#Plix <3
Some Plix art :3
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Couldn't decide which version I liked so have all three (with a little suggestive text as well sorry he's kinda freaky)
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plixiedust · 9 months
HIII my name is Cyrus or Nixie or nix or plix OR WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU!!!! Autistic minor (15) and multifandom (mainly posting about srmthfg, max design pro and among us logic!)
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Lesbian demigirl LAWL she/it ^_^
I’m in central standard time!!!
Basic dni just be a decent human being ffs…UPDATE: since people don’t know what basic dni is. NO PROSHIPPERS OR PEDOS OR RACISTS OR ZIONISTS OR HOMOPHOBES PLEAAAAASEEEE! GET THE HELL OUT!
I have special interests in music (mainly alternative rock/metal of all genres and sorts), bunnies, abandoned buildings, and more so I always have something I’m insanely waffling about
Instagram: Cyruspilled, novatauri, plixnix, aangelsfuckdevilskiss, vhampfan9000000 (mainly only use Cyruspilled and novatauri)
Pinterest: plixiedust
My tags:
#nixie talks
#nixies ocs
#nixie draws miscellaneous
#nixie draws srmthfg
#nixie draws aul
I mainly made this just to look at content of my interests and occasionally post art but I hope you guys enjoy the stay here ! <3
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prarticle02 · 1 year
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects
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Apple Cider Vinegar is a supplement that has been used for centuries for a myriad of health and beauty benefits. It’s the perfect detoxifier and ingredient to support your health and wellness goals. Apple cider vinegar benefits include weight loss, improved digestion & immunity boost. With a blend of vitamins and minerals, the use of apple cider vinegar has been prevalent for thousands of years. If you’re looking for a natural way to supplement your health and lifestyle, this drink is for you!
What is apple cider vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice. The juice is extracted from crushed apples, and fermented with yeast along with bacteria to convert the natural sugars into alcohol. Then, acetic acid bacteria further ferment the alcohol into acetic acid, which gives vinegar its sour taste and odor. In this article, we will discuss apple cider vinegar for weight loss and several other benefits that this healthy drink has to offer.
Types of apple cider vinegar
There are several types of apple cider vinegar available in the market, each with its own unique characteristics. Here are some of the most common types:
1. Raw, Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar:
This type of apple cider vinegar is made from crushed apples that are left to ferment naturally. It is not pasteurized or filtered, which means it contains the “mother,” a cloudy substance that is believed to have health benefits.
2. Filtered Apple Cider Vinegar:
This type of apple cider vinegar is pasteurized and filtered to remove any sediment or impurities. It has a clear appearance and a milder taste than raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
3. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar:
This type of apple cider vinegar is made from organically grown apples, which are free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. It is usually labeled as “organic” on the bottle.
The best type of ACV
Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is considered to be the best type of apple cider vinegar because it retains the “mother.” The “mother” contains beneficial enzymes, bacteria, and nutrients that are believed to have health benefits. The “mother” is made up of acetic acid bacteria, which are responsible for turning alcohol into acetic acid, the primary component of vinegar. These bacteria also produce enzymes, amino acids, and other nutrients that are beneficial for digestion, immune function, and overall health.
Additionally, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar has a higher concentration of acetic acid than filtered apple cider vinegar, which means it may have stronger antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
What sets Plix’s ACV apart from other brands
An example of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is Plix’s ACV, which is a game–changer in this space because not only does it contain the “mother”, it also tastes as good as a soda which is not common with other apple cider vinegar supplements.
What are apple cider vinegar benefits?
Apple cider vinegar has been promoted for its health benefits, although more research is needed to fully understand its effects. We have discussed in detail apple cider vinegar for weight loss, regulating blood sugar & cholesterol levels, improving digestion, boosting your immunity & reducing acne.
What Are the Possible Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?
Let us look at the different advantages of ACV for your health:
1. Apple cider vinegar for weight loss:
ACV is a popular product health-conscious people, often used as a natural remedy for weight management and cardiovascular health. It is available in various forms such as organic, raw, and unfiltered, and can be consumed orally or applied topically. ACV is believed to enhance blood sugar regulation, lower cholesterol levels, and assist in improving circulation after high sugar intake.
How ACV can help control Cravings
If you practice self-control, you can conquer random cravings. Yet, many people have a hard time fighting off cravings. You might have found yourself, like so many others, searching for a way to overcome your food addiction. Apple cider vinegar may be the answer you are looking for. One of the main reasons people tend to crave sugar and everything sweet is due to a lack of minerals in their bodies. These minerals help to balance high blood sugar levels, which can lead to cravings.
The good news is, that apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid that reduces your appetite and subsequently reduces your calorie intake! A daily intake of apple cider vinegar can help you improve your metabolism and achieve your fitness goals. So next time you find yourself regretting after overeating and giving in to random cravings, consider including apple cider vinegar in your daily lifestyle!
2. Regulates blood sugar levels:
Some studies suggest that apple cider vinegar can help regulate blood sugar levels, which may be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.
How apple cider vinegar benefits bloog sugar level regulation:
Apple cider vinegar may help reduce blood sugar levels in several ways:
Improves insulin sensitivity: Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Some studies suggest that apple cider vinegar may help improve insulin sensitivity, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.
Apple cider vinegar benefits for slowing down carbohydrate digestion: The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, which can help prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.
 Increases glucose uptake: Apple cider vinegar may also help increase glucose uptake by cells, which can lower blood sugar levels.
Reduces sugar cravings: High blood sugar levels can cause cravings for sugary foods, which can further increase blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar may help reduce sugar cravings, which can help regulate blood sugar levels.
3. Improves digestion:
Apple cider vinegar contains beneficial bacteria and enzymes that can promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which are important for digestion and overall health. The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar may help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, which can improve digestion and relieve symptoms of digestive problems such as bloating and gas.
4. Apple cider vinegar benefits for boosting your immunity:
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which has antimicrobial properties and may help boost the immune system.
5. Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure:
Some studies suggest that apple cider vinegar may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Increases bile production : Bile is a substance produced by the liver that helps break down fats in the digestive system. Apple cider vinegar may help increase bile production, which can help lower cholesterol levels.
Contains antioxidants : Apple cider vinegar contains antioxidants that may help prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, a key contributor to the development of heart disease.
Apple cider vinegar benefits for lowering triglyceride levels : Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood that can contribute to the development of heart disease.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar uses for improving cardiovascular health
Apple cider vinegar is an extremely popular item among health enthusiasts! It is used in many recipes and can be used as a natural remedy by those tackling weight gain and who want to improve their cardiovascular health. ACV comes in a variety of types like organic, raw, unfiltered, unfiltered dark, and unfiltered light. It is taken orally and is even used topically in some cases. Apple cider vinegar uses contain improvement of blood sugar levels and regulation of blood cholesterol, and it is also a great way to get your arteries flowing again after a sugar high.
