#Platonic!Geralt x reader
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Geralt Headcanons
Painrings : Geralt of rivia x daughter/ Geralt x platonic! Reader
Warnings : none
A/N : hello peeps, i tried my best to make them broader and not just limit them to father daughter stuff, we can turn one of them into a little ficcie if desired. Alsoo Comments are much much appreciated. Enjoyyy 🥀
You and Geralt had found each other on destiny's commands. It wasn't easy, suddenly being under somebody's wing, having to trust them and listen to them.
Whenever danger was felt, Geralt would place a hand on your shoulder, his own little protective move, prepared for whatever's about to come.
When you're out in a market or somewhere he deems to be dangerous, he makes sure to always be somewhere behind you. No matter how far you get away, he's always somewhere close watching over you.
After a few of your nightly freakouts, Geralt offered up a little spot beside him every night. He doesn't order you to come over. He doesn't ask if you want to come over. He just settles down on whatever bed he's sleeping on and puffs up a little pillow he keeps beside him. If it's a whole seperate room. Then the same line is growled :"I'll keep my door open in case i am needed."
A boy smiles at you and the witcher is there to smile back. Not in a possessive way. Not in a she is untouchable kind of way. Just a simple smile, to assert his threatening presence. A smile that says if she is hurt, you're fucked.
Mornings are your least favorite time of the day. Geralt is always at the foot of your bed, gently swinging your foot left and right, in an attempt to wake you up. It surely annoys you but it's not until he grabs your wrist and pulls it upwards that you start getting annoyed. And then comes the full pull, when he grabs you from under the armpits and drags you out. You groan in unpleasentness but let go anyways.
Late nights are for sure your favorites, though. Just a grumpy old guy running after you and pleading for you to go to sleep. You dodge his reaching arm, giggling at his frowning features. He growls your name and sighs, giving up. And you just stand awkwardly, triumph radiating out of you.
What you reeeally dislike, though, is those little fights you and Geralt have about your future and your training. Him not wanting you to get in harm's way. You doing everything possible to get in harm's way. He yells at you. You never ended up crying or anything like that. You just bottled it up and sat in your little corner, getting slowly eaten up by the deafening silence that reigns the space. But then one of you breaks it. And everything slowly goes back to normal.
All in all, life with the witcher is not easy. But how could you deny the warmth that coated your broken heart, the warmth that filled it with love. The warmth that filled it with the father, brother, protector that you never had.
End of poem. I could never use such methodology for my own school work, goddammit. Anyway, i hope yall like this ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
#sister x brothers#sister!reader#daughter!reader#sibling fic#father figure fic#daughter x father#protective brother#adoptive father troop#geralt of rivia#geralt x reader#witcher fanfiction#geralt x daughter!reader#witcher x reader#platonic!reader#henry cavil x daughter#henry cavil x reader#henry cavill fic
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Okay so consider!!!
Yandere platonic Geralt!! Generally very cool!! Very nice!! But if you fuck up you have to deal with (what you have dubbed) the get along cuff. Which is literally him just making you sleep next to him and tying your leg to his with a bit of leather cord. It’s thin so he can easily snap it if there’s a danger, but he’ll wake up if you move it.
Also Jaskier being completely fine and okay with this would be hilarious, I would love to see you write a scenerio!! (Idk why but I picture a modern reader, like one who got dropped in the Witcher from the modern world)
I love this ask!! I also love the trope of a modern character in a medieval setting, I think it was all the ‘Modern Girl IN Middle Earth’ fanfics I read (an actual tag on ao3) so I have a weakness for it!! Also Jaskier just going ‘eh’ is so funny to me.
Warnings: forced proximity, captivity, kidnapping, some level of being infantalized, being tied to another person as a form of being restrained, future Stockholm syndrome. Jaskier is complicit, up to you whether he is also a yandere or not. Also the fact Geralt can smell emotions
“You know this could be like, an actual danger?”
You try and reason your way out of your situation, like reason has ever worked on Geralt before. He ignores you, mostly, concentrating on tying the knot around your wrist in a manner that you cannot undo the knot but it also didn’t cut off your circulation. He slips a finger under the cord, testing the knot and the cords strength, and you hear him make a satisfied rumble. You were still getting used to that, to the various sounds the Witcher made to express emotion.
“No it’s not. The cord’s thin, and if I have to fight I can snap it easily. Plus this area doesn’t normally have monsters, not this time of year.”
He stands, towering over you from you spot on the ground, near the fire, and you tilt your face up. The yellow light throws his features into a harsh countenance, makes his face all angles and scars, golden eyes reflecting the light the way a predators would as he glared down at you, scowling. You tighten your fingers in the wool cloak he had given you, so long ago, the fibers catching in your nails.
He must see something in your gaze, or maybe it’s the way you know you probably reek of anxiety right now, but his stance softens, the scowl melting away into something softer, not a smile because you knew he was still very, very upset with you, but not a harsh frown that made you feel small and stupid and like all the things he thought about you were true.
He crouches, making himself smaller next to you, and you feel your shoulders start to unwind. It was strange, being around someone who was so perceptive to your emotions, but seemingly had no clue how to address or handle them, beyond his own instincts as a Witcher and his limited interpersonal skills. His very limited interpersonal skills.
Seriously. You were pretty sure the guy only had two friends.
“You’re going to try and run again. Maybe not tonight, but I clearly can’t trust you to behave without me keeping my eye on you at all times. Since I can’t do that while I’m asleep, this is the solution.”
He motions to the thin leather cord, and you scowl, face twisting into something you know is ugly but doing it anyways. He wouldn’t be intimidated, you knew, he seemed to view you as some helpless kid, even though you were a fully grown adult who had been attending college.
“You wouldn’t have to watch me if you just let me go, Geralt. You can’t… you can’t just not let someone go home, that’s not right.”
You snap, fingers burying further into the cloak to stave off the chill that was only getting colder, creeping up your arms and legs to your torso and making you shiver. It had just gotten dark, the little fire Geralt built crackling away and too small to provide much warmth but rapidly gaining strength, and you shiver, leaning toward the fire and away from the Witcher.
“We’re not having this conversation again. You can’t survive out there on your own.”
Your face flushes, angry, and you bury your face further into the cloak. He had a point, to some extent. You weren’t used to the world of the Witcher, with its monsters and it’s hardships, weren’t used to the roughness of medieval life and all of its struggles. You were used to the modern world, where distances could be travelled by car, not horse, and you didn’t have to endure biting cold in the winter and blazing heat in the summer.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t at least try, Geralt. What kinda person would I be if I didn’t at least try to get home?” You protest, and there’s the sound of rustling, a muttered curse. Looks like Jaskier was back with wood.
“Ah. Seems I walked into a horribly tense situation.”
Jaskier remarks, but his voice is light, not taking your predicament seriously, even as his eyes land on the tether around your wrist and Geralt’s as he feeds wood into the fire, which licks up the logs and sticks eagerly, hungry for fuel. You scowl, face buried in the cloak to hide your sour mood as much as possible. Geralt didn’t care if you were pisses off or not, he cared when you were afraid not when you were mad, but Jaskier would do everything in his power to pull you out of your bad mood. From telling stories to playing little tavern songs, he would be relentless in making sure you cracked a smile at least once, and you didn’t feel like having to endure the bards attempts to cheer you up right now.
“Is tying them to you really necessary though, Geralt? They look like a kicked pup, can’t you be a bit more lenient?”
Jaskier wheedles, and wow, he might actually be your favorite person right now. You peek up from the fold of the cloak, and he’s got a hand on a hip, shifting his weight with a concerned frown. He looks entirely disapproving of the whole thing, which makes your heart soar. Maybe he would actually be able to get Geralt to listen to him.
“They’re lucky I don’t tie them on Roach all day.” Geralt grumbles, setting up the bed rolls. You could feel every small movement he made, the motion tugging gently on the thin tether.
“Oh you grump. Stop being so rude.” Jaskier huffs, sitting next to you, and you quietly despair how easily he gave in, how quickly he yielded to what Geralt wanted to do. You tuck your face back into the cloak, dejected.
“Hey now, it isn’t all bad. There are worse places to sleep. I can recall a few of them myself.”
Jaskier’s hand lands on your shoulder, and you glare, annoyed. You didn’t want company, or comfort, or any of it. You wanted one thing, and it was something that the both of them were denying you.
Jaskier, because he was Jaskier, seemingly didn’t notice. Which wasn’t the greatest.
“Yeah, sure, I guess. Never slept tied to somebody, though.” You say pointedly, and the annoyed rumble Geralt gives is almost worth it. Sharp gold eyes narrow at you slightly, before Geralt huffs, turning back to his task.
“I have! Well, it was more I had been knocked unconscious, but it still applies, I think! And those ropes were rather coarse, my wrists were aching for days!” Jaskier recalls. “Geralt had to rescue me, it was quite the adventure. I wrote a song about it, at some point, although I never published it. I really should rework that song, actually, come to think of it.”
He rambles, his voice filling the tense silence between you and Geralt, and you feel your shoulders start to relax. He was good at that, chattering to fill the silence that would drag on for hours between the two of you if it wasn’t for him. You sigh quietly, leaning into the warm hand clasped on your shoulders as the fire grows in strength, the bedrolls almost fully prepared.
“Alright. Jaskier, you take first watch, and I’ll take over in an hour or so.” There must not be many monsters around, you think, for Geralt to be so comfortable letting Jaskier take watch. Jaskier nods, slipping away your side as Geralt approaches.
“Not a problem! I was feeling wired tonight anyways, a few more hours though and I should be able to sleep well enough.” Jaskier agrees amicably. “Although I am a bit surprised, you normally insist on first watch.”
