#Pier Paolo Petrone
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storiearcheostorie · 9 months ago
Ercolano, il restauro della "stanza del custode" diventa uno spettacolo in diretta
Ercolano, il restauro della "stanza del custode" diventa uno spettacolo in diretta
Redazione È partito in questi giorni al Parco Archeologico di Ercolano il cantiere spettacolo nella Stanza del Custode della Sede degli Augustali che contempla la documentazione, lo scavo, la manutenzione e il restauro, tutti aperti al pubblico. Qui nel 1961 Amedeo Maiuri scoprì un letto di legno carbonizzato sul quale era adagiato lo scheletro di un uomo poco più che ventenne vittima, forse…
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vampiremasochist · 4 years ago
Extreme Heat of Vesuvius Eruption Turned a Man's Brain to 'Glass'
“It’s the very first time that vitrified brain remains have been found,” Pier Paolo Petrone, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Naples Federico II, said.
A man who died in Herculaneum during the historic Vesuvius eruption was found with an exploded skull and glass-like brain tissue.
Nearly two millennia after that deadly eruption in A.D. 79, a team of Italian researchers has found that there’s more of him left than just his bones. The heat of the eruption, they said, turned the victim’s brain into glass.
Shards of solid black material found on his skull, they wrote in Thursday’s edition of the New England Journal of Medicine, underwent a process called vitrification: Extreme high temperatures from the volcano liquefied the man’s brain, which then cooled quickly and turned into bits of glass.
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Fragment of glassy black material extracted from the cranial cavity of a victim of the volcanic eruption at Herculaneum in the year 79. (Image: © The New England Journal of Medicine 2019)
You can read the full article here
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news-wtf · 4 years ago
A team of Italian researchers have found intact brain cells of a young man who died almost 2,000 years ago during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
The man was believed to be around 20 years old when he was killed in the volcanic eruption in AD 79. His body was found in the 1960s in Herculaneum lying face-down on a wooden bed, buried in volcanic ash with his skull cracked and charred.
Charred wood found near the body allowed researchers to estimate that the site reached temperatures higher than 500 degrees Celsius, hot enough to ignite body fat and vaporize soft tissues.
The heat of the eruption turned the man's brain into black glass, according to a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine earlier this year coauthored by Pier Paolo Petrone, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Naples Federico II. The extremely high temperatures from the volcano liquefied the victim's brain which quickly cooled into shards of glass through a process called vitrification.
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blogaprimoramentohumano · 4 years ago
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Preserved brain cells found in Vesuvius victim. Scientists have discovered the preserved brain cells of a man who died during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. It is perhaps the best known volcanic disaster in history - a catastrophic event that buried countless thousands under huge amounts of choking ash and most famously, the entire Roman city of Pompeii. The vitrified remains of the volcano's victims, some of which were found still standing in the same positions they were in when the devastating pyroclastic flow hit the city, have been the subject of study for years and have taught historians much about what life was like there before the disaster. Now scientists studying the remains of a man who was found in the 1960s on a wooden bed in the nearby town of Herculaneum has revealed - for the first time - preserved brain cells turned into a glass-like material by the searing temperature of the eruption combined with the rapid cooling that followed immediately after. This process effectively 'froze' the neuronal structures in the brain, keeping them intact. "The evidence of a rapid drop of temperature - witnessed by the vitrified brain tissue - is a unique feature of the volcanic processes occurring during the eruption, as it could provide relevant information for possible interventions by civil protection authorities during the initial stages of a future eruption," said study lead author Pier Paolo Petrone from the University Federico II in Naples. Source: The Guardian #brain #braincells #science #scientist #discovery #cerebro #celulas #ciência #cientistas #amazing #vesuvio #pompeia #italia (em Pompeii, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGcvp-ksOmv/?igshid=16056l84lpwxu
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factoides-yajan · 2 years ago
Factoide #4012
(#4012) La erupción del Monte Vesubio en el año 79 A.C. fue tan intensa que convirtió el cerebro de una de las víctimas en vidrio. Dos milenios después de la infame erupción volcánica, se analizó el cuerpo de un joven en sus 20, cuyo cuerpo bien conservado descansó intacto hasta la década de 1960 En 2018, Pier Paolo Petrone, antropólogo forense de la Universidad de Nápoles Federico II, descubrió una sorprendente pieza de evidencia arqueológica mientras examinaba el cuerpo: piezas de un material vidrioso parecido a la obsidiana que se asomaban del cráneo del hombre Tras un estudio más detallado, Petrone y sus colegas se dieron cuenta de que los fragmentos parecían ser fragmentos de materia cerebral antigua que se vitrifico, o literalmente se convirtió en vidrio, por el extraordinario calor de la explosión del Vesubio. Los investigadores anunciaron su teoría en el New England Journal of Medicine en enero, y señalaron que la muestra contenía muchas proteínas que se encuentran comúnmente en el cerebro humano.
