#Pete Davidson one shot
favoritism ~ pete davidson
word count: 2171
request?: yes!
@absstark​ “Hi! Ik your requests are closed atm but if u are able to, would you please be able to write me a Pete Davidson x female reader where they are dating and she’s a writer at SNL? Thank you 😊”
description: in which he’s dating one of the writers of his show, so the cast often jokes about her favoritism for him
pairing: pete davidson x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It was actually quite ironic how everything started.
Pete was out at a bar with a couple of his SNL friends when he noticed a pretty girl sat by herself. He didn’t want to seem like a weird guy by just staring at her, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. She was breathtakingly beautiful.
He felt someone nudge him and he looked up to see they were all looking at him. “Sorry, what were you guys saying?”
Colin smirked at him. “Go talk to her/”
“What? No, I can’t.”
“Why can’t you?” Michael asked. “She’s alone over there.”
“For one, we don’t know if she’s actually here alone. She might have a date who’s in the bathroom, or she’s waiting for him to show up. She might even have a boyfriend who’s not here. And two, girls don’t like being approached by strange men in bars. She’ll probably think I’m a fucking creep.”
They were all giving him a similar look before Devon grabbed his shoulders, turned him towards the bar, and gave him a shove. He stumbled slightly, almost bumping into another person along the way. He regained his footing and glanced over at the woman to make sure she hadn’t seen. With the encouragement of his friends, he took a deep breath and made his way across the bar.
“Hey,” he started, very lamely. She looked up and gave him a polite smile. “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, but my buddies kind of peer pressured me to come talk to you and I’m mainly doing this to get them off my back. If you just want to reject me, I’ll happily back off.”
She chuckled and glanced over Pete’s shoulder. “Are they the group very obviously staring at us right now?”
Pete followed her gaze to see his friends watching them like a pack of hawks. They didn’t even have the decency to look away when they were caught. Colin even smiled and waved his fingers at them.
“Yeah, those are my asshole friends,” Pete confirmed.
She smiled and waved at the group before turning back to Pete. “Here, sit with me. Give them something to talk about.”
Pete pulled up a stool next to her. He extended a hand towards her. “I’m Pete.”
“(Y/N). Nice to meet you.”
They talked at the bar for hours. They hardly noticed the other patrons starting to clear out or the blaring music starting to die down as the bar did its last call. Pete didn’t even notice his friends had left until the bartender had come to give them the last warning before closing. Before they parted ways, (Y/N) gave Pete  her number and told him to text her the next day.
“Just so I know you’re actually interested,” she had said before walking away.
And he had. The moment he woke up, he texted her, “Hope texting you this soon doesn’t seem to desperate, but I’m very interested - Pete.”
Near seconds later, he got a response. “I’d be a hypocrite if I called you desperate. I’ve been waiting for you to text me since I woke up.”
They texted back and forth all day. Pete was almost late to work because he was too busy texting to realize the time. When he arrived on set he was radiating with happiness. He hadn’t felt hits way in a long time. He had a really good feeling about this one. A strong feeling he hadn’t had before in any of his relationships. There was no doubts this time around.
His castmates noticed his good mood and asked what was up, but he just responded with a shrug and played it off. The guys who had been out the night before knew exactly where his good mood was coming from, but Pete decided to keep it to himself. He didn’t want to get too ahead of himself and tell everyone about (Y/N) just yet.
“Hey, Pete!” Lorne called as he spotted Pete making his way to set.
“Hey Lorne,” Pete said. “What’s up?”
“I wanted to introduce you to our new writer. She’s starting today, so try not to scare her away just yet.”
Pete chuckled, but it died off when Lorne stepped aside and gestured to the newbie. “(Y/N)?”
Her eyes widened, too. “Pete?”
“You two know each other?” Lorne asked.
“We met last night,” (Y/N) responded.
Lorne looked between the two of them. “You...met last night?”
“Not like that,” Pete assured him. “We met at a bar and just talked all night. We exchanged numbers, that’s it.”
Lorne had a skeptical look on his face that made Pete’s heart drop to his stomach. He knew how this was about to go: he would have to delete (Y/N)’s number and their messages, and he’d have to forget their would be romance before it even started. It was a HR issue, one that they would definitely not be allowed to explore.
This was the quickest broken heart he had ever gotten.
“You know, technically I should be sending you to HR to discuss this,” Lorne started. Both (Y/N) and Pete winced at the idea. “But that’s a lot of time and paperwork, and all that bullshit. So, I’m going to take both of your vocal promises that whatever this is will not interfere with either of your jobs.”
The two of them happily agreed. Lorne nodded and muttered something about leaving before he witnessed something he shouldn’t. That left (Y/N) and Pete alone, a slightly awkward tension in the air.
“You didn’t mention that you’re working for SNL,” Pete said. He meant it to come out lighthearted, but he winced when he realized how accusatory it actually sounded.
“I...actually didn’t know you were on the show,” she admitted. “You never mentioned it. You just said you were an actor.”
Pete chuckled. “Okay, we were both a little untruthful. Maybe we start over on the introductions.” He held his hand out to her. “Hi, I’m Pete. I’m a main actor on  Saturday Night Live.”
(Y/N) giggled and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Pete. I’m (Y/N), and I just got hired to write for Saturday Night Live.”
“Well, congratulations. And good luck on it. I heard the cast are all assholes, except for that Pete guy. So make sure you give all the funniest jokes to him.”
(Y/N) giggled again, looking down at the ground between them shyly.
It was the start to an amazing relationship. Pete could honestly say he hadn’t felt this happy in a very long time. They kept their personal lives separate from their work lives, which seemed to be the big key to making things work. Nothing was ever discussed about the show unless they were on set, and the minute they walked on the lost their relationship was put on the back burner until they left.
But the moments they had outside of work were some of the best moments of his life. He loved being with (Y/N) and spending most of his free time with her. He was trying not to go too fast with their relationship the way he had in past relationships, but it was hard not to be a bit optimistic with how well things were going.
Of course, dating a co-worker came with some teasing from other co-workers; especially when the other co-workers were fellow comedians. The main joke that the cast liked to tell was that Pete was getting favoritism from (Y/N) when it came to being given the best jokes.
It started during the table read for a skit. They were about halfway through when Punkie cut Pete off mid-joke to proclaim, “No fair, he’s getting the best jokes!”
Everyone stopped to look at her in confusion. They couldn’t tell if the look on her face was serious or not, so Pete asked, “Excuse me?”
“Your jokes here are so much better than mine,” Punkie said. “Must be nice sleeping with one of the writers.”
Punkie laughed, but Pete looked horrified by her “joke”.
“(Y/N) didn’t even write this sketch,” Kenan pointed out.
“That’s a very serious accusation, Punkie,” one of the producers commented.
“Come on, guys, it’s just a joke,” Punkie said. “I’m not mad. Just keep reading.”
Once they finished the table read, Pete decided to approach Punkie himself. “Hey, Punkie, listen. I know what you said was a joke, but...can you maybe be mindful of the way you say it? You could get (Y/N) into a lot of trouble if the wrong people heard what you said.”
“Pete, I didn’t mean it. Everyone knows (Y/N) isn’t actually giving you favoritism in the sketches.”
“I know, I’m just saying to work on your delivery. I really don’t want to have to deal with HR.”
“Okay, I get it. I’ll try to be more funny about it next time.”
And that was truly the wrong thing for Pete to say; for him to agree that if it was clearly said as a joke, that it was fine to say that (Y/N) favorited him. Because once he made the distinction that it was okay to do it in a joking matter, it was like the entire cast had decided they wanted to joke about Pete and (Y/N). It wasn’t anything new for the cast, they joked around with each other all the time. They were all friends, and you had to have a sense of humor if you were gonna be on SNL.
But man, after some time, Pete found it so much more annoying than his castmates meant it to be. He was trying so hard to separate his work life from his personal life, like Lorne had wanted, but now it was like his personal life was open season for all of his friends.
And it was definitely something (Y/N) had noticed. The jokes were never made to her face the same way they were to Pete’s, but she heard the whisperings or the aftermath of certain jokes when approaching Pete. She never said anything at first, which made Pete hope that maybe it didn’t bother her as much as it bothered him.
But one night, as they were leaving set, Pete noticed that (Y/N) seemed distracted. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him as they walked through the doors onto the lot.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” he asked.
(Y/N) nibbled on the inside of her cheek before she spoke, “Do your castmates really think I favorite you when writing?”
Pete stopped walking suddenly, causing (Y/N) to stumble a little. He turned to face her and she did the same.
“Baby, of course not. They’re only joking when they say that shit. No one actually believes it,” he assured her.
She shrugged. “I guess, but they say it so much. I’m starting to worry that they actually mean it but don’t want to say it, which could get us both in a lot of trouble if it ever comes back to HR.”
