#Played through once on easy and a second time on normal.
bluehoodedmousebane · 2 months
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This happens on every single level btw.
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bluetimeombre · 1 month
・❥ 'Are you Hugh down under?' p2
You and Hugh were the stars of the biggest movie, Wolverine and Ladypool, and fans love the two of you.
[Here's p2, thank you for loving the last one and being as obsessed as I am. I hope i got everyone on the tag list and the second part to Ladypool and Wolverine is on its way. Again this isn't proof read, this is just vibes. There's some sexual innuendos and sexist comments that Hugh is at the rescue for. Also, i'm British so half of these interviews just end up being British icons]
part one
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You and Hugh being in love for twenty-five minutes (part two)
2017, Y/N heart monitor
You were doing an interview for your latest movie with Nick Grimshaw on BBC radio one. It was a new thing he'd come up with, trying it with you for the first time as you were hooked up to a heart rate monitor.
'Is it working?' asked Nick. 'Is she alive?'
You help him put the stickers onto you. 'It's like, there's nothing there,' you joke with them.
'She's a robot.'
The beeping began and it found your heart beating at a steady pace, a good start.
'So, I'm going to show you a series of images and we're just gonna see how you react to these images, ok?' he asked.
You grin, nerves kicking in. 'Ok.' It could have been anything. And boy were you right.
Some of them were fine, easy, normal. A picture of a co-star the heart rate was fine, a pair of shoes that you wore a lot, a picture of cash and an ex that had it risen but not alarmingly.
'And finally,' Nick picked up an image. 'Hugh Jackman! How does he make you feel?'
Your cheeks go red and you laugh. 'I hate you all so much, um, Hugh Jackman?' you were too busy laughing. Once you had made a joke about Wolverine and how good looking he was, now it was following you everywhere.
'Heartbeats rising!' Nick cheered as you covered your face. 'Heartbeats the highest it's ever been, eighty-five, up to ninety! One hundred!' he claps.
You bang your head on the table, finally finding control over yourself. 'I can't believe you all.'
Nick slid the picture over to you. 'Here, you can take that one home with you.'
'Thanks. He looks great there, doesn't he?' you say. 'A classic, Hugh Jackman picture.'
'Yeah, you like it?' he teased.
You grinned. 'That's going on my wall when I get home.'
The Graham Norton show
You and Hugh had walked out, waving at the adorning crowd that cheered as you took the sofa.
‘Hello! Hello!’ Graham called.
The two of you looked the pair as you smiled and sat next to each other in spite of the space on the sofa.
‘Sofa to ourselves, i like that,’ you say, lying back.
‘The other guests were too intimidated,’ said Graham. ‘Now, was the walk out ok for you guys, Hugh, are you happy?’ He asked.
Hugh frowned. The crowd laughed. ‘It was very good, thank you.’
‘Because, is it true- and Y/N correct me if I’m wrong, you had a specific song you walked out onto set with?’ He asked.
Immediately knowing what he was talking about, you laugh while Hugh hangs his head and sighs.
You sat straight and took to explaining while patting his back. ‘You see, it’s very tough for Hugh to get into character as Wolverine sometimes. So the only way was to get him out the trailer was to play a specific song.’
‘Ok, ok so shall we do it again, this time with the song?’ Graham proposed. He ushered you both backstage, Hugh squeezing your shoulders as you went.
‘Whatta a man’ by salt and pepper started playing and you led the way out for Hugh who danced his way out. The crowd clapped along as Hugh shows his moves and ended with dipping.
‘Oh wonderful!’ Graham called as the two of you took your seats again.
For the rest of the interview thing went very smoothly.
‘Now is is true that the first time you met, Hugh, you didn’t actually meet Y/N?’
Hugh again huffed and shook his head. ‘This show is all to embarrass me, isn’t it?’
‘Makes a change honestly,’ you say.
Hugh looked back to you and started to tell the story. Through out, his body had moved toward you, his entire presence facing you despite talking out to everyone. ‘When I first walked on set, you know, at the ready, I was very excited to be there and even more excited to meet this wonderful lady here. And I got suited up, you know, went to hair and makeup and one of our first shots was quite a challenging one, a big stunt.’
‘Big,’ you agreed, taking a sip of your drink. You knew where the story was going.
‘Yea, so anyway, I walk over to Y/N whose already in her suit. Looks great by the way. Anyway so I start introducing myself and saying hello and how thankful I am for being here, a real heart to heart you know-‘ he says, ‘and then Y/N walked in and i realized I’d been speaking to her stunt double the whole time- whole time!’
The crowd laugh as do you, almost choking on your drink.
Wolverine and Ladypool press:
You and Hugh sat with each other all day doing press. You kept it light with jokes between the two of you, working through the people and questions.
One particular interviewer just had to get his answers though. ‘So your suit,’ he starts, looking to you. ‘It’s very tight and eventuated several parts of you, did you find that hard to manoeuvre around?’
Hugh answered before you had the chance to open your mouth. ‘I found it very easy to move around in. You know, first x-men movie, not so much but these suits, are perfect.’
The guy chuckled, it was clearly forced but you thanked Hugh for taking the question, patting his knee. ‘Can you wear like panties with them or thongs, cause they are skin tight.’
‘I’ll take this one!’ Said Hugh again. ‘I go commando, but that’s just because I like it.’
‘He does, he does like it,’ you nod, grinning. ‘He’s going commando right now actually.’
The guy tried one more time to ask you a question about the suit. At this rate, your entire body turned to face Hugh. ‘Do you feel sexy in the suit?’ He asked you.
‘Very,’ said Hugh.
After that, Hugh made several vulgar comments when you were alone, but luckily for you, Hugh was your own superhero.
Buzzfeed quiz
'Hello!' you greet the camera, holding your phone to your chest. 'I'm something-something Jackman.'
'And i'm the greatest actress of all time,' said Hugh.
You deflated, looking at him. 'Oh, well now I just look like a dick.'
'No, it's ok,' he shrugged. 'One of us has to look like a dick.'
The two of you were doing quizzes for Buzzfeed, answering if you're more Ladypool or Wolverine. Although you were sat next to each other, you'd both craned your bodies back so the other couldn't see what you were putting in, like it was a test.
'We're really competitive with each other,' Hugh told the crew.
'Yeah, not with anybody else, but I have to- I just have to prove i'm better than Hugh Jackman at something,' you said.
'Who are you hoping to get?' asked the lady behind the camera.
'Oh, Ladypool, obviously,' you said.
Hugh nodded along, watching you. (Did this man ever not look at you?) 'I wouldn't be angry about getting Ladypool either.'
You tut. 'So quick to betray yourself.'
If you could have a super power, what would you chose?
You read through the options. 'I think telekinesis,' you said. 'Mainly just because I'm lazy and it would be so easy to pick up the tv remote or close the curtains. Very practical.'
'Yeah, that's a good one,' Hugh hummed about it for longer. 'Maybe healing ability.'
You roll your eyes, throwing your head back. 'That's such a Wolverine answer!'
'I know, but I'm getting old, be nice for things to not hurt a lot,' he said.
Who's your favourite MCU character?
Hugh scanned the options. 'I er, don't see Wolverine on here?' he looked around at the crew behind the camera's shaking his head.
'Can't get the staff these days- oh my god Spider-Man's on here!' you cheered, distracted.
'She loves Spider-Man,' Hugh told the camera.
'I do. I really do,' you agreed. 'If it wasn't gonna be Wolvie, it was gonna be Spidey,' you look into the camera, holding your phone to your ear, mimicking for Andrew Garfield to call you.
Hugh dragged his finger of his neck in a cutting off motion if he ever did.
Who do you pick to be your road-trip buddy?
'You have to pick the Wolverine, c'mon,' Hugh nudged you.
You looked through the options which all considered x-men. You hesitated, humming. 'I dunno.'
'We had great fun in the car!'
A red blush took over your cheeks as you re-called the multiple, multiple takes you and Hugh had to do. Hugh saw this and draped his arm over the back of your chair.
'Yeah, but that was- that was different, this is a roadtrip not a porn video in a car,' you joked. 'And Wolverine's like so serious, Rogue, she's so fun.'
'Woah, woah,' Hugh paused everything. 'Rogue is great, don't get me wrong. But who's better!' he pointed at himself. 'Wolverine's not grumpy with you, he loves you!'
You look over at him, grinning sweetly. 'No, you love me and it's judging your character.' For five minutes, the two of you argued over who you'd rather have as a road-trip buddy. Most of it got sped up during the video. 'Ok, fine, I pick Wolverine. Who are you picking?'
'Charles,' said Hugh even though Ladypool was on the list.
You faced the camera, mouth hung open as Hugh laughed loudly and gave you a side hug, assuring you it was a joke but he still clicked on Charles!
Which musical number would you want to perform with your 'Wolverine and Ladypool' cast mate?
'Oh, some great choices!' boasted Hugh as he read through them all.
You smile at him, eyes softening. 'You've awakened the musical theatre beast.'
'Y/n, there's so many good choices! What do we pick?!' he grabbed your hand and squeezed as you watched him with joy.
There was a few choices: 'Love is an Open Door,' from Frozen, 'The other side,' which Hugh obviously did for The Greatest showman. But there was also 'The Love Melody' from Moulin Rouge and 'You're the one that I want,' from Grease and when you both saw that you gave each other a look and knew which one you were picking.
By the end when your results came up you cheered and punched the air, practically jumping out you seat. 'Ladypool! God, this felt like my audition for the character all over again,' you wipe pretend sweat from your brows. 'What did you get?'
Hugh showed you his phone. 'Ladypool! I got Ladypool!'
'We're so alike!' you entwined your fingers. Slowly and dramatically the two of you leant in, pretending you were going in for what would have been a very wet kiss before you both pulled back and explained your answers.
You and Hugh with Alison Hammond again!
The interview with the two of you and Alison Hammond was pretty much the two of you flirting and Alison fangirling. Fans couldn't stop editing it together.
'Ok so obviously there's been a lot of competition between the two of you, so we need to settle who's better once and for all,' said Alison. 'So i've got a series of challenges for the two of you to complete but there's a twist.'
'We're naked!' said Hugh causing you to laugh. 'No, sorry.'
Alison handed you both each a boxing glove. 'I want you to put one on each and sign your autographs, which ever is close wins the point.'
'You're on, Jackman,' you said, already sliding your hand into the boxing glove.
Hugh gave you a cocky smile. 'I am so gonna win this, you know why? Cause you've given me a right boxing glove, but i'm left-handed!' he quickly got to scribbling his autograph.
'Fuck!' you cursed, struggling with your own. (It was bleeped out on this morning).
When you handed them both back to Alison it was obvious who the winner was. 'Thanks for this guys, it'll do numbers on Ebay.'
The two of you practically topple on each other with how hard you laugh.
Next you had to try to open a bottle of water with your gloves on and pour it into glasses and try drinking from it, both of which you failed at. Then the two of you just started fighting each other so Alison called it off like she was your teacher in a rowdy class.
'So, as I am a morning presenter, I thought I'd see how good the two of you would be if you had your own Hugh and Y/N morning show- so here's some guards, scoot closer, scoot closer,' said Alison.
The two of you took the cards and moved your chairs together until your thighs were pressed together. You waited for your cue before the two of you began your audition for your own morning show.
Hugh threw his arm around your shoulder, drawing you in.
'No, Hugh,' you denied, 'we must be professional on tv!'
Alison cackled. 'Yeah, you wouldn't do that on tv.'
Hugh looked offended at the both of you. 'We're re-defining what it means!'
You push him off you and hit him with your cards.
Hugh assesses the camera. 'Where's the shot? Above our chests, perfect, so I can do this.' And he puts his hand on your thigh, sprawling it out as you bite your lip to stop the grin.
'I'm taking this audition seriously, Hugh!'
Finally, the two of you start, acting as if it was a real morning show while Alison gave you pointers.
'Did you have a good weekend?' Hugh asked you (in reality all your weekends had been spent in his company) 'What did you get up to?'
You shrug. 'Nothing much.'
'No,' he interrupted causing you and Alison to laugh. 'When I ask a generic how was your weekend, you have to tell me a great funny story that we've set up before. So, Y/N, what did you do on your weekend?'
'I went fishing,' you said the first thing that popped into your head.
'Did you fall in?' he asked.
'I fell in.'
'That's hilarious!' the way he said it and the way he looked into the camera, caring about it just made you laugh so bad. 'Don't go anywhere, we'll see you after the break!' you were still laughing when Hugh wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck, making kissing noises and hiding behind the cards.
Even more at the premier
You and Hugh stood next to each other, him keeping an arm around your waist as you both listened to the interviewer ask you questions.
'So, Y/N, we found this interview from 2017 and we thought Hugh might like to take a look at it,' they said, pulling out their phone and clicking on a video.
As soon as it started playing, you knew what it was. 'Oh god.' you hid yourself, turning to Hugh as he watched.
It was the famous heart-rate monitor interview, where, when you saw a picture of a shirtless Hugh Jackman, your heart-rate spiked higher than any other picture.
Hugh was smiling the whole time and beamed at you when the video finished. 'You have that effect on me,' he assured you, leaning his head on top of yours and smiling at the interviewer.
'Y/N, do you still feel that way when you look at him now?' they asked.
'More,' you said, speaking loudly over all the noise. 'I feel it ten times more.'
And fans, anyone, could see how much the two of you were in love. Whether it was just flirting or if it was real, it was there and everyone was happy for you.
As the two of you walked off, the camera followed you. Hugh's head was bowed low, seemingly taking low to you as his arm remained around your waist and yours came up to rub his back up and down. He laughed loudly at something you had said before dropping a kiss to the top of your head and continuing on the journey.
(there probably won't be part three but I'm working on another compilation with you and Hugh)
taglist (thank you all!): @geeksareunique, @angstdaddy, @tranquilty, @gotta-go-now, @pear-1206, @chronicallybubbly
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ellsarchive · 2 months
Theo Nott Headcannons!! *.•
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Rebelogs are appreciated <3!!
Either sleeps for at least half of the day or never sleeps at all. This man has never had a normal nights sleep.
—> once, the Slytherins won the house cup. I kid you not when I tell you he didn’t sleep for two days and then slept for 20 hours straight.
Has never been angry in English
—> stubs his toe? Italian. Betrayed? Italian. Someone acting up? ITALIAN.
His arm WILL be around you at all times times whether you like it or not. Whether that’s an arm around your shoulders as you walk through the halls, a hand on your waist when you sit together, or arms wrapped around you as you sleep, is for you to find out.
Actually very loyal when in a relationship, but if he’s hung up on you whilst single he’s the most promiscuous man known to the wizarding world. It’s one of few distractions, in his eyes.
Speaks to you in Italian, saying the words he can’t bring himself to tell you in a way you’ll understand (assuming you don’t speak the language).
He knew he was in love when he found himself scribbling words on to a paper, his quill seeming to know nothing but your name and the way his soul screams it.
—> he’s never considered himself much of a writer. He took up the hobby after falling for you.
His mother taught him to play the piano as a child.
I wouldn’t say he “didn’t believe in love” before you, moreso he wasn’t sure if it was made for him. If he was meant for it. You made him feel so wrong.
Struggles with depression, it gets especially worse when his dad reaches out more.
He cried in the washroom when you took him to meet your parents.
—> your dad loved you despite you taking different paths than him, and your mother is still there. There’s nothing more to ask for. ‘Maybe that’s why he turned out him and you turned out you.’
—> Not long after, he received another letter from his father, and found himself crying into your arms for hours. He couldn’t even explain why, but you didn’t ask. You just held him. In that moment, he was sure his mother had brought you to him.
Offers you a smoke whenever he lights one, but not necessarily because he wants you to take it. He just feels wrong if he’s not offering you what he has.
Actually really nice, despite his sarcasm and apparent coldness. That may be who he seems to be, but anyone who bothers to look further will see what lies beneath.
Not necessarily quiet, but the most reserved of the group. Everyone knows him, but barely anyone knows him.
Lwk Noah (the notebook) coded, but in the “Well that's what we do, we fight... You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing. So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day.” Way.
Reads when he actually has the time, like when the dorms aren’t being used like a frat house and his life actually seems normal. He keeps it to himself, though.
Ended up buying his own first aid kit because you were always in his dorm patching him up.
—> what can he say, though? Mattheo’s always fighting, and he’d be a bad friend not to jump in. Don’t even get him started on when he fights for you, either.
When he fights, no emotion is poured into it. Instead of red hot anger that shoots through his veins and into his knuckles, he’s ice. Face straight as he beats men into the infirmary.
Dresses like if Jacob Elordi, David Beckham, and Brad Pitt had a fashion baby.
Never makes his bed (he’s not leaving it half of the time anyway)
Always says his favourite food is pasta but will DEVOUR a grilled cheese like no other
Loves chocolate chip cookies, holds a particular hatred for oatmeal cookies.
Dreams of people he loves being ripped away from him, and all he can do is beg for it not to happen.
—> sleep talks. Sometimes you’ll hear his faint pleads, and all you can do is hold him tighter and hope it ends soon. You never mention it after because he’d be embarrassed.
A broken, broken boy whose light shines through the breaks in his heart. He’s scared to glue it back together in case it will block out the light, but you’ve made him sure you’ll shine through him no matter what.
“Blue - Billie Eilish”
Also please comment recs for a playlist I’m making for him, or if you’d like more! <33
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anantaru · 1 year
— biting them affectionately
including alhaitham, kaveh, scaramouche, heizou, tighnari, albedo, kazuha, cyno x gn! reader
꒰ genre ꒱ — fluff, crack, this is so random
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alhaitham, who will be at loss of words at first— while, keep in mind, it wasn't easy to get the scribe speechless like that, regardless of how he was never bitten in his life. however, he told himself to never question whenever you'd do anything like that, so for one, he'd simply look at you confused and irritated, before asking you with a stern and stoic blush on his cheeks, "why?" it's not like he doesn't know, but for some reason did he find it quite amusing whenever you'd explain yourself over such little, hilarious things. but, when you decide to bite him again, without answering, he'd just ignore you and keep reading his book.
one might think kaveh will act slightly different than alhaitham, but he's equally confused yet the moment you bite him he'd let out a yell, animalistic, one overly dramatic scream of fake pain, channeling his vocal chords to their fullest extent. "what was that for?!" he whines, rubbing the pulsing red spot on his shoulder, "i just love you." you smile and now, again, he finds himself seeing you as the most adorable thing to ever exist. discernibly did you sense your precious chance of biting him many more times, only faintly, but strong enough to have your boyfriend whine and airily laugh before engaging in a playful fight with you.
if you think scaramouche won't bite you back, you're one naive and wide-eyed individual. this man also doesn't hold back, he'll give it his all to win what you have started. don't be upset when he starts biting you heavier than you do, he sees it as a serious showdown now. "don't go running off now." you're not admitting defeat yet, he fears, but you will, he's sure of it. by now, he has you caged in between his arms while a breezing pain in your belly began to expel, from all the sweet and heavy laughing and cheering. whether or not you will win was long since in the back of your head, what counted was seeing kuni engage in something silly for once, and having a great time at that.
heizou's quick and precise thinking skills were deeply needed in the predicament you both found yourself in. one minute you were lazily cuddling and kissing under the silken sheets before you decided to bite him out of nowhere, not hard, but impressionable. specifically against his neck where he was the most sensitive, "augh." he growls before looking at you, somewhat intrigued, "that came out of nowhere." he huffs, and in some strange way was he already beginning to plan his bloody revenge on you, pulling you on your back before dragging your hands over your head, so you're out of commission, so it's him who can decide where to give you a taste of your own medicine.
at the outset, tighnari thought a random bug bit him out of nowhere, he couldn't even fathom that it was you biting him out of the blue. "wait." he stops the work on his desk, tilting his head to the side where you were comfortably seated in, eagerly, awaiting a response, "was that you?" you can feel the sass in his full sentence as it spread through the seconds of silence before your answer goes right through, "nope." someone must give you an award for keeping your laugh in like that, especially when it was burning and bristling inwardly, "a bug." you shrug, "no, it's you." assuming you're playing mind tricks, he catches the smirk on your lips, "dangerous territory." he coos, the bite mark on his shoulder matches your teeth and thanks to closer inspection he confirms his suspicions. well, good luck to you.
it's not out of the ordinary for albedo to question something insignificant and random a little too deep. "how interesting." he rests his chin against his palm, "is this considered normal amongst humans?" a glittering, infectious smile pulls itself around your lips when he quizzes you on it, over and over, and you settle to do it again without responding, shortly gnawing down on his shoulder, "for me it is." while ruffling his hair until it was practically falling out of the small ponytail, "i see." albedo drags you closer, "should i return it?" by the look of things, this might become a daily occurrence now.
"oh?" kazuha brushes over his arm, holding eye contact, "you're strong." and feigns the heavy proudness in his voice. in actuality, he barely felt your teeth dig into his flesh, but he found the noises you made beyond cute, kind of high pitched within its hilarity. all and all, was this just one of the many things he fell in love with when it came to you and his face lights up in delight and interest when he notices the transparent joy on your lips. there's an almost imperceptible happiness across his entire skin, sparking at the outline of his jaw and littering in his eyes, "now." he slants forward, getting his point across, "my turn!"
quite frankly, did your boyfriend cyno get the impression that you were actually mad at him at first, alas why you decided to bite his cheek right after hugging him, that's the hypothesis of the day. turns out you weren't, shocker, but he rubs the squishy flesh before questioning it— with you, naturally responding right away, "it's because i love you." you assure him, "so you can see it as an act of love." and jokingly bite him again, this time slightly lighter and only a bit, emphasizing your point. after carefully thinking about it more upfront, cyno finds himself enjoying it and doesn't mind when you bite him as much as you see fit, as long as you're happy that is.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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samkerrworshipper · 2 months
rockin’ around the christmas tree
alexia putellas x reader, alexia putellas x putellas!child x reader
fun fact my least favourite holiday is christmas and i don’t really celebrate it at all! but the request i got for this was so cute so i pushed down my inner grinch because i just had to! i’m sorry to any spanish people who don’t celebrate christmas this way lol i tried my best xo
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Growing up, christmas had looked a lot different for you then for most kids. 
You didn’t grow up in a house were Christmas was really celebrated, most of the time, your parents worked through the day, and you’d be left home alone with you older brother. 
On the good years, you’d get a present, but most years all the money that could have been christmas presents was put into the football budget, or into buying you a second hand pair of boots so that you didn’t have to play through the winter with holes in your shoes. 
You never really minded, you didn’t grow up in a family where christmas was something your parents could afford, and you’d come to terms with that, it was more important that there was food on the table and money available for football fees then christmas trees or gifts. 
That’s why you struggled with it all. 
Alexia had grown up in a house where Christmas was everything you could have ever wanted, christmas lights, dinner with the family, as many presents as she asked for, a big tree, everything traditional that made the holiday everything it was made up to be. 
Alexia had been the first person to show you what Christmas could look like, your first christmas together had been an.. experience. 
When your girlfriend of six months at the time had found out that your plans for christmas included staying in your apartment and watching whatever crappy christmas movie re-runs that the television was showing she’d been distraught. It had taken a lot of you reasoning with her to explain why you didn’t feel the need to celebrate as extravagantly as other people. You were happy to spend the day in, happy to have a day of piece and solace.
Alexia refused to accept that, so you’d been dragged along to her christmas morning with Alba, then her christmas lunch with her cousins and extended family and finally dinner with Eli and the closer family. 
It had been more activities and festivities in a day then you’d experienced in your whole life of christmas’, and that night when you’d inevitably ended up at Alexia’s house you’d broken down. 
Christmas for you had always just been another day, but your day spent with Alexia had made you feel more loved then you ever had before. 
Christmas was supposed to be a happy day, but that night, all you’d done was sob. You didn’t blame your parents for your missed experiences, they did the best that they could at the time. But you mourned the bit of your childhood that you’d so clearly missed out on. You were overwhelmed beyond any words being able to describe it, you didn’t understand how some families got this, and yet others didn’t. Alexia was so incredibly blessed and she had no idea about it.
Even eight years later, you weren’t the best with christmas. 
Just because you’d become accustomed to what christmas in Alexia’s world looked like didn’t mean that it came easy to you. 
Alexia loved christmas, she looked forward to it every year, if you were to harbor a guess you’d say it was probably her favourite holiday of them all. 
You didn’t hold the same sentiment, you didn’t have years of positive childhood christmas memories, and even after your experiences with the Putellas it didn’t overshadow your deeply innedeed desire to spend christmas under the covers of a bed.
Every christmas was spent similarly for the Putellas’, Alexia waking up at 5am, full of energy, dragging you straight out of bed. Once dragged out of bed, you’d get thrown down onto the living room floor, coffe thrusted in your hand before the annual present unwrapping. 
Alba normally rocked up around 6am, depending on her circumstances, with or without a partner. From then the apartment living room floor turned into a pile of gift wrapping paper as the two Putella’s sisters unwrapped present after present like six year olds. 
You’d never been big on the present thing, you enjoyed watching the two sisters and their animated reactions to every single gift that they received, you preferred to sit back and discreetly open the gifts that were thrown your way. 
