#Poe Dameron Fanfic
eyelessfaces · 2 months
just in case
poe dameron x reader
summary: while fiddling with bb–8's memory, you stumble onto an audio message– poe's prerecorded goodbyes.
based on @ivystoryweaver's headcanon on this post! thank you for allowing me to write something about it!
warnings: angst, mentions of death and war
tags: gn!reader, hurt/comfort, fluff, kissing, poe being an absolute sap
word count: 2.6k
masterlist | taglist | ao3
updates blog: @eyelessupdates
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He can’t help the fond smile growing over his face at the sight of you, deeply focused on the repair project in front of you before his knuckles hit against the doorframe a couple times, catching your attention. 
Your gaze meets Poe’s as he steps into your workshop, your expression of concentration quickly giving way to an easy smile when you see him, closely followed by BB–8. 
Poe greets you with a kiss, his hand lingering at your side when he pulls away. 
“What’s bringing you here, handsome?” you ask, shifting to put away the tool you still have in hand. “Hey Beebs,” you smile as you glance down at the droid that greets you back. 
Poe gazes down at his droid, his look shifting back at you. “Could you take a look at him whenever you got the time?” he asks, a small, defeated sigh escaping his mouth. 
“What’s up?” you question, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow at him. It hadn’t been that long since you last checked up on the droid.
“I think there’s something up with his memory, he’s been acting a little forgetful lately” Poe explains; you can see the concern in his eyes, can hear the worry in his voice.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do.” Poe nods, pinching his lips into a quiet smile as he looks down at the droid. “Hey, you don’t have to worry'' you reassure him, resting a hand over his arm. “It’s nothing too serious usually. Nothing I can’t fix.” He nods again, knowing he can trust you with this, knowing you're as good at this as he is at flying. 
“I’ll take care of him as soon as I’m done with that” you point back to the mess of scavenged parts resting over your workbench.
“Thank you sweetheart,” he says, cupping the back of your head and leaning in to leave a quick kiss on your forehead. “I’d stay with you and tell you about my day, but I have my last meeting of the day in about less than five minutes.” he shrugs, starting to walk backwards to exit the room.
“Sure, don’t worry.” you smile. “Come over when you’re done” 
As promised, the minute you’re done repairing the project you were working on, you lower your workbench to BB-8’s level, letting him roll onto the surface before you adjust it to your level so you can examine him. 
“Hey buddy. memory issues huh?” you coo, grabbing your tools, gathering everything you need to check up on him. He responds with upset beeps, his upper part sagging in defeat. 
“That's okay. Happens to the best of us,” you reassure him, setting to work on diagnosing the problem. “So since it seems to be a memory issue, I’m gonna have to look through your data” you explain, opening his access panels. 
It doesn’t take long for you to identify the issue: a few corrupted memory files. It’s a relief to see it's nothing severe, just a bit of corrupted data that needs to be cleaned and restructured. “Hah, found the problem,” you say, beginning the delicate process of correcting the corrupted files. “Looks like some of your memory files got a bit jumbled. Should be fine once we get that sorted out, there shouldn’t be any problem.” you explain. “You know, Poe always gets so worried about you.” you say, trying to keep the droid calm as your fingers work through the wires and circuits. BB–8 emits a series of grateful beeps, and you smile, focusing back on the task at hand. 
As you work on fixing him, BB–8 chirps curiously, his dome turning to watch you. You explain each step in simple terms, trying to distract him and make it the least stressful possible for him. “I’m working through your memory module. Some of these files are corrupted, so I’m cleaning them up and re-organizing everything. Just like tidying up a messy room.”
BB-8 responds with a relieved series of beeps, and you chuckle. “Yeah, I know it’s not fun for you to have me mess with your memory stuff, but I’ll have you be back to your old self in no time.” 
As you carefully rework BB–8’s memory files, you fumble slightly with a delicate wire, causing a brief short circuit – the droid jerks and beeps erratically before suddenly playing a vocal message. You reach to stop it, assuming it’s a manufactured error message you’ve triggered, but you freeze when you recognize Poe’s voice. “Hey baby,” Poe’s voice crackles through BB–8’s speakers, startling you. You frown, confused, ready to stop the audio message. “If you’re hearing this, it’s probably because something happened and I’m not around anymore.” Your heart properly skips a beat. “I’m sorry I’m leaving you like this,” he sighs softly. “Damn it’s weird talking like this when I’m still here,” he chuckles. You step back, driven by morbid curiosity, firmly intending to listen to the rest of it. 
“But you know, with everything that’s been happening lately and that’s gonna happen, you never know what’s next.” 
He sounds tired. You bite down onto your lip, a soft frown forming over your face and your gaze lost as the recording continues. “I could die in two weeks or in twenty years from the moment I’m recording this, so it’s pretty strange. I just… I love you so much. I wanted you to hear it from me one last time.” 
Your lips curl into a weak smile, tears welling up in your eyes. It’s stupid. He’s still here. It’s just a recording in case he dies.
But somehow, you can’t help it. Not with the prospect that you could listen to it again one day, in the context it was intended to be listened to.
“You’ve always been supportive of my bullshit, no matter what, and you were always there for me no matter how stupid I got, so it’s only fair I thank you one last time. I really hope we got to enjoy our time together” 
You pause the audio message, running your hand over your face, sighing deeply. You want to stop there and not listen to the entirety of it, on one hand because you aren't even supposed to hear it or know of its existence in the first place, and most of all because you’re not sure you can handle it – but your curiosity gets the best of you, and you let it go on.
“It’s stupid that I want to cry, because I’m still here” he chuckles. “You know, I’m recording this because I couldn’t sleep.” he declares. You can hear the soft strain in his voice, you can imagine him and his tired eyes, his hair slightly mussed from tossing and turning like he always does when he’s restless.
He sighs deeply before he speaks again. “I uh… Today’s mission went awful. I could have died and I didn’t even tell you” his voice drops with the weight of his words, he pauses for a second, and the knot inside your throat tightens.  
“You’re sleeping in the next room. You know, you looked so peaceful when I got out of bed that I didn't want to bother you by kissing your forehead, but I did it anyway because I remembered I might not be able to do it forever”
You can’t help it, it’s over for you. Tears roll down your cheeks on their own, the back of your hand suppressing your sniffles and the soft laugh you huff out at his way of always saying things that will get you.
BB-8’s upper part shifts, and he emits a soft, sympathetic whirr, trying to console you.
“I’ve left this message with BB-8 because I know he’s always with you if he’s not with me. Take care of him for me, will you? And take care of yourself. You’re stronger than you know, and you’ll get through this. I love you. So much. More than you know. Which is why I’m gonna cut the recording and get back to bed to hold you tight while I can” 
Your heart tightens inside your chest. You slowly shake your head, tears forced out of you when your eyes fall shut.
“Alright, okay, bye sweetheart. I love you.” 
The recording cuts, ending with a click, leaving you in a stunned silence. BB turns to you, beeping sadly, and you give him a weak smile before wiping the tears over your cheeks with the tips of your fingers. 
You huff out a heavy breath, one that you didn’t even realize was smothering your chest, and force yourself to finish taking care of BB–8 despite everything. 
You’re still sobbing when Poe comes in again. 
He finds you, full on tearing up, not even hiding it – which he finds strange, because you usually turn around and pretend to look for something to quickly dry your tears, and proceed to poorly try to deny you’ve been crying just to avoid worrying him. 
And the context he’s facing quickly leads him to assume something is wrong with BB-8, something you couldn’t manage to fix and now blame yourself for – BB–8 is quick to deny with appalled beeps, so Poe really doesn’t have any idea what he’s dealing with. 
When you pull him near and hug him tight, gripping his hair, longing to be as close to him as possible, he’s still as confused, but he’s swift to take action and hold you even tighter.
His embrace is warm, comforting, his touch delicate as his hand appeasingly rubs over your shoulder, and you progressively manage to calm down and quiet your sobs. “What’s going on babe” he quietly asks, trying to not pounce on you. His fingers carefully lift your chin up, taking care of clearing the tears from your face, his eyes searching yours intensely as he waits for your answer.
You sigh softly, your breath still ragged from sobbing. “I was working on Beebs and I found your…” you pause, realizing you’re not even sure what to call it. You're not even sure you want to say it out loud, to say it's a goodbye message. “I found your recording– I didn't mean to, it just–”
“Oh,” his face drops in saddened surprise, immediately understanding what you’re talking about. “Oh baby” he sighs, shaking his head as he pulls you back into his arms. You weren't supposed to know about this, even less hear it fully, not until he died, that is. “I didn’t want to scare or worry you. I’m sorry you had to hear that– it was just… a precaution.” he murmurs as you cling to him, the remnants of your tears dampening his shirt.
“I know,” you whisper, your voice weak and muffled against his chest. “I just– It was hard to hear. I don’t want to think about losing you”
“I don’t want to think about leaving you either,” he says softly, pulling back just enough to look at your face again. His thumb brushes away the last of your tears when you look at him, his gaze over you filled with a mix of sorrow and unwavering love that you manage to feel just by looking into his dark, warm eyes. “But I need you to know how much you mean to me, no matter what happens”
“Poe,” you scoff-whine. “I know. You’re pretty transparent about it already” you grin. 
When he’s not saying it explicitly, he always has a hand on you, always at least leaves a kiss over your cheek or forehead when he’s not full-on kissing you, and always makes sure to bring you back those jogan fruit cakes you like from Coruscant when he has to go there, and just the way he looks at you has you aware that he loves you, so he really doesn’t need to do that much, but he’s Poe Dameron, so it’s a prerogative.
“I happen to be a very romantic man” he jokes, smiling when he sees you chuckle and shake your head the way you do when he pulls stupid lines. “I just wanted you to hear it from me one last time sweetheart.”
“You and your dramatic flair” you tease lightly, gripping onto his jacket as you let out a soft groan. “You couldn’t just leave a normal message, could you?”
“You know, subtlety isn’t my strong suit” he grins, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. “But seriously, I’m sorry you had to hear it like this. It was meant for dramatic times, not when I was about to ask you if you wanted to get dinner off base like now.”
You snort up a laugh, your arms wrapping around his neck. “You do owe me dinner after that.” 
“I know, right?” he scoffs, an amused smile over his face. “And it means I get to spend more of my alive time with you, so–” he teases, his fingers gently rubbing your back. “Stop that, it’s not funny” you frown, playfully hitting his chest with the back of your hand. “–Plenty of time to remind you that I love you” his hand squeezes yours gently.
You pull him closer, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that is both tender and intense, slow at first but deepening when the fear, the relief, the overwhelming love you feel for him step at the front of your mind. His hand moves from your hip to cup your face, his thumb caressing the skin of your cheeks rough from the tears.
When you break apart, your foreheads are still linked, his fingers gently tracing your face, your breaths mingling. “I’m joking about this, but I promise I’ll do my best for you to not have to listen to this recording again anytime soon.” 
“Mh, hope ‘anytime soon’ means a few decades at least”
“I promise. I love you too much to leave you like this. And I know I’ll look sexy when my hair turns gray” he adds with a playful smile.
You laugh, the sound breaking the lingering tension and bringing a sense of normalcy back. “Oh, definitely” you grin, raking your fingers through his curls. “Most handsome silver fox in the galaxy.” 
Poe smiles, kissing you again, softly. You can very clearly feel BB–8’s presence when you pull away, his needy beeps attesting of his need for attention.
“Yeah, alright buddy” you sigh, turning back to the droid to finish up his repair.
“So he’s okay?” Poe asks, approaching the workbench. 
“He’s all fine, good as new” you smile. “Hey, try running a diagnostic”
The droid runs his internal check, beeping happily once he’s done and everything seems to be alright.
“See?” you turn to Poe. “All good.” you grin at him, glad to have something concrete to smile about after that emotional rollercoaster you went through.  
“Thank you, really. I knew you’d fix him up” Poe declares, smiling as he watches BB roll off the workbench and onto the floor, navigating around your feet. “And I was serious about that dinner, by the way,” he says, watching you putting away your tools and tidying up your workbench. “We could both use a break.”
“Yeah,” you agree, scoffing. 
Poe’s hand finds yours as you turn the light off and leave the workshop, your fingers tangling as you walk through the corridors of the base, finding your way out. 
“Hey,” Poe calls, pulling you closer as you walk. You hum, looking at him, noticing the slight hint of worry in his eyes. “You really think I’d look hot with gray hair?”
You scoff, shaking your head. “Absolutely baby”
A content smile grows over his face, and he nods. “Cool.”
any and every comment/reblog is greatly appreciated!!
star wars taglist:
@lockleysgrl @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @anightshift
@whatthefishh @dameronshandholder @campingwiththecharmings @mintgreen24 @spider-starry
@jakecockley @cocodiem @spxctorsslxt @friedwings @luxisluxurious
@stvnnie @dowbastan @il0vebeingdelulu @hammerhead96 @pigeonmama
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the-little-ewok · 1 year
An Unorthodox Method
Poe Dameron x F!Reader
Rating : 18+/E
Word count : 7600 (ish)
Warnings : It's the one bed trope!, Lil mild angst, lots of teasing, Poe being an adorable little shit, mentions of Poe having hearing problems/being partially deaf in one ear, fluff, banter, SMUT, PIV, fingering, marking (love bites and nail marks), praise kink if you squint, illusions to cum eating, mentions of oral f- receiving, overstimulation if you blink, aftercare, very brief mention of casual sex/one night stands.
Summary : All you want is a hot shower, some clean dry clothes, and to crawl into bed. What you absolutely do not want is Poe Dameron in that bed with you.
@campingwiththecharmings thank you so much for this request! I'm so excited to finally do the one bed trope for Poe! I hope you like it.
Special thank you to @mandinlore for the beta 😘
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The rain hammers a steady ping ping ping on the window as you and Poe stand in the doorway to the room, your clothes soaked and sticking uncomfortably to your skin, your shoes leaving puddles of water.
"You have got to be kidding me!" You groan as Poe laughs.
You had been looking forward to a hot shower, a nice warm bed, and at least a good few hours of peace and quiet. The last part had already been thwarted by the fact some error in the hotel booking meant you only had one room with no others available, and now to add insult to injury there was only one damn bed.
"Well, this is going to be fun!" The pilot chirps happily from beside you, walking in to dump his bag on the chair and leaving wet boot prints in his wake.
Climbing into bed with the resistance's best looking pilot, who you were, if you were honest, a little bit in love with, did not constitute as fun. In fact, after the day you had spent with him, it was the very last thing you wanted to do.
Poe was always, and had always, been chatty, but today he seemed to have turned all his dials up to maximum. He'd talked non stop, made unfunny jokes, inappropriate innuendos that with anyone else you suspect he wouldn't have gotten away with, and done just about anything he could to make himself the most annoying person this side of the galaxy.
For what reason, you had no idea. You had started to suspect perhaps he had realised your warm feelings towards him, and maybe this was his way of making you hate him so he didn't have to let you down, and honestly, you might think it was starting to work.
Trudging into the room, your boots squelching with each step, you place your bags down, resigned to your probably sleepless fate.
"You want the bathroom first?" The pilot offers, despite the fact he's worse off than you, having given you his jacket to hold above your head the moment the downpour started. It hadn't helped much after the first few minutes, but you had been grateful for the shelter anyway.
You don't really register his question, your thoughts lost as you finger the worn leather coat remembering the way his scent clung to it, invading your senses as you splashed through the flooded streets.
"Hey," you look up to find the pilot watching you, his brow furrowed. "You okay?"
You drop the jacket onto the dresser, giving him a smile and a nod.
"Just sick of listening to you."
Poe snorts with laughter, grabbing the hem of his shirt and peeling it up over his head. You purposely busy yourself pulling out some dry clothes from your pack , not allowing yourself to peek, although it's a difficult battle.
"There's nobody you love listening to more than me," Poe states, thankfully not seeming to notice your internal fight of keeping your eyes off him.
You sigh, somewhat thankful his annoying cockyness is a distraction from his semi-nakedness. Picking up your sleepwear and wash bag you head towards the bathroom, trying to ignore him. Poe however gives you no quarter, trailing along behind you.
"So what exactly are the sleeping arrangements going to be?" He asks.
Frowning you turn around, your eyes deciding to flicker over his bared torso before meeting his gaze. Even the smallest glance is enough to get blood rushing through your veins, and you can feel heat blossoming across your cheeks.
Ignoring the feeling you gesture to the bed with a raise of your eyebrow.
"But what if you snore?" The pilot asks, clearly not noticing your desire to leave the room until he's decided to put some clothes on.
You pull a face, not quite understanding his issue when he's half deaf from the war anyway. The explosion that had damaged most of the resistance ships had permanently damaged his eardrums, which Poe liked to use to his advantage when he decided he wasn't going to listen to someone, although you think he hears far more than he lets on.
"Poe, you can hardly hear out of one ear as it is! Just sleep on your good ear and you probably won't hear a thing out of the other one."
He folds his arms stubbornly. "I'll hear if you're right next to my head."
"Then you are more than welcome to sleep in the bathroom once I'm done," you offer, stepping into the tiny fresher.
"Nah, I'd rather sleep in the bed. But what if you steal the covers?"
"Then you can take them back."
"What if you cuddle me in your sleep?" He fires quickly.
You give him a withering look, trying not to think about pressing your body against his, keeping your eyes trained on his face.
"Oh trust me Poe, I won't." In fact you will do everything possible not to touch him, just for your own sanity.
"But you might. I'm very into consent and if I'm asleep-" he pauses mid sentence, opening his mouth and then closing it again before leaning against the door frame. "Actually scratch all of that. I absolutely give you consent to do whatever you like to me."
The pilot grins at you and you feel a familiar surge of heat through your body, collecting and coiling in your abdomen. Combined with your patience finally snapping, it's the last straw. You slam the bathroom door in his handsome smug face.
The lukewarm shower really tops off the day.
"I've been thinking" Poe starts the moment he exits the bathroom, after loudly complaining through the door about you using up all the hot water.
You pinch the bridge of your nose with a sigh, the hope that he would have calmed down and go straight to sleep evaporating. You are grateful however that he's at least finally put a shirt on.
"That must hurt."
"Oi!" He protests with a shocked expression, that at least brings a little smile to your lips. He grins at you, letting you know he took no offence at your words.
"As I was saying," he continues while you lay out his clothes to dry, the ones he dumped in a wet pile in the middle of the floor. "I've been thinking, and I know what's wrong with you. I want you to know it's okay."
The way his voice suddenly goes so gentle makes you look around. The pilot holds out his hand, wrapping his fingers around yours as he pulls you closer, holding your gaze steadily. You hope he doesn't notice the way your breath catches, or the heat blazing through you that makes your hands clammy.
"It's okay to be nervous," he continues, while your mouth goes dry. "I know spending the night with me is a lot, and it's going to be so difficult for you to keep your hands to yourself, but we are going to get through this together, and you'll be able to tell everyone about it when we get home."
You snatch your hand angrily out of his while the pilot bursts into laughter.
"Grow up and get in the damn bed!" You growl, climbing into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin and turning over away from him, your heart thundering in your chest. How, even when he was joking, did he manage to get so damn close to the truth?
"Why do you want me in bed so badly, huh? Thinking about late night cuddles?" You hear the pilot ask, feeling the mattress sink with his weight.
"No. When you're asleep, you're not talking," you bite out, still stinging from the embarrassment of your reaction when he was just being his usual annoying self.
Poe ignores your hostility and you feel him shrug.
"Listen, all I'm trying to do is tell you that we could eliminate some of this sexual tension. Well, if you wanted to."
Sexual tension wasn't exactly what you would say was between you, but there was always certainly something, although with Poe you imagine he had that with everyone. With you though, your feelings for the pilot ran a little deeper, not that you'd ever dare speak those aloud. The last thing you needed was the "it's not you, it's me" speech, especially if his behaviour was to drive you away. Best to let sleeping dogs lie.
You run a hand down your face with an exasperated sigh. "There is absolutely no sexual tension, Poe. What there is, is murderous tension."
Poe lets out an exclamation of excitement.
"Oh my favourite kind!"
You bite the inside of your cheek to stop a smile, lest you encourage him to continue.
"Please Poe, go to damn sleep," you whine, pulling the pillow from under your head and pressing it against your ear, trying to block out his incessant rambling.
"I will if you admit it."
"Admit what?" You groan, frustrated. Why can't he just shut the hell up and let you get through this?
"That you've thought about us."
"Poe I swear-" you take a deep breath, grabbing the cushion with one hand, rolling over with the intent on smothering him into silence. You're surprised to find the pilot on his side, almost nose to nose with you in the small bed.
"You've seriously never thought about us kissing?" Poe interrupts.
"I…I…" you’re thrown by his closeness, by his long lashes and soft smile, by the damn doe eyed look he's giving you.
You know there's no shutting him up until you tell him what he wants to hear so you take a breath. It wouldn't exactly be news to him, Poe knew just about everyone had considered kissing him at some point or another. The man did come with a reputation for having a rather skillful mouth after all.
"Fine! Maybe once or twice. Now go to damn sleep!" You growl, annoyed at him, and yourself.
The shit eating grin he gives you is enough to make you turn back over, tucking the pillow under your head and shutting your eyes tightly, as though that alone might drown him out.
"I knew it," he gloats with a happy sigh, clicking off the bedside lamp.
You grip the pillow, considering the option you still have of smothering him.
Thankfully he's quiet from that point and infuriatingly asleep in less than five minutes. You can feel the mattress move with his slow steady breaths.
Glancing over your shoulder he's laid out on his back, one arm tucked under his head, his lashes fluttering against his cheeks as he dreams, his full lips open with a soft sigh.
Turning around again you punch the lumpy pillow, trying to get more comfortable.
You will not think about kissing him. That was a one time thing. Okay, maybe three or four. Well maybe more… a lot more. You're determined tonight for once, you will not fall asleep thinking about his mouth on yours, you will absolutely not think about his lips on your skin, or his fingers caressing your breasts…
Someone suddenly shakes you and you open your eyes groggily, the room swimming and blurred as you blink sleep from your vision.
"What the hell?" You grumble, looking up at the pilot with his sleep tousled curls, still half asleep himself, one eye still shut and the other half open, bathed in the soft moonlight glow that sneaks through the blinds.
"You said my name," he mumbles, voice still sleep gravelled. "You alright?"
Flashes of his mouth sealed over your nipple, his tongue darting out to lick a path down to your navel, your hand gripping his hair, his mouth between your thighs.
Oh no. You absolutely did not have a sex dream about him. Not now, not here. Please no!
"You must have dreamt it," you swallow, desperately trying to play it cool. If Poe heard you while he was dead asleep, then you must have been loud. You feel the heat prickling the back of your neck.
"No, I definitely heard you say Poe," he insists.
