#Plakat Betta
aeriona · 10 months
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Got a fancy new book on fishkeeping over the weekend which prompted this study (that i spent too much time on whoops).
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shrimpapalooza · 5 months
💙💙 Beau 💙💙
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Piccolo seems fascinated by the gravel today. Maybe he's hunting snails. I've seen him try to eat them a few times. Maybe he's finally figured it out.
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headlessandhellbent · 30 days
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PERRL is making a fabulous recovery. Gaining some body mass, colors deepening, being more active and curious...
Look at that unclamped ventral fin! The second time I've seen it unclamped since adoption day.
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fishies-n-shrimpies · 2 years
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From @cheerfulbettas on tiktok (Source)
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pallanophblargh · 2 years
Maximus’ common sense does not include water siphons. Not to worry, he’s not in any danger.
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charzoi · 3 months
pretty boy my girlfriend and I saw today, he came right up to the glass and struck some poses in the light to show off the beautiful blue luster on his scales for us
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(bonus pics of him in different lighting under the cut)
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mandsleanan · 10 months
Partner and I were very responsible- we went to the region's autumn Reptile Expo, and only left with one betta.
I always recommend people visit expos and trade shows, even if the primary focus is only tangentially related to your interests. I don't keep herps and I'm a novice with terrariums, but we like to go to gawk at what vendors bring and I peruse the horticulture offerings while Partner looks at the curiosities. Most people specialize in more than one thing, so it's like a treasure hunt.
First row I hit the jackpot- a reptile vendor who bred bettas on the side.
I must have spent fifteen minutes chatting with the owner and trying to decide which one I wanted. I was torn between a bicolor rosetail and a veiltail with coloring I'd never seen before. Since I couldn't decide I asked my partner to pick. They weren't interested in either of those, instead they were completely taken with a tiny male koi plakat shoved to the side in the first row. Not one I would have chosen but then I did hand the reins over.
Thus Mulberry entered our lives.
Frankly I think he should have been a cull. He's runty compared to the other stock the vendor was offering, and his mouth doesn't seem to be constructed quite right. He struggles to grab food. Truly a scrungly little man.
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Then two days into quarantine I can't find the little fucker. It's a 5.5 tank. It's tightly covered. Filled with plants but not so dense I can't find a fish. Not behind the small internal filter, either. That left the filter itself. But there was no reason for him to enter, and it would be a tight fit even for a wee plakat. I opened the top and started pulling out parts anyway. Yep, saw a flash of scales in the murk.
Genius boy had somehow gotten past the two media plates in front and was in the main body, unable to escape. Brilliant little man.
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God's Perfect Idiot.
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ainawgsd · 1 month
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Poor Shinta is not having a fantastic fishie Friday. He wants to know where all his plants have gone!
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photozoi · 10 months
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Give yourself a moment, stop to smell the flowers. K. Loach
photobomb by Wyatt who cannot believe I am taking a picture of someone else!
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takentosilenthill · 1 year
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beautiful boy ♡
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shrimpapalooza · 1 year
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He's gorgeous I love him so much
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Feeding time!
PSA: Bettas are very intelligent fish. They all have different personalities, likes and dislikes. What works with one, might not work for another.
In this case, Piccolo doesn't give a fuck about guppies. In the beginning I put him in this tank temporarily, because he was wrongly delivered to me. I left him in there after seeing he doesn't mind the guppies and he's been there for a year now. Even if he didn't, I have many tanks, I could have put him in another.
That being said, if you only have one tank, do not keep guppies and Bettas together. Most Bettas do NOT like guppies. It's often unhealthy for the guppies (torn fins) and stress for the betta.
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headlessandhellbent · 1 month
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12.08.24: Fergus
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fishies-n-shrimpies · 2 years
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From @cheerfulbettas on tiktok (source)
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rainbowrocktank · 10 months
Hey everyone! C from the Rainbow Rock Tank team here. We are sad to announce that on October 8th, 2023, our beloved Shinoda crossed the rainbow anemone. He was in water conditions that weren't the greatest, so we are assuming that the stress is what got to him. We gave him a great life regardless.
In happier news, the tank has been re-scaped and cycled correctly so we can have a fresh start! Our newest inhabitant is Bubba the Halfmoon Plakat.
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His rainbow rocks are actually rainbow gems, so the rainbow rock tank theme is here to stay.
We are thinking of getting him a snail later on down the line, though! With a happier, healthier betta comes a need for happier, healthier tank mates.
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