#Picatrix Saturn Talisman
satyrmagos · 8 months
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Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:
“The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of other sages, is the shape of a man standing upon a dragon, holding a scythe in his right hand and a spear in his left, dressed in black and tawny clothes.” Picatrix Book 2 Paragraph 13, (Atrell and Porecca, 2019).
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
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balancetarot · 2 months
should I write about sigils and kameas and magic squares?
because I've been slightly obssessed with the topic lately, and frankly it's fascinating. or maybe I'm a huge nerd that thinks fun with math is a good time. esoteric math!
...fuck it. I'm gonna do it.
so a magic square is a fun thing that happens in math where you have a table with an equal number of rows and columns, and in that table each row, column, and corner to corner diagonal, adds up to the same sum. that sum is called the 'magic constant'. the number of rows/columns is the Order of the square.
some squares are extra fancy, and may have other subsets that add to the same sum; say a four by four square in which every subset of four squares adds to the same sum. (check out the Chautisa Yantra, it's great.)
our ancestors looked at this sort of fun with math and thought something like "this is so neat, it must be meaningful." or maybe that it's such an interesting pattern it must be derived from a higher power. and thus, magic.
each magic square has a minimum value for its magic constant, and if you try to build a square with a lower constant, you have to use fractions instead of whole numbers, or even negative numbers.
when folks get started messing with making talismans, for some reason, they start with the Saturn square. I get it, it's easy. the Saturn square has three rows and three colums, uses all numbers 1 through 9, and has a constant value of 15. it's cute, and simple, and graphing out your sigil on it is easy.
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see? that's the Saturn Square. Order 3, Constant 15 (and if you add up all the digits, it adds up to 45).
but that's just getting started!
by the time of the writing of the Picatrix, and Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1500's) magic squares up to Order 9 were known, and had been assigned to planetary and luminary bodies. (luminaries are the sun and moon.)
because the modern planets cannot be seen without a telescope, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (a planet in my heart!) don't have magic squares assigned to them.
with the rise of machine computing, we have found higher order magic squares, including up to Order 260 or more. which is good, because the idea of doing that much math makes me kinda want to whimper.
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Jupiter, Order 4, constant 34
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Mars, Order 5, Constant 65
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Sun, Order 6, Constant 111
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Venus, Order 7, Constant 175
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Mercury, Order 8, Constant 260
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Moon, Order 9, Constant 369
while most instructions for making a sigil will tell you to assign a number value to your letters, add 'em up, and keep adding until you get a single digit, that's really only super useful for the Saturn square, where none of the digits in it are higher than 9.
if you're using a different square, you don't have to reduce your numbers to single digits, though you do need to be aware of what the upper limit for the value of individual points in your square are. how do you figure that out? take your Order and square it.
an Order 4 square has an upper value of 16. an Order 7 square tops out at 49. and so on!
I'm currently experimenting to attempt to figure out what higher order squares should be associated with Uranus and Neptune (Pluto's not a priority right at this moment for me, I figure it'll be obvious once I assign those first two.)
you've doubtless noticed that all the squares from 3 to 9 have been assigned to something, without skipping one and leaving it unassigned! logically, this means Order 10, 11, and 12 squares can be assigned to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. the problem is: those lower order squares aren't assigned to the planets in order. so we can't just say "oh, Order 10 goes with Uranus, cause it's next in line".
want to join me in experimentation? here's an Order 10 square, constant 505:
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might be Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. dunno!
it's clearly time to FA and FO.
(yes, I've spent the last week pickling my brains with magic squares. you're welcome.)
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narasimhabhakti · 2 years
I post this for information, as the lunar mansions are applicable for the tropical zodiac. I am sidereal astrologer and for magic and in general my preferences are for the fixed stars.
When you desire to perform your work in the day, arrange that the Moon be in the Ascendant, and that a diurnal sign be rising; if it is done at night, let a nocturnal sign be rising. And let there be rising a sign of direct ascension, for works of magic which are light
[i.e., trivial] and certain; and let there be rising a sign of tortuous ascension for more serious works. And for that reason let the helpful [planets] be in a fortunate aspect [to the working]; for if there ascends a sign of direct ascension and an infortune is present therein, the work is destroyed and spoiled.
These lunar mansions are based on the tropical zodiac. They are not applicable on the sidereal. For the sidereal zodiac for the purposes of astral magic and the creation of talismans you may use the fixed stars of Hermes.
The First Mansion
Name: Al Nath (The Butting)
Star: Sheratan and Mesarthim
Zodiacal Measurement: 0° Aries 00′ – 12° Aries 51′
Talismanic Image: A black man with his hair wrapped and encircled, having in his right hand a spear in the manner of a warrior.
The first mansion is for destruction and depopulation and this Mansion is called Alnath. While the Moon is passing through this Mansion, make the image of a black man with his hair wrapped and encircled, standing on his feet, having in his right hand a spear in the manner of a warrior. Make this image in a iron ring; and suffumigate it with liquid storax. Make a seal with the ring in black wax and say: “You, Geriz, kill N son of N, or N wife of N, quickly and speedily and destroy them.” Heed this and it will be as you wish. Know that Geriz is the name of the lord of this mansion.
The first Mansion of the Moon is called Alnath. It is begun from the starting point of Aries, through the 12th degree, 51st minute and 26th second of that sign. And the wise men of India will begin journeys and give medicines when the Moon is in this Mansion. You also ought to place [the Moon] in this Mansion for all images you intend to fashion that you might travel on the road and be returned home safely. They also account this sign [Mansion] good for the creation of discord and enmity between a man and wife, and for the creation of enmity between two friends. The foundation of all acts for good purposes is an observation, namely to see whether or not the Moon is in a good condition, and is safe from [aspect with] Saturn, Mars and from combustion with the Sun. And do the opposite in all works of evil, namely [set the] Moon in combustion with the Sun, and Saturn and Mars aspecting the Moon (or at least one of them).
The Second Mansion
Name: Al Butayn (The Little Belly)
Indicator Star: Botein
Zodiacal Measurement: 12° Aries 51′ – 25° Aries 42′
Talismanic Image: A crowned king.
The second Mansion is Albotayn and is for the removal of anger. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, take white wax and mastic and melt them together over a fire. Then remove this from the fire and make the form of a crowned king. Suffumigate it with lignum aloes, and say: “You, Enedil, drive away this anger from me, and let me be reconciled with him, and let my petition be satisfactory to him.” Keep this image with you, and it shall be done. Know that Enedil is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The second Mansion is called Alkatayn. It is begun in the 12th degree, 51st minute, 26th second of Aries, and is completed in the 21st degree, 42nd minute and 12th second of the same sign. In this mansion you should fashion images when you wish to pollute rivers and waters, or find hidden treasure, and for the production of much wheat, and by which may be accomplished the destruction of houses before they are complete. And likewise you make images in this [Mansion] for creating anger between one man and another, and also for making strong the prison in which are held captives.
The Third Mansion
Name: Al Thurayya (The Pleiades)
Star: Alcyone (The Pleiades)
Zodiacal Measurement: 25° Aries 42′ – 8° Taurus 34′
Talismanic Image: A seated woman with her right hand above her head.
The third Mansion is Azoraye (that is, the Pleiades) and is for the acquisition of all good things. Make the figure of a seated woman with her right hand over her head, and wrap it in cloth, suffumigate it with musk, camphor, mastic and aromatic oils. Say: “You, Annuncia, make it so.” Make the image in a silver ring with a square table, and put it upon your finger and it will be as you wish. Know that Annuncia is the name of the lord of this mansion.
The third Mansion is called Acoraxa. It begins in the degree aforesaid, and is completed in the 8th degree, 3rd minute and 2nd second of Taurus. In this Mansion should be fashioned images for the salvation of sailors and their safe return, and for strengthening the imprisonment of captives, and for works of alchemy and for all operations which are done through fire, and for hunts in the country, and for the creation of love between man and wife.
The Fourth Mansion
Name: Aldebaran (The Follower)
Indicator Star: Aldebaran
Zodiacal Measurement: 8° Taurus 35′ – 21° Taurus 25′
Talismanic Image: A knight riding a horse and holding a serpent in his right hand.
The fourth Mansion is Aldebaran and is for obtaining enmity. Take red wax and when the Moon is passing through this Mansion, make the image of a knight riding on a horse, holding a serpent in his right hand, and suffumigate the image with red myrrh and storax. And say, “You, Assarez, make it so and fulfill my request,” and ask for things pertaining to hatred, separation and ill will. It will be completely done as you have requested. Know that Assarez is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The fourth Mansion is called Aldebaran. It is begun in the 8th degree, 3rd minute and 2nd second of Taurus, and is finished in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 20th second of the same sign. In this mansion you should fashion images for the destruction of a city, villa or any other building which you desire not to endure, and they shall proceed to their destruction; and
that a lord shall disagree with his advisor, and for the creation of discord between man and wife, and for the destruction of fountains and waters. And you may discover treasures hidden below the earth [in this Mansion], and destroy and bind all reptiles and venomous animals.
The Fifth Mansion
Name: Al Haq’ah (A Circle of Hair on a Horse. Supposed to be a reference to a crown)
Star: Meissa
Zodiacal Measurement: 21° Taurus 26′ – 4° Gemini 17′
Talismanic Image: A head without a body. More contemporary artists have depicted it as a crowned head to differentiate from the decapitated head that is the image of Algol. That’s probably wise.
