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pokemoniqueitor · 3 months ago
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Plant type Pokémon fans?
I've done this word search for my pupil Alexander who has difficulties in writting and reading in Spanish
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defeatedbyamerechild · 4 years ago
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Comic number 67!
So yeah, while everyone is making a huge mess at the mansion (flooding the bathroom and all), Giogio and Rose are taking care of business... XD
Aaaaaaand Giogio just suddenly remembered regional rivalries... XD
Credits to my Patrons here! My Patreon!
(Also that first panel took FOREVER)
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the-old-closset · 7 years ago
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Bulbasaur #001
フシギダネ (Fushigidane) 
Figura: Base Tomy / Bootleg.
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travis-shrowd · 6 years ago
Pokéone Multi-Twitch Stream
Hey guys, please go check out my friends twitch stream. He’s a new streamer and would love some new followers. He streams quite regularly as well!
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amiity · 5 years ago
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    " Make your wonderful dream a reality,  it will become your truth. If anyone can, it's you. "
  “N” / Natural Harmonia Gropius from   Pokéon Black/White.   oc / crossover   friendly.                    written by Icarus.                                                            c.
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swill182 · 4 years ago
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Chishiomu, The Colorful Bird Pokémon Unfortunately I don't remember the exact origins for this Pokéon's name. Omu is Japanese for parrot... The chishio part might be derived from the Japanese word for a type of dragon or resourceful, neither of which seem to make a whole lot of sense. Type - Fairy/Fighting Height - 4"7' Weight - 31 lbs. Ability - Healer (Hidden: Pokédex Entry - This legendary Pokémon is considered a sign of fair weather to sailors. It is said that if it is seen at dawn or dusk, there will be strong wind and clear skies.
I have two reasons for the trio of legendaries to be birds in this region... The first is that I have the most connection to Gen 1 so I figured that I would go back to birds. The second is that Pittsburgh has three rivers and three sports teams, two of which already have birds as mascots. Chishiomu is the Pokémon representation of the Pittsburgh Pirate's parrot.
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savvyqueen18 · 5 years ago
SilveeLocke | Let's Go Eevee ZombieLocke | Pt. 8
Part 8: Problem Causing
>Next Part
>Previous Part
>Part 1
>Meet Silviana
>Meet Xander
Silviana walked back to Cerulean. Junipur was resting on her shoulder while she talked to Amare.
“And you are just a strong little Psyduck aren’t you!” Silviana cooed in baby-ish talk while she held the little yellow pokémon, “You beat all of those trainers back there and now you’re almost as strong as crazy berry here,” she nuzzled Amare on the bill. Amare quacked happily, Silviana looked at Junipur with a wink, Junipur just looked at her unamusedly.
“Oh what’s wrong crazy berry,” she mockingly said to Junipur, “don’t like it now that you may have some real competition?”
Junipur hopped down from Silviana’s shoulder with an unamused look on her face. Silviana continued to walk and hold the Psyduck in her arms.
Silviana felt a tug on her shoelace as Junipur held her back a little and partially tripped her. She quickly glanced down at Junipur then back up to see where the shout came from. A large splash of water came flying at her and she pulled Amare up to block her own face. She quacked happily as she got sprayed.
Looking around the yellow pokémon, she noticed a small Squirtle staring at her. It only glanced at her for a moment before being startled by an Officer Jenny and running in the opposite direction as her.
That’s odd why’s an Officer Jenny chasing a Squirtle?
After tucking Amare back in her pokéball, she slowly rounded the building that the officer came from. Stopping in her tracks, she stared at the massive hole in the wall. There was a family inside. A man, a woman, and a small girl.
This must be their house! Silviana was absolutely speechless. She walked further into the open hole and crouched down among the debris, she could overhear the parents talking about the damage. Quietly as she could, she listened in.
“I just can’t believe…” The man sighed.
“And he seemed to come from nowhere, with such a strong pokéon…” The woman held tight to her daughter.
Silviana’s brows pushed up worriedly, she looked down at Junipur who was watching her carefully.
“Junipur, someone attacked… with a pokémon,” she looked at all the damage that was done, “A whole wall was taken out with one pokémon…” She got up from her spot and stepped into the crumpled debris, “who would do such a thing…”
The parents quickly looked over with frightened faces.
Silviana held her hands up, “I’m sorry, I was just curious, what did this trainer look like?”
The parents glanced at each other before the woman spoke, “He was dressed in all black with a big red ‘R’ on his shirt, his face was kinda covered, but he kept shouting about a little girl.”
Silviana took a big gulp, “Oh okay then,” she took a step back, “I’m sorry about your house. I’ve actually got a battle to go to, so I’ll–” She turned.
And bumped right into the person she wasn’t looking for.
