#Pietro Maximoff// World's annoying runner
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tonystarkaskblog · 7 years ago
Call out post: Pietro sucks and he should’ve stayed dead. -Tony Stark✨
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marvelsuperfangirl · 6 years ago
Writer’s Block ( Pietro Maximoff x Reader)
A/N: This imagine was written right after I finished my exams and I was having a very bad case of writer’s block, thanks to the horrible stress I had. Also I missed Pietro. Enjoy:)
As well as you could say writing was the most wonderful thing in the world, it was also a pain in the ass.
When you start to write, you can't stop the flow of ideas that are filling your brain at the moment. But always come the time where it all comes crashing down. In the middle of a sentence, maybe the one that is the most important of the story, it all stops, leaving you with a headache and an undescribable feeling in your guts. You surely know that feeling, everyone does, that feeling of unachievement and failure, twisting your insides. And this only managed to increase the headache which anger you even more and it goes on and on like a vicious circle.
Sokovia had always been an inspiring place for you. Since you moved here with your parents at a young age, you were marveled at the new world you'd put your feet in. A new language, new people, new traditions and a new found creativity. Sokovia was just the click you needed to realized that you were made for some kind of art. And after a few years in your new home you took a liking in writing. It was when you wrote letters to your friends, describing how your new environment look like and how it makes you feel safe that it came obvious to you. You were a writer.
It's been months that you've been cursing writer's block but this A-hole never seemed to understand the message.
The lack of inspiration became haunting and it made it hard to fall alseep. That's how you found yourself sitting in a booth at McDonald's at 2 A.M with a full menu. If you couldn't manage to feed your inspiration then your stomach would surely be happy to be filled instead.
There wasn't many people in there, in a withdrawn corner was a guy, probably a junkie, a few tables away from you, a disgusting couple was making out and stopping every few minutes to take a breath and some fries before going back at it. With a roll of your eyes you decided to report your gaze on the notebook you'd taken with you. You favorite pencil was next to it, the ink level unchanged since you lost your spark and the notebook not any fuller than the last time you opened it.
For the second time you gave up and just went back to eat silently, occasionally looking around to see if there was something worth being immortalized on paper.
You repeated the process many times but nothing caught your eye, until the clock turned to 3:11.
The doors of the fast food opened, letting a cold breeze enter and flew to you as if to announce you that something was coming.
And effectively, a guy, you assumed, came in and walked straight to the counter.
You didn't see his face since the hood of his hoodie was up, to complete the outfit he was wearing sweatpants and trainers. The first idea that came to your mind was that he was coming back from a nighty run and was stopping for fuel. But you could be wrong since your ability to guess, imagine and create was also out of fuel like this apparently creepy night runner.
Curious of how that guy looked you changed your position, turning to him and extending your legs on the bench seat. Taking your box of fries not to look too oblivious and continue to stare at him.  The cashier placed the tray in front of him, meaning that he was going to stay ; meaning there would be more chance to see his face.
If your eyes could shoot laser beam you would have make his head explode with how hard you were staring at the back of his head. As in purpose he quickly turned to you, his eyes boring into yours at that moment you realized his eyes were a shade of blue you've never seen before.
So blue it could only belong to a fictional character directly coming out of a sci-fi novel.
A thin dark beard and mustache decorated his pale face, like he forgot to shave for a few days, giving a manly side to this youthful figure. A few strands of dark hair were falling from the hood and onto his forehead. After longs seconds of looking right into each other's eyes, you could see a smile, slowly widening on his face and he sent you a wink before turning back around.
After blinking to register what just happened you grabbed your notebook and pen and started writing a descritption of the stranger not to forget how blue his eyes were and how is face could become one of your future character’s.
Talking about characters, you had a fresh idea. If a guy was coming at McDonald's after a run in the middle of the night, he obviously had something to hide. And only with that information you could create a great character and a great story.
You'd managed to produce a few lines, inspired on the handsome stranger and you looked back up to where he stood a minute ago but he was gone.