"Well even if I did I'm fine so you can go back to sleep," you insist, shifting your legs restlessly. You're too warm. Well not just warm, burning hot, sweat cooling on your skin, an uncomfortable ache between your legs that screams of unsatisfied desire.
"You sure? You sounded a bit…breathless?" The pilot asks again, genuine concern in his tone. Although you can barely see him in the dim lighting you can still see the frown pulling his brows together, both eyes now open and studying you. You really don't want him to press any further. Even his voice brings back flashes of the dream, sultry whispers in your ear, his tongue lapping at your folds, the cry of his name from your mouth.
You swallow again, pushing the thoughts away.
"Really, I'm fine. Must have been a nightmare if it involved you anyway."
"Ouch." He holds his hands over his chest, collapsing back onto the mattress as though you wounded him, giving a long drawn out dramatic death rattle.
Pulling up the covers you throw them over his head with a laugh.
"Go back to sleep, Flyboy."
Laying back you shuffle as close to the edge as you can, putting as much distance as possible between you and the pilot. You wonder if it would be better for you to stay awake, just in case your dreams come back to haunt you. You absolutely wouldn't get away with saying his name a second time.
"It's okay you know," Poe speaks suddenly into the darkness as you lay rigid beside him. "If you were dreaming about me. I wouldn't mind."
You can't help but snort with laughter at that.
"You wouldn't mind if anyone dreams about you."
"True," Poe admits. You feel him shift and even though you can't see him, your eyes staring up at the ceiling, his gaze burns you.
"Let me rephrase. I'd like it if you dreamt about me." He continues.
When you don't turn to face him or grace him with an answer, you feel the shift of the mattress again as he lays back.
"I'm sorry," he sighs, and for once it sounds genuine, not a hint of playfulness in his tone. "I thought this would cheer you up. It's been a long week and you've just seemed so… I don't know. Not yourself, like you're bottling everything up. I figured maybe if you were thinking about how annoying I was, or making you laugh and fight with me, it would give you a bit of a distraction and an outlet, but I get it, maybe I took it too far, even if it is the truth."
It had been a long week, the longest in fact. While the mission itself had been a success, you had seen a lot of the First Order's destruction in the process, and it was worse than either of you had realised. You'd felt melancholy for days, the sights you've witnessed replaying in your mind. You hadn't noticed it much at the time, too lost in your own thoughts and angry that he was so loud that it was impossible to hear yourself think, but the more you think about it, the more you realise what he's been doing — trying to make you smile, keeping you distracted, making you focus on anything but what's happened. All you've done is complain to him about it.
Guilt twists hard in your stomach.
How typical of Poe to try and be helpful in the most unconventional way.
Part of you wants to reach for him, to cuddle him tight against you and thank him, to tell him you're here for him too if he needs someone. The other part keeps you rigidly pinned to the mattress, afraid to move in case so much as a finger brushes up against him, unsure if you can hold yourself back with the lingering memory of the dream.
"You mean the truth is that you really are worried I snore?" You ask, trying to break the unbearable tension.
His answer is the most serious he's sounded all day. There isn't a trace of humour, of teasing, just a tiredness, the kind that comes from pretending to smile all day, the kind that signals a surrender.
"No, I could live with that. I mean the dreaming part. I'd like it if you dreamt about me."
"Oh." You can't find anything else to say to that, your heart hammering so loudly in your chest you're sure even through his damaged ear he can hear it.
The ongoing silence suddenly feels heavy, like a crushing weight on your chest, the truth feels like lead in your belly. Poe hasn't made a single noise in a while but you get the distinct feeling he isn't asleep. You wonder if he's laying still too, muddling through his thoughts.
You can't take back your behaviour towards him but you can at least give him something in return.
The response is instant, "Yeah?"
You take a breath, swallowing hard, your fingers twisting into the sheet at the edge of the bed, nervously gripping them.
"Every day," you whisper quietly.
You feel a slight shift as he must turn to look at you.
You clear your throat, staring hard enough at the ceiling that your eyes start to burn, repeating yourself louder.
"I said every day. I lied earlier. It's not once or twice. I think about kissing you every day. I have for a while," you admit.
A sudden blinding light obscures your vision, making you cry out in surprise and squeeze your eyes shut against the sudden intrusion. Coloured lights flash behind your eyelids and you have to blink a few times in order to see anything.
When the room comes back into focus Poe is sitting bolt upright in the bed, staring down at you, the bedside lamp illuminating his head like a synthetic halo.
"You were dreaming about me!"
With a groan you grab the pillow and hold it over your own face, deciding if you can't smother him you could just smother yourself instead, which seems like the better option than actually having this conversation.
You feel the pillow tug back gently, but you hold fast, refusing to give it up.
"Come on, let go and talk to me. You've said it now." A grunt of effort and a hard tug on the pillow before Poe sighs. "I'm not going away so you're either going to suffocate or talk."
"Then I'll suffocate," you mumble into the pillow, already regretting saying anything.
"You know I can't hear you right? Come on." This time he tucks his fingers under yours and peels them off the pillow cover until it falls halfway off your face.
"Better," he smiles, letting go of your hands to remove it entirely. "Why are you hiding from me?"
"I don't want to see your smug smile about how right you are," you glare, trying to hide your embarrassment that you've blurted out exactly what you've been trying to conceal from him. Once more, Poe takes your attitude in his stride.
"I've thought about kissing you too, you know? In fact I've thought about kissing you at least four times since you woke me up." He gives a shrug, like you should know that, like it's completely utterly normal for someone to think about kissing you that many times in the space of ten minutes.
You bite your lip, familiar tendrils of desire reigniting in your belly. Your body, still clearly on edge from your illicit dream, thrums with tension.
"So why haven't you done it yet?"
Poe rolls his eyes, as though the answer is obvious. "Clearly I'm building up the sexual tension for it!"
You're done letting him have the upper hand in this. In a surge of confidence, and to stop the smug look on his face, you wrap your hand around the back of the pilot's neck, before you pull his lips to yours. You feel Poe's brief smile, probably of victory, against your mouth before he kisses you back.
It's soft at first, almost sweet tender kisses, short and playful, getting to know each other. He kisses your top and bottom lip, he gives you tiny pecks of affection, he licks playfully at your bottom lip.
Effortlessly he shifts his weight over you, slotting himself between your thighs as though you were made to fit together. His tongue licks into your mouth, slick and hot, sliding against your own as he presses his body against yours, your kisses descending into something much more passionate.
Maker, the rumours weren't wrong. He is good at this, better than good actually, infuriatingly good. You can't even find any fault to tease him about.
You tangle your fingers in his curls, tugging gently and causing the pilot to moan into your mouth. You give a shiver of desire at the sound, your mind filled with thoughts of how you can draw it from him in other ways. Poe's mind seems to be on a similar track, his hips grinding against yours, pressing himself against your core and causing you to let out a gasp of surprise at the jolt of pleasure.
Perhaps there was a little sexual tension after all.
The pilot pulls away, his chest heaving, eyes dark and lips kiss swollen, his curls messy and tousled from your fingers.
"Fuck, sorry. I didn't mean to get carried away so quickly," he apologises, swallowing hard as he clearly tries to get a handle on himself, holding his body off yours, allowing a brief respite for you both to collect yourselves.
"I don't mind getting carried away," you admit, still feeling feverish with his closeness, your mind filled with the fantasy of your dreams. You raise your hips, pressing up against his clothed length, making the pilot let out a choked moan of surprise before his eyes darken.
"Well in that case," he grins, recovering all too quickly. Desire coils in your belly and before you can drag his mouth back to yours, in true Poe fashion, he continues talking. "Why don't you tell me what I was doing in this dream of yours?"
You give him a coy smile. As if he's going to get it out of you that easily.
"Fulfilling my deepest fantasy," you answer as Poe licks his lips, eagerly leaning forward to listen.
"Oh yeah? What fantasy might that be?"
"You were quiet for a whole five minutes," you sigh dreamily. It takes a second to register with him before he leans back bursting out laughing. You can't help but start to giggle yourself.
"Okay, I deserved that!" He laughs. "My methods may be unorthodox, but they work!"
He was entirely correct in that him being his usual annoying self was exactly what you had needed as a distraction, although you're sure there were less annoying ways to achieve the same means.
"I don't know. I actually considered murdering you at least a few times. Maybe I still will, when you're fast asleep and least expecting it," you warn, running a finger along your throat in a playful threat.
Poe hums, leaning back down over you, caging you to the bed with his arms.
"What exactly makes you think either of us will be going back to sleep?"
There's another rush of heat that tingles against your skin, shooting straight down to your aching core. It's not at all helped by the fact Poe leans down to capture your lips, his tongue slipping between your teeth as he moves one hand to grip your hip, sliding it slowly up your body and under your shirt to trail his fingers across your breast.
You moan into his mouth as he rolls your peaked nipple between his fingers, grinding yourself up against him, uncaring of whatever commentary he wants to make as long as you can deal with this rapidly intensifying desire.
When he finally pulls away once more it's hard to get your breath, especially as he continues to steal little kisses from you, his fingers still resting against your skin.
Bracing himself on one arm above you, the other slides down to tiptoe over your hip.
"Do I have your consent to remove these ugly pants?" He grins teasingly, pulling at the waistband of your shorts. They had seen better days in all fairness but you hadn't really considered anyone else seeing them.
"Hey, they aren't that bad! Not like you're the pinnacle of fashion." In retaliation you poke your finger through a hole in the leg of his threadbare sleep pants, making the pilot laugh.
"These are my lucky pants."
You can't help but snort with a roll of your eyes. "That's the stupidest thing I've heard."
Poe raises one eyebrow, a smug smile tugging at his lips.
"They got you into my bed didn't they?"
You scoff, "The hotel management got me into this bed."
"You know what, you're right. Maybe I should go thank them now," Poe muses, his grin turning into a laugh as you wrap your arms around him, preventing him from leaving.
"Will you please just stop talking?" You laugh, wondering how much of the night is even left. You swear if the sun rises and you haven't resolved this, you will combust of need, and you will take the pilot out with you.
Poe raises his eyebrows.
"Well, I would, but you still haven't answered my original question."
You stare at him, trying to figure out what exactly he's talking about before you realise.
"For the love of… Yes Poe, I give you consent to do whatever you want to me as long as you stop dragging this out like a massive tease!"
The pilot lets out a soft chuckle, leaning down to brush his nose against yours, a soft gesture in a stark contrast to what leaves his mouth, "dangerous words, sweetheart."
You almost shudder with the flash of desire that bolts through you, making sharp heat rush across your skin and your pussy clench.
"I need you to make me a promise first though," his fingers slip across your abdomen, resting just above the waistband of your pants. The feverish desire at his touch is overshadowed by annoyance that he's still talking. Maker, you swear he won't survive till sunrise.
"I'm going to need you to be loud," he purrs in your ear, cutting you off as his hand slips under your waistband. "I don't want to miss a single noise you make."
Even if you wanted to be quiet, the pad of his finger slipping across your clit causes your body to react in a primal way, letting out an embarrassing loud moan for such a little touch.
Poe chuckles.
"Just like that." He praises, sliding his finger down further to dip into your entrance, letting out a soft groan of his own at how wet you are, before he drags it back up, spreading your slick over your aching clit and making you whine again. "Can you do that for me? Can you be loud enough?"
The best you can muster is a whimper as he slowly thrusts his finger knuckle deep into you.
"Nu-huh," Poe chides, "loud."
A second finger quickly joins the first, stretching your walls and filling you more than your own ever could. This time you arch your back off the bed, chasing the blissful feeling as a much louder groan tears itself from your throat.
"Better," Poe grins. "I heard that one."
You want to smother him, you want to kiss him, but most of all, despite his annoying little smug smile, you still desperately want to fuck him.
You decide on option two, at least for the moment, pulling his lips down to yours.
His tongue licks into your mouth as he thrusts his fingers inside you at a leisurely pace, swallowing each whine and moan you give at the pleasure skittering and coiling in you.
Poe curls his fingers, pressing up against that spot inside you, making you pull away from his kiss to throw your head back in pleasure, a loud groan of his name escaping. You're half expecting him to make some sort of cocky comment, but Poe seems as lost in this as you are. He drops his head to press open mouthed kisses across your neck, biting and sucking, marking and claiming you as his.
When he works a third finger into you, his thumb brushing against your clit, you come undone. Normally you would feel embarrassed about how loud you are, the way your body shudders and heaves, your pussy clenching hard around his fingers, but the shaky little fuck Poe groans in your ear, obliterates any notion of embarrassment.
As you come down from your high, your body still trembling from the aftershock, whining as he slips his fingers from you, you realise he's breathing almost as heavily as you are, his breath coming out in short pants as he looks you over.
"I need to fuck you," he growls, clearly struggling with his own needs.
You're already nodding before he gets halfway through his request. Whatever he needs, whatever he wants, you'll give it to him without hesitation.
He all but tears your pyjamas from you, making short work of removing them and throwing them across the room, before his join the unceremonious pile on the floor.
This time you allow yourself to look, you allow yourself to take in his broad chest, the little scars crisscrossed with a larger one, old and new, your gaze trailing down across his abdomen to the line of hair that guides your eyes down to -
"Are you done admiring?" Poe's amused tone makes your eyes snap back up to his, your face growing warm with embarrassment that you've been caught staring, although you know he has probably done exactly the same to you.
"I don't know about admiring," you shrug as though your pussy isn't pulsing at the thought of him burying his cock deep inside you. "Think the resistance needs to re-evaluate their best looking pilot status."
Poe simply grins at you, seeing through your nonchalance all too clearly.
"Good to know you like what you see. Tell me, how wet did it make you to see me earlier, all soaked and shirtless?"
"Didn't," is all you are able to punch out as he leans down, pressing his body against yours, rolling his hips just slightly so his hard cock brushes against your slick folds, holding himself at your entrance like the tease he is.
"Really?" He smirks, "Somehow I think you are lying. But alright, I'll get the truth out of you, one way or another." The threat gives you a rush of excitement, wondering exactly how he's going to do that. Not that you're going to let him know that so easily.
"Are you going to keep talking or are we going to-" your question cuts off into a gasp of pleasure as he presses himself inside you, slowly, so you can feel every vein and ridge as he stretches your walls.
"Are we going to what?" He grins.
You slap his arm in reply but there's no power behind it, you're too busy concentrating on the wet noise as he pulls out of you before slowly pressing back in, making you whimper in need. The first time your pussy clenches around him it's involuntary, the second time it's just to enjoy the little groan the action draws from the pilot.
"Stop," he warns, his head dropping to your shoulder, clearly trying to steady his breathing as you clench around him a third time, just for fun. "Taking it slow."
"You don't have to take it slow," you assure him. For a moment you think it's sweet he's considering your comfort but you're more than ready for this.
"I want to," he grits as you clench around him again. The tone of his voice lets you know he's digging his stubborn heels in and nothing will change his mind. Even so you need more than he's offering. This has gone on too long, the tension is too much, the need drumming through your veins screams to be sated.
You whine, you beg, you plead, you drag your nails along his back and arch your hips against him, but he doesn't give. He rocks into you slowly, achingly slowly, maddeningly slowly, and for all your initial protests you enjoy every second of it.
The pleasure builds just as slow, each roll of his hips winding the cord tighter and tighter until you're sure you can't take any more, and then it pulls further. You can't do anything but surrender to the bliss it offers, raising your hips to meet his in the hopes his resolve will eventually break.
"You're incredible you know?" He pants against your mouth, sweat beading at his hairline, his curls sticking to his forehead, his eyes hooded and glazed. "Not just at this, but this too."
All you can do is stare at him, somewhat dazed, wondering how he's even thinking in coherent sentences right now, let alone speaking them. Somewhere your subconscious registers his words and it accompanies a host of butterflies in your belly.
"Just you, exactly as you are. You are incredible," he repeats, only this time it comes with a much harder thrust. You arch against him, your fingers digging into his shoulders as your head drops back against the pillows.
"Poe, please," you beg, unsure if you are able to take much more. Clearly neither can he, his name on your lips undoing his patience. He wraps his fingers around your thigh, hoisting your leg up over his hip as he sinks deeper into you, picking up the pace.
His hips slam into yours, filling the room with the sound of flesh on flesh, accompanied only by his curses and praises that fall freely and loudly. For all his requests for you to be loud the pilot's own moans are enough to drown yours out.
Working a hand between your bodies you press a finger to your clit, rubbing tight circles around the hardened nub as Poe angles his hips, pressing up against the blissful spot inside you. Your whole body almost arches up off the bed with the combined pleasure catapulting through you, an almost screamed curse fighting its way out of your throat.
Poe groans low and shakily, barely holding his own climax back, his thrusts becoming messy and mistimed.
"That's it baby. Fuck wanna feel you cum, wanna hear you," he groans, completely wrecked.
That's all it takes. Your orgasm hits suddenly and brightly, your whole body writhing and stiffening as the pleasure overtakes you, coursing through your veins like lava, making your vision go white as you tremble through it. Poe had wanted to hear you, but the purely feral noise you let out, you wouldn't be surprised if the whole damn hotel heard you. You're sure Poe would probably enjoy it if they did.
It's almost too much for your oversensitive body to feel Poe thrusting into you faster and harder, chasing his own end, babbled curses and praises falling from his lips. You shake with overstimulation when his hips stutter, emptying himself deep inside you, your nails leaving crescent moons on his shoulders as you cling desperately to him, your thighs trembling, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath.
Poe half collapses on you, letting your leg down slowly as he presses soft kisses to your neck, against every love bite he's given you in the heat of the moment. You suspect there may be quite a few questions when you get back to the base tomorrow. Turning your head you press a soft kiss to his cheek, making him lean up to look at you.
"Better than you dreamt?" He grins, still flushed and panting.
"I didn't dream about that," you giggle breathlessly, shaking limbs melting into the mattress, sated and tired. Poe raises his eyebrows, letting out a thoughtful hum before he suddenly pulls out of you, making you whimper and immediately miss the feeling of him inside you.
Shuffling down your body he presses a soft kiss between your breasts. You frown at him, confused by his sudden movement and how he still has so much energy. How is it you're a wrecked mess and he's still acting like he can go another ten rounds? Why can't he just be still for one second?
Another kiss to your ribs, first the right side, then the left, moving slowly down, before he pauses, looking up through his lashes at you.
"You didn't dream about us making love?"
You go to make fun of his choice of language but before you have a chance he licks a hot stripe down to your naval, making your breath catch with the sudden rush of pleasure. You're starting to question if he's able to read your thoughts, if he knows the truth of your dream already. Perhaps you had said more than just his name in your sleep?
"Nope, not about us," you breathe unsteadily, trying to hold yourself back from begging anything from him again. You suspect you know what's coming next and honestly, you're not sure if your body is able to handle it, barely over your first two climaxes. Still you weren't about to give in to his questions, he'd never shut up if you admit it. "Told you, I wasn't dreaming about you."
"You are a terrible liar," Poe states, his hands gripping your thighs, pushing them apart. The rush of cold air against your heated flesh makes you gasp and the pilot smirks, his eyes flickering down to your swollen cunt, leaking with your combined climax before coming back to you, a devilish grin taking over his face.
"'Whatever I want to do to you' still stand?" He asks.
All you can do is nod mutely, a fresh wave of need building despite your exhaustion.
"Good," Poe grins, pinning your thighs to the mattress, preventing you from moving. "Because I'm going to get the truth out of you my way."
He does exactly that. He drags the truth out of you to every question he wants answered and more, twice with his mouth, then again with his cock, reducing you to a babbling trembling mess, willing to tell him whatever he wanted to know, and he's infuriatingly smug about it.
Poe had been surprisingly tender afterwards. He'd carefully cleaned you up, brought you a glass of water, massaged your sore muscles, before he'd finally pulled you into his arms, holding you close against him.
Of course you had known Poe was kind, of course you knew he took care of the people he was close to, even those who only spent the night with him. There were enough stories around the base to give you a general idea of that, but for some reason you can't place this felt different, it felt intimate.
What surprised you more than anything was how quiet he was now. Appart from a few murmured words about how good you had been for him, and to check you were alright, he hadn't said much at all. It was almost unnerving after his behaviour all day. Really if you had known this would have shut him up you might have jumped on him hours ago. But now, the silence seems worrying.
"You okay?" You ask, your head still against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat as his fingers draw mindless patterns against your back.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I was just thinking…maybe we can do this again? Sometime soon? Be in the same bed I mean." The pilot asks. He doesn't sound like the cocky confident Flyboy you're expecting. If anything he sounds a little unsure of his own question.
You won't give him the satisfaction of the enthusiastic yes that tries to escape. The last thing you want out of this night is to become some regular casual hook-up. Poe wasn't exactly known for keeping long term relationships, citing the fact it was too difficult during the middle of a war, which you suppose you could understand. He was at least always very clear about that with whoever he got involved with.
Equally you don't want to say no. You want this, him. You want the moments of passion and quiet, you want the teasing and fights, you want more in whatever way you can.
In the end you go for the middle ground, giving him an option of more, while closely guarding yourself against this being a casual fuck.
"Hmm, suppose if you buy me dinner first then I might consider it. I don't make a habit of sleeping with people without dates."
It's disarmingly sweet when he presses a soft kiss to your head, tightening his arm around you. Your chest aches all the more for moments like this.
"Alright. A date it is." You can hear the smile in his voice, sleepy and happy.
You didn't exactly expect him to agree to that so easily, and while it gives you a flutter of hope, you don't quite trust he catches your meaning.
"I said I'd consider, I didn't say I'd agree. I might have other options," you warn, trying to get him to consider what he wants you to be to him.
Poe lets out a soft chuckle.
"You say that like your pretending it wasn't the best fuck of your life, and you're desperate to do it again."
You lean up on your arm to look at him, raising an eyebrow and fixing him with an unimpressed look at his cockyness.
"Tell me I'm wrong," he challenges confidently, "because if I am, then I'm just going to have to keep trying. The aim is to make you fall hopelessly in love with me eventually."
"Through sex?" You laugh, ignoring the now familiar butterflies that tell you he might be closer to his aim than he knows.
Poe shrugs, "through whatever necessary means, as long as I get to keep you as mine."
It's almost a knee jerk reaction to open your mouth and tell him you aren't a pet or property to be owned, but as you meet his gaze you realise you are once more judging him a little too quickly and all too harshly. It's clear he means more than that, his gaze open and vulnerable.
A warm feeling of familiarity, of safety, of something bigger, spreads through your very bones, something that shows there is much more than lust and affection, perhaps for both of you.
Your response is much softer than your initial reaction might have been, had you not taken a moment.
"Take me to dinner tomorrow then?"
"I think tomorrow might be today," Poe smiles, nodding towards the window where the faint pink light of dawn is starting to peek through the drawn blinds. You groan knowing sunrise both means you really should untangle yourself from the pilot and head back to base.