Pete put his hands on her shoulders. “Baby, I promise they do not mean it. If it ever got to HR, they would all swear up and down that they’re joking. They just like to poke fun at me because I had to fall in love with a new writer on set, out of all people. But it’s not serious, I can promise you that.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “You fell in love with me, huh?”
Pete couldn’t help but smile too as his hands ran down her arms to take hers. “I would think that’s pretty obvious by now.”
“You haven’t said the big L word before,” she said. “So, I don’t know, I thought maybe this was all just for fun.”
He chuckled, knowing that she was joking about the last part. They both knew they were in this relationship for the long run. There was nothing “just for fun” about it.
But she was right in saying that he hadn’t said the big three words to her yet. Although he knew deep in his heart that he did love (Y/N), he hadn’t been ready to say the words to her just yet.
That big L word was out there now, though. So, realisitically, he was part way there.
“I love you,” he said.
He didn’t think the smile on (Y/N)’s face could get any wider, but it did. She lit up like Times Square and leaned closer to him.
“I love you, too.”
They closed the gap between them to kiss. It was meant to be a sweet, romantic moment for the two of them, but it was quickly cut off by someone calling, “Get a room you two!”
They pulled apart, chuckling at the reaction, before deciding to go home and do just that.
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Moments in “Fast X” that I felt was bizarre even for this franchise (THIS IS ALL SPOILERS):
1) Pete Davidson randomly shows up just to be Pete Davidson.
2) Jason Momoa’s performance felt like they just told him to act like Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter. Or just a Jojo villain in general.
3) Letty and Cipher get sent to Antarctica, where Gisele just shows up at the end in a submarine despite clearly dying in the 6th one. That’s LITERALLY how the movie ended.
4) They got Alan Ritchson (the guy from Reacher) to play a buff CIA agent who hates barbecues and families. Also, maybe this is just me, but I felt like he was also Jason Momoa’s love interest? I just got the vibes.
5) The weird shot of the camera following Vin Diesel’s muscles which led into the car’s engines.
6) There was a 15-minute sequence where they chased a nuclear bomb that was rolling around the streets of Rome.
7) John Cena using three tequila bottles to power his mini plane.
8) Tyrese taped millions of dollars on his shirt and was just carrying that around the whole movie.
9) Rita Moreno was randomly there as Vin Diesel’s grandma.
10, EDIT) I forgot one other moment. Because F9 retconned Tokyo Drift, there was a sequence where the Agents of SHIELD (I know they’re the “Agency”, but it was basically Marvel’s SHIELD) are reviewing footage of their previous missions. One mission featured clips from Tokyo Drift.
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jackiequick · 2 years
Welcome to our lives, princess | Top Gun Maverick Fic 🧸
Top Gun AU series ✈️
Setting: After Top Gun, Pre-Top Gun Maverick
Summary: Pete Mitchell and his friends Tom Kazansky and Audrey Davidson didn’t expect in 1987 to be greeted warmly with a knock on his door at 4 in the morning by a social worker carrying a small bundle of joy and paperwork. In her arms, held the one and only daughter of Maverick Mitchell.
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The night was dead silent, having just arrived the last 24 hours before from a 4 week long deployment. The statement of the household wasn’t nothing grand but it was home, no one cared. Tom was dead asleep soundly in his bedroom, when the barking sound of the doorbell woke it him up. He wasn’t sure it was their drunk friends or some idiot freshman playing ding dong ditch on them again, either way he rolled out of bed slipping on a navy blue t-shirt and headed downstairs.
The moment he opened the door, he was greeted by a middle aged woman wearing glasses and a pencil skirt, with a very tight ponytail. She was holding a dark gray carrier but Tom wasn’t given a chance to full process the image in front of him. “Are you Mr. Peter Mitchell?” She asked, fixing her weight.
Tom furrowed his eyebrows and blinked a few times, “I’m sorry, who are you ma’am?”
“I’m Linda Colins. A social worker for California state, are you Mr. Mitchell, sir?”
“Ah um, no he’s upstairs asleep. He’s my roommate. I’ll get him for you.”
Tom lead the woman into the living room, watching her put the dark gray carrier carefully on coffee table. Once she did so, due to the fact of better lighting from the lamps, Tom was able to finally get a better view of the image in front of him. Inside the carrier held a small baby girl with some dark brown hair sticking up nicely and her skin was a light palette of oli tones. It matched his wingman perfectly, that was Pete’s daughter. He knew he had to call Audrey as soon as possible but first he had to get this gorgeous little girl’s daddy.
Iceman ran upstairs into Pete’s bedroom, quietly but quickly. He seemed so peaceful in his sleep, when Maverick wasn’t being chaotically charming, he was simply darling. Iceman rubbed his shoulder and whisper, “Mav, buddy wake up.” No response only a annoyed groan from his wingman, Iceman rolled his eyes and shock him again saying, “Maverick wake up. You can sleep later!”
Finally Pete Mitchell shot up from his bed grunting from being waken up at 4 in the god damn morning. He sent a sleepily glare to Ice and whisper yelling, “What the hell, Kazansky?!”
“You’ll see. Oh, before we go downstairs remember, your my great friend and I’ll love you all the same doesn’t matter your decision.”
“Okay? You’re being honest and weirdly confusing at the same time.”
Maverick followed his friend downstairs in utter confusion and still pissed off for being waken up this early in the morning. He rubbed his eyes a couple of time until he reached the living room, seeing the sight in front of him. The middle aged woman and the baby girl in the carrier. Pete Mitchell was spooked. He was speechless, he couldn’t speak, only listen to the lady speaking.
“Are you Pete Mitchell?” Said the social worker, holding a file.
Tom answered for him, “Yes he is.”
“Good. I’m going to cut to the chase, you are this little girl’s father. Can you confirm or deny this?”
“Who’s the mother?” Asked Tom once again, his eyes stayed on his friend who’s eyes were trained on the little girl in the carrier.
“Melissa Oxford.”
Pete snapped from his gazed taking a sharp breath and spoke, “Lissa? I um..yeah we met and dated a while back, nothing serious, i went to see her again months before deployment..she was gone, moved back to Indiana to get a job in her home town…or that’s at least what the neighbors told me…”
Truth be told, Maverick wasn’t sure what happened to the woman, but he cared about the ladies he would spent time with even if it was only for a few weeks. Truly his heart belonged to Penny Benjamin but he knew he sadly couldn’t have her, due her father not liking him very much and the life that he tried his hardest lived. Iceman can see the gears and sadness pooling in his friends eyes, knowing he would’ve liked to know sooner and at a better time that his child existed.
The social worker, Linda, spoke again, “Yeah she was pregnant at the time and gave birth to your daughter. Sadly she died due to complications after the birth but said that if anyone deserved to take care of the kid, it should be her father.”
“And?” Pete asked, since he knew there was always a catch to theses things.
“She told the nurses, for me to tell you, that if you don’t want her she can be put up for adoption.”
Pete was frozen hearing all of this and trying to take in all it, he hasn’t even held his daughter yet but he’s being given all of theses information. It made him feel sick, he moved out of the spot he was placed in, moving over to the coffee table. He heard the social worker, Linda, speaking once again but he ignored her as Iceman decided to have a conversation with the woman instead. Tom wanted to give Maverick a clear solid moment with his daughter for himself.
Once Pete reached the coffee table, he pulled back the cover that mostly tried to shield the baby’s face from the light. Peeling over the straps that held the carrier together, he was finally able to take her in. He was met with a half sleep baby girl who yawn as her eyes fluttered gently as if trying to greet her daddy. Maverick can see the similarities between them.
Her color palette of soft oil skin, curled little nose that remind him of his baby pictures, and tucks of curly dark hair that sticked up ever so sweetly. Mostly her eyes said it all, they were a light shade of green that would grow to match his dark green ones. Maverick gently reached forward using the back of his pointing finger to gently and ever so softly run across her round cubby cheeks. Pete smiled as tears slowly appeared, he knew that this was his daughter, pride and joy. His little princess.
“..hi, baby girl. I’m your daddy..” Pete said, carefully taking her out of the carrier realizing that she must’ve been only 4-5 months at least, or he could be wrong. He heard her slight whimpers that soon hushed down once she safely curled in his arms. Her tiny face nuzzled into the crook of his shirt, near his neck as Maverick coo, “..aww sweetheart. I’m right here..don’t worry.”
It was a new kind of love that Maverick felt at the moment, he knew he would get disagreements from his friends about raising her but he didn’t care at the time. He fluttered small kisses onto her forehead and he could’ve swore he saw a tiny smile. He glances at a open file next to the carrier and the only thing that popped out was her last name. ‘Mitchell’ . Pete looked down at her and whispered, “You don’t got a first name, do you? That’s not right, sweetheart.”
He thought for a moment, trying to think of a few classic names for this little girl in his arms. His thoughts were interrupted when Tom came back in the room, taking a seat behind him, his eyes were trained on his friend and new found niece. It was the most adorable sight Iceman has ever seen in the years he’s seen Maverick. Yeah sure he seen Mav and little Bradley Bradshaw together but this was completely different from that. He rest his hand on his shoulder, leaning in to see the baby’s face. She was simply gorgeous.
