC tripped this morning.  This RPC powers the S-Band transponder for String 2. The trip signature continues to indicate a Field Effect Transistor (FET) Hybrid failure. Ground teams will continue to attempt to reclose the RPC. This is an external RPCM that can be Removed and Replaced (R&Rd) by the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM). Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. At Home In Space Questionnaire KUBIK Functional check KUBIK 5 preheat and functional check KUBIK 5 Setup Combustion Integrated Rack Alignment Guide Install Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold Bottle Replacement Combustion Integrated Rack Upper Rack Doors Open/Close CEVIS Portable PFS Conclude CEVIS Portable PFS Partial Stow Max CEVIS Portable PFS Power Up CEVIS Portable PFS Subject Crew Command Panel (CCP) Cable Route and Checkout Dragon Vestibule Outfitting Kit (VOK) Gather CDM and MCA Comparison Acoustic Dosimeter Setup Day 2 EXPRESS Rack 8 Locker Removal Health Maintenance System (HMS) – ESA Nutritional Assessment Health Maintenance System (HMS) Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT) Test HRF Generic Urine Collection Stow Intracranial Pressure & Visual Impairment (IPVI) Face Photo-taking JEM Camera Robot Activation/Deactivation JEM Camera Robot Shooting Video recording for KOROLYOV TV channel USB Jumpdrive Return and PPS2 Reconfiguration Mouse Habitat Unit Cage Water Refill Dragon Robotics Onboard Trainer (ROBoT) Session 2 Ghost camera setup in Cupola Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Downlink/Deactivation Polar Hardware Express Rack Transfer Recycle Tank Drain Parts 1-3 Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill XF305 Camcorder Setup Dragon Cargo Operations Conference Replacement of Onboard Oxygen Tanks БК-3М Installation of Orlan #6 ORUs prior to EVA Installation of Orlan #4 ORUs prior to EVA Comm Check and Media Parameters Control. Comm Setup for Orlan OBT Resuming Nominal Comm Config after Orlan OBT Spacesuit Onboard Interface Unit in DC1 (БСС СО1) Checkout. Removal of Air Ducts in DC1 prior to the OBT (Do Not Disconnect the Air Ducts) Post-OBT Installation of Air Ducts in DC1 Systems Check in Orlan-MKS Spacesuit #6 Before OBT. Systems Check in Orlan-MKS Spacesuit #4 Before OBT. Post-OBT Ops Doffing Orlan. Donning Orlans #4 and 6, Closing Backpacks. Verification of Orlan Sizing at Orlan Pressure=0.4. Translation Training in Orlan-MKS #4 and Orlan-MK #6. Control of the Initial Condition of Orlan and Spacesuit Onboard Interface Unit (БСС) during the OBT Preliminary Orlan and БСС Leak Check Donning Gear. Orlan and БСС Control Units Check Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos web site and social media URAGAN. Observation and Photography ECON-M. Observation and photography Completed Task List Activities None Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Max CEVIS support Dragon RoBOT OBT Dragon capture and cargo transfer reviews Three-Day Look Ahead: Wednesday, 08/16: SpX-12 […] from ISS On-Orbit Status Report https://go.nasa.gov/2x44x9J
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livefreeshop · 7 years
Extremophiles:  In preparation for Session C of the Extremophiles investigation the crew wiped designated surfaces in Node 1, Node 3 and the Cupola with sterile wet wipes and placed them into a Biolab Thermal Control Unit.  Archaea and extremophilic bacteria have not been considered as significant contributors to the microbiome on the ISS. The Extremophiles experiment will add critical knowledge about the microbial diversity on the ISS.  The experiment will Isolate and characterize archaea and extremophilic bacteria by sampling selected locations inside the Station.  Changes in archaea and extremophilic bacteria over a period of at least 3 months will be assessed.  The population of archaea and extremophilic bacteria on the ISS will be compared with that of spacecraft clean rooms and visiting vehicles. Rodent Research-5 (RR-5) Systemic Therapy of NELL-1 for Osteoporosis: The crew reviewed material on live animal return operations and discussed those operations with the Payload Developer. They then set up the Animal Transporter for return of 10 RR-5 mice on SpX-11, powered up the Transporter, installed food bars and activated water lixits.  Because spaceflight has significant and rapid effects on the musculoskeletal system, it is important to investigate targeted therapies that could ameliorate some of the detrimental effects of spaceflight. The NELL-1 drug being studied in the RR-5 investigation has the potential to slow or reverse bone loss during spaceflight.  NanoRacks Module-52:  The crew performed a status check of subexperiments inside NanoRacks Module-52.  Photographs and video were taken of the petri dishes.  NanoRacks Module-52 is a collection of 6 student-led biological experiments photo-documenting the life-cycle of various molds and bacteria on petri plates in microgravity.  