#Plz its licherally 3am if this is incoherent or if there's typos that's why
scurvyratt · 11 months
Although I didn't like the way Said died, I do think that the only way his story could have ended "happily" was with his own death.
So to explain, Said was a jihadist imo. I know that term has an extremely negative and violent connotation these days, but I don't think that he was a terrorist or extremist lol. Jihad has nothing to do with terrorism: "In its most general meaning, jihad refers to the obligation incumbent on all Muslims, individuals and the community, to follow and realize God’s will: to lead a virtuous life and to extend the Islamic community through preaching, education, example, writing, etc." Many Muslims also refer to jihad as a struggle against oppression. So not every Muslim is a jihadist, but I think Said is due to the fact that he is an imam and civil rights leader.
There are also the concepts of "lesser jihad" and "greater jihad". Lesser jihad is more of a physical battle against those who are oppressing you or committing wrong doings. We can see this in Said when he partakes in the riot for example. Greater jihad is an inward battle against oneself. The struggle against greed, lust, ego, selfishness, evil, etc. There's a ton of examples that can be used for this, especially in the last two seasons when he loses it after he kills Adebisi lol. Also when he gives up on pursuing Cutler's (ex) wife for his cause.
Nowww how does this relate to his death? Well, being a martyr is also a big deal in Islam. Muslims believe that there are seven levels of heaven, and that those who die as martyrs automatically go to the highest level. There are many different ways that one can die as a martyr in Islam, such as dying during child birth or dying while fighting for your independence (everyone who has been killed in the current Palestinian genocide is considered a martyr). But another way, is to die in the pursuit of jihad.
I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore lol, but I think that death as a martyr was like, the perfect death for Said since he was so committed to his jihad, his people, and fighting for civil rights. Also because he could be very self righteous and wanted to be seen as a hero (though I do think he changed in the later seasons, especially after Adebisi. Me doing a character analysis when I don't even remember what happened ijbol). I don't think that any other ending would have been satisfying for him because his ultimate desire was for liberation/equal rights/justice, etc. and like obviously that will never be achieved lol....
Also yes, I do think that Said would probably be considered a martyr since he mainly dedicated his life to Islam and educating/helping others (even tho he was kinda a flop tbh...) and he was assassinated. I mean he even gave up the opportunity to leave prison just so he could stay with his boyfriend Arif the other Muslims.
I know some people say that Said's death was fitting for the show (sudden, random, and by a stranger) but likeeeee. Idk I just did not gaf about that Idzik dude like come on they couldn't have come up with anything else?
Source: https://www.unaoc.org/repository/Esposito_Jihad_Holy_Unholy.pdf
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