#PhD projects assignment in india
Elevating Academic Excellence: PhD Thesis Writing Services in India
Writing a PhD thesis is a significant milestone in an academic journey, representing years of research, analysis, and scholarly contribution to a particular field of study. However, the process of crafting a comprehensive and well-structured thesis can be daunting and overwhelming for many doctoral candidates. In India, there are specialized services dedicated to supporting PhD students in their thesis writing endeavors. In this guide, we'll explore the key features and benefits of PhD thesis writing services in India and how they facilitate academic success.
Key Features of PhD Thesis Writing Services in India:
1. Expert Writers:
PhD Thesis Writing Services India employ a team of experienced and qualified writers with expertise in various academic disciplines. These writers hold advanced degrees (PhD or equivalent) and have extensive experience in research, writing, and academic publishing.
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2. Customized Approach:
Thesis writing services in India offer personalized assistance tailored to the specific requirements of each doctoral candidate. They work closely with students to understand their research objectives, preferences, and academic guidelines, ensuring that the final thesis meets the highest standards of academic rigor and relevance.
3. Comprehensive Research:
Professional thesis writers in India conduct thorough research on the chosen topic, utilizing a wide range of scholarly sources and academic literature. They gather relevant data, analyze findings, and synthesize arguments to develop a coherent and well-supported thesis statement.
4. Structured Writing Process:
Thesis writing services in India follow a structured writing process, starting from the formulation of a research proposal to the final submission of the thesis document. They provide guidance at every stage of the writing process, including literature review, methodology, data analysis, and conclusion.
5. Formatting and Editing:
PhD thesis writing services in India ensure that the final document adheres to the prescribed formatting and citation styles (such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). They also offer editing and proofreading services to eliminate errors in grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling, ensuring clarity and coherence in the writing.
Benefits of PhD Thesis Writing Services in India:
1. Time Savings:
By availing the services of professional thesis writers, doctoral candidates can save valuable time and effort in the thesis writing process. Expert assistance allows students to focus on their research and data analysis, while writers handle the writing and documentation aspects of the thesis.
2. Quality Assurance:
Thesis writing services in India prioritize quality and academic integrity in every aspect of the writing process. They ensure that the thesis meets the highest standards of scholarship, originality, and relevance, thereby enhancing the academic reputation and credibility of the student.
3. Timely Completion:
With the support of thesis writing services, doctoral candidates can expedite the completion of their thesis within the stipulated timeframe. Writers adhere to strict deadlines and milestones, ensuring that the thesis is completed and submitted on time without compromising on quality.
4. Mentorship and Guidance:
Thesis writing services in India offer mentorship and guidance to students throughout the writing process. Writers provide feedback, suggestions, and recommendations to help students improve their writing skills, critical thinking abilities, and scholarly communication.
5. Academic Success:
Ultimately, the goal of PhD thesis writing services in India is to facilitate academic success for doctoral candidates. By providing expert assistance, personalized support, and high-quality writing, these services empower students to successfully defend their thesis, obtain their doctoral degree, and make significant contributions to their field of study.
PhD thesis writing services in India play a pivotal role in supporting doctoral candidates in their academic journey by providing expert assistance, personalized guidance, and high-quality writing. With their commitment to excellence and academic integrity, these services enable students to overcome challenges, achieve milestones, and fulfill their academic aspirations with confidence.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'The Christopher Nolan biopic Oppenheimer has stirred memories of people who had occasion to meet and work with the “father of the atomic bomb”. Jacob Kuriyan is one such person. A former scientist and currently a healthcare researcher in New Mexico, the site for Oppenheimer’s Los Alamos lab, Kuriyan was recruited by the man himself to work in his institute at Princeton, the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), in 1966. But Kuriyan would rather remember Julius Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) as the “father of quantum physics in the US” rather than the “father of the atomic bomb”.
A PhD from Syracuse University, Kuriyan obtained a Master’s degree from Madras University. He joined Oppenheimer when he was just 25. “In fact, I was one of the last two appointments made by Oppenheimer to the physics group,” said Kuriyan.
Oppenheimer, then 62, was afflicted with throat cancer and was undergoing treatment. “He was a chain smoker and his cancer was probably because of that. There were people at Los Alamos who developed cancer because of the radioactive material they were handling. Oppenheimer got his cancer 10-15 years after the Manhattan Project.”
IAS in Princeton, which is separate from Princeton University, is a research institute, at that time headed by Oppenheimer. It was home to Albert Einstein and John Von Neumann, the father of modern computers. Kuriyan was a junior member there.
“It was one of those places where nothing was expected of you. I was continuing my research in the branch of particle physics and had published a paper before my PhD, which was rare and that was probably why I was selected to be in the institute,” said Kuriyan over an hour-long trans-Atlantic call.
Kuriyan was assigned an office right below Oppenheimer’s office. “I did not have many interactions with him. At that time he was travelling to New York for his cancer treatment. He used to go by train. I used to see him around and one day made an appointment to meet him. He very graciously made time for me. As I knocked on the door to his private office, he opened the door, welcomed me, and walked me to the chair and pulled it out, so that I could get seated — and then went to the other side of the table and sat in his chair. I still remember that. How gracious! Many others have appreciated that about him. We spent a good hour talking about physics.”
Talking about Oppenheimer and the times then, Kuriyan said: “There was a huge number of people on staff who had dealt with Professor Oppenheimer — and so I was steeped in that environment. There was a lot of concern at that time about the atomic bomb and what it would do in the western world. People were saying Russia had the bomb, and when would China have it. They never talked of India having it, though. The excitement at that time centred on Group Theory and SU(3) (mathematical concepts involving symmetries and used to describe interactions between subatomic particles), topics that another famous American physicist, Murray Gell-Mann, made famous. Murray joined the institute the following year and I had many discussions with him.”
After Einstein, Oppenheimer was the most important figure in physics at that time. “True, he didn’t win the Nobel. But I have no doubt in my mind that he would have won it had he not been in the Manhattan Project. He had done very important work in quantum physics including the correct identification of the ‘anti electron’ in the Dirac equation, as well as speculation on the black hole, and he could have easily qualified for Physics Nobel,” said Kuriyan.
About Christopher Nolan’s eponymous film, Kuriyan said: “I haven’t watched it yet. I plan to do so. But there seems to be many misstatements including the one that he spoke five different languages, one of which was Sanskrit. But Sanskrit is a dead language. Oppenheimer had learned Sanskrit and had read the Hindu scriptures, especially the Gita.”
“I heard that Indians were offended by the scene in the movie of Oppie reading the Bhagavad Gita while he was in bed with his mistress. That is Hollywood at its gratuitous worst. We should not be distracted and instead focus on understanding what made him ‘tick’,” Kuriyan said.