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[Publicado originalmente el 5 de Noviembre del 2022]      
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tok-articles · 4 years ago
AOK History, AOK Natural sciences, disciplines are strengthened in combination, historical developments in the pursuit of knowledge
“The study of vitrified tissue as the one we found at Herculaneum ... may save lives in future,” study lead author Pier Paolo Petrone, forensic anthropologist at Naples’ University Federico II, told the AFP news agency.
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efvicioso · 4 years ago
Un equipo de investigación del antropólogo forense Pier Paolo Petrone, director del Laboratorio de Osteobiología Humana y Antropología Forense de la Sección...
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stiri-noi · 4 years ago
Descoperire arheologică rară: Celulele creierului unei victime a erupției Vezuviului, găsite vitrificate
Celule conservate ale creierului au fost descoperite printre rămășițele unui tânăr care a murit în urma erupției vulcanului Vezuviu, în anul 79 d.Hr.
Structura celulelor creierului este încă vizibilă, fiind un material negru, sticlos, găsit de cercetători în craniul bărbatului. Transformarea în sticlă sau vitrificarea a avut loc ca urmare a încălzirii extreme și a răcirii foarte rapide.
Erupția spectaculoasă care a înghețat structurile neuronale ale victimei
Noua descoperire a fost detaliată în jurnalul PLOS ONE.
„Rezultatele studiului nostru arată că procesul de vitrificare care a avut loc în orașul Herculaneum a înghețat structurile neuronale ale victimei, păstrându-le intacte până în zilele noastre”, a explicat Pier Paolo Petrone, autorul principal al studiului și antropolog criminalist la Universitatea Federico II din Napoli, Italia.
Herculaneum a fost un oraș antic situat la poalele Muntelui Vezuviu, care a produs o erupție spectaculoasă în urmă cu aproape 2.000 de ani. Un nor de cenușă fierbinte și gaze, cunoscut sub numele de flux piroclastic, a îngropat orașul Herculaneum, precum și faimosul său vecin, Pompeii.
O descoperire rară în arheologie
Această cenușă fierbinte a distrus și a îngropat în același timp orașul, încălzind rapid orice material organic. Totuși, ciudat este că acest proces de îngropare rapidă a însemnat că, deși materiale precum lemnul și carnea au fost carbonizate sau, cu alte cuvinte, transformate în cărbune, acestea au fost, de asemenea, conservate așa cum au fost în momentele după ce au fost încălzite brusc la 500 de grade Celsius, potrivit Live Science.
Bazându-se pe concentrațiile proteinelor ​​și pe poziției mostrei din partea din spate a craniului, Petrone și colegii săi suspectează că ar fi descoperit o parte din măduva spinării și a cerebelului bărbatului, structura creierului de la baza craniului care joacă un rol important în controlul activității motorii, dar și în alte funcții cognitive precum atenția sau vorbirea.
O astfel de descoperire, țesut cerebral conservat, este rară în arheologie. Însă, uneori, țesutul cerebral poate supraviețui sute sau chiar mii de ani. Spre exemplu, un craniu de 2.600 de ani care a fost găsit într-o groapă din nordul Angliei conține rămășițele unui creier cu unele proteine ​​încă intacte.
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Articolul Descoperire arheologică rară: Celulele creierului unei victime a erupției Vezuviului, găsite vitrificate apare prima dată în Descopera.ro.
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sciencespies · 4 years ago
Brain cells turned to glass found in a victim of the Vesuvius eruption
Brain cells turned to glass found in a victim of the Vesuvius eruption
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Preserved brain cells have been found in the remains of a young man who died in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. 