"Well honestly I think I've had enough of you for one day." You tease, pushing yourself off him and sitting up, debating if you can handle another cold shower. In all honesty a cold shower is probably exactly what you need after you make the mistake of glancing down at Poe, still naked, the sheet barely covering his more private parts, his curls messy from your fingers, peering up at you with a half smile.
"We both know you can never get enough of me," Poe states, before he wraps his arms around you and drags you back down onto the bed. He throws one leg over yours, effectively trapping you next to him as he snuggles up close to you.
You don't bother fighting, too tired from the night's activity to argue your way out of his grip. Sighing you sink into the bed, allowing your eyes to flutter closed.
"I knew this would work," Poe hums happily in your ear. You mumble enough of a sound to make him realise you're asking what he means.
"Getting you in a hotel room with me would make you admit you wanted me."
You give another tired hum in acknowledgement before his words finally hit you, and you sit up to stare at him, suddenly wide awake. Poe grins back at you, knowing exactly what you are thinking.
"Tell me this was not some plan to get me into bed!"
Poe feigns a comedic shocked expression, holding one hand to his chest as he stares open mouthed at you.
"Of course not! What do you think of me? Why is your opinion of me is so low that you think I'd go as far to break the ship engine, so we'd be stuck here alone, find the busiest hotel on this planet, specifically book one room knowing the others would be booked already by the time we got here, ask for the smallest bed-"
He doesn't get to continue. Picking up the pillow you repeatedly hit him hard with it while Poe laughs, holding his hands up in surrender.
"I'm joking. I'm joking, I swear," he laughs, grabbing his own pillow and hitting you back. "I'd never purposely break a ship."
"You manipulative little shit,"
Neither of you surrender until the bed is covered with feathers, the pillowcases empty and discarded, your limbs tangled together, lips pressed against sweat salted skin. This time it's you who pries the truth from him, your way.
"My methods may be unorthodox but -" he gets no further before you smack him in the face with your pillow, causing him to dissolve into laughter once more.
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lotusbxtch · 7 months
The Best Ride in the Galaxy (one-shot)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x AFAB!Reader
Summary: You have a thing for Poe's flight suit. He decides to be a cocky asshole about it. Sexy shenanigans ensue. Word count: 2k
Warnings: Explicit 18+, MDNI! Mostly porn with a little plot // Established relationship, thigh riding/dry humping, vaginal fingering, swearing, name calling, use of pet names (English and Spanish), dom!Poe, brief light violence (slap to the face), Poe uses a Spanish pet name (bebita) which is probably not canon but idc it's hot, no physical description of reader besides being AFAB and being taller standing than a sitting Poe, Poe makes a corny joke, Poe being a cocky smug asshole comes with its own warning, no use of y/n
a/n: This picture of Oscar & his thick-ass thighs, and @for-a-longlongtime mentioning how Poe-coded it was, inspired this fic in its entirety. A little over 24 hours later and here it is! This is my very first posted fic, so please show it some love, send it to someone who might enjoy it, and feel free to give (constructive) feedback if you wish! If I missed any warning tags, please let me know and I'll add them in. Big big thanks to @for-a-longlongtime for beta-reading and cheering me on, it means the world to me.
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You run outside as soon as you hear the X-wings land, your heart in your throat. 
It’s been 7 days, but when he left, Poe promised you it wouldn’t take more than 4 for his small band of rebel fighters to complete the covert mission. Of course he insisted on going with them; he’d been stir-crazy as of late, the endless strategy meetings and arguments amongst leadership boring him to tears. He jumped at the chance to get back into the pilot’s seat. You paced restlessly those last 3 days, imagining the absolute worst had happened to him, with no way of knowing if he was even alive.
So when you rushed out to the tarmac and spotted him climbing out of his X-wing, immense relief flooded your body, followed quickly by a potent swirl of both anger and anxiety. He spotted you, his eyes lighting up, jogging towards you with that brilliant smile.
“Hey good-lookin’,” he crooned as he approached, “didn’t miss me too much, did you?”
What he didn’t expect was for you to slap him straight across his face.
You surprised the both of you - Poe was staring back at you, open-mouthed and silent, a rare occurrence; you were staring at him, anger flashing in your eyes, your palm stinging slightly from the impact.
“Baby, I know you weren’t keen on me leaving,” Poe stammered, “but this seems a tad bit–”
“I THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING DEAD, YOU ASSHOLE!” you snapped at him, loudly enough for the people around you to look around for the source of the outburst. “You told me four days, Poe, and it’s now DAY FUCKING SEVEN.” You turned and started storming back to your pod, Poe on your heels.
“Bebita, I told you it was a small team,” Poe tried to explain while keeping up with you. “We hit some hiccups in the plan and had to hide out a bit longer than we thought. If I’d tried to contact you, it would have given away our position. You know how these missions go.”
You angrily punched in the access code to the door of your pod. “Yes, I know, which is exactly why as co-general you’re not supposed to be out in the field putting yourself in harm’s way.” The metal door slid open, and you walked forward, not even looking back at him. “I don’t care if you got bored playing politics, that doesn’t mean you get to go rogue and get back in the cockpit.” Slamming your hand on the button to slide the pod door closed, you finally turned to face Poe since slapping him. You let out a shaky breath as your rage subsided. Your stomach was morphing into a simmering pool of nerves and regret. 
“Look,” Poe said, “I just… getting cooped up on base listening to those talking heads was making me crazy. I miss flying and I saw the opportunity and took it.” You knew what he said was true, but it didn’t make it any easier on you. Taking a moment to compose yourself, you scanned his body for signs of injury, until you realized… he was wearing his flight suit.
Fuck. That damn flight suit always did things to you. Obviously he had to wear it for functionality’s sake, but god, it was almost like he was made to look good in them. His shoulders looked so strong and broad, and the unisex, utilitarian cut of the orange suit somehow did nothing to hide the curve of his ample, round ass, one of your favorite features of his. You felt your mouth water as you drank the sight of him in, arousal slowly kindling in your belly.
That suit was your weakness, and the cocky smile slowly dawning on his face let you know he knew, too.
“I mean,” Poe smirked,  “at least you get to see me in your favorite outfit of mine.” Walking slowly away from you to give you a clear view of his rear, he turned and sunk into the chair in your room. You followed, magnetically drawn to him while simultaneously being flustered that he caught onto your ogling. You crossed your arms and put on your best annoyed face.
“I’m sorry for slapping you, but I’m not sorry for being mad,” you said, pursing your lips and looking away. “And trying to seduce me with your stupid uniform isn’t working.”
It was, in fact, working too well. Your breathing got shallower as you tried to ignore the gentle heat filling your body from your center outwards. Poe’s smirk deepened.
“It’s a good thing you’re not a covert operative because you are the worst at lying,” he said, grabbing your thighs and coaxing you closer to him. You acquiesced, trying and failing to look irritated, the desire plain as day on your face. Poe ran his hands slowly up and down your legs from your hips to your calves. Sliding his palms back and around your ass, he squeezed and your breath hitched. You looked down and those liquid brown eyes were staring up at you, twinkling with mischief. “I know you better than that, sweet thing,” Poe teased. “You absolutely cannot pretend that me wearing this suit doesn’t make you cream your panties.”
You fought to control your traitorous body, breathing slowly through your nose as Poe lifted the hem of your shirt and planted soft kisses on your belly, right above your pants. “Fuck you, you cocky asshole,” you tried to spit viciously, but it came out sounding slightly strangled instead. This Maker-forsaken stupid man and his stupid bubble butt and this stupid suit, you thought, your fingers weaving into the curls on his head. 
Poe’s smile only turned even more predatory, like a cat playing with a mouse. “Oh, I would, baby” he whispered, nipping your torso lightly, “but I haven’t showered in days. How about this instead…”
Suddenly Poe grabbed your hips, pulling you down into his lap and forcing your knees to buckle, your legs on either side of his thick thigh. His right arm wound around your lower back, holding you in place while his left hand snaked up your neck and into your hair. He pulled you in for a slow, soft kiss, which snapped the final tether preventing you from melting for him like he knew you wanted to. You surged forward, kissing him deeply, licking into his mouth and tasting the minty aftertaste of the gum he always chews while piloting. He groans, biting your lower lip, then sliding his tongue along yours. This draws your first moans out from somewhere deep in your chest, and his eyes quickly darken when you begin grinding on his thigh.
“Oh, you like that,” Poe crooned, lips turning up into a smirk. “So fucking eager for me. So desperate to cum.”
“Fuck you, Maker-damn it,” you pant, burying your face into his neck, the smell of sweat, jet fuel, and him invading your senses. “This stupid suit is going to be the death of me.”
Poe smiles wickedly. “Why don’t you take a ride on the best pilot in the galaxy before you die, then, honey?” he purrs into your ear. You roll your eyes at his cheesy line until you feel him flex the thigh you’re straddling, creating the most delicious friction against your clothed core. You let out a breathy moan and clench your own thighs around his, starting to rock your clit against his ridge of muscle through your clothes. Slick starts dripping out of you with each roll of your hips against him. Poe moves your arms to brace on his shoulders, then slides both of his hands onto your hips to help you ride him.
The pleasure in your core starts to ratchet up, and you grind yourself harder into Poe’s thigh, throwing your head back with a moan. Poe leans to your ear, kissing and lightly licking just behind and below your earlobe, that spot he knows drives you wild. “That’s it, baby, ride it out,” he whispers into your ear. “Use all that frustration to make yourself cum on my leg.” You mewl, circling your hips and chasing your high. Your pussy contracts around nothing, and suddenly all you can think about is how much better it would feel if Poe was inside of you.
“Poe,” you whine, “I need more.” Your slick is soaking through your underwear, the smell of your arousal filling Poe’s senses. He groans, his cock painfully hard in his flight suit.
“What do you need, bebita?” he says, kissing your forehead sweetly while gripping your hips like a vice, a contrast that has you moaning wordlessly. “Tell me, and I’ll give it to you.”
“I need you,” you beg, “I need you inside of me, I need you to fuck me, please.” You can feel your clit throbbing, almost painfully. Poe moans into your neck. “Baby, I told you, you do not want me to unzip this suit,” he chuckles. “But I think I can still help. Lean back a little.” You comply, and watch with glazed eyes as Poe stares right back at you, slipping his middle and ring fingers into his mouth to get them wet. A shudder rips through your body when he slips both digits past the waistband of your pants and into your underwear. He groans loudly when he feels your slick folds.
“Fuuuuck me, baby, you’re absolutely drenched,” he breaths out. “Is this all for this dumb orange jumpsuit I’m wearing?” That cocky smirk reappears as he laughs at his own joke.
Letting out an annoyed breath, you huff, “it’s for you, idiot. You fucking drive me crazy. You’re the only one that’s ever gotten me this wet. Now fill me up before I lose my ever-loving mind.” 
Poe lets out another chuckle. “Yes, ma’am,” he quips, and then quickly slides the length of his fingers into your cunt, forcing a moan from your lungs involuntarily. He rocks you forward again so that you’re sitting directly on his fingers, with his palm cradling your pussy. “Fuck yourself on my fingers,” he commands. “Take what you need from me.”
You do exactly that, rising and falling on his thigh, swirling your hips over his soaked digits, your clit rubbing against the meat of his palm deliciously. He adds another finger, stretching you out and making you want to scream. Your hips speed up as you desperately chase your high. The wet squelching and slapping sounds of your pussy on Poe’s hand echo in the room. Poe’s panting fills your ears and your wanton moans fill his. You invade his senses in every way possible, and he can feel his dick pulse with every thrust of your hips against his thigh.
Suddenly, you start feeling the knot in your core tighten as you rocket ever-closer to your orgasm. Poe moans as he feels you clench. “Fuck, that’s it, honey, I can feel you getting close,” he whispers. “Give it to me.” His hips start lifting up, grinding, pressing his length into you as much as he can.
“Oh Maker, Poe, oh fuck,” you cry as your walls tighten. “You want me to fucking cum for you?”
“Fuuuuuuck yes baby, that’s all I want,” Poe pants. “Fucking cum all over my fingers, soak my hand, honey.”
The filth pouring out of his mouth finally snaps the knot in your stomach, and you nearly scream in ecstasy as your release shatters and blooms through your body. Poe moans your name as a rush of your slick coats his hand, and you feel him bite your shoulder as his body tenses. Sated, you slump against him, his hand still pinned under your body, both of you sticky with sweat and panting for breath. Poe uses his free hand to softly cup the side of your face, pressing kisses slowly and gently across your cheeks and nose.
You sigh as he carefully extracts his hand. Just as you peer down at him, he closes his eyes and slips his fingers into his mouth, sucking every bit of your essence off. You shudder in pleasure as you watch him. He locks eyes with you, and you lean in to kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips.
“Feeling better?” Poe asks, the warm molten brown of his eyes having returned. You sigh and giggle a little. “Yes, thank you,” you murmur quietly, “but I wish I could have made you cum too.” 
Suddenly Poe looks sheepish, something that’s a rare expression for him.
“Well, uh…” he starts, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck and averting his eyes. You pause, perplexed. He glances back at you, then down at the floor, and then back at you again. Poe clears his throat before he finally speaks.
 “I… actually did…”
You freeze silently, and then erupt into laughter. “Poe Dameron!” you screech. “The ‘best pilot in the galaxy’, commander of the Starfighter Corps, co-general of the entire fucking Resistance, fucking JIZZED in his pants like a teenager???” You start tittering uncontrollably, much to Poe’s embarrassment. “Shut the fuck up, idiot,” he grouses, which only makes you cackle even louder. He sighs, annoyed but begrudgingly satisfied.
“At least this suit needs to be washed anyway,” he mutters, mostly to himself, and you laugh so hard you start crying.
Tag list (it's here y'all!): @for-a-longlongtime @nerdieforpedro @lu62 @purelyoscar @clemdango04 @survivingandenduring @reggiesfilthylittlesecret @beezusvreeland @alltheglitterandtheroar @campingwiththecharmings @qveerthe0ry @agentjackdaniels @dizthemonster @beezusvreeland @queerponcho and anyone else who was interested!
Oh, you were looking for a part 2 to this one-shot? Well it’s your lucky day — Poe was being a total menace, so indeed there is now a part 2!
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happyhauntt · 5 months
fight or flight — poe dameron.
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writing masterlist | askbox
─── summary: you and poe have never seen eye-to-eye. most days, you wonder if you ever will.
─── pairing: poe dameron x solo!reader.
─── warnings: reader is gender neutral, reader is han & leia's child, no use of y/n. lots of snarky banter. this was supposed to be flirty fluff but it turned into an angstfest so, yeah, sorry for that. finn eavesdrops and chewie is sassy bastard.
─── word count: 1.6k.
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     Poe ducks his head and quickly manages to conceal the wince creeping onto his features just in time, but crouched in the cockpit beside him, Rey still feels his shoulders go stiff. She presses a hand to her mouth in a weak attempt to stifle her laugh, but she’s not quite successful as Poe shoots her a glare.
     She doesn’t blame him, really. You are… Well, sort of scary when you’re angry.
     There’s more than just a spark of your mother’s fire in you, that’s for sure.
     Glancing over her shoulder, she finds you standing in the doorway, regarding the pair of them with a ruthless glare so sharp it might leave a mark.
     Rey is suddenly pretty sure that Poe didn’t talk to you like he said he would.
     “I go for a nap because I haven’t slept properly in two days after you—” The finger you jab in Poe’s direction might as well be a knife, the way he flinches, “— get us stranded in First Order territory after leading us on a wild goose chase, knock out the comms and the navigation with your, frankly batshit, behaviour which I have spent hours trying to fix, and then I left you with one simple instruction.”
     Which… Alright, not all of that is strictly fair, Rey thinks, because at least half of the chaos of the past few days can be attributed to sheer bad luck, and another third can be blamed on decisions made under pressure whose outcomes boiled down to bad or worse.
     It’s not really Poe’s fault. Not anymore than the rest of them, at least.
     But Rey knows how you feel about this ship. The Falcon is your inheritance, the only real home you have left in the world. It’s all that is left of your father.
     You were protective of it even before he died, and since—
     Rey clears her throat. “I’m just gonna… go check on Finn.”
     Poe’s expression reeks of betrayal as Rey scoots past you to go and find Finn, who’s loitering in the main hold with Chewbacca, but she’s not about to hang around and get caught in the crossfire between the two of you.
     She doesn’t have a death wish.
     Finn looks just suspicious enough, when she locates him, that she doesn’t even bother scolding him for eavesdropping. She’s about to do the same, after all.
     “He told me he checked it was alright before we started reconfiguring the navicomputer.” Rey folds her arms across her chest, frowning in the direction of the cockpit. Your voice is still rattling down the corridor towards them.
     Finn clicks his tongue. “Evidently not.”
     In the cockpit, Poe pushes himself to stand, resting a hand on the back of the captain’s chair. Your voice is hard as duracrete as you take a step towards him, crowding the small space with so much of your frustration that it feels difficult to breathe.
     Poe wonders if the sensors are on the blink, and someone popped an airlock somewhere, because the air feels a little thin. You jab in the chest with your finger, and all he does is blink, suddenly lightheaded.
     “I gave you one instruction. I said, the nav systems are rebooting, I’m going grab some shuteye, don’t touch anything. And what do you do?”
     “The console was beeping!”
     “I don’t care if a damn mynock got in here and started eating it, I said don’t touch it.”
     “But it’s alright for Rey to touch it?” He’s being petty, he knows that, but an angry flush has started creeping up your neck, and he wants to know what you look like with your cheeks coloured that delightful shade of pink.
     “Rey didn’t break it!” A ragged breath tears from your throat, and you rake a hand roughly through your hair. “She knows what she’s doing. I trust her.”
     “And you don’t trust me, is that it?” Something like sadness swirls low in his gut as he waits for your response. It hurts him to ask, even though he’s wearing his bravado like a mask, even though he likes pushing all your buttons because when your eyes flash like that, it’s like standing in the eye of a hurricane or falling in zero gravity.
     You’re not friends, he knows that. Not since the day you met, and you pressed a blaster up against his neck in the cargo hold of your old ship and he’d grinned down at you as if getting his life threatened was his favourite pastime.
     He’d been trying to steal it. You’re still not sure what happened, exactly, except that there were Stormtroopers firing at your ship — which, honestly, was held together by little more than string and sheer stubbornness at that point — and your mother’s favourite flyboy watching you with a bizarre hope in his eyes, and you’d just… hated him, in that moment.
     Hated him for crashing into your life and dragging you, kicking and screaming, back to the life you’d fled. Hated your mother for her good heart and your father for running away. Hated the whole damn galaxy for not killing you when it had the chance.
     Poe had wanted you to take him to D’Qar, but you’d spent too long leaving things behind to go back now, so you’d dropped him at the nearest safe outpost and prayed you’d never see him again.
     Clearly, the universe had other plans.
     It’s been years since that first encounter, but neither of you have warmed to one another since then. There’s very little point, you think. He’s unbearable, always needling at you, picking at all of your defences as if he has a right to know you.
     It doesn’t matter. In the end, everyone leaves, one way or another.
     You just wish he’d hurry up and do it, already.
     You’re not friends, but you’re something more and something less, and the way your lower lip twitches at his question feels like a punch to the gut.
     “Why should I?” You blink at him, and a moment later you realise how close you’ve grown, almost chest-to-chest with this man who drives you mad. With a rough swallow, you force yourself to take a step back.
     He doesn’t move. Hardly dares to breathe, with his mouth curled into that little half-smirk he knows you hate, because it hurts that you don’t trust him, but it would hurt more if you knew it.
     “Why shouldn’t you?”
     A scoff. “Well, for starters, I don’t think you’ve ever had a plan that didn’t blow up in your face.”
     The familiar howl of Finn’s laughter rolls down the corridor, quickly cut off by a quiet thump and a low, pained groan.
     Poe blinks at you. “Excuse me?”
     “And you don’t take proper care of the Falcon!” The controls and all their exposed wires serve to prove your point.
     Turning on your heel, you march out into the corridor, abandoning him in the cockpit. He stares at your retreating form, unable to kick his brain back into gear for a few seconds, but a moment later he’s striding after you.
     “I take care of the Falcon!”
     A huff of laughter bubbles out of you, entirely lacking in humour. “Lightspeed skipping.”
     “That was one time!” His voice squeaks out of him much higher than he’d like, and as they emerge into the main hold, he clears his throat. “And the Falcon was fine.”
     You come to a stop so suddenly that he can almost hear your shoes screeching on the floor. “It was twice, and just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. That seems like a lesson you should’ve learned by now, but no, you keep pushing it!”
     Reckless and stubborn, headstrong and utterly selfless. Not for the first time, you regret being dragged back into this mess. Your life hadn’t exactly been peaceful before — you are your father’s child, after all — but it wasn’t this.
     How many more heroes will you watch die before all of this is over?
     How much of it can you take?
     You watch one of those heroes stare at you, now, and it feels like you’ve swallowed a handful of broken glass.
     Behind you, sitting at the dejarik table and making absolutely no attempt to disguise his eavesdropping, Finn leans close to Rey. “You’d never guess they were married, huh?”
     He’s whispering, but it’s not exactly quiet.
     As if you’re suddenly possessed by the same entity, you and Poe whirl around, mouths agape. “We are not married.”
     An uncomfortable heat curls around your spine at the thought of it. Married to Poe Dameron? You cannot imagine anything worse.
     Chewie, seated opposite Finn and Rey, makes an exasperated sound. Rey can’t help but snort.
     You narrow your eyes at your father’s oldest friend, resting your hands on your hips. “‘Could’ve fooled me?’ Chewie, what are you talking about?”
     As your wrath settles upon a new victim, Poe takes the opportunity to slip out of sight, with every intention of hiding in the Engineering Bay on the opposite end of the ship until the danger has passed.
     Marching quickly down the corridor, Poe drags a hand over his unbearably warm face and feels like something beneath his ribcage is itching to crawl out. He thinks it might be his heart.
Married to you. Yeah. He can’t think of anything worse, either.
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downbadf0rficppl · 8 months
how to save a life
Poe Dameron x Ex-First Order!Reader
Summary: It took a lot of courage to escape from the grasp of the First Order, and even more to deliver yourself to the Resistance. But you did it. Months later - still not trusted by anyone in the Resistance - you vie to prove yourself once and for all. The perfect opportunity comes up when Mr. Face-of-the-damn-Resistance needs help.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Canon-level violence, injury, near-death experiences, mugging/street violence, Leia being mean because she's being protective, imprisonment.
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It took a lot of gall to double cross the First Order. You had been stolen from your home planet as a baby and indoctrinated into the regime - you knew nothing else. You were strong with force. Supreme Leader Snoke was keen to have you on his side. He kept you as a prisoner - forced to do his bidding and his dirty work, with the threat of death looming over your head. You were too young to understand that Supreme Leader Snoke couldn’t afford to have you killed, no matter how often he threatened it.