NanoRacks Module-48:  The crew took photos for the NanoRacks Module-48 investigation for downlink to the ground.  NanoRacks Module-48 connects students on Earth to the space program by sending their photographs and messages to the ISS along with plant seeds that are germinated after being returned to Earth. The investigation increases awareness of humans’ ability to access space, spurring interest in the space program and encouraging students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. On Board Training (OBT) Dragon Robotics On Board Trainer (RoBOT): In preparation for SpX-11 unberth and release currently planned for Sunday, July 2, the crew completed this 70-minute training session during which they practiced 2 Dragon release runs. They also reviewed departure monitoring and procedures to prevent loss of/recovery of attitude control in the event of a loss of comm with ground teams during free-flyer release.  SpaceX (SpX)-11 Cargo Operations: The crew completed approximately 57 hours of cargo operations with approximately 5 hours of packing remaining. SpX-11 is scheduled to unberth on July 2nd, 2017.  Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Evaluation Setup JEM Airlock Depressurization Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Evaluation Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Stow Hardware NanoRacks Module-52 Status R&R of Onboard Heating Unit (БПО) (1 ea.) in Vozdukh NanoRacks Module-48 Imagery R&R of Condensate Water Processor [СРВ-К2М] Hoses Extremophiles Session C JEM Camera Robot Cable Swap Extremophiles Photo Shooting Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operation Rodent Research 5 ARS Review Rodent Research 5 Live Animal Return Review Rodent Research Crew Conference Rodent Research 5 Transporter Setup JEM Airlock Vent Crew Medical Officer (CMO) Proficiency Training CO Partial Pressure Measurement at the Central Post using USOS CSA-CP Gas Analyzer ROBoT Software Startup JEM Airlock Vent Confirmation MSPR Combustion Chamber (CC) Valve 2 Operation [Aborted] On-board Training (OBT) Dragon Departure Review Cargo Transfer from 67P (SM Aft). IMS Update On-board Training (OBT) Dragon Robotics Onboard Trainer (ROBoT) Release Combustion Integrated Rack Alignment Guide Install Completed Task List Items Genes in Space Biomolecule Sequencer Stop Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Rodent Research Transporter setup JEMAL depress/vent monitoring OBT – Dragon RoBOT Release Three-Day Look Ahead: Friday, 06/30: NanoRacks Module 9 ops, POLAR transfer to Dragon, StemCell media change Saturday, 07/01: Crew off duty, housekeeping Sunday, 07/02: SpX-11 unberth QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off           [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Process Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   from ISS On-Orbit Status Report https://go.nasa.gov/2s8Qu0x
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livefreeshop · 7 years
NanoRacks External Platform (NREP) Installation:  The JEM (Japanese Experiment Module) Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS) transferred and installed the NREP to the JEM External Facility (JEM-EF).  The Slide Table was returned to the JEM Airlock (JEMAL) and the crew pressurized and vented the Airlock in preparation for future JEMAL activities.  NREP represents the first external commercial research capability for testing in support of scientific investigations, sensors, and electronic components in space. Genes in Space 2 Hardware Assembly and Checkout:  The crew assembled and checked out Genes in Space hardware in preparation for upcoming experiment sessions. The investigation is based on the winning student proposal from the second Genes in Space competition. It tests whether the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) can be used to study deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) alterations aboard the ISS.  Spaceflight causes many changes to the human body, including alterations in DNA and a weakened immune system.  Understanding whether these two processes are linked is important for safeguarding crew health but DNA technology that can track these changes is relatively untested in space.  Everywear Investigation: A 49S crewmember set up and performed pulse wave monitoring of their carotid and radial arteries for the Everywear investigation using a tonometer and an Everywear application.  Everywear is capable of aggregating data from different tools. It makes use of wearable sensors connected to an iPad tablet computer which is wirelessly synchronized with computers on the ground. This system seeks to demonstrate the benefits of extensive physiology data collection for both science and medical follow-up purposes. Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) Shield Installation:  The crew ingressed the BEAM and installed a Radiation Environment Monitor (REM) shield onto the REM sensor. This shield is a 1.1 mm thick component produced by the 3D printer on the ISS.  BEAM is an experimental expandable module attached to the ISS.  Expandable habitats greatly decrease the amount of transport volume required for future space missions. These “expandables” weigh less and take up less room on a rocket than a traditional module while allowing additional space for living and working. They also provide protection from solar and cosmic radiation, space debris, and other contaminants. Crews traveling to the moon, Mars, asteroids, or other destinations could possibly use them as habitable structures. NanoRacks Module-55 Installation:  Today a crewmember installed the NanoRacks Module 55 on the front of NanoRacks Platform-1 in the JEM but the unit failed to power up nominally.  Troubleshooting by the crew did not resolve the issue so the sample was returned to cold stowage while ground experts investigate.  Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparations: In preparation for the EXPRESS Pallet Controller Assembly (ExPCA) EVA currently scheduled for May 12, the crew utilized Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) Software to review the translation paths that will be used. They also performed a procedures review including detailed timeline, cuff checklist, tool config and planned getaheads. These activities were followed by a conference with ground teams to address any questions or concerns.  Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Soyuz 733 Automatic Phased Array Antenna (АФАР-M ) Power Bus Off/On Saving data on RSE-Med Laptop before Installation of new SW version Genes in Space MWA Preparation Inventory Management System (IMS) conference Genes in Space Hardware Test Start Saving data on RSE-Med Laptop before Installation of new SW version Separation of ЕДВ Using Separation Unit [УС]. Tagup with specialists as necessary Installation of SW Version 4.2 on RSE-Med Laptop. Portable Onboard Computers (POC) DOUG Software Review Cleaning of ПФ1, ПФ2 Dust Filter cassettes and В1, В2 fan screens in DC1  (without replacement) Genes in Space Hardware Test End Troubleshooting of connection between VCA and the Hand-Held Microphone Pulse Wave monitoring with EveryWear Tonometer Vacuum Cleaning of ВД1 and ВД2 air ducts in DC1 СОЖ maintenance JEM Airlock Press Strata Status Check Genes in Space Hardware Test Stow Glacier Sample Remove Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Procedure Review NanoRacks Module-55 Install JEM Airlock Leak Check Health Maintenance System (HMS) FFQ or ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT) Photo/TV N3/BEAM Camcorder Setup ARED Platform Partial Fold ARED Platform Fold Functional Handover. Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) Node 3 Aft Unstow Polar Desiccant Pack Swap BEAM Ingress ISS Crew Orientation Environmental Health System (EHS) – Radiation Area Monitors (RAM) Deployment CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor Video Recording of Greetings Payloads Network Attached Storage (NAS) Vent Cleaning EML Reprogramming Cable installation Multi-purpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR) /Group Combustion Module (GCM) Component Deactivation ISS Crew Orientation ESA Monthly Management Conference MOTOCARD. Experiment Ops MOTOCARD. Operator Assistance with the Experiment MELFI/MERLIN OsteoOmics Transfer Handover of Increment 51 Crew BEAM REM Sheild 1 Install BEAM Cleanup and Egress CALCIUM. Experiment Session 4 Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) Node 3 Aft Stow ARED Platform Unfold Back to Nominal Position ARED Footplate Unfold Back to Nominal Position Functional Handover Emergency Cue Card Print Nikon still camera sync with station time Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Procedure Review Progress 435 (DC1) Stowage and IMS Ops ISS Crew Orientation EML Reprogramming Cable removal Completed Task List Items VEG03 plant water/photo FIT screenshots – CDR and FE-2 OA7 trash gather Food transfer NORS O2 install Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. EVA procedures conference RPCM S11AC swap JEMAL pressurization and leak check Three-Day Look Ahead: Saturday, 04/29: Crew off duty, housekeeping Sunday, 04/30: Crew off duty Monday, 05/01: SAM install, EVA A/L unstow/tool config, CSA CO activation/checkout, OsteoOmics hardware setup QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:   Component Status Elektron Off Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off          [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) Off Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Standby Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full Up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off   from ISS On-Orbit Status Report https://go.nasa.gov/2pAhbwv
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