#Pocho shenanigans
marinerainbow ยท 1 year
I have an idea!! XDD Feel free to ignore me.
Smartass is going on vacation!
I am making him go, and Poppy as well. They are gonna have a well-deserved rest, oh yes.
Now... who looks after the rest of the Toon Patrol? Does Wheezy or Greasy do the finances? Does Greasy think he's boss now? Is he good at it? What if Poppy left Penny and Percy with Psycho? XD
Be free to ignore me but I thought this was fun XDD
Oh... Oh my god, I love this so much ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
Ok ok, I need to put this under the cut, because this got LONG.
First of all, I love how you said you're making them both go. Like they have no choice in the matter ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† You're already packing their suitcases, Poppy is protesting HERSELF going because, yes she does agree that Smartass needs a break, but she also knows that somebody RESPONSIBLE has to be here to make sure the household doesn't implode while Smarty is gone, and he's probably already looking for places they can go- preferably anywhere that has a '2 for the price of 1' deal.
Maybe they'd go to the beach? Poppy does enjoy the beach, and the sun and waves can be pretty relaxing. She can even help Smartass pick out a swimsuit if he doesn't have one! ^^ (if they're going on vacation together, Poppy is INSISTING he ditch the suit. He can't fully relax if he's in work clothes).
Though her being strict on his attire is fine... As long as he gets to implement the 'No phone calls' rule. It sounds bad but listen- Poppy is no doubt going to be fretting over what's happening in the household, especially if her kids are involved, and she'd probably call them at least ten times a day. Smartass not only wants her to relax not have to deal with that, but he KNOWS that if she calls any of the weasels, the phone will eventually get passed onto him, and now he HAS to do his job WHILE HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE ON VACATION. He ain't having none of that ๐Ÿ˜†
As for who looks after the rest of the Toon Patrol? Definitely not Psycho or Stupid ๐Ÿ˜† I think Greasy would get that role easily because he's the second in command; he's got to have some sense of responsibility now that Smartass is gone and theres no Poppy to worry about everything... Even though all it takes is a pretty lady to walk by and he's gone ๐Ÿ˜†
In that case, Wheezy is secretly in charge too. Though he's dumping the finances on Greasy. Especially if/when Greasy starts pulling the 'I'm the boss now' card, "You're the boss, eh? Well, this is your job."
Oh... Oh good lord, the twins left alone with their dad... This isn't going to end well ๐Ÿ˜‚
For starters, Poppy is NOT going to let Psycho take care of the kids by himself. She's just like, "Honey, I love you, and I know you love the kids too... But this morning you saw the milk was expired and drank it anyway."
"... Ok-"
"And then you claimed it was 'safe enough' and tried to pour it in Penny and Percy's cereal."
"To be fair, those expiration dates can be misleading."
"And that right there is exactly why Wheezy is going to be in charge."
So yeah, no, she doesn't trust Psycho on his own with the kids. She knows that their house will be burnt to the ground if she leaves him alone with them ๐Ÿ˜† Stupid is also in the same boat as Psycho, and she ain't gonna let Greasy take the chance to try to pick up chicks with her kids. So Wheezy gets to be the second dad. Greasy is responsible for the gang, Wheezy is responsible for the family.
Hopefully, with enough preparation and planning on Smarty's and Poppy's part, their vacation will go without a hitch and everyone will still be alive when they come back ๐Ÿ˜†
Thank you so much for sending this in!! I loved this so much XDDD If you get anymore ideas, please, do not be afraid to send them in!!
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marinerainbow ยท 1 year
You know what? I'm gonna post something that I really want to post. OC x Canon. And today's ship?
Poppy O'Hare x Psycho Weasel. Or, as I like to call them,
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(This post is purely for serotonin purposes. If you don't like, please just move on)
Tagging: @slashingdisneypasta
(I'll probably edit this later. I wrote this while I was tired)
How they meet
Honestly, I'm still trying to figure that out. Poppy lives Downtown, as I imagine the weasels do as well. Or at least are most notorious in. So the chances of her really developing any relationship with the members is slim to none. Especially with their nature compared to hers; she most certainly wouldn't approve of the whole dipping toons thing.
I've got a few ideas of how Poppy and Psycho officially meet, but nothing is set in stone. Which is frustrating to me XD How it ends? Well.... We all saw the weasels die. That'd be the canon ending... But this ain't canon, this is the wonderful world of fanfiction.
Headcannons and tidbits
They'd kind of have a similar dynamic/energy that Jessica and Roger would have. Complete opposites in almost every way, the more level-headed one with the zany one, people would be questioning how genuine their relationship is, etc.
They're both horror toons, so even outside of my ship for them, I'd like to think that they would at least have a sort of understanding of the other's position. Though while Poppy was made to be the victim in horror cartoons, Psycho was made to be the villain; they'd be two sides of the same coin.
Don't get me wrong. He still does creep her out from time to time, and they may not have the same morals. But, she does try to be patient with him still.
Poppy would have actually fallen in love first, but would have been too scared about ruining their friendship to say anything, and didn't expect him to even be interested in romance (he wasn't before, but then she came along). But Psycho didn't have that fear, so he was the one who confessed first, after realizing he got feelings.
She would stick to the classic pet names, like Honey, Sweetheart, Dear, and would affectionationately call him Chocho if she was in a more playful mood. While Psycho usually sticks with nicknames related to her name, like Pop. He also calls her Snap Crackle Pop when she's mad.
Even with their vast differences, they still have interests that can unite them. They can be seen in the kitchen talking about the worst diseases throughout history, because Poppy likes history and of course Psycho would be interested in that stuff.
Even though she's fretful, Psycho can help her let go of her worries and have fun. Even if his wild shenanigans may give her a heart attack. He makes her laugh. And in turn, Poppy helps Psycho calm down more and just be slightly less of a menace.
Poppy gets cold easily, while Psycho heats up like a lizard under a heat lamp. She snuggles up to him for warmth in the winter or when it's cold at night.
I know all couples argue, but I legitimately can't imagine these two fighting. Poppy would rather steer clear of conflict, and Psycho doesn't see a point in yelling unless necessary, so the two kind of just... Talk through their issues. The worst argument I can see them having, is whether or not the towel is dirty when you use it after showering.
She's actually the one with more relationship experience, and Psycho has no idea what he's doing. She kind of helped him understand how romantic relationships worked, and figure out what you do in these sorts of things.
Sometimes, if Smartass needs Psycho distracted or kept busy, he just calls Poppy over. She may not be an official Toon Patrol member, but she has a role in the gang because of this.
They both have their fears and nightmares. It's most noticeable with Poppy, though Psycho has his own bad memories- fabricated and real- from his time as an actor. Of course, they help each other out as best as they can. And in a way, it's brought them closer together too.
And that's Pocho! Even if this is self indulgent, I hope you guys liked these ^^
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