#PnF/GF at2d
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just-a-fangirl7 ¡ 4 years ago
@sv926 @kittyhazelnut I've got a bit of writers block so I'm gonna be in a bit of a funk so I'm gonna try to write a little more of my crossover but it'll be even longer to wait now.
Oops sorry.
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woulddieforperrytheplatypus ¡ 4 years ago
P&F/GF AU: AT2D Edition! It all begins at the end (ironically enough) of the episode Not What He Seems, where Mabel doesn't press the portal's deactivation button, but as a result, she, Dipper, Stan and Soos get sucked into the portal and arrive at the Second Dimension, where Ford is a Resistance member. Before they can meet the Author, the group meet Phineas, Ferb and Perry shortly after they escaped from Platyborg for the first time, and the story continues as you see it!
WAIT I LOVE THIS? okay hang on lemme think about it for a minute how does this work...
- He doubts they're gonna find Ford, so Stan decides against explaining everything. Whatever half-assed excuse he gives is good enough for Soos and Mabel, but Dipper still doesn't trust him. Part of Stan wants to come clean, but he's convinced that if he admits he accidentally shoved his brother into another dimension for thirty years, he's going to lose not just Dipper but Soos and Mabel too.
- They run into Phineas, Ferb, and Perry on the street, and during that brief awkward moment where no one's sure if they just got caught, Mabel sees Perry and picks him up and gives him a hug. Perry does not appreciate it.
- Candace walks in on the Phineas/Ferb/Phineas/Ferb/Dipper/Mabel/Stan/Soos party to tell them to shut up — it's not Doofensday, after all — and instead of turning around and walking away, she freaks the fuck out because what is Ford fucking Pines doing here? She made it very clear when she and Ford agreed to lead the Resistance together that he needs to leave her family alone.
- How the fuck does Stan explain that he's not Ford without telling the kids that he has a secret brother whose identity he stole?
- Wait, hold the fucking phone. Ford is here?
- Idk how Stan gets out of that one, but somehow he convinces Candace to take them to the Resistance base
- Perry hears the news update and sneaks off to turn himself in. He has to listen not just to Phineas chew him out for leaving again, but to Mabel's tearful "You can't leave! What if you get hurt! It's not safe for a platypus out there by themselves!" too and the guilt sinks in real quick.
- The moment Ford walks through the door, everyone's brains malfunction. Why the fuck are there two of them?
- Stan goes in for a hug, and Ford opts to beat the shit out of him instead
- Cue A Tale of Two Stans
- Candace y33ts herself through the portal again and she has a lot of catch-up to do
- Mabel refuses to let Phineas and Ferb go save Perry without her. Dipper refuses to let Mabel go without him. Stan refuses to let them go at all, but he can't really stop them so he decides to join them
- Ford tries to stop them because this is far too dangerous for kids, and Stan would somehow fuck it up; fucking things up is what he does best, after all.
- Stan gives a very passionate speech about the fact that Mabel and Dipper are his great niece and great nephew, and if they want to save that platypus, he's helping them save that platypus, god dammit! And if Ford doesn't like that, it sure does suck to suck, but he's more than welcome to hide out in the Resistance base like a coward if he really wants to. Stan is taking his kids and he's taking Phineas and Ferb, and they're going to save Mabel's new friend platypus whether he likes it or not. It wouldn't be the first time Ford turned his back his family, after all.
- Yes, Stan does succeed in guilting Ford into coming along so now they have a guide.
- But 2D Phineas and Ferb also guilt Candace into going with them (so they can sneak aboard the mine cart) which means Ford didn't have to come at all lol sucks to be Stan
- When they rescue Perry, it's Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Perry, Soos, Dipper, and Mabel in the back cart fighting off Normbots. 2D Candace has to cut the back carts loose if she wants to get her brothers and Ford back safely. Without a moment of hesitation, Stan jumps out of his cart and runs straight for the kids. Ford thinks he's just being an idiot at first, but 2D Candace makes a comment to her brothers about family being the most important thing there is, and Ford feels a pang of guilt because he really just left his family to die :(
- "Now you have no choice but to fix my machine!" "No." "That wasn't one of your choices!"
- He also tries to get Stan to fix the machine. It doesn't seem to be planning out at first, but the moment 2D Doof threatens the kids, Stan jumps in and tells them he'll fix the machine if they leave the kids (and the platypus) alone
- Stan cannot, in fact, fix the machine; it's a very different machine than the portal he built through dimensions, and he's not entirely sure what the fuck is going on here.
- Poke the Goozim with a Stick time!
