#Plauge Doctor beast
pick-a-plush · 4 months
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randomspagetti · 4 months
Pale!Ailment Au (SPOILERS)
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Spagot was really cooking with this one 😎😎 basically I was talking with my besties and then realized "hey what did that doctor say at the beginning?" (Clips aren't mine [yt])
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So now we're here, BASICALLY:
Cacao goes into the medical ward despite MULTIPLE DOCTORS telling him not to, because he needs to be there for his citizens. A little while later as they start to make preparations Cacao notices white spots on his body.
He's not stupid nor foolish enough to assume it's anything other than the plague, but he's not smart enough to get medical attention for it. "His citizens need it more" and "I need to go to beast yeast for them" is sort of the mantra he repeats while ignoring the blatant signs of the Pale Ailment
Just as they head to leave Cacao passes out. It's soon revealed to everyone that their very own king has contracted the plauge. With the stakes raised and their own kingdom at risk, they head to beast yeast without him, leaving him in the care of SW and medical professionals.
One small problem, Dark Cacao isn't content with staying put
And that's basically it, Cacao keeps trying to escape the medical ward to go to beast yeast and everyone is so done with it.
Also on a different note, I tried to reference NPCs outfits (I gave him a purple ribbon as a way to signal to nurses/doctors hes royalty) I also used a bit of Wikipedia to get the outfit right, but I still don't know.
I try my best to be respectful and accurate to Korean Culture, but I still feel like I get a few details wrong. I haven't been able to find an actual guide to drawing hanboks or anything like that. I don't even know if the bow placement has any significance but I couldn't find anything on it. I just followed pictures and I hate when I have to do that, I kinda just wish I knew for sure.
So if you ever notice anything wrong or inaccurate please tell me, or if you find a guide to drawing Korean wear send it my way! I can't really follow sewing guides well
I also might involve Choco in this au but who knows
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rampagemagpie · 9 months
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A little gift for one of my artist friend... Or half gift, who knows. I just felt like, i need to draw Walerinaa (Deviantart)'s character, Hugo, the forestspirit, and my forestspirit character into one art... Mine is the feathered Juggernaut. Hugo is the beast, who is a lovley creature! Hugo supremacy! Some information about Hugo, and Walerina: The artist: https://toyhou.se/Walerinaa Hugo: https://toyhou.se/6963417.hugo Some information about the Juggernaut (named Zsaratnok): Zsaratnok is originally, maded 4-5 years ago, to an airsoft event, called Juggernauts Day! The gear started really diffirently, but i decided to turn into a plauge-doctor like feathered creature. I'm (if i know well enough) the first Juggernaut in airsoft, who's only used meele weapons! A claymore and a Riot shield! Nowdays the gear is on upgrade, sadly i didn't played around a year as a Juggernaut. This gear meanwhile become itself into an original character. I got the name, 'Zsaratnok' (Zsarátnok) witch means dieing, or yet living ash. Zsaratnok, just like Hugos is a forest spirit. There is no one under the gear, it's literally a spirit, who is defending their woods against humans, and their actions. She don't have a lot of lore yet, bc it's still in developing phase, but after i finished the upgrades on the original gear, i def' going to give her some lore, and bring this little character into LARP games as well!
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defness · 2 years
It's going alright. And... curious, how's Anex treating the Plague Doc?
Well they're sorta coworkers so yk as well as a Loud Excited Beast can treat a Plauge Doctor whos pretty melancholic
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pithypear · 4 years
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bendyzipper · 4 years
little snippet i decided to write based off of @attackontitanwritings 's au. it revolves around if my oc was in the au as well. she's a plauge doc!!
The doctor looked at the two.
One of them was your run of the mill person, an ex-garrison, from the looks of it. Their equipment looked heavily damaged, like it couldn't fire a grapple if it wanted to.
Duly noted.
The other one was a titan. A titan. It stood 15 meters tall, with shaggy black (or was it brown?) hair, and a strong build. While not present, she could see an ember of sorts in its eyes. A need to protect. How could such a beast feel the need to protect its prey?
Taking off her beak for a clearer image, the two could be examined in clarity. It wasn't more or less a mutualistic relationship, but it was, somehow. Fascinating.