Oh no…
A taller woman with bright orange hair and suspenders was blocking her way, there was also another Officer Jenny behind her.
“A battle huh?” Misty raised an eyebrow.
Oh no, oh no…
Silviana glanced back and forth between the officer and Misty, “I swear on my life I had nothing to do with this.” Silviana pulled her hands to her chest.
Misty looked back at the Officer Jenny with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. She looked back at Silviana and lowered herself to look Silviana in the eyes.
Silviana swallowed again and tried not to shake under her piercing gaze.
“Now why would a little girl like you be battling around this poor family’s home.” Misty took Silviana’s shoulders in her arm as she led the smaller girl away from the damaged house. She turned and nodded to the Officer and continued to walk with Silviana.
“I wasn’t battling him!”
Shoot! “Uh, yes. Him, the man I think wrecked the family’s home. He was hurting my pokémon on the other side of the river and then he tried to take me away. I didn’t want him to hurt that pokémon anymore, I just wanted to protect it, I didn’t know what else to do! I didn’t think that he’d come and wreck this family’s home!” Silviana continued to talk fast. Her throat was tightening with how emotional she began to feel.
Misty stopped her and held both of Silviana’s shoulders gently. She squatted down and had a worried look on her face as she tried to calm the poor emotional girl, “Woah, slow down! It’s alright, I didn’t think someone like you was capable of destroying a building in the first place!” She gave Silviana a kind smile, “Usually trainers your age would be coming to my Gym to take on the League Challenge.”
Silviana calmed herself as Misty talked to her. She nodded at Misty mentioning the Gym challenge, “That’s where I was going to go next, but I just got distracted.”
Misty nodded at her, “It’s alright, no worries. Let’s go have you fix up your pokémon at the Center around the corner from my Gym then you can come and talk to me,” she smiled, “and don’t worry about that family that’s why Officer Jenny was here so that she could ask them more questions. Just leave stuff like that to adults, okay?”
Silviana nodded but something else popped into her mind.
“Just leave stuff like this to us adults.” A masculine voice echoed.
Silviana shut her eyes, “Thanks Misty.” She smiled as she opened her eyes again, “I guess this means I’ll see you soon right?”
Misty nodded. Silviana turned, letting Junipur hop onto her shoulder, and headed in the direction of the Poké Center.
When she rounded the building and was out of sight, she backed up against the wall causing Junipur to jump off. She sunk down to her knees and tucked them into her.
“Ee-ve-vee,” Junipur came up and pawed at Silviana’s leg.
“Junipur,” Silviana whispered, “do you think that guy did that damage to the house… because of me?”
Junipur had her brows furrowed. And for the first time that Silviana can remember Junipur showed sensitivity to Silviana. She bumped her head against the girl’s leg. The feeling didn’t seem to last long between them though, for when Silviana slowly reached down to touch Junipur, the little pokémon flicked one ear and turned to sit with her back to Silviana. Junipur curled down and stayed facing away from her.
Silviana looked at the little pokémon. Although she didn’t seem to show the girl affection too often, Silviana was grateful to have Junipur accompanying her on her journey. She pulled around her bag and pulled out some snacks. She took out some jerky for herself and a small handful of sour pokéblocks for Junipur.
A woman in a red dress gave them to her after Silviana beat her in a battle. She was very pretty and had a Kalosian accent. Even her pokémon were pretty.
Silviana shook her head, clearing her thoughts. She and Junipur sat there and ate their snacks in the quiet comfort of the small town.
Silviana got her last pokéball back from the Nurse Joy. She tucked her pokémon away in her bag. And before she was leaving the center she overheard:
“Oh yea! I need a Cleffable! Would you trade me my Caterpie for it?” A little girl with a large grey sweatshirt, white shorts, grey shoes, and long brown hair spoke.
“Sure!” Piped up another little girl. She had a large pink dress on with many ribbons adorning it. Her long hair was tied back with another pink ribbon.
Wait… WHAT! Silviana turned swiftly to the voices knocking Junipur off balance. It was two little kids that were talking to each other. She walked over to the little kids and cleared her throat.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear that you’re trading pokémon,” she clapped her hands together, “I am sorry but I have to intervene here, for this is not a fair trade.”
“What do you mean?” The little girl in the pink dress asked as she was holding a pokéball.
Silviana gestured to both of them, “Follow me and I’ll show you.” She pulled around her bag and pulled out two pokéballs. Letting out Trahp and Steng outside the Poké Center. The two little girls gasped in awe.
They each went up to admire and pet Silviana’s two pokémon.
“Oh wow! You’re so beautiful!” The little girl with the pink dress with ribbons was looking at Steng, the other little girl in the grey sweatshirt came up to the Beedrill as well.