- Stan gives a heartfelt apology to Dipper, Mabel, and Soos for getting them into this. Ford happens to sneak in at that exact moment, and it's a very emotional moment for him because it reminds him of when Stan broke Ford's science project and tried to apologize, only to get thrown out of the house. If there's one thing he has to admire about his brother, it's that Stan's always ready to apologize, even when his mistakes are accidents. That's right, we're leading up to a sibling bonding moment
- 2D Candace and Ford swoop in and distract 2D Doof, giving everyone else the chance to escape. Somehow Ford ends up hopping through dimensions with them for no reason other than I want him to
- Perry gives Phineas and collar and peaces out
- They all head to the Flynn-Fletchers' where the homing device leads them to Perry's lair. Phineas, Ferb, Dipper, and Mabel all fit, but the bigger people are stuck upstairs. Stan and Ford spend the whole time arguing.
- At some point during the robot riot, Ford gets taken down. Stan thinks he's unconscious and probably dying, and he is pissed because he did not spend 30 fucking years trying to get that guy back to their dimension for him to die within the first hour. He takes out a whole bunch of robots in a fit of rage, with absolutely no idea that Ford is okay and watching the whole time (because he's not okay enough to fight; everything hurts and he craves death) which is yet another realization that maybe Stan's not quite as bad as he thought
- Once again, it's Choo Choo who saves the day
- Stan/Ford makeup session!
- And then it's time to head back to Gravity Falls before Monogram can erase their memories because we gotta leave the possibility of them meeting again and everyone lives happily ever after!
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woulddieforperrytheplatypus ¡ 4 years ago
Ohmygoodness, what if Perry finding out about Stan's portal would tie into the AT2D crossover prompt?! Phineas is fuming more than ever because not only has Perry been fighting crime behind their backs, but he also kept quiet that a wanted criminal was operating a doomsday device under their noses, but when Stan explains his backstory, it gives Phineas more of a wake-up call to save Perry from Doof-2, since he cared enough about the guy to let him continue saving his brother.
in reference to this portal post and the entirety of the  #PnF/GF at2d tag 
and obligatory keep reading comes in now
I didn’t even think about how that could tie into at2d đŸ‘€ Phineas was mad enough when he realized Perry let Heinz open the portal to hide his identity, but he’d be pissed if he knew Perry had been watching Stan go at it for weeks and not stepped in once. I hate to think that Phineas wouldn’t forgive Perry until after he forgave Stan, but that honestly does sound like how it would go down. He wouldn’t realize until he heard Stan’s story that Perry had a reason to let Stan open that portal, and that if Perry had a reason for that, maybe he has a reason for keeping the fact that he’s a secret agent from them, too.
But if a) Perry was aware of the portal and b) Phineas finds out that Perry was aware of the portal, I do have to question the logistics of said portal(s). Is it sort of a continuation of the portal post, but instead of the portal bringing Ford back, it sucks them all into the second dimension? In which case, do they not meet Ford at all, and they have to open another portal to bring him back when they get back to their dimension? And does Heinz now need to figure out how to make his portal work on his own? Or does Heinz also go through that portal, because if it’s a continuation of the portal post, he could theoretically also be there when the portal opens? In which case, Heinz is kinda obsolete, and 2D Doof is going to focus his energy more on finding Stan than finding the kids or working with Heinz -- and that’s if he even meets Heinz at all; I’m assuming Stan’s portal wouldn’t open up in DEI, so would they run into 2D Doof that early on? And if not, how does that affect the rest of the plot?
And now that I’ve asked a bazillion questions because I am way too into logistics, here’s how I think it would work.
It is a continuation of the portal post, except Perry does, for some reason or other, have to reveal that he’s basically a human in a platypus’s body and that he’s on Stan’s side for this (and maybe he gives them the pamphlet then so they know that he’s a secret agent, because then they know that Perry could have and should have stopped this but chose not to). Not only is Dipper pissed at Stan, but Phineas is pissed at Perry, so they’ve got that in common. Now the dynamics are basically Stan and Perry vs Dipper and Phineas, Mabel and Soos are conflicted, Ferb is lowkey indifferent like he was in at2d because he loves Phineas and Perry too much to pick a side, and poor Heinz was just there to make sure the portal didn’t explode or whatever and he has no idea when the fuck Perry the Platypus got here but he’s very confused.
So they get launched into the other dimension, and they’re probably dumped in the middle of the street somewhere idrk. They can obviously tell it’s not a good place, but they don’t realize until someone sees Heinz and starts freaking out that it’s such a bad place because 2D Doof is in charge (and that’s an interesting conversation because literally no one but Perry knew that Heinz was evil, and that’s just going to make Phineas more upset). Obviously, Perry can’t explain that the Heinz they’re looking at is literally the dumbest person known to man, so he’s just gotta sit there and let Phineas (and tbh probably Dipper too) yell at him. But they know they have to make it home somehow, so they still head to 2D Phineas and Ferb’s house. A Normbot catches them in the process, and though he doesn’t manage to capture anyone, he does tell 2D Doof that his doppelganger is here with a few kids, a couple adults, and Perry the Platypus. 