The fifth Mansion is Almizen and is for receiving good from kings and high officials. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion a figure from silver and in it sculpt a head without a body, and above the head write the name of the lord of this Mansion and your petition and suffumigate it with sandalwood, and say: “You, Cabil, do such and such for me and let my petition be granted and let me receive good things and the best from the king and his councilors.” When you have done this carry the seal in a box, and your request will be fulfilled. When you wish to see something when you sleep, place the talisman under your head at night when you sleep, thinking always in your mind about what you wish, and you will get an answer for what you seek. Know that Assarez is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The fifth Mansion is called Almites. It is begun in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 20th second of Taurus, and is finished in the 4th degree, 17th minute and 20th second of Gemini. In this Mansion, make images for the teaching (?) of the arts and mysteries to young men, and for the safety of travelers through other countries, so that they swiftly return and so that sailors may travel safely. Also, [make images] for the strengthening of buildings, and for the destruction of alliances and friendships, and to create good will between man and wife. And do this when the Moon travels through a humane sign and is rising; and save [the Moon] from Saturn and Mars and combustion with the Sun as we have said before in the first Mansion. And these are the [humane] signs: Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.
The Sixth Mansion
Name: Al Hanah (The Camel’s Brand [as one would brand cattle]), Al Tahayi (The Rainbearers), or Al Maisan (The Shining one).
Star: Alhena
​Zodiacal Measurement: 4° Gemini 18′ – 17° Gemini 08′
Talismanic Image: Two images each of one person. The two images are then tied together.
The sixth Mansion is Achaya and it is for putting love between two people. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, make two images from white wax, make them embrace each other, and wrap them in white silk. Suffumigate them with amber and lignum aloes, and say: “You, Nedeyrahe, bring together so and so and so and so, and place between them friendship and love.” It will be as you wish. Know that Nedeyrahe is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The sixth Mansion is called Athaya. It is from the 4th degree, 17th minute and 20th second of Gemini to the 17th degree, 8th minute and 36th second of the same [sign]. In this Mansion fashion images to destroy cities and castles, and for exercises placed around them [i.e., besiegement of them], and for enemies of kings to be revenged on them [the kings] , and for the destruction of crops and trees, and to bring friendship between two allies, and for excellent hunting in the countryside, and for the destruction of medicines, so that the wise did not give it [at this time].
The Seventh Mansion
Name: Al Dhira
Star: Castor and Pollux
​Zodiacal Measurement: 17° Gemini 09′ – 0° Cancer 00′
Talismanic Image: A man clothed in robes with his hands
The seventh Mansion is Aldira and is for the acquisition of all good things. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion a seal of silver, and sculpt the image of a man clothed in robes and with his hands extended to heaven in the manner of a man who is praying and supplicating; in the breast of the image write the name ofthe lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with sweet smelling things, and say: “You, Siely, cause such and such to happen, and grant my petition.” Ask for whatever you wish that pertains to good things. Carry the image with you and it will be as you wish. Know that Selehe is the name ofthe lord of this Mansion.
The seventh Mansion is called Aldirah. It is [begun] from the 17th degree 8th minute 2nd second of Gemini, and is ended at the end of this sign. In this Mansion, fashion images for the increase of trade and of its money and for good travel, and to cause friendship between enemies and allies, and for when you wish to drive away flies and prevent them from coming in, and for the destruction of high offices. And it will be good for approaching the presence of the king, or for any other you like, and for fashioning
for inclining to benevolence the king or whatever other lord you may desire.
The Eighth Mansion
Name: Al Nathra (The Tip of the Nose of the Great Celestial Lion)
Star: Praesape
Zodiacal Measurement: 0° Cancer 00′ – 12° Cancer 51′.
Talismanic Image: An eagle with the face of a man.
Thee eighth Mansion is Annathra and is for gaining victory. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion from tin the image of an eagle with the face of a man, and on its breast inscribe the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with sulfur, and say: “You, Annediex, do such and such for and grant my petition.” When this image has been completed in this fashion, take it with you into battle and you shall be victorious and shall prevail. Know that Annediex is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The eighth Mansion is called Nathra. It is begun at 0 degrees 51 minutes 26 seconds of Cancer. In this Mansion fashion images for love and friendship, and that one may travel and go upon the roads safely, and for the creation of friendship between two allies, and that the imprisonment of captives may be strengthened and fortified, and for the destruction and prostration of captives, and to drive out mice from whatever place you may desire.
The Ninth Mansion
Name: Al Tarf (The Eye of the Great Celestial Lion)
Star: Alterf
Zodiacal Measurement: 12° Cancer 51′ – 25° Cancer 42′
Talismanic Image: A eunuch holding his hands over his eye
The ninth Mansion is Atarfa and is for causing infirmity. When the Moon has passed into this Mansion, make a lead image of a eunuch holding his hands over his eyes, and on his neck inscribe the name of the Lord of the Mansion. Suffumigate the image with pine resin and say: “You, Raubel, make N son of N die of sickness or N son of N’s blood to flow.” Ask for which one of these two that you wish, it will be completed if you follow the right path as we have explained above. And know that Raubel is the name of the lord of this Mansion
• The ninth Mansion is called Atraf. It is begun in the 12th degree 50th minute and 26th second of his sign, obviously Cancer. In this excellent mansion you may fashion images for the destruction of a harvest, and for the making unfortunate of all those who travel, and to do evil to all men, and to cause disputes and enmity between allies, and to defend yourself from other men.
The Tenth Mansion
Name: Al Jabha
Star: Regulus
Zodiacal Measurement: 25° Cancer 42′ – 8° Leo 34′
Talismanic Image: The head of a lion.
The tenth Mansion is Algebha and is for the cure of infirmities and to make childbirth easy. When the Moon is in this mansion, fashion from gold or brass the head of a lion,, and above it write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate the image with amber, and say: “You, Aredafir, lift up sadness, slowness and infirmity from my heart and body and whomever consumes or drinks liquid in which this seal has been washed.” And on whatever day you have suffumigated it, then it shall be carried to the sick or the infirm and wash it with another substance to be consumed against illness or for women who have had a difficult birth. Know that Aredafir is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The tenth Mansion is called Algebhal. It begins from the 25th degree 42nd minute and 51st second of Cancer, and is finished in the 8th degree 34th minute and 18th second of Leo. In this mansion you may fashion images to create love between a man and woman, and for the destruction of enemies, and for the goodwill of allies, and alternately for the assistance of them.
The Eleventh Mansion
Name: Al Zubra (The Mane of the Great Celestial Lion)
Star: Zosma
Zodiacal Measurements: 8° Leo 35′ – 21° Leo 25′
Talismanic Image: A man riding a lion with a lance in his right hand while his left holds the lion’s ear.
The eleventh Mansion is Azobra, and it is that you will be feared and receive good things. When the Moon is in this Mansion, make in a table of gold the image of a man riding a lion, holding a lance in his right hand and holding the ear of the lion with his left hand, and in front of this figure write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Say: “You, Necol, bring glory to me that I shall be feared by men, and so that their fear shall cause them to tremble when they behold me; and quiet the heart of the king and of lords and of men of high estate that they may grant me honors and dignities.” Carry this tablet with you, and it shall be as you have requested. Know that Necol is the name ofthe lord of this Mansion.
The eleventh Mansion is called Azobra. It is begun in the 8th degree 36th minute and 18thth second of Leo, and is finished in the 25th degree 2nd minute and 44th second of that sign. In this mansion you may make images for the release of captives, and for the setting of armies to cities and castles [i.e., besiegement], and for the strengthening of buildings, and to enlarge the wealth of allies.
The Twelfth Mansion
Name: Al Sarfah (The Change or Diversion)
Star: Denebola
Zodiacal Measurements: 21° Leo 26′ – 04° Virgo 17′
Talismanic Image: A man and dragon fighting.
The twelfth Mansion is Azarfa, and it is for the separation of two lovers. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion in black lead the image of a dragon fighting with a man, and in front of this figure write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate the image with the hair of a lion mixed with asafoetida, and say: “You, Abdizu, break apart and separate such a one from such a one.” Bury this image in the place that you wish, and it shall be as you desire. And know that Abdizu is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twelfth Mansion is called Acarfa. It is begun in the 25th degree 2nd minute and 44th second of Leo, and is completed in the 4th degree 17th minute and 6th second of Virgo. In this Mansion, you may fashion images for the increase [of the harvest and of plants, and for the increase of destruction, and for the destruction of ships, and for the betterment of allies and learned men , [and for] captives and servants to be made fast and to give good service.]
The Thirteenth Mansion
Name: Al Awwa (The Barker)
Star: Zavijava
Zodiacal Measurements: 4° Virgo 18′ – 17° Virgo 08′
Talismanic Image: Separate images of a man and woman tied together
The thirteenth Mansion is Alahue, and it is for the liberation of men who are not able to come to women and for putting love between men and women. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion from red wax the image of an erect man (that is, with an erect penis); and let it be in all ways the image of a man desiring to couple with a woman. From white wax fashion the image of a woman. Bind the two images together face to face, and suffumigate them with amber and lignum aloes, and wrap them in a piece of white silk which has been washed in rosewater; and on either image write the name of the one you desire. If a woman shall carry these images with her, she will be most strongly desired by the man whose name is upon the image – which is to say, when he sees her. If another is tied or bound, who is not able to perform with women, if he shall carry the images with him it shall be dissolved and he will be able to perform with women. Know that the name of the lord of this Mansion is Azerut.
