#Pidge is a specialist (combat hacker)
moyurukoda · 5 years
K I know I said I'd shut up about the disastrous robot lion show but consider this: Voltron XCOM AU
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morfinwen · 6 years
voltron star wars au
I started working on this, but it just didn’t go anywhere. I think it might have been because “Darth Zarkon” was just too ridiculous to work. So here’s an overly-detailed Voltron/Travelers AU instead.
- The resources for almost every technology that exists in the future are available in the 21st century, it’s just a matter of someone with know-how putting them together. That’s what Shiro’s team does: manufacture and distribute gadgets, programs, tools, medicines, etc. that other teams will need to complete their own missions.
- Original!Shiro was a veteran who signed up to work with GalraTech, unaware of what he was actually agreeing to. His arm – permanently impaired following a combat injury but not requiring amputation – was removed and replaced with an experimental prosthetic, and he was subjected to a litany of illegal and unethical tests for nearly a year. A sympathetic employee (possibly working with others to reform the company) helped him escape. Historically, he died a few weeks later on the streets, due to a combination of exposure and malnutrition.
Traveler!Shiro is the team leader. GalraTech successfully expunged all information on Original!Shiro’s prosthetic arm and connection to them from the historical record, so those make for some fun surprises going forward.
- Original!Keith was an orphaned high school dropout, living with his alcoholic uncle thanks to having no other options. His troubled record made long-term employment difficult, and on the night of his historical death his uncle kicked him out of the house, and he ran into a high-as-a-kite gang-banger ready to be provoked over anything.
Traveler!Keith is the team’s tactical specialist. More angry and less cowed than his host, he struggles with maintaining Original!Keith’s life, especially as regards his abusive uncle. He also has the unenviable task of acquiring weapons over the black market while keeping a low profile.
- Original!Pidge was an activist hacker, whose investigation into GalraTech resulted in her abduction and murder, at the direction of a particularly sociopathic executive. The company also ensured that the body would not be identified if found, so the team is unaware that Original!Pidge was also Katie Holt, a missing high school student who, in the original records, was never found. They find this out after their first mission, which is to rescue Pidge.
Traveler!Pidge is the team’s historian. Her preparation for the role did not include information on her host’s close-knit family, or how to adapt to being the admired but slightly babied youngest member of said family.
- Original!Lance was a college student with a long-term goal of becoming an airline pilot. There’s more info on him than any of the other hosts, as he had a prominent presence on social media, lots of friends and acquaintances at school, and a blog that he ran in part to keep his family back in Cuba updated on his life. Historically he died when he was too distracted by his phone to notice he was stepping out in front of a bus.
Traveler!Lance is the team’s medic. The youngest member (by traveler!age at least), and not the first selected for the role, he feels he has a lot of expectations to live up to, especially as every other member of the team was chosen for their particular talents. (Not that he’s not an expert in his own field, but it’s not the same kind of talent as Hunk or Pidge).
- Original!Hunk was also a college student, though he wanted to build and design airplanes rather than fly them. Not as social as Lance, he nevertheless had a budding relationship with the shy, pretty cashier at his favorite bakery. His historical death was the result of shoddy construction – he was up somewhere high, leaned on the railing, and fell when it gave way.
Traveler!Hunk is the team’s engineer. His unmatched talents in building, designing, repairing, and adapting tech meant he got placed on a team before he felt fully prepared for it, and it isn’t helping his anxiety that what was originally a combat-free assignment has them going up against one of the most powerful corporations in history.
- The original plan was for their team to get their supplies through GalraTech, an advanced, multi-faceted research and development company with branches all over the world. Each of them would get hired, and their employment would not only give them access to the resources they needed, but a cover as to why they needed these rare and/or expensive materials in the first place.
But not long after arriving in the past, the team discovers that the historical records on GalraTech have been cleaned up and edited extensively, and that what on paper looks like a questionable but mostly above-board R&D organization is actually involved in illegal human testing, weapons trading, intelligence gathering, etc.
Between this, and the fact that Shiro and Pidge’s hosts are already being tracked by GalraTech, it quickly becomes clear they’re going to need a different method to collect resources.
- Enter Voltron Inc., or what remains of it. Prior to founding Galra Tech,  Zachary R. Kone (shut up) had been the CEO of Voltron, the brain-child of his friend Alvar Forre, who was a genius when it came to inventing, but not so great at running the business side of things. Then Kone stole funds, technology, many of Voltron’s political and international connections, and possibly murdered Alvar as well.
The only reason the company hasn’t completely fallen to pieces is Alvar’s daughter, Althea, and his brother-in-law Conrad. There are still enough assets and contacts to keep the lights on for now, but if they’re going to regain their lost ground and bring Z.R. Kone and Galra Tech to justice, they’re going to need a lot of help.
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m0rkl · 7 years
I’m super fucking interested in a Voltron!Macross Delta AU
Voltron is the idol group that goes around the universe nullifying the Var Syndrome that the Galra are infecting people with around the world
Shiro was a part human, part zentradi popular singer who quit his career to go to war then disappeared for a while and returned with a Cool Scar tm and a kickass prosthetic. He has the smoothest, most pure tone in the fucking universe. It’s because he’s the star singer.
Keith was Shiro’s music student turned reluctant member of Voltron because he has awful stage fright. He was a pilot for a while, but Shiro was able to convince him that he belonged with Voltron. He prefers to sing harmony and rarely does solos. His voice is really strong, but he tends to go sharp a lot? He’s half galra but don’t ask him about it ok
Pidge has similar stage fright to Keith, so she sings but also kind of hangs back and handles their tech. She’s part human part zentradi and she’s mostly traveling with them in an attempt to find her dad and brother who went missing with Shiro. The only reason she’s not constantly having to sing solos in the higher parts of songs is because Lance’s range is unnatural wtf
Hunk is Ragnan and does all their costumes, but its more than just outfits, its clothing that is made to withstand battle and protect them from various environments. He makes combat gear look like high fashion. His voice is low and warm and rounds their sound out so well.
Lance is human and his family owns a restaurant on Ragna, he hung around singing with his family and almost became a pilot but got pulled into Voltron by Hunk who knew he had a great voice. He has a clear voice and a range to rival Brendon Urie
Aside from their singing skills, they’re all specialists in some sort of combat. Shiro and Keith were both raised on planets that were at war for most of their lives so they’re both proficient in hand to hand combat and know how to pilot fighter ships. Pidge is their perfect hacker and can get you info on anything you need. Hunk is their weapons handler and Lance is their marksman.
Allura is their manager and is the captain of the Castle of Lions, which is their equivalent of the Elysian 
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