You had escaped on a regular morning, using your standing as one of Snoke’s own to commandeer a ship and escape with a fleet that were on their way to deal with Resistance scum on a nearby moon. You landed over a mile away from the other Stormtroopers, your officer uniform making you stand out like a sore thumb. You ripped your jacket up, tearing it to shreds before throwing it into the trees.
The trek into the city was long, but you used it to disguise yourself further, untucking your shirt and ripping the sleeves, before rubbing dirt into your clothes and cheeks. With the few credits you hand and your First Order military pass, you managed to barter a ship that would allow you to get off the moon unnoticed.
You set off early in the morning, heading further into the outer rim where there was less and less First Order patrol.
You landed on one of the busiest planets of all: Daiyu. Daiyu was a planet known for its thriving underworld dealings - despite the First Order's many attempts to get it under control. No one would find you there. You hid amongst the low lives, stealing little to get by and trying not to draw any attention to yourself. You may have grown up in the shelter of the Supreme Leader’s gaze, but you knew the force. And you knew how to hide in it.
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It took a lot of energy to hide yourself from the force. Especially considering Supreme Leader Snoke knew who you were, what you felt like. He reached out to you in the force, finger scraping you but never quite holding you long enough to gain a full picture. In the beginning, it had been hard to keep him out of your head when you were asleep - returning to the force always felt like the most natural state. A state of peace and serenity, an escape from the danger you had to evade at every waking minute.
No doubt, Snoke would send scouts out to find you. And when that failed, he'd put a pricey bounty on your head. You were right.
You'd met all sorts of hoodlums in Daiyu, and been beaten up by most of them too. But you wouldn't risk making yourself known to any of them by fighting back. Not when so many were looking for you. At the beginning, the price had been low - reasonable for someone of your lack of class and standing - but the price increased exponentially each day that passed.
It was months before you decided to venture back into living and not just hiding. You'd been monitoring the airwaves - the bounty on your head was reducing everyday - the value not nearly enough to pique the interests of the men of Daiyu. Clearly, Snoke had found someone else to chase.
You slowly allowed yourself to become one with the force again, practicing your mastery of it only when you knew others weren't watching - even if Snoke wasn't looking for you, Daiyu was the kind of place where even your friends would sell you out if they had something to gain from it. And you had no friends in Daiyu. You kept yourself blocked from the minds of Snoke and his protege, Kylo Ren, showing them misdirection every time they cast a net out for you. Your mastery was improving.
You found a job at a scrapping plant - measly pay but it was better than nothing. You clocked in and out at the same time every day, collecting your pay and rationing whatever you could buy with it. You still napped lightly in alleyways, avoiding the police officers who patrolled the streets at night to kick the homeless out of doorways.
You woke up to the ways of the real world really fast. The world was full of bad people with bad intentions. They beat you up in a back alley behind the plant, stealing your credits and your clothes before the whirring approach of police officers scared them away. You ran from the police too - not wanting to be turned into the First Order for disciplining.
The police officers were hot on your tail. You ran through the streets and the market, trying to find a place to hide. You dove into one of the mooring decks - where pilots would land their craft for the duration of their visit. You covered the identifiable logo on your chest with your arms, crossing them to seem more intimidating. You waited for the police to drive past before running in the opposite direction. Straight into the chest of someone.
He grabbed your arm tightly, leading you into another back alley. Shit. You were probably gonna be beaten up again or escorted to the police. You tried to struggle out of his grip, but it was vice-like around your arm. He clamped his other hand around your mouth, looking around for danger, presumably. You looked up at his face.
You knew that face. You'd seen it more than once in Kylo Ren's memories, and also posters around Coruscant when you were younger. Poe Dameron. The face of the Resistance.
He loosened his grip around you, as he reached up to speak into his comms. "Got a deserter. Gonna bring 'em in." Your heart plummeted. He marched you into the mooring deck, before grabbing some cuffs out of his plane. No one did a double-take. The security in Daiyu was far from the best. He cuffed your hands in front of you, before pushing you into the ship.
It was cramped inside the U-Wing, it wasn't built to seat 2 people. You sat huddled behind his seat, holding on for dear life when he took off and jumped to light speed. You groaned as you hit your head, which Poe gave a sympathetic 'sorry' to.
As you draw closer and closer to D'Qar, you feel a calming wave flow through you. It was as if someone was emitting a beacon for you to latch on to. You knew this feeling. Leia. You had known for years that Leia was strong with the force. She had to be, given Kylo Ren's prowess. But you didn't know just how strong she truly was. You tried to reach out to her through the force, but Poe interrupted you.
"10 minutes to landing. General Organa is expecting you."
The calmness evaporated. General Organa's presence in the force may be calming but you knew of her reputation as the General of the Resistance. She was ruthless.
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They threw you into a holding cell - which realistically was just a room that didn’t unlock from the inside. You sat there alone - plagued by your own mind for the better part of the day. Each time footsteps passed by your door, you panicked. This is it. This is the end.
It was always a false alarm.
Someone was walking by, scurrying to briefings they were late for, or heading to the droid mechs because, ‘the damn droid went rolling into a wall again! That’s the third time this week!’
You don’t see Poe again - he’s a captain of the Resistance, you reason, he has better things to do than babysit a hostage. Because that’s what you were to them. Deserter or not, you weren’t one of their guys. And that made you dangerous.
You focussed your energy on trying to find Leia - maybe you could understand how to help her if you knew what her problems were. You needed her to trust you, that was the only way you’d be safe. You couldn’t find her between all the buzzing energies of the force. It was overwhelmingly loud. You pulled yourself away from the search, breathing heavy as you came down. You’d never been good at finding people in the force who didn’t want to be found.
A petite blonde woman came as the sun was setting, in her arms a tray full of food. You gorged yourself on it. The Resistance may not have had much but one thing they did have was good food. At least, better food than the First Order.
Leia walked in just as you were finished eating - she’d been waiting for you to finish, hoping that they’re small morsel of kindness would earn enough trust for you to tell them what they wanted to know.
She started softly, asking you questions about yourself and your role within the First Order. You told her half truths - you had been stolen from your home planet as a child and had been raised to be a spy for the First Order. Leia frowned at that, the small pieces of trust you had gained immediately being withdrawn.
She started to ask more interrogatory questions. What were the First Order planning? How were they expanding? Future targets?
You told them the truth. You didn’t know.
The truth wasn’t good enough.
Leia once again asked about the First Order’s plans. You didn’t know. She asked for the whereabouts of Snoke. You didn’t know. She asked, discretely, about her son. You didn’t know.
After an hour going head-to-head, yours was pounding. You’d been resisting her in the force and she was much stronger than you. Much more well practiced too. Your vision started to cloud as you begged her to believe you.
The First Order was good at compartmentalising. Only the people that needed to know, did. And you almost never needed to. Especially since Kylo Ren deemed you a flight risk - rightfully so, seeing as it was always your intention to escape.
Leia left the cell grumbling under her breath, muttering about how the First Order was insufferable. For all her abilities, she didn’t seem to pick up on the fact that you were strong with the force. All the better; less things to explain.
They kept you confined to the cell for quite a while after that. To be fair to the Resistance, they treated their prisoners far better than the First Order did. You had a feeling that they didn’t have much in the way of prisoners - given the lack of purpose built holding cells in the facility.
Your room was big - there was enough space to move around, keep active, meditate. There was a small fresher in the corner of the room and the bed you had was far more comfortable than the one you slept in every night on Star Destroyers. The light streamed in through the small window, and like clockwork, some poor person would bring you a meal every morning, noon, and night.
Aside from this though, you were bored. Inconceivably bored. You’d never had this much time to yourself before. Being under Snoke’s unrelenting gaze meant that you were always working - either practicing, or proving your worth. You had none of that anymore.
You spent the majority of your day honing your tracking skills. You tried to pick out people you knew - those with distinct feels. Those like Poe Dameron.
Poe had been on a new mission since the day after you landed on D’Qar - you’d asked one of the nicer people who brought you food a week after you arrived. He’d returned to Daiyu, trying to find an ex-First Order arms dealer. You had given a little information about the guy - how he was hiding from the First Order since abandoning their efforts to weaponise their young. That had earned you a little more favour in the eyes of the Resistance, but you were still fighting an uphill battle. It was no matter. You were safe here.
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You felt him before anyone else. He had come out of hyperspace and wasn’t requesting permission to enter the airspace. You jumped out of bed. Something was wrong, you could feel it.
Poe had run into quite a bit of trouble on Daiyu. The intel you had given him was good. Not just good, it was great. They’d got some of the information they needed before police were knocking at the door, demanding to be let in. Poe ran. He ran with police on his tail, before escaping in his X-Wing. He jumped straight into deep space. Into enemy territory. He’d been recognised almost immediately - the X-Wing was a dead giveaway. He’d been chased for light years and shot at; his baby had taken some pretty nasty hits. He’d been grounded on Dantooine, the planet nearly deserted. And yet, it seemed just his luck that a few locals took offence to his presence. He’d sustained pretty bad injuries to his torso and left leg. He’d escaped as fast as possible - the loss of blood making his head spin. He entered through the atmosphere of D’Qar, eyes closing off their own accord. There wasn’t enough power in the ship to radio down to ask for permission, nor to land safely. He had to ground the bird.
You slipped your jacket that you had been given on, as well as your old shoes. You played with the lock on the door, having memorised the sound of the code from when you were brought food. You type in the code tentatively, thanking the Maker when the door whooshed open. You crept out, sneaking towards the main blast door. You could feel Poe slipping, feel him losing his touch. As soon as you were out on the ground, you sprinted.
Poe had angled the ship a few miles west of the base. It was still going to be a trek back to the base, but that was better than crashing on the runway; he’d never live that down.
You ran towards the trees, heading west. You could see the smoking ship in your peripheral vision.
Poe was lying on the grass when you got to him, eyes shut with his hand pressing on his side; there was blood everywhere.
Your hands cradled his face as you fell to your knees next to him. You ripped his shirt away - hands ghosting over his chest as you felt for his heartbeat. It was faint, but it was there.
You reached out to the force, pulling threads as you attempted to close up some of the wounds. The bleeding slowed as you pleaded with him; "Poe, come back! They need you, Poe!"
He sputtered suddenly, rolling onto his side, wincing as the newly healed skin stretched. You stayed by his side, hands still running up and down his body, trying to find any more injuries to heal. His breathing remained heavy, as he tried to recollect everything that happened. His hand flew to his side.
"How the hell did you do that?"
"It's a long story."
"I have time."
"I don't," Poe looks at you questioningly, "It's only a matter of time before they realise I'm gone. Or one of them shows up here looking for you."
He shrugged in agreeance, lying back to face the sun, "How did you know I was here?" You laid back, head next to his. The sky was pretty - clear and bright. Maybe, they'd let you come back out here - watch the sun rise and set more. Maybe.
"I felt it. I could feel the disturbance - you were panicked." You whispered, trying not to offend him. It was the truth, but you knew how powerful men often hated the truth.
"Me? Panicked? Never. Have you met me?" His tone was coloured with laughter. You smiled.
You sat in silence for a long time, just enjoying the peace and quiet of the D'Qar weather, until you heard the med team running towards you.
"They're almost here. They're gonna take you to the med-wing. Fix you up. You'll be able to fly in no time." You gave him a watery smile. He gripped your hand tightly.
"I'll tell Leia. You saved my life - she'll ease up. You can train with her - she's - something - with the force. She can help you."
"NO!" You yelled, jumping away from him, "You can't tell Leia. You can't, you can't - promise me - PROMISE ME, POE - promise me, you won't tell Leia." He grabbed your hand and soothed you, promising not to tell Leia until you were ready.
He held your hand until the med team arrived and they ushered him onto a Gurney. He yelled at the two corporals left with you to be nice - "she saved my life!" he yelled as he was dragged away. They threw back in the same cell just the same.
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It was two days before you saw anyone else again. You were provided food at every mealtime just the same as you had before - except there was no interrogation afterward. You preferred the interrogation. Made you feel... needed.
You knew that Poe had argued for you. You'd heard from two officers from data who were gossiping about it on the way to the Cantina.
"Did you hear?" One of them giggled.
"About the General and Poe. Of course!"
Poe had made the dash to see the General as soon as he was cleared from the med-wing. You'd saved his life. It was only fair that he do the same.
He walked - no, strutted - into the General's office in a very 'Poe' way, claiming that the matter was of the utmost importance. He gave his mission report - how the intel wasn't just good, it was "brilliant. It solved some of our supply issues, which means we're in a better place than ever to beating them. They have no blaster parts, no ship parts - the supply chain will be delayed for weeks." Leia had dismissed him after that.
The first sign of trouble should have been that. That Leia hadn't asked him about the trouble or berated him for getting into it. Instead, she was just letting him go.
Poe pushed the issue - he talked about the trouble and his destroyed X-Wing, and how he practically crash-landed into D'Qar because the police on Daiyu was "mad strict. Like they couldn't let a small thing like that go? Maker, what happened to that place?"
The second sign of trouble was the lack of warnings. Usually, Leia laid the 'be careful, don't get yourself killed,' warnings on thick. They were nowhere to be found.
The third sign of trouble was the glazed-over expression in Leia's eyes. Poe realised that he never had Leia's attention, to begin with. Leia's mind was completely preoccupied with the young girl in a cell, who'd risked her freedom to save a Captain. A man that she barely knew.
The bigger mystery was how had she hidden so successfully in the force - not only from Leia herself but from bigger threats, like Snoke and Kylo Ren.
Poe, mistaking Leia's confusion for anger, begged her not to hurt the girl. "She's just a kid, General, she was doing what she'd been taught." Leia sent Poe away, assuring him that she wasn't going to hurt the girl.
You felt Leia before you saw her. You'd fallen asleep with your back upright against the headboard, an awkward crick forming in your neck. Your eyes opened to Leia perched on the edge of your bed.
You jumped into apologies and pleas - "please don't send me back" and "I was just trying to help him - the med team wasn't going to get there in time."
You were surprised when you felt her hand brush up against your cheek, but you leaned into the touch all the same. She gazed at you so lovingly that for a moment you forgot that she was the reason you were locked in here.
"I was wrong." Her words stunned you, "I was wrong about you, and I apologise. You are safe here - to practice the force, or live without it. If you want to leave, I will find you a planet on which no one - First Order or Resistance - will find you. Should you wish to stay, I would welcome you with open arms, as would everyone else here."
You smiled at her, "I would like to stay - if that's ok?"
She smiled at you, standing up and walking towards the door. "I'll make sure you get your first flying session with Captain Dameron first thing in the morning. He said you had a knack for flying."
"Umm, General?" She turns to look at you, "If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer something on the ground? Something like controllership?" She smiled and nodded.
"I'll have Connix meet you in the morning, kid. Sleep well."
And you did. In fact, you had probably never slept better.
buy me a coffee
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Sleep - Poe Dameron
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A/N: Hi! I wrote this in a sleep-deprived fugue at work, while trying not to fall asleep in my office. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Word Count: 1.5k Synopsis: Poe and the reader both work too hard, and need to catch up on their sleep. Fluff!
Poe stretches the moment his feet hit solid ground. For all his years of flying, he figures he'd be used to the cramped area, the long hours. He shakes the tension from his neck and shoulders.
The crew slowly makes the way to their own quarters, saying their goodbyes. Each of them is probably fantasizing about falling into bed, and he is no different. After the mission they'd had, Black Squadron had earned some respite.
BB-8 follows Poe to the chambers the two of you share. When he walks inside, the space is quiet, but there is a soft light coming from the bedroom. Once he makes sure BB-8 is loaded into his docking station, he pushes the bedroom door open with a sigh.
You are sitting at your desk, which comes as no surprise to him. Your brow is still furrowed in concentration when you look up at him.
"Poe," you say on a sigh, standing up to greet him. When you fall into his arms, you hold him tightly. He knows why he is squeezing you so tight, but the fact that you are doing the same worries him. It has been a few days since either of you spoke or sent messages.
"Hey baby," he says, pulling back so he can look you over, still holding you in his arms. "Everything alright?"
"Now that you're home, yes," you say, wrapping your arms around him again. You let out a breath in his hold.
"I missed you so much," he says into your hair.
"I missed y--" Your PADD chimes with a new message and you snap your head towards it.
"I'm sorry," you say, already moving back to your desk. "Work has been crazy this week."
"That's alright," he says, studying you, the exhaustion that weighs on your shoulders. Your attention is fully on the PADD, typing quickly. Poe sighs and sits down on the end of your bed.
"You sure everything's alright?" he asks again. You don't look up, just let out a small 'mhm.' He starts to take off his boots, still watching you carefully.
"You know, not once have I come home and found you in bed," he says. You keep typing for a whole minute before looking up at him.
"That can't be true," you say, watching as he comes back to your side, kissing your shoulder.
"It is," he says, looking down at you. There are bags underneath your eyes and according to the cups of coffee littered across your desk, you've been up for far too long.
"When was the last time you slept?" he asks.
"I don't know, maybe a day?" you say, making him sigh in disappointment. "You're one to talk. You were flying for at least two days."
"I know, and now I want to get into bed with my equally exhausted wife."
"Give me just another minute."
"You always say that," he says with an affectionate roll of his eyes. He leans down to kiss the top of your head. "I'm going to get in the shower, and seems like you could use one, too." You scoff at him, turning back to your work.
"Come with me," he says.
"I can't," you say, your attention drawn even then as your eyes flick between him and the screen.
"You better be off when I get out," he says.
"Promise," you say looking back at him with a strained smile.
He gets into the shower, adding your stress to his. The steaming water relaxes some of the tension in his muscles, but he wishes you were there with him.
When he turns the shower off, he sees the distinctive glow of your PADD in the gap along the bathroom door.
"Y/N," he says with a sigh, dripping back into the bedroom, a towel slung low on his waist.
"You shower too quick!" you say, looking up at him. You have the decency to appear guilty.
"Baby, I know you are always on a mission to save the galaxy, but the galaxy can wait until tomorrow. You cannot," he says, putting his hands on his hips.
"I'm fine, Poe."
He starts to say something, starts to argue with you, but the exhaustion of the day seems to be winning out. Before your name is even out of his mouth, he sighs and shakes his head.
"I've been fighting for the last two days, I'm not going to fight with you," he says, meeting your eyes as yours widen.
"Just, promise me you'll get to sleep soon?" he asks, walking back into the bathroom. He changes into his sleep clothes quickly, and doesn't even blink when he sees you still typing away at your desk. The lights were off when he came in, so he doesn't have to do much to prepare for bed, save for climbing in.
The bed creaks familiarly as he lays down, the sheets cool to the touch, the way he knows you like. He is about to tell you how good it feels, as a last ditch effort to get you into bed, when he hears the click of your PADD turning off. He lifts his head just as you appear at his side.
"I'm sorry," you say, running a hand through his wet curls.
"You don't have to be sorry," he says, trying to sit up fully. You stop him, a hand to his chest.
"Rest," you say. "I'll be back in a few."
Poe lays down as you walk into the bathroom. The room is completely dark now that the PADD is turned off. The only light is the small strip coming through the bathroom door. He wants to keep his eyes open for you, but sleep pulls him in faster than he expects.
When you get out of the shower, the air is cool on your bare skin. You wrap a towel around yourself, stepping into your bedroom to quickly grab a pair of pajamas. Poe's steady breathing fills the quiet room, and you hate that you missed out on spending time with him once again.
The moment your pajamas are on, you slide into bed next to him. The sheets are cold, too, making you crawl closer to Poe's warm side. He hums as you wrap your arms around his center.
"Your hands are freezing," he says, his voice thick with sleep.
"Sorry," you say, pulling them back. Poe stops you before you can, placing your hands back around him. He rolls onto his side so you are both facing each other.
"I didn't say to stop," he says, giving you a small smile.
"I didn't mean to wake you," you whisper.
"I'm glad you did. I wanted to stay up for you, anyways," he says. You smile at him, suddenly feeling like you could cry. You lean in and kiss his lips softly.
"I missed you so much," you say.
"I missed you, too," he says, pulling you in closer. "Tell me the truth, is everything alright?"
"It's the same as always," you say with a shrug. "Just too many long nights."
"You need to take care of yourself, or you're not doing anyone any good," he says. With a hand to your cheek, he pulls you in for another kiss. You close your eyes on instinct, but the longer the kiss goes on for, the longer your eyes are closed, and soon you start to drift off to sleep.
"Goodnight, Y/N," Poe says with a laugh, breaking away. You whine, tugging on his shirt to bring him back to your lips.
"Come back here," you say, "I want to keep kissing you." He chuckles again but kisses you again.
"You're barely kissing me now," he says. He shakes his head and kisses the tip of your nose. He tucks you into his arms, and you really are moments from falling into a deep sleep. The sheets are cool and comfortable, and with his steady breathing and arms around you, it won't be long.
"You didn't tell me about your mission," you say sleepily.
"That's okay," he says, his voice groggy.
"Poe," you say, shaking him gently. He laughs, hugging an arm around you tighter.
"It doesn't matter," he says, "It's over now."
"It matters to me," you say. He sighs deeply, your head on his chest rising with the movement.
"I'm just glad to be home. Glad that I have a home to come back to, and glad that you are here and safe."
"Baby," you say softly, wrapping your arms around him tighter.
"I'm sorry, I--"
"You never have to be sorry for sharing things with me. I want to know them, want to know you. Especially the heavy stuff."
"I love you," he says, kissing the top of your head. "And your hair smells much better." You laugh softly, squeezing him.
"I love you."
"Goodnight, Y/N," he says. You wrap every part of your body that can touch him around Poe's body, settling into his warm embrace.
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marc-spectorr · 8 months
come alive
pairing: poe dameron x reader
kiss prompt: #22 …in a rush of adrenaline
warnings: 2.0k wc. mentions of violence, shooting, weapons. curse words.
notes: thank you to the lovely anon for submitting this prompt! i decided to make this its own post bc i wrote quite a lot. also i haven't watched star wars/written for poe in a hot minute so pls be nice to me lol. hope you like it!
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“What’s the escape plan?”
At the question, Poe shoots you an odd look that is quite concerning. “Escape plan?”
“Yeah, the escape pla—oh my god,” you say in a hushed whisper, blinking at him. “You don’t have one.”
“I don’t have one yet. Don’t worry, I’ll come up with something quick and then—”
“—and then we get captured, locked up behind bars to rot or until they decide to—”
Your ramblings are cut short when Poe puts a hand over your mouth, gently shushing you. Three stormtroopers approach the stack of oversized crates, shrouded in darkness due to the absence of sun at this late hour.
You freeze and hold your breath, waiting for them to pass. Fortunately, they march right by without problem, oblivious to the fact that you two are hiding behind them.