• The thirteenth Mansion is called [Alahue]. It is begun from the 4th degree 17th minute and 6th second of Virgo, and is ended in the 17th degree 8th minute and 36th second of this sign. In this mansion you may make images for the increasing of trade and your money, the increase of harvests, that buildings may be completed, and for the liberation of captives.
The Fourteenth Mansion
Name: Al Simak (The Uplifted)
Star: Spica
Zodiacal Measurements: 17° Virgo 08′ – 00° Libra 00′
Talismanic Image: A dog with its own tail in its mouth.
The fourteenth Mansion is Azimech, and it is for the separating of men from women. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion from red wax the image of a dog with his own tail held in his mouth. Suffumigate it with the hair of a dog and the hair of a cat, and say: “You, Erdegel, break apart and divide such a one from such a woman through enmity and ill will.” And name whatever persons you wish, and bury the image in the place where they are. And know that the name ofthe lord of this Mansion is Erdegel.
The fourteenth Mansion is called Alcimech. It is begun in the 17th degree [8th minute and] 36th second of Virgo, and is complete at the end of this sign. In this mansion may be made images for the love of men and women, and for curing the infirm, and for the destruction of harvests and plants, for the destruction of desire, and that sailors may have good [conditions], and for the love of allies.
The Fifteenth Mansion
Name: Al Ghafr (The Covering or Coat of Mail)
Star: Syrma
Zodiacal Measurements: 00° Libra 00′ – 12° Libra 51′
Talismanic Image: A seated man holding scrolls as if he were reading them.
The fifteenth Mansion is Algafra, and it is for the acquisition of friendship and good will. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, make in ink the figure of a seated man, holding scrolls in his hand as if reading them. Suffumigate it with frankincense and nutmeg and say: “You, Achalich, do such and such for me, and accomplish my petition.” You may ask him for the joining together of friends and lovers, and any thing, which pertains to them, and this image should then be carried with you. And know that Achalich is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The fifteenth Mansion is called Algafra. It is begun in the first degree of Libra, and is finished in the 12th degree, 51st minute and 26th second of that sign. In this Mansion may be fashioned images for locating treasure, and for the impeding of travellers that they may not be able to go to their journeys, and for the separation of a married man from his wife, that they may never be joined one to the other, and for the creation of discord between friends and allies, and for the destruction of the houses of enemies.
The Sixteenth Mansion
Name: Al Zubana (The Claws of the Scorpion)
Star: Zuben Elgenubi and Zuben Eschalami
Zodiacal Measurements: 12° Libra 51′ – 25° Libra 42′
Talismanic Image: A man seated on a throne holding a scale in his hands.
The sixteenth Mansion is Azebene, and it is for the making of money (which is to say, in selling and buying). When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion in a plate of silver the figure of a man seated in a throne and carrying a scale in his hands. Suffumigate the image with fine odors, and set it out under the stars for seven nights, saying each night: “You, Azeruch, make such and such happen for me, and accomplish my request.” Ask of it pertaining to selling and buying. Know that Azeruch is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The sixteenth Mansion is called Acubene. It begins in the 12th degree 51st minute and 26th second of Libra and is ended at the 25th degree, 42nd minute and 52nd second of that sign. In this mansion you may make images for the destruction of wages, crops and plants, and for creating discord between a man and woman, and for the liberation of captives from prison.
The Seventeenth Mansion
Name: Al-Iklil (The Crown)
Star: Acrab and Deschubba
Zodiacal Measurements: 25° Libra 42′ – 08° Scorpio 34′
Talismanic Image: A monkey with its arms up over its shoulders.
The seventeenth Mansion is Alichil, and it is so that thieves may not enter into the house and other criminals likewise. When the Moon has entered this Mansion, fashion the figure of a monkey in an iron seal, holding his hands above his shoulders. Suffumigate it with the hair of a monkey and the hair of a female mouse, and wrap it in a monkey skin. It should then be buried in your house, while saying: “You, Adrieb, guard all my things and everything that exists within this house, nor let it be entered by thieves.” When the foregoing has been done, thieves will flee from your house. Know that Adrieb is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The seventeenth Mansion is called Alichil. It begins in the 25th degree, 42nd minute and 52nd second of Libra, and is ended in the 8th degree, 36th minute and 2nd second of Scorpio. In this mansion you may fashion images for the placement of armies, and for making buildings strong and stable, and for the safety of sailors. And in this Mansion make
for loves which are of ordinary durability.
The Eighteenth Mansion
Name: Al Qalb (The Heart)
Star: Antares
Zodiacal Measurements: 08° Scorpio 34′ – 21° Scorpio 25′
Talismanic Image: An adder holding its tail above its head.
The eighteenth Mansion is Alcab, and it is for taking away fevers and infirmities of the belly. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion from wax the image of an adder holding its tail above its head. Suffumigate” it with the horn of a stag and say: You, Egribel, guard this house of mine that no serpent may enter nor any other hurtful beast.” Place the image in a vessel which should be buried beneath your house; when the aforesaid has been done, then no serpent will be able to enter nor any other hurtful creature. If the image is to relieve a fever or illness of the belly, carry this image with you and it will cure you. Know that Egrebel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The eighteenth Mansion is called Alcakl. It begins in the 8th degree, 36th minute and 2nd second of Scorpio and endures to the 21st degree 25th minute and 44th second of that sign. In this Mansion you may make images for victory [over] your enemies, and to strengthen buildings, and to destroy friendship.
The Nineteenth Mansion
Name: Al Ibrah (The Sting) or Al Shawlah (The Tail)
Star: Shaula or Lesath
Zodiacal Measurements: 21° Scorpio 25′ – 04° Sagittarius 17′
Talismanic Image: A woman holding her hands in front of her face.
The nineteenth Mansion is Axaula, and it is for bringing on the menses in women. When the Moon has passed around to this Mansion, fashion from heme (which is a kind of bronze) a seal, and engrave in it the image of a woman holding her hands before her face. Suffumigate it with liquid storax and say: “You, Annucel, cause the blood to flow from such and such a woman” – name her here. And it shall be as you ask. If a woman keeps this image tied about her waist, she will give birth quickly and without danger. Know that Annucel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The nineteenth Mansion is called Exaula. And it begins in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 44th second of Scorpio and is ended in the 4th degree, 27th minute and 10th second of Sagittarius. In this Mansion you may make images for the placement of armies outside of cities and advancement upon them, and for the increase of crops, and for the capturing of fugitives, and for the destruction of ships.
The Twentieth Mansion
Name: Al Naaim (The Ostriches, a reference to an old asterism formed by what we now see as the bow of Sagittarius)
Star: Ascella
Zodiacal Measurements: 04° Sagittarius 17′ – 17° Sagittarius 08′
Talismanic Image: Figure having the head and arms of a man, body of a horse with four feet, and holding a bow and arrow.
The twentieth Mansion is Alnaym, and it is for hunting on land. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion in a plate of tin a figure having the head and arms of a man, the body of a horse with four feet and having a tail, holding a bow in its hands. Suffumigate it with the hair of a wolf, and say: “You, Queyhuc, cause me to take all I hunt in the world, and let them come to me swiftly.” Carry the image with you and you shall easily take anything in the world that you hunt. Know that Queyhuc is the name ofthe lord of this Mansion.
The twentieth Mansion is called Nahaym. It is begun in the 4th degree, [27th minute and] 10th second of Sagittarius, and is ended in the 17th degree, 8th minute and 26th second of this sign. And in this Mansion you may fashion images for the animals wild and domesticated, ad for the destruction of disagreements between friends.
The Twenty-First Mansion
Name: Al Balda (The Place, Town, Or City)
Star: Albaldah
Zodiacal Measurements: 17° Sagittarius 08′ – 00° Capricorn 00′
Talismanic Image: A man with two faces; one facing forward, the other facing behind.
The twenty-first Mansion is Albelda, and it is for destruction. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion the image of a man having two faces, with one facing forward and one facing behind. Suffumigate it with sulfur and carob, and say: “You, Bectue, depopulate such and such a place and destroy it.” Then place the image in a small bag and place sulfur and carabe with it along with some hair, and bury it in the place that you wish, and it shall be as you have requested. Know that Bectue is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-first Mansion is called Elbelda. It begins in the 17th degree, 8th minute and 48th second of Sagittarius and is ended at the end of the sign. In this mansion you may make images to strengthen buildings, and to separate women from their proper husbands.
The Twenty-Second Mansion
Name: Sa’d al-Dhabih (Luck of the Slayer)
Star: Prima Giedi
Zodiacal Measurements: 00° Capricorn 00′ – 12° Capricorn 51′
Talismanic Image: A man with winged feet wearing a helmet.
The twenty-second Mansion is Sadahaca. It is for binding tongues so that they do not say anything bad about you. When the Moon is in this mansion make an iron ring and engrave in it the figure of a man with winged feet wearing a helmet and suffumigate it with mercury. And inscribe this image in iron for the safety of fugitives. And say: “You, Geliel, bind these tongues so they cannot say bad things and make me secure and let N. escape safely from his enemies.” Carry this ring with you and make a seal in black wax with the ring to bind tongues. Know that the name of the lord of this Mansion is Geliel.
The twenty-second Mansion is called Acadaldeba. It begins in the first degree of Capricorn, and endures to the 12th degree, 51st minute and 26th second of this sign. In this Mansion, you may fashion images for the safety of those who are ill , and to create discord between two [people].