Apple cider vinegar uses in cardiovascular health have been explored in the past, and the current research supports this. Researchers found that apple cider vinegar (ACV) could have a positive effect on blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose! ACV can help minimize the effect of bad cholesterol thereby lowering the potential for heart risks. It inhibits the build-up of LDL or Low-Density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol)  while supporting HDL or High-Density Lipoprotein (good cholesterol)
Impact of Cholesterol and Triglycerides on Cardiovascular health
Triglyceride levels are the flag bearers of cardiovascular health alongside cholesterol. Higher levels indicate higher risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and other health conditions. These are derived from excess calories which are stored as fat from specific foods like butter, oils, etc. They accumulate in our bloodstream impacting cardiovascular function. Poor lifestyle habits like drinking, smoking, lack of exercise, and an unhealthy diet can lead to an increase in blood triglyceride levels.
Change in lifestyle can improve health
Positive lifestyle changes like a good diet, regular exercise, low sugar, fatty, and carb diet can help decrease the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in our body. To add to these lifestyle hacks, an inclusion of apple cider vinegar (ACV) in our day-to-day routine can also add more value to the reduction of these levels. As per a small-scale study published in April 2018, results on the daily consumption of ACV by test subjects look promising. These showed that the group which consumed ACV as a part of its daily diet indicated a decrease in LDL or bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels and an increase in HDL or good cholesterol levels! The 12-week study also reported that this group had better control when it came to appetite.
What are some uses of apple cider vinegar:
Let us look at the uses of ACV for soothing acne:
Uses: Acne and Other Skin Conditions
The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may help reduce inflammation and improve skin health, including reducing the appearance of acne and scars.
Apple cider vinegar has been used as a natural remedy for various skin conditions, including acne. Uses of apple cider vinegar for skin:
Balances pH:
Apple cider vinegar is acidic, which can help balance the pH of the skin. This can be especially beneficial for those with acne-prone skin, as an imbalance in pH can contribute to the development of acne. Just as it does for the skin when applied topically, apple cider vinegar can help balance the pH of the body when consumed.
Fights bacteria:
Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties that can help fight the bacteria that cause acne and other skin infections.
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which can help detoxify the body and reduce inflammation. This can be beneficial for those with acne, as inflammation is a key contributor to the development of acne.
Purported Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the most popular purpoted uses of ACV is for weight loss, thanks to the acetic acid in ACV that may reduce appetite and boost metabolism. ACV also contains beneficial bacteria and enzymes that support gut health, aiding in digestion and relieving common digestive issues such as bloating and gas. Moreover, ACV’s anti-inflammatory properties may reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, potentially improving overall digestive health. In addition, research suggests that ACV may promote cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol levels, controlling blood sugar levels, and improving blood flow.
1. Uses of apple cider vinegar for weight loss :
The presence of acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps to reduce appetite and limit calorie consumption. Regular intake of ACV may improve metabolism and contribute towards achieving fitness objectives. By including ACV in your daily routine, you may be able to enhance your metabolism and reach your fitness goals.
2. Enhances digestion:
Apple cider vinegar is known to contain useful bacteria and enzymes that support the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which play a crucial role in promoting overall health and aiding in digestion. Furthermore, ACV’s anti-inflammatory properties may assist in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract, leading to better digestion and relieving common symptoms of digestive issues such as bloating and gas. Therefore, incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet may provide numerous benefits for digestive health and well-being.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar benefits Cardiovascular health
Studies have found that apple cider vinegar (ACV) can potentially have a positive impact on blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and fasting blood glucose. ACV has the ability to reduce the risk of heart disease by hindering the accumulation of LDL or Low-Density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol), while supporting HDL or High-Density Lipoprotein (good cholesterol). Thus, incorporating ACV into your routine may potentially contribute to better cardiovascular health.
Tips for safe usage:
Here are some tips for the safe usage of apple cider vinegar tablets
1. Follow the recommended dosage:
Make sure to read the instructions on the label carefully and follow the recommended dosage. Taking too many tablets can result in negative side effects. Make sure you consume ACV tablets 30 minutes before lunch and before dinner.
2. Don’t take apple cider vinegar tablets on an empty stomach:
Taking apple cider vinegar tablets on an empty stomach can increase the risk of stomach upset, acid reflux, and damage to the esophagus.
3. Discontinue use if you experience negative side effects:
If you experience any negative side effects such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider.
Side effects of apple cider vinegar & toxicity
While apple cider vinegar (ACV) can have potential health benefits, excessive consumption or inappropriate usage may lead to side effects. Some of Apple cider vinegar side effects include:
Severe side effects of apple cider vinegar :
Consuming ACV in excess or for prolonged periods may also lead to severe side effects, including:
Damage to the esophagus or throat due to the acidic nature of vinegar.
Interaction with certain medications, such as diuretics and insulin, which can cause low potassium levels and dangerously low blood sugar levels.
Delayed gastric emptying, which can lead to gastroparesis, a condition in which the stomach is slow to empty its contents.
Hypokalemia, which is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when potassium levels in the body become too low
Common apple cider vinegar side effects:
Common side effects of ACV consumption may include:
I. Tooth enamel erosion:
ACV is acidic, and overconsumption can lead to erosion of tooth enamel, which can result in tooth sensitivity and decay.
II. Digestive issues:
ACV may cause digestive issues such as stomach upset, diarrhea, and indigestion, especially when consumed in large amounts or on an empty stomach.
IV. Low potassium levels:
ACV may lower potassium levels in your body, which can lead to weakness, muscle cramps, and irregular heartbeat.
V. Skin irritation:
ACV can be harsh on the skin and may cause irritation when applied topically or consumed inappropriately.
What is the recommended dose of Apple Cider Vinegar?
Place one fizzy tablet of ACV into a glass of cold water and wait for it to dissolve completely. Your yummy drink is ready! To achieve the best results, consume it twice a day, taking one tablet 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.
Apple cider vinegar toxicity:
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) toxicity can occur if large amounts of ACV are ingested. ACV is a highly acidic liquid and can cause chemical burns and irritation to the mouth, throat, and esophagus if consumed in large quantities. Ingesting large amounts of ACV may also cause low potassium levels in the blood, which can lead to muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, and even paralysis.