“Hi princess, I’m your uncle Ice..” Tom said with a smile on his face, “..what we gonna name you?…you like a Penelope or a Nicole.”
Pete chuckled, shifting his quiet little girl who softly babbled in his arms. Mav thought for a moment, “…maybe Jennifer..Jenny?”
“Jenny? I like Penelope and Nicole better.”
“Jennifer P. Mitchell.”
Iceman smiled letting out a small joke, “I like it. But if you have another little girl who appears on our doorstep tomorrow, we’re naming her Nicole.”
“I doubt it, Ice. She’s the only baby girl in the world for this Naval family. Isn’t that right, Princess Jenny?” Maverick smiled, lifting her up as he stayed kissing her cubby cheek.
“She’s got you wrapped around your finger, Mav.”
“Just wait until you hold her, then she’ll be wrapped around your finger too.”
Later on the Linda returned from the kitchen after letting the roommate have a moment with the child, Maverick agreed signing the paperwork with Iceman who agreed to be this little girl’s uncle automatically. Linda Colins left both men with a baby bag and returned home at 5:45am.
Iceman and Maverick stayed up for an extra hour feeding, changing her diaper and putting sleep. Neither one of them really slept that night, taking in all the information and making room for the new attention to the house. Appears that baby Jen was a night owl, because the girl was a tricky one to get to sleep until Ice took it upon himself to sing a lullaby while Maverick took a small nap.
By the morning, 11:25am, the guys called up Slider, Carole and Audrey to tell them about the news. Slider decided to visit later that week, Carole was busy out of town with Bradley, meanwhile Audrey skipped work shortly after hearing the news and drive pasting a few red lights to the Kazansky-Mitchell household. She knocked on the door unable to believe the news until she saw it herself, believing it was kinda prank or that they stole a baby.
Audrey forgot she got keys to this house and once the door open her jaw dropped, having to pick it off the floor. A shocked chuckle escaped her lips at the sight of Iceman burping a adorable baby girl who babbled happily as if she was the princess of sun. The baby girl glowed a breathtaking smile and soft giggle utter under her breath, like she was speaking to Tom.
Maverick come out of the bathroom drying his hands after peeling on a clean burgundy t-shirt while wearing a pair of gray sweatpants smiling, “Hey Mama!”
Audrey snapped out of her trancelike state shaking her head and smiled sheepishly. “Hey—hi! So it’s true, huh? You didn’t steal her?” Audrey said, with a sunny smile taking a step over to her friends watching Maverick take the baby girl out from Ice’s arms.
“Nope. She’s mine and her name is Jenny. Jen, sweetheart, this is your Auntie Sunny! She will try to keep you out of a trouble when your toddler years arrive soon.”
“She’s adorable. Definitely your daughter, she has your eyes, c-can i?”
Maverick was more than happy, he gently set the baby in her auntie’s arms with such joy. Once the shock wiped away from her body, the love and laughter reached Sunset quicker than she imagined, little Jennifer Mitchell shined like the morning skies and babbled softly in her arms. She bounced her a bit as a small laughter escaped from Jenny’s body loving the attention and pure joy surrounding her. The baby girl was comfortable in all 3 of the adults arms, even she only spend half a day with them.
Maverick pulled out his camera snapping a couple of pictures of his daughter and her auntie, a few pictures were already taken of the small family. Pete Mitchell was already planning on buying a baby book this weekend and possibly tricky Slider into giving them a huge baby shower for they don’t have to buy too many stuff. To say Pete Maverick Mitchell was overwhelmed and overjoyed with this new found journey of fatherhood was something he couldn’t describe, especially knowing he had Audrey and Tom there every step of the way.
Thank you for reading this fic and hope you stick around for both in the future! Can’t wait to see your reactions to this haha
Fic tags: @topgun-imagines @mandylove1000 @gaminggirlsstuff @t-nd-rfoot @rooster-84 @theloveoftoms @hangmanbrainrot @msrochelleromanofffelton @hanlueluver @starkleila @gcthvile and etc.
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The jumbled thoughts I had while watching Fast & Furious X, as someone who didn't watch any Fast and Furious movies before:
- Car chase and machine guns within the 1st 10 minutes. Perfect. Exactly what I came here for.
(Did they film the initial rio scenes in portugal??? The extra's Brazilian accent was almost as weird as Joaquim de Almeida's lol)
-"The big strong man is having feelings" my friend when Vin diesel looked constipated while talking to Michelle Rodriguez
-If I didn't already know I was bisexual, Charlize Theron and Jason Mamoa's confrontation would make sure I became aware of it
-Jason momoa licked the knife and my friend and everyone else groaned. I proclaimed myself in love with him. I don't think I'm ever gonna live this down
-The truck flipped, and they willingly crashed into it. How are none of them dead?????
-I love Jason momoa's character. I really do.
-How tf is Vin diesel still alive???????
-How is anyone still alive!!!???
-I hope the cop dies (Aimes). Kill him brie
-Me watching Mia kick the asses of armed men "I love women"
-John Cena?!?! I literally yelled I'm the movie theater btw
-Shots 😂😂 I love Brie Larson
-What exactly is the plan brie?????
-Why is daniela melchior speaking with a Brazilian accent???? Why are Portuguese actors pretending to be Brazilian???
-Oh, Dante is crazy crazy. God, I love him
-Pete Davidson?!?!??!?!
-Really?? C'mon Michelle (Letty), priorities
-As a portuguese person, I'm very proud of the fact that the best moments of this movie take place in portugal.
-This is also the 1st time I've ever worried about the consequences of what happens to the country and the people that live there during an action movie.
They blew up the dam and now the entirety of Northern portugal is without power.......... fuck these guys.
-Aimes still working with Dante after 10 years and never trying to double cross him for more power (as is implied) sounds very gay to me and my friend. I ship it now. Love me some villainous gays!!
-My friend watching them leave the river: "good for them cause it's not everyone that leaves the Douro alive"
-Gal gadot?!? I read somewhere she dies In another movie. Does anyone die in this???
-The rock!!!!!!
-That's it?!?! Where's the rest of it???????
All in all:
Silliest thing I've ever seen in my life. I can see why people like it and will definitely be watching the next ones and binge watching the ones before!!
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georgiapeach30513 · 11 months
Jen! You’ve got me over here thirsting for Chris on a peaceful Sunday! (I just caught up on a bunch of your posts over the weekend lol)
While my mind was off being slutty I thought of an interesting, I think at least, ask:
If any of your fics were to be made into a movie, which one would you choose? And the bigger question…who would you cast? Also would you change any parts of the fic you choose?
As always love ya! 😘
Oh! This is such a good question that I have pondered on since you sent it!
I would love to have Desperate Affairs become a limited series. It's almost too long and too much going on for it to be a movie, but a limited series! I would love that!
Who would I cast? Well, funny you should ask 🤭 it is a dream and goal of mine to make that story a non fanfiction. In order to do so, characters names have to be changed, and there will be given different face claims. I would want Chris to remain as Ransom. But Henry Cavill as Andy. Sebastian I would still want as Dr. Barnes. Jake has been a tough one, but honestly I could see Pete Davidson as him. Steve Matthew Gray Gubler.
As far as changing thing, Mr. Freezy doesn't exist in that world. That story was only supposed to be a one shot, and it turned into one of my most proud of works. However, if I had a do over I would have Mr. Freezy in there at all.
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incalculablepower · 2 years
next generation fic recs? didn't have any interest in reading next gen for the longest time but Ive recently opened up to it
i admit i haven't read it in years (have been meaning to get around to a reread) but i remember really liking the it's tea time series by ellizablue big fan of everything @floreatcastellumposts has done but especially anything to do with hugo. this one, the bow that is stable, is a great little one shot about the next gen. and criminally underrated, there's only one comment? and it's from me? show this one some love. this one's a little different from what i usually read and what people might expect from my recs but i loved 2020, 2021. this got me into drarry last year. FULLY canon compliant and uh... covid-19 pandemic compliant? it's a story about divorce and mid-life crises and the kids play major roles. teddy in particular really tickles me here, he's got this pete davidson kinda energy? it's kind of odd! but i really love it and i think about some of the motifs that run through it very often. overwhelming evidence is some lovely scorbus from @mightbewriting i love this take on lily luna from @hinnyfied
@alohaemora's next gen christmas fic (with gorgeous art from @thecatisdrawing!) is so excellent - each chapter is a mini rom com, and i love the way some of the major events in the character's lives are slowly revealed over the course of the fic.
i'm loving all the pieces fall from @lanaturnergetup with my favourite sad sack (affectionate), albus severus potter.
