#Poka what is this? does this remind you of anyone?
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pokaww · 3 months ago
In shadows of grief, a heart lies broken,
Lost love, lost light, eternal sorrow spoken.
A child's passing, a cruel fate,
Took joy away, leaving only despair's weight.
Loneliness remained, pain unchanged,
He sought solace in artificial range.
A robotic companion, a simulated smile,
Tried to fill the paternal void, all in vain.
Distant father, unaware of his strife,
Friend and brother, his only lifeline.
But even they departed, leaving him alone,
Driving him to madness, a cybernetic throne.
Mechanical limbs now sustain his frame,
Yet his soul remains shattered, lost in pain.
He crafts artificial beings, a futile quest,
To fill the emptiness, find peaceful rest.
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ecargmura · 11 months ago
Bucchgiri?! Episode 11 Review - Confusing World Building
After watching this episode, I sighed. This is the penultimate episode and the writing is still awkward and out of place. You’re telling me that the background about Senya and Ichiya’s beef ended with them getting shot and dying due to an on-going war and we still don’t know what Ichiya’s problem is? Like, why are every important character and worldbuilding details shoved at the penultimate episode and still give very vague telling? What is this writing? This is not how you’re supposed to be writing!
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Senya explains the background between him and Ichiya. Apparently, in whatever desert world they used to live in as humans, there was a war. Ichiya and Senya were fighting and we don’t know what they were fighting about. Ichiya has a grudge against him for undisclosed reasons. Then they get shot and died. Yes. They died. Gosh, this backstory is just vague. Where did the war come from? Why were they hunting Honki people? HOW WERE THEY RESURRECTED AND BECOME GENIES? EXPLANATION, PLEASE! The only thing I got from this backstory is that the reason why guns and bullets are used to summon them is because that was what they died from. Sort of an ironic twist of fate in a way. However, where these guys are from is never explained and how the Honki people legend managed to be passed down to wherever Arajin and co lives. Please don’t tell me they’re going to explain everything next week. Will there even be time to explain all this?
Arajin still continues to be passive. He yells at Senya, which breaks off their contract. He then tries to yell at Matakara to get his shit together, but Matakara is like “Why do you care now?” And when Arajin explains that he’s going to die if Ichiya continue to possess his body, he’s like “I don’t care as long as I fight you.” This causes Arajin to avoid confrontation once again until the end of the episode when he witnesses Matakara defeating Kenichiro. My issue with Arajin is that everyone in the show aside from Mahoro treats Arajin like he’s some cool guy when he’s anything but. Like with Komao, he explained that he’s Matakara’s friend that he went to get him, but Arajin hasn’t done anything worth being called a friend to anyone and yet people expect that he’d care after all this time. Next week is the last episode and he’s finally getting his act together. Why?
Now, Matakara is acting like an ass. The part where he brutally beat Zabu was hard to watch, honestly. Zabu has always been the greatest friend to Matakara and seeing him get this sort of treatment really hurts. It reminds me of shounen angst. Kenichiro was the one to explain Matakara’s rough backstory where his parents abandoned him and the only person caring for him was his brother Mitsukuni who later went to juvie, so Matakara became lost and started fights because of the disarray in his heart. I feel like Mitsukuni is the cause of his downwards spiral. Like in the past, Mitsukuni going to juvie started a dark era in Matakara before he reformed. Now that Mitsukuni got stabbed and is or is not dead, Matakara goes into the dark side again but this time, he’s involved in crazy genie schemes that only Arajin can stop. But, if Matakara was able to reform in the past without Arajin, why does he need Arajin to reform him now? For plot’s sake, obviously.
The other characters are in the background just to note the viewers on how severe the situation is. My favorite part is Hagure slapping Jabashiri like they’re in a slapstick romcom and even going all poka poka on him. Other than that, I don’t have much expectations for the finale. I’m sorry to everyone born in April 6. Your birthday has to be the day the finale of Bucchigiri airs. Anyways, if you’re still following this show, what do you think about the penultimate episode?
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itssirnotsiringe · 5 months ago
Alright! Ready for the bosses!? To bad! Let’s go:
Bobby the painter (swap bandit) and poka-dot Viper (swap Father Viper):
Bobby the painter, is a supposed to be young boy who had only one dream… to be just like pepper man, the best painter ever! And while he say’s up in the manor painting away.. his social skills have vanished. Poka-dot Viper on the other hand is a joyful happy snake with a wife and child, he couldn’t wish for anything else!
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Captain Brown Mask (swap Francis Bondgedo) and state M.D (swap state U.A):
Captain Brown Mask, is a well known pirate across the 7-seas! He obviously owns a ship named the Beauty Of Darkness, Ms.Terra promised that everything he wished for will come true if he does what she says… and he will. :] State M.D is one of Captain B.D’s crew, more of a right hand man. He can pick up anything from a big crate to even a small house! Although he wasn’t always like this… he was once sweet… and loved baking..
