#Pitch Deck solutions
codezeros · 2 years
Codezeros help you sail through the best investor pitch decks which promise a lasting impact on the potential investors’ minds. We create engaging, informative, and high-quality pitch decks that reflect the company’s vision and definitely convince investors.
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daisys-reality · 1 year
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What is the missing piece?
Here is another pac reading focused on your reality shifting / manifestation journey !! I hope you find some useful advice/words in here! I wish you all the best 💛 If you like to read more pac readings from me, feel free to check out my masterlist ! (Also, for your information, I don't own any of these cool pics, I just edited them a little.)
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:: pile one
seven of cups, queen of cups, (the world)
Hello my dear pile one. You currently seem to be or feel like you’re underwater…in the depths of the ocean. You’re losing your sense of orientation, the pressure is getting higher, pitch black darkness around you, everything seems to be uncertain - is that light in the distance a prey or a predator? You may be faced with a lot of choices but you’re not sure what will benefit you and what not. Not only the pressure might rise but also the desperation, your inner world gets messier and messier. But being overly cold or overly dependent on something is not the solution. You’ve started to bottle up more and more feelings, ignoring everything and getting lost in daydreaming, - things that give you quick pleasure but sadly nothing long-lasting. 
I asked what the missing piece for you on this journey is to reach your goal/desire and I got the Queen of Cups. She is someone who is warmhearted and emotionally secure. She is in tune with the emotions of herself (and others). She has this motherly vibe around her and is supportive of herself and her growth and honors her authentic self. The type of person that values the intangible over the material things in life. Someone leading their life with a strong intuition. No judgment here. The QoC welcomes everything with open arms and provides guidance and emotional support. That’s what you need to work towards in your last steps. Be the queen of cups towards yourself. Work through your emotional insecurities. Feel those feelings and don’t ignore them. Guide yourself compassionately through these dark waters. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Calm yourself and your inner world down, give yourself a hug every now and then, okay? You’ve come so far already. All this confusion might have made yourself feel like you’re back to zero and everything was for nothing but that is not true. If I had to ‘rate’ how far you are on your journey (but don’t take this too seriously, it's a general reading!), I would say 7+ out of 10. You know, this ‘dark foggy’ part of your journey is like the darkness before dawn. I’ve got the world card as confirmation for this. All your work will be paid off and you’ll feel a sense of closure soon once this cycle has come to an end. You will start seeing the big picture and where you’re standing in the world around you. It will all make sense soon.
:: pile two
the hermit, the high priestess
Hello my dear pile two. Let’s see where you are right now…You seem to be in a period of introspection and self discovery - nice! I see you evaluating how things are going and whether or not to change direction - for example if you’re working on reality shifting, I see contemplating on your script and what you really want to experience and what not. You’re trying to look inward, researching, planning carefully (I wanna say scripting carefully lol).  You might have been in this withdrawn kinda hermit mood for some time already. You took some time to soul search for your true desires - which is a really good thing! You might have also deepened your relationship with spirituality overall and meditated etc. (I felt the need to say that you’re doing so well!)
I asked what the missing piece for you on this journey is to reach your goal/desire and I got the High Priestess. Very interesting... in this tarot deck I own, the High Priestess is represented by a white owl emerging from the pitch black background while holding a scroll with its feet. It’s the scroll of knowledge. The HP is the ruler of the unconscious and beckons us to pass through the veil and look inward - which you’re kinda doing already! But there is a slight difference between the HP and the Hermit (which represents where you are rn). I believe with the Hermit you entered this pitch black space, looked inward, mentally planned a lot etc. Your approach was more practical in a sense and you were very cautious (intense scripting lol). You found out new things and gathered knowledge, right? So, you have captured this scroll of knowledge. Now, you need to leave this darkness with this scroll like the owl did. You need to get a bit more abstract so to say because the HP is more linked to one’s intuition. The HP has a deep connection with her inner core and has all the necessary knowledge within, she just needs to access it through her intuition - so with her, everything becomes more intuitive! You will leave this practical planning mode more and more and start listening to your inner voice - just acting intuitively. It might not make much ‘sense’,  it’ll just happen in a mysterious way - just like your desire (your shift, lucid dream, manifestation,...) will manifest randomly soon I think. Also, you’re asked to pay more attention to your dreams and instincts in this upcoming period. You’re accessing your unconscious potential more and more. Another thing I got, specifically for my shifters, was to stop comparing realities because it leads to you spiraling in negativity (which I think you’re already aware of). As I rated how far pile one is on their journey, I will do so too for you, pile two (but don’t take this too seriously, it's a general reading!), … out of 10, you would probably be at 9 but really close to the 10!!! like for some it’s like 9,9999 lmao. Wow, you’ve got this, pile two! You’re super duper close :’)
:: pile three
ten of swords, the magician
Hello my dear pile three. Right now, I see you feeling like you’ve reached rock bottom, down on your knees. :(  It seems like you feel like you recently experienced a crushing ‘failure’ or you felt majorly betrayed or backstabbed by someone …or something? By the universe? Right now might feel like a disaster to you… there are some repressed feelings building up like anger, frustration…which seems to push you more and more closer to the edge… are you feeling like you snap soon or that you’re losing it completely? I’m so sorry dear that you’re feeling this way but you’re asked to be mindful of not making yourself into a martyr because of this. 
I asked what the missing piece for you on this journey is to reach your goal/desire and I got the Magician. The Magician card talks all about willpower. He already has all the things to achieve his goals - ambition, skills and resources! He just needs to utilize those things to create what he wants in life! You might feel like you're back to zero or that everything has been in vain but this is not true!! The 10 of Swords card (which represents where you are rn) might not be the most happy or comfortable situation to be in but it is a 10 and 10s in tarot always represent the completion of a lesson and the beginning of a new cycle/journey in some way - both physical and spiritual. You know what this means? You’ve learned your lessons and you’re completing this cycle, you’re close to the end! What you’re experiencing is like a ‘purge’ - you’ve gained the necessary knowledge, you’ve experienced many changes of perspective which might have made you question yourself a lot but it was for the learning process. Now, you’re releasing everything from this journey that attached itself to you which you won’t need anymore on this new upcoming journey… feelings of resentment, hopelessness, self doubt etc. This right now is the ending and that’s why it feels so shitty. Take your time and don’t rush this process, your feelings are legitimate. Let these wounds heal and move on… Move on from the 10 of Swords to the Magician. Gain your willpower back. You won’t need to hold back anymore, be in charge of your life and your reality. Take action and concentrate on your desire/your goal and be creative with it. Realize that you’re not powerless! And you’re not lacking clarity! You will know exactly what you want I can assure you. You are in charge and you will succeed. All the signs are saying so. As I rated the progress of the other piles as well, I will rate how far you are on your journey to your goal/desires (but don’t take this too seriously, it's a general reading)… and damn I got 9/10 for you guys!! You are close to the finish line! Please don’t undermine what you’ve been through and how far you’ve come just because right now feels like a disaster to you. You’ve done so well. Work through your feelings and don’t forget to pat yourself on your shoulder every now and then, okay? You’ve got this. :)
:: pile four
king of wands, the high priestess
Hello my dear pile four. Currently, your position or situation is represented by the King of Wands. He is the king of the fire element, he is a natural born leader and a visionary who can change the world. He is very much focused on his goals and lives his life with ambition and intent. You’re very eager to reach this goal you have in mind. You might be very active, trying out many methods and just being bold in your approach. You have a vision and you just wanna take control of the situation. In this mood,  you’ve probably already overcome many challenges and made major progress! 