“Wanna get (Y/N) down.” Geralt huffs, and Jaskier nods.
“Fair enough, I suppose. They are criminally lacking in the sleep department, they’re beginning to get bags, poor thing.”
You scowl at Jaskier, annoyed.
“I’ve had these since middle school, first of all, not my fault I have insomnia.” You scowl, and jerk when Geralt all but drags you to the bed roll, barely waiting for you to finish talking.
“Hey!” You protests, annoyed, but he’s too busy ‘getting you settled’ as he liked to call it. Fussing over the blankets and the best roll, making sure your body was protected from the harsh winds that even the fire couldn’t stave off.
“Jaskier, stop keeping them up.” Geralt grumbles, sounding more tired than annoyed. He drags you closer, and it must be a Witcher thing to radiate heat like a furnace, because he was chasing off the cold without even trying, the same arm that you were tied to securing you against his chest.
“Pretty sure I can sleep on my own.”
You snark, and Geralt rolls his eyes.
“Not for the next week you aren’t, if that. Now go to bed.”
You scowl, glaring up at him. With the blanket over you, the fire, and the heat radiating off his body, you were tired, sure. But not tired enough not to say something, not when you were being treated like an idiot who couldn’t do anything for themselves.
“You can’t just- Geralt this isn’t right, and you know it. You can’t just- keep me here!”
You protest. Arguing with Geralt was much like arguing with a wall, honestly. Stubborn and just as likely to listen to you as the bricks that made up the walls of your old college.
But walls could come down. You just had to get through to him, make him realize that what was doing wasn’t going to work. You weren’t strong enough or fast enough to escape him, not without some clever plan or tricks up your sleeve, and you were pretty sure that an Olympic level athlete would still have issues trying to outpace him. So your only hope was getting him to listen.
It was a fragile hope, but it was the only hope you had.
“We’re not talking about this right now. Go to sleep.”
Geralt grumbles, and you open your mouth again. The warning rumble in his chest cuts you off, and you swallow.
The sound was exactly that. A warning. Geralt had never hurt you before, not really, but whenever he got mad things were miserable. Jaskier would be irritated with you for ‘putting Geralt in a mood’ as he put it, and you would be without the bard’s chattering to fill the heavy silent between you and Geralt. Not to mention the awkwardness of being forced to ride atop Roach with Geralt, the silence thick with tension between the two of you, or the way you would hope desperately for the day to end so you could go to sleep.
No, it was better to keep the Witcher happy. For all parties.
“Alright. Good night.” You finally mutter, and he sighs, the tension leaving his body. You feel his torso loosen, relaxing behind you, and you feel your hand shaking, just slightly. Or a little more than slightly. Your stomach twists, and Geralt sighs.
“I know you don’t understand. But you’ll realize this is what’s best for you.” He says it like it’s supposed to be an assurance, smoothing a hand over your hair like you’re a particularly fussy child, and you consider, for a second, twisting and biting that hand. Driving your teeth deep enough to draw blood and make him listen to you, for once.
You don’t, mainly because you know he would just move it fast enough your teeth would just snap at empty air.
You close your eyes. With the almost stifling heat behind you, and the too-heavy weight of the cord on your wrist that logically shouldn’t feel as heavy as it did, sleep does not come easy. Eventually, though, you feel your consciousness slip away into oblivion.
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It's so annoying how it's virtually impossible to find any platonic fics... They're harder to write, I know that, but I want something to read!
My ask box is open if someone finds something and feels like sharing (no angst though, please)
#fanfic#fanfiction#platonic fanfiction#fluff#george wealsey x reader#fred weasly x reader#yondu udonta x reader#geralt of rivia x reader
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Cold nights
Cold nights vanish in the heat of Geralt's passionate hold.
Geralt of rivia x (sorceress) female reader
Genre: SMUT / fluff (minors DNI)
Wc: 1,320
A/N: hi guys I’m gonna make the smut longer next time negl it’s pretty short so this is mostly fluff but there is smut and thank you guys for the support on my last post!
Traveling with Geralt is a engery drainer. While he’s drawn to the chaos of monster hunts, you prefer the quiet precision of sorcery and trade. Yet, despite your differences, you find yourself pulled into his world time and time again. You tell yourself it’s out of necessity—someone has to patch him up after a fight—but deep down, you know it’s more than that. There’s something magnetic about the way he moves, his body coiled with tension, his every action deliberate. When he’s injured, it’s you who tends to him, your hands steady as you stitch his wounds. And yes, you’ve noticed the way his muscles ripple beneath his skin when he removes his shirt, though you’d never admit it. You’ve convinced yourself that Geralt doesn’t see you that way, that your bond is purely platonic. But sometimes, when his gaze lingers a moment too long, you wonder.
What you don’t realize is that Geralt admires you just as deeply. He values your presence on these journeys, your quiet strength and unwavering focus. To him, you’re a constant in a world that’s anything but. He’s drawn to the way you move, the way you think, the way you seem to understand him without needing words. But he’s hesitant to act on it, afraid that crossing that line might ruin what you already share. He’s not one for grand declarations, and the thought of losing you is more terrifying than any monster he’s faced.
“Geralt,” you call out, noticing he’s fallen a few steps behind. He catches up, his expression unreadable as always. “Let’s stop at this tavern. I could use a drink.” You reach for his hand, your fingers brushing against his calloused palm, and pull him along with a lightness that makes him smile despite himself.
The tavern is alive with the hum of drunken laughter and clinking mugs. Geralt steers you toward a corner table, away from the rowdier patrons. After a couple of drinks, he gently takes the cup from your hand. “That’s enough,” he says, his voice firm but soft. His eyes flicker to your face, then briefly lower before he looks away, hoping you didn’t catch the way his gaze lingered.
“And why’s that?” you protest, your words slightly slurred, a playful pout on your lips.
“Because you’re drunk,” he replies, his tone leaving no room for argument. He stands, tossing a few coins on the table before offering you his hand. “Let’s get you to bed, darling.” His arm slips around your waist, steadying you as you walk. Normally, you’d brush off such closeness, but tonight, your mind is too hazy to resist. You lean into him, savoring the warmth of his body against yours. When he removes his hand, you feel the absence acutely, a chill settling in its place.
“Here?” Geralt asks, gesturing to a clearing. You nod, wrapping your arms around yourself as the cold bites at your skin. “Help me set up. It’ll warm you up,” he suggests, his hand resting lightly on the small of your back as he guides you forward.
Once the tent is pitched, you shed your outer layers, leaving you in a simple nightgown. You grab your hairbrush, running it through your hair with slow, deliberate strokes. Geralt watches you from the corner of his eye, his admiration barely concealed. “I’ll be back soon,” he says softly before slipping out of the tent.
When he returns, you’re already in bed, the light dimmed. “What did you get?” you mumble, resting your head on the pillow.
“Some berries,” he replies, placing them on the table. He walks over to you and sits on the edge of the bed. “And this,” he adds, holding out a delicate white flower. “For the prettiest girl in the kingdom.”
You smile, taking the flower and inhaling its sweet scent. “Thank you,” you say, your voice warm. Everything he does makes you fall for him even more. If only he knew.
“You like it?” he asks, leaning back against the bed frame.
You nod and lean forward to hug him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before settling back into your spot. Geralt turns off the light as he lies down beside you. You both pull the covers over yourselves and drift off to sleep.
You wake in the middle of the night, shivering. “You cold, darling?” Geralt’s voice is low and gravelly with sleep.
“Yeah,” you whisper, trembling.
Geralt pulls you close, your back pressing against his chest. He wraps an arm around your waist, and you nuzzle into the crook of his neck, letting out a contented sigh. “Did I wake you?” you ask softly.
“No, you didn’t. I haven’t been sleeping well,” he admits, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear before resting his hand on your waist.
“Geralt?” you murmur.
“Yeah?” he breathes out.
“Do—do you love me?” you hesitate, curiosity getting the better of you.
Geralt lets out a low chuckle. “Yes, I do,” he pauses for a moment. “Do you love me, Y/N?”
You turn to face him, your breath mingling in the cool air. “I do love you. So much,” you smile before your lips meet his. The kiss deepens, becoming more urgent. The cool breeze drifts through the tent, making you shiver.
“I’m cold, Geralt,” you murmur against his lips.
He pulls you closer, your bodies pressed together. You can feel his hard length pressing against your core. You kiss him again, your fingers tangling in his hair as his hand slides down to grip your ass. You moan softly, grinding your hips against his. Geralt groans, his hand moving to your throat as the other slips between your thighs.
He tugs your panties aside and slides a finger into you. You gasp, your body tensing as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. “Geralt,” you whimper, and his cock throbs at the sound of your voice. He quickens his pace, adding a second finger and circling your clit with his thumb. The sensation is overwhelming, and you know he’s going to make you come undone.
Geralt kisses you gently before pulling his hand away. You let out a needy whine, and he chuckles, lifting your leg higher over his hip. Your hands fumble with his belt, freeing his aching cock. It’s thick and heavy, veins prominent and glistening with precum. You moan at the sight before he guides himself into you. Your walls clench around him, taking in his girth.
“Fuck,” he growls as you tighten around him, his hips beginning to move. He starts slow, the deliberate pace making your stomach flutter with anticipation. But soon, his thrusts become more urgent, more demanding. You moan and whimper, your lips seeking his in sloppy, desperate kisses. Geralt’s groans grow deeper, his thrusts harder, each one hitting that sweet spot inside you.
“Need to cum,” you whine, your voice trembling with need.