Perry hears that 2D Doof is looking for him and that he’ll leave the rest of the group alone as long as he gets Perry, so he peaces out, and Phineas doesn’t even do the whole â€œDid it ever occur to you that we could help you? That we could have made a great team? But I guess you can’t have teamwork without trust,” bit, because that only worked in the movie because Phineas still had some trust left in Perry. After the whole Stan-Perry-portal debacle, he can’t say that anymore, so their â€œgoodbye” is literally just Phineas yelling at him, which, like, it sucks, but what’s Perry gonna do about it, ya know? (Would 2D Doof want Heinz, too? I almost feel like he would; it would be a two-for-one deal, and if they turned themselves in, 2D Doof would have no need for anyone else -- at least until he figured out that this was Stan’s portal). 
And since they’re in a safe place now, Stan finally explains what he was trying to do. I don’t think it would be like it was in A Tale of Two Stans, though, because when he explained it then, he had already seen Ford again and he already knew that they still weren’t on good terms. Before he saw Ford, it almost looked like he’d either forgotten why he didn’t like his brother or that he’d moved on and just assumed that Ford had, too, so when he tells the story, it’s a little bit of an optimistic view of things. That’s not really important to anything except that everyone is going to be in for a rude awakening when Ford shows up and lowkey tries to beat the shit out of his brother. 
That’s when the Doofenchannel announces the capture of public enemy number one, Perry the alternate-dimension Platypus, and public enemy number two, alternate dimension Heinz Doofenshmirtz. They assume that means that Heinz was actually on their side the whole time, which is yet another brownie point for Perry. What they don’t realize is that Heinz basically spoon-fed 2D Doof everything he wanted to know, and when 2D Doof realized his doppelganger was entirely useless and that he just needs Stan, he basically said fuck you and threw him in prison, too. (It’s probably worth noting though that Heinz isn’t, like, actively against the PnF/GF gang; he kinda likes them, but he also kinda liked this alternate version of himself, so he wasn’t really sure where his loyalties should lie until he got thrown in jail)
Then everything’s basically back on track with where the fanfic would have gone. They go on their rescue mission, save their tri-state area, Heinz gives up his Choo Choo, and all is forgiven in the end because I’m a sucker for a happy ending lmao
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woulddieforperrytheplatypus ¡ 4 years ago
At least Phineas and Dipper can bond over the fact that someone they thought they could trust kept a humongous secret from them
wait oh my god you’re right 0_0 how is it possible for Phineas and Dipper to have such completely different personalities have have so much in common I don’t understand
(in reference to this post)
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woulddieforperrytheplatypus ¡ 4 years ago
I was reading through the AU where Across The 2nd Dimension is combined with the Gravity Falls episodes Not What He Seems and A Tale Of Two Stans, and I began to wonder where the Pines family's 2nd Dimension counterparts were during those events, but then an idea hit me: since AT2D's sequel episode ends with the 2nd Dimension Doofenshmirtz family escaping custody, what if the Pines' 2D counterparts are the ones to ultimately take them down once again
in reference to 1 2
Wait omg I didn’t even think about that! I love the idea that it’s the 2D Pineses (is that grammar idk) that take him down, but I’m still really stuck on where they are during the actual at2d movie. gonna put a cut here so y’all can skip over my existential crisis if you don’t care lol
are they also in the tri-state area and they just never run into their 2D counterparts, Ford included despite the fact that he’s been there for decades? Or would anyone but Ford even be there at all? I think this is under the assumption that the tri-state area includes Gravity Falls (but there have been Many versions of this crossover so I could be wrong?) but who would be in Gravity Falls if 2D Doof took over? I’d assume it would be either Stan or Ford, depending on whether Ford opened another portal, right? And I doubt the kids would be there because their parents wouldn’t send them to visit their uncle under 2D Doof’s rule? 
But once 2D Doof was gone, I can see the kids going to visit whichever uncle is there (and idk if it’s Stan then maybe the kids meet Phineas and Ferb and they help bring Ford back? or if it’s Ford, maybe Stan decides to check out this newly liberated part of the US that he’s yet to be banned from and then whoops awkward family encounter leads to family bonding idk whatever it takes to get them all together) and then once everyone finds out Charlene is the real threat to their freedom, the Pines all work together and stop her 👀
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woulddieforperrytheplatypus ¡ 4 years ago
Adding to the AU where the Pines family also travel to the Second Dimension, Ford pretty much does what he did at the end of A Tale Of Two Stans and uses the memory erasing device to make a sound wave that wipes the memory of not only the government agents that were after Stan, but all of OWCA as well, so the Flynn-Fletchers can keep Perry and remain aware of his agent status, and then pretends to be a government official to get them all to leave.