I asked what the missing piece for you on this journey is to reach your goal/desire and I got the High Priestess similar to pile two. However, yours and pile two’s current standpoints are different. While pile two needs to progress from their practical (planning) approach to a more intuitive approach; you guys (pile four) need to progress from your overly action-oriented approach to a more ‘passive’ approach so to say. The High Priestess talks about intuition, higher power, hidden mysteries, the subconscious mind and the inner voice. She teaches us that the world is not always as it seems and that more profound influences are often at play. It is time to be still so you can tune in to your intuition. The HP has a deep connection with her inner core and has all the necessary knowledge within, she just needs to access it through her intuition. Slow down, meditate and visualize. Listen to your inner voice. Solutions to your current issues won’t come through excessive thinking or rationalizing, but by tapping into and trusting your intuition. Look at areas in your life that may be out of balance or lacking ‘flow’ and ease. Be assured you’re on the right path. The more you listen, the more you will flow. Balance yourself. Feel, rather than think. Collaborate, rather than compete. Trust your divine feminine energy, even if the masculine energy around you may appear to be stronger. You’ve been in the King of Wands (very masculine) energy up until now and you’ve made great progress but only so far. From here on, you need to be more in the High Priestess (very feminine) energy. Your intuition, your instincts and even your dreams may guide you now in the right direction. Calm your inner fire a little down, connect to your inner core and work through any repressed feelings. As I rated the progress of the other piles as well, I will rate how far you are on your journey to your goal/desires (but don’t take this too seriously, it's a general reading!)… I’d say ca. 3- 4 out of 10 but don’t let this discourage you! Most of you guys might still be in the beginning phase or it just hasn't been long since you’re decided on engaging yourself with these things. I feel like some of you will soon make major progress in a short amount of time though. I also feel like a minor part of you guys are actually quite far but it is just… idk 5-10 % of pile three. Either way, don’t take the numbers too much to heart, please focus more on the advice. You’ve got this. I believe in you. :)
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splinnters · 1 year
So… so what if… transfem (or nonbinary) Cole…?
I like the way you think my honorable anon
transfem cole pride month headcanons!
Cole always thought she was too bulky to be a girl. all the fans fawned over her muscles and strong stature, so she felt like she was out of place in her body, like she had been born in this body just to make it difficult for her to be trans
the other ninja were always supportive, though, which Cole was eternally grateful for. always using the right pronouns, always encouraging them to stand up for themself, always being OBNOXIOUSLY overprotective when someone misgendered them (Kai and Nya especially) 
Nya invites her to “girls night”, Kai hits on her like every other girl (she laughs at him), and Jay comes to her for advice on what gifts to buy Nya. it’s so safe in the monastery, where everyone understands and everyone is family
Cole likes to dress more androgynous, she doesn’t waste a lot of time on makeup unless she really wants to, and generally doesn’t match the stereotype of transfem that most people have. she uses she/they pronouns and finds that when she tells new people that, they never use “she”. it’s okay, she tells herself, it’s fine
(nevermind the water they waste crying in the shower, then the time they spend staring in the mirror, wondering why in the FSM they had to be born so masculine)
Cole spent hours looking up dieting, work-out routines, everything just to find a solution. she knew girls could be muscular, Nya was perfect proof of that, but it hurt to be misgendered over nothing but the way her body was shaped. she practiced talking in a higher pitch, copied Nya’s body language, even tried dressing more feminine, but nothing seemed to fix it
then one day there’s a villain running amok in the city, and Cole is out for a run. in a matter of minutes, they’ve captured the villain, saved multiple lives, and prevented a building from collapsing with their sheer strength. the media forms a crowd around them and there’s so many people Cole doesn’t even have time to respond to people misgendering them left and right, they just want out of here
it’s Nya and Jay who come to the rescue, arriving decked out in their gear to find Cole, no gear, no gi, and with the villain already locked up
Nya handles the formalities with the police while Jay attempts to get Cole out of the crowd. he catches one (1) SINGLE person misgendering Cole and loses it. Cole is dying of embarrassment as Jay scolds the person, turns to the NGTV news camera, and promptly informs all of Ninjago City that Cole uses she/they pronouns
Jay apologizes later, when they’re back at the monastery, but by that time the embarrassment has completely worn off and Cole is laughing and she’s never felt more weight off her shoulders than right at that moment
it doesn’t change all at once, but the clip of Jay announcing Cole’s pronouns goes viral, and whenever someone misgenders them, there’s always another person there to correct it. Cole sees posts and gets fanmail of young girls telling them how much they want to be as strong as them. Cole cries in the shower again, but this time it feels good 
after a month, the whole fiasco dies down. everything goes back to normal with the exception of Cole looking in the mirror and seeing the bulky, strong girl she was the whole time
and yes, Jay gets his ass whooped for yelling at people on live television, but it’s the thought that counts
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afpwestcoast · 3 months
9:30 Club, Washington, DC, 6/14/24
My friend Melissa, who has actually been to more shows this year than I have, had developed a theory. They have been playing the same playlist before all of the recent shows, and if the crowd sings along to ‘Say It Ain’t So’ by Weezer then it will be a good crowd. Tonight they not only sang along to Weezer, but just kept going and sang along to ‘I Wanna Be Sedated,’ by The Ramones and ‘The King of Carrot Flowers Pt. 1’ by Neutral Milk Hotel. We all looked at each other and were like Holy shit this is gonna be a good crowd! We were right. The band … went through some things this night, but the crowd caught them and supported them and prevented the wheels from coming off completely.
Since the Dolls reunited in November ‘22 a familiar pattern has emerged: torch through 6 or 8 old favorites without pausing for breath, a lengthy pause to check in with the audience, talk about the new album, and mentally brace for the new songs, play a string of new songs, then close with a few familiar bangers. That pattern, for reasons both technical and thermal, went out the window tonight. At the Patreon meetup in Philly I said that Amanda had “powerful songs rampaging through her soul and if she doesn’t release them they will destroy her.” This show was sort of the embodiment of that. It felt like she wasn't so much performing songs as exorcising demons. She was definitely going through … something.
According to tour manager Jaron (and later confirmed by Amanda) this was due, at least in part, to it being cold on stage. So maybe don't perform in just a bra? As Anthony used to say: There is no bad weather, just poor clothing choices.
When I made this comment to Amanda at the Patreon meetup on the 15th she said it’s not so much about her body temperature, but more about the effect of cold air on her throat, which seems fair.
Anyway, the set list was ignored, the energy was manic, the crowd was wild, and the overall experience was sublime.
Annotated Set List:
Good Day (Brian on guitar to start)
Sex Changes
There was a pause in the set uncharacteristically early due to Brian having an unspecified technical issue. Brian made a sort of Hamburglar noise and Amanda asked, “Fucking are you okay? What? What? What? What? WHAT?” and then said “Hold on!” in a sing-song voice and went over to the drums. Brian inaudibly explained the situation, causing her to exclaim, “Weird!” I yelled out, “It happens!” And Amanda replied, “It happens … to other bands too!” Soon enough Brian yelled, “Sorry!” and we were back at it. Gravity
Amanda started with a tinkly intro reminiscent of Trout Heart Replica, then teased Girl A before finally breaking into …
My Alcoholic Friends
Missed Me Amanda: How is everybody feeling? Crowd: <roars> Amanda: This is good. How’s everybody up in the balcony? Balcony: <roars> Amanda: How’s everybody down on the floor? Floor: <roars> Amanda: Balcony. Balcony: <roars> Brian: FLOOR! Floor: <roars> Brian <points stage left>: How are the two people in the VIP balcony? VIP balcony: yay? Crowd: <laughs> Brian: Floor! Floor: <roars> Amanda <in a high-pitched voice>: The balcony in the back! The little balcony! Hi guys! Little balcony: <tiny roar> Amanda: What the fuck? Brian: Isn’t this FUN? Crowd: <roars> Brian: Chaos on stage here. Cats and dogs, living together. Amanda: Cats and dogs, living together, mass hysteria. Fucking what even is … the Earth? What even is this city? What is time? I don’t know; we’ve stopped trying to figure out; the solution is just … music. The end! End of story! We literally are embodying the deck chairs on the Titanic here, it’s us. And we look FABULOUS!
While scanning the crowd for young people Amanda found 6yo Eliot in the balcony. “Eliot, we’re gonna be swearing a lot tonight. … My son is 8; his name is Ash. And I’ll tell you what I tell my son Ash about swearing … (because Mommy swears a lot): The rule in our house about swearing is that swearing is like a tool. It’s like a knife or anything else that you can use for good things or bad things. … And joyful swearing, or swearing for emphasis is totally allowed and even encouraged. But we are not allowed to swear if it is mean or hurtful to someone else.”
Welcome to the Internet (Bo Burnham cover)
Amanda <looks at Brian> What do you wanna do? Brian: Pirate Jenny. Amanda: Alright!
Pirate Jenny (Lyrics by Bertolt Brecht, music by Kurt Weill) While introducing the song Brian reiterated that they are planning to put it on the record, so that seems to be happening.
Amanda went over to the drums and said something to Brian, whose response was a genuinely shocked, “NOW!?!??!?” Yes, now.