Furrowing your eyebrows you scanned the entrance and even checked outside of the window but there wasn't any trace of him.
" You're not a good spy"
You were startled by the voice coming out out of nowhere and jumped in your sit. Your writing tools flew out of your hands and you turned toward the source of the voice. You only saw a blue blur and the next second your notebook and pen were on the table next to your tray and in the seat opposite yours was the said handsome stranger.
His hood was now off his head and you had a full view of his hair. A wild mane of dark brown hair and the wildest strands falling over his eyes, some of them were a silvery white. And by the randomness of how they were placed it didn't seemed natural, even for early white hair,and if it was dyed it was really badly done. You noticed that his tray was in front of him and you intended to make him stay .
You watched him carefully not knowing what was going to happen next. Both of your eyes were boring into each other's again and he leaned over the table to get his face closer to yours
" If you wanted to spy on me, you could have done better" he whispered and laid back against the back of his seat while starting to eat.
" I wasn't spying on you. I was there and you just came in. I like to observe people that's all."
He pointed his index fingers to you and smiled mischievously.
" That is called stalking" he accused playfully before going back to his food and taking a bite of his burger.
" And why are you sitting there? I didn't invite you"
He looked up at you and put down his burger.
" Because I want to. Why should I eat alone when I can spend some time with a pretty girl" he smirked as you blushed at his comment.
You tried to keep a neutral expression, not to seem so affected by him.
" For what I know, you could be a serial killer or something as equally creepy. Because who comes at Mc Donald's in the middle of the night after a run?" He scoffed.
" Well...You, for example."
You narrowed your eyes to give him a mean look.
" I'm seeking inspiation"
" In there? At this hour there are only creeps or handsome men" he said, sending you a wink.
" I wonder in which category you stand" your raised your eyebrows at him.
" And by the way " you added " Those superpowers you of yours are making you even weirder than you already look"
" Maybe I'm a superhero"
You chuckled
" Of course!  You're a bored superhero who comes here to get a midnight snack and end up talking to a random girl, sure, really super hero-ish!"
He was looking at you with a smile. He slightly leaned over the table and extended his hand for you to shake.
" Pietro Maximoff."
Sighing, you took his hand and shook it quickly before retrieving your hand to continue to eat.
" Y/N Y/L/N"
Pietro started eating again and you fixed your eyes on him to try and guess what this man truly was and what he was doing in his everyday life.
" So, Y/N, What kind of inspiration are you looking for in a junk food place at this ungodly hour?" he asked in between two bites of his burger.
You glanced at your notebook then back to him.
" I'm kind of ... a writer. Amateur, of course, but I'm on writer's block and it annoys me so much that I can't fall asleep"
Pietro seemed to be thinking about what you just said but the next instant his eyes were back to you.
" Maybe, you could ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing?  I do it sometimes , when things get too hard and I think about what makes me want to be a superhero"
You rolled your eyes at what he just called himself.
" For real !" he assured after he's caught you." I remind myself that I can save people and protect the ones I love, that I am somehow blessed to have my special ability and that I can do good things with it. It pushes me to carry on. You probably should ask yourself why you wanted to write in the first place"
You stayed silent and looked out of the window at the sleeping Sokovia. This country welcomed you and treated you like you were a real Sokovian. The new life it offered you was at the origin of your love for your craft. The landscapes and the kindness of the inhabitants were your main source of inspiration. But Sokovia wasn't the richest of countries and the poverty was at every corner and the young girl you were thought imagination was the answer to all the problems.
