#Please put that fluorite in my mouth of my god
darkandwholesome · 1 year
me, at 2am, just finished writing 2 hours work (2000 words) of fanfiction, not being able to post it because my internet it down, drinking hot choco, and scrolling through Pinterest:
i w
i wanna put
i wanna put it in my mouwth.
Tumblr media
in my mth.
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bakashidan · 7 years
Malachite and Her Impact on Fusions: a Personal Thought
Okay fUg I drank too much coffee and my head is now full with theories from various things hhhhhhh.
Awight. So. Malachite.
The God damn OP fusion between Jasper and Lapis, whom we have only seen a few times, whose appearance is even less human than Alexandrite. (I mean yea Alexandrite has 3 pairs of arms and eyes and two mouths but you get my point, right?)
I love Malachite more than I love Lapis herself (tHIS SAYS A LOT OK), and as SU fans churn out fusion ideas and illustrations almost as much as they churn out tears for s5’ fifth episode, I can’t help but wonder if any fusion between Jasper or Lapis with other gems will result in inhumane characteristics like Malachite???
I’ve seen a lot of the fusion ideas and I must say I’m pretty surprised with the amount of very, very humanoid designs of fusions between J/L with any other gems. The only wild fusion idea had the form of a spider quartz and it was between Jasper, Rose, and Amethyst. (Kudos to the artist!)
Now, I’m not saying those J/L fusions were bad - they’re all fantastic and creative, and I love how the artists put so much thoughts into the designs - but I kinda want to see what the Crewniverse has in mind for those fusions! Malachite, for an instance, did not look like J and L that much. Fusions take apart the appearances and personalities of the parent gems but they are essentially a different gem from the parents - with exceptions for Steven, because in my head I honestly think that his half human part plays a big factor in his fusion forms.
In Alone at Sea, Jasper bluntly stated that Lapis is a monster - a gem with so much power and potential, a quality opposites her frail appearance. Jasper, a superior quartz soldier who came out of her hole with her helmets on and took down around 80 crystal gem soldiers on the very same day, admitted that Lapis is bleeping strong that she begged her to fuse back into Malachite. And Yellow Diamond’s simple description of Lapis Lazulis - to terraform - also kinda gives away how supah strong! (READ IT IN STEVEN’S VOICE PLEASE) Lapis is.
I have so much questions in my head I can’t even begin asking them. Assuming that a fusion form is determined by the inner strength of the parent gems and not their outer appearance, would a Lapis + Amethyst fusion be as powerful and big as Malachite? I’m asking this purely based on a wonderful theory (which I will link later) of Amethyst being a deep cut gem whose power passes other other quartzes. Even though Jasper overwhelmed her by sheer brute force, I believe that if Amethyst had as much battle experience and training as Jasper had, she would’ve won against J.
Another question I have is whether the correlations between the parent gems affect the appearance of the fusion. Rebecca said that Fluorite’s caterpillar-like form is the result of too many gems fused together - from the shapes of her gems, we can safely assume that Fluorite is made up of various gems from various classes / types. Then there’s Malachite and Sugilite, both of which consist of only 2 different gems but have monster-ish qualities in their forms. We all know that gems of the same type and color will only form a bigger version of themselves when fused, and I personally like to think that fusions are so much like math: •A+A equals 2A, like the rubies, •A+B = C, like Garnet, •but if A meets C the result wouldn’t be D (with power closer to C) - instead the result would be something like G (more or less double the power of A+C), like what happened between Jasper and Lapis.
When Malachite first came into life in SU, she gave out so much hints and surprises that nobody seemed to be really talking about (unless I’ve missed it badly). Alexandrite is a fusion between 4 gems (roughly saying, weaker gems - Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl and Amethyst were all considered crappy by Jasper) but she looks so much more human than Malachite, and not so much bigger than her. WHY??? Shouldn’t a fusion between 4 gems be wayyy greater than a mere 2 gems fusion? >this is literally me before my brain started to work the fusion maths thingy popped out.
And again with Fluorite! She’s a 6 gems fusion yo. 6 gems. And I dare say her size isn’t as big as Alexandrite, or at least any bigger than Al. So maybe, just maybe, the number of gems doesn’t really play a role in a fusion’s form or power. We still haven’t seen what Fluorite could do, so maybe this theory is shit, but by taking examples and deductions out of the existing fusions I’d put my money on this.
Next we have Rhodonite in comparison to Opal. Our Pearl is a war veteran who fused with da deep cut gurl Amethyst while Rhodonite’s Pearl is a mere servant who fused with a Ruby, whom both worked for a morganite, and I strongly believe that they are not battle hardened due to the fact that they thought Earth had been decimated by the diamonds. Yes, they may have been under Morganite, who could’ve served under Pink Diamond for the obvious color scheme reason - but really? A pearl and a ruby got involved that much with the war? Rhodonite’s Ruby might have first-hand battle experiences, but she’s still just a ruby, and I doubt the pearl had ever punched another gem. So the difference between Opal (being a giant woman) and Rhodonite is their inner strength - Opal is far more powerful because our Pearl and Amethyst had improved so much than their initial state. This also indicates that maybe a fusion can get far, far more bigger and capable if the parent gems improve the bleep out of themselves. But maybe the fault within Opal (HAHAHAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE) is that the fusion partner was Amethyst, whom people theorize as being a superior deep-cut quartz.
Now, onto the actual appearance of the fusions - we know that gems improve and change their appearance when they reform, including fusions (like Garnet! Yayyy). But how much time does a fusion need to reform to acquire their ‘original’ form? Both Garnet and Rodhonite were and are a messy mix of the parent gems, and though we have never seen Opal’s, Sugilite’s, Sardonyx’s or any other fusions’ initial form (you know - any of the fusions mentioned must have happened during war or after and they all had plenty of time to purposefully poof and reform themselves), we can safely say that all fusions have to undergo a few reforms first before reaching their original form. What would Malachite’s true form look like? I NEED THIS. SO. BAD.
That and I secretly want to see more monster-ish fusions ESPECIALLY between Lapis or Jasper and any other gems.
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