“Go on, darling,” he grunts, his own release close. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the tent, mingling with your moans. The air is thick with the scent of sex. Geralt hits that spot again, and you cry out, your orgasm crashing over you. You cling to him, riding the wave of pleasure as Geralt follows, his hips stuttering as he spills inside you. You come again, your walls clenching around him as you both moan, bodies pressed together in the throes of ecstasy.
Your movements slow, becoming lazy and unhurried until they still completely. Geralt presses a tender kiss to your lips and brushes a strand of hair from your face. “Are you still cold?” he asks, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You giggle softly. “No, I’m not.” He smiles and nods, wrapping his strong arms around you as you drift off to sleep.
#henry cavill#geralt of rivia#henry cavill x reader#geralt of rivia x reader#geralt of rivia x you#sorceress#the witcher#the witcher smut#geralt of rivia smut#henry cavill smut#smut#tw smut#celebrity#the witcher x reader#fem reader#henry cavill x female reader#female reader#bottom!reader#writing#sub!reader
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Old Friend (Geralt x GN!Reader)
Pairing: Show!Geralt of Rivia x Gender Neutral Reader (can be interpreted as platonic or romantic) Rating: Mature Words: 1670 POV: Second Summary: The Big Tober Day 21 - “I did what I had to do to protect those I love… I had no choice!” Note: Don't @ me for still posting things that were supposed to come out in October. Tags: angst, mention of Ciri & Yennefer, ft. Jaskier & Milva, murder and dark magic
Everyone would agree that Ciri was an unlucky girl with a life tainted by tragedy. Every time you spoke with her about her past, you felt a little pang in your heart. However, sometimes you envied her. The way Geralt reserved his warmest of smiles for his charge, the way the most powerful sorceress spent her time teaching Ciri and the power Ciri possessed sometimes made you feel like she was, in some way, a very lucky girl.
You spent life on the run with Ciri, Geralt and Yennefer. Most of the time you felt like you were family, sometimes you felt like an extra, an unnecessary weight, but no one told you to leave. You had nothing to teach Ciri that Geralt and Yennefer couldn’t. They had it covered from sword to spells to alchemy.
Then things kept going to shit and before you knew it, Geralt was flirting with death and Ciri was missing. You wanted to go find her, but Yennefer insisted you stayed with Geralt. “You can heal anything!” Geralt exclaimed as you exhausted yourself once more. He was capable of loud verbal abuse. You should’ve counted that as a win, but it was hard to, when Geralt was still bed-bound.
“I’m doing everything I can!” You yelled back. Milva entered, her hand landing on your shoulder. It has been the same song over and over again ever since Jaskier revealed Ciri was on her way to Nilfgaard. Geralt proceeded to demand more of you. Milva forced you out. Jaskier was waiting for you with a brew of herbs that would help you recover your strength. “I’m really doing everything I can,” you sobbed by the fire.
Jaskier put his arm around you, comforting you the best he could. “I know. He knows. He is just… Geralt.” You leaned against the bard, letting his body’s warmth seep into yours. You sat by the fire until it got dark. Jaskier eventually let you be to mull over your thoughts in peace. When you had the strength you used your magic on those that did appreciate it. You were weak, but even a little was for many enough to pull their foot out of the grave.
Exhaustion gnawed at your bones. Your muscles felt like they were weighed down by the state of the world. You took a stroll out of the camp, trying to avoid Jaskier and Milva. They meant well, but their words were not enough to distract you from the power you lacked.
When the lights of the camp were far behind you, you stopped walking. You couldn’t hold yourself up anymore, knees colliding with the muddy ground of the forest. From a secret pocket sewn into the coat you’ve had for over two decades, you procured an amulet you haven’t worn since you met Geralt all those years ago. The deep red gem reflected the light of the moon onto your eyes. Deep within the stone you could see an old friend. You promised Geralt you’d throw this trinket away; you promised you would never give in to temptation again, but despair had forced you quite literally to your knees. You clenched the charm tightly in your fist. “All is fair in love and war,” you whispered as you stared down at your fist, noticing how red light seeped between your fingers. “These are times of war and… I love him.”
Those words spoken aloud strengthened your resolve. You closed your eyes as you put the thin golden chain over your head, letting the amulet fall right where your heart was. As soon as that metal hit your chest, you felt an old friend occupying your mind once more. “I always knew you’d come back,” it told you. It gave you visions of how to help Geralt. The methods dancing on the grey moral spectrum, but led by these visions, you made your way back to the camp. You entered the tents of the sleeping patients you had helped earlier. You touched those that you didn’t think would make it to the morning. Their life force entered through your fingertips. They breathed their final breath. You felt the weak energy pooling together. One tent, two, three, you passed though the whole camp, taking what you needed from those that were not likely to hold onto it for long anyway. Each time you took, darkness rose to your skin, revealing your deeds in the night.
Your veins had turned black by the time you entered the final tent. Geralt was fast asleep as well, too injured to even hear you entering, too unwell to open his eyes and ask you what you were doing there. A black tear rolled down your cheek as you placed your hand on his chest and let go of all the energy you had collected. The life energy of the people that died that night flowed from your chest down to your fingertips. In his sleep, Geralt inhaled deeply as the energy filled him. It only took a moment, but it felt like an eternity as you felt the weight of the lives you took to save the one most dear to you.
When you were devoid of all the energy but your own, you collapsed on the ground, legs too tired to keep you up. You took deep breaths, trying to avoid looking at your hands. However, in the end you just needed to know how bad things were. You raised your palms, the sight - though expected - still horrifying. Your skin had blackened from the dark magic. Your hands felt fine though. “You did well. This is only the beginning of what we can achieve. You’re meant to take what you please,” the old friend’s voice echoed through your skull. The words were reassuring, but you knew all too well where things could lead. You reached for the amulet, ready to rip it off you. “You need me. Without me you’re useless. You can’t protect the ones you love.”
Geralt had you once believe otherwise, but it only took one glance towards him to show you where his faith in you had led him to. Even the great White Wolf could be wrong sometimes. Defeated, you slowly let go of the amulet, allowing it to occupy its old spot. “Everything will be fine. You will be fine,” the being spoke through the amulet to you. You had heard those words a million times from Jaskier, but only now did they actually soothe you.
The next morning you woke up from stirring on the bed. You hadn’t dared to leave the tent and slept on a chair. “Geralt,” you whispered, aware of your surroundings the moment your ears picked up on the rustling of blankets. You forgot what you looked like, immediately rising from the chair and joining Geralt at his side. You inspected the wound on his leg, but it was not there anymore, a new scar adorning his skin.
Your eyes didn’t meet Geralt’s until he sat up on his own. “What did you do?” His voice dripped of venom. You lifted your head to meet his yellow eyes, darkened by the deeply furrowed eyebrows. Your throat felt tight, so tight that not a single syllable could make it through to the cold space between you and the Witcher. He called your name and reached out. You were frozen in place as his calloused fingers traced the black marks on your face. “What did you do?” He repeated the question, emphasising each word with urgency.
Black tears pooled in your eyes, the first few already rolling down your cheeks by the time you found your voice once more. “I did what I had to do to protect those I love…” You swallowed a lump in your throat. “I had no choice.” Your voice trembled, each word shaking more than the previous one.
Geralt was visibly seething as he grabbed your arm, his grip tight. “What did you do?” He demanded, voice booming in the small space. You tried to free yourself.
“Geralt, please, you’re hurting me!” “Say it!”
He knew you. He knew you from the moment he met you. He knew the person you could be once you gave up on your ‘old friend’. He knew what you did then and he knew what you did last night. He knew, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to be wrong. He wanted to have mistaken that familiar amulet around your neck. However, things were exactly as it seemed and just like things never changed, Jaskier and Milva came in right on que.
Jaskier called out for Geralt, tried to calm him. He immediately commented on how he seemed to be better, proceeded to ask how. Meanwhile, Milva freed you of Geralt’s grip. A crowd had formed at the entrance, but you couldn’t see anyone in the room but Geralt. “How many have died tonight?” Geralt demanded to know, Jaskier and Milva now in between you two. They tried to calm him. “How many?” He roared.
His fury eventually ripped the answer out of you. “I don’t know! I only took from those that were not likely to make it to the morning anyway.”
“Jaskier…” Geralt’s voice was quieter now he got his answer from you. He turned to the bard. “How many people died tonight?” Jaskier turned to Milva, hoping she held the answer.
“42,” she spoke with surprising steadiness. She then looked at you, shaming you with her eyes alone. She was not the only one who despised your existence after that night. Jaskier pleaded for your life, then left with Geralt to find Ciri. You had to go your own way, fend for yourself once more. If it wasn’t for your aching heart, it was like you never met the Witcher at all. He never wanted to see you again, but even as you walked with your backs facing each other, you felt like you would see him again. It was a funny thing… destiny.
Likes do not help exposure!A comment in tags or replies can sustain a writer for months!
#gender neutral reader#male reader#the witcher#the witcher s3#geralt of rivia#geralt x reader#geralt x male reader#geralt x gender neutral reader#geralt of rivia x reader#geralt of rivia x gender neutral reader#geralt of rivia x you#geralt of rivia x y/n#the witcher fic#dandelion#jaskier#milva
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Requests: The Witcher: Geralt of Rivia- Spellbound

Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader & Ciri x Platonic!Fem!Reader
Pov: Geralt Of Rivia/ Ciri
Warnings: Mages, magic, fighting, Kaer Morhen, Angst, Fluff, memorial statues, death/revival, female witcher!Reader, falling back into love, happy family vibes.
Summary: The only female witcher is frozen in time at Kaer Morhen, but when Geralt brings Ciri there, something magical and extraordinary happens. Reuniting two past lovers.
