#Physiotherapy at reasonable rates
solcorvidae · 7 months
Modern Witcher AU: My Headcanons: (part 3 of ?)
Geralt smells of coffee, caramelized sugar, kerosine, and mineral oil. The sugary scent is from his favourite fragrance (Vanilla Woods—The 7 Virtues) and it mingles well with his natural body chemistry and environmental scents. It’s very subtle but distinct and it works shockingly well for him.
Jaskier is determined to figure out what fragrance Geralt wears but is looking in all the wrong places. He assumes some of the “masculine” notes from the environment that linger on his skin and clothes are a part of the perfume. It takes Geralt explicitly telling Jaskier to look in the feminine and/or the unisex sections (of fragrantica) for him to actually do so and finally get put on the right track.
Jaskier smells of lavender and chamomile. His hair also retains the smell of his shampoo exceedingly well so he always smells clean. He uses solid fragrance that’s reminiscent of “Chamomile and Lavender Milk Tea” by The Dua Brand. It has notes of honey and raw almond milk that gives it a good balancing effect and works well with his body chemistry.
Jaskiers extended family organizes regular family reunions at grossly lavish locations at least once a year. Most of his family besides his parents and a few cousins don’t know about his cross-country road trip… or Geralt. When Jaskier brings Geralt along one year to a reunion at a rented out ski chalet he wants to make sure Geralt makes a good impression. Little did he know, most of his family would adore him and think he is such a doll. Geralt had no less than two people at any given time chatting with him for the vast majority of the weekend. As an introvert, he was exhausted by the end of each day. Jaskier is secretly convinced his family loves Geralt more than him after just a few days; however, Jaskier is more than happy to show him off so it never really bothers him much.
Geralt has a stiff gait. It stems from extremely tense muscles in his hips and lower back as a result of so many hours on the road and not enough proper stretching. Jaskier makes it his personal goal to get Geralt into physiotherapy and at the very least, flexible enough to touch his toes comfortably again.
Geralt’s nausea inducing alcohol of choice is tequila. Eskel’s is flavoured vodka. Lambert loves to get a reaction out of them over it.
Geralt can't have tequila (especially margaritas) anymore because of the near-two day hangover he had after drinking with his brothers on New Years Eve one year. Not even the night he came of age could compare to the sheer amount he knocked back that night.
Eskel's grievance against (lemonade) vodka started after a night out at the bar in his early 20's. He doesn't remember how many times he threw up that night (and he doesn't really want to either).
Lambert can hold his alcohol well but gets hangovers extremely easy, unlike Geralt and Eskel who rarely get more than a headache that's readily manageable with a single ibuprofen capsule. Lambert started keeping a bucket under his bed for this exact reason. He doesn't have a gag-inducing alcohol because if he did, all options would be exhausted with the amount of times he has been ill after a night out.
Geralt’s personal vehicle is a baby blue rust bucket of a pickup truck. It’s a sturdy but rough looking 1990 Ford Ranger.
Eskel drives a grey 2013 VW Jetta that was not taken care of too well by it’s previous owner. It’s a secondhand shitbox but it’s his secondhand shitbox.
Lambert refuses to buy his own car and when he’s not working, he makes Vesemir or his brothers drive him places when he can’t/doesn’t want to catch the bus.
Eskel gets extremely bad caffeine withdrawal symptoms since he has a much lower tolerance and rate of consumption than Geralt, who has a worrying dependency. Geralt says he's fine, but his blood pressure says otherwise.
[Modern AU Headcanon Masterpost]
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medusapelagia · 5 months
Running From The Daylight - Part 15
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8,  Part 9,  Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15
This is the last chapter! Thank you so much for staying with me during this journey!
Written for @whumpuary Rating: Mature  Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson  Prompt: You are safe WT: surgery, medical procedures Words:  1102
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Despite the dose of caffeine, Eddie must have fallen asleep, because Wayne is shaking his shoulder gently, calling his name.
“Five more minutes…” He murmurs, before remembering where he is and that he is still waiting to have news about Steve.
“Eddie you have to wake up, they are taking Steve to his room.” Wayne insists and Eddie immediately opens his eyes, almost falling from the chair where he was resting.
“Where is he? How… what…” He has a million questions but the words are too difficult to articulate and he can’t put one after the other to make a single sentence that makes sense.
Wayne shrugs “I don’t know. The doctor will speak with us soon and the nurse just informed us that we can go see him if we want. But I want to warn you, he is still under the effect of the anesthesia.”
Eddie nods, stands up quickly, and follows the nurse to Steve’s room. 
His boyfriend is still pale and asleep, but the heart monitor at his side shows a stable rhythm and even if his leg has some long screws in it, it’s still attached to Steve’s body which seems like very good news.
“When will he wake up?” Eddie asks the nurse who shakes her head.
“We don’t know how long it will take, he was pretty weak when he got here so it’s probable that even if the anesthesia wears off he will keep sleeping. His body needs to regain his strength.” Eddie looks at her with such desperation that the nurse immediately adds “But it’s a good thing, resting will help him heal faster.” She tells him with an encouraging smile while checking the IV in Steve’s arm.
Robin, at Eddie’s side, puts an arm around his shoulder, murmuring that everything will be alright, that Steve will wake up in no time and that they should start searching for a black marker to draw a mustache on his sleeping face. 
Eddie chuckles between the tears while the nurse takes Steve's vitals and then leaves the four waiting for the doctor who arrives a few minutes later. He informs them that surgery went well and that they expect a complete recovery in a few months “He will have to rest in bed for at least a couple of weeks, but once the wound is properly healed he could start moving around with some crutches. He will have to do some physiotherapy to regain strength in the leg after we will remove the screws, but luckily nothing was permanently damaged.”
At that news Eddie starts to cry again, murmuring “Thank you, thank you…” While hugging Robin and feeling Wayne’s arm on his back.
Hopper tries to insist that Eddie and Wayne should get a room in a hotel to rest a little, but Eddie refuses and sits on the chair next to Steve’s bed, determined to stay with him at least until his boyfriend wakes up.
“We don’t know how long it will take. Try to be reasonable.” Hopper insists but Eddie it’s adamant and Wayne decides to keep an eye on both his boys while Robin and Hopper go to rest a little: it was a very stressful couple of days for everyone and now that it’s over Robin seems ready to fall asleep at any given moment.
“We will be back in the morning.” Hopper assures them while dragging Robin toward the door and the two men nod. 
Eddie has been holding Steve’s hand for hours when he feels something move. He stills and turns toward his boyfriend, trying to detect any possible movements.
"Steve? Stevie?" He calls, trying to get a reaction from him, and after a few moments, Steve's thumb flex a little.
Eddie gets closer, studying Steve's face “Sweetheart? Are you awake?” He tries again, “Steve, love, can you hear me?” he murmurs and this time the chocolate brown eyes of his boyfriend look back at him, confused “Hi love.” Eddie tells him,  kissing his hand, but Steve startles and tries to move and Eddie stops him “You are safe, Steve!” He says, trying to calm him down “You are ok! You are in a hospital! You broke your leg pretty badly but the doctor fixed it and you’ll be fine in no time.” He tries to explain to his confused boy “You are safe.” He repeats, brushing away some hair from Steve’s forehead.