The brain cells’ structure is still visible in a black, glassy material found in the man’s skull. The new discovery of this structure, described on October 2 in the journal PLOS One, adds to the accumulating evidence that this glassy material is indeed part of the man’s brain.
The transformation to glass occurred as a result of extreme heating and rapid cooling. 
“The results of our study show that the vitrification process occurred at Herculaneum, unique of its kind, has frozen the neuronal structures of this victim, preserving them intact until today,” study lead author Pier Paolo Petrone, a forensic anthropologist at University Federico II of Naples in Italy, said in a statement.
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(© Pier Paolo Petrone, University Federico II of Naples, Italy)
Above: A neuron, along with its axons, is visible in this vitrified segment of brain tissue, which was covered by ash when Mount Vesuvius exploded in A.D. 79.
Herculaneum was an ancient town at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, which blew its top in a spectacular eruption nearly 2,000 years ago. A cloud of hot ash and gases, known as pyroclastic flow, buried Herculaneum as well as its famous neighbor, Pompeii.
This hot ash simultaneously destroyed and buried the town, rapidly heating organic materials. Strangely, though, the rapid burial meant that even though materials like wood and flesh were carbonized, or essentially turned to charcoal, they were also preserved as they were in the moments after being suddenly heated to 932 degrees Fahrenheit (500 degrees Celsius).
In rare cases, this preserved organic material seems to have included brains. Petrone and his colleagues examined a glassy black material found within the cracked and charred skull of a 20-something-year-old man found lying facedown on a bed in Herculaneum’s Collegium Augustalium, or the College of the Augustales.
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(© Pier Paolo Petrone, University Federico II of Naples, Italy)
Above: A view of the vitrified spinal cord, as seen under a microscope.
This building, near Herculaneum’s main street, was the headquarters of the cult of the Emperor Augustus, an organization that worshiped the emperor as a deity (a common Roman religious tradition at the time).
Petrone and his team have previously analyzed the remains of Herculaneum victims, suggesting that their body tissues may have vaporized in the cloud of hot ash; earlier this year, they reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that they had found the glassy remains of a brain in the body of the 20-year-old from the Collegium Augustalium.
Now, using scanning electron microscopy to see the most miniscule details of the sample, the researchers have discovered tiny spherical structures and long tubular structures that look just like neurons and their projections, called axons.
At just 550 to 830 nanometers in diameter, these projections are too tiny to be capillaries. The spherical structures appear to retain cell membranes as well as internal filaments, or structural proteins inside the cell, and tiny vesicles, or internal sacs that help transport proteins to the cell surface. 
The researchers also used a method called energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, which uses X-rays to determine the chemical makeup of a material. They found that the sample was rich in carbon and oxygen, indicating that it was organic.
Building on the previous research published in JAMA, which detected a number of protein structures in the sample, the researchers compared these ancient proteins to a database of proteins found in the human brain.
They found that all of the proteins they had discovered are present in brain tissue. For example, a protein called ATP6VIF is known to be involved in the transmission of chemicals known as neurotransmitters through synapses, the gaps between axons.
Based on the concentrations of these proteins and the position of the sample in the back of the skull, Petrone and his colleagues suspect they may have discovered part of the man’s spinal cord and cerebellum, a brain structure at the base of the skull that is involved in movement and coordination.
Finding preserved brain tissue is rare in archaeology. But on occasion, brain tissue can survive for hundreds or thousands of years.
For example, one 2,600-year-old skull found in a pit in Northern England contains the shrunken remains of a brain with some proteins still intact. Acidic chemicals from the surrounding clay may have halted decomposition in that case. Mammoth brains have also been found preserved in permafrost, thanks to extreme cold temperatures.
This article was originally published by Live Science. Read the original article here.
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jangoxyarmeloxxeduardo68 · 4 years ago
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Estas neuronas humanas encontradas tienen 2.000 años y está vitrificadas porque son de una víctima de la erupción del Vesubio — Xataka Ciencia Un equipo de investigación del antropólogo forense Pier Paolo Petrone, director del Laboratorio de Osteobiología Humana y Antropología Forense de la Sección Departamental de Medicina Forense de la Universidad de Nápoles Federico II ha realizado un hallazgo extraordinario.