Symptoms of ACV toxicity may include:
Severe burning sensation in the mouth and throat
Swelling of the throat or tongue
Difficulty breathing or swallowing
Nausea and vomiting Abdominal pain and diarrhea
Low blood pressure and fainting
Best ACV in the market
At Plix, we have made it our mission to help you incorporate super healthy supplements most deliciously! Our version of ACV has all the goodness of Apple cider vinegar discussed above AND retains the ‘Mother’ of apple cider vinegar! Let us have a look at the ingredients of Plix’s Apple Cider Vinegar tablets!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cider is made using fresh apples acquired from the Himalayas that have been smashed and juiced. To make Apple Cider Vinegar, the apple cider goes through a special fermenting process. The top-quality Apple Cider Vinegar Powder found in our ACV Tablets was created with raw, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.
Pomegranate extract
Apart from apple cider vinegar, Plix’s ACV is powered with pomegranate extract, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 giving you a wholesome good health experience. Let us look at what each of these 3 ingredients has to offer Pomegranate extract is highly antioxidant-rich and protects the health of your skin. It is often used as a beauty ingredient in serums! Antioxidant-rich pomegranate extract helps prevent the premature aging of the skin and combat sun-induced damage caused due to harmful UV radiation! The pomegranate extracts in Plix’s Apple Cider vinegar come from Maharashtra’s western regions and are high in minerals and antioxidants. Our ACV’s trademark crimson appearance and exquisite taste are due to its rich color and unique flavor. This superfood or fruit is well recognized for its several health benefits: it nourishes skin, lowers heart risks, improves digestion and other gut-related issues, reduces blood pressure, and provides a lot of energy!
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 plays an integral role in stimulating the production of neurotransmitters. These orchestrate the regulation of mood and other functions associated with the brain. Mainly it regulates our brain health! Reduced levels of Vitamin B6 can cause mood swings, fatigue, and even memory loss! It is an essential vitamin that not only maintains brain health but also cardiac health! Vitamin B6 not only keeps you energized throughout the day but also aids in combating skin vows and agonizing PMS. It improves your brain’s general health by elevating your mood and relieving stress or depression without the use of drugs. It lowers the risk of memory loss while also treating anemia by increasing hemoglobin production.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 helps in the metabolism of food and body detoxification. Vitamin 12 supports the elimination of toxins from the body’s bloodstream and the health of nerve cells, resulting in improved brain function. It prevents bone and muscle deterioration and promotes good vision, as well as healthier skin, nails, and hair. Vitamin 12 is also important for maintaining a healthy heart and alleviating signs of mood swings.
1. How can ACV help control Cravings?
Consuming apple cider vinegar tablets could potentially decrease appetite and induce sensations of satiety, resulting in lower calorie intake and eventual weight loss.
2. Can Apple cider vinegar tablets help in weight loss?
ACV helps to improve your metabolism, which can help burn calories and promote weight loss. It reduces the accumulation of fat by promoting the breakdown of fats and preventing the accumulation of new fat. ACV may also reduce inflammation, which is linked to obesity and weight gain.
3. What are some side effects of consuming apple cider vinegar?
Tooth enamel erosion, low potassium levels, skin irritation & digestive issues are some of the side effects of consuming apple cider vinegar.
4. Why should I consume Plix ACV?
Unlike other ACV supplements, Plix’s version of ACV tastes really good! It is neither poor tasting nor bad smelling; in fact, it satiates your soda cravings. Our ACV also contains the “mother” that is very nutritious for your health. ACV helps you reduce cravings, lose weight & prevent digestive discomforts like bloating, gas, etc.
5. What are the ingredients in Plix ACV?
Our delicious apple-flavored drink contains apple cider vinegar, Pomegranate Extract, Vitamin B6 & Vitamin B12
More Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) related blogs:
Apple Cider Vinegar Cures: The Science-Backed Health Benefits
Apple Cider Vinegar Cures: 10 Amazing Health Benefits
How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help in Weight Loss?
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar: The Ultimate Health Elixir
This Apple Cider Vinegar Face Hack Will Seriously Restore Your Skin
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starfriday · 2 years
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*Sequoia-backed health and wellness platform HYUGA teams up with Katrina Kaif to get India one step closer to being healthier !*
As India starts to prioritise health and fitness, a specialist one-stop destination for authentic health and wellness products is an idea whose time has come.
That vision has taken the shape of Hyugalife: the brainchild of ex-Nykaa CFO Sachin Parikh, along with co-founders Anvi Shah (ex-Unilever) and Neehar Modi (ex-Amazon). The parent company, Pratech Brands, have raised $3 million led by Sequoia India's Surge and is now all set to encourage India to be happier and healthier.
Offering a diverse range of health & wellness products such as health supplements, health foods, hair, skin & nails, weight management, sports nutrition, and women's health, among others, the platform includes over 6000 items sourced directly from leading brands like Gynoveda, MuscleBlaze, Optimum Nutrition, Oziva, , Plix, Power Gummies. With an aim to inspire every Indian to be at their healthy best, Hyugalife entered into a partnership with the country’s leading actor, entrepreneur and fitness icon Katrina Kaif to help them reach their goal.
Katrina's investment in Hyugalife is a major validation of the platform's mission and provides a valuable opportunity for the company to reach an even wider audience. Anvi Shah, CEO of Hyugalife, adds, " “Hyugalife’s vision is to improve our country health standards by offering authentic health & wellness products at the audience’s convenience by creating a one stop market place. We are thrilled to have Katrina Kaif as an investor and partner in Hyugalife, so we together can help achieve our mission”
Speaking about the partnership, Katrina said, "I am firm believer that fitness isn’t simply about working out or just having a nutritious diet, it’s a way of life. With an aim at promoting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Hyugalife is offering high-quality, authentic products at our fingertips. I look forward to working with the team to help bring their vision of a healthier & happier India to life."
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knf-yd-fusion · 3 years
Se BuScA
TRADUCTOR DE JAPONÉS para finalizar dos proyectos.
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*Namameku se finalizaría en el tomo 2 que es el primer arco con un final a pesar de que tiene 3 secuelas (principalmente por la falta de traductor).
Interesados mandar PM. Se agradece difusión, plix :3
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luzswonderland · 3 years
Thoughts on Season 2 Thus Far..
I gonna keep most of my thoughts on all the episodes brief, but also long enough where you guys can get the idea of where these episodes stand in levels of importance to me. I already have a lot personal favorites in this first half of the season and hope that the second half will deliver the same energy.
EPISODE 1:  Separate Tides
Good episode to start off the second season
Episode does a good job of addressing the different circumstances that Eda, Lilith, and Luz have with adjusting to life after the events of “Young Blood, Old Souls.”
We see the Golden Guard for the first time. With a voice too. I have more to say about him later when I get to the future episodes. But he is a treat!
The reintroduction of the portal and Emperor Belos’ plans for the human world in this episode, does a good job of reminding the audience of what is as stake this season.