“Ed?” Steve calls, staring at him with his blurry eyes.
“I’m here, baby. Help came and the rescuers brought you to the hospital, but don't worry, you are going to be ok in no time, do you hear me? In no time. Wayne and I will drive you home as soon as they discharge you and Robin and Hopper are here too, you’ll see them in the morning. Oh, and Robin told me that you are not allowed to go on vacation for at least a year.” Eddie keeps talking, knowing that his familiar voice helps soothe Steve who falls asleep again in a few minutes.
“Did he wake up?” Wayne asks, getting in the room with two cups of coffee.
“He did!” Eddie replies with a big smile, “He woke up. Just for a few moments, but he woke up.”
“The nurse said that it might take a bit for him to wake up completely…” Wayne reminds him, offering Eddie one of the two cups.
“I don’t care. I’m in no rush.” Eddie whispers on the skin of his boyfriend, then he turns toward Wayne “I want to ask him to marry me.”
The man coughs, “Eddie… I think you should think about it. I don’t want you to make an important decision like this after what happened.”
“That’s exactly why I have to ask him to marry me!" Eddie insists "I could have lost him, Wayne.” He tries to explain while his mind is still full of fear “And the only thing I could think of it’s that I cannot live without him. That’s why people get married, right? Because they love each other very much, and I love him so much I can’t even explain it in words.”
Wayne hugs him “I know you do, kid, and if you want to marry him just ask him, but maybe wait for him to be a little bit more conscious, uh?”
Eddie nods, still holding Steve’s hand and thinking that if there is a silver lining in the horrible experience that they had is that he has realized that he can’t wait to put a ring on that perfect golden skin.
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sugarushsuga · 1 year
Roses are Red
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Genre/Au's: Fluff; Stablished relationship; College Au; Hockey Au;
Paring: Hoseok x F reader
Words count: 665
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of violence during a game; implied sexual content.
Synopsis: It’s Valentine’s Day and Hoseok is handicap.
Author note: This year the only deadlines I’m following are the ones at work, all my personal life, therefor my writing as well, won’t have their deadlines fulfilled. That just means I didn’t finish this drabble on time for Hobi’s bday or Valentine’s day (we don’t celebrate it in February here so I couldn’t remember it).
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Jung Hoseok is a sweetheart. He is a human walking sunshine. He is the optimistic and cheerful friend in all his groups. He is the goodest of all the good boys.
And he got in a fight during his last game that ended up with blood, time out, game suspension and a dislocated shoulder.
He is not static of staining his perfectly pristine hockey career with a fight that was much more than just pushing or shoving an opponent against the rink glass. But what could he do when the guys spent the whole season provoking him? Hoseok is usually the one who talks sense into his teammates head, when talking doesn’t work sometimes he does some slaps upside the head or puts them on gear duty.
And that’s all the more reason why he is upset with how he lost his cool. Not that anyone on the team teased him, actually the boys, especially the younger ones, plotted a plan to get back at Hyungwon. Luckily, this time, Namjoon talked some sense into their heads and made them drop the idea, but only after Hoseok threatened to tell their coach about it.
Hyungwon’s broken nose is just some collateral damage he got from talking shit and sexual stuff about Hoseok’s girlfriend. Just the thought of it has him seeing red all over again, and the fact that you are nothing but a sweet angel that cares for him and all of the boys on the team makes him even madder.
He’s also upset about his immobile arm, it was just a dislocated shoulder but, it is better to restrain movements and avoid a longer injury for not being careful enough. So, no training or exercise beside the physiotherapy, better safe than sorry.
Hoseok feels like a baby, since his dominant arm is braced, surely he can take the brace off to sleep and shower, but he can’t do many things properly like clean up his room, cook or eat, take notes in class… Seokjin and Taehyung are the ones who are having the most fun with it. Whenever they need to help Hoseok with cutting his food they also try to airplane feed him, especially if it is at the cafeteria.
The last three days have sucked and because you know how your boyfriend is upset you propose a chill date for Valentine’s Day. Just both of you in your apartment, where no one can tease him about feeding him. You promised to take care and pamper him.
That’s everything you planned, his favorite dinner, all food pre-cut on eating bites so he wouldn’t feel like a burden. The new episode of the series you both have been watching together and chocolate cake for dessert. A relaxing bath before bed and a good night of sleep.
That was the plan.
Until after dinner, when Hoseok apologized for the grocery bought Valentine’s Day gift. A box of your favorite chocolates with a note.
Written on a terrible letter, one of someone with a braced arm.
“Hobi,” you say as you carefully straddle his lap on the couch. “Do you have different plans for tonight than the ones I made?”
His good hand quickly rests on your ass, hugging you to him. “Do I?” He asks slowly, lips almost brushing yours.
“Are you hopping on getting laid?” The giggle in your voice makes the corner of his lips turn up.
“Laid? I think I wrote that I’d like to get suffocated tonight.” His breath caresses your face.
You hum against his lips as you take them in a kiss. You keep trying to be mindful of his arm as his tongue invades your mouth and you rock your hips on his growing hard on. The note falling somewhere forgotten on the floor as you focus on making his wish come true.
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Roses are red,
The sun gives off the heat,
If your legs are tired,
Use my face as a seat.
Happy valentines day! With love Hobi”
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Feedback is always appreciated.
Ⓒ 2023 Sugarushsuga, do not copy, translate or repost.
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boosbabycakes28 · 1 year
I’ve been tagged by @greenblueish to share a little snippet, thank you for that ☺️ and here it is. It’s from my next fic, an abo for the @1daboficfest , an alpha/alpha hate to love abo.
“Absolutely not.” Harry deadpans, not lifting his gaze from Neurological Physiotherapy notes.
“Come ooon, H!” Niall whines from the opposite side of the table, stomping his feet like a toddler and making their cups of tea and coffee shake on top of it.
“Not gonna happen.” The alpha is unfazed. “Pleeaase! It’ll be fun, I promise.”
Harry finally lifts his head from his homework, and sends an unimpressed look at the blond omega.
Niall sighs, “Look, I know you don’t like to go out that much or party, but-”
“You’re perfectly aware that that is not the reason why I won’t be going to that party.” Harry cuts him off.
“You knew he was going to be around more. We talked about it after I got with Zayn.” Niall adds.
“It doesn’t mean I’m okay with it.” Harry blurts out without even thinking, and he immediately sees the hurt in his best friend’s eyes, and realises that he shouldn’t have.
“I’m sorry,” He apologises, “You know I’m not talking about you and Zayn. I’m thrilled for you, I really am. You’ve never been happier.” He truly means that. Seeing Niall like this is filling his heart with joy.