After the great present opening, it then transitioned into a big breakfast that made you nauseous and bloated and semi-uncomfortable.
Christmas tradition to Alexia was like a law, there wasn’t any changing it. 
You’d thought that once you’d started to form a family together that maybe things would change a little bit, that maybe Alexia would relax and mellow out, that all of the fuss and festiveness would subside a little bit, but you were so wrong. If anything, it only got more intense.
Lili was four, and it was the first year that she’d started to catch onto what Christmas was, and Alexia was giddy about it. She’d spent the whole months of November and December getting your daughter as excited and understanding of the ‘magnitude’ of what event was coming up. 
Christmas for the putellas’ household started on december first, everything leading up to the big christmas eve dinner on the 24th. 
Lili had already been excited, but spending the night beforehand with all of her older cousins, unwrapping smaller presents and sitting around the table hearing stories from Eli hadn’t been any help. 
You were less than enthuasiatstic about it all, but this year you had an excuse to sit back and relax, and that came in the form of your 2 month old baby, Emi. 
Emi was also a good enough reason to dip out of the celebrations a little bit early, when Emi started to get fussy and hungry for her night time feed you decided it was time to call it and one-handedly dragged your wife and her mini-me out of Eli’s house, with the promise that you’d make sure the two of them got enough sleep so that they were functional by tomorrow. 
The two pouted the whole way home, and it truly added a whole new layer to the whole mini alexia persona that Lili had adopted. 
She was a carbon copy of Alexia, always begging to be dragged along to football training, she had the same little focused scowl that Alexia had when she was focusing, she watched football on the television with the same amount of intensity that Alexia did, all of her mannerisms, all of her values, all of her little details were all Alexia’s. 
You were still holding out bits of hope that Emi would be a little bit more like you, but you were also well aware that if she was anything like her sister then it was a losing battle. 
You tasked Alexia with getting your hyped up older daughter to sleep, whilst you dealt with a fussy Emi who was overtired and refusing to go to sleep. 
“C’mon Emi, you’re fed, you’re changed, you’re tired, you’ve got a comfy bassinet and yet you won’t go to sleep.”
You looked down at your daughter, who had tears running down her face below you in her bassinet, sucking furiously on her dummy like she was trying to prove something to you. 
You weren’t quite sure what was worse, a four year old who was riding on a christmas fueled energy high, or a baby who was so determined to stay awake even though she was absolutely exhausted. 
With Lili, at least you knew that once she’d been bathed and put to bed that a few stories would put her straight to sleep, it was just the process of getting her into bed that was a struggle. Emi however, was a complete mystery. 
Some nights, all she needed was a big feed of milk and she went out like a light, other nights, she would stay awake just for the sake of it. 
It was like she could sense the excitement bouncing off of her mama and sister and decided that she too was destined to make your christmas as long as possible. 
By the time Alexia trailed in, you were just bouncing Emi off to sleep, unsure about how you were going to transfer her from your arms to her bassinet. 
Alexia crawled into your shared bed, watching you with adoration as you gentled paced the rug at the end of your bed, rocking Emi with you. 
“You’re so good with her.”
Emi at least, was an easier baby then Lili had been. Lili had almost been reason enough for you to leave it at one child, the first couple months of her life had been hell, but then the toddler phase came and you and Alexia had both fallen in love with the idea of having a little friend for Lili to run about with. So, the rounds of IVF had come again, and after a miscarriage and failed treatment, the two of you were met with little Emi. 
It was hard juggling a four year old with far too much energy for one child, but the two of you had made it work. 
“I’m just doing my job.”
Motherhood had become a job for you, football wasn’t your passion so much anymore, you were unofficially retired and you were happy that way, you’d won all the accolades you needed, you had a family now that was coming first. 
“You’re the best mother, you couldn’t do much more for them.”
You smiled at Alexia, it made you blush in a way like no other when anyone commented on your parenting, it was good to know you were a good person, but to know that you were a good mother, it was something else. 
You finally managed to push Emi into enough of a lull that when you placed her down in her bassinet she fussed a little bit before finally falling into a proper sleep. 
Once you were sure she was out, you crawled into bed beside Alexia, allowing her to wrap her body around yours. 
“Is there any chance I can convince you to stay in bed any time past 6?”
Alexia snorted, her head finding homage in the corner of your neck. 
“Lili has permission to be out of bed from 5am onwards, so have fun trying to control that.”
You groaned. 
“The presents will still be there, when the sun has risen, why do we need to be out of bed so early?”
Alexia reached over to the bedside lamp that was still on, flicking it off and relaxing into the pillows. 
“Alba will be here at 5.30, technically, you can stay in bed as long as you like.”
You rolled your eyes. 
“And miss out on you acting shocked at the presents you bought for our daughter and for yourself? How could I do that to myself?”
Alexia pinched your side. 
“No, santa brought the presents and I will act shocked when i see what Santa has brought this year, as will you.”
You pinched Alexia back, smirking as she winced. 
“I told you that you didn’t need to buy me anything, Alexia.”
You managed to block Alexia’s attempt at retaliation, smirking to yourself. 
“No, my name is baby, love, honey or sweet, not Alexia. Asking me to not buy you presents is like asking me to not love you, it’s simply not possible. Also, what kind of impression am I setting for lili and emi if they think that it is acceptable to not shower everyone around them in presents on the best day of the year.”
Alexia sounded proud of herself for that statement, like she’d made a real point. 
“You’d be setting an example that love isn’t tangible and you can love someone without pushing gifts down their throats.”
Alexia’s arms wrapped around your stomach, pulling you directly against her. 
“You don’t have to open them if you don’t want to, we can keep them for your birthday, or for mothers day, or for our anniversary. I know it’s a hard day for you, if you don’t want to be apart of it all then that’s okay. We’ll work it out okay, I can try to keep lili at bay for a little bit longer if you watnt a sleep in.”
You shook your head, what Alexia was offering was nice, but it was one day a year, Alexia’s favourite day, and you were willing to make compromises if that was required. 
“You know how much I love you, right?”
Alexia smiled into your neck, a big corny smile. 
“Love me enough to wake up at five am?” You rolled your eyes, flipping down onto your pillow. 
“You’re making breakfast, and you’re putting Lili down for a midday nap when she inevitably needs one, and Alba can deal with her other niece when she gets fussy from her sleep schedule being messed with, I want a day of relaxation, okay?”
Alexia wasn’t kidding about the five am thing, you’d just managed to get Emi back down after her early feed, when your daughter dragged herself through the door of Alexia and yours’ room. 
She looked more exhausted then excited, something that you were happy about. 
“Feliz Navidad, mommy.”
You smiled at your daughter, patting down on the bedding between Alexia and you, making room for your daughter to snuggle up between the two of you. 
It was far to early for your liking, and you were happy to cuddle with Lili if it meant you could have another hour or so of sleep. 
“Feliz Navidad, sweetheart.”
She wormed her way underneath your covers, immediately throwing her arms around your body. 
“Present time?”
You shook your head, bring your daughter close to you. 
“Not yet sweetheart, you mami will wake you up when it’s time, okay?”
It was like at 5am Alexia’s internal body clock went off, both her and your daughter jolting up together like they’d been struck by lightning. 
“Mommy, it’s time to wake up, it’s christmas.”
Lili’s voice was less of a whisper then it had been when she’d crawled into your bed, and you weren’t all that surprised when seconds later Emi was crying, like she knew exactly what was supposed to happen. 
“Sweetheart, go downstairs with your mami, I’ll come down in a minute.”
You were happy to get Lili and Alexia out, leaving you in a semi-tranquil room, besides Emi who was now softly whining beside you. 
You reached over into her bassinet, lifting her up and out, happy enough when she settled in your arms. 
You figured it was a smarter idea to feed her now, then staving it off and having a grumpy baby in a couple of hours. 
So you enjoyed some peace as you nursed Emi, it was a nicer way to wake up and adjust to the reality of what your day was going to look like. 
Once Emi was done you threw on a robe and your slippers, before slipping down the stairs of your house and slowly making your way into the living room. 
You could hear what was going on before you saw it, the sounds of your daughter squealing and Alexia making similar noises. 
It was Lili, Alexia and Alba, all crowded around the christmas tree that Alexia had insisted had to be from the same farm Eli had been getting trees from for years, all three of them with their own piles of wrapping paper at their feet. 
It was a sweet sight, one that struck on your heart strings and made you so incredibly grateful. 
The amount of excitement one Lili’s face made it all worth it, how happy she was. 
“Ah, their is my other favourite niece, come, let me have her, sit down, put your feet up. Emi can help me with the pancakes.”
You accepted a hug from Alba, and happily handed of Emi to her, taking a seat down on your couch, watching as she with practised ease carried your daughter next door to the kitchen. 
“Mama, look at what santa brought me, look at all of the toys.”
You weren’t all that surprised that Lili’s pile had magically grown in stature, probably due to both Alexia and her sister’s insistence that it was child abuse to not overflow a child with presents on Christmas. 
You were even more shocked by the amount of presents that were designated to your newborn baby. 
“Mami, look, a new jersey! With mommy’s name on it, so i can match with you to games!”
The amount of excitement on your daughters face as she turned around to show you the putellas lettering across the back of her blue and red jersey made both you and Alexia weak. You might have been a grinch but there was no denying the amount of pure innocence and joy that was filling your daughter up. She looked impossibly adorabl with her twin braids that Alexia must have done the night before, with her newest addition to her jersey collection layered over the top of her pink flannel set, catching in certain places and the collar not quite aligning. 
“Wow Lil, we get to match now, we’ll have to get a extra one for Emi.”
Alexia smirked at you, alreayd holding up a matching miniature sized version of the same jersey Lili was in, you rolled your eyes, there was one thing your two month old baby didn’t need more of and that was most certainly barca memorabilia. 
“Mami, look, presents for you, and presents for mommy, and presents for auntie Alba.”
You smiled at your daughter, who was pinging with excitement. She pointed frantically between the different piles of parcels, all of which wrapped in seperate colours of papers. Lili’s pile was less wrapped, more strewn across the floor. 
Alexia was responsible for all of the different bits of football gear, whereas you’d stayed more conservative with your choices of clothes, dolls, different zoo animals, small train sets and new books. 
“Wow sweetheart, you really got spoiled, huh?”
You couldn’t help but clutch for your phone, taking a photo of your wife and daughter, who were both looking at eachother with equal amounts of excitement. You were well aware that it was going to be a fight trying to get Lili out of that jersey and into the nice dress you’d picked out for today, but you could compromise with letting her wear it over until photo time came around. 
Alexia looked particularly proud of herself when Lili came running at you, with a handful of gifts, all with your name on them and signed from ‘santa’.
“For you, from mami and santa.”
You smiled at your daughter, who stood in front of you, seemingly waiting for you to open up the gifts. 
You reached for the smallest one first, smiling at a new set of earrings that you knew would quickly become some of your favourites and a matching necklace that had the letters E, L and A on it. 
The jewellery was then followed by a voucher for three months of pilates lessons at your favourite gym, which you were exceptionally grateful for. It wasn’t easy working out after having children, but it was even harder trying to adjust to the new version of your body and Alexia was well aware of how insecure you were feeling, plus pilates was a better transition then pump workouts. 
The next gift was a new set of running shoes, practical but a gift you were more than happy about. Plus, they would be good for your pilates, so you couldn’t really deny the need for them. 
“Alexia, if there is anything alive in this box then I’m going to lose it.”
The fourth parcel was the largest, a big box which contents you were completely uncertain of. Weirdly, Alexia had the tendency to always purchase something for chistmas that the two of you definitely did not need, and that was only going to make your lives harder. Lili had been harping on about wanting a dog, Nala, had unfortunately died when she was too young to remember. She was for whatever reason desperate to fill that hole, and you conceded that once Emi was a little bit older it was definitely a possibility, but not right now.  
You nearly cried when you ripped the packaging open and were met with a brand new set of pans. 
It was a random thing, and definitely not something to cry over, but it was something that you’d been secretly wanting for a while now. 
“Mami, why is mommy crying over new pots and pans.”
Alexia snorted from the other side of the room. 
“Because mommy has been saying naughty words every time she’s been cooking with our other pans and things have been getting stuck to them, so I decided it was time we got some new ones, because it’s not nice to use bad words.”
You rolled your eyes, Alexia was the worst role model for swearing, every time anything small annoyed her. 
“Thank you, it’s a really good gift.”
Alexia smiled at you lopsidedly, pots and pans was her version of the worst christmas gift ever, but seeing your face light up was enough information to know that she’d done good.
“Ah, you’re crying now, and you haven’t even opened my final gift.”
You looked at Alexia sceptically, trying to figure out if this was one of her weird Christmas things. On your first christmas together, she’d brought you a bike, technically she’d bought two bikes, with the intention of the two of you using in the summer. What she hadn’t know, was that you had a slightly irrational fear of riding bikes, and refused to be within 2 metres of the two wheeled beasts. 
Alexia wasn’t a bad gift giver, she was just really good at buying things that she wanted, but forgetting that she person was gifting them to wasn’t necessarily the ideal recipient. 
“Lili, give your mommy the last one for me, yeah?”
Lili smiled at you, big and wide and for a second you worried, that it was going to be something you had to pretend you liked for the sake of not giving Lili a bad example. 
“Mommy said best for last.”
She pulled a present out from nowhere, a small, long one that looked more like a gift card then anything else. 
Good, nohing alive, nothing big or spacious. 
You took a moment to compose yourself before smiling down at your daughter and opening the final one. 
If you’d been crying before, then this gift had you close to sobbing. 
“Mommy says that you deserve time off, just the two of you, so I’m going to stay with abuela and auntie alba for a few days with Emi and you two are going to have some alone time.”
You bit down on your lip, looking up at Alexia, waiting for the catch. 
“Just you and me?”
Alexia nodded, a big smile playing on her lips as she looked at you from across the room. 
“Just you and me, three nights in italy, your favourite.”
You werw willing yourself to not cry, but when Lili jumped into your arms, followed quickly by Alexia you couldn’t help yourself. 
“Feliz Navidad, my love.”
You reached up to press your lips to Alexia’s ignoring the fake vomiting noises that your daughter was making, undoubtedly that she’d learnt from spending to much time with her auntie. 
It was peaceful, it was wonderfully perfect and nothing that you would have imagined for this christmas to look like. 
“Ale, I think the pancakes are burning, or the toast, or the bacon, something’s burning.”
Alexia snorted and you couldn’t help but join her, the two of you breaking into giggles when the smoke alarm started to scream from the kitchen. 
“Feliz Navidad, baby.”
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hello-eden · 4 months
Tim was missing
Tim has been missing for over 5 months now. This wouldn't be a usual concern for them if he had said he was going. After the whole going off the rails searching for Bruce when everyone thought he was dead and ending up blowing up League of assassin bases thing, Everyone decided it was best that there was a check-in. Gotham Vigilantes used the same system for the missions as the Justice League but after everything went on they decided to make their own.
They had a log on the bat computer for longer missions so people know where they're going. The check-in is usually once every 2 weeks if it's a deep cover Mission with trackers on at all times, but there has been nothing from Tim. 
Everyone didn't really notice at first Tim left at a very busy time. Tim texted regularly in the first week and kept up with everything that was going on, that most of them thought he was still in Gotham.
When everyone noticed he wasn't there they thought it was just a regular mission, but when Babs needed him to double check something on a case file and realized he wasn't on the roster for no contact missions she started to get worried.
Apparently the last time anyone had seen him was when he was in the bat cave for a drug screening after a very bad scarecrow attack. His trackers were offline. All of his emergency buttons and trackers were sending a signal even if it was not trackable.
The most worrying part was the silence. usually they would hear some whisper if they'd been captured or God forbid if he was dead but there was nothing. Everyone tried to use every contact that they could think of but no one could find anything.
until now 
Every single tracker on Tim lit up like a Christmas tree. It took barely a minute for everyone to start dispatching themselves to find him. Jason and Cass were the ones that were chosen to go. Tim ended up in an abandoned Laboratory. Everything they could find on the building in the paperwork was said to be abandoned just before building was finished. the second they saw the building in person you could tell that was wrong. it was definitely abandoned now but it looked like the people left in a rush. the people working there probably left a day or two ago. The dust barely just started to form.
When they looked on the trackers he looked to be in the basement level. As they walked through the building it was like every floor looked like it had been copy and pasted. Every room had white walls so it was easy to see the splatters of blood in the hallway leading to the room they were looking for. They were very concerned. The blood had specs of green that seemed to be luminescent even though the blood was dried. they feared for the worst.
Jason opened the door and looked inside with Cass not far behind.  The room had white walls like the rest of the building but instead of the normal White/ yellow headlights from the rest of the rooms they were bright Blue. There was blood just like the hallway even down to the luminescing green specs.  The room had two chairs on the side farthest from the door and a bed in the furthest corner. Tim was laying on the bed and looked to be staring at the ceiling. He had made no move to interact with them even as they got closer.
 “Replacement” Jason whispered to Tim once he was by the bed. When Tim didn't respond he grabbed his rest to feel a pulse.
Even though it looked like he was breathing it could be his mind playing a trick on him. Jason needed to feel his pulse.
Jason felt the pulse, it was slow but it was there. Jason looked over to Cass and said ”he's alive all right”. 
Relief very clearly in his tone. Cass's shoulders relaxed only a little after hearing that.
They looked him over trying to figure out why he wasn't responding. His heartbeat was slow like he was asleep but Tim was a light sleeper unless he was knocked out or drugged he usually woke up the second someone touched him.
he didn't look to be hooked up to any machinery and the place had been abandoned for at least the day before they arrived. he wasn't even wearing his vigilante outfit, he was in civilians clothes.
Once they realized they were getting nowhere with this they looked around the room as it was becoming clear they couldn't wake him up nor was he an immediate Danger.  They decided to look around only the rooms near the one that Tim was contained in to make sure that there weren't other people there as that floor seemed to be a containment unit.
Jason decided to look in the other rooms while the Cass stayed in Tim's in case he woke up.  As Jason left to search, he looked around the room. she ended up finding Tim's bag underneath the bed pushed to the furthest corner away from the door.
Cass sat down on the floor with her back leaning on the side of the chair.  She searched through the bag.  The more she looked through the more confused she got.
She couldn't find Tim's phone neither civilian nor hero. She couldn't find his laptop but she did find a tablet that she knew Tim hadn't had before. she would question if this was Tim's bag if not for the wallet and ID she found in the front pocket.
She found small things like a package of tissues, a water bottle, chapstick and some of Stephanie's hair ties. Cass could tell that they were Stephanie's due to the fact they were all purple.
She found a hidden Pocket as she was looking through the lining of the bag. It looked to be a syringe filled with glowing green liquid. The same green that seems to be in the blood from the hallway. In the same pocket there seems to be a folded file with medical scans stuffed in between. As Cass went through the bag there was one question that had been on her mind since the beginning.
 Why was Tim here?
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chlorinecake · 3 months
“convenient chances” 🎱
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summary: Your obsessive ex-boyfriend Jay Park goes to extreme measures to ensure that you submit to his ruthless control, and with your body weakening with each pitiful day that passes, you’re not sure how much longer you’ll be able to put up a fight…
pairing: Stalker! Yandere! Enhypen x Fem! Reader
contains: Suggestive, Non-con Kissing and Touching, Degrading Nicknames (crybaby, play thing, etc), Mentions of Self-harm and Other Violent Themes, Heavy Angst
word count: 5.3k -> previously . . .
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YOUR BODY WAS fully awake, but your mind needed a moment to catch up.
The feeling of moist soil on your scalp somehow helped to comfort your body’s soreness as you laid down in the shallow ditch of dirt which was inevitably dubbed as your bed last night…
You could hardly push past the pain in your tired eyes, having cried yourself to sleep and back awake more times than you could count while meddling about with only one emotion coursing through your starved out veins:
Not in the sense that you were ready to forfeit your role in this one against seven battle, but you worried your body could only take so much more of their combined insanity before giving up…
Just to let Jay claim you as his noble prize in this one-sided race for a twisted love—
Pat, pat, pat.
Your ears keened in on the sounds of nature surrounding you, eyes lazily opening up again as sprinkles of dry earth kissed your forehead, followed by more pats from above.
But the pats came with friends, the sounds now becoming more layered, louder as they approached the rim of the steep hole.
It was them.
The six goons, excluding their crookedly righteous leader who to this day leaves you baffled as to why you even dated him in the first place.
If only he wasn’t so good at pretending…
Pretending like everything was normal and that your past relationship with him was somehow reconcilable.
Your vision was still a bit cloudy given the poor lighting provided by the hardly risen sun and surrounding forestry, however you could still make out each boy's face as they stared back down at you. Jake, the nicer one, slowly guided a rope down to meet you.
“Can’t imagine you got much sleep down there, did ya’ cutie?” Heeseung’s voice started, stinging your soul like venom as he cooed at you with pouty lips from above, “don’t worry, I’ll give you a good morning kiss once we get you outta there…”
What a raging creep.
“This isn’t gonna be easy, but the only way to get you back up here is if you climb…”
Wow. He almost sounded like he cared about you when he said that.
“C’mon, we threw you in a ditch, not a fucking volcano,” the tallest one grumbled impatiently, annoyed by your seemingly feeble demeanor.
“Niki,” Sunghoon scolded sternly, the younger boy shrugging in defense, “don't encourage her to resist us, alright?”
Jay must've been too busy to come and get you himself today, given all the work obligations and tasks he had lined up for the week.
So unfortunately, as if your luck could get any worse, you'd have to deal with his violent clan of minions until he got back.
Jake gave the rope a little shake to draw your attention back to it, your eyes having wandered off for a second in thought.
These boys were capable of the darkest evil's, but you knew it'd be better to comply than give 'em a hard time right now.
“Atta girl,” Jake smiled, watching as you stood up on wobbly legs before making your way to the dangling rope, “take your time coming up...”
Someway, somehow, you managed to climb up the rope, despite the dizziness clouding your mind on the way there.
Jungwon greeted you with a half-friendly expression, pulling you out of the ditch the rest of the way with a strong hand.
You honestly struggled a bit to stand up properly on your own, given how long your legs had been idle for, so Heeseung took it upon himself to carry you.
All the way to the nearby van, whose black exterior sent chills down your spine, despite how inviting the morning sunrise looked while casting upon it.
“Look at you,” Heeseung cooed, eyes scanning the fresh scar tracing the back of your hand as you clung to his shoulder for support, “so vulnerable and fragile...”
He took your hand and pressed a kiss to the flesh there, but you couldn't be bothered to pull away from him, thinking in your mind that you had to seem submissive.
You had to escape.
And tricking them seemed to be one of the few options you had left, especially with Mandy out of the picture.
Yes, you felt weak, but nowhere near as much as you were gonna pretend to be.
You were always a fighter, and you didn't plan to give up just yet, no matter how many times you'd have to get up just to fall back down again.
Sunoo held the car door open for Heeseung to help you get in, the rest of the boys already loading themselves into the vehicle at either side.
The sound of dirt stalling the trucks tires filled your ears before Sunghoon slammed his foot on the gas, forcing the car out of its mossy patch.
The trail back up was rocky, which made Niki reach an arm over to keep you in place as you kept wobbling in your seat.
You knew it wasn't because he actually cared for your safety, especially not with the bitter look plastered over his features.
“Since when did you get employed as a human seatbelt?” Jungwon asked with furrowed eyes, confused by Niki's behavior.
“Just trying to keep Jay's play thing safe,” he smiled facetiously, just as his eyes turned up to a tear in the roof, or more accurately, an empty slot where a seatbelt once was… “since you overgrown fuck-nuts like horsing around in here...”
BY NOW, THE car drive was nearing its end, human civilization barely coming into view through the dark tinted windows.
Sunghoon's eyes were trained on the road ahead as he started to speak, “So... we don't have many options for breakfast, but given how hungry you are, I'm sure you won't be picky...”
He pulled into the drive-thru of a nearby fast-food restaurant, the scent of deep-fried breakfast foods infiltrating the cold air behind the truck windows.
Meanwhile, your mind was stuck on Niki's mentioning of the broken seatbelt earlier, simply because no seatbelt meant no restraints, and ultimately, nothing was holding you back.
Truly, what you were plotting to do next was quite obviously a very bad idea... but, with the little strength you had left, you decided to push through anyways.
You pushed passed Niki and slung open the car door, slamming it behind you just as Niki’s hand barely grazed your arm, cursing to himself as you took off into the morning fog.
Thud, thud, thud.
Your sneaker-clad feet hit the pavement with harsh steps as you ran off into the opposite direction of the boys, treading as far as your dry bones could take you.
With your heart pounding like a drum in your chest and your eyes glued straight ahead, you knew looking back would only slow you down.
That’s when you noticed the parking lot was completely empty, which meant that no bystanders were present once Heeseung’s long legs eventually caught up to you, grabbing your shoulder to halt your tracks, right before leaving a slap clean across your face.
You fell to the ground, scuffing your elbow in the collision with a now busted-lip complimenting your dark under eyes.