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Bruno Bloggerboth (swap Bruno boosway) and goldielox stichty (swap stitchy):
Bruno Bloggerboth is a famous streamer who would usually live stream himself skating on his skateboard and doing pranks! While he does look a little old, he acts super young! He loves the outdoors more than anything. Goldielox stitchy, is now a humanoid guardian for Bruno.. but he is actually a sweet giant, that won’t technically do anything unless you hurt Bruno. And you better hope Bruno likes you otherwise… it won’t be a good ending for you :]
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Fake Noisette (swap noisette) and ‘True Beauty’ (just a robot version of her):
Fake noisette, is just a clone version of noisette… but what happened to the real one?.. anyways, Fake N is truthfully a sweet giant like goldielox. Although she does believe that she isn’t ’pretty enough’ and doesn’t want to scare anyone, so she does what anyone would do… beg Ms.Terra to make a robot vers. Of her. ‘True beauty’ is… just like her…
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Ms.Scarlett (swap red Scarlett) and Tyron the magician (swap twig the tic):
Ms.Scarlett, owns her very own casino as much of a beauty she is. She is very much a very good manipulator, and she will use it to get what she wants. While she doesn’t like Ms.Terra, she did help her casino.. so I guess she can Lear to at least tolerate her. Tyron, is a magician that also works at the casino. While he still has ticks, they aren’t that bad anymore as they.. used to be. He is a huge flirt though, no matter women or man. as long as you are hot? You can get a drink on the house~
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There are 2 more boss’s… but they aren’t ready yet ;)
“YEAH! YEA! GET HIS A$$ GET HIM FOR TAKING ME AWAY FROM MY SIS!!”-Meatballino (Peppino swap)
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Ok so, me and a friend have had this idea of a swap au of fruity island and I did it all on picrew cause I was lazy to draw. I can make another post of me talking about the swap. Only if you guys are interested I know I’ve been focusing on Anton’s Hell too-
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Second coming...
[Nagoya City University Hospital, 8am]
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Marin. Wake up. We’ve arrived.
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Oh! Great. Let’s do this!  (ง’̀-‘́)ง
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Fired up I see. Good.
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Come on, I’ve gotta get my groove on. We should go.
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Everyone just slow down. Remember Tsuchiya said we wouldn’t have any enemies here.
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I wouldn’t be so sure of that Ayumu.
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Huh? Why not?
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The radar Tsuchiya lent me is detecting incoming armored vehicles. They appear to be Future Foundation.
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Damn! Hinata must’ve already found us...
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Let’s go, come on!
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Oh, so NOW we’re rushing.
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No. We’re gonna go at a pace. Remember Kego, you stay here and look after the vehicle. There’s a chance we’re gonna need a clean getaway. Mitsunari, you stay here too and talk us through where we need to go.
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You can count on us.
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*Meanwhile, Hajime and his soldiers gather outside of the Hospital.
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We’ve received confirmation that the city has already been evacuated by the time that we arrived here, just so you know. 
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...Was that Fujimori’s doing?
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He did say he didn’t want anyone getting hurt. I guess he figured someone or other might show up and a fight would ensue.
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It seems to be very few of them actually here. I count a total of 6 people on the scanner. 3 of them seem to be Fujimori, Todoroki and Itsuki. I can’t figure out who the other three are.
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Alright...I’ll take the soldiers and infiltrate the building.
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Peko? Fuyuhiko? Mind coming with me?
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Not at all.
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Nagito and Mahiru, you stay outside in case things go south and they want to make a clean getaway.
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Alright sir.
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...There it is!
*Inside the Hospital, Ayumu and his friends find the machine they’re looking for.
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Here’s the briefcase.
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Great. Take the tubes out and put them in the machine.
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Um...remind Big Sis what this doohicky does again? Poka Poka~ (゜-゜)
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It’s gonna mix the DNA from the vials and add some ingredients to it.
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Which is gonna make it digestible, and then...Let us have the same thing that Ayumu did.
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I’m still not sure how to feel about the fact you used yourself as bait for the experiment before.
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It turned out pretty well I think...I didn’t die, right?
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I didn’t want to sacrifice any of you guys is all.
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That’s very chivalrous.
*All of a sudden, sounds of approaching marching footsteps sound out from below.
Kego over radio: Ayumu, they’re in with you.
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How many?
Kego: Too many! They probably want to make sure they can get you!
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How long do we have until that finishes?
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About 5 minutes.
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Isn’t that too long a time? ☉_☉
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You don’t need to worry. I’ll hold those goons off for as song as I can.
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Aruma. I’ll come with you. 
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Be careful you two, we’re severely outnumber-
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*Ayumu suddenly clutches his head and falls to the floor!
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Ayumu-kun!\( °□° )/
Kego: What’s going on!?
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Ayumu’s having another migraine! And it looks bad this time!
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GRGH! NGGGH! I-I’m ok! Just start the machine! AAAH!
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This is bad. It’s different this time...
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No...No, I’m fine! Just finish the mission! That’s what matters most!