" I started to write when I was 11. At the beginning, it was only realistic stories because I thought that it was what people wanted to read and also because people always told me that I had too much imagination. Then I grew up and I realized that life was harder than it seems when you’re a child. Everyday I spent on earth brought me a little more of truth. We, Humans, are complex beings, we can have equally good and bad parts in ourselves. But we are strongly better at being bad. That's when I started to write fictions, at the beginning it was only fanfictions. I used already existing characters to put them in the adventures I wanted them to live. But I wanted more. I wanted my own characters, my own world and all of this becoming my biggest achievment. I wanted to make my family proud, to prove them that writers aren't  just alcoholics and drug addicts who get lost in their own alternative universe.  Writers are dreamers... And I am too scared to lost myself in my dreams only because I am too afraid of the reality surrounding myself. I want to change the world, create world for all the others who wants to keep dreaming to be able to do it. And offer them a new reality to travel through without moving from where they are, a little piece of happiness for each of them. That's why I'm writing"
After saying those words, you realized that you were ready to take over the world and also that your face was burning with all the emotions your speech was showing. And probably beacause you just opened up to a stranger.
You were taken out of your trance by the sound of clapping hands. Reporting your eyes on Pietro, you saw him clap cheerily with a big grin.
" That's was ...WOW ! You are so passionate about writing! I think you should write more, artist can be inspired by everything and anything right?"
You smiled at him and grabbed your writing equipment and settled, ready to fight this asshole of writer's block.
" How about a man with beautiful blue eyes who has the ability to run extremely fast and uses it to save people and make the world better? And we could call him..."
Your eyes fell on his silver strands and you felt like a lightbulb was lighting up above your head.
" Quicksilver!"
Resting his said beautiful eyes on you the speedster smile to himself. The next second he was sitting beside you, his arm resting on the back of your seat.
" That sounds like a wonderful idea"
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stylessemantics · 7 years ago
i'm assuming you watch Marvel but imagine if Harry was like Quicksilver..
IDEK what to write here like. I’m just imagining Harry styles playing pietro maximoff in Avengers Age of Ultron now and it’s fucking with me lasdjfaldfhasldfh im dying.
Bad guys could never outrun him, the only thing that will always stop him dead in his tracks is you. To be speedster you kinda have to be insanely coordinated there’s a lot of fucking danger in tripping at that speed, or losing your focus and just blast through a fucking building with all that momentum you carry or misstep one of your feet. The first time it happened he wasn’t even running, he just spotted you from across campus as he was walking to a class and next thing he knows he’s on the ground and got trash all over him from the bin he’s knocked over along with his body.
And of course in the middle of laughter from his friends and weird looks from people, you’re the only one who actually comes over and asks if he’s ok, lending a hand to help him up. He’s a fast runner, but suddenly he’s a fast talker too and he’s dropping stupid rambling lines in a nano second.
God imagine him having to bolt into action mid conversation with this girl that he likes to stop a robbery or something, he’s like a friendly neighbourhood spiderman except he’s quicksilver. He doesn’t know how to end the chat without appearing to be rude but some old lady needs him to retrieve her purse. 
“Hey, I’ll talk to you later yeah?” and then he’s rushing off at a normal speed leaving you confused, until he’s behind a building and away from prying eyes when he zooms out. He delivers an extra punch to the thief just because he’s so angry that he can’t fucking talk to you normally without having to blast off or becoming a stuttering mess. How’s he ever gonna work off that rude exit! He’s sure it’s set him back on his progress with this girl. 
Imagine if Tony Stark himself called him mid chat with her. “Fuck off Stark” would be the first thing he’d say running into the avengers tower, punching the man on the arm and the avengers just look at him confused.“interrupted a date?” and he’s blushing like mad, and the whole team immediately knows, he’s never gonna hear the end of it from Hawkeye and The Falcon.
Christ and if one night after you’ve sorta become friends of some kind and he’s not as nervous, he spots you walking back from the library to campus and he insists on walking with you. You’re both going the same way anyways and he’d rather you didn’t walk these parts alone. Time had flown by, otherwise you would never walk alone this late, and before he can offer to always walk you back if it got to late – very smoothly might I add, like it was all set up, he was gonna offer his number and be very suave about it, it would be perfect – and he’s interrupted by a stupid gang of four pointing guns at you from a dark alley, asking you to give them everything. Money, phones, laptops. 