Niall’s eyes soften, “Then can you maybe try and make a little effort? For me? Please. Nothing even happened after that one class last week.”
“Right.” Harry replies, thinking back on what happened last Friday after lunch and how he didn’t tell his best friend about it. Not wanting to worry him, or burden him with Harry’s problem. He also didn’t tell him about all the looks and provocative smirks that the blue-eyed alpha has been sending him following that event, or the few times Louis has come up to Harry to whisper something in his ear regarding his very personal leg tattoos. Each time making the green-eyed alpha shiver and his heart rate speed up. Harry doesn’t think it’s necessary, as he is dealing with it just fine. But going to that party is a different story.
If you want to share something please do @larryyouknow @nouies @berzerkshires @allwaswell16 @alltheselights @parmahamlarrie @pocketsunshineharry @falsegoodnight
#tagged in #sunday snippet #wip snippet #abo fic fest
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Expert Care by Female Physiotherapists in Jaipur: Your Comfort Matters
At Phoenix Physiotherapy, we are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care to help you regain your health and mobility. As the best physiotherapy clinic in Jaipur, we offer a range of specialized services designed to meet the unique needs of each patient. Whether you're looking for physiotherapy at home in Jaipur, need the expertise of a female physiotherapist in Jaipur, or are searching for a qualified physiotherapist in Vaishali Nagar, Phoenix Physiotherapy is here to support your journey to recovery.
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Why Choose Phoenix Physiotherapy?
Choosing the right physiotherapy center in Jaipur is crucial for effective treatment and recovery. At Phoenix Physiotherapy, we stand out for several reasons:
Expert Team: Our team comprises experienced and certified physiotherapists who are dedicated to your health. Each therapist brings a wealth of knowledge and a compassionate approach to care.
Comprehensive Services: From manual therapy and electrotherapy to specialized pediatric and geriatric physiotherapy, we cover all aspects of physiotherapy to ensure holistic treatment.
Patient-Centric Approach: We believe in personalized care. Our treatment plans are tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology and equipment, ensuring that you receive the most advanced and effective treatment available.
Services Offered
Physiotherapy Center in Jaipur
Located in the heart of Jaipur, Phoenix Physiotherapy is easily accessible and offers a serene environment for your treatment sessions. Our clinic is designed to provide a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere, helping you feel at ease during your visits.
Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Jaipur
What makes us the best physiotherapy clinic in Jaipur? It's our commitment to excellence in every aspect of care. From the moment you step into our clinic, you'll experience our dedication to your well-being. We take pride in our high success rates and the positive feedback from our satisfied patients.
Physiotherapy at Home in Jaipur
Understanding that mobility can be a challenge for some patients, we offer physiotherapy at home in Jaipur. Our home care services bring the same high-quality treatment directly to your doorstep, allowing you to recover in the comfort of your own home. This service is particularly beneficial for post-surgical patients, elderly individuals, and those with severe mobility issues.
Female Physiotherapist in Jaipur
At Phoenix Physiotherapy, we recognize the importance of comfort and trust in the therapeutic relationship. For patients who prefer or require the services of a female physiotherapist in Jaipur, we have skilled and compassionate female therapists on our team. They are dedicated to providing respectful and effective care, ensuring that all patients feel comfortable and supported.
Physiotherapist in Vaishali Nagar
Residents of Vaishali Nagar can now easily access top-tier physiotherapy services. Our clinic in Vaishali Nagar is staffed with expert physiotherapists who are ready to help you on your path to recovery. We offer a wide range of treatments to address various conditions, ensuring that you receive the best possible care close to home.
Our Approach to Physiotherapy
At Phoenix Physiotherapy, we follow a comprehensive approach to treatment that includes:
Initial Assessment: Our process begins with a thorough assessment to understand your condition, medical history, and specific needs. This helps us create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique situation.
Personalized Treatment Plan: Based on the initial assessment, we develop a personalized treatment plan that may include a combination of manual therapy, exercises, electrotherapy, and other modalities.
Progress Monitoring: We regularly monitor your progress to ensure that the treatment is effective and make necessary adjustments to the plan as needed.
Education and Support: We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge about their condition and treatment. Our physiotherapists provide guidance on exercises, lifestyle modifications, and preventive measures to help you maintain your health and prevent future issues.
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Contact Us
Are you ready to start your journey to recovery? Contact Phoenix Physiotherapy today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services. Visit our website or call us at [Your Phone Number] for more information.
At Phoenix Physiotherapy, your health and well-being are our top priorities. Let us help you rise and reclaim your life.
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acti8phsio · 19 days
Top Benefits of Sport and Spinal Physiotherapy
Need physiotherapy in Malvern? Look no further! Activ8Physio is your best bet. Specialising in physiotherapy in Malvern, as well as sport and spinal physiotherapy in Malvern, our clinic is committed to delivering first-rate care that is uniquely suited to each patient.Whether you're an athlete looking to up your game or someone coping with persistent pain, our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to assisting you in reaching your health and wellness goals.
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Physiotherapy and Its SignificanceHealth promotion, mobility improvement, and quality of life enhancement are all greatly aided by physiotherapy. In order to treat a wide variety of ailments and injuries, Activ8Physio provides a full spectrum of services. Musculoskeletal disorders, injuries sustained in sports, and rehabilitation following surgery are all areas of focus for our Malvern physiotherapy practice. Physiotherapy for Sports and Spine MalvernAthletes and active people frequently encounter distinct obstacles that necessitate tailored medical attention. When it comes to high-performance sports and spinal health, our physiotherapy services in Malvern are designed to cater to your specific demands. No matter what your goal is—recovering from an injury, preventing injuries, or improving your athletic performance—our physiotherapists are here to help.Positive Outcomes of Physical Therapy for Sports and Spinal Cord Injuries: Preventing injuries and effectively rehabilitating those that do happen are the main goals of our sport and spinal physiotherapy Malvern services. Athletes place a premium on performance enhancement. Strength, flexibility, and endurance training programs are tailor-made for each patient by our physiotherapists.Living with chronic pain, especially back pain, can be really debilitating. In order to help you lead a more active and pain-free life, our specialized treatments are crafted to reduce discomfort and enhance functionality. Adopting a more upright posture is essential for preventing a host of musculoskeletal problems. If you suffer from poor posture or are worried about developing an injury as a result, our physiotherapists can help.For what reasons should you choose Activ8Physio?When you come to Activ8Physio, you can expect nothing less than the best treatment possible. Physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, and spinal physiotherapy in Malvern are our specialties, and here are a few reasons why you should choose us:In order to give you the best care possible, they keep up with the newest developments in physiotherapy. We recognize the individuality of each patient. To meet your individual requirements and achieve your desired outcomes, our team crafts personalized treatment programs. Our clinic has state-of-the-art facilities to aid in your healing and treatment. We provide a comprehensive range of services to guarantee your health and wellbeing, beginning with an initial evaluation and continuing with continuous support.What You Must Do: Get Started on the Road to Healthier YouIs improving your health and reaching your objectives something you're prepared to do? If you are in need of physiotherapy in Malvern, or physiotherapy for sports or your spine, go no further than Activ8Physio. If you want help getting healthy and moving more, our professional staff is here to give it to you. Activ8Physio is here to help you get back on your feet after an injury or pain.Activ8Physio is a physiotherapy clinic in the centre of Malvern that provides excellent care to people in need. If you are in need of physiotherapy in Malvern or sport and spinal physiotherapy in Malvern, you can rest assured that you will receive first-rate care from our team. Our staff is here to help you in any way we can, whether you're an athlete trying to reach your maximum potential or a person dealing with chronic pain. For a healthier, more active lifestyle, visit Activ8Physio now. Utilize our all-encompassing physiotherapy services to unlock your maximum potential.