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grippingbeskar · 1 year
Heyy pookie🤗 this is my first ever request and imma come to u bc ur writing is amazingg. I was hoping you could write a lil one shot or something with r x jon bernthal where she’s a former costar from maybe marvel or something else and they become close but then lose contact for a min🫣 she sees all the stuff he’s doing w the podcast and essentially hits him up to say that he’s doing well with it and all that. He invites her to be a guest on the podcast and their convo is similar to his latest ep w pete davidson. Sort of like a sh comfort thing, but also not bc r has grown on her own time. But anyways, after filming, he brings up what she talked about (her mental stuggles) and they become close and such. U can make it as fluffy or as smutty as u want🙆‍♀️ thanks for anything u come up with!
GAHHHH okay HIII i’m so glad you like my writing it makes my heart so so happy so thanku so so much for the support 💞💞💞
i’ve posted it once before, but it’s my bad because i don’t have rules or guidelines linked anywhere bc i’m a mess, but i don’t write for real people 😭 this is such a sweet idea and any other writer i’m sure will knock it out of the park, but i just don’t do that because it’s like too real for me HAHAHAHA
i luv jon as an actor & i listen to the podcast all the time (i fuckin loved the ep w pete davidson so i get u) but i just kinda make it a line i don’t cross, it’s just on me and my comfort levels :)
but PLSSSS send me any request u have with any of his charatcers, or any other characters and i’ll write it for u— thanku for sending me smthing i love getting asks 💞💞💞💞
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
Space Ghost Week
Wherein we cover an entire season of Space Ghost Coast to Coast over the course of a week
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #48: “Pavement” | October 24, 1997 | S04E15
This is a strong contender for one of my favorite episodes of all time! The premise is that Space Ghost has single-handedly written this week’s episode. His script calls for various self-indulgent things. Moltar and Zorak are forced to read lines that flatter Space Ghost. Space Ghost sends Zorak to “prison” for playing a bad song, requiring a replacement, The Beatles. The Beatles are actually Pavement, as themselves in live-action, playing on Zorak’s set. I wouldn’t consider this their best work (which is to only speak highly of their main output), but it legitimately rocks and is one of the highest points of the show, ever. 
DVD commentary tells the tale: this episode began with the simple idea of bringing Pavement in. Mike Lazzo signed off on the concept as long as they could come up with a decent enough idea to justify it. Space Ghost writes the show, asks for the Beatles, but it’s actually Pavement? Good enough! The script was written “exquisite corpse” style between Chip Duffy, Andy Merrill, Pete Smith, and Dave Willis. One of them wrote the beginning and passed it off to the next guy until a full show script was completed. The closing credits actually credit Tad Ghostal as the writer, which is hilarious.
There are other stand-out moments having to do with the premise: Space Ghost silently eats a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Space Ghost reads a poem. Space Ghost does an insufferable phone bit where he pretends to call a sick child whom he also voices. Space Ghost openly expresses his disdain for the viewing audience. And, finally, he saves Jupiter from being devoured by Fidor, envisioned as a big-budget finale that winds up getting scaled back considerably, shot with a camcorder and chintzy props.
The episode has a LOT of guests, and the show just blows through them. Colin Quinn, Red Green (“you are a, you are a, you are a, big fella. You are a big, big fella”), Goldie Hawn, and Tommy Davidson are blown past at the mercy of Space Ghost’s lousy script. Goldie can’t even be heard over the music of “The Beatles”. Tommy Davidson gets something of a spotlight, doing his Al Jerreau impression to Space Ghost while he cackles with genuine delight. 
Great episode! One of the best there ever was!
There was a time in the pre-Adult swim endless-rerun days where they'd occasionally air Brilliant Number One and Brilliant Number Two back-to-back. By "occasionally" I mean I'm positive I saw them do this more than once. It was the kind of thing that was intensely disappointing on one level because of course you'd want to see a different episode, but that I also kind of loved. Who else would do such a thing? IT WAS A VIBE, MAN
I didn’t know that, that rocks. I like when TV shows bad stuff
Maybe im just outing myself as a sad old fool, but Chuckles Bites The Dust is still a funny tv episode to me
I liked the Mary Tyler Moore Show a LOT when I was a kid, watched a lot of it. There were some good writers on that thing. Some really wonderful moments. There are maybe 20 shows I should on-purpose watch all of and it seems like too many, and Mary Tyler Moore is maybe one of those shows. I don’t know.
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swan2swan · 3 months
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Okay, I looked at the one character in a group shot and went "Wait, is that PETE DAVIDSON?"
Yes it was.
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your gift ~ pete davidson
word count: 1211
request?: yes!
“Could I request an imagine where you and pete are spending christmas together and you come im just wrapped in wrapping paper like you’re his gift and he just bursts out laughing because he’s awkward like that?”
description: for their first christmas together, she decides to give him an extra special gift
pairing: pete davidson x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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It had been many years since I had spent Christmas with a romantic partner. I didn’t expect too much for my first Christmas with Pete. We had only been dating for a few months, so I figured at most we might go see some Christmas lights and drink some hot chocolate. Imagine my surprise when he asked me if I wanted to spend Christmas Eve with him.
“If you didn’t already have plans with your family that is,” he said. “I know Christmas is supposed to be, like, a family thing.”
“I was going to ask you the same thing. You don’t want to spend it with your mom?”
He waved away my comment. “Please, she is basically insisting I spend it with you. Anything to get me out of the house.”
So, we agreed that he would stay to my place on Christmas Eve before we went to spend time with our respective families. From the moment Pete asked, I found that I was very excited for this Christmas.
We did way more of the cutesy couples Christmas stuff than I anticipated. We went to look at the Christmas lights around my neighborhood, got candy cane hot chocolate, got matching Christmas pajamas (well, I got the set, Pete just got the pajama bottoms). He even insisted on us decorating my Christmas tree together.
With every memory we made, the happier my heart became. It was probably the best Christmas I had ever had.
The night of Christmas Eve, Pete and I were curled up on the couch eating pizza we had ordered and watching some classic Christmas movies. I had a warm blanket thrown across my lap and that, plus the heat from Pete’s body, was enough to feel like I was going to be lulled to sleep. I closed my eyes and was close to drifting off until I felt Pete move under me.
“You’re not falling asleep already, are you? It’s not even 9pm,” he said.
I opened my eyes and looked up at him, sheepishly. “Can you blame me? I’m just so comfy, I could fall asleep right here.”
“You can’t fall asleep before presents.”
This sparked me enough for my eyes to open wide and to sit me upright on the couch. “Presents, you say?”
“Yeah. Haven’t you ever opened at least one present on Christmas Eve?”
“Not since I was a kid.”
“Well, if you don’t want to we don’t have to exchange gifts yet.”
“Now, I didn’t say that.”
Pete chuckled and stood from the couch. I watched him go, nearly bouncing with excitement. When he came back, he had both hands behind his back.
“I tossed it in a gift bag because my wrapping skills suck, so it won’t be that fun to open,” he said.
“All presents are fun to open. Just gimme,” I said, extending my arms and doing the grabby hands at him.
He laughed and pulled the bag from behind his back. I took it and ripped the paper out to reveal a stuffed bear inside. When I took the bear out and squeezed it, Pete’s voice came out of it saying, “Merry Christmas, baby.”
I looked up at Pete, who was smiling brightly at me.
“It’s from Build-A-Bear,” he said. “They had a Christmas line of bear clothes or whatever, and the workers there said that people usually recorded voice messages for whoever they were gifting to. Do you like it?”
It was a sweet brown teddy bear with a red and green Christmas sweater and little images of candy canes on its feet. I hugged him close, Pete’s voice repeating the earlier phrase.
“I love it,” I said.
“I thought you might. Just in case, though I did get you something else with the bear.”
I held the bear out to see a golden locket around its neck. When I opened the locket, there was a picture inside. It was one of the first pictures Pete and I took when we started dating.
I stood from the couch and wrapped my arms around Pete. “Thank you so much. I love them both, Pete.”
“I’m glad you do, honey.”
Now was the part where I had to make up some reason why I didn’t have Pete’s gift.
I had meant to tell him when he came over. I had gone to my sister’s place to wrap presents and left them there so she could bring him over to our parent’s place. I realized only after getting home that Pete’s gift was left there, too. I was planning to give it to him on the day after Christmas after spending time with family.
And now, after he had given me the best gift I could’ve ever received, I had to tell him I didn’t have one to give back to him.
I pulled away from our embrace to look at Pete. “I have to go get your gift. Stay here.”
I went to my bedroom and dug wrapping paper out from the back of the closet. I unrolled a very long strip and ripped it from the roll. I managed to wrap it around my torso and legs, taping a few pieces down so it stuck to me. I grabbed a red bow as well and stuck it to my forehead for effect.
“Okay, make sure you close your eyes!”
I heard him laugh but got no further response.
“Are they closed?” I asked.
“Yes (Y/N)!”