“Pretty energetic to say you’re running on an empty stomach, aren't you, baby face?” He pressed with aggression, taking your jaw in his fierce grip to make you look up at him, “What? Too scared to talk now that I’m being rough with you?”
All you did was wince at his words, the adrenaline boiling in your chest only increasing with fear as the rest of the goof-troop approached the scene.
“Aww… you scared her into silence,” Sunghoon pouted while kneeling down to meet where you sat, “what’re we gonna tell Jay about her sudden case of muteness, Heeseung?”
“Hmm... I can think of plenty ways to force some pretty sounds out of that mouth of hers,” the eldest grinned, releasing your chin only to grip your hair this time, pulling you back with force.
“Ahckk,” you groaned in pain, gripping his arm in an attempt to keep your sounds in, but he was already snickering at you, noticing the rosy red bruise raising to your skin from how hard he slapped you earlier.
“Oh?” he cooed, tilting his head as he spoke… “I didn’t mean to hurt you, ____,” he whispered sarcastically before his lips met the sore part of your face...
“Let me make it feel better.”
Heeseung's lips moved lower down your neck as his grip on you only tightened, his rough teeth grazing the surface of your skin before pinching down on it, all while the most satisfying smirk stained his features.
Damned if I do, damned if I don’t, a voice in your head reminded as your brain returned to reality, brushing off the wild scenario you'd just came up with.
“That’ll be it, thank you,” Jungwon said to the lady over the drive-thru speaker as Sunghoon pulled up to the next window.
“What’s on your mind?” Niki asked, noticing the way you became quiet all of a sudden, your previously shaky breaths settling to a near inaudible decibel.
“N-nothing… just a little tired I guess,” you stuttered, not meeting his nightmare-like eyes to which only made him hum in response.
“Welp, I hope you like coffee, because Jay has something special planned for you two later, and you wouldn’t wanna show up all drowsy like this...”
You had known Jay long enough by now to know that something special was code for a disaster in the making—
“____ loves coffee,” Sunoo blurted out in a nonchalant tone, “I used to buy her five cans every weekday from the convenience store to keep her stocked for the whole work week...”
Until I switched to banana milk, you thought to yourself, a tiny smile rising to your features at the wholesome memory.
Sunoo’s gentle voice trailed off as he hung his head low, the boys looking at him in confusion at his sudden comment.
You sulked quietly; Sunoo had became so cold towards you since the day you scolded him after he betrayed your friendship for Jay... so much had happened since then that you almost forgot how close you and Sunoo used to be before all this…
“God, I don’t know why I even said that,” he cursed himself with a sigh, looking out the window to avoid their judgmental looks.
“It’s uh… it’s fine buddy, just… pass me us a twenty please,” Heeseung continued, Sunoo pulling out a $20 bill and passing it to Jake to pay for the food.
“Have a good day,” the cashier said with a forcefully chipper voice, Sunghoon already driving off as her final words were cut off by the sound of the truck engine.
He took another short path that led to a gas station nearby, letting Jungwon, Sunoo, Niki, and himself take you inside the corner-store to eat while the rest stayed back to pump gas and shit-talk.
The shop resembled one you might see in an apocalyptic video game, the food-stained tables and flickering ceiling lights only adding to the unsettling aura.
That's when the wall-mounted TV, just a few inches beside the glass entry doors, broadcasted a live news report featuring a woman by the name of Mandy Reeves.
You felt part of your soul descend at the mere mentioning of her name as the scratchy-voiced newswoman began to report from the speakers...
“62 year old Goldman's 24-Hour Convenience Store worker Mandy Reeves was reportedly found tied up with a rope and non-responsive in the establishment’s storage room around midnight. While Ms. Reeves is in better condition now, authorities have concluded that this attack was from within. Here’s what Mandy had to say concerning the incident.”
“Oh my God,” you said louder than necessary, eyes wanting to brim with tears until you noticed the equally worried looks on the four boy's faces, but of course, the five of you had pretty different reasons for looking that way.
“This is Sydney Baker with ENN News… Ms. Reeves, can you please share an account of what you remember most from your attack last night?” the reporter interrogated with a fat microphone in her hand.
From what you could tell, Mandy still seemed pretty shaken up about what happened, even from the blurry TV screen.
You couldn't help but feel guilty after sending her through all that, knowing she was the type of person to stand up for someone even if it meant she'd end up getting hurt, too.
“I… all I remember was a bunch of boys��� T-too many of them to count, but they all looked like trouble from the moment they walked in the store,” Mandy stuttered before the camera, eyes wandering all over the place with her gray mane an utter mess on her head.
“And what did you say about another girl earlier? Did she assist the attackers?” The reporter asked back.
“NO! No, not at all... she was the one in danger! I... I-I can’t remember her name, but she’s a good friend to me… always stopped ‘round the shop at night… treated me like I was her own mother…”
“But the attackers, ma’am. Are you genuinely sure this wasn’t some kind of set up?”
“One of those buck-crazy hooligans were in an abusive relationship with her! His name was… Jay… s-something like that… he must’ve built up some kinda gang to get her back.”
“Ma’am, you said earlier that your memory is a bit foggy… are you certain the information you’re sharing with us is accurate?”
“Yes, this all happened before they jumped me… that girl… she’s been hiding from him for over four months now I believe… my guess is that he finally caught up to her... I went to call the police and—”
“Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Mandy, but we’re running low on time… once again this is Sydney Baker reporting live from Goldman's 24-Hour Convenience Store. Back to you, James...”
The reporters voice faded into the background as Niki and Jungwon made direct eye contact with each other, looking at Sunoo next who sat with a worried expression on his face.
“That old fucking bitch-”
“Niki, chill out, alright?” Jungwon interrupted, standing up from the table to gather your food and trash.
“Hey, I was still eating that,” you complained, taking one last sip of your drink before he snatched that from you too.
“Tough because we’re leaving,” Sunghoon said sternly before aggressively hooking your arms in his, despite how gentle he wanted it to seem to anyone looking.
“She thinks this shit is funny,” Niki scoffed, opening the gas station door for Sunghoon to lead you back to the car, “just look at the way she’s beaming right now…”
“My 'beaming' has nothing to do with you assholes getting busted for not covering your tracks properly, but everything to do with your actual response to the news,” you corrected, feet struggling to keep up with Sunghoon’s fast-paced walking as his hold on your arm fastened, “you all should be scared...”
“Interesting comment coming from you,” Jungwon retorted, right before calling out to his hyung’s ahead of him, “we gotta get her outta here as soon as possible.”
“What happened?” Heeseung asked first, considering how fast you guys came back.
Jake had just finished pumping the gas when you all reached the car, disgruntled looks on the three boy's faces as Sunghoon began to explain what happened.
“We were on TV,” Sunghoon said, opening the back door of the truck and practically shoving you in, “that old chick gave the cops a name, too…”
Heeseung's eyebrows furrowed at his friends words, “I... I don’t understand, what’re you guys saying?”
“We don’t know much yet, but someone found Mandy last night and she spilled as many beans as she possibly could,” Niki spat somewhere in between, all of them getting in their respective seats as Jake caught on to the dilemma a little sooner than Heeseung did, “we’re fucked.”
Slamming his foot on the gas, the vehicle took off out of the parking lot, the entire vibe somehow feeling much darker than before now that they were potentially being man-hunted.
“Whose name did she drop?” Jake asked angrily over the steering wheel, knuckles turning white from the intense grip.
The boys fell quiet, Heeseung being equally confused and curious as they sat with clenched jaws, body’s rocking a bit with the car's bolstering drifts as you decided to speak up on their silent behalves.
“Jay,” you started, voice like a single note of a piano that rung strong in their headspace as chills ran down their tensed backs… “she mentioned Jay...”
ABOUT AN HOUR had passed before the sleek black van pulled up into Jay’s driveway, a feeling of shock and gratefulness washing over you at the fact that the boys didn’t take a pit-stop at the “classroom” to teach you any lessons.
“Get her out,” Jake practically barked, Niki almost instantly grabbing your arm at his hyung’s words.
“Isn’t Jay still at work?” You asked somehow in between all the action, Sunghoon having opened the car door to your right and grabbing your other arm, too.
“Yes,” Sunghoon sighed, not even meeting your face as he spoke, “but he’ll be here shortly—”
“I’ll put in a tip that the crybaby missed him very much,” Niki added, speeding up his footsteps until you all reached the tall, mahogany front door, the simple sight of it bringing back one too many memories you wished you could forget now…
Memories of when you loved Jay sincerely, and he loved you… memories of when he used to never put you in harms way… memories of when you were able to look him in his handsome face without gritting your teeth with rage—
Jungwon unlocked the door with a spare key that was so conveniently placed beneath the front porch statue of an eagle.
Sunghoon and Niki let your arms free in unison, a tingly sensation running up and down the length of your limbs thanks to the force they initially applied.
The four of you stood there awkwardly for a moment, up until you felt a hand tap your shoulder.
“Make yourself at home, ____,” Heeseung began, startling you from behind as your mind became aware of his daunting frame behind you, “and make it quick before a bug flies in, please…”
“O-oh,” you stammered, taking a few rushed steps until you made it all the way inside, the flashy interior of Jay’s home somehow widening your tired eyes.
The sound of Jake’s boots traveled somewhere behind you, his arms being filled with a black dress, pair of heels, and velvet jewelry bag.
“For you, if it wasn’t obvious,” he said plainly, facial features as blank as a fresh canvas.
“Jay wants you to shower before he comes back… and also,” he paused for a second, handing you the items he held before his hand snagged at the rubber band holding up his man-bun and passing it to you, “try to make yourself look nice, alright?”
. . .
The faucet creaked slightly as you hopped into the shower, it’s stream of warm water soothing your grimy skin.
You took a moment to let the water moisten your entire body from head to toe before reaching for the loofa and bottle of soap, sudsing up the product before lathering it in.
The tiny pool of water around your feet was muggy and dark, reminding you of just how dirty you had been the whole day, even though it didn’t really bother you after a while.
You turned the faucet off, guiding your freshly shampooed hair into a towel while you dried off your body, stepping out of the tub with dry feet to avoid making a mess of things.
The house had become so quiet that even the water trickling down the drain sounded loud.
Pumping a few squirts of lotion into your palm, you massaged it into your thirsty skin, just as your eyes caught sight of the pink razor sitting idly on the counter.
It’s set of three silvery blades shined eerily beneath the overhead ceiling lights, especially against the foggy bathroom mirror.
That’s crazy, your mind internally scolded itself, even though the razor was already in your hand by now.
It’s not even worth it, you heard another voice say, but this time, in an almost daring tone.
Your eyes narrowed in on the squiggly train of green and blue veins decorating your delicate wrist.
You felt your heart start to throb the longer you stared, not out of nervousness, because your heart beat was relaxed in this moment, but out of pain from the sharp sensation that traveled to your finger tips, a stream of dark, rich red trailing down your forearm and dripping onto your bath towel.
Knock, knock, knock.
“Hey, you almost done in there or what?” Heeseung’s voice asked from behind the door, your mind just now realizing that the razor was still inches away from you, resting in its initial spot.
No blood.
No pain.
Just your head playing tricks on you again—
“Uh… y-yeah, just gimme a sec.” You stalled, hand almost instantly grabbing the black dress from its clothes-hanger and sliding it up your hips.
Heeseung still stood behind the door, very aware of the fact that you weren’t even close to being ready… regardless of this, he turned on the heel of his boot and called out, “She’s almost ready, Jay!” indirectly letting you know to hurry the fuck up in there.
“How does she look for me?” You assumed Jay asked from outside, given that Heeseung responded with a cheesy “absolutely beautiful.”
Jay made his way into the room, knocking gently on the bathroom door... not peeking, just listening to your soft yet nervous breathing, “I’ll meet you downstairs, okay love?...”
You didn’t answer, but instead, fastening the zipper on the side of your dress, clipping in the crystal earrings, silver necklace, and two beaded bracelets for either wrist while double checking yourself in the mirror.
That's when you heard Heeseung’s footsteps walk away with Jay’s, just as a new set followed right after.
“It’s me, ____,” Sunoo’s voice began, “can I come in for a sec?”
Once again, you didn't answer, only letting an exasperated huff fall from your lips as you looked into the mirror, the act of trying to style your slippery wet hair with Jake's flimsy hair-tie only adding to your stress…
“I know I'm probably one of the last people you wanna talk to right now, but I can help you,” he continued, part of you wishing he meant 'help you escape'—
You unlocked the door knob with a creak, the misty bathroom air hitting Sunoo’s dewy skin as he walked in, directing his hand out as a sign for you to sit on the toilet.
“Close your eyes for me,” he said, pulling out a tube of mascara to apply to your lashes.
“Thank you,” you meant to say, but you were interrupted by his voice saying, “I'm sorry” first...
“Sun, can we please not do this right now?” You sighed, an apology from anyone being the last thing on your mind right now.
Sunoo’s chest raised with an anxious exhale before he let the air out through his nose as he whispered the words, “I had to say it ____… It hurts me, y'know?... seeing you like this... seeing what I helped them all do to you...”
An unsettling silence swarmed between you two before the sad-eyed boy reached in his pocket, pulling out a blush compact to apply a bit of hue to the apple of your cheeks with his fingers.
He then pulled a few hairs out from your head, trying to emphasis your natural beauty instead of stressing over a specific style.
“We won't be toying around with this, by the way,” he smiled softly, taking the rubber band from your hand and tossing it into the bin beside you.
You let yourself chuckle a bit at his actions, but it wasn’t the kind of laughter that made you feel good…
It was the kind of laughter that you have with a friend in grade-school while sitting in detention, waiting for your angry parent to come and pick you up for a good scolding—
“So,” he started, placing his hands at your shoulders as you stood up from the toilet, looking at yourself in the mirror, “what do you think?”
Looking back at your reflection, all you could do was smile softly, not for genuine purposes, but for Sunoo’s sake, a familiar smile spreading across his face too at your appearance.
“You're welcome, then,” he meant to say, but you interrupted him first by turning around, wrapping your arms around his waist and whispering a cracky “I forgive you...” against his chest...
BY NOW, SUNOO had left you alone to gather your emotions for a few more minutes before coming down.
He told you a series of simple steps to follow once you'd leave the bathroom:
1. Walk down the staircase.
2. Greet Jay with a smile, either fake or genuine.
3. Don't do anything stupid.
The hardest of these steps? All three if you were being completely honest... but by now, you had already completed 1% of step one, your nervous legs standing still and firm at the very top of the staircase as Jay's voice called out to you.
“My love, what's the delay for?” You heard Jay ask from the bottom, not being able to see you given the way the stairwell curved, “I'm ready to see you...” he went on...
The gall of this man... to demand your presence like he had a right to it or something... this whole thing was just so... dehumanizing.
“I don’t think I can keep doing this Jay,” you blurted out, letting your first mind speak before you could even rationalize a more suitable reply... before you could even take your next step down the staircase...
“I'm giving you an opportunity to cooperate by your own persuasion, ____... please don't abuse it,” he warned coldly, resting his hand on the staff like structure of the staircase as he kept envisioning you coming down the steps, almost as if his thoughts could manifest it happening...
“You're not even listening to me, ____,” you scoffed, thinking back in your head how this clown-show would've been avoided if you actually just picked up that damned razo-
“That's nonsense, and you know it, ____... I understand that you're stressed, but please-”
“No, Jay, because that's the thing,” you interrupted with a raised voice, “you don't understand a damn thing about what I've been going through, all at the hands of you and those strange boys you puppet around...”
“Baby, I get that this is a difficult situation, but I'm trying my very best to make this work,” he pleaded, looking at top the stairs as if you could somehow see his forlorn face.
By now, you had already skipped step 2 and entirely ignored step 3-
“Well, pardon me for adding to the difficulties, but fuck your efforts,” you spat, kicking off the heels you wore and tossing them beside you with a loud clatter, “they've only been out of vanity this whole time anyway...”
The word echoed within your soul, right before it became like wind in your ears...
Your heart skipped a few beats as you suddenly felt like you were falling, both down with gravity and out of the world at the same time, eyes widening with the gasp that escaped your tightening throat.
The feeling of forceful hands left your back, your feet tripping over your steps as you whipped your head to see who pushed you, the whole moment occurring in slow-motion as your eyes met Niki's piercing ones, his large hand waving facetiously at you as you continued to tumble down the staircase.
Your back hit the final step with a loud crack, your consciousness leaving you instantly as your now sleeping face met Jay's, and even though you couldn't see it, his eyes filled with utter terror, boot-clad feet running towards your feeble body.
His words came out like confused soup, but each sentence was something along the lines of 'don’t leave me like this.'
“She brought this upon herself, hyung,” Niki announced shamelessly, coming down the staircase in harsh, slow steps as the shadow of a menacing smirk remained clear on his face, “just let her go...”
Jay looked up at Niki with tears in his eyes. “You idiot!” was all he yelled before scooping you up in his arms, Heeseung running over from the kitchen to see what happened from the noise.
“Oh my God,” Heeseung gasped, running to take you from Jay's hold only for his hand to be swatted away with a nonverbal 'I can handle her,' on his behalf.
“Just open the door... I have to get her outta here,” Jay's voice bit back, trying to stop himself from breaking down at the sudden course of events.
“If she doesn't wake back up soon, promise me that the five of you will make sure that Niki doesn't live to see another day...”
YOUR EYES CRACKED open slowly like rusty door hinges, a throbbing sensation from your head being the first thing you noticed upon waking up.
And the second sensation? Well, it was the tingly feeling running up and down your back, extending all the way into your tied up wrists.
If you didn't remember falling down the stairs before, you definitely remembered it now as you felt a bit of blood drip from the poorly bandaged cut in your brow, your entire being physically cringing at the memory.
Step, step.
Your eyes darted to the source of the sound, only to find Jay waltzing around in an idle circle around the room.
Or more specifically, the classroom...
You're not sure why he decided to bring you here instead of a proper hospital to be checked out, but then again, you didn't really understand anything that Jay did.
Like for instance, why he decided to tie you up in a basement like a criminal within minutes of you literally flying down his staircase-
“Where’s Sunoo?” You began upon making eye contact with Jay, not giving him the chance to start a conversation first.
There was an awkward pause before he finally responded with a blunt, “What’s it matter to you, anyways?… He hated you with every bone in his pathetic body...”
“That's a lie!” You barked back, surprised by your own intensity.
And God, yelling at him only made your head hurt even more.
Jay scanned your bruised face for a moment, communicating to you with his eyes that it’d be best to watch your mouth from here on out considering how it landed you at the bottom of a staircase not too long ago.
His eyes then fell to the sight of your arms that were tied securely behind your back and to the chair post, all by the likes of Heeseung.
You were already treading on thin ice here, so you knew that if you were to say anything at all, it would have to be at the very least somewhat respectful...
Jay smiled softly as your facial features relaxed with the exhausted sigh you let out, the slim sign of compliance compelling him to pace around the room more freely this time.
“To answer your question, love… I suppose some people are just simply,” he delayed in thought, looking up for a second til the right word came to mind… “Replaceable,” he finally finished, voice sounding eerily low as he now made a fierce eye contact with you.
You didn’t understand why he was taunting you all of a sudden… almost as if his previously compassionate demeanor had been corrupted by someone…
“A set of six friends that help you commit crimes… the meager cashier at a local convenience store… there are plenty of kindred spirits for those type of people… for instance, we’re both bound to find another Sunoo… and you, another Mandy—”
“What gives you any right to speak of them in such a way? After all the pain you’ve cost in their lives,” you questioned with a broken voice, hesitant tears welling in your eyes as the pain in your wrist increased with your emotions, the tight restraints only feeling worse any time you moved even in the slightest bit.
Jay caught onto this, too… watching the way your body winced from behind every time you even thought to disrespect him… it brought one of the most sincere smiles to his chilled face that you’ve seen in quite a while.
“Does talking back to me make you feel powerful, love?… c’mon, you can be honest… I won’t laugh…”
You never gritted your teeth so hard in your entire life as you did in this moment, staring back at him with bloodshot eyes as your vision started to blur from the tears.
“No,” you muttered out wobbly, hanging your head low as it became too hard to keep looking at his face, “it doesn’t make me feel anything at all…”
His feet paused in their pacing, right before he turned to meet you where you sat, taking your chin in his hands and forcing you to look up at him, an unreadable but nonetheless threatening look in his eyes as your heart fluttered with nerves...
“I see…,” Jay continued, eyes not meeting yours but still wandering over the expanse of your face, observing your bruised cheek bone, the tiny cut in your lower lip, and the wrinkle between your furrowed brows. “Allow me to help you feel something for once, then…”
“Something painful, I’m sure—”
“I prefer the word pleasant,” he smiled, still holding your chin in place as his free hand reached for the dagger sitting on the side table, its sharp blade still shining before you despite the dimly lit atmosphere.
In this moment, the only pleasant thought in your heart was death, but Jay knew that would be both too good and bad of an ending for you.
Kneeling over you, he lined the blade up with the thick rope entrapping your weakened wrists, slicing back and forth in skilled motions until he felt your hands release.
A relaxed sigh left your mouth at the feeling, the simple sense of relief still mixing with anguish as Jay locked his eyes back on yours.
He knelt down now, letting your chin go as he cut the restraints from around your ankles, placing the blade in your lap before standing up to take a few steps away from you.
“Jay, why are you letting me free—”
“Because I love you, ____,” he stated firmly, removing his jacket from his shoulders as he watched you from where he stood, “that’s always been my reason behind everything since the day I first met you… since I realized that a soul like yours isn’t replaceable…”
“I… I don’t understand what you're trying to say—”
“Stand up,” he continued, voice sounding so deep that you felt it in your feet, “and pick up the knife…”
He watched your trembling hand reach for the blade as if in slow motion, your knees flexing to stand up, weakness plaguing your every step as you walked towards him, his usually sharp eyes softening to a state of meekness…
Or perhaps, it was another state in reflection of the twisted love Jay had chased for months on end… right before he decided within himself that he was willing to finally give it up if that's what it'd take to keep you safe... to see you happy...
“All you’ve ever wanted was to make your own choices… to have that freedom back that I took away from you... this is the only time I’m willing to give you a chance at liberty—”
“I’m not going to kill you, Jay,” your voice came out quietly with a crack, silently hiccuping now as the tears continued to fall, your anxious body somehow craving none other than his strong arms to catch you in case you fell… or even just for the fuck of it...
“Then don’t,” he whispered, maintaining a gentle smile as you practically fell apart from the inside out right before his eyes, “you can do whatever it is that you wish to now... Kill the thought of me along with this version of yourself, and run away for good… I won’t chase you anymore…”
This whole thing... it was becoming far more confusing than you could bear… all this time, all you ever wanted was to be your own person again... who could make decisions without having to look over their shoulder in fear anymore...
All you ever wanted was to live a happy life without Jay and his games, but right now, you couldn’t really remember or imagine what a life like that would look like anyways...
Even if you did run away, you’d still have all the memories from these horrors attached to you… all of the fears cementing every corner of your being like a dungeon... you’d still be reminded by all the bruises and pain...
Your life had come to a point where there was no more pleasure to seek from here, as Jay had filled every possible void and meaning in your life with fragments of his insanity for you...
Just as he operated and just as you concluded to yourself a long time ago, broken toys were Jay’s favorite objective, and if you weren’t already broken upon being found, you were bound to be by the time he finished playing with you.
Simply put, this traumatizing love game was nearing its demise, and you had come too far, become too weak to still put up a fight...
You fell into Jay's chest, his protective arms holding you close to him as your cold tears met his warm skin.
You desperately clung to his shoulders, hoping to gain any sense of comfort from the contact… any sense of that pleasantness he offered to you.
The dagger fell to the ground with a shattering clink, all of your nerves melting away as Jay continued to hold you, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head as you continued to sniffle.
He always knew you’d come around, because that's how things went for him as a Park... though, he also knew it’d still hurt you in the beginning until you'd become adjusted.
You exhaled in his embrace, eyes shut tight even though the tears continued to spill.
“I don’t want to run anymore either, Jay,” you choked out, still clinging to him as he hummed at your words.
“I know, ____…” he said, almost in an apologetic manner, “but now…” he stalled in the silence, peeking down at the knife on the floor, “you’ll have to learn to love me again… but in the meantime, things will be different between us... better... and I can promise you that, love...”
All you did was nod against his chest, finally letting your eyes open up as you spoke an almost inaudible, “I hope I’ve made the right decision…”
He broke from the hug, still connecting your bodies by the waist as he took your hand in his hand to place a kiss against the tender marks on your wrist, a single thought resting in the back of your troubled mind...
You had just given up on your only chance of survival, and was that a foolish or wise decision? You’re not so sure as of now… but either way, one thing remained certain… a thing that you dreaded to acknowledge even now as Jay held you in his arms…
You could only hope that this certainty wouldn’t haunt you til the end of time, and that somewhere within the depths of your broken heart, you’d grow more accepting of the simple fact that Jay, in all of his efforts, had finally won, leaving the two of you now as a united pair to pick up and rebuild the pieces together…
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☆ This concludes the CONVENIENT CHANCES series’ season finale everyone! I’d like to give special thanks to @yourmomscuntis2tighy for originally requesting this piece, and to all of the amazing people who supported this series to the very end 🤍🤍🤍
☆ NOTE: in no way, shape, or form does this fanfic intend to romanticize unhealthy relationships or abusive behaviors. i simply write for entertainment and creative purposes. thus, reader discretion is always advised.