“For fuck’s sake” Harry just curses under his breath, annoyed. Really? Now? NOW? Here goes fucking nothing. 
And you can’t even fucking process what’s happening, there’s a breeze and a blur taking out the robbers, disarming them and chucking them to the other side of the street where they lie on the ground in pain and dizzy. And then the blur runs over to you and stops right in front of you, kicking up papers and leaves in his wake, and you can tell now. “Hi” Harry says sheepish with a sigh, a nervous grin on his face “surprise?” Of course there was no way he was letting those guys rob them, specially not when they were armed and there was a chance you could get actually harmed, but it also meant there was no way he could do this without you knowing he’s fucking Quicksilver, so now the cat’s out of the bag.“woah” is all you can say, shock evident in your face and you take a small step back, before he groans in embarrassment and facepalms.“I know. I know” 
But instead of running and avoiding him for the rest of forever like he expected you to do, you give him a grin – laced with shock and disbelief, but a grin nonetheless– stepping back over to him, and tell him his secret’s safe with you, and then of course you proceed to ask all the questions, and he answers with delight. “I can’t believe you’re Quicksilver” you whisper yell as you near campus.“Yeah. That’s me”“Wait do you not fall when you run at super speed? Cause I’ve seen you trip like a hundred times since i’ve met you and I’m guessing that’s dangerous”“uhhh” he scratches the back of his neck “Technically that’s your fault”“How?” you ask truly confused, and there’s a silence as Harry tries to think what the fuck he can say after that.“You’re... You’re too pretty” He groans in disgust the moment it’s out of his mouth. Is there a way he can run around the world enough to turn back time so he can NOT say that?“You’re pretty cute too, for a mutant” you joke, trying to let him know he’s not made it as awkward as he thinks, but all he can do is giggle nervously. He doesn’t know where the confidence comes from, but he’s blushing when he asks.“W-would you g-go on a da-date with t-this mutant?” He’s waiting for the worse, maybe that was too forward, too much in one night. But your lips are on his hot cheek before he can realise and you’ve said yes. Wait did he hear that right? You said yes, you actually had, his brain was not deceiving him. 
You’re setting up a date and a time and exchanging numbers as you walk up to your dorm building. “Kay so. Saturday. 7pm?”“P-perfect” “Night harry” you giggle as you start walking away“Night!”“Oh! and don’t be late” you wink at him and he laughs, because there’s no way in hell he could ever be. 
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writings-of-a-hufflepuff · 8 years ago
Reader Insert Masterlist Part IX {27/04/2020 Links Fixed}
If it says 18+ it means 18+. Please respect adult writers who wish to keep children and teens away from their adult content.
Beta- (Platonic Noah/Reader)
Graduation- (Emma Duval/Reader)
Fool For You- (Sam Wilson/Overweight Reader) TW: Bad days
I Can Tell- (Bucky Barnes/Reader) TW: Angst turns to fluff
The Jacket- (Bucky Barnes/Reader)
Break An Arm, Kid- (Steve Rogers/Reader) TW: Broken Arm?