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drravigupta008 · 20 days
Total Knee Replacement: Who needs it? What are the risks? Total Knee Replacement: Who needs it? What are the risks?
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Total knee replacement is surgery where the patients having severe pain in the knees due to worn out knee joints are replaced with artificial materials. The surgery is usually recommended in patients older than 60 years because the artificial joint has its own life which has been estimated to be around 10–20 years depending upon the activity level and body weight of patients. It has been seen that the patients who are very active and have heavy body weight, the life of the artificial joint is on the lower side.
In this surgery, the worn out surfaces are cut by the surgeon and resurfaced with the artificial materials. So actually, the better word for this surgery is resurfacing rather than joint replacement.
Traditionally, this surgery is performed with the help of mechanical jigs to cut the bony surfaces exactly according to the need of the patient. This has been given the name of restoring the mechanical alignment of the joint. In the last couple of decades, there has been use of robotics in cutting the joint surfaces, which has been given the name of restoring the kinematic alignment of the joint.
Many companies manufacturing the knee replacement implants came out with their own systems of robots. With the use of the robots, the cost of the surgery went up. But over the years till now, the research has shown that the results of robotic surgery are not superior to the traditional surgery in any manner.
The patient satisfaction rate of knee replacement surgery is around 80–90%. 10–20% dissatisfied patients may still get some pain and/or improper alignment or stiffness. These are not always in the hands of the operating surgeons. But patient selection is an important factor for avoid dissatisfied percentage of patients.
For the success of the surgery, patient needs to start physiotherapy exercises in the preoperative period so that his/ her muscles are strong and the patient becomes familiar with the exercises to be done by him/her in the post operative period. The exercises after the knee replacement surgery are to be mainly done by the patient under the supervision of an expert. Lack of exercises on the part of the patient after the surgery is a common cause of poor results.
The cost of the surgery is high due to the basic reason of high cost of the implants. A number of implant materials like oxinium/ gold surfaced joints are being advertised recently by various companies with the claims of better results. But as on today, there is no significant difference in the results between the standard materials and gold coated/ oxinium.
Whether one should undergo knee replacement of one joint or both the joints is another important factor that should be known to the patient. If the pain is in one joint only, one should get the surgery of only one joint. Some patients think that they should get the surgery of both the joints to avoid a second surgery in future is a wrong notion. We should never replace a joint which is not having significant pain. Moreover, the profile of surgery of a single joint replacement being lower than the two simultaneous joint replacement surgeries- the risk of complications is also reported to be somewhat low. however, if the patient is fit for surgery physically and he/ she has problem in both the joints, one can go for simultaneous replacement of both the joints.
The serious complications of the surgery included deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and infection. DVT is preventable to some extend by early mobilization of patient after the surgery, lots of fluids intake and some measures like blood thinner drugs (aspirin) and mechanical pumps for the legs for initial few days after surgery.
The infection is another serious complications which is again preventable to some extent by getting the surgery in a hospital following aseptic technique and standard operation theatre protocols, and also by using the prophylactic antibiotics in the perioperative period. But there are patient factors also like diabetes/ smoking/ obesity/ poor immunity etc which are beyond the control of the surgeon. If the patient gets infection, he/she may need multiple surgeries with the aim of curing the infection.
So, the patient selection and the hospital selection are important factors for the success of the surgery.
In totality, the knee replacement surgery has turned out to be boon for the patients who were earlier leading a life of immobility and crippling due to severe pain in the joints. The success rate of the surgery is quite high.
For more information Visit: https://drravikgupta.com
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acphysiotherapy · 1 month
Why physiotherapy in Manchester is in demand?
Manchester is a very popular city. It is popular for football. But nowadays we know that it has also been popular for physiotherapy treatments as well. Earlier, it was not the scenario, but now it is. If you want to know why physiotherapy in Manchester is in demand, you need to go through this blog. It is going to give you the answer to your question. So, we would recommend you to go through it now. The blog is mainly for the residents of Manchester.
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Best doctors are there
In Manchester, you are going to get the best and most qualified doctors. Doctors who are good in physiotherapy treatments. They are going to treat you in such a way that your pain vanishes soon. The doctors for neck pain treatments in manchester provide the best treatment.
5 Star clinics
5-star clinics are there in Manchester that come with the finest technologies. With these technologies, the treatment can be done within a short span of time. And you are going to get a hand-written prescription from your doctors.
Electrotherapies are done
Clinics that provide electrotherapy and pain relief in manchester are common. Electrotherapy is the modern technique with which the electricity is passed through your body. It induces a heat with which your pain is eliminated to the fullest. You will see the sense of comfort it provides. Clinics in the other city do not provide electrotherapies.
Home physiotherapies
One more thing is that a physiotherapy in manchester would also provide home therapies. You do not have to visit a clinic to get a treatment done. Sit at home and get it done at an affordable rate. Majority of the people in Manchester prefer to do it. As a result, it is not so time-consuming, and it even saves a lot of money.
Sports Massage
The best thing for a sportsperson is that the clinics in Manchester also provide sports massage. Manchester football players get sports massages after suffering injuries at those clinics. One of the leading examples of this clinic is AC Physiotherapy. Visit this clinic to get a sports massage.
Final Words
The aforementioned reasons are enough to say why the physiotherapy services in Manchester are in so much demand. Go through them, and you will get a fair idea. You will not have any further doubts.
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medicalbillingblogs · 3 months
Optimizing Reimbursement Rates for Physical Therapy Services
Physiotherapy plays a vital role in the rehabilitation and treatment of various musculoskeletal conditions, injuries and disabilities. As demand for physical therapy services continues to grow, healthcare providers are challenged to optimize reimbursement rates to ensure financial sustainability while providing high-quality care to patients.
In this comprehensive guide, we explore strategies and best practices to optimize reimbursement rates for physical therapy services, focusing on key areas such as coding and documentation, payer negotiations, compliance, and revenue cycle management.
Understanding Reimbursement in Physical Therapy
Reimbursement for physical therapy services is typically determined by third-party payers, including private insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, and other government-funded programs. Reimbursement rates may vary depending on factors such as the type of service provided, complexity of treatment, geographic location, and contracts negotiated between providers and payers.