As happy and relieved as you were when Poe first showed up to free you, you’re now back to thinking that you will die at the hands of the First Order. It’ll only be a matter of time until someone realizes their imprisoned Resistance spy has escaped. You’ll never get out of here, especially without a plan. You’re doomed.
You swallow thickly and try to distract yourself from the dread and panic clawing inside of you. You’re on the verge of hyperventilating. Glancing around wildly, you need to focus on something else. Anything.
Eventually, you have no choice but to settle on having your attention on the pilot’s stupidly handsome face. You keep your eyes on him, inhaling and exhaling deeply to gather your composure. All the while, you wonder— has he always been this good-looking up close? You have never realized how pretty of a shade his dark eyes are or how much they sparkle in the low light. You’ve never seen such thick and curly hair like his, and you have the biggest urge to card your fingers through it.
“Sweetheart, hey—relax,” Poe murmurs when you grow quiet on him, his watchful gaze flickering every now and then to check your surroundings. “Breathe. We got this.”
Poe has long dropped his hand from your mouth, but it remains on your face, cupping your cheek as he assesses you for any injuries. You feel your pulse pick up a beat. You’re sure it’s mainly from the threat of danger you’ve found yourself in. Certainly not because of Poe, your good friend, and crush ever since the day you joined the Resistance.
No, it definitely cannot be that.
“Okay,” you sigh out, nodding. You take a quick glance at the perimeter yourself this time, mostly to hide away from his gaze. “Now what? We can’t stay and hide here forever.”
“You’re right,” Poe agrees. He steps closer to you, his chest brushing against your back as he scans the area with you. “My ship’s past the tree line. Best course of action is to sneak out without alerting anyone. But if things don’t go our way, we use these.”
Slipped into your hand is a blaster. You take a deep breath and tighten your fingers around the grip. You hope it doesn’t come down to a shootout between you, Poe, and the dozens of armed guards patrolling the place. Violence isn’t really your strong suit. That’s why you preferred missions that involved laying low and gathering intel. Too bad your cover got blown on this assignment.
(And yes, you are still sore about that).
“I’m a shit shot, just a heads up,” you warn Poe. You turn around and bump into him, forgetting that there’s barely any space between you. He doesn’t make an effort to step away, and surprisingly, you don’t either.
Poe’s lips curl into a smug grin. He holds up his own weapon in his hand. “And I’m very much not. See, we’re a perfect match. On a scale of 1 to 10, how’d you rate my spur-of-the-moment escape plan?”
You bite back a chuckle and shake your head. Leave it to Poe to distract you from your worries, even if it only lasts a minute. In all seriousness, you have faith in him. He can be overly cocky sometimes, but he’s smart and skillful. You’ve seen and heard what he’s capable of. There’s a reason why you and plenty of others admire the hell out of him.
“I’d give it a 7.5, mainly ’cause I trust in your confidence too much. Plus, it’s not like we have other options.”
“That’s the spirit,” Poe beams. “Sorry if I worried you about not really thinking this through earlier. Once I found out you were being held out here, I kinda just... went for it, y’know? I didn’t have time to waste. I couldn’t let anything happen to you.”
You smile at him, ignoring how your cheeks are warming up against the crisp nighttime air. You’re touched by Poe’s statement. Grateful that you’ve crossed paths with someone like him. Who else would be this reckless and determined to dive into an impromptu rescue—or insane enough to risk their life to save yours?
The thought has your heart feeling tender, but you can’t get caught up in it at this moment. You and Poe need to make it out alive first. Fuck, now the nerves are starting to creep back in.
“Thank you. If we come back to the base both in one piece, dinner’s on me.”
“You mean when we get back,” he corrects. He holds his hand out for yours. “Deal. It’s a date. Alright, you ready?”
Poe’s question almost doesn’t register in your head after he refers to your dinner offer as a date. He doesn’t seem to be joking around. He sounds serious, and you don’t question it. You find yourself more than okay with calling it that.
Clearing your throat, you give Poe a slight nod, ready as you’ll ever be. Both of you have to get out of here alive. Your date depends on it.
Staying undetected as you move through the shadows was easy in the beginning. Few are out on patrol this evening, and when you do encounter someone, Poe manages to evade them. Surely this isn’t his first go-around at something like this.
You do your best not to allow your anxiety of getting caught to cause you to lose focus. The warmth of Poe’s hand in yours helps soothe you, an assurance that if anything goes wrong, you’re not alone.
When you spot your way out, relief floods over you. You tell yourself you’ll be home soon. That you’ll be back in your bed in no time, tucked under the covers, safe and sound. No longer would you be fearing for your life in the way you are right now.
You’re nearly there— the clearing is just within sight. Less than a hundred yards away more and…
Sirens suddenly blare. So loud that they ring in your ears and leave you disoriented for several seconds. The quiet of the night quickly descends into chaos as guards pour out from every which way. The radioed orders your ears pick up are clear and bone-chilling: they are searching for you, and if found, they want you gone permanently. 
“There you are, scum,” a trooper snarls from behind, weapon pointed at you. They’re about to pull down on the trigger, but Poe reacts much quicker. The blaster in his hand fires, and the man instantly drops to the ground.
You barely have time to process what happened when Poe grasps your hand tightly, holding onto it uncomfortably tight, but his touch is grounding. The two of you share a knowing look as the sound of distant voices and heavy footsteps grow closer.
“We gotta keep moving. Shoot anyone who’s chasing after us, got it?” He says, his voice a blur over the erratic pounding of your heart.
Poe doesn’t wait for your acknowledgment. He makes a mad dash towards the gate leading out of the compound. He wasn’t lying when he said he was not a shit shot, taking down a few men with such ease— they were no match for him.
Luck seems to be on your side tonight. The moment Poe tugs you past the gate, you run across the field and into the woodlands as fast as possible, the fastest you’ve ever moved. Your muscles are sore, and your head is dizzy. It feels like you can’t get enough air in your lungs.
Still, you run. You run and run, even if you’re starting to think that your legs will give out at any moment. You have to get as far away as you can from the place that has kept you captive. It’s your best bet if you want to survive.
Finally, Poe’s ship comes into view. He glances behind you, and you mirror his action, seeing that the guards have lost track of you in the dark. The relieved smile on your face remains for only a split-second, however. As soon as you turn your head back, you see the stormtrooper emerge from the thick bushes, aiming to shoot at an unsuspecting Poe.
It’s like everything is in slow motion. From you realizing that Poe is in imminent danger to the way you forcefully push him out of the line of fire and draw your blaster.
Adrenaline buzzes through your veins. Your chest rapidly rises and falls. You steady your hand even as it fights to tremble. Without thinking twice, you fire your weapon. The first shot narrowly misses the enemy, but the following two blasts hit them fatally, and they slump to the ground, unmoving.
Luck truly is on your side tonight.
You gasp a breath in surprise when a pair of solid arms suddenly wrap around you, your nerve endings still on high alert after all that has transpired. 
Poe’s gentle voice saying your name cuts through your foggy mind, and you meet his gaze. Your heartbeat continues to drum sharply against your ribcage as you stare at him for several moments, tracing the deep, worried lines etched on his face.
You don’t know what comes over you after. You’re unaware of what you’re doing until you’re right in the middle of it.
One second, you’re holding onto Poe—feeling some of the tension in your body seep out upon seeing that he’s okay, he’s unharmed— and the next, your lips are on his, soft and warm. Exactly the way you had imagined they would feel.
Poe doesn’t kiss you back right away; it is the only thing that snaps you out of this haze. Have you misread him all this time? He’s a major flirt, but you thought he was genuine with you. A knot of confusion and embarrassment forms in your stomach. How could you be so wrong? How could you have fucked things up?
You immediately pull away, taking a few stumbling steps back. Poe looks at you wide-eyed, mouth slightly open, but he doesn’t say a word. You glance down at your feet, not wanting to see his expression as you fumble out an apology.
“I-I’m sorry, Poe. I don’t know… I was just—”
You are interrupted when Poe lets out a breathless chuckle. He closes the short distance you had put between the two of you, his hands cupping your face, fingers stroking your cheeks ever so gently.
“Don’t be sorry,” he whispers. “I wasn’t expecting you to do that. It did feel very nice, though.”
Poe’s breath fanning warm over your skin causes yours to hitch. Before you can respond, he slowly leans in and recaptures your lips in a sweet kiss. Your heart stutters and skips for a whole new reason now. Something more electrifying replaces the fight or flight sensation surging within you, making you light-headed in the best possible way.
The kiss abruptly ends at the sound of dried leaves rustling and branches snapping from different directions. You notice faraway lights becoming brighter, no doubt more stormtroopers closing in on you and Poe.
“I’d like to keep kissing you, but we gotta go,” he laughs, nodding towards the ship. “The sooner we get back, the sooner we can go on our date.”
You grin in agreement and place your hand into Poe’s hand. Being with him makes you feel alive, like you can handle almost anything the universe throws at you. You could get used to this.
“Take me home, flyboy.”
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againstacecilia · 10 months
Because You Left
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Pairing: Poe Dameron x gn!reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Rating: This one's for anybody, but the whole blog is 18+ for sure.
Warnings: Lovers to strangers, fighting, angst, swearing, both of them are probably idiots but *shrug*
A/N: Holy wow it's been a minute! I've had this one in the vault for a while but just never did anything with it. There's a happy ending as well, so I can post that if there's interest, but I'm pushing myself to not tie everything up so nicely and let the tough emotions sit so you get ✨angst✨. We also don't need to talk about how I'm working through some things about an old flame with this one soooo hush. Unbeta'd, no use of y/n.
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It’s an unusually quiet night on base, lamplight flickering through the hallways and muffled laughter sneaking under doors as people take advantage of the stillness. Your footsteps echo loudly, an intrusion in the calm as you hurry to your post, breathless by the time you arrive.
“Sorry I’m late,” you begin, not looking at your watch partner, “I couldn’t find-”
“Not like you to be late, Captain,” a familiar voice interrupts.
Your stomach flops as you meet Poe’s gaze. “I… I’m sorry, Commander.” Your words falter, the memory of your last encounter momentarily clouding your mind…
“Find somewhere else to sleep tonight,” Poe says quietly at the door, not looking at you, “I’m busy.”
“Of course you are. Seems like you’ve been busy a lot these days. Busy with everything but finding time for me.”
Poe doesn’t say anything as he turns his back to you, pressing the button to close the door to his quarters. The click of the door sliding into place echoes deep in your bones as you’re left alone in the hallway…
That was months ago. You’d immediately requested a service change to a new squadron and done everything in your power to avoid seeing him again. Night shifts and dangerous recon runs, anything to make sure your paths never crossed again. 
“No need to apologize, I won’t tell anyone.” Poe winks at you with a grin. “So, it’s been a while, how have you been?”
Shaking the memory from your mind, you begin preparing for your watch. “Fine. You?”
“I’ve been okay.” He watches you gather your things, eyes trained on your every move.
“Mmm,” you respond non-committedly, shoving a flashlight and spare battery pack for your blaster into your bag before tugging the straps over your shoulders. “Well, I should be off. Being late and all.”
“Actually, we should be off. Your shift buddy called out so I’m his replacement.”
Fantastic. “Commander Dameron on night patrol?”
“Everyone pitches in where they’re needed,” he responds, hoisting his pack. 
Six hours on watch with Poe was the last thing you wanted to do, but he was right. Everyone was expected to, and for the most part did, pitch in where they were needed. If this was how you were expected to help the Resistance then you’d grit your teeth and get through it. 
“Let’s get going then.” You’re out the door and making your way to the watchtower before he can reprimand you for speaking to your superior like that. 
Luckily, the calm seems to be holding and the watchtower is nearly serene in the clear night. Stars twinkle above you in constellations you were still learning and the breeze was a song you never tired of. Lost in the ebb and flow of nature around you, you don’t notice the time pass.
Poe’s voice breaks the silence for the first time in hours. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” you nod, keeping your eyes on the wilderness beyond the base.
“What happened? With us?” 
Heat creeps up the back of your neck and the breeze seems to stop at the question. Like the whole base was waiting on bated breath for your response. “We just… Grew apart. That’s all.”
You hear Poe shift in his seat. “No, I don’t think that’s it. Not entirely.”
“What do you want me to say, Poe?” “I want you to look at me and tell me the truth.”
“I told you the truth.” Your clipped response is bitter on your tongue and you keep your body facing away from him. “We grew apart and the war got in the way of everything else.”
“This isn’t just some distance thing, tell me what happened.”
“I have nothing else to say.”
“You’re still not telling me the truth. I know you, why did you suddenly-”
“Because you left!” The words rip out of you and you finally stand, whirling around to face him. “Because you left me, Poe.”
Indignation blazes across his face. “I never left you, not any longer than a mission required of me!”
“That’s not what I mean!” Both your voices are too loud for the quiet watch, but you don’t care. Emotions flare and dance in your veins, demanding to be released. “You stopped giving a damn and then kicked me out of your room and told me you were busy. You stopped fighting for me. For us. You left one day and never really came back.”
The silence seems to echo as your words fade from the lone tower, open to the night sky. “I’d been trying for weeks at that point, Poe, and you kept pushing me away. So I stopped trying because you obviously didn’t want me around!”
“When have I ever said I don’t want you around?” He’s also standing, stepping into your orbit with his hands extended to his sides.
“You didn’t have to say it.” Stomping away from him to the rail of the tower, you lean against the weathered wood, “It was painfully clear.”
He follows you and grips your shoulders, spinning you to face him. “I’ve been out of my damn mind trying to be a leader in all of this. You know what Leia expects of me, you know what’s at stake-”
“Of course I do!” You shake his hands off you and push him away, “But I thought it would be exactly because of those reasons that you’d give a fuck about me. I thought, for a moment, that I was one of those things you were fighting for.”
“You were! You still are, and you always have been!”
“Just stop.” Your voice is trembling with rage and pain; searing white flames lick through the marrow of your bones. “Whether you meant to or not, you made it very clear where your priorities are and I’ve made my peace with the fact that this,” a sweeping gesture to the sleeping base below, “is your priority. Not me. And I shouldn’t be. I mean, hell, what am I compared to the entire Resistance?”
Needing to put any amount of distance between you, you make your way to the other side of the tower and settle into a chair, facing away from Poe. The noise from the breeze and insects comes back into focus as you curl your legs against your chest. 
After a moment, Poe’s voice reaches you from across the tower, “Do you know why I told you I was busy that night? Why I told you to go sleep somewhere else?”
You don’t respond, hugging your legs tighter as the anger starts to fizzle into sadness.
“I told you to leave because Leia had informed me that we had just lost an entire squadron to an ambush in the Mid-Rim. I had gotten some intel that there was going to be an unprotected shipment of weapons in the area and that group was sent out to get them. It was a trap, and my bad information got them all killed.” Poe stayed away from you through his explanation, his voice drifting by more quietly with each word. “None of them made it home. Because of me.”
The urge to go to him, to wrap him in your arms and comfort him, nearly overwhelms you for a moment before he continues. “I told you to leave because I didn’t want you, of all people, to see me break. I shattered that night, and when the sun rose and I realized that I’d made a huge mistake, you had already transferred and I didn’t see you again for weeks.”
Silent tears fall from your eyes at his admissions; the truths he laid in front of you. “So I let you go,” he whispers, “because it felt like some sort of karmic justice to lose you for what happened to those fighters.”
You find your voice again and say, “I’m sorry about the mission, I didn’t know… But that doesn’t make any of this better. It doesn’t excuse the fact that you didn’t even try.”
“You haven’t let me try.” His quiet voice begins to turn to ice.
“How was I supposed to know you even wanted to? You knew where my quarters were, you have access to all my orders; you could’ve come talk to me at any time and yet you didn’t.”
Heavy footsteps move away toward the edge of the tower. Without turning, you can picture his face in the starlight: his eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed, muscles in his jaw and neck jumping as he clenches his teeth. “You said I didn’t try. That I made it obvious I didn’t want you around. Well, Captain,” he spits your rank into the night, “you made it pretty clear as well that you didn’t want to be near me. Switching squads and dodging me at every turn.”
“You have no right-” you begin, but Poe cuts you off.
“I have every right!” His yell echoes off the gently rolling hills surrounding the base. “I have every damn right when you throw accusations in my face like this. You wanna talk about someone leaving or giving up? How about we talk about how all it took was one bad night for me for you to completely push me away?”
Rage begins simmering in your gut again, bringing you to your feet and back across the tower. “You never gave me any indication that you were dealing with more than the normal amount of stress. I tried everything I could to ease that stress for you; bringing you food when you were drowning in paperwork in your room, letting you fuck me every night even when you couldn’t look me in the eye, ignoring every red flag just to try and prove to you that I was there through it all. And it was never enough.”
“Well, I guess that’s our answer, then.” Poe keeps his gaze locked with yours, eyes gleaming with fury and sadness.
Your heart shatters. “I… I guess it is.”
“I’ll send someone else up here.” Poe lingers for a heartbeat, fists clenched at his side, before turning and heading down the stairs, leaving you alone. 
You stare out over base, watching Poe’s form disappear from view in the night, each step a death knell in your bones. Any future you daydreamed about fades with each passing breath. By the time Poe’s replacement makes it up the tower, the early morning wind has dried your tears and frozen a thick casing of ice around your heart.
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dailyreverie · 10 months
A/N: Kicking off the holidays with a cute snowy moment with Poe ☺️❄️ I hope you all enjoy this, and all the stories that are coming!
1. Ice skating
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Word count: 1.1K
Holiday prompts ⛄
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You walked for what felt like ages, until you could swear your joints were frozen from your feet being buried under snow for so long. But Poe wouldn’t hear your complaints, dismissing them with his usual confident smile swearing you were close to the town you were supposed to reach for supplies.
“Remind me again, why you landed so far?” You complained as he helped you jump down a snow-covered rock. 
“This place is basically hidden under the trees. Besides, the last time I came here the weather was nothing like this, I was able to land closer.” Poe defended himself and his ‘no more than a 15-minute walk’ promise he gave before you left. Your landed right in front of him after you jumped, meeting eye-to-eye with him, his hand not leaving yours in the process not letting you slip onto the cold ground; still, you glared at him. “Don’t hold it against me.” He tried one last time.
“I won’t be able to if I freeze to death.” Ever the gentleman, Poe lifted your hand to his lips and gently kissed your knuckles. “Don’t try to charm me, flyboy.”
“I promise I’ll make it up to you.” In between his rosy cheeks, hidden under the hood of his puffy jacket, you saw that cheeky sparkle in his eyes that you’ve always loved.
“You better,” after a playful push of his shoulder, you kept on walking your never-ending trail of snow.
“I promise we are close now, and we’ll stay the night in the coziest inn I can find.” Your chuckle told him everything he needed: you were not mad, you were just cold. “We only need to reach the lake, surround it, and we’ll be no more than 5 minutes away.”
“And are you sure we are not lost? If there’s a lake nearby we should at least be able to see it, and no offense honey but- woah!” The next step you took made your foot slip, almost making you fall backward if it weren’t for Poe’s hands catching your back. “What the hell?!”
With cautious feet, Poe stepped and slid his foot on the ground. “This is the lake.”
As you and Poe stood there, recovering from the unexpected slip on the ice, the sudden appearance of BB-8 added a new layer of chaos to the situation. Poe's attempt to warn the droid about the icy surface was cut short as BB-8 rushed past you both, completely unprepared for the slippery terrain. “BB, watch out! Everything in front of us is-” Poe’s words died in his throat as the droid rolled past you, not slowing down a bit and clearly not expecting to slide around the ice. The droid began to let out high-pitched beeps, screaming in surprise into the cold air. The scene in front of you sent you both into a fit of laughter as the droid kept spinning around, doubling in laughter as BB tried (and failed) to stop his round body from whirling on the ice.
In the midst of it all, Poe found your hand, warmth meeting cold, and he pulled you onto the icy surface with mischievous intent. “Hey! What do you think you are doing?”
“Come on, let’s join Beebs.” His eyebrows did a swift up and down motion, almost convincing you. 
“No way, Poe! I’m not planning on breaking a leg!” You protested as he kept pulling, and much to your dismay, he managed to successfully pull you into the ice. “KRIFF, POE!” You exclaimed between laughter as you slid, Poe’s hands on your waist steading you as he pulled you, sliding himself backward not to miss any expression on your face.
As you reluctantly found yourself on the icy surface of the lake, Poe flashed you one of his famously mischievous grins. “Why do you look like you are about to murder me?”
You stared at him standing still as a rock, not risking moving and dramatically falling on your bottom. “Because I just might do it.” If it weren’t for the tremble on your legs, Poe would’ve been sure of your threat. It didn’t help you, though, that the second you tried to move away from him your feet began to wobble on the icy surface. Poe was quick to steady you with firm hands on your hips, but that didn’t stop him from erupting in laughter, loudly and with his head thrown back, his melodic laughs echoing around the snow-covered trees that framed the lake. “I will kill you, Dameron!”
“Come on, sweetheart! It’s not that hard,” Poe expertly slid to stand behind you, his chest against your back and his grip still tight on your waist; you knew that whatever happened next, he was not gonna let you fall. “One foot in front of the other, just like walking.” He encouraged you, pushing you softly as your feet began to move.
With Poe's guidance, you reluctantly began to take cautious steps on the ice, trying your best to maintain your balance. His warm presence behind you and the reassurance in his voice eased some of your tension, and soon he let you go and stood still to watch you gracefully slide across the ice.
“Told you! You are a natural!” Poe cheered, followed by a few beeps from BB who had finally managed to slow down to a soft spin. “You did not do it better, bud, you couldn’t even stop.”
“I’m way better than you, BB!” You couldn't help but smile at Poe’s infectious enthusiasm, and soon enough, you found yourself actually enjoying the unexpected detour from the mission. You couldn’t seem to remember the cold, your hurting joints, and the mountains of snow, right then, the only thing on your mind was enjoying this little moment Poe created out of nowhere for the two of you.
Poe joined you soon after, skating quickly to catch you by surprise. His hands landed on your hips as you squealed, even more so when he pushed you across the ice to test your abilities. “Oh, you’re in for it, Dameron!” you declared, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you skated back to him, challenging him to a race.
“The winner can have the shower first.” Poe grinned, the twinkle in his eyes matching the snowy landscape around you. 
“Or…” You stood dangerously close to him, your noses almost touching. “If I win, you won’t get to shower with me.” Poe’s eyes widened, he was sure your sultry tone alone would be enough to melt the ice - if he didn’t melted before. Before he knew it you were skating away, laughing at his shocked face.