“I know! The shell is so shiny and the needles must be kept in great condition!” The grey sweatshirt girl was holding one of Steng’s large white needles. Steng buzzed his wings with a happy look in his eye.
Silviana smiled as she talked, “I’m glad you think he’s cute, I haven’t really used him for battle so that’s why he’s been keeping up with his appearance. And this,” she gestured to both Trahp and Steng, “would be a good trade in my opinion, both pokémon are roughly the same age as far as battling, and they somewhat match each other in terms of power right… now…” Silviana could tell that the little kids were too wrapped up in admiring Steng that they weren’t paying any attention to her. She gave a hefty sigh.
Walking up to the little girls she crouched down letting Junipur hop off her shoulder as she did, “You know, she said gathering their attention, “Steng seems to really like you,” she said to the little girl in pink, “I don’t think I’m going to end up using him, so I think this would be the next best alternative. Silviana placed Steng’s ball in the little girl’s hand.
The girl in pink looked up at her confused.
“I want you to take good care of him,” she looked up at Steng, “if it’s okay with you that is.”
She saw a bit of sadness in Steng’s eyes, but the pokémon gave a single nod.
“Protect them like you would protect me okay? And become stronger for them.” Silviana smiled at the large yellow pokémon.
The little girls were freaking out about their newly acquired pokémon, but Silviana watched Junipur walk up to Steng.
Steng lowered his head a little as Junipur seemed to say something to him. She looked back at Silviana with a flick of her ear before the Beedrill gave another nod and motioned something with one of his needles. Junipur turned and flicked her tail side to side as she walked back to Silviana.
Silviana cocked her head and was curious at their secret pokémon language but didn’t question it when Junipur hopped on her shoulder once again and barked for their departure.
Giving one last goodbye to the little girls, and one last sad, but thankful, look at Steng they headed off to Misty’s gym.
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dullahandyke · 3 years ago
[Image description: a digital drawing featuring Numel, Camerupt, and Torkoal from Pokéon, standing on some grass. Camerupt and Torkoal are standing together, looking relaxed as steam puffs from their backs, while Numel is making a futile effort to erupt steam from its blowhole. End image description]
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#322: Numel #323: Camerupt #324: Torkoal
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blightarts · 7 years ago
25, 26, 88, and 90.
Thanks for the ask, Mech 😊
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
I usually prefer pool. It takes time for me to get used to the salty taste of sea water cuz how small amounts of water keep getting in my mouth when I swim.
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
@@princesstopgun, @mechaspirit, @lovearyn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @mysteli, @helentwombly, @scgdoeswhat, @choicesaholic, @not-so-freshman, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. 
On PC - Monster Hunter World, PokéOne, Minecraft, Smite, Garry’s Mod, For Honor
On Phone - Choices, Pokémon Go, mostly Puzzle Games
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
Coca Cola. 😁
Get your Questions here.
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insomniacseer · 6 years ago
Please note that Pokéon Mystery Dungeon used the singular “they” in 2009.
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findafight · 8 years ago
I love working at a summer camp for a great many reasons but right now because it’s the weekend and because yesterday was the last day of spring programming, last night we all went out, took horrible pictures of each other and sent them all to the group chat, played Pokéon go in the rain, gossiped in my living room at one in the morning, and now I’m lying between my two snoring friends and it wasn’t even a question that we would share the bed last night, with at least ten other staff members sleeping around the rest of my house. Jeez I love camp and the people that work there
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nintendo-town · 6 years ago
Pokéon Go: Préparez-vous ! La Forme Défense de Deoxys va altérer les Raids EX !
Pokéon Go: Préparez-vous ! La Forme Défense de Deoxys va altérer les Raids EX !
Dresseurs, (more…)
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davidjacksonus1 · 6 years ago
[PC] PokéOne Beta: A Free Pokemon MMORPG - 24hr Stream: 950/1000...
[PC] PokéOne Beta: A Free Pokemon MMORPG - 24hr Stream: 950/1000 Followers - Social: @TheFaxFox 🧡
from The Fax Fox https://thefaxfox.tumblr.com/post/180114137055
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jenniferasberryus · 6 years ago
[PC] PokéOne Beta: A Free Pokemon MMORPG - 24hr Stream: 950/1000 Followers - Social: @TheFaxFox 🧡
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/PiRcc5u5yL4 from The Fax Fox https://thefaxfox.blogspot.com/2018/11/pc-pokeone-beta-free-pokemon-mmorpg.html
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ofdragondrumsmobile · 7 years ago
Verse: Kalos Cameo
After taking the time to travel Johto, Iris returned to Unova to accept her offer to be the successor of the Opilucid City Gym. But, she would find that her journey was just beginning. Drayden had a mentor in mind for her that he wanted her to find, meet, and learn from, and in the process, she would learn about the region and its unique advantages. This contact was Drasna, a Dragon-Type Elite Four member who would be able to help Iris conquer her disadvantage issues in a way that Drayden had never been able to touch. And in a way? Iris was relieved not to have to jump right into strict Gym training. Besides... she had heard a friend of hers was currently traveling the Kalos region. And wouldn't it be cool if she just so happened to run into him?