The Twenty-Third Mansion
Name: Sa’d Bula (Luck of the Swallower)
Star: Al Bali
Zodiacal Measurement: 12° Capricorn 51′ – 25° Capricorn 42′
Talismanic Image: A cat with the head of a dog.
The twenty-third Mansion is Zaadebola, and it is for destruction and devastation. When the Moon is passing through this Mansion, fashion a seal of iron in which you should sculpt the image of a cat having a dog’s head. Suffumigate it with the hair of a dog, and say: “You, Zequebin, drive out everyone from such and such a place, and destroy and devastate it.” When this Mansion has come to the Ascendant, set this seal out under the stars, and the following night bury the aforesaid seal in the place, which you wish to destroy. It shall be as you desire. Know that the name of the lord of this Mansion is Zequebin.
The twenty-third Mansion is called Caciddebolah. It begins in the 12th minute, 51st minute and 26th second of Capricorn and endures to the 25th degree, 42nd minute and 52nd second of this sign. In this Mansion you may make images for the curing of the sick, and for the joining of men with wives.
The Twenty-Fourth Mansion
Name: Sa’d al Su’ud (Luck of the Lucks)
Star: Sadalsuud
Zodiacal Measurement: 25° Capricorn 42′ – 8° Aquarius 34′
Talismanic Image: A woman holding a child in her arms as if she were nursing.
The twenty-fourth Mansion is Caadezod, and it is for the increase of herds. When the Moon has passed into this Mansion, take the horn of a castrated ram which is well cleaned and made appropriate, and in it fashion the figure of a woman with her son in her arms, in the likeness of one who is nursing. Suffumigate it with the scrapings which have been taken from the aforesaid horn and say: “You, Abrine, improve and guard this herd.” After this, hang the image about the neck of one of the rams of this herd; if you wish to work with herds of cows, fashion this image in the horn of a bull, and hang it around the neck of a bull, and the herd will be augmented as has been said and death shall not overtake it. Know that Abrine is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-fourth Mansion is called Caadachahot. It is begun in the 25th degree, 42nd minute and 52nd second of Capricorn and endures to the 8th degree, 34th minute and 28th second of Aquarius. In this Mansion you may make images for good will between men and women, and for the increase of trade.
The Twenty-Fifth Mansion
Name: Sa’d al-Akhbiyah (Luck of the Tents)
Star: Sadalbachia
Zodiacal Measurement: 8° Aquarius 34′ – 21° Aquarius 25′
Talismanic Image: A man planting trees.
The twenty-fifth Mansion is Zaadalahbia, and it is for the protection of orchards and crops from evil accidents. When the Moon is in that Mansion, fashion a seal in fig wood, and sculpt in it the figure of a man in the likeness of one who is planting trees. Suffumigate it with the flowers of these trees, and say: “You, Aziel, guard my crops and my orchards that any destruction or ill fortune may not befall them.” Place the aforesaid image in one of the trees in the place, which you wish to guard. While the image, which was made continues there, destruction shall not befall the crops. And know that Aziel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-fifth Mansion is called Caadaladbia. It is begun in the 8th degree, 34th minute and 28th second of Aquarius, and ends in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 17th second of the same sign. In this Mansion may be made images for the separation of women from their men, and for the repair of buildings.
The Twenty-Sixth Mansion
Name: Al-Fargh al-Muqaddam (The Preceding Spout), Al-Fargh al-Awwal (The First Spout)
Star: Markab
Zodiacal Measurements: 21° Aquarius 25′ – 04° Pisces 17′
Talismanic Image: A woman washing or combing her hair in a vessel.
The twenty-sixth Mansion is Alfarg the Former, and it is for the creation of love. When the Moon is passing through it, take white wax and mastic and melt them together; from these fashion the image of a woman with her hair unbound and before her a vessel placed as if to receive her hair. Suffumigate it withe sweet-smelling odors, and say: “You, Tagriel, bring me to the love and friendship of such and such a woman.” Place the image in a small bag, and place with it also some of the most sweet-smelling of substances; carry it with you, and it shall be completed as you have requested. Know that Tagriel is the name ofthe lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-sixth Mansion is called Almisdam. It is begun in the 21st degree, 25th minute and 17th second of Aquarius, and ends in the 4th degree, 17th minute and 10th second of Pisces. In this Mansion may be made images for the goodwill of men.
The Twenty-Seventh Mansion
Name: Al-Fargh al-Muakhkhar (The Following Spout)
Star: Algenib and Alpheratz
Zodiacal Measurements: 04° Pisces 17′ – 17° Pisces 08′
Talismanic Image: A winged man holding a perforated dish, raising it towards his mouth.
The twenty-seventh Mansion is Alfarg the Latter, and it is for the destruction of springs and wells. When the Moon is passing through it, take red earth, and in it fashion the image of a winged man, holding a perforated dish in his hands, and raising it to his mouth. Afterward put it into the fire until it is hard. After this place in the vessel asafoetida and liquid storax, and say: “You, Abliemel, destroy such and such a spring of such and such a man,” and name him here as you wish. Throw the image into his spring, and it shall be destroyed and the spring shall no more come forth. And know that Abliemel is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-seventh Mansion is called Algaafalmuehar. It begins in the 4th degree, 17th second and 10th second of Pisces and ends at 17 degrees, 8 minutes and 36 seconds of that sign. In this Mansion may be made images for increasing trade, and to obstruct [the construction of] buildings, and for the endangerment of sailors.
The Twenty-Eighth Mansion
Name: Batn al-Hut (Belly of the Fish)
Star: Mirach
Zodiacal Measurements: 17° Pisces 08′ – 00° Aries 00
Talismanic Image: A fish with a colored spine.
The twenty-eighth Mansion is Arrexe, and it is for bringing fish together in one place. When the Moon has come to this Mansion, fashion of henc (which is a kind of bronze) a seal, in which you should fashion the image of a fish having a colored spine on which you should write the name of the lord of this Mansion. Suffumigate it with the skin of a sea fish; after this, tie a string around it and throw it in the water in the place where you wish the fish to come together. All of the fish in the area nearby will immediately gather together about it, and allow you to harvest them. And know that Anuxi is the name of the lord of this Mansion.
The twenty-eighth Mansion is called Arcexe. It begins in the 17th degree, 8th minute and 36th second of Pisces, and lasts to the end of that sign. In this Mansion may be made
for the increase of trade and the creation of peace and agreement between man and wife, and for strengthening the imprisonment of captives
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arcane-offerings · 5 years
Saturn and Ceremonial Magic by Dan Attrell (The Modern Hermeticist)
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aktiophis · 4 years
Timing by the Stars: Days, Hours, and The Moon
This will be the first in a little miniseries of posts on astrological timing, specifically as it concerns the making of Talismans, but the principle could equally be applied to a one off ritual. Originally, I was just going to write one post but it got quite unwieldy to talk about so many different concepts all at once, so instead I’m starting at the beginning. I’ll get into more complicated things whenever I feel like writing them frankly, and I’ll probably edit this post with links when I do. (This part alone is long enough Jesus Christ)
It can be useful to think of the election you choose for a Talisman to be its time of birth. Someone born with a very dignified Venus will most often have an easier time doing Venusian things, to be very, very broad with the astrology. But the gist is; planet is more better=person is more good at planet things. Naturally, then, a Venus Talisman made when Venus was very strong and well placed will also be very good at Venus things, and thus good at whatever it’s purpose is. This is the basis of talismanic magic using astrology.
First, though, I’m going to talk about the barebones of astrological Talisman timing, namely the days and hours. I’m including the moon also because it’s the other key consideration for astrological magic generally.
The Days and Hours
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[Credit: Digital Ambler]
It isn’t a coincidence that the planets in Romance languages are named after the planets. Even in English (and I would assume other Germanic languages although I’ve never checked, but if they don’t I’d be very surprised), the Gods for each day line up with their Greco-Roman approximate counterparts. As such, each day has an affinity for its namesake planet. That’s why so many spells call for a Friday, and so many curses for a Tuesday or Saturday. At the very most basic level of astrological timing, with no knowledge of anything else, this is how you would time a spell or Talisman, probably at some auspicious time like dawn.
Something not as well known by non-occultists is the concept of planetary hours. Unlike civil hours, these aren’t regular in length and have nothing at all to do with what time it says on the clock for the most part. Planetary hours are divided into two sections. Here are some points to get you the gist before we continue:
The planetary day starts at Dawn, so even if it’s 2:00am on Tuesday, you are in a planetary hour of Monday
The first hour of the day always corresponds to the planet the day is named after, in our example, at Dawn on Tuesday the first hour is Mars
There are 12 day hours, and 12 night hours. The day hours begin at sunrise and end at sunset, while the night hours begin at sunset and end at the sunset of the next day.
Each day hour is exactly 1/12 of the time from sunrise to sunset, and the equivalent for night hours.
The hours cycle in the Chaldean order, which is ascending mean speed:Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon
 As you can see, there isn’t much the same between civic hours and the planetary hours. You can calculate these by hand, but if you’re like me and use them a lot there’s no need to bother because there are dozens of apps. For those curious, the Placidus house system can also be used to find the planetary hour, as each half of a house corresponds to a planetary hour. I deeply dislike using Placidus for natal astrology but for that reason I sometimes use it to find the planetary hours (not the houses, though).
These two things are the most basic considerations for Talisman making. For a Solar talisman, the hour of the sun on Sunday. Bam. Specifically, the first hour is often considered the best because it coincides with dawn/sunrise, i.e. the daily birth of the sun and illumination of the world with spiritual light etc. but any of the correct planetary hours will do the trick.