A/n- @ firefly-graphics for dividers; this is a request.
WC- 2.4k
Requests Master List // The Witcher Master List // The Heros Master List
The first and last female witcher statue stands in the middle of Kaer Morhen. It’s a daily reminder of my failure to protect her and that I must try to be better for her sake. Vesmir had been a helping hand when I lost her. He was the only father figure I had, and I was more than grateful when he chose to have the stone figure of her placed in Kaer Morhen. It was a reminder of how little there were of Witchers like us, but also that love was forever.
It just stung too much, and I needed to leave Kaer Morhen. Spring was starting a new, and with that, paths and plans were already ready to be brought to action. I packed my little things and took Roach back on the dirty trails that were now not covered in inches of snow. Yet, this path led to a world I’d instead have never been a part of. A law of surprise that leads to a child. A child born to be the princess of Cintra.
Many more happened before I knew the law of surprise would put her and me on the same path. I’m more than surprised when it leads me straight to her. In an effort to firstly protect the princess and secondly help her because the duty has sadly fallen to me due to the war. I bring her to Kaer Morhen. I get her there to learn and to be supported by Vesmir; then again, I’m reminded of a promise that I must protect Ciri in every possible way, as I couldn’t do so for Y/n.
Y/n statue stares at me. Her frozen, hurt face, I can hear the echo of screams and how quickly they were cut off before I could make it to the fight. Her beauty hasn’t left her face. A smile that is in the back of my head, but her voice. That beautiful voice. The only thing that could lull me to sleep and keep my spirits high was fading ever so quickly in my mind. All I had left of her were the memories and the statue. Her dress flew in the wind as she was frozen head to toe.
It had been a mage, an unhappy mage, that had followed us to the mountainside. I remember it now being about me. The memorial was about many things. Y/n had been the only female witcher, so for one, it was a remembrance of that fact alone. Y/n had also said that if she ever died, in battle or at home, she would love to be able to gaze at the morning sunrise and sunset setting.
I hadn’t realized how long it had been until I arrived at Kear Morhen. Years had passed, and I had gained the child princess and a few friends in those years. Yet even with the people around me, there was still an ache in my chest, so looking at her frozen staring with that scared expression only caused the hurt to grow.
I introduced Ciri to everyone. Vesmir understood that this was a unique matter at hand. He helped me in any way I needed. I wake Ciri every morning before the morning rose above the mountain tops. “Come, let’s go practice.” At first, it was with swords and then with combat. And every day, Y/n watched us, unmoving and silent. Every day, like clockwork, Ciri would get distracted as she wandered off the battle arena and towards Y/n’s statue. “Who is this?” There was a tiny plaque at the bottom of her lonely statute—Y/n’s name written in a language known to only a few witchers, one of which was Y/n.
On the plaque, it reads:
Y/n, L/n
The First and Only Female Witcher
We miss you.
“Someone important,” I tell Ciri, and that’s where I leave it, but I feel I should know better. Ciri will go on an adventure to figure it out herself, regardless of what I want her to know about it. “Let’s return to practice before you get distracted even further,” I tell Ciri, and she follows me obediently, but there is something, and I can feel it as if Ciri is drawn to Y/n.
Geralt doesn’t talk much about his past, and I know he’s got secrets he’s unwilling to share with me right now. There is just something about that statute. I can’t read the plaque below it, yet I do not care. There is a beauty around her, so everyone had to go to bed to rest every night after I sneak out of the room and walk down to the statue.
I sneak out to talk to her. Unlike Geralt, she couldn’t give me a look of not understanding or dismissing me when he’d heard enough about my thoughts. I just want and need someone to understand me. I would walk out and talk to her for nights in a row. About anything and everything. How training was going, how much I missed my grandmother, the war, and the magic I felt pumping through my veins. Anything that scared me I talked to her about.
One night, I thought I got caught. I had snuck out after a late dinner. Geralt had said I needed to do more training than when we first arrived here, yet we had already been here for ages. His words and his calm demeanor pissed me off. “You don’t think I can do it, do you?” I yelled at Geralt. I was standing up from the table. The chair slid and scratched the floor in the process. “I never said that,” Geralt said calmly. “Yet you never say I’m doing good; you just grunt and walk away. You don’t even talk to me about anything. Everything is a damn secret, I just want to understand, yet that was the most difficult thing here.” I screamed before stomping to my room, leaving half-uneaten food on my plate. The sound of echoing feet happened hours later, and when I peeked my head out of the room, there was nobody in the living space.
“I just don’t understand why he doesn’t talk about things. I just want him to teach me and not just grunt at me and then tell me to repeat what I was just doing.” I fuss at the beautiful statue. She’s cleaned every day, and she almost looks real. If I just climbed up and touched her, she would come to life before me. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m not cut out for this stuff,” I mumble as I look down at the ground before me. I must be too into my thoughts because I don’t hear when Vesmir comes behind me.
“I see you’re out here talking to our beautiful Y/n.” Vesmir said, “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me, Vesmir.” I said, grabbing onto my chest and holding my fast-beating heart. “Wait, did you just say her name?” I asked, whipping around and asking Vesmir. He smiles down gently at me. “Of course, this is the only female witcher ever. She was the best of the best and a loving woman.” Vesmir adds before stepping further next to me. “I’m assuming from your reaction that Geralt hasn’t told you of the story about our dead Y/n.” I shake my head, “Hmm, I wonder, I must tell you now.”
“So the story goes as follows. Y/n, the only female witcher, was with Geralt. God, they were in love with each other. They thought a hell of a lot of monsters together, but of course, a love story must always have a villain to it. There was a mage, according to Geralt. That had not taken his various forms of saying no to heart. The mage had dragged Y/n into the fight that unfortunately put her in this frozen state.” Vesmir says, and as he continues to talk, he looks fondly at her.
“So Geralt and her were together; no wonder he’s so tightlipped about her. He wouldn’t even tell me her name.” I say sadly, looking back up at her. “She is beautiful.” I say in a low, sadden voice, “Y/n is beautiful, I bet she was a great listener.” I say I hear a chuckle from behind “I wish I could have met her.” I say out loud, clearly. My hand sits on the stone base of her boot. “I figure she would have loved to have met you. You are much like her Ciri.” Vesmir adds.
Just then there’s this moment of consuming silence. My hand still wrapped around her boot. “Ciri?” I hear Vesmir behind me. “What are you doing?” He asks, there’s shock in his voice, and a bit of terror. “I don’t… what are you talking about?” I ask looking up from the gravel beneath my feet.
Her statue is lite up with a light blue hue. “I wasn’t… I was just holding her foot that was all I promise you.” The blue hue grows with strength until finally it echos into the sky, streaming onto every single surface it can touch.
I can sleep here, regardless of the anger that Ciri is pushing towards me. I can only ever sleep here at Kaer Morhen. It brings the past memeoties to the brim of my mind. Y/n fliters through my thoughts. Her voice echoing through my head, the sound of her laugh, the spring scent that followed her around. She was nothing like a witcher, her emotions open and willing to be connected with someone else. I ache in the best and worst ways for her. Yet I don;t dare tell Ciri about her. I can see it now, if Y/n was around she’d just love Ciri. Y/n would be so happy to be acting like her mother. As much as Y/n understood that she was the only female witcher, she also wished to be normal. She wished that she could have kids. It was a sad conversation that the both of us had to have.
My eyes open with haste. A blue bright light pulling me from my dreams of my perfect family. There’s this searing blue light that is filtering through the walls of Kaer Morhen, and my thought flutter over to Ciri. I hope Ciri is alright. I jump up from the uncomfortable bed. I run through the halls, Ciri’s door is left open. Panic starts to set into my bones. I run around the others coming out of there rooms. The blue hue is fading away, and for a moment I swear I can hear Y/n’s voice. I push that away from my thoughts, as I frantly look for Ciri. I find that the front door is open wide, and when I look out there’s nothing but crumble stone all over the ground.
“Geralt?” I hear Vesmir say. I look up front he ground swallow hard, bearing for the worst. Instead it’s not the worst. “I need you to believe what I’m about to say.” He says steadily. “Vesmir what are you talking about?” “Just let me finish alright, Ciri has awoken Y/n.” I stand there, my heart beats and my jaw leaps down to the ground in shock. We had tried everything, spells, magic, ruins to fix her condition. “Geralt?” A sweet voice calls from the dust before it all clears.
There she is, standing in all of her glory. Grey hair that flows in the night wind. Y/n hasn’t aged a single day in the many years that she’s been frozen in her stone state. My hands shake my heart beats so fast I can hear it in my ears. I’ve never fetl a source of panic and relief all in one little moment. “Is that really you?” My voice is shattered and my heart feels as if it’s been broken and put back together all over again. “Oh my dear Geralt. I think you and I both know that it’s me.” Y/n says as her eyes flicker over tot heston slab we put her on, and then to Ciri. My eyes widden with shock. Y/n is most defintly not up there anymore, and the expression on Ciri’s face is easy to read. “Let’s take this inside, is that alright Vesmir?” Y/n asksher voice floating into my ears. It calms my racing heart.
The walk inside is odd, and perfect all at the same time. We all sit at the same table that Ciri had just recently yelled at me. “Who may this be, Geralt?” She asks me, and it pulls me away from just staring at her. I use to stare at her all the time. Her beauty was always hard to not get distracted by. “This is um… this is Ciri.” I introduce her to Y/n. Y/n smiles sweetly over at her. “It’s a pleasure to met the person who fixed my rather unforotunate situation.” I forget how eloquent Y/n spoke most of the time. “I didn’t know that was going to happen.” Ciri speaks for the first time. “I told Ciri about what happened. Maybe that has something to do with this miracle.” Vesmir says looking over at me. I want to be anger with him and Ciri but the soft, and gentle hand that settles on my arm brings me back to earth. I can’t dare to be mad at either of them.