I quickly shuffled out form the room, trying not to rustle the paper too much. Pete was sat back down on the couch, his eyes closed and the bear he had given me sat on his lap as they both waited. I positioned myself in front of him, making sure the wrapping paper would stay up and the bow stayed on, before saying, “Okay, you can open your eyes.”
The minute he looked at me, Pete burst out into laughter. I started laughing with him, knowing how ridiculous I looked.
“I think I already have this gift,” he said, standing from the couch again. “Did you keep the receipt? I may have to return it.”
“Nope. You’re stuck with it.”
“Oh well, I like it enough.”
I giggled as Pete leaned down to kiss my lips.
“I do have an actual gift for you,” I assured him. “I just left it at my sister’s. I meant to tell you and totally ended up forgetting. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. I don’t mind waiting to get it. And besides, this gift is the best thing you could’ve ever gotten me.”
Oh, how he makes my heart flutter.
He kissed my again, the crinkling of the wrapping paper reminding us that I was still “wrapped up”. Pete looked down at me and started laughing again, shaking his head at me.
“Can I unwrap more than just this paper?” he asked.
“Well, we do have all night.”
Pete made quick work of ripping the paper from around my body and tossing it to the floor, along with the red bow on my head. He picked me up in his arms and carried me back to my bedroom, our pizza, the movie, and my new stuffed friend forgotten on the couch.
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thefoxxyreview · 10 months
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So we have been blessed with a sequel to the infamous live-action “Suicide Squad”. When we were first given this interesting team of super-villains turned good for hire, many DC fans were excited. I personally was whelmed by the performances of Jared Leto as the joker and Will Smith as Dead Shot. it was okay overall but it did not give me “sequel” vibes. You can imagine my surprise when I saw that the second Suicide Squad was available. This is a series I prefer to follow in animation form, but I decided to humor DC and watch the movie. I was not disappointed funny enough!
*Spoilers Ahead*
They Tricked me in the beginning when they basically wasted Team one of the Squad. Our real team we would be Bloodsport, Peacemaker, King Shark, Ratcatcher 2, Pokand the surviving Harley Quinn from team one who managed escape as she tends to do. They actually let us know just how disposable the people in each of these suicide squads are, as wells as showed just how often Amanda Waller is willing to sacrifice life to cover the tracks of the government. John Cena and Idris Elba played well off of each other and though their characters were similar, their philosophies were vastly different. John Cena’s character, Peacemaker, to me represented the radical ideas that white supremacists carry and would love to force upon the world and say that it is what is necessary to gain peace in this world. Ratcatcher 2 just not a villain that I am familiar with in the DC universe, but she definitely made me appreciate rats for some odd reason. She had a way of making them super useful as well as cute. King shark was played by Sylvester Stallone and he did absolutely wonderful. I’ll have to watch behind the scenes to figure out the whole CGI situation and how much of it was Computer. I’ve seen the Harley Quin animated Series and in that iteration of King shark he is extremely articulate and a vital part to the group as the brains and Brawn when needed. I didn’t appreciate them dumbing him completely down. Blood sport was your classic bitter, clever, doesn’t believe in himself leader. The way that he and Peacemaker bickered was hilarious and were scenes that I looked forward to. 
There were some nice cameos from stars I recognized. They were quickly disposed of in team one.  I enjoyed Pete Davidson for the short time he was there. his comedic style was underused if you ask me. Michael Rooker’s Character Savant was a bad ass for maybe ten minutes of the movie before he was reduced to a coward. In the animated suicide squad movies, someone’s head always gets blown off by the button, live action is no different.
All in all, this isn’t a movie that I would watch again upon my own suggestion. There is a persistent love of Margot Robbie that will always be evident by many fans and myself.  She has made the character of Harley Quinn her own, and it is no wonder that she was able to get a movie with Harley as the star. DC movies are slowly starting to catch their fans attention. If only these actors would act right when off the big screen they could keep the interest on the characters and stories rather than their personal lives.
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jackiequick · 1 year
Smoke in the air < Top Gun Maverick fic Au
Top Gun Maverick Au Series
Setting: Set years after Top Gun, Before Top Gun Maverick
Summary: What happens when old family friends meet again? But instead it’s though daughters and granddaughters instead. What if Rachel ‘Frostbite’ MetCalf and Jennifer ‘JenPen’ Mitchell earlier, years before Top Gun?
Platonic Pairing: Jennifer ‘JenPen’ Mitchell & Rachel ‘Frostbite’ MetCalf. Maverick’s daughter & Viper’s granddaughter. 
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It was a hot shot day in April 2011, Jennifer was sweating bullets after running streets in the sun. She just finished a quick run with Amber Kazansky, the girl was faster than her in way she can’t count. She entered the household to see her dad, Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, and aunt, Audrey ‘Sunset’ Davidson, in the kitchen trying to cool off.
“Hey Daddy.” Jen said giving a quick kiss onto her father’s cheek. Then she bounced over to her aunt doing the same, “Hiya, Mama.”
“Hi sweetheart.” He replied with a smile, checking his watch and placed on his shades, about to head out soon.
“Hello princess.” Added Sunset pouring herself another glass of soda, “Whatcha doing here so early? Where is everyone?”
Jen opened the fridge grabbing a water bottle as lifted it up to her lips, taking a sip before replying, “Kazansky and I just finished a quick run. Bradley is god knows where. And my other friends are at the beach. Where ya headed?”
“I’m dropping something off at Chipper and Wolfman’s house. While you’re dad is driving over to old Commander Viper’s place to drop over paperwork and then head over to the offices.”
Maverick lifted up his head, “Uh change of plans! Babygirl, i need to head out to a meeting with Slider and meet up with a old student of mine, so i need you to drop off the folders for me.”
“But Dad-” Jen tried to opt out but was cut off short.
“The address is on a post-it note in my garage. It will be a quick thing, i promise.”
“But i was gonna go pick up Rusty and Lucky to go to—okay.”
Jennifer took a quick shower and opted for a better change of clothes. A black tank top with a gray flannel wrapped around her waist, jeans cuffed at the ankles, sandals with a pair of big tear drop shape earrings. Along with the gold crusted green necklace necklace she never removed, that made her olive green eyes pop.
She headed downstairs taking the folder with the address taped onto the front, then headed out driving to the MetCalf household, texting the girls she’ll be late to the mall. She’s been there before when she just a little girl due to her father or uncles, taking her to the house to be babysat by Viper’s wife when no one could watch over her. Viper’s wife Linda was gentle soul, always welcoming everybody in with open arms and a full plate to anyone who’s hungry. She liked her very much, but she was tough at times too.
Jennifer parked in front of the beautiful house with a freshly watered garden to die for, a white painted front porch with lights gently handing off the edge of the front door and the sound of peaceful smiles lifting up the feel of the house. Simply lovely.
The girl stepped out of the car with the items she was meant to give to the folks in hand, almost tumbling up the footsteps and knocked on the door twice. No one answered, so she knocked again nor did she hear any noise coming from the other end of the doorway. She stepped back and decided to try and walk around towards the back porch. But before she can take the first step down the staircase, Jennifer heard the door swing open and whipped her head around to face the person.
She expected to see Linda MetCalf standing there in her classic light pastel yellow top and jeans, with her hair tie in bun. Or that’s at least what her memory decided to make up of the women. Instead she was met with a young blonde girl with dark green eyes wearing a gray sweater, navy blue shorts and Converses. She definitely looked way younger than her, probably early pre-teens. Something about her gave a icy annoyed vibe, like Jen just butted into her important conversation with someone by accident. As if she landed in some deep smoke with that look.
The young girl gave her a slight glare holding the doorknob, like she was ready to slam the door in her face or something for interrupting her peace and quiet. “Uh, who the heck are you?” She asked.
“I’m uh, a sorta friend of the family.” Jennifer explained pointing towards the house.
“Yeah, Linda MetCalf sorta was my babysitter.”
“Uh okay, i guess. How old are you?”
“Almost 20..? Who the hell are you?”
“Look, I’m not supposed to talk to strangers, so please..you know, leave.”
“But I’m not a—”
Then a classic voice was heard, “Honey, who’s at the door?”
“Some girl claiming she knows..um, you?” Replied the young blonde with a confused disgusted face, scanning the brunette’s outfit choice.
Linda came in after what looks to be drying her hands off and smiled recognizing her, “Jenny, is that you?”
“Y-yeah it’s me! I’m um, sorry to interrupt you.” Jennifer said apologizing, feeling the young girl’s eyes on her.
“It’s alright what are you doing here?”
“My dad wanted me to hand this to Viper..?”
She held up a folder with tons of paperwork inside with a half smile.
“Oh yes, Mike said your father was coming over. He’s just left to the store, but i can take it for him.” Linda said kindly, holding out her hand as the girl handed her the papers, “You wanna come in? I made blueberry pie.”
“N-no it’s fine, i was gonna head out to see my friends…” Jennifer replied about to give an excuse however the scent of pie hit her nose, realizing she was hungry, “Actually yeah, a few minutes wouldn’t hurt, right?”