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gaetaniu · 4 years ago
Scoperti neuroni umani in una vittima dell’eruzione che nel 79 d.C. seppellì Ercolano
Scoperti neuroni umani in una vittima dell’eruzione che nel 79 d.C. seppellì Ercolano
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Un nuovo studio pubblicato dal Plos One, rivista scientifica americana, rivela la scoperta di neuroni umani da una vittima dell’eruzione che nel 79 d.C. seppellì Ercolano, Pompei e l’intera area vesuviana fino a 20 km di distanza dal vulcano. La scoperta è frutto del lavoro dell’antropologo forense Pier Paolo Petrone, responsabile del Laboratorio di Osteobiologia umana e Antropologia forense…
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years ago
This Shimmering Black Rock Is a 2,000-Year-Old Exploded Brain
A shimmering rock found in the ruins of an ancient city has been identified as part of a human brain that exploded due to the heat of a catastrophic volcanic eruption.
That’s the astonishing conclusion of a new study published on Thursday in The New England Journal of Medicine, led by Pier Paolo Petrone, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Naples Federico II.
“The preservation of ancient brain remains is an extremely rare finding, but this is the first ever discovery of ancient human brain remains, vitrified by heat at about 950°F produced by a volcanic eruption,” Petrone said in an email.
Petrone and his colleagues have spent years studying the remains of people killed by the infamous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE, which incinerated the Roman towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum, along with other settlements. Lava and ash buried anyone who couldn’t flee the blast radius, which caused many of the buildings and human bodies at the site to be preserved in eerie detail.
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A panorama of the excavation at Herculaneum. Image: Xtreambar
For instance, one of the victims of the eruption was a man found lying down on a wooden bed inside Herculaneum’s Collegium Augustalium, which archeologists think was the headquarters for a cult dedicated to the Roman Emperor Augustus. His body was found in the 1960s, and he may have been the custodian of the building.
While examining this ancient person’s remains, Petrone noticed a shiny black glassy material encrusted on the inside of the skull. Given that the team had already found fractured skulls and vaporized blood at another Herculaneum site, Petrone recognized the substance as yet more evidence that Mount Vesuvius literally exploded the heads of many of its victims.
The researchers analyzed the protein composition of the glassy material, which revealed the presence of fatty acids matching those found in human hair and brains.
Based on the evidence of charring in the person’s surroundings, the team think that temperatures in the Collegium must have spiked to 520°C (970°F) as the ash rained down on the building. This sudden heat vitrified the man’s brains inside his skull, meaning that the squishy organ was instantly shocked into solid rock.
“The detection of glassy material from the victim’s head, of proteins expressed in the human brain, and of fatty acids found in human hair indicates the thermally induced preservation of vitrified human brain tissue,” Petrone’s team said in the study.
Even though this devastating eruption happened nearly 2,000 years ago, it looms large in our cultural memory because it occurred at the height of the Roman Empire, and was well-documented by contemporary witnesses such as Pliny the Younger.
But while historians have typically relied on those who lived through this disaster to tell the story, the dead are starting to add their own chapters, written in vaporized blood and vitrified brain.
This Shimmering Black Rock Is a 2,000-Year-Old Exploded Brain syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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passionevegano · 5 years ago
Ercolano, per la prima volta ritrovato resti di un cervello di una delle vittime dell’eruzione
Ercolano, per la prima volta ritrovato resti di un cervello di una delle vittime dell’eruzione
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Non era mai successo prima, a Ercolano sono stati ritrovati i resti di materia cerebrale di una delle vittime dell’eruzione del Vesuvio del 79 d.C.. Il cervello è stato scoperto da un team di antropologi e ricercatori guidati da Pier Paolo Petrone, direttore del Laboratorio di Osteobiologia Umana e Antropologia Forense, nell’ambito di uno studio annunciato dalla rivista “New England Journal of…
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narcisbolgor-blog · 7 years ago
The 10 Most Bizarre And WTF Stories Of 2017
This year in science has been absolutely incredible. There's been black hole mergers, the death dive of Cassini, and massive scientific advancements in all fields.
However, 2017 was also the year that the FDA warned people not to eat their own body parts, the Flat Earth Society held a conference for their members from around the globe, and a woman became pregnant whilst already pregnant.
Without any further ado, here are the weirdest, funniest stories from a spectacularly bizarre year in science. 