“I think we should thank them Geralt. As for without their efforts I would not have come back to you.” Y/n says looking over at me. I nod simply. “Thank you for bringing her back to me, Ciri. I owe you a lot more now.” Ciri looks at me notching her head to the side. “Geralt you don’t owe me anything. I just wanted to know moe about Y/n.” Ciri says look at he pair of us. “I would love to tell you more about me in the morning I’m rather tired.” Y/n says it like there’s nothing wrong with that fact. “Will you take me to bed, Geralt?” Y/n asks me, her grasps holding me tight. I shake my head not able to talk just yet. “I missed you.” Y/n says as we walk towards the room we used to share.
Completed on: 08/27/23
Posted on: 08/28/23
The Heros-
#fluff#fem reader#female reader#requests are open#open requests#requests open#the witcher fic#the witcher fanfiction#the witcher geralt#the witcher#the witcher netflix#geralt of rivia x reader#geralt of rivia fanfiction#geralt of rivera#geralt of rivia fluff#geralt of rivia angst#angst#hurt/comfort#hurt/comfort prompts#hurt/comfort fic#fanfiction#ciri x paltonic reader#x y/n#y/n#geralt x y/n#geralt x reader#witcher!reader
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The Stag and the Warbler
Pairing: Jaskier/Dandelion x Witcher!Reader.
Summary: The bard has written a song about you. And it has given you a lot to think about.
Author's note: It's a late night thought I've had for a while. Jaskier has always been my favorite character in both the Witcher games, books and the tv show. I wanted to give him a bit of honor by writing this :) —also a little Skyrim reference cuz im not creative in song writing.
Warning: platonic love, fluff, kind of a bittersweet ending.
As Jaskier strummed the strings of his lute, he hummed the tune of a popular ballad. "Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior's heart…" he sang but then paused mid-verse, his forehead creasing in concentration. "I tell you, I tell you, the Witcher comes- no, that does not sound so good," he muttered.
You couldn't help but chuckle at him. You busied yourself with grooming your loyal steed, Melorax. The horse stood still, contentedly munching on bits of hay. While you brushed off dust and dirt from his coat, you could see the tiny frown written on Jaskier's face as he tried to come up with a better verse for his song.
Curious, you asked him, "Who is this hero exactly?"
Jaskier looked up, glad for the distraction. "Ah, well," he said, his fingers stilling on the lute. "It's just a tale, my friend. A story of a brave warrior who fights for justice and honor."
You nodded, understanding the stories that Jaskier shared with you during your travels as a Witcher. Tales like these were always inspiring and entertaining. Jaskier had been your companion for quite a while now, and you had grown fond of his musical talents and witty banter. He would often compare your kinder nature to his friend Geralt, who hailed from a different Witcher school whom you had heard of but never met. After grooming Melorax, you approached the front of the horse and kissed his soft muzzle. The horse whinnied softly, and you smiled at him, feeling content.
"You know I just hunt monsters for coin," you recall, sitting near him as you started the small bonfire.
"Well, yes. But, Y/n of Verden makes a good song subject. Don't you think?" Jaskier smiled widely at you as you put your hands near the fire for warmth. His fingers began strumming on his lute, calmly humming with the tune of his renowned instrument.
You began to listen closely. "With a silver sword gleaming and signs so fierce and cold…" Jaskier sang, "Believe, believe, the Stag of Verden has told."
"Stag?" You asked sheepishly, looking over at him with an expression of confusion.
"Umm… do you prefer to be called deer?" Jaskier asked sheepishly.
"Just confused with the Stag part…" you replied.
"Well, you remind me of a stag."
"How so?" You asked.
"Well, you're strong, very resilient, and almost similar to that of a protector of the realm," Jaskier beamed with poetic pride.
Upon hearing those words, a sense of pride and appreciation washed over you. It was rare for a Witcher to receive such positive recognition, as they are empty vessels of beings whose sole purpose was to slaughter monsters and collect payment. Being regarded as a hero was a new and unexpected experience for you. However, it was evident that most people still saw you as an exterminator who only existed to rid the world of dangerous pests rather than a true hero. All you let out was a slight chuckle.
Jaskier turned his head towards you, and his eyes met yours. He noticed the corners of your mouth curling up, and your eyes sparkled. Curious, he leaned slightly to his right and tilted his head, trying to catch a glimpse of what had caused this reaction in you. "What's so funny, Y/n?" he asked, his voice full of genuine interest and amusement.
"Oh, nothing," you jested. With a look of concern on the bard's face, he turned his gaze back towards his musical instrument, the loot. He asked in a questioning tone, "Is there something wrong with my song? Don't you like it?"
"I assure you that I like it," you said to the worried songwriter before returning to warm your hands by the fire. "Please continue."
Jaskier's face lit up with joy as he responded, "As you wish." He meticulously plucked the strings of his lute, producing a melody that seemed to flow effortlessly from his fingers. His body swayed with the rhythm, and it was clear from his performance that he was a true virtuoso of his craft.
"In the heart of the woodlands, where shadows dance and play Beware, beware, the Stag is on her way For monsters she'll conquer, with every foe she'll slay
You'll know, you'll know, the Stag brings light to the gray."
You were captivated as the bard plucked at the strings of his lute, his voice soft and sweet as honey. The music wrapped around you like a warm embrace, easing the tension in your body and calming your mind. The bard's songs were beautiful masterpieces of melody and meaning. What impressed you the most was how his music seemed to capture the essence of the world around you, bringing to life the sights and sounds of your travels in a way that words alone never could. Being a Witcher often meant living a life of solitude and danger. It made you feel isolated and alone. But having the bard by your side changed everything. His easy conversation and quick wit were a constant source of comfort and amusement, and you eagerly looked forward to every new adventure with him by your side.
By the end, you knew you could never repay the bard for all he had given you, but you were grateful nonetheless.
"You know one thing," you thought to him, "you remind me of a Warbler."
The bard chuckled at you with his sweet smile, "a warbler?"
"Yeah, those birds that sing a lot," you recalled.
As you reminisce about your childhood, your mind wanders back to when you were a young girl, growing up in a Witcher school. Life wasn't easy for you, especially since you were a frail child with a mother who struggled to provide for you. Days at school could be long and tiring, and you often find yourself exhausted by the end of them.
One particular memory that stands out to you is the sound of the Warblers that would perch on the window sill of your room. Their melodic songs would echo through the walls, piercing your ears and keeping you awake at night. You would try to drown out the noise by covering your ears with your pillow, but it was no use - the Warblers always seemed to find a way to sing their way into your thoughts. Despite the annoyance they caused, however, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity in their presence. After all, they had been a constant presence in your life for as long as you could remember.
"They were annoying when I was young," You scoffed playfully, "I hated listening to them sing whenever I wanted some peace. Now that I'm older, I wish they still sang to me," you look at the burning bonfire as the warmth engulfed the front of your body. “I like your songs, jaskier, even if you played the same tune for a week. I won’t get tired of you.”
"Huh…" Jaskier gave your statement some thought, "I've never had anyone think of me that way." He sat over next to the fire, feeling a bit cold.
"Why? May I ask," You cocked a brow at him.
"I'm a bit of an exasperation and––" Before Jaskier could continue, he stopped himself. He could ruin his godly reputation in front of you, and he did not want that.
"A skirt-chaser?" You continued.
"Oh- No, no, not that," you can sense the embarrassment that overcame his confidence.
"right, alright," A mischievous chuckle escaped your lips as you heard the mention of the notorious bard. His reputation preceded him, and you couldn't help but be amused. Word on the street was he had a knack for breaking up marriages or being the third person for sleeping with married men's wives. You won't deny it. Jaskier was handsome and quite the romantic.
The atmosphere was serene as if the world had a standstill. Not a sound except for the gentle rustling of leaves as the wind passed through the trees. "Can you sing me a song, Jaskier?" You asked, "Please?"
As Jaskier continued his endless string of tales, you couldn't help but politely express your reluctance to hear more. In response, Jaskier flashed a sweet smile and said, "Yes, you may, Y/n."
One day, Jaskier won't be around you. One day, you won't ever see him again, and it will be just you and Melorax on the lonely road. It could happen tomorrow, or it could be years from now. You tried not to dwell on that possibility, but it was always there lingering at the edges of your consciousness. But that did not matter now. It was a love that grew deep inside you that you have never felt. It's a companionship that was a strange yet familiar feeling. One day, he will see you as a monster like everyone else did when they saw you. Despite this, You listened intently to his stories and musings, even when they seemed nonsensical or meandering. You laughed at his jokes and marveled at his wit. You knew these moments were precious, and you never took them for granted because you will never know when that moment will end.
A/n: hey guys :) I apologize if my interpretation of Jaskier and the Witcher universe had errors. I was busy with school to read the books and watch the show for extra context and accuracy and did this all by itself. Overall, im unite happy with how this turned out.
#the witcher#the witcher netflix#the witcher fanfiction#jaskier x reader#jaskier the witcher#witcher netflix#dandelion#jaskier#the witcher 3#biscuitwrites#Show some love guys <3
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Fic Recomendations
Does have a lot of Y/N stories but if you want to get rid of that you can use the interactive fic extension heres the link!
Thomas Shelby
Love Is Sweeter Than Vengence @pherelesytsia
Burglars break into the mansion in search of the safe and stumble upon the lady of the house.