☆ TAGS: @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @ashgonedash @addictedtohobi @wonbinisbabygurl @cherlv @03sunoos @kaykay11sworld @gigiramirezsblog @hoonsyo @en-thralled @haechansheart @night-en-shining-armor @cutiejseong @j-wyoung @bambangan @wonbyf @4imhry @zhangyi-johee @naddii @valhrts @tinyenha @lisaaannna @valentineluvr @heecries @espyluvsyou @tokusatsutoad @confuse20x @teddursa @riviyw @tamii4 @lovelycassy @addictedtohobi @gardenwons @nikipedia07 @tubatusoobs @03sunoos @oshsha @elleflying07 @jjungwonss @soobins--dimple @heeseung-min @heerinnie @wonbyf @smouches @ilovesunoosm @whattheflipbroski @starrylovesu @jungwonloveer @idkdykilr @jays-property @daintysan @oddracha @miinie6300 @lilyuwon @meowmeowjang @sun00027 @kkamismom12
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occamstfs · 6 months
Road Raging
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Road rage induced Himbofication and Muscle Growth, hope y'all enjoy and Drive safe y'all! -Occam
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Peter has been waiting at this light for just shy of ten minutes. He wouldn’t normally mind but as he watches car after car blast past him only to merge back in ahead of him. After the fifth car does so he starts talking to himself just to prevent losing his cool. “It’s like no one knows how to drive! They all just think their time is more important than anyone else’s I bet.” 
The light turns red once more and he rolls his eyes as he prepares to sit through another cycle. He turns up the podcast he had been listening to distract himself from the peaking irritation as cars begin to pass through the intersection. He checks his rearview and scoffs seeing the man behind him playing on his phone as they sit in traffic. “God damnit, can we keep our eyes on the road? No wonder this city’s going to shit with assholes like him driving.” He stares daggers into his mirror and as soon as he finishes the man behind him looks up and smirks almost as if he knows he’s being observed.
Peter in turn flinches and blushes, returning his eyes to the traffic ahead as any responsible driver should. He suddenly hears a car blasting through the traffic in the left lane , scowling as he is sure this jerk is going to try and skip the line. Sure enough he slows to an idle crawl as he nears Peter’s position in line. The guy throws on his blinker to hop into line. Rage begins to grow in Peter’s chest as the car approaches inching further ahead of the traffic by the second.
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Peter averts his eyes from the road ahead to glare at the man who has wronged his fellow drivers, only to find himself intimidated by the specimen of man taking advantage of him. The car in front of him makes room for the approaching BMW and Peter, caught off guard, accidentally lets the titan of a man maneuver ahead of him in traffic. The man shoots Peter a smug smirk and a wink as he shifts his car into the gap in traffic, securely pushing himself ahead of him.
Meek man he may be, the rage in Peter’s small body overcomes him as this asshole edges in front. He’s not going to let every muscle-brained bro just ignore him. He was not going to let this alpha asshole push him around. He lays on his horn as hard as he can and shouts any obscenity that comes to mind at the man ahead of him. In response the man only keeps up his arrogant expression, as he clearly has come out on top. He laughs at Peter as he mimes a blown kiss back at his overcome foe.
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Peter screams loud enough that his voice even begins to grow hoarse as he continues to squirm in rage at the alpha man now squarely in front of him. He takes a quick breath and tries to calm down, suddenly shocked at letting himself act in such a vulgar manner. “God what is taking this light so fucking long.” He says to himself, not hearing that his voice has lowered in pitch. Easy enough to blame that on all the shouting anyway.
Peter continues to sit in his car in wait, trying not to let his anger at the man in front of him boil over again. He realizes that he’s now sitting in silence. Wasn’t he listening to something? He strains his mind trying to remember what he was occupying himself with not but a minute ago. Some NPR podcast starts playing through the static on his radio which for some reason starts to ignite his rage once more. Surely he’s not listening to that nerd-ass shit right? He slams his stereo a few times expecting it to just give in and play something else, it swiftly returns to static before his phone connects and starts playing the Eminem album he apparently had queued.
Suddenly the asshole behind him starts honking and Peter realizes the light has turned green. It’s unlike him to be so oblivious, not that it matters though since the douche in front of him hasn’t started going either. God the fuckers on the road these days. He flips off the man behind him for honking before returning his ire to the fucker in front of him. He starts to tailgate the BMW in his way, only leading the driver to glare at him, his eyes half-closed, dripping with dominance, demanding Peter’s submission.
Peter’s eyes glaze over as he makes direct eye contact, not even noticing as the light turns red once more, not even caring as he is to remain stuck in yet another cycle of traffic. His rage subsides as he stares at the man ahead of him, does he know this jerk? His rage completely gives way to confusion as he sits and struggles to even remember that he just blew up at the man in front of him. His stereo soothes him with music he feels deep in his chest should not be as nearly as comforting or familiar as it is.
He feels his arms briefly strain his shirt. Peter feels the sleeves stretch and nearly tear before they quickly dissolve leaving them still-growing arms barren. He starts subconsciously rapping alongside Slim, feeling confidence grow in his chest as the droll life of quiet irritation that he knows begins to feel unfamiliar. His arms and chest begin to pump up as he bops in his seat to the music. He feels his pecs quickly strain his shirt before it expands to fit them, the neckline dropping to allow everyone a view of his hard-earned pecs.
Pete feels the AC graze his now exposed chest and is taken aback, he breaks his gaze with the bro ahead of him and is overcome with shock at his body. He jumps as he sees how powerful his arms have become, triggering his seatbelt to force him back into his seat, squeezing his now shockingly powerful chest. He whispers to himself as his voice deepens even more, “this can’t be right, I’m I’ve..” The music rises in volume trying to edge out any remaining thoughts of defiance. He feels the music reverberate through his chest, pumping it larger still, asserting that he is powerful. He once more makes eye contact with the man ahead of him and recognizes, oh, that’s his bro yeah! He then turns his mind back to his body as he finds yet another aspect of his transformation, his car is beginning to smell as if it were a locker room as he begins to just pour out sweat.
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Pete turns the AC even higher which only spreads his musk even more through the cabin. It almost immediately fills the whole of the car, as if he’s been using it as storage for dirty gym clothes for weeks. He blushes to himself as he wonders if this actually is the case. He desperately wants to question if he could possibly go to the gym enough for that to be a problem before he stares at his growing arm and flexes it. Bro all this time has been paying off huh. Pete smiles to himself as he basks in his own power.
The light turns green once more but this time the cross traffic has totally blocked his lane's ability to go. Further ahead of Pete and his bro a crowd of cars honk as are once more impeded. Pete feels like he too should be bothered by this but can’t find it within himself to care all that much. He continues flexing in his seat as he feels his jaw squaring out and his bulge start to fill out his pants. He sniffs his pits as he tries to remember if he’s headed to the gym or on the way back from it, guffawing to himself as he realizes he forgot deodorant today. Not that he minds though, the gym smells rank anyway, might as well smell like him.
Excited at the idea of going to the gym once more Pete is suddenly preoccupied with the idea of getting there faster. His bro in front of him flexes back at him and smirks, almost in encouragement. Pete sees him mouth the words “race ya” and winks once more. Pete’s entire body tenses up and he discards his tank, tossing it in a pile of other sweat-stained shirts in his back seat. He’s gotta beat his bro to the gym.
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He feels a cap shape itself around his head as his hair shrinks into a short crew cut. Pete is far too gone to notice though, bathing in his own scent and compulsively flexing as he tries to brainstorm a way ahead of his bro. Slow as his mind now goes he guffaws once more as he lands on the perfect idea. He’ll just skip the line huhuh. Pete swerves out of the line he has been impatiently waiting in all this time and shoots past his bro who raises his chin at the challenge.
Possessed with self-superiority, Pete scans the line ahead looking for some meek nerd or hungry twink to let him in. Not too far ahead he sees a tired man glare at him through sunglasses, not knowing it is a reflection of a face he once had. Pete sneers at him, his smile perfect and white as if carved from marble. He raises his arm behind his head, briefly struggling to stretch the muscle justly. The other driver recoils in disdain at the sheer audacity of Pete forcing his car in front of him. He continues to stare as Pete continues to demand entry ahead. The glaring man who has never even done so much as curse under his breath at other drivers begins to feel a rage grow in his chest, a rage that Pete is all-too-eager to encourage. Won’t last too long anyway, just a little stepping stone to having another bro.
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borathae · 2 months
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"Jimin has a hard time accepting that people don't want to hurt him. Something about you makes him ease up however and because of it, he asks you to cut his hair. You help him gladly of course."
Pairing: Jimin x f.Reader
Genre: slight Angst, Fluff, Hurt and Comfort
Warnings: Jimin has trauma, he's scared but she makes him feel at ease, like please give this man a hug, innocent skinship, also they're just friends currently but idkkk there is so much tension between them, god i'm going insane actually
Wordcount: 2.6k
a/n: i'm actually so sad :( also listen. the hug was inspired by the way Jimin hugs :( i fucking want a Mimi Hug no JOKE </3
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You are in the back garden, pruning the roses when someone suddenly steals the sunlight from you. It had once warmed your skin. The air feels chilly in the shadows all of a sudden.
You stop working, lifting your eyes at the person.
Jimin. Dressed in a long arm shirt and flowy pants, he walked through the grass barefoot and with his long hair tied back. The fabric of his shirt is striped in black and white. He is hiding his eyes behind a pair of dark sunglasses. 
“You’re in my sun”, you tease.
“The sun doesn’t belong to you”, he throws backs sassily.
“I’d still prefer it if I had sunlight.”
“Too bad. I’m here now.”
You scoff in amusement, straightening up by rolling your shoulders. Such bickering is normal between you and him and amuses you these days.
“Do you wanna help me?” you offer him your second pair of pruning scissors, which he declines with a shake of his head.
“I have a, uh, favour to ask of you.”
You are working on the rose as you talk to him. He watches your movements with his eyes just slightly zoned out. 
“What’s up?” 
“Okay so, don’t laugh at me, but I talked to Tae and he said that you’re really good at cutting hair.”
“Yeah, I am. Nobody in this family wants to trust me, but I’m so good at cutting hair, like so good.”
He scoffs in amusement, reaching out to play with a rose leaf mindlessly.
“Sure you are.”
“Mh-hm, I am. Why did you ask him?”
“It’s just, I was wondering, uh, if maybe you want to do my hair.”
You stop working, studying him in surprise. You didn’t expect such a request.
“Your hair?” you make sure
Jimin nods his head. 
“Sure, uh, yeah I can. Just...why me?”
“Because you’re good, I already told you. And because Tae can’t cut hair. He thinks that he can, but he is shit at it. Don’t tell him I said that.”
“I’m not better than a professional though. Wouldn’t a stylist be better than me?”
“No, uhm.” He shies away, touching his own neck in soothing. “I’m not ready to, uhm. It’s hard for me to have strangers touch me. I, I don’t know them and, and I… uhm, they could hurt me. Uhm, it’s hard, I guess.”
“Oh”, you realise, “gosh Jimin, I’m sorry that you feel this way. I understand your feelings and I’ll gladly cut your hair.”
“Thank you”, he whispers, “see you later then. In my wing. Bye.” 
And with that, he flees, keeping his head low in embarrassment. You know that it wasn’t easy for him to share his feelings right now. He is a lot like Yoongi in that regard. Although Jimin is definitely that way because he was never truly allowed to feel. In more sense than one. Not only was he forced to keep his emotions off, he was also punished for any show of emotion which didn’t benefit his abusers. Sharing his feelings equalled being hurt to him in his past. So of course he fled the second he did it. You are still so proud of him for sharing his feelings. It means that he is healing. 
You finish garden work and take a quick shower. Knowing Jimin, he meant the evening hours when he said “later” so you don’t feel too stressed about going to him. 
After the shower, you have early dinner with Yoongi and Jungkook where you tell them that you will cut Jimin’s hair later and they show their expected surprise. When you tell them his reasons however, they react with empathy. They leave for a hunt after dinner, needing their own vampiric meals. You kiss each of them on their lips and wish them a good hunt, then you make your way upstairs to Jimin’s wing. 
He always keeps his doors locked because he feels safer this way, resulting in you having to ring his doorbell.
All of you have doorbells installed, which makes it a lot easier to visit each other. It was Taehyung’s idea and Yoongi had to be the one to install them. He did it gladly, gloating about how easy it was once it was done.
Jimin opens the door after the first ring. He is in different clothes and judging by the slight pearls of sweat on his forehead, he has been dancing. 
“Is it a good time?” you ask him.
“Yes. Come in.”
You step out of your house shoes once inside, while Jimin locks the door.
“Were you dancing?”
“That’s nice. How’s the studio?”
“Good. I love the natural light in it.”
“It’s already dark though.”
“For you, yes. Not for me. The moonlight is better than sunlight”, he says and hurries past you, “wait in the living room. I need to shower.”
“Alright, will do.”
Jimin’s living room was once a guest bedroom. The one you stayed in during your first night at the estate to be more exact. Yes, That Night where Taehyung had actually planned on eating you before you, unknowingly, managed to change his mind. 
The room once smelled of oakwood and myrrh, but smells like orange blossoms and clean wood these days. The walls changed out of their outdated grey coat into a cherry red dress. White ceilings and a decorated voute seem to practically glow next to the red and the ivory curtains give even more lightness to the otherwise warm-coloured room. The furniture is antique, but in perfect condition and throughout the room, Jimin placed vases with fresh flowers. He isn’t afraid to show his sensitive side these days. It reflects in how delicate the decorations in his wing feel.
You lie down on his sofa. Its red pillows swaddle you, inviting you to close your eyes for a while. It is so comfortable here. 
You probably would have dozed off for a post-dinner nap if Jimin hadn’t woken you again. His steps are quiet normally, but the floorboards creaked under his weight as he walked to you.
You sit up, “I’m awake.”
“Sure”, Jimin says sarcastically, eyeing the deep dent you left in his throw pillow, “just so you know, that pillow is a hundred years old and the stitching is delicate.”
“Huh? Hm?” You look at the pillow, smoothing it out. “Sorry. Nothing happened, I swear.”
“Don’t sweat it. Can we start? I wanna get it over with”, he says and leaves the room again.
With a grieving heart – a nap sounded so good – you leave the comfortable couch to follow him. 
You find him in his bathroom, sitting by the powder table in only his towel. The silver scar on his back contrasts against his black tattoos. He is tracing the entrance point of the scar on his chest mindlessly, but lifts his eyes when he senses your presence. His hand lowers, the self-disgust disappearing from his eyes. He shifts in embarrassment, clearing his throat.
Knowing him, he wants you to ignore his scar. He can’t stand it when people mention it. It is already awful enough that he has to look at it each time he undresses. 
“Anything in particular you wanna get?” you ask him as you close in on him.
“Just shave it there and give it texture on top”, Jimin says, lifting up his hair to show you his neck.
“So undercut with some length on top?”
“Yeah. It’s hot and I need air.”
“Right? It’s so hot lately. This summer is insane”, you agree, picking up the shaver, “should we go with the setting you have on?” 
“Yes. But make sure the fade is good.”
“I will, don’t worry. Is it okay for me to touch you?” 
Jimin glances at you. Surprise and gratefulness. He can’t keep up eye contact, lowering his eyes at the table as he nods his head. 
With his consent, you touch his hair. You run your fingers through it, eyeing his hands. They ball to fists at the first contact, tightening with such strength that his knuckles pale. He is scared.
“Did you practice choreography?” you ask him in hopes of distracting him.
“No I.” He clears his tightened throat. “I guess I just danced.”
“That’s nice too. I’ll shave it to up there. Is that alright?”
Jimin inspects the point you show him and nods his head. You pick up the shaver and turn it on. Jimin moves his head away when you put it close to him, flinches and moves back again.
“Sorry”, he whispers, glancing at you in embarrassment.
“Don’t apologise. Did you change your mind?” 
“Alright. Want a break?”
He shakes his head silently.
“Alright. Just tell me if you need it”, you say and put the shaver against his neck.
Jimin is tense during the first couple of shaves, but relaxes soon when his traumatized mind realizes that you genuinely don’t want him harm. He even opens his fists and begins playing with his bracelets mindlessly. Only around his ears, a certain stiffness returns to him and his eyes ghost over the shaver fearfully. 
So you give him a break, soothing him by tracing his ears softly. 
“Gotta clean you up”, you tell him even though both of you know that this was just an excuse to mask the gesture of comfort you give him. If you didn’t mask it, Jimin would get way too embarrassed however. 
He is tense at first. His eyes switch between your hands, your face and the shaver you put aside. 
You reach the spot right behind his ear where the harder point of his shell blends into the softness of his lobe. You rub it slowly. Jimin’s lids flutter, his head sways back just once before he fixes it again.
Another rub of the same spot and Jimin’s head rolls back again, lids closing halfway as goosebumps cover his skin. Yet another rub and he breathes so deeply that his chest lifts and sinks visibly, eyes closing for just a second before he forces them open again.
He straightens up, glancing at you in embarrassment. You act oblivious for his sake, giving his shoulders an innocent rub.
“There we go. Now you’re clean. I’ll continue.”
“Yeah. Okay”, he whispers, staring at you in the reflection of the mirror. He can’t truly make sense of the emotions in his chest and what they mean. He also can’t stop them and so he stares.
Jimin doesn’t flinch away anymore when the shaver touches him. You can finish the shaving without any more obstacles. He even stays calm when you shave him around his other ear. Only for a split second his neck tensed up, but relaxed within a breath because he felt safe more than he does troubled in your presence. 
You place the shaver on the table and use a fluffy brush to sweep away any stray hair. The sensation sends shivers down his spine. He tries to cover them up as best as possible.
“Do you like the fade?” 
“Yes. It’s, uhm, it’s what I wanted”, he speaks quietly, looking at himself with sparkling eyes. He doesn’t even notice that he is gazing, too mesmerised his new look has him. 
“Nice. That’s good to hear. I’ll just do the texturing and then you’re done.”
“Yes. Thank you.”
His words are honest, bringing a smile to your lips.
“Of course.” You pick up the scissors, showing them to him. “I’ll use these.”
You give him time to observe the potential danger. He nods his head in consent. You begin. He doesn’t tense because you gave him the opportunity to prepare. 
“Your hair is fun to work with. You’ve got so much of it.”
“Thanks. It’s hot during summer.”
“I can imagine. Should I take some length too?”
“Yes, please.”
You can finish the cut with no obstacles, moving on to the last step instantly. You clean him and then style him with a light mousse. He lets you with gratefulness in his eyes. Truly, he can’t stop looking at you. It is as if something about you has him captured. You don’t notice his eyes on you because you take your job as his hair stylist way too seriously and are blind to anything but his hair.
“There we go. Now you’re done. How do you like it?” you ask, finally meeting his eyes. For but a moment, your breath hitches. He never looked at you like this before. “Uh..”
Jimin clears his throat and shifts his eyes away. The air is charged between you and him, but neither tries to talk about it.
You take a step back. Jimin looks at himself for a while. His expression is stoic and if you didn’t know him better, you would think that he hates the haircut. In the end however, a small smile hushes over his lips and he nods his head.
“I like it.” 
You smile proudly.
“I’m happy to hear that.”
He shimmies on the chair awkwardly, touching his new undercut.
“You can, uhm, leave now if you want to.”
“How about we clean up and then show Tae your new style?” you suggest because you know he doesn’t actually want you to leave, but thinks that you already want to.
“Yes. Okay.” He turns away to hide the giddy smile. “Do you think we can get him to watch a movie with us?”
“I think that he’ll be the one to suggest it.”
Jimin laughs. You laugh with him.
“Yeah, that actually sounds like him”, he agrees. 
“I bet he wants to watch one of his boring French movies.”
“They’re not boring, you just have no taste.”
You laugh, “no I do. His movies are like five hours long. That’s way too long.” 
“Don’t tell him that.”
“Oh honey, I do. He knows and teases me for it.” 
You and Jimin share laughter. Your eyes meet. The tension in the air is almost suffocating.
His smile drops. 
You stop laughing, feeling tight in your chest for but a second, “what’s wrong?” 
Jimin stands up and turns to you so he can close the distance.
You instinctively take a step back, but Jimin still pulls you close.
He hugs you. 
Jimin hugs as if he is overcome with adoration. Jimin hugs as if he needed the other for his survival. Jimin hugs as if he thanks the universe for the other’s presence. He doesn’t hug often, but when he does, it is spilling over with his honest adoration.
You didn’t expect it right now, but can’t deny that it melts you. He has one arm around your waist strongly and cradles the back of your head with his other hand, while his cheek rests on your shoulder with his face hidden in your neck. You can even see from the reflection in the mirror that he has his eyes closed. He hugs just like him. With his entire heart and soul. 
You hug him back with just as much tenderness, rubbing his back slowly. Goosebumps follow your touch. He melts into your embrace. 
“What’s that for?” you ask him quietly.
You chuckle, “do you like it that much?”
He nods his head and gives you a squeeze.
“Thank you”, he whispers. 
You know that he doesn’t only speak of the haircut. That he thanks you for giving him the space and time he needed to realise that the haircut won’t end in pain for him. You smile fondly, squeezing him back.
“Of course. You can always come to me for help.”
“I will.” He holds you so close and breathes your name. Nothing else follows. Just your name. Said with just as much heart and soul as his hug carries.
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seijorhi · 7 months
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Etched in Red: Vermillion (Part One)
Event Masterlist
Okkotsu Yuuta x female reader
Part Two
w.c 1.4k
tw: yandere themes, kidnapping, implied dub/non-con, non-explicit gore
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There’s nothing… wrong with being weak.
It isn’t a moral failing or anything to be ashamed of, it just is. For most people – normal people – that’s okay. They accept it, adjust their lives accordingly and move on. 
The thing is, most people don’t actually need to be strong, not in the physical sense. 
Most people aren’t jujutsu sorcerers.
Yuuta frowns, watching you laugh as Inumaki offers a hand to haul you up to your feet, brushing the dirt and grass of your skirt once you’re upright. Another sparring session that ends the exact same way all of them do; you, flat on your ass, wholly at the mercy of whichever of his friends is standing over you.
Problem is, they’re going easy on you; Maki leaving her left side wide open, Panda practically telegraphing his hits. Lately, he’s noticed it with Yuji and the other second years, too. It’s like an unwritten rule that they never go too hard, never push you too far. Trying to help you without hurting you in the process.
Because the simple, painful truth is, you aren’t strong enough to take it.
And believe it or not, he does get it… sort of. When Gojo dragged him into this he was petrified. Useless. He got thrown in the deep end, first first with Maki and then with Inumaki, and he had to figure it out fast, but… he also had Rika. 
He also had his cursed technique. 
Three years in, with graduation looming, you’re a step above a window. Still a grade four, although unlike with Maki it’s not some political, sexist bullshit keeping you there.
For right now, that’s okay. They’re your friends, none of them think any worse of you for it. They cover you on the missions you’re sent out on, and that’s not gonna change any time soon, but–
“Everything okay, Yuuta?”
He exhales a shuddering breath then straightens and turns your way with a smile. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?” he asks, idly toeing at a rock by his feet. Maybe you won’t notice the flush colouring his cheeks. “Looked like you hit the ground pretty hard back there.” 
You laugh, waving it off like it’s no big deal, and to be fair it isn’t – you go through this multiple times a week, but that doesn’t mean it rankles him any less when you say, “Nothing I can’t handle. Toge was taking it easy on me.”
You don’t know the half of it. 
“C’mon,” you tell him. “Panda says you’re up.”
Forty minutes later, breathless, aching and bruised all over, Yuuta shuffles with you and the others back to the dormitories to shower before eating when a familiar head of white hair pops into view.
“Yuuu-taa,” Gojo greets in a sing-song voice, altogether too happy for the group of exhausted, hungry students glaring back at him. “A word?”
Not remotely a request, considering he’s got an arm looped over Yuuta’s shoulders, steering him away from the rest of the group before he can get so much as a word out. 
Leading him into an empty classroom well away from the dormitories, Gojo props himself up against one of the desks, leaving Yuuta to stand awkwardly in front of him, trying his best not to feel like a misbehaving child about to be lectured. 
When he speaks, there’s no trace of levity left to soften the blow. “What happened?” 
Gojo isn’t talking about the training session outside.  
Yuuta swallows, stiffening. “It doesn’t matter, does it? You read the report. As long as she’s with me, Rika and I–”
“So you expect the higher ups to send you along on every mission she’s assigned?”
His cheeks flush again, this time with indignation. “They can’t send her alone! She’s not– she… ” Isn’t strong enough.
At his floundering, Gojo lets out a heavy, over-dramatic sigh, as if the weight of the world rests on his shoulders alone. “Yuuta, you’re a special grade. Do you really think they’ll let you play babysitter just because you have a crush?”