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Marin, make sure that machine keeps up what it’s doing. And keep an eye on Ayumu!
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Roger that! Poka Poka~ヽ(`Д´)ノ
*Mikoto and Aruma rush off to fend off the soldiers while Marin forces a writhing Ayumu down onto a nearby hospital bed.
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Good thing we’re in a hospital. I’m sure I can find you some painkillers...(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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*Meanwhile, Hajime, Peko and Fuyuhiko all begin to make their way up.
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Where’s Fujimori and his group?
Mahiru: Two floors above you. But...watch out! Two people are coming towards you!
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Sorry...but this is too important...! We can’t let you through!
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Heehee...Naughty boys and girls like you need a little punishment to keep them in line~
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Itsuki and Todoroki!
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Guess we have no choice but to fight...!
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Hajime. Don’t let Itsuki hit your pressure points! You’ll go numb if she hits them, and you’ll be knocked out if she hits your neck!
*Fuyuhiko readies a pistol, Peko readies her Bamboo Blade and Hajime takes a fighting stance.
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Yeah, I got it...Men! Stay back! Let us handle them!
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A whip!?
*Aruma suddenly produces a whip from her belt and almost cracks Fuyuhiko with it. Hajime sees it coming and narrowly moves him out of the way.
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*Hajime stomps the ground and causes a shockwave through the concrete. The tremor approaches the two girls.
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*Mikoto grabs Aruma and throws her in the air, immediately jumping after her, narrowly avoiding the tremor.
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What was that!? How’d he do that!?
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Because he’s the Ultimate Hope. He has limitless talents and unbound strength. He could end this fight instantly if he wanted.
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H-He could? Then why doesn’t he?
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Because I don’t want to hurt you guys! Can we not just talk about this!?
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*Mikoto, immediately upon landing, bounds off the wall at Fuyuhiko. 
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Grgh! *BANG!*
*Fuyuhiko attempts to shoot Mikoto in the air, but she avoids by pushing off the wall. She gets in dangerously close and almost takes out Fuyuhiko’s limbs.
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*Hajime however jumps in and takes the attack. His limbs go limp.
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*Aruma attempts to crack her whip at Hajime, but Peko jumps in the way and catches the whip with her blade.
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Hajime. Are you ok?
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...Gimme a second. DRGH!
*Hajime clenches his fists and pounds his fists together.
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I’m ok.
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You’re kidding me, he recovered THAT fast?
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I told you already Aruma. We can’t beat this guy.
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We just need to hold out until he gets here.
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He? You mean...
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C-Calm down Ayumu-kun! It’ll be ok! o_O
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We just need to hold out until the Microwave is done! (◔◡◔)
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GRGH! I...I know...! I...YAAAGH!
*Ayumu tears off his eyepatch and he rolls on the floor, underneath his bed.
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Ayumu-kun! ☉_☉
*Marin rushes over and pushes the bed out of the way and checks on Ayumu. He’s motionless on the floor, face down.
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Marin...Is the machine finished?
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*Marin checks the machine.
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Yes...It’s done.
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Ayumu-kun? Are you alright?
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Marin...I have never felt better...
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Does this mean...?
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Grab the tubes. We’re going.
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*pant!* *pant!*
*Aruma and Mikoto are out of breath. Hajime, Fuyuhiko and Peko prove to be too much of a match together.
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Alright...As much as I hate to say it, you two, as well as anyone else who’s associated with this, are under arrest.
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You...Future Foundation brats always have to ruin everything! You destroy as many people’s lives as you save!
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Yeah, yeah, tell that to the judge...
*Fuyuhiko and Hajime approach the two, who attempt to take a final stand.
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...You really think you’re amazing, don’t you Kamukura...
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What’re you on about now?
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You think that just because you’re the strongest being alive, that you can’t be defeated?
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Well, here’s some advice for you...
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Be it due to time, or other means and methods...
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Empires always fall in the end...
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I seriously have no clue what you’re-
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Hajime! Fuyuhiko!
*All of a sudden, the ceiling above them gives way, and the rubble crashes down on top of them. Hajime just barely moves Fuyuhiko back before he’s buried.
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Are you ok!
*Hajime lands on his feet, but Fuyuhiko tumbles on his ass from the force. Peko helps him up.
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Heehee... ( ˘▽˘)っ
*The dust settles and Fujimori’s silhouette appears alongside Marin’s, who is hugging him.
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Heh. Right on time, am I right?
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...Yeah...Right on time.
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How...did they do that?
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Sorry...I can’t say I don’t understand what you want to do but...
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These actions you’re taking...They’re gonna get people hurt...
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Some blood has to be spilled to save a nation...
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...Well I can’t risk that...So I’m gonna end things now...!
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*Hajime rushes in...but...
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*Ayumu, with little effort, catches his fist, and twists his arm.
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He’s...overpowering Hajime...!?
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What...ARE you...?
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...You and I...
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*Ayumu opens his eyes.
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Are the same...Hajime Hinata...
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