Adore Luz and Eda’s pirate outfits ❤ 
Overall, a strong start to a very ambitious season.
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Episode 2: Escaping Expulsion (Personal Favorite)
We finally see Amity’s parents!!!
Wasn’t expecting Odalia’s eyes to be blue, but both parents fit the personalities I originally envisioned them to have
Luz teaching Eda and Lilith to use magic through the glyphs was so cute and shows how different both Eda and Lilith are when it comes to approaching magic
Love how Amity’s separation from Luz was the trigger that caused her to stand up to her parents
Even though I kinda knew the expulsion from Hexside wasn’t going to permanent, it still shows how much pull Amity’s parents have at Hexside and the Boiling Isles. 
Looks like the abominations that Alador has made for profit will be used to fulfill whatever plans Emperor Belos has for the human world. 
Loved Amity and Luz’s interactions!!!
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Episode 3: Echoes of the Past (Personal Favorite)
Fantastic King centered episode
I know that invisibility spell will come in handy in one of the later episodes. Good job, Luz
Hooty and Lilith are a riot this episode. Was not expecting them to get along at all this season.
I thought the show was going to make them polar opposites, but good to see that Hooty has a fan in the house.
King trying to remember his past and recounting his childhood memories was so sad because you realize that he has been trying to find out who he really is this entire time😭
The temple where King was born holds so much history and I hope we go back there soon
Will we find out what happened to King’s dad? What potential does King hold? Find out next time on DBZ!!!
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Episode 4: Keeping Up A-fear-ances
Finally get to see Eda and Lilith’s mom and her palisman’s a hawk.
Love the pattern of all members of the Clawthorne family having bird themed palismen. I wonder what palisman Eda’s dad has.
Love how the episode addresses the blatant issue that Gwendolyn has with trying to find a cure for Eda. She cares for her daughter, but she is being blinded by ambition
The scams in the book she was reading were kinda funny tho
Lilith being upset that her mom favors Edal more than her is relatable, but also makes sense considering how the curse impacted Eda’s childhood
Lilith wanting to travel with her mom makes sense and I’m happy she made the decision to do that
Lilith’s beast from is cool
We finally get more information about there being another human that came to the Boiling Isles long ago!!!
We finally catch up with what’s going on at home and see that Luz’s imposter is blending in just fine and Camila is none the wiser. At least that buys Luz some time in the Boiling Isles
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Episode 5: Through the Looking Glass Ruins
We get a Gus-centered episode and I’m here for it. I love it when the show deviates from the main narrative and focuses on the supporting cast
Even though I’m not the biggest fans of their personalities, the introduction of the students from Glandus High was great
I really love the character designs of these students, especially Bria, she looks so cute
Gus getting more character development and bonding with Mattholomule was good to see, I hope we see more of their interactions in future episodes
Luz getting more attracted to Amity
Amity putting her job on the line, so they could find Philip’s diary
Luz saying that she hopes to show Amity the human world one day
Luz successfully getting Amity’s job back
The kiss on cheek at the end of the episode by Amity
The blushing!!!💜💚-I can go on and on
Amity’s new look fits her well and shows that she is starting to live for herself and not her parents-Good!
Through the help of the Echo Mouse, we also get more information about why Philip came to the Boiling Isle in the first place.
But the Echo Mouse is being picky and stops before it gets good😫
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Episode 6: Hunting Palisman (Personal Favorite)
This is my favorite episode of the season so far and probably my top ten favorite episodes of the series.
We are finally introduced to Hunter as the Golden Guard and he is a treat
Everything from his character design, to his goals, to his interactions with Luz make him very intriguing.
The kids begin to pick out their palisman and a lot of them fit their personalities, especially Willow’s.
I’m glad the show is addressing the fact that Luz doesn’t know what she wants to do when she becomes a witch because tbh I’m not sure either. I know she wants to help and protect the people of the Boiling Isles but she can’t really do that if she wants to go back home.
What a good time to bring up this internal conflict
Kikimora wanting to get rid of Hunter makes sense seeing as how the Emperor’s Coven is based of performance
Hunter and Luz’s interaction on Hunter’s ship
Luz slapping Hunter to wake him up😂
Luz stealing Hunter’s staff
Hunter revealing his family history and why he defers to Emperor Belos
These two give off a good sibling vibe and I want to see more of this later
I originally thought the red cardinal was going to be for Luz, but it ends up being Hunter’s palisman at the end of the episode-Interesting
Whatever Luz’s palisman is going to be, I hope it’s an animal that fits her personality because I thought the red cardinal would have been perfect
Maybe she will get a violet-backed starling as a palisman🤔
Hunter comes off as very complex immediately and I love that the show let’s us know that he trying to figure out his place in the Boiling Isles as a powerless being.
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Episode 7: Eda’s Requiem
An Eda centered episode is such a plus for this season
So far I feel like the show has had Eda be a main plot point, but she hasn’t really been given her own episode-This episode takes a good step in the right direction
Eda feeling like she’s losing both Luz and King because they have both trying to find out more about their personal journeys is equivalent to a mother accepting that fact that her kids are moving across the country 😥
Eda reuniting with Raine is nice to see. You can automatically tell right off the bat that they have history
Raine being a rebel against Emperor Belos while working under Emperor Belos as a coven leader is BOLD AF
I see why Eda fell for them
We are introduced to the Abomination and Beast Keeping Coven leaders and I love their character designs, especially for Darius
The scene where Raine and Eda play together was so beautiful and does a fantastic job of representing how pure their relationship was and currently is 
I love how Raine realizing that Eda has more to live for than she thinks and puts a stop to the song they play in order to sacrifice himself
I know we are going to see Raine again, but I really hope Belos doesn’t do anything bad to them. Raine is a sweetheart
Even though Luz and King lose the Gland Plix race, it was still nice to see that Eda came towards the end of the face.
The reveal of King wanting to take Eda’s last name at the end of the episode is one of the main reasons why I love King and Eda’s relationship. They really do come off as mother and son❤
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Episode 8: Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door (Personal Favorite)
This is a Hooty’s centered episode which is a first for this show, but this ended up being one of my favorite episodes of the show because of what it addresses
Hooty helping King accidently discover his powers was a shock to me because I just through their interaction was going to end up being pointless
King can now be more useful in battle 😁
We finally see Eda’s dad and see why Eda has a hard time accepting her cursed side.
We also learn how the curse has negatively impacted her relationship with so many people, such as Raine 😥
Eda accepting her cursed side is the first step to begin this traumatic healing process. At this point, I don’t think the show will cure Eda of her curse and I don’t think they should honestly. It teaches the audience that you sometimes have to live with what you have whether it be a disease, a physical disability or mental illness.