War Pigs (Black Sabbath cover)
Modern Moonlight Girl Anachronism Mister God
Boyfriend in a Coma
The Runner Before the song Amanda remembered to exhort the crowd not to record the new songs, or at least to listen to them in private and not post them to the internet. A woman in the crowd yelled out, “I promise I won’t touch myself!” “You can touch yourself,” Amanda replied. “Why would I want you to not touch yourself? If anyone records these songs and goes home and masterbates to them (sorry Eliot!) I will give you extra points.”
The Nail (Amanda on synth) The normally reverberating bass was toned down a bit tonight.
Bad Habit
Half Jack
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I am very mature. (by Scott Hanes)
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Good Day
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The Dresden Dolls are a very expressive band!
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Uh … you okay over there?
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Brian is having a moment. With his hat.
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The best drummer. IN HELL!!!!!!!
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Half Jack
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You’ve been a wonderful audience! Thank you and good night! <drops mic> <no encore>
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rmrkbl-marketing · 8 months
Tips for a Successful Business Pitching
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We all know it: effective pitching is not just a means of securing funding but a versatile tool for connecting with customers, partners, and team members. A well-crafted business pitch is an opportunity to show who you are, what your business does, and the problems it solves. You can deliver it in person, over the phone, or through digital channels, but a compelling pitch always leaves a lasting impression. In this guide, we at RMRKBL Marketing delve into the intricacies of mastering various types of business pitches and provide you with invaluable tips to elevate your pitch game.
Understanding the Essence of a Business Pitch
What is a business pitch? A presentation aiming to communicate your identity, purpose, and problem-solving abilities within a limited timeframe. Your objective is not merely securing investment but generating excitement and convincing your target audience to engage with your venture. A well-constructed pitch elucidates the problem your business addresses and outlines its potential impact on the market.
5 Types of Business Pitches
1. Elevator Pitches
An elevator pitch, lasting around 30 seconds, is the foundation for other pitches. It encapsulates your business's value and unique selling proposition.
2. Employment Pitches
When aiming to attract top talent, emphasize the promise your company holds. Highlighting your business's value can persuade prospective employees to join your team.
3. Sales Pitches
A sales pitch addresses a potential customer's problem, convincing them that your business has the solution. Its effectiveness lies in showcasing how your product or service can solve their unique pain points.
4. Partnership Pitches
This pitch shows how your business can mutually benefit another company, often one with shared markets or products. By aligning your offerings strategically, you can form fruitful partnerships.
5. Investor Pitches
Combining elements of elevator, employment, sales, and partnership pitches, investor pitches focus on selling your company's value proposition and financial future. A successful pitch deck is the best way to secure investors and venture capitalists.
Tips for Crafting a Winning Business Pitch
1. Know Your Numbers
At the heart of any business pitch, there are numbers — customer base, cost of goods sold, annual sales, and more. These figures show the financial story of your business and are vital for conveying its viability.
2. Tout Your Experience
Senior investors value not just numerical data but also your experience. Highlight your expertise in the industry, as it can be as crucial as showcasing your business's financials.
3. Customize Your Pitch
Tailor your talking points based on your audience. Understand their priorities, from their passion for the product to addressing specific pain points, and shape your pitch accordingly.
4. Tailor Your Call to Action (CTA)
Build a CTA that aligns with your audience. Whether it's urging investors to "Learn more," customers to "Buy now," or potential employees to "Join our team," a targeted CTA makes you more persuasive.
5. Consider a Pitch Partner
Showcase your team's expertise by incorporating multiple voices in your pitch. A partner, customer, or spokesperson can lend credibility and provide a well-rounded presentation.
6. Know Your Competition
Conduct a thorough competitive analysis to underscore what makes your business unique. If you understand the competitors' offerings, you can position your business effectively.
7. Share Your Personal Story
Begin your pitch with a relatable personal story that highlights the problem your business addresses. Storytelling creates a connection, increasing engagement and CTA follow-through.
8. Make Eye Contact
Establish a strong connection by making eye contact with every person present during the pitch. A positive impression enhances the effectiveness of your message.
9. Prepare a Pitch Deck
A well-prepared pitch deck, with key statistics and information, aids audience understanding. Visual elements can complement your presentation, providing a comprehensive overview.
10. Interact With Your Audience
Engage your audience by involving them in the presentation. Distributing products, acting out problem-solving scenarios, or including interactive elements can enhance engagement.
11. Focus on the Problem
Instead of just showcasing your innovative solution, emphasize the problem your business addresses. Answering questions like "How pressing is this problem?" enhances audience comprehension.
12. Don't Overwhelm Your Audience
While precise knowledge is essential, be mindful of overwhelming your audience with excessive details. A clear, concise presentation is a better approach.
13. Build in Time for Questions
After the initial pitch, encourage questions and feedback. This not only demonstrates that you are prepared but also provides insights for refining future pitches.
14. Be Enthusiastic
Infuse enthusiasm into your pitch by using a warm and engaging voice. According to Harvard Business Review, increasing vocal volume during a presentation amplifies the impact of your message.
15. Practice Your Pitch
Presentation skills can be honed through practice. Whether with a friend or family member, or recording yourself, rehearse delivering a concise and confident pitch.
16. Know When to Close
Be mindful of your audience's cues during the pitch. If attention wanes or interest diminishes, seize the moment to bring your pitch to a close with an inspiring CTA.
17. Be an Active Listener
Actively listen to your audience's questions and provide thoughtful, value-added responses. By demonstrating attentiveness, you enhance your credibility and rapport.
What should you do to prepare for a pitch?
To prepare for a pitch, memorize key facts and figures about your company, including cost of goods sold, gross profit margin, and market research. It's also beneficial to practice with another person or conduct a dress rehearsal.
Should you practice your pitch in advance?
Absolutely! Practicing in advance is crucial. A dress rehearsal can help you test technology, ensure you're dressed appropriately, and confirm that you have all the necessary information and materials for your pitch.
How important is follow-up after a pitch?
Follow-up is extremely important, particularly if there is interest from potential investors. It's advisable to contact them within one to two days to maintain momentum, express gratitude for their time, and address any remaining questions.
Should a business pitch end with a call to action?
Yes, every business pitch should end with a compelling call-to-action (CTA). Be clear about the action you want your audience to take, whether it involves joining your team, making a purchase, or seeking more information.
Can visuals support a business pitch?
Yes, visuals like slides, videos, or PowerPoint presentations can significantly enhance your pitch. Ensure that your visuals are clear, straightforward, and focused on key information to prevent overwhelming your audience.
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cbentrepreneur · 9 months
The Creativety Business of Entrepreneurship
Unleashing the Power of Entrepreneurship: Creating Fun Business Ideas with Full Structures to Startup and Enjoy the Journey
Slug: fun-business-ideas-entrepreneurship
Meta Description: Discover the exciting world of entrepreneurship and learn how to create fun business ideas with full structures to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey. Explore innovative strategies, tips, and insights to turn your passion into a successful venture. Join us as we delve into the realm of business structure and entrepreneurship ideas, empowering you to embrace the challenges and reap the rewards of being your own boss.
Section 1: The Thrilling World of Entrepreneurship
Are you tired of the 9-to-5 grind? Do you dream of being your own boss and pursuing your passions? Welcome to the exhilarating world of entrepreneurship! It's a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this blog post will provide you with valuable insights to create fun business ideas and establish a solid foundation for your venture.
Section 2: The Power of a Well-Defined Business Structure
A successful business starts with a well-defined structure. It's like building a house – without a strong foundation, it's bound to crumble. From choosing the right legal structure to developing a comprehensive business plan, we'll guide you through the essential steps to ensure your business is built on solid ground. Learn how to identify your target market, analyze competitors, and establish a unique value proposition that sets you apart from the crowd.
Section 3: Nurturing Creativity: Generating Fun Business Ideas
Creativity is the lifeblood of entrepreneurship. It's what fuels innovation and drives success. In this section, we'll explore techniques to unleash your creative potential and generate fun business ideas. From brainstorming sessions to market research, we'll show you how to identify gaps in the market and develop unique solutions that captivate your target audience. Get ready to think outside the box and let your imagination run wild!
Section 4: From Idea to Reality: Transforming Your Vision into a Business
Having a great idea is just the beginning. The real challenge lies in turning that idea into a thriving business. In this section, we'll walk you through the process of transforming your vision into a reality. Learn how to create a business model, develop a minimum viable product, and validate your idea in the market. We'll also discuss the importance of building a strong team and leveraging their skills to bring your business to life.