Oppenheimer’s role as an academic and the builder of the American school of quantum physics is not being discussed. “It is his role as the father of the atomic bomb that is being stressed a lot. But, even more important, he was the father of quantum physics in America, at a time when American physics was at a low point. Between 1905 and 1930, other than Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (the distinguished Indian Nobel physicist) who had migrated from the UK, I can’t think of anyone comparable in the US. It was Oppenheimer who learnt quantum physics in Europe and started to train students in the United States that played a critical role in building the rich physics community in the US that made it possible for the Manhattan Project to succeed,” pointed out Kurian.
Oppenheimer, born to Jewish parents, graduated from Harvard in three years with a summa cum laude (signifying a degree that was earned with the highest distinction). He then travelled to Europe and completed his PhD in two years. “He was a smart person, quick to decipher complex issues. He completed his PhD in Germany and came back to teach at Berkeley (University of California) and CalTech in Southern California. He was chosen by Lt General Leslie Groves of the United States Army Corps of Engineers to direct the Manhattan Project because he was so good at explaining things. Oppenheimer was able to attract the brightest of minds and manage them at Los Alamos. We should remember that, at that time, the outstanding physicists were in Europe. The splitting of uranium was accomplished in Germany. Werner Heisenberg, who developed quantum mechanics, was in Germany, and suspected to head the bomb construction project for the Nazis. Compared to them, the US had young inexperienced scientists. It was like building a championship team from raw recruits. That’sOppenheimer’s accomplishment at Los Alamos,” he said.
Most physicists were uniformly on Oppenheimer’s side during and after the security clearance hearings. In hindsight, it is easy to understand Oppenheimer’s hesitancy to rush and create “super” — a hydrogen bomb. After all, his work had contributed to the deaths of over 200,000 people.
“At the same, we can understand the disappointment in Edward Teller, a member of his Los Alamos project, who was promoting the ‘super’. Oppenheimer became a ‘barrier’ to the development of the ‘super’. Is it any wonder that Edward Teller, aided, I am certain, by the yet-to-be-named ‘military industrial complex’, colluded to keep Oppenheimer out,” felt Kuriyan.
“Teller did whatever to try and minimise Oppenheimer’s influence. Sadly, it went too far — suggesting he was not a patriotic American and possibly a Soviet spy. Of course, it was all nonsense. They punished him by denying him security clearance — access to ‘Top Secret’ documents. I feel his vilification and revoking of security clearance was a result of the red-baiting politicians and the military-industrial complex nexus, with vested interests in military investments,” said Kuriyan.
But didn’t Oppenheimer start it all by helping build the atom bomb? Kuriyan was quick to defend him.
“When approached to build the atomic bomb, he did it out of a conviction that it would end the World War, which it did. The prevailing thought was Japan was ‘defeated’ but to make them surrender, a land invasion would be necessary and could have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. One proposal was to have a ‘demonstration’ of the devastation the bomb could bring but, in hindsight, even after a hundred thousand deaths, the Emperor refused to surrender — and a second bomb was necessary to make them surrender. There were no good choices and we see it even today,” said Kuriyan.
Oppenheimer was a popular physicist, and without doubt he enjoyed the adulation, said Kuriyan. Famous physicists frequently chose to visit and spend a year at his institute. “At seminars he would summarise conclusions succinctly and his praise would advance their careers.”
While a debate is raging over Oppenheimer quoting the Gita after the Trinity explosion, Kuriyan said: “It is significant to me that Oppenheimer would choose to quote from the Gita rather than Greek or Roman texts.”
“It is the implications of his embrace of the universalism of Hindu philosophy — the reason why he learned Sanskrit. I am not saying he was an expert or anything like that. It is wonderful that someone in charge of such a destructive weapon development was cultured and sensitive — aware of humanity. I am not also suggesting that India can take credit for Oppenheimer’s humane approach to this most evil of topics. But Hinduism did contribute. That is the kind of a leader we needed when we entered the new world of the atom. Contrast that with what we have now as ‘thought leaders’, as we tackle the threat of artificial intelligence and how it might destroy societies,” Kuriyan concluded.'
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zonduo · 9 months
Unveiling the Craft: Navigating the Realm of Research Paper Writing Services
In the dynamic landscape of academia, the demand for well-crafted research papers has never been higher. As students and scholars grapple with the complexities of their respective fields, the necessity of enlisting the support of a reliable research paper writing service becomes increasingly evident. This article aims to explore the intricacies of these services, shedding light on their role, benefits, and potential pitfalls.
The Rising Demand
The pursuit of knowledge often involves grappling with multifaceted challenges, leaving students and researchers stretched thin. The demand for research paper writing services has surged in response to this academic pressure cooker. These services, provided by experienced writers and subject matter experts, offer a lifeline to those seeking assistance in articulating their research findings.
The Role of Research Paper Writing Services
Research paper writing services play a pivotal role in assisting individuals at various stages of their academic journey. From undergraduate essays to doctoral dissertations, these services offer a spectrum of support. Expert writers, well-versed in the nuances of academic writing, collaborate with clients to create well-researched and impeccably structured papers. They not only alleviate the burden of writing but also provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the process.
Benefits of Engaging a Research Paper Writing Service
Expertise and Specialization: Research paper writing services often employ professionals with specialized knowledge in diverse fields. This ensures that the writer assigned to a project has a deep understanding of the subject matter.
Time Management: Academic timelines can be relentless. Research paper writing services allow students and researchers to manage their time effectively by outsourcing the writing process, enabling them to focus on other crucial aspects of their work.
Quality Assurance: Reputable services prioritize the quality of their output. Rigorous editing and proofreading processes are typically in place, ensuring that the final product meets academic standards.
Customization and Originality: Each project is unique, and research paper writing services recognize this by providing customized solutions. Plagiarism checks are routine, guaranteeing the originality and authenticity of the content.
Potential Pitfalls and Ethical Considerations
While the benefits are clear, there are potential pitfalls associated with engaging research paper writing services. The risk of plagiarism, ethical concerns, and issues related to the misuse of academic assistance are critical factors that demand consideration.
Plagiarism Concerns: The temptation to submit a paper as one's own without proper attribution is a serious ethical breach. It is imperative for users of these services to uphold academic integrity and use the delivered work as a guide rather than a shortcut.
Ethical Considerations: Engaging a research paper writing service should not be seen as a means to bypass the learning process. Academic growth occurs through the struggle and triumph of individual efforts. Overreliance on external assistance may hinder personal development.