His heart squeezes, a thick lump lodging itself in his throat. He doesn’t deny it, there’s no point. Blindfolded or not, Gojo sees everything.
Not that his Sensei has room to talk about crushes. 
“I don’t care, I’ll go anyway! I’m not letting her get hurt.”
“Special grade or not, you won’t be able to stop it,” Gojo tells him, a strange sort of smile teasing at his lips. “They’ll smell her coming a mile away, that inexperience, overconfidence. Such a weak, tasty little sorcerer. Easy pickings. She’ll draw them in like flies to honey, one after another, until there’s too many to fight all at once – that’s what happened last time, didn’t it? You lost focus.”
Yuuta stills entirely. 
Gojo tugs at the bandages over his eyes, revealing one brilliant, blue iris. “She dies. That’s the only way this goes. You understand that, don’t you?”
It kills Yuuta that Gojo turns out to be right.
The body lying on the cold, metal table can barely be called that. Half a torso and a leg. That’s all he got back after getting rid of the curse. 
“Okkotsu,” Ieiri’s calm voice breaks through his reverie, and he glances up to find her tired eyes boring into him from across the room. If he didn’t know better, he’d almost think she looked concerned.
“‘m fine,” he mumbles, letting his head tilt back to fall against the cool tiles. “I’m not the one who died.”
Ieiri opens her mouth, only to close it a moment later. “Of course.”
And so it goes. Inumaki, Panda and Maki hover, quiet and subdued. No one knows what to say, but none of them are surprised, he can tell that much through the thick, strained silence. 
Death is pretty much a constant for them. Jujutsu sorcerers don’t tend to lead long, happy lives, but this isn’t just losing a classmate seven days out from graduation. A pang squeezes at his chest and he doesn’t bother holding back a heavy exhale. 
“I’m tired. I’ll… catch you guys later, I guess.”
Yuuta doesn’t wait for an acknowledgement, turning on his heel and leaving them there outside the gym, staring uselessly after him.
But he doesn’t head back to his room. There’s nothing for him there. 
No, Yuuta walks for a long, long while. Back to civilisation, to the city teeming with people and curses, each step more surefooted, eager than the last.
By the time he reaches the apartment, he’s pounding the pavement, and takes the stairs two at a time. His hand shakes as he slots the key into the first lock and twists, then the second, his heart’s halfway to his throat when he pushes it open, heading straight for the bedroom–
The knot in his chest loosens, a relieved sigh escaping him at the sight of you, spread out in his sheets in nothing but your underwear, fast asleep. Safe, where he left you.
It takes him no time at all to toe out of his sneakers, shed his jacket and climb up onto the bed next to you, mindful not to jostle you too much, not to disturb the thick metal links coiled loosely at the bottom of the mattress. Your eyes are still puffy, cheeks wet with the sheen of tears when his fingertips glide over them, intent on smoothing your hair back from your face. 
Poor thing, you must’ve tired yourself out. 
Yuuta has every intention of letting you sleep for a little while longer yet – he’d meant what he’d said to Maki and the others, there’s a bone tired weariness that’s been clinging to him since he dragged himself back to campus that morning, and it’s only now, here, lying next to you that he feels it start to leach away, like poison syphoned off. 
A small, soft smile tugs at his lips. 
Perfect, beautiful girl. 
Gojo was right. You had to die. There aren’t enough sorcerers to deal with the increased curses plaguing the city. Weak or not, they would’ve kept sending you out, and he wouldn’t always be able to guarantee that he’d be there to protect you.
You had to die so they’d leave you alone. So that he could keep you safe. 
Nestling closer, he thumbs at the curve of your cheekbone again and brushes a kiss against your lips, doing his best to ignore the hot pulse of want that burns through his blood, coiling tightly in his guts. 
There’ll be plenty of time for that later. For now he just wants to lie here with you, safe and tucked away. Together. 
It’s better this way. You’ll see.
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cottonlemonade · 5 days
Mr Steal Your Girl
word count: 1311 || avg. reading time: 6 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Kenma x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff, University
warnings: spoilers
synopsis: Kenma tries to ask you out but has awful timing
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It was already hard enough to dress for a normal date but finding an outfit for a blind date you didn’t want to go to to begin with was impossible.
Your best friend was annoyed that she couldn’t take you and your chronically single self on any double dates and so decided to take matters into her own hands. At least once every few months she would close her eyes and pick a random guy walking around the campus cafeteria and ask if he was interested in a “cool, funny, smart girl that was just too shy to ask herself” and most of the time that was enough. The date was set, your friend dragged you along and you had a miserable two hours before being allowed to return to your natural habitat - your dorm room.
In her defense, most guys she selected were actually very nice. And except for the last one who had forgotten his wallet, then ate his weight in burgers, let you pay, and had since vanished without a trace or payback, they all knew how to behave. They kept the conversations going, complimented you, and usually asked for a second date, but you liked being alone and besides, dating was stressful. Who needed the whole hassle of getting dressed up and leaving the house? You wanted someone who liked to spend their time indoors, watch movies, play games, build a Lego set or two, snuggle, and snack.
Kenma was convinced that you were perfect for him. Witty, had excellent taste in games and music, and a figure that put every body pillow he ever received as a promo gift to shame. He spent the better part of any lecture twirling his pen in his long fingers and staring at the back of your head, then quickly snapping his eyes the other way, pretending to look intently at the monitor upfront if you happened to turn around during a stretch. He remembered overhearing one of his former classmates once saying that asking someone out was easy, but now that Kenma absently drew a heart with your initials on the side of his notes, he found he didn’t share that sentiment. Partly because he didn’t like to go out in the first place, so how would he convincingly invite someone to something he didn’t even want to go to either?
None of his friends knew about his crush on you and he wasn’t going to admit it to them. Not because he would be embarrassed if they knew, but because he didn’t want to be grouped together with your small and not-so-secret on-campus fan club - a bunch of desperate boys who all wanted a piece of the chubby queen of homebodies. So he denied any allegations that quickening his sluggish steps on the way to the lecture hall to sit in your vicinity, his sleep-deprived heart eyes and doodle-adorned notepads meant anything. Pondering, he tapped the tip of his pen onto the paper, trying to figure out a way to invite you to play games with him, romantically. He wasn‘t going to stoop as low as to ask Kuroo for help and instead took to the wild seas of the internet for advice.
As he scrolled through the many many forums, sifting through mostly bad ideas, he overheard one of your friends say, “It‘s just dinner and a movie. Give him a chance. He is the captain of the swim team after all.“
Kenma‘s heart sank - and then bounced back up immediately when you groaned.
“Look, it‘s sweet and … a little concerning how much you care about my love life, but I‘m not interested in him. Or anyone really. I just prefer to be alone.“
100% understanding and agreeing with you, Kenma chewed the inside of his cheek, thinking if it would come across as weird and creepy if he were to ask you to be alone together.
“But I worry about you.“, the friend pouted.
You laughed and gently put a hand on her shoulder, “Not everyone meets the love of their life at university.“
In truth, you just didn‘t want your friend to know about your ridiculous crush on Kodzuken. Your heart had almost jumped out of your chest when you first spotted the tell-tale half-dyed ponytail in your class and heard the all too familiar voice during a presentation project. It was silly, really, and you did well pushing your infatuation to the very back of your mind.
After all, whenever you tried to catch a glimpse of him he would look away immediately, making it all too clear that wasn‘t interested in a conversation.
It was no use either way. Your friend wouldn‘t stop pushing until you were social for an evening so you chose your usual - well fitted jeans and a thin, long sleeved sweater to keep the cold and any potential bodily contact to a minimum. Your friend waved when she recognized you getting off the bus. She was already waiting in the arms of her boyfriend with a tower of a guy right next to them, who, when seeing who his set-up was going to be, looked a little disappointed. Oh great.
Kenma felt more pathetic by the second. All day he had tried to work up the courage to catch you in a calm minute to ask you out before your date. If it went well with that guy, chances were he wouldn’t ever let you go (if he knew what was best for him), so this was basically his last opportunity ever. When he didn’t manage to ask during class, then neither during lunch, nor in the library he never went to before, and neither at the bus stop, he thought he might as well face the fact that it wasn’t meant to be. But he found himself a few hours later behind you in the queue at the movie theater, he heard you were planning to go to. He would have to ask now before he’d have to buy a ticket. As he politely waited for a lull in the conversation between you and the Iron Man your friend set you up with, Kenma tried to busy himself with a game on his phone to calm his nerves. But he became so engrossed in a level that he missed his chance and could only watch you walk away with your friends. He should just give up. This was ludicrous.
“One ticket to whatever movie they just went to.”, he said before he could stop himself.
Just turn around. Turn around and leave. Come on.
But his feet had other plans. With the overpriced movie stub in hand, he shuffled to the auditorium and searched in the crowd for you. Unfortunately, the first marker he found was the tall guy next to you, talking to your friend and boyfriend, leaving you to sit quietly and awkwardly to the side.
He walked up the steps and your eyes met. Your cheeks blushed, as did his, and with the confidence of a deflated balloon, he came to a halt next to you, hands in his pockets.
“Hey y/n, I’m Kenma. I’m in your business class.”
“I know.”, you said and he was already relieved. First hurdle down. Now, carefully…
“Do you wanna go to a gaming café together?”
“Wha- right now?”
“I mean, yeah, if you don’t have anything else going on.”, he looked past you to the guy who just stared at him in disbelief and added in appeasement of your date, “Nothing personal.”
You exchanged a look with your friend who was just as shocked as the others and she shrugged. You turned back to Kenma.
“Sure thing.”
He held out his hand, then felt silly doing so and was about to lower it when you grabbed it.
“Lead the way.”, you said brightly and he did.
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All in an hour
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pairing: felix x reader
summary: A lot can happen in one hour...in other words during what's supposed to be a fun night with all of the others felix instead suffers through a night of desperation, need and finally, pleasure
warnings: dom reader, sub felix, voyeurism (pretty much all of the others watch as felix gets ruined), mommy kink (though the reader's gender is never mentioned) nipple play, biting, marking, humiliation, degradation (felix's called a slut like once or twice), possibly more that i forgot
word count: 1.8k
a/n: yes it's short, i'm working on the changbin fic rn so take what you can get!
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A lot can happen in one hour.
In 60 minutes. 3600 seconds.
It's funny how when you break it down like that it seems smaller, more insignificant.
Or sometimes it's the opposite, when your eye is on the clock, counting down the seconds time seems to slow just for the fun of making one suffer.
Funny how Felix has been sitting here for exactly that long. Three thousand, six hundred seconds. Each tortuous one feeling like an eternity.
He's experiencing the latter of the two. Watching the analog clock that sits on the side table by the tv. He swears it's broken, the seconds can't possibly be moving that slowly.
But they are.
And he's endured a whole sixty minutes of this insanity.
Of clenching his thighs together, trying to stave off the inevitability of his neediness. Especially in front of all the others.
And friday nights are usually his favourite of the week too.
Because it's the agreed upon day when they all get together, him and all his bandmates and sometimes you if you're off for the night.
The one night a week when they get together in one place, set aside work entirely and watch a movie, play games, eat junk food and be normal people for once, not perfect idols with unblemished skin and the vocabulary of puritans and priests.
Not worrying about their idol images and able to act as they are. Young people who if they weren't in the eye of the public would be in college, running around, experiencing the world of sex, drugs and whatever the hell they wanted.
And for one night, in the privacy of one of the three dorms or possibly your place they could do that. Be that.
But tonight he really can't help but want this to be over as soon as possible.
Really, truly, Felix doesn't want to be rude to any of his friends, the guests of the night but it is anything but his fault that your hand brushes over his inner thigh under the comfort of the blanket that covers the two of you, making him wanna kick them to the curb so that you can have a bit of privacy while he lets you have your way with him.
"Okay Hyunjin, truth or dare?"
And this annoying game, the one that Jisung is having way too much fun with, the lightweight he is, all giggly and fidgety as he points at Hyunjin, shouting as if they aren't sitting next to each other.
"Hmm, truth."
They all groan."Pussy!" Minho clears his throat, giving a good fake cough for measure.
Hyunjin glares but doesn't budge even when Han begs him to.
That's all he's picked all night and anything juicy has been extracted from the first few questions, leaving only the dry and boring yet strange ones that Han's drunk mind will come up with.
"Hmm, let's see,"
Felix nearly jumps out of him skin as you touch him again, a simple brush over his hips, it really should be nothing but he really can't help how sensitive they are and the sweat that begins to run down his temple only prove how easy it is to break his composure.
He zones out just in time to hear the question that Han comes up with.
"Would you rather eat an entire block of blue cheese in one sitting, or drink a whole glass of water from a rain puddle? That children have been jumping in, like all muddy and s..."
His voice tunes out, your hands sliding up and higher, twisting and playing with his already hard nipples. And he doesn't even care anymore. He's ready to kick all of these nerds out right here and now. Or, he's not even sure if he has enough energy to do that-at this point he's willing to let them watch.
Watch you make him cry and whimper and beg, play with his body and use it however you'd like.
He can imagine 50 different positions that you could fuck him in right now.
Missionary and mating press and doggy, you riding him, him riding you; him with his back against your chest just like this, legs spread wide open all on display fo-
He gasps and you smile. "You have such pretty tits baby, just keep quiet and I'll keep playing with them."
You're practically all over him at this point, groping his tits with one hand, pinching at his swollen nubs, twisting them so hard he has to bite his lip to keep quiet. The other higher up, holding his throat in place as you pepper kisses all over his neck, nipping and licking, laving affection onto every freckle and spot with your tongue.
The blanket does almost nothing to hide your stolen touches. It's not hard to see the bump of your hand on his chest and paired with the fucked-out expression on his face and the fingers wrapped around his throat there's very little left for interpretation.
He can feel their eyes on him. Feel the attention he's gained and can't help the way he flushes under it.
His body burns under the weight of it. Humiliation searing through his body like liquid heat, his panting coming out heavier and more ragged.
No one talks anymore. The game seems to be over and even Han's drunk self has seemed to sober up with the show presented in front of him.
"Isn't he pretty?" You coo, nuzzling gently against his ear before nibbling at the lobe.
"So pretty," Felix isn't sure who said it, his head isn't working right, his vision is blurring and a pathetic whine slips out, shivering against you at the praise.
"Oh, he liked that." you laugh, an edge to your voice he's very sure is matched with a wicked grin even if he can't see you. "You like be called pretty by your friends? Like be watched while I touch you like this?"
He gasps like a fish out of water, nodding and squirming, goosebumps breaking out across his skin. You roll a nipple between your fingers again, pushing the blanket down and off onto the floor, forgotten before grabbing the hem of his shirt, pulling it up his chest. Plain instinct takes over as he opens his mouth wide, allowing you to press the fabric into between his lips-red and swollen from being bitten for the last hour.
Part of you is possessive. Part of you wants to keep this pretty, blushing, begging boy to yourself, away from the hungry eyes of the others. His whimpers to your ears only though that's unlikely wherever you are given how loud your baby is.
Instead though, all you can think of is the fact that he's all your's, only your's and you now get to prove that. Make him cum his brains out in front of all of his friends that you pretend not to see looking him with gazes lingering for too long. Force them to see what they will only ever see all while you can play and tease and deny and overstimulate him as much as you want. All while they have no choice but to watch.
"Mommy please, it feels-feels so good!" His hands grasp at yours, pawing at your fingers with no real intent, only clawing at your wrists like his body has no idea what else to do with itself.
He's always been particularly sensitive but it's only been increased by the tenfold now. He's sure he could come from this and this alone, From your fingers and your lips and the weight of hungry eyes devouring the scene in front of them.
"Please Mommy, please don’t stop." His hips buck up into nothing and you place a hand there, pinning his pelvis down with surprising strength.
“Baby," your tongue laves attention over his jawline, voice dropping low. "Putting on a show. You look like a slut.”
Others murmur agreement and his entire body burns in white-hot shame, unable to help the way his hips thrust, trying against you until you pinch his hip, hissing for him to behave.
He wants you to say it again. More than he should.
To his delight, you do.
"Presenting yourself to the entire room like a cheap slut." you say it nonchalantly, so much so that it makes him feel dizzy. "Moaning like a pornstar, look at you. Why, you're practically a natural." Pursing your lips and continuing on, tilting your head like you're telling him the news, how the weather is. Talking as if you're not degrading him within an inch of his life and he's not about to cum from the words alone.
Like it’s normal conversation.
Like this is a normal occurrence.
“Yes! I-I'm” The word crumbles on his lips, voice cracking into a high pitched mewl when your mouth slots against the hollow spot of his collarbone, tongue dipping in before you suck his warm skin. "I-" he gasps, "I can't."
Your mouth moves higher, right beneath his ear. "You will."
And then you bite him-hard.
Right on a pretty little freckle, teeth digging into his neck in a way that feels so inexplicably good that Felix keens.
Too much.
Back arching away from you, mouth falling open in a silent scream as his eyes flutter open and closed for a few seconds before rolling back completely.
Too good.
With the eyes on him. With your fingers rolling his nipples between your fingers. With your teeth sunk into his skin and the way your tongue laves attention around it, soothing the bite, warm and wet.
He's so fucking pretty, is all you can think, is all you're sure anyone can think.
Especially now, like this. All open and vulnerable like he's being presented. It's a wonder that your fingers haven't danced their way down to his sweatpants where an obvious bulge makes itself apparent.
The reality hits him as his head spins, his breath a heave.
He just came in front of all of his friends.
And an even harder truth hits him when he realizes just how much he wants you to do it again.
Of just how much he wants you to now overstimulate him to hell and back. In front of all of them.
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my taglist is open here, @hobihearteu, @lemonhongjoong, @laylasbunbunny, @d7dream, @abcdefgiwsmcty, @missrobyn81, @maru-matt, @hahagay,
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saetoru · 2 years
tee do you ever think about how telling rich boy gojo you’re proud of him makes him caught off guard a bit? everyone just brushes off his achievements because they’re to be expected so the first time he hears it from you it makes him do a double take :(
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you say it off handedly the first time, just a casual statement as gojo playfully boasts about acing a quiz he didn’t even study for. his head’s on your lap and you’re scrolling through your phone with one hand while absentmindedly playing with his hair with the other, and it catches him by surprise.
“guess how much of a genius your boyfriend is,” he grins, “i got an A on that quiz i forgot to study for. pure genius, huh?”
because that’s gojo, praising his own accomplishments for himself so no one has to—filling the void alone because no one will. you chuckle quietly as your nails rake over his scalp, moving your hand to gently pinch his cheek as you nod.
“very genius,” you agree, and he grins gleefully—because that’s enough. it’s a small acknowledgment, but he doesn’t dare hope for more. and then your next words make him pause, make him wonder if he heard you correctly. “i’m proud of you, toru.”
and in all honesty, it’s a casual statement. it’s almost like you said it without even fully thinking about it, but it sounds so sincere—so painfully sincere—that his breath hitches in his throat. it’s the way the words are so easy to slip from your tongue, gliding off like they don’t need a second thought, like being proud of him is normal, like it’s as involuntary as the beat of your heart.
you seem to notice his reaction too—because if you hadn’t, you wouldn’t soften your face like that, or cup his cheeks like this right now, leaning down to press gentle kiss after the other across his face. it’s like you’re making up for years worth of moments that have been brushed aside, like you’re making up for the hurt parts of him that yearn for just one time that someone really looks at him. you press a kiss to the tip of his nose, across his forehead, along the angle of his cheekbone until one final press of your lips meets his own.
“‘m very proud of you,” you hum, rubbing a thumb over the soft flesh of his cheek, “always am. even if it was just luck this time,” you add teasingly, pinching his nose.
he grins, let’s the feeling bubble up his chest and spread until they reach his fingertips, let’s the warmth tuck itself under his skin and knit into his muscles as he relaxes against your hold. because here, when it’s just you, when the world’s not looking for gojo and he gets to just be satoru, you appreciate the small things no matter how trivial they seem to be.
even just doing well on a quiz.
“hey,” he defends, “it was a hard quiz.”
“it was over the first chapter. the easiest one, satoru.”
“but you’re still proud,” he winks, but you know it’s just to hear you say again, just to grant him one more opportunity to listen to the foreign words so he can really engrave them in his brain.
and maybe he thinks it’s the last time he’ll hear them, that it was just an accident and you’ll never repeat them again—because why would you be proud of him? why be proud of things that are expected?
but it doesn’t stop you from whispering them against his forehead once more. “yes, i’m very proud,” you murmur before pecking the skin.
“lots to be proud of when you’re dating me, sweetheart,” he says smugly—but if his voice is a bit strained and his lips are a little wobbly, you don’t mention it, and he’s grateful. “i’m a real catch, huh?”
“oh yes, i’ve won the lottery,” you nod, playfully flicking his forehead. and then your eyes turn tender, and your smile is sweeter, and the way you hold his face is as delicate as the love on your expression. “i love you, toru.”
“love you too, you sap,” he teases, but the look on his face is content, hopeful even, that maybe he has something to be proud of besides himself for once.
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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your honor i luv him :( he’s my baby :(
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mj0702 · 8 months
The other Bronze – Pt.4
This is basically a filler part... I promise in the next part (if you guys want that) there will be more action again 😅
Also... thanks to the high and depressed @samkerrworshipper and to @valewosomtb for having my back with this
The drive home was quiet with you being mentally exhausted. Lucy and Ona spoke quietly in the front while you fought to stay awake. Lucy checked on you regularly through the back mirror smiling slightly. When Lucy finally pulled into the driveway you actually did fall asleep on the backseat snoring lightly your head against the window. To your defence – it was a very eventful day. Your sister turned in her seat after she killed the engine immediately her face softening at your sleeping form.
“Just like old times” she mumbled smiling as Ona turned in her seat as well
“She looks so... pequeño” the Spaniard whispered
“She is... even with 16 she's still a little kid... she hasn't had it easy” Lucy said quietly as she unbuckled herself and opened her door.
Lucy signalled Ona to follow her inside while she grabbed the trainings bags from the trunk. Ona threw a last concerned look at you before following her girlfriend inside
“Are you just going to leave her out there?” the small blonde asked a little outraged by Lucys actions
“Of course not... I just wanted to get her bed ready – once she's out, she's out... I swear, there could explode a bomb right next to her – she would just sleep through it” the dark haired laughed quietly “But since I'm not planning to let her sleep on the couch nor in our bed I have to set up the guest bedroom”
“Oh” Ona said finally catching up immediately springing into action helping Lucy setting up the second bedroom.
About 20 minutes later everything was ready and Lucy walked outside to retrieve you from the car. Just as she thought you were still fast asleep a little bit of drool leaving your mouth. Your sister chuckled quietly while she carefully opened the door supporting your body as you slumped outside through the open door. She held your body upright with her legs while unbuckling your seatbelt before carefully picking you up and carrying you inside. You – even dead to the world – laid your head on your sisters shoulder seeking her comfort and safety. Since you were a little girl being held by Lucy always made you feel safe. When you fell at the playground and scratched open your knee – Lucy was there picking you up telling you everything will be okay. When you got in a fight in kinder garden with some stupid boys – Lucy was there talking to you about it and then pulled you into her embrance. When you started to play football, “trained” a little with her and fell over your own feet and face first into the grass – she picked you up dusted you off and told you you're good. So it was just a normal thing for you to relax completely in Lucys arms. Ona held the door open for Lucy to carry you inside and your sister walked straight through to the guest bedroom. In there she carefully laid you down on the bed and started to undress you. You stirred a little as Lucy pulled your pants down your legs.
“Hush” Lucy smiled softly “Can't let you sleep in jeans now, can I?”
As she finally got rid of your trousers Ona offered Lucy a pair of sweat pants just for your sister shake her head.
“She doesn't like to sleep in pants... never has” your sister said quietly as she put a thin blanket over you and signalled Ona to leave you sleep.
Back in the living room Lucy plopped down on the couch with a exhausted sigh. This Day was a lot – even for her. Physically and mentally. She rubbed her hands over her face as Ona appeared with two glasses of red wine holding one out for Lucy to take before sitting down next to her. A calming silence filled the room as the to women slowly drinking their wine.
“I can feel you thinking” Lucy said into the dim lit room not looking at Ona
“I... do have a question but I don't know if I'm overstepping” the Spaniard answered carefully.
“Pregunta” Lucy smiled visible proud about her spanish pronouncing.
“Was that spanish or a poor attempt in catalan?” Ona teased grinning
“Spanish” the dark haired woman mumbled “No one is teaching me catalan”
“Oh babe... we can change that in a second... què va passar amb els genolls de les teves germanes” the smaller woman grinned
“THAT was not spanish” Lucy exclaimed but grinned noneless
“That was catalan” Onas grin widened “You said you wanted to learn”
“No... I said no one is teaching me” your sister clarified “So your question in English? Please?”