“Hey! That’s not fair!” Poe caught you and twirled you around on the ice, your laughter mingling with his as you both ran away from each other. The worries of the mission, the biting cold, and the challenges of the journey melted away; you always wondered how Poe did it, how he could make you forget everything that was wrong with such simple things. Turns out, his only mission these days was to see you smile.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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beezusvreeland · 10 months
now that we don't talk - all chapters
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summary: After being rejected by Poe, the two of you are assigned a mission together. And a lot can happen during a mission.
ship: poe dameron x f!reader
status: ongoing
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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upsidedownmvnson · 6 months
crash landed
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A/N: i want to branch out on this blog and write for other fandoms too, so im dipping my toes in my baby poe dameron's pool
summary: you and poe are stranded on an unknown planet after a dicy shootout. and your injuries are getting worse by the minute.
warnings: probably inaccurate star wars stuff, graphic descriptions of injuries (maybe), broken bones,
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"poe?" you whispered, shaky voice barely cutting through the loud wind noises rattling the loose metal of a broken starfighter.
he grunts, barely looking away from the twisted metal he's trying to bend back in shape with pure will. it's been hours, and with no working comms, and no working beacon.. it was time to start considering alternate escape routes.
"ugh - if it would just-" he grunts again, pounding his fist once against it, the sound lost beneath the other crashing titanium pieces.
"poe..." you said, again, holding onto your shoulder. it was starting to really hurt, and you could barely move your arm, you were sure it was broken, and with the adrenaline of a crash landing fading, it was really starting to be a problem.
he looked at you, lips tight and tense, none of the usual spark in his eyes. his mouth softens into a light frown when he sees you cradling your injury.
"if we don't leave soon i dont know how far i'll be able to go," you say, raising your voice to be heard over the weather.
"we don't even know where we are!" he shouts back, frustrated and angry.
"i know but..."
"how am i supposed to get you out of this!?"
but he softens even more when your lip quivers, and he knows he's being cold - but look at what he's done. he's hurt you. he's gotten you lost on some outskirt planet with no way out, and no medical supplies. he's just proven about himself what he always feared might be true ... he can't protect you.
"I'm sorry!" he shouts, he looks around, and harshly scratches his thumb on his temple. "you're right! we have to move."
"take the comlink! i'll try to fix it when we get ..." you squint, "somewhere."
he grabs it, although he doesn't believe you can fix it. it doesn't even look like scrap metal anymore. totally crushed during the crash landing. if he had just jumped instead of trying to outmaneuver, this wouldn't have happened. he could have gotten you to safety but he was so sure that they wouldn't see his flip coming, but they did... and managed to target the gun you'd been using at the back of the ship, causing a small explosion and sending you against the side of the ship and then when you weren't answering he...
he lost all control and crashed the ship. he was the best pilot the resistance had, and he crashed with the most precious thing in his life depending on him. he was a failure.
when he climbs back down from the trashed fighter, he puts his hand on the small of your back and guides you forward. you were disappointed when he let you go. usually, he'd find any excuse to keep his hands on you, but now he dropped his touch as soon as you'd started walking with him.
you walked quietly, holding the ripped fabric on the shoulder of your suit closed with your good arm and kept the other as snug to your chest as you could. you felt like you were trying to hold yourself together.
you knew this was your fault. if you had just made the shot... you guys wouldn't be in this mess. and the man you were in love with - and arguably the most important pilot in the resistance - wouldn't be stranded in this nowhere place. and you wouldn't be a limping burden. you try your best to hide it. to walk normally and disguise your wincing.
"i'm sorry," you say finally, unable to stand one more moment of uncomfortable silence. you'd never struggled to talk to poe before, normally you can't get him to shut up. "I should've been able to hit the fuel tank, i knew where it was and i missed the-"
"this wasn't your fault," he cut you off, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "none of this is your fault, it's mine."
you could barely hear him, and you were about you respond when both of you were taken by complete surprise as you yelped, your ankle giving way under you with a sickening crunch. poe heard it over the wind, and caught you before you could completely hit the ground.
you cried, trying to say something about the pain but all that came out were a few strangled syllables.
"hey, hey, hey, it's okay! i've got you!" but he's panicking. he can't support you with your arm in that condition, and he can't get you up because of the leg. he's sick. he can't breathe thinking of what's he caused. he picks you up, cradling you as close to his chest as he can as he frantically looks around for anything, anything.
a cave in the face of a rockside is all he can see, and he escapes to it's safety, at least able to get you out of the wind for a minute while he thinks. he sets you down as gently as he can, his heart shattering with each deep sob you release.
he looks around, as if help will just appear in the cave. and he stands up, watching you curl into yourself.
"poe, i'm so sorry." you sob, not noticing his confused expression as you hide your face in your arm, words coming out choked and pathetic you say, "look at what i've done."
"you can't -" he pauses, "you didn't do anything wrong, this mess is my fault."
he wants to stop and comfort you, but he doesn't have time. he has to save you, he has to save. you. he's freaking out. he's failed you, the mission, leia, all because he assumed he was better than some first order pilot.
"i have to find you some help," he says, crouching down close to you and moving some hair out of your face. the blotchy, red cheeks, and swollen eyes that hold nothing but pain behind them, made an unexpected tear fall from poe's eye, but he catches it on the back of his hand before you can see. "why can't wait these injuries out, okay?" you nod sullenly, unable to force out anymore words. "do you have your blaster? hm? can you look at me?" he asks, and you do. "i'm going to run okay? i'm going to find you some help."
poe runs for an hour, but aside from the weather finally yielding, he finds nothing. he nearly gets lost on his way back, but finds you sitting up against the hard rock wall, blaster disassembled around you, as you fiddle with the small broken comlink.
"you're sitting."
"i'm totally numb," you whisper, and you're both quiet. you both know that's not a good thing. "i don't know if it worked... but i tried to send out a signal. the transmitter looked functional enough, but the mic was broken beyond... I..." you trail off. "i hope they find you."
"us," he corrects harsher than he means to. "they're going to find us."
you smile. "you should go."
"you can come back for me later but -"
"-we shouldn't both rot in this-"
"-stop saying this crap, seriously-"
"hellhole, and you're too important to lose and-"
"stop!" he shouts, crouching down to look in your eye, passion and frustration covered his face, "you're too important, don't you get that!? don't you get anything? i can't lose you too." poe's resolve falls faster than it rose, and he's sobbing before you've even really processed what he's said. "i won't survive it. if i lose you. i won't survive."
"i love you, you idiot."
but then you passed out. and poe is screaming your name, tapping gentle slaps on your cheek to wake you, but it's not working. he's worried you hit your head.
"what do i do!?" he's looking around, but there's nothing. he knows there's nothing. "what do i do!?"
but he hears something outside that sounds like yelling. and he doesn't care if its first order, pirates, or whatever, he doesn't care. he'd surrender himself to save you. he's only got a half broke blaster, but he's got the spark he needs to save you.
he hides behind a tree when he sees figures, waiting to ambush the first person and steal their weapon, but when he grabs them, it's finn looking out of breath and terrified.
"poe! maker, we couldn't-"
"come on!" poe shouts, ignoring his friend, letting go of the fistful of shirt he had, and taking off full tilt back to where you were. finn was hot on his trail, silent. while chewie ran not far behind, roaring in worry. no one liked the crazed look in poe's eye, especially when they knew it was bad sign you weren't with him.
when they're back to you, poe first checks your pulse, his own nearly stopping with anxiety. but however shallow, it was there, you were still there.
poe scoops you up, holds you close to his chest for a second, whispering a secret plea for you to stay with him, and let chewie take you in his arms, begging him in broken words to be gentle with you.
and then poe just sobbed as they rushed back to the ship.
you didn't wake up for a full month. poe ran defensive missions, or short trips. but he couldn't stay focused long enough for anything longer.
when he returns from a simple fetch & return for leia, he's greeted by rey and rose waiting in the hanger, chatting excitedly. at first poe is annoyed, as he takes his helmet off and shakes his hair out. how could your friends find a way to stand around and chat and smile... but when they look at him with wide grins, he hesitates to feel hope. they've said nothing but his heart is racing. he thinks it may beat clear out of his chest,
"someone wants to see you," rose singsongs, laughing as poe throws his helmet on the floor and takes off down the hallway, following his usual path straight from the hanger to the medbay.
he stops in the doorway, panting as he takes in the sight of you smiling with finn, who was sitting on the chair closest to you. he gets up when he sees poe, says goodbye, and leaves, patting his friend on the shoulder as he passes.
"you're awake," he says, taking finn's seat, and scooching it even closer to you. he gathers up your hand in both of his, and leans forward to press his forehead against the back of your hand. "please, forgive me."
"forgive you? for what?"
he scoffs, leaning back but maintaining a secure grip on your hands. "well, for nearly killing you, mostly."
"poe, i missed the shot. i had the shot and i missed it, it's my fault."
"no," he says, sternly, in a commanding voice you don't even recognize, and you listen, watching him with kind eyes. he could live in them, melt into them, stay there forever. "you saved us. you made a beacon out of a gun and a broken comlink. you're a genius, you're... you're so..." he grunts in frustration when the words get lost. "i almost lost you..." he whispers, kissing the back of your hand. he leans his forehead back onto your hand, whispering again and again how sorry he was. 
you smiled sadly at him. he looked thin, had bags under his eyes. you doubted he has been sleeping, finn said he'd spent every night by your side, curled up uncomfortably on the metal chair.
"nah," you chuckle, "i always was gunna come back to you."
"and how do you know that, hm?"
you grin, winking, "because i love you, you idiot."
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eyelessfaces · 5 months
three weeks
poe dameron x reader
summary: poe has never been gone that long since you started dating; mornings happen to feel warmer when he is home.
warnings: p with minimal plot....., morning sex, handjob, piv sex, hair pulling (POE RECEIVING), this isn't just corn I promise it's mostly sweet because your honor they are in LOVE
tags: f!reader, fluff, banter, teasing:)
word count: 2.4k
masterlist | taglist | ao3
updates blog: @eyelessupdates
!!may the force be with you
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You had fallen asleep to the featherlight stroke of his fingertips against your arm in his warm embrace; he had never been gone for that long since you started dating, and though you knew you would have to get used to being apart, you weren’t sure you actually would, ever. 
But if it always felt this way, always felt raw and pure when you found each other again like you had just fallen in love with each other all over again, then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be torn apart from time to time.
His eyes are still shut when yours open, long eyelashes kissing his cheeks as his slow, steady breath tells you he’s still asleep. It is quite rare for the both of you to be able to linger in bed and enjoy a morning together, he is most of the time already long gone when you wake up, even on his days off he still spends running around everywhere. 
You softly call his name when your hand comes to rest over his bare torso, fingers twisting with the chain around his neck, mouth pressing against the light stubble of his cheek.
He stirs softly, and his face contorts into a small yawn before he turns so he can nuzzle against your own. 
“Morning,” he rasps softly, voice cracking with sleep as his eyes remain shut. His hand slips under the sheets, settling over your hip, his throat vibrating with a low hum as your fingers gently weave through his thick, messy curls. His own fingers mirror yours when they slip under your shirt, rubbing patterns onto your skin; you always wonder how he’s so warm all the time, heat radiating off his body like a living radiator.
“Morning,” you reply in a soft exhale, smiling as he drowsily blinks at you. “Slept well?”
He hums in reflection. “Better than the past three weeks” he ultimately affirms, his lips faintly pecking at the corner of your mouth.
“Corny” you mock, sighing softly when he shifts to nestle his face in the crook of your neck.
“Factual” he counters as he squeezes your hip, causing you to softly yelp in surprise and make him breathe out a laugh against your shoulder. “May seem surprising, but I actually like sleeping by your side in my bed more than I like sleeping practically on the ground in a shitty tent.” he adds, leaving a kiss just above the collar of your shirt before turning around.
“I would’ve never guessed that.” you tease. Poe takes a look at the holographic clock, turning back to you with a small frown when he realizes what time it is. Your eyes widen playfully, “I took the morning off. Surprise”
“Ouhhh,” he chants with a snide smirk, his hand crawling higher under your shirt as he presses his body close to yours again. “What a nice surprise”
“First time we can spend the morning together,” you note.
“It happened before”
You scoff. “Not by the book. You ended up being late to your own meeting” you retort with a playful smirk. The memory makes your stomach flutter; he had been particularly needy and desperate that morning, and you had had trouble trying not to laugh when he showed up to the conference room with his hair all mussed up and a faint blush over his face.
“Alright, yeah, but neither of us would’ve been happy if I left the room to get to the meeting in time huh?” he smirks, leaning in to capture your lips in a quick kiss as his hand under your shirt tickles up your ribs. “We kinda were in the middle of something”
“That we were” you acquiesce with a grin, hands joining the back of his neck to pull him back to your face again. His lips push against yours in a bruising kiss now, his free hand grasping onto your chin to part your mouth so he can slip his tongue in. He somehow manages to feel even closer to you when he works his tongue against yours, his kiss hungry and demanding as he softly grinds his hips against yours, his touch warm and impatient; your soft moan resonates within him when he cups your breast under your shirt, squeezing it softly.
He pulls away so the both of you can catch your breath. “Eager much?” you ask against his mouth, his lips still brushing against yours. 
“I mean, three whole weeks of not being able to touch you baby.”
You smile, “Mhm” you mindlessly play with the curls at his nape, hands shifting to rest over his broad shoulders, your thumb gently rubbing over a small faded scar there. He presses his forehead against yours, his warm brown eyes boring into yours with that look you know all too well. 
“I missed you” he mutters, hand smoothing over the surface of your stomach. You smile as you softly trace his face, the light stubble prickling the tips of your fingers.
“I know.” you press your lips against his again, hands shifting to grasp onto his hair; he lets out a faint groan when you bite onto his bottom lip as you pull away from the kiss. “Let me get on top of you” you demand, poking his stomach playfully.
“Oh yeah baby” he rolls onto the side, letting himself lay back down beside you. “Wouldn’t say no to that” he chuckles, tucking both his hands behind his head, a sly smirk growing over his face as you chuckle and press your hands over his bare torso, shifting to sit over his lap, your knees at either side of his hips.
You scoff when you adjust your position, softly grinding against him. “You’re fully hard already? Not even letting me work for it? Wow”
“You got that kinda effect on me,” he sighs softly, hands grabbing your hips, caressing your sides under your shirt. “I told you, three whole weeks of not being able to touch you”
You chuckle mockingly, leaning closer to his face. “Yeah, don't tell me you didn't touch yourself though” you whisper teasingly; he scoffs and wraps a hand behind your head to bring you closer, letting his mouth wander here and there against your neck.
“My hand is nothing compared to you” he grins between kisses. You shift to the side, still pressed close to him, your hand sliding down his torso and stomach to eventually reach under his boxers. He lets out a lewd groan when your hand closes around him, his nose nestling behind your ear as you start to stroke him slowly.
“My hand better?” you ask, your other hand cupping the back of his head as he breathes out against the skin of your neck, the brush of his lips warm against your skin. He hums approvingly, thumbs rubbing at either side of your hips; he always has to touch you one way or another, no matter the situation. His mouth always has to be occupied too; the brush of his lips ignites a warmth within you as he leaves faint kisses under your ear and down your neck to your collarbone, his forehead resting against your shoulder as he bucks softly into your touch. 
“Feels so good baby” he mumbles, a loud moan leaving his mouth and his eyes squeezing shut when you twist your hand just the way he likes. “Fuck” he sighs, “You’re gonna get me off like that?”
“Got a problem with that commander?” you scoff in disbelief as you tease his slit with your thumb, your hand in his hair tugging on it so you can see his face.
He sighs a soft moan, his lust-blown eyes darting up to you. “No but– Fuck– I’d like to get inside you before I remember I actually have responsibilities even on my days off” he declares in a tone he knows by experience you can’t resist, his hand shifting to your thigh, caressing it up and down.
You sigh, “You’re so impatient it’s actually terrifying.” you say as you pull your hand out of the single piece of clothing covering him, made too tight now. “You should consider yourself lucky I can’t say no to anything you ask of me” he watches with a sly smile as you rid yourself of your underwear, sliding off his own before you move back to straddle him. 
“I do consider myself lucky” he grins as he looks you up and down, his gaze full of love as he runs his hands up and down your thighs; his fingers are calloused from pushing blaster triggers and hitting the control panel buttons of ships, but the gesture is overflowing with affection. “Look at you” he croons. “C’mon babe,” he playfully swats your thigh as he shifts to get more comfortable on the bed. “Save an X-wing, ride a pilot” he teases, drawing a stupid chuckle out of you. 
He huffs out a sigh of relief when you lower yourself down onto his cock, biting onto his bottom lip once you're fully seated as he looks down at where you're connected.
He frowns, looking back up at you when you don't move after that. “Something wrong?”
“No” you declare, not offering him any other explanation. He chuckles, confused as to why you're staying still over his lap, not moving an inch.
“What then. What are you doing babe” you try to hold back from smirking as you see him grow impatient, his fingers softly kneading the meat of your thighs, trying to make you roll your hips over him. “Move”
“No” you shake your head with an insolent smile. “You're inside me, that's it, that's what you wanted” he huffs out a disbelieving laugh, throwing his head back the same way he does when you crack him a shitty joke; he's not sure he's patient enough to really enjoy this kind of joke right at this moment. “We have all morning Poe” you whine, leaning over to sink your face into the crook of his neck and leave a trail of kisses that follow along his necklace.
“Fine” he grunts softly, his arm wrapping around you to let his hand rest against your back. 
A surprised, sharp yelp escapes you when he – without warning – maneuvers and flips you around, making you land on your back; all that training happens to be useful in bed, after all. Your eyes squeeze shut when he pushes into you, the stretch of him unfamiliar again after what seemed to be ages.
“Three weeks baby, three weeks” he rams his hips into yours, tucking his face into your shoulder. “I don't have all morning”
You cup the back of his neck, nails softly digging in his skin as you hold onto him tight, your legs wrapping around him; he’s rutting into you like you’re gonna slip away from him, escape like smoke curling around his fingers and fading into oblivion. “Missed this so much,” he sighs into your ear, his words slightly scattered by the force of his movements. “Missed you so much” 
You want to give him your reciprocation, but all that comes out of you is a broken whine when he manages to reach deeper inside you; your hands bury into his curls, slightly tugging on them in response, drawing the same kind of wrecked moan out of him.
“F–Fuck okay” he chokes out after a sharp thrust. “Don’t do that if you want me to last”
“What if I don’t want you to last”
He scoffs. “Then we’ll have to fuck again because I can’t get enough of you” he declares, pressing his mouth against yours to kiss you sloppily, your hand cupping the side of his face as he continues to fuck into you, not giving up on his rhythm. He hums as he desperately licks into your mouth, his thrusts growing messy when you purposefully pull on his hair again. “Sweetheart I’m not kidding” he warns in a breathy laugh, his forehead pressing against yours. “You’re gonna make me lose it”
You brush away the strands of hair falling over his face, “Then you better hurry making me come” you tease, making him huff out a sincere laugh.
But there is no challenge Poe Dameron doesn’t take seriously.
He fucks into you soft and deep, not letting up until he has you writhing underneath him, staving off his own release for yours. It almost feels like you’re melting into the mattress when you start to feel it, your fingers tightening in Poe's hair as he babbles incoherently into your ear, so close to his own peak; he finally lets himself go when you’re there, his stifled moan into your ear when he releases inside you extending the momentary haze buzzing in your head. 
It almost feels like you black out for a second; “Are you okay my love?” Poe asks concerned by your absent, weak blinks as his hand cups your face, his thumb gently tracing back and forth against your cheek. 
You offer him a small nod, and he shoots you a smile before kissing your forehead and jumping out of bed, coming back later with a washcloth to clean you up.
Then everything feels quiet again. The soft heaving of your breathing as his head rests over your stomach, his legs tangled with yours, the soft tickle of his fingers tracing circles and random shapes over any piece of bare skin he finds over you.
“I missed you too,” you declare in a weak mutter. “I didn’t say it back earlier.” 
You don’t see his smile, but you know it is there as he leaves a kiss over the surface of your tummy. He hums softly as you absent-mindedly play with his hair.
“I can't wait for this war to be over.” he admits. “We'll settle on Yavin, in a nice house not too far from my dad's,” he exhales softly through his nose at the idea of it all before he continues, “We'll have mornings to ourselves, like this, and we will have breakfast in our backyard where we’ll grow all kinds of plants and trees from all over the galaxy” he smiles, earning a sweet, longing chuckle from you that seems to still in the air. He pauses, waits for a moment before he says it– 
“I want to grow old with you.”
It’s in these moments that time feels like it slows down, but Poe sometimes wishes he could put this galaxy to a pause just so he could have more moments like these with you.
any and every comment is greatly appreciated!!
star wars taglist: @lockleysgrl @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @anightshift @whatthefishh @dameronshandholder @campingwiththecharmings @mintgreen24 @spider-starry @jakecockley @cocodiem @spxctorsslxt @friedwings @luxisluxurious @stvnnie @dowbastan @il0vebeingdelulu @hammerhead96 @unear7hly
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multific · 1 year
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Poe Dameron x Reader
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"Somehow, Palpatine returned." everyone was shocked, people started mumbling amongst themselves.
And you, you started laughing. Everyone looked at you in pure shock.
"Somehow." you repeated Poe as you nearly fell over. "What is even that?! 'Somehow, Palpatine returned.'" You imitated Poe, and now people around you also started to giggle a little. "Then somehow we are going to kill him so he won't come back again, somehow." you said as you laughed, many others joined you.
Poe should have been fuming, but he soon realized that your laughing helped others calm down.
Once your laughing stopped and you returned to your chambers you still couldn't help but giggle from time to time.
You were getting ready to sleep when the door behind you hissed open. BB-8 happily beeped as he entered the room, Poe followed him closely.
"Looks like, somehow you were able to find our room!" you could barely get the sentence out as it is, because of your laughing.
"Very funny."
"How could you say that?!" you were now holding your stomach.
"It's the truth! We don't know what happened! So, SOMEHOW, he is back." and you laughed again. Poe rolled his eyes but soon found himself smiling along with you. "And somehow, I love you even now..." he said and you looked at him.
"Well, there is no mystery in that." you opened your arms, expecting him to come hug you but he didn't move, instead he crossed his arms.
"No hugs for you, you laughed at me in front of everyone." you pouted and turned to BB-8.
"And you know little one, somehow, Mr Dameron went on for months without sex."
"You can't do that!" said Poe uncrossing his arms as he looked at you in disbelief.
"Somehow, I can." you grinned at him as he charged for you, grabbing you as you turned in his arms, giggling as he leaned in to bite your ear.
"When did my Wife start to disrespect me?!"
"When you blew up my favourite ship!"
"And somehow, you still said yes when I asked you to marry me."
"I did. Because somehow, I love you!"
"Enough already." he turned you around in his arms and kissed you.
Once he pulled back, he put his forehead against yours.
"I know this fight is not going to be easy. But I know we can win. And once we do, we can get that house you always wanted." you reached up and ran your fingers through his hair as you spoke.