Note: While Iris does obtain Flabébé in the Kalos region, I headcanon this to be at the end of her travels, and therefore I don't intend to write her with it in this verse.
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Excadrill ♂ ♛ Level 60 ♛ Sand Force
Iris and Excadrill have had a long journey, and they have the strength to show for it. Learning why Excadrill closed up and overcoming her past unlocked for her a fierce old friend who is loyal and powerful, willing to push himself to his absolute limits on her behalf. Moveset:  Dig, Metal Claw, Drill Run, Focus Blast
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Fraxure ♂ ♛ Level 55 ♛ Mold Breaker
For a time, Iris thought her experience with Axew would be a failure. Despite its dream of becoming a Haxorus and its immense amount of progress, it hadn’t evolved by the time she left Ash. However, the Matriarch could see Axew’s growth in confidence and spirit, and urged Iris not to be discouraged. As it turned out, having set goals and time to herself really helped kick-start the evolutionary process, and Iris returned home with a fully evolved Haxorus—proof that she was ready to move on in her training. Moveset:  Swords Dance, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Rock Tomb
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Dragonite ♂ ♛ Level 58 ♛ Inner Focus
Dragonite is bitter and seemingly always angry, and generally isn’t receptive to new people. With that said, he’s not inherently violent—something that at first only Iris was able to see in him. When handled with care, Dragonite is loyal, patient despite his annoyance, and brutally strong. But at times his hardheadedness, overconfidence, and poor instinct can cause him to jump headfirst into situations without thought, which has been known to lose him some battles. Moveset: Flamethrower, Thunder Punch, Ice Beam, Dragon Rush
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Gabite ♂ ♛ Level 48 ♛ Sand Veil
Gible is a shining example of how much Iris had grown while traveling with Ash. Even though Iris used her ability to read Gible’s memories and return him to a safe habitat, the Pokéon had grown attached to Iris, and dug its way back to her. She left Blackthorn city with a relatively immature dragon who likes to bite others and is otherwise relatively oblivious, but thanks to how receptive he was of Iris, he was still relatively easy to train. Even in its evolved form, Gabite still shows major enthusiasm in battle and is very affectionate towards Iris. Moveset:  Dig, Dual Chop, Sandstorm, Iron Tail
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Noibat ♂ ♛ Level 33 ♛ Frisk
Iris was so excited to catch a Noibat. And, to her delight, it really seemed to like her, too! But this particular Pokemon doesn't like battling. Like... at all. So, Iris keeps it around as a problem solver. They're really good friends, and you'll find that she visits it a lot in the Dragon's Den when she gets older and they're no longer traveling together. Moveset:  Supersonic, Roost, Air Cutter, Razor Wind
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Swablu ♀ ♛ Level 18 ♛ Natural Cure
When Iris finally met Drasna, she was welcomed with open arms, yes, but also presented with a challenge very similar to the one she was given when she left the dragon village: raise this Swablu to an Alteria, and do it well. If Iris is to succeed, she would be granted the Mega Stone to unlock its Fairy Typing, thus pushing Iris to become comfortable with the type in a uniquely dragon way. Drasna has a lot of faith in Iris, and the Swablu? She is incredibly friendly and does indeed like to be a hat (this became cuddling when she became an Altaria), but still had a bit of a hard time getting to know Iris well enough to maintain a stable Mega-Evolution. The two do eventually become incredibly close friends and it's not uncommon to see them hanging out just for the fun of it. Moveset:  Peck, Sing, Disarming Voice, Roost
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kazvent · 7 years ago
Breve: La franquicia Pokémon supera los 300 millones de unidades vendidas
La saga de juegos Pokémon ha conseguido vender en todo el mundo más de 300 millones de copias, según ha revelado The Pokémon Company a la revista japonesa Famitsu. Esta cifra no incluye las copias descargadas de juegos free-to-play como Pokémon GO disponible para iOS y Android. Desde 1996 con el lanzamiento de Pokémon Rojo y Pokéon Azul para Game Boy y hasta el reciente Pokémon UltraSol y Pokémon UltraLuna para Nintendo 3DS, la franquicia Pokémon ha aparecido en más de 50 juegos, siempre disponibles en plataformas Nintendo. Una de las próximas entregas será el juego que se encuentra… Leer noticia completa y comentarios » from ElOtroLado.net http://ift.tt/2iL3tCY via IFTTT
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