“I asked what happened to her knees” Ona got serious again “I saw a lot of scars... If I overstep, please don't answer... I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable”
“You don't... I didn't think you would notice them... just promise me you won't pity her because then she'll get seriously mad... at me and you.. and there's nothing to pity her about because she's strong... so so strong” your sister said looking over at her girlfriend
“I promise” Ona says sincerely
“Answer is actually quiet simple... ACL tears... two right, one left... that's why she's not playing.. it hurt seeing her forced to stop playing – she was so good Ona... she had a feeling in her foot, a ball control and a football IQ I've never experienced before. She tore her ACL in her right knee when she was 11... she fought her way back – I helped as much as I could with her rehab trying to make her understand why she's doing certain things or why it would be stupid to do other exercises. She was so good and professional for an eleven year old girl... just as she was ready to go back out there again she slipped on some ice, twisted her left knee very badly trying to not damage her right one ended in hospital and surgery again... fought back again... there where a lot of downs too, but she fought... then we had her at the academy at City finally training with the ball again... she blossomed again – never lost her touch.. they had a 5 a side and an other girl went in for a tackle and caught her in a weird way... I heard her through the whole training ground and I never ran so fast and jumped barriers so quickly like that day... back in hospital again – ACL no.3... doc said she can repair it but it won't hold the pressure of a professional career... she went off the rails after that diagnosis... I'm pretty sure that's why mom send her over here... to get her away for a bit” Lucy said starring at the opposite wall while recalling your medical history.
“I'm so sorry...” Ona said quietly laying her hand carefully on Lucys knee
“She would have been so good... better than me, better than all of us... she would have made us work so hard... she had a control of the ball like Aitana... the IQ of Caro, Keira and Alexia combined... and her final touch was a mix from Salma, Meado and Sam Kerr... She was 11 and made world class players look like amateurs dribbling around them with such ease and playfulness... it was mesmerizing...” Lucy telling her girlfriend and a small smile played around her lips “I don't even know if she ever touched a ball since that day in hospital”
“Maybe we can get her to kick around a bit... just for fun” the Spaniard suggested
“I don't think so... I think she's still hurting” the Englishwoman said a little sadly
“Then we'll just be there for her and if the occasion presents itself she'll feel different about it” the blonde shrugged her shoulders and smiled
“Thank you” Lucy said looking Ona straight in the eye
“For what?” the catalan asked confused
“For being you... for keeping me calm with her... for not pushing her to like you... for just everything” your sisters said honestly “You don't know how much that means to me... and to her... she might be a devils spawn but she likes you – otherwise she would have done something against you already”
“Ehrm.. you're welcome? I'm not really doing anything” Ona said a little embarrassed.
“You do... more than you realize” Lucy smiled pulling Ona towards her connecting their lips in a sweet kiss.
“Bed?” the english asked “Just for sleep... she has the habit to interrupt... certain... activities”
This time Ona laughed “I noticed... yesterday...”
“Oh gooooood” Lucy groaned embarrassed getting reminded about it “I was so close too...”
“I noticed that too” the Spaniard smirked
You woke up still kind of groggy and grumpy hearing clatter in the kitchen. You were about to push yourself off the bed as you got painfully reminded of your accident. You swore loudly as you shook your arm to get rid of the pain – which ended in more pain.
“Stop moving it” Lucy said strict as she entered your (her) room after hearing you swear loudly
“It hurts” you whined
“It won't get better when you shake it around, you spanner” your sister said as she grabbed your arm to still it “get ready and then we'll ice it, okay? Ona made breakfast and if you're good I let you have a coffee”
“It's called Cortado.. you should know that by now... you live here for ages” you grumble before shuffling towards the bathroom as Lucy left towards the kitchen
“Fair warning... she isn't in a good mood” your sister announced walking into her kitchen looking at Ona, Alexia, Mapí and Ingrid
“She's probably in pain... she slept through the night without an extra dose of painkillers” Ona replied
“Then better get the painkillers ready” Lucy sighed as she heard another swear word coming from the bathroom “YOU ALRIGHT IN THERE??” she yelled towards you
“PEACHY” you yelled back trying to get your socks on “LUCE!!! HELP PLEASE”
A minute later the door opened and your sister came inside looking at you blankly
“What do you need help with?” she asks a little softer as she sees you struggle
“Can't get my socks on” you mumbled a little bit embarrassed
“Sit down” she instructed while she already gets on her knees grabbing the sock from your hand
You did as you were told sitting down on the bathtub holding up your foot for her. It didn't take her long and she looked up at you “Anything else?”
“No” you mumbled again not looking at her
“Oi... it's okay – I know we're stubborn and hate to ask for help... but you're okay.. I'm proud of you for asking” she said softly exactly knowing why you wouldn't meet her eyes
“So.... about that breakfast” you huffed out hoping your sister would take the bait for the sudden topic change
“I've known for a fact that you can be smoother than that....” Lucy laughed but stood up and turned to leave “... but okay... I'll bite... yes, breakfast is ready”
You walked behind her when you heard laughter coming from the kitchen, you pulled on Lucys shirt bringing her to a halt
“Either your girlfriend lost her plot or there are people in there” you said slightly anxious
“Got company” your sister shrugged
“Nope” you simply said before turning around again walking towards the guestroom again
“Y/n wait” your sister was quick to catch up to you grabbing your good wrist “What's the matter?”
“Not in the mood for company” you answered feeling insecure
“It's Alexia, Mapí and Ingrid” Lucy started to explain slowly watching your reaction carefully “Alexia lives nearby and after yesterday she just came over to see how you're doing... Mapí and Ingrid came over for the same reason... they just want to make sure you're okay”
“Why?” you asked curious yet still reserved
“They're Catalonians...” Lucy shrugged “That's how they are”
“Ingrid is Norwegian” you said blandly
“She's dating a Catalonian... same thing... potato potatoes” your sister waved off carefully pulling you towards the kitchen
“Is Catalonian a real word? It sounds made up” you mustered but letting her pull you along
“It is” Lucy quickly said and you knew it was a made up word
“Bullshit” you smile as you two enter the kitchen
Immediately there was a cup of coffee and a plate full of food placed in front of you. You looked confused as four pair of eyes where looking at you
“Do I have something on my face?” you said taken aback
“Catalonian welcome” your sister mumbled next to you “I had to go through it too...”
“Difference... I'm not dating one” you hissed back under your breath as you grab the cup of coffee
“Speaking of... who ARE you dating?” your sister grinned widely
“Nice try... not telling you” you grinned back
“Baby Bronze is dating?” Mapí exclaimed excited
“Baby Bronze?” you questioned baffled
“You... you are baby bronze” the Spaniard pointed at you “And you are apparently dating... who... who are you dating?”
“I saw you three times now... first time where you “taught” me spanish I'm not allowed to use, second time where you claimed you reserved a seat before you were even physically there and then yesterday where you just hid behind your girlfriend... tell me please what makes you think I would tell you whom I dating?!” you answered her smiling sweetly – and fake.
“Ehrm...” the tattooed woman started as now all eyes were turned to her “... sometimes it's easy to speak to a random person?”
“No yeah no” you said shaking your head
“No yeah no... what's that supposed to mean?” Lucy asked confused
“It's “No” in Canadian” you shrugged as you looked over your plate what Ona dished up for you deciding on a piece of pineapple, popping it happily in your mouth
“Since when do you use Canadian phrases?” your sister asked even more confused
“JFlem” you answered still chewing on the pineapple
“What?” Lucy looked at you like you lost it
“Went to visit Mills and she took me with her to training... met Jessie and we talked... she's funny” you explained nonchalantly looking over the plate again
“OH MY GOD!!!” Mapí exclaimed suddenly “THAT'S the girlfriend!!! It is, am I right?!!”
Your sisters eyes widen as she looked at you shocked
“No” you snorted “Miles off”
“Damnit” the tattooed Spaniard snipped her fingers disappointed
“Stop it, María” Alexia interfered now “She doesn't want to tell, so leave it alone”
Mapí sunk back in her chair getting scolded by her friend pouting a little bit
“Fuck!” you suddenly exclaimed jumping up from your seat running into the living room “Where's my phone?????”
“Language” your sister now scolded you “Charger by the side table... you're welcome”
“Love you” you shouted from your place on the couch where you jumped on to get to your phone faster.
“I see she's doing well” Alexia said a little taken aback by your sudden outburst
“It's hard to say” Lucy admitted “She won't get emotional around you guys... she didn't want to come out when she noticed there were people around – she's not easy in that way... she's pretending”
“Why would she do that?” Ingrid asked looking over at you as you tried to text as fast as possible with one hand as your injured wrist is still splinted up
“You're strangers to her...” your sister shrugged “... don't take it personal – she needs time to come to terms with stuff”
“I can talk to Jonatan if you want to stay home with her today” Alexia offered “Maybe it would do you both some good”
“No thank you... We'll just take her with us...” Lucy smiled thankful at her captains offer
“I can look after her... I think my... my... my... hamstring is acting up” Mapí said sounding like an excited puppy
“No” three voices shutting her idea down immediately while Ona just chuckled
“I just wanted to offer my help” the blonde Spaniard pouted
“I told you before... you two won't be alone unsupervised... god only knows what the two of you would come up with” Alexia said sternly
“You're such a... what's the word??” Mapí was wrecking her brain.
“Buzzkill... spoilsport... grouch.. sourpuss” you offered from your spot on the couch listening to the conversation with one ear while smiling at your phone
“All of that” the blonde pointed accusing at Alexia
“Call me whatever you want – no to the two of you being unsupervised” Alexia rolled her eyes before standing up “gràcies per l'esmorzar, Ona”
“Cap problema” your sisters girlfriend smiled back
“This is an english speaking household” you said distracted by your phone “so please speak english”
“Excuse me?” your sister blinked rapidly
“You're english, I'm english... english it is” you shrugged your shoulders
“And as far as I remember you are guest in our country... isn't it just a polite thing to do to try and fit in a little bit?” now Alexia smirked at you
“Shouldn't you be a good host and try and make me feel welcome?” you raised your eyebrow at her
“Oooookay...” Lucy interrupted your little banter “... time for some painkillers”
“I can always teach you catalan if you're interested?” Alexia smiled her eyebrow raised too
“So I understand what my sister and her missus are talking about.... no thank you” you pulled a face thinking about it
“I don't speak catalan” Lucy rolled her eyes handing you two pills and a glass of water “Bottoms up”
You raised your glass at the group “Here's to love, here's to honour... if you can't come in her, come on her... cheers” you threw the two pills into your mouth drowning it with half the glass of water
Your sister eyes popped out of her head looking at you disbelief open and closing her mouth like a goldfish on dry land while Ingrid choked on her coffee being the only one who's speaking well enough english to understand as the rest of the group – the spanish part of it - looking at you confused
“Where... what... how... who... why...?” Lucy try to form a coherent sentence while the not english speaking people try to figure out what threw Lucy off
“What?” you looked at her innocently
“Do you know what you just said?!” she asked you incredulously
“I'm 16... nearly 17... yes... I know” you nodded your head grinning
“I don't get it” Mapí huffed out given up on understanding the fuss which made you burst out laughing
“Let's see how good your spanish is, Lucia” you teased your sister “translate it for them”
“I will most certainly not translate that” she exclaimed “And you're a baby... you're not allowed to know or say things like... THAT”
“I'm not a baby” you huffed
“You're always a baby to me... you're my baby sister” she said softly
“But even baby sisters grow up Luce” you said truthfully as you feel the painkillers kick in “Damn... This stuff is making me feel loopy reeeaaally quickly”
“Take a nap then... when you're unloopy again we going to talk about some stuff” Lucy said as she pushed you into lying down already a blanket nearby draping it over you
“Yeah... rest for the high and depressed” you slurred tiredly
“You're high as a kite but not depressed” your sister said but smiled down at you
“I am depressed... I miss her Luce” you mumbled tiredly as your eyes fall shut not really grabbing what you're about to spill
“Really...?” Lucy grinned taking her chance “What's her name, Bubs? We could call her”
“Lucy no” Ona interfered “You won't do that to her... you won't use her current state against her... this painkillers are heavy stuff and you won't use that to your advantage”
Unknown to the group you weren't completely out just awake enough to hear the conversation and to comprehend – with a little delay since your brain wasn't fully there – what was going on. You decided that it wasn't so bad to have Ona around. Your fuzzy brain registered your phone vibrating in your hand but you couldn't be bothered to really react to it. Lucy on the other hand tried to snatch the item out of your hand hoping for some clearance about the mysterious girlfriend
“Lucia” Ona warned her when she caught on what Lucy was up to
“Uh oh” Mapí said awkwardly “And here I am thinking Lucy called the shots – how wrong I was”
“Pff please amor” Ingrid snorted “You know Ona... she's all sweet smiling but she has a evil petty soul that one”
“Yeah... I always forget about that” the tattooed woman said thoughtfully “She always looks so... puppy-ish”
“She is right here” Ona huffed
“And we're leaving now...” Alexia decided for all three of them putting her cup in the sink looking expectantly at Mapí to follow her lead
“But I wanna stay here till Baby Bronze wakes up” the younger Spaniard whined
“Move or Laps again... you saw her, you saw that she's okay and now we're leaving and not take up more of Onas time” Alexia said as she raised an eyebrow towards Mapí
“Nice to know that my time matters as well” Lucy mumbled as she ate your breakfast since you just picked some fruit of the plate.
Alexia rolled her eyes as she ushered the other two towards the door
“You can leave her with me at the Gym later” she said to your sister “I'm working with Valeria on my knee”
“Thanks Ale... if she feels up to it you're free to let her do some weights or something” Lucy smiled knowing that you most likely need some persuasion but if Alexia would play her cards right she'd have a great trainings partner
“I will... see you later” the captain smiled as she pushed a waving Mapí through the door
“And what are we doing with all the free time on our hands?” Lucy smirked at Ona and suddenly you wished you were out cold.
“No” the Spaniard shut down any plans her girlfriend was implying
“Why?” your sister whined as Ona pointed towards the couch as an answer.
“That's why... I'm not having sex with you with her right there”
“I'm gonna park her at Keiras tonight” Lucy grumbled
“No you're not... we had all of your birthday night to ourselves...” the Spaniard chuckled knowing your sister wasn't serious
“Not my fault you're irresistible” your sister shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed Onas hand pulling her towards herself
“I am, ain't I” the small blonde grinned while pressing a soft kiss to your sisters lips.
“Question still stands... what are we doing with our free time” Lucy grinned back after she ended the kiss – and the breakfast.
“You could work on your spanish while I relax?” the Spaniard grinned
“¿Tengo que?” your sister whined pitifully
“I mean... it's not thaaaat bad... but it's developable” Ona chuckled
“Oi” Lucy acted hurt “I do my best”
“As usual, but still... I'm pretty sure she won't be up for at least an hour... be good and study and I'll make it worth a while later.. you remember you always wanted to try this... thing in locker room...” the blonde smirked seeing how Lucys eyes widen and she jumped up running to get her spanish stuff. Ona grinned as she herself went out on the balcony laying down on the sunbed enjoying the warm Barcelonan sun.
Just about an hour later Ona was woken up by a crashing sound and a loud swear which turned into a whine. The Spaniard lifted her sunglasses off her eyes looking inside the living room seeing Lucy standing beside the couch.
“I swear this two...” the blonde mumbled under her breath before standing up walking inside “Lucy I swear if you woke her up to get your way...” she started to scold your sister just to stop when she saw tears running down your cheeks
“I didn't, I swear” Lucy desperately said looking at her girlfriend for help “She turned in her sleep and hit her wrist on the edge of the table.... now she won't let me touch her”
“Get ice... and get Keira on the phone” Ona instructed as she sat herself in one of the armchairs opposite from you having an eye on you but not invading your space
Lucy basically ran into the kitchen to get a cooling pack for you fumbling with her phone to call her fellow english teammate. She came back wanting to put the Ice on your wrist for you to shuffle away from her – your brain still hasn't catched on what was happening and still was very foggy which caused you in shying away from your sister. Lucy looked hurt by your actions just as Ona started to speak
“I think she can't comprehend what's happening right now... she's on heavy pain medication for her to being awoken abruptly by pain... give her a minute” the small blonde said calmly
“But it's me... she never shied away from ME” Lucy said sadly
“She's not in a familiar environment...” Ona kept her voice low to not startle you any further “Get Keira here – I think it would help if you both talk to her”
“She needs to realize that Keira isn't always an option... One, Keira would need at least 20 minutes to get here and two, you're here now... yes, Keira played – plays – a big role in her life but Keira and I are in the past”
“You don't have to justify anything Luce... you told me she always struggled with change and this is big on her... It's okay if you need Keiras help for things... we're friends too, you know...” Ona smiled
“Still... 20 minutes is too long... could you try call her?” Lucy mumbled looking concerned at your crying form on the couch before deciding to try the scared dog tactic
“Hey Bubs... It's me, you're safe here... we're in Barcelona, that's why it's so bright and warm” Lucy said quietly her voice barely louder than a whisper “You hurt your wrist and just now you hit it on the table... is it okay if I put something cool on it?”
Your clouded brain started to realize that Lucy doesn't mean any harm so you simply nodded as your sister carefully took your hand in hers and ever so carefully laid the ice pack on your wrist which was still in the splint. You immediately sighed out relived as you felt the cooling on your throbbing wrist
“Better now?” Lucy asked you her voice still low
“Thanks Luce” you mumbled (slurred) as you nodded your brain still mushed up
“Keira wants to talk to you” Ona appeared beside Lucy holding out her phone
“Not good talking” you slurred again trying to keep up
“Not with you, Bebita... with Lucy” the Spaniard grinned warmly
“Uh oh... someone's in trouble” you grinned loopy
Your sister rolled her eyes at you but also smiling “Am not... didn't do anything.. you stay here with Ona, okay... keep that ice pack on your wrist... I'm just gonna be a minute”
“M'kay” you mumbled “trying” to hold the pack in place by grabbing your elbow.
“Shit... you're really high as kite” Lucy chuckled as she took your good hand and laid it on the ice pack “There you go Bubs... be good for Ona”
“Okay... I like Ona... Ona is nice... even if Ona is a strange name” you mumbled as you concentrated on keeping your hand from “flying away”
“You think so? Why is my name strange?” the Spaniard laughed as she signalled Lucy to go talk to Keira while she keeps you entertained
“It means Organizational Network Analysis... it's strange to be named an analysis” you slurred fully focused on your splint
Ona bursted out laughing at your drugged induced way of thinking “It also means “Wave” in catalan” she said as she calmed down a little bit “I'm a 100% positive my parents went with the Catalan meaning instead of some analysis”
“You're pregnant??” you looked at her eyes wide mouth hanging open totally misunderstanding what the Spaniard was saying
“I'm what?” Ona asked confused
“Pregnant... oh my god” you whispered shocked “I'm gonna get niblings... I'm their aunt, right?”
“Ehrm... hold on... back up a little bit, Bebita” Ona calmed you down “No pregnancy... how did you come to that conclusion?”
“You said 100% positive... I'm smart... I never had 100% in a test... so you must talk peestick test...” you explained your “logic”
“Oooookay” Ona looked very lost not knowing how to answer. Thankfully Lucy decided unknowingly to help her girlfriend out in entering the living room again the phone still pressed to her ear
“I swear Keira... she's so out of it – she didn't recognize me... yeah” she spoke smirking into the phone before kneeling down in front of you “Hey Bubs... Keira wants to talk to you”
“Oh...” you said confused before trying to stand up “I'll get her”
“No no no no no” Lucy stopped you quickly holding the phone in front of your face “She's on the phone”
“Keira doesn't like it when you interrupt her calls” you looked at your sister confused
“Oh god... this is just as painfully as read my lips with Jordan” Lucy smacked her forehead “Keira is on the phone... she's calling you”
You looked down on your phone bewildered “It didn't ring...”
“Here Bubs... take this phone, hm... it's Onas but it works just as yours... can you say hi for me?” Lucy tried a different approach offering Onas phone to you
“Ona is pregnant, did you know? Of course you knew... it's yours... how did you do that?” you look at your sister with glassy eyes crooking your head to the side
“Excuse me what?” Lucy couldn't follow your line of thought but still couldn't stop herself looking at Ona baffled
“You knocked the Spaniard up... respect” you grinned comical
“Oh god...” Ona groaned embarrassed hiding her face in her hands
“Okay.... one thing at a time... here.. speak with Keira...” Lucy tried to defuse the situation by pushing Onas phone into your face
“Hi.. Kei... I feel really good” you grinned into the phone while listening to your sisters ex
“You are WHAT?” Lucy whisper yelled as she was sure you were occupied
“I am NOT pregnant... her brain is not functioning normally right now... she said my name was weird and I asked her why and she answered something about some analysis and I told her that it's also a Catalonian word and I'm a 100% positive that my parents chose the name after the catalan meaning and not after some analysis... she concluded that I'm pregnant after I said 100% positive” the Spaniard explained
“Oh my god... there's no way I'm gonna make it to training today... I can't leave her with how high she is...” Lucy said desperately
“I never thought she would react to the painkillers that badly” Ona looked sorry
“Me neither... she has a high tolerance with meds...” your sister mumbled “... I just gave her two”
“You gave her TWO?? Lucy... DAILY dose is ONE” Ona exclaimed shocked “No wonder she's out of it”
“Why one... it says on the package 1 to 2 mornings and evenings.. since she slept through the night I thought I'll give her two...” Lucy answered confused getting your pain medication showing it to her girlfriend
“It say a HALF mornings and evenings” the Spaniard pressed “That's ½ … not 1 to 2”
“Dear Jesus lord have mercy... WHY would you write that like this... a half is .5 or 0.5” Lucy massaged her temples “I'll call Alexia and explain the situation”
You were still fully engrossed in your “conversation” with Keira as Lucy and Ona tried to figure out what the next steps would be
“She should sleep it off” your sister mused “I can't park her with Alexia at the gym... she's nearly uncontrollable when sober but like this... no way I could ask capi to look after her and fuck off to train”
“Jonatan won't say anything if you skip a training... this is like a family emergency” Ona said seriously “She really shouldn't be left alone”
“Luce?” you whined suddenly “Keira doesn't want to talk to me anymore”
“Give me the phone Bubs... I'll tell her off” your sister said trying to calm you down “Keira Fae Walsh... how DARE you...”
Lucy saw that you occupied yourself with Onas hand and focused on the call again “... okay she's inspecting Onas hand... what's your thought on her?”
Lucy nodded as she listened closely to Keiras assessment of your state while you were totally engrossed by Onas hands. Even if she was really concerned about you she still smiled at your actions and was secretly relieved that you get on with her new girlfriend. The small blonde let you move her hand in different directions as you were so stunned about her – normal – flexibility.
“Keira said to take her with us and leave her at Ales... she thinks a change of scene might help to clear her brain up – I still think I should just stay home with her but Kei knows her... and I trust her judgement on that” Lucy said once she entered the living room area again seeing you still very much occupied with Onas hands
“Then we should get ready... as soon as I get my hand back” the Spaniard smiled trying to pull her hand from yours. You looked at her like you were about to cry until Lucy stepped in offering you a random fidget toy that was laying around for weeks now. You happily started to play with the toy uninterested in your surroundings which gave the couple enough time to pack their kit bags and a bag for yourself.
“Hey Bubs” Lucy said softly as she sat down in front of you “We need to leave for training soon... anything you want to take with you?”
“Can I keep this?” you asked as you held up the toy
“Sure thing... anything else?” your sister answered trying to figure out how high you still were.
“Can we stop for pizza on the way there? I'm hungry” you said after you thought about it for a second
“I bet you are... you just had some fruit for breakfast... but sadly we can't stop for pizza – at least not on our way there... on our way back we could if you're still up for it”
“Do I have to wear the kiddi-leash again?” you asked sadly
“No” Lucy laughed “You stay with Alexia in the gym – that's safe enough”
“Okay... then we can go” you shrugged your shoulders and tried to stand up but swaying dangerously
“Woah... slowly dopey” your sister was quickly on her feet steadying you before turning to Ona who was standing at the door waiting for the two of you “I think it's better if you drive and I stay with dopey here in the back”
“I can drive” you grinned proudly
“You're high as fuck and 16... you're not allowed to drive” Lucy shot your “idea” down quickly
“I didn't say I'm allowed to – I said I can... Mills and Rach taught me” you grinned and it was evident that you have no clue what you're talking about
“They what????? When???” your sister looked at you shocked
“Just after the Euros... you fecked off to god knows where... I stayed with Mills and Rach and they taught me how to drive... it was fun driving that golf cart” you smiled at the memory you clearly didn't realise you had
“Golf cart????” Lucy tried to follow your thoughts but decided right there and then to give up on it
“Yes... it's pretty easy... press pedal down... drive... so I can drive if you don't want to” you smiled at her with glassy eyes
“Did you just compare my Cupra to a golf cart?” your sister exclaimed annoyed while Ona started laughing
“Press pedal down – drive... it's not hard Lucia Robertita... please do keep up” you said rolling your eyes and started to sway towards Ona determent to drive them to training
“Grab the Keys – don't give her the keys to my Cupra” Lucy instructed Ona quickly a slight panic in her voice.
Ona already thought ahead and pocketed the item you were now looking for holding out a keyring with several keys to you “Here you go Bebita... your Keys”
“Thank you Spaniard... you're a good friend” you smiled at her grabbing the Keys and turning towards the door
“Shoes Bubs....” your sister sighed “Come back...”