Section 5: Funding Your Venture: Exploring Financing Options
Every business needs capital to grow and thrive. In this section, we'll explore various financing options available to entrepreneurs. From bootstrapping and crowdfunding to angel investors and venture capitalists, we'll help you navigate the complex world of funding. Discover strategies to attract investors, create a compelling pitch deck, and secure the financial resources you need to take your business to the next level.
Section 6: Marketing Magic: Building Your Brand and Attracting Customers
In today's competitive landscape, effective marketing is crucial for business success. In this section, we'll delve into the world of branding and customer acquisition. Learn how to create a strong brand identity, develop a compelling marketing strategy, and leverage digital platforms to reach your target audience. From social media marketing to content creation, we'll equip you with the tools and techniques to build a loyal customer base.
Section 7: Embracing Challenges: Overcoming Obstacles on Your Entrepreneurial Journey
Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It's a rollercoaster ride filled with ups and downs. In this section, we'll discuss common challenges faced by entrepreneurs and provide strategies to overcome them. From managing cash flow and dealing with competition to staying motivated and embracing failure, we'll empower you to navigate the obstacles and emerge stronger on the other side.
Section 8: Scaling Up: Growing Your Business and Expanding Your Reach
Once your business is up and running, the next step is to scale up and expand your reach. In this section, we'll explore strategies to grow your business and take it to new heights. From hiring the right talent and optimizing operations to exploring new markets and diversifying your product offerings, we'll guide you through the exciting journey of scaling up.
Section 9: Enjoying the Entrepreneurial Journey: Balancing Work and Life
Entrepreneurship is not just about building a successful business; it's also about finding fulfillment and enjoying the journey. In this final section, we'll discuss the importance of work-life balance and self-care. Discover strategies to avoid burnout, prioritize your well-being, and create a harmonious blend of work and personal life. Remember, entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint – so take time to celebrate your achievements and enjoy the ride!
Meta Description: Discover the exciting world of entrepreneurship and learn how to create fun business ideas with full structures to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey. Explore innovative strategies, tips, and insights to turn your passion into a successful venture. Join us as we delve into the realm of business structure and entrepreneurship ideas, empowering you to embrace the challenges and reap the rewards of being your own boss.
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simslegacy5083 · 10 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 8 Ep. 148: A Supernatural Idea
Peachy’s celebration of his parent’s lives had made him keenly aware that time was ticking away in his own life, too.
He’d been an adult for a while now and his work at the police station, inching towards the final promotion that would let him finally take down that evil mastermind Nancy, had taken almost all his attention. He had barely had any time to practice comedy recently between that and being a new father.
He loved his son dearly, but he missed getting out to the clubs to perform, or even just recording or livestreaming a full set from his home studio.
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The most distressing time ticking away was the time until Jack’s elder birthday. Peachy hadn’t heard of anyone dropping dead on their final birthday since Great Grandpa Thorne, and Jack kept saying that had probably just been an unfortunate mod setting, whatever that meant, but it still terrified him.
Even if Jack got a full normal lifespan, Peachy knew that once he was an elder their time together would be ending all too soon if he couldn’t convince his spouse to take a potion of youth. As for Jack, while he was clearly trying his best to make every moment with his husband and son count, Peachy could see that he too seemed to fear the days slipping by.
After Jack had seemed so hurt by his last request to magically extend his life Peachy hadn’t brought up the topic again. Everything was going so well between them, and he didn’t know how to broach the subject without starting a fight that might cost them more of their precious time together.
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Peachy’s single and childless brother had more free time than the rest of them and had agreed to oversee the trust team farm had setup.
One afternoon while the brothers chatted about diverting another at-risk young criminal to the foundation’s care, August was reminded of a story great uncle Dal’kuran had shared about Steven and Spencer’s own wild teen years. At the mention of the elder Merman, Peachy suddenly had a great idea.
He rushed August off the line and texted Jack to tell him he had to work late before picking up the phone to arrange a visit with his uncle that evening.
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Peachy didn’t like lying to Jack but he didn’t want to bother him until and unless he was sure he wanted to pitch his idea as a real solution.
Ending his workday on time Peachy met his great uncle at his seaside home. Settling on the deck he told him he had a friend who was interested in becoming a merperson and wanted to know everything Dal’kuran could tell him about his experience living as a merman by the sea.
According to Dal’kuran being a merperson wasn’t that much different than being a human sim. He needed regular access to water to fill his hydration need and of course had the tail of a fish when in the water. He had a few special powers related to the water and aquatic life, including some weather control and enhanced fishing abilities. Peachy made special note of those as key points to emphasize.
Peachy also learned that merpeople didn’t need to live near the ocean. A river or even a small pond or bathtub could keep them hydrated in a pinch!
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Peachy already knew he could acquire some of the special mermadic kelp that would enable Jack to successfully bond to the water and become a merperson himself with his satisfaction points. Besides the outdoorsy advantages, a “naturally” extra long elderhood would allow Jack to survive his much younger husband and raise little Luigi. Heck, he’d be able to help raise their grandkids too!
Peachy thanked his uncle for sharing his knowledge with a tasty homemade meal and headed back home all smiles. He now had the perfect birthday gift for his best bro, one that with his longstanding history of advocating for supernatural rights and love of fishing he was sure would be accepted.
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Want To See More? View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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windvexer · 2 years
I've seen quite a few people assign meanings to certain card suits and the like, and share it via asks so I felt that I might pitch in.
Because 13 year old me was tired and a bit of a dumbass at times, I didn't assign specific meanings to certain suits at all. The deck was already shuffled when I took it to use for tarot. I just grabbed a marker and randomly took a card and scribbled a tarot name on it.
The suit or colour or order didn't really matter. I just pulled up a list of tarot card names and slapped them on whichever card I grabbed first.
It's worked wonderfully so far. It may even be described as as somewhat sweet tho it spares no effort in making sure I know when I'm being idiotic. Usually its advice entails no more than 1-4 cards. Usually 1 card as whatever the main advice is and another card that I pull as further elaboration. It doesn't work as well for very big readings (8+ cards).
Very concise and straightforward. Usually big readings are not required or done since it any more than 5-7 cards are more than enough to understand all aspects of a situation along with its solution. It also occasionally consoles after very harsh readings when asked. Not opposed to calling one stupid when asked the same question over and over or just asked a terrible question that was already answered but does provide some clarification.
Oops! This turned into a bit of a rant. Apologies for that 😓. I hope this makes some inkling of sense.
I feel bad for not posting this when I got it but I've been so ask avoidant 😅 I think this is really cool and great inspiration for people who need to be very practical!
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pitchcatalyst · 1 year
Crafting the Perfect Pitch Deck: Key Elements for Success
Introduction: The Power of First Impressions
In the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship, every decision, every step, and every presentation can make or break your startup's future. Among these, the pitch deck often stands as the most potent tool in an entrepreneur's arsenal. This document is the culmination of countless sleepless nights, tireless research, and the distilled essence of a startup's vision.
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The Resounding Impact of a Pitch Deck
While an idea can spark interest, a pitch deck turns that spark into a roaring flame. It's more than just a presentation; it's your story, your dream, and the potential trajectory of your company laid out for investors to see. Its weight is undeniable. In the world of startups, it is this tool that often determines whether you secure the funds necessary to propel your venture to new heights or return to the drawing board.
Anatomy of an Outstanding Pitch Deck
Clear Value Proposition: Before delving into the depths of your solution, lay out the problem in stark clarity. Dive into statistical data, employ real-life scenarios, and juxtapose this against the current solutions in the market. This provides a context that makes your offering's uniqueness shine brighter.
Market Opportunity: The global market is vast and diverse. Within this expanse, identify your niche. Shed light on the demographics, buying behaviors, and potential gaps that your product or service is tailored to address. Demonstrating a clear understanding of market dynamics positions your startup as a formidable player.
Product Overview: Delve deeper into the intricacies of your product or service. Discuss the research behind it, the challenges faced during development, and how feedback was incorporated to refine it. Such a comprehensive overview showcases commitment and adaptability.
Traction: Beyond showcasing successes, highlight the journey. Discuss the challenges faced, the feedback loops implemented, and how the product or service evolved based on user interaction. This offers investors a transparent view of your startup's adaptability and resilience.
Revenue Model: Financial sustainability is at the core of any venture. Detail out not only the current revenue streams but potential avenues for diversification. This could include potential licensing deals, franchising, or even pivoting to new markets.
Marketing and Sales Strategy: The digital landscape offers myriad avenues for brand outreach. Detail out your strategies, the rationale behind choosing specific channels, and potential collaborations that could amplify your reach. Highlight past campaigns, their impact, and learnings derived.