Eda’s harpy form looks amazing. I can’t wait to see what the show will do with this form in the future.
Hooty helping Luz with her crush on Amity was one of the best parts of the episode.
The Tunnel of Love scene and the mixed signals from Luz and Amity had be dying🤣
Luz building up the courage to ask Amity out was so sweet and so real at the same time.
It came off as real conversation between awkward teens trying to figure a romantic relationship out🥰
This happened sooner than I thought, but I’m glad it did. This is huge, especially for a Disney show.
Just when I started to like Hooty a lot more, he had to mess it up when he ate a letter from someone who could be King’s dad (?)
Hooty freaking out when he thinks he messed with helping King, Eda and Luz never got old 😂
The comedy was on point with this episode and I love how everything just falls in to place.
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Episode 9: Eclipse Lake(Personal Favorite)
This episode had so much going on and I have a lot to say.
We get back to the Emperor Belos plotline of him trying to get to the human world and find out the Belos has actually been to the human world previously🤔
I wonder what Belos wants to do with Hunter and how he relates to these “plans”
Hunter is totally going to get betrayed by his uncle 😥
Amity’s palisman is adorable, I guess she got it off-screen
“DragonClaw Z”😂😂😂
Love how everyone is coming together to protect the house, it shows they really know what’s at stake
Amity using every opportunity she gets to call Luz her girlfriend is so cute❤
Hard to believe she hated his girl’s guts at the beginning of last season lol
Sick Luz is funny Luz
More lore about the secrets of the Boiling Isles and Titan’s Blood
I really wish Luz could have came to Eclipse Lake with the rest of the cast, but I guess the rest of the cast needed to experience Hunter for themselves lol
Hunter being roasted by Eda, King and Amity was hilarious 😂
“A bad, but sad boy.”-Yep that’s our Hunter 🤣
Hunter trying to get into Amity’s head concerning her relationship with Luz and her role in the Boiling Isles was surprising
I’m going to assume that Amity hasn’t been in a romantic relationship before so everything with Luz is new to her. Amity is usually very level-headed.
Even though Harpy-Eda is cool, I like that Eda doesn’t know how to control his form yet, it shows that she has a lot to learn before this form this 100% mastered
Hunter’s desperation to get his uncle’s approval is just sad; I really want to know his backstory because this isn’t it at all
Praise King for helping Amity figure out the text messages🙌
I love how Amity tries to relate to Hunter, it sweet and shows how much she has grown. If only see did a better job of hiding the key 😣
The fight between Amity and Hunter is amazing. I love when the show just flexes its animation like this. 
It may not be better than Eda and Lilith’s fight, but I still felt the tension between these two characters. When these two grow up, they are going to be some of the most powerful witches in the Boiling Isles for sure.
Hunter getting to Amity’s head about harming Luz is a low blow imo, but I’m glad Amity knew what was at stake in the situation
Crushing the key was smart tho. Even in stressful situations like these, Amity still keeps her cool. We love to see it😉
Luz can now use some of the Titan’s Blood from Amity’s glove to try to return back home!!!
This episode had no business being this good. When the plot kicks in the show, it never fails to deliver.
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Episode 10: Yesterday’s Lie (Personal Favorite)
We finally catch up with what’s going on back on Earth and find out more about Luz’s impersonator. 
The gang making a makeshift portal out all of Eda’s junk is very creative. I wondered what they were going to do with that stuff now that Eda can’t sell human collectables anymore.
The dimension that Luz enters through the portal is very trippy and creative. It makes sense since the portal they made is not authentic. 
Luz mirror hoping and seeing someone impersonate her had to be scary. I couldn’t imagine.
We find out that Luz’s impersonator is actually a creature from the Boiling Isles known as a “Basilisk”
Vee’s backstrory is awful, I completely understand why she came to Earth and got comfortable after what she went through
We find out that Eda interacted with humans with an alias known as “Marylin”😂
Even though Luz doesn’t find a way home, this is the next best thing to let her mom know that she is okay.
Jacob gave off weird vibes immediately, so when he captures Vee to use her for fame, I wasn’t surprised.
What did surprise me was the fact that Jacob has been watching Vee for a while and he had the house where she transformed in monitored
I wonder if he’s seen anything else🤔
Camila is the GOAT. She came through and helped Vee out. A lot of people would have just ignored the situation, but she knew that Vee was important to Luz and I respect that👏👏
I’m glad she also agrees to keep Vee despite the situation
The scene between Luz and Camila was very heart-wrenching. Luz came clean about everything and Camila’s reaction to that was expected but it was still sad to see
The music and Camila trying to reach out to Luz was just 😭
This episode is a great mid-season finale. This episode addressed so much and foreshadows a lot of plot points to come in the later episodes.
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The first half of season 2 had some bangers. More than half of these episodes are already in my top favorites of the series and we still have 11 episodes left. Good Job Owl House. I can’t wait see what the other half has left in store 🙌🙌
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sidegardens · 3 years
Podfic of : Charming by @anyawen Part 2 of Technomage Series. Length : 3:44 Summary: Bond has questions for his Quartermaster. Ao3 link to Podfic (I'm still learning and get hella anxious, plix be kind! <3 )
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felinaxd · 5 years
Datos de Trixx #7
¿Trixx Con Quien o Que Pelea Realmente?:
Trixx Lucha y Pelea con Muchas Personas pero Lucha a Muerte para Absorber su Poder y hacerse mas Fuerte pero no solo pelea con Humanos y Monstruos también Pelea con Unos Seres realmente Peligrosos y Dementes llamados “Los Virus” si!! Son Virus pero esos de computadora ni virus de enfermedades sino que son Virus de Almas tan Corruptas que ni su Alma ni su cuerpo Pudieron soportar Esa Corrupción y Terminaron convertidos en Virus, Infectando a Otros Almas o Au’s para crecer y para seguir viviendo... y que Solo Trixx junto con los “Unster” Pueden Derrotar aqui un dibujo con una pequeña descripción que hice para darles un ejemplo
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“Su Naturaleza es Impotente”
“Este Virus vaga sin rombo fijo, Mostrando Su Rota apariencia Mientra camina deja un rastro de Destrucción y Dolor a su Paso, No importa nada... Para este Tonto Virus su Único Deber es Caminar sin Dirección Alguna”
Por Ciertos No todos los Virus son iguales, TODOS!!! y cada uno de ellos son muy diferentes y de paso queria hacer algo divertido :3.....
a ver que tan listos son!!! >:3 y solo dare tres pistas para quien los quiera :v solo tienen ir a hacer una pregunta y decir “Pista Plix” y listo les dare una pista para lo descubran :D
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p1-yeeet · 6 years
Me puedes dibujar a llimiro y a Sakuri? (Son mis otros personajes)
Pero por supuesto!!!! como decirle no a ti?Mandame referencia plix :3
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mediationandmind999 · 3 years
Types of protein powder
There are several different types of protein powder. Whey is the most popular protein supplement and the one that researchers have tended to focus on, but it is not the only one. Common types of protein powder include
1.Whey: This water-soluble milk protein is popular among athletes. It is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all of the amino acids that the human body requires from food. The body absorbs whey protein quickly and easily.