(in reference to this post)
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woulddieforperrytheplatypus ¡ 4 years ago
Here's what I propose happens after the Pines' 2D adventure: during Weirdmageddon, while people from Danville help fight off Bill, OWCA (re)learns that Perry's host family now know he's an agent. After the whole thing is over, they swoop in to forcibly relocate him, on account that "it isn't safe" and "they know too much", but EVERYONE from both towns come to Perry's aid, reasoning that if he and his family can fight through the apocalypse together and win, then they can fight through anything.
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woulddieforperrytheplatypus ¡ 4 years ago
Idk I mean I feel like you should tag gf in these amazing wonderful posts along with perryshmirtz bc one of the biggest ships in gravity falls was a triangle and a boy. Side note but gravity falls will always be stronger in my opinion for how it handled dippers crush on wendy vs ferbs on vanessa. There was even a smaller age gap and Alex Hirsch still made it a point to show how weird it was especially from Wendy's pov
oof sorry it’s been a few days this week has been A Week™ (this ended up being a much longer answer than i thought whoops have a cut)
i’m never really sure whether i should tag them as gravity falls? like i do have them all tagged as â€œpnf/gf crossover” and/or “gf” for the same reason I tag ships like perryshmirtz and ferbnessa: so people can filter them out. idk if they really belong in the gravity falls tag tho? i don’t even tag a lot of them as phineas and ferb cuz i just kinda assume it’s not what people are looking for in those tags, especially bc a lot of times it builds off of other posts. i do link the other posts but ppl probably won’t want to go through and look at all of them. i just know it gets annoying when you’re looking through the phineas and ferb tag and it’s full of people answering a bunch of asks lol
also, as much as I love Gravity Falls, I gotta disagree there. I’m not gonna get into Ferbnessa bc i definitely see why it makes people uncomfortable, but in regards to the show itself, i like pnf more. i feel like gravity falls has some really good episodes and then some episodes that i’ll most likely never watch again (which is true of most shows; i feel the same way about supernatural and i’ve been obsessed with that show for 5+ years now), but pnf manages to keep the same formula but with different jokes so there really aren’t that many “bad” episodes? if we’re talking purely relationship-wise, though, i do have to hand it to gravity falls, if only because i love grunkle stan’s relationship with the twins (which is lowkey comparable to my headcanons of perry’s relationship with the boys from his perspective, but that’s only ever explored in at2d and maybeready for the bettys so that doesn’t count)
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woulddieforperrytheplatypus ¡ 4 years ago
Tag list
Here’s a list of tags so you can either filter them out or scroll through them depending on your mood
“Look I have an ask” -- asks, which are 98% of my long posts 
“Fic idea?” -- potential fanfic idea 
“Not PnF” -- anything not related to Phineas and Ferb or Milo Murphy’s Law
“CATU spoilers” -- anything regarding Candace Against the Universe
“Anti ______” -- anything negative about a character or ship. Usually comes in the form of â€œanti Monogram” because he’s literally so easy to talk shit about that I can’t help it.
“Discourse” -- asks that feel one way about a topic with a response that says otherwise. Usually coupled with pro and anti tags (ie â€œFerbnessa” â€œanti Ferbnessa” â€œdiscourse” so any of the tags can be filtered out and the post can be hidden from those who doesn’t want to see the pro or anti view
“Politics” -- anything Dwampyverse-related that has to do with politics. It’s usually related to Vincent Martella in some way.
“Perryshmirtz” -- Perry x Doofenshmirtz; always tagged as such so they can be filtered out
“Ferbnessa” -- Ferb x Vanessa; always tagged as such so they can be filtered out
“Montessa” -- Monty x Vanessa; always tagged as such so they can be filtered out
“Kitty sucks at art” -- random shitty PnF doodles on my school notes
Everything under the read more is just tags for fic ideas or crossover ideas that became recurring themes and subsist over multiple posts
“PnF/GF crossover” -- posts combining Phineas and Ferb and Gravity Falls in any way
“Author!Phineas” -- posts where Phineas wrote the GF journals in some capacity
“Monostan” -- Monogram x Stan Pines, the ideal ship
“PnF/GF at2d” -- the Phineas and Ferb gang and the Gravity Falls gang in the second dimension
“PnF/GF Weirdmaggedon” -- how Danville would fair during Weirdmageddon; also includes Milo Murphy’s Law
“PnF/GF mailbox” -- posts involving the Phineas and Ferb gang and the Gravity Falls gang (or just Dipper) at the mailbox from the Gravity Falls shorts
“Perry clones” -- posts regarding Joshua Pruett’s og OWCA Files idea where Monogram has an army of Perry clones
“Evil Perry” -- any au where Perry is evil. Includes butler!Perry from Remains of the Platypus and Ultimate-Evil-Inator Perry from Where’s Perry?
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