#Pigsy is insecure ✨
@mythicalmagical-monkeyman asked me 4 my LMK headcanons & I have SO many it’s insane (most r 6EM bcz I have yet 2 stop hyperfixating on him in specific)
Six-Eared Macaque Headcanons:
I love the headcanon that he either used to have white fur or he glamours it away.
My headcanon for his “birth” is an amalgamation of several others I’ve seen (I forget their tags). Basically a piece of the moon broke off and hit the ground, the big ass flash caused a shit ton of shadows (hence shadow powers). The wind formed a mini hurricane around the moon-rock-egg and broke it, which is why 6EM can hear the wind.
6EM glamours a lot, everytime he dislikes something he glamours it away. This led to him hating how his glamored self looks (bcz it looks nun like him), but also hating how his unglamored self looks (bcz bad memories & imperfections & shit).
The shadows are semi-sentient, they’re also very picky with who they “serve” but extremely loyal. (Kinda like a dog.)
Rumble and Savage were 6EM’s first clones. (Their more sentient/have their own kinda personality bcz his 1st time w/ clones was a lot like MK’s.)
6EM & Chang’e are besties.
DBK introduced PIF 2 them all & PIF gave this guy 1 look & went “uhm, excuse me sir, but what r u doing here w/ these bozos?🤨 ur 2 smart 4 this, now come forward let us bond 😌”
The classic his ears are colored & they glow.
Purple blush.
He had to learn to cook bcz ✨homeless✨, but he sucks @ cooking so he learned, like, 2 dishes & cooked them until he perfected it.
Was great w/ kids when he was younger and still is but he’s more awkward w/ them now (besties insecure, think he’ll taint them or sumthing emo like that🙄. CAN’T BELIEVE THE HEADCANON THAT THE FFM MONKIES LUV HIM IS CANON NOW)
I have an entire headcanon for his backstory (b4 he met SWK) but that’s,, long💀
Non-prehensile tail
Sun Wukong:
Gold blush.
ADHD haver and probably autistic as well (no 1 in that show is neurotypical, u can’t convince me they r)
Wasn’t good w/ kids when he was younger but he’s great w/ them now
His fur used to be a gold color but it turned more brown after the mountain (permanently stained)
He’s extremely dense, not stupid. He’s also v selective w/ his knowledge (if he wants 2 know sum there won’t b a single piece of info he doesn’t learn, if he doesn’t want 2 know sum then he won’t know shit abt it)
He loves dresses, rarely wears them bcz he prefers his armor but he loves dresses
Headcanon that the armor he wears all the time is a comfort object & thats y it’s almost always on
The classic “can’t drink/eat hot shit” & red eyes come out when angry/flustered/ect
Will fight Erlang on sight. Literally won’t even listen 2 a word any1 says, it’s all over if he even catches a glance of this mf (Bonus: 6EM totally would 2 but he’s actually scared of Erlang, burning alive will do that 2 u)
He can sew & loves 2 do embroidery & shit
Sandy sumtimes acts like a mad scientist while making tea & Mei will join him
Nezha & 6EM bond thru the power of Mo & loving cats (also bcz 6EM destroyed the sea palace💀)
MK is trans (“ur making so many ppl trans-“ SHUT)
Nezha thinks gender is a scam but is fine w/ any pronouns, mainly uses he/him tho
Ao Lie is a Demi-boy
Speed running through sexuality headcanons: SWK = panromantic/demisexual, 6EM bisexual/demiromantic, MK & Mei r both bisexual, Red Son is unlabeled, Tang is MLM & Pigsy is homoromantic but bisexual, Sandy is AroAce and Mo is Mo
Extra is Spider Queen being pansexual but aromantic, Scorpion Queen being AroAce (they’re in a QPR), the mayor being LBDromantic/j (guys prolly AroAce actually) (that’s all I have rn I think)
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creativealmonds · 2 years
Lego Monkie Kid and Destiny ✨✨✨
So in the 4th season, Mk fights his demons (?) or would it be a curse than can see his insecurities?
Anyway, at first when I saw this I thought, “oh, it’s one of those deals when you have to embrace the parts of you you don’t like”. 
But it wasn’t that. 
So, Ink Mk—I’m gonna call him IM—is taunting Mk with all the signs and flags that he isn’t human and kicking him around(it also parallels Wukong and Macque’s fight in s1)
Mk denies it all and starts to glitch between his human form and his monkey form when IM says that they’ll bring so much chaos into the world that it’ll make Wukong’s look like nothing. This continues when Wukong and Mk’s gang shows up. And all the while I’m thinking, “this is like Aang and Adora but with more angst.”
In the last season of ATLA, Aang has to defeat the Fire Lord or the whole world with be destroyed. But he does t want to kill him because it would mean turning his back on the teachings and beliefs of his people. The past avatars say to kill him, that’s what they would do, his team says to kill him. But Aang doesn’t want to. He can’t betray his people’s teachings to stop the grandson of the man that killed them because that would be killing their teachings. The other air avatars would have killed but there were other airbenders to carry on the legacy and traditions. So Aang makes another choice. He takes Ozai’a bending. It was his destiny to defeat the Fire Lord but he did it on his terms.
When Adora first learned of Mara, she tried everything to not be like her. But even with that she would always be in Mara’s shadow, compared to her. After she broke the sword she thought her purpose was to become the failsafe and save the planet, but kill herself in the process. She’s had people telling her that this is her purpose, her destiny, what she was made for. But at the end she choses herself, to fix the world and end the war on her terms.
Both of these to have a common element with MK. They both have a set destiny, Aang has to defeat the fire lord and Adora has to save the world. And throughout this journey, they’ve had people telling them how they need to do this, what they want, what their destiny is. They have been told that there is only one way they can do things to be right and one way to do things to be wrong.
MK comes across the same thing.  When all of the flags and signs that he’s been overlooking or thrown in his face, and he has no choice but to process them and see them for what they are, he tries to deny it. He doesn’t want to be this thing made like monkey king, he doesn’t want to have this legacy of chaos and destruction looming over him. He just wants to be MK, Pigsy’s delivery boy that goes on monster of the week missions with Mei, and discover all of Wukong’s powers. 
And goes through this too, at the beginning of season one, it’s the reason why he’s in the iceberg. He doesn’t want to be The Avatar. He just wants to be Aang. Adora doesn’t run into this problem because if She-Ra will make people like her, thus giving her validation and a purpose in the world outside of the Horde, then she’s all for it. 
But the one thing that IM says that really gets Mk is him saying, “that this—referring to the destruction of Wukong—is our destiny.”
And the ironic thing is that Mk is voiced by Jack De Sena, voice of Sokka and Callum.
Callum has a brief dip into the dark magic, and he comes across a very persuasive and charming and kind of jokey version of himself. And a big theme in the Dragon Prince, and the theme that I think mirrors the theme of season four of letting go of the past and accepting your past mistakes, is destiny. As it says in the dragon prince,” destiny isn’t written in stone. It’s a book you write yourself.”
Yes, MK is very possibly descended or made from Wukong. Yes, that is a legacy that he will be compared to no matter what. Yes, he might blame himself for everything that’s gone wrong. But no matter what, he’s still Mk. Even if he gets to became the next Monkey King and is as powerful as Wukong, he’s still gonna be the dorky guy that paints and dances in public with his headphone on.
He can still be himself. But this part of him, the legacy of Wukong, the weight of this power, will just become another part of him.
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