A Small Mishap @garrison-girl-08
which someone hurt the reader (wife) and she didn't tell Thomas until he found out himself.
The Layers of Thomas Shelby @theonewiththefanfics
Fear was an emotion Tommy elicited in others. He never thought he'd feel it himself. Not like that. Never like that...
Don’t Be Late @dandelionprints
When Tommy makes a promise to his wife he could never imagine that breaking it could potentially cost Y/N her life.
Ellie Williams
Glue @whore-era
_ jackson's sweetest girl crushes on the town's grumpy asshole.
Risk @scentedmarkerhq
"That’s not a risk I’m willing to take,
argumentive @hotxcheeto
Ellie gets mad at fem reader because of a little fight
Tommy Miller
Then & Now @musings-of-a-rose
Be Your Armour @heartpascal
tommy x platonic reader
Violent Delights, Violent Ends @ay0nha
Tommy wanted to hold you, scratch softly at your skin like he had when he met you. His heart always ignored the warning of mixing business and pleasure. You were clever, though, discovering that his touches were exchanged for information and nothing more.
Anakin Skywalker
Its not too late @starlazergazer
Anakin gets a second chance
Flirting with the darkside @starlazergazer
Daemon Targaryen
Scarlet Bound @barbiedragon
Dragons, deaths, and dreams will dominate your world all while being bound to your brother and husband, Daemon Targaryen.
Captial @arabellasleopardcoat
You think you married the plainest woman on earth, and you look away for one second and suddenly she is not. Typical. At least, for Daemon.
Aril @bohemian-nights
Children are a blessing from the Gods. They fill one’s halls with cherubic laughter. Gracing each chamber that they occupy with sweet little melodies. And yet Dragonstone’s halls remained empty.
Geralt Of Rivia
The Ballad of Orpheus and Eurydice @ro-is-struggling
Life was good when Geralt was by her side. They were in love and happy... Until they weren't and she was left alone once again. After spending so much time under his protection, she had forgotten how dangerous the world was for creatures like her.
Spellbound @thewritersaddictions
The only female witcher is frozen in time at Kaer Morhen, but when Geralt brings Ciri there, something magical and extraordinary happens. Reuniting two past lovers.
Love, Persevering @starryeyedstories
On his journey to Kaer Morhen for the winter, Geralt makes his yearly visit to you.
The Cottage At The Edge Of The Woods @starryeyedstories
When monsters are cruel and the Continent is crueller, Geralt knows he can always find a few days of peace with you, the gentle healer who lives in the cottage at the edge of the woods.
#tlou fanfiction#the last of us#joel miller#ellie williams#tommy miller#starwars#anakin skywalker#daemon targaryen#daemon targeryen x reader#hotd#game of thrones#house of the dragon#tommy shelby#peaky blinders#geralt of rivia#geralt x reader#thomas shelby x reader#the witcher
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@sunflowersteves || @sunflowerstevesmain
From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
3.5 bc I read an old fic the other day and I’ve improved soooooo much but there’s always room for improvement!
2. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? I feel like I’m really good at requests.
Sometimes I think it’s hard to imagine what someone is asking for, but as a daydreamer I feel like I can visualize it so well.
3. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Famous authors include Toni Morrison, Stephen King (minus the cocaine💀), and Neil Gaiman. In the server, literally everyone inspires me all the time and is so so supportive. Some mutuals that I so aspire to write like are @moonlightprose, @fushic0re, @darkficsyouneveraskfor, @fluffyprettykitty
4. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I would have to say first time (a carmen berzatto x reader) or broken hearts (eddie munson x reader). I think I really capture Carmen and Eddie’s characterization, especially how they would act in a relationship. Also, for sure my best angst.
5. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
I’m a hyperfixation girly so the easiest are ones that I’m currently obsessed with (joel, miguel o’hara, etc.) and the most difficult are the ones that I still love but have fallen off the obsession wagon (Steve Rogers, geralt, din djarin, etc.)
6. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
Smut bc I’m a hoe ✨ also it’s been a year and joel miller wont leave my mind, so
7. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
This has literally been on my WIP for over a year, but it has to be a notting hill AU with Sam wilson. I’ve been excited to write that for ages.
8. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Marvel. I wrote a spider girl fic when I was in middle school lmao
9. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)? jealousy fics and protective fics,,, yum
10. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
Prolly the divorce trope bc I get so mad at characters.
11. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
It was a request but eddie munson x reader with a guitar head in the coochie and it was great.
12. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
I love poly fics! Love Stucky x reader and steddie x reader are my fav. they’re just so good.
13. Do you listen to anything while you write?
I usually have to listen to classical or lofi beats bc I’ll get distracted soooo easily.
14. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
One shots
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
As a certified day dreamer, absolutely. Any longer fic I’ve written, I literally day dream how it’s gonna play out. I did that a lot with ain’t no sunshine (joel miller x reader).
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
I am so bad at angst and I would love to write action/violent fics but I always feel like I can’t describe it for the life of me.
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
Someone commented that they turned my notifications on so that they could see when I posted the fic and that made me giggle and kick my feet.
18. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
It’s currently a work in progress, but it’s a period smut fic. It’s not necessarily out of my comfort zone but more of I’ve never written a fic like that before. It’s for Miguel. I’m so ready 👀
19. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
tooth-rotting fluff
20. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
I do not ❤️
21. If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
I would die in literally every sci-fi or fantasy world that I love (star wars, game of thrones, lord of the rings, the last of us, attack on titan, etc.) so I’m gonna have to pick marvel. I’d have a fighting chance.
22. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
tbh the hardest part for me is starting. Introductions tear me down every time rip. Sometimes, I just start in the middle because it’s so much easier.
23. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
You pause, just for a moment. You could feel the adrenaline kick into your system, and a numbing pain flushed out your senses. The blood felt warm and sticky—prompting the sleepiness to feel calming, and it urged you forward into its safe surroundings. But then you felt it. Panic. Panic rose in your neck as you looked around for someone. Your hand darted out to try and find them, but your mind was starting to become blank from the fuzzy warmth of pain. Joel. You needed Joel.
24. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Ok listen, I wanna write so bad. The last fic I wrote was in March and I’m feeling that writing withdraw. My brain needs to get into hyperdrive so my fingers can type all day long. I have so many fics planned
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Summary : Geralt wants to help you. You don't want his help.
Warnings : A father caring for his child.
A/N : Your name is Rivvie/Raven. It's genderneutral and i chose it for you!!!!! Took me a while to come up with it so shush
Steps pierced your ears as they stormed closer to your aching stiff body.. You shrunk in fear, retreating into yourself, unsure of who it was or what they were going to do to you. But when a familiar silhouette emerged from the trees-
"Geralt..." Your body unconsciously jolted up to a sitting position. It hurt, but you lifted your head up anyway. "I'm..I'm okay." You huffed, swallowing the pool of blood that coated the borders of your lips. You straightened your back, attempting to look as composed as you could. But the browns and reds smeared across your face proved otherwise.
The man who stood before you extended his hand out to you, his eyes piercing through to your soul. But when you didn't comply, anger contorted his features and he sucked his lips inwards in a refraining manner. "Get up."
You hesistantly took his hand, wincing as he pulled you up to your feet, but you didn't have to react before the latters betrayed you, ending up in a loss of balance and a striking pain starting at your knees and traveling all the way up to the rest of your body. Thankfully, Geralt's quick reflexes saved you from fully hitting the ground. As you were falling, he crouched and wrapped his hands around your waist., holding your upper body close to him before forcing you up again.
"No!" You yanked yourself from your father figure, a confident frown on your face. "I can walk on my own..." The words struggle to leave your throat. Geralt sighed.
"Come on, chil-"
"I'm not a fucking child Geralt." You instinctively pressed your hand against the tree your back has been hugging throughout the whole ordeal. "i can take care of myself. I don't n-"
"Yes you do."
You winced at the sudden rage that filled his voice. Through gritted teeth, he continued. "You do need me- Look at you, you can barely stand-"
"Don't yell at me." But despite the fear that washed your body cold, you yelled back in response. You don't need his help. You can defend yourself. He reached for your hand but you slapped it away with more force than intended. You are not a child.
Or maybe...You are because the witcher's features contorted even more, his eyes darkening subsequently-You discreetly leaned away, shrinking slightly more.
"Then you shall stop acting like one..." The words raged out of his lips. "Look at you, all bruised up and refusing help. You know i don't mean you any harm, i just don't want you to get hurt." The veins on his neck growing more prominent.
You....You did know that, but you didn't care. He won't be there forever. "I can take care of myself." You insisted, turning on your heels.
You head for the forest, the direction home may have been unknown to you, but senses work in a magical way, making it so that you never needed to know. You just felt.
You limped through the forest, passing by clusters of fallen logs and traps, steadying yourself whenever you could reach a tree. You'd gladly rather die there than ask for help from Geralt, who lazily but firmly marched behind you.
He called your name a few times. Even yelled. But you were persistant this time. He will not make you apologize. You weren't sorry. You needed to prove to him-that you did not need his help.
"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" The witcher spoke again and unconsciously, your head almost twisted over your shoulder.
Aren't you allowed to be angry?
"That's not the behaviour of a grown individual, Rivvie." Geralt's voice dripped with provocation, firing up your aching body into a hot boil. But you still didn't ans-
"That's enough, Raven." A sudden authoritary growl thundered through the forest. "I just want to help you. And i'm not asking." Before you had the time to protest, your feet were swept off the ground and you found yourself nailed to Geralt's chest.