The Team: Every individual in your team brings a unique set of skills and experiences. Showcase their journeys, their passion, and how their combined expertise creates a formidable force driving the startup forward.
Ask: Clearly outline what you seek. Beyond just funds, perhaps you're looking for strategic partnerships, mentorship, or access to specific markets. Being clear and transparent about your needs resonates with potential investors.
Gleaning Insights from Legendary Pitch Decks
Successful startups like Airbnb, Uber, and Dropbox have left behind blueprints in the form of their pitch decks. Dissecting these can offer invaluable insights. Highlight what made their presentations stand out, the balance of data and narrative, and how they positioned themselves in a competitive market.
Pitch Deck Pitfalls to Avoid
Every entrepreneur should be aware of potential pitfalls when crafting their pitch deck. Overloading with data, a lack of clear focus, or failing to address potential investor concerns can be detrimental. Highlighting and addressing these can further bolster your deck's effectiveness.
Refinement through Feedback: Iterating Your Pitch Deck
One of the most overlooked aspects of creating an effective pitch deck is the iteration process. Startups, especially those in their infancy, can benefit enormously from soliciting feedback.
Peer Review: Before presenting in front of potential investors, seek feedback from trusted peers, mentors, and advisors within the startup ecosystem. Their insights, often derived from personal experiences, can shed light on potential pitfalls or gaps in your presentation that you might've missed.
Audience Perspective: At times, being deeply entrenched in your startup can lead to a tunnel-vision perspective. This is why presenting your pitch deck to a neutral audience can be invaluable. They can provide fresh perspectives, ask questions that you might not have anticipated, and highlight areas where clarity is needed.
Continuous Refinement: The entrepreneurial world is ever-evolving. As your startup grows and pivots, ensure your pitch deck evolves in tandem. Whether it's updated market statistics, new milestones achieved, or shifts in strategy, ensure your pitch deck is a living document, reflective of your startup's current status and future trajectory.
The Art of Storytelling in Your Pitch Deck
While data and metrics form the backbone of your pitch deck, the art of storytelling weaves these elements into a compelling narrative.
Emotional Resonance: People, including seasoned investors, are moved by stories. The story of why you started, the challenges faced, the eureka moments, and the hurdles overcome can humanize your startup, making it more relatable and memorable.
Customer Testimonials: Incorporate stories from early adopters of your product or service. These real-world testimonials serve as powerful endorsements, illustrating the tangible impact your startup has on its users.
Visual Narratives: The adage, "a picture is worth a thousand words," rings true, especially in pitch decks. Use visuals—graphs, infographics, images—to break the monotony of text and drive home key points more effectively.
Supplementary Materials: Beyond the Pitch Deck
While the pitch deck is the centerpiece, always be prepared with supplementary materials to bolster your presentation.
Detailed Reports: Be ready with more in-depth reports on market research, product testing results, and financial projections. Interested investors may request these for a deeper dive.
Product Demos: If feasible, offer a live demo of your product or service. Witnessing your product in action can further enhance its appeal and showcase its efficacy.
FAQs: Prepare a list of frequently asked questions (with answers) based on prior presentations and interactions. This can expedite follow-up discussions and address common queries upfront.
Conclusion: Mastery in Pitch Deck Crafting - A Journey, Not a Destination
The journey of creating the ultimate pitch deck is perpetual. As the entrepreneurial landscape shifts, so too should your approach to presenting your vision. Mastering this art is a continuous endeavor, blending intuition with feedback, storytelling with data, and passion with pragmatism. As you venture forth, let your pitch deck be not just a reflection of where your startup stands, but a beacon illuminating its boundless potential.
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon/fem oc
Genre: Mystery/ fantasy/ investigation
Summary: Who destroyed the garden of the King of clubs?
Who caused the death of the Queen of spades?
Who broke the fragile order of the world, putting at risk the life of not one, but two sovereigns?
In a situation were anyone could be involved, the only one able to judge is too blinded by his own grief to be rational. The last remaining solution, then, seems to look for help from the outside. From someone who could determine once and for all the real culprit.
Word count: 2.9
When the young woman arrived at her usual bench on the bank of the Han river, an unexpected surprise was waiting for her.
Who forgot a deck of cards?
Tilting her head, she sat eyeing the object with curiosity. If at a first glance it appeared to be a normal container for cards, to a more attentive scrutiny she recognised that the box seemed like it was made of metal, edged with gold and engraved with elegant patterns alongside the surface.
It didn't look like a common box. It must have been quite precious, given its workmanship. But then who could have left it there, on a simple bench? She got a little nearer, forgetting the leather notebook hidden in her bag which, at that point, would have already been on her thighs in normal circumstances. Her impatient fingers moved without her consent bringing her to grab the valuable object, when her fingertips met the rough consistency of paper instead of the coldness of metal. Furrowing her brows, she turned the box upside down. A message had been glued on the bottom and the young woman could do nothing but read its content with burning curiosity.
Can you solve this riddle?
The Jack of spades bursts suddenly before the king shouting: "My lord, your sword has been broken in half!" Who could have done it? None of the sovereigns left his kingdom during the week but everyone seemed to have a motive.
The King of hearts could have seeked revenge because the King of spades had tried to conquer part of his territory.
The King of clubs had insisted on having one of his weapons to prune his garden, never receiving an answer.
The King of diamonds seemed to be the only one without a reason, but he was notably amicable with the King of hearts.
Who is the culprit?
If you think you know the answer, remove the corresponding card and place it on top of the box. If your answer is correct, something unexpected might happen!
The young lady tilted her head. A riddle? No, it looked more like a mystery. Biting her bottom lip, she read the question two times more, before opening the box. The cards, to her surprise, were made of metal as well. A pale metal similar to white gold, smoothed to perfection in an opaque texture where the details of the symbols were painted with a varnish as black as pitch and as red as blood. With cautious fingers, she extracted the right half of the deck, glancing through every card until she met the one she was looking for. Putting away the precious content in its bed of crimson silk, she closed the box and laid the card on the lid.
Yes, she thought she picked the right answer.
And, for a moment, nothing happened. The woman raised her eyes on the river, gazing around her to find the street and her surroundings completely deserted. She made a move to leave the box on the bench when a blinding ray of light departed from the card under her fingers.
From that ray, the light spread in an embrace that surrounded her completely. It was then that she lost consciousness.
-We're doomed.
-It was a terrible idea!
-But it was your idea, you idiot!
-But you agreed with me! And it was you who called Hoseok-hyung!
-Can you stop? The damage is already done now.
-Are you kidding? We have to send her back at all costs! He will kill us the moment he sees her!
-Show some respect.
-Don't be a suck-up now, Jungkook. You know he lost his mind, it's pointless to deny it. He will kill us, it's a fact.
-Can't we just... I don't know... swap her?
-She's not a figurine, Jungkook! And we already used too much energy to bring her here, we don't have enough even to take her back, let alone bring another human after her!
The young woman batted her eyelids. When her eyes focused on what was surrounding her, she furrowed her brows. That wasn't the white ceiling of her room. Actually, it seemed like there wasn't a ceiling at all. Above her, a dark hole was surrounded by heavy drapes of crimson fabric which fell to the four corners of her vision. Batting her eyes once more, she recognised it as a canopy.
A canopy?
Where was she?
-Silence, she's awake.
The woman raised her head, realising only then that she was laying on a bed that was twice as big as hers covered by a brocade sheet, embroidered with a thread that looked like it was made of pure gold. Grazing the precious material with her hand, she lifted her body to a sitting position, avidly studying the environment surrounding her. The walls of the room were covered in a golden wallpaper crossed by a chess motif and decorated by numerous oil paintings as big as a person, which depicted what looked like scenes from a royal court. A marble writing desk, a wooden cabinet painted in gold supporting a candlestick, covered in gold itself, were however the only furniture in the room. And, finally, her eyes landed on the three figures standing in front of the bed, occupied by watching her with a mixture of expectancy and weariness.
-Ehm... Hello?- she murmured with a raspy voice. The figures remained frozen in place with cautious pupils pointed at her. They were three good looking young men, dressed in a similar fashion but with slightly different colours. All three in fact were wearing the chest pieces of an armour, topped by light shoulder straps of the same solid metal and ending on a pair of sleek trousers and polished leather boots.
-Could you please tell me where am I?- she went on then, staring at the young men one at a time since they didn't seem inclined to speak. It was then that the first to the right, the one who seemed the oldest amongst the three and wore a golden armour rimmed with red, seemed to snap out of his stupor.