One thing to note is when I start getting into more complicated electional stuff, you might find a great election that isn’t in the right day or hour. By no means disqualify it because the day doesn’t fit. If Mercury is at the most powerful it will be for the next few months after but it’s a Friday and the hour of Mercury doesn’t fall within this very specific timeframe (Like say it’s Cazimi in Gemini, in its bounds conjunct the midheaven, or something, Idk), do it anyway honestly. You’ll never get everything to be just as you want it, and frankly days and hours come every day/week, and some things only happen once every 20 years.
The Moon
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[credit: Honestly no idea]
That’s right, it’s not just for Wiccans! The state of the moon has been a big consideration for ceremonial magic, folk magic, you name it, for a long ass time. Even in astrological Talismans not concerning the moon, as the planet associated not only with magic but also with collecting and reflecting the ‘astral light’ onto the Earth, the condition of the moon is an important consideration.
Anyone who has read a 101 book on magic will have seen that “waxing to increase something, waning to decrease” thing, and that’s the gist honestly. For Talismans though, you want a waxing or full moon. The talisman might be protection against evil, but f you did it when the moon was a waning crescent it wouldn’t be the evil decreasing so much as the protective Talisman. I’m not going to discourage people from doing stuff in a waning moon, I do all the time, just be aware it’s not necessarily the best, especially in the case of Talismans and astrological magic. To be quite frank I feel like this can sometimes be overlooked as a factor, but if it’s an important thing it can wait until the moon is growing
Now, with just that and the days/hours you’re honestly pretty much set, but I’m writing this to eventually get onto more complicated things so there are some more bases I’d like covered.
The Lunar mansions are the obvious thing to talk about next. The Zodiac Wheel of 12 signs is intrinsically a solar schema for astrology. The beginning of the Zodiac at 0 Aries is at the moment of the Spring Equinox, when the days are equal to the nights. All of the cardinal signs, in fact, are so called because the next season of the year begins as the Sun enters them. There is, however, a similar system for the moon, of 28 mansions, each of just under 13 degrees, starting also with Aries. The Picatrix is what I’d direct you to if you want to read more about them specifically, especially since I haven’t used them in very much in practice.
The mansions were widely used in Arabic astrology, apparently quite often in electional astrology generally, not restricted to magic (as a side note, by all means study in the hour of mercury and treat-yo-self in the hour of Venus, even without magic. Tune into the rhythm). One mansion might be good for travel but could also cause strife between friends, while another might bring ill health but be good for buying livestock, that type of deal. It’s always worth checking if the time you have in mind for a Talisman happens with the moon in a favourable mansion for that purpose.
I will touch on this passingly because it really belongs in my next post, but if the moon is in a hard aspect with Saturn or Mars that can also be a bad omen for an election, although if the moon has good aspects or is particularly strong otherwise I would personally still do the thing because otherwise I would probably only do astrological magic once a year waiting for the perfect time.
Void of Course
This is something that frankly puzzles me to no end because half the resources I could find when I first looked into it clearly were using the phrase without having a clue what they meant, and the other half gave me a number of different definitions. I personally use the definition as given by the medieval astrology guide, whose site I’ll link at the end, because it makes the most sense to me.
All definitions of a Void Moon stem from the same basic idea, which is that the Moon will not perfect an aspect to another planet any time soon, sort of as if the moon is running in the dark on its own. The most common modern definition says the moon is void if it doesn’t perfect an aspect before leaving the sign it’s in, which basically means it happens every couple of days like Clockwork. I use a different definition (when I even remember to consider it) that is, the moon is not within orb of perfecting an aspect, without consideration as to the sign. So, by my definition, if the moon was leaving a sextile aspect with Saturn at say, 29 Aries, and was applying to a trine with Venus, even if it didn’t make a perfect trine before entering Taurus, the moon wouldn’t be void of course, because it was still in an applying aspect at the time. More broadly, I only consider a moon Void when it isn’t applying to an aspect (look into moiety for more on what I mean as far for more details on application). I encourage you to come to your own conclusions about this though, so don’t take my word for it.
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[credit: Skyscript.co.uk]
A Void moon is generally bad for magic because to be literal the moon isn’t really doing anything much, at least as far as aspects go. That being said it isn’t something I look at unless I’m planning an important thing and I wouldn’t stress about it unless you were doing an important thing too. To be frank I often forget to even check what the moon is doing even for some slightly more important stuff.
And that is about it or what I wanted to cover, I think. The next post will probably be about Essential and Accidental Dignity, which was really what I wanted to write about in the first place, but here we are.
Time for the day of the planet
Time for the hour of the planet
Time for a waxing Moon
Avoid the Void moon
Some Useful Links/Sources (Some I didn’t even reference but they’re still good so I’m including them)
The Picatrix
Secreti Geomantici (Great little geomancy book, also has useful things on timing. Thanks @nightjasmine for reminding me about it)
Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune, Chris Brennan (not about magic but this is just a great book on astrology overall, especially Hellenistic)
www.Rennaissanceastrology.com (I have issues with some of Warnock’s work, but his information is accurate and his site is great for these purposes)
 (Looking back I suppose I could’ve just made a post of resources but I’m in too deep now).
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Astrological Timeline
Early Influences
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4242 BCE Egyptian calendar is one the first calenders in use, marking 12 months made of 30 days, with a year consisting of 360 days. 4000 BCE The basic concepts of astrology are first utilized in Mesopotamia. The Ziggurat at Uruk, Ur and Babylon, built by the Sumerians, are the first astrological observatories in the world, where early astrologers kept track of the Sun, the Moon and the five planets that they could see.
3000 BCE Egyptian calendar is revised to 365 days.
2872 BCE Sargon of Akkad, the first ruler of the Akkadian empire, is one the first to use astrologer priests to predict the future.
1200 BCE The Babylonians invent the written first systematic astrological system over thousands of years. The records survive in the form of the Babylonian star catalogs, making Babylonian astrology the oldest astrological system on Earth.
One of the earliest compilations is the Enūma Anu Enlil; meaning “When the Gods Anu and Enlil…” It is composed of approximately 70 astrological tablets, which include around 7000 predictions. The Babylonian astrological system was very omen-oriented, and such records were kept to predict the state of the king and the nation as a whole.
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1000 BCE The MUL.APIN, was compiled, which consisted of the most significant star lists in Babylonian astrology. It contained 71 stars and constellations as well as their rising and setting times. The stars were also associated with specific deities. The Babylonians originally listed 17-18 constellations, but in later revisions, the number of constellations was reduced to 12 major ones. Many believe copies of the tablets carried astrology from Babylon to India, sometime between 400 and 300 BCE.
Babylonians recognized five planets—Jupiter associated with God Marduk, Venus with Goddess Ishtar, Saturn with Ninurta, Mercury with Nabu and Mars with Nergal.
The 12 Babylonian Astrological Signs
GU.AN.NA – Heavenly Bull, The Bull of Heaven (Taurus)
MASH.TA.BA – Twins, The Great Twins (Gemini)
AL.LUL – Pincers, Crayfish (Cancer)
UR.GU.LA – Lion, The Lion (Leo)
AB.SIN – Daughter of Sin, The Seed-Furrow (Virgo)
ZI.BA.AN.NA or GISH.ERIN – Heavenly Fate, The Scales (Libra)
GIR.TAB – That Which Claws And Cuts, The Scorpion (Scorpio)
PA.BIL.SAG – Defender, The Overseer (Sagittarius)
SUHUR.MASH – Goat-Fish, The Goat-Fish (Capricorn)
GU.LA – Lord Of Waters, The Great One (Aquarius)
SIM.MAH – Fishes, The Tails, Swallow Tail (Pisces)
LU.HUNG.GA – Field Worker (Aries)
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700 BCE The present day zodiac wheel was shaped by the wheel that the Babylonians created  
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549 BC Cyrus the Great, the Achaemenid king of Persia, conquered Babylon.
572-490 B.C.E. Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician, identifies the wisdom embodied within numbers, and theorizes that numbers are important to the universe, and they come together in harmony to create the world that we see. He was one of the first to refer to the universe as the Cosmos. His ideas were the foundation for the Pythagorean Theorem. His theory solidified the mathematics and science behind the planetary aspects that are used today. His ideas influenced some of the greatest philosophers in history.
535 BCE Pythagoras sets up a colony to learn about astrology, numerology and the occult arts - the Brotherhood.
475 BCE. Empedocles replaces the theory of matter with the theory that all of the substances derive from the four elements: fire, air, water and earth - which are the basic principles of developing astrological interpretations used today. He theorized that nothing can be created or destroyed, only transformed.
428-348 BCE. Plato's Timeus (360 BCE) identifies the universe as a living entity, composed of four elements (air, fire, water, earth) which distinguish each form by their molecular structure, although all four elements are interconnected and interrelated in a perfect harmonious form.
460 BCE. Hippocrates used earlier astrological and universal principles laid before him, and applied them to the study of the human body in relation to the rhythms observed within the universe as a whole.
409 BCE The oldest known horoscope chart is created
370 BCE Eudoxus of Cnidus invented a model of twenty-seven concentric spheres by which he was able to calculate the sun's annual motions through the zodiac, the moon's motion including its wobble, and the retrograde motions of the planets (27 Spheres, one for the fixed stars, three each for the Sun and Moon and four for each of the five planets). He created calendars using the zodiac with all 12 equal zodiac signs.