10) An Image Of A Man Killed In Pompeii Went Viral, Because It Looked Like He Was Involved In An Act Of Self-Love When He Died
The remains of around 1,150 people have been found from the aftermath of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. Amongst the dead, there are families huddling together and two men embracing as they died.
Then there was this guy, who went viral for obvious reasons. People speculated that he was preserved in one final act of self-love, because, well, it really does look like that might be the case.
We will probably never know what the man was really doing, but it's possible the man was killed whilst masturbating. However, it's also possible his body fell like this naturally.
Theories on how Pompeii victims died suggest many were killed instantly in a blast of hot gas. A study in 2001 looked at 80 skeletons and found signs that the victims close to the eruption were killed before they felt any pain.
"[There were no signs of a] voluntary self-protective reaction or agony contortions, indicating that their vital organs must have stopped within a shorter time than the conscious reaction time," said Dr Alberto Incoronato of the University of Naples Federico II, as reported by The Telegraph. "The cloud was a mixture of hot gas and ash. It caused little damage in the town itself but killed these people instantly."
Other victims were killed by falling debris in collapsed buildings or possibly by suffocating in the ash. However, the lack of debris found around the "masturbating man" and the fact that he isn't covering his face seems to suggest that he was one of those who died instantly, without ever seeing it coming. 
On the other hand, it could just be an embarrassing position that his body wound up in. 
“Most of the human victims found in Pompeii often show ‘strange’ position of arms and legs, due to the contraction of limbs as a consequence of the heat effect on their bodies after death occurred," Volcanologist Pier Paolo Petrone told The Daily Dot.
Poor guy.
9) Moron Decides To Tease Enormous Alligator While Dressed As A T-Rex
  In "why the hell would they do that" news, a man decided to put on a T-rex costume and taunt an alligator... as you do. The 35-year-old in the costume said that he couldn't see out of the suit, which would probably put most people off from taunting an alligator. Not this guy.
8) There Was A Concerning Spike In People Searching For "Why Do My Eyes Hurt" Just After The Eclipse
The eclipse was one of the more fun science stories of the year. Whether you're an astrophysicist or a small child, we can all agree that the Moon moving in front of the Sun is pretty awesome.
Unfortunately, despite many warnings not to, it seems there were a lot of people who looked directly at the Sun during the eclipse. It wasn't just the POTUS.  
Just after the eclipse, there was an uptick in searches for terms such as "eclipse headache" and "eyes hurt".
Google Trends chart showing how much more searches on these terms were searched, relative to how much this term is usually searched for.
In fact, a lot of related terms seem to have had more traffic on the day of the eclipse, including the phrase "looking at the Sun" and the vastly more specific phrase "I looked at the Sun". You all don't deserve an eclipse. 
Check out this article for more info and this article from Quartz, which takes a closer look at how Google Trends assemble this data. 
7) White Supremacists Took Ancestry Tests, Only To Discover They Aren't As Genetically "White" As They Thought
2017 has been a horrifying year filled with white supremacists being terrible human beings. They've done some awful things this year, but let's not forget another moment of stupidity.
Some white supremacists took a genetic test to prove how white they are to their white supremacist friends, only to find out they're not as white as they thought they were (spoiler: nobody is). 
The white nationalist forum responded in a variety of ways, including racists getting angry at other racists for not quite being white enough genetically.
After one person revealed they were “61 percent European”, another person replied: “I've prepared you a drink. It's 61 percent pure water. The rest is potassium cyanide… Cyanide isn’t water, and YOU are not White.”
The forum saw some people being kicked out because they aren't "white enough". Whilst obviously it doesn't matter where the hell you came from, genetically or otherwise, it's fun to see some white supremacists losing their minds after finding out their true origins.
They also spent time in the forum trying to debunk the validity of the tests themselves. Read more about their dismay here. 
6) The World's First "Adult Service Droid" Was Created
Whilst most people's attention has been on the technically impressive Sofia robot, you may have forgotten this is the year that brought us the world's very first "adult service" droid, and it's horrifying.
The droid moves back and forth like it's moshing. It gets even more horrifying when you realize she is wearing a parka coat because she doesn't have any skin. Yep, the world's most technically advanced robot prostitute is essentially a mannequin's head on a stick. Nightmare fuel.