Physical therapy services are often billed using Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, which classify specific treatments and interventions provided during therapy sessions. Additionally, International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes are used to identify medical diagnoses or conditions being treated.
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Optimizing Reimbursement Rates
Accurate Coding and Documentation
Accurate coding and documentation are essential to optimize reimbursement rates for physical therapy billing services. Healthcare providers must ensure that services provided are properly documented and coded in accordance with guidelines established by regulatory bodies and payers.
Adequate Documentation: Detailed documentation of patient assessments, treatment plans, progress notes, and outcomes is crucial to demonstrating medical necessity for physical therapy services. Thorough documentation also helps support the codes billed and justifies the requested reimbursement.
CPT Coding: Selecting appropriate CPT codes that accurately reflect the services provided is essential to maximizing reimbursement. Physical therapists should be familiar with the CPT code set and use codes that best describe the interventions and procedures performed during therapy sessions.
ICD Coding: Accurate diagnostic coding using ICD codes is equally important for reimbursement. Ensuring that ICD codes align with the patient's medical condition and support the medical necessity of therapy services is essential for successful reimbursement.
Negotiate Contracts With Payers
Effective negotiation with payers can lead to better reimbursement rates and favorable contract terms for physical therapy services. Healthcare providers must proactively collaborate with payers to negotiate contracts that reflect the value of the services provided while ensuring fair and competitive reimbursement rates.
Understand Payer Policies: Before entering into contract negotiations, healthcare providers should thoroughly research and understand each payer's reimbursement policies. Understanding payer rate schedules, billing requirements, and coverage policies can help inform negotiation strategies.
Highlight the Value Proposition: During contract negotiations, healthcare providers should emphasize the value proposition of their physical therapy services, including the quality of care provided, patient outcomes, and cost-effectiveness. Demonstrating the value of physical therapy services can strengthen the provider's position and justify higher reimbursement rates.
Seek Fair Reimbursement: Health care providers should advocate for fair and reasonable reimbursement rates that reflect the value of physical therapy services and cover the costs of providing care. Negotiating higher reimbursement rates, reduced administrative burdens, and timely payment terms can help improve financial viability and sustainability.
Ensure Compliance with Regulatory Requirements
Compliance with regulatory requirements is essential to maximize reimbursement rates and avoid penalties or fines. Healthcare providers should stay abreast of changes in regulations, physical therapy coding and billing guidelines, and documentation requirements to ensure compliance with federal, state, and payer-specific rules.
Stay Informed: Healthcare providers should actively monitor updates and changes to regulations, coding guidelines, and payment policies related to physical therapy services. Subscribing to industry newsletters, attending educational seminars, and participating in professional organizations can help you stay informed about regulatory changes.
Train Staff: Providing training and education to staff members on compliance requirements, coding guidelines, and documentation standards is essential to maintaining compliance. Healthcare providers should invest in ongoing training programs to ensure staff members understand their roles and responsibilities in compliance.
Conduct Audits: Regular audits of coding and documentation practices can help identify compliance issues and areas for improvement. Healthcare providers should conduct internal audits to evaluate coding accuracy, documentation integrity, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Optimize Revenue Cycle Management
Efficient revenue cycle management is critical to maximizing reimbursement rates and improving cash flow for physical therapy services. Healthcare providers should implement strategies to streamline billing processes, reduce claim denials, and expedite payment collection.
Streamline Billing Processes: Implementing electronic health record (EHR) systems and billing software can streamline billing processes, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. Automating billing tasks such as claims submission, eligibility verification, and payment posting can help speed up revenue cycle management.
Monitor key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Tracking key performance indicators such as days in accounts receivable (AR), clean claims rate, and denial rate can provide insight into the status of the income. Healthcare providers should monitor KPIs regularly and take proactive steps to address bottlenecks or issues affecting reimbursement.
Improve Denial Management: Developing robust denial management processes can help reduce claim denials and improve reimbursement rates. Healthcare providers should analyze denial trends, identify root causes, and implement corrective actions to prevent future denials.
Optimizing reimbursement rates for physical therapy services requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses accurate coding and documentation, effective negotiations with payers, compliance with regulatory requirements, and efficient revenue cycle management. Healthcare providers must proactively engage with payers, stay informed on regulatory changes, and implement best practices to maximize reimbursement rates while providing high-quality care to patients.
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mvprehab · 4 months
Is Physiotherapy Covered by Medicare?
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Health insurance is important because it helps to ensure that essential services like physiotherapy are affordable. However, understanding the coverage limitations and costs can be confusing.
Private health insurance is often sold as individual plans that are purchased on a personal basis, rather than through an employer. Unlike group plans, individual plans can provide a wider range of benefits. To know more about NDIS Physiotherapy Rates, visit the MVP Rehab Physiotherapy website or call 0450603234.
Medicare covers physiotherapy, which includes a range of physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore movement and functional potential. It is an evidence-based practice that involves research, application and interpretation.
Physiotherapists work in a variety of settings, including private clinics and community health centers. They may also be affiliated with hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and even retirement communities.
The underlying principle of physiotherapy is to help people improve their mobility, balance and motor skills. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, from injuries to chronic health issues that affect balance and mobility.
Medicare Part B generally covers physiotherapy as outpatient care. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. For example, you must be referred to a physiotherapist by your doctor and the therapy needs to be medically necessary. In addition, you must pay the Medicare deductible before coverage kicks in. Some people choose to buy Medicare Supplement insurance to cover the costs of the deductible and coinsurance.
In some cases, Medicare may not cover a particular treatment because it does not consider it medically reasonable and necessary. The Medicare website provides information on what services are considered eligible and what coverage guidelines to follow. Commercial insurance companies and some Medicare payers also provide similar information for patients.
In a given year, Medicare permits up to five sessions of physiotherapy services. Your doctor decides how many sessions are required to suit your health condition and treatment needs.
Usually, Medicare Part B will cover 80% of the costs of outpatient physiotherapy after you pay the Medicare deductible ($240 per year in 2024). You can also sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan that includes Part A and Part B and offers more comprehensive benefits.
Some Medicare Advantage plans will cover Part B excess charges, which is when a provider charges more than the Medicare-approved amount. The most common Medicare Advantage plans that cover Part B excess charges are Plan F and Plan G.
Whether you need physiotherapy to reduce pain after an injury, manage a chronic health condition, or improve your mobility, Medicare may cover some of your treatment costs. However, beneficiaries are responsible for out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles and coinsurance, so it’s important to understand the coverage details.
Medicare Part B covers physiotherapy as an outpatient service at doctor’s offices, physical therapy clinics, rehabilitation facilities, and some hospitals. It typically pays 80% after the beneficiary meets the annual Part B deductible ($233 in 2022), and the beneficiary pays the remaining 20%.
Many Medicare Advantage Plans also set cost-sharing requirements that vary by plan. It’s important to check your plan documents for specifics, but many Medicare Advantage plans require prior authorization from a physician before covering services. The best way to determine if your plan requires prior authorization is to contact the provider and ask. If you are denied coverage, contact Medicare and follow their instructions for appealing the denial.