“Wonderful! I’ll serve you a big slice.”
By the time Linda served her the slice of pie, that already seem to be cut into earlier, the young blonde headed upstairs to do god knows what. The older woman stood a seat next to the young brunette smiling. Linda asked, “So how are you sweetheart?”
“I’m alright, to be honest could be better.” Jennifer said taking a bite out the pie and humming at the delicious taste in her mouth.
“What do you mean?”
“Well dad and I are having trouble with picking career paths. Plus he’s had a little fight with my aunts and uncles..”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m sorry. You’ll figure it out eventually, you guys always do.”
“I hope so..how are you doing? I’ve haven’t seen you since i was 13, 12 maybe…?”
“I’m doing good, specially with the spring allowing more sales at the bakery and spring shopping.”
Jennifer chuckled, “Oh yeah, the mall is packed with new spring dresses at Macy’s.”
“I know it is, i brought 5 brand new outfits there last week.” Linda chuckled, pouring themselves another glass of water, “I’m so happy you stopped by, i missed seeing you.”
“Aww i missed seeing you too! If i known you were babysitting a neighbor’s kid or something i would’ve came later.”
“Neighbor’s kid?”
“Yeah the blonde girl..or is she not..?”
“Oh no sweetie you’re mistaken, that’s my granddaughter.”
“G-granddaughter? I’m so sorry I didn’t know!”
“It’s alright, you weren’t here for a long time. She is Valerie’s daughter.”
“Valerie? The oldest blonde one with the pink bracelets and used to play with me every time you babysat me?”
“That’s the one, surprised you remember. Yeah Valerie moved out with her boyfriend—now husband years ago and came back home with their daughter.”
“That’s sweet.” Jennifer smiled then jokes, “Soooo, is Hunter still available?” 
“Possibly.” Linda joked back, “And I think your a better match than his last girlfriend, Brianna.”
She laughed, “I might have to ask him out then. Besides, I think Brianna wasn’t the kindest girl…um what’s granddaughter’s name?”
“Rachel MetCalf. She’s a nice girl.”
“Uh, nice? She had an icey look like she could bite me.”
“She’s a sweetheart, Jenny. Go meet her, she’s in the guest room down the hall across from the bathroom.”
Rachel was laying down on the bed watching rewatching a Taylor Swift music video on her laptop, as her feet kicking on the back near the edge. The lyrics blasted throughout the cracked open door, her nails were still wet from painting them a light gray color. She was relaxed and singing softly, not hearing the footsteps of clapping sandals along the the wooden floor.
She knocked on the white painted door asking if she could come in, thankfully she received a quiet yes. Once Jennifer opened the door, she was met with a different look, a far more comfortable one.
“Uh hey.” Jen said standing in the doorway giving the girl a small smile.
“Ugh what do you want?” Replies the blonde pausing the music video, wiping her head around to the girl.
“To talk. To you.”
“Uh why? Look my grandma, if ask you to do that just don’t listen to her. You might be wasting your time You came here to bring over some stuff, that’s all.” 
“Uh ok first off, yeah she sent me here.”
“I knew it! We both know you got something more entertaining to do instead.”
“Secondly, watch your tone!”
“You ain’t my mother nor my grandmother!”
“Yeahhh I’m not but those two lovely ladies you just mentioned, I do know! I..sorry ok..I just came to be nice. Can we start over?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because it’s a nice thing to do.”
“Really? How so?”
The dark brunette, she didn’t speak, not knowing how to respond to that comment. Jen walked in and sat down on the edge of the bed, however knowing that this would be a long talk. Rachel sat crisscross applesauce on the bed, scrolling through the reopened Twitter page on her laptop. Memes, gifs, messages and videos filled up her feed. She glanced up at over every once in a while, waving a hand for her waiting for the girl to keep speaking.
But Jennifer didn’t.
Instead she watched her. The hair bouncing in front of her face, her dark nails, the rolled shoulder and annoyed pouted lips. The frosty looks that could sharply hurt you, a soft stabbing, focused glare underneath that deep eyeliner of hers. Some people are always like that that, it’s who they are. But sometimes it’s always something different, stronger. Something behind those eyes. Either she was going across a teenage phase or…
“How long?” Jennifer asked, the words just slipped out.
“What?” Rachel replies eyeing her up and down.
“How long was your father shipped out?”
“Wa-excuse me? How did you know that?! You just walk in here and asked me that…”
“H-hey I’m sorry. It just slipped out..well because I know the face. The attitude.”
Both of their voices were low, as if it was whispers of a conversation. Rachel looked at her once again, noticing that this girl seriously just called her out on something that she didn’t expect to hear. But somehow was known to everyone in that very room. It kinda sucks that the annoying girl in front of her read the room that quickly, or just guess it.
For Jen, it was something she knew a little too well. The look, sometimes the cries and the attitude. She experienced it, still does. Not something you catch on unless you travel around and met people every once in a while. Sometimes you need someone else to listen to you.
Rachel sighed, leaned back and scoff, “Okay that um, wow. Rude sorta I guess..but um yeah, my dad was you know gone for 6 months or less…Navy and stuff runs in the family. Guess with yours too?”
“Yeah. He’s never been gone for that long, huh?” Jennifer asked, she got a nod in return and continued, “I get it. It’s not easy, it gets annoying like the longest waiting game ever…what about your mom?”
“My mom?”
“Mom is usually at work nowadays, so I stay with um, well my grandparents. Mostly grandma. I mean yeah she’s always here but the last few weeks..she’s been usually busy with work.”
“It’s tough, at least you get to be near some cool grandparents. I get it, it can be hard sometimes you just want them safe and sound. Especially if your a bit of a daddy’s girl growing up, I guess.”
Rachel was still working out the way to look at this situation. Just a few minutes ago she was annoyed at this point with her but now it was like she has soften up. Sometimes you don’t know if someone is getting honest or just chatting with you to make conversation. As if it was a lie or something, she’s been though his routine before.
She scoffed and looking at her laptop, “Yeah well, what do you know?”
“What do you mean?” Jennifer asked, playing with her nails for a moment.
“You’re just sweet talking me or something. You don’t know me, you’re mom is probably at home with your dad.”
“She’s not at home.”
“Shopping for grocery then, whatever. At least she’s with you.”
“Yeah probably in spirit.”
Jennifer scoff with a slightly half smile, “Girl, my moms dead.”
“Oh-oh my god! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to.” Rachel said quickly with widen eyes, closing her laptop, “I um, uh, I didn’t know..”
“It’s alright. You didn’t mean to.”
“I’m sorry…is that why you visited my grandparents a lot? I heard half of the conversation downstairs. You uh, talk loud.”
“Y-yeah I mean sorta..I guess that’s why. My dad or uncle were busy with work as I got a little older, so I was always dropped off here..just like you.”
“What? No other uncles or aunts or older siblings to take care of you? At least I had my uncles and aunts.”
“Live far away or you know, busy with work. My dad trusted me in the care of your grandparents.”
“And my aunts and uncles appears like it..”
“Oh no, they just showed up to play every once in a while.”
Rachel joked with a half smile, “In what year? 1987?”
“Hey! I’m only a few years older than you. And yeah, in the late very 80s.” Jennifer admitted, knowing she couldn’t lie abiotic that.
“Hahahahaha! Old lady.”
“Again I’m literally 19. What are you? Like 11?”
“13?! I’m 15! Just turned 15 a while back.”
“Heheh! You don’t look like it…”
“Okay, rude.”
“But you sound like it.”
Rachel muttered a ‘wow’ trying to act serious and mature enough to act like it, but the moment she turned around to face Jennifer. It was a whole different story. The brunette was biting the inside of her cheek, grinning softly at her, “What?” The young blonde started chuckling that grew into a fit of laughter, the other girl followed suit. They laughed for a good minute straight, chatting a bit more.
“So uh, can we start over..?” Jennifer asked with a shrug, smiling.
“Sure, why not.” Rachel replied with a slight scoff and smile.
“Hi, I’m Jennifer Mitchell my friends c-”
“Seriously? The whole introduction thing too and-”
“Just do it. Please?”
“Fine..I’m Rachel MetCalf. My friends call me Rach, at least they would if I had any friends.”
It was Jennifer’s turn to scoff and half smile, “Cute. Did you just quote Meg from ‘Hercules’?”
“Well yeah, duh. She’s a cool chick and relatable to me..” Rachel replied with a shrug and smirk.
“Okay, Megara..”
“Yeah no.”
“What? Nicknames it’s for sake! Iceman is already taken.”
“Rachel is just fine.”
“Okay fine.”
“You give everyone a nickname?”
“On occasion.”
“Oh dear god…fine, only one nickname got it? It should be a cool one! Not some lame basic one.”
“Damn okay, yes ma’am.”