5) The CDC Had To Issue A Warning Telling People Not To Eat A Part Of Their Own Body
Asturnut/Wikimedia Commons
In 2017, the fad for eating parts of one's own body appears to have taken off. Kim and Kourtney Kardashian did it. X-Men: First Class actress January Jones did it. All the celebrities appear to have eaten their own placenta after giving birth.
Despite the fact that there is no evidence that eating your placenta has any health benefits, the idea has gone bizarrely mainstream, with plenty of people on YouTube posting videos on how to prepare placenta, cook placenta, or even turn it into a milkshake.
  Well, it took off so much this year that the CDC put out a warning to everyone not to eat your own body. 
In the report, the CDC says that health officials believe placenta capsules may have caused an infection in a baby in Portland, Oregon. The mother had her placenta turned into capsules by a company she thought to be safe, but the baby fell ill after she took them. The capsules were tested and found to contain infectious bacteria, though the researchers note they can't rule out other possibilities. 
"Placenta ingestion has recently been promoted to postpartum women for its physical and psychological benefits, although scientific evidence to support this is lacking," the center warns in its report. They point out that “no standards exist for processing placenta for consumption."
The CDC note that it's possible the placenta pills were not heated properly to kill the bacteria.
"The placenta encapsulation process does not per se eradicate infectious pathogens; thus, placenta capsule ingestion should be avoided.”
Read more about the story here.
4) AI Tries To Design Inspirational Posters And It Goes Horribly Wrong
When you think of the phrase "AI goes horribly wrong", your mind immediately leaps to robots killing humans. That day may come, but in 2017 it is a lot less sinister.
This particular AI was intended to design inspirational posters, but ended up with some dark words of advice.
This one feels like a personal attack, to be honest. Inspirobot.
Check out some more InspiroBot posts and an explantion of the madness here. 
3) A Woman Became Pregnant While Already Pregnant
In "holy mother of God is this really a thing" news, a woman became pregnant whilst already pregnant. This resulted in her giving birth to two children who had different sets of parents.
Jessica Allen underwent IVF after she agreed to become a surrogate mother for a Chinese couple. Following a routine ultrasound, Allen was told she was carrying twins. She gave birth to two boys via cesarean section later that year. A month later, she received a photo of the two boys from the Chinese couple with a message saying: “They are not the same, right? Have you thought about why they are different?”
"I did notice that one was much lighter than the other," Allen told ABC News. "You know, obviously they were not identical twins." DNA tests later confirmed this suspicion. It showed that one baby was Allen's biological child and the other baby was the Chinese couple's child. 
This is a phenomenon known as “superfetation”. It’s extremely rare because pregnant women’s bodies release hormones to stop ovulation. In this case, however, Allen's body continued to ovulate. Since superfetation is rare in humans, scientists and practitioners know very little about how and why it happens.
Fortunately, both children are now fit and healthy. Allen and her partner Jasper recently received custody of their son and named him Malachi.
2) Flat-Earthers Tried To Prove The Earth Is Flat In A Variety Of Bizarre Ways
The Earth isn't flat. You know it, people in the Middle Ages knew it, flat-Earthers apparently don't know it. This year has seen a resurgence in flat-Earthers saying ridiculous things.
There was one flatty who took a level onto a plane to prove the Earth was flat, and then there was B.o.B who planned to launch satelites into space to prove the Earth looks like a map. Buzz Aldrin wrote B.o.B. to confirm that the Earth is in fact round, but that didn't deter flat-Earthers. 
The most bizarre attempt to disprove science came from one flat-Earther, who planned to launch himself into space in a homemade rocket. It's not clear whether he was going for a Nobel Prize or a Darwin Award.
1) If You Enjoy The Song "No Diggity" And "Lose Yourself", You Are More Likely To Be A Psychopath
As we enter 2018, you may be tempted to sit back, relax, and put on your favorite record – only to learn that psychopaths are more likely to listen to the rap and heavy metal music you're listening to. 
A stereotype in films is that psychopaths always listen to classical music (e.g. Hannibal Lecter). However, according to online research conducted by Channel 4 in the UK on over 3 million participants, those who score highly on psychopath tests are more likely to favor rap and heavy metal, with the least psychopathic favoring classical music and jazz.  Online surveys, it should be noted, have serious drawbacks however.