There is no limit on how many physiotherapy appointments Medicare will pay for in a year, provided that the services are medically necessary. However, there is a limit on the total amount of money Medicare will pay for PT in a given year, and once that threshold has been reached, a physical therapist will have to confirm that the treatment still qualifies as medically necessary.
Medicare Part B will cover 80% of the cost of outpatient physical therapy after you meet your Part B deductible, which is $240 in 2024. Your Medigap plan may cover some or all of the 20% coinsurance remaining after Medicare pays its portion. To know more about NDIS Physiotherapy Rates, visit the MVP Rehab Physiotherapy website or call 0450603234.
Most Original Medicare beneficiaries enroll in a Medigap plan to help cover the gaps in coverage, and these plans typically cover the 20% coinsurance for Part B-covered physical therapy. Additionally, some supplemental plans also cover the 15% “excess charges” that doctors can charge beyond Medicare’s approved rate, but this depends on the specific plan.
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drsangeetashetty01 · 5 months
Addressing Urinary Incontinence: Treatment Options Offered by Gynecologists in Ghodbunder Road, Thane
Urinary incontinence, a common but distressing circumstance, affects thousands and thousands of individuals global, predominantly girls. Fortunately, specialised care from gynecologists in Ghodbunder Road, Thane, which include Dr. Sangeeta Shetty, offers comprehensive treatment alternatives to address this condition successfully. Let's discover the know-how of a Gynecologist in Ghodbunder Road Thane and the remedy options available to manage urinary incontinence.
Understanding Urinary Incontinence:
Urinary incontinence refers to the involuntary leakage of urine, often attributable to weakened pelvic floor muscular tissues, hormonal adjustments, or nerve damage.Gynecologist in Ghodbunder Road Thane, like Dr. Sangeeta Shetty, conduct thorough evaluations to become aware of the underlying reasons and severity of urinary incontinence of their sufferers. This personalized method allows them to broaden tailored treatment plans that address the precise needs of each individual.
Treatment Options Offered:
Gynecologists in Ghodbunder Road, Thane, offer a number of treatment options to manage urinary incontinence efficaciously. These may additionally consist of pelvic ground muscle sports (Kegels), way of life modifications, bladder schooling techniques, and nutritional changes. Additionally, gynecologists might also advocate clinical interventions such as remedy, minimally invasive techniques, or surgical interventions in severe cases. Dr. Sangeeta Shetty emphasizes affected person training and empowerment, guiding people via their treatment journey with compassion and expertise.
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation:
Pelvic floor rehabilitation, a cornerstone of urinary incontinence treatment, involves strengthening the pelvic ground muscular tissues through focused sports and physiotherapy. Top Gynecologist in Thane, collaborate with specialized pelvic floor physiotherapists to lay out individualized rehabilitation programs for his or her sufferers. These packages focus on enhancing muscle tone, bladder manage, and standard pelvic floor function, leading to considerable enhancements in urinary continence and high-quality of existence.
Surgical Interventions:
In cases where conservative measures fail to offer adequate relief, gynecologists can also endorse surgical interventions to address urinary incontinence. These methods, which consist of sling placement, bladder neck suspension, and artificial urinary sphincter implantation, intend to repair proper bladder manipulation and minimize urinary leakage. Gynecologist in Ghodbunder Road Thane, possess the understanding to perform these surgical procedures properly and successfully, providing patients lengthy-term comfort from urinary incontinence signs and symptoms.
Urinary incontinence can notably affect a person's first-rate of life, affecting their physical, emotional, and social well-being. However, with the professional care and complete treatment alternatives furnished through Best Gynecologist in Thane, Thane, along with Dr. Sangeeta Shetty, people can correctly manipulate and conquer this situation.
Through a mixture of conservative measures, pelvic floor rehabilitation, and surgical interventions, patients acquire customized care tailored to their precise wishes and circumstances. By seeking well timed treatment and guidance from skilled gynecologists, individuals can regain bladder manipulation, restore confidence, and experience an advanced pleasant life free from the restrictions of urinary incontinence.
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indiamedicaltourism · 5 months
Shoulder Replacement Surgery in India
Shoulder replacement surgery, also known as shoulder arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure for relieving pain and restoring shoulder function in a person with severe shoulder joint damage. India has emerged as a top medical tourism destination for shoulder replacement surgeries, offering the latest medical facilities, skilled orthopedic surgeons, and cost-effective treatment. If you are looking for shoulder replacement surgery in India then go ahead to know details about the best hospitals, top surgeons, and the cost of shoulder replacement in India.
India has a robust healthcare system with great infrastructure and advanced surgical facilities. The country has many best hospitals and specialized orthopedic centers for both Indian and international patients. These facilities are equipped with advanced medical technology, including computer-assisted navigation systems and robotic surgical techniques, ensuring precise and successful shoulder replacement surgeries.
Many top orthopedic surgeons in India are globally recognized for their expertise and proficiency in performing complex shoulder replacement surgeries for patients. Some of the surgeons have received training and gained experience in reputed medical institutions around the world. Their domain knowledge, skill, and dedication contribute to an excellent surgical success rate with patient satisfaction. Moreover, the majority of surgeons in India are fluent in English, making it easier for international patients to communicate and seek medical advice.
One of the primary reasons why patients want to come to India for shoulder replacement surgery is the affordable shoulder replacement cost. The cost of the procedure in India is lower compared to many countries, without compromising on quality and safety standards. This cost-benefit, coupled with the availability of world-class medical facilities.
India has lots of the best hospitals and medical institutions for joint replacement that have received accreditation from international bodies like the Joint Commission International (JCI) and the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH). These accreditations ensure that the hospitals maintain high standards of healthcare delivery, patient safety, and infection control protocols. Patients can have confidence in the quality of care they receive during their shoulder replacement surgery in India.
India has access to a wide range of high-quality shoulder implants, including traditional implants, reverse shoulder implants, stemless implants, etc. These implants are made from durable materials such as metal alloys and high-density polyethylene, ensuring long-term functionality and stability. Surgeons work closely with patients to determine the most suitable implant type based on their specific needs and conditions.
India's healthcare system focuses on all the things like excellent surgical treatment, comprehensive post-surgical rehabilitation. Rehabilitation plays an important role in the success of shoulder replacement surgery, aiding in a quicker recovery and improved functionality. Indian hospitals have dedicated physiotherapy departments that offer personalized rehabilitation programs to help patients regain strength, flexibility, and mobility after the surgery.
In many countries, patients generally face long waiting times for shoulder replacement surgery due to high demand and limited resources. However, in India, the waiting times are comparatively shorter, allowing patients to receive timely treatment and relief from their shoulder pain. This is particularly beneficial for people experiencing severe pain and mobility issues that significantly impact their daily lives.