An awkward position for you to jerk your body, he wouldn't have dropped you, you'd just jolted and thrown your body up and down in vain. Geralt's strong. His arms alone wrapped around you so tightly you'd actually feel claustophobic. You would if it were somebody else's arms. But...Geralt's your...safe haven. You just don't want him to know that.
You huffed, growling as you turn your head away from him, burying your chin into the acromion shaping his shoulders. "I don't need your help." You groaned, stressing your words in an attempt to sound...more stern.
But Geralt simply grunted a cold and blank "Okay." causing you to uncomfortably shift in his embrace. He lifted you up a bit to adjust your body, causing a ached whimper to leave your lips. "Sorry.."
"I..." You start but....maybe you shouldnt push it? After all, he really just wants you to be okay. "It's okay..." You readjust your head back to your frontal view, eyeing Geralt, whose face was only inches away from your own.
"T-thank you.." You hide your face into your chest, unable to furthur embarass yourself.
Geralt stayed quiet for a moment, but then he grunted, a silent "you're welcome" you're familiar enough with.
With that, you rested your head on his chest, finally accepting the situation. You gripped his shirt as softly as you could and closed your eyes. Maybe having them there wasns't so bad after all.
I read somewhere that most *readers* are white-fied. And it just opened my eyes. I hope this does indeed include all and everyone. I hope this was pleasant to read for all of you guys, comments are much appreciated. See ya in the next one! ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
#the witcher fic#father figure fic#father fic#father figure#father x daughter#daughter!reader#adoptive father troop#the witcher x daughter#henry cavill x daughter#geralt x daughter!reader#geralt x daughter#father geralt#henry cavil x daughter#henry cavill x sister#platonic!reader#daughter x father#sibling fic#sister!reader#protective siblings
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Submission Guidelines
There are several elements the authors must include in their submissions in order for @rc-catalog to include the work in the masterlist and weekly roundup. Submissions missing the information will not be reblogged until they are corrected (the creator will be contacted by one of the mods).
Fanfiction/Art MUST INCLUDE:
Pairing and/or characters [REQUIRED]
Romantic pairing should be marked by the letter x between the characters names, e.g. Vicky x Malbonte.
Platonic relationships should be marked by the symbol & between the characters names, e.g. Vicky & Sammy.
Trigger warnings [REQUIRED]
Trigger warnings are subjective, but if you think that certain topics may cause discomfort to your readers, please state them in warnings. If you are not sure whether you should use a warning, you can always contact the mods, we will try to help!
Examples of topics which should be included in trigger warnings: death, violence, sexual harassment/abuse, drug/alcohol use, racism*, sexism*, -phobia*, -erasure, suicide, mental health issues, etc.
With all of these you may state: mentioned, implied, attempted etc., for instance "racism mentioned" to make it more clear what the reader should expect.
*PLEASE NOTE: these triggers are only applicable for themes addressed in the submitted work. If the mods find out that the author endorses in their creation/engages in any kind of harassment, the reblog will be taken down and the author contacted/blocked.
The preferred rating system:
General [G]: Content suitable for all ages. It should be free of coarse language, violence, adult themes (even if only implied). Teen [T]: Content suitable for teens and older. It may contain moderate violence, swearing, suggestive material and adult themes such as drug/alcohol ab/use. Mature [M]: Suitable for ages 18+ and older; may contain non-explicit adult themes, violence, strong language, drug use. Trigger warnings required. Explicit [E]: Suitable for ages 18+ and older; may contain explicit adult themes, violence, excessive drug/alcohol ab/use, strong language. Trigger warnings required.
A "Read More" page break [REQUIRED]
Please include a page break in longer posts (which is most fanfics and web weaves). If you need help with adding a page break, you can follow our page break instruction post.
It is crucial that the author tags @rc-catalog to minimise the risk of the mods missing the fanwork! If your submission doesn't appear on the blog within 2 days, please contact the mods (@mikaelsrose, @adilqalbi, @secret-fungi) via DMs or ask.
Ideally, your submission should look like this:
Title: ... Pairing: F!MC (Vicky) x Lucifer; [optionally: Mimi & Astaroth, Christopher, Sammy, Geralt] Trigger warnings: mild violence, blood mention, character death Rating: T Tag list: @rc-catalog ... :page break:
You are free to add other categories you consider important, such as word count, category, etc., but these are the requirements the submitted fic has to meet.
You can state the submission info in the creation post, in the comment/reblog or via DMs.
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⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ ₊︶꒷꒦︶
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
Fandoms I currently write for:
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・BTS.
˳✧₊┊[ 2 ]・Harry Potter.
˳✧₊┊[ 3 ]・Marvel.
˳✧₊┊[ 4 ]・The Witcher.
˳✧₊┊[ 5 ]・Omniscient reader's viewpoint.
˳✧₊┊[ 6 ]・DC.
˳✧₊┊[ 7 ]・Bungo stray dogs.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ Bangtan boys ₊︶꒷꒦︶
[ Jimin ]
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・Highschool sweethearts.
Summary: You caught the attention of the highschool sweetheart.
Theme: Yandere, Kidnapping.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ Marvel ₊︶꒷꒦︶
[ Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes ]
˳✧₊┊[ Apricity ]・One.
Summary: Steve hated you simply because of your past as a HYDRA agent. But now that you have joined the Avengers, will things start to change? Especially after his dear friend, Bucky, seems to only recognise you clearly and you are the only one who can control the Winter soldier.
Theme: Enemies to lovers, Sunshine x grumpy, Slow burn, Found family, fluff, angst, hurt comfort.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ Hunter x Hunter ₊︶꒷꒦︶
[ Illumi Zoldyck ]
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・ Illumi x reader
- [ Discontinued Series ]
Summary: Illumi finally kidnaps his S/O.
Theme: Yandere, kidnapping, violence.
[ Adult trio + Kurapika ]
˳✧₊┊[ 💜 ]・To tame a mermaid's heart.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
Summary: After being kidnapped by Chrollo, a certain clown and assassin took an interest in her as her childhood friend, Kurapika Kurta, tried to free her from the clutches of those monsters. But perhaps, Kurapika has become one too.
Theme: Yandere.
⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ DC ₊︶꒷꒦︶
[ Batman ]
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・Late night talks.
Summary: After accidentally mistaking Batman as a criminal and spraying him with pepper spray, you both have seemed to form a friendship.
Genre: Fluff.
⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ The Witcher₊︶꒷꒦︶
[ Geralt ]
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・The Witcher's Witch.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
Summary: Being rescued by the Witcher after being accused of being a Witch was the last thing you expected in life. But it looks like kindness can go a long way if shown to the right people.
Genre: Fluff, angst, knight in shining armour, sunshine x grumpy.
Things I don't mind writting for:
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・Yandere theme.
˳✧₊┊[ 2 ]・Dark themes.
˳✧₊┊[ 3 ]・Romance, horror, found family, purely platonic fictions, etc.
˳✧₊┊[ 4 ]・Non - Yandere themes / Fluff / Angst.
˳✧₊┊[ 5 ]・Characters / members / reader as hybrid.
˳✧₊┊[ 6 ]・Characters / members / reader as super natural beings.
˳✧₊┊[ 7 ]・Crossovers in certain fandoms. [Only if I feel like it will fit]
˳✧₊┊[ 8 ]・Poly relationships.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
Things I will not write:
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・Non-con, smut. [I am very much underage.]
˳✧₊┊[ 2 ]・Pregnancy, miscarriage, one night stands.
˳✧₊┊[ 3 ]・Pedophilia, Huge age-gap [Like 20-30 years, I don't mind a 10 years age gap but anything above 15 is a no for me]
˳✧₊┊[ 4 ]・Open relationships.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
˳✧₊┊[ 1 ]・I am not taking requests anymore.
˳✧₊┊[ 2 ]・ I don't have a schedule.
˳✧₊┊[ 3 ]・And there might be a lot of things that I may / may not write for that I forgot to mention as I am still figuring out my writing style and what I feel comfortable doing.
꒷꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒦꒷︶꒷︶꒷꒦꒷︶꒷꒷꒦꒷︶꒦ ͘ ˖ ⊹
𝐸𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓎!
⊹ ₊˚꒷꒦︶⊹ ₊︶꒷꒦︶
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Author: Achilles, he/him & they/them pronouns
Status: Hobbyist, low writing activity
Writing: OC x Canon, Reader Insert, Original Fiction
Requests/Suggestions: Open
note: i'm a full time student so any requests I get will be done when and if I have time and they spark my interest!