You turned right back around and walked (stumbled) towards the guestroom to get your shoes
“Do you think Barcelona will fire me after I bring her to the training ground today? Like cancel my contract for bringing in a safety hazard?” Lucy mused as she watched you stumble down the hallway your shoes in her hand
“It's not her fault you overdosed her” Ona laughed loudly at her girlfriends guilty face
“I really didn't mean to...” your sister said sheepishly
“I know... and it will wear off – what else is going to get off is our heads if we don't get going in the next 3 minutes” the Spaniard ushered Lucy
“On it... BUBS!!!” she yelled down the hallway “Found your shoes”
“They were in your hand the whole time” Ona said nonchalantly
“She doesn't need to know... she'll forget it anyway in 5 seconds” your sister whispered as you stumbled back towards her
“Thank god... I thought I lost them...” you sighed out relieved as you put them on and get ushered out the door by your sister who had a good hold on you while you continue to stumble due to your condition
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plmp0 · 8 months
The Sex Love house PT1
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Summary: Welcome to the love house where a lot of stories will infold, 7 participants will have a chance to live together in the same house for a mounth while still doing their normal activities, will they find real love in this short period? Or at least this is what ur friend want u to believe.
Genre: smut (that's really it) PT 2
Warning: a very manipulative!jay, manipulative!sunghoon, manipulative!heeseung, everyone is a perv in this house, reader is clueless, shameless reader, kinda stalker reader, Siyeon (from dreamcatcher) is also part of this, this is a pure filth, explicit content.
Smut warning: hand!job, degradation, humiliation, fingering, use of toys, semi-public sex....
When ur friend invited u to participate in this variety show u had no idea u'll accept let alone to find urself in a situation where u r thorn away between all this people. -how is that even possible? How can you feel this way about that many people? But again ur heart had other words…. "what do u mean u want me to particiapte in ur dating show?" U questionned ur friend from 6 years Yeri as she said while playing it cool : please do that for me! (Fake pout) we need more female participants, we didn't find ones that will be suitable for tv!
You looked at her in disbelief "and u think i am? Yeri who are u kidding? U know more than anyone that m not the type that is comfortable around cameras." Yeri sighed but insisted non the less trying to convince u no matter what "please y/n m begging u! We want to start filming before winter comes, and i promise there is a lot of handsome men u'll not regret it." "No, m not interested." Was all u said before leaving her to take a cab. Even after a week of Yeri's begging, u always declined her offer whenever she opens her mouth, u had a lot of stuff to do, work has never been easy to deal with and plus u don't have time to even take care of urself because once u get home from work u pass out on ur bed immediately and what ? She expects u to come from work and chat with random people and try to find love? (U chuckle deep into ur thoughts) "ahhh Yeri what am i gonna do with u?". U mumble to urself ignorant that ur co-worker and ur friend Jungwon is standing behind u. Jungwon:I suppose Yeri is on something again? U let a scream startled not noticing his presence until he spoke: Omg u scared me! U said through wide eyes pouting ur lips when everyone started looking at ur direction. Jungwon laughed his dimples deep in his cheeks making ur heart warm up from how cute he looks: I can never get enough from ur dramatic ass y/n. U hit his shoulder playfuly acting offended: yaa it's not that m dramatic it's just that u keep showing up without a noise so it's normal for me to be scared!. Jungwon nodded his head pretending to buy ur words: yeah yeah whatever (he paused for a second, sitting next to u) so what was the Yeri thing that u didn't want to tell me about? (He looked at u curiousity shouting from his eyes). U droped the file u were working on leaning on ur chair: You know, Yeri and her team are starting a dating show and they had less participants than they expected so she asked me to join them , ridicilous right? Jungwon didn't let a single word out, noticing that, u turned to look at him finding him not acting sus at all, u raise ur eyebrow calling his name: Jungwon? Why aren't u saying something? Jungwon coughed looking everywhere but at you:emm-…. woah? Really? Yeri did? Isn't that a good idea? U stare at him a "wtf look" over ur face: it's ur idea isn't it. Jungwon: listen i- U cutted him short immediately: Did u think that i would say yes? Like i don't get that, don't u guys know me so well? I would never say yes to something like that?. Jungwon: but why? Like it's really fine, beside u've been single for three years don't u miss being in a relationship?. U answered annoyed: No i don't and even if i do i wouldn't do it that way. Jungwon raised his left brow: ahah? And how would u do it?. U paused to think not knowing how to answer: idk, i want it to come naturally and not force it. (U shrugg). Jungwon stood up from his seat eyes still on u: but u don't know maybe there is someone from the participants that u might know. U looked at him smiling suspeciously" ahah? Is that the case? Who would be there then? U? "( u laughed at ur own word not buying what he is saying). But what u didn't know is that something worst than ur "joke" happened in real life, getting annoyed from Yeri's consistent pleads Jungwon decided to join her , they turned ur days into nightmares making u not wanting to go out at all.
So deciding to give it a shot u said yes to Yeri more to rest ur head from her nagging than being excited to join this show. It was about time u go to the "love house" as they call it cringing at the name whenever u remember it, u kept shaking ur legs, nervous about this whole situation, regretting to say yes when the taxi u decided to take to the location had a camera right on ur face, making u uncomfortable, u started tugging on ur not so long purple dress, ur hair styled for the first time in a mounths, u wished this ride to end fastly and that they cancel this show but much to ur disapointement the taxi driver kept calling u to notify that u've arrived. Sighing nervously u paid him giving him a little thank u before getting ur luggage and closing the door, u stood out in front of the house admiring how big and luxiourious it looks, stepping upward u noticed a camera man at the gate signaling u to be fast, u scoff annoyed , opening the door while carrying ur heavy stuff looking with wide eyes at the beautiful garden in front of u ,
Arriving to the actual door u stood there confused at what to do "should i knock? Or ring the bel?" Staying there for minutes one of the directors told u frasturated to just open it, u gave him a fake smile apologizing awkwardly before opening the door and stepping inside. The fancy mirror in the entrance was so elegant and clean for u to not check urself, u adjusted ur hair and lipstick noticing how it faded and only a small tint is left behind " i just want one thing to work for me." U scoffed getting ur lipstick out and putting on another layer, before ur ears caught a faint of sounds from people talking, u furrowed ur eyebrows u thought u were the first one to arrive but it looks like it's not the case. Hearing that, u hurried leaving ur stuff in there, and following the sound until ur feet lead u to a nice decorated room, too focused on the decor u didn't notice the eyes that were on u until u finished scaning the room. You widen ur eyes looking at the two familiar faces smirking at u "what? Why are you here?" When u came here u didn't think that ur hot neightbour and one of ur clients would be in the show as well. Heeseung (ur neighbour) looked at you enjoying ur reaction upon seeing him "hey little doll." Unable to let a word out, Jay spoke before u with amusement in his tone "Was not expecting to see us here now did u?" U dropped ur bag feet barely keeping u up u started to panick ain't no way these two are here, no u r not on the same show with them!
U screemed at Yeri on top of ur head not knowing how to react after the director told u to do something and stop freezing on ur spot, u coughed a little bit awakening urself before u sat in the corner away from both of them, u gave them an awkward smile pretending like u don't know them at all. Heeseung kept the cocky smile on his face knowing exectly how hot he his and that u might have something for him by the way u kept looking at him from ur window whenever he is on ur line of sight, he has caught u multiple times staring at him from his mirror and couldn't help but admire how cute u looked trying to hide with ur curtain thinking that he wouldn't see u, but he did!. Jay on the other hand loved the way ur face turns red whenever he spoke to u in ur work meetings, ur shyness, the way u try to avoid his gaze everytime u felt his eyes on u, it just that u look so delicious for him to ignore u and not tease u. U were sitting there regretting all of ur life choices so embarassed for some reasons that it had to be these two specificly , not even one of them, but both? Woah u wouldn't survive here for sure! U can sense them tearing u appart with their eyes, u couldn't help but fan urself praying that the next contenstant enter now, and she did "Joy" as u've heard about her in the magazines, she is a very famous and beautiful model, has worked with so many known labels, u were surprised to see her in front of u fangirling inside rather than being intimidated by her presence, u scaned her outfit, a short white skirt with pleaths, with a yellow crop top that shows her cleavage, her hair was styled up in a ponytail, her makeup is done perfectly, she looked so beautiful u were drooling. Standing up to say hi, she looked ur way her smile getting bigger as she held her hand to shake urs directing her words to everyone in the room hi , nice to meet u m joy." She said to everyone in the room, the guys nodded at her introducing themselves and turned their gaze to u immediatly. Pressure, so much pressure u r feeling right now, it's almost suffocating the vibe in this room ! The silence not helping it at all. Before Joy can say something to lighten the mood the door opened and ur eyes opened wide with it , seeing sunghoon one of the people that u can't help it but feel embarrassed around giving that one situation u had with him (oh nooo ) u said to urself, it was as if this cast was selected on purpose to make fun of u. U gulped as he approached, white shirt tight on his body, tucked nicely in his pants getting his so very nice black locks away from his face, He looks…. majestic. Stopping in the middle of the room he said hi to everyone and took a seat next to you making u scream in your head, he turned ur way looking at u with a cocky grin: we met again little one. U were hopping that he doesn't remember u , that he forgot completly about ur existance, but looks like it's not the case. U see ur story with Sunghoon started in ur collage years, u were so frustrated after all ur exams and the teasing of heeseung (even when he wasn't doing anything) u head to a very far bathroom sure that almost nobody used it before closing the door and started getting off, moaning at ur pervet thoughts about heeseung not noticing that someone else was in the bathroom as well it's not until u got out of the bathrooms section and were going to the sinks to wash ur hand that u saw sunghoon standing there with shoock looking at u like u were some kind of pervet
u were ready to die at that moment, not knowing what to do ur head told u to ran away immediately and from that moment u did everything u could to avoid Sunghoon's presence, whenever u saw him heading some way u made sure to go in the opposite until u graduated and stopped seeing him. But here he is sitting so close to u, ur thighs are touching ,u were sure that by this time ur face is so red, ur hands got so sweaty from anxiety , u stopped hopping for the other contestants afraid that someone else u know is gonna enter. Joy was making sure to get rid of the awkwardness asking about your MBTI and stuff and that really helped to relieve ur stress a little bit. The next girl came, her name is "Siyeon", she was wearing a tight leather dress with high boots, her hair red and her eye makeup was so intense, out of everyone here she was definetly the most intimidating one!. She said hi sitting in ur opposit direction eyes checking u out, u couldn't help it but feel like she looks familiar "where have i seen her before?" But u couldn't remember, u felt uneasy by the way she was staring at u, somehow this room keeps getting hotter the more people come, u just wanted a breath but NO whenever u look someway ur eyes meet someone's so u just ended up looking down. The last contestant was late, the staff told you that they will come for diner and suggested to chose rooms to carry your luggage to. There was 6 rooms, 3 for the guys and 3 for the ladies. You didn't know how to choose so you just did that randomely, one of the three rooms is for 2 people. You went to the room they choose for you smiling at the cozy vibes you got from it, you closed your eyes after tossing yourself on that bed, tired already and you just started. "How am i gonna live with these people for a whole mounth ? Omg plz help me" You couldn't contain yourself from cursing Yeri and Jungwon who didn't even bother to show themselves or at least send you a text before you came her. ----> (Irey is Yeri btw)
You: U bitches i'll never forgive u! 😡 Irey:W-Whyyy??? 😶😶 You: U have the audacity to ask me why? You:Where are you? I have a lot of things to tell u! Irey:emm actually u won't see me there-…. "U furrowed ur brows at her reply, questionning wtf does she means" You :? Irey: ehem that … u know.. this is not the show we were working for. You: can u give me an understandble respond cause i don't get what you are saying. Irey: Actually one of my friends begged me to bring someone to the show, they promised to give us an interview with a very famous actor and i couldn't say no 🥺
You: Ahhhh Yeri, when i catch u Yeri ! Why would u lie to me like that u could of just told me the truth, do u know in what situation i am right now? Ffff good thing ur not here or i would of smacked that face of urs 😮‍💨. Irey: i knew u would say No, like u said it even though u thought the show is mine! So there was no way u'd say yes if i said it's for a friend. Also what situation are u talking about? 😶 You : m not telling u ! I need u to learn ur lesson first. I have to go now!.
U turned ur internet off sullking, ur head is spinning hopping that this room gets locked somehow and not oppen until 30 days passes. But as soon as u thought that, u heard a knock on ur door, curious as to who is there, u rushed only to open it in an almost shirtless heeseung only two of his bottons are closed his hair kind of messy his fucking smirk not leaving his face, u stayed there mouth open not knowing what to do, u have never once spoken to Heeseung before, he is someone u kept admiring and crushing on because u never been this close to him , and now that he is in front of u head leaning to reach ur height u can't help the aggressif heartbeat pounding in ur chest. Ahhh m doomed!
Heeseung moved some of ur hair to tack it behind ur ears, eyes on ur lips not even trying to hide that as his tongue darts on his. Heeseung whispered in ur ear making sure to awaken all of ur senses "i've been waiting to get close to u little doll." He moved away enjoying ur flustred face and the way ur eyes are fully open looking at his chest muscule. He chuckled enjoying how shameless u r not even saying a word and staring at him instead, he approached u more his index finger tracing ur neck "it looks like m not the only one who has been waiting for that ha?" Not knowing what to say u kept quiet inhaling his smell secretely ofc! Eyes closed, all of ur braincells stopped working. Heeseung has that much effect on u? U thought. He stepped out again looking at u amused he definetly didn't think u'd act this obvious in front of him, he thought u'd shake him off, try to avoid him maybe? But no, he was wrong. Nd god he loves it even more, seeing how u r acting when he hasn't even done nothing it got him aroused. Heeseung cleared his throath finally remembering why he came here "The staff are calling us to talk a little bit and have lunch, u can change and join us if u want." he said scanning ur short dress and how tight it is on ur body, fuck! He is going insane already! . U noded still affected to let a word out, he smiled at u and left. U closed the door head spining what is going on with u? U shake this feeling there was so much tension between both of you, u didn't know he'd look more handsome up this close, God, he is so ur ideal type… u've never meet someone close to ur ideal type before heeseung, so the moment he moved to ur neighborhood
the moment u saw him exit his house going god know where u couldn't help but gasp, butterflies running in ur stomache u felt an instant attraction, and from that moment u couldn't miss an opportunity to admire him, the fact that his room was in front of urs helped a lot, there was a lot of moment when he'd come home after the gym removing his shirt body all sweaty and abs defined, hair messy drinking a bottle of water, How hot can he get! Out of all the days of the week u were looking for the gym ones Heeseung always giving u a show.
Now that u r thinking about it the fact that u've never talked with each other until now is crazy, but u thanked god for that because if u did u'd be so down bad for him. Getting him out of ur head u changed into a more comfortable clothes, receiving a text that there will not be any dates out , so you can just chill and get to know each other , checking the mirror u stared at ur own reflection wearing a cute pink shorts with kitten paws and a white oversized tshirt, hair in a messy bun with some strands on ur face, u put ur lipgloss making sure that u look presentable, after 5 min of checking urself u got ur phone and headed down to the living room, almost everyone was already sitting , joy still in her previous outfit laughing with jay over something, siyeon in a black hoodie and sweatpants eating god knows what, heeseung in white top and grey sweatpants "oh god m feeling dizzy" staring at ur outfit with a side smile, Sunghoon nontheless is not here yet… u smiled awkwardly avoiding Heeseung and sitting between jay and Siyeon who is now looking at u.
Siyeon leaned to ur side "what was ur name? I didn't have a glimpse at it." You smiled at her while telling her ur name. Siyeon "Y/n! what a cute name for a cute girl like u. " She said looking at ur cute shorts with a smile U thanked her cheeks red after her comment, Joy somehow only noticing ur presence now "Ohhh Y/n u r here?" U noded as she gave u a piece of strawberry candy "here, have one." U took it u've been craving something sweet since this morning, u removed the wrapper and slid the candy between ur lips sensing 4 pair of eyes on you, u forrow not knowing at what they r staring but then Sunghoon enterend the room taking ur attention away, he changed to an outfit similar to heeseung but all in black , he noticed ur gaze bitting his lips as he sitted next to heeseung, both of them whispering between each other. Joy took this moment to talk "okayy so guys i wanted us to get to know each other better but i think it would not be great when another contestant will join us tonight so i figured out we save that for then." You nodded agreeing "yeah it's better that way." (u spoke still playing with the candy until a small drop of saliva got out) taking ur finger to catch it afraid it's gonna stain the couch u watch at siyeon catched it instead taking it to her lips, ur eyes widen at that not knowing what to do as she let out a hmm sound , u turned ur head pretending like u've not seen or heard anything as Joy started asking if we know how to cook. U answered immediately "Ohhhh m a bad cook." Laughing awkwardly afterwards, Joy smiled relating to u "so i am hahahhah" Jay leaned on the back of the couch manspreading hands carressing his forhead "m good at cooking i can help." U looked his way not expecting that he does and he met ur eyes grining "why? U thought i don't know how to?" Taken back from his sudden question to u, u answer stutering "N-no i- i just u know…." Not letting u finish ur words Jay let out a deep chuckle "i was just kidding relax."
Smiling u massage ur neck awkwardly as u bite on the candy finishing it. Ur eyes shifted to both heeseung and sunghoon who seems deep into their conversation quietely as they keep looking ur way, u looked at them confused and curious about what they r talking about and thanks for having Joy here she asked them "u guys seem like u know each other"
Heeseung smiled "Yeah Sunghoon is a very close friend of mine (he looked deep into ur eyes)hens he never hide something from me, he tells me everything. "Is he implying that he told him about me?"
Shocked u looked at Sunghoon to find him smirking at u, u started to panic no way he did right?. U felt uneasy the whole time, not beeing able to concentrate in their discussions head wandering whether heeseung knows now or not. Sensing something off Jay reached ur thigh hand hanging there while asking if something is wrong, u flinched from his touch "ohh noo no m fine just hungry."
U lied. Jay smiled softely asking siyeon for her opinion about what to prepare for lunch since they are the only two who knows how to cook. Siyeon shrugged and then asked what you r craving her eyes on the hand that is still on ur thigh clicking her tongue. After they setteled on what to do, you joined them in the kitchen wanting to help in someway. Siyeon "wanna help?" She asked getting some stuff from the fridge, you noded: "yeah just show me what to do and i'll do it." Jay's focus shifted to u after ur words smiling at how cute u look with these clothes, u look so innocent saying these words he almost wanna ruin that.
Siyeon in the other hand patted ur hair asking u to chop some vegetables for the pasta she will be making, u did that Joy helping u with them as Jay is working alone frying the steaks, ur nose picked up the delicious smell of the seasoning making ur stomache growl more from hunger, mouth watering as u stare at it. Seeing that Siyeon couldn't help but laugh at ur cuteness "omg why are u so cute, Jay u better hurry or Y/n is gonna throw u aside and have the steak for herself."
U chuckled embarrassed u can't help it when u r hungry it just shows. "btw where is Sunghoon and heeseung?" Jay asked now flipping the steak to the other side. "they are looking for a movie so we can watch it together." Joy answered washing some fruits for later U smiled upon hearing her words "Ohhh that sounds fun." Siyeon smiled at ur reaction "yeah Are u excited?." U smiled back while nodding "i didn't have the time to watch something in a while so that sounds fun." "And why is that? Is it because of work." Siyeon asked now adding more cream cheese to the pasta. U sighed u didn't have a week off for an eternity, u really need a rest "yeah" Siyeon pouted side hugging u "awww." Jay turned the heat off placing the last steak beautifully on the plate "okaay steak is ready, how is it going overthere?." Siyeon also placed the pasta on the three plates in front of her, you got some forks and napkins while joy helped Siyeon to serve the table, as you got there u found a very sus heeseung staring at his phone with his brows forrowed, u noticed that he always has this expression before he close the curtains when u were "stalking him", clearing ur throat heeseung shuts his phone helping joy as Sunghoon comes from outside holding some snacks and putting them in the kitchen for later.
Everyone took their places diving into food u cutted the steak taking a piece and savouring the tastiness of it moaning at how good it is u give a thumbs up to Jay saying with ur eyes that he did an excellent job getting a lovely smile from him u smiled back , not noticing the stares u got from ur so not quiet moan.
Heeseung tightened his fist trying to brush off this feeling and focusing on his food, head still dizzy from how fuckable u look with that cute and adorable outfit u r wearing. Sunghoon on the other hand stares at u darkly memories from the past coming back to him, he'd love that moment to repeat itself now, he'd definitely act differentely than before.
Siyeon's eyes bore into u, eyes never leaving u, taking in every expression and sound u make, she finds u sooo cute and adorable she can't even eat properly not wanting to miss a thing. Joy isn't even there lost in the food she has been starving herself for her last photoshoot that this is paradise for her. U finished eating not paying attention to anything, heeseung and sunghoon offered to wash the dishes since they didn't help in cooking earlier. They came out from the kitchen with some snacks sitting in the sofa in front of the tv before sunghoon hitted play for the movie on the screen.
U were sandwitched between heeseung and sunghoon they were so close to u, both of their bodies touching urs, u felt so hot , so weird not knowing what to do after all it's been three years since u broke with ur ex and got to ur current job, ur job being as hard as it is didn't allow u or give u the chance to meet with anyone, u haven't been this close to a guy appart from Jungwon in a while, so the fact that heeseung throw his hand at ur shoulder while eating from his bowl made u so flustered not giving ur full focus to the movie playing, hands shaking u opened ur hair tie allowing ur hair to breathe a little while tying it again, ur shampoo smell was everywhere now making sunghoon inhale it while placing a hand on ur thigh pretending like it's nothing big U gasp a little bit looking at him staring at the tv, u bit ur lips feeling hot all of a sudden, heeseung took some chocolate from the table offering it to u, u took it smiling at him with a very quiet thank u. The movie kept going on, it was a romance movie you weren't a big fan of romance so u were so bored, u took ur phone from ur pocket opening instagram to the picture of heeseung u checked out this morning
flustered u clicked exit multiple times locking the phone and putting back on ur pocket u couldn't even look at heeseung side but u r so sure that he saw it giving the little breathy chuckle he gave after the "pathetic" word he mumbeled making ur cheeks as red as tomatoes, u sighed seriously when will this day end?. Sunghoon on the other side moved his hand a little to high, pretending to take some chips from heeseung's bowl ignoring the way u jolted at his touch as he grins, he kept doing that taking u by surprise everytime he does it, you were starting to get so hot after what they are doing heeseung throwing some groans and sighs so close to ur ears whenever he eats something, plus sunghoon's touches.
Heeseung asked u if he could call his phone because he doesn't know where he left it, confused as to why he asked u specificly when sunghoon was just here playing with his but u gave it to him forgetting that u already has his number after stalking him on social media just to see some of his stories that he just shared in his number, Heeseung wanted to make sure if the unknown number he keeps seing is really urs curious as to how far u went, and yeah he was sure the moment he composed four of his phone number on ur screen and he saw his name on it, he smiled more amused than creeped, he could of embarrass u here and expose u but it would be more fun if it's only u two, so he earesed the numbers and give u ur phone back saying that he just remembered where he put it and u didn't think that much about it until u saw a scene in the movie where the female lead was calling one of her friends and then it clicked to u, u gasped quietely eyes looking at heeseung trying to read his face "did he saw his number?".
But heeseung didn't say anything appart from raising his brow in question and saying "what?". Joy insisted to watch another movie too bored to do anything, siyeon on the other hand excused herself going to sleep, u didn't want to leave Joy here alone with the guys in case she'd feel uncomfortable so u just stayed: noo this movie needs darkness can we close the curtains Jay?. Jay noded closing the curtains and going back to sleep in the other end of the couch. U adjusted the way u r sitting lying into the couch u kicked sunghoons leg by mistake saying "sorry" as he didn't even bother to answer u, too focused on his phone it got u curious but as soon as u peeked there u regretted ur decision, "is he watching porn here? Wtf?" Ur eyes got wide face red so surprised at his action, u reached for the water drinking a bunch and going back to ur place , after a while heeseung asked sunghoon about what he was watching making ur face go red again, thinking that he would say something as "nothing important" or whatever but instead he showed him, his phone right into ur sight shocked u look at him but again he is not even paying attention to ur existance both of them acting as u r not between them right now, discussing how eager the woman in the video is, how they'd ruin her and give her exactly what she needs, u felt so aroused there, u know u shouldn't but ain't no way u wont with how much teasing both of them were giving u before and now that they are doing this u need to run from here but the thing is that u couldn't, u were locked between them, body stuck there, u couldn't even move, as the guy in the video slapped his dick on the woman's face heeseung chuckled deeply "look at how small her face looks next to his cock how would it look next to mine, i bet her face would disappear" hearing his words u let out a small whimper, u've always fantasied about heeseung, how he'd look while being pleasured, how big his cock would be, how would he fuck, and now that he is here claiming that he has a huge cock u can't help it but whimper shifting on ur seat uncomfortably, pussy itching.. Heeseung felt his cock twitch inside his pants from the sound u let out, containing his groan, he loved that face u had after listening to his words. Sunghoon smirked at u knowing exactly how shameless u can be, and how easy it was to make u horny, he in fact didn't caught u that time alone, it was actually u who caughted him for the first time, he used that bathroom a lot and everytime he does he knows that u'd be there getting off on something stupid.