331 BCE Alexander the Great conquers Babylon and establishes the city of Alexandria. Under his rule, the Greeks further advances in astrology, along with developments in medicine, geometry, mathematics, and philosophy - furthering on the theories put forth by Pythagoras, Plato, Hippocrates, and Aristotle.
330 B.C.E. Berossus a Babylonian/Chaldean astrologer founds the School of Astrology at the Island of Cos. Many Greek astrologers learned and taught there.
330 BCE Alexander the Great spreads the knowledge of astrology throughout the Middle East. Greece personalizes astrology. The word astrology itself is derived from the Greek word for "star," and the word zodiac which means “the circle of animals.” The Greeks borrowed some of their myths from the Babylonians and invented many of their own, such as adding the names of their heroes to the constellations. The animals representing the signs were placed among the stars usually for great acts of heroism, and were usually associated with the Greek gods. The Greek words were translated to the Latin words that are used today.
290 BCE The legendary Alexandria becomes the center of astrological research. 250 BCE Achinapolus and Antipatrus teach medical astrology based on the teachings of Berossus. They begin to experiment with natal horoscopes.
207 BCE Galen, a Greek physician, combines the teachings of Plato, Aristotle, and Hippocrates, building upon them to create a functional system, for human anatomy and medical theories. He built upon Hippocrates earlier theory, that health requires an equilibrium between the four main bodily fluids, or humours—blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. Each of the humours is built up from the four elements and displays two of the four primary qualities: hot, cold, wet, and dry. He was one of the first to argue that humoral imbalances can be located in specific organs, as well as in the body as a whole. This modification of the theory allowed doctors to make more precise diagnoses and to prescribe specific remedies to restore the body’s balance. 
200 BCE Astrology for predicting the future appears in Rome.
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Papyrus with Greek Horoscope of Anubion Son of Psansnos , 2nd century CE, from Thebes, Egypt, Musée du Louvre, Paris, Département des Antiquités égyptiennes
100 BCE The Essenes develop the Qabbalah and esoteric astrology.
60 BCE First school of astrology opens in Rome.
7 BCE The birth of Christ is predicted by three Magi astrologers, using a star. 150 CE Ptolemy, a Greek astrologer and mathematician published the Tetrabiblos, which was one of the most revered astrology works ever written. The Tetrabiblos contained the core techniques of astrology including planets, zodiac signs, houses, and aspects, which are still relevant and heavily used today. 400 CE The Library of Alexandria containing many of the world’s texts on astrology is destroyed.
474 CE European astrology in decline after the Fall of the Roman Empire. 600 CE The Church condemns astrology and tries to suppress it. 639 CE Egypt is invaded and taken over by the Islamic Empire. This marks the end of the Hellenistic astrological tradition. 750 CE Muslim astrologers revive Greek astrology.
787-886 CE Arabic astrologer Abu Ma‘shar al-Balkhi writes the Kitab al-Madkhal al-kabir ila ‘ilm ahkam al-nujum (The Great Introduction). This was one of the most comprehensive astrology books written, that detailed scientifically, the astral influences on the material world, and the human body and life. The Great Introduction was translated into Latin first by John of Seville in 1133 CE.
801-873 CE The book De radiis stellicis (On the Stellar Rays) is written by Ya‘qub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, which further combines Galen’s work, with Arabic astronomy, setting a precedent for medical treatments using astrology. 
~ 1000 CE. Majriti (pseudo name) composes the Ghayat al-Hakim (The Picatrix), whose fundamental objective is to teach its reader how to determine the appropriate astrological time to contact celestial spirits and then “draw down” their essence by inducing them into a talisman created with materials which are sympathetic/resonate to, that particular spirit.
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A page from the Picatrix
~1000 CE. Ibn Yunis, Moslem astronomer, compiles the Hakamite tables of planetary motions at Cairo.
1020 CE. Firdausi, or Abul-Qasim Mansur, Persia's epic poet, writes the Sah-Namah of over 60,000 couplets, containing many astrological references.
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Kitāb al-tafhīm li-awā’īl ṣinā‘at al-tanjīm, Biruni, 11th century
~1114-1187 CE. Gerard of Cremona translates the Crises and the Critical Days from Arabic to Latin, allowing these great works to influence the educational climate of the time.
1200 CE The University of Bologna that was established in 1088 CE, becomes the center for learning medical astrology.
~1240-1311 CE. Arnald of Villanova wrote De iudiciis astronomiae, in which he wrote an influential treatise on the application of astrology to medicine. He combined Arabic teachings with Galen’s Critical Days, and used them to determine many methods of treating patients. 
1250 CE Ancient magic and astrology is linked in the Speculum Astronomiae by Roger Bacon. 
1255 CE Astrology is taught at Cambridge University in England. During this time Astrology is considered a science of the higher class, and many royals had court astrologers, and relied on them for predictions and medical advice.  1280 CE Johannes Campanus, an Italian astrologer and physician works for Pope Urban IV and develops a new way to divide astrological houses. ~1300 CE Almanacs (calenders) that contained star charts were employed by physicians, which allowed them to check the positions of the stars before making diagnoses. The book contained diagrams of the the body, and its corresponding star sign. 
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1399 CE Almanac diagram of the ‘Zodiac Man’
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Diagram from a 1486 CE Medical Almanac 
1400 CE The printing press is invented which allows mass production of astrological writings to be distributed in Europe. The Vatican promotes the instruction of astrology, with many Popes that were astrologers, and many served royal families in England, Italy, France and Austria.
1555 CE Andrew Dygges publishes A Prognostication, Manuscript on Medical Astrology in London, which became widely used by physicians. It attributed the zodiac signs to the specific body parts and organs of the human body, usually depicted visually.
~1500s CE All over Europe, physicians were required by law to calculate the position of the moon before carrying out complicated medical procedures.
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1603-1668 CE Placidus, a monk and mathematics professor, created the house division system used by astrologers today.
The renaissance period, marks the period of enlightenment, and ushers in a decline in the use of astrology as a science.
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Solar Zodiologium – prognostications when the sun is in each of the signs of the zodiac. The writer offers advice related to daily life and health, matters that would readers would find useful in either the 15th century or the 21st.
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sorcerer-blog · 6 years
Solar Sapphires, Planetary Antipathies, and Substitutions
The Picatrix, De Radiis Stellarum, and Three Books of Occult Philosophy are closest to broad textbooks of this tradition of astrological magic, but they are not meant to be used entirely by themselves. Both canonical texts of astrological magic and their partners, the manuals of traditional astrology, repeatedly state that the student must go beyond a mere rote understanding of formulae and considerations. The following step is the internalization of celestial functions, then a series of flashes of insight revealing why things are as they arranged, and finally the integration of the practitioner into their proper spiritual hierarchy by the attainment of Perfect Nature and the maximization of their unique potential.
Authors are quite evasive about the aforementioned epiphanies for good reason; they allow teachers to recognize genuine insights arising from their better students that stand apart from the shallow mimicry that is the hallmark of pseudo-intellectualism, and they protect the secrets of the art from immature people who are at high risk of abusing it. The Science of Images has reputed power within it so vast that it can collapse entire civilizations if deployed with precision and ill intentions. Based on some of my experiences, I am certain that this is no idle boast. Some of the difficulty is deliberate in these texts, because of the gravity of that power falling into the wrong hands. It was the reasonable hope of the guardians and transmitters of this tradition that intellectual mastery developed roughly in tandem with emotional stability and personal responsibility.
Nevertheless, this has led to an incredibly steep learning curve for mastery of Scholastic Image Magic for modern students. Some of this is accidental and needs to be remedied, and some of this is very appropriate. As an example of the latter, it’s critically important that a student be fully immersed in the traditional worldview, and at least provisionally set aside the modern worldview, so they may navigate deeply within this paradigm. This commentary is, I hope, an additional guide through one of the more important winding passages deeper into the heart of this complex system of magic and mysticism.
Let us begin with something highly counterintuitive and use it as a pretext to dive into some of the more practical and mystical secrets of the operations of celestial magic.
Ascent to the Sun of the Wise
Solar Sapphire Talismans
Horoscope of Sun Exalted Talismans on April 13th 2018
  During the latter Solar talismanic election I covered in the preceding post, I alluded to a second set of talismans which were created at the same time. In addition to the bloodstones, I created two sapphire talismanic rings and a loose gemstone sapphire talisman. The herbs when applicable and suffumigations were identical. One of the rings is mine, and one ring and the loose gemstone will eventually be sold to clients or given to friends.
The inspiration for this talismanic project came from Eric Purdue’s masterful new translation of Cornelius Agrippa’s Book One of Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Agrippa frequently has long lists of gemstones, materials and animals which belong to the various celestial hierarchies but less frequently highlights the particular powers attributed to each within that particular hierarchy’s context. Agrippa gave very special attention to the gemstone he calls heliotrope that we believe is modern bloodstone, but also gave great attention to a gemstone called hyacinth in the J.F. translation. Eric Purdue, I believe correctly, provisionally identified hyacinth as modern sapphire. And with it come a list of powers which only apply in a Solar context; they are only activated when made into Solar talismans.
Blue sapphire cabochon in a gold ring
“Sapphires also have a solar virtue against poisons and pestilential vapors. When carried [the person] is rendered safe and acceptable, brings wealth and talent, and strengthens the heart. When held in the mouth, [sapphires] exceedingly cheer the mind.” –TBOC, Agrippa I:23, Eric Purdue trans.