Al Afiya Medi Tour is one of the best medical tourism companies in India. We are offer medical tourism services in India foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and so on. We provide free assistance for TURP surgery cost, lung cancer treatment, breast cancer surgery, stomach cancer treatment, ovarian cancer treatment, liver transplant cost, best hospital for heart valve replacement, liver cancer treatment, bone marrow transplant cost,prostate cancer treatment, arthroscopic surgery, knee replacement surgery, best liver transplant hospital, brain tumor surgery, kidney transplant, cancer treatment, liver transplant treatment, leukemia treatment, best bone marrow hospital, etc.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com.
Source: https://bestmedicaltourismcompanyinindia.blogspot.com/2023/07/shoulder-replacement-in-india.html
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alyssamonah · 8 months
Key Metrics for Evaluating iCare Attended Care Provider
In the fast-evolving landscape of healthcare, the role of attended care providers has become increasingly significant. These professionals, who often work under the iCare umbrella, play a crucial role in delivering high-quality, personalized care to patients. As the demand for attended care services continues to rise, it's essential to have a robust framework for evaluating the performance of these providers. This article delves into key metrics that can be instrumental in assessing the effectiveness of Physiotherapy Assistant Jobs Sydney, offering insights into their quality of service, patient satisfaction, and overall impact on healthcare delivery.
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Why Evaluate iCare Attended Care Providers?
Before delving into the specific metrics, it's essential to understand why evaluating attended care providers in the iCare ecosystem is vital. As the healthcare industry shifts towards a more patient-centric approach, the quality of care delivered by these providers becomes paramount. Evaluating their performance not only helps in maintaining high standards of care but also provides valuable insights for continuous improvement. Here are some compelling reasons to evaluate iCare attended care providers:
Quality Assurance: By regularly assessing the performance of attended care providers, iCare organizations can ensure that they maintain high standards of care, leading to better patient outcomes.
Patient Satisfaction: Evaluations can help identify areas where providers excel and areas that need improvement, leading to higher patient satisfaction levels.
Operational Efficiency: Metrics can reveal inefficiencies in care delivery processes, allowing organizations to streamline operations for better resource utilization.
Data-Driven Decision-Making: Evaluation metrics provide valuable data that can inform strategic decisions and resource allocation within iCare organizations.
Now, let's dive into the key metrics for evaluating iCare attended care providers:
1. Patient Satisfaction Metrics
Patient satisfaction is a crucial aspect of healthcare and attended care providers in the iCare system must aim to provide an exceptional experience for patients. To measure patient satisfaction, consider the following metrics:
Patient Surveys
Conduct regular surveys to gather feedback from patients regarding their experience with attended care providers. These surveys can include questions about communication, responsiveness, and overall satisfaction with the care received.
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
NPS is a metric that measures the likelihood of patients recommending iCare attended care providers to others. It provides valuable insights into the level of satisfaction and loyalty among patients.
Complaints and Grievances
Track and analyze the number and nature of complaints and grievances received from patients. This data can help identify recurring issues and areas for improvement.
2. Clinical Quality Metrics
The quality of clinical care provided by attended care providers is of paramount importance. These metrics assess the effectiveness of treatment and care delivery:
Readmission Rates
High readmission rates can indicate issues with the quality of care provided. Monitor readmission rates within a specific timeframe after a patient's initial discharge.
Patient Outcomes
Evaluate patient outcomes, including measures such as mortality rates, complications, and the achievement of treatment goals. Positive outcomes reflect the provider's effectiveness.
Adherence to Clinical Guidelines
Assess the degree to which attended care providers adhere to established clinical guidelines and protocols. Adherence to best practices is essential for delivering high-quality care.
3. Operational Efficiency Metrics
Efficient operations are essential for delivering timely and cost-effective care. These metrics focus on the efficiency of care delivery processes:
Response Time
Measure the time it takes for attended care providers to respond to patient requests or emergencies. Faster response times can be critical in certain healthcare scenarios.
Resource Utilization
Assess the efficient use of resources, including staff, equipment, and facilities. Optimal resource utilization helps control costs and enhance the quality of care.
Appointment Scheduling
Evaluate the ease and efficiency of scheduling appointments with attended care providers. Smooth scheduling processes can improve patient access to care.
4. Financial Metrics
Financial metrics are essential for assessing the sustainability and profitability of iCare organizations. They can also provide insights into the cost-effectiveness of attended care providers:
Revenue Generation
Track the revenue generated by attended care providers and their impact on the organization's overall financial health.
Cost Per Patient
Calculate the average cost of care per patient for attended care providers. This metric can help identify areas where cost efficiency can be improved.
Return on Investment (ROI)
Determine the ROI associated with attended care providers. This metric assesses the financial benefit derived from the resources invested in these providers.
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5. Compliance and Regulatory Metrics
Compliance with healthcare regulations and industry standards is essential for the safety and legality of care delivery:
Regulatory Compliance
Ensure that attended care providers adhere to all relevant healthcare regulations, certifications, and licensing requirements.
Quality Audits
Conduct regular quality audits to assess the compliance of attended care providers with established standards and protocols.
Data Security and Privacy
Evaluate the security and privacy measures in place to protect patient data and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
6. Training and Professional Development Metrics
Attended care providers need continuous training and professional development to stay updated with the latest healthcare practices:
Training Completion Rates
Monitor the percentage of attended care providers who complete required training programs and certifications.
Continuing Education
Assess the participation of attended care providers in continuing education programs and their commitment to ongoing learning.
Skill Competency
Evaluate the proficiency of attended care providers in essential clinical skills through assessments and evaluations.
7. Patient Engagement Metrics
Engaging patients in their care is crucial for improving health outcomes and satisfaction:
Health Literacy Improvement
Measure the success of attended care providers in improving patients' health literacy and their ability to make informed decisions about their care.
Patient Education
Assess the effectiveness of patient education programs and materials provided by attended care providers.
Shared Decision-Making
Evaluate the extent to which attended care providers involve patients in shared decision-making regarding their treatment plans.
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8. Technology Adoption Metrics
The integration of technology can significantly impact the quality and efficiency of care delivery:
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Usage
Track the utilization of EHR systems by attended care providers to ensure accurate and efficient documentation of patient information.
Telehealth Adoption
Assess the adoption of telehealth and remote monitoring technologies to expand access to care and improve patient engagement.
Patient Portal Engagement
Measure patient engagement with online portals for appointment scheduling, access to medical records, and secure communication with attended care providers.
9. Peer and Supervisor Evaluations
Incorporate evaluations from peers and supervisors to gain a well-rounded perspective on an attended care provider's performance:
360-Degree Feedback
Collect feedback from peers, supervisors, and colleagues to assess an attended care provider's interpersonal skills, teamwork, and communication.
Performance Reviews
Conduct regular performance reviews to provide constructive feedback and identify areas for improvement.
10. Patient and Caregiver Testimonials
Gathering testimonials from patients and their caregivers can provide valuable qualitative insights into the impact of attended care providers:
Success Stories
Share success stories and testimonials from patients who have had positive experiences with attended care providers.