Acceptance- (Platonic Peter Parker/ Non-Binary Reader) TW: Misgendering
Please Stop- (Bucky Barnes/Short Reader)
Bagels and Heart to Hearts- (Natasha Romanoff/Reader) TW: Sad reader
Gentle and Sweet- (Pre-Serum Steve Rogers/Overweight Reader) TW: NSFW, 18+, Smut
Man In Uniform {Part 4}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 5}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 6}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 7}- (Cop Bucky/Reader) TW: Mentions cheating, past emotionally abusive relationships
Man In Uniform {Part 8}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 9}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 10}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Man In Uniform {Part 11|The End}- (Cop Bucky/Reader)
Better Late Than Never- (Pre-Serum Steve Rogers/Reader) Sequel to Lonely No More
Bath Time- (Steve Rogers/Reader)
Fight For Me- (Bucky Barnes/Reader) TW: Violence, injury
Stranded {Part 1}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 2}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 3}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 4}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 5}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 6}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 7}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 8}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Stranded {Part 9| Epilogue}- (Merman Bucky Barnes/Female Identifying Reader)
Fabric And Stitches- (Bucky Barnes/Reader)
The Best- (Peter Parker/Reader)
You Lied- (Steve Rogers/Overweight Reader) TW: Mild angst Sequel to Gentle and Sweet
Cramps- (Bucky Barnes/Reader) TW: Periods
Sofa- (Tony Stark/Reader)
It Matters To Me- (Bucky Barnes/Reader) TW: Lil Angst
Focus- (Bucky Barnes/Reader)
Outside Intervention- (Erin Gilbert/Reader)
Teen Wolf:
Fifteen- (Past Scott/Reader) TW: Angst
Just Get In.- (Stiles Stilinski/Reader)
Make A Move- (Lydia Martin/Reader)
Secrets Always Come Out- (Stiles Stilinski/Reader)
Used To- (Past Stiles Stilinski/Reader) TW: Angst, break up
Dear Rabbit:
Druid? Like D&D?
Harry Potter:
Across The Room- (Luna Lovegood/Reader)
Mine- (Draco Malfoy/Underweight Reader) TW: Insecurities
Sick- (Draco Malfoy/Male Reader) TW: Reader being unwell
Missing You- (Hermione Granger/Reader) TW: Angst
Attempt Number Five- (Lucifer/Reader)
Scars- (Lucifer/Reader) TW: Injury, Angst
Mass Effect:
You’re Going To Be Okay. I Promise.- (Thane Krios/Reader)
You Hid It From Me- (Peter Parker/Reader, Past Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker) TW: Angst
One Night- (Sean Cassidy/Reader)
People Come And People Go- ((Parent/Child) Charles Xavier/Reader) TW: Heartbreak
BBC Musketeers:
The Situation- (Athos/Reader) TW: Angst, pregnancy
One of Those Days- TW: Bad day, unhappy reader
Stand In- (Porthos/Reader) TW: Injury, blood
Only Natural- (D’Artagnan/Reader) TW: Miscommunication
What If?- (Porthos/Reader) TW: Insecurity/fear
Loud Secrets
How To Get Away With Murder:
Too Long, Too Late- (Frank Delfino/Reader)
Watching- (Sam Winchester/Reader) TW: Hurt, Angst
Highway To Hell- (Dean WInchester/Reader)
Brooklyn Nine Nine:
Bad Days Happen- (Jake Peralta/Reader) TW: Angst 
The Martian:
The Dare- (Chris Beck/Reader)
Unplanned- (Chris Beck/Reader)
4 Types of Kisses- (Chris Beck/Reader) TW: Mild angst
Guardians Of The Galaxy:
If I Could Turn Back Time- (Peter Quill/Reader) TW: Angst, hurt
Tangles- (Frank Castle/Overweight Reader)
Star Trek:
Mrs Kirk {Part 1}- (Jim Kirk/Reader) TW: Accidental Marriage
Mrs Kirk {Part 2}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 3}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 4}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 5}- (Jim Kirk/Reader) TW: Angst, hurt
Mrs Kirk {Part 6}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 7}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 8}- (Jim Kirk/Reader)
Mrs Kirk {Part 9| Epilogue}- (Jim Kirk/Reader) 
Star Wars:
Love On The Brain- (Kylo Ren/Reader) TW: Angst, is all about the above toxic relationship so it’s not exactly a happy piece.