2.Casein: This type of protein is rich in glutamine, an amino acid that may speed up muscle recovery after exercise. Casein comes from dairy, making it unsuitable for vegans and people with milk allergies. The body digests this protein more slowly, so it may be best to take it at night.
3.Soy: Soy protein is an excellent alternative to whey or casein for people who do not consume dairy. It also contains all the essential amino acids.
4.Pea: Many plant-based protein powders contain pea protein, which is a high-quality alternative to soy- and dairy-based proteins. Pea protein is a good source of the amino acid arginine.
5.Hemp: Hemp seeds are complete proteins that also contain essential fatty acids. This makes hemp an excellent choice for vegans or those with dairy or soy allergies.
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mish03 · 5 years
Plant Protein- Sources, Benefits & Uses
A Definitive Guide To Plant ProteinWhat is Plant-Based Protein?
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In a strict sense, a plant protein diet is basically an eating regimen comprising of plants or an eating regimen in which the establishment is produced using plants. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ characterizes Vegetarian diet as being without creature tissue, fish and fish.
Notwithstanding, there are firmly related terms like lacto-veggie lover, ovo-vegan or lacto-ovo vegan which essentially implies abstains from food that incorporate dairy, eggs or both, individually. In any case, discussing vegan abstains from food, they are the ones that don’t contain any creature tissue, dairy, fish, fish or eggs and furthermore reject nectar from the rundown.
When was it utilized first?
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plant based protein
Vegan slims down are not only a pattern; they’ve for some time been a staple of human dietary examples and they keep on being mainstream even today.
The principal Dietary Guidelines for Americans were discharged in 1980. MyPlate rules, which depend on the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, incorporate data to make a decent vegan eating example to address nourishing issues. Rules express that vegans can get enough protein if the assortment and measures of nourishments devoured are satisfactory.
Beforehand, vegan rules were remembered for the 2010–2015 Dietary Guidelines. This previous adaptation was less careful in how to adjust a vegan diet and rather taught on the most proficient method to substitute a similar measure of plant nourishments for meat alternatives. Notwithstanding, new rules remember changes for nutrition class creation and part sums for veggie lovers.
Benefits of Plant Protein powder
Protein is our weight training square, particularly of bones, muscles and skin. The body needs it to create hormones, catalysts, and different synthetic concoctions.
The medical advantages of plant protein powders are bounty. We should take a gander at some of them:
Sound Gut
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sound gut
Research distributed in the diary Nutrients shows that the individuals who eat a plant-based eating regimen have progressively defensive species in their gut that help keeps aggravation levels low. Including more plants into your eating routine is advantageous in treating gut microbiome decent variety. Holding microbiome levels under control can assist you with improving your general wellbeing and prosperity. Though an absence of it could prompt weariness, nervousness, despondency, skin issues, immune system sicknesses, bringing about poor gut wellbeing.
2. Weight Control
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getting more fit
Eating nourishments wealthy in protein and taking protein supplements assists individuals with feeling more full for longer since plant-based enhancements have more fiber in it.
What occurs consequently is one will in general nibble less as often as possible and devour littler segment sizes which can enable an individual to keep up a solid weight or shed pounds if vital. Organic plant protein may in this way be strong for weight reduction.
Eating plant proteins rather than creature protein lessens your caloric admission and lifts nourishing profile. An ongoing report done in 2018 announced that organic protein consumption diminishes body weight and absolute fat mass in individuals.
3. Less Side Effects
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reactions of protein powder
Despite the fact that Whey Protein is the favored choice for building muscle, it is well on the way to cause unfavorably susceptible responses in individuals who are intentionally or accidentally narrow minded towards lactose utilization.
It is said that 75% of the populace is lactose prejudiced and their side effects go from swelling, heartburn, disquiet to other comparable unfavorably susceptible response.
Our 100% plant-based equation got from an ideal mix of Brown rice and Pea protein is the best answer for this issue. It gives you more fiber, is stacked with cancer prevention agents that battle free radicals, have plant-based stomach related proteins like Bromine and Papain discovered normally in Pineapple and Papaya separately, and is additionally gluten, soy and sans lactose.
Dissimilar to other protein powders that may have added substances included them to cause you to feel more full, Plix is hypoallergenic!
Our item contains no GMO’s and we utilize common sugars to shiver your tastebuds.
4. Bioavailability
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Plant-based proteins are progressively bioavailable contrasted with different wellsprings of protein. Bioavailability is the scale rating or rate to which our bodies can utilize certain protein sources. Our bodies and stomach related frameworks ingest some protein superior to anything others relying upon their amino corrosive profile. All protein sources comprise of various arrangements of amino corrosive profiles; some are higher contrasted with others.
This is particularly significant on the off chance that you experience issues with assimilation, for example, nourishment bigotry, slow digestion, swelling, or blockage. At the point when protein is progressively bioavailable body can use it better to fix muscle tissue after a hard exercise.
5. FibrousMeal
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stringy dinner
Plants are profoundly stringy. Fiber is a kind of starch that can’t separated into absorbable sugar atom. It is useful for the body. Accordingly, fiber goes through the intestinal tract moderately unblemished.
Fiber comprises of both dissolvable and just as insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber like Psyllium Husk enables our stomach related framework to run easily. The dissolvable fiber keeps us feeling full and substance after we eat.
There are numerous Whey protein powders out there that guarantee to be dinner substitution alternatives, yet the distinction with plant-based protein is this normally keeps you full, keeps up wellbeing and manufactures fit muscles. In the event that you look at the two, plant protein is increasingly reasonable in light of the fact that it’s characteristic.
A total wellspring of protein is nourishment things like Soy and Quinoa which can be taken as complete suppers in themselves since they comprise of a total amino corrosive profile (building squares of protein).
Most protein-rich things convey various arrangements of amino corrosive profiles or parts of this profile. Most ideal approach to get total sustenance is to consolidate various sources together, which is the thing that we did with our protein supplement. We joined 2 unique arrangements of amino corrosive profiles found in Brown Rice and Peas that consummately supplement one another and thought of a plant-based nourishing mix that gives you 25 grams of complete protein in each scoop.