Before I break down the rather long and fascinating list of powers attributed to Solar sapphire talismans, I must make mention of something of which most traditional (and Vedic) astrologers and readers of medieval lapidaries are quite aware. Sapphires have an extremely ancient and strong association with the planet Saturn, vastly more than the Sun. The association between sapphires and Saturn is so strong that due to what appears to be a confusion with lapis lazuli, the latter is associated with Saturn among other planets—sapphire appears to mean blue stone in Sanskrit and lapis lazuli means the same in Latin. Though the Sun and Saturn do rule a few things in common, such as the metal gold and kingship, they are in most other ways complete opposites. There’s nothing obviously Solar about sapphires; they are hard and usually dark stones—an obvious choice for the harsh, implacable, and dim Greater Malefic. Materials having multiple rulerships are not unusual, but this instance stands apart.
  Black Sapphire
Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite Inclusions
The Secrets of Antipathy
So is it a mistake? I’m quite sure it isn’t. It’s a phenomenal example of celestial antipathy which is described in Picatrix in more general terms about talismans which attract and repel animals.
“The effects upon animals are twofold—that is, one is to gather them and increase their number, and the other is to disperse and repel them. These are appropriate for different times, as they involve different motions—that is, there is a time for gathering and growth, and a time for dispersing and repelling. This may be considered under the heading of the opposition of degrees. In stones a certain supreme secret is hidden, that is, when any animal—that is, if you want it to depart—is hot in its nature, the stone ought to be cold; if the animal is moist, the stone ought to be dry, and vice versa. From this it should be understood that if you wish vipers and wasps to flee, the work ought to be done in cornelian and diamond and the like; but if they are cold by nature, such as scorpions, beetles, flies, lice, and things similar to them, work with hot stones such as malachite and crystal, and in bronze and gold and the like.
“This is for the working to make them flee. Workings to draw and increase them ought to be done with things that are harmonious and pertinent to them, as in working with vipers, you should work with gold and bronze and similar things. All this happens because of the harmony of complexion, the direction of movement, and the diversity of conjunctions and substances. The figure and form ought to be in the form and figure of the animal for which it is made, as a figure for mice in the shape of a mouse, one for serpents in the shape of a serpent, or one for scorpions in the shape of a scorpion.” –Picatrix IV:4, Greer-Warnock trans.
Liber Rubeus edition of the Greer-Warnock Picatrix
When Picatrix uses phrases like “a supreme secret” it’s not just talking about talismans that act as mosquito repellant. It’s an attempt to draw the discerning reader to a very important general principle that can be applied to a much wider set of circumstances. Picatrix uses language like this in other sections, such as the chapter on the manufacture of the thirty-six talismans of the Faces, to hint at a fairly radical reinvention of Neoplatonic cosmology that I have lectured upon previously. It is a test, an attempt to challenge the reader to learn a deeper lesson that is both mystical and extremely useful.
One of the concepts Picatrix describes elsewhere is what it sometimes calls reception; the capacity of a material to absorb celestial rays of a particular type. Some materials are receptive to the rays of many hierarchies. Emerald is receptive to Spica, Jupiter, Mercury and Moon. Silver is highly receptive to nearly every hierarchy because of the virtually ubiquitous and special role of the Moon in talismanic elections. Others are mostly inert, like clay and to a lesser extent human flesh. (Clay talismans really do not work, and in spite of the obvious allure talismanic tattoos aren’t especially viable.)
Parallel to reception is temperament or temperateness; in modern expressions, the capacity for something to manifest normalcy in contrast with manifestations which are abnormal and disruptive. Jupiter is the most temperate planet and usually signifies positive normalcy and health, and Mars is probably the least temperate planet and usually signifies disruption and injury. Materials belonging to each of these hierarchies often share these attributes, but can increase or decrease them or channel them in a particular direction.
Related to the preceding are sympathy and antipathy; some materials attract and repel species based upon their inner natures. But what Picatrix is hinting at is that it isn’t just animals that can be attracted by gemstones of one type and repelled by another, but also types of people, and finally even types of events. That’s where it gets really interesting.
And that is how we return to sapphires.
Blue Sapphire Cabochons
Analyzing the Solar Virtues of Sapphires
Solar sapphire talismans have the following powers:
They neutralize poisons.
They protect against contagious diseases i.e. “pestilential vapors.”
They render the bearer safe from harm.
They render the bearer inoffensive and pleasant.
They attract riches.
They magnify skills.
They grant courage and health or “strengthen the heart.”
They act as antidepressants, especially if sucked upon.
Now you can tell why I prize these talismans at least as much as the bloodstone ones I created along with them. Fame, glory, constancy, invisibility, and restored youth are really great but the eight powers listed above are possibly even more valuable for the average person.
What’s even more interesting is what these powers tell us about sympathy and antipathy in celestial magic.
Generally speaking, the Sun is not the planet one would expect a cure for poisons from; that’s more often associated with Jupiter. The Sun is nearly as temperate as Jupiter and they both grant vigorous health and presumably a resistance to contagions. The Sun often can accomplish the works of Mars and vice versa, so the Sun can protect—especially from witchcraft and evil spirits. The Sun co-rules gold, which for most of history was currency and thus can attract riches. The increase of skills may make sense because the Sun is fiery and fire quickens as it illuminates. The Sun definitely can grant courage and often is associated with the heart. Finally, the Sun can certainly act as an antidepressant; St. John’s wort has been known to be ruled by the Sun since at least medieval times because of this property. However, in spite of a temperate planet endowing a quality of normalcy, the Sun is less associated with blending in than standing out; often in a highly aggressive manner. The Sun is the king, and the king likes to conquer.
I believe there’s something else at work here:
Saturn rules poisons
Saturn rules contagious diseases.
Saturn rules infirmity.
Saturn rules ugliness and things which are essentially unpleasant.
Saturn rules poverty and desperation, in spite of the co-rulership of gold.
Saturn rules senility and stupefaction.
Saturn rules fear and cowardice.
Saturn rather famously rules melancholia.
I think what makes far more sense is that the function of a Solar sapphire talisman is to ward against many of the negative attributes of Saturn, because of the fundamental disagreement of natures between the hierarchies of the Sun and Saturn. The Sun is hot; Saturn is cold. The Sun governs all that is light and bright; Saturn rules all that is dark and shadowy.
It’s a fantastic example of how one can use the materials of a dissimilar hierarchy to neutralize the negative effects of a planet or star. And it’s one of the greater secrets of this system of magic.
Black Sapphire Cabochon
The seven traditional planets often have peculiar relationships with each other, as illustrated in the 45 aphorisms that are said to be derived from the Secretum Secretorum:
“38. The Sun abhors those things that pertain to Saturn, and the things that pertain to the Sun are abhorrent to Saturn.” –Picatrix IV:4
There’s a long list of substitutions and antipathies in this chapter that are less pertinent, but must be memorized to attain mastery in this art. There are no shortcuts on this one.
This system of planetary pairings appears in the passages on planetary petitions as well.
Jupiter with Saturn
“If you find yourself in contemplation and sorrow, or in melancholy or grave illness, in anything just named, or in any thing that has already been mentioned as belonging to Saturn, and you ask for something that belongs to his nature, you may seek it from him in the manner we describe below, and you may also help yourself in your petition by means of Jupiter. The essence of all these petitions is that you should not seek anything from any planet unless it belongs to his dominion…
“Seek from Mars what is consistent with his nature, such as petitions against soldiers, officials, fighters, and those who busy themselves with warlike acts; and on behalf of friends of kings, and those who destroy homes and citizens, and do evil to humanity, killers, executioners, those who work with fire or in places such as stables, litigators, shepherds, thieves, companions on the road, liars, traitors, and the like. Similar, ask him concerning infirmities of the body from the groin downwards, and also for phlebotomy, accumulation of gas, and the like. In these latter petitions you may also help yourself with Venus, for the nature of Venus dissolves what is closed up by Mars, and repairs what he damages…
“Seek from Venus all things that pertain to her, such as petitions of women, boys, and girls, daughters, and generally everything pertaining to the love of women and carnal copulation with them, art, vocal and instrumental music, telling jokes, and all those who give themselves over to worldly pleasures, those who engage in vices, male and female servants, brides and grooms, mothers, friends, sisters, and all those similar to them, and in these petitions you may also help yourself with Mars.” –Picatrix III:7
Venus with Mars
It also should be observed at this point that Jupiter and Saturn are oppositional in nature but are (slightly counterintuitively) “friends” with each other. The same is true of the hierarchies of Mars and Venus. The cliché of opposites attracting is reflected in celestial symmetries or harmonies. I believe that this system of substitutions using planets of oppositional nature but mutual amity goes even further than what Picatrix states explicitly. It says that Jupiter can substitute for Saturn but not the reverse; it may be a somewhat reasonable assumption, however. To learn more about planetary substitution, we must look elsewhere.
For that, we turn our attention to the other Luminary: the Moon.
The Moon Serves the Sun
The Lunar Cycle
In Picatrix II:10 there’s a wonderful miscellany of planetary talismanic recipes, one of which I’ve made but never quite understood until fairly recently.
“If, under the influence of the Sun, you write the figures below in a sedina stone with the Sun rising in the first face of Leo, whoever carries this stone will be protected against the lunar illnesses that come from the combustion of the Moon.”