-Oh, well, we... you... you found the cards, right?- he stammered, running his eyes from her to his companions, who looked at him anxiously. The woman, after a moment in thought, nodded. He swallowed, then, forcing himself to bring his gaze back to her.
-And you solved the riddle, correct?
Nodding once more, the woman studied the restlessness in the gaze of the speaker, who seemed to reach some sort of decision with himself, judging by the growing determination in the expression painted on his face.
-Why did you choose the Jack of Spades?
His companions turned to him with confused eyes while he concentrated his attention on her only.
-She's here now. The best we can do is see if she can be of any help- he replied curtly to the taller one, who wore a black armour rimmed with silver.
-Help? For what?
The attention of the three warriors returned on her as soon as she opened her mouth, while she was staring at them with joined brows. The oldest, after throwing a reprimanding glance at his companions, started speaking once again.
-This is a matter that we will explain later. Now, please, answer: why did you choose the Jack of spades?
The woman remained silent for a moment. The three men didn't seem hostile towards her, otherwise it was likely that the swords fastened at their belts would have been already at her throat. Apparently, she was very far from home. Maybe, even very far from Seoul. The only solution appeared to be accommodating to their requests.
-Even if every king seemed to have a potential motive, none of them could physically be at the place of the "crime". The last one to see the sword had been the Jack of spades. And he was the one announcing its breakage as well. All the elements, hence, point at him as guilty.
The young woman paused, carefully observing the answer in the faces of the three men. The oldest had lowered his head, nodding to himself. The second at the center, dressed in a crimson armour rimmed with gold, studied her with weariness but also with a spark of curiosity. The last one, finally, kept his gaze glued to the floor, as if he felt ashamed of something. It was only then that she noticed them: the symbols that were inlaid in the chest pieces on the left half. Exactly above their hearts.
A diamond on the golden armour of the first one.
A heart on the crimson one of the second.
And finally a sort of arrow on the black one of the last.
-Why would he have broken the sword of his king?
The woman brought her gaze back on the oldest, who was staring at her with ajar eyelids and a tense jaw. Starting to twist a lock of hair on her finger, she lowered her glance.
-I don't posses enough elements to determine that. Many reasons could exist, in a realistic context. He could have secretly betrayed his lord or, considering that the most logical suspect would be the King of hearts, he could have used the broken sword as an excuse to start an attack and conquer the lands that they desired. I don't have enough clues to be sure, but the circumstances are clear.
The young man observed her in silence for what felt like minutes. Then, nodding, he turned to his companions.
-She's the right one for this situation. She will discover the truth- he claimed, causing the man in the black armour to take a step forward making his hair, long enough to reach his cheekbones, fly around him.
-But hyung-
-On this note, may I know for what purpose I'm here?
Three pair of eyes landed on her, while tense and weary expressions painted their faces. It was again the oldest who started talking with a hint of nervousness in his voice.
-It is quite a delicate matter, but we were in need of someone able to look at the elements from an outside perspective. You see, we find ourselves in a-
The sentence was abruptly cut by a mellifluous, angelic intonation that resembled the melody of a hummingbird. The voice that began to echo in the room sounded like it belonged to an unearthly creature, for never in her life the young lady had heard anything as graceful and as sweet to the ear.
-Taeeeeeeeeeee Taeeeeeeeeee!
The dragging of the vowels in childish vocalisations caused the three men to widen their eyes in panicked stupor, while looking at each other incapable of uttering a sound.
-Oh no... we are doomed...
-I am doomed!- whispered the conceited young warrior in the crimson armour, his big eyes surrounded by thick lashes intent on studying the walls in search of something. The woman understood what it was when, sitting on the edge of the bed, she noticed that one of the paintings was moving.
It wasn't a painting.
It was a mirror.
And in it the woman saw the most ethereal visage that her gaze had ever met in her whole life. Soft lips on a perfect oval, accentuated by high cheekbones and glimmering eyes as limpid as dew and as seductive as the devil's claws. Those predatory and dangerously teasing eyes stared intensely at the warrior in the crimson armour, while his mouth raised in a entertained smile.
-Tae Tae, what are you scheming behind my back?
When the woman was finally able to tear her eyes away from the hypnotic lineaments of the face in the mirror, she noticed the detail that should have been the most glaring. Upon the silvery strands on his head, resided a crown. The jewel appeared to be entirely made of ruby, judging by the transparency of its tips, which culminated in peaks of pure gold in the shape of hearts.
-I... don't... I...- the young man in the crimson armour, or Tae based on the words of the ethereal presence, bent himself in a low bow as his sweat began to run on his face.
-You didn't bring a human here, in our world, without telling me, did you?
The angelic voice had maintained its teasing flavour, but the woman couldn't avoid to notice how it's tone had fallen of a few octaves, nearing more to a playful threat. Tae must have had perceived the same, because he hardened his trembling lips. And it was at that moment that the wooden door, decorated by golden wisps, was suddenly shovelled, showing a new presence to the room.
-What the hell did you do?
The sentence was spit by a young man with pale complexion and an impassive face, if it wasn't for the burning fire hidden behind his dark pupils. On his onyx locks laid a crown similar to the one on the man in the mirror, but his was covered in gold and surmounted by rubies in the shape of diamonds. His chest was enveloped by a double-breasted jacket scattered with geometric patterns where gold and crimson meshed together, with a notable predominance of the first in the majority of the details. On his shoulders, at last, rested a heavy cape made of gold brocade, which fell to his hips and on which a big diamond shaped brooch was pinned.
-My lord, I...
The warrior in the golden armour kneeled promptly before the king, lowering his head as a tense expression molded his face.
-You what? You brought here a human releasing such a wave of energy that all the four kingdoms felt it. May I know what the hell was going through your brain, Hoseok? The balance in our world is already so fra-
The voice of the king died in his throat as soon as he lifted his gaze on the human in question, who was still silently sitting at the edge of the bed observing the scene, waiting. What could she do? She didn't have any other place to go to. Escaping wasn't an option. Not with three armed warriors and a very angry king. Because of that, all she could do was being a silent spectator.
-What did you do?- whispered the pale king, contemplating the face of the woman as if it belonged to a ghost.
-It was an accident. We wanted to take a random human who could solve... this situation. We didn't expect... her- Hoseok rushed to reply, still humbly kneeling before the king. The latter, though, seemed incapable to move his gaze from her, as he began to shake his head.
-We are dead. You better pray that he won't come here right now, because if he sees her he will kill us all. He will lose his mind for good.
-For the jewels of the crown, the resemblance is stunning!
The young woman jumped on her spot when the angelic voice suddenly appeared right next to her ear. Turning to her side, in fact, she found herself a few centimetres away from the ethereal face that a few moments earlier was in the mirror and that was then studying her with genuine fascination in his shining eyes.
-Oh, forgive me! You are not used to this things. Thanks to the mirrors, I can appear wherever I want, but to you this must be something unexplainable. But now tell me, what's your name, sweet dove? And why do you wear your hair at this length? It is unusual for humans in this time. It kind of looks like you-
The entrancing man turned placidly until he met the cold expression of the king standing.
-What is it, Yoongi? Let me have some fun! We're going to die anyway! He will find out about her sooner or later.
Those words seemed to hit a sore spot in the sovereign, who visibly contracted his jaw while stepping forward toward the kneeling man beside her. The latter, she noticed, was dressed exactly in the same way as the king standing, but his jacket presented a sequence of heart shaped patterns, where the alternation of gold and red resulted in the prevalence of the second one. His cape, in fact, was painted in scarlet and on it a pin in the shape of a heart was displayed.
The young woman, sifting through the room, analysed the clothing of each of the presents. Furrowing her brows, she tensed her mouth.
It couldn't be.
They couldn't really be...
-Tell me, human. Do you know why you are here?
Her eyes were once again captivated by the face of the crimson king, who was staring at her with a hint of amusement on his lips.
-I don't. I am yet to be told that- she answered with a dry tone, looking at the man with weariness. At that, he tilted his head with a smile that was reeking of fake sorry and began to play with a strand of her hair, whose length reached the surface of the bed.
-Oh, poor baby! You were brought here against your will, kept in a strange room without a hint of explanation! You must be so scared!
When the human was about to open her mouth, though, a sound similar to a thunder erupted in the room. The air, in a second, seemed to disappear from the lungs of all attendants, as the noise of doors closing violently got nearer. And the woman saw tense jaws, panicked eyes and gulping throats every moment that was passing.