"Then, finally, we will be able to start our family." he said as you kissed his lips once more.
Oh, just how much you loved this man.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​ @noname2246​
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lipstickmarks · 1 year
everyone cheats on vacation
Pairing: Poe Dameron x bi!fem!reader, Rey x bi!fem!reader
Category: Light angsty with a happy ending, smut, fluff, and romance
Word Count: 7.7K
Summary: While on vacation aboard the Chandrila Star Line, you’re eager to spend some alone time with your girlfriend, Rey. But when her Jedi duties leave you feeling neglected, who else do you turn to for comfort but Poe Dameron, the cocky pilot who has a reputation for leaving women feeling satisfied and jelly-legged. You suddenly find yourself at the center of Poe's universe and you like it. He knows you better than anyone and lately, he's been doing everything in his power to tempt you over the line.
Warnings: NSFW, cheating, glorification of cheating, smut, piv, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, scissoring, fingering, light angst, Rey being neglectful, reader feeling neglected, reader being slightly petty, poe being smug, semi-public sex, food, discussion of "healthy" versus "unhealthy" eating habits, sugar daddy!poe if you squint, confession of feelings, love confession, panty kink, nipple play, slightly rough sex, finger kink, hand kink, finger sucking, feeling, no use of y/n.
Notes: This is a Poe-centric fic but there is a NSFW scene of Rey and the Reader.
Rating: explicit
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You and Poe were in the ship’s lounge area playing a game of holochess. The smug bastard was licking his lips and smirking every time he outmaneuvered you. You leaned forward, focusing hard on the game pieces in front of you as you tried to figure out the best move. 
“Stumped?” Poe asked with a raised eyebrow and a sly smile. 
You playfully glared at Poe. His actions drove you crazy and he knew it. He was always like this. Always had to come out on top. You don’t know why you kept agreeing to play with him. 
“Hey, you two!” Rey called out. You turned your head and saw Rey walking through the entrance with Finn, both in their gym clothes. 
Rey sat on the arm of the booth and leaned down to kiss you while Finn slid onto the other end of the booth next to Poe. 
“Who’s winning?” Finn asked. 
“Me. As usual.” Poe’s voice dripped with smugness as you made a pitiful move. You resisted the urge to smack him. 
“Because he’s cheating.” You said.
Poe smirked at you. 
“Cheating’s allowed when you’re on vacation.”
Your eyebrows pinched together in confusion. 
“We’re on the open sea.” Poe opened his arms as if to illustrate his point. “There are no rules out here. We’re on vacation. You can eat cake for breakfast and get drunk before noon and cheat at holochess. Except I don’t need to cheat when you play so poorly.”
You scoffed as Poe boxed you in with no legal moves left.
“You made that up.”
Poe simply shrugged and in a huff, you turned the game off. 
Rey and Finn laughed at your petulance. You and Poe had always been quite competitive with one another, always having to be the first one in the door, leave the biggest tip, carry the most groceries. 
It was amusing to everyone on the outside but no one seemed to know just how much Poe got under your skin. You didn’t dislike Poe, not by a longshot but something about him brought out your primal side. The side that wanted to be top dog. There was some untapped tension between you and it was boiling to a head on the Chandrila Star Line. 
When Finn had the idea of going on a cruise, you were excited at the prospect of a romantic vacation with Rey. But her Jedi work never seemed to stop. She’s in the middle of building a new Jedi training temple and she left the construction in the hands of a team back home, who she constantly takes calls from. In addition, she’s constantly reading up on old Jedi lore. When she’s not doing that, she’s meditating or training Finn. This resulted in you having spent nearly every day of your vacation with Poe.
It wasn’t all bad, though. You enjoyed Poe’s company, save for when he’s being a sarcastic braggart. But still, you wished you could have your girlfriend to yourself for just a little bit. 
“Well, we just came to see if you guys wanted to grab a bite to eat?” Finn suggested.
“Yeah, I’m starving.” You said. 
“Losing work up an appetite?” Poe called out. 
You rolled your eyes as you stood up and slipped your hand into Rey’s. The four of you walked to a brunch buffet in one of the restaurants. The smell of fresh eggs, bacon, and syrupy pancakes assaulted your senses. 
Your stomach grumbled and you realized you hadn’t eaten yet today. Originally, your plan was to have breakfast with Rey on the outer deck while whale-watching. But, when you rolled over in bed this morning, you found nothing but empty sheets and a note that said: 
Went on a run! Catch up with you later! - Rey
But you were making up for it now. You piled your plate high with a stack of silver-dollar pancakes with blueberry syrup, bacon, eggs, toast, and a cup of coffee. The sweet smell of OJ drew you in so you grabbed a glass of that as well. 
Walking back to your table would prove to be a little difficult with a full plate and two drinks so you walked slowly, keeping your orange juice tucked close to you between your arm and your midriff. 
 You looked up from your plate, expecting to see Rey but she was on the other side of the room, picking from the organic side of the buffet. She and Finn were loading what looked like vegetarian sausage onto their plates.
“Health freaks.” Poe mumbled into your ear. 
You jumped slightly, not having realized he was behind you. 
“They’re Jedi. They have to take care of themselves.” 
Poe swiped a piece of bacon from your plate and you glared at him. 
He winked cheekily at you. His plate contained a double-decker club sandwich, loaded nachos, fried eggs, a slice of pepperoni pizza, and a big heaping of jell-o. 
“Poe, you can’t have breakfast food with lunch food.” 
“Sure I can. That’s what brunch is for.” He said, attempting to grab another piece of bacon off your plate but you held it away. 
“No. Brunch means you pick breakfast or lunch. You don’t mix and match. It’s like… a rule.” 
Poe bit back a smile. He looked as if he was trying not to laugh. He leaned in close to you. 
“Like I said, sweetheart. The rules don’t apply out here.” He leaned in even closer and whispered. “Everyone cheats on vacation.” 
Without another word, he grabbed every single dish out of your hands and carried it back to the table with ease. Both of your drinks fit in his large hands and he balanced his and your plates on his forearm. 
You shivered. Poe’s never called you that before. It had to be just him screwing with you again. But the way the nickname rolled so seamlessly off his tongue… it had you buzzing with anticipation. 
Quickly, you walked over to the table where Poe had distributed your food and drinks safely. You sat down across from him and were thankful that Rey and Finn were rounding the corner to join you. 
“So what are you two up to today?” Finn asked. “I know I’m heading to the sauna and then back to my room to take a nap.” 
Rey shrugged. 
“Haven’t thought about it.” She said as she brought a bite of eggs florentine up to her lips. “Probably reading my Jedi book.” 
The urge to sigh was powerful but you managed to swallow it down. You had so hoped Rey would plan something for the two of you. The ship offered tango lessons, couples massages, and private orchestras for rent, all of which sounded like a dream. You spent so many days leading up to this vacation daydreaming about the romantic things you and Rey could do. But at this point, you’d take anything. It didn’t have to be a super elaborate date. You would settle for doing a puzzle in your room or renting a bad movie, you just wanted to be with her. 
“I want to go shopping at the boutique.” You said. “There’s a really pretty dress that I saw in the window.” You turned to Rey and wrapped your arm around her bicep. “Do you want to go after brunch?” 
Rey nodded as she sipped her water.
“Sure, love. That sounds great.” She leaned over to kiss your cheek and you felt warmth blossoming in your chest. Maybe your vacation was finally turning around. You intertwined your fingers with Rey’s. 
Half a second later, Rey’s eyes went wide and she snapped her fingers. “Oh! That reminds me. I need to get some Jedi robes ordered for the temple. I should call the base and make sure someone’s working on that.” 
You shifted in your seat, frowning at the prospect of Rey doing more work that would take her away from you. 
“Oh, can we talk about the color? Because I don’t like the basic brown.” Finn said. 
Rey frowned.
“Finn. That color is a tradition.” 
“But I really shine in jewel tones.” 
Rey and Finn became embroiled in their debate over tradition versus new. You sighed, wishing your girlfriend would pay half an ounce of attention to you. You slipped your hand out of hers but she didn’t seem to notice. 
Stabbing your fork into your pancakes, you decided to eat your feelings a little. When you looked up, you saw Poe whose jaw was tense like he was unhappy. But when he caught you staring, his classic Poe Dameron smile returned to his face. 
He pulled his straw out of its paper casing and waded the paper into a ball. He then slid the paper toward you and then positioned his fingers like a triangle. 
You giggled and flicked the paper, launching it through Poe’s makeshift goal. The two of you wound up playing paper football through the whole brunch. 
To her credit, Rey did make good on her promise. The two of you went shopping in the ship’s boutique but the dress you wanted turned out to be much too expensive. One look at the price tag squashed your dream of wearing it to a romantic candlelit dinner with Rey. 
You wound up buying a moderately priced swimsuit instead. It was a pretty sapphire blue bikini and hopefully, Rey would appreciate it. You marveled at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. It left very little to the imagination. There’s no way Rey would be able to ignore you now. 
You slipped on the matching cover up but let it dangle off your shoulders. You stepped out of the en suite, into your room and leaned against the wall.
“What do you think?” You purred.
You expected Rey to tell you that you looked ravishing and then, well— ravish you. But your girlfriend was laying on the bed with her nose buried in an ancient Jedi textbook. 
No answer.
This was ridiculous. 
You walked around to her side of the bed and took the book out of her hands, dog-earing the page and tossing the book onto the nightstand. 
“Rey.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “In case you haven’t noticed, we are on a cruise. A very romantic cruise. We’ve been here for a week and I am wearing the skimpiest bikini in the galaxy and you haven’t looked at me even once!”
Rey shrunk, her face pulling into a frown.
“You’re right… I haven’t been paying much attention to you and I’m sorry. You deserve better than that. I just… I’ve been so preoccupied with learning about the Jedi and building the new school. I didn’t-“ Rey swallows. “I didn’t realize I was neglecting you. I’m sorry.”
You sigh and let your arms fall to your sides, the anger dissipating from your body. 
“I forgive you. I’m sure it’s not easy, having the entire Jedi legacy resting on your shoulders. I just need you to put more effort into noticing me.”
Rey smiled coyly.
“I’m noticing you now.” She sat up on the bed on her knees and made her way over to you. “And how sensational you look in that bikini…” She slid her hands around your hips and played with the strings that held it together. “But you know what I think?” She said as she pressed a kiss to your breast.
“Hm?” You hummed, feeling a flutter in your lower stomach.
“I think you’d look even better out of it.” Rey teased. She kissed your other breast and loosened the tie in the back, making your top fall. She caught your nipple in her mouth and sucked on it, licking and nipping at the bud. Then, she kissed her way up your chest to your neck until you were moaning and sliding a hand through your hair.
You met her lips in a messy kiss, tongues tangling together as you scrambled to fall back into the bed together. 
The two of you undressed each other quickly, all your clothes flung to an obscure corner of the room. You kissed Rey deeply as her fingers found their way up your thighs and to your throbbing core.
“Oh…” You moaned as she slid her finger through your folds. 
Rey stroked you until you were trembling. This was it. What you had been vying for this entire week. When she finally brought you to your climax, your entire body trembled. 
Your face fell into her shoulder and you sighed happily, kissing at the skin there. 
“Satisfied, darling?” She asked, to which you nodded. 
You repaid the favor by laying Rey out on the bed and licking her to an orgasm. You suckled at her clit until her legs were shaking. When she finally came, you licked up all traces of it, not letting a single drop go to waste. 
Rey sighed dreamily with a sleepy look in her eye, but you were not about to let this end here. You had tried all week to get your girlfriend alone and you were going to soak up every minute with her. 
You sat up and climbed on top of her, swinging one leg over hers and positioning yourself to slide your hips against hers. The feeling of dragging your swollen clit across hers was delicious and too much and not enough at the same time. You can’t recall the last time you and Rey were this close. 
Rey moaned, clearly sharing in your sentiment. You leaned down and pressed your lips to hers. She gripped onto your hair, holding you in place. You slid your tongue across the seam of her lips and you made out lazily while you rocked your hips against hers. 
The feeling of sweet release was creeping up on you, just a few strokes away from bliss when a sharp knock sounded at your door. 
“Rey! It’s Finn! Are you ready to go?” 
Rey’s eyes widened.
“Shit! I forgot. I promised Finn we’d train this afternoon.” Rey scrambled to get up and you stared at her with disbelief in your eyes.
“Are you freaking kidding me?”
“I’m sorry, darling.” Rey hastily pulled her clothes back on and reached down to cup your face in her hands, kissing you sweetly. “I’ll be back in two hours. Stay naked for me?”
You rolled your eyes.
“No promises.”
Rey gave you another apologetic look. 
“How about this? Tonight, we’ll have a romantic dinner together. I’ll make a reservation at that restaurant on the top floor of the ship.” Rey dipped her head down to kiss your neck. “We’ll eat pasta…” She hummed. “Drink wine.” Another kiss. “Make out in the corner where no one can see us.” Another kiss and then one to your lips, her tongue swiping across yours until your pout dissipated. “Please let me make this up to you.” She looked at you with pleading eyes until you sighed. 
“You’re amazing!” Rey squealed and kissed you again. “I don’t deserve you. Meet me there at 7.”
You nodded as Rey ran out of the room. You fell back on your bed as you heard her and Finn’s voices get quieter and quieter. 
“Worst vacation ever.” You mumbled to yourself. 
You took a quick shower then tried to distract yourself from your romantic woes by reading a book. However, the characters were 2-dimensional and the plot was thin and you couldn’t begin to understand how the main character was falling for the love interest when he barely said two words to her. It felt like a giant cosmic pie in your face. 
After a long time of debating whether you were going to go to the spa or rent a movie, there was a knock at your door. 
Instantly, you perked up. Rey must have come back! You scrambled off the bed and hurried to answer the door, only to be disappointed by the sight of a crew member with a garment bag. After handing him a tip, you laid the bag out on the bed. 
When you unzipped it, you gasped. 
It was the dress. The dress. The one you wanted from the boutique. 
And there was an envelope taped to the hanger. You carefully opened it and read the note that was inside. 
There were a few dresses in the boutique window so I took an educated guess. But it wasn’t hard to figure out. This one is sexy and daring. You wouldn’t have picked anything else. 
Your heart started pounding in your chest. Poe bought this for you? You looked through the garment bag and found that not only did he buy you the dress, he also bought a matching pair of shoes, a set of rings, and a bottle of perfume. 
It would be good manners to protest. To seek Poe out and tell him this was too much and he couldn’t spend this kind of money on you and demand he return everything. 
But his words from earlier echo in your head. 
“There are no rules out here… everyone cheats on vacation.” 
The dress fit like a dream. It highlighted all your best features and hid the ones you weren’t so crazy about. The color brought out your complexion and the slit that went up the leg all the way to the upper thigh did wonders for your self confidence. Poe was right. It was daring and sexy. 
You had to find him. 
Adorned in every single item he had bought you, you made your way through the ship, turning more than a few heads. 
When you found Poe, he was sitting at a bar watching the pod races on a TV monitor. You cleared your throat to get his attention. 
When Poe looked at you, he whistled lowly. His eyes raked down your body, taking in your figure in the dress. 
“Look at you, the sexiest smokeshow this side of the Corellian Sea.” 
You tried to find the words to thank him but you were having a smidgen of trouble focusing. 
Poe was wearing the shortest gray swim trunks in existence and had left his shirt unbuttoned, exposing his toned chest to you. So much of his skin was on display and it was a deeper bronze shade than usual. He looked like sex on a stick and it was making you crazy. 
“Nice tan, flyboy.” You said, sliding onto the bar stool next to him. 
Poe held up two fingers to the bartender droid, signaling for him to bring you a drink. The droid quickly fixed up a cocktail and placed it in front of you. 
A mint julep. Poe’s favorite drink. 
“Thank you for the dress and everything, Poe.” You told him. “You really didn’t have to do that.” 
“Consider it a consolation prize for losing at holochess.” Poe smirked at you from behind his drink.
You rolled your eyes playfully. 
“Not to look a gift horse in the mouth but where’s your girlfriend and why am I getting the pleasure of your company instead of her?” Poe asked.
“Where do you think? She’s off doing Jedi nonsense.” You said with a bit more venom than you intended. 
Poe raised an eyebrow at you. He could tell something was eating away at you. You hated and loved that he knew you so well. 
“Okay, c’mon. Tell Poe what happened.” He said in a sing-songy voice. 
You groaned and let your head fall onto his shoulder. It felt all too natural, all too easy with him. 
“My girlfriend is ignoring me. I bought this skimpy little bikini and then she left me mid–” You cut yourself off, not knowing if you should divulge the completely explicit version of events to Poe. “Right in the middle of some… intimate activities.” 
You felt Poe tense underneath you but you kept going. 
“I’m taking a backseat to everything these days, even on vacation! I get that the Jedi are important. But I’m important too.”
Poe called your name and you felt a soothing hand running up and down your back. 
“You are. And you deserve to be treated like it. Rey should be worshiping you at your feet. If you were my girl, I’d-” 
Poe stopped in the middle of his sentence and you picked your head up to look at him. He was looking off in the distance as if he’d said too much. 
“Poe.” You gently took his chin between your forefinger and thumb and guided his face back to look at you. “You’d what?” 
His tongue swiped over his lips and you couldn’t help but focus on them. You never noticed before but they were so pink and plump and…
You felt Poe’s warm hand on your back, grazing over the skin that your dress left uncovered. A shiver danced along your spine. You forced yourself to look into his eyes. His intense gaze should have made you nervous but… it made you tingle with anticipation. 
This is what you had been chasing. Being wanted. Being desired. 
“If you were mine,” Poe repeated, speaking softly as if you were the only two people in the room. “You would never wonder how I felt about you.” Poe leaned in close to whisper in your ear, his breath tickling you. His hand found its home on your thigh. “And I would certainly never leave you in the lurch for someone else to sink their claws into you.” 
Poe’s words made goosebumps rise on your skin. His lips ghosted over the shell of your ear and then, ever so gently, he pressed a soft kiss to your temple. It wasn’t anything more than a gentle brush of his lips but it held a guarantee of more to come. 
Poe pulled his head back to look into your eyes. Some of your hair was tangled in his curls. The sigh of it enthralled you, like even the hair on your head didn’t want the two of you to be apart. 
“What was it you were saying earlier?” You whispered, your throat feeling incredibly dry. “About rules?” 
The corner of Poe’s mouth lifted into a smirk. 
“They don’t have a place out here.” He said, leaning in close to you. “Everyone cheats on vacation.” 
It was you who crossed the barrier first. Faster than a lightning strike, you cradled Poe’s chiseled jaw in your hands and pulled him to your lips. You kissed him like he was ice cold water on a summer day, with an undercurrent of neediness and desperation. 
Poe’s hand slid up your thigh and his other hand tangled in his hair as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue along your bottom lip. You parted your lips and let him lick into your mouth. Everything about him was invading all your senses. The sizzling touch of his hand on your thigh. The taste of alcohol on his tongue. The smell of his cologne mixed with his suntan oil. 
Poe was like a walking pheromone made just for you. He was luring you in like a siren song. You thought about his reputation for being a playboy. How women and men were always eyeing him up and down. How his natural default is effortless charm. How the rumors of his sculpted body and penchant for pleasure rocked the Resistance and you wanted to find out if they were true. 
You finally pulled away, out of breath but still aching for more. Poe’s hand was still wound in your hair and the other was up scandalously high on your thigh. You were now gripping his shirt collar in your hands, forbidding him from going anywhere. 
The beeping of a merchant droid brought you out of your haze. You looked down at the tiny unit who was towing a cart full of bouquets and flowers. 
He beeped in binary. 
“A rose for your lovely lady, sir?” 
Your cheeks flushed. You felt the need to refuse, to churn out a rushed explanation that you and Poe were not a couple, despite the fact that you had been frenching like horny coeds just a moment ago, but Poe acted before you could speak. 
“Certainly.” Poe handed over a credit and took the rose. He lifted it to his nose, inhaling the flowery scent before presenting it to you. “For you.” 
You took the rose, trying not to cry at the sweet gesture. 
“Thank you, Poe. I…” You tried to find the words to express what you were feeling in this moment. “I’m really grateful to have you.” 
Poe smiled, a classic Dameron smile that made everyone he met go weak in the knees. You were starting to think you were not exempt from this. 
You tucked your head into his neck and sighed. There was nowhere in the galaxy you wanted to be except right here, but the elephant in the room had to be addressed. 
“I have to meet Rey soon.” 
Poe lifted your arm and pressed a kiss to the inside of your palm. 
“Do you?” He murmured against your skin. 
“Poe.” You sighed. 
Poe kissed the inside of your wrist, working his way up your arm to your shoulder. Your body turned to jelly in his arms and you sighed blissfully as he buried his head in your neck, kissing the skin there. 
You shivered and fisted a handful of his curls, gently pulling him off you. 
“Poe.” You scolded lightly. 
He pouted and you resisted the urge to kiss it off his perfect face. 
“I have to go. We have a reservation at 7. We’ll talk after?” 
Poe looked like a wounded puppy as you stood up and slipped out of his arms. You patted his cheek and pressed a kiss to his nose to quell him. 
“Fine. But I’m gonna stare at your ass while you walk out and then I’m gonna go back to my room and think about you while I touch–”
“Poe!” You desperately covered his mouth but the shit-eating grin never left his face. He pressed a flurry of kisses to your open palm once more and you sighed dreamily. 
“What am I gonna do with you, Dameron?”
“To me.” He corrected. 
You laughed and pressed your forehead to his. 
“We’ll talk after.” You promised. 
You walked out the door and indeed felt Poe’s eyes on you the entire time. 
“I’m sorry, we don’t have a reservation under that name.” The maitre’d droid said. 
You groaned. 
“Can you check again?” 
“I can. But we do not have it.” 
You sighed and ran a hand down your cheek. This entire endeavor was leading to the beginning of a migraine. 
“It’s fine. Thanks anyway.” 
You didn’t need the droid to check again. You knew Rey didn’t make the reservation. She forgot. Again. 
You’re trying to remember why you even showed up to this stupid date in the first place. Rey clearly had higher priorities than you. Even though she was the last person you wanted to be with right now, you couldn’t help but feel jealous of all the other couples in the restaurant. They had fancy wine and a view of the stars as they got to be with people they loved. 
Why couldn’t you have that? 
You were about to run out of the restaurant when you felt the presence of someone behind you, but a welcome one. Then, the feeling of a solid chest pressed against your back. 
“Hi there. Reservation for Dameron?” Poe’s melodious voice said from behind you. 
The droid beeped in affirmation. 
“Yes. Dameron. For 2. The private rooftop package. Right this way.” 
Poe stepped into your peripheral vision and winked at you. He was dressed in a deep red silk shirt and a gray sport coat that outlined his strong shoulders. 