6. Pea Protein is a Great Source of Iron.
pea protein
As of now, Red meat best the rundown of rich iron sources in the International eating routine, yet our vegan pea protein is no less. It’s the most ideal route for veggie lovers to get their fix. One serving of pea protein powder contains 35 percent of your Daily Value of iron.
In the event that you look at, a similar serving size of creature based whey protein contains 0 percent of your iron DV. So not exclusively are you getting a huge segment of your every day iron needs off the beaten path, but on the other hand you’re getting a lot of protein.
Organic protein powder offers manifolds of medical advantages and can be a favored wellspring of protein to numerous individuals, particularly those with certain ailments and the individuals who are lactose prejudiced.
Wellsprings of Plant-based protein:
1) Quinoa
quinoa protein
Quinoa is a grain crop that is developed for its consumable seed. It is fundamentally a seed which is arranged and eaten like a grain.
1 Cup of Cooked Quinoa = 8g Protein
2) Lentil
lentils protein source
These are high in fiber and are brilliant wellsprings of iron, follate and magnesium.
1 Cup of cooked Lentils = 9g of protein
3) Brown Rice
dark colored rice protein source
Dark colored rice is a vegan staple predominantly on the grounds that it’s cheap, heavenly and stuffed with fiber. Asians love it and you should attempt them as well.
1 Cup of Brown Rice = 5g of Protein
4) Green Peas
pea protein source
There are a lot of valid justifications why you should begin including a bunch of peas in your eating regimen. Stacked with nutrient A, B-1, B-6, C, peas are a rich wellspring of phytonutrients, nutrients and minerals which helps in advancing the vision and eye wellbeing.
So fundamentally, your regular Matar Paneer is a decent fix for day by day protein admission.
Protein Punch
7g per 1 cup serving
5) Kidney beans
kidney beans protein source
Kidney beans or Rajma is another protein-rich staple promptly accessible in Indian family units. Known to be loaded with sugars, nutrients, minerals, cell reinforcements and fiber, it is a healthy supper that can be appreciated with rice or chapatis.
Kidney beans can help in weight reduction, moderate glucose levels and advance colon wellbeing.
100g of Kidney beans = 24g of protein
6) Chia seeds
chia seeds protein source
History of Chia seeds is followed back to Aztecs and the Mayan human progress. These little dark seeds are a powerhouse of significant supplements. Wealthy in omega-3 unsaturated fats, cancer prevention agents, fiber, iron and calcium, it is useful in raising great cholesterol levels.
Begin adding chia seeds to your smoothies or sprinkle them on your yogurt. Benefit as much as possible from it in any structure you like.
Protein Punch
2 tablespoon for a solid grown-up contains 2g of protein
While these Sources are a phenomenal wellspring of protein, they probably won’t have a total amino corrosive profile. A protein source which has all the nine fundamental amino acids is known as a total amino corrosive profile.
Plix contains all the nine fundamental amino acids and significantly more. We give you 25g of protein in each serving which comes in regular flavors like Raw Chocolate, Vanilla Banana, Café Mocha and Mango! (which is our top choice)
Peruse the full article on plant-based protein sources here
Plant-Based Protein Vs Whey protein
plant protein versus whey protein
plant protein versus whey protein
Peruse the full article on Plant Protein Vs Whey Protein here.
plix organic plant protein
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Plix — the plant fix is probably the best combo of various vegan plant proteins, including pea and dark colored rice protein with superfoods, cell reinforcements, and electrolytes. It is 100 percent veggie lover and contains no milk substitutes which is the reason it is Vegan as well. Plix has all the characteristics an ideal veggie lover protein ought to have. In addition, it is accessible in little sachets, simple to convey while voyaging and inside the ideal b
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prarticle02 · 2 years
5 Important Benefits of Glutathione you should know
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that has amazing health and skin benefits including anti-aging properties! The super antioxidant decreases the risk of life-threatening diseases such as cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons and even heart disease. Our skin loves Glutathione as it makes it look healthy and glow from the inside!
Glutathione is arguably one of the most important supplements that your body requires. Let’s find out why.
So, what is Glutathione?
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Glutathione is a peptide that is present in all our bodies naturally. It is produced by the liver to protect the body against harmful substances including free radicals and pollutants. It is found in our cells and acts as a barrier to neutralise toxins. It is completely safe and natural for our body as it is present in our cells. Glutathione plays a key role in our health and is proven to have multiple health benefits to our skin.
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Let’s take a deeper look at 5 Important Benefits Glutathione:
1. Glutathione is anti-aging
The powerful antioxidants in Glutathione fight free radicals and protect our bodies from their damaging effects. These antioxidant properties protect our skin from pollutants, the sun and environmental damages. This reverses signs of ageing while also being anti-aging. From the age of 20, our bodies produce 1% less collagen every year. Glutathione helps boost collagen peptides in our bodies naturally, making us look younger.
 2. Glutathione keeps the heart healthy
Research shows that cardiovascular disease can be caused by oxidative stress in the heart tissue. Decreased action of glutathione along with lower levels of cardiac and system glutathione is linked to oxidative stress in the heart. Hence Glutathione supplementation can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
 3. Glutathione keeps the skin bright and fades scars
Glutathione blocks melanin transfer therefore brightening the skin and reducing uneven pigmentation. Glutathione therefore plays the role of a melanin inhibiting agent. In the skin, glutathione converts the dark eumelanin to light golden coloured pheomelanin. This results in a lighter and glowing skin tone. Glutathione is also a detox agent which helps with the treatment of acne, pigmentation and several other skin disorders and also detoxifies chemicals, including those our body creates naturally. It fades acne scars and brightens the skin.
 4. Glutathione protects the liver
Glutathione offsets oxidative stress which advances liver disease. It is vital in detoxing the liver hence maintains liver health. When the body is fighting toxins, the liver creates glutathione to help against the damage. If the body is running out of glutathione the liver becomes vulnerable to damage.
 5. Glutathione prevents against cancer
Studies have shown that Glutathione can have significant effects in preventing cancer cell division and survival.  Cancer increases oxidative stress and glutathione deficiency can advance damage to healthy cells. There is a correlation between increasing the intake of glutathione and decreasing the risk of cancer. Glutathione also repairs damage caused to the body by cancer treatment medications.