-Oh... finally some fun...- murmured the mellifluous voice in her ear. When the door to the room was forcefully shovelled, at last, it was as if winter had suddenly appeared.
-Who released that wave of energy?
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impactfulpitch · 2 years
Pitch Deck Structure: Things You Must Include in a Pitch Deck
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If you are an entrepreneur, you must be worried about your pitch. You might be worried about how to create a winning pitch deck that can help you take your investor on board. So why is this pitch deck so important? What values does it hold? A pitch deck provides businesses and entrepreneurs with a thorough yet brief overview of their business to attract investors. Having an understanding of the components of an effective pitch deck will help you get the funds you require. Even though each pitch deck outline is unique, the following features must be present:
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Problem statements are a must. This defines issues your target market is facing and provides a better view to see the difficulties experienced by your business’ target segment. This slide will show how important your product or service is to the market. Make sure you are including all the necessary problem points while crafting your problem slide as investors will put themselves in the shoes of the audience to understand the need for the product. Here, listeners have the opportunity to put themselves in your audience's position. 
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It is one of the crucial slides in the entire pitch deck. The solution slide outlines how the business is resolving the problems that your target market is experiencing. Telling a story is one of the best methods to present your idea. You can also discuss some of your customers' real-life experiences using your products to improve their lives. Make sure you are emphasizing the USP of your product since doing so will help you attract investment. Use infographics, pictures, or even a video of a real-world demonstration to visually describe your product or service.
Market Size
Market size is important since the majority of investors want to know that you have a large business. Defining market size in your pitch deck provides a clear view to your investor about your target segment. How many people are there that are likely to purchase the product? What are their financial limits? How many of the individuals did we consider to be potential targets? By providing answers to these questions, one may determine how much market opportunity a startup has. 
Business Model
Being an entrepreneur, you are aware of how crucial a business model is for every firm. It is one of the key elements in your pitch deck that potential investors must be looking for. It demonstrates your company's full revenue-generating strategy in detail. And if you can successfully demonstrate it, your chances of receiving funding from your investor increase. Zooming out, this slide gives an overview of your income sources and pricing strategy as well as all the specifics from A-Z regarding how your business is making money.
Comparing competitors in your pitch deck strategy will benefit you, especially if you highlight the advantage you possess over them. This lets investors understand how great your proposal is. Additionally, the sum raised will seem more acceptable to investors after you take into account the starting capital that your competitors had.
Marketing Plan
It is crucial to describe in detail how the product will be promoted and sold to its target market. Investors will utilize this data to take advantage of a company's knowledge of the market's size and how its marketing strategy varies from that of its competitors.
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This slide demonstrates any month-over-month growth due to early sales and support, which supports the business strategy of the company. The objective is to minimize potential investors' risk aversion. The number of users, yearly revenue return rate, and profit margins, among other milestones, can be displayed in a straightforward bullet point list on this slide.
Prepare a summary of financial projections. Include a budget for expenses, cash flow, balance sheets, and other relevant information. If at all feasible, get the advice of an accountant before designing this slide. However, put the entire financial projection in a separate file just in case the investors wish to review it after the presentation.
Founding Team
It is important to pay attention to this slide in a pitch deck layout. Investors will always consider a startup's credibility. And highlighting the people behind the project is one way to do that. Include a member's significant achievements as well. A list of the main team members (and co-founders, if appropriate) together with a description of how each person's skills and prior experience may contribute to the creation of the company's competitive advantage.
The amount of money required to fund the project is a crucial piece of information that entrepreneurs sometimes forget to include in their pitch decks. Include that information and specify how the funds will be used to assist the business achieve its objectives. This explanation will win over investors' trust, which is crucial. Never ask for a specific amount when seeking funds since certain investor companies can have a cap on investments. Give a range so that your idea is adaptable to the restricted capital of some investors.
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wddadvertising · 2 years
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Did you read the caption or see the visual 1st? 99% of the time, it’s usually the latter!
We, human beings, are visual creatures. Our eyes always wander for shapes, colours, and visually stimulating images before they register anything else.
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Considering this, it is safe to say that visuals can significantly impact the mind and, when done well, can leave an impression for extended durations. Over time, with a lightning speed of advancement in digitalization & also the world as we know it-we can gradually trace a steady shift towards a more visually appealing culture!
Good visual communication is a strategy used by all; from MSMEs to corporates, civic bodies to even educational institutions & the business next door. Every institution in our society uses the tool of impactful communication through powerful visuals. Cause only when your clients see it will they know about it. Right?
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So, if you are a business owner, brand or someone who has something to say, you can outsource your work to a local oroffshore graphic designerreadily available to transform your ideas for better reception!
Want to know whyoutsource creative design? Dive right in!
1. Science of Design for Business Growth
There is science behind every design. All designers that do it for a profession have gone in-depth to learn, study & understand them well. They have dedicated their time in research and understanding colour theory & psychology, the impact of shapes & letters, and ways to make every communication uniquely distinct & impactful, together.
These professionals understand the tricks of the trade & know how to leverage their skills to bring you maximum visibility and, therefore, business growth.
So, when you can access a pool of the brightest resources & designers from thebest design studios in Indiaor anywhere else, why wait to outsource your design needs?
2. Even if You Know it, They Do it Better & Faster
We ain’t saying that you don’t know it. Just that, professional designers can do it better and faster!
Well, it’s a trade that they practice every day and, over time, have mastered the skill of providing the highest standards of work with quick turnaround times. After all, their time & efforts are solely dedicated to completing your work.
Especially when you hire one of the bestdesign agency in Indiaor around you, you can gain access to a team of professionals that can save your team ample time.
3. Their Experience Saves You Extra Effort!
There can be a spectrum of collaterals that encompasses your design needs. From logos, online & offline branding, posters, stationery, pitch decks, brochures, website & much more. Along with your day-to-day functioning, a dedicated outsourced digital marketing agency can bring you comprehensive design solutions that can set the right tone for your business, establish a peculiar identity, set brand guidelines that translate to higher retention value or recall value.
Their expertise makes your work easier, your communication clearer & help you reach the right audience without the need to spend manhours on researching “which font will help make the right impact?”
4. They Keep Your Wallets Intact
When you partner with one of thebest design agency to outsource creative designsyou don’t have to worry about hiring dedicated resources on your payroll. Hiring an agency gives you access to not just designers but a team of strategists, creators, content/copywriters & marketers that can take care of end-to-end business communication & collaterals without burning a hole in your wallets. Many global businessesoutsource digital marketing servicesto countries like India, where you gain access to the best resources at economical rates.
5. A Creative Bank, Dedicated to Your Design Needs
Let’s be honest, when you’re consumed with a specific business & its peripherals, A fresh perspective can make a vast impact.
Outsource your work to thebest design studios in India, where they can brainstorm the best ideas for your business & execute them with flawless perfection.
Now that you’ve reached here, there’s no more need to elaborate on why outsourcing your work is the way to go! Be smart with time and let the experts take care of the marketing collaterals for your business
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sahmandbean · 2 years
How to Build a Shotgun Suburban in The Sims 4 Like a Nerd
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The reason this home style is called The Shotgun is because you could theoretically open the front and back doors and shoot a shotgun straight through. Whether anyone has tried this I don't know. They were originally built in the early 1800s, and are primarily found in the New Orleans area, although this incredibly iconic and versatile build is still being constructed and can be found all across the US. If you've played The Sims for more than five minutes you may recognize this as the build style that many of the homes in Willow Creek are supposed to be. I, of course, will go over how to actually build a Shotgun the right way and we will put those EA starters to shame. Ready? Let's build.
I will be focusing on the style of shotgun mostly associated with the later 1800s, although I will be sure to touch on how to build one that looks like it's from the early 1800s and well as from this century. If you're interested in a video version of this tutorial, that can be found here.
The Shotgun homes were a family friendly solution to the plentiful but narrow lots in expanding residential areas. One room wide and several rooms deep, your floorplan will be contained in a rectangle three to six tiles wide and as deep as the lot may allow. Your front door will be placed to the left or right side of the home off a narrow (one to two tile deep) front deck. The original Shotgun homes were more likely to be on a very low or no foundation, and the entry would be straight off the sidewalk. Newer constructions may be built further back on the lot and have a slightly deeper front deck. The front room will be a living room with a fireplace on the center of the inner wall, and that fireplace will be double-sided and also be in the next room back. In a single story build that next room would be a bedroom, although if you expand up it could be turned into a second living space, dining room, or bathroom. The kitchen and dining area will be at the back of the build, and will have another narrow deck off the back leading into a small back yard. If we had a 10x20 or 10x30 lot size that would be more accurate, but we don't, so the yard on this 15x20 lot is a bit wider than would commonly be found IRL. The last thing to address on the main floor is hall or nah. Older homes would have the rooms stacked one on top of the other and have doors running down all one side, so that if they were all opened you could see through all the rooms and out the back. Newer builds tend to have that space be a hallway instead and have doors off the hallway into the individual rooms, which is what I have done here.