Active in regards to fandoms & characters simply means most enthused about and interested in writing, inactive means least interested in writing but still willing if the idea sparks my creativity.
active | inactive | semi active
Far Cry 5 | Supernatural | The Last of Us | Marvel | DC | Doctor Who | Sweeney Todd | The Witcher | Dying Light 2 | Z Nation | Inkheart | Bridgerton | Slashers | Outlast | Resident Evil | Overwatch | Undertale/Deltarune | Ib | TWD Telltale | Motor Crush | The Arcana | Kingsman
active | inactive | semi active
Faith Seed | John Seed | Joseph Seed | Jacob Seed | Sharky Boshaw | Hurk Drubman Jr | Adelaide Drubman | Jerome Jeffries | Mary May Fairgrave | Eli Palmer | Grace Amestrong | Joey Hudson | Staci Pratt
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Castiel | Charlie Bradbury ||| Joel | Tess ||| Wade Wilson | Tony Stark | Pepper Potts | Bucky Barnes | Steve Rodgers | Thor Odinson | Bruce Banner | Natasha Romanoff | Clint Barton ||| Harley Quinn
The Doctor (4, 9-15) | Jack Harkness | Rose Tyler | Donna Noble ||| Sweeney Todd | Mrs Lovett ||| Geralt of Rivera | Jaskier/Dandelion | Yennefer of Vennenberg ||| Hakon | Aiden | Lawan | Frank ||| Alvin Murphy | Roberta Warren | Addison Carver | Cassandra | Sarge | George St Claire
Mo | Dustfinger ||| Penelope Featherington | Benedict Bridgerton | Anthony Bridgerton | Colin Bridgerton | Eloise Bridgerton | Violet Bridgerton | Kate Sharma | Edwina Sharma ||| Jason Voorhees | Michael Myers | Bubba Sawyer | Brahms Heelshire | Thomas Hewitt
Eddie Gluskin ||| Ethan Winters | Karl Heisenberg | Alcina Dimitrescu | Donna Benniviento | Slavator Monreau | Mia Winters | Chris Redfield | Leon Kennedy | Ada Wong | Claire Redfield
Jack Morrison | Gabriel Reyes | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Mei ||| Sans | Papyrus | Asgore | Undyne | Mettaton | Queen ||| Gary ||| Calax Gothard | Domino Swift | Lola Del Carmen | Sonoya Vernilion ||| Asra | Nadia | Dorian | Portia | Muriel ||| Merlin/Hamish Mycroft
OC's: David Thorn (Slasher), Z (God Symbiote), Xander (Robot)
Tropes I enjoy writing:
Variations of the Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers | Childhood Friends | Neighbour across the hall/street | Mutual Pining | Devotion and Obsession | Making each other worse | Making each other better | Romance in Violence | Ride or Die Friends | Royal Guard/Gardener x Royalty | Crime Boss x Bodyguard | Dog Coded x Cat Coded | Fuck Love Triangles Make it Poly | Fake Dating | Meet Cute and more!
❝🇼🇮🇱🇱 🇩🇴❝
— male/trans/enby/gn!reader (I'm here for the guys and gays)
— oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon, reader x canon, reader x oc
— sfw & nsfw
— platonic, queer-platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
— headcannons, one-shots, multi-parts
— AU's, crossovers
— gore, violence, toxic relationships, death/angst
❝🇼🇴🇳❜🇹 🇩🇴❝
— fem!reader (There's thousands out there already y'know)
— genderbends
— pregnancy related topics
— self harm topics
— incest, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and any of that nasty crap
— non-con
— infidelity
— Characters I really don't know or care about </3
#Request Guidelines#mobile guidelines bc I like to format things now and having everything accessible via mobile is nice for me personally lol
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The Witcher Masterlist
One Shots
Whoreson Prison Blues - Jaskier x Reader (Ft. Geralt)
A Short Break - Jaskier x Reader Ft Geralt (all platonic)
Batter and Bard - Jaskier, Reader, Geralt (all platonic)
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine Jaskier trying to tell you how he feels
Imagine Geralt realising how pissed you are after running into you again
Imagine Jaskier confessing that you are his true muse
(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
#theladyofmanyfandoms masterlist#theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction#theladyofmanyfandoms#jaskier imagine#jaskier x reader#geralt imagine#geralt x reader#witcher x reader#witcher imagine
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Genshin Impact:
Bennett (aged up only)
Fischl (aged up and platonic only)
Noelle (aged up only(?))
Razor (aged up only)
Chongyun (aged up only)
Hu Tao
Xiangling (aged up (?) and platonic)
Xingqiu (aged up only)
Xinyan (aged up only)
Arataki Itto
Kaedahara Kazuha
Kamisato Ayaka
Kamisato Ayato
Kujou Sara
Raiden Shogun
Sangonomiya Kokomi (platonic only)
Yae Miko
Yun Jin
Vander (platonic only)
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica
Montgomery Gator
Roxanne Wolf
Vanessa (platonic only)
Michael Afton
(I can also write character x character)
Chrome ( A New Era)
Karenn ( A New Era)
Huang Chu
My Candy Love:
(high school era only)
Alexy (platonic only)
Rosalya (platonic only)
Final Fantasy VII:
(I can also write character x character)
Claud Strife
Tifa Lockhart
Aeris Gainsborough
Vinvent Valentine
Zack Fair
Rufus Shinra
Genesis Rhapsodos
Reno Sinclair
Karasuno (aged up, 18>):
Kōshi Sugawara
Yū Nishinoya
Tobio Kageyama
Shōyō Hinata
Kei Tsukishima
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Kiyoko Shimizu
Keishin Ukai
Tetsurō Kuroo
Yaku Morisuke
Kenma Kozume
Lev Haiba
Aoba Johsai:
Tōru Oikawa
Hajime Iwaizumi
Shigeru Yahaba
Yūtarō Kindaichi
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani
Kōtarō Bokuto
Keiji Akaashi
Akinori Konoha
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Eita Semi
Satori Tendō
Tsutomu Goshiki
Kenjirō Shirabu
Kenjirō Shirabu
Kiyoomi Sakusa
Shinsuke Kita
Atsumu Miya
Rintarō Suna
Osamu Miya
Tears of Themis:
Artem Wing
Vyn Richter
Marius Von Hagen
Luke Pearce
The Arcana:
The Witcher:
(I can also write character x character)
Geralt of Rivia (platonic only if x reader)
Yennefer of Vengerberg (platonic only if x reader)
Fringilla Vigo
Emiel Regis
Tissaia de Vries (platonic only)
Milva (sfw only)
Eredin Breacc Glas
Caranthir Ar-Feiniel
Vesemir (platonic)
Hunger Games:
Coriolanus Snow (young Coriolanus only)
Lucy Gray Baird (platonic only)
Sejanus Plinth
Tigris Snow
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Johanna Mason
Finnick Odair
Stardew Valley:
Baldur's Gate 3:
Gale Dekarios
! I do not write works with children characters/characters who are physically children !
I might have forgotten someone, so ask me if you are interested in a character and they are not on the list
#character list#genshin impact#arcane#fnaf security breach#eldarya#final fantasy vii#haikyuu#tears of themis#the arcana#the witcher#encanto#stardew valley#my candy love#amour sucre#hunger games#the hunger games#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#baldur's gate 3
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My Roman Empire Ships list:
Here's a list of ships I personally go feral over along with their fandom/where they're from!
Quick Clarification:
X/Y = romantic relationship
X & Y = platonic relationship
Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi
Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou
Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Hanamaki Takahiro/Matuskawa Issei
Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru/Hanamaki Takahiro/Matuskawa Issei
Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou
Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru
Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi
Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Kuroo Tetsurou/Yaku Morisuke
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Regulus Black/James Potter
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Kuroko No Basket (Kuroko's Basketball)
Aomine Daiki/Kagami Taiga
Takao Kazunari/Midorima Shintarou
Hyuuga Junpei/Teppei Kiyoshi
Hyuuga Junpei/Teppei Kiyoshi/Aida Riko
Tian Gi Ci Fu (TGCF)/Heaven Official's Blessing
Feng Xin/Mu Qing
Feng Xin/Mu Qing/Xie Lian/Hua Cheng (Xianle Quartet)
Modao Zu Shi (MDZS)/ The Untamed/ Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji
Wei Wuxian & Jiang Cheng
Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang
Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen
Word of Honour (TV) or Faraway Wanderers (novel by Priest)
Zhou Zishu/Wen Kexing
Cao Weining/Gu Xiang
Global University Entrance Exam
You Huo/Qin Jiu
The Sandman
Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling
Castiel/Dean Winchester
Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Six of Crows
Jesper Fahey/Wylan van Eck
Nina Zenik/Matthias Helvar
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (ORV)
Yoo Junghyuk/Kim Dokja
Yoo Junghyuk/Kim Dokja/Han Sooyoung
Found family for all of them
Beyond Evil (TV Show)
Han Joowon/Lee Dongsik
Captive Prince (C.S.Pacat)
Inception (2010)
Prince of Tennis (TV 2019)
Zhang Baiyang/Qiao Chen
Mu Siyang/Zhou Zhi
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Balance: UNLIMITED (Millionaire Detective)
Kambe Daisuke/Katou Haru
The Witcher
Aiden/Lambert/Milena (inexplicifics)
All For The Game (trilogy by Nora Sakavic)
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard/Kevin Day
Renee Walker/ Allison Reynolds
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Munich: The Edge of War
Paul von Hartmann/Hugh Legat
The Man from U.N.C.L.E
Illya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo
Illya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo/Gaby Teller
Sherlock (manga and TV)
Sherlock Holmes/William James Moriarty <- Yuukoku no Moriarty or Moriarty the Patriot
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson <- Sherlock (BBC)
Mycroft Holmes/Albert James Moriarty <- Yuukoku no Moriarty or Moriarty the Patriot
Jason Todd & Tim Drake
Jason Todd & Dick Grayson
Jason Todd/Roy Harper/ Kori'ander
Jason Todd/Roy Harper
Jason Todd & Roy Harper & Kori'ander
Tim Drake & Damian Wayne
Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fic recs are always welcome and wanted, just general preferences:
Happy Ending
Give warning if mature/explicit
Written in 3rd person
Can be super angsty
Seems like I have a thing for enemies or rivals to lovers
Any form of Wrong Number AUs etc would be FANTASTIC
Bon appetit!!!
#fandom ships#haikyuu#bbc sherlock#moriarty the patriot#yuukoku no moriarty#the man from un#munich: the edge of war#merlin#all for the game#the witcher#voltron#inception#captive prince#orv#omniscient reader's viewpoint#beyond evil#six of crows#the sandman#global examination#tgcf#tian guan ci fu#word of honor#faraway wanderers#kuroko no basket#harry potter#fic rec#DCU#dc universe#hannibal#balance: unlimited
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