Combustion (a close conjunction of a planet with the Sun) is deemed to be the worst planetary affliction according to William Lilly and is generally accepted as such in traditional astrology, with some uncommon exceptions. The combustion of the Moon is especially dire; it often signifies death and destruction in elections, and a variety of challenging health concerns in natal charts.
The more conventional suggestion would be to use a talisman of an afflicted planet in a person’s natal chart as a remedy, but here we see something very different. Here the suggestion is to double-down on the influence of the Sun. It seems counterintuitive because the Sun is overwhelming the native’s Moon, but it is logical if the Sun and the Moon have a similar relationship as Jupiter and Saturn have, and Mars and Venus mutually share in the petitional instructions cited above.
Indications that this is the case between the Sun and Moon are scattered throughout Picatrix.
(As I am writing this, Echo & The Bunnymen’s “The Killing Moon” just began to play on Pandora. Everything is connected.)
“The Nabatean sages have said that the power and works of the heavens and stars are from the Sun originally, and this is because they see and understand that the Moon helps him (that is, as much as is in her power), while the Sun does not need her effects, nor those of the other planets; and similarly, the five other planets follow the Sun in their effects and obey and are humbled by him, and proceed in their aforementioned effects according to the dispositions of the Sun. In the same way, according to their opinion, all their effects are primarily rooted in the Sun, and the other six planets help him by their effects. Similarly, the fixed stars are the Sun’s handmaidens, and serve, obey, and are humbled by him, and while they help him with their effects, this is not because of any need that he has of them.” –Picatrix III:8
And elsewhere:
“Our sages say likewise that the virtue of the fifth quality [the Moon in a perfected conjunction with the Sun] has a similar effect to the effect of the Sun, and this is a very great thing and a noble quality. They say that all composite bodies receive from this the virtues that they ought to have, nor should it be understood from the foregoing that the Moon causes virtues and workings differing from those of the Sun; rather, the Moon reveals the Sun’s influence and brings forth works accomplished by the Sun; nor do these appear until the Moon manifests those things that were previously concealed, and illuminates what had previously been in obscurity.” –Picatrix II:3
One of the ways Picatrix conceals secrets of talismanic magic is by describing electional considerations and the composition of talismans and suffumigations in what superficially appear to be abstract cosmological relationships. To a person immersed in the worldview espoused by the author, ultimately there is no difference between these things; or at least there is a profound sympathy.
  What Picatrix is saying here is pretty radical.
While most talismanic and petitional elections depend strongly upon the condition of the Moon and to some extent the planet on or ruling the Ascendant, if a major significator in the election is the Sun the role of every other planet is greatly diminished. The manifestation might be subtler with a weak Moon, however. In theory, one could create a benevolent Solar talisman even if the Moon was afflicted catastrophically. I personally wouldn’t take that chance unless it were an emergency, but in the earlier of the two Sun in Aries elections I described in the last post the Moon was slightly afflicted. It is because of Picatrix that I felt this was inconsequential.
This is a special case regarding the Sun and the Sun only. Tropical astrology is not heliocentric; it is geocentric. But it is what I call heliophilic. It gives a very special significance to the role of the Sun, and it has powers unique among all the planets. It is not merely the strongest planet—something seldom stated in canonical texts because it really is taken for granted—but it has a central role in the cosmos as the bringer of order, the primary source of visible and astral light, the liminal mediator between the world of Forms and the Sublunar sphere, and of the four seasons that sustain all life. Thus, through the Sun, the equinoxes and solstices define the positions and properties of the Zodiacal Signs and the essential architecture of the universe and time itself.
In Conclusion
I hope that you’ve enjoyed this somewhat serpentine journey through the world of Scholastic Image Magic which started with Agrippa’s Solar sapphires, has taken us through the complex relationships of planetary pairings, and finally to the fundamental supremacy and centrality of the Sun. Traditional celestial magic conceals a lot of secrets of both a practical and spiritual nature, and as we solve the puzzles it sets before us in the canonical sources, the aspiration is that our own personal disjointedness is transformed into a more coherent spiritual being.
I’m cheating a little by letting you in on some of the glimpses of the treasures that I’ve uncovered. I’m hoping that you’ll forgive me for bending the rules a little; that you’ll return the favor someday to myself and others, and that you’ll use this knowledge wisely.
No one can perfect any of the works of traditional astrological magic without passing on some of the illumination that one receives, much like the Sun illuminates each of the planets and they transmit their light and fill all of their hierarchies with vitality and power. It’s more than a metaphor; it’s the essential connection between consciousness and cosmos that produces magic and our experience of reality itself.
Secret Powers of the Sun in Astrological Magic Solar Sapphires, Planetary Antipathies, and Substitutions Introduction The Picatrix, De Radiis Stellarum, and Three Books of Occult Philosophy…
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ravenemrysaurlineus · 8 years
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I am very pleased to present brand new Saturn Dragon talismans!!! http://www.renaissanceastrology.com/innercircle/saturndragontalisman.html Check these out at the link above, but order at with the initial offering discount of $25 off below You need to log in. Here is the username and password for 2017 access to the Inner Circle username 2017access password regulus313 I also wanted to remind everyone to check out all our Renaissance Inner Circle available talismans http://www.renaissanceastrology.com/innercircle/innercircletalismans.html#currentlyavailabletalismans Remember since you are reading this and have access the Inner Circle, you can buy talismans or use the Daily Planetary Practice. If you are a Permanent or Esoteric Student Inner Circle member you can also use your provided username and password for Inner Circle access. All Renaissance Astrology talismans are now available only through private sales on the Inner Circle. As usual with an initial offering of talismans, we have a few discounted for a limited time, This is the only time Renaissance Astrology talismans are discounted and only a few discounted talismans are available for a limited time. Here are Initial Discount Saturn Dragon Talismans http://www.renaissanceastrology.com/paymentpagetalismanspecial.html There are just 3 discounted Saturn Dragon talismans at $25 off and they are available until February 28, 2017. Let's talk a little bit about this talisman. They have Nigel Jackson's beautiful Saturn image from Agrippa Picatrix of the stag headed Saturn riding a dragon. Very intense, very evocative image! Saturn, of course, is the planet par excellence of the deepest, most hidden wisdom and co-rules with Mercury all of the esoteric arts, including astrology, alchemy and magic. Saturn is also known for giving long life and if he is pleased with you, removing obstacles and granting power and riches. These are great talismans for you if your Saturn is in Aquarius, Capricorn or Libra. They are not such a great idea if your Saturn is in Leo, Cancer or Aries or combust or retrograde without dignity (with dignity is fine). Saturn in any other sign is fine!
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satyrmagos · 9 months
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Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:  “The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of Picatrix, is the shape of a man with a crow-like face and the feet of a camel, sitting upon a throne, with a spear in his right hand and a lance or dart in his left.” Picatrix Book II, Paragraph 11 (Attrell and Porecca, 2019)
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
Modern magicians call upon Saturn to set boundaries, build long-term / generational wealth, and to destroy their enemies.
The Picatrix says that, “Saturn is the source of retentive power. He governs an aspect toward profound knowledge; the science of law; the search for causes, effects, and the origins of things; the utterance of magical words; and the knowledge of deep and occult properties. … From the crafts, he rules working the soil, plowing, digging, extracting and working minerals, and the building trades.” (Book 3 Chapter 1 Para 3) and to “Entreat Saturn for delaying movement, concealing purity, destroying cities, humbling hearts, and calming waters.” (Bk 4 Ch 4 Para 5)
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead. * Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
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satyrmagos · 5 months
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Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:
“The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of other sages, is the shape of a man standing upon a dragon, holding a scythe in his right hand and a spear in his left, dressed in black and tawny clothes.” Picatrix Book 2 Paragraph 13, (Atrell and Porecca, 2019).
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
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satyrmagos · 7 months
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Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:
“The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of other sages, is the shape of a man standing upon a dragon, holding a scythe in his right hand and a spear in his left, dressed in black and tawny clothes.” Picatrix Book 2 Paragraph 13, (Atrell and Porecca, 2019).
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
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satyrmagos · 7 months
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Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:
“The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of other sages, is the shape of a man standing upon a dragon, holding a scythe in his right hand and a spear in his left, dressed in black and tawny clothes.” Picatrix Book 2 Paragraph 13, (Atrell and Porecca, 2019).
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
0 notes
satyrmagos · 11 months
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Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:
“The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of other sages, is the shape of a man standing upon a dragon, holding a scythe in his right hand and a spear in his left, dressed in black and tawny clothes.” Picatrix Book 2 Paragraph 13, (Atrell and Porecca, 2019).
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
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satyrmagos · 11 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:  “The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of Picatrix, is the shape of a man with a crow-like face and the feet of a camel, sitting upon a throne, with a spear in his right hand and a lance or dart in his left.” Picatrix Book II, Paragraph 11 (Attrell and Porecca, 2019)
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead. * Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
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satyrmagos · 1 year
Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:  “The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of Picatrix, is the shape of a man with a crow-like face and the feet of a camel, sitting upon a throne, with a spear in his right hand and a lance or dart in his left.” Picatrix Book II, Paragraph 11 (Attrell and Porecca, 2019)
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead. * Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
0 notes
satyrmagos · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Saturn.
This talismanic image of Saturn is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English:  “The image of Saturn, according to the opinion of Picatrix, is the shape of a man with a crow-like face and the feet of a camel, sitting upon a throne, with a spear in his right hand and a lance or dart in his left.” Picatrix Book II, Paragraph 11 (Attrell and Porecca, 2019)
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Saturn and the Characters of Saturn according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, red bronze, or lead. * Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.
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