She laughed at the older girl reaction. It made her feel comfortable and cool. Honestly she wasn’t half bad in her eyes. Rachel thought that she was warm and sweet, which contrasted her cool and collective self. Yeah she had a friend or two, but this brunette girl was willing to stay up here with her for a while. Yeah sure, it took Linda MetCalf to do so, but still. Usually she was the loner who gave everyone the side eye, then comes on this girl to interrupt her vibe today. Interesting.
The two chatted a bit more. Talked about schools, discussing movies, joked about crushes, watch some YouTubers, and do more things to past the time.
Not gonna lie, Jennifer was glad she went upstairs. The moment she saw the young blonde at the front door, it was smoke in the air! Her mind was racing with ideas to leave the paperwork and get out of there, especially when that glare hit her. Planning to definitely refuse the idea of coming upstairs to actually meet her, meet up with her friends at the mall. But when she got to know the blonde girl, something about this newfound friendship felt good.
The pair were discussing a few new movie trailers when Jen phone vibrate with a call from Rusty, she excused herself real quick to answer it remembering about the mall. She heard that the girls were at the Food Court, just finished showing at Target waiting for her.
Jennifer ended the call, noticing a few missed text messages from her dad as well. Oops. When she returned to the bedroom, she was met with the young MetCalf eyes and soft smile.
“You’re friends?” She asked with small nod.
“And a few missed text messages from dad..” She replied nodding.
“Oof. Tough break, sorry about that.”
“It’s cool. I got hang out with a cool girl anyway.”
“Yeah your kinda cool.”
“Your playing, I ain’t cool.”
“I would say so, Rachel.”
“Whatever you say, Mitchell.”
Both girls chuckled.
“Walk me out?” Jennifer suggested with a small shrug, pointing at the door.
“Sure.” Rachel reply was quick as she jumped off the bed, leading her down the steps.
They chatted some more, greeting Linda midway to the front porch. She smiled at both girls, happy to see they somehow got along. She gave the young Mitchell a slice of pie to go and returned back to the kitchen counter to continue a phone call of hers. Rachel opened the door for her new found friend. Jennifer smiled, giving her a small thanks.
“You know I wasn’t expecting this day to go like this, but I’m glad it did.” Jen says holding the pie in her hands.
Rachel leaned against the door frame, “Yeah, it wasn’t bad. Again, I’m sorry about earlier.”
“Oh no, it’s fine. I’m used to it, I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
“It’s cool, I kinda needed it you know.”
“Yeah. Ohhh how about I swing by again this week and I can take you out?”
“Seriously? T-that’s odd, we just met.”
“So? We’re kinda on good terms and I would like to hang out with you a bit more.”
The blonde smiled hearing that, surprised to see how open this girl was receiving her this whole time. Somehow she liked this annoying ball of sunshine and jokes. The brunette smiled softly as if she can see the gears turn in her head, she was cool with hanging out with someone like her. Somehow she enjoyed the vibe of this bright eyed ball of cool breezes and slightly snarky remarks.
It was that ‘screw off’ attuned attitude towards her, that Jennifer liked for some reason. She wait for a response from the blonde, playing with her necklace.
“Oh right.” Rachel said snapping out if her thought considering her offer, “Sure! Y-yeah we can hang out tomorrow I guess, o-only if your free of course. You seem kinda busy.”
“Nahh girl, I ain’t that busy!” Jennifer replies with a soft chuckle, “I’m usually lounging around or something. So I can definitely hang out tomorrow.”
“G-great! That sounds great, you’ll pick me up?”
“If it’s cool with your grandma and—”
Suddenly the yells of Linda MetCalf was heard, “YES! ITS OKAY WITH ME!..sorry, I was eavesdropping for a moment!”
Both girls laughed at the older woman, nodding at the agreement. Satisfied somehow with this situation of today, it wasn’t planned but it was nice so far. Rachel said her quick goodbyes, giving the brunette her phone number in the process and closed the door. Jennifer nodded as the door was sorta slammed in her face and chuckled running off to her ride.
Thank you for reading this fic! Hope you enjoyed it
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @msrochelleromanofffelton @gcthvile @drspencereidhotch @ohgodnotagainn @morgan108 @topgun-imagines @theloveoftoms @annepsilvaauthor @t-nd-rfoot @withakindheartx @starkleila @buckysteveloki-me @rooster-84 @novavida and etc.
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bolllywoodhungama · 1 year
What is the Review of Transformers: Rise of the Beast?
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (English) Review {2.5/5} & Review Rating
TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS is about Autobots, Maximals and humans coming together for a greater cause. Many years ago, the dark god Unicorn attacks a planet inhabited by the Maximals. Apelinq, the Maximal leader, sacrifices himself, while the other Maximals escape with a crucial Transwarp Key. In 1994, Noah (Anthony Ramos), an ex-military electronics expert, is trying hard to land a job and support his family, comprising his mother Breanna (Luna Lauren Vélez) and younger brother Kris (Dean Scott Vazquez). With no other option, he agrees to steal a car for a good deal. The same day, Elena (Dominique Fishback), an intern at a museum and an expert researcher, gets intrigued by a bird sculpture that arrives in the facility. At night, when there’s no one in the museum, she starts studying it and while doing so, she accidentally triggers it. It sends out a transwarp signature and alerts all the Transformers in New York. One of them is Mirage (Pete Davidson), the car that Noah breaks into. Mirage rushes to a spot, while a scared Noah is inside him. Noah soon learns that Mirage is a Transformer and he meets other Autobots like Optimus Prime (Peter Cullen), Bumblebee and Arcee (Liza Koshy). They realize that the signature is emitting from the museum. Mirage asks Noah to help them retrieve the key in return for a huge amount of money. Mirage agrees and he reaches the museum where he bumps into Elena. Meanwhile, Noah and Elena get attacked by Scourge (Peter Dinklage), who works under Unicorn. The Autobots come to the rescue but get defeated. Scourge leaves with the key only to realize that it’s just one half of the Transwarp Key. Elena, through her findings, concludes that the other half of the key must be in Peru. The Autobots leave for the South American country. Noah and Elena also join in as they realize that if the Autobots lose, planet Earth can also be in danger. What happens next forms the rest of the film.
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Jongnic Bontemps's music has a cinematic and exhilarating feel. Enrique Chediak's cinematography is scenic. The locales of Peru, especially, have been shot beautifully. Sean Haworth's production design is appealing. Ciara Whaley's costumes are nothing special. VFX is topnotch while the action is spectacular. Joel Negron and William Goldenberg's editing is neat.
On the whole, TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS makes for a nice watch thanks to its run time, action and comic moments and the action. However, the popularity of the series in India is fairly limited and this will prove detrimental to its collections.
Click here to Read the whole review in detail.
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
Dating Pete Davidson headcanon (spiritual edition)
So I always loved this man and I'm really happy he is getting the recognition he deserves so I decided to post this. Enjoy!
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When you mentioned spirituality and crystals he was respectful but interested
"So what does this crystal do?" Was a common question as he looked at your new purchases
He knew not to touch your crystals cause one time he did and you explained that now you had to cleanse them again
Sometimes he would go at your altar (whether that's deity work or just a place to have your stuff) and just look at all the stuff you got
He actually started to meditate with you, you suggested it for his stress and since he had tried everything he gave it a shot
He got so excited when you bought him crystals, he even facetimed colson to show him "look at this shit dude, apparently this is uhhhh uhhhh oh for protection"
Sometimes he would come to you like a tired kid and tell you "hey I don't feel good can you like… clean me?" "You mean cleanse?" "yeah"
 He even started going to metaphysical shops so he can buy you gifts for your anniversaries and other occasions, tarot decks, crystals, sage, whatever the employee suggested
Sometimes he would tease you just to ruffle your feathers, like when you made what he called "magic juice" which was moon water or he would say his girl is "fucking with that witchy shit" during his stand up
He would never admit it but he liked to observe you do your thing, like shuffle your tarot decks or play your singing bowls
 when he was nervous or excited about a project he would ask your pendulum about it
He love to listen to you when you explained stuff to him, like the phases of the moon, astrology, he even memorized his birth chart 
He fully trusted your intuition especially when it came to new people in his life "hey babe, what do you think of him?" He asked every time he introduced you to someone new just to make sure they passed your "vibe check" 
His mom and sister loved you, his sister was pretty close to you and started to pick up some stuff, the reason behind it was "just to make sure I'm safe" and his mom only cared that you made Pete happy 
He even let you use your "special time" for your manifestations, of course you asked for consent when it came to spells that had to do with him and the answer was always "I'm already in it, so might as well make sure you ain't leaving"
He loved to see how happy you got when you spend time in nature, he could listen to you talk all day about how can you use stuff you find for your and how to be respectful when you want to take something
He was a bit weirded out at first when he would just catch you listening to healing frequencies but now he loves them, he would even put some on when he was
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cocosstories · 3 years
Pete Davidson One Shot
makeup sex ending w/ fluff for pete?💜
Oooh girl what about one where you’re super sore and maybe have trouble walking after sex with Pete and he just thinks it’s funny af 🤣👀
can you please write a pete davidson where they got into a fight and pete said really mean things and the readers leave but then pete just apologize with a lot of angst and fluff ending? thank u<3 hope you have a great day!