She didn't know people (and titans) roamed around Quinta district. She thought she was alone.
No wonder she heard an ear-piercing roar of sorts a week ago. She was finally able to find the source of the titan carcasses, as well.
She wanted to stay hidden. Who knows how sensitive their hearing was?
And all it took for her presence to be known was a slippery branch in particular.
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spidey16 · 5 years
X-Men Reviews Teil 75
"Thr Plauge of Locust"
X-Men 24
Autor: Roy Thomas
Zeichner: Werner Roth
Es ist soweit Jean verlässt die X-Men und zieht in ein Studentenwohnheim wo sie sich gleich mit einen Ted anfreundet das Scott gar nicht passt.
Unterdessen sammelt der neue Schurke Locust Hechschrecken ein und verwandelt sie ihn Riesen.
Prof X bemerkt das sie Felder blündern und schickt sofort die X-Men Los. Die X-Men bekämpfen und töten die Rieseninsekten bis ein Farmer die Insekten mit Pesteziden erledigt.
Jean unterdessen fällt ein Doctor Hopper auf der in Warheit der Locust ist. Dieser Experimentert weiter und Schaft mehr Rieseninsekten.
Der Professor hat unterdessen die Toten Heuschrecken untersucht und ist zum Schluss gekommen das jemand sie erschaffen hat. Er will die X-Men losschicken doch da kommt Jean übers Wochende auf Besuch und will helfen. Sie erzählt das Dr. Hopper das prophezeit hat und Prof. X sucht die Arbeit stelle des Bösen Doctors auf und findet der eine Markierung wo er als nächstes zuschlagen will. So stellen ihn die X-Men auf frischer Tat und es kommt zum Kampf doch er kann entkommen da er einen Gigaischen Mistkäfer und Riesenwespen auf die X-Men hetzt. Das Militär taucht auf und tötet die Insekten.
Der Locust sucht nach weitern Insekten und trifft dabei als Xsvirt der sich als Einsideler verkleidet hat und ihn warnt den Pfad des Bösen zu verlassen. Der Schurke lässt den man stehen und läuft den X-Men vor seinen Wohnagen-Labor in die Arme. Er vertröstet zwei Käfer doch Jean verbiegt seine Atennen und sie gehorchen nicht mehr und greifen an. Die X-Men können die Käfer von der Klippe werfen und den Doctor retten und verhaften.
Die X-Men gegen einen neuen E-List Schurken der zufällig auf Jeans College ist. Ungefähr so laufen die meisten frühen Roy Thomas Hefte ab.
Story: 3
Zeichnung: 3
Gesamt: 6
Held: x-Men (Cyclops, Prof X, Iceman, Angel, Beast und Jean)
Schurke: Locust
Nebenfigur: Ted
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catdaddydef · 5 years
My throat hurts like hell and I told the doctor I can barely swallow or breath. He then jabs a swab down my throat, causing me so much pain. Like. Doc. I just said this shit is inflamed like the plauge. Why u gotta probe me like a beast. Not cool.
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randomspagetti · 3 months
Ive been absent for a while so here's a list me and my server made it's called~~~~
✨The Cacao Dumb_ssery List👑
(yes it is out of order)
1) neglected his son
2) kept deflecting blame with said, trying to actively kill him now, son
3) decides to go TORWARDS the flour killing fog without a hazmat team
4) believes the illusions that give him a whole introduction despite him already knowing them
5) let his watchers eat incredibly suspicious food
6) didn't eat the illusion dispelling chocolate
7) walked into a room full of contagious people despite doctors telling him not to
8) Had to question whether mystic FLOUR was causing the flour plauge
9) totally glossed over the cacoon part
10) totally ignored the fact that the pavilion was completely clean and dandy somehow
11) Thought nobody would miss him despite Mystic Flour showing him an illusion where Choco misses him
12) Ate a suspicious peach from a stranger (peach blossom) despite previously assuming it's poisoned (and not eating the illusion dispelling chocolate😡😡😡😡)
13) Didn't eat during his time in beast yeast leading to him practically being starved
14) no self care
But yeah that's all for now! Also enjoy a young WatcherCao
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