How To Get Away With Murder:
Strong- (Frank Delfino/Reader) TW: Mentions injury
Chin Up- (Eggsy Unwin/Overweight Reader) TW: Angst, body shaming
Magnificent Seven:
We Survived- (Billy Rocks/Reader) TW: Injury
American Horror Story:
Guys Like You- (Kyle Spencer)
How?- (Clint Barton)
Diaper Days- (Sam Wilson)
Soft- (Bucky Barnes)
Bad Idea- (Bucky Barnes)
IOU- (Tony Stark)
Upside Down- (Peter Parker)
Blushing- (Wanda Maximoff)
Down With Me- (Bucky Barnes)
Family Now
Child- (Loki)
Self Esteem- (Natasha Romanoff) TW: Insecurities
I’ll Always Be Here- (Bucky Barnes)
Tell Me...- (Sam Wilson)
I’m Just As Fucked Up As You Are- (Tony Stark)
Different Sides- (Bucky Barnes)
I Don’t Understand- (Steve Rogers)
Grace You With My Presence- (Loki)
Safety First- (Sam Wilson)
Ruin- (Bucky Barnes) TW: Angst
We Need To Talk- (Maria Hill) TW: Angst
Laundry Mishaps- (Bucky Barnes)
Pizza Cake- (Clint Barton)
Halloween - (Tony Stark)
Annoying- (Clint Barton)
Creative- (Bruce Banner)
I Don’t Care- (Loki)
Babe- (Bucky Barnes)
Marry Me?- (Pietro Maximoff)
You’re A Geek- (Tony Stark)
Amazing- (Karen Page)
Candy- (Jayne Cobb)
Hurt- (Merlin)
Not Mine- (Eggsy)
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Dance- (Hermione Granger)
A Lot Of Books- (Remus)
Sunburn- (Tina Goldstein)
Could You?- (Lily Evans)
An Ass- (George Weasley)
After 5- (Sirius Black)
Believe- (Luna Lovegood)
You’re Freezing- (Fred Weasley)
BBC Sherlock:
Almost- (John Watson)
What’s Going On- (Sylvester)
Teen Wolf:
Power Couple- (Stiles Stilinski)
Let Me In- (Scott McCall)
Stupid- (Jackson)
Okay- (Scott McCall)
Stood Up- (Lydia Martin)
Hostage Situation- (Dear Rabbit/OC)
BBC Musketeers:
Rules- (Aramis)
Big Brother- (D’Artagnan)
Cold- (Constance)
Allergies- (Aramis)
Five Years- (Athos)
How Could You?- (D’Artagnan)
Man From U.N.C.L.E:
Why Are You Dressed Like That- (Napoleon)
Snowing- (Napoleon)
Star Trek:
No Idea- (Kirk)
Presents- (Kirk)
Jurassic Park/World:
Mud- (Owen Grady)
Sleep- (Owen Grady)
Maze Runner:
I Can’t Believe- (Newt)
Dragon Age:
Soon- (Cole)
Camp-- (Krem)
Pacific Rim:
Pick Up Lines- (Raleigh Becket)
Tell Me A Secret- (Raleigh Becket)
I Don’t Want To See You Anymore- (Edmund)
Costume- (Alex Summers)
LOTR/The Hobbit:
Not Alone- (Aragorn)
Star Wars:
I Don’t Even Know Who You Are Anymore- (Kylo Ren) TW: Angst
Better Than This- (Obi Wan Kenobi) TW: Angst
I Loved Him- (Obi Wan Kenobi)
My Universe- (Rey)
Breaking My Heart- (Obi Wan Kenobi)
There Was A Time- (Kylo Ren) TW: Angst
Waiting- (Finn)
Words- (Lucifer + Chloe)
The Martian:
Missing You- (Chris Beck)
Just Smile- (Chris Beck)
Candy- (Beth Johanssen)
I’d Kill For A Coffee- (Chris Beck)
I Am A Doctor- (Chris Beck)
This Is Bad- (Ben Finn)
Guardians Of The Galaxy:
I Just Want A Hug- (Peter Quill)
Brooklyn Nine Nine:
Cuddles- (Jake Peralta)
You Won’t Scare Me Away- (Dean Winchester)
Wonder Woman:
Trust- (Steve Trevor)
Magnificent Seven:
Sleep- (Billy Rocks)
Together.- (Red Harvest) TW: Racism
I’m out- (Audrey)
Fucked Up- (Darry Curtis)
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Sleep- (Gibbs)
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