So now he isn't even surprised, seing how ur thighs keep rubbing together, he kept playing the video throwing some comments here and there making it hard for u to not let out a sound, for a moment u forgot that u r on a variety show, thanks god that they still hasn't installed the cameras in this room or u'd be gone. U throw a look at Joy sighing in relieve when u saw how her eyes are so into the movie, Jay as well is long gone sleeping. This whole situation that u r into now is insane to u, it is one of ur very long fantasies and the fact that they are ignoring ur presence is driving u more insane. Clicking on anothor video of a woman dressed up as a kitten with her collar on kneeling before as what seems her master heeseung sighed "so he is into that?" U thought very interested as to what is gonna happen shame long gone u watched with curious eyes as he pulled on her leash guiding her to his cock before ordering her to open her mouth, pulling her hair harshely and started fucking her mouth, not caring about how she is gagging on his side, eyes watering as her face became so red, ur mouth opened in an o as u watch him use her as he want u gulp loudly at that, both heeseung and sunghoon looking ur way focusing now on ur face rather than the video, eyes dark and sharp, drinking ur expressions, sunghoon dragged his hand again on ur thigh making u leave a small moan, bitting his lower lip agressively ohhh how he wished to take u here in front of everyone hearing u moan again and again as he used u, especially after u put ur hand on his wrist digging ur nails on his flech, hips shamelessly grinding forward, he groaned deeply his cock twitching so hard, seeing this heeseung couldn't help it but to pat his cock on top of his pants hiding his action with the large pillow he has on his lap. U couldn't contain urself after sunghoon touched u, it was as if you reached ur limit u didn't know what to do ur hand guiding sunghoon's hand upward he hissed after sensing ur wetness on top of ur shorts he cursed deeply "so fucking wet, ur gonna ruin the couch" u moan ashamed but not much as u grind on his hand eyes shutting brain washed and clear nothing running there but for u to release ur stress, heeseung leaned in ur ear whispering quitely"looks at u now, getting off on sunghoon's hand in front of everyone, pretending to be innocent all the time while in reality ur just a horny eager little thing" he licked ur earlobe taking ur hand to palm his crotch, u moan sensing how hard and big he is he chuckled "what? Liked that? Do u think u can take it" u just moaned occupied with sunghoon's hand that pressed hard on ur clit and then disappeared, whining u open ur eyes barely managing to not shut them, sunghoon's fingers digged in ur thighs harshely "when someone ask u a question u have to answer little one or u wont get what u want" u pout hand still working on heeseung as u look at him almost crying u were so close u barely managed to get these words out "i can take everything, so please touch me". Sunghoon patted ur cheek in a menacing way before he whispered "that's more like it slut" U moaned at the degrading name taking his hand again and placing it inside ur shorts u almost screamed when his cold fingers pressed on ur clit hand moving in a fast circular motion making ur toes curl, everything about sunghoon's touch is harsh he took one of ur breasts kneeding it roughly u were afraid it gonna burst in his hand, heeseung took the other one circling ur nipple until it became hard and he tugged on it pinching it u almost let out a scream if it wasn't for his other hand that covered ur mouth hard, u felt like u were in heaven touched and gropped this way was something u always craved
ur eyes opened a little meeting Jay's that is on the other end watching u while mouthing quietly to not let Joy notice "so sluty" "very pathetic" he clenched his jaw regreting sitting that far but enjoying the show nontheless, u look so hot like that sweating hand pressed on ur lips covering any sound breasts gropped ahhh how soft and squechy they'd feel around his hands, ur hand palming heeseung's crotch skilfully nails pretty and beautiful just to be ruined by cum, you look so fucked out now shaking in sunghoon's hand eyes rolling back trying to remove his hand from how sensitive u are but he is too strong for u to do that, he kept moving his hand until u let out a tear chuckling deeply at ur state as heeseung freed his cock from his pants and started moving ur hand faster groaning right in ur ears so close to his release he had to let go of ur lips to bit his hand and supress any sound, not long after, u felt ur hand getting sticky moaning at this feeling u miss it so much, heeseung kept going until he emptied his balls, satisfied to see ur hand full of his cum, if only u were alone here he'd make sure u don't waste a drop of it, sunghoon guided his fingers full of ur slick into ur mouth making u suck on them "that's right make them clean whore" u moaned on his fingers driving him insane as he pushed his fingers deeper in your throat u almost gagged but held it, not wanting to make Joy who has seen everything through the screen's reflection notice, with a pop sunghoon removed his fingers letting go of ur breast as heeseung did the same, standing and leaving u there like a mess looking at jay shamefully as he shrugged his head disapointed.
U excused urself running to ur room face as red as a tomato u washed ur hand moaning after seeing how full of cum it is, u can't help it but wish that they follow u to ur room to finish what they were doing not satisfied fully by what they gave u, pussy still clenching around nothing, u sighed flustrated. Changing ur clothes u went to ur bed thinking about what just happened the fact that Jay saw u is turning u on more than it should, after minutes of thinking u find urself sleeping so tired from today's event. U woke up to a text notification, telling u that u'll be headed to a restaurant to meet the last contestant. U smiled excited to eat outside properly, picking a tight black dress with a golden chain on the collar, wearing ur favourite heels and applying a red lipstick, satisfied with ur look u wore some parfum going to ur bed to pick ur bag before u hear a knock again. Gulping and adjusting ur dress u opened the door just to find urself thrown to the wall hand tightly wrapped around ur lips, u widen ur eyes taking a back fromhow fast that happened just to see Jay looking at u darkely, jaw clenched as he come closer whispering with his other hand lifting ur dress and reaching inside ur panties hissing as u feel a weird object enter u "U really thought i'd act like nothing happened ha?" He rubbed the toy on ur folds making u moan quietly, "u see i couldn't bear the fact that i was left out " he continue rubbing on ur folds only faster this time making u squirm over his hand, he chuckled deeply "so i figured out i should teach u a lesson" he leaned on ur ears whispering "u r gonna have this inside u all the time at the diner" he licked ur earlobe "u better act well or it'd be so embarrasing" u moaned at the thought, he leaned back scanny ur fucked out state hips following his hand mouvement eyes rolled back this is all too much for u he pressed harder on ur lips "m really so disapointed on u, how could u leave ur client out?" He removed his hand from ur panties only when u were about to come leaving u whining and positioned it on ur left hip "but again i didn't know u'd be so perveted letting two men use u in front of everyone" u whimper from humiliation gasping when his knee got between ur thighs pressing directly on ur core "i'll tease u a lot tonight" he grinded his knee on ur core making ur knees feel like jelly if it wasn't for the hold he has on ur hip u'd be on the floor now "i'll make sure u come to my room tonight crying and begging me to fuck u"
No cause Jay here is gonna be 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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TRIGGER WARNING: This one shot will contain mentions of a knife. If you are at all uncomfortable with that type of thing - PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER!
Summary: Anon request - "Jake smut with knife kink????"
Warnings: SMUT18+, KNIFE PLAY!, strong language, teasing, hair pulling, scratching, biting, dirty pet names, unprotected sex, begging, praising, use of a knife during sex, maybe some breeding kink, filth.
Word count: 3.9k | not edited
I will going off the 'trying every fast food fried chicken sandwich' video on Johnnie's channel, but I will be adding some stuff to make you fit into the story - but I did shorten it a lot to not make it as long. Enjoy !
You sat in the chair behind the camera as Jake and Johnnie prepared to start recording. You and Jake had plans to hang out, but he totally forgot he already had a date with Johnnie to rate chicken on a scale of one through five.
"Have you ever wanted a chicken sandwich-"Jake cuts Johnnie off, "yeah." Johnnie continues, "well now you can-"
Jake stares into the cameras trying not to laugh, "yes."
"Well today -"
Jake interrupts him again, " yep."
Johnnie says nothing else as he leans over and grabs, what looks to be the handle of a knife. You and Jake both stare at him as he struggles to open it. You watch as Jake closes his mouth and reaches over to take it from Johnnie's grasp.
In one swift flick, the silver blade pops through, revealing its sharpness. Johnnie raises his hands, "Okay. Okay. Take it easy."
You felt relieved that Jake was staring at Johnie while holding it because that gave you time to get your cheeks back to a normal color. That was one of the hottest things you've seen Jake do, even if it was just as simple as him opening that knife.
It still got your mind going and blood pumping a mile a minute.
Jake glances at you as he sets the open knife on the table and you smile at him, sitting up as he looks away because a nasty and dangerous, yet super sexy thought, sneaks its way into your mind.
You don't even know how Jake would react to what you just thought of, but you knew that you weren't going to stop thinking about it until you got an answer from him.
You pull yourself from your thoughts and wind up listening to a very strange, yet normal Jake and Johnnie, comment, "..and and we're gonna be putting lots of meat in our mouth and we're-"
Your weird look turns into quiet laughter behind your hand as you watch Jake's face change quickly into a caught off guard confused stare.
He blinks a few times and looks at you and just shakes his head as Johnnie continues to ramble on. Then, the conversation turns into dissecting frogs before Johnnie says something about his merch.
"I'm proud to be an Americas favorite lady.." Johnnie sings and you just stare, thinking about why you agreed to sit in on this when you knew it was going to be hard to be quiet.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Alright, the first one we're trying is- mm-blah- uh- fuck." Johnnie looks down and Jake points to him, "Ha. You stuttered this time. Ha, ha."
You watch as Jonnie stares at the table for a few seconds in silence before he reaches for the knife again, and your eyes instantly move to Jake.
Jake watches as Johnnie struggles again and you pull your bottom lip between your teeth as Jake reaches over, waiting to watch his thumb slide up to open it once again.
"It's got a child lock on it." Jonnie says right before Jake takes it from him, popping the blade out of the top.
You don't know why, but you are so turned on by Jake opening the knife. You thought the first time was bad, but the more he does it, the more you feel like you can't breathe.
Jake closes the knife and hands it back to Johnnie, watching as he finally figures out how to open it. Jake raises his hand as he laughs, "Okay, okay. Now I'm scared."
Jake glances over at you and back to Johnnie, "Now I'm scared."
"Who stuttered what?" Johnnie asks in a funny voice and you can't help but laugh.
"Let me see that." Jake says and your eyes snap back to his hand that's reaching out for it, "Let me see that."
"Wait wait wait." Johnnie says and Jake drops his hand, "Come on. It's not a toy."
"Well it's real, it's dangerous, and illegal." Johnnie says and that just fuels the fire.
You watch as Jake takes the knife, laughing as he sets it down. You look up, eyes meeting his as he sets it down and you tilt your head with a smile.
He squints his eyes, picking up that there's something going on with you and you cross your leg over the other as you lean back against the wall.
He smirks slightly before going back to doing the video.
Every time Jake laughs, you smile because it's like you fall in love with him all over again, even the weird comments, you can't help but love him more.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You have your head resting on the wall, watching Jake do his reviews when all of a sudden your eyes go wide and your hand slaps over your mouth.
Jake looks at you, tilting his head before looking over his shoulder.
"Hello!" Johnnie, or as you call it, his alter ego, Timmy yells. Jake's eyes go wide and he snaps his head back to you, "Oh.. my god."
Jake covers his mouth as Johnnie walks up, grabbing the sandwich, "Chicken sandwiiiiich." He screams as he clings to it for dear life.
Jake's hand is still over his mouth, "Oh my god. No way."
Johnnie continues to scream before taking an obnoxiously loud bite. Your hand slowly moves off of your mouth as you try to contain in the laughter.
You were super turned on, ready for this video to be done, but now thanks to Timmy, you were no longer focused on Jake dragging a knife across your neck.
"Holy shit." Jake lays a hand on his chest and drags it down to drop it into his lap as Johnnie slowly walks up to him, "If I just sit still, he won't know I'm here."
Your eyes flick back and forth from him to Johnnie, "oh my god. This isn't real." You whisper into your hand, "Holy fuck."
It's quiet, all but the sound of Johnnie eating as he walks up to Jake. Jake's eyes are on you, fighting to not look at Johnnie.
Johnnie leans down, "Want eat?"
Jake laughs, "No." he turns his head to look at Johnnie, "Get back." Johnnie moves back and yells something that's muffled by the food in his mouth before touchdown slamming the sandwich onto the floor.
Jake's mouth drops as he leans over, looking at you for help. You shrug, "I don't know what you want me to do. We just have to.. wait it out."
Johnnie leaves the room and you sit there staring at Jake, "What the fuck was that?" You watch as his fingers drag on the table against the knife and he looks up at you, "I'm going to stab him."
You laugh slightly, "Oh my g- Jake. No you're not going to stab him. He can't help it." You hold back your laughter as Johnnie walks back into the room.
And that feeling you had before returns, all it took was for him to touch the knife.
"Anyways." Johnnie says walking back into the room, like nothing even happened.
Which makes it a lot funnier.
You lean back against the wall, falling back into your thoughts after Johnnie's little Timmy outburst.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Johnnie picks up a hammer, holding it up and Jake quickly picks up the knife, giving you a quick glance. 
You bite down on your lip, watching as he brings it up and opens it with no trouble.
You wanted him. And you wanted him to play with it, press it up against your neck.
Drag it down your body.
You wanted him to tease you with it.
Do whatever he wanted to you with it.
You never thought you'd bring a knife into sexual pleasure, but hey. Things can change, right?
A short time later, they wrap up the video and Jake stands up, "I hope you know you're cleaning this up yourself."
"What? Why?" Johnnie groans with a laugh, "No, don't answer that. I had an outburst didn't I?" He hangs his head and sighs loudly.
"I swear to god you're schizophrenic." Jake shakes his head and turns to face you, "Ready to hang out?" You nod, "Yeah, but first.." you lean around him and grab the knife off the table, "Close this for me."
He gives you a confused look but complies, taking the knife from your hand, closing it with ease, "Can I as-"
You cut him off, "Not here."
He tilts his head, "You're being weird."
You roll your eyes, "If anyone's weird here it's-"
Johnnie lets out a random scream and Jake spins you around, "Let's get out of here before he sees us." He pushes you forward and you walk out laughing.
Jake lays his arm over your shoulder, "So are you going to tell me what's brewin' in that noggin of yours.. or do I have to guess?"
You bite your lip, resting your head back onto his arm, "I mean, you can guess."
"Does it involve sexy time?" He wiggles his brows and you laugh, "that's not a guess, but yes, babe."
He pushes open his door and walks you in, turning around to close it.
"Okay. I'm just.." you sigh, looking up at him, "I'm just going to say it because it's a pretty.. wild request."
He holds up the closed knife in his hand, "It doesn't have anything to do with this.." he dangles the knife in his fingers, "..does it?"
You bite your lip, locking your hands together behind your back, "I told you it was a wild request."
He purses his lips together, eyes moving to the object in his hand, "You.." he laughs slightly, looking back to you, "You want me.." he points to the knife, "To do.. what exactly?"
"I'm not asking you to stab me, Jake. Just.." you walk up and take the knife from his hand. You try to get it open, "there really is a child lock on this isn't there."
Jake smirks and takes the knife from your hand, holding it up between your bodies and he flicks it open.
Your eyebrows raise and you bite your lip, "Uh huh." You nod, "You are so hot when you do that."
He smirks, looking away and back to you with a smile, "Oh shucks." He raises his shoulders and tilts his head all cute.
You move closer to him, wrapping your hand around his wrist, "I just.." your eyes move from the knife in his hand, up to his eyes, "I want you to, I don't know, intimidate me with it.. tease me with it."
"Isn't.. this a little bit dangerous?" He stares down at you and you shrug with a slight smile, "I mean, yes it's dangerous." You grab his shirt and move closer to him, "But that's what makes it fun right?"
A smirk toys with his lips as he brushes hair from your face, "I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't. I trust you." You tilt your head back, "We don't have to if-"
The sudden gentle graze of the blade across your cheek shuts you up instantly.
Jake's eyes bounce from your eyes to the knife resting on your cheek, "You know.. you have such an angel face." He bites his bottom lip, "But these thoughts you have, baby.. they're the devils thoughts."
He bends down, quickly lifting you up. Your legs circle his waist and you look down at him, "Only for you, baby."
He smirks, "I sure hope so."
He walks you over to his bed, moving his hand with the knife before letting you fall backwards onto the bed, "What do you want me to do?"
You lean up onto your elbows, "You're holding the knife, babe. You're in control."
"Oh shit. Okay." He laughs slightly and twirls it in his fingers, "if I see blood." He points the blade towards you, "I'm stopping."
"Deal." You smile and lay back, watching as he moves in between your knees after taking off his shirt. He drops his hand, dragging the point of the blade gently down your fishnet covered thigh.
He reaches up to undo your jean shorts, slowly pulling them down your legs until they're off and dropped to the floor.
You watch as he picks up the knife, slipping the sharp side of the blade against each thin piece of fishnet, cutting all the way up to your hip.
He moves to the other side, "I hope you didn't like these."
"I have more." You glance up at him, biting your lip as you feel the loose fabric sliding off your legs. He moves up, leaning down to press his lips against yours.
"How do you-" you reach over, pulling his hand with the knife over, "Just.. like. This." You lay the blade against your neck, "Just enough pressure for me to feel it."
"You're fucking crazy." He smirks and you tilt your head back, "You love it."
"I love you." He pulls the knife away, crashing his lips into yours. Your lips move in sync as his hand slips under your shirt, a small moan slipping from your lips as his fingers twist and pull at your nipple.
"Please don't tease." You whimper out.
He sits up and pushes your shirt up. He reaches over picking up the knife and dragging it down your torso, "I thought that's what you wanted?"
You fight back a smirk, knowing he's right, "Mhm."
He smirks, slipping it into the thick band of the fishnets, "Thought so."
With a swift swipe up, the band splits. He finishes cutting the fishnets and pushes the loose pieces away.
He spreads your legs more and you bite your lip as you feel the blade rest against your clothed pussy. Your eyes lock onto his and he drags it down, "Jake.."
Your words are barely audible, "P-please."
Your adrenaline was pumping. Any second that blade could puncture your skin, but the amount of trust you have for Jake, especially when it comes to you, make it even better.
"Please what, baby?" He drags the knife gently down the inside of your thigh, "Where do you want it?"
"Anywhere.." You breathe out, "I just.." you whimper as he presses the flat side against your clit, tapping a few times. He tilts his head, continuing to tap, "You just what, baby?"
"I need you." You move your hips slightly, "Please."
He leans down, kissing up your torso, "Fine." He rolls over, sitting his back against the headboard, "But you're ridin'."
You sit up, slipping your shirt up over your head, "okay." You smirk at him, kicking off the torn fishnets before moving up to straddle him.
He reaches behind you, making sure to gently drag the blade down your spine. You arch your back slowly, pushing your chest out and he kisses in between your boobs.
"You are so fucking hot." His other hand moves to grip your ass, squeezing before sliding it around to pull the band of your panties outward.
He drags the knife over your hip before slicing the band of your panties. You watch as he moves to the other side, cutting it and letting it fall between your legs.
He looks your body up and down and slides his hand up your back, gripping the back of your neck before pulling you in for a kiss.
Your hands move to the sides of his neck as you grind down on him, earning a low groan.
Your hands slide down, undoing his jeans before moving off of him so he can kick them off. He moves his boxers down and pulls you back over, "I hope you know, I love watching you ride me."
He spits into his hand, moving it down to rub the outside of your pussy. You moan, gripping his shoulders as his fingers move to rub circles on your clit, "Fuck."
He moves his hand to hold his cock steady, "go ahead babe."
You let out a loud moan, clenching around him as you sink down onto him. Your moan is cut short by a gasp from the knife against your neck.
"Why didn't I think of this?" Jake groans as you slowly move up and down, "This is fucking.." he groans, eyes gawking at the knife pressing against your skin, "Do you like it?"
You moan out, "Yes, yes."
"Tell me what you like, babe." Jake moves his hips upward and you sigh, "I love how you hold this knife against my skin."
"You look so fucking hot." He drags the knife down your neck and over your boob. He moves with your motions, pressing it a little harder into your skin.
You let out an excited whimper as you dig your nails into his shoulders, biting your lip as you roll your hips into his, "Jake.." you moan out, "You feel so good." 
He tilts his head back and you act quick, taking the knife from his hand and pressing it against his neck. His eyes widen slightly as his hands move to grip both of  your hips, "Fuck." He swallows, keeping his jaw up, "You're such a demon." 
You giggle slightly, a moan following quick as you sink all the way down, letting his cock rest inside of you, "You're so hot." You lean in, pressing your lips to his as you gently drag the knife down his skin. You replace the blade with your lips, sucks a mark into his skin which earns a low groan from his lips. 
He slides his hands up to the front of your shoulders, pushing you back as he leans forward. He pins your wrist down by your head before he starts thrusting into you, "Fucking shit." 
You arch your back, moaning loudly as your legs tighten over his thighs, "J-Jake." You gasp, "So c-close." 
He slips his hand up, taking the knife back into his possession. He leans down, holding up his weight on his forearm as he drags the knife down the side of your torso, "Cum for me." 
Your breathing shutters as the knife grazes over your skin. Your eyes roll back as you tilt your head back, whining loudly as he kisses down your neck, biting and nipping at your skin. He proceeded to give you a matching hicky, groaning lowly as he feels you tense around him. 
You let out a loud moan, digging your nails into his back as you cum. His thrusts slow down as he guides you through your high and then come to a stop, "Hands and knees baby." 
Jake pulls out, sitting all the way up to watch you lazily roll over. He lays a hand on your hip, biting his lip as his eyes gaze down to your soaked pussy on display, "You're so fucking wet." He brings the knife up, dragging it down over your ass and tapping it gently against your pussy. 
You gasp, trying not to move. Your fingers ball up the comforter underneath you, whimpering as you grow more impatient for him to be inside of you again.
"Please.. you whimper out, "Jake.." your words are breathless and Jake loves it. 
"Please what?" He moves the knife up, dragging it down over your other cheek. 
You sigh, "I need you." 
He rises up to lean down, pressing his lips against your shoulder, "I want to cum in you so bad. Fill you up completely." He groans at his own words, "Fuck, you would look so sexy pregnant." 
Jake has never said anything like that before. You guys were always careful, you didn't think he was thinking about anything like that. 
"W-what?" You ask, making sure you heard him correctly. 
"You heard me." He leans up, dragging the knife down your spine as he moves his hips to rub the tip of his cock against your pussy, "Would you like that?" 
You push your hips back, biting your lip as you try and think, but your mind is so scrambled right now, "I-I-" you gasp as he thrusts into you, knife pressing into your skin, "Yes." 
"Yes what, y/n?" Jake reaches up, gathering your loose hair into his hand, "want me to cum in that pretty pussy of yours?" 
You nod against the hold he has on your hair, letting out a whine when he pulls harder, "Fuck, yes. Yes. Yes!" 
Jake bites his lip harder as he starts thrusting, groaning as he watches you push your hips back to meet his thrusts.
He drops the knife, moving his now free hand to grip your ass, "That's it."
He lets go of your hair, moving it back to lay on your hip, fingertips digging hard into your skin, “Fuck, I’m so fucking close baby.”
You moan in response, moving your hips up and down repeatedly until he grabs them, pulling you fully down onto him as he pushes all the way in.
You squeeze his cock, moaning as you feel him coating the inside of your pussy white.
“Fuck.” He sighs, “That was surprisingly fun.”
You laugh as you lay down on his bed, “It was.” You look back at him, watching as he picks the knife up to close it.
“Open it, again.” You bite your lip as you watch him smirk, switching the blade open, “Wanna see me do it again?” He jokes, but you nod, “I could watch you do it all day.”
“Really?” He asks with a laugh, “What’s so hot about it?”
You sit up, “Just you.. and that knife.. it just.. gets me going.” He moves to stand in front of you, resting the blade under your chin, “You know I can’t let Johnnie touch this again, right?”
“I would hope not.” You smile and lick your lips, “That would be kinda weird now that it’s been on .. places.”
Jake laughs and closes the knife, “Yeah, that’s going to the dresser drawer with its new friends.” He walks over, opening the drawer that you store all of your other sex toys in.
You shake your head, “I’m stealing a shirt.”
“Yeah, take whatever you want babe.” Jake smiles at you as he shuts the drawer. As you go through his closet, there’s a knock on the door, “Jake, where’s your knife? I want to practice opening it. I can beat that fucking child lock.”
You and Jake lock eyes and it’s instant laughter.
Johnnie is silent for a few moments, “You didn’t have to laugh at me, holy shit.”
“Sorry Johnnie.. that knife is out of commission.” Jake yells as he tries not to laugh.
“Aw, did you break it? Stupid fuck.” Johnnie yells and Jake sighs, “You’re the stupid fuck, but yeah I guess I broke it.”
Jake looks at you, shaking his head as he smirks.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I know this was long awaited, so I thank you for being patient and for reading. I hope you enjoyed 🖤
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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