When he offered his arm, you gladly accepted it. 
The droid led the two of you behind the podium and up a hidden staircase. When you reached the top of the stairs, the droid lifted a latch that exposed the night sky to you. Poe tapped the small of your back, urging you to follow the droid out. 
When you did, you found yourself on the literal top of the boat where a single table had been set. 
You looked out into the open ocean, illuminated by the glow of the full moon. The sky was adorned with stars, much more than you could ever normally see. This was all too perfect, you had the urge to pinch yourself to see if you were dreaming. 
“I believe you wanted a romantic candlelit dinner under the stars?” Poe whispered, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. 
Again, his hand found the small of your back and he led you to your chair. While Poe took his seat opposite you, the droids carried in two plates. The silver tops were removed, revealing a decadent lobster dinner. The first droid opened a mechanism in its chest and extended a rod that lit the candle between you and Poe. 
When all the droids left and you and Poe were completely alone, surrounded by nothing but the ocean, the moon, and the stars, words finally found their way to your lips. 
“I can’t believe you would do all this for me.” 
“I can’t believe you think I wouldn’t.” Poe reached across the table to hold your hand. “You haven’t figured out by now that I’m crazy about you?”
Of course you felt the same way. You’re not quite sure when it happened, when you fell in love with Poe Dameron but now you can’t remember a time where you weren’t. 
All the time you spent competing with Poe was still time spent with him and that was time you learned about him and he learned about you. He learned about your deepest philosophies, fears, and beliefs. You learned about his family and why he wore his mother’s ring around his neck. He knew why your favorite book was your favorite. You knew what song he loved most. You had read each other like books, cover to cover, and were still aching for more. 
“I can’t believe I ever looked at anyone else other than you.” You whispered. Suddenly, every decision you’d ever made felt ridiculous. Choosing Rey, putting effort into your relationship, letting anyone else except Poe have access to your heart. 
Poe shook his head, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss. 
“Don’t worry about that. You’re with me now.” He kissed the back of your hand feverishly like he was ill and you were his medicine. “Let me do the worrying for us.” 
Poe climbed out of his chair and sat beside you on his knees. He pressed kisses to your neck over and over. 
“I need you.” Poe mumbled into your skin. His hand found its perch on your upper thigh, fingertips gently digging into your flesh. 
You gripped his shoulders and pulled him off of you to look him in the eyes. Poe Dameron was made for the moonlight. His features were illuminated beautifully. His bouncy black curls, curved jaw, and pouty pink lips were otherworldly.
Your voice came out barely above a whisper when you said: 
“Take me.” 
Poe answered you with vigor, leaning up to capture your lips in a hungry, passionate kiss. All the pent up energy that had been stored for as long as you two felt this for each other was spilling out. Your ringed fingers fisted his curls and Poe moaned softly. The sound sent a deep pooling of heat in your belly and you wanted to hear it again. 
Desperately, you started to undress him. You shoved his jacket off his shoulders and your fingers trembled while you undid the buttons on his shirt. A shiver of anticipation ripped through you as more of his chest became exposed but Poe gently wrapped your hands up in his and pressed loving kisses to the pads of your fingers. 
“Don’t make me wait.” You said breathlessly. 
“No, baby, I think you’ve done enough waiting.” He affirmed. Poe reconnected his lips to yours in a more sloppy, rushed kiss. His hand slid up your thigh, this time disappearing past your dress. His fingertips ghosted over your panties and you decide at that moment you’re never wearing underwear again. You might not ever wear clothes again at all if it deterred Poe from being able to get his hands on you. 
You gently fisted Poe’s curls in your hand, tugging on them, which elicited a moan from your lover. This spurs him on. Poe wastes no time in shoving your panties to the side and sliding one finger inside you. Your breath hitches from the feeling and selfishly, you want more. 
“More.” You demand. 
Poe chuckles, pumping his finger in and out of you a few times before adding in another. The pressure is good, but it’s not quite enough. You need his cock and you know he’ll give it to you but he is in no rush. 
He pulls his fingers almost all the way out of you and then drags them up and down your slit. His thumb circles your clit while his fingers work you to an orgasm. 
The pressure builds in your belly, amplified by Poe’s intoxicating scent. You claw your fingers into his shoulder, leaning out of your chair and letting Poe hold you up while he fingered you. Being on edge sexually and emotionally all week has your release approaching much too soon. 
“Poe, I’m–” 
“I know, baby, I know. Go ahead.” Poe’s velvety voice carries you through. When the rope finally snaps, it’s better than you could have ever imagined. 
Your head falls to Poe’s shoulder and you’re fighting for breath, but he doesn’t let up. Poe continues pumping his fingers in and out of you, relentless. He adds a third finger and your delight in the feeling. He doesn’t stop until he draws a second orgasm from you. 
Poe finally pulls his fingers out and you feel empty. Cold. 
The last thing you were expecting him to do was slide his fingers into his mouth and lick them clean. 
“Mmm…” He moaned around his fingers, pulling them out with a sinful ‘pop’. “You taste amazing.” 
“Poe…” You breathe out. 
“I need more.” Poe slides his hands underneath your thighs and lifts you up, gently depositing you on the ground. Above you, he removes his shirt, bundling up the fabric and sliding it under your head, creating a makeshift pillow for you. 
Your dress is bunched up past your thighs and the soaked panties you were wearing are pulled down your legs. Poe examines them closely, paying special attention to the wet spot on the front. 
“These are for me, yes?” He bunches your panties up and slides them into his back pocket and your heart races from the obscene theft. 
Poe dips his head down, pressing kisses to your shaking thighs. He murmurs something into your skin but your head is still hazy.
“Baby,” Poe rasped out, calling your attention to him. When you looked at him, his eyes were glossy and his mouth was agape, like a man starved. “Tell me I can taste you.”
Not trusting your voice, you nodded. Poe obeyed, burying his head between your thighs. He licks a stripe up your slit and you cry out. 
His hands slide up your body and grip yours and the tenderness of it all makes you want to cry. You’ve never experienced this: equal parts romance and passion. Someone holding your hand as fiercely as they’re eating you out, like each action brings about the same level of pleasure and intimacy. 
Poe holds your intertwined hands on your stomach as his nose nudges against your public bone. His tongue swirls around and sucks on your clit. Every time he hits a particularly delicious spot, you squeeze his hand, letting him know exactly how you like it. 
He moans against you and you think it just might kill you. Has anyone ever died from pleasure? You might be the first. 
Poe’s smattering of stubble rubs up against your thighs and the slight scratch shouldn’t feel good but it does. Poe licks, swirls, sucks, nips, and bites at you and it’s more than you can take. He lays his tongue flat against you, dragging it along your slit tantalizingly slowly. 
“Poe…” You moan, tugging on his hand. 
He peaks up at you from between your legs. He lifts his head up and the sight of him is positively filthy. 
Blown out pupils, slightly darkened brown eyes, bee-stung pink lips, chin glistening from your slick. Unable to resist, you lean forward with your free hand and swipe your thumb over his chin, collecting your juices. Then, you gently tap Poe’s bottom lip. He opens his mouth for you and you slide your thumb in. His mouth closes around your finger and he sucks on it gently. You feel his tongue winding around your thumb and licking it clean. 
Like an insatiable madman, Poe grabs your hand and desperately starts sucking on each one of your fingers like it’s a drug and he’s addicted.
The erotic sight of Poe sucking on your fingers was enough to make you cum again right then and there. You couldn’t stand it anymore. You had to have him. Now. 
“Poe,” You lean up and paw at his chest with your free hand. “I need your cock inside of me. Now. Please, Poe, I have to feel you.” 
Poe looks up at you from sucking on your middle finger. Reluctantly, he lets your finger go, a string of spit connecting you. 
“You’re bad for me.” Poe breathed out as he placed his hand on your abdomen and laid you back down. “You’re gonna ruin me.” He said it like it was a mantra. 
Poe made quick work of unbuckling his pants and freeing his cock. It was big, bigger than you’d anticipated and the thought of him stretching you out had you wiggling with excitement. 
Poe wrapped his spit-slicked hand around himself, pumping a few times. Pre-cum was already spilling from his slit and you wanted so badly to taste it, but you could suck him off another time. Right now, you just wanted to be connected to him. 
Guiding his hips to yours, Poe aligns the two of you. He leans down, his curls tickling your forehead. 
“I love you.” He says, and at the same time that he presses his lips to yours in a feverish kiss, he slides into you. 
Poe feels even bigger than he looks. 
You’re stuffed to the brim and when he finally bottoms out, you have no idea how he’s possibly going to move. You feel featherlight kisses on your neck and across your jaw. 
It dawns on you then what Poe just said to you. He loves you. 
He shouldn’t be doing this to you, dangling the hope of a perfect future in front of you when the present has been so cruel. Trapped in a loveless, hopeless relationship when the man of your dreams was in your periphery this entire time. 
Your hands slide down Poe’s arms and come around to rest on his back. 
“Move.” You whisper in his ear. “Show me you love me.” 
Poe nods into your neck. The first snap of his hips is gentle and you want to chide him for treating you like a porcelain doll but the second– Oh. 
He bucks up into you, somehow managing to go deeper. This becomes his rhythm; deep slow thrusts that eventually grow into a fast, feverish pace. 
You moan, digging your nails into the skin of his back. 
“Fuck.” You whimper. 
“She doesn’t deserve you.”
You groan, disconcerted at the mention of Rey. Why does she have to exist in this moment? Why can’t it just be the two of you? 
“Poe–” You try to warn but it comes out as a moan. 
“Say my name. Louder. Let everyone hear how good I fuck you. I’m gonna make you forget about her.” 
Poe slides almost all the way out of you, leaving only the head of his cock inside. You whimper and whine from the loss of him but he slams back into you, causing you to cry out. 
Your nails sink further into his back and Poe groans. 
“You feel so good, Poe, fuck.” 
Poe responds well to your praise, speeding up the quickness of his thrusts. You raise your hips up and this seems to unravel something within him. 
“Oh God…” Poe moans into your ear and it’s the most sinfully delicious thing you’ve ever heard. You look up at his face and his brows are furrowed, mouth parted as gasps and moans fall from his lips. 
You realize now that the legends of Poe Dameron being a veritable sex god are true, not just because of the pleasure he delivers but how much he takes from it himself. You want to cum just from watching him fall apart on top of you. 
“Poe, moan for me again.” You beg. 
“Baby…” He moans, burying his face between your breasts and kissing whatever skin he can get his hands on. His moans against your skin and sucks a love mark onto the top of your breast, all the while filling you up with his cock. 
Poe is trembling above you, overcome with lust. He’s coming apart, even more than you are. His hand shakes as he reaches down to stroke your clit. 
“Ah-ah!” You throw your head back and exhale shakily. He’s slamming into you fiercely and swirling his middle finger around your clit. You don’t know how he’s managing triple pleasure: fucking you with his cock, carressing your bundle of nerves with his finger, and leaving beautiful purple bruises on your tits. 
You’re not sure when he started leaving a third mark on you but you don’t care. You want him to mark you everywhere, claim you as his. 
“You’re mine.” Poe says through a moan, as if he’s read your mind. “You don’t belong to anyone else except me.” 
You nod, unable to find your voice. 
“Say it, beautiful.” Poe places a kiss on the valley between your breasts. “I need to hear it.” 
“I’m yours.” 
Poe smirks and wraps his lips around your nipple, sucking on it with a loud moan. 
This is it, this is gonna send you over the edge. 
Poe’s thrusts are becoming sloppy. He removes his hand from your clit and holds both of your hands in his. He continues to lick and suck on your tits while he brings you to the brink. 
Your moans begin to sync up and you try your best to match his pace but Poe is relentless, fucking into you hard and fast. Your breaking point is coming, just over the horizon. Your legs are shaking and you squeeze Poe’s hands as you feel the warm pressure in your belly build up. 
Poe doesn’t seem to care that there’s an entire restaurant of people below you or an entire ship, for that matter. 
“Say my name.” His words come out in a desperate plea. 
You marvel at your lover, absolutely desperate for you. You loosen your grip on one of his hands to caress his jaw. 
“Poe, I love you.” 
Your words are all it takes. Poe lets go of your hand and places both of them on your hips. He starts fucking into you desperately, needing his release and yours. 
“Cum for me, baby. Cum for me.” He demands. 
The entire galaxy fades away except for him. His touch, his warmth, his scent. There’s nothing except Poe. 
You let yourself go. 
His hips are rocking against yours and the friction is finally lending itself to your climax. But what really sends you over the edge is Poe leaning down to gather you in his arms and press a searing kiss to your lips. 
You cum hard, all over his cock. 
He fucks you all the way through it until he finally reaches his peak. His lips are still attached to yours and he moans into your mouth when he finally does cum, spilling into you with no shame. You feel delirious and spent but in no capacity do you want Poe to let go of you. 
You relish in this feeling of being connected to him in every way. Panicked that he might let go, you slide your arms around his shoulders and keep him anchored to you. Poe chuckles against your lips. 
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.” He kisses your bottom lip twice before gently taking it between his teeth and nibbling slightly. 
And Poe Dameron, true to his word, didn’t. 
You didn’t come back to your room until early the next morning. Rey didn’t ask where you were and you didn’t offer the information. She didn’t even remember you had a date. But this time, it doesn’t sting. Because the man of your dreams is gleefully striding over to you, clad in nothing but blue shorts, flip flops, and sunglasses. 
“Hey, pretty lady.” He grabs two drinks off a passing waiter droid’s tray and places one in your outstretched hand. 
“Hey yourself, flyboy.” 
Shamelessly, he places a large hand on your hip and anchors you toward him. He has a devilish look on his face, a smirk playing up on his lips, and a mischievous twinkle in his eye. 
“What are you thinking so hard about?” You ask in a low voice. 
Poe’s tongue darts out of his mouth for a millisecond. He grins at you, and then shakes his head. 
“You. Me.” His hand leaves your hip to grab your hand, lifting it up to brush kisses across the back of your knuckles. “Us.” 
“Us…” You echo. “I like the sound of that.” 
Poe rubs his thumb along your wrist, sending shivers up your spine. 
“There’s a question I’ve been meaning to ask you all day.” He says, eyes boring into yours. 
You lick your lips in anticipation.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” 
Poe grins, biting down on his bottom lip. He pulls you closer to him by your wrist, pinning you with his gaze. His breath fans over your face and you feel your entire body radiating with excitement. 
This is what Poe did for you. He excited you, made you feel like you could take a running leap off the ship and soar through the sky. He never let you idle. There was always a joke to crack, a story to tell you, something to offer that would make you laugh, smile, smirk, or scoff. Poe would never stop making you feel. 
“Up for a game of holochess?” 
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boredzillenial · 5 months
Sir’s Surprise
Poe is off on a mission but has just the thing to fill his pet’s needs
Themes: Dom!Poe, gn!reader, use of honorifics (Commander, Sir ; little porg, pet, honey), voice kink (I tried lol), anal
A.N.: we’re not gonna talk about how long it took me to scroll to find this request or how long it took me to do it lol I’m catching up i swear 🫥
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“Please-” they whined “how long is this mission supposed to last…”
“As long as it takes, you know that my little porg.” Poe’s voice teased over the comm.
Their face grew hot “Stop calling me that - those things are so annoying.” Their voice broke on the final word setting embarrassment through their veins. Despite the several parsecs that laid between Poe’s position and theirs he still knew how to work their nerves.
Poe tsked “You think you can catch an attitude when I’m off on a mission? Guess you won’t get your surprise.” He chuckled.
“What?” Their body went stone still. For as strict as Poe could be, he was a fantastic gift-giver.
“Shame too - it would’ve helped with some of this neediness.” He cooed “would’ve filled your needs pretty well I think.”
Heart pounding in their ears they leapt up and began to tear through the shared bunk space. Checking in drawers and under the mattress, with Poe’s laughter echoing from the comm. “You’re not gonna find it.” His singsong tone set their nerves on edge.
Their body begged for some sort of release from the pent up desire. “Come on Poe -”, desperation shifted to frustration.
The comm went deadly silent, “What did you call me?” His voice was icily calm.
“I-I mean Commander. I’m s-“ their blundered apology was cut short with the sound of something opening in the corner of the cramped space.
“You want it so bad?” His voice clipped, they turned to see a secret compartment now open in the wall, “Take it.”
They shifted and peaked into the compartment, laying eyes on the surprise. “S-sir did you…”
“But your gonna take all of it.” Poe’s timbre was stern, with that unmistakable heated tone.
They picked up the heft of the silicone surprise and looked over it with wide eyes. The bulbous tip, the sleek shaft etched with veins down the sides, ending with a flared base and suction cup. The accuracy had them dumbstruck. “S-sir I don’t -“
“You’re lucky I’m not there right now - or I’d stuff that in your throat for talking back.” His voice went icy “And I’d stuff myself in that tight little ass for good measure.”
They froze, body shivered in anticipation now that they could hold him, at least a version of him. “In fact, you’ll need to practice before I’m back.” Poe’s tone shifted with a lilt “suck it, do it well enough for me to hear.”
They brought the tip of the cool silicone to their face, taking a test lick. That ache deep inside them fired at the touch of the tip pressing past their lips.
Slurping and sucking sounds filled the tight space as they got to work. Almost mindless in their ministrations as they took it deeper and deeper. “That’s it, you love my cock filling that wet little mouth don’t you.” Poe growled.
They touched themselves in time with the slide of his girth between their lips, eliciting a broken groan. “Touching yourself already sweetheart?” His sultry tone sent the ache into something primal. “Good, you got it nice and slick?”
They pulled the toy out with a pop “yes sir.” They huffed.
“Good pet. You know where I want it next.” He pressed, they knew exactly where he wanted it. “Go to my chair.”
They adjusted the toy on the nearby desk chair. Fastening the suction cup firmly and taking a moment to admire it glistening, beckoning them closer.
“Lube is where it always is.” Poe’s voice jolted them out of their momentary pause. They scrambled a bit through the usual drawer and popped the tube open. Soft squelching sounded as they covered it from tip to base.
“Talk to me pet.” He cooed.
“I-it’s ready.” They said as they slowly straddled the chair. Cold silicone chilled further with the lube lightly tapped their rear.
“So are you, now, have a seat. Nice and slow.” He encouraged.
They notched the bulbous tip against the tight ring of muscle, a soft gasp escaped as the head made its way in.
“Good, good job.” Poe cooed softly “You sound so cute when the tip pops in.” His voice grew closer to a groan.
“How’d you-“
“Honey, I know the sounds you make to every inch of me.” He chuckled.
Their heart hammered in their chest at his laugh and the stretch of him. Another inch had them gripping onto the back of the chair for dear life. They lifted for a moment of relief before shifting deeper down onto it, a shaky groan passed their lips. “F-fuck.”
Their legs shook a moment, knees threatened to buckle from the pleasure as they sunk further. Their groan twisted to a whimper when his voice growled over the comm “Ugh those sweet little sounds. You’ve got me so hard… Half way there honey you’re doing great.”
“S-sir I don’t think I can -“
“Yes you can-“ his throaty command cut their protest short “touch yourself, you can do it, go all the way.”
They started slowly, stroking and caressing. Between Poe’s praise and their own hand their body relaxed, allowing his replicated girth to ease all the in until they hit the flared base.
“I - I did it.” Their mixture of huffs and groans filled the tight space. “F-feels so g-good sir.” They slowly lifted and sank, a low fire building in their belly. Every nerve felt alight with the stretch of it.
The mixture of noises from the lube, the toy, the creaking chair and Poe’s whimpering pet sent his mind spinning. “You’re taking me so well honey I know it. Shit you sound so good.” Mechanical clicking and whirring sounded over the comm, “I’m cutting my mission short, you stay right there.”
“W-what?” They groaned, another lift up and slow slide down pushed them closer to release.
“I’m only a couple parsecs away. I can’t stay away from you like this.” His tone turned to something hungry, deep.
They sat down fully to give their legs a rest and whimpered at the feel of him deep inside them, “H-how long.” They huffed.
“Not long.” Poe clipped, “stay right where you are, you need to be ready for what I have in store for you.”
Taglist: @melodygatesauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @ominoose @romana-after-dark @lunar-ghoulie @flowercrownonapegion @howellatme @mooksmouse @ahookedheroespureheart @beezusvreeland @auntiegigi @moonkxight-blog @faretheeoscar @queerponcho @for-a-longlongtime @silvernight-m
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alwritey-aphrodite · 9 months
smiling between kisses for poe dameron pls 🧡 congrats on the milestone!! 🌟🧡✨️🤗
Thank you so much!!
Anyone who’s ever met Poe Dameron will tell you that the man is nothing if not determined. Whatever he sets his mind to, he’ll see it through until the end, no matter how terrifying or dangerous or downright ridiculous his mission is. Today, his mission is to make you smile.
With all of the crazy stunts he’s pulled in his lifetime, putting a grin on your face should be his easiest mission ever, yet lately he’s rarely seen you without a frown and downcast eyes, a certain sense of sorrow covering you like a second skin. He understands, he really does, but seeing you so down when all he wants is to make you happy tears him up inside, rips his heart to shreds. So, everything will be put on hold until he sees that beautiful smile he loves so much.
Up until this point, he’s tried his entire arsenal of tricks, all the tried and true methods of how to make you smile. He’s traded shifts and bribed your coworkers to ensure the two of you both had the whole day free, he searched all throughout base and spent a ridiculous amount of credits so you’d have all your favorite foods, and he’s been waiting on your hand and foot all day, just so you don’t have to do anything but relax. You thank him profusely and bat away all of his attempts to compliment you, but you’re still missing that grin that he loves so much. Luckily for you, Poe Dameron isn’t known for giving up.
“You’re not going to kiss me goodbye?” He asks when you stand up from your seat next to him, preparing to trudge over to grab more snacks. He’d do it for you, but last time he’d tried you almost tripped him, and even though you claimed it was an accident, Poe’s familiar with your more mischievous side.
“I’m just going to the kitchen,” you counter, but then Poe is pouting up at you and he knows that’s your one true weakness, so you hinge at the hips to kiss him, just a quick, fleeting thing, but Poe has other ideas. When you go to pull back, he simply places a soft hand on the back of your neck, kissing you again, quickly, over and over until he can feel you smiling against him.
His assault is relentless, continuing to kiss you even though with the size of your smile he makes more contact with your teeth than his actual target, and soon enough you’re laughing into his unrelenting mouth.
“Can I go get my snacks now?” You ask through your giggles, pulling away just far enough to breathe.
“One more kiss before you go?” He asks with his big puppy dog eyes, and you groan even as you give in, knowing that the odds of you ever making it to the kitchen are slim. Still, you find that you don’t mind, feeling happier and lighter than you have in days, and enjoying the giggly kisses far too much to put an end to them.
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