Complaint Resolution
Highlight instances where attended care providers successfully resolved patient complaints and concerns.
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Evaluating iCare attended care provider is essential for maintaining high standards of care, improving patient satisfaction, and ensuring the overall effectiveness of healthcare delivery. By focusing on a combination of patient satisfaction, clinical quality, operational efficiency, financial performance, compliance, training, patient engagement, technology adoption, and peer and supervisor evaluations, iCare organizations can develop a comprehensive framework for assessing their attended care providers. This data-driven approach not only benefits the organization but, most importantly, enhances the quality of care delivered to patients, ultimately improving their health outcomes and overall healthcare experience.
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storeelablog · 11 months
The Benefits of Online Markets in Terms of Convenience, Variety, and Savings
Online marketplaces have revolutionized the shopping experience by putting a vast selection of goods within easy reach. Online shopping has made it easy for shoppers to browse a wide variety of products, compare prices, and make purchases without leaving the house. In this article, we'll look closely at the positive aspects of purchasing at online marketplaces, including the ease, variety, and discounts that have contributed to their meteoric rise in popularity.
Easy Access and Convenience: The ease of use offered by online marketplaces is a major benefit. You can easily Buy Best Home Furniture Online. No longer do you have to deal with annoying crowds and lengthy lines. Online retailers have made it possible for customers to shop whenever and wherever they have access to the internet. You can even get Best Body Shapers for Men. Because of this convenience, customers may go shopping whenever they choose, rather than being tied to the store's hours. In addition to saving time and effort, the doorstep delivery offered by online markets is a major perk.
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The assortment of goods offered in online marketplaces is vast, much outnumbering what can be found in traditional storefronts. Royal Enfield Spare Parts Online are pretty reasonable. Online marketplaces provide a wide variety of products across several categories, including clothes, electronics, household appliances, and specialty goods. Online shoppers have the luxury of perusing several options before settling on a single vendor. People also buy Health and Wellness Products. Because of the variety of choices available, shoppers are assured of finding something that suits their particular tastes and requirements.
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Secure and easy transaction processing is a hallmark of online marketplaces, and buyers may choose from a wide variety of payment methods, including major credit cards, debit cards, digital wallets, and even cash on delivery. Most of the people nowadays prefer to Shop Herbalife Nutrition Supplements Online. Customers appreciate this option because it gives them control over how they handle their financial transactions. Trustworthy online marketplaces also place a premium on data security to protect their consumers' identities and finances. Customers may rest easy knowing their data is safe thanks to buyer protection measures, secure payment gateways, and encrypted transactions.
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The abundance of consumer ratings and comments available in today's online marketplaces is a huge help to shoppers. Consumers may learn more about a product's quality, performance, and dependability by reading reviews written by other customers. Customers benefit from this openness since they are better able to make educated purchasing decisions. In addition, consumers may aid one another in their purchasing selections by giving ratings and reviews based on their personal experiences.
Conclusion: There's no denying that there are perks to shopping at online marketplaces, such the ability to compare prices and options with the click of a mouse. In today's fast-paced world, more and more people are opting for this digital method of buying.
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orthodocsclinic01 · 1 year
Different Types Of Orthopedic Surgeon Expertise Offered At Orthodocs Speciality Orthopedic Clinic
Orthopedics are the medical professionals who are engaged in treating different types of bone issues. The Orthopedic Surgeons In Andheri, which is associated with Orthodocs Speciality Orthopedic Clinic, is offering everyone the right set of treatments for all types of issues. The success rate of the doctor is very high, which is the reason why they have become the top choice of people all around who are suffering from orthopedic issues.
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Different Types Of Orthopedic Surgeon Expertise
Total Joint Reconstruction: Joint reconstruction is a medical procedure, which involves the repair of a damaged joint. The success rate of total joint replacement is very high, and the doctor diagnoses the overall condition of the person, then decides the overall course of treatment.
Pediatric Orthopedic: Pediatric Orthopedic is a specialist who focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of musculoskeletal conditions among children.
Surgical Sports Injuries: Surgical Sports Injury is the one, which is used to treat all types of sports injuries; such as; ACL Meniscal Tears, Rotator Cuff, Labral Tears, etc.
Orthopedic Trauma: Orthopedic trauma refers to severe injuries to the musculoskeletal system, it includes; fractures, dislocation, soft tissue injuries, polytrauma, open fracture, and rehabilitation.
Ankle Injury: Ankle injury refers to the damage or trauma that affects the structure of the ankle joint. It includes; ankle sprain, ankle fracture, Achilles tendon Injury, Ankle Impingement, Ankle Bursitis, and Syndesmotic Injury.  
Spinal Injury: Spinal injury refers to damage to the spinal cord or the spine. It requires proper care as well as physiotherapy.
Knee Injury: It refers to the injury related to the knee and it is necessary to prevent further damage if possible.
If you or anyone you might know is searching for the best ortho doctor, then you don’t have to look for it any further, as we are the destination for you. We are also known for the Sciatica Treatment In Andheri because we always treat the patient properly and guide them on how they can take care of their nerve issue.
Credit:- https://orthodocsclinic01.blogspot.com/2023/06/different-types-of-orthopedic-surgeon.html
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tansemanur · 1 year
                                   Stroke’s Causes and Solutions
            Everyone, from the young to the old, is at risk of having a stroke. Stroke affects nervous system and musculoskeletal system. It causes loss of muscles and limbs. Stroke has two types such as ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke, which is the most common one, is caused by clogging of blood vessels. It obstructs the blood flow. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs as a result of any bleeding in the brain veins. Also, a ruptured vein can causes it. Stroke, aka paralysis, is a cerebrovascular disease that can be fatal. It has the second highest death rate, so it is a real danger. People should take precautions to avoid stroke, because even in a healthy person stroke risk is in high level.
            First of all, stroke’s most important reason is high blood pressure. Those, at risk for high blood pressure, should balance it and they should not miss their doctor check. In addition high cholesterol is one of the other important causes of stroke. Those with cholesterol should be very careful with their diet. Thus, they will keep their veins clean and they will let blood to flow.
            Second of all, smoking is also one of the cause of stroke to be considered. Smokers are approximately three times more likely to have a stroke than non-smokers. Those people should stop smoking for their own health. They can get help from instituations such as ‘’Yeşilay’’about this.
            Third of all, another main reason is having diebet. This person must have an adequate diet of fruits and vegetables. Moreover, obese people have risk of stroke. Consequently, they should follow this diet too. Both of them should do regular exercise to avoid that. Also, people must reduce their alcohol use. Alcohol affects heart conditions and heart rhytm disorders in a negative way. It also has a bad influence on stroke.
In conclusion, if people obey this rules they can avoid from stroke, but even if they do everything properly they still have risk. Fifteen million people suffer a stroke each year. For this reason, they should strive to be healthy. At least, they should reduce the risk. If people do not follow these rules, they will have to meet the physiotherapy field, unless they survive from stroke.
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