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If you are going for super old early 1800s style, the bathroom would often be detached or tacked onto the back. However, with the ability to expand up, adding one to the existing space downstairs and moving all of the bedrooms upstairs becomes an option. Very rarely would you expand to the sides. Of course, this is a video game, and you can do what you want. But by the Nerd Oath (that I just made up) I must tell you the most historically accurate information I can. With that being said, if you really need a lot more space, you can mirror your floors to the left or right and create a Double Barrel Shotgun, and add doors or arches to expand the living spaces.
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You can expand vertically up to three stories, keeping the same footprint and adding the same narrow front and back balconies. If you have High School Years, this would be a great opportunity to use the sneak out windows.
This is the easiest roof. Early 1800s shotguns would just have a flat roof, but even the later constructions are simply topped with a gable. Bring it to size, pitch it down a bit, and you're done!
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For siding, go with something bright and painted. Doors and windows will be tall and narrow, which reminds me you could use short or medium wall height for this build. The front and back will have a door and one or two windows spaced evenly, and the sides will have just a few windows. Remember, these were originally on narrow lots, and privacy would be a concern. Some homes didn't even have any windows on the sides, but for fire safety we will be putting windows in the bedrooms today. We can also place bright, moderately ornate, and painted columns, railings, and spandrels.
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Since these homes are placed so close to the front of the lot, there won't be much in the way of landscaping. A few flowering plants, a little terrain paint, and you're good to go.
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Colorful and family oriented, your interior may be cramped but that's part of the charm... right? Doors will be small to keep as much space available as possible. Go for bright colors, and keep in mind older homes tend to have more paneling, molding, and baseboards than newer or more recently renovated homes. Floors will be wood, although you could add some tiles for bathrooms.
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Since it will be at the very back of an already narrow home, the kitchen will most likely be a line (as shown here). If you move the dining space to the room behind the living room, you could double the kitchen size and make it a galley. Cabinets can be wood for an older feel, or painted for a more updated look.
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Because bathrooms were usually added on later, they are going to be small and possibly in weird spaces. As with most older homes, there will be only one unless you want the build to feel like a newer construction. I haven't figured out the exact bathroom to bedroom ratio of "old" vs "new" homes yet, but it's definitely one of the most noticeable things when you are looking at floorplans and trying to guess how old the home is. How exciting.
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If you want your build to feel more updated, consider the following:
Skip the molding and paneling on the wallpapers, and consider more neutral and in-style colors
Replace multiplane windows with single pane windows
Remove other decorative elements, like spandrels, and simplify railing and columns
Just for fun, I restyled this home a bunch of different ways to highlight how you can take any simple floorplan and customize it to fit into any world with just a few cosmetic changes.
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If you want to check out my Shotgun in more detail, it is on the gallery! My ID is sahmandbean and the lot title is Shotgun Shell.
If you're interested in some reference images or learning more about this style, I recommend starting with my Pinterest board, as I have several images and references.
If you like video tutorials, I have this build and literally dozens of other how-to videos on my YouTube channel.
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Thanks so much for building with me today! Stay creative, and I look forward to building with you again soon.
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millysoft · 10 hours
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Remittances App Pitch Deck Remittances App Pitch Deck: Introducing our revolutionary remittances app, designed to streamline the process of sending money across borders. This cutting-edge platform offers a seamless and secure solution for individuals and businesses alike, empowering them to transfer funds effortlessly to their loved ones or business partners worldwide. With our user-friendly interface and advanced encryption technology, you can rest assured that your transactions are safe and protected. Say goodbye to the hassle of visiting physical remittance centers or dealing with excessive fees and hidden charges. Our app provides real-time exchange rates, ensuring transparency and competitive pricing for every transfer. Whether you need to support your family back home, pay international employees, or settle cross-border invoices, our remittances app has got you covered. Enjoy the convenience of initiating transfers with just a few taps on your mobile https://millysoft.com/product/remittances-app-pitch-deck/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=STARTERKITS
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yoshifawful64 · 3 days
i guess i might as well pitch in while it's relevant: no, i don't think sol ring is ever going to be banned. maybe it should've been at one point, long ago, but it's far, far too late now. not because it's iconic or emblematic to the format or whatever, simply because it's been printed in Every Single Commander Precon Ever.
​and yeah i know wotc did a "this banned card is legal if you're running the exact decklist of the precon" thing with the standard challenger decks a ways back (something i kind of expect to also apply to the one precon with dockside in it) but that's hardly an ideal solution. not only is it a far too clunky, slapdash answer for a problem they don't need to create in the first place, it's also harshest on casual players who don't keep up with magic — people just bought a precon or two years ago and swapped a few cards here and there.
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grayfeathercfo · 4 days
Hiring a Professional Fractional CFO for Your Company’s Financial Management
As businesses grow and face increasingly complex financial decisions, managing finances effectively becomes critical. While many companies understand the importance of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), not all can afford to hire a full-time professional. Offering the expertise of a seasoned CFO on a part-time or project basis, these services are an ideal solution for companies looking to manage their finances without the overhead of a full-time executive.
A fractional CFO can provide the same strategic guidance and financial oversight as a full-time CFO but at a fraction of the cost. They work with businesses to optimize financial performance, streamline operations, and help develop long-term strategies. Whether your company is navigating rapid growth, facing financial challenges, or preparing for an acquisition, a fractional CFO can make a substantial difference.
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Why Choose Fractional CFO Services?
Hiring a fractional CFO offers multiple benefits beyond cost-effectiveness. Businesses often need expert financial leadership during specific phases, such as when they are scaling, restructuring, or entering new markets. We provide customized financial services to help businesses navigate these transitions smoothly. Our Fractional CFO Services give you access to high-level expertise without committing to a full-time salary, benefits, and the additional costs associated with hiring a permanent CFO.
Small to mid-sized businesses can especially benefit from this flexible arrangement. Fractional CFOs can step in to provide actionable insights, forecast growth opportunities, and even help secure financing. For startups and growing companies, a fractional CFO can also play a key role in ensuring long-term financial stability and investor confidence.
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Key Roles of a Fractional CFO
The responsibilities of a fractional CFO extend far beyond basic accounting. These professionals play a vital role in shaping the financial future of a company. Some of the key services include:
Strategic Financial Planning: A fractional CFO develops and implements strategies to align your financial objectives with the company’s overall goals. This includes long-term forecasting and risk management.
Cash Flow Management: A fractional CFO will help ensure that your cash flow remains stable, identifying potential bottlenecks and providing solutions to avoid financial crises.
Financial Reporting and Compliance: Keeping accurate financial records and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards are essential. A fractional CFO ensures that your financial reporting is transparent and meets all necessary guidelines.
Cost Optimization: Fractional CFOs focus on identifying areas where cost savings can be made without compromising quality. They analyze your operations to find inefficiencies and provide recommendations for improvement.
Fundraising and Investor Relations: If your company is seeking investment or funding, a fractional CFO can help prepare the necessary financial reports, pitch decks, and presentations to attract potential investors.
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Why Gray Feather CFO?
At Gray Feather CFO, we specialize in offering Fractional CFO Services tailored to the unique needs of your business. With years of experience across multiple industries, we provide expert financial guidance to ensure your company’s financial health. Our team works closely with you to develop strategies that support growth, increase profitability, and mitigate risks.
When you choose Gray Feather CFO, you’re not just hiring a financial consultant; you’re gaining a strategic partner who is invested in your company’s success. Whether you need help managing day-to-day finances, creating long-term plans, or navigating complex financial challenges, our CFO services are designed to provide the expert support your business needs—when you need it.
Hiring a professional fractional CFO can offer the financial expertise you require without the high costs associated with a full-time executive. Whether it’s strategic financial planning, cash flow management, or ensuring regulatory compliance, a fractional CFO brings invaluable skills to the table. For those looking to optimize their financial operations without the commitment of a full-time CFO, we provide the perfect solution through our Fractional CFO Services.
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