The Importance of Glutathione Supplementation
As we age, there is a natural decline of Glutathione in our bodies. This occurs due to free radical damage, toxin exposure, stress and natural ageing. Supplementing Glutathione is required to keep the peptide levels optimal and for beautiful skin. Consuming Plix’s Glutathione supplements are the perfect way to clear and brighten your skin, delay signs of ageing and fight free radicals, protecting your skin from pollutants. Besides benefits to the skin, the overall benefits of Glutathione supplements include protecting all the parts of our body against oxidative stress
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Glutathione Supplements can be easily consumed in the form of Plix’s Glutathione Skin Glow Effervescent Tablets. These tablets are antioxidant rich and help clear the skin, delay signs of ageing and fight free radicals. Beyond Glutathione, they contain a blend of vitamin E, aloe, acai, blueberry and vitamin C making them delicious and filled with multiple benefits that make your skin glow. This rich combination of nutrient supplements improve skin texture naturally. The benefits of Plix Glutathione Skin Glow Effervescent tablets include boosting collagen production and increasing skin elasticity internally. The Glutathione effervescent are clinically studied to decrease melanin production. This controls and treats skin pigmentation and discoloration. It results in healthier, clearer and brighter skin.
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misscherrycherry · 5 years
3, 47 and 88 plix plox
3. 2 turn ons
Neck kisses and attention
47. Do I have any nicknames?
Στας, σποράκι, κοντή, μπουρμπουληθρίνι κλπ κλπ
88. What do I like about myself?
Εμμμμ ναι οκ
plix plox???
0 notes
solefiness · 5 years
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Could this be the only Fila Disruptor update you need?! The new Fila Disruptor 3 features multi coloured pastels uppers with hints of pink, lilac, baby blue, mint and yellow, and has also been fitted with two-tone zippers making them even easier to lace up than ever before! Available now in US5.5-11 including all halves, tag your BFF who needs a pair too! #filadisruptor3 #filadisruptor #forthehoneys https://www.instagram.com/p/BwTqx5-pLIx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i6t6b5i5d77s
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appinsta · 6 years
32 temporarily free and 31 on-sale apps and games to start the week
Another week is here. We have more app sales to get through today, including the fantastic Sleep as Android unlock key. As I've said before, if you're at all interested in sleep tracking, this is the app to get. Otherwise, it's a fairly standard selection today, so take a look through to see if anything catches your eye.
Notes Pro $1.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 1 day
VGBAplus - Pro GAMEBOY Emulator (No Ads) $3.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 1 day
Lose Weight in 20 Days PRO $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 2 days
App lock & gallery vault $4.49 -> Free; Sale ends in 5 days
Email Pro $4.49 -> Free; Sale ends in 5 days
Extremely Deep Meditation (Pro) $3.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 7 days
Note Recognition - Convert Music into Sheet Music $3.49 -> Free; Sale ends in 7 days
Hook $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 9 hours
PUSH $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 9 hours
Cannon Master VIP $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 2 days
CashKnight ( Soul Event Version ) $9.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 2 days
Maze Games - Teeter $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 2 days
V for Vampire $1.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 2 days
Artists Kids Coloring Book $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 3 days
Game School $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 3 days
Dead Bunker II HD $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 5 days
Dead Bunker 3: On a Surface $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 5 days
SliderMania Wonders Pro (Puzzles) $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 5 days
Sonny The Mad Man $1.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 5 days
TouchBlocks PRO $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 5 days
Icon packs & customization
3D Steampunk Travel Pro lwp $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 1 day
Piranha Aquarium 3D lwp $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 1 day
Art Alive: Night 3D Pro lwp $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 2 days
PARIS Wallpapers 4K Pro ( PARIS Backgrounds ) $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 3 days
Falco HD Wallpapers $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 4 days
Flat X Pixel - Icon Pack $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 4 days
MIUY 10 - Icon Pack $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 4 days
UX Experience S9 - Icon Pack $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 4 days
3D/4D HyperCube Color Style $2.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 5 days
Plix - Icon Pack $0.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 6 days
Space-X Watch Face Interactive $1.49 -> Free; Sale ends in 7 days
Slou - Icon Pack $1.99 -> Free; Sale ends in 7 days
Call Recorder Unlock $9.99 -> $5.99; Sale ends in 2 days
Sleep as Android Unlock $5.99 -> $2.99; Sale ends in 3 days
Advanced Sport Training Calendar $2.49 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
Call Notes Pro - Notes in Hand $3.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
CastBack Plus (Podcast Player) $1.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
Childhood diseases $2.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
Gastric Band Hypnosis,NLP&EFT $3.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
RemindCall - Call Reminder, Call Notes $3.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
Sun-based Fasting Tracker - Circa Fasting $2.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
Vape Tools Box [for true Geeks] $2.49 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
Barando VPN - Super Fast Proxy, Secure Hotspot VPN $7.99 -> $3.99; Sale ends in 6 days
Radio Alarm Clock++ (clock radio and radio player) $2.49 -> $1.25; Sale ends in 6 days
Password Manager SafeInCloud Pro $7.99 -> $4.99; Sale ends in 6 days
VGBAnext - GBA / GBC Emulator $4.99 -> $2.99; Sale ends in 6 days
Heroscape Guide $1.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 7 days
NetX Network Tools PRO $2.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 7 days
Planet Genesis 2 - solar system sandbox $2.49 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 7 days
QR-Barcode Scanner Pro $2.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 7 days
Patchwork The Game $3.49 -> $2.29; Sale ends in 9 hours
1849 $4.99 -> $1.99; Sale ends in 2 days
Radium 2 $3.49 -> $1.49; Sale ends in 4 days
Warrior Chess $1.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 4 days
Dividing Fractions $2.49 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
Word Games PRO $1.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
Z.O.N.A Project X Redux $1.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 5 days
E30 M3 Drift Simulator PRO $2.49 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 6 days
Panzer Warfare: Tank Strike $3.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 6 days
The House of Da Vinci $4.99 -> $3.49; Sale ends in 6 days
Volt $1.99 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 7 days
Icon packs & customization
Amazing Land Pro $1.49 -> $0.99; Sale ends in 7 days
HSW lite pack $8.99 -> $3.99; Sale ends in 7 days
Read More
32 temporarily free and 31 on-sale apps and games to start the week was written by the awesome team at Android Police.
from Android Police – Android news, reviews, apps, games, phones, tablets https://ift.tt/2O5kzZJ from Blogger https://ift.tt/2wZFCW9 https://ift.tt/2nVt4vu
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aliencompetitivo · 8 years
Muchas veces he pedido en distintos blogs una descripción y soy totalmente ignorada, no me de fraudes plix😔😭😭😭 Soy solar: Tauro. Luna: Escorpio. Asc: Libra. MC: Sagitario. Pd: siempre me identifico muuuuucho con Escorpio Ten linda noche:3
Hahaha tranquila n.n sólo ignoro cuando ando sad o molesta xDD baia intensidad pura camuflajeada de tranquilidad, te gustan las cosas estables y odias que algo sea imprevisto, eres la clase de la persona que quizá no dice todo al momento pero lo va guardando para después, tienes mucho carácter, quizá demasiado ggg
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