Warning: Smut
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"Why would you even be talking to your friends about our sex life Peter?!"
You scream at your boyfriend as you walk back into your shared apartment.
The two of you had been hanging out with some of his friends and you had overheard him bragging about the things you did to him in bed. 
"We were just having guy talk. It's no big deal!"
He says back, trying and failing to defend himself.
"Oh wow, I didn't realize that you and your friends were the equivalent of women at a nail shop spewing out gossip!"
You roll your eyes.
It wasn't even that he was talking about your sex life but the way he talked about you. 
He all but called you a whore and even though you knew he didn't mean anything by it, it still hurt.
"Babe, all I was saying was that my girl could fuck me right. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"
He asks, taking a few steps closer to you to test the water. 
"I mean no but..."
"You want to be able to tell your friends the same thing huh? What if I take care of you tonight? Let me fuck you right and then you and the girls can talk all about it tomorrow."
His eyes glaze over, filling with lust as he walks towards you.
Pete moves behind you, pulling you back and into his body as his hand slips under the waistband of your shorts and dives into your panties. 
His fingers, just long enough to reach, push through your folds and you reach behind you, placing a hand on the back of his neck. 
You moan out, biting your lip to keep from being too loud. 
"What babe. Tell me what you want."
He nearly growls in your ear. 
You are soaking wet within seconds of his fingers being inside you and you need more.
"Fuck me right."
With your request, Pete removes his hand from your shorts and licks his fingers before picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom. 
He gently tosses on to the bed and you each undress quickly.
With both over his shoulders, Pete thrusts inside of you.
Within minutes, he pulls out of you and flips you over, entering you from behind.
You grip the sheets below you as he pounds you, holding your hips tightly.
As the night continues, Pete does as promised and fucks you until neither of you have any energy left, thoroughly making up for everything from before.
You wake up the next morning to an empty bed and the smell of food coming from the other room. 
As you go to get up, you nearly scream as your body protests.
You make your way out to the kitchen and Pete laughs as he sees the trouble you are having walking and you flip him off. 
"I told you I was going to fuck you right babe."
He says kissing you lightly.
"I'm glad you find this so funny. I think you may have broken my vagina."
You groan trying to ease yourself down into a chair, not really all that upset about the pain that was left as a reminder of the best sex of your life.
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Daddy Pete
Pairing: Pete Davidson x reader
Request/synopsis: “omg can I request dad!Pete Davidson please?
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Brief mentions of drug addiction, mental disorders, rehab, and breastfeeding. Tooth rotting fluff?
A/N: I feel like I say this for every thing I post, but I’m not too sure about it. Part of me loves it, but I’ve been so depressed and stressed with finals lately that this is the only thing I’ve been inspired to write. Whoever requested this, I hope you liked it, if not feel free to send me another request. I have a Harry Hook request coming out soon, just let me get through Christmas, lol. After that I have like nine other requests I’m slowly getting to. I also started to write this before I found out Pete was getting rid of some of his tats so he still has his hand tats in this. I couldn’t come up with a good name for this bad boy. 
(Y/D/N) = Your daughter’s name     (Y/S/N) = Your son’s name
Also, can someone please explain to me why when I look for Pete gifs my poor eyes get assaulted with more Ariana gifs then ones of him 😒
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You can confidently say that when you met Pete all those years ago, you could never imagine him as a father. But five years and two kids later, you can’t remember what a childless Pete Davidson was like. Pete was pretty vocal about his want to be a father to both you and when asked in interviews, but you weren’t immediately on board with mothering his children.
It’s no secret that Pete struggles with his mental health, drug addictions, and going in and out of rehab because of those things. You loved Pete with all of your being, and of course you wanted kids with him. But you wanted- no, you needed- to know he wouldn’t abandon you when times were rough and he got overwhelmed. 
So he proved to both himself and you that he wouldn’t leave when the going got hard. He checked himself into rehab again, for the final time, to sober himself up. When he left there he refused to touch drugs ever again. He even quit smoking weed. So when the drugs were fully out of his system you two started trying for a baby- how romantic and spontaneous. Now you have a three year old daughter named (Y/D/N) and an infant son named (Y/S/N). 
“Shh, lil, bug,” you crack your tired and heavy eyelids at the sound of Pete’s voice. As your vision starts to become clearer you turn your head to watch him, he’s bouncing your baby boy in his arms. “You’ll wake your mommy up, and she really needs the sleep.”
 (Y/S/N) makes a cooing sound at the mention of you, he’s a total mama’s boy already while (Y/D/N) gladly sports the title of being a daddy’s girl. Pete glances your way and you give him a sleepy smile. His tousled hair brown locks look extra cute with the moonlight that seeps in from the window bouncing off of them. Pete had decided to start growing his hair longer than a buzz cut again when (Y/D/N) said that she liked his longer hair more, always one to please his daughter he left it longer after he finished filming the movie he had to grow it out for. 
You push yourself up into a sitting position and reach out for your son. Pete sighs quietly as he hands your son over, he had been hoping to let you sleep through the night for the first time since (Y/D/N) was born. You pull your nightshirt- one of Pete’s old old Knicks tanks- up and position your son for a midnight snack. 
Pete sinks onto the bed beside you, left arm wrapping around your waist and right hand pushing a stray hair out of (Y/S/N)’s face. Said boy latches onto your left nipple and reaches his tiny hand up to wrap around Pete’s tattooed finger. Pete stares at you and his son lovingly, leaning forward he places a lingering kiss on your shoulder. 
Once (Y/S/N) finishes eating- meaning he falls asleep while eating- Pete takes him to place him back in his cradle. (Y/S/N) stirs as soon as he’s lifted from your arms and warmth, crying when Pete walks him back to the bassinet. Pete holds (Y/S/N) close to his tattooed chest and rocks him until the stubborn boy falls back asleep. You watch your husband's back muscles flex and ripple as he bounces lightly on the balls of his feet. You just want to get out of bed and trace your fingers over his back tattoos, but you’re too tired to move from the warmth and comfort of your bed. 
(Y/S/N) soon falls back asleep, Pete places him back in his cradle and climbs back into bed. You immediately curl into Pete’s side, placing your hand on his chest and tracing his chest tattoos. You soothe him back to sleep as your fingers carefully follow each line of the brain that lays atop his right pectoral. Your eyes start to droop and you soon succumb to your own tiredness. 
The next morning you're making waffles for breakfast, the batter sizzles on the hot cast iron waffle maker as the coffee finishes brewing. (Y/S/N) giggles as he reaches for the mobile hanging above his baby swing. You lean in and place a gentle kiss on (Y/S/N)’s forehead before heading off to tell the other two breakfast is almost ready. 
You lean against the door jam leading into your living room, taking in the sweet moment in front of you. (Y/D/N) is gripping onto one of her markers and coloring- out of line- Pete’s planet tattoos. Jupiter is a bright hot pink, Saturn is a deep purple, and Mars is baby blue and half colored in. Nothing can ever possibly be better than this, than your family. 
Pete’s going over the alphabet with your three year old daughter as she grabs a vibrant red to color in Mercury. The softness of Pete’s face makes you melt, he seems so genuinely happy. Pre-kids Pete was a completely different person and you probably wouldn’t be able to recognize him today. Pete had a mini freak out days before (Y/D/N) was born that he would be a terrible father with his lack of a father figure growing up. But he instantly fell into his role with grace, and he spoils the kids far too much. 
“Breakfast is almost done you two,” (Y/D/N) squeals at your words, she immediately jumps up and uses her little legs to run to the kitchen.
“Walk (Y/D/N)!” Pete calls after her to no avail, sighing as he puts a cap on the now discarded red marker. 
“She’s a real Picasso,” you giggle at his brightly colored planets on his arm. Pete ignores your joke and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs into your hair. 
“What for?” you giggle, pulling back to look him in the eyes. “I make breakfast most mornings.”
“Not about breakfast, but thanks for that too,” he grips your hips tightly. “Thank you for taking a chance on me, for giving me this family.”
“It takes two to tango baby,” you grin at him. “But how could I not take a chance on you? You’re the most loving and caring guy I’ve ever met, and you treat us like royalty. Thank you for giving me this family, the family of my dreams.”
“We could always expand this family,” his hands slip from your hips to your ass, squeezing lightly. 
“Easy there tiger,” you smack his chest playfully. “Ask me again in a year or two.” 
Pete pulls you into a searing kiss, that would make you fold and give him that third child if you weren’t still healing from (Y/S/N). The disgusted whine from (Y/D/N) makes you and Pete pull apart, the young girl grabs one of your hands and one of Pete’s, pulling you into the kitchen with her and back towards the food.
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny @mrs-malfoy-always​
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