In a similar vein, researchers at New York University studied 200 people who listened to 260 songs to determine if there was a psychopath link, The Guardian reports.
They found that people who scored highly on psychopath tests were more likely to highly rate songs like No Diggity by Blackstreet and Lose Yourself by Eminem. People on the least psychopathic end of the spectrum were more likely to be fans of My Sharona by The Knacks and Titanium by Sia. Two songs you should now claim to love with passion.
Of course, further tests are needed, especially since the results were preliminary, unpublished, and included a small sample size. 
No Diggity and Lose Yourself were named by the researchers, but other songs were better predictors of psychopathy. The scientists declined to name these songs for fear of disrupting future experiments. We're guessing Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran.
To be clear, you shouldn't diagnose yourself based on your musical taste. If you'd like to read more about how psychopaths are diagnosed by trained medical professionals, see this Hare Psychopathy Checklist.
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coolhunting · 4 years ago
Using the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its impact upon Pompeii as an example, Wired writer Cody Cassidy (author of Who Ate The First Oyster?) delves into the factual ways people survived the perils of magma, raining ash and explosive gas. With the help of Pier Paolo Petrone (forensic anthropologist at the University of Naples) and James Moore (volcanologist and scientist emeritus at the US Geological Survey), …
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hafizacoplugu · 5 years ago
Camlaşmış Beyin Bulundu
Vezüv Yanardağı patlamasından sonra bazı camlaşmış beyin bulundu. Yeni bir araştırmaya göre, MS 79 yılında Vezüv Yanardağı patladığında kanı kaynatacak, eti buharlaştıracak ve hatta beyin dokusunun parçalarını cama dönüştürecek kadar sıcak gaz ve kayalar açığa çıktı. Arkeologlar kazıları sırasında nadiren insan beyni bulurlar. Buldukları beyinler de genellikle sabun benzeri, pürüzsüz bir yapıda olur. “Sabunlaşma” denilen süreçte yağlı beyin dokusundaki trigliseritler çevredeki yüklü parçacıklarla tepkimeye girerek zamanla sabuna dönüşür. Ancak bilim insanları Vezüv patlaması sırasında Herculaneum’da ölen bir adamın kalıntılarını incelediklerinde çok farklı bir şeyle karşılaştılar. Sıcak kül dalgasının içinde kalan kurbanın beyni “camsılaşma” sürecinden geçerek yanmış ve burgulu siyah parçacıklara dönüşmüştü. Camsı madde, insan kafatasının yüzeyini kuşatıyordu. Olağandışı keşfin sahibi, İtalya’daki Napoli II. Federico Üniversite Hastanesi’nden insan osteobiyolojisi ve adli antropoloji profesörü Dr. Pier Paolo Petrone. Petrone ve ekibi, Collegium Augustalium adlı binada ahşap bir yatakta ölmüş bir Vezüv kurbanını inceledi. Ceset 1960’larda volkanik bir kül höyüğünün içine gömülü halde bulunmuştu. Diğer kurbanlar gibi bu kömürleşmiş iskelet de yanardağ patlaması sırasında kafatasının patladığına dair bazı belirtiler gösteriyor. Ekip, patlamış kafatasının ve kraniyal kavitenin kalıntıları arasında dağılmış cam benzeri siyah malzeme parçaları tespit etti. Parçaların analizi, insan beyninin farklı bölgelerinde bulunduğu bilinen proteinleri ortaya çıkardı. Bu bölgeler arasında karar verme gibi yüksek beyin fonksiyonlarından sorumlu olan serebral korteks, duygusal işleme için önemli olan amigdala, hareketi ve ödüllere tepkimizi kontrol etmeyi sağlayan substantia nigra da var. Ekip, cesedin yakınında bulunan kömürleşmiş odunun analizine dayanarak, patlamanın ardından odadaki sıcaklığın muhtemelen 520 dereceye çıktığını belirledi. Böylesi bir sıcaklık, kurbanın vücudundaki yumuşak dokuları buharlaştıracak ve tüm yağları yakacak kadar yüksek. Ekibe göre, kısa süreli ısı patlamasının ardından vücut hızla soğumuş olmalı. Böylece geriye patlamış bir kafatasının camsılaşmış beyin parçalarıyla kaplanan korkunç kalıntıları kalmış. Read the full article
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