Misuse of Services: Research paper writing services are designed to aid, not replace, academic efforts. Misusing these services to submit work on behalf of the client is not only unethical but can also have severe consequences.
For More Info :-
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phd assistance
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cimagecollegepatna · 1 year
BCA Course Overview
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) is an undergraduate degree program in the field of computer applications. The program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in computer science and applications, along with essential skills in communication, management, and problem-solving.
BCA is a three-year program in India that is offered by many universities and colleges. It is a popular choice for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the IT industry. The program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of computer science and its applications, including programming languages, software development, database management, and networking.
The BCA curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in computer science and applications. In the first year of the program, students are introduced to the basics of computer science, including programming, data structures, algorithms, and computer architecture. In the second and third year, students are exposed to more advanced topics, such as software engineering, web development, database management, and networking.
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In addition to technical skills, BCA students also develop essential soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. The program includes several projects and assignments that require students to work in teams, communicate effectively, and solve problems collaboratively.
One of the benefits of pursuing a BCA degree is the wide range of career opportunities it offers. BCA graduates can work in a variety of industries, including IT, e-commerce, telecommunications, banking, and healthcare. Some of the job roles that BCA graduates can explore include software developer, web developer, database administrator, network administrator, and system analyst.
BCA graduates can also choose to pursue higher education in the field of computer science, such as a Master's degree or a PhD. Higher education can provide BCA graduates with advanced knowledge and skills in a specific area of computer science, which can lead to more specialized and lucrative job opportunities.
In conclusion, Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) is a comprehensive undergraduate degree program that provides students with a strong foundation in computer science and applications, along with essential soft skills. The program is designed to prepare students for a wide range of career opportunities in the IT industry, and also provides a solid foundation for further education in the field of computer science. If you're interested in pursuing a career in the field of computer science, BCA could be a great choice for you.
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itesucation · 1 year
Data science with python training in pune
IEC Pune Data Science with Python Course in pune. This is the most comprehensive Data Science course on the market. The course covers the complete Data Science lifecycle, from Data Collection through to Data Extraction and Data Cleansing. This course includes Data Integration with Prediction Models and Data Visualization. It also covers deploying solutions to customers. This Data Science course includes a variety of skills and tools including Statistical Analysis, Regression Modelling, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Predictive Modelling, as well as R Studio Tableau Spark Hadoop. Also covered are programming languages like R, Python. IEC is one of the top Data Science with python Training Institutes in Pune. The Data Science program offers services like training and placement. More than 400 participants were placed in multinational companies such as E&Y, Panasonic and Accenture. VMWare. Infosys. IBM. IEC offers the best Data Science with Python training in Pune.
Why choose IEC to learn data science and python in Pune?
If you are serious about a Data Science Career, then you have come to the right place. IEC is a top Data Science Training Institute in Pune. We have helped thousands Data Science professionals build their career in MNCs in India and abroad. Our specialization is "Training for Job Placement". Our goal is to guide you through the process of finding a job. Our trainers will help you with assignments, live project and concepts.
IEC is affiliated with more than 150 companies and has a placement cell to help participants get hired. IEC is the Data Science training partner at five universities and over 40 leading educational institutions including IIM BITS Woxen School of Business University of Malaysia, etc. Our faculty is the greatest strength of our company. All of our trainers have more than 15 years of experience as Data Scientists. Most of our trainers are IIT, ISB and IIM graduates, while others are PhD professionals. IEC certificates are the most sought-after Data Science certifications in this field because of our faculty. IEC offers a blended learning model where participants can access classroom sessions, online sessions with instructors and recorded sessions all under one enrollment. The combination of these three modes of learning will enhance the learning. You can take as many online sessions with different instructors in a year at no additional cost. IEC is the best Data Science Training Institute in Pune for mastering Data Science concepts.
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sieora · 2 years
Which is the best designing task places in Chennai?
In their senior year, numerous understudies need to do projects. This rundown additionally has designing, a MBA, and different fields connected with science and money. Projects are a prerequisite for graduation. On the off chance that you need a completed item or an entire pack, that won't help you much. Investing a similar measure of energy and exertion into the task as you do on your certification test is fundamental and worth the effort.
Why It Is significant
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What To Expect When Studying Economics?
The study of economics is a popular choice among international students. A growing number of students are searching for top Economics research institutes in Pune and around India because of its popularity.
An economics degree is popular in terms of career opportunities because it provides graduates with opportunities in various areas. The subject offers the potential to specialize in numerous related fields. The purpose of this article was to give you an understanding of what you'll encounter while studying economics, what the subject involves, and your potential career options.
First of All, What is Economics?
The study and analysis of resource distribution is called economics. It includes a wide range of human endeavors, including trading products for cash and rendering services.
The study of economics examines how humans interact with a system of resource exchange and how their relationships are interconnected.
For instance, when you purchase milk from a store, you have a connection to the person who made the milk, the business that sells it, the price the store or government established, the manufacturer of the container, and, of course, the source of your funding.
If you're interested in learning more about this complex web of relationships, then economics is for you. This subject is much more than just the buying and selling of products. You will comprehend finance, governance, organization, and even why you pay what you do for rent and tuition when you study economics.
What Will I Study If I Pursue an Economics Degree?
Perhaps you imagine yourself engaging in the stock market or devising a plan to prevent a global financial collapse. Even though you may cover some aspects of them, economics is a vast subject, so you shouldn't be bored.
Moreover, you must have a firm grasp of mathematics and be able to deal with and understand numbers. Equations, sets of figures, and graphs will all be used in your work. Economic theory, statistics, economic mathematics, investment analysis, finance (corporate, investment, and international), macroeconomics, and market analysis are a few of the topics and modules you can take yourself.
Not only that, but you'll also study subjects like philosophy, politics, sociology, and history. Depending on the university, economics can be reviewed for either a BA or BSC degree.
You might also look into colleges' various economics courses, such as management and economics, business and economics, marketing and economics, and so forth. These courses concentrate on a specific topic of economics that may be more relevant to your professional goals and interests.
You should expect a mix of lectures, seminars, assignments, and exams if you're studying economics. It's also conceivable that you'll work on group projects and tasks. The outcomes of homework and exams over the semester will be used to evaluate you for the course.
Is a Degree in Economics The Correct Choice For Me?
First of all, you should be able to combine an analytical mindset with knowledge of how economics functions in the larger world if you want to study economics. It involves being receptive to fresh suggestions, approaches, and points of view that consider various concerns and viewpoints. You might be shocked by the amount of material you cover in an economics degree and the range of topics and academic fields you'll consult.
During your degree, you will receive a more comprehensive understanding of the numerous facets of economics at the undergraduate level with a concentration on allied fields like mathematics and finance.
The degree of intricacy and specialized emphasis grows as you might pursue honours, master's, or PhD degree from any of the top economics institutes in India.
You might discover that you are an expert in the financial markets, taxes, or investment banking.
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Dr Ebenezer Obi Daniel: A Committed Journey In Public Health
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Dr. Ebenezer Obi Daniel is a top public health expert who serves a multilateral organization with a singular goal of building a sustainable health care ecosystem, which is presently shaken by the pandemic.
Dr Daniel, who is a Health System Development Specialist with the World Health Organization (WHO) in Seychelles, is confident that strong public organizations will help the world find its feet and fight back the virus that is receding in global hotspots.
South Sudan and Nigeria are the milestones in Dr. Daniel’s global career that began with his earnestness to take up research in public health.
With “near zero” knowledge in public health, Dr. Daniel’s “inherent interest” in the field nudged him into joining Texila American University, where he completed both his master’s degree and  PhD in public health.
“Texila is a one-of-its-kind institution that combines quality education with affordability,” said Dr. Daniel, who worked with WHO in Nigeria between 2019 and 2020 as a public health consultant. He was in charge of both routine and supplementary immunization activities, including the integration of primary health services wherever possible.
“Young students struggle to balance education and work and, in my case, Texila recognized my passion for this study, accommodated my difficulty, and helped me complete my studies through their scholarship programs for deserving candidates and a flexible mode of study.”
After all, education must suit our pockets, said Dr. Daniel, who served Doctors with Africa (CUAMM) in South Sudan, between 2015 and 2019, during which he played a key role in improving access to essential health services among vulnerable populations in South Sudan.
“This is a goal I achieved with both formal and informal commendations,” says the public health specialist, who coordinated multiple public health humanitarian responses in war-torn states in his capacity as Technical Advisor and Project Manager.
Some of the areas where Dr. Daniel operated, included Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (RMNCH), Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), Nutrition Therapy Program, Procurement, Disease Control, and Epidemiology.
Texila American University stood out in many crucial aspects, some of them are beyond academics, says Dr. Daniel.
“The university’s well-structured modules were highly successful in simplifying complicated concepts, and the assignments were infused creativity in large doses.”
“Access to a well-stocked e-library, the rich content of the program coupled with the academic approach set us thinking, we could also help us relate to the ground reality,” Dr. Daniel says.
He said studying in Texila also meant reading widely a lot of material followed by tests and assignments, however, the path to earning the degree or doctorate was smooth for any student who was interested in the pursuit, thanks to a highly qualified and committed faculty.
“Life at Texila was memorable with every little interest of the students looked into by student coordinators through weekly meetings,” Dr. Daniel said.
The university’s multicultural environment facilitated an exchange of ideas and opportunities and helped in making lasting friendships with people from across the African region and beyond, said Dr. Daniel.
“Students from Zambia, Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria, Cameroon, Guyana, Canada, and India were a big part of the student community at Texila, and it nourished our thoughts, attitude towards diversity.”
It is possible to learn after classes, too, at Texila – reports, papers, analysis, and research activities about infectious and non-communicable diseases, and epidemics and pandemics, according to Dr. Daniel.
“It helped us to better understand the urgency in addressing diseases prevalent in the African region – like Ebola and malaria,” said Dr. Daniel.
Start a life-changing career
If you’re looking for a career that could change your life, enroll in the PhD in Public Health with Texila American University. This engaging course will give you the skills to become a Professional public health officer.
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itesucation · 1 year
Data science with python training in pune
IEC Pune Data Science with Python Course in pune. This is the most comprehensive Data Science course on the market. The course covers the complete Data Science lifecycle, from Data Collection through to Data Extraction and Data Cleansing. This course includes Data Integration with Prediction Models and Data Visualization. It also covers deploying solutions to customers. This Data Science course includes a variety of skills and tools including Statistical Analysis, Regression Modelling, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Predictive Modelling, as well as R Studio Tableau Spark Hadoop. Also covered are programming languages like R, Python. IEC is one of the top Data Science with python Training Institutes in Pune. The Data Science program offers services like training and placement. More than 400 participants were placed in multinational companies such as E&Y, Panasonic and Accenture. VMWare. Infosys. IBM. IEC offers the best Data Science with Python training in Pune.
Why choose IEC to learn data science and python in Pune?
If you are serious about a Data Science Career, then you have come to the right place. IEC is a top Data Science Training Institute in Pune. We have helped thousands Data Science professionals build their career in MNCs in India and abroad. Our specialization is "Training for Job Placement". Our goal is to guide you through the process of finding a job. Our trainers will help you with assignments, live project and concepts.
IEC is affiliated with more than 150 companies and has a placement cell to help participants get hired. IEC is the Data Science training partner at five universities and over 40 leading educational institutions including IIM BITS Woxen School of Business University of Malaysia, etc. Our faculty is the greatest strength of our company. All of our trainers have more than 15 years of experience as Data Scientists. Most of our trainers are IIT, ISB and IIM graduates, while others are PhD professionals. IEC certificates are the most sought-after Data Science certifications in this field because of our faculty. IEC offers a blended learning model where participants can access classroom sessions, online sessions with instructors and recorded sessions all under one enrollment. The combination of these three modes of learning will enhance the learning. You can take as many online sessions with different instructors in a year at no additional cost. IEC is the best Data Science Training Institute in Pune for mastering Data Science concepts.
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earaercircular · 3 years
Solutex, the most sustainable omega 3 is extracted with CO2 in Aragon
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Omega 3 Fatty Acid Bottles. Solutex
One of the world leaders in fatty acids exports to 20 countries from the Zaragoza municipality of Mallén. The company is a benchmark in green chemistry due to its strong commitment to the circular economy.
It has offices in Winston-Salem (United States), Quebec (Canada), Bombay (India) and Seoul (South Korea), but its engine room, a modern factory with a capacity of over 4,000 metric tons , is located in the Aragonese town of Mallén.[1]
There, the Solutex team produces the high concentrates of omega 3 fatty acids that have made the company a reference in the so-called green chemistry, which is characterized by the sustainable management of resources and the non-generation of waste. "The circular economy is fundamental for us," says its CEO, Fernando Moreno Egea.
It has been, he says, since Solutex was founded in 2004. That year, Moreno Egea and his wife, Verónica Olaya Lavigne, decided to invest all their savings to found a company from scratch. "It was an aspiration that came from long ago and, after two decades of professional life working for third parties, we saw the opportunity to set up this project of common life," says Moreno Egea.
The company was thought of with an international dimension from the beginning, he explains. So the first business trip they made was to Japan. "The next mission was to open a commercial office in Chicago, with the help of Icex[2]," he recalls.
The following year, and once the technological model had been developed, it was time to implement its industrial pilot. It is then that they decide to incorporate Antonio Rodríguez Palmero [3]and Sepides[4], an arm of the Sociedad de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) into their shareholding, which took 19% and 25% of the capital, respectively, with a financial contribution.
This allowed them "a rapid international expansion that currently encompasses more than 20 countries and that accounts for practically 85% of their turnover," he points out. Since then, the company “has only grown to be one of the most relevant global players in advanced nutritional lipids, with an expected consolidated turnover for 2021 of 25 million euros and an ebitda (profit before tax) of 5 , 2 million euros ”, says the CEO.
The initial objective of Solutex was to obtain ingredients for food use through clean and sustainable technology of extraction and purification with CO2 in a supercritical state. "From a technological point of view, CO2 is a material that at certain conditions of pressure and temperature has both the diffusion and dissolution properties of liquids, which makes it a unique and determining solvent", Moreno Egea points out.
This technology, to which "high vacuum distillations and other sustainable techniques would soon be incorporated", gave rise in 2007, indicates the CEO, "to the first disruptive innovation of the company, which was the separation of the fatty acids EPA and DHA from omega 3 oil matrices ”, allowing the elaboration of differential ingredients and tailor-made for the pharmaceutical, nutritional and cosmetic industries.
Solutex's second breakthrough innovation came in 2014 in the field of immunonutrition, with the identification, production and subsequent commercialization of lipid mediators, molecules that are key in the body's inflammation processes. As a consequence of the research process that led to this advance, the company “has a portfolio of more than 100 patents”, affirms Fernando Moreno Egea.
The CEO adds that Solutex invests about 10% of its sales in R&D. "For this, we have a wide network of collaborators and experts, in addition to maintaining important agreements with different universities such as Harvard, Wayne, Granada and, particularly, with the University of Zaragoza, where we developed the Solutex Chair in Sustainable Chemistry" , highlights.
Put in value
The company, whose corporate headquarters are in Madrid, employs close to one hundred people, including ten PhDs in their specialties and more than thirty superior graduate degrees. In 2016 it entered the pharmaceutical group Ferrer[5], which acquired 10% of the shares, with the aim of reinforcing its capital and expanding the research and possible application of lipid mediators in other fields, such as pharmacy.
Currently, Solutex "explores different opportunities for growth and new projects, for which it studies different financial alternatives," says its chief executive. He adds that the company expects to have financing from European funds assigned to Spain, to expand its factory in Mallén, a work valued at 4 million euros.
Looking back and evaluating the journey of these 15 years, Moreno Egea feels a “great satisfaction”, when verifying how the fundamental pillars of Solutex - “internationalization, sustainability, technology, a very cohesive professional team, the capacity of the shareholders to envision the company and move it forward, and advanced, differential products ”- have supported the framework of the company.
To conclude, the CEO once again emphasizes the circular economy practiced by the company and the organization's commitment to the environment, which is embodied in the responsible management of natural resources and in the effort to leave behind a footprint. of very low carbon: "On the one hand, we value the sustainability certification of the raw materials we buy, and, on the other, we use clean technologies that do not generate waste and that allow us to revalue the materials resulting from the processes."
Alexandro Gonzales Luna: Solutex, el omega 3 mas sostenible se extrae von CO2 en Aragon, El País, 2-9-2021, https://cincodias.elpais.com/cincodias/2021/09/01/companias/1630490620_532774.html
[1] https://solutexcorp.com/about/ Solutex is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of highly concentrated omega-3 EPA/DHA fatty acids for pharmaceutical, nutritional and cosmetic industries. 18 million euros, 85% of the company's turnover in 2020, came from exports to more than 20 countries. The company has commercial offices in countries such as India, the United States, Canada and South Korea. The growing international expansion will allow Solutex to increase its turnover, despite the effects of the pandemic, from the 21 million registered last year to 25 million euros and close the 2021 financial year with an EBITDA of 5.2 million. [2] https://www.icex.es/icex/es/index.html ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones (Spain Export and Investments) is a Spanish national business public entity whose mission is to promote the internationalization of Spanish companies and the promotion of foreign investment [3] Rodriguez Palmero Rodriguez De Liebana Antonio, [4] SEPI Desarrollo Empresarial, S.A., S.M.E. (SEPIDES) is a company integrated in the Sociedad de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI), a public body dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Finance. https://www.sepides.es/empresa/sepides/sepides/ [5] https://www.ferrer.com/en/we-are-ferrer/global-presence/ferrer-spain Founded in 1959, Ferrer is a Spanish multinational privately-held pharmaceutical company headquartered in Barcelona with a presence in over 90 countries. They operate in the pharmaceutical, health, fine chemicals (API), and food sectors. The company has expertise in the fields of cardiology, central nervous system, dermatology, gastroenterology, metabolism, oncology, musculoskeletal system, paediatrics, pain management, and respiratory.
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Shanthie Mariet D’Souza on how India was ‘ill-prepared’ for the dramatic Taliban takeover
Shanthie Mariet D’Souza on how India was ‘ill-prepared’ for the dramatic Taliban takeover
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The Taliban are in charge in Afghanistan. The rapid overthrow of the Afghan government that many expected would take another few months ended last week, as the Taliban entered Kabul, prompting President Ashraf Ghani to flee the country. This sudden development has major ramifications for every nation in the South Asian region, not least India – which benefited greatly from the US presence in Afghanistan and may now have to see Pakistan once again playing a dominant role in the country.
What can New Delhi do? How is it to deal with the fallout? Shanthi Mariet D’Souza is the founder of research outfit Mantraya, founding professor at the Kautilya School of Public Policy and an Afghanistan expert who has worked on the country for years, including as adviser, Independent Directorate of Local Governance to the Afghanistan government in 2015-16. She has also edited Afghanistan in Transition: Beyond 2014?
I spoke to D’Souza over e-mail about what the Taliban takeover means for New Delhi, whether the question of engaging with the Taliban is any different from the last time they were in power in the 1990s, and what this means for India’s relations with other major powers.
For some background to the conversation, read our interview with Avinash Paliwal, back in May, when India was still debating the question of whether to engage with the Taliban.
For the reader, could you tell us a little bit about how you got into studying Afghanistan and your background with the country? I am a scholar, researcher and founding professor with specialisation in International Relations with more than a decade-long experience of working in think tanks, universities, governmental and non-governmental sectors, as a consultant, adviser and board director for think tanks, governments and international organisations in Afghanistan and South Asia, as an associate editor and editorial board member for international peer reviewed journals, and as a subject matter expert and trainer designing modules on regional and international security, governance, economic development, gender and non-traditional security challenges in Asia for diplomats and security personnel. I have also conducted field studies in Pakistan, China, Africa, Canada, United States, Australia, Jammu and Kashmir and India’s North East.
My interest in Afghanistan sparked in the 1990s, when I embarked on my M Phil program at the American Studies division of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. At that time, I found that there was scant academic and policy attention on Afghanistan, which was in India’s neighbourhood. It was a glaring gap in academia and policy research.
As I started my M Phil in the summer of 1999, the IC-814 hijacking brought attention to Afghanistan and the Taliban regime when the plane with Indian citizens was hijacked from Kathmandu and taken to Kandahar and the then Bharatiya Janata Party government was brought to its knees and had to swap passengers for terrorists. This was an important lesson for India not only in hostage negotiations, but also in lack of policy attention on Afghanistan since withdrawal from that country in the wake of the capture of power by the Taliban in the mid-1990s.
As I commenced my doctoral programme at SIS, JNU on the topic “United States and emergence and decline of the Taliban”, in the summer of 2001, the 9/11 terror attacks took place in the American homeland. That once again brought back the US and world attention to a country, which was largely forgotten and considered distant. While most analysts concluded that the US military intervention of October 2001 would result in the decimation of the Taliban, my hypothesis was to the contrary and proved correct in the years that followed.
The central argument of my PhD thesis and critique of the nature of the international intervention in 2001 was that the international community did not pay adequate attention and resources in institution building, shoring up the capabilities of the Afghan government (host nation) or addressing the issue of sanctuaries and external support that the Taliban received from their sponsors in Pakistan from where they regrouped, rearmed and carried out attacks in Afghanistan.
The reemergence of the Taliban was evident in 2005-06, when US President George W Bush diverted the limited resources and troops from the “the limited and quick” war in Afghanistan to Iraq. The aversion to nation building did not help build institutions that Afghanistan required to rebuild its security, political and economic sectors. Most of the international aid created parallel structures of governance rather than strengthening the Afghan government’s institutions for governance and revenue.
President Barack Obama refocused attention on the “just war” in Afghanistan from Iraq through his Af-Pak strategy, but announced exit by 2014 along with the troop surge which strengthened the battlefield and negotiating potential of the Taliban. The repeated calls for exit were based on the American political calendar under President Donald Trump and now President Joe Biden’s administration, and not on the needs of the Afghans or conditions on the ground. The Taliban bided their time. In the villages of southern Afghanistan where I visited, the Taliban would in a jocular vein say, “the Americans have the watches, we have the time”.
The international community needed to focus attention and resources for the long term stabilisation of Afghanistan, building key institutions of service delivery and strengthening the security, political and economic sectors to build the credibility of the Afghan government. Most of the quick impact projects of the international community did little to build the credibility and/or extend the writ of the Afghan government. The security sector needed to be built, trained and equipped to fight insurgency and not a conventional army, as Afghanistan is fighting an asymmetrical war.
The western notions of democracy and state building had limited utility in the long term stabilisation of Afghanistan and preventing its slide into present levels of chaos and violence. Afghanistan needed assistance to build its own security, political and economic institutions based on its needs and specificities rather than replicating foreign models.
I have, since the completion of my doctoral studies and Fulbright Fellowship, studied Afghanistan through various prisms – the security sector, political and peace building, sub national governance, and regional cooperation, to understand the challenges and prospects of long term stabilisation of Afghanistan, which the rest of the international community has not paid much attention to.
From my specialisation in American Studies, I have tried to make myself useful to academia, policy-makers, security and diplomatic personnel, media and international non governmental organisations, by focusing my attention and work on the internal and external dynamics of the Afghan conflict, India-Afghanistan relations, and prospects of regional cooperation in Afghanistan through various field studies, assignments and consultancy projects in various provinces of Afghanistan, rather than confining myself to Kabul, to provide a better understanding of the urban-rural divide and help bridge the disconnects.
As Team leader the for Local Planning and Budgeting–IDLG-UNDP-LOGO project, Kabul, Afghanistan (2020); Adviser, Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG), Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2015-16); International Election Observer for the audit and recount of Afghanistan’s Presidential Runoff elections,( 2014); Senior Transition Consultant, United Nations Mine Action Service (2013), Kabul and External Reviewer for the country programme of Action Aid International, Afghanistan (2011), I have worked with governmental and non-governmental sectors for more than a decade in various provinces of Afghanistan.
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US soldiers stand guard behind barbed wire at the airport in Kabul. Photo: Wakil Kohsar/AFP
Would you say that you take any particular approach, or fall into a specific school of thinking, when it comes to your analysis? I do not consider myself to be belonging strictly to any particular school of thought. However, broadly, I do see myself as aligned to the school of Constructivism, seeing the world as socially constructed and exploring the role of identities and interests. Constructivists believe agency and structure are mutually constituted, which implies that structures influence agency and vice versa.
Agency can be understood as the ability of someone to act, whereas structure refers to the international system that consists of material and ideational elements. I have increasingly witnessed that while studying Afghanistan and policy-making either in India or outside, there has been little understanding and application of the structure-agency debate and role of identities and interests. More importantly, there is very little anthropological study of the tribal dynamic and social networks, culture and religion in Afghanistan. Thus, Afghanistan remains a puzzle that many have not taken the time and effort to understand.
I charted my own path to tread into unknown terrain, taking many risks and moving out of my comfort zone with multiple field visits to Afghanistan from Singapore and India to get first-hand, primary, qualitative and ethnographic data, rather than relying on secondary sources and not contributing anything new or useful to the academic and policy debate.
I have muddied my hands to work on issues of governance (which is the key to stabilisation) and election observation, to understand Afghans and Afghanistan, and debunk many myths about the people and the country. I have used different approaches and prisms to understand the challenges and prospects of long-term stabilisation of Afghanistan. These include the social network approach, participant observation, ethnographic data, and first hand information collected through interviews and discussions with Afghans across a wide spectrum. I have travelled to various provinces in Afghanistan for collection of primary resource material for more than a decade. I have carried out interviews, discussions and “person on the street” narratives to gather qualitative data.
My field visits to Afghanistan and interactions with key policy-makers, interlocutors, scholars, security and media personnel, members of international organisations, non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations, women’s groups, youth groups, farmers’ associations, dairy associations, business groups and “person on the street” narratives have helped deepen my knowledge of the country and the need to adopt alternative approaches to bring in long term peace and stability.
I have conducted field-based research and consultancies with the governmental and non-governmental sectors in Afghanistan. As an Adviser on downward accountability with the Independent Directorate of Local Governance (DFID funded project), Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2015-2016), I have worked on issues of sub-national governance and strengthening downward accountability; developed guidelines and data collection instruments to enable provincial councillors improve service delivery in eight crucial sectors – education, agriculture, health, roads, electricity, water and sanitation, security and legal services.
I have contributed to the development and finalisation of the Provincial Council (PC) internal procedure and oversight regulatory authority; developed formal internal procedures for the channelling of PC reports to relevant line ministries at the Centre (through the IDLG) and provinces (through the governor); and revised the reporting template for the PCs informing councillors of their mandates, legal and policy frameworks, minimum service delivery standards and constraints to effective service delivery. I also provided organisational assistance in restructuring, strategic and annual plans, training materials and manuals for the conduct of consultative workshops and capacity building programmes for provincial councillors and awareness workshops for women provincial councillors.
As a Senior Transition Consultant, United Nations Mine Action Service, Afghanistan (September 2013), I conducted extensive field analysis, interviews and focused group discussions with Afghan government officials, key policy-makers, donors, non-governmental organisations, UN Mine Action personnel, de-miners, community elders and other key stakeholders to review the mine action programme in Afghanistan. Case studies considered for the project included Cambodia, Laos, Liberia, South Sudan, Mozambique, Bosnia, Kosovo, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Colombia, Lebanon, Western Sahara, Mali, Ivory Coast, DRC, and Yemen, which helped in learning from the best practices in actualising transition in the Afghan context.
At the end of the field study, I presented the findings at a workshop in Kabul and submitted a report identifying options to locate responsibility for the mine action mandate within the Afghan government and key stakeholders with a list of “pros and cons” for each option and the steps required for implementation in the transformation decade.
As an international Election Observer, Afghanistan with The Asia Foundation, for the audit of Afghanistan’s Presidential Runoff elections held in June 2014, I was involved in report writing, data entry and short-medium term observation of the audit and recount process.
I have been a Consultant and Reviewer for the country programme of Action Aid International Afghanistan, May-June 2011. I conducted programmes and organisational reviews of AAA’s programmes, project and functioning in Kabul and other provinces of Afghanistan using a Rights based approach and a participatory approach, like Participatory Rural Appraisal, to analyse, plan and monitor the development activities. I submitted a detailed report titled “Country Programme Review” with key learning gaps to inform the management on the state of the country programme as well as provided recommendations on future directions to guide the formulation of the next country strategy paper on developmental strategy and policy planning.
The speed of the Taliban takeover has taken everyone by surprise. You wrote recently that “there is an overwhelming sense of helplessness” in New Delhi “as its contributions and gains made in the last two decades wither away.” Why is that so? Do you think it will be some time before that sense is shaken off or is it likely to remain as long as the Taliban are in charge? India has pursued its soft-power approach in Afghanistan under a security umbrella provided by the US since 2001. It is the largest regional donor, having pledged more than $3 billion in various capacity building and infrastructure development projects. Its development assistance policy accrued a tremendous amount of goodwill for India. The challenge was to convert soft power gains into long term tangible outcomes when the tide turned. Even though there was a sense in India that the US would withdraw its forces in 2014 – the date of withdrawal announced by President Obama – India did not prepare for such a scenario and hoped for an outcome that would not put the Taliban in a dominant position.
However, all those calculations have changed quickly. The sense of shock and dismay from the fall of Kabul and the total capture of power by the Taliban is not unique to India. In the coming days, the entire world will be forced to internalise the dramatic changes that have taken place in Afghanistan and how those changes have made past policies redundant. India too will have to go through that phase of self-assessment and revisit its policies in the face of new realities.
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Indian citizens aboard a military aircraft at the airport in Kabul on Tuesday. Photo: AFP
What are the immediate implications for India – both in terms of interests and policies – with the new Afghanistan situation, once the question of evacuating citizens and others is taken care of? India’s challenges are multiple and at various levels. These include:
Evacuation/safety of all Indians, friends of India in Afghanistan (Afghans who worked for India), and the willing members of the Hindu and Sikh communities;
Preservation of the gains made by India in the last two decades, i.e, the infrastructure projects and, also, the leverage within the political elite;
Dealing with the resurgence of Pakistani and Chinese influence;
Staying engaged in Afghanistan’s development sector to prevent a humanitarian crisis and continuing the existing level of trade and commerce; and
Developing working relations with the new political dispensation as stipulated in the Agreement of Strategic Partnership ( October 2011).
India has been ill-prepared for this scenario. Even evacuating its personnel was difficult. The Taliban set up roadblocks, making it difficult to reach the airport. More importantly, India could not evacuate Afghans who worked for its embassy and consulates, leaving them in great danger and discontent.
For India, which had pledged more than $3 billion dollars in development assistance since 2001 and accrued a huge amount of goodwill, Afghanistan is now a dramatically transformed terrain. New Delhi faces disruption to its intense engagement in the country’s development sector. Its gains of the past two decades, achieved through high-value and small-scale projects, face dangers of reversal.
India, a regional stakeholder and an unwavering supporter of an “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and Afghan-controlled” peace and reconciliation process, has struggled to find a place in the numerous groupings that seek to decide the fate of the country. Its last-ditch efforts at opening a channel of communication with the Taliban, as part of its bid to engage with all stakeholders in the Afghan conflict, too has not yielded much result.
Is India likely to play a role in offering a home to Afghans – either refugees or, as it has in the past, some of the political elite? Yes. It will probably do so on a limited scale, given the declared prioritisation only for the Hindus and Sikhs. Some members of the political elite are already in India. A few others will be in India in the coming weeks. Similarly, the government will have to clarify its policies on the thousands of Afghans who are either on study or medical visa in the country. For obvious reasons, India can’t send them back to Afghanistan, where their lives will be at risk. India needs a coordination cell dealing with repatriation, refugee and IDP settlement and humanitarian assistance.
Does India’s presence as chair of the USNC alter the potential path in any significant way? Internationally, India needs to take a leadership role as the current UNSC chair in framing resolutions, providing relief, setting up humanitarian response teams and conflict mediation mechanisms. India cannot afford to abandon the people of Afghanistan once again without implications for its image as a reliable friend and a major power in the region. This is a unique opportunity to demonstrate its leadership role at the UNSC.
Given India’s history with them, would you expect questions about recognition of the Taliban government by New Delhi to go differently from the 1990s? New Delhi faces a stark choice of engaging the Taliban and recognising them, or opting to totally disengage from that country. The latter would imply a return to the 1990s, where a contact-vacuum facilitated events like the IC-814 hijacking and anti-India groups like LeT, JeM finding bases to operate from that country.
A realist’s approach would be to reach out to the Taliban in order to continue aid and development assistance, and a constructivist approach seeking to link aid with conditionalities that will help in mainstreaming and blunting the extremist worldviews particularly in dealing with women, minorities and children.
While the Taliban’s ascendancy is clearly a disruptor of India’s presence in Afghanistan, some opportunities for its continued engagement could also be available in the near-medium term. The Taliban leadership has made favourable statements asking India to continue with its developmental activities. The Taliban search for legitimacy may help India retain its foothold in the country, although it may not be as intense as it used to be. However, engagement should not be tantamount to granting recognition or legitimacy.
India needs to continue its aid policy for Afghanistan to prevent a humanitarian disaster and refugee crisis. It must establish some communication links in that country to moderate the extremist movements ideology and protect the rights of women and minorities.
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Taliban fighters sit over a vehicle on a street in the Laghman province on Sunday. Photo: AFP
The Northern Alliance is nothing like what it was in the 1990s. Do you believe there is space for India to continue to court players in Afghanistan to counter the Taliban? Yes. The erstwhile Northern Alliance is a redundant force as most of the leaders have reached out to the Taliban, surrendered or fled the country. The call by the Vice President, Amrullah Saleh, to be a caretaker President to counter the Taliban and defend the territory could lead to a new resistance. To gather India’s support, Mr Saleh will have to establish his reach and unifying effort within the NA as a potent adversary to the Taliban.
You’ve written that India “missed the bus” on Afghanistan, and that “in strategic terms, India’s loss would be Pakistan and China’s gain”. Could you explain to the reader why you believe that is the case?The withdrawal of the US and resultant political change has created a huge strategic vacuum in Afghanistan. Pakistan, due to its locational and strategic advantages and links with the Taliban, and China, due to its proactive policy and links with Pakistan can hope to occupy much of this vacuum. India had twenty years to make up for its strategic and locational disadvantages.
However, it chose to rely on a policy, which looked impressive while at work, but had no long-term strategic thinking and planning built into it. One can understand the strategic competition with Pakistan which had nurtured the Taliban to regain strategic depth. But at one point of time, India was thinking of joint projects with China in Afghanistan as declared at the Wuhan informal summit. Did that fail because of China’s attitude or New Delhi’s own lackadaisical approach? This needs to be answered by policy-makers.
Do you think the current Indian administration has sufficient capacity and will to engage with all dimensions of the Afghanistan question? The MEA is understaffed and doesn’t have enough capability and skills to get feelers from the ground. As the situation was rapidly deteriorating, New Delhi continued with its “wait and watch” policy. This has led to systemic inertia, risk aversion, lack of long-term planning, and policy fuzziness. The MEA needs trained specialists who know the language, culture, ethnography and have contacts in the field for real time information flow and action.
Some fear that the Taliban’s return to Kabul will empower terrorists and militants, and that India may see fresh surges on the LoC. Others have said that the security implications for India may not be so direct or immediate. What do you make of these fears? The security threat is real if not immediate. Pakistan-based terror groups Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad have a presence in Afghanistan and are known to have built checkpoints in certain areas with the help of the Taliban. While the US-Taliban peace agreement obligates the Taliban to stop using Afghan territory for terror attacks by the al Qaeda and the Islamic State against the US and its allies, no such guarantee insulates countries like India from the activities of Kashmir-specific groups such as the LeT and JeM, and even the AQ and Islamic State’s Khorasan Province.
Its assurance to not operate in Kashmir notwithstanding, the Taliban’s capacity to prevent self-activation of these groups against India is questionable. It will boost terrorist morale and ability. However, whether it will actually result in a dramatic rise in terror attacks in J&K remains to be seen. India has pursued militancy with a multi-dimensional approach, which includes neutralisation of hundreds of cadres, targeting their over-ground networks and their financial resources. Yet, the infrastructure and the factors that breed terrorism and militancy remain.
Just a month ago you wrote a number of policy prescriptions for India in Afghanistan over the next decade, but most of them were predicated on at least a prolonged period of civil war, and not such a quick Taliban takeover. What would your list look like today? My list had also included suggestions in the wake of a rapid take over by Taliban. My writings and suggestions were based on scenario-building, which included the rapid takeover of power by the Taliban as the worst-case scenario which the policy makers in New Delhi needed to pay heed to.
A pragmatic and astute policy would explore ways and means of engaging the Taliban to ensure continuation of its present development assistance for the Afghans to prevent a humanitarian crisis and preservation of the gains of the last two decades. The Taliban have sent such feelers for engagement for some time now that need to be carefully explored for the near and medium-term.
Such engagement could work in moderating their extremist ideology. Aid can be provided with conditionalities of preserving women, minorities and human rights. The engagement with the Taliban could be based on the Agreement on Strategic Partnership which India had signed with Afghanistan in 2011. India, having a seat at the UNSC, can take a leadership role in building international consensus of preventing the subversion of the democratic experiment in Afghanistan, ensuring that the linkages between Taliban and global terror groups are severed through monitoring by counter-terrorism committees, linking any international aid to the Taliban to protecting women and human rights and reaching out to the Afghan by the deployment of quick response teams to avoid a catastrophic humanitarian disaster and refugee crisis.
Finally, the last three questions we like to put to everyone: Are there misconceptions about Afghanistan or the India-Afghanistan relationship that you find yourself having to correct all the time, whether coming from scholars, journalists or lay people? Yes. There are a lot of preconceived notions and stereotypes about Afghans and Afghanistan that get fed into policy and public information through the media. Most academics and journalists write on Afghanistan without even going to the country. Others write and report from Kabul, which does not depict the reality or diversity evident in the provinces. No one has made a serious effort to understand urban-rural differences or to use ethnographic data to understand the tribal and local dynamics of that country.
Are there areas of research on Afghanistan that you wish the Indian government or those in the policy space put more resources into?
India’s aid and development assistance policy review & impact studies
India’s security and strategic planning including hostage negotiation, evacuation and crisis management
Anthropological, ethnographic and linguistic studies
Institution building in fragile states
A special cell on Afghanistan with external experts
What three books (or podcasts/papers/videos) would you recommend to those interested in the subject?
There are several. However, a few that stand out are:
Louis Dupree, Afghanistan
Ali A Jalali, A Military History of Afghanistan: From the Great Game to the Global War on Terror
Thomas J Barfield’s Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History
Steve Coll’s Ghost Wars
Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan
Ahmed Rashid’